Wiki / Bewusstseinskontrolle
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Grafik "Dreamstime", Sergey Khakimullin |
We are swimming in a sea of propaganda and information control all the time. |
Quelle: ► Artikel Mind Control – die globale Bewusstseinskontrolle, präsentiert von der Schweizer Webseite Zeugen der Wahrheit, undatiert |
Siehe auch: ► Trauma |
See also: ► Successive programming stages via trauma-based mind control |
Der Verhaltensforscher Hansjörg Hemminger definiert eine Sekte folgendermaßen:
Quelle: ► Essay von Hansjörg Hemminger (*1948) deutscher Verhaltenswissenschaftler, Spezialist für Sekten und religiöse Sonder- gruppen, Was ist eine Sekte? Kurzinformation, PDF, präsentiert von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), November 2019 |
Siehe auch: ► Kulte und ► Wahre Lehre |
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Hinweise auf gewalttätige und sexistische Aspekte des tibetisch-buddhistischenen Systems S. 75
Die Frau wird als "spirituelles Hilfsmittel" gesehen, ausgebeutet und spirituell entmündigt und verdrängt. S. 76
Zukunftsaussicht – Vorhersage
Die Degeneration des menschlichen Kollektivs
Nun glaubt nicht, nur weil ich es euch gesagt habe. Erfahrt selbst. Sollte die Wissenschaft eines Tages eine meiner Lehren widerlegen, so glaubt der Wissenschaft.
Glaubt nicht dem Hörensagen und heiligen Überlieferungen, nicht Vermutungen oder eingewurzelten Anschauungen, auch nicht den Worten eines verehrten Meisters; sondern was ihr selbst gründlich geprüft und als euch selbst und anderen zum Wohle dienend erkannt habt, das nehmt an.
Der Begriff "Komitee der 300" stammt von Walter Rathenau. 6 Monate nach dieser Äußerung wurde der Insider ermordet.
Angebliche Mitgliederliste des Komitees der 300, präsentiert von, 5. April 2012 – Link gelöscht März 2014
Bill Gates' erklärtes Ziel, die Weltbevölkerung um max. 15% zu reduzieren, soll mittels Durchimpfung/Sterilisation der gesamten Weltbevölkerung erreicht werden.
Kissinger im Streitgespräch mit General Alexander Haig, ehemals Stabschef von Nixon
Personal/political avowals
Note: Rauni Kilde was murdered to end her whistleblowing.
⚡ Exactly six months after publication, Rathenau was assassinated.
Rothschild Zionist media czars in United States: Peter Chernin, Fox News president, Charles Collier, AMC president, Brad Grey, Paramount Pictures chairman, Robert Igor, Walt Disney CEO, Michael Lynton, Sony Pictures chairman, Barry Meyer, Warner Brothers chairman, Leslie Moonves, CEO of CBS, Harry Sloan, MGM chairman, Jeff Zucker, CEO of NBCUniversal Media, Alan Rosenberg, head of Screen Actors Guild, actors' union
Recommendations / Caveats'
Warnings / Caveats
Plan of mass consumer mind control
Outrageous NWO plans
Bill Gates' declared goal of reducing the world population by a maximum of 15% is to be achieved through mass vaccination/sterilization [e.g. biological terrorism] of the entire world population.
Outrageous future prospects
Future prospects
Deleted quotes: The Globalist Agenda. How The Elite Control Your Mind and Your Life, first presented by
Caution: Video documentary Historical Origins Of The Jesuit Order. The Diabolical Society Of Jesus & Knights Of Malta Exposed!, presented by "End Times Prophecies & Events", 4:11:02 duration, 30. October 2016
Envisioning 1984
Thwarted Reece Committe exposure of the infiltration of the banking and public education systems by large corporations in the United States to eventually merge into a world government (New World Order)
See: Transcript of Interview The Hidden Agenda, undated
Featuring techniques for mind control: horrible torture, scalar waves distributed with cell phone and television technology, phased
array radar, chemtrails, morgellons, HAARP, military stations on Moon and Saturn, artificial intelligence (AI)
Kissinger addressing former Nixon chief of staff, General Alexander Haig, during an argument they had
See also: ► Revealing Quotes On The Goals Of Psychiatry And Psychology'', posted by the publication Anti Oligarch, 28. June 2010 and ► Goodreads Psychiatry Quotes |
United States Astrological constellation for national mind control
Representative characters of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation
Personal testimony of a former Tibetan Buddhist nun
Questioning the concept of enlightenment, traumatized former Kagyu nun Campbell waited 18 years before she revealed her experiences as a tantric sex slave of Kalu Rinpoche within the misogynous Tibetan monasticism.
See her book: Traveller in Space. Gender, Identity and Tibetan Buddhism, Continuum International Publishing Group, 1996, revised edition May 2002, rerevised edition 31. May 2018
Pyramid structured, authoritarian, unduly influenced group or relationship resulting in a new identity (dissociative dysfunction) of followers who become obedient and dependent to the authority figure
Leaving old style deprogramming behind, Hassan developed the Strategic Interactive Approach on behalf of cult members in transition. It is relationship based and respectful of all persons involved.
As the worshipped charismatic leader is a fallible human being over time their contradictions are noticed and may become a source of parting from the cult.
Minute 0:27:52
The simplistic view of a perfect enlightened guru challenged by a Western woman after having recovered from sexslavery
Interview with June Campbell (*1945) Scottish religious scholar, academic feminist, Kagyu nun and personal translator of the Tibetan Lama Kalu Rinpoche (70ties), The Emperor's Tantric Robes, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Tricycle. The Budd- hist Review, winter issue 1996 |
The sacrosanct concept of perfection allows "enlightened" structures to draw in authoritarianism.
1. Self-preservation [aka narcissism]
2. Moral relativism
3. Social Darwinism
4. Eugenics
Marilyn Monroe was the first mind controlled presidential model "released to" the public.
References: |
Personal avowals
Beta mind control programming as sex slave
Flashbacks of having been mind controlled after a brain injury
⚡ Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017) Polish US American political scientist, geostrategist, US national security advisor (1977-1981), founder and trustee of the Trilateral Commisson, grey eminence of US spindoctors, Between Two Ages. America's Role in the Technetronic Era, Viking Press, 1st edition July 16th 1970, Praeger, new edition 20. December 1982
Gordon J. F. MacDonald (1929-2002), Toward the Year 2018, S. 34, Foreign Policy Association, editor, Cowles Education Corp, 1968
See also: Kurt Vonnegut's novel Player Piano
⚡ Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017) Polish US American political scientist, geostrategist, US national security advisor (1977-1981), founder and trustee of the Trilateral Commisson, grey eminence of global strategy, author, The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Basic Books, 1st edition 18. September 1998
See also: ► Video clippings with inserted quotes, ZBIG: Psychopath Extraordinaire and Puppetmaster-General, YouTube film, 10:22 minutes duration, posted 1. May 2008 |
Article series The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, Logos Media, 2012, March 2013
Personal avowals
⚡ CAVEAT: Aldous Huxley was the grandson of the English agnostic biologist and eugenicist Thomas Henry Huxley ['Darwin's Bulldog'] (1825-1895) who founded the Rhodes Roundtable group in 1909 and was a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee (1852-1883). Protege of eugenicist, racist, and NWO architect H.G. Wells (1866-1946), Aldous Huxley was indoctrinated by the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), who introduced him to mescaline. In 1937 the British Tavistock Clinic sent Hux-
ley to the United States as the case officer to lay the foundations of the later LSD culture and the mass dissemination of drugs in the United States. He and pederast Christopher Isherwood were employed as script writers for MGM, Warner Brothers, and Walt Disney Studios in Los Angeles. In 1953 Huxley's friend British-Canadian psychiatrist Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) and his Canadian colleague Abram Hoffer (1917-2009), both contractors of the CIA funded MKUltra Project at the time, introduced
Huxley to the psychedelic drug Sandoz Montreal LSD.10
The early proponents of the Aquarian Age were:
1) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)11,
2) Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961),
3) Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) and
4) Abraham Maslow (1908-1970).
Future prospect
In 1953 British psychiatrists Humphrey Osmond and John Smythies, authors of "A New Approach to Schizophrenia," presented
a vial of mescaline to Aldous Huxley.
Destructing individual liberty and democratic institutions by non-stop distractions and repetitive catchwords
Experimentation on hypnosis along with LSD intake
Media sources: ► Audio presentation by Alan Watt (1965-2021) Scottish researcher, radio show host of Cutting Throught the Matrix, alternative media publicist, author, Julian Huxley & World Propaganda, YouTube film, 9:49 minutes duration, posted 25. September 2009 ► TV video interview with Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English American visionary humanist, pacifist, Committee of 300, Tavistock agent, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, The Mike Wallace Interview: Aldous Huxley (1958-05-18), Written transcript, 18. May 1958, YouTube film, 28:20 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2011 |
Written sources: ► Article Tavistock Institute: Building Absolute Mind Control for the New World Order, presented by blog, 2. June 2008 ► Article Aldous Huxley – The Ultimate Revolution – A Blueprint to Enslave the Masses, presented by the publication, 4. March 2012 Admitting that the dystopian novel "Brave New World" was not fiction, but a blueprint for controlled and enslaved societies ► Article MKULTRA in Australia: The Tavistock Institute, Part 6, presented by the McMurray Report, Steve McMurray, via, 12. December 2015 The Australian Academy of Science (AAS) was chaired by MKULTRA Australia coordinator, Leonard G.H. Huxley. ASSA on the grounds of the ANU in Canberra, was also influenced by the Carnegie Corporation and the pro-eugenics UNESCO which Julian Huxley founded. The ASSA council met with the heads of UNESCO Australia in October, 1956 and worked together to decide the direction of their eugenics program in Australia. |
Reference: ► Article Perennial philosophy. Aldous Huxley argued that all religions in the world were underpinned by universal beliefs and experiences. Was he right?, presented by the philosophical and cultural online magazine Aeon, Jules Evans, British historian, Nigel Warburton, editor, 19. February 2020 The phrase ‘perennial philosophy’ was first coined by the Renaissance humanist Agostino Steuco in 1540. It referred to the idea that there is a core of shared wisdom in all religions, and to the attempt by Marsilio Ficino’s Neoplatonist school to synthesise that wisdom into one transcultural philosophy. |
The ties between [Charles] Darwin, Thomas Huxley, Julian [Huxley], and Aldous [Huxley] [Brave New World], down to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Michael Coe, Ph.D. (1929-2019) and Theodosius Dobhzanski (1900-1975) to Esalen, and down to Terence McKenna (1946-2000) are incredible to contemplate, especially when considering that Aldous was a key founder of the Esalen Institute, and Esalen has been a key promoter in using psychedelics for "evolution" all the while hiding the Huxley family’s deep connections to eugenics, humanism, et al. (for those who don’t know, humanism is the practice the elites use to get we the slaves to give up our autonomy to the greater reli- gion of statism – ultimately them.) Article by Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, founder, curator, and host of Logos Media, blogger, lecturer, author, How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions – and began one of the largest mind control operations in history. Some brief notes, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, 28. August 2012, updated 30. March 2013
The role of drugs in the exercise of political control is also coming under increasing discussion. Control can be through prohibition or supply. The total or even partial prohibition of drugs gives the government considerable leverage for other types of control. An example would be the selective application of drug laws permitting immediate search, or "no knock" entry, against selected components of the population such as members of certain minority groups or political organiza- tions. But a government could also supply drugs to help control a population. This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World (1932), has the governing element employing drugs selectively to manipulate the governed in va- rious ways. To a large extent the numerous rural and urban communes, which provide a great freedom for private drug use and where hallucinogens are widely used today, are actually subsidized by our society. Their perpetuation is aided by pa- rental or other family remittances, welfare, and unemployment payments, and benign neglect by the police. In fact, it may be more convenient and perhaps even more economical to keep the growing numbers of chronic drug users (es- pecially of the hallucinogens) fairly isolated and also out of the labor market, with its millions of unemployed. To socie- ty, the communards with their hallucinogenic drugs are probably less bothersome – and less expensive – if they are living apart, than if they are engaging in alternative modes of expressing their alienation, such as active, organized, vigorous political protest and dissent. […] The hallucinogens presently comprise a moderate but significant portion of the total drug problem in Western society. The foregoing may provide a certain frame of reference against which not only the social but also the clinical problems created by these drugs can be considered. Louis Jolyon West, Ph.D. (1924-1999) US American psychiatrist, expert on brainwashing, mind control, torture, substance abuse, post traumatic stress disorder and violence, Hallucinations. Behavior, Experience, and Theory, S. 298ff, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 15. October 1975 |
Deceptively eugenics proponents claim to offer a science of self-adaptation for the human species.
See also: ► World population development trends |
Personal avowal
Future outlook
Pavlov's and Freud's findings funneled into scientific massmind control of a dictatorial globalist elite
The waning Uranus/Pluto square (90 degrees) of the 1930's symbolized a "crisis in consciousness" based on the un-assimilated scientific / philosophic revelations from the turn-of-the-century Uranus/Pluto opposition (180 degrees).
Noble Prize winner Bertram Russell wrote at length about how vaccinations filled with mercury and other brain-damaging compounds would induce partial chemical lobotomies and develop a servile zombie population.
Assessment on B. Russell
Video presentation Illuminati High Priest Bertrand Russell Exposed: The Scientific Outlook (Half) – Jay Dyer, YouTube film, 21:56 minutes duration, posted 9. October 2017
Source: ► Video presentation by D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D., US American psychologist, school of physical medicine and rehabilitation, University of Utah, author, Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse. The Greenbaum Speech, sponsored by the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Alexandria, Virginia, United States of America, 25. June 1992, YouTube film, 1:33:13 duration, posted 13. June 2015 |
Written reference: ► D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D., US American psychologist, school of physical medicine and rehabilitation, University of Utah, author, Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors, W. W. Norton & Company, 1st edition 17. June 1990 |
See also: ► Trauma |
Siehe auch: ► Sechs Programmierungsstufen der traumabasierten Bewusstseinskontrolle |
Reference: ► Kathleen Sullivan, MSW (*1955) US American MKUltra mind control survivor, author, cited in: article Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order, extracted from the Australian based bi-monthly alternative news magazine Nexus, Uri Dowbenko, volume 6, number 2, February-March 1999 |
Monarch Program mind-control survivors claim to have been used as high-tech slaves by certain intelligence agencies and top-ranking politicians. |
See also: ► Trauma |
Tavistock agenda
Starting out in 1913 as the Wellington House [War Propaganda Bureau during World War I], the Tavistock Clinic was created at Oxford by the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) in 1921.
Portraying itself as a non-political, non-governmental organization, Tavistock operates as a dark nonlocal and invisible college
of the cryptocracies which is creating propaganda and deliberately producing crises in order to manipulate the world's popula-
tion towards a pre-determined collectivist-one-world fascist dictatorship of an inbred elite class.
Tavistock's star-psychopath Dr. Kurt Lewin pioneered the concept of deprogramming an individual of their traditional beliefs through trauma to allow for reprogramming according to the controllers' wishes. The concept of a series of "future shocks", written about and popularized by Alvin Toffler (1928-2016), was meant to traumatize the masses.
Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation after World War II, the Tavistock Institute (formally established as a separate entity
in September 1947) operates as the core of applied mass indoctrination and global manipulation – via wars, intelligence, education, counterculture, media, psychiatry, education, entertainment, banking, military, government, staged occultism, New Age, eugenics, mind control.
The "Tavistock Method" induces and controls stress via "psychologically controlled environments". Applied "peer pressure" coerces people to denounce firmly held beliefs.
A vast $6 billion network of various foundations, 10 institutions, 400 subsidiaries, 3,000 study groups and think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion. Tavistock is using scientifically-crafted techniques of manipulation to break down the Western moral fabric to create a predictable, dehumanized, conditioned public that does what it's told without asking questions.
Reference: ► Article The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics, presented by the George Mason University History News Network, September 2003 |
Former British-American MI6 spy Dr. John Coleman (*1935) published the book The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political, Omni Publications, 1999
Source: ► Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political, S. 69, Omni Publications, 1999 |
References: ► Blog article Tavistock Institute: Building Absolute Mind Control for the New World Order, presented by Robert S. Court, 2. June 2008 ► Video interview with Eric Karlstrom, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of geography, author, Tavistock and the New Age, podcast episode 170, presented by The World Beyond Belief, host Dr. Paul Marko, YouTube film, 1:56:06 duration, posted 7. January 2016 The New Age agenda was created and orchestrated by Luciferians from the Theosophical Society and later picked up by the dark psychologists at the Tavistock Institute. |
Source: ► Byron T. Weeks, M.D., Tavistock The Best Kept Secret in America, presented by Educate-Yourself, 31. July 2001 |
Written sources: ► Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political, Omni Publications, 1999 ► TAVISTOCK, presented by Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D., 11. February 2008 ► Tavistock Agenda Timeline, undated ► Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, The Synagogue of Satan. The Secret History of Jewish World Domination, Rivercrest Publishing, 2006, 19. May 2007 History of political infiltration of the elite secret goverment |
Video animations: ► The Science of Mass Manipulation through Crisis Creation, presented by sovereignsentience, YouTube film, 5:28 minutes duration, posted 25. April 2009 ► The Tavistock Agenda 007, presented by Iona Miller, produced 2010, YouTube film, 19:56 minutes duration, posted 24. May 2011 |
Further reference: ► [*] Video in-depth interview with Rosa Koire, American truth researcher, director of the Post Sustainability Institute, former forensic commercial real estate appraiser, whistleblower, author, ROSA KOIRE ~ "Secrets Behind U.N. Agenda 21 & Global Sustainability", presented by Danish online TV station Age of Truth, host Lucas Alexander, recorded at the "Open Mind Conference", Audonicon, Skanderborg, Denmark, 21. September 2013, YouTube film, 1:08:44 duration, posted 21. August 2014 Connecting U.N. Agenda 21 with the political, financial and globalized New World Order plan, which most alternative truth researchers claim is a fully controlled One World Government, implemented through a "Problem, Reaction, Solution" strategy |
Notable 'legally' acting LSD researchers (some of whom agents of CIA-MKUltra projects)
William Sargant, R. Gordon Wasson56, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Albert Hoffmann, Gerald Heard, Aldous Huxley, Bill Griffith Wilson,
Helen Wynn, David R. Hawkins, Alfred Matthew Hubbard, Myron Stolaroff, Willis Harman (SRI), Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron,
Timothy Leary, Owsley Stanley, Sidney Cohen, Humphry Osmond, Abram Hoffer, Ross MacLean, Alan Watts,
Richard Alpert, [Ram Dass], Betty Grover Eisner, Louis Jolyon West (1924-1999), Stanislav Grof
Note: Pink colored proponents were directly and personally related to Dr. David Hawkins. |
Reference/source: ► Article Grateful Dead Timeline, presented by the Californian news website SFGate, Greta Kaul, Jillian Sullivan, Aidin Vaziri, updated 22. June 2015 |
See also: ► Power vs. Truth and ► Human experimentation and torture-based CIA mind control |
Further reference: ► Deleted video Esalen Institute of Man Worship, narration by LifePsyop, YouTube film, 1:17:27 duration, posted 1. May 2014 Esalen was the hub for: Human Potential movement Hermeticism, Theosophy (betterment of man) New Age movement Channeling Hippie movement Drug use Eastern mysticism Conspiracy culture Transhumanism Transcendentalism Global think tanks Environmentalism Self help industry (Oprah) Satan worship Digital age TIME magazine (covering Esalen princes) Precursor: Sigmund Freud (initiator of psychotherapy) Precursor: Carl Gustav Jung (founder of deep psychology) Cofounder of Esalen: Michael Murphy (Standford graduate, student of Sri Aurobindo) Cofounder of Esalen: Dick Price (Standford graduate) Grey eminence of Esalen: Aleister Crowley (layman satanist, Pan worshipper, hedonistic pervert, selfrealizer) Grey eminence of Esalen: Aldous Huxley (NWO architect, LSD pusher) Grey eminence of Esalen: Julian Huxley (NWO architect, eugenicist) Arnold Toynbee (director of RIIA, now Chatham House think tank) Hunter S. Thomson (Esalen security guard, allegedly fired) Friedrich Spiegelberg (theologian, hub on Eastern mysticism) Paul Tillich (theologian Christian Science movement) Huston Smith (religious studies scholar) Gregory Bateson (anthropologist) Margaret Mead (anthropologist) Richard Tarnas (astrologer) Albert Hofmann (supposedly LSD inventor) Andrew Weil (Harvard LSD tester, holistic medicine) Stanislav Grof (transpersonal psychiatrist, LSD researcher) Gordon Wasson (CIA agent, drug pusher) Ken Kesey (CIA agent, Hippie movement LSD pusher) Timothy Leary (CIA agent, LSD pusher, follower of Aleister Crowley) Carl Rogers (psychologist, psychiatrist, CIA MKUltra agent) Abraham Maslow (psychologist, selfrealizer) B.F. Skinner (psychologist, behaviorist, social engineer) Rollo May (psychologist) J.B. Rhine (parapsychologist, ESP) Terence McKenna (psychedelic New Age prophet) Bill Wilson (cofounder of AA, LSD pusher) Deepak Chopra (spiritual capitalist) Alan Watts (enlightenment-er) Ram Dass (enlightenment-er) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Jesuit, evolutionist, philosopher, Omega Point) Joseph Campbell (mysticism researcher) John C. Lilly (consciousness researcher, psychoanalyst) Carlos Castaneda (Don Juan series) Robert Anton Wilson (Illuminati mystique writer) Amory Lovens (environmentalist, sustainabilitist, worshipping creation) Sarah Nelson, columnist (New Age) James Redfield (author of Celestine Prophecy) Carl Sagan (astrophysicist, science popularizer) Allen Ginsberg (Beat movement pusher, pedophile member of NAMBLA) Richard Dawkins (atheism pusher) Douglas Rushkoff (initiator of cyber punk, digital world) CIA related musicians: Joan Baez, Bob Dylan [who sold his soul to the devil], Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Beatles, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Credence Clearwater Revival, Leonard Cohen Heavy metal music: Black Sabbath, Geezer Butler Ozzy Osborne Led Zeppelin/Jimmy Page, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Metallica Esalen successor: Omega Institute for Holistic Studies (Guests: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Deepak Chopra, Allen Ginsberg, Ram Dass, Jane Goodall, Eckhart Tolle, Al Gore) |
Written references: ► Online version of the Brain investigation database Investigating Wasson Brain – MK-Ultra and launching the psychedelic and environmental movements, presented by Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, founder, curator, and host of Logos Media, lecturer, blogger, author ► Video interview Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, founder, curator, and host of Logos Media, blogger, lecturer, author, On the Huxleys, Gordon Wasson, Terence McKenna, Esalen, Psychedelics, 2012 & Mind Control, podcast #151, presented by the platform Logos Media, host Sarah, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, 21. September 2012, YouTube film, 1:09:50 duration, posted 21. September 2012 ► Article by Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, founder, curator, and host of Logos Media, blogger, lecturer, author, How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions – and began one of the largest mind control operations in history. Some brief notes, presented by the platform Logos Media, 28. August 2012, updated 30. March 2013 ► Article by Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, founder, curator, and host of Logos Media, blogger, lecturer, author, Entheogens: What’s in a Name? The Untold History of Psychedelic Spirituality, Social Control, and the CIA, presented by the platform Logos Media, 11. November 2014 |
The "separation of church and state" is a strategem to enshrine Lucifer as the god of the modern world. While pushing pro-
ducts, drugs, sex, arms, and violence to enslave body and soul of humanity, the top players of the Satanic conspiracy are carrying out the script of setting up a New World Order. Their plan, contesting the human soul along with the creative right
brain hemisphere, keeps unfolding since people cannot believe that such a monstrous reality actually exists.
References featuring David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, ► Book: The Dying God. The Hidden History of Western Civilization, 2000, iUniverse, 14. June 2002 ► Deleted audio interview: 3000 Year History of Ancient Bloodlines ~ David Livingstone, presented by the West Swedish web radio/TV station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded 23. November 2008, YouTube film, 2:38:43 duration, posted 1. April 2017 |
See also: ► Systemic dumbing-drugging down of modern Western society and ► Culture |
Global domination by the Jesuits
There is a covertly operating group of shadow controllers which has been "known" under different names during history.
Like the phoenix, it keeps "dying" out of waning empires and being "reborn" into those that are newly emerging.
The Spanish knight, hermit, theologian, priest since 1537 Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was the crypto-Jewish co-founder
of the Society of Jesus (SJ) in 1540. In 1541 he became the first Superior General [The Black Pope] of the Jesuits. The Jesuits are dominating religions, economics worldwide, and the military worldwide since more than 470 years, crushing the middle class, emphasizing a two-party system, and widening the inequality gap.
References: ► Blog article by William Dean A. Garner, US American biophysicist, US Army Ranger, corporate mercenary, parapolitical researcher, author, The Reptilian-Jesuits’ Five-Step Program For Destroying A Country, presented by, 23. December 2013 ► Documentary THE NEW WORLD ORDER – A 6000 Year History, presented by UFOTV, Cutting Edge Films and UFO Video Company, ©2013, YouTube film, 1:42:07 duration, posted 11. February 2014 Secret societies, ancient beliefs and the matrix of control infiltrated the political, military, economic, scientific, cultural, religious organisation to string the rope of the New World Order. ► Audio Interview with Karen Hudes (1948-2022) US American lawyer, economist, US Export Import Bank (1980-1985), senior counsel for the legal department of the World Bank (1986-2007), whistleblower, Solution suggestions from Karen Hudes – World Bank Whistleblower 10-25-13, presented by host Kimberley Jaeger, YouTube film, 1:05:47 duration, posted 8. November 2013 |
See also: ► Correlating the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere – Iain McGilchrist ► Two opposed American dreams – Charles Moore and ► Systemic acts of evil ► History and ► Conspiracy |
References / reviews: ► Article Brave New World at 75, presented by the quarterly journal about the social, ethical, political, and policy dimensions of modern science and technology The New Atlantis, Caitrin Nicol, summer 2007 ► Book Review Brave New World by Aldous Huxley – review, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 29. March 2012 |
See also: ► ⚡Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control ► The Sexual Revolution as part of Aldous Huxley's Ultimate Revolution ► Quotes by ⚡ H.G. Wells and brothers ⚡ Aldous Huxley and ⚡ Julian Huxley ► Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation ► Timeline and origins of D. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness |
Siehe auch: ► Der Weltengeist und die Neue Weltordnung (NWO) |
References: ► Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult, Politics and the Occult. The Left, the Right, and the Radically Unseen, Quest Books, 1st edition 1. November 2008 History of the Knights Templar and the medieval Gnostic Cathars, occult Freemasonic roots of America, French Revolution, Gurdjieff, swastika, Soviet interest in UFOs, CIA, LSD, Age of Aquarius, millenarian politics, Islamic terrorism, fundamentalism ► Blog article Freeing Yourself from the Drama Triangle, presented by Integral Deep Listening, Joseph Dillard, Ph.D., US American psychotherapist, developer of dreamwork method Integral Deep Listening (IDL), author, 16. November 2016 |
Source: ► Deleted video interview with Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the church of Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker, Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets, partial transcript, presented by the Alex Jones Channel (Info Wars), host Lee Ann McAdoo, YouTube film, 34:29 minutes duration, posted 21. January 2015 |
See also: ► Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye See "Low ground" column |
See also: ► Quotes on conspiratism by Charles Eisenstein |
Fortsetzungslink: Bewusstseinskontrolle-Links
Englisch Wiki
1 A British Hasidic Jew, Jacob De Haas was a journalist and an early leader of the Zionist movement in the United States. ⇑
2 The families related to the Committee of 300 include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Huxley, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. ⇑
3 Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist ⇑
4 Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) British-Canadian psychiatrist, inventor of the term word 'psychedelic', researcher on psychedelic drugs ⇑
5 Radio interview with Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, presented by the Canadian radio station CKLN-FM 88, host Wayne Morris, Toronto, Canada, Sunday, 6. April 1997 ⇑
6 Article LSD helps to treat alcoholism. Retrospective analysis shows hallucinogenic drug helped problem drinkers., Nature, Arran Frood, 9 March 2012 ⇑
7 Republican factions:
1. Oligarchs – like Sheldon Adelson
2. Billionaire industrialists – like Mitt Romney
3. Corporate shills – like The Cato Institute (funded by the Koch brothers)
4. Religious hucksters – like Franklin Graham
5. Media "noise machine" – like Rush Limbaugh
6. War hawks – like Dick Cheney
7. Country clubbers – as in hundreds of thousands of upper middle class voters
8. Adherents of the Tea Party movement – as in the manipulated voters
Deleted article Eight different types of republicans, April 2015 ⇑
8 Source: Frank Herbert (1920-1986) US American ecological consultant and lecturer, photographer, newspaper journalist, short story and science fiction writer, epic science fiction novel Dune, Chilton Books, 1965 ⇑
9 Monarch Program mind-control survivors claim to have been used as high-tech slaves by certain intelligence agencies and top-ranking politicians. ⇑
10 History of lysergic acid diethylamide ⇑
11 "The only way forward is in the direction of a common passion, a conspiracy." (1931) ⇑
12 [I]t was when I was used to do hits, kills, and also body guarding and hostage extraction. I had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training and had different modes to do different things. Kathleen Sullivan, MSW (*1955) US American MKUltra mind control survivor, author, cited in: Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order, extracted from the Australian based bi-monthly alternative news magazine Nexus, Uri Dowbenko, volume 6, number 2, February-March 1999 ⇑
13 Note: 19 Nazi war criminals were convicted at the Nuremberg Trials. The rest created NASA, the CIA and the Federal Republic of Germany. See David Talbot (*1951) US American media entrepreneur, progressive journalist, author, The Devil's Chessboard. Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, Harper,
13. October 2015
The Devil's Chessboard, October 2015
See also: Article The Devil's Chessboard, presented by the Californian news website SFGate, Glenn C. Altschuler, 16. October 2015, reissued by the Californian newspaper San Francisco Chronicle, retrieved 28. October 2015 ⇑
14 1998 the sperm count of males were 60 million sperm per mililiter. In 2008 it was reduced to 10 million per mililiter. ⇑
15 Dr. Jonas Salk, inventor of polio vaccine, exposed as criminal-minded scientist who conducted illicit medical experiments on mental patients, presented by the US American conspiratorial news outlet Natural News, editor Mike Adams, 2. March 2011 ⇑
16 Article Rogue virus in the vaccine / Early polio vaccine harbored virus now feared to cause cancer in humans, presented by the Californian news website SFGate, William Carlsen, 15. July 2001 ⇑
17 Article Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation, presented by the British national "quality" Sunday newspaper The Sunday Times, John Harlow, 24. May 2009 ⇑
18 Article Billionaires Try to Shrink World's Population, Report Says, presented by the international daily newspaper The Wall Street Journal, Robert Frank, 26. May 2009 ⇑
19 The families related to the Committee of 300 include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Huxley, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. ⇑
20 Plato's "Royal Lies": State Authorized Eugenics, Communism, Utilitarianism, Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide, "Mother Earth" Myth, Day Care Nurseries, Women in the Military, and Population Control, presented by, 2000-2004 ⇑
21 Plato's Republic was written 2500 years ago. It is essentially an elitist guide to eugenics and population control. And this was back when there were probably a quarter million people on the entire planet. They were already figuring out how to kill off the population way back then. Video interview with Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, On the Huxleys, Gordon Wasson, Terence McKenna, Esalen, Psychedelics, 2012 & Mind Control, podcast #151, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, Turn the Tables series, host Sarah, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, 21. September 2012, YouTube film, minute 24:24, 1:09:50 duration, posted 21. September 2012 ⇑
22 The Origin of Species, 1859; The Descent of Man, 1871 ⇑
23 The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) is the modern continuation of the original medieval order of Saint John of Jerusalem ["Fraternitas Hospitalaria"] founded in Jerusalem (*~1050), later known as the Knights Hospitaller. ⇑
24 Current Membership List Of The Committee Of 300, presented by the deleted publication ⇑
25 Article Who was Karl Marx?, 1. October 2007 ⇑
26 Article The Communist Manifesto After 150 Years, presented by the monthly independent socialist magazine Monthy Review, Ellen Meiksins Wood, 1998 / Article Karl Marx, Prussian government agent, presented by the publication Postflaviana, Wolfgang Waldner, 22. January 2015 ⇑
27 Antony C. Sutton, Ph.D. (1925-2002) British-US American professor of economics, California State University Los Angeles, opposed research fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), historian, writer, America's Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, 1983, Trine Day, Paperback, 1. April 2004; America Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, 1983 ⇑
28 Wundt's grandfather, Kirchenrat Karl Kasimir Wundt, was a member of the Illuminati (code name Raphael), according to the "Illuminati Provincial Report" from Utica, September 1782 (see Richard Dulman's Der Geheimbund Der Illuminatum, and original Illuminati documents ⇑
29 Carroll Quigley, Ph.D. (1910-1977) US American professor of history, theorist of the evolution of civilizations, Georgetown University, researcher on secret societies, The Anglo-American Establishment, GSG Associates Publishers, 1981 ⇑
30 Carroll Quigley, Ph.D. (1910-1977) US American professor of history, theorist of the evolution of civilizations, Georgetown University, researcher on secret societies, author, The Anglo-American Establishment, GSG Associates Publishers, 1981 ⇑
31 Article Important Dates in the Life of Sigmund Freud, presented by the publication Very Well, Kendra Cherry, updated 9. April 2020 ⇑
32 Sigmund Freud psychologically abused all three of his daughters, had an affair with his sister-in-law, and fathered two incestuously conceived children. He brainwashed his heretical followers Carl Gustav Jung in 1913, Victor Tausk in 1919, Herbert Silberer in 1923, and Wilhelm Reich in 1927. Video presentation by E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi Sexual Liberation and Political Control through manipulation, presented by TruTube, starting minute 33:52, 1:00:45 duration, posted 24. March 2013 Link deleted
See also: ⚡Freud's shadow ⇑
33 Manifesto-credo: The Open Conspiracy. Blue Prints for a World Revolution, Victor Gollancz, 1928 ⇑
34 "The world is populated with too many useless eaters." Wikiquotes by B. Russell ⇑
35 The founder of Pan-Turkism Alexander Csoma de Körös (1784-1842) was the first in the West to mention the mysterious Buddhist realm known as Shambhala, which he regarded as the origin of the Turkish people, and which he situated in the Altai mountains and Xinjiang.
Körös's mention of Shambhala became the basis of the mystical speculations offered by H. P. Blavatsky, which she regarded as the homeland of the Aryan race. Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society, and came to be regarded as an oracle of Freemasonry and the godmother of the occult. Blavatsky became largely responsible for initiating the popularity of Buddhism as a font of the Ancient Wisdom. However, contrary to popular perceptions, Tibetan Buddhism is a strange amalgam of Buddhist ideas, along with Hindu Tantra and Central Asian shamanism, it was for this reason that Blavatsky regarded it as the true preservation of the traditions of magic. Excerpted from a blog article by David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, The Sufi Conspiracy, presented by the blogspot survivorbb.rapeutation, 17. August 2013 ⇑
36 Video presentation Krishnamurti – New York 1928, Ojai 1930, YouTube film, 6:10 minutes duration, posted 30. June 2010
At Krishnamurti's first speech in 1928 he renounced of his predesigned role as "World Teacher." Thereby he dissolved the Theosophical Society and set out on his own career as teacher. ⇑
37 Short-term member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley was labeled "the wickedest man in the world". ⇑
38 Further associates: Annie Besant (1847-1933) British Theosophist, Edward R. Pease, Graham Wallas, Hubert Bland, Edith Nesbit, Charlotte Payne-Townshend, Emily Townshend, Henry Hutchinson, Sydney Olivier, Oliver Lodge, Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf, Ramsay MacDonald, Emmeline Pankhurst ⇑
39 Brave New World, 1932; Satiric account of an inhumane hedonistic utopian society controlled by technology, in which art and religion have been abolished and human beings reproduce by artificial fertilization ⇑
40 ~1960 Huxley created a circle at Harvard consisting of him, Humphry Osmund, Alan Watts (brought in from California), Timothy Leary, and Richard Alpert. 1963 Leary, Osmund, Watts, Kesey, Alpert and Huxley became the highly publicized promoters of the early LSD counterculture. ⇑
41 Audio radio interview with F. William Engdahl (*1944) US American German geopolitical analyst, historian, economic researcher, lecturer, freelance journalist, author, Doomsday Food & The Business of Eugenics, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 9./13. September 2013, YouTube film, 42:24 minutes duration, posted 18. October 2013 ⇑
42 Novel: Nineteen Eighty-Four, Secker and Warburg, 1949 ⇑
43 Article Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) (aka Chatham House Study Group), presented by the online news outlet, undated ⇑
44 Note The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer, presented by Lucis Trust, undated ⇑
45 Funded by Playboy Foundation, CEO Hugh Hefner (1926-2017); see also: Article What Do Planned Parenthood and Playboy Have In Common?, presented by Live Action blog, Kristen Walker, 25. April 2011 ⇑
46 Margaret Sanger: "[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children... [Women must have the right] to live... to love... to be lazy.... to be an unmarried mother... to create... to destroy.
The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order...
The most merciful thing that the large family does to one its infant members is to kill it." ⇑
47 Annie Jacobsen, US American investigative journalist, author, Pulitzer Prize finalist in history, 2016, Operation Paperclip. The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America, Little, Brown and Company, new edition 11. February 2014 ⇑
48 Julian Huxley & World Propaganda, YouTube film, 9:50 minutes duration, posted 25. September 2009
Video documentation UNESCO – Its Evil Purpose and Philosophy, YouTube film, 12:00 minutes duration, posted 16. May 2011 ⇑
49 Dr. Willis Harman was a US American engineer, social scientist, visionary futurist, director of the Educational Policy Research Center, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), consultant to the White House in matters of CIA driven LSD research, president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, California and author ⇑
50 Bewusstseinskontrolle durch US-Institutionen CIA ♦ Navy ♦ NSA ♦ USAF [Mind control administered by US institutions CIA ♦ Navy ♦ NSA ♦ USAF ⇑
51 "The CIA is a creature of the Committee of 300 and not of the American people or of the U.S. Government. The CIA is the instrument through which "300" missions are carried out." Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political, pg. 388, Omni Publications, 1999 ⇑
52 "The Committee of 300 set up the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) under the auspices of the Round Table. […] The IISS is the vehicle for M16-Tavistock black propaganda, and wet jobs (an intelligence cover name denoting an operation where "bloodshed" is required), adverse nuclear publicity and terrorism. [...] IISS was formed to be a coordinating center not only for creating opinions, but to get those opinions and scenarios out much faster and to a far wider audience than could be reached by a book." Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political, pp. 378/379, Omni Publications, 1999 ⇑
53 Video presentation by Jeffrey Kripal, Ph.D. (*1962) US American J. Newton Rayzor professor of religious studies, chair of the department of Religious Studies, Rice University, Houston, Texas, Esalen. America and the Religion of No Religion, sponsored by Cody's Books, San Francisco, California, recorded by the event video production company, 1:19:43 duration, aired 21. May 2007
Reflecting the edge think tank Esalen ⇑
54 Totalitarian Collectivism. Davos Elites Enjoy the Global Depression, presented by truth11, 3. February 2011 ⇑
55 Documentary video detailing the crimes of the Koch brothers and the hijacking of US politics Koch Brothers Exposed, YouTube film, 55:54 minutes duration, posted 21. January 2015 ⇑
56 Article series The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, Logos Media, 2012, March 2013 ⇑
57 Book review Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary by Joanna Harcourt-Smith, presented by the blogspot The Oz Mix, 18. November 2013 ⇑
58 Cameron often sought William Sargant's advice. Sargant sent Cameron a note saying: "Whatever you manage in this field, I thought of it first." Gordon Thomas, Journey Into Madness, S. 189-190, Bantam Press, London, 1988 ⇑
59 Article B.C.'s Acid Flashback, presented by the Canadian daily newspaper Vancouver Sun, R.C., 8 December 2001 ⇑
60 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 8, S. 105, October 2012 ⇑
61 Deleted article by A. Orange, Alcoholics Anonymous as a Cult. Scorecards 1 to 100, presented by, updated 21. October 2013 ⇑
62 Ross MacLean attended a CIA sponsored LSD symposium and described giving LSD to 338 different patients at Hollywood Hospital. Quoted in: Interviews Dr. Colin Ross. CKLN-FM Mind Control Series – Part 2 Producer Wayne Morris, archived by Second in a Series of Broadcasts, aired on CKLN-FM 88.1 in Toronto, Sunday, 6. April 1997 ⇑
63 In a 1988 interview with Neil Strauss, Timothy Leary stated that slogan "Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out." was "given to him" by Herbert 'Marshall' McLuhan (1911-1980) during a lunch in New York City. ⇑
64 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 12, S. 169-170, October 2012 ⇑
65 John Lennon: "Your Majesty, I am returning my MBE as a protest against Britain's involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and against 'Cold Turkey' slipping down the charts. With Love, John Lennon." ⇑
66 David Hawkins: "Woodstock was the ultimate expression of the philosophic school of Herbert Marcuse: total freedom, hedonism, and the collapse of the whole Protestant ethical system", cited in: Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 12, S. 170-171, October 2012 ⇑
67 Plato authored The Republic in 360 BC. It is a blueprint for tyrannical systemic philosophical control. 'The Big Lie' (which differs at each level: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) is a hypnotic propaganda technique, rooted in Plato's 'Noble Lie,' a myth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social control. ⇑
68 Isaac Newton's occult studies ⇑
71 Initial List of 33rd Degree Masons ⇑
72 Printed as the Great Seal of the United States (effective since 1782) on the US Dollar bill ⇑
73 Inhumane hedonistic utopian society controlled by technology; art and religion abolished, artificial fertilization ⇑
74 TV film Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' , originally presented by the BBC Television Production, 1980, YouTube film, 3:04:16 duration, posted 17. February 2011 ⇑
75 Deleted YouTube video interview with David Icke (*1952) controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO) manipulating the earth's currencies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author, David Icke Dot-Connector, EPS 4, presented by the British internet TV & Radio The People's Voice TV (end 2013-mid 2014), host Richie Allen, 57:17 minutes duration, aired and posted 20. December 2013 ⇑
76 Video dialog between Dr. Stephen Karpman and David Emerald Steve Karpman Interview by David Emerald, recorded 22. April 2009, YouTube film, 8:46 minutes duration, posted 16. December 2011 ⇑
77 The Power of TED, Polaris Publishing Group, 2nd edition 15. January 2009 ⇑
78 The Salafis and Wahhabis are the product of a British strategy to undermine Islamic tradition and create Islamist fundamentalism. ⇑