Hawkins / Filme
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![]() Sallie Gardner im Gallopp, |
Quelle: ► BW-Angaben kalibriert von David Hawkins, teilweise veröffentlicht in Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 107-108, Anhang D (A-Z), S. 419-422 |
Siehe auch: ► Filme mit niedrigeren BW-Werten siehe: Hawkins 1-1000 |
[*]The movie character Forrest Gump calibrates at LoC 500. ––– Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 25. Oktober 2008 Video (engl.) Tom Hanks On Becoming Forrest Gump – The Graham Norton Show, YouTube film, 6:35 minutes duration, posted 20. November 2015 |
Quellen: BW-Angaben sind kalibriert von David Hawkins, teilweise veröffentlicht ► Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 107-108, 110, Anhang D (A-Z), S. 419-422, 2005 ► Marietta, Georgia, Seminar Title unknown, Unity North Atlanta Church, 24. April 2004 |
Siehe auch: ► Hinweis auf Hawkins1-1000 – Auflistung von Filmtiteln mit niedrigeren BW-Werten |
Quelle: ► BW-Angaben teilweise aus D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 107-108, 110, Anhang D (A-Z), S. 419-422, 2005 Filme mit niedrigeren BW-Werten siehe: Hawkins 1-1000 |
In April 2009 Hawkins has mentioned at two occasions that he enjoys the humor in the American sitcom series The Big Bang Theory, premiered on CBS, September 2007. He paid a compliment to its writer, director, producer and composer Chuck Lorre.
Source: ► Video and blog article Women's Stories, Movies and the Oscars, presented by the Feminist Frequency, 24. February 2011 |
Questions on gender and race ratio in movies
1. Who gets the most screen time?
2. Whose perspective are the scenes from?
3. Whose story arc does the plot revolve around?
4. Do spectators see them making decisions?
5. Who do spectators most identify with?
The American male centered war thriller The Hurt Locker, released 26. June 2009, directed by Kathryn Bigelow (*1951) US American director, producer, and writer won as best film of the year 2009 the 82nd Academy Awards on 7. March 2010. Der deutsch-österreichische Spielfilm Toni Erdmann zum Thema Vater und Tochter, geschrieben und gefilmt unter der Regie von Maren Ade (*1976) Filmregisseurin und Drehbuchautorin, und produziert von Janine Jackowsky (*1976) gewann als bester Film des Jahres den Europäischen Filmpreis im Jahr 2016. |
Links zum Thema Filme / MoviesExterne Weblinks
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Documentaries and movies
Der Film Du gehst nicht allein zeigt Stationen im Leben von Temple Grandin (*1947) US-amerikanische Dozentin für Tierwissenschaften, Colorado State University, Spezialistin für kommerzielle Viehhaltungsanlagen, Wortführerin zum Thema Autismus, Autorin, 2010
1 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 107, 2005 ⇑
2 Marietta, Georgia, Seminar Title unknown, Unity North Atlanta Church, 24. April 2004
Note in case of differening calibrations: The calibrations printed in written works are more reliable. ⇑
3 Siehe auch: Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 78, 2008 ⇑
4 Endorsement by D. Hawkins: "clinically very accurate" documentary "presenting the experiencing of that infinite state of blissfulness" Healing and Recovery, S. 411, 2009 ⇑
5 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, 2005 ⇑
6 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. , 2008; Vgl. BW 265 i. J. 1955 ⇑
7 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 110, 2005 ⇑
8 Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Kapitel 8, S. 16, 2008 ⇑
9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 110, 2005 ⇑
10 Cinemascope film directed by Michael Curtiz, 1961 ⇑
11 Kathryn Bigelow is the only woman to have ever won an academy award for best director in it’s 83 year history.
Article Kathryn Bigelow makes history as first woman to win best director Oscar, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 8. March 2010 ⇑