
Hawkins / Entscheidung









Scheideweg, 15. August 2001
Chalbersäntis-Gipfel zwischen Säntis
und Rotsteinpass (Alpstein)




Beobachten ⇒ Orientieren ⇒ Beschließen ⇒ Handeln

Die Militärausbildung lehrt vier Schritte des Entscheidungsprozesses :
1. Beobachten
2. Orientieren
3. Beschließen
4. Handeln.

Zitate zum Thema Entscheidung / Choice and decision

Zitate von D. Hawkins

Ich habe nicht die Macht, irgend etwas aus mir selbst zu tun; nach den Weisungen, die mir
auf dem Wege des Hellhörens mitgeteilt werden, treffe ich die Entscheidungen.
Johannes 5, 30 (NT)


⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Die Hölle ist […] die unvermeidliche Konsequenz der eigenen Entscheidungen. Die Hölle ist das Endergebnis, wenn man sich unablässig für das Negative entscheidet und sich so von der Liebe absondert. Quelle unbekannt


  • Schicksal wird in erster Linie durch die spirituellen Entscheidungen und Handlungen während unseres Lebens be-
    stimmt, und großer Wert wird gelegt auf die Absicht, die Verantwortlichkeit und die Zustimmung zum (göttlichen) Willen. Quelle unbekannt


Nebel über dem Fluss Oulujoki, Finnland
  • Spirituell ausgedrückt ist es eine ziemlich akademische Frage, ob eine physische Reinkarnation erfolgt oder nicht. Die Prinzipien und das Schicksal des Energiekörpers sind dieselben, egal ob er erneut eine körperliche Existenz auf-
    nimmt oder auf einer energetischen Ebene bleibt.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 233-234, 2005


  • Jede Aktion, jede Entscheidung, jeder Gedanke oder jede Wahl verändert das miteinander in Wechselwirkung ste-
    hende Gleichgewicht und ruft Auswirkungen hervor.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 249, 2005


  • Die Menge der zur Verfügung stehenden Wahlmöglich-
    keiten wird begrenzt durch vorherrschende Bedingungen, die von unserem eigenen, karmisch strukturierten Energiefeld angezogen oder ausgebracht werden. Wahl übersteigt Karma und kann es beherrschen und durch einen Willensakt verändern.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 252, 2005



  • Durch deine Zustimmung und deine Entscheidungen bist du mit dem riesigen elektromagnetischen Feld unendlicher Wirkmacht verbunden. Dein Karma, deine Bestimmung, liegen einzig und allein in deinen Händen (eine Botschaft,
    vor der die Menschen sich fürchten). Was du zu sein wählst, verändert deine Ladung. Nichts geschieht zufällig, noch könnte es das. Audiointerview The Meaning and Purpose of Life, präsentiert von dem aufgelösten US-amerikanischen Webradio-
    sender "Beyond the Ordinary", Gastgeberinnen Nancy Lorenz und Elena Young, 60 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 11. Januar 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • The ultimate choice, really, is whether to align with a high energy attractor field or a low energy attractor field.
    Source unknown


  • To choose to experience the presence of God occurs outside of time. It is therefore nowhere in the future; it is available only in the present. No other condition is necessary or even possible because the present moment is per-
    manent; it never changes; it never disappears into yesterday or tomorrow. In fact, it is inescapable. Everyone is
    actually safe in the exact moment of now. Source unknown


  • "Many are called but few choose to follow," Thus, the choice is by decision and assent of the inner will, and by this assent, the enormous power of Divine Will aligns with intention and empowers devotion to overcome all obstacles. Seminar, source unknown



  • The experience of the presence of God is available and within at all times but awaits choice. That choice is made
    by surrendering everything other than peace and love to God. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, 2001


  • Peace is literally a choice and a decision, although not a popular one in our society despite all the rhetoric about
    the term. The decision to overlook the seeming inequities of life instead of reacting to them is a choice [for peace].
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 198, 2001


Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona, Arizona
  • The soul is the author of its own fate by the exercise of its own choice and selection. Each gravitates to its own concordant dimension. Spiritual paradoxes may appear in response to spiritual choice; for example, the spiritual see-
    ker wants love and joy but that intention triggers the surfa-
    cing of all that obstructs it and prevents its appearance. Those who dedicate themselves to peace and love auto-
    matically pull up from the unconscious all that is cruel, un-
    loving, and hateful to be healed. This may bring about con-
    sternation until judgmentalism is replaced with compassion,
    and forgiveness take its place. These were, after all, what had obstructed the love and joy, so one can be thankful that these deterrents have been brought up to be resolved by the spiritual tools available.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 24-25, 2003


  • The destiny of the spirit will be for better or worse, depending on the choices and decisions one makes.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 154, 2003


  • Be passionate for God, not for belief systems. That is the only real decision that has to be made and can be applied
    to any and all situations. The question is always whether to be at the effect of the world or aligned with the Truth of
    God instead. The search for enlightenment is different from that of seeking worldly success.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 355, 2003


  • At every instant, one is really making a choice between heaven or hell. The cumulative effect of all these choices determines the calibrated level of consciousness and one’s karmic and spiritual fate.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 397, 2003


  • Unlike an iron filing that has no say as to where it will be pulled within a magnetic field, the human spirit is gifted
    with the option of choice
    , and by its own hand (spiritual will) determines its fate. By comprehending the nature of
    the evolution of consciousness itself, forgiveness and compassion arise at the witnessing of human suffering and anguish that are the consequences of ignorance and naivete. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 229, 2005


  • A central period in spiritual evolution and by assent of the will, there arises the inner decision to seriously and actively pursue spiritual awareness for its own sake. This may be accompanied by a change of lifestyle or seeking out a spi-
    ritual teacher or communites.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 7 "The Razor's Edge", S. 121, 2007




Decision to refrain from commenting and evaluating


  • Decision brings intentionality, fixity of attention, willingness to surrender everything to God. Devotion becomes powerful enough to make the final surrender of our life as we’ve known it. Then we’re born to eternal life, and no other death is possible. Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, Unity Church, 11. October 2003


  • Freedom and choice can be looked at from so many ways. You can look at it as Pavlovian conditioning, you can look at it as Operant conditioning. Ultimately it's an epistomologic dilemma [LoC 475]. What does it mean by "free" and what does it mean by "choice"? And who is implied in making this choice? And what do you mean by choice? Options, hypothetical options or real options? Neither one of us can't decide to fly right now. So, obviously our options are limited by karma. And it also implies what karma means. It means that one is the consequence of the history of
    the entire universe up to this moment.
    It took the entire history of the universe, to be what it was, through all of time for this very instant.
    Sedona Seminar Dialogue, Questions, and Answers, DVD 2 of 3, minute 1:50:45, December 2003



The human condition curtails the range of choice.

  • Operationally and pragmatically you cannot decide to be a mouse or a tree. So, obviously you're karmically already restricted by that which you have become to a certain range of choice. You cannot decide to be a dandelion. So, choice doesn't mean the ridiculous, it means within a operational possibility. So, a calibrated level of consciousness already de-
    notes sort of limitations of choice.
    Intrinsic to consciousness level let's say ** the mid 400s is already the operation of intelligence. So, an intelligent educated person is not really free to make the choice of being stupid. It cannot any more. Nor if he's stuck in the intellect is he free to make a choice to see that reality is represented by subjectivity [Res cogitans is not res interna.]. So the range of one's choices: If you are only four feet tall you can't reach five feet away
    for a piece of apple pie. You're limited to your range.
    Sedona Seminar Dialogue, Questions, and Answers, DVD 2 of 3, minute ~1:50:45, December 2003


  • Question: You said that the time of death is pre-destined in this lifetime. Is the ability to attain enlightenment also?
    Answer: No, no, no! The law of the Universe is freedom. Every instant you're free to choose a this or a that, a this
    or a that, until you see there is no more this or that, and then it stops.
    Sedona Seminar Perception and Positionality, CD 4 of 5, 19. June 2004


  • To know the one thing: All is happening in and of its own by Divine Ordination [...] in and of itself because of the Infinite Power of the Field of Divinity and for no other reason. That's all you need to know. [Doc's arm flings out.]
    Was there a decider there who decided to do that? That's a very hard illusion to break. The difference between being enlightened and not enlightened is merely to see that. To be radically honest means to completely surrender that all things happen by Divine Providence by the Will of God and for no other reason.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, DVD 1 of 3, 16. October 2004



The archetype of the spiritual knight is pointing out injustices. Reaction patterns are indignity and emotionalism:

Exemplified by Bill O'Reilly (*1949) US American syndicated columnist, television host, political commentator, author

Sedona Satsang Q&A, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 2 CD set, 11. January 2006


  • You are a little karmic spiritual iron filing. Every choice pulls you one way or another. You make thousands of decisions every day. This is the world of the greatest karmic opportunity. Every time you choose integrity and truth, you charge
    yourself one way, and every time you choose the opposite, you move the other way. This is happening in an infinite
    field of Divinity itself. Where you are in the overall field is just a consequence of what you have become. When you
    leave the physicality, you go to that which you are. You are moving closer to Divinity and then when you refuse that
    opportunity, you move the other way by your own choice. Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD
    set, 17. February 2007



Spiritual knight ⇔ injustice / indignity

Exemplified by Bill O'Reilly (*1949) US American political commentator, television host, author

  • The spiritual knight came up again; the spleen of the spiritual knight came up, indignation. […] You’ve got to have choice, otherwise how can you get rid of negative karma and choose positive karma. Sedona Seminar Creation vs. Evolution, DVD 2 of 3, track 8, minutes 34:30-35:10, 20. October 2007


  • Choice is the only thing we can ever do. However, programming is even overriding choice sometimes. Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008


  • Question: What about the choices between self-evolution and social responsibility?
    Answer: How are they different? Each one is an expression of the other.
    Prescott Seminar What is the World?, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2009

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Als sie weiterzogen, kam Er in ein Dorf, wo Ihn eine Frau mit Namen Martha in ihrem Haus beherbergte.
Auch ihre Schwester, die Maria hieß, war dort; die setzte sich dem Herrn zu Füßen und hörte Seinen Worten zu.
Martha aber wurde durch vieles Bedienen abgelenkt; und herzutretend sagte sie: "Herr, kümmert es Dich nicht,
dass meine Schwester mich allein bedienen lässt? Sage ihr nun, dass sie mit mir zugreifen möge!" Der Herr
aber antwortete ihr: "Martha, Martha, du sorgst dich und bist um vieles in Unruhe; doch weniges braucht man
– oder nur eins. Maria hat nämlich das gute Teil erwählt, das ihr nicht genommen werden soll."
Lukas 10, 38-42 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • [Paraphrasiert] Ich kann, weil ich will, was ich muss.
  • [Original] Was ist aber von dem ruhmredigen Ausspruche der Kraftmänner [...] zu halten: »Was der Mensch will, das kann er«? Er ist nichts weiter als eine hochtönende Tautologie: was er nämlich auf den Geheiß seiner moralisch=ge-
    bietenden Vernunft will, das soll er, folglich kann er es auch thun (denn das Unmögliche wird ihm die Vernunft nicht gebieten). Zugeschrieben Immanuel Kant [BW 460] (1724-1804) deutscher Philosoph der Aufklärung, Anthropologie in pragma-
    tischer Hinsicht
    , Erstes Buch, § 12. "Vom Können in Ansehung des Erkenntnißvermögens überhaupt.", zitiert in: Akademieausgabe
    Band VII
    , S. 14826f., 1798



  • Du hast die Wahl, doch nicht die Kontrolle. Unbekanntes Internet-Rundfunkinterview mit Dr. phil. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) hawaiianischer Meisterlehrer von "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Quelle und Datum unbekannt


  • Wenn du 'Ja' sagst, dann sei dir sicher, dass du nicht 'Nein' zu dir selbst sagst.
    Paulo Coelho (*1947) brasilianischer esoterischer Erfolgsautor, zitiert in: Zitate zum Nachdenken


Verdeckte Enthüllung

  • Man kann sich schon darauf verlassen, dass die Politiker intelligente, weise, staatsmännische Entscheidungen treffen. Allerdings in der Regel erst, nachdem sie alle anderen Alternativen ausprobiert haben. Benjamin Disraeli [BW 405] (1804-1881) britischer Premierminister, konservativer Staatsmann, Parlamentarier, Rothschild-Agent, Initiator von zwei Weltkriegen, Literat, Quelle unbekannt



  • Wer nur eine Möglichkeit hat, ist in einer Zwangslage.
    Wer zwei Möglichkeiten hat, steckt in einem Dilemma.
    Und wer drei Möglichkeiten hat, kann frei wählen.
    Populäres Zitat von Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984) ukrainisch-jüdischer Physiker, Judolehrer, Entwickler der Feldenkrais-Methode, zitiert in: Marco Schröder, Studienwahl unter den Folgen einer radikalen Differenzierung, S. 5, Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, 2015
  • Die wichtigste Entscheidung, die wir treffen, ist, ob wir glauben, in einem freundlichen oder einem feindlichen Univer-
    sum zu leben. Susan Gregg, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Spiritual Healing, S. 5, Alpha Books, 2000, fälschlicherweise zuge-
    sprochen Albert Einstein [BW 499] (1879-1955) deutschstämmiger US-amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, Entwickler der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Nobelpreisträger in Physik, 1921


  • Wenn du eine Entscheidung treffen sollst, und triffst keine, so ist das selbst eine Entscheidung.
    Dr. William James [BW 490] (1842-1910) US-amerikanischer Arzt, Professor für Psychologie und Philosophie, Harvard Universität, pragmatischer Autor, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Das griechische Wort crisis bedeutet neben Krise auch Entscheidung, Scheidung, Zwiespalt, Trennung, Ur-
    teil, Wahl und Erprobung.
    Das chinesische Schriftzeichen für Krise ist identisch mit dem für Gefahr und Chance.
    Wenn wir die Krise auf ihren negativen Aspekt begrenzen, wie es im deutschen Sprachgebrauch weitgehend ge-
    schieht, bleibt unsere Sicht des Geschehens beschränkt. Allerdings kennen wir in der Medizin den Begriff "Hei-
    lungskrise" und bezeichnen allgemein mit "Krisis" den Entscheidungspunkt im Krankheitsgeschehen. Von hier
    aus geht es im positiven Fall Richtung Genesung, und so ist die Krisis auch der Umkehrpunkt zur Besserung.
    Indem wir unter dem Begriff auch "Entscheidung" verstehen, wie es im Altgriechischen der Fall ist, haben wir
    einen Schlüssel zum Wesen aller Krisen. Mit der Anleihe aus dem Chinesischen und dem Einbezug des Be-
    griffes "Chance" erhalten wir den Ausblick auf die Perspektiven. Die Definition von Karl Jaspers geht ebenfalls
    in diese Richtung:
    Im Gang der Entwicklung heißt Krisis der Augenblick, in dem das Ganze einem Umschlag unterliegt, aus dem der
    Mensch als ein Verwandelter hervorgeht, sei es mit neuem Ursprung eines Entschlusses, sei es im Verfallensein.
    Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Arzt, Psychotherapeut, Autor, Lebenskrisen als Entwicklungschancen: Zeiten des Umbruchs
    und ihre Krankheitsbilder
    , Goldmann Verlag, Taschenbuch 1. November 1999


Prometheus, 1868
Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) französischer Maler
  • Der wahrhaft freie Mensch hat keine Wahl. Er tut einfach, was getan werden muss. Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) französischer Komponist, humanistischer Astrologe, Pionier der transpersonalen Astrologie, Autor, Quelle unbekannt


  • In vielerlei Hinsicht haben wir die Wahl und können entscheiden. Ge-
    triebene sind wir hingegen dann, wenn wir andere für uns entschei-
    den lassen und uns nicht aktiv an der Gestaltung der Zukunft beteili-
    gen. Es liegt an uns, ob wir mitsteuern oder nur passiv im Schlepp-
    tau hängen! Interview mit Dr. Walter Spielmann (*1954) österreichischer Germanist, Geschichtswissenschaftler, Leiter der Robert-Jungk-Bibliothek für Zukunftsfragen in Salzburg (1994-2016), Moderator von Zukunftswerkstätten, Mitherausgeber des Buchmagazins pro ZUKUNFT, präsentiert von dem Magazin KursKontakte, Nr. 130, S. 17. Januar 2004


  • Ich propagiere, nicht alle Angelegenheiten in einem exklusiven Rat zu entscheiden, vielmehr das Gremium zu öffnen und zu einem wie auch immer zu strukturierenden großen Forum zu machen. Jeder Weisen-
    rat, so attraktiv er auch sein möge, hat zugleich etwas Undemokrati-
    sches. Dr. Walter Spielmann (*1954) österreichischer Germanist, Ge-
    schichtswissenschaftler, Leiter der Robert-Jungk-Bibliothek für Zukunftsfragen in Salzburg (1994-2016), Moderator von Zukunftswerkstätten, Mitherausgeber des Buchmagazins pro ZUKUNFT, präsentiert von Magazin KursKontakte, Nr. 130, S. 17. Januar 2004


  • Neurobiologisch gesehen gibt es keinen Raum für Freiheit. Das, was wir als freie Entscheidung erfahren, ist nichts als eine nachträgliche Begründung von Zustandsveränderungen, die ohnehin erfolgt wären. Dr. Wolf Singer brain.mpg.de (*1943) deutscher Professor für Neurophysiologie, Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt am Main, Autor, zitiert in: archivierter Artikel Wir sind nicht Herr unseres Hirns, präsentiert von der ältesten österreichischen Tageszeitung der Welt Wiener Zeitung, Sandra Trauner, 6. Juni 2000


  • Durch unsere Entscheidungen definieren wir uns selbst. Allein durch sie können wir unseren Worten und Träumen Leben und Bedeutung verleihen. Allein durch sie können wir aus dem, was wir sind, das machen, was wir sein wol-
    len. Sergio Bambaren (*1960) peruanischer Schriftsteller, Roman Der träumende Delphin [The Dolphin. Story of a Dreamer,
    1995], Piper, München, 1998


  • Kein Mensch kann die Konflikte seines Lebens lösen, solange die Angst vor Strafe sein Ich, seinen Entscheidungs-
    spielraum, seine Freiheit besetzt hält. Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Jesus von Nazareth. Befreiung
    zum Frieden
    , Band 2, S. 296, Walter Verlag, Zürich, Düsseldorf, 1997



  • [I]ndem man Versuchspersonen untersucht, deren ventromedialer präfrontaler Cortex (VMPC) zerstört ist, eine Hirnregion hinter Nase und Stirn, die als Mittler zwischen Gefühl und Verstand gilt. Solche Menschen sind wenig einfühlsam und empfinden kaum Schuld oder Scham. [...] Ging es darum, direkte Gewalt anzuwenden, zögerten Probanden mit einem geschädigten VMPC nicht und segneten diese Handlungen als rational gerechtfertigt ab. Der einzige Maßstab, der sie offenbar zu interessieren schien, waren die Folgen einer Aktion, nicht die Handlung selbst. Artikel Hirnforschung und Ethik – Moral braucht Gefühl, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, Hubertus Breuer, 22. September 2007



  • An irgendeinem Punkt muss man den Sprung ins Ungewisse wagen.
    ➤ Erstens, weil selbst die richtige Entscheidung falsch ist, wenn sie zu spät erfolgt.
    ➤ Zweitens, weil es in den meisten Fällen so etwas wie Gewissheit gar nicht gibt.
    Lee Iacocca (1924-2019) italienisch-US-amerikanischer Manager in der Automobilindustrie, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Den größten Fehler, den man im Leben machen kann, ist, immer Angst zu haben, einen Fehler zu machen.
    Aphorismus von Elbert Hubbard, US-amerikanischer Künstler, Philosophen, Autor, abgedruckt in: The Philistine, volume 13,
    Nr. 6, S. 188, November 1901, wieder abgedruckt in: The Note Book of Elbert Hubbard, S. 129, The Roycrafters, 1927; siehe
    auch: Falschzitate


  • Nicht die Schönheit entscheidet, wen wir lieben, sondern die Liebe entscheidet, wen wir schön finden.
    Sophia Loren (*1934) italienische Filmschauspielerin, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Es sind nicht die Bedingungen, die dein Schicksal bestimmen, sondern deine Entscheidungen.
    Anthony Robbins (*1960) US-amerikanischer Erfolgstrainer, NLP-Trainer, Erfolgsautor, ENTSCHEIDUNGEN, präsentiert von
    der Webseite Der LifeManager, Jörg Markstein, 26. Februar 2020



Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Entscheidung und ► Auswahl


  • Jeder erzählt dir, was du tun sollst und was gut für dich ist. Sie wollen aber nicht, dass du deine eigenen Antworten
    findest. Sie wollen, dass du an ihre glaubst. Ich will, dass du damit aufhörst, deine Informationen von außen zu holen
    und damit anfängst, sie dir von innen zu holen. Die Menschen haben Angst, in sich hineinzusehen, dabei ist es der
    einzige Ort, wo sie das finden, was sie brauchen. Dan Millman (*1946) US-amerikanischer Trampolin-Spitzensportler, Kampfsportlehrer, College-Professor, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor, US-amerikanisch-deutsches Sportdrama Peaceful Warrior. Der
    Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers
    , Regie Victor Salva, 2006, YouTube Film, Minute 22:50, 1:55:44 Dauer, eingestellt 23. November
    2022; zitiert in: Zitate berühmter Personen

Der seltener begangene Weg

* * *

In einem gelben Wald, da lief die Straße auseinander,
und ich, betrübt, dass ich, ein Wandrer bleibend, nicht
die beiden Wege gehen konnte, stand
und sah dem einen nach so weit es ging:
bis dorthin, wo er sich im Unterholz verlor.

Und schlug den andern ein, nicht minder schön als jener,
und schritt damit auf dem vielleicht, der höher galt,
denn er war grasig und er wollt begangen sein,
obgleich, was dies betraf, die dort zu gehen pflegten,
sie beide, den und jenen, gleich begangen hatten.
Und beide lagen sie an jenem Morgen gleicherweise
voll Laubes, das kein Schritt noch schwarzgetreten hatte.
Oh, für ein andermal hob ich mir jenen ersten auf!
Doch wissend, wie’s mit Wegen ist, wie Weg zu Weg führt,
erschien mir zweifelhaft, dass ich je wiederkommen würde.

Dies alles sage ich, mit einem Ach darin, dereinst
und irgendwo nach Jahr und Jahr und Jahr:
Im Wald, da war ein Weg, der Weg lief auseinander,
und ich – ich schlug den einen ein, den weniger begangnen,
und dies war der ganze Unterschied.


Quelle: ► Gedicht von Robert Frost (1874-1963) US-amerikanischer Dichter
Übersetzt von Paul Celan (1920-1970) rumänischstämmiger deutschsprachiger Dichter, Lyriker


* * *


Zwei Waldwege trennten sich und ich –
ich entschied mich für den weniger begangenen Weg.
Und das hat mein ganzes Leben verändert.


Quelle: ► Robert Frost (1874-1963) US-amerikanischer Dichter, vierfacher Pulitzer-Preisträger

Die Entscheidung, der eigenen Bestimmung zu folgen

Ich erinnere mich sehr deutlich daran, wie ich mit fünfzig Jahren in die Menopause kam. Eines Tages war ich gerade in meinem Keller am Aufräumen, als mir plötzlich eine verführerische Stimme ins Ohr flüsterte:

"Möchtest du sterben?"

Das Angebot war verlockend, doch ich spürte in mich hinein und stellte fest:

Nein, ich habe noch kaum angefangen.
"Möchtest du Krebs bekommen oder möchtest du dich verjüngen?",

fuhr die Stimme fort. Ich war schockiert.

"Ich wusste gar nicht, dass ich diese Wahl habe",

antwortete ich innerlich.

"Du hast sie",

wurde mir geantwortet.

"Krebs ist der panische Versuch des Körpers, ziel- und planlos zu wachsen.
Verjüngung entsteht, wenn du dich dafür entscheidest, den tieferen Plan deiner Evolution zu aktivieren.
Die Tendenz zum Krebs wird zur Regeneration deiner Zellen umgewandelt, solange du bereit bist, deiner höheren Bestimmung zu folgen.
Der Tod kommt, wenn du dich entscheidest, es nicht mehr zu tun. Du wirst so lange leben, wie du schöpferisch tätig bist. Die Menopause führt so zur Metamorphose."
Quelle: ► Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US-amerikanische spirituelle Lehrerin, Futuristin, visionäre Autorin, ehemals
Kandidatin der Demokraten für das Amt der Vizepräsidentin, Vom Ego zur Essenz, Koha Verlag, 1. Juli 2003

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals


Reference to Mandela's mother

Choice between the personal ⇔ the impersonal

  • Her difficulties, her poverty, made me question again whether I had taken the right path. That was always the conundrum: Had I made the right choice in putting the people's welfare before that of my own family? Nelson Mandela [Influence LoC 505] (1918-2013) leading South African anti-apartheid activist, prisoner for 27 years during apartheid, first black president of South Africa (1994-1999), reflecting upon his mother's death 1968, Long Walk to Freedom. The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela, Macdonald Purnell, 1995, Back Bay Books, 2. June 2008




  • Don’t tell yourself you‘re sick, you’re wounded. Get over it.
    You have two choices: Get bitter or get better.
    Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952)
    US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Living a Fearless Life: Why Not Risk It All?, MP3, spon-
    sored by Omega Conference, archived by CMED Institute, New
    York City, New York, part 2, 27:44 minutes duration, 31. March-
    2. April 2006



  • If we want the beauty of the world that we have co-created to be experienced by our children and our children's children, we will have to become spiritual activists right here, right now, and cause that to happen. We must choose
    to be a cause in the matter.
    Ross Heaven, US American first white Voodoo Shaman of Haiti, psychologist, source unknown




Proposing a pedagogy with a renewed relationship between teacher, student, and society.

  • Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people – they manipulate them. They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress. Paulo Freire, Ph.D. (1921-1997) Brazilian educator, influential theorist of critical pedagogy, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Portuguese original, 1968, English translation by Myra Ramos, 1970


  • The truly free man has no choice. He simply does what must be done. Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) French modernist composer, humanistic astrologer pioneer of transpersonal astrology, author, source unknown


  • The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past [...] we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude [...]. I am con-
    vinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you [...] we are in charge of our attitudes. Charles Swindoll (*1934) US American evangelical Christian pastor, radio preacher, educator, founder of "Insight for Living", author, poem Attitude, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



  • You have choice, but you don't have control.
    Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), source unknown


  • We are co-creators, not mere slaves, and we are left free to choose either the world of cruelty or the world of love.
    Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of
    Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, Soho's New York Open Center, undated


  • We do not know how we decide things, and in a sense we don't really care. Decisions are made for us by our uncons-
    cious, the conscious is in charge of making up reasons for those decisions which sound rational. We can, on the other
    hand, think rationally about the choices that other people make. We can do this because we do not know and are not
    trying to satisfy unconscious needs and childhood fantasies. As for making good decisions in our lives, when we do it
    is mostly random. We are always operating with too little information consciously and way too much unconsciously.
    Roger Schank (*1945) US American psychologist, computer scientist, designer of E-Learning classes, author, cited in: article What
    Do You Believe Is True
    , presented by the nonprofit online magazine Edge, 2005


  • If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
    Neil Peart (1952-2020) Canadian musician, drummer of the rock band Rush, author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace. I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise.
    I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace. I do not feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit can undo all the consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him. I choose to let Him, by allowing Him to decide for God for me.
    A Course of Miracles text book [LoC 550], 1976, revised 1996




Lincoln fought all his life with bouts of depression.

  • Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.
    Abraham Lincoln [LoC 565] (1809-1865) assassinated 16th US President (1861-1865), abolisher of slavery, How to Get What You Want, S. 74, Orison Marden, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1917


  • The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think. A Course in Miracles textbook [LoC 550], 1976, revised 1996


  • Before you make ANY decisions for yourself, remember that you have decided AGAINST your function in Heaven, and consider carefully whether you WANT to make decisions here. Your function here is only to decide AGAINST deciding what you want, in recognition that you do not KNOW. How, then, can you decide what you should do? Leave all deci-
    sions to the One Who speaks for God, and for your function as He KNOWS it. So will He teach you to remove the awful burden you have laid upon yourself by loving not the Son of God, and trying to teach him guilt instead of love. Give up this frantic and insane attempt, which cheats you of the joy of living with your God and Father, and awaking gladly to His Love and Holiness which join together as the truth in you, making you One with Him.
    When you have learned how to decide WITH God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried along a quiet path in summer. Only your own volition seems to make deciding hard. The Holy Spirit will not delay at all in answering your EVERY question what to do. He KNOWS. And He will TELL you and then do it FOR you. You who are tired might consider whether this is not more restful than sleep. For you can bring your guilt into sleeping, but not into this. A Course in Miracles textbook [LoC 550], chapter 14, section IV, The Foundation for Inner Peace, S. 280, 3rd edition 1976, revised edition 1996



See also:

  • The intellect or the conscious mind believes it is the problem solver, that it controls what happens and what is experienced.
    In his book The User Illusion. Cutting Consciousness Down to Size, the Danish science journalist Tor Norretranders (*1955) paints a different picture of Consciousness. He cites research studies, particularly those of Professor Benjamin Libet of the University of California at San Francisco, that show that decisions are made before Consciousness makes them, and that the intellect is only conscious of between 15 or 20 bits of information per second out of millions in reaction below its awareness! Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH),
    article Who's In Charge?, 9. January 2005


  • It is very important to know that we ourselves don't make decisions. […] when something inside us moves us we
    want to be clear that it is an inspiration from the Divine, not from data plane from the past.
    Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, August 2007


Antelope Canyon, Arizona, 2007
  • The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe. Misattributed to Albert Einstein [LoC 499] (1879-1955) German-born US American theoretical physicist, developer of the theory of general relativity, Nobel laureate in physics, 1921, cited in: Article Marianne Williamson Loves Spreading Fake Quotes From Albert Einstein, Gizmodo, Matt Novak, 23. July 2019
    • A friend proposed to the late F. W. H. Myers (1843-1901) the following question: "What is the thing which above all others you would like to know? If you could ask the Sphinx one question, and only one, what would the question be?" After a moment's silence Myers replied: "I think it would be this: Is the universe friendly?" Emil Carl Wilm (1877-1932), The Problem of Religion, Footnote on S. 114, 1912



  • Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one's attitude
    in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) Austrian psychiatrist, psychothera-
    pist, neurologist, Nazi death camp survivor, meaning researcher, founder of logotherapy, author, Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning. An Introduction to Logotherapy, 1946, Beacon Press, United States, 1959, Washington Square Press, New York, 1963, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1975, updated revised edition 1. December 1997, 1st paperback edition July 2000


  • The last of human freedoms is the ability to chose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. And there were always choices to make. Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to those powers which threatened to
    rob you of your very self, your inner freedom; which determined whether or not you become the plaything to circum-
    stance, renouncing freedom and dignity. Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) Austrian psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, Nazi death camp survivor, meaning researcher, founder of logotherapy, author, Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning. An Introduction to Logotherapy, 1946, Beacon Press, United States, 1959, Washington Square Press, New York, 1963, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1975, updated revised edition 1. December 1997, 1st paperback edition July 2000



  • Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) Austrian psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, concentration camp survivor, meaning researcher, founder of logotherapy, author, Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning. An Introduction to Logo-
    , 1946, Beacon Press, United States, 1959, Washington Square Press, New York, 1963, Simon & Schuster, New York,
    1975, updated revised edition 1. December 1997, 1st paperback edition July 2000


  1. Life has meaning under all circumstances.
  2. Everyone has a will toward meaning.
  3. Human beings have freedom of choice, over attitudes, even if over nothing else.
Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) Austrian psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, Nazi death camp survivor, meaning researcher, foun-
der of logotherapy, author, Logotherapy in Action, edited by Joseph Fabry, et. al., S. 33, Institute Logotherapy Press, June 1979


  • And after your death, when most of you for the first time realize what life here is all about, you will begin to see that
    your life here is almost nothing but the sum total of every choice you have made during every moment of your life. Your thoughts, which you are responsible for, are as real as your deeds. You will begin to realize that every word and every deed affects your life and has also touched thousands of lives.
    Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. [Social impact LoC 485] (1926-2004) Swiss US American psychiatrist, death and dying researcher, founder of Near-death studies, author, cited in: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Quotes



The five modes of decision-making:

1. Instincts; 2. Subconscious beliefs; 3. Conscious beliefs; 4. Values; 5. Intuition


  • Sheldrake's human morphic field and C. G. Jung's collective unconscious are the same. This means that when a critical number of people change their perceptions and behavior, it becomes a
    new choice or pattern in the collective psyche, which each of us can contribute to or draw from. The Hundredth Monkey in the allegorical story was the monkey who, upon learning a new behavior, tipped the scales, so that monkeys who were not even in direct communication now changed what they did. When a critical mass is reached,
    in this theory, new attitudes and behavior will spread through the species unconsciously. This can either be deduc-
    ted through researched examples or grasped intuitively.
    Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. jeanbolen.com (*1936) US American Jungian analyst, proactive women researcher and supporter,
    crone, spiritual teacher, author, Prophets Great List, newsletter, 31. May 2003


  • Choice is not near as important as being chosen. Being chosen means to be called. [...] What counts in life is being called to be in a certain kind of life. [...] Each road of life will be marked with wounds as well as gifts. To be alive is to be wounded. Video presentation by Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org (*1944) US American storyteller, mythologist, ritualist, spokes-
    man in the men's movement, author, Michael Meade reads from "Fate and Destiny", sponsored by the Elliot Bay Bookstore, filmed by "Never Not Here TV", Seattle, Washington, 2010, YouTube film, minute 1:11:15, 1:29:31 duration, posted 23. December 2010



Moments of experience – 600.000 moments for making a choice per month:

On the "experiencing self" (present) ⇔ the "remembering self" (past, score keeper, story teller)

  • The Psychological Present is said to be about 3 seconds long, that means that in
    a life there are about 600 million of them, in a month 600,000. We have 600,000 chances each month to improve the decisions we are making in the present – those are a whole lot of opportunities to make amazing improvements to our lives. Video presentation by Daniel Kahneman, Ph.D. (1934-2024) Israeli-American professor of psychology, Princeton, founder of behavioral economics, Nobel laureate in economic sciences, 2002, The riddle of experience vs. memory, presented by TED Talks 2010, minute 7:22, 20:07 minutes duration, filmed February 2010, posted March 2010




Intuition trumps reasoning.


  • Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results. Scott Adams (*1957) US American creator of the Dilbert comic strip, author of several nonfiction works of satire, com-
    mentary, business, and general speculation, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends. Jacques Delille (1738-1813) French poet, translator, cited in: Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations, Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, Pitié, 1895; cited in: AZ Quotes



References: en.Wikiquote entries Choice and ► Decisions
Quote collection: Decision Quotes For Clarity And Direction

Literary quotes


Abbreviated Internet version:

"I have my way. You have your way. As for the right way, it does not exist."

  • "This – is now my way, – where is yours?"
    Thus did I answer those who asked me "the way."
    For the way – it doth not exist!
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer, Thus Spoke Zarathustra [Also sprach Zarathustra], volume III, chapter 55 "The Spirit of Gravity", Ernst Schmeitzner Verlag, Chemnitz, 1883-1885, Viking Press, 1954


  • As a student with one more class to take, [Will] Ackerman [founder of Windham Hill Music Company] went to his pro-
    fessor, who also happened to be his father, and said, "I can’t take this anymore. I'm dropping out."
    "Sounds like a good idea," said his father. "I think I will, too."
    Ackerman's father did indeed quit his job after his son quit school. Ackerman then borrowed $5 each from twenty of
    his friends and started his business. After Windham Hill was an established success and Ackerman had started other
    businesses, he built a little place for his father in New Hampshire. [O]ne night father and son were sitting out on the
    porch in their rocking chairs, talking about Will’s different business ventures, and Will said, blue "I don’t know, Dad.
    I’ve got this construction business; I’ve got this music thing. What should I do?"
    His father responded, "You know, I’ve never made a decision in my life."
    At first Ackerman thought, "Oh boy, what a letdown." But then he realized that if you know what’s right, you don't
    have to make decisions.
    When you know what’s right, it’s just there for you, and you do it.
    Peter Senge (*1947) US American scientist, director of the Center for Organizational Learning, MIT Sloan School of Management (*1991), author, Presence. Human Purpose and the Field of the Future, S. 148, 2004, 16. August 2005, Crown Business, reprint
    edition 15. January 2008


Movie lines and TV series quotes

  • I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.
    Movie line excerpted from City of Angels, character angel Seth, who had to become a human being due to being in love with mortal
    Dr. Maggie, City Of Angels, YouTube film, 0:53 minutes duration, posted 4. December 2009

Englische Texte – English section on Decision

Decision making on beliefs ⇔ values

Decisions based on: beliefs embedded in stories vs. values embedded in narratives
Belief-based decision making Values-based decision making
Acting from fear derived from past history Consciously creating the future
Left-brained story Right-brained narrative
Finite, self-contained, competitive mode Open-ended, cooperative mode
Defined: Beginning, middle, resolution (end) Resolution inherent in unfolding process
Resolution to be determined


Latvia has 2.3 million inhabitants. In 2008 Latvia was in a worse situation financially, culturally and energetically than Iceland. The Barrett Values Centre procured a "Latvian National Values Assessment" which resulted in the governmental project Latvia 2030, a value-based long-term development plan.1
The native Latvians and the Russian immigrants – two factions with largely differing belief systems – did not get along with
each other. Further value assessment found that the desired cultural values of both factions were almost exactly the same.


Latvia's promising new narrative is: "Our values matter.""Let's create values."



Beliefs vs. values ◊ Fears vs. trust

  • Much of belief-based decision making is founded on our fears. And so we avoid doing things. Or we do things so we don't get hit or don't get hurt. It limits us.
    Value-based decision making, on the other hand, is about consciously creating the future we want to experience. If I want to experience trust in the future I am going to make this decision based on trust.
Video interview with Phil Clothier, British CEO of Barrett Values Centre, Phil Clothier – 'Consciousness in Business', presented by the British Conscious.TV, host Iain McNay, British chairman of the independent label Cherry Red Records, YouTube film, minute 46:10, 53:59 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011



Latvia: Building the first value-driven nation

  • What is so interesting is that this idea of engaging the people [of Latvia] in these values and building a values-driven nation is really what's driving them. This is the first time in modern European history that a country has said, 'we're going to build our policies on values and the values of the people and the values that the people want' rather than going to saying, 'we're going to get an education system from Australia and we are going to get a finance system from another country. They're saying, 'we really want to do this ourselves. And nobody has done it on values before. So that's what we're going to do.' Video interview with Phil Clothier, British CEO of Barrett Values Centre, Phil Clothier – 'Consciousness in Business', presented by the British Conscious.TV, host Iain McNay, British chairman of the independent label Cherry Red Records, YouTube film, minute 43:38, 53:59 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011


Sources: Video interviews featuring the Barrett Values Centre
► Phil Clothier, British CEO of the Barrett Values Centre: Phil Clothier – 'Consciousness in Business', presented by the
     British Conscious.TV, host Iain McNay, British chairman of the independent label Cherry Red Records, YouTube film,
     minute 41:36-46:59, 53:59 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011
► Phil Clothier, British CEO of the Barrett Values Centre: National Assessments and Banking and Latvia, YouTube film,
     5:31 minutes duration, posted by BarrettValuesCentre 28. April 2010
Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and
     human values in business and society, Beliefs vs Values Decision Making, YouTube film, 1:59 minutes duration,
     posted by BarrettValuesCentre 12. July 2010
See also: ► Richard Barrett and ► Seventeen stories in life and ► Stories ⇔ narratives

Choosing between two paths – Prostitute or maiden

The choice between ego and Self – Prostitute and maiden
Prostitute path
The left path of Ego
Maiden path
The right path of SELF
Let's say you're the guy, and you want to 'get lucky'. With the prostitute you go, pay the fee, and get exactly what you want from her. […] but since it is illegal, you may end up getting hit with a few arrows as well. The […] positive path – is to approach your Higher Self as if it were a maiden. […] If you want to connect with the maiden, it's not so simple. You have to LISTEN to her. You have to dance with her […] explore her needs […] find out what she wants […] and be willing to move with her own free will, so that the two of you can COMBINE your visions into a MUTUAL view of what you want. Only then do you consummate the relationship.
Finally I realized that what I SHOULD have been asking, if I were treating my Higher Self as a maiden, was
"Where should I move if I want to serve the Work most effectively […] to be the best spiritual servant
for my fellow human beings that I can be?"
Source: ► David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker,
lecturer, author, The Deeper "Secret", part 2, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 29. March 2007
[First part source: The Deeper "Secret", part 1, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 27. March 2007]
See also: ► Relational levels and ► The Secret and ► White Buffalo Calf Woman

OODA principle: Observe ⇒ Orient ⇒ Decide ⇒ Act

The military teaches four steps of decision-making reminding leaders to the OODA principle:
1. Observe
2. Orient
3. Decide
4. Act.

The road not taken – Robert Frost

             The road less traveled             


I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.


Robert Frost (1874-1963) US American poet, The Road Not Taken, published 1916
Video references:
► Video presentation |The Road Not Taken – America's Most Widely Misread Literary Sensation,
     presented by the US American magazine The Atlantic, YouTube film, 1:08 minutes duration,
     posted 19. March 2018
► Video presentation by Kevin Murphy, US American professor of English, Ithaca College,
     Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken", YouTube film, 23:47 minutes duration, 29. June 2008
Examination of the discrepancy between Robert Frost's popularity during his lifetime and
the darker implications of his poetry, as exemplified by one of his most cherished poems.
See also: ► Poems

LoC calibrations (engl.): Topic

  • LoC 350 [Acceptance] – Required level of understanding and selection when solving a triage2
  • LoC 205 [Integrity] – Being consciously exposed to a triage: choosing the smaller evil instead of the bigger one to possibly save lifes, upholding the bigger of two or more principles at stake3


Links zum Thema Entscheidung / Choice and decision


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New emerging business paradigm

Research on intuition and decision making


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1 Latvia's Sustainable Development Strategy 2030, presented by the UNESCO, undated

2 Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004

3 Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004

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