
Hawkins / Kontext





Kontext Inhalt




Sanddünen, Algerien, Dezember 2004



Formen und Inhalte mit dem GEIST verbinden



Von Generation zu Generation hat die Menschheit darin versagt, die Welt der Formen und Inhalte wieder zu verbinden mit dem Geist, zu rekontextualisieren.
Dieses menschliche Unvermögen hat Millionen von Leben in der Ge-
schichte gekostet.


Den Kontext, den innewohnenden nichtlinearen Geist einer Situation, zu ignorieren, ist die größte Quelle unheilvoller Katastrophen.

Was nicht ist, dient zum Werk



Dreißig Speichen umgeben eine Nabe:
in ihrem Nichts besteht des Wagens Werk.
Man höhlet Ton und bildet ihn zu Töpfen:
in ihrem Nichts besteht der Töpfe Werk.
Man gräbt Türen und Fenster,
damit die Kammer werde:
in ihrem Nichts besteht der Kammer Werk.


Darum: Was ist, dient zum Besitz.
Was nicht ist, dient zum Werk.


Quelle: ► Tao te King [BW 610] Abschnitt 11, 800-200 v. Chr.
Siehe auch: ► Arbeit und ► Kreativität

Sinn existiert, ehe die Form auftaucht.

In der Kunst könnt Ihr nicht lügen.
Du wisse das und warte,
denn die Form muss eher zu schwingen beginnen als der Sinn,
jedoch muss der Sinn eher da sein als die Form.
Der Sinn bildet die Form.

Es singe in Dir, ehe Du singst, sonst sprichst Du nur.
Das echte Gedicht ist immer weiser als sein Dichter.
Nur singende Bücher verzaubern,
die klugen lassen unverwandelt.
Quelle: ► Rainer Bertram

Sich von der Identifikation mit Inhalten lösen – Bewusstsein erlauben

Der Betrachter eines Gemäldes an der Wand nimmt nicht für sich in Anspruch, das Gemälde zu sein oder es geschaffen
zu haben. Diese Metapher lässt sich auf die Inhalte des Bewusstseins übertragen.


Sich mit Inhalten zu identifizieren, heißt auszuschließen, dass man als Mensch Bewusstsein [Kontext] ist.
Die Einsicht, dass man Bewusstsein, nicht Inhalt des Bewusstseins, ist, ist die Gelegenheit für das Auftreten des inneren Beobachters.


Siehe auch: ► Beobachter

Zitate zum Thema Kontext ⇔ Inhalt / Context ⇔ content

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Der Inhalt [Erklärungen] ist keineswegs die eigentliche Lehre; es ist die Auraschwingung des Lehrers, dessen Feld, das anhand des Einverständnisses des Schülers die benötigte Information bereitstellt, die in der Frequenz einkodiert ist. Quelle unbekannt


Christus, Deisis Mosaik
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, 1280
  • Kontext ist die Gesamtheit all dessen, was ausgeschlossen wird, mit darin enthaltenen oder spezifizierten Grenzen oder sogar gänzlich ohne solche, wie GOTT oder das ganze Universum. Bei-
    spielsweise könnte man einen speziellen Stern "A" herausgreifen.
    Dann wird der Rest der Galaxie oder das gesamte Firmament ein-
    schließlich seiner Evolution durch die Zeit zum Kontext, der auch
    einen Betrachter umgreift. [...] Inhalt und Kontext sind somit
    keine voneinander getrennte Unterscheidungen und auch kei-
    ne wesentlichen Eigenschaften. Stattdessen reflektieren sie
    das Bewusstsein des Betrachters.

    FU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 80, 2006


  • Kontext fällt oft sehr viel schwerer ins Gewicht als Inhalt. […] In der Wirklichkeit des Quantum-Potenzials wird die Zeit über-
    schritten, und somit sind Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft nicht aufeinander folgend, sondern gleichzeitig bestehend. Auf diese Weise kann die "Zukunft" der "Gegenwart" vorausgehen.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel 4 "Ego und Ge-
    sellschaft", S. 119, 2006


  • 10. GOTT ist der endgültige Kontext, dessen Inhalt das Universum und alles Existierende ist.
    22. GOTT ist der Kontext und die Quelle der karmischen Einheit
    der ganzen Schöpfung jenseits aller wahrnehmungsbedingten Be-
    schreibungen oder Begrenzungen wie Zeit oder Raum.
    FU I. Reality and Subjectivity, Kapitel 10 "Die Natur Gottes", Untertitel
    "23 Aussagen über Gott", S. 236, 2006

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal information concerning Hawkins' students

  • So everyone here already has the highest level of Consciousness within them. And the difficulty then is not the failure to acknowledge it, because many people in this room are quite devout, but the habit of identifying with the mind, with the ego, with logic as who you are. So the problem then is really one of identification. To identify with the content rather than the context. To identify with the content of form, logic, reason, feeling, etc. And to fail to realize that one is con-
    Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, DVD 1 of 3, October 2002



⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Context determines motive and value.

Alternative source: Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, edited by Scott Jeffrey, Reflection of September 30th, January 2011

  • Meaning is defined by context, which determines motive. It is the motive that esta-
    blishes spiritual value. To dedicate one's actions as a service of love to life is to sanctify then and transform them from self-seeking motives to unselfish gifts. We define excellence as dedication to the highest standards. Every act can then be held as an opportunity to glorify God by sheer purity of endeavor. All physical tasks and labor can be ingredients in one's contribution to the world. Even the smallest task can be seen as serving the common good, and if viewed in that light, work be-
    comes ennobled. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 5, S. 106, 2001


  • All knowlege rests upon and arises out of an epistemological matrix that of itself forms the very context of comprehen
    sion. The context of epistemology is in turn the nonlinear qualities of consciousness. Thus, all information systems re-
    quire a comprehension of the nature of consciousness to reach their full understanding. I. Reality and Subjectivity, 2003


In the Steppe – Mirage, 1911, Pavel Kuznetsov (1878-1968)
Russian avant-garde painter and his group, the Blue Rose,
used blue to symbolise fantasy and exoticism


  • To know that the Self is context and that, in contrast, the self is content is already a huge leap forward. The naïve seeker merely keeps reshuffling the content. Lifetimes are spent strugg-
    ling to overcome the ego and its sins so as to eventually reach the promise of a God who is believed to be elsewhere in place (hea-
    ven) and in time (after death), or perhaps much, much later in another lifetime if one has accumulated enough merit or 'good' karma. I, Reality and Subjectivity, subheading "Progressive Fields of Realization", S. 120, 2003


  • All life ebbs and flows. Everyone is born, suffers afflictions, and dies. There are happiness and sadness, catastrophe and suc-
    cess, increase and decrease. The stock market rises and falls. Diseases and accidents come and go. The karmic dance of life unfolds in the karmic theater of the universe.
    All reactions to life are subjective. There is nothing happening that is awful, exciting, sad, good, or bad. It is pointless to hold a position that catastrophes shouldn't 'happen' or that the innocent 'didn't deserve it', or 'isn't it aw-
    ful', or 'it must be somebody's fault'. With a broad view, one can remain unperturbed by either the content or the context of life. That requires giving up judgments, expectations, or 'sensitivities'. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 179, 2003


  • To fail to properly contextualize content has historically been the basis for the slaughter of millions of people in every century throughout human history. To ignore context is the greatest source of catastrophe for every generation of
    man, and it continues on in the present time with the same catastrophic consequences. There is no greater lesson
    that needs to be learned to reduce human suffering and bring ignorance to an end.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 221, 2003


  • Stripped of all pretenses, the inner sense of 'I-ness' merely knows Itself without any content.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 293, 2003


  • Question: Often you speak of various qualities as if they are abstractions rather than personal attributes.
    Answer: All is happening on its own, including the central operations center that coordinates the human functions. This operations center automatically identifies, classifies, sorts, remembers, compares, evaluates, files away, observes and records like a transistor processor unit. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 355, 2003


  • Consciousness, therefore, does not "do" anything, but, similar to gravity, it provides the context out of which potentiality actualizes from formless to form, from nonexperienced to experienced.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 14-15, 2005





Field related emergence of: Possiblity ⇔ Probability ⇔ Certainty



  • The dualistic position is one of the more difficult to transcend. In other words, in the observer's mind, certain things become classified as right and other things become classified as wrong. Each position depends on the culture and
    the observer, not only the content, but local conditions, and then of course the field of context itself. Interview with D. Hawkins, On the Trilogy of Book 1, 2 and 3, presented by the dissolved blog Openexchange.org, Susanne Spitzer, 2004


  • Question: But isn’t truth based on context?
    Answer: Yes. We define truth – for the first time in human history – as content within context. The context is a proxi-
    mate field, but both the content and the context are within an infinite field of consciousness itself, so you can’t state
    truth without stating context. Deleted interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the
    US American magazine New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004


  • Within a certain context and to a certain degree all things are possible. At the same time they are not. […] It's the error of mixing levels. […] You can walk on water at this level, if you try it on that level you are drowned. What's true at one level is not true on another level. […]
    You see what applies to the abstract level may not necessarily apply to the concrete. […] It is true but only within a certain context. [Limitations are humanness, protoplasm, gender, age, space and time.]
    Sedona Seminar Advaita. The Way to God through Mind, 3 DVD set, August 2002


  • Once you identify with the field, instead of the content of the field, you now put yourself at the likelihood of identifying with the witness, rather than the participant. If you focus on the totality of experience – from second to second – in-
    stead of the annoyances of the particulars, then, what you pick up is the energy of the field.
    You don't worry about the particulars because the field is going to see to it. It's either all going to happen if the field is favorable and it's not going to happen if the field is not favorable.
    In contemplation, then, instead of focussing on the specifics of content, you become aware of the intuitive inference of the totality of the overall field. You become one with the field.
    As you become one with the field, you move out of the movie. You're now the witness of the movie; the observer, wit-
    ness. So, instead of seeing yourself as the victim, because to be in the movie you're always the victim of the movie
    – whether you have a good day or a bad day depends on the vicissitudes of the day. You ain't got any choice.
    The minute you move out of the movie, all is coming about of it's own as the manifestation of that which it is. Then you've moved into the witness. Sedona Seminar Vision, DVD 1 of 3, minutes 1:10:10, 25. February 2005


  • You are the context rather than the content. You are that from which awareness radiates and out of which cons-
    ciousness arises. The light of God is consciousness. The source is consciousness itself. The Light of God is your
    own consciousness. The Light of God is your own consciousness and as you let go misidentifying with that
    which you are not, it becomes stunningly apparent.
    Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, 3 DVD set, 19. August 2006


  • Question: Is everything that happens seamless and perfect?
    Answer: Seamless and perfect? Is everything that is happening perfect? Is everything that is happening in God's
    World perfect? [Question directed to the audience which mumbles yes in unison.] [Laughter.] It's perfect within a
    certain context of what perfect means.
    Like people pray for perfect peace. They mean worldly peace. The world
    has been at war 97% of man's history. Maybe mankind fails 3 percent of the time.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 of 2, 10. January 2007


Zitate von anderen Quellen

Denn das Fleisch begehrt auf gegen den Geist und der Geist gegen das Fleisch;
die sind gegeneinander, so dass ihr nicht tut, was ihr wollt.
Regiert euch aber der Geist, so seid ihr nicht unter dem Gesetz.
Paulus, Galaterbrief 5, 17-18 (NT)


Denn was man von Gott erkennen kann, ist unter ihnen offenbar; denn Gott hat es ihnen offenbart. Denn Gottes
unsichtbares Wesen, das ist seine ewige Kraft und Gottheit, wird seit der Schöpfung der Welt ersehen aus seinen
Werken, wenn man sie wahrnimmt, so dass sie keine Entschuldigung haben.
Paulus, Römerbrief 1, 19-20 (NT)


Uns hat Gott dieses Geheimnis enthüllt durch seinen Geist, den er uns gegeben hat. Denn der Geist erforscht alles,
auch die geheimsten Absichten Gottes.
1. Korinther 2, 10 (NT)


Menschen, die sich auf ihre natürlichen Fähigkeiten verlassen, lehnen ab, was der Geist Gottes enthüllt. Es kommt
ihnen unsinnig vor. Sie können nichts damit anfangen, weil es nur mit Hilfe des Geistes beurteilt werden kann. Wer
dagegen den Geist innehat, kann alles beurteilen, jedoch nicht von jemandem beurteilt werden, der den
Geist nicht innehat.
1. Korinther 2, 14-15 (NT)



  • Der Weg ist nicht das Ziel, der Weg existiert lediglich als Konzept im Bewusstsein des Suchenden. Kein Weg führt zum Ziel, die Totalität ist weglos. Gott ist kein Ziel, sondern genau das, was wir sind.
    Gelöschtes Interview mit Mario Mantese mariomantese.com (*1951) Schweizer Nahtodüberlebender, philosophisch-spiritueller Autor, Einfügen und Realisation, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift Lichtfokus, 25. November 2005

Kontent ⇔ Kontext

  • Was ist ein wahres Geheimnis?
    Etwas, das für jeden offen da liegt [Kontext]
    und der eine erkennt es, der andere jedoch nicht. Laotse [BW 610] (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph, Begründer des Taoismus, Autor des Tao te King [BW 610], 6. Jht., zitiert in: Gute Zitate


Reife Kürbisse
  • Heute gilt in der theoretischen Physik die Aussage, dass der leere Raum all diese Energie trägt, die durch die Mate-
    rie selbst nur unwesentlich erhöht wird. Materie bildet da-
    her nur ein winziges Tröpfchen jenes Ozeans an Energie,
    in welchem sie relativ stabil und manifestiert ist. Meine Schlussfolgerung ist daher, der impliziten Ordnung eine Realität zuzuschreiben, die jene der Materie bei weitem übersteigt. Materie macht vor jenem gewaltigen Hinter-
    grund nur ein Tröpfchen aus.
    David Bohm [BW 507] (1917-1992) führender deutschstämmiger US-amerikanischer theoretischer Quantenphysiker, Begründer der bohmschen Mechanik, Philosoph; zitiert in: Renée Weber, Wis-
    senschaftler und Weise
    , S. 59, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1992


  • Der Wiener Physiker Erwin Schrödinger stellte die Hypothese auf, dass Elektronen nichts weiter als stehende Wellen oder Schwingungen seien. Der deutsche Physiker Max Born übertrug diese Interpretation der Welle auf die nächste Ebene, indem er sagte, dass diese Wellen keine real existierenden Dinge, sondern Wahrscheinlichkeiten seien.
    Scott Jeffrey, US-amerikanischer Unternehmens- und Marketing-Berater, Gründer der aufgelösten Netzplattform Consciousnessproject.org, Biograf, kultkritischer Autor, Quelle unbekannt


  • Unser größtes Versagen ist unsere Unfähigkeit, Muster zu erkennen.
    Marilyn Ferguson (1938-2008) US-amerikanische Herausgeberin, Referentin, Schriftstellerin, zitiert (engl.) in: AZ Quotes

Quotes by various other sources


An idea started the universe.

Ideas, not matter, are the building blocks of life.

In the beginning was the Word (Logos). In the beginning was the Word (Logos). John 1, 1 (NT)


For what the flesh wants is opposed to the Spirit,
and what the Spirit wants is opposed to the flesh.
They are opposed to each other,
and so you do not do what you want to do.
Paul, Galatians 5, 17 (NT) International Standard Version (©2008)


Personal avowal


Pasteur recanting his germ theory on his deathbed

which assigned the cause of disease to microbes invading and reeking havoc on the body, with specific germs causing specific diseases.

  • [Claude] "Bernard was right, the germ is nothing, the milieu [the environment within] is everything."
    Louis Pasteur [Father of microbiology (1822-1895) French chemist, physician, microbiologist, mentioned to professor Louis Rénon who looked after him, cited in: Hans Selye, M.D. (1907-
    1982) Hungarian-Austrian-Canadian pioneering endocrinologist, father of stress research, au-
    thor, The Stress of Life, S. 301, 1956, McGraw-Hill Paperbacks, reissued 1976, 2nd paperback edition 1. March 1978




Cultural schizophrenia

  • We're living in a time that I like to call the abolition of context. The only context today is that there is none. There is no authority in the world. Removed video presen-
    tation by Watts Wacker (1953-2017) US American futurist, speaker, author, Watts Wacker – Futurist & Keynote Speaker, presented by the publication speakersspotlight, minute 2:22, 5:28 minutes duration, posted 19. Novem-
    ber 2009





Contextual meanings

  • It is a matter of context. [...] We have a real problem of information without context. [...] You are creating your way of meaning and I am creating my way of meaning. And we need a lot of common history to understand each other. And this is a big problem on the Internet. We don't share one culture. And because we don't share one culture, every sentence that I am sending is different in your brain than what I have sent. Video interview with Peter Kruse, Ph.D. (1955-2015) German psychologist, expert
    in complexity processing in intelligent networks, CEO of Nextpractice, management consultant, "The Network is Challenging Us", Me-
    feedia video, minute 14:23, 26:50 minutes duration, 31. March 2010
  • Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same. Every won-
    derful sight will vanish; every sweet word will fade, but do not be disheartened; the source they come from is eternal, growing, branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you; and this whole world is springing up from it. Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi [LoC 550] (1207-1273) Persian Muslim Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, poet, poem A Garden Beyond Paradise, cited in: Jonathan Star, translator, A Garden Beyond Paradise. The Mystical Poetry of Rumi, Bantam, 1. November 1992


  • Thought is in fact a process of chucking away information, and it is this detritus (happily labelled exformation) that is crucially involved in automatic behaviours of expertise (riding a bicycle, playing the piano), and which is therefore the most precious to us as people. Article featuring Tor Norretranders (*1955) Danish professor of science philosophy, journalist, popu-
    lar science author of User Illusion (1991), presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, September 1998


  • Our biggest failure is our failure to see patterns.
    Marilyn Ferguson (1938-2008) influential US American public speaker, editor, author, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • In my country we don't have democrats and republicans. We have Remocrats and Depublicans. [...]
    We are heading to the endpoints without any institutional guidance as to where we should stop. What we have the
    most is an abolition of context. There are no agreed upon social norms. There are no agreed upon social norms. […] Changes Changes become autocatalytic. Change is feeding itself [autocatalyticly]. […] Logic is no longer the domi-
    nant organizing premise to society. Video presentation by Watts Wacker (1953-2017) US American futurist, speaker, author,
    Watts Wacker – World Renowned Futurist, presented by speakersspotlight, 7:16 minutes duration, posted 29. August 2009

Englische Texte – English section on Context

Context matters

"What is this life if, full of care, if we have no time to stand and stare?"
W. H. Davies (1871-1940) Welsh vagabond in the United States and
United Kingdom, poet, writer, poem Leisure, 1911


One of the world's finest virtuoso violinist played classical violin pieces in the L'Enfant Plaza, a Washington DC Metro subway station. It was during morning rush hour for three quarters of an hour on 12. January 2007.

First impressions may deceive.

He played some of the most difficult and greatest violin pieces ever composed on his Stradivari worth 3.5 million $.


How many passengers walked past him? – Over 1000 people.
How many stopped to listen? –
Who was eager to listen and wanted to stop? –
Every little Child.
Who was pulled away from listening? –
Every Child by their parent.
How many recognized the artist? –
One. (She had visited his concert/s.)
How much did he get paid as a street musician? –
About 32 $ / 45 minutes.
How much does he get paid at best? –
$1,000 a minute.
Who sponsored this event? – 
The daily newspaper The Washington Post.
Who was the violinist? –
Joshua Bell.


  • When you play a violin piece, you are a storyteller, and you're telling a story. Joshua Bell (*1967) US American Grammy Award-winning violinist


Joshua Bell commented on his sentiments during this public experiment:

  • "It was a strange feeling, that people were actually, ah [...] ignoring me."
  • "At a music hall, I'll get upset if someone coughs or if someone's cellphone goes off. But here, my expectations quickly diminished. I started to appreciate any acknowledgment, even a slight glance up. I was oddly grateful when someone threw in a dollar instead of change."


► Article with video snippets included Pearls Before Breakfast, presented by the
     US American daily newspaper The Washington Post, Gene Weingarten, Sunday, 8. April 2007
► Audio (6 pieces) of J. Bell's performance at the metro station (a busy commuter place), Joshua Bell's Full Metro Performance,
     presented by the US American daily newspaper The Washington Post, 44:16 minutes duration, Washington DC, 12. January 2007

Index: Kontext (versus Inhalt) / Context versus content – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • I. Reality and Subjectivity, Basic definition [Grundlegende Definition], S. 34
    • Context is the whole universe. [Kontext ist das gesamte Universum.], S. 222-223
    • Content vs. context in spirituality [Inhalt versus Kontext in der Spiritualität], S. 225
    • Final steps when manifesting context [Finale Schritte bei der Verwirklichung von Kontext], S. 292-294
  • Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, chapter 3 Content and Context, S. 67-69


Links zum Thema Kontext / Context


  • Joseph Sieber Benner [Anonymous] (1872-1938) US-amerikanischer Lutheranischer Pastor, Vertreter der Brotherhood of Christ, medialer Schriftsteller, Das unpersönliche Leben, Lorber & Turm, 12. Auflage Februar 2004, Verlag d. Wahren-Schönen-Guten, 14. Auflage 25. Februar 2015

Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki


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