
Hawkins / Absolutheit





Absolutheit – Unbedingtes BW 650
Das Absolute BW 1000
Weltseele – Anima mundi



Montage von Bildern der totalen
Kernschattenfinsternis am 28. August 2007



Absolutheit ⇔ Relativismus


Absolutheit schwingt auf der Bewusstseinsebene von BW 650, während die Wirklichkeit des Absoluten in der menschlichen Domäne bei BW 1000 liegt (die höchstmögliche Ebene für einen Menschen auf Erden). Mit Absolutheit meint Hawkins "Absolutismus" bezüglich Wahrheit, Wirklichkeit und Fakten. Absolutheit sagt aus, dass sich der vorhandene Wahrheitsgrad auf das Abso-
lute bezieht. So gesehen ist Wahrheit stufenweise relativ in Bezug auf das Absolute.


Der moralische Relativismus [BW 185-190] spricht die Existenz des Absoluten und der Wahrheit an sich ab und unterstellt, dass Wahrheit sich nach dem richtet, was ein Individuum oder die Gesellschaft für wahr hält.

Zitate zum Thema Absolutheit / Absolute

Zitate von David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


  • Obgleich die wahrgenommene Welt in Wirklichkeit nicht in einem absoluten Sinn real ist, denken die Menschen doch, sie sei es. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 352, 2005


  • Aus der Gesamtheit authentisch nachprüfbarer Quellen spirituellen Wissens kann man eine absolute, nicht weiter reduzierbare Quintessenz herausdestillieren, einen innersten Bereich absoluter Werthaltigkeit, der alle Denkposi-
    oder Veränderungen der Aussage zwecks Gewinn oder Vorteil übersteigt.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 233, 2006



  • Das Ego ist clever. Es schüttelt Gott ab, indem es die Selbstbestimmtheit des Absoluten leugnet.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD-Set, 16. Oktober 2004


  • Es gibt nur eine Absolute Realität, und sie kommt in unterschiedlichen Dimensionen zum Ausdruck. Was 4000 v. Chr.
    in Indien offenbart wurde, sollte 1936 in Chicago dasselbe sein. Niemand ist Eigentümer der Wahrheit. Es gibt kein Mysterium oder Geheimnis darüber. Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD-Set, 25. Februar 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • In the end, the God of Transcendence and the God of Divine Love merge in the Supreme. The unification of that
    which is loved is the fulfillment of divine destiny and the core of Salvation. Love is therefore the means and the end.
    Source unknown


  • The skillful are not obvious
    They appear to be simple-minded
    Those who know this know the patterns of the Absolute
    To know the patterns is the Subtle Power
    The Subtle Power moves all things and has no name
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, introductory devotion on facing page, 1995, 1998, 4th printing,
    April 2000, Hay House, February 2002



  • Awareness itself is beyond even consciousness. Therefore it may be said that the Absolute is unknowable exactly because it's beyond knowing, or beyond the reach of consciousness itself. [...] Such a state can have no meaning
    with anyone without the experience of that context.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 233, Hay House, February 2002


  • That which is Absolute Reality has no needs as it is already All That Is. There is no need for power when one is
    power itself. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 4, 2006


  • That which is the Absolute Reality has no needs, as it already is All That Is.
    • There is no need for power when one is power itself.
    • Infinite Power has no need to control anything.
By analogy, the sky does not need the clouds nor does it create or destroy them. They arise within its all encom-
passing, boundless space. The sky does not kill, retaliate, or punish clouds. The sky provides equality to all
clouds as well as the context for their formation of perceptual appearance and disappearance.

I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 46, 2006




Relativism as described is represented in the "mean green meme".
Absolutism (authorianism) as described in represented the "blue meme".


  • Intrinsic to the very basic construction of the human ego is the innate innocence in that it believes in the reality or truth of its own programs and is unaware that it lacks an intrinsic capacity for self-correction. The reason for ego's lack of capacity for verification is that its data is limited to only internal processing systems. The internal mechanisms of ego lack any external, independent source of reference for verification. The human mind is like a ship at sea that is unable to correct its direction without a compass or an external source of reference, such as the stars. It is important to realize that a system is only correctible when it has access to an
    external point of reference (e.g. a global positioning system) that therefore serves as the absolute by which all
    other data are compared (Absolutism calibrates at 650 and the Absolute itself calibrates at 1000).
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 135-136, 2008



Summarizing the profile of generally dismissed and not addressed critics of Hawkins' teachings

  • Personal Bias – This is the primary reason for disagreement. Criticisms come from
    1. atheists,
    2. political bias,
    3. people who calibrate below 200,
    4. people who are upset by findings, and
    5. relativists who reject the confirmable Reality of Absolutism.
Note that skepticism, relativism, and cynicism all calibrate far below the critical level of 200. In contrast, Absolutism calibrates at 650, and the reality of the Absolute itself calibrates at 1,000.
FAQ – CRITICS, presented by Veritas Publishing, end November 2006, renamed at webpage reconstruction mid 2013


  • The way to God is in this absolute moment. In the absolute Reality of this split second of Now, is the open. Is the gateway, POW! Through this moment Now you split the Universe asunder, I split the universe asunder right in this instant. All time stops, all form stops, I am beyond all the world and all of it doings in this very instant. Video interview dialogue with Korean nun Yun Kyung Huh, Advanced States of Consciousness. The Realization of the Presence of God, Volume series III, DVD 1 of 2, presented by the Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research, recorded ~1996, published 2002


  • Relativism denies the existence of the absolute and says that anything can mean anything one wants it to mean. By that reasoning, one can say that men should be free to have relations with young boys, that it’s okay to kill. Homicide can be disguised as religiosity. That’s what can happen when you disregard the absolute. And without an absolute, kinesiology itself would be impossible; it would have nothing to gauge against.
    Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD set, 14. August 2004


  • When we calibrate levels of consciousness, we’re calibrating levels as compared with absolute truth, just as a thermo-
    meter calibrates temperature relative to freezing. […] Without an absolute, kinesiology [LoC 605] itself would be im-
    possible. [It would have nothing to gauge against]. The price of not being able to discern the difference between truth
    and falsehood is death, war. Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD set, 14. August 2004



Muscle testing

  • The infinite field of consciousness, that which we consult through kinesiology, is the field of the Absolute.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • The ego hates to hear anything that suggests it’s not God. The ego is clever; it gets rid of God by getting rid of the sovereignty of the Absolute. Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • Behind all the sound of the universe, the silence is forever there. Behind the sounds of the woods, the woods are
    silent. The sound of the bird doesn't have anything to do with the silence. You see, the silence is maintained even though
    there's sound above it. But the only reason you can hear the sound is because of the background of silence. So
    the silence is there, right in the middle of the sound.
    So, you focus on the silence, which is ever present.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 3 of 3, minute 1:43:56-1:48:15, 19. August 2006


  • You are not going to let yourself die without knowing from the absolute that it is safe. "It is safe to die." (Cali-
    brated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen


  • Alle Männer sind Frauen vor dem Absoluten. Mirabai (~1498-1547) aristokratische indische Mystikerin, Krishna-Devotee der Sant-Tradition, Dichterin, zitiert in: Eintrag Mirabai, präsentiert von der Publikation Encyclopedia, aktualisiert 9. Dezember 2020
  • Auch wenn das Absolute nicht durch den Verstand erfahren werden kann, führt die Frage Wer bin ich? zur direkten Erfahrung des SELBST, wie der Geruch einen Hund zu seinem Herrn führt.
    Sri Ramana Maharshi [BW 720] (1879-1950) indisch-hinduistischer Weiser, erleuchteter Heiliger, zitiert in: David Godman, Herausge-
    ber, Be As You Are. The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, S. 73, Penguin, Neuauflage 1. Februar 1989


  • Der Zustand der direkten Erfahrung des Geistes jenseits aller Dualität führt zur Befreiung. Es ist gleich, welcher Name leichthin dafür gegeben wird. Der wahre Geist ist Eins und außer ihm gibt es nichts. Dieser einzige Eine Geist ist ungeschaffen und unbedingt. Nichts kann sonst erkannt werden.
    Padmasambhava [Lotosgeborener] [BW 595] (8.-9. Jht. n. Chr.) tibetisch-buddhistischer tantrischer Meister, Begründer und Bot-
    schafter des Buddhismus in Tibet zur Zeit des Königs Thrisong Detsen in Tibet, Quelle unbekannt


  • Absolute Sicherheit ist ein Aberglaube. Letztendlich ist es genauso gefährlich, der Gefahr auszuweichen, als sich
    ihr auszusetzen. Das Leben ist entweder ein gewagtes Abenteuer oder nichts. [Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.] Helen Keller [Gesellschaftlicher Einfluss BW 520] (1880-1968) US-amerikanische taubblinde politische Aktivistin, Red-
    nerin, Schriftstellerin, The Open Door, Doubleday, 1957


  • Der absolute Geist ist dieses, dass er sei das ewige sich selbstgleiche Wesen, das sich ein Anderes wird und die-
    ses als sich selbst erkennt. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [BW 425, Werk BW 470] (1770-1831) deutscher Philosoph des Deutschen Idealismus, Schriftsteller, Dr. Eduard Gans, Herausgeber, Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie, 1837, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Theorie Werkausgabe 1980


  • Die Idee ist das Wahre an und für sich, die absolute Einheit des Begriffs und der Objektivität.
    [Die Idee ist das Absolute, und alles Wirkliche ist nur Realisierung der Idee.] Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [BW 425, Werk BW 470] (1770-1831) deutscher Philosoph des Deutschen Idealismus, Schriftsteller, Friedhelm Nicolin und Otto Pöggeler, Herausgeber, Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse, Erster Teil. Die Wissenschaft der Logik, 3. Abtei-
    lung: Die Lehre vom Begriff, C "Die Idee", Heidelberg, 1817, Heidelberg, 1817, Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 8. Auflage 1991




Thema Seltsame Schleife



Paradoxe Ambivalenz



  • Es gibt ein Ungeborenes, Ungewordenes, Unerschaffenes, nicht Bedingtes.
    Wenn es dies hier nicht gäbe, dann wäre ein Entrinnen aus dem Geborenen, Gewordenen, Geschaffenen, Beding-
    ten nicht zu erkennen.
    Weil es nun aber ein Ungeborenes, Ungewordenes, Unerschaffenes, nicht Bedingtes gibt, deshalb ist hier ein Ent-
    rinnen aus dem Geborenen, Gewordenen, Geschaffenen, Bedingten zu erkennen. Udana 8, 3. Itivuttaka 43, zitiert in: Hellmuth Hecker (1923-2017) deutscher Jurist, profilierter Interpret des Theravada-Buddhismus, Chronist des Buddhismus, Übersetzer aus dem Pali-Kanon, Itivuttikam. Sammlung der Aphorismen aus dem Palikanon, Hamburg, BGH 1994



Nachteile der Emanzipation des Absoluten

  • Kein Gedanke, keine Möglichkeit ist mehr ausgeschlossen. Keine festen Grenzen, keine unverrückbaren Punkte, kein unnachgiebiges Fundament geben mehr Halt. Wir bewegen uns geradlinig hin auf eine Welt der völligen Willkür, in der alles zu erwarten ist, in der jede Art von Philosophie oder Kunst grundsätzlich zulässig erscheint, in der jede Art von Verhal-
    ten der einzelnen und der Regierungen denkbar wird und man auf alles, auch das Absurdeste und Abnormste, ge-
    fasst sein muss. Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966) deutscher Ökonom, Sozialphilosoph, Entwickler des "ökonomischen Humanis-
    mus" [Dritter Weg] und der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, Autor, Maß und Mitte, Band 6, Eugen Rentsch Verlag, Erlenbach-Zürich,
    1950, S. 63-64, Haupt Verlag, 2. Aulage 1. Januar 1979


  • Auch wenn du das ganze Universum mit deiner Macht und deiner Kontrolle beherrschen könntest, wärst du immer
    noch ohnmächtig und getrennt von dem, was du bist. Diese Unerreichbarkeit dessen, was du bist, diese Unbe-
    greiflichkeit der Absolutheit, das ist Frieden.
    Jede Technik, die dich zu irgendetwas führt, ist Krieg, weil du
    etwas kriegen wolltest. Du warst in der Annahme, etwas verloren zu haben und eine Technik zu brauchen, um
    wieder etwas zu kriegen. Karl Renz, deutscher Neoadvaita-Lehrer, Quelle unbekannt


  • Roma locuta causa finita. [Nachdem/Weil Rom gesprochen hat, ist die Angelegenheit beendet.]
    Lateinische Redewendung


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Absolutism

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals

  • I agree that things are contextual and that there is no absolute truth. Unfortunately, in [the left-hemispheric] post-
    modernism this often comes to mean that there is no truth at all.
    Audio interview with Iain McGilchrist, M.D., British psychiatrist, physician, literary scholar, New College, Oxford, neuroimaging
    researcher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, writer, The West's Mass Schizophrenia, part 2 of 2, Transcript, presented by
    the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC Radio National, host Natasha Mitchell, aired 19. June 2010, YouTube film, minute
    10:23, 14:18 minutes duration, posted 9. February 2013


Appeal / Recommendation

  • Let nothing trouble you, let nothing make you afraid. All things pass away. God never changes. Patience obtains everything. God alone is enough.
    Teresa of Ávila [LoC 715] (1515-1582) Spanish Carmelite nun, Roman Catholic saint, mystic, theologian, cited in: Suzanne
    Clores, editor, The Wisdom of the Saints, S. 30, Kensington Publishing, New York, New York, 2002


Conclusion / Warning

  • We must understand that the founder of a cult or new religion has no room for compromise: absolutes are necessa-
    . True believers in mystical psychotherapy will not embrace a gospel with modest claims: it must be all or nothing.
    Martin A. Larson (1897-1994) US American populist religious freethinker, Christian historian specializing in early theological history,
    cited in: article by Be Scofield, US American activist, web designer, DJ, producer, blogger for magazine Tikkun, writer, A Critique
    of Abraham Hicks & the Law of Attraction
    , presented by the publication The Guru, 11. November 2019




  • There is nothing absolute and final. If everything were ironclad, all the rules absolute and everything structu-
    red so no paradox or irony existed, you couldn't move.
    One could say that man sneaks through the crack where
    paradox exists. Itzhak Bentov (1923-1979) Czech-born Israeli American scientist, inventor, mystic, author, A Cosmic Book. On
    the Mechanics of Creation
    , 1988


Critique on D. Hawkins' absolutism

  • Whereas in traditional religion, the absolute truth is found in an ecclesiastic doctrine, in Hawkins' case, absolute truth is presented in the form of calibrations. (although it could be argued that his books have become religious doctrines for
    many of his students). As we've learned, absolutism leads to fundamentalism. […] Hawkins has wise perspectives on some things, but he also demonstrates severe limitations (like all of us) in his thinking in many areas. His absolute truth claims clearly do not hold up under scrutiny. Fundamentalism [LoC 130/200/325] comes in an infinite number of degrees. Every explorer of Hawkins' work isn't necessarily an overt fundamentalist as I once was. His system, however, caters to those prone to fundamentalist thinking.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", S. 184, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Kashmir Shivaism theism

  • The ancient masters refer in various ways to this One creative force out of which everything emerges. It is known most commonly as the Ultimate, Absolute Reality, Consciousness, Paramasiva, and God. Yet, according to Kashmir Shivaism, Para-
    masiva cannot be fully described or clearly thought over because, being infinite in nature, He cannot be confined
    to any thinking or speaking ability. No words can fully describe Him, no mind can correctly think about Him, and no
    understanding can perfectly understand Him. This is His absoluteness, and Kashmir Shivaism considers this absolu-
    teness to be one of His key attributes. Because the Absolute cannot be fathomed with the intellect or through
    ordinary logical reasoning and philosophical speculation
    , the ancient masters relied on revelation (darsana) in
    deep yogic states to arrive at their understanding and truths of Reality. Working from the foundation of absolute non-
    dualism, they discovered Paramasiva within their own consciousness; looking within they found the Whole. They
    were able to transcend the ordinary limited vision of the individual self, and to discover the universal Self.
    Since this Self of each individual is claimed to be none other than the Absolute, and because God and the Self are
    understood as one, this philosophy is truly theistic.
    B. N. Pandit, Specific Principles of Kashmir Shaivism, S. 15-16, 3rd edition 2008


  • Absolute truth belongs only to one class of humans [...] the class of absolute fools.
    Ashley Montagu (1905-1999) British-American anthropologist, humanist, author on race and gender, politics and development,
    cited in: James Davidson Hunter, Culture Wars. The Struggle to Define America, 1991


  • [A new arising spirituality] is radically inclusive and accessible spirituality free from the dogma and ideology
    and blind belief of the past
    , a spirituality in which nothing and nobody – including the teachers themselves –
    can escape the loving light of ruthless inquiry and blinding transparency, in which nobody can claim any kind
    of absolute truth or privileged knowledge
    Jeff Foster (*1980) English astrophysicist, depressive, spiritual teacher, sponsored by the first Science And Nonduality (SAND) conference, titled "The Nature of the Self", Zonheuvel Conference Centre, Doorn, The Netherlands, Europe, 29. May-3. June 2012


  • The other aspect of idealism is the one which gives us our notion of the absolute Self. To it the first is only prepara-
    tory. This second aspect is the one which from Kant, until the present time, has formed the deeper problem of
    thought. Josiah Royce (1855-1916) US American objective idealist philosopher, The Spirit of Modern Philosophy. An Essay in
    the Form of Lectures
    , edited by Courier Corporation, 1900; cited in: LIB Quotes


  • Roma locuta causa finita. [After/because Rome has spoken, the matter is closed.] Latin proverb


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry ► [Fehlt]

Literary quotes

  • Everything is contradictory, everything tangential; there are no certainties anywhere. Everything can be interpreted one way and then again interpreted in the opposite sense. […]
    The Master […] said, "There is truth, my boy. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself. The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. Truth is lived, not taught. Be prepared for conflicts. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss novelist, poet, novel The Glass Bead Game, 1931-1943, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1949


  • Man cannot live without a continuous confidence in something indestructible within himself, and at the same time that indestructible something as well as his trust in it may remain permanently concealed from him.
    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Austrian-Hungarian culturally influential German-language novelist, cited in: Jacques Choron, Death and Modern Man, S. 15, Collier Books, 1964, 1972

Index: Absolutheit – Absolutes

  • Buch 2 Absolutheit S. 175, 257, 376, 388, 467
    • Absolutes S. 13(4x), 24, 29, 38, 40, 63, 78, 86, 98, 105, 141, 143, 163(2x), 165, 169, 175, 177, 196, 200, 201, 214, 222, 229, 233, 254, 257, 260, 277, 278(2x), 279, 285, 298, 314, 319, 332, 333, 340, 349, 352(2x), 364, 373, 395, 396(2x), 400, 410, 415, 417, 420, 460, 467, 468
  • Buch 3 Absolutheit S. 12, 22, 28, 46, 63, 73(2x), 74(2x), 75, 93, 95, 104, 132, 142, 145, 165, 195, 208, 223, 233, 237, 279, 292, 368, 282(2x), 352, 368, 375, 385, 394, 395(2x), 398, 406, 421, 479(2x), 513, 524
    • Absolutes S. 28, 368, 549

Englische Werke

  • Buch 7E Absolutism [LoC 650]; the Absolute [LoC 1000] S. (135)136

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Stichworte Absolutheit und Personal Bias, präsentiert von Veritaspub.com zum Thema Skeptizismus und Kritiker, Ende November 2006, umbenannt im Zuge des Webseitenumbaus Mitte 2013


Links zum Thema Absolutheit / Absolute


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1 Lewis Carroll Quotes: Alice in Wonderland, presented by the publication Thought Co.

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