Links zum Thema Kosmologie / Cosmology
- Helmut Friedrich Krause (1904-1973) deutscher Naturphilosoph, Vom Regenbogen und vom Gesetz der Schöpfung. Das kosmische Schicksal der Menschheit. Wie dem lebensfeindlichen Wirken der Erdbewohner ein Ende gesetzt wird, edition dionysos, 1. Januar 1989
- Horst Willigmann, Grundriss der Heimschen Theorie, Resch Verlag, 2002
- Dr. Brian Greene (*1963) US-amerikanischer Professor der theoretischen Physik, bedeutender Stringtheoritker, Columbia Universität, seit 1996, Das elegante Universum. Superstrings, verborgene Dimensionen und die Suche nach der Weltformel, Berliner Taschenbuch Verlag, 2002, Goldmann Verlag, 12. Dezember 2005
Thematisierung der Stringtheorie, verborgene Dimensionen, Suche nach der Weltformel
- Dr. Brian Greene (*1963) US-amerikanischer Professor der theoretischen Physik, bedeutender Stringtheoritker, Columbia Universität, seit 1996, Der Stoff, aus dem der Kosmos ist. Raum, Zeit und die Beschaffenheit der Wirklichkeit, Siedler Verlag,
1. Auflage 21. September 2004, Pantheon Verlag, 10. Mai 2006
- Frederic Vester (1925-2003) deutscher Professor für Biochemie, Systemforscher, Umweltexperte, populärwissenschaftlicher Autor, Unsere Welt. Ein vernetztes System, Klett-Cotta, 1. Januar 1978
- Michael Talbot (1953-1992) US-amerikanischer Autor über Mystik und Quantemechanik, Das holographische Universum. Die Welt in neuer Dimension, Droemer Knaur Verlag, 1992, 1994
- Prof. Hans Jörg Fahr, deutscher Astrophysiker, Bundesverdienstkreuzträger für wissenschaftliche Verdienste, Kritiker der Urknall-Theorie, Universum ohne Urknall. Kosmologie in der Kontroverse, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Oktober 1995
- Hans-Peter Dürr, Quantenphysiker, Marianne Oesterreicher, Auch die Wissenschaft spricht nur in Gleichnissen, Herder Verlag, Freiburg, 4. Auflage September 2004
- Jochen Kirchhoff (*1944) deutscher Philosoph, Kosmologe, Schriftsteller, Räume, Dimensionen, Weltmodelle. Impulse für eine andere Naturwissenschaft, Drachen Verlag, erweiterte Taschenbuchausgabe 1. April 2006
- Brian Swimme (*1950) US-amerikanischer Kosmologe, California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), Autor, Das Universum ist ein grüner Drache. Ein Dialog über die Schöpfung und die mystische Liebe zum Kosmos, J.Kamphausen Verlag, 1. Auflage
1. September 2007
- Stephen W. Hawking (1942-2018) britischer Spitzenwissenschaftler, Astrophysiker, Mathematiker, Universität Cambridge, Atheist, Autor, Leonard Mlodinow (*1954) US-amerikanischer Physiker, Drehbuchautor, Der große Entwurf. Eine neue Erklärung des Universums, Rowohlt, 3. Auflage 7. September 2010
- Graham Hancock (*1950) britischer Archäoastronom, Journalist, Schriftsteller, Die Magier der Götter. Die vergessene Weisheit einer verschollenen Erdzivilisation, Kopp Verlag, 25. Oktober 2018
- Dr. Jude Currivan (*1952) britische Quantenphysikerin, Kosmologin, Archäologin, Erdheilerin, Futuristin, Autorin, Franz Leipold, Übersetzer, Das kosmische Hologramm. Wie holografische Informationsstrukturen unsere Realität formen, Goldmann Verlag, München, 1. Auflage 17. Februar 2020
Literature (engl.)
- Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, painter, sculptor, builder, author on the unified theory in physics and cosmogony, The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 1, University of Science and Philosophy, June 1971
- Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, painter, sculptor, builder, author on the unified theory in physics and cosmogony, Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 2, University of Science and Philosophy, June 1971
- Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, painter, sculptor, builder, author on the unified theory in physics and cosmogony, The Universal One, University of Science and Philosophy, June 1974
- David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, 1980, Routledge Classics,
reissue edition 15. November 2002
- Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, painter, sculptor, builder, author on the unified theory in physics and cosmogony, A New Concept of the Universe, University of Science and Philosophy, revised edition June 1989
Free e-book: A New Concept Of The Universe, presented by Community Books
- John C. Briggs, Ph.D. (*1945) US American professor and co-chair of the department of English language, comparative literature, Western Connecticut State University, author of holistic physics, F. David Peat (1938-2017) British holistic physicist, researcher in solid state physics and the foundation of quantum theory, author, Turbulent Mirror. An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and the Science of Wholeness. MAPS OF CHANGE. Our journey through the mirror-worlds of order and chaos, Harper Perennial,
6. June 1990
- Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, painter, sculptor, builder, author on the unified theory in physics and cosmogony, The Secret of Light, University of Science and Philosophy, 3rd edition 1994
Free e-book: The Secret of Light, presented by Community Books
- Michael S. Schneider, US American mathematician, educator writer, A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe. Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science, Harper Perennial, 29. September 1995
- William A. Tiller, Ph.D., leading edge scientist, Science and Human Transformation. Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness, Pavior, 1. November 1997
- Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, painter, sculptor, builder, Lao Russell (1904-1988) English visionary philosopher, coauthor, Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness, 1950, revised edition 2001
- Casey Blood, Ph.D., US American professor of physics, Rutgers University, New Jersey, The Way from Science to Soul. The Mystical-Physical Nature of Human Existence, Renaissance Books, 2002
- William A. Tiller Ph.D., US American leading edge scientist, Walter Dibble, J. Gregory Fandel, Some Science Adventures with Real Magic, Pavior, 1st edition 1. May 2005
- William A. Tiller Ph.D., US American leading edge scientist, Psychoenergetic Science, Pavior, 5. July 2007
- Zivorad M. Slavinski, free e-book I CHING. Philosophical Machine, PDF, Belgrade, 2007
- Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D. US American quantum physicist, UC Berkeley, Mindful Universe. Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer, Springer-Verlag Publishing, New York, 1st edition 20. July 2007
- Casey Blood, Ph.D., US American professor of physics, Rutgers University, New Jersey, The Way from Science to Soul. Integrating Physics, the Brain, and the Spiritual Journey, October 2007
- Thomas Warren Campbell, Jr. (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, My Big TOE. The Complete Trilogy, Lightning Strike Books, 1st edition 9. December 2007
- Amit Goswami, Ph.D. (*1936) Indian US American professor emeritus of nuclear physics, University of Oregon (1968-1997), quantum cosmologist, author, God Is Not Dead. What Quantum Physics Tell Us about Our Origins and How We Should Live, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 21. July 2008
- James Gleick, Chaos. Making a New Science, Penguin (Non-Classics), anniversary reprint edition 26. August 2008
- Katya Walter Ph.D., US American physicist, multi-disciplinary scientist, Jungian scholar, Asian scholar, Double Bubble Universe. mind & matter in a new TOE, volume 2, Kairos Center, 28. June 2010
- Brian Swimme (*1950) US American cosmologist, non-profit institution of higher education California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), author, The Powers of the Universe, Kindle ebook, Yale University Press, 28. June 2011
Eleven powers that are present everywhere and throughout time in the universe. They exist in the subatomic particles, the elements, the galaxies, stars, supernovas, planets, continents, oceans, life and humans: 0. Seamlessness ✣ 1. Centration ✣ 2. Allurement ✣ 3. Emergence ✣ 4. Homeostasis ✣ 5. Cataclysm ✣ 6. Synergy ✣ 7. Transmutation ✣ 8. Transformation ✣ 9. Interrelatedness ✣ 10. Radiance
- Neil Shubin, Ph.D. (*1960) US American paleontologist, professor of evolutionary biology and anatomy, University of Chicago, popular science writer, The Universe Within. Discovering the Common History of Rocks, Planets, and People, Pantheon,
1st edition 8. January 2013
- Anne Baring (1931-2020) British historian, Jungian psychoanalyst, feminist author, The Dream of the Cosmos, Archive Publi-
shing, 16. May 2013
- Sean Carroll, US American theoretical physicist, California Institute of Technology, cosmologist, author, The Big Picture.
On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself, Dutton, 10. May 2016
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
- Article by John Carl Villanueva, How Many Atoms Are There in the Universe?, presented by publication universetoday, 30. July 2009
- Article No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator, Lisa Zyg, 9. February 2015
- Essay In the beginning. Cosmology has been on a long, hot streak, racking up one imaginative and scientific triumph after another. Is it over?, presented by the philosophical and cultural online magazine Aeon, Ross Andersen, US American senior editor at The Atlantic, edited by Brigid Hains, 12. May 2015
- Archeology article Close Calls: Three Times When Humanity Barely Escaped Extinction, presented by the design, technology, science and science fiction website Gizmodo, Esther Inglis-Arkell, 16. September 2015
- Article First Support for a Physics Theory of Life, presented by the independent online publication Quanta Magazine, Natalie Wolchover, senior writer, 26. July 2017
The young American biophysicist, Jeremy England, at M.I.T. postulates that the origin of life is not mysterious.
- Essay (audio availed) Is the Universe a conscious mind?, presented by the philosophical and cultural online magazine Aeon, Dr. Philip Goff, British associate professor in philosophy, consciousness researcher, Durham University, United Kingdom, edited by Nigel Warburton, 8. February 2018
Crazy as it might seem, cosmopsychism provides a robust explanatory model for how the Universe became fine-tuned for life.
Audio- und Videolinks
- Videointerview mit Bleep-Film-Experten William Tiller, Ph.D., US-amerikanischer Professor emeritus, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford Universität, Forscher, Lehrer, Autor, Fred Alan Wolf, Jeffrey Satinover, Höhen und Tiefen in San Francisco, YouTube Film, 30:40 Minuten Dauer, zuerst eingestellt 17. Oktober 2007, neu eingestellt 5. November 2012
Quantenphysik und Kabbalah
Themen: Gravitationskraft, 12-Dimensionen-Theorie Burkhard Heim, deutscher Physiker, "Hyperraum", Interdependenz, "Weltformel"
- Videointerview mit Dr. rer. nat. Michael König (*1957) deutscher Quantenphysiker, Mystiker, Autor, Das Urwort, präsentiert
von dem deutschen Web-Fernsehkanal Jetzt TV und dem deutschen Web-Fernsehkanal Mystica TV, Gründer und Gastgeber Thomas Schmelzer, 30:55 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. Februar 2011
- Video Philosophisches Gespräch mit Jochen Kirchhoff (*1944) deutscher Philosoph, Kosmologe, Schriftsteller, Masse und das Wesen der Materie, Episode 20, Gastgeber Uli Fischer, aufgenommen 2. Februar 2019, YouTube Film, 1:37:03 Dauer, eingestellt 4. Februar 2019
Die Gesamtmasse der Erde beträgt 5,98 Trilliarden Tonnen.
Linkloses Medienangebot
- Video War die Erde im Mittelalter flach?, präsentiert von der YouTube-Plattform Stolen History, Produzent traumzeit, YouTube Film, 30:34 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 12. November 2021
Audio and video links (engl.)
- Videointerview mit Michael Talbot (1953-1992) US-amerikanischer Autor über Mystik und Quantemechanik, Michael Talbot: Holographisches Universum, präsentiert von der wöchentlichen öffentlichen Fernsehserie Thinking Allowed (PBS) (1988-2002), Moderator Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove (*1946) US-amerikanischer klinischer Psychologe, Direktor des Intuition Network, Radio- und Fernsehinterviewer, Autor, YouTube Fiilm, 27:36 Minuten Dauer, aufgenommen ~1990, eingestellt 17. Januar 2013
- Video presentation by David Deutsch (*1953) Israelian British mathematician, physicist, Our place in the cosmos, presented
by TED Talks, YouTube film, 19:03 minutes duration, filmed July 2005, posted September 2006
The survival of the human species, global warming, admitting that there is a problem.
- Video interview with Claude Swanson, Ph.D. US American physicist focused on experimental cosmology and astronomy, MIT and Princeton University, parapsychologist, Claude Swanson on The Synchronized Universe, location CPAK Conference, 2006, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 21:28 minutes duration, posted December 2006 Subject to fee
- Video interview with Stuart Hameroff, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of anesthesiology, University of Arizona, consciousness researcher, Quantum Consciousness, Youtube film, 9:42 minutes duration, posted 19. October 2007
On quantum physics and consciousness
Controversial new 8-dimensional model of the universe of elementary particles and forces similar to the Sacred geometry "Flower of Life"
Illustrated wide-angle look at the complexity, complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet
- Full video presentation by Scott Onstott, US American trainer, filmmaker, artist, writer, Secrets In Plain Sight – Volume 1 – Complete, YouTube film, 3:43:46 duration, first posted 13. July 2011, reposted 7. November 2019
- 3-part video interview with Jude Currivan, Ph.D. (*1952) British archaeologist, former business woman, cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, presented by the US American New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, produced April 2017, YouTube film, posted by
- Jude Currivan: The Cosmic Hologram – A Cosmology of a Conscious and Evolutionary Universe, part 1 of 3, 25:06 minutes duration, posted 25. November 2017, reposted 12. December 2021
- Universal Patterns in Nature with Jude Currivan, part 2 of 3, 28:23 minutes duration, posted 16. November 2017
- Consciousness and Cosmology with Jude Currivan, part 3 of 3, 40:31 minutes duration, posted 4. December 2017
- Video presentatation by Eric Weinstein (*1965) US American managing director of Thiel Capital, A Portal Special Presentation – Geometric Unity: A First Look, YouTube film, 2:48:22 duration, 2. April 2020
Audio and video links (engl.) – Carmen Boulter
- Video television documentary series (5 episodes) produced and directed by Carmen Boulter, Ph.D. (1954-2022) Canadian professor of linguistics, Educational Research, University of Calgary, Canada, researcher on the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and Greece, educator, author, supported by Dr. Abd'el Hakim Awyan, Egyptian, archeologist, wisdom-keeper, presented by the US American Documentary Channel, produced 2009, beginning April 2010, YouTube film
Six distinct pyramid sites near the Great Pyramid (including 22 pyramids altogether) are signs of superior technology and scientific-spiritual knowledge.
Evidence shows that the ancient Egptians used high level technology to construct pyramids and temples.
Deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics and art; neolithic stone circles in Nabta Playa
The pyramids were built in a Golden Age, where the sacred feminine in balance with the sacred masculine was honored.
The chronology of traditional egyptology dates the emergence of the pyramids 5000 years back. Evidence shows that they came into being around 36-34-26,000 years ago.
- Video television documentary series produced and directed by Carmen Boulter, Ph.D. (1954-2022) Canadian professor of linguistics, Educational Research, University of Calgary, Canada, researcher on the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and Greece, educator, author, Ancient Egypt And The Alternative Story Of Mankind's Origins Documentary, presented by the US American basic cable and satellite television station The History Channel, YouTube film, 3:32:42 duration, posted 24. May 2015
- Audio interview with Carmen Boulter, Ph.D. (1954-2022) Canadian professor of linguistics, Educational Research, University of Calgary, Canada, researcher on the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and Greece, educator, author, Carmen Boulter Discoveries after the Pyramid Code, presented by Earth Ancients, host Cliff Dunning, YouTube film, 1:21:21 duration, posted 29. January 2018
- Video Skype interview with Carmen Boulter, Ph.D. (1954-2022) Canadian professor of linguistics, Educational Research, University of Calgary, Canada, researcher on the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and Greece, educator, author, Dr. Carmen Boulter – The Pyramid Code & The New Atlantis, JSP #3, presented by JSP radio show, host Justin Stellman, YouTube film,
1:08:37 duration, posted 16. July 2016
20 ancient civilizations planted pyramids around the globe starting some 50,000 years ago.
"In the Bosnian tunnel system they are finding all kinds of things that come from matriarchal times some 40,000 years ago." Minute 41:40
- Video Zoom interview with Carmen Boulter, Ph.D. (1954-2022) Canadian professor of linguistics, Educational Research, University of Calgary, Canada, researcher on the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and Greece, educator, author, Consciousness and The Great Pyramid by Dr. Carmen Boulter, presented by the organization PMC Global, host Sree Lakshmi, United Kingdom,
YouTube film, 57:09 minutes duration, posted 18. July 2020
Audio and video links (engl.) – Thomas Campbell
- Video presentation by Thomas Campbell (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, Monroe Institute (TMI), London School of Economics, author, My Big TOE. The Complete Trilogy (2007) on Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, sponsored by and at London School of Economics, recorded 22. February 2008, YouTube film, posted 13. April 2008
Nature of reality, the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, philosophy and theology in terms of consciousness
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 1 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 2 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 3 of 18, 9:01 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 4 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 5 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 6 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 7 of 18, 9:01 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 8 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 9 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 10 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 11 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 12 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 13 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 14 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 15 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 16 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 17 of 18, 9:00 minutes duration
- Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 18 of 18, 8:52 minutes duration
- Video keynote speech presentation by Thomas Campbell (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, Monroe Institute (TMI), London School of Economics, author, My Big Toe – Consciousness: The Endless Frontier, sponsored by the Monroe Institute (TMI), Virginia, 22nd Professional Seminar, March 2010, recorded by "Lightning Strike Books", Vimeo film (complete version) and YouTube film, YouTube film, 2:04:48 duration, posted 15. April 2008
Audio and video links (engl.) – Michael S. Schneider
Audio and video links (engl.) – Walter Russell
- Video interview with Lao Russell (1904-1988) English visionary philosopher, coauthor, cofounder of the University of Science and Philosophy, Swannanoa, Viriginia, Lao Russell Interview PM Magazine, presented by the German popular science
P.M. Magazine, 1983, YouTube film, 5:54 minutes duration, posted 3. November 2008
Linkless media offerings
- Video lecture by Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, architect, painter, sculptor, builder, author (unified theory in physics and cosmogony), Living A Cosmic Life From The Mind, excerpted from Lecture Series 1953, YouTube film, 1:00:13 duration, posted 12. January 2013
- Video documentation Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, architect, painter, sculptor, builder, author (unified theory in physics and cosmogony), "Walter and Lao Russell", YouTube film, 1:27:23 duration, posted 23. September 2011
Audio and video links (engl.) – William Tiller
- Video interview with William Tiller, Ph.D. (1929-2022) US American professor emeritus, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, private researcher, consciousness teacher, consultant, author, presented by film documentary Bleep II – Down the Rabbit Hole, YouTube film, posted 11. December 2007
- Video interview with William Tiller, Ph.D. (1929-2022) US American professor emeritus, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, private researcher, consciousness teacher, consultant, author, Background & Research Intro, part 1, YouTube film, 5:10 minutes duration, posted 7. June 2010
Orthodox science is challenged to measure phenomena that are not distance and time related.
- Video interview with William Tiller, Ph.D. (1929-2022) US American professor emeritus, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, private researcher, consciousness teacher, consultant, author, Psychoenergetics – William Tiller Ph.D, presented by Lilou Macé's Web TV, host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American
video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, 43:41 minutes duration, posted 15. October 2012
Audio and video links (engl.) – Katya Walter
- Video interview of historical interest with Katya Walter, Ph.D., US American physicist, Asian scholar, Jungian scholar, multi-disciplinarian scientist, Test the I Ching, host Paul O'Brien, 1997, YouTube film, 3:42 minutes duration, posted 2. November 2008
- Video interview of historical interest with Katya Walter, Ph.D., US American physicist, Jungian scholar, multi-disciplinarian scientist, The Fractal Universe, host Paul O'Brien, 1997, YouTube film, 9:09 minutes duration, posted 14. November 2008
The human DNA and the I Ching link in a master code that shapes the fractal universe.