
Hawkins / Demut





BW 270 und 570




Demut schwingt den meisten Quellen nach bei BW 570 im Wesentlichen. Der BW-Wert 270 wird seltener genannt.


Einige Rechte vorbehalten, bogenfreund




Definition von Demut

Demut ist laut Hawkins

ein Gewahrsein der Beschränkungen des Geistes und der Erscheinungen und somit das geeignete Heilmittel für Stolz.

Eine demutsvolle Haltung entsteht durch die Erkenntnis, dass das Leben durch Wahrnehmung gefiltert wird und die Ereignisse daher in erster Linie auch nur Wahrnehmungen darstellen und nicht selbst-existente, äußere Wirklichkeiten.

Zitate zum Thema Demut / Humility

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013



Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • With absolute humility the ego dissolves. Source unknown


  • Humility is the recognition and acknowledgement, whether spoken or unspoken, of the true Source of all understan-
    ding, inspiration and success. Source unknown





  • With humility comes the willingness to stop trying to control or change other people or life situations or events osten-
    sibly 'for their own good'. To be a committed spiritual seeker, it is necessary to relinquish the desire to be 'right' or of
    imaginary value to society.
    In fact, nobody's ego or belief systems are of any value to society at all. The world is neither good nor bad nor defective, nor is it in need of help or modification because its appearance is only a projection of one's own mind. No such world exists. The Eye of The I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 107, 2001


  • In Reality, everything is automatically manifesting the inherent destiny of its essence; it doesn't need any external help to do this. With humility, one can relinquish the ego's self-appointed role as savior of the world and surrender it straight to God. The world that the ego pictures is a projection of its own illusions and arbitrary positionalities. No such world exists. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 7 "The Mind" – "Positionality", S. 107, revised edition 2002



  • Humility is of greater value than all factual accumulation. Unless one has completely and totally experienced the Presence of God in Its stunning absolute Allness, it is safe to assume that one really knows nothing and that all accumulated so-called knowledge is but ignorance and pride. Anything within that claims "I know" by that very statement proves that it is false or else it would not make such a claim.
    The Eye of The I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 179, 2001



Self refuting statement

Self refuting statements, Cult FAQ, presented by NZ Cult List 1999-2015

  • With absolute humility, the ego dissolves. It is a collection of arbitrary mentations that gain force only because of vanity and habit. If one lets go of the vanity of thought, it dissolves. All thought is vanity. All opinions are vanities. The pleasure of vanity is therefore the basis of the ego – unplug it and it collapses.
    The Eye of The I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 238, 2001


  • Question: What is the understanding of the core of the ego?
    Answer: It is pride beyond all else. Pride in the form of the vanity of thought, mentation, concepts, and opinions are all the basis of ignorance. The antidote is radical humility, which undoes the domination of perception. Ask for Truth to be revelead instead of assuming that you already know it. The mind is not capable of actually knowing anything at all! It can only presume to know "about". The mind lacks the proper credentials to comprehend nonduality by virtue of its own structure. The Eye of The I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 262, 2001


  • The most important quality necessary for true growth and evolution is the practice and principle of humility. It is far less painful to voluntarily adopt a fundamental attitude of humility than to have it thrust upon oneself as the painful conse-
    quence of ineptitude. Humility, despite its negative public and social image in some quarters of society, is indicative of expertise, wisdom, and maturity. Because truth is the very bedrock and ultimate reality upon which humility is based, it is not a vulnerability in and of itself. Humility reveals that the mind can only "know about," and that it cannot differenti-
    ate between appearance and essence.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 8 "Fact Versus Fiction: Reality and Illusion", S. 75, 2005






  • The safeguards that protect one along the way from temptations that arise consist of forewarning plus humility, gratitude, and importantly, respect. One becomes grateful for the truth and its fruits and respectful of its origin. The integrous [LoC 200+] are also respectful [LoC 300+] of the possible pitfalls and temptations that may be encoun-
    tered; therefore, this respect is reflected by alertness to such limitations. Humility is paradoxically a quality of respect. Discovery of the Presence of God. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 141, 2007


  • How can one know if humility and surrender are complete?
    They are complete when one is indifferent to whether a healing occurs or not. That is the result of surrender to
    God at great depths and relinquishment of the desire to control or change the way things are.
    Healing and Recovery, end of the chapter "Assisting Healing", S. 74, 2009


  • Humility results in an open mind. An open mind says for the first time, "What is truth? Please, Lord, let me open
    my mind to know within my own consciousness what it the truth for my own self."
    Healing and Recovery, end of chapter "Assisting Healing", S. 454, 2009






  • To me, the key to all spiritual advancement is humility. In other words, the beginning realization is that what you think, how you feel, what you see. And what you think is going on has nothing to do with reality, and that is the kind of grand delusion which is some kind of vanity. The minute you begin to suspect that the product of your mind – its end-
    less thoughts – is all nonsense, of probably no value whatsoever, there starts the beginning of a process. Then the person says, 'well, if I'm not experiencing reality as it really is in truth, then how is it in truth?' In A Course of Miracles, they use the term Holy Spirit. The next step is to say [...] 'My own perception is very partial and very biased, and therefore, I ask God to reveal to me the truth of what is really going on.' What eventually happens is a total transformation of perception. Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", part 2, S. 51, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998
    Removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer, mid 2013



Correcting grandiosity

  • So, with sort of a deep humility, you begin to witness that everything is happening spontaneously on its own because there is potentiality. Potentiality then manifests as actuality; and it does so by the power of the field, not by the power of you. Minor little correction [Laughter.] makes the difference between heaven and hell. [Laughter.] Minor little correction to withdraw the illusion of grandiosity. Sedona Seminar Vision, DVD 1 of 3, minute 7:00, 25. February 2005



Self refuting statement

Self refuting statements, Cult FAQ, presented by NZ Cult List 1999-2015

  • Humility really ensues from the reality of the understanding of the limitations of the human mind. It isn't so much a spiritual prostration, you're not prostrating yourself with ashes and sack cloth, it's more just honesty. So humility comes out of intrinsic honesty. In and of itself, you can't tell who's telling the truth. Let's take something currently in the media, you have no way of knowing what's the truth, no way, unless you know how to calibrate it, then you know right away who's telling the truth. But, the mind in and of itself is not able
    to comprehend that, so out of accepting the reality comes the humility. That to me would be the highest form of acceptance, through understanding the nature of the human mind you automatically become humble, because it cannot tell truth from falsehood on its own. It takes a jury of 12 people and they spend months and at the end of
    that time they don't know whether they're right or not. Once you see the limitation of the human mind then humility is just an automatic consequence of seeing what its limitation is. Humility is like contemplation, it's part of one's attitude, that all information and everything you think are all presumptions, they're all just tentative. So you hold "thinking-
    as tentative, but not as authoritative.
    It's tentative, all evidence is tentative, perception is just tentative evidence. Sedona Seminar Valid Teachers and Teachings, 3 DVD set, 5. November 2005


  • Question: Please explain how to differentiate true humility from pseudo-humility.
    Answer: Pseudohumility is a pose in which one wants to deny the pride one feels guilty about! It's better not to feel guilty about it. Acknowledge where you are. From where you were, you are advanced, but from where you
    have to go, you are a beginner.
    In the world of idiots, you are a genius, but in the world of geniuses, you are
    an idiot! There is no point in feeling guilty about it. It's a natural thing.
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Denn Erde bist du und zu Erde musst du wieder werden! 1. Mose 3, 19 (AT)


Ihr aber nicht also; sondern der Größte unter euch sei wie der Jüngste, und der Leiter
wie der Dienende.
Lukas 22, 26 (NT)


Dass ihr nichts aus Ehrgeiz und nichts aus Prahlerei tut, sondern in Demut schätze
einer den andern höher ein als sich selbst.  
Brief an die Philipper 2, 3 (NT)



Siehe auch:

Wohnungen der Inneren Burg, Herder, 2005, 2021


  • Dass wir Gott nicht zwingen, wozu wir wollen, das liegt daran, dass uns zwei Dinge fehlen:
Ich sage das bei meinem Leben, – Gott vermag in seiner göttlichen Kraft alle Dinge, aber das vermag er nicht,
dass er dem Menschen, der diese zwei Dinge in sich hat, nicht Gewährung schenke.
Meister Eckhart (Eckhart von Hochheim) [BW 705] (1260-1328) deutscher Mystiker, dominikanischer Theologe, Philosoph,
zitiert in: Josef Quint, Herausgeber und Übersetzer, Deutsche Predigten und Traktate, S. 96, Hanser Verlag, München, 1963,
7. Auflage 1995, Diogenes Taschenbuch, Zürich 1979


  • Wie wird das Meer zum König aller Flüsse und Ströme? Weil es niedriger liegt als sie.
    Laotse [BW 610] (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph, Begründer des Taoismus, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Höhe des Geistes kann nur erklommen werden, wenn durch das Tor der Demut geschritten wird. Ein rechtes
    Wissen kannst du nur erlangen, wenn du gelernt hast, dieses Wissen zu achten.
    Rudolf Steiner [BW 475] (1861-1925) kroatisch-österreichischer Stifter der Anthroposophie, Mystiker, Kulturphilosoph, Architekt, Literaturkritiker, Sozialreformer, Autor, Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten?, GA 10, S. 20, 1993, Rudolf
    Steiner Verlag, 15. Auflage 9. November 2022


  • Es ist wichtig zu unterscheiden zwischen echter Demut, die eine Form von Bescheidenheit ist, und mangelndem Vertrauen. Sie sind keineswegs identisch, obwohl viele sie verwechseln. Dies mag ansatzweise erklären, weshalb
    man heutzutage vor allem im Geschäfts- und Berufsleben Demut oft als Schwäche statt als Ausdruck innerer
    Stärke betrachtet.
    Dalai Lama XIV. (Tenzin Gyatso) [Tanchu Dhondup] [BW 570] (*1935) tibetischer Mönch, geistliches Oberhaupt des tibetischen Buddhismus, Linienhalter der Gelug-Schule, Friedensnobelpreisträger, 1989, Facebook Kommentar, 29. Oktober 2010




  • Mit Mut wurde im Mittelhochdeutschen vor allem Gesinnung, Gefühl, Gemüt, Herz und Seele bezeichnet, und in all diesen Zusammensetzungen ist die alte Bedeutung noch immer wirksam. Ursprünglich bezeichnet Demut die Be-
    reitschaft zum Dienen
    (aus Dienmut wurde Demut). Unter dem Einfluss des Christentums nahm Demut die Bedeu-
    tung des lateinischen humilitas an, wie es auch im Magnificat anklingt, wo von der Niedrigkeit der Magd die Rede ist. Es ist das Wissen, dass der Mensch vor Gott klein und unvollkommen und dass er fehlbar ist. Gerade gegen den
    heute vorherrschenden Hochmut, der meint, alles sei machbar, beherrschbar, verfügbar, kaufbar, wäre Demut auch
    zu interpretieren als Hinwendung zu mehr Bescheidenheit und Verantwortung gegenüber der Natur, den Ressourcen
    und den Mitmenschen, den nahen und fernen, den heutigen und zukünftigen, womit auch das ursprüngliche Dienen
    wieder mehr in den Blick käme.
    Glosse Mut und Demut, präsentiert von der Zeitung Schwäbische Post, Manfred Wespel, 15. November 2016


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Demut


  • Ihr seid mild, sprecht Demut.
    Ihr spielt Beruf und Amt im vollsten Schein, mit Mild' und Demut;
    euer Herz jedoch ist voll von Hochmut, Anmaßung und Tücke.
William Shakespeare [BW 465, Werk LoC 500] (1564-1616) englischer Schauspieler, Theaterleiter, Dramatiker, Bühnendichter, Lyriker, Heinrich VIII. [The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth, auch Henry VIII, oder All is True], entstanden ~1612-1613, erste Druckfassung 1623, erste deutsche Übersetzung von Johann Joachim Eschenburg, 1777

Quotes by various other sources

For dust you are and to dust you will return. Genesis 3, 19 (OT)


Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23, 11-12 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose honest arrogance and have seen no occasion to change. Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) US American architect, interior designer, exposed narcissist, educator,
    writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote






The Yin aspect is an ingredient of surrender.

  • Vulnerability, humility, softness, and resignation are vital. If you try to hang on to what you believe to be true about yourself, it hurts. In the end, you have to agree to your death and resurrection. That’s the journey of the initiate. […]
    But we are coming to see that humility is the only way through to the other worlds where the God Force truly exists in abundance. Stuart Wilde stuartwilde.com (1946-2013) British music producer, humorist, lecturer, scriptwriter, essayist, lyricist,
    writer on metaphysics and consciousness, source unknown
  • All things must necessarily be accomplished in the truly humble man. He does not need to ask God, he can command God, because the height of divinity is nothing less than the depth of humility […] The humble man and God are one; the humble man is master of God as well as himself, and everything possessed by angels is in the nature of the humble man; what God does, the humble man does also, and what God is he is: one life and one being; that is why
    our Lord has said: "Learn from me that I am gentle and humble in spirit."
    Meister Eckhart (Eckhart of Hochheim) [LoC 705] (1260-1328) German mystic, Dominican professor of theology, philosopher,
    cited in: Meister Eckhart. A modern translation, On humility, Harper & Brothers, 1st edition 1941


  • To say that humility is an essential ingredient in our pursuit of spiritual transformation may seem to be at odds with
    what I have said about the need for confidence. But there is clearly a distinction to be made between valid confi-
    dence or self-esteem, and conceit – which we can describe as an inflated sense of importance, grounded in a
    false image of self. H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso [LoC 570] (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow
    Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Peace Nobel Prize laureate, 1989, Facebook comment, 30. August 2010


  • It is important to distinguish between genuine humility, which is a type of modesty, and a lack of confidence. They
    are not the same thing at all, although many confuse them. This may explain, in part, why today humility is often
    thought of as a weakness, rather than as an indication of inner strength, especially in the context of business and
    professional life. H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso [LoC 570] (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat"
    branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Peace Nobel Prize laureate, 1989, Facebook comment, 29. October 2010



  • Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real. Thomas Merton [LoC 515/520] (1915-1968) Anglo-American Catholic Trappist monk, mystic student of comparative religion, social activist, poet, writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • The true spiritual path is a path of humbleness. I fear being humiliated and I am not going there.
    If you are afraid of being humiliated you will be arrogant and prideful and that will be your downfall. If you are afraid
    to be humiliated you only live your fate. You will never get to your destiny. [...] People associate God with being humiliated. They associate and spiritual surrender with being humiliated and poverty.
    Video interview with Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, Chicago, Illinois, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, minute 16:57 and 50:54, 57:26 minu-
    tes duration, posted 4. August 2011


  • What is required is that we are humiliated in order to be humble. Humility is a shield of great power. Humbleness
    is the capacity to hear an extraordinary command [given by inner guidance] and listen to it.
    Removed audio presentation by Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, best-
    selling author, Israel – Kibbutz Kfar Blum Lecture 4 – 2008, lecture 4, part 1-3, archived by CMED Free Media, Israel, 2008


  • The only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility. Humility is endless. T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)
    US American British literary critic, poet, playwright, Nobel laureate in literature, 1948, Four Quartets, Harcourt, 1943




  • Fear of humiliation and the craving for humiliation are closely linked. Psychologists know it, Russian novelists know it.
    Jonathan Franzen (*1959) US American novelist, essayist, The Corrections, novel, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1. September 2001


  • Humility isn't thinking less of oneself. It's thinking of oneself less. Author unkown



Healing the anger within

Derailing approach: Self-righteous and violent anger can be derailed by the Paradoxical approach.

  • Humility doesn't come easily to selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, narcissistic men. [...]
    Three reminders to keep in mind for men willing to heal anger:
    1. It's right to be wrong.
    2. It is wrong to be right.
    3. I'm better off being wrong, because when I am right I am dangerous.
Video interview with Newton Hightower, US American psychotherapist, director of the "Center for Anger Resolution" (for Men), Anger Resolution for Men, presented by the broadcaster Houston Public Media, program "Living Smart", #202, host Patricia Gras (*1960) US American television anchor, reporter, journalist, recorded ~July 2006, YouTube film, minute 11:06, 26:50 minutes duration, posted 21. March 2011


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Humility

Englische Texte – English section on Humility

Three major challenges in life

Three dark alleys in life
1.ArroganceProjecting blame onto others, rankism, supremacy
2.IgnoranceCondemning and depricating oneself
3.DiscouragementLack of faith and patience
Wanting (insisting on) immediate results
Source: ► Video interview with Robert Wicks, Ph.D. US American professor of clinical psychology,
Loyola University Maryland, writer on the intersection of spirituality and psychology, speaker, Discussing
"Streams of Contentment"
, YouTube film, minute 4:25, 6:12 minutes duration, posted 15. July 2011

BW-Werte: Demut

  • BW 570 – Demut
  • BW 270 – Demut (ausgeübt durch Komplex des höheren Ego-Verstand/Gemüts)1

LoC calibrations (engl.): Humility

  • LoC 570 – Humility (nonlinear quality)
  • LoC 270 – Humility (as practiced by the complex of the higher ego-mind)2

Index: Demut / Humility – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Demut / Humility


Literature (engl.)

Humility. The Journey Toward Holiness
Free online narrated version Humility. The Journey Toward Holiness, presented by the volunteer-based public domain LibriVox

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge Demut

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)


Interne Links




1 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 251, 2005

2 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 251, 2005

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