
Hawkins / Negativitaet





Mangel an Integrität, Sünde – Das "Böse"
Unter BW 200


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)

Befolge die traditionelle Weisheit, die empfiehlt, das Böse nicht zu fürchten oder zu bekämpfen, sondern es einfach zu meiden.
Dr. David R. Hawkins





Man wird auch mit den Mächten konfrontiert, welche die "dunkle Seite" der Bewusstseins-
felder beherrschen. Sowohl Christus, als auch der Buddha haben für solche Ereignisse zutreffende Beschreibungen hinterlassen.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, Licht des Alls.
Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen
, S. 224, 2006




Das Böse als das Fernbleiben des Guten

Was sich unter dem BW 200 bewegt, schwingt im negativen, unlauteren Bereich. Das Negative ist die Nicht-Anwesenheit des Guten. Es ist un-wirklich und schwingt in der illusionären Nicht-Existenz.


Laut Hawkins sind die Haltung und die Taten von nur 2,6% der "bösen"1 Menschen mit einem extrem niedrigen Be-wusstseinsniveau für 72% der Destruktivität der gesamten Menschheit verantwortlich.
(1996 war das Verhältnis: 2,4% erzeugen 78% der gesamten Negativität.)


Marter der zehntausend Christen, 1507
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) deutscher Maler

Im Jahr 2007 befanden sich 85% der Menschheit unter der Bewusst-
seinsschwelle 200. Sie bilden zahlenmäßig 92% Prozent der Mensch-
heitsprobleme insgesamt.2


Der evangelisch-reformierte Theologe Karl Barth (1886-1968) aus der Schweiz erklärte, es gäbe für das Theodizee3-Problem keine Lösung. Laut Barth ist der Mensch nicht dazu berechtigt, Gott anzu-
klagen. Barth spricht dialektisch von einem Paradoxon: ''Das Böse ist die "unmögliche Möglichkeit."


Zu glauben, dass das menschliche Leiden jedoch von Gott komme, ist laut Hawkins und Ein Kurs in Wundern4 ein spiritueller Fehler, dem Hawkins selbst aufgesessen war, was ihn jahrzehntelang zum Atheisten machte5.
Tatsächlich ist nicht Gott, sondern die negative Kollektivwirkung des Egos der Urheber des Leidens. Hawkins rät davon ab, das Ego dafür zu dämonisieren. Seine tierische Natur darf nicht verteufelt werden,
da es sonst unmöglich ist, das persönliche Ego zu transzendieren.


Nach dem Gesetz der Resonanz werden beim Menschen jene unerlösten seelischen Aspekte und Themen ebenfalls im Außen sichtbar und erfahrbar. Es gibt sowohl das nach Außen projizierte Ungeliebte als auch das wirklich-unwirkliche Böse in der Welt, das sich als zwangsbasierte Macht (Dominationsmacht) – Wesenheiten, welche die Wahrheit ausgeschlagen haben, ausdrückt.


Dieser Umstand drückt ein karmisches Einverständnis des Menschen aus, diesen Kräften ausgeliefert zu sein und von
ihnen herausgefordert zu werden. Sie erspüren Verwundbarkeiten im Energiefeld eines Menschen und wirken manipulie-
rend darauf ein[*]. Es ist ein innerseelisches Dilemma – der Tier-Engel-Konflikt – der auch im Außen erfahren wird.


Übersinnliche Angriffe – auch in körperlich spürbarer Ausführung – erfahren spirituelle Aspiranten und Menschen guten Willens an ihren jeweiligen Schwachstellen, da sie für die fortgesetzte Dominanz negativ gepolter Bewusstseinsfelder auf Erden gefährlich geworden sind.

Siehe dazu [*]: ►Grafik Negative Attraktorfelder und deren Einfluss auf das Chakrasystem

Kategorien des Bösen

Der deutsche Philosoph und Universalgelehrte Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)
unterschied drei Kategorien von Mala, von Übeln [dem Bösen]:
1. Malum physicumNaturkatastrophen und Krankheiten
2. Malum moraledas menschengemachte Böse
3. Malum metaphysicumdie Unumgänglichkeit des Todes


Die zehn Köpfe des Dämons Ravana in der hinduistischen Religion stehen für zehn abträgliche Eigenschaften
1.AhankaraEgo2.AmanavtaGrausamkeit / Cruelty
3.AnyaayaUngerechtigkeit / Injustice4.Kama vasanaLust
5.KrodhaWut / Anger6.LobhaGier / Greed
7.MadaStolz / Pride8.MatsaraEifersucht / Jealousy
9.MohaVerhaftetsein / Attachment10.SwarthaSelbstsucht / Selfishness


Hawkins betrachtet das 'Böse' in rekontextualiserter Weise. Naturkatastrophen und Krankheiten, als auch die Unumgäng-
lichkeit des physischen Todes, sind nichts anderes als karmische Gegebenheiten.


Natur"katastrophen" sind weder bösen Ursprungs noch eine auferlegte Strafe von Gott. Diese Überzeugungen basieren auf einer verzerrten Wahrnehmung der Realität. Es ist der fehlende Kontext von Karma, der zu einer solchen Kategorisie-
rung führt und etwas als böse, als ein Übel oder als Katastrophe beurteilt.


Hawkins unterscheidet zwei Kategorien des "Bösen"6:

  1. Projektionen des eigenen Selbst – das nur im Auge des Betrachters liegende Böse,
  2. Das Nicht-integere als eine effektive Dominationsmacht in dieser Welt – Wesenheiten, die GOTT zurückgewiesen oder verleugnet haben und damit Liebe und Wahrheit verneinen.
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Das Böse

Unterscheidung luziferischer und satanischer Mächte

Buddha berichtet davon, wie er von Dämonen angegriffen wurde.
Jesus wurde bei der 40-tägigen Fastenzeit von Luzifer (von BW 50.000+ auf den BW 190 gefallen) versucht.7
Hawkins erfuhr ebenso Angriffe durch luziferische Kräfte, als er das Bewusstseinsniveau 850 erlangt hatte.

BW 175BW 199 / Ebene 175-199: Stolz

Luziferische Kräfte

  • Zwang, Kontrolle, Prestige, Gewinn, Ruhm, Reichtum, Bedeutsamkeit, eiskalte Berechnung (anzutreffen in Teilen der Akademia, Bürokratie, Weltorganisationen, welche die Menschenwürde, moralischen Werte und Lebensqualität der politischen und finanziellen Vorteilsnahme opfern)
  • Gier, Stolz, Triumph – gesteuert über das Solarplexus-Chakra
  • (Vorgespiegelte) Liebe zugunsten von Bezwingung und Vorteilsnahme – gesteuert über das Herz-Chakra
  • Verfälschte Rede – gesteuert über das Hals-Chakra
  • Verzerrte Wahrnehmung – gesteuert über das Dritte Auge-Chakra
  • Ego-Stolz und Egozentrik statt Hingabe an GOTT – gesteuert über das Scheitel-Chakra
  • Missverständnisse, subtile Verfälschungen, Kontextverschiebung auf der Basis des irrigen Denkmodells
    TäterOpfer   Orientiert an Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 122, S. 225, S. 228, 229, 2006

BW 1BW 174

Satanische Kräfte

  • Drehen sich um Neid, Hass, Eifersucht, Rache, und setzen Tod und Zerstörung frei und agieren über klassische Versuchungen (wie Verführung, Verblendung, Sucht, Sensationslüsternheit)
  • Dort anzutreffen, wo der dekadente Spaßfaktor ausschlaggebend ist, wie beispielsweise in Videospielen und Medienproduktionen, die Mord, Gewalt, Verführung, Nervenkitzel, Aufregung, Blutvergießen, Verbrechen thematisieren.
  • Verbunden mit Neid, Hass, Eifersucht, Rache – gesteuert über das Organ/Chakra Milz und das Wurzel- und
    Sakral-Chakra   Zusammengefasst nach Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 123, S. 223, 224ff, 2006

BW-Bereich unter BW 50

Dämonische Kräfte

Grafik: Negative Attraktorfelder und die Chakren


Ersteller der Grafik: elb, ehemaliger Spiritualwiki-Beitragender

Verzerrung der Wahrheit – Attacken – Besessenheit

Politische und gesellschaftliche Standpunkte, welche das Attraktorfeld von Stolz widerspiegeln, schwingen auf BW 190,
wo auch das gefallene Luziferische steht. Die Entstellung von Wahrheit ergibt sich aufgrund der Leugnung des Kontextes und der Zerstückelung von Inhalten zusammen.
Zusammenfassung: D. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 226, 2006 und
Videovortrag mit Muskeltest-Demonstrationen von D. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, Volume Serie I, DVD 2 von 2, 1996


Fallbeschreibung eines zeitweise Besessenen auf zwei BW-Ebenen:
Der BW eines Mann kalibrierte bisweilen in den oberen 300ern und zu anderen Zeiten extrem niedrig [BW 70]. Normalerweise klaffen Messungen von Bewusstseinswert nicht so krass auseinander (390 : 70).
Eine Nachfrage-Messung ergab: Der Körper der getesteten Person war von zwei Bewusstseinsentitäten bewohnt.
Wenn die 300er-Persönlichkeit die Oberhand hatte, verhielt sich der Mann positiv und vernünftig. Sobald die 70er-Persönlichkeit eingeblendet war, hörte der Mann vorgeblich "Gottes Stimme", sprich auf eine dämonische Einflüsterung,
die ihm befahl, grausame Dinge auszuführen. Dies setzte sich solange fort, bis er tatsächlich gemeingefährlich wurde.
Zusammenfassung: D. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 225, 2006


Attackenreiter, die von luziferischen oder satanischen Kräften beeinflusst und überschattet werden, entlarven sich:
   a) am offensichtlichen Grad der gezeigten Dummheit und Dreistigkeit und
   b) durch eine veränderte Stimme und Stimmung.
Ein anscheinend intelligenter Mensch [etwa der gefallene Guru Osho/Bhagwan], der sich redegewandt ausdrücken kann,
sagt und tut plötzlich etwas horrend Unangemessenes, indem er sich beispielsweise als 'größer als Jesus' erklärt.
Zusammenfassung: D. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 227, 2006

Zitate zum Thema Negativität und das Böse / Negativity and evil

Zitate von D. Hawkins

Die Riesen aber, die von den Geistern und vom Fleisch erzeugt wurden, wird man auf Erden böse Geister nennen; sie werden
auch auf Erden ihre Wohnung haben. Böse Geister gingen aus ihrem Leib hervor; denn sie sind zwar von Menschen geboren,
aber von den heiligen Wächtern stammt ihr Anfang und ihr erster Ursprung her. Böse Geister werden sie auf Erden sein
und böse Geister heißen. Des Himmels Geister haben ihre Wohnung im Himmel; aber die Geister der Erde, die auf Erden ge-
boren wurden, haben ihre Wohnung auf der Erde. Die Geister der Riesen handeln böse, begehen Gewalttaten, zerstören,
greifen an, kämpfen, wirken verheerend auf der Erde und bringen Verwirrung; sie essen nicht, trotzdem sie hungern, und dür-
sten, trotzdem sie trinken. Und diese Geister erheben sich gegen die Menschensöhne und gegen die Weiber, weil sie von
ihnen ausgegangen sind.
Äthiopisches Henochbuch, Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments, Kapitel 15, Verse 8-12, 3.-1. Jh. v. Chr.


Diese Art (von Dämonen) kann nur durch Gebet ausgetrieben werden. Markus 9, 29 (NT)


⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Sünde ist Eigennutz; Eigennutz ist Wettkampf auf der ganzen Linie. Quelle unbekannt


  • Die schönste List des Teufels ist es, uns zu überzeugen, dass es ihn nicht gibt.
    [La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas.]
    Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) französischer Kunstkritiker, Übersetzer von Edgar Allan Poe, Lyriker, wichtiger Wegbereiter der literarischen Moderne in Europa, Dichter, Der freigebige Spieler, Kapitel XXIX, erstmals veröffentlicht in der französischen Zeitung Le Figaro, 1864; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de, 1869




Angriff aus feinstoffliche Ebenen

  • Spirituell hoch entwickelte Menschen bilden eine ernsthafte Gefahr für jene Kräfte, die Gott entgegenwirken. Daher kann es sein, dass sie feinstofflich angegriffen werden an Stellen, wo sie verletzlich sind und bei Positionalitäten, denen sie noch anhaften. Narcotics Anonymous. 6th Edition Basic Text, S. 48, Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous, unbekannter Autor, 1981


  • Das Leben ist nicht böse; es ist nur mit Mängeln behaftet. Diese müssen in Ordnung gebracht werden, um zu leben. Demzufolge ist das animalische Gehirn auf den Plan getreten, als das Leben entdeckte, dass es sich ordnen müsse, um zu überleben. Quelle unbekannt



Freuds Ich-Komplex:

Freuds Modell des Es, Ichs, Über-Ichs graphische Darstellung; Das "Id" (wörtlich ES) ist der dem Lustprinzip folgende primitiv denkende Teil des Ich-Komplexes.

  • Jegliches sittliche und ethische Verhalten ist für das Id, das weder haftbar noch verantwortlich sein will, eine verhasste Einschränkung angesichts seiner Freiheit. Das Böse wird auf eine äußere Ursache projiziert. Es fühlt sich der Wahrheit und dem Göttlichen überlegen. Quelle unbekannt


  • In Wirklichkeit gibt es nur eine angemessene "Buße" für falsches Tun, und das ist Veränderung. Statt das Negative zu verdammen, wählen wir das Positive. OU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 212, 2005



  • Die Massennegativität bezieht ihr Gleichgewicht immer noch von der kleinen Minderheit der Bevölkerung, die auf
    sehr hohen Frequenzen schwingt. Diese reicht aus, um das Gegengewicht zu der brutalen Negativität der Massen
    zu bilden, die ohne solch ein Gegengewicht zur Zerstörung der Menschheit führen würde.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 427, 2005




Luziferische Versuchung jenseits der BW-Ebene 600 bei 850

  • "Nachdem du [...] erkennst, dass alles Karma nur auf Illusion beruhte und es keinen furchteinflößenden, urteilenden Gott oder irgendwelche "andere Wesen" zu bestehen gibt, und wo du jetzt außerdem jenseits von Form und deshalb jenseits von Karma und vollständig frei bist, ist deine Macht unbegrenzt. Nimm' diese Macht als deine eigene an." Das Angebot besteht darin, sich mit Macht um ihrer selbst willen zu vereinigen und im luzife-
    rischen Bereich zu herrschen. Der Verführungsversuch richtet sich an das spirituelle Ego, mit dem Ansinnen Gottes Macht zu besitzen, jedoch Gottes Liebe zurückzuweisen.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel 15 "Karma", S. 352-353, 2006

Quotes by D. Hawkins

Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10, 19 (NT)


⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • The extreme negativity of many popular works of pseudophilosophy, for example, is obvious if one tests these books. But even being forewarned can't defend us against unwitting entrainment by invisible energy fields that activate when these works are read. One may think that he can maintain his psychic independence by refuting the work intellectually, but mere exposure to the material has a profound negative effect that continues even after the material is intellectually rejected. It's as though, within these negative influences, there's a hidden virus whose invasion of our psyche goes unnoticed. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Hay House, February 2002


  • But, conversely, the extreme negativity of a few perverse individuals can sway entire cultures and produce a global drag on the general level of consciousness, as history illustrates too well. Kinesiological testing indicates
    that a mere 2.6 % of the human population, identifiable by an abnormal kinesiological polarity (testing strong to ne-
    gative attractors and weak to positive attractors), account for 72% of society's problems. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter, 5 "Social Distribution of Consciousness Levels", S. 101, Hay House, February 2002




Juicing negativity for self-serving purposes

  • Most people seem to have a vested interest in the negativity of their perceptual world, and resist leaving it for awareness on a higher level. People seem to derive sufficient satisfaction from their endless anger, resentment, remorse, and self-pity, to actively resist moving on to such levels as understanding, forgiveness, and compassion. There seems to be suf-
    ficient gain in negativity so as to perpetuate ways of thinking that are obviously illogical and self-serving, much as politicians distort the truth in order to gain votes, or criminal prosecutors suppress evidence of the innocence of
    the accused in order to gain a conviction. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 36-37, 2001


  • Avoid negativity and the desire for worldliness and its greed for pleasure and possessions. Forego opinio-
    nation, the judgement of right versus wrong, the vanity of being 'right' and the trap of righteousness.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 65, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Seek to understand rather than to condemn. Venerate the teachers of these basic principles and ignore all others. Apply these principles to one's view of oneself as well as of others. Trust in love, mercy, infinite wisdom and com-
    of Divinity which sees through all human error, limitation, and frailty. Place faith and trust in the love of God, which is forgiving, and understand that condemnation and fear of judgement stem from the ego.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 65, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Much relief is experienced when we realize that by adopting a spiritual life, righteous condemnation and the hate that ensures from it can be left to others. This pursuit of the spiritual 'good' benefits all mankind, and it could therefore be said to be the most praiseworthy vocation of all.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 67, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • It is not very efficient or rewarding to 'battle sin' and get into a struggle to use 'will power' to overcome defects. These are already positionalities and traps that bind the mind in the dualistic error of 'opposites'. The way out of
    conflict is not to try to eliminate the negative but instead to choose to adopt the positive. To view that one's mission
    in life is to understand rather than to judge automatically resolves moral dilemmas.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 103, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002





Surrendering Negativity



Psychic attacks


  • Satanic energies are directed at the 1-3 chakras,
    the Luciferic energies are directed at the 3-7 chakras. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 157, 2003



Book recommendation:

People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human Evil [LoC 450] Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition 2. January 1998

  • The so-called 'dark forces' are made up of entities who refuse or deny God and therefore deny Love and Truth. They are the "People of the Lie" as described by M. Scott Peck [LoC 475] (1936-2005), a psychiatrist [...].
    The Luciferic energies are adept at destroying the power of truth by propagating distortions, misunderstandings, and sophisticated, subtle warping by twisting content or shifting content into another content. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 159, 2003


  • The ego's addiction and survival are based on the secret pleasure of negativity, which cannot be abandoned until
    it is first recognized, identified, and owned without shame or guilt. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 311, 2003


  • In Egyptian mythology, the soul goes to Hades [Duat], where the Lord of the Underworld (Osiris) sits in judg-
    ment and weighs the sinner's heart on the scales, whose destiny then hangs in the balance. To understand this depiction (which operates quite mightily in the human psyche) we first note that it is referring to the 'underworld'.
    This is the judge in the unconscious mind that is self-judging and hands out sentences of guilt, suffering, and self-
    hatred. This myth is an accurate depiction of the dark side of the unconscious.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 331, 2003



Tenet and lifestyle of criminality

  • Criminality is an established recidivist lifestyle for which no effective therapeutic endeavor has thus far been found. The basic personality is unchanged, and, with experience, the perpetrator does not change the behaviors but becomes more clever in learning how to escape detection.
    To a person with normal psychological makeup, a prison sentence is frightening. The culture is foreign and brings up guilt, fear, and aversion to the prior behaviors. These responses are totally lacking in the psychopathic personality to whom prison life is a very familiar culture; the individual is merely removed from the streets to another location and continues uninterruptedly. The basic tenets and lifestyle of criminality are actually the internal rules of conduct within any prison’s population and are attenuated in their expression merely by the threat of the prison administration.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 193, 2005



Psychopaths [LoC 35-80] scorn rules and regulations.

  • The calibrated level of the psychopathic personality of the typical criminal recidivist is generally between 35 and 80 on the Scale of Consciousness. So far, criminality has failed to respond to any therapeutics or course of techniques, and thus, society can only respond by maneuvers to protect itself as best it can, i.e., quarantine in prisons. Because the psychopath scorns rules and regulations, even those that would be called "com-
    mon sense," the police detain citizens for what seem to be minor infractions because they know that the psychopath
    is irresponsible as a lifestyle. Thus, stopping cars for having a taillight out brings a high capture rate of criminals who
    are wanted for more serious crimes. This is the wisdom of the "three strikes and you're out" legislation that has
    been demonstrated to be highly effective in taking the criminals off the streets, resulting in the reduction of over fifty
    percent of street crime. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 193, 2005

Devastating 'Three Strikes' Law in the United States

  • Bill and Hillary [Clinton] have been very verbal in criticizing racial profiling as a 'morally indefensible, deeply corrosive practice'. [Bill] Clinton's crime bill, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, was dubbed the 'three strikes' law and is one which has incarcerated over 2.5 million people, predominately poor people
    of color who could not afford lawyers during their trials. The 'three strikes' rule sent people to jail for a petty
    crime or a major felony. It meant prison for life on the third offense, whatever that happened to be. Clinton's
    solution was to 'lock 'em up and throw away the key'. Now he could claim credit for less unemployment.
    Dolly Kyle, US American childhood friend and mistress of Bill Clinton, novelist, Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle has published claims about the Clinton couple's racial politics in her new book, presented by the radio network Air America, Thom Hartmann Show, host Thom Hartmann (*1951) US American former psychotherapist and entrepreneur, progres-
    sive political commentator, journalist, author, aired 5. July 2016


  • The public in general tends to be naive about mental disorders, even when blatently displayed. People commonly believe that other people are basically just like they are. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There are many people who are the diametric opposite of normalcy and all that is perceived to go with the idealized state. The world is full of people who hate love, integrity, peace, and truth; in fact, it infuriates them. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 292, 2005; Reference to: M. Scott Peck [LoC 475] (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human Evil [LoC 450] Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition 2. January 1998



Malignant narcissism, the ultimate severe psychopathology

  • Malignant messianic narcissism […] is a combination of composite pathologies of an extremely low level of consciousness (cal. 30), plus the deficits of reason; an absence of conscience, the inability to identify with or value other human life; the disdain for human, moral, disdain for ethical values; disdain for women; greed for power; infatuation and aggrandizement of the self, and ego inflation to messianic grandiosity. The disorder […] occurs
    in two distinct forms:
    1. early onset (childhood bully type), and
    2. adult life onset after some years of normalcy subsequent to the gaining of power (i.e., "Power corrupts; abso-
      lute power corrupts absolutely.") […] (Nero, Caesar, Hussein, Khomeini, Napoleon, Hitler, Ivan the Terrible, etc.)
It also afflicts top, highly paid executives who "lose their sense of reality" and feel "entitled" to help themselves to the company's cash and assets. (Executive privilege. Where do they get the nerve? They have money, power, prestige. Yet some top executives have felt authorized to cross the line and use company funds for personal extravagances, presented by the daily US American newspaper Chicago Tribune, Susan Chandler, 5. September 2004)
Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 292, 2005




Book recommendation:

Alban Butler (1710-1773) English Roman Catholic priest, hagiographer, The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints, the result of thirty years study, four volumes, London, 1756-1759, Kessinger Publishing, 26. May 2006

  • Another form of the dark night of the soul arises as a consequence of experientially falling from a high state (such as devotional joy or ecstasy) as has been well described in the lives of the Christian saints. (as though one has been abandoned by the Beloved). This may arise because one has used up their good karma, subsequent to which the remainder of karmic attachments and proclivities surface to be processed out and surrendered to God. Some of these are deep, such as self-hatred, resentments of God, and cherished beliefs that are often attached to beliefs about suffering itself. (e.g. That it will leverage God’s favor).
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 1 "Shame: Despair", S. 37 (39), 2006



Willful and wanton acts of desecration - perpetration and bystander effect

  • Inclusion in what seems to be negative karmic consequences occurs as a result of prior concurrence and/or participation. Thus, the cheers at the death of a gladiator are karmically significant as is taking grim satisfaction from pain and suffering or the death of others. To cheer on the implementation of the guillotine is to join with its karmic consequences.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 1 "Shame: Despair", S. 39-40, 2006



Juicing on prolonged negativity



Processing out negative feelings

  • With loss, the spiritual process of nonresistance and surrendering is effective (however, it is not a suitable process for those emotional states that calibrate lower than 75, such as depression, guilt, and apathy). A spiritually oriented person values all of life's experiences and sees each one as an opportunity to evolve spiritually. The technique of processing out in-
    volves very simple steps that all depend on willingness and the capacity to surrender.
    1. Stay with the feeling and stay focused on it unswervingly. Realize that all pain is due to resistance. The suffe-
      ring of loss stems from the attachment and specialness.
    2. Be willing to become immersed in and surrender to the feelings without avoiding them. Notice that they come
      in waves and that surrendering to the most intense waves tends to decrease their emotional severity.
    3. Ask God's help and surrender the personal will to God. (It is helpful to read the ninety-first Psalm [LoC 650]8
      or other favorite spiritual passages.)
    4. Be willing to endure and suffer out the process. If not resisted, it will process itself out and come to an end.
Although the suffering of loss is triggered by a specific event, the painful emotions of attachment have actually arisen from multiple sources over time, and there may be more of it below the surface than was first suspected. Thus, each loss actually represents all loss, for the experience is of loss itself and not just the specific event that brought it up to awareness.
A helpful source of strength during the processing out of painful emotions is to identify with all of humanity and realize that suffering is universal and innate to the phenomenon of being human and the evolution of the ego.
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 98-99, 2006


  • Overt hostile aggression is a characteristic of psychopathic personalities in which the absence of consciousness
    allows for overt acting out of primitive aggression and results in low capacity for self control and intolerance of delay.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 7 "Anger", S. 140, 2006


  • At this level, unemotional discernment replaces judgmentalism, which itself is usually highly emotionalized by anger, indignation, or vituperative denunciation and attack. While it is obvious that there are many elements and forces in
    the world that are deleterious to human life and happiness, it is not necessary to hate or demonize them but instead
    to merely make appropriate allowances and avoid them. Thus, what was formerly demonized now appears to be
    more like bad weather, a tidal wave, or a force of nature to be reckoned with but not hated. Life survives not by
    hating lightning but by avoiding where it is likely to strike.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 11 "Willingness", S. 215-216, 2006


  • Those who became enlightened often went through agonizing periods of facing the utmost of negative experi-
    that was buried in their unconscious, of owning their own shadow, of looking at what they had held as most hateful and owning it, and then letting go of it (the 'dark night of the soul'). The letting go of what was the farthest removed from the truth in those positions at the bottom of the scale, the letting go of those positions that came out
    of self-honesty, led to the realization of the Truth. Healing and Recovery, S. 164-165, 2009




Naive childishness



  • Jesus said, "Resist not evil." The way to handle evil is to ignore it, to walk away from it, to look away from it. Instead
    of fighting the negative, you embrace the positive; so the way you handle the negative in the world is not by opposing
    the negative, because then you get locked into a positionality with it, and you can't get beyond the negative. Instead,
    you just emphasize the positive.
    Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998   Removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer, mid 2013



Sub topic:

Dealing with one's own Shadow side

  • If you're really serene you can be upset and it won't even bother you.
    Audio interview Serenity, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 12. July 2005



Demonic possession by lower astral entities

  • The nervous system acts by induction. […] A materialist will think it's the opposite way. […] Her neurons cannot protect her from these demonic energies cause she’s hearing voices and seeing visions. So her nervous system needs protection against demonic attack. […] The world calls it demonic because it's lower astral, it's a lower astral entity.
    Demons will find a weakness in the neurological physiologic system and attack through there. You gotta block it off.
    She needs an anti-psychotic. Something like Prolixin or Stelazine. […] Why? Because they will block off that neuro-
    logic vulnerability to those energies and vibrations. There is a neurologic propensity. Negative energies will get
    through that impaired neurologic system. Demonic possession is because the nervous system cannot protect itself
    against those kind of energies. I’ve treated thousands of them. I’ve practiced 25 years. […]
    Seminar Title unknown, month and year unknown



Not taking bullying personally

Recontextualizing the human condition expressed as inconsiderate behavior

  • To quit taking things personally means to become detached. That allows your perception of the person to be corrected. Also, it dawns on you they're not being that way with you, they are just being that way because that's who they are. They are that way with themselves. You stop feeling being hurt because they are that way. Some people are gruff, mean and horrid. They don't mean anything by it. They are just gruff, mean and horrid. [Ha ha.]
    Sedona Seminar Positionality and Duality: Transcending the Opposites, 3 DVD set, April 2002



Antidote to negativity

Love [LoC 500+] containing openness and vulnerability


  • One must be VIGILANT for that which is non-integrous. Those who are disintegrous see your vulnerability where all you see is love. There's a need to guard the gates. [...] It's not loving to allow that which is not integrous to remain in your life. So, certain executives have to go. As do cer-
    tain other people in our lives, it would seem! Sedona Semi-
    nar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, October 2002


  • There is that which is opposed to spiritual truth and it has dominated mankind until the late 1980's. [...] Those ener-
    gies which oppose God, deny God and would rather have control of you and your beloveds did dominate this planet until the late 1980's. Then, for reasons not completely and totally known, the consciousness level jumped at 207.
    As you evolve spiritually, the power – not your power – the power of your energy field, your aura, whatever you call it, becomes more and more powerful and begins to domi-
    nate and that which used to dominating and controling until very recent times is therefore threatened by every spiritual aspirant. Everyone who reaches unconditional love then diminishes the domain of that which is non-integrious, diminishes its control. Consequently, one becomes
    the target for that which is non-integrous and would like to entrap you in its control.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • The purpose of the lectures is to prepare you for the downside of what will come up if you are spiritually, seri-
    ously committed.
    If you run around reading books here and there, play around in the astral realms and get channe-
    , etc. [...] you won't have to deal with this! But if you are serious, the downside will come up.
    This is that which is opposed to spiritual truth and has dominated mankind until the late 1980s. Those energies which oppose God who would like to control you did dominate until consciousness jumped over 200.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • When you're attacked, what should your position be? The position should be to stand up for truth, to be answerable
    and to stand for truth. Whatever the consequences. That's what Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] did. […] The context
    is the power. Power just stands there. It doesn't do anything. […] Being what it is. […]
    Therefore, Gandhi defeated the British Empire [LoC 190] without a shot. Gorbachev [Political influence LoC 500] defeated the (communist) Russian monolithic regime, also without firing a shot. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, DVD 1 of 3, minute 00:45, 14. December 2002


  • Those who are out for spiritual seduction are very clever. The seduction is one of the satanic and luciferic. The Luciferic takes the form of 'power'. There is the distortion of Truth. A teacher will have a grain of truth, yet the context
    is out. The satanic can take the form of 'sexual seduction' ("Sex is holy."). There is also the seduction of going after people for their 'money'. The secular and the spiritual are not the same. From a certain degree of abstraction they appear to be.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • The energy of non-integrity hates human life. Hatred there is primary, not secondary. It’s not something you did, not something America did, not something anyone did – they just are that way, and then they find a rationale to justify
    their hate. You started with hate, then you justify it. That hatred preexisted human life and all phenomena. It’s not
    good versus evil; it’s that which is more evolved versus that which is less evolved.

    Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004


  • Question: How to deal with questionable entities or demonic spirits?
    Answer: You can ask the entities, "Would you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your savior, yes or no?" That which is demonic will not acknowledge Jesus Christ as its savior. You can order them to leave you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I order you to leave! Call upon the Christ to banish them. That is your right if Jesus Christ is your savior. Sedona Seminar Perception vs. Essence, 3 DVD set, 22. April 2006



Mingle with Holy Company. Avoid demonic influences.

  • Choosing Holy Company means to avoid that which is non-integrous. Don't hang out with anything that is below 200. You don't come back unscathed. Demonic forces have been at it for thousands of years. They have been conning people. You are not smarter than them. The very fact that you are consulting them tells them that you want to be special.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Practice and Daily Life, 3 DVD set, 21. October 2006


  • What you think of as a negative experience might well be the undoing of karma. You accept that God’s grace is
    allowing you to recover spiritually from the damage you did to yourself. People in hell don’t have that option. Here
    you have, by good actions, the ability to undo your bad actions from the past. Not everyone has that option.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Practice and Daily Life, 3 DVD set, 21. October 2006


  • Everyone has the same sin – getting juice out of the positionality is the sin.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007


  • Question: How do I best deal with a negative person in my life who is a drain on me. How do you balance that out?
    With having unconditional love and acceptance?
    Answer: Do you have to stay with this person?
    Reply from questioner: Yes.
    Answer: Okay, so you have to look at the positive side. I guess it's acceptance that is the way it is with that
    individual. Acceptance means you stop resisting it and that is the way they are.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007


  • Question: Is it just temptation that lets gurus fall or are there actual demonic entities that are involved?
    Answer: Both. It's hard to explain without making people paranoid. [Laughter] That which is negative is constant-
    ly present on this planet
    , otherwise this would be a celestial realm and calibrate 600+. This is a transition, so in a
    realm of transition you have the highest and also you have the lowest. There are "demonic energies". In fact when
    you talk to a very negative person you can feel the energy and it's like very unpleasant. The higher you get the less
    those energies are agreeable and finally you avoid them altogether. And finally you reach a point where they have
    no effect on you. But for a long time you avoid them. The fallen guru syndrome is upsetting.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 of 2, 10. January 2007


  • Question: You’ve explained about luciferic and demonic energies, would you please explain what you talked about
    as far as the energy of confusion and how that affects us?
    Answer: Generally the negative energies are considered to be luciferic; it’s pridefulness, arrogance, seeking domi-
    , etc., seeking power for its own sake and satanic which is evil, pain and suffering and torture and that. I think
    it's an esoteric concept. There is a third and that is the energy of confusion, which is called abraxic. A-B-R-A-X-I-C.
    I think it comes out of Alice Bailey. Anyway it’s the energy of confusion and disorder. Everything goes wrong, nothing's on time, your zipper won’t zip. Everything is screwed up and no matter what you tell people they get it all wrong. It's an abraxic energy. The way you clear it is you deny its reality, deny its sovereignty and you say "My life
    is in control of Divine Order and Harmony. The reality of the Self with a capital S is Divine Order and Har-
    mony and rules my life and I hereby reject confusion and disorder as a reality."
    You can see if you want to
    take over a population, the first thing you do is confuse them, so that is what the political strategists do. They have
    opposing gridlock and then out of that confusion you can take control of the field. So if all the players are running in
    different directions, it's obvious that anybody who’s got his head screwed on can take over dominance of the field.
    It's called abraxic energy. Thanks for asking that.
    Sedona Seminar What is Truth? The Absolute, DVD 2 of 3, track 18, minute 1:34:08-1:36:05, 21. July 2007


  • [Paraphrased] False accusations against our fellow man is probably the greatest 'fault' in today's society.
    Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008


  • [Paraphrased] Accept that the negative is the way it is.
    Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008




Ambiguity – two different types of "evil"

  • ... the seeming ambiguity in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Who said on the one hand that
    ► evil is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, is evil a perception, a projection of [from one's self] evil onto things. That's all in your own mind, and you say, 'that person out there is evil.'
    ► Then in the Lords Prayer it says – Lord protect us and deliver us from evil.
    Well, if evil was only a projection then you wouldn't need protection from it.
    And Jesus taught not to encounter evil, not to go to war with evil. Don't try to defeat evil, avoid it. Avoid evil.
    Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, lecture 6, 3 DVD set, minute 1:40:00-1:44:00, 8. November 2008


  • The Buddha said there is no point going to war with them [evil people] because they will bring themselves down by
    their own nature. There is no point trying to go to war with evil because evil is self destructive, so let's ask that. We
    have permission. Evil is autonomously self destructive and will eventually burn itself out if we don't do anything
    about it.
    Yes. Oh thats a relief. [Laughter.] So Jesus Christ said don't go to war with evil. Why? Because evil plays
    by different rules than you are aware of.

    That which is demonic and comes from the lower astral realms does not play by the same rules as you do. Yes. So alright.
    [Paraphrased] The term "wickedness" is not popular in today's culture. It needs reawakening.
    Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, lecture 6, 3 DVD set, minute 1:40:00-1:44:00, 8. November 2008


  • Evil is whatever you define it as.
    Cottonwood Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. February 2010


  • As you go up that which is waiting for you is the Luciferic. And when you get there, it hits for you. It's like the media doesn't bite you until you become a celebrity. You are not influencing enough people. Now that you are beyond per-
    sonal karma and there is no arbitrary God to punish you inasmuch as there is no payment and no consequences [...]
    you are free to have absolute power over others – and that is the ultimate Luciferic. And that's what is apparently
    brought down on a number of teachers. [...] The Luciferic is the temptation to own the power of God and not the love
    of God. Jesus got the same presentation in the garden of Gethsemane.
    Removed video excerpt David R. Hawkins – 2002 Lecture 1 – The Luciferic Temptations, delivered January 2002, YouTube film,
    3:24 minutes duration, posted 20. May 2020

Fault register work by David R. Hawkins – Taking 100% responsibility


Write down all your faults.
Write down all the faults others think you have, even if you think they're liars.
Even if they see you that way and you are not that way you take responsibility. [...]
You take responsibility for it all.
If you own it all, nobody has any way to attack you.
If others attack you, it's because you're not owning something.
People intuit where you have got a chink; and that's what they go for.
If you are being abused by people in various ways it's because you are
attracting it by something that you are not owning something about yourself. [...]
Besides, there's nothing wrong with being stupid and ugly. (Laughing)
So we admit our faults, and we stop labeling them faults.
We have to get over narcissistic sensitivity. [...]
All negative reactions are not caused from outside; it's how we choose. [...]
The way to become bulletproof is to own any negativity that you can
even imagine might apply to yourself.
  Minute 46:07
When you are going to accept that you run into the ego
the way to overcome the ego's reaction to that is to say,
I'm stupid and ugly!? It doesn’t matter; God loves me anyway.


Source: ► David Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, DVD 1 of 3,
minute 43:00 "Fault Register", Arizona, 17. April 2004
See also: ► Forgiving

Zitate von D. Hawkins – Satanische, dämonische, luziferische Kräfte

Ihr habt den Teufel zum Vater und ihr wollt das tun, wonach es euren Vater verlangt. Er war ein Mörder von Anfang an.
Und er steht nicht in der Wahrheit; denn es ist keine Wahrheit in ihm. Wenn er lügt, sagt er das, was aus ihm selbst
kommt; denn er ist ein Lügner und ist der Vater der Lüge.
Johannes 8, 44 (NT)


Und kein Wunder, denn der Satan selbst nimmt die Gestalt eines Engels des Lichts an; es ist daher nichts Großes,
wenn auch seine Diener die Gestalt als Diener der Gerechtigkeit annehmen, deren Ende nach ihren Werken sein wird.
2. Korinther 11, 14-15 (NT)


⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Verführung eines Volks

  • Ein Zusammenwirken der negativen Extreme ist dadurch in der Lage, eine ganze Gesellschaft herunterzuziehen infolge von luziferischer Verzerrung der Realität, welche den satanischen Mächten die Tür öffnet.
    FU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 113, 2006



Mara, der Böse



Versucher von Jesus und Buddha



Unfähigkeit, Wahrheit von Unwahrheit zu unterscheiden

  • Während sich der Verstand/das Gemüt selbst gegen die satanischen Energien verteidigen kann, indem er sich auf einfache Moralgrundsätze stützt, hat er nur geringe Verteidigungsmöglichkeiten gegen Verfälschungen der Wahrheit, wenn sie überzeugend vorgetragen werden. Der Grund dafür besteht in der angeborenen Harmlosigkeit der unteren Schichten des Verstandes/Gemüts, die keine inneren Fähigkeiten besitzen, Wahrheit von Unwahrheit zu unterscheiden. Es kann von der Interpretation eines einzigen Wortes oder Satzes abhängen, ob sich das Schicksal eines Menschen zum Guten oder Schlechten wendet. Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 226, 2006










Quotes by D. Hawkins – Satanic, demonic, luciferic forces

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Satanic: Violence, seduction, murder

  • The satanic energies also hold dominion and sway over many activities of sensation and pleasure, including many video games and media productions involved with violence, seduction, and murder. [...] The satanic energies affect the lower chakras.
    The less obvious challenges and traps stem from the more sophisticated and subtle energies best described as 'luciferic'. They have to do with power, control, fame, wealth, importance, and prestige, as well as cold calculation, which require the rejection of love, compassion, or concern for others. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 156, 2003



Negative influence on chakras

  • Whereas the satanic energies are directed at the lower chakras (base, sexual, and spleen), the luciferic are directed at the higher chakras, namely, solar plexus (greed, gain, pride), heart (sell out love for power or advantage), throat (distorted speech), the 'third eye' (distorted perception and capacity to discern truth). The luciferic energy of pride is directed
    at the crown chakra where surrender to God is replaced by the pride of the ego and selfish self-centeredness.
    The luciferic energy's primary tool is distortion of truth. Thus, it is directed at the mind and relies on false promises
    and half-truths.
    While the mind can defend itself against the satanic energies by reliance on simple morality, it has little defense
    against distortions of truth convincingly presented because the innate innocence of the substrate of mind lacks the
    innate capacity to discern truth from falsehood. Whether one's destiny is for better or worse can depend on the in-
    terpretation of even a single word or phrase. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 157, 2003



Luciferic: chakras 3-7; Satanic: chakras 1-3

  • Satanic energies are directed at the 1-3 chakras, the Lucifer energies are directed at the 3-7 chakras.
    Luciferic energy of pride is directed at the crown chakra where surrender to God is replaced by the pride of the ego and selfish self-centeredness. The luciferic energy's primary tool is distortion of truth and is directed at the mind and relies on false promises and half truths. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 157, 2003



Destruction of the truth

  • The luciferic energies are adept at destroying the power of truth by propagating distortions, misunderstandings, and sophisticated, subtle warping by twisting content or shifting content into another context. This is commonly seen in the error of 'Monday-morning quarterbacking,' that is, the context is shifted into another time frame.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 159, 2003


  • The Luciferic error is that although a spirit is evolved beyond ordinary human karma, it is still subject to the karmic laws of the universe and God. I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 15 "Karma", S. 259, 2003


  • Two great sources of spiritual error.
    1. The Luciferic pride, force, control and the distortion of truth and
    2. the Satanic torture, pain, killing and sexual lust. […]
A common spiritual error is made by holding God as the author of human suffering, which is actually the collective negative impact of the ego itself. […] is easily transcended by seeing that suffering is the consequence of ignorance (falsehood) and misunderstanding of the true nature of Divinity. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 375, 2005



Luciferic control on Earth ended in 1987.

  • The purpose of the lectures is to prepare you for the downside of what will come up if you are spiritually, seriously committed. If you run around reading books here and there, play around in the astral realms and get channellings, etc. you won’t have to deal with this. But if you are serious, the downside will come up. This is that which is opposed to spiri-
    tual truth and has dominated mankind until the late 1980's. Those energies which oppose God who would like to control you did dominate until consciousness jumped over 200.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • The Luciferic is about LoC 190. Why? Lucifer did not want to acknowledge the sovereignty of God. The Luciferic temptation. The Luciferic distorts reason and logic. It sacrifices truth for relativism; it denies the Absolute. It's the mad hatter tea party: A thing only means what I say it means. All morality and ethics are hated constraints against the freedom of the id, which seeks no accountability or responsibility. Evil is projected onto some external cause. It
    feels superior to truth, to Divinity. The satanic is represented by torture, maiming, blowing up busses.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • As you are devoted, you will be challenged. There will come a time when you actually realize you are being chal-
    lenged by the opposite of that which you are. When that comes up, refuse it. It's your karmic entitlement to refuse
    the negative. You are karmically entitled to say, "Get thee hence, Satan!"
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Wo ihr aber nicht also tun wollt, siehe, so werdet ihr euch an dem Herrn versündigen und werdet eurer Sünde
innewerden, wenn sie euch finden wird.
4. Buch Moses 32, 23 (AT)


Seit der Zeit fing Jesus an, seinen Jüngern zu zeigen, wie er nach Jerusalem gehen und viel leiden müsse
von den Ältesten und Hohenpriestern und Schriftgelehrten und getötet werden und am dritten Tage auferstehen.
Und Petrus nahm ihn beiseite und fuhr ihn an und sprach: Gott bewahre dich, Herr! Das widerfahre dir nur nicht!
Er aber wandte sich um und sprach zu Petrus: Geh weg von mir, Satan! Du bist mir ein Ärgernis; denn du
meinst nicht, was göttlich, sondern was menschlich ist.
Matthäus 16, 21-23 (NT)



Beelzebub, der "Anführer der Dämonen"

Matthäus 10, 25; Mt 12, 24,27; Lukas 11,15 18-19

Da rief er sie zu sich und belehrte sie in Form von Gleichnissen: Wie kann der Satan den Satan austrei-
ben? […] Und wenn sich der Satan gegen sich selbst erhebt und mit sich selbst im Streit liegt, kann er keinen Bestand haben, sondern es ist um ihn geschehen.
Markus 3, 23, 26 (NT)


Sein [des Teufels] ganzes Wesen ist Lüge, er ist der Lügner schlechthin – ja, der Vater jeder Lüge.
Johannes 8, 44 (NT)


Werdet stark durch die Kraft und Macht des Herrn!
Zieht die ganze Rüstung Gottes an, damit ihr den listigen Anschlägen des Teufels widerstehen könnt.
Denn wir haben nicht gegen Menschen aus Fleisch und Blut zu kämpfen, sondern gegen die Fürsten und
Gewalten, gegen die Beherrscher dieser finsteren Welt, gegen die bösen Geister in den himmlischen [Re-
gionen]. Darum legt die Rüstung Gottes an, damit ihr am Tag des Unheils standhalten, alles vollbringen
und den Kampf bestehen könnt. Seid also standhaft: Gürtet euch mit Wahrheit, zieht als Panzer die Ge-
an und als Schuhe die Bereitschaft, für das Evangelium vom Frieden zu zeugen.
Vor allem greift zum Schild des Glaubens! Mit ihm könnt ihr alle feurigen Geschosse des Bösen auslö-
schen. Nehmt den Helm des Heils und das Schwert des Geistes, das ist das Wort Gottes. Hört nicht
auf, zu beten und zu flehen! Betet jederzeit im Geist; seid wachsam, harrt aus und bittet für alle Hei-
, auch für mich: dass Gott mir das rechte Wort schenkt, wenn es darauf ankommt, mit Freimut das
Geheimnis des Evangeliums zu verkünden.
Brief des Paulus an die Epheser, 6, 10-19 (NT)


Denn der Gott dieser Weltzeit [der Teufel] hat das Denken der Ungläubigen verblendet. 2. Korinther 4, 4 (NT)


Alle Bitterkeit und Grimm und Zorn und Geschrei und Lästerung sei ferne von euch samt aller Bosheit.
Epheser 4, 31 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Ich spreche nicht mehr vom radikal Bösen. […] Ich bin in der Tat heute der Meinung, dass das Böse immer nur extrem ist, aber niemals radikal, es hat keine Tiefe, auch keine Dämonie. Es kann die ganze Welt verwüsten, gerade weil es wie ein Pilz an der Oberfläche weiterwuchert. Tief aber und radikal ist immer nur das Gute. Hannah Arendt (1906-
    1975) jüdisch-deutsch-amerikanische politische Theoretikerin, Philosophin des Totalitarianismus, Publizistin, bekannter Brief an
    Gershom Sholem, 1963, zitiert in: Eike Geisel/Klaus Bittermann, Nach Auschwitz. Essays und Kommentare, S. 78, Berlin, 1989


  • Ich war erstaunt [zu sehen], dass es in keiner Seele Böses gab. Ich fragte: "Wie kann das sein?" Die Antwort war, dass keine Seele an sich böse sei.
    Retrospektive Betrachtung von Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) US-amerikanischer Nahtodüberlebender, Erfinder, Autor,
    Edith Zeile, Übersetzerin, Durch das Licht, präsentiert von der Webseite Klarer Blick, 16. April 2011



  • Die Macht der Bösen lebt von der Feigheit der Guten.
    Don Bosco [Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco, der »Bubenkönig«] (1815-1888) italienischer katholischer Priester, Sozialpädagoge, Ordensgründer, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Das Böse bedarf keiner Krankheit, um auf die Welt zu kommen, es bedarf keiner Ungerechtigkeit und auch keiner dunklen Mächte – es bedarf lediglich des Menschen. Prof. Dr. Hans-Ludwig Kröber (*1951) deutscher Psychiater, foren-
    sisch-psychiatrischer Gutachter, Autor, zitiert in: Dr. Reinhard Haller (*1951) österreichischer Chefarzt, Psychiater, Psychothera-
    peut, Neurologe, Suchtexperte, Sprecher, Autor, Das ganz normale Böse. Warum Menschen morden, Rowohlt Verlag, Rhein-
    bek, Ecowin Verlag, Salzburg, 22. Oktober 2009, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1. August 2011




  • Wir würden lieber dem überall um uns herum grassierenden Bösen [Narzissmus, Wetiko] verzeihen als der Rebel-
    lion dagegen, die wir als das wahre Böse missachten. Arno Gruen (1923-2015) deutsch-schweizerischer Psychologe, Psychoanalytiker, Zivilisationskritiker, Schriftsteller, Der Verrat am Selbst. Die Angst vor Autonomie bei Mann und Frau, 1986, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Neuauflage 1. Januar 1992
  • Es ist unser keiner, der nicht offt und dick mit falschen Gedancken und Wahnen von ihm [dem Teufel] bezaubert wird. Martin Luther [BW 580] (1483-1546) deutscher Professor der Theologie, protestantischer Reformator, Dr. Johannes Aurifaber [Vimariensis] (1519-1575) deutscher Mathematiker lutherischer Theologe, Reformator, COLLOQVIA, oder Tischreden und andere Christliche sehr erbauliche Gespräche, Erstausgabe 1566, S. 147, Andreas Zeidlern, 1700, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main,
    12. September 2016



Das Böse wirkt durch unbewusste Menschen, die es versäumen, ihre Schöpferkraft in Anspruch zu nehmen.

  • Das Böse ist auch nichts anderes als das, was Menschen erschaffen haben.
    ♦️ Das Böse ist ein bestimmter [satanischer] Egregor, ein Sammelsurium aller
          bösen Gedanken, Taten, Gefühle, was auch immer, was Menschen im Laufe
          der Zeit, wo es Menschengibt, erschaffen haben.
    Und dieses Gebilde existiert und hat natürlich Interesse daran, irgendwo zu über-
    leben. Es hat wesenhaften Charakter. Das ist magisches Wissen, es ist Eingeweihtenwissen, wonach die Menschen
    in der Lage sind, diese [bösen] Wesenheiten selber zu erschaffen.
    ♦️ Das Böse besitzt keinerlei eigene Schaffenskraft, ist also quasi von uns abhängig. Es parasitiert nur auf dem
          Gesunden beziehungsweise lebt auf Kosten der Schöpfung.
    Wir sind die Schöpfung, weil wir auch immer wieder neu schöpfen.
    ♦️ Das Böse breitet sich durch böse Gedanken, Gefühle und Handlungen der Menschen in der Welt aus.
    Wir sind die Torwächter, ob wir das Böse in die Welt lassen oder nicht. Durch unser Handeln, durch unsere Taten,
    durch unser Denken bereits, öffnen wir den Raum für das Böse.
    ♦️ Das Böse kennt und nutzt alle Schwächen des Menschen gegen ihn aus und macht die Menschen so zu seinen
    Das ist die große Gefahr, die wir aber auch erkennen können. Das ist die Unterscheidungsfähigkeit zwischen Wahr-
    heit und Lüge in uns selbst, dieses innere Ringen, welcher Instanz in mir ich den Fokus gebe.
    ♦️ Das Böse zerstört alles, was es erreichen kann und womit es interagiert. Man könnte sagen, es ist die Instanz,
          die Chaos und Leid in der Welt erschafft.
    Es wendet sich ganz klar an uns, es muss dort hin, wo es Energie bekommt – von den menschlichen Seelen.
    ♦️ Das Hauptziel des Bösen ist, die menschliche Seele und die Menschheit vom spirituellen Lebensstrom des Kos-
          mos abzuschneiden und uns letztendlich im Trennungsbewusstsein, also gefangen in der Materie, zu halten.
    Das ist die Klarheit auf den Punkt gebracht, die man braucht, um das Böse in der Welt zu erkennen.
    ♦️ Die Pflicht eines jeden beseelten Menschen liegt darin, dem Guten und der Schöpfung zu dienen und das
          Böse in sich selbst, in seinem eigenen Herzen, nicht da draußen, zu kontrollieren.
    Die Summe dieser dämonischen Eigenschaften ist das, was das Böse letztendlich auch in der Welt ausmacht, weil
    wir haben es nach außen hin auch erschaffen. Aber wir erschaffen es immer wieder neu, so-lange wir uns nicht als
    die Schöpfer sehen und in dieser Hinsicht unbewusst sind.
    Wenn wir uns wieder als das sehen, was wir sind, als selbstbewusste Schöpfer, ist es umgekehrt auch unsere Auf-
    gabe, unsere Verant-wortung und Pflicht, diese Art von Kräften nicht mehr durch uns wirken zu lassen und damit
    in diese Welt zu bringen. Wir sind diejenigen, die das Böse in die Welt gelassen haben und genauso sind wir die-
    jenigen, die das Böse wieder transformieren und befreien können.
    Videointerview mit Raik Garve, deutscher Arzt, Gesundheitslehrer, Dozent, Wer regiert uns wirklich? – Raik Garve, präsentiert
    von dem deutschen alternativen online Fernsehsender Neue Horizonte.TV via Nuoflix, Gastgeber Götz Wittneben, YouTube Film, Minute 1:00:42, Minute 50:41, 1:16:02 Dauer, eingestellt 23. Juli 2022


  • Wer das Böse stillschweigend akzeptiert, ist ebenso daran beteiligt wie derjenige, der dazu beiträgt, es zu verüben.
    Wer das Böse widerspruchslos hinnimmt, arbeitet in Wirklichkeit mit ihm zusammen!
    Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor, Aktivist, afro-amerikanischer Bürgerrechtler, Frie-
    densnobelpreisträger, 1964, Schritte zur Freiheit. Die Montgomery Story, Harper & Brothers, 1958, Profile Books, 17. Januar 2011


  • Unsere Generation wird nicht so sehr die Untaten böser Menschen zu beklagen haben, als vielmehr das erschrek-
    kende Schweigen der Guten. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor, Aktivist, afro-amerikanischer Bürgerrechtler, zitiert in: Sprüchetante



Lösungsstau angesichts der "Rechtfertigung Gottes"

Barth führt aus, dass der Mensch nicht dazu berechtigt sei, Gott hinsichtlich der Existenz des Bösen anzuklagen.

  • Das Böse ist die "unmögliche Möglichkeit".
    Karl Barth [Kirchenvater des 20. Jahrhunderts] (1886-1968) Schweizer evangelisch-reformierter Theologe, Kirchliche Dogmatik, Band IV/3.1, S. 199, Zürich, 1932, 1967, alternativ: Der Römerbrief, 2. Fassung, 1922, Zürich, 2005


  • Fremdenfeindlichkeit [Mobbingtendenzen] [ BW 150-190]
    ist weder durch Belehrung [ BW 175]
    noch durch Verdammung [ BW 20] zu überwinden.
    Sie bedarf anderer Prozesse, die man Therapie [ BW 350+],
    Heilung [ BW 540-600+],
    Verständigung [ BW400],
    vielleicht auch Aufklärung in einem emphatischen Sinn [ BW bis 499] nennen könnte.
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Wirth (*1951) deutscher Psychoanalytiker, psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Universität Gießen, Vorurteile und Feindbilder, erstmals präsentiert von der deutschen Monatszeitschrift für Psychoanalyse Psyche, Heft 11, S. 1217-1244, November 2001


  • Es gibt eine besonders unsympathische Art von Dummheit, die Bosheit.
    Ernst Ferstl gedanken.at (*1955) österreichischer Hauptschullehrer, Schriftsteller für Seelenwegweiser, Zwischenrufe. Aphorismen, Geest-Verlag, 2004; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. Unbekannt, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de, fälschlicherweise Edmund Burke [BW 410] (1729-1797) zugesprochen




Diese Aussage wurde Albert Einstein [BW 499] (1879-1955) zufolge einer Internetente zugesprochen.

  • Das Böse tritt auf, wenn der Mensch nicht Gottes Liebe im Herzen hat. Es ist wie die Kälte, die spürbar wird, wenn es an Wärme fehlt oder wie die Dunkelheit, die eintritt, wenn es kein Licht gibt. Unbekannt


  • Das Böse hat immer Namen und Adresse. Unbekannter Verfasser



Der Sturz der Rebellenengel in die Hölle
William Blake (1757-1827) englischer Maler
  • Für Nietzsche ist die Erfindung Gottes bereits Ausdruck eines Lebens, das entdeckt, dass es sich selbst nicht genügen kann. Mit der Erfindung Gottes wird das erste Kapitel in der Geschichte des Nihilismus ge-
    Interview mit Rüdiger Safranski (*1945) deutscher Philosoph, Schriftsteller (Das Böse oder Das Drama der Freiheit), Warum sind Menschen böse?, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Monatsmagazin der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Folio, Ursula von Arx, Oktober 1997


  • Von Gott abzufallen, ist für Augustin das Böseste, was ein Mensch tun kann, denn er verspielt damit seine Möglichkeiten, über sich selbst hinauszuwachsen, er begeht – modern ausgedrückt – Transzendenz-
    verrat. Er schließt sich gegen die Fülle des Göttlichen ab, wird eindi-
    mensional und verstockt. Die Krämerseelen und die Realitätstüchti-
    gen sind alle gezeichnet von dieser metaphysischen Dummheit.
    Interview mit Rüdiger Safranski (*1945) deutscher Philosoph, Schriftsteller (Das Böse oder Das Drama der Freiheit), Warum sind Menschen böse?, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Monatsmagazin der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Folio, Ursula von Arx, Oktober 1997


  • Das Böse ist ein Abenteuer, weil es Grenzen überschreitet. Die Kunst hat immer hinabgeschaut in das Reich des Bösen und die Faszination weitergegeben. Aber die Kunst ist ein sublimierendes Genre, in ihr hat das Böse eine risikolose Präsenz. Die Kunst verpackt es in einen Cordon sanitaire der ästhetischen Distanz. Interview mit Rüdiger Safranski (*1945) deutscher Philosoph, Schriftsteller (Das Böse oder Das Drama der Freiheit), Warum sind Menschen böse?, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Monatsmagazin der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Folio, Ursula von Arx, Oktober 1997


  • Es [das Böse] ist immer dort, wo die Sprache nicht ist. Sätze über das Böse sind immer unböse Sätze. Interview mit Rüdiger Safranski (*1945) deutscher Philosoph, Schriftsteller (Das Böse oder Das Drama der Freiheit), Warum sind Menschen böse?, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Monatsmagazin der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Folio, Ursula von Arx, Oktober 1997


  • Es gibt heutzutage sehr gängige Denksysteme, wie beispielsweise die Christliche Wissenschaft oder den ⚡ Kurs in Wundern, die das Böse als Unwirklichkeit definieren. Das ist eine Halbwahrheit. Der Geist des Bösen ist ein Geist der Unwirklichkeit, er selbst ist jedoch real. Es existiert tatsächlich. Anders zu denken, bedeutet, sich irreführen zu las-
    sen. In dieser Hinsicht […] ist Satan womöglich die beste Täuschung gelungen, indem er mit großem Aufwand seine eigene Existenz vor dem menschlichen Verstand zu verbergen weiß.
    M. Scott Peck [BW 475] (1936-2005) US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Schriftsteller, Die Lügner. Eine Psychologie des Bösen und die Hoffnung auf Heilung [BW 450] [1983], Claudius Verlag, 1990


  • Zehn ungewöhnliche Einsichten bezüglich des Bösen – aus John Ronald Reuel Tolkiens Buch Der Herr der Ringe, 1969/1970
    1. Das Böse ist real.
    2. Das Böse ist unsterblich.
    3. Das Böse ist offensichtlich.
    4. Wissen ist nicht immer gut.
    5. Das Böse besiegt sich selbst.
    6. Das Böse wird zugunsten des Guten genutzt.
    7. Das Böse wird gemildert durch Aufopferung.
    8. Das Böse wird gemildert durch Demut.
    9. Das Böse wird gemildert durch Freundschaft.
    10. Das Böse wird gemildert durch die Sprache.
Audiovortrag von Dr. Peter Kreeft (*1937) US-amerikanischer katholischer Professor für Philosophie, Boston College und The King's College, Autor, Insights into Evil [Einsichten in das Böse], präsentiert von dem MacLaurin Institute, 47:47 Minuten Dauer, 4. April 2003


  • Der Teufel hat der Diener vier:
    Die Bosheit, Dummheit, Macht und Gier!
    Thomas S. Lutter (*1962) deutscher Radiomoderator, Musiker, Lyriker, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Böse und ► Übel


  • Das eben ist der Fluch der bösen Tat,
    dass sie fortzeugend, immer Böses muss gebären.
    Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) deutscher Philosoph, Historiker, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Dramen-Trilogie Wallenstein, Teil 2 Die Piccolomini, 5. Aufzug, 1. Auftritt der Figur Octavio, entstanden 1796-1799, Erstdruck 1800


  • Es ist der Geist, der sich den Körper baut.
    Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) deutscher Philosoph, Historiker, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Dramen-Trilogie Wallenstein, "Wallensteins Tod", |3. Akt, Szene 13


  • Der Böse ist weg, aber das Böse bleibt. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [BW 465] (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Schriftsteller, gesprochen von Figur Mephisto, Faust. Eine Tragödie, J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, Tübingen, 1808




  • "[Ich bin] EIN TEIL der Kraft, die stets das Böse will und Gutes schafft. [...]
    Ich bin der Geist, der stets verneint! Und das mit Recht; denn alles, was entsteht, ist wert, dass es zugrunde geht;
    Drum besser wär's, dass nichts entstünde. So ist denn alles, was ihr Sünde, Zerstörung, kurz das Böse nennt,
    mein eigentliches Element."
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [BW 465] (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Schriftsteller, gesprochen von Figur Mephisto, Faust. Eine Tragödie, J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, Tübingen, 1808


  • Drei Viertel alles Bösen, das in der Welt getan wird, geschieht aus Furchtsamkeit: und diese ist vor allem ein physio-
    logischer Vorgang! Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) deutscher klassischer Gelehrter, Philologe, Kulturkritiker, Philosoph des Nihilismus [BW 120], Schriftsteller, Werke in drei Bänden, Band I, Viertes Buch, Morgenröte, 538. "Moralischer Irrsinn des
    Genies", S. 1258-1259, Ernst Schmeitzner Verlag, Chemnitz, 1882, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 1954/1956


  • Die Hintergedanken, mit denen du das Böse in dir aufnimmst, sind nicht die deinen, sondern die des Bösen. Das Tier entwindet dem Herrn die Peitsche und peitscht sich selbst, um Herr zu werden, und weiß nicht, dass das nur eine Phantasie ist, erzeugt durch einen neuen Knoten im Peitschenriemen des Herrn.
    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) österreichisch-ungarischer kulturell einflussreicher deutschsprachiger Romanschriftsteller, Roberto Calasso, Herausgeber, Die Zürauer Aphorismen, Aphorismus 29 von 109, September 1917-April 1918, Aphorismen. Betrachtungen über Sünde, Leid, Hoffnung und den wahren Weg, 1931, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1970, 2006


  • Dem Problem der Toleranz dürften Sie kaum gewachsen sein, Ingenieur. Prägen Sie sich immerhin ein, dass Toleranz zum Verbrechen wird, wenn sie dem Bösen gilt.
    Thomas Mann [Werk BW 445] (1875-1955) deutscher Schriftsteller, Bildungsroman Der Zauberberg, 6. Kapitel, letzter Abschnitt "Als Soldat und brav", S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1924, 1954, S. 731, 1. April 1991, 2002


  • Wo das Gemeine geduldet wird, da gibt es den Ton an.
    August Julius Langbehn (1851-1907) deutscher Philosoph, Kulturkritiker, Schriftsteller, Rembrandt als Erzieher, Verlag C. L. Hirschfeld, Leipzig, 23. Auflage 1890, 9. Dezember 2012


  • [E]s war damals so wenig wie heute dem Menschenherzen möglich, Glauben und Aberglauben, Gottesvertrauen und Furcht vor seinem Widersacher gleichzeitig zu verbergen. Wo ein Gebet in der Weise jenes Heilrufes der erwachten Walküre erklang, da konnte das Flehen um Verschonen und Erbarmen nicht laut werden.
    Die Furcht vor dem Bösen wird nur dort treibende Kraft, wo das Vertrauen zum Guten es nicht mehr ist.
Bernhard Kummer (1897-1962) deutscher Germanist, Spezialist für altnordische Sprachen, Autor, Midgards Untergang. Germa-
nischer Kult und Glaube in den letzten heidnischen Jahrhunderten
, Leipzig, 1927


  • Das Böse ist – alles, was den Menschen von seinem inneren Herzen und somit von seiner Seele fern hält. Serge Benhayon (*1964) uruguaysch-australischer Lehrer, Therapeut, Philosoph, Autor, The Way of Initiation, S. 697, 3. Auflage 2016

Das verletzte Gute und das verteidigende Böse umarmen

Wenn das Böse dir gegenüber steht, dann schau ihm fest ins Auge.
Schaue solange hin, bis du im Spiegel der Augen deines Feindes dein eigenes Böses erkennen kannst.
Und dann ziehe dich zurück. Und schaue deinem eigenen Bösen fest ins Auge.
Schaue solange hin, bis du hinter ihm dein verletztes Gutes erkennen kannst.
Dann schließe sie beide, das verletzte Gute und das verteidigende Böse
so fest in die Arme deines Herzens wie du kannst
und kümmere dich nicht um den Feind.
Danke ihm im Stillen und lass ihn seine Wege gehen.
Sie werden die deinen nicht mehr kreuzen.
Solange du jedoch im Bewusstsein deines Rechts verharrst, wird dein Feind dein Feind bleiben.
Quelle: ► Safi Nidiaye (*1951) deutsche Meditationslehrerin, Zeitschriften- und Fernsehjournalistin, Dichterin, Schriftstellerin,
Die Stimme des Herzens. Der Weg zum größten aller Geheimnisse, Bastei Lübbe, 9. Auflage 25. April 2000
Siehe auch: ► Verletzlichkeit und ► Spiegel

Quotes by various other sources



Article Demons in the Bible, compiled and edited by BibleStudyTools, 20. July 2018

And I will put enmity between thee [Satan] and the woman, and between thy
seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 3, 15, King James Bible "authorized version", Cambridge edition (OT)


The intention of man's heart is evil from his youth. Genesis 8, 21 (OT)


But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such
an one as goeth on still in his trespasses.
Psalm 68, 21, King James Bible (OT)


Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and
over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Luke 10, 19 (NT)


Jesus recommendation: Exorcise demons through prayer. Mark 9, 29 (NT)


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12, 21 (NT)


To overcome evil with good is good. To resist evil with evil is evil.
Muhammad (570/571-632 BE) Saudiarabian founder of the religion of Islam


Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against
the devil's schemes.
Ephesians 6, 11 (NT)

When faced with spiritual struggle/battle against the "dark world"
and the "forces of evil", the armor of God includes a "belt of truth" and a "shield of faith".


For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them
in chains of darkness to be held for judgment.
2 Peter 2, 4 (NT)


The Supreme Personality of Godhead [Krishna] said: Son of Pṛthā, a transcendentalist
engagedin auspicious activities does not meet with destruction either in this world or
in the spiritual world; one who does good, My friend, is never overcome by evil.
Bhagavad Gita [LoC 910], 6, 40


To overcome evil with good is good. To resist evil with evil is evil.
Muhammad [LoC 740⇒700⇒130] (570/571-632 BE) Saudiarabian founder of the religion of Islam


Personal avowals

  • Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it.
    René Descartes [Father of Modern Philosophy] [LoC 490] (1596-1650) French philosopher, mathematician, key figure of the Scientific Revolution, writer, unsourced, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Being against evil doesn't make you good. Tonight I was against it and then I was evil myself. I could feel it coming just
    like a tide [...]. I just want to destroy them. But when you start taking pleasure in it you are awfully close to the thing
    you're fighting. Ernest Hemingway [Work LoC 400] (1899-1961) US American journalist, author, novel Islands in the Stream,
    written 1950/51, posthumously published by Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970


  • Psychedelic medicines, especially ayahuasca, are becoming increasingly popular. I have gained tremendous teachings from them myself. I was also nearly killed by the shamanic nature of the associated practice. I was naïve. I believed there was no such thing as "black magic." While people might practice such a thing, I thought it was belief in black magic
    that gave it its power. I was wrong. I did not believe in black magic, yet I became its victim.

    Looking at plant medicines, ayahuasca, shamanism, it is natural that people are attracted to the light, the wonderful as-
    pects. Shamanism itself is not shy about its darker side, but people coming to it from other cultures are likely to be as
    naïve as I was. Article by Martin Goodman (*1956) British journalist, cult critic, author, I Was Carlos Castaneda, 28. May 2001



Erfurt school massacre, 2002

  • Before the homocidal maniac Robert Steinhäuser committed suicide, he was confronted by one of his teachers, Rainer Heise, who walked up to the demasking shooter. Pausing, having established eye-contact with Steinhäuser, he said,
    "Du kannst mich jetzt erschießen." ("You can shoot me now."),
Steinhäuser is said to have answered,
"Herr Heise, für heute reicht's." ("Mr. Heise, that's enough for today.")
According to Heise, he then talked to Steinhäuser for a short period of time, luring him into the doorway of an empty
room. When Steinhäuser was in the doorway, Heise pushed Steinhäuser into the room and quickly locked the door.
Steinhäuser committed suicide shortly thereafter and his body was found by police a few hours after the shooting.
Erfurt school massacre, June 2002, partially cited in: article Brave teacher stopped gun rampage, presented by the press outlet
of the US American TV channel CNN, news outlet CNN edition, 27. April 2002



  • Noncooperation with evil is a sacred duty. You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and
    decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good per-
    son will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.
    Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, Non-Violent Resistance, Courier Corporation, 29. May 2001, S. 238, 2012; cited in: AZ Quotes



Alternative reference:

Revolutionary Psychology, chapter 1 "The Level of Being"

  • One must learn to receive the unpleasant manifestations of others with gladness. Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977) Columbian founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, lecturer, author, Practical Astrology.The Guide To Self-Knowledge, chapter 1
    "The Transformation of Impressions", Glorian Publishing, ebook, 2nd Kindle edition
    11. September 2013



  • I just won't get into a pissing contest with that skunk.
    Dwight D. Eisenhower [Influence LoC 480/455] (1890-1969) 34th US president (1953-1961), five-star general in the United States Army, war criminal, referring to Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957) US American politician, Republican US senator, 1953, cited in: William J. Bennett, America. The Last Best Hope, S. 316, Thomas Nelson, 1. April 2007


  • Let them throw their curses.
    If inside, I am connected to what’s true, my soul stays quiet and calm.
    Do you think Shiva worries what people will say?
    If a few ashes fall on a mirror use them to polish it.
    Lalla (720-790 BC) Indian mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, mystic, Coleman Barks (*1937) US American translator, poet, Naked Song, Maypop Books, 1. October 1992



  • Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
    God will not hold us guiltless.
    Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) German Lutheran pastor, theologian, anti-Nazi resistant, martyr of the Nazi regime, founding member of the Confessing Church, cited in: Eric Metaxas (*1963)
    US American radio host, speaker, author, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Thomas Nelson, 2010



  • Should we all confess our sins to one another we would all laugh at one another for our lack of originality.
    Should we all reveal our virtues we would also laugh for the same cause.
    Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese US American painter, philosopher, poet, writer, Will Jonson, editor, Sand and Foam,
    CreateSpace, Independent Publishing Platform, 27. September 2014


Warning – Caveat

  • We're dealing with religious fundamentalists. The people that run our planet are religious fundamentalists. And it's not Christianity, it's not Judaism, and it's not Islam, it's Luciferianism. We're all going to have to sit back and take in the fact, whether we like it or not. Playing ostrich doesn't make this go away. The people who have the money, the people who are running the military industrial complex at the highest levels, they are fundamentalist Luciferians. They believe that Lucifer is the good guy and that the average person is the enemy, that they're useless eaters and worthless sheep. And that they deserve to have dominance over this planet and that we should all serve them. And they're willing to have some of us here, but a lot less than there are now. That's their plan.
    Audio interview with David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, Ep. 259 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ David Wilcock UFO LIVE on air, Transcript, presented by the US American radio station Fade to Black, host Jimmy Church, YouTube film, minute 52:27, 2:59:15 duration, aired 25. May 2015, posted 10. June 2015



  • [Paraphrased] The man in the street does not notice the devil even when the devil is holding him by the throat.
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe [LoC 465] (1749-1832) German polymath, poet, playwright, dramatist, novelist, drama play Faust.
    A Tragedy, Part One
    , published 1808


  • We all have the potential to be killers. We found that the people who are the most violent are those who are incap-
    able of embracing their own potential for evil. By projecting their shadow, their evil, onto the other, they justify their vio-
    lence. They think they're emphasizing their purity, or restoring their purity, by destroying someone else.
    Howard Thurman, Ph.D. (1899-1981) US American college professor, theologian, philosopher, educator, civil rights leader, author,
    named among the 25 Most Influential People by weekly news magazine TIME in 1997





  • We have met the enemy, and he is us. Earth Day poster featuring 'Pogo' and Porkypine,
    written and illustrated by Walt Kelly (1913-1973) US American animator, cartoonist, best known for the classic comic strip Pogo, 1971



  • Now, people say when they commit sin, that they do not intend to do so always; they intend to turn away from sin.
    That is just as though a man were to kill himself and suppose that he could make himself alive again by his own
    strength. That is, however, impossible; but to turn from sin by one's own power and come to God is still much
    more impossible.
    Therefore, whosoever is to turn from sin and come to God in His heavenly kingdom, must be
    drawn by the heavenly Father with the might of His divine power.
    Meister Eckhart O.P. (Eckhart of Hochheim) [LoC 705] (1260-1328) German mystic, Dominican theologian, philosopher, Meister Eckhart's Sermons and on Cleaving to God, Benediction Books, S. 7, 26. January 2010


  • The only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won’t let go of your life: your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away, but they're not punishing you, they're freeing your soul. If you're frightened of dying and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you’ve made your peace, then the devils are really angels freeing you from the earth. Meister Eckhart O.P. (Eckhart of Hochheim) [LoC 705] (1260-1328) German mystic, Dominican theologian, philosopher, referenced in the US American psychological horror film Jacob's Ladder, 1990, cited in: Quotes



On mystics

  • True negativity is not what someone else says to you, does to you, hurts your feelings.
  • Negativity is when you know you could heal yourself and you choose otherwise.
  • Negativity is when your intuition tells you: Quit this job! And you don't.
  • You want negativity? Accept shame and let it mutate in your soul.
  • Everybody is vulnerable. The real risk is to sabotage yourself.
  • The risk is to be powerful. Negativity is to disclaim your power.
    Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Living a Fearless Life: Why Not Risk It All?, part 2, sponsored by Omega Conference, archived by Myss Digital Media, New York City, New York, part 2, 27:44 minutes duration, 31. March-2. April 2006


  • The vibrations of evil that mankind leaves in the ether upset the normal harmonious balance of the Earth. When the Earth becomes very heavy with disease and evil, these etheric disturbances cause the world to give way to earth-
    quakes, floods, and other natural disasters.
    Paramahansa Yogananda [Mukunda Lal Ghosh] [LoC 540] (1893-1952) Bengalian Indian Hindu sage, yogi, philosopher, author,
    World Crisis – Paramahansa Yogananda Best Quotes, presented by the website yogananda.com


  • It is a fact that cannot be denied: the wickedness of others becomes our own wickedness because it kindles some-
    thing evil in our hearts. [...] the sight of evil kindles evil in the soul.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, au-
    thor, Gerhard Adler, translator,‎ R. F. C. Hull, translator, Civilization in Transition – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 10, 1928, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2nd edition 1. August 1970; cited in: Carl Jung Quotations


  • Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology,
    author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Evil has us in its grip [...] for only the fool can permanently disregard the conditions of his own nature. In fact, this negligence is the best means of making him an instrument of evil.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology
    author, Gerhard Adler, translator,‎ R. F. C. Hull, translator, Civilization in Transition – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 10, paragraph 572, 1928, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2nd edition 1. August 1970


  • Jung often maintained that if one had in himself only 3 percent of all the evil one sees in the other fellow or projects onto him, and the other fellow possessed in fact the other 97 percent, it would still be wiser to look one's own 3 per-
    cent in the eye, because, as is well known, it is only in oneself that one can change anything, almost never in others.
    Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, scholar, author, Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psy-
    chology. Reflections of the Soul
    , 1980, S. 27-28, Court Publishing Company, reprint edition 19. December 1985


  • The devil is a preliminary stage of individuation, in the negative it has the same goal as the divine quaternity, name-
    ly, wholeness. Although it is still darkness, it already carries the germ of light within itself. Its activities are still dange-
    rous and deadly, but at the same time it is like the darkness of earth in which the seed germinates.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, au-
    thor, Maria Meyer-Grass and Lorenz Jung, editors, Ernst Falzeder and Tony Woolfson, translators, Children's Dreams. Notes from
    the Seminar Given in 1936-1940
    , S. 372, Princeton University Press, paperback 2010


  • No, the demons are not banished; that is a difficult task that still lies ahead […]. Every man who loses his shadow, every nation that falls into self-righteousness, is their prey […]. We should not forget that exactly the same fatal tendency to collectivization is present in the victorious nations as in the Germans, that they can just as sud-
    denly become a victim of the demonic powers. Interview with Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychia-
    trist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, "Werden die Seelen Frieden finden?" [Will the souls
    rest in peace?], presented by the Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche, host Peter Schmid, Zürich, 11. May 1945


  • It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. […] The individual seldom knows anything of this […] but let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster; and each individual is only one tiny cell in the monster's body, so that for better or worse he must accompany it on its bloody rampages and even assist it to the ut-
    most. Having a dark suspicion of these grim possibilities, man turns a blind eye to the shadow-side of human nature.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, R. F. C. Hull, translator, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 7, essay "On the Psychology of the Unconscious", S. 35, 1912, Princeton University Press, 1967, 2nd edition 1. April 1972, Routledge, London, 2nd edition 1992



Satanic influence

  • Satan or Beelzebub or Azazel or by whatever name you wish to call this being is clearly a Sumerian [Babylonian] god having the powers of suggestion and the powers of telepathic communication which can cause great havoc. This personage is given credit in the Book of Enoch for the reason why the gods had not rescued human beings because he had messed us up so badly. The idea is that this Azazel survived the flood and is still giving us problems.
    The good news is that the gods are just like us, and the bad news is that the gods are just like us. If we can be Ange-
    , we can be diabolical. If they can be Angelic, they can be diabolical, and they are.
    Audio interview with Father Charles L. Moore (1927-2007) US American Roman Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher, scholar, historian, district attorney, spiritual teacher, modern mystic, Father Charles Moore – Biblical History, presented by the US American
    talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host Art Bell (1945-2018) US American founder of C2C, broadcaster, author, recorded
    16. November 1999, YouTube film, minute 2:46:03, 3:08:39 duration, posted 24. June 2016


  • Self-righteousness is a loud din raised to drown the voice of guilt within us.
    Eric Hoffer [LoC 505] (1902-1983) US American philosopher, social writer, The True Believer, 1980; cited in: AZ Quotes




  • The first and most conspicuous effect of Illumination into full Cosmic Conscious-
    ness is one's awareness of the utter absence of evil, sin, or shame. There is no
    thought of such an unbalanced condition while in the one ecstatic condition of perfect balance, which the Light of love is. […]
    That which Man calls evil, sin, or shame – or any of its attributes, such as anger, jealousy, worry, fear, cruelty, lust, or the greeds which lead to murders and wars – are unbalanced conditions created by Man who has not yet learned the law love, which demands equal interchange between all opposite conditions in all human relations.
    Man, himself, has manufactured evil, sin, and shame because of the impossibility of keeping himself in balance due
    to his greeds, which impel him to take what he wants without giving in order to be regiven. There is no such thing in
    Nature as evil, sin, or shame. Nature is never unbalanced. The heavens give light and rains to earth and earth re-
    gives equally of her forests, crops, and vapors that replenish the heavens.
    That is Nature's manifestation of the law of love, which keeps Nature ever in balance.
    Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, painter, sculptor, builder, author on the unified
    theory in physics and cosmogony, Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness, unit 2, lesson 7, 1950, revised edition 2001


Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Italian painter
  • Today, most of the good people are afraid to be good. They strive to be broadminded and tolerant! It is fashionable to be tolerant – but mostly tolerant of evil – and this new code has reached the proportions of demanding intolerance of good. The wall of re-
    sistance to evil has thus been broken down
    and no longer affords protection to those who, persecuted by evil doers, stand in need of it. Edith Starr Miller [Lady Queenborough] (1887-1933) New York socialite, anti-Mormon agitator, researcher of secret societies, author, Occult Theocracy, S. 661, Imprimerie F. Paillart, Abbeville, France, 1933, paperback issue 13. May 2009


  • The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. Albert Einstein [LoC 499] (1879-1955) German-born US American theoretical physicist, developer of the theory of general rela-
    , Nobel Prize laureate, 1921, cited in: Gad Yaacobi (1935-2007)
    Israeli Minister, Alignment Knesset member, Israel ambassador to the United Nations, Breakthrough. Israel in a Changing World, S. 98, Associated University Presses, 1996


  • Before we see the Christ in ourselves we have to see the Hitler in ourselves. Verbal statement by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. [Social impact LoC 485] (1926-2004) Swiss US American psychiatrist, death and dying researcher, founder of Near-death studies, author, 1976, cited in: John E. Welshons, One Soul, One Love, One Heart: The Sacred Path to Healing All Relationships, S. 217, New World Library, Novato, California, 2009


  • It is not their sins per se that characterize evil people, rather it is the subtlety and persistence and consistence of their sins. This is because the central defect of evil is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it. [...]
    How can this be? How can they be evil and not designated as criminals? The key lies in the word "designated". They are criminals in that they commit "crimes" against life and liveliness. But except in rare instances – such as the case
    of a Hitler – when they might achieve extraordinary degrees of political power that remove them from ordinary re-
    straints, their "crimes" are so subtle and covert that they cannot clearly be designated as crimes. [...]
    Since I distinguish between evil people and ordinary criminals, I also obviously make the distinction between evil as
    a personality characteristic and evil deeds. In other words, evil deeds do not an evil person make. Otherwise we
    should all be evil, because we all do evil things. [...]
    Of course there are crimes of greater and lesser magnitude. It is a mistake, however, to think of sin or evil as a mat-
    ter of degree. It may seem less odious to cheat the rich than the poor, but it is still cheating. There are differences
    before the law between defrauding a business, claiming a false deduction on your income tax, using a crib sheet in
    an examination, telling your wife that you have to work late when you are unfaithful, or telling your husband (or
    yourself) that you didn't have time to pick up his clothes at the cleaner, when you spent an hour on the phone with
    your neighbor.
    Surely one is more excusable than the other – and perhaps all the more so under certain circumstances – but the
    fact remains that they are all lies and betrayals. If you are sufficiently scrupulous to not have done any such thing
    recently, then ask whether there is any way in which you have lied to yourself. Or have kidded yourself. [...]
    If evil people cannot be defined by the illegality of their deeds or the magnitude of their sins, then how are we to
    define them? The answer is by the consistency of their sins. While usually subtle, their destructiveness is remark-
    ably consistent. This is because those who have "crossed over the line" are characterized by their absolute re-
    fusal to tolerate the sense of their own sinfulness.
    M. Scott Peck [LoC 475] (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author, People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human Evil [LoC 450], S. 69-71, Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition 2. January 1998


  • There are quite popular systems of thought these days, such as Christian Science [LoC 410] or the Course
    in Miracles
    [LoC 550/600], which define evil as unreality. It is a half-truth. The spirit of evil is one of unreality, but
    it itself is real. It really exists.
    To think otherwise is to be misled.
    Indeed, as several have commented, perhaps Sa-
    tan's best deception is its general success in concealing its own reality from the human mind.
    M. Scott Peck [LoC 475] (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author, People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human Evil, S. 208, Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition 2. January 1998



[Paraphrased variant] Fairy tales are more than true – not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.

  • Fairy tales, then, are not responsible for producing in children fear, or any of the shapes of fear; fairy tales do not give the child the idea of the evil or the ugly; that is in the child already, because it is in the world already. Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon. Exactly what the fairy tale does is this: it accustoms him for a series of clear pictures to the idea that these limitless terrors had a limit, that these shapeless enemies have enemies in the knights of God, that there is something in the universe more mystical than darkness, and stronger than strong fear.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) British journalist, writer, Tremendous Trifles, chapter XVII "The Red Angel", 1909




  • Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.
    Remark by John Stuart Mill [LoC 450, work LoC 465] (1806-1873) English philosopher, economist, 1867, possibly the basis of:
    • All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing. Falsely attributed to Edmund Burke [LoC 410] (1729-1797) Irish British statesman, political theorist, philosopher, orator, author



Definition of psychopathy



Distraced by bread and circuses

  • The evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease. Attributed to Juvenal (55-140 AD) Roman satirical poet, collection of satirical poems Satires, written ~100 AD, cited in: Ben Moreell, article Of Bread and Circuses, presented by the defunct American libertarian magazine The Freeman, S. 29-32, left column of S. 31, January 1956



  • There is no escape from the world, the flesh, and the devil; they can only be truly renounced by being faced and overcome. The less evil is recognized, the more dangerous it is. To the extent that we [have not made the dark-
    ness conscious] we are complicit in the co-creation of evil playing out in the world. Paul Levy (*1956) US American
    psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


  • Evil can only happen in the global body politic when good people, looking away, remain silent and do nothing. Just as in a family system, the perpetrator does everything in their power to promote forgetting. All the perpetrator asks is that the bystander do nothing and remain indifferent, appealing to the near-universal desire to see, hear, and speak no evil. And yet, as Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us, "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
    Some spiritual practitioners, for example, use their practice as a way to avoid dealing with real life problems. Every
    genuinely accomplished spiritual practitioner that I know, on the other hand, is fully engaged with participating in life. Spiritual practitioners who don't recognize the outer universe as a continually unfolding revelation of their inner pro-
    cess become entranced by and absorbed into the spell of their own narcissism and ironically, in their quest for enligh-
    , fall into a state of self-hypnosis which limits their active participation in the world and is lacking in genuine compassion. Dis-engaging from the greater body politic as an avoidance of being in relationship with a part of them-
    selves, they are unwittingly supporting the cause of wetiko. Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer,
    artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


  • It can be traumatizing for people to recognize their own complicity in the evil that's playing out. And sometimes it's just being silent – as a secretary in a multi-level corporation and yet you're [turning] the wheel that is perpetrating genocide, eventually. Video interview with Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, A Conversation with Paul Levy – Awaken in the Dream [the curse of evil], presented by "More than Astrology", host Gemini Brett, YouTube film, minute 1:14:07, 1:49:28 duration, posted 21. October 2015



Investigating the thesis "The bad is stronger than the good"

  • Our memory for bad things is more robust than for good things. […] Losing twenty dollars stings more than finding twenty dollars pleases. Slides of negative stimuli (pictures of mutilated faces or a dead cat) trigger stronger activation in brain regions associated with evaluative judgments than slides of positive stimuli (a picture of a pizza slice, a bowl of cho-
    colate). Negative things, Paul Rozin observes, contaminate the positive more readily than vice versa. A cockroach
    walks near a plate of truffles and they're ruined. Place a truffle near a pile of cockroaches and […] they're still dis-
    gusting. Dacher Keltner, Ph.D. (*1962) US American professor of psychology, University of California, Berkeley, director of the Greater Good Science Center, author, Born to Be Good. The Science of a Meaningful Life, W. W. Norton, 12. January 2009,
    cited in: article Born to Be Good, presented by the US American newspaper The New York Times, S. 4 of 6, 18. January 2009



The daemonic turned demonic

  • [The daemonic is] any natural function which has the power to take over the whole person [or whole nation] […] the daemonic can either be creative or destructive [i.e., demonic], but it is normally both […]. Violence is the daemonic gone awry […] ages [such as ours] tend to be times when the daemonic is expressed in its most destructive form. The daimonic is obviously not an entity but refers to a fundamental, archetypal function of human experience – an existential reality.
    Rollo May may-rollo (1909-1994) US American existential psychologist, author, Love and Will, S. 123-124, W. W. Norton & Company, 1969


  • There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play […]
    Evil is never intended as evil. Indeed, the contradiction inherent in all evil is that it originates in the desire to eliminate evil. [...] Evil arises in the honored belief that history can be tidied up, brought to a sensible conclusion. It is evil to act as though the past is bringing us to a specifiable end. It is evil to assume that the past will make sense only if we bring it to an issue we have clearly in
    view. It is evil for a nation to believe it is "the last, best hope on earth." It is evil to think history is to end with a re-
    turn to Zion, or with the classless society, or with the Islamicization of all living infidels.
    Your history does not belong to me. We live with each other in a common history.
    Infinite players understand the inescapable likelihood of evil. They therefore do not attempt to eliminate evil
    in others, for to do so is the very impulse of evil itself, and therefore a contradiction. They only attempt paradoxi-
    cally to recognize in themselves the evil that takes the form of attempting to eliminate evil elsewhere. Evil is not
    the inclusion of finite games in an infinite game, but the restriction of all play to one or another finite games.
    James P. Carse, US American professor emeritus of theology, literature of religion, history, New York University, author,
    Finite and Infinite Games, Ballantine Books, New York, 1987, Free Press, 5. January 2013


  • No one is obliged to observe his oath of service towards a person who has broken the oath a thousand times over.
    Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg [LoC 440] (1907-1944) German Wehrmacht army officer, Catholic aristocrat, central figure
    of the German Resistance movement, shot at a failed plot to assassinate Fuehrer-dictator Adolf Hitler [LoC 430⇒40], Check-
    point Charlie Museum, Berlin, Germany


  • The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil.
    Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) German-Jewish political theorist, philosopher, specialized in analyzing the rise of totalitarianism,
    author, The Life of the Mind, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977-1978


  • The commitment of free-thinking people to psychiatric hospitals is spiritual murder, it is another version of the
    gas chamber, but even more cruel: The sufferings of those being killed are more painful and more prolonged.
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Soviet and Russian historian, imprisoned in the Soviet gulag, dramatist, novelist, Nobel
    laureate in literature, 1970, cited in: John Barron (1930 -2005) was an American journalist and investigative writer, KGB. The
    Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents
    , Bantam Books, 1974


  • Ten Uncommon Insights Into Evil – derived from The Lord of the Rings
    1. Evil is Real.
    2. Evil is Immortal.
    3. Evil is Obvious.
    4. Knowledge is Not Always Good.
    5. Evil Defeats Itself.
    6. Evil is Used for Good.
    7. The Weapon of Sacrifice.
    8. The Weapon of Humility.
    9. The Weapon of Friendship.
    10. The Weapon of Words.
Audio presentation by Peter Kreeft, Ph.D. (*1937) US American Catholic professor of philosophy, Boston College, The King's
College, writer on philosophy, Christian theology and Roman Catholic apologetics, Insights into Evil, presented by the MacLaurin
Institute, 47:47 minutes duration, 4. April 2003


  • The black magicians have their mysticism, and they always firmly believe that they walk on the good path. No black magician believes that he walks on the evil path. The path of black magic is a broad way filled with vices and plea-
    sures. Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977) Columbian founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, lecturer, author, The Revolution of Beelzebub. Gnosis, Anthropogenesis, and the War in Heaven, S. 40 [1950], Glorian Publishing, 2010



Dark triad

  • All three dark triad traits are […] associated with a callous-manipulative interpersonal style.
Narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of
Machiavellianism is characterized by manipulation and exploitation of others, a cynical disregard for morality,
     and a focus on self-interest and deception.
Psychopathy is characterized by continuing antisocial behavior, impulsivity, selfishness, callousness, and re-
Dark triad, en.Wikipedia, status October 2017


  • Since men must now hold for dear life onto the self-transcending meanings of the society in which they live, onto the immortality symbols which guarentee them indefinite duration of some kind, a new kind of instability and anxiety are created. And this anxiety is precisely what spills over into the affairs of men. In seeking to avoid evil, man is respon-
    sible for bringing more evil into the world than organisms could ever do merely by excercising their digestive tracts.
    It is man's ingenuity, rather than his animal nature, that has given his fellow creatures such a bitter earthly fate.
    Ernest Becker (1924-1974) US American cultural anthropologist, interdisciplinary scientific thinker, writer, Pulitzer recipient, 1974, Escape from Evil, S. 5, 1975, Free Press, reissue paperback edition 1. March 1985


  • The identification of the mana figure with one's own well-being still influences too the democratic voting process: just
    as in traditional society, we tend to vote for the person who already represents health, wealth, and success so that
    some of it may rub off on us. Ernest Becker (1924-1974) US American cultural anthropologist, interdisciplinary scientific thin-
    ker, writer, Pulitzer recipient, 1974, Escape from Evil, S. 5, 1975, Free Press, reissue paperback edition 1. March 1985


  • Each person nourishes his immortality in the ideology of self-perpetuation to which he gives self-allegiance; this gives life the only abiding significance it can have. No wonder men go into a rage over fine points of belief: if your adversary wins the argument about truth, you die. Your immortality system has been shown to be fallible, your life becomes fal-
    lible. Ernest Becker (1924-1974) US American cultural anthropologist, interdisciplinary scientific thinker, writer, Pulitzer recipient, 1974, Escape from Evil, 1975, Free Press, reissue paperback edition 1. March 1985


  • All power is in essence power to deny mortality. Either that or it is not real power at all, not ultimate power, not the power that mankind is really obsessed with. Power means power to increase oneself, to change one's natural situ-
    ation from one of smallness, helplessness, finitude, to one of bigness, control, durability, importance.
    Ernest Becker (1924-1974) US American cultural anthropologist, interdisciplinary scientific thinker, writer, Pulitzer recipient, 1974, Escape from Evil, 1975, Free Press, reissue paperback edition 1. March 1985



Internet trolls related to the "Dark Tetrad"

  • Trolls are, as has often been suspected, a minority of online commenters, and an even smaller minority of overall Internet users. […]
    People who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad:
    1. Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others),
    2. narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
    3. psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy),
    4. and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
The study found correlations, sometimes quite significant, between these traits and trolling behavior. What's more, it also found a relationship between all Dark Tetrad traits (except for narcissism) and the overall time that an individual spent, per day, commenting on the Internet. Article Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People. Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic., presented by the US American online magazine Slate, Chris Mooney, 14. February 2014


  • The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.
    Alternative version: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
    [La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas.
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) French art critic, pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe, poet, essayist, first published by the French newspaper Le Figaro, 1864; collection of 50 short prose poems Le Spleen de Paris, XXIX "Le Joueur généreux", 1869


  • No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back. Turkish proverb


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Evil

Literary quotes


The Mephisto principle

  • I am part of the force which would do evil evermore, and yet creates the good. Johann Wolfgang Goethe [LoC 465] (1749-1832) German polymath, poet, playwright, dramatist, novelist, character Mephisto in: drama Faust. A Tragedy [1808], Thomas Boosey and Sons, London, 1821, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1976




  • Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil. Thomas Mann [Work LoC 445] (1875-1955) German writer, Woods, translator, The Magic Mountain, chapter 6, section "A Good Soldier", (1924), Alfred A. Knopf, 1927, S. 506, 1996



  • Woe holds at last the place of our gladness.
    Hear, now, this counsel for your certainness:
    Upon your most glad day, bear then in mind
    The unknown harm and woe [memories replaying] that come behind.

    Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) [Father of English literature] [LoC 480] (1343-1400) English poet of the Middle Ages,
    The Canterbury Tales, 1387-1400, S. 123, Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 2004

Google's motto: Don't be evil.

Note: Google, an outlet of the Pentagon from start, turned to evil, turned AI.
Google officially dropped the above motto in its 2015 restructuring.

Quotes by Philip Zimbardo

And now the giants, who have been begotten from body and flesh, will be called evil spirits on earth, and their dwelling-places will be upon the
earth. Evil spirits proceed from their bodies; because they are created from above, their beginning and first basis being from the holy watchers,
they will be evil spirits upon the earth, and will be called evil spirits. But the spirits of heaven have their dwelling-places in heaven, and the spirits
of the earth, who were born on the earth, have their dwelling-places on earth. And the spirits of the giants, who cast themselves upon the clouds,
will be destroyed and fall, and will battle and cause destruction on the earth, and do evil; they will take no kind of food, nor will they become thirsty,
and they will be invisible. And these spirits will not rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded
from them, in the days of murder and destruction.

Book of Enoch, ancient Jewish religious scripture, chapter XV, verses 8-12, ~300 BC-100 BC
Now the giants, who have been born of spirit and of flesh, shall be called upon earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil
spirits shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy Watchers was their beginning and primary
foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven
shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth. The spirits of the giants shall be
like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth.They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat; and
they shall be thirsty; they shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; for they come forth du-
ring the days of slaughter and destruction.

Book of Enoch, ancient Jewish religious scripture, chapter 15, verses 8-12, alternative source, ~300 BC-100 BC


Personal avowals

  • The prison study has given me a new understanding of what "heroism" means. It's not some egocentric, I'm-going-to-
    rush-into-that-burning-building thing – it's about seeing something that needs to be addressed and saying, I need
    to help and do something to make it better.
    Christina Maslach, Ph.D. US American, professor of social psychology, University of California, Berkeley, cited in: retrospective of
    the famous Stanford Prison Experiment The Menace Within, presented by the Stanford Alumni Magazine, Romesh Ratnesar, 2011


  • I find it interesting that no one realized at the time, how a human will adapt to a situation, and remove themselves from
    rationality. I believe there are people who can be controlled without much prevarication, and there are people who can
    just naturally fall into the role of power. This study, would not have been the same, if a personality test had been done,
    and people would have been thrown into a role that was opposite of their personality.
    Reader’s comment by Mrs. Shirley Jensen, 22. November 2012, cited in: retrospective of the famous Stanford Prison Experiment
    The Menace Within, presented by the Stanford Alumni Magazine, Romesh Ratnesar, 2011




Good, passive people are programmed to the bystander effect.

  • The reason that most people do nothing is that they respect every mother in the world who tells their child: "Mind your own business. Don't get involved." People get programmed not to look at evil, to mind their own business, not to get involved, not to take the heroic action. And essentially what it is we're also being programmed to be egocentric. Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author, commenting as expert in the documentary I Am Fishhead – Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?, produced by FHmovie.com, Misha Votruba Vaclav Dejcmar, 2011, YouTube film, minute 56:34, 1:1816 duration, posted 23. May 2013

Definition of evil

  • A simple definition of evil is: knowing better and doing worse.
    Evil is the exercise of power to intentionally harm, demean, debase, degrade, dehumanize other people, to hurt physically, torture, abuse or to destroy, to kill other people, or symbolically to kill religions, concepts.
    Evil is an exercise of power: putting cruelty into the world and demeaning human dignity.
    Video presentation by Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor of social psychology, author, The Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, sponsored and presented by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Tech-
    nology and Culture Forum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, delivered and recorded 2. April 2007, YouTube film, minute 16:22, 17:10,
    1:50:58 Dauer, eingestellt 15. November 2014


  • [Paraphrased] Why do ordinary people turn evil?
    Social science researcher Albert Bandura, Ph.D. (1925-2021) found these reasons:
    1. Dehumanisation,
    2. Diffusion of responsibility,
    3. Obedience to authority,
    4. Unjust systems,
    5. Group pressure,
    6. Power and control,
    7. Moral disengagement
    8. Anonymity.
Video presentation by Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author, What Makes a Hero?, commencement address, University of Puget Sound, 19. May 2013, YouTube film, minute 0:23,
9:14 minutes duration, 12. January 2011



  • We had arranged for everyone involved [mostly young white and middle-class males] – the prisoners, guards and staff – to be interviewed on Friday by other faculty members and graduate students who had not been involved in the study. Christina Maslach, who had just finished her PhD, came down the night before. She's standing outside the guard quar-
    ters and watches the guards line up the prisoners for the 10 o'clock toilet run. The prisoners come out, and the guards put bags over their heads, chain their feet together and make them put their hands on each other's shoulders, like a chain gang. They're yelling and cursing at them. Christina starts tearing up. She [sick to her stomach, physically ill]
    said, "I can't look at this."
    I ran after her and we had this argument outside Jordan Hall. She said, "It's terrible what you're doing to these boys. How can you see what I saw and not care about the suffering?" But I didn't see what she saw. And I suddenly began
    to feel ashamed. This is when I realized I had been transformed by the prison study to become the prison admini-
    strator. At that point I said, "You're right. We've got to end the study."
    Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor of social psychology, leader of the notorious 1971 Stanford Prison Experi-
    , author, Stanford Prison Experiment, author, cited in: retrospective of the famous Stanford Prison Experiment The Menace Within, presented by the Stanford Alumni Magazine, Romesh Ratnesar, 2011

Quotes by M. Scott Peck – My Lai Massacre (case study)

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for
he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
John 8, 44-45 (NT)


M. Scott Peck examined group evil, discussing how human group morality is strikingly less than individual morality.
This is partly the result of specialization, which allows people to avoid individual responsibility and pass the buck,
resulting in a reduction of group conscience


Peck's analysis of the My Lai Massacre reduces group evil to a manifestation of conscienceless behavior brought
about by individual laziness and narcissism. Peck calls for the constitution of a genuine psychology of evil.

Vietnamese women and children in seconds before being killed
Massacre in Mỹ Lai, 16 March 1968
  • I was once [1972] directed by the Chief of Staff of the Army to pre-
    pare an analysis of the psychological causes of the My Lai atro-
    cities and their subsequent cover-up, with recommendations for research that might prevent such behavior in the future. The re-
    commendations were disapproved by the Army general staff on the basis that the research recommended could not be kept se-
    . "The existence of such research might open us up to further challenge. The President [Richard Nixon] and the Army don't need more challenges at this time," I was told. Thus an analysis of the reasons for an incident that was covered up was itself covered up. M. Scott Peck (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychothe-
    rapist, author, The Road Less Traveled, 1st edition 1978, Random House United Kingdom, 15. March 1990, Touchstone, 25th anniversary edition
    4. February 2003


ONE person only willing to alert to genocide and psychopathology

  • The fact that the American public learned about My Lai at all was due solely to a letter that Ron Ridenhour wrote at the end of March 1969 to several congressmen about the atrocities more than a year after they had occurred. Ridenhour had not himself been a part of Task Force Barker but had later heard of the atro-
    cities in idle conversation from friends who had been at My Lai, and he wrote the letter three months after his return to civilian life.
    In the spring of 1972 I was chairman of a committee of three psychiatrists appointed by the Army Surgeon General, at the request of the Chief of Staff of the Army, to make recommen-
    dations for research that might shed light on the psychologi-
    cal causes of My Lai, so as to help prevent such atrocities in the future. The research we proposed was re-
    jected by the General Staff of the Army, reportedly on the grounds that it could not be kept secret and might prove embarrassing to the administration and that "further embarrassment was not desirable at that time".

    The rejection of the recommendations of the committee for research is symbolic of several issues. One is that any re-
    search into the nature of evil is likely to prove embarrassing, not only to those who are the designated subjects of the research but also to the researchers themselves. If we are to study the nature of human evil, it is doubtful how clearly we will be able to separate them from us; it will most likely be our own natures we are examining. Undoubtedly, this potential for embarrassment is one of the reasons we have thus far failed to develop a psychology of evil.
    The rejection by the General Staff of our recommendations for research also highlights the fact that in considering
    the evil at My Lai – as in all our other considerations of evil – we suffer from a simple lack of scientific knowledge.
    In tune with what has preceded, much of what follows is only speculative. We will inevitably be limited to specula-
    tion until such time as we have been able to develop, through scientific research, a body of knowledge that consti-
    tutes a genuine psychology of evil.
    M. Scott Peck (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author, People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human
    , chapter 6 "MyLai. An Examination of Group Evil", Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition 2. January 1998


Using the My Lai Massacre as a case study M. Scott Peck also examines group evil, discussing how human group morality is strikingly less than individual morality. Partly he considers this to be a result of specialization, which allows people to avoid
individual responsibility and pass the buck, resulting in a reduction of group conscience.


M. Scott Peck (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author, Biographical Information, People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human Evil, chapter 6 "My Lai. An Examination of Group Evil", Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition
2. January 1998


  • Evil is the exercise of power, the imposing of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion.


  • The core of evil is ego-centricity, whereby others are sacrificed rather than the ego of the individual.


  • Evil was defined as the use of the power to destroy the spiritual growth of others for the purpose of defending and preserving the integrity of our own sick selves. In short, it is scapegoating.


  1. The evil hide their motives with lies.
  2. Evil people want to appear to be good.
  3. When confronted by evil, the wisest and most secure adult will usually experience confusion.
  4. Evil seeks to discourage others to think for themselves (fosters dependency).
  5. To oppose evil we must have an ongoing dedication to reality at all cost.


► Book review by Barton Knapp, People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, presented by the independent scientific
     SAGE Journal, first published 1. April 1984
► Blogspot by Arthur Silber, The Culture of the Lie, III: Creating Hell on Earth, 29. June 2006
► Article My Lai, Sexual Assault and the Black Blouse Girl: Forty-Five Years Later, One of America’s Most Iconic Photos
     Hides Truth in Plain Sight
, Valerie Wieskamp, 29. October 2013
References: en.Wikipedia entries My Lai Massacre and ► M. Scott Peck
See also:
Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages
Conflict and ► Conscience and ► Narcissism

Englische Texte – English section on Negativity

Catch phrases corresponding to various levels of consciousness (LoC)

Attractor fields, consciousness levels and respective verbal clues
AttractorLoCCatch phrase
David Logan
World population
1. Parasitc Survival DemonicShame, guilt, apathy 1-74 Life sucks!2%
2. Predatory Victimhood SatanicGrief, fear, greed, anger 75-174 My life sucks!
I don't give a damn!
3. Competitive Success LucifericPride 175-199 I'm great
(and you're not)!
4. Symbiotic Value team Integrous
Courage, positivity, good will, acceptance, reason
200-499 We're great
(and they're not)!
5. Mutational Service NonlinearTrue love, forgiveness, wisdom 500+ Life is great!2%
6. Homo spiritus Devotion NondualPeace 600+ God is (in) ALL life!0.01%
Reference: ► Five types of clusterings in companies and societyDavid Logan
See also:
Models of leadership, value creation and democracy – Richard Barrett
Appeasing the demons – as practiced by Tsultrim Allione
Levels of consciousness

The Banality of Evil – Hannah Arendt

In 1963 the German-Jewish political theorist Hannah Arendt published her book Eichmann in Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil, based on the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem.
Eichmann was a top administrator in the machinery of the Nazi death camps. Arendt's concept of the banality of evil be-
came popular then. She posited that people who carry out abominable crimes may not be crazy fanatics, but rather ordinary
who accept the premises of their state and participate in ongoing enterprises with the energy of unscrupulous bureaucrats.


The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and
of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together.
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) German-Jewish political theorist, philosopher specializing in analyzing the rise of totalitarianism,
author, Eichmann in Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil, Viking Press, 1963

Moral corruption by the power of controlling others – Lord of the Flies effect

Stanley Milgram's experiment:
An actor, posing as the ‘Learner’ in an experiment, was given a memory test. If he got an answer wrong, the teachers (who were actually the testees) of the experiment were told to deliver ever increasing electric shocks to the learner. The shocks were not real though, the learner responded convincingly as though he had.
The shocking result of Milgram's experiment was that all of 40 teachers had been willing to administer shocks of 300 volts and two-thirds had ordered the full voltage of 450-volt shocks, despite the screams of the learner, who demanded to be released from the study.
The tested teachers were repeatedly 'ordered' to continue to 'punish' and were told that they were not to take any blame
as the experimenter would take ultimate responsibility in case of fatalities.


Milgram's experiment confirmed Hannah Arendt's Banality of Evil conclusion in view of Adolf Eichmann's trial in Nuremberg. Evildoers are not monsters, they are rather like the next door neighbor. Before Milgram Ahrendt had concluded: Given certain circumstances ordinary people will place obedience to authority ( "I was just following orders.") above their
own moral values. Most people are villains of the moment.

In 1971 US American professor of psychology Philip G. Zimbardo at Stanford University, a high school class mate of Stan-
ley Milgram, took up the scenario of William Golding's novel The Lord of the Flies issued in 1954. He created a mock prison experiment at Stanford University. Middle-class university students, who were supposedly the most psychologically stable of the volunteers, were assigned the roles of guards or prisoners. Zimbardo himself took on the role of the prison
super intendent.


The student guards became more and more sadistic, the prisoner students accepted their humiliating treatment.
One third of the guards have exhibited actual 'sadistic' tendencies.
The prisoners were emotionally traumatized by the experience.
Planned for two weeks the experiment got so out of hand that Zimbardo stopped it after 6 days.


Zimbardo's final conclusion:
"Mob rules" [i.e. rankist behavior] becomes rampant, when people in groups are given power over other groups.


Source: ► Philip G. Zimbardo (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author,
The Lucifer Effect. Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Random House, 1st edition 27. March 2007
Alternative reference referring to the movie Lord Of The Flies: ► D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 78, 2008

In 2002, Alexander Haslam and Stephen Reicher, both social psychologists revisited Zimbardo's plot in a BBC funded television documentary series The Experiment in 2002. The project, lasting for 8 days, simulated a prison situation. This time the prisoners and the guards were left to their own choices – under the set conditions.

Convicts and guards on the road to Siberia, 1845

The experimenters found:

  • Prisoners with less power and privilege, initially demorali-
    zed, developed a sense of shared group identity, which im-
    proved morale and mental well-being and lowered levels of
    cortisol. Happier and empowered the prisoners came afore.
  • The guards had not bonded as a group. They became increasingly dispirited and powerless, shown in their high levels of cortisol.
    ⇒ The prisoners staged a coup d'etat. They broke out and the guards gave in.

After this ALL participants agreed, without much ado, to form a system of greater equality: they termed this a ‘self-governing, self-disciplining commune’.
However, when the group began doubting its ability to establish a commune, it soon began to fall apart.


Some of the former guards and prisoners planned a new 'coup' to re-establish the gap between prisoners and guards, and return to the more authoritarian style.
The commune testees didn’t fight back as they were so torn apart that they were also willing to agree to a system of tyranny again. Like Zimbardo, Haslem and Reicher ended the experiment before its planned "end".


Prisoners who had successfully bonded formed a commune with the former guards. Alongside with the guards they had
failed to form a cohesive group and therefore supported to reestablish a tyrannical system.
Cohesive groups are extraordinarily strengthening and necessary for survival. Every group creates a collective culture.


The My Lai Massacre of South Vietnam on March 16, 1968 and the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
(performed in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq beginning in 2004) were the real life situations of gross human abuse.


See also: ► The Pygmalion effect – Average people may perform at genius level.

Negative ⇔ positive emotions – Language statistics

  • Empirical studies show there are more words in the English language that represent negative than positive emotions.
  • 5 or 6 negative emotions (in the face) and only one positive emotion – the smile – had been studied.


See also: ► Language and ► Statistics

BW-Werte: Negativität / Negativity

  • BW 190 – Das Luziferische10
  • BW 175-199 / Stolz – Wirkungsbereich der Luziferischen Kräfte
  • BW 1-174 – Wirkungsbereich der Satanische Kräfte
  • BW 35-80 – Psychopathische Persönlichkeit des typischen kriminell Rückfälligen11
  • Unter BW 50 – Wirkungsbereich der Dämonischen Kräfte


  • LoC 190 – The Luciferic12
  • LoC 175-199 / Realm of pride – Domain of the Luciferic forces
  • LoC 1-174 / Realm of cruelty – Domain of the Satanic forces
  • Below LoC 50 / Realm of apathy and despair – Domain of the Demonic forces

Index: Negativität / Negativity – Bücher von D. Hawkins

  • Buch 3 Satanisches und Luziferisches, Kapitel 9 "Die Ebenen des Lichtbewusstseins"

Englische Werke

  • Buch 3E Satan and Lucifer, chapter 9 "The Levels of Enlightenment", 156, 157, 258, 415
  • Truth vs. Falsehood, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 181-200
  • Buch 5E Luciferic temptation [Luziferische Versuchung] S. 43, 51
  • Buch 6E Luciferic temptation [Luziferische Versuchung] S. 237

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Audio interview Serenity. How to handle one's shadow? [über den Umgang mit der eigenen Schattenseite], presented by suspen-
    ded US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired
    12. July 2005


Links zum Thema Negativität und das Böse / Negativity and evil


Politische Ponerologie beschreibt die Natur des Bösen in schockierender Weise, analysiert die Gründer und Unterstützer von politisch unter-
drückenden Regimen, und untersucht die Faktoren, wenn Menschen sich gegenseitig unmenschlich behandeln. Das erste Manuskript von PP im kommunistischen Polen wurde Minuten bevor die Geheimpolizei erschien verbrannt. Die zweite Kopie – von Wissenschaftlern unter widrigsten Bedingungen zusammengestellt – wurde via Kurier an den Vatikan gesandt. Der Inhalt ging erneut verloren. Im Jahr 1984 schrieb der letzte überlebende Wissenschaftler ŁOBACZEWSKI die dritte Kopie aus dem Gedächtnis. Zbigniew Brzeziński (1928-2017) verhinderte über
zwei Jahrzehnte lang deren Veröffentlichung in englischer Sprache.

Literature (engl.)

Exploring the frightening needs of diverse social groups, looking into the deep inner fears of man

Thurston County ritual abuse case, 1994), about the "false memory" of Paul Ingram, 7. June 1996. Wright testified at Ingram's pardon hearing.

'Political Ponerology' offers shocking descriptions of the nature of evil, inspects the founders and supporters of oppressive political regimes, and analyses the propagation of man's inhumanity to man.
The original manuscript of PP was burnt minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland in the 40ties. The second copy, painfully reas-
sembled by scientists working under extreme conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican – again all valuable data
got lost. In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the last survivor of the original researcher team: Andrew Lobaczewski. After half a century of suppression ( Zbigniew Brzezinski 1928-2017) blocked its publication in the US) it was published in English.

Foreword: My search to understand evil and its transformation is what attracted me to Paul Levy’s invaluable work. […] In helping us understand
and face the lies that weave through our lives, Paul Levy's work leads us to our extraordinary opportunity. […] It is a rare philosopher and spiritual leader who can help us to look into the mirror of our collective participation and denial. Yet, Paul Levy accomplishes this and more. He helps us
find a way to explore the most intimate connections between our spiritual and material lives and the wider psychic storm and power lines in which
we struggle. He makes a way through our madness, our "spiritual starvation," to invoke our imagination to literally "change our mind." […] As you
read Dispelling Wetiko, you will be challenged. You will savor moments of "ah ha." When you have finished, you will find that something has
shifted. There are fewer spiritual calluses between your imagination and your daily life. You will see a way forward that you had not seen before.
You will feel less isolated, more hopeful. You will never quite look at the world in exactly the same way again."
Foreword by Catherine Austin Fitts (*1950) US American former assistant secretary of housing under George H.W. Bush, managing a 300 billion dollar portfolio, whistle-
blower on financial terrorism, president of the Solari Report

Young pornography consuming men are suffering from a new form of "arousal addiction" – countermeasures for getting them back on track

Kirkus review

Externe Weblinks

Der Psychologieprofessor Roy Baumeister, Florida State University in Tallahassee, unterscheidet vier Wurzeln des Bösen:
1. Böses als Mittel zum Zweck; 2. Sadismus; 3. Verletzter Narzissmus; 4. Ideologie und Religion

Durch die Intervention seiner Kollegin und späteren Ehefrau Christina Maslach, emeritierte Professorin für Psychologie an der University of California in Berkeley, wurde der Zug des "angeteufelten" Zimbardo angehalten und das Stanford Prison Experiment frühzeitig nach sechs Tagen abgebrochen.

Die "dunkle Triade" sozial unerwünschter Charaktereigenschaften – Gewinnsucht, Narzissmus und psychopathische Kaltherzigkeit
bei Männern kommt laut Studie der New Mexico State Universität in 2008 bei Frauen kurzfristig und zu Zeugungszwecken besser an.

Gelöschte Links

  • Artikel Wie kommt das Böse in die Welt? – Anmerkungen zum Problem der Theodizee, präsentiert von der Publikation Kinofenster, Herbert Heinzelmann, 21. September 2006

Weblinks zum Thema Negativität – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

1. We lie.
2. We crave violence.
3. We steal.
4. We cheat.
5. We cling to bad habits.
6. We bully.
7. We nip, tuck, plump and tattoo our bodies.
8. We stress out.
9. We gamble.
10. We gossip.

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Videopräsentation von Dr. Klaus Niedl, Personalvorstand der SkyEurope Airlines, Wien, präsentiert von Workrelations.eu, YouTube Film, eingestellt 15. Januar 2007
  • Video Fernsehinterview mit Dagmar Neubronner (*1959) deutsche Diplombiologin, Bindungsforschungsassistentin, Verlegerin, Übersetzerin, Fernsehmoderatorin, Dämonen, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Programm "Freigeister", Gastgeber Jo Conrad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Netzaktivist, esoterischer Autor, YouTube Film,
    29:17 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 14. August 2012
  • Video Ringvorlesung von Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Was macht uns böse?, vorgetragen an der Hochschule Mittweida, Sachsen, Öffentliche Ringvorlesung im Sommersemester 2018, YouTube Film, 1:49:59 Dauer, eingestellt 29. März 2018

Der Mensch ist. Er ist weder gut noch böse. Er ist aber der Liebe bedürftig und zum Hass befähigt. Das "Böse" ist immer reaktiv, Folge von…

Audio and video links (engl.)

Negativity and the need to fill the hole in one's heart daily (part III)

Discussing Lobaczewski's book Political Ponerology

Audio and video links (engl.) – Philip Zimbardo and Milgram

Evil is not so much inherent in individuals, but emerges dependably when a sequence of dehumanizing and stressful circumstances unfolds.

Excerpted from The Evilness of Power, showing that much evil comes from hierarchy

Compare to:

  • Video documentary Milgram's Obedience to Authority Experiment, presented by the British TV channel BBC, aired May 2009, Youtube film, posted 15. May 2009

See also: en.Wikipedia Milgram experiment

Documentaries and movies

Testing the dark side of authority-obedience: Milgram experiment and other harm-inducing human behavior experiments; Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) US American social psychologist: "Under what conditions would a person obey authority who commanded actions that went against conscience?"  Minute 4:18


Interne Links




1 "Evil is whatever you define it as." D. Hawkins, Cottonwood Satsang Q&A, 2 CD-Set, 10. Februar 2010

2 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 2, S. 55, 2008

3 Altgriechisch für "Rechtfertigung Gottes"

4 "Nichts Wirkliches kann bedroht werden. Nichts Unwirkliches existiert. Hierin liegt der Frieden Gottes." Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] Textbuch [BW 550], Einleitung, S. 1, 1994, 1996

5 Nachzulesen unter Biografie – Tiefgreifende Erlebnisse in jungen Jahren

6 Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD-Set, 8. November 2008

7 Fallen und Versuchungen auf dem spirituellen Weg

8 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 367, 2005

9 Altgriechisch für "Rechtfertigung Gottes"

10 Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 16. October 2004

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 193, 2005

12 Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 16. October 2004

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