
Wiki / Kreise





KreiseKreisläufe – Zyklen





Innenansicht der Thanksgiving Kapelle



Würfel-Kosmologie ⇔ Kugel-Kosmologie

Wallace Black Elk
Sonnenkreuz / Radkreuz
Der Kreis symbolisiert die kreative rechte Gehirnhälfte.
Das Quadrat symbolisiert die strukturierte linke Gehirnhälfte.

Bei seinem letzten Tagesseminar in Neuss in Deutschland im Juni 1998 lehrte der Medizinälteste der amerikanischen Dakota Sioux Wallace Black Elk (1921-2004) den Unterschied zwischen
der Kugel- und der Würfel-Kosmologie.


Ehe Christopher Columbus 1492 in der Neuen Welt landete, gab es das Weltbild einer kugelförmigen Erde, auf der alle Geschöpfe in relativem Frieden mitein-
ander lebten. Als die weißen Eroberer aus
Europa die Schildkröteninsel Nordame-
rikas zu vereinnahmen begannen, wurde die Kreis/Kugel-Weltanschauung über-
wältigt von der strukturierten, zielorientierten Vorgehensweise des Quadrat/Würfel-Para-
digmas. Die Kiste, in der sich die weißen Eroberer vorwiegend aufhielten, besteht aus
vier fensterlosen Wänden ohne eine Tür. Auch der Fußboden und die Decke bieten weder Zugang noch Ausgang noch Ausblick in die umgebende Welt.


Vier 90°-Winkel entlang der vier Wände der Würfel-Weltanschauung
WandTapete / DisziplinChakra /
Exemplarische Patientengeschichte
Erste Wand Wissenschaft KÖRPERLICH Hardware Realität Ein Kranker konsultiert einen Arzt.
                              Wenn die Wissenschaft unweigerlich versagt, hat nach einer 90°-Wendung die Psychologie das Sagen.                       
Zweite·Wand Psychologie EMOTIONAL Software Realität Der Kranke wird zu einem Psychotherapeuten überwiesen.
                          Wenn die Psychologie unweigerlich versagt, hat nach einer 90°-Wendung das Rechtswesen das Sagen.                          
Dritte Wand Rechtswesen MENTAL Menschengemachte Realität Mit der Unterschrift eines Psychiaters verliert der Kranke seine Bürgerrechte. Er wird in ein psychiatrisches Landeskrankenhaus eingewiesen.
                         Wenn das Rechtswesen unweigerlich versagt, hat nach einer 90°-Wendung die Religion das Sagen.                          
Vierte Wand Religion ASTRAL Gottgegebene Wirklichkeit Der institutionalisierte Kranke konsultiert einen Exorzisten (Priester).
            Wenn die Religion unweigerlich versagt, beginnt ein neuer 360°-Zyklus in              
            den eingefahrenen kubischen Bahnen mit der Wissenschaft wieder an erster Stelle.              
Innerhalb des geschlossenen Würfel-Weltbilds, übersieht man die kugelförmige Welt außerhalb des Würfels, es sei denn man kann sie "gewahren". Ein Mensch, der seine Intuition missachtet, neigt dazu, die Existenz einer runden kugelförmigen Welt zu verleugnen.
Siehe auch:
Geschichtliche Zyklen – Von der Gewaltherrschaft zur Macht der Liebe und ► Vier Stationen der Suchtheilung
Kosmologie und ► Wissenschaft und ► Psychologie und ► Gerechtigkeit und ► Religion und ► Medizin
See also: ► Cubic cosmology as opposed to spheric cosmology – Wallace Black Elk


Ehe unsere weißen Brüder kamen, um 'zivilisierte Menschen' aus uns zu machen,
  ➤ hatten wir keine Gefängnisse. Aus diesem Grund hatten wir auch keine Verbrecher. Ohne ein Gefängnis
     kann es keine Verbrecher geben.
  ➤ Wir hatten weder Schlösser noch Schlüssel, und deshalb gab es bei uns keine Diebe.
  ➤ Wenn jemand so arm war, das er kein Pferd, kein Zelt oder keine Decke besaß, so wurde ihm all dies geschenkt.
  ➤ Wir waren viel zu unzivilisiert, um großen Wert auf Privatbesitz zu legen.
       Besitz strebten nur an, um ihn weitergeben zu können.
  ➤ Wir kannten kein Geld, von daher wurde der Wert eines Menschen nicht nach seinem Reichtum gemessen.
  ➤ Wir hatten keine schriftlich verfassten Gesetze, keine Rechtsanwälte und keine Politiker, weswegen wir
     einander nicht betrügen konnten.
Es stand wirklich 'schlecht um uns', ehe die Weißen kamen. Und ich kann es mir nicht erklären, wie wir ohne die grundlegenden Dinge auskommen konnten, die – wie man sagt – für eine zivilisierte Gesellschaft so notwendig sind.

John Fire Lame Deer (1900/1903-1976) nordamerikanischer Mineconju-Lakota Sioux Medizinmann, Heyoka, Vater von Archie Fire Lame Deer (1935-2001), zitiert in: Bevor unsere weißen Brüder kamen, Übersetzung aus: Richard Erdoes (1912-2008) ungarisch-deutscher Autor, hier Herausgeber, Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, erstveröffentlicht 1972, Simon & Schuster, 1. Oktober 1994

Zitate zum Thema Kreise und Kreisläufe / Circles

Zitate allgemein

Was geschehen ist, wird wieder geschehen, was getan wurde, wird man wieder tun:
Es gibt nichts Neues unter der Sonne.
Prediger 1, 9 (AT)


Letzte Worte

Gerichtet an seinen Mörder, einen römischen Soldaten, der ihn bei der Eroberung von Syrakus erstach; Archimedes saß in einem stillen Garten und sinnierte über geometrischen Figuren, die er in den Sand gezeichnet hatte.

  • Was ist ein Kreis den anderes, als eine besondere Ellipse, deren Brennpunkt so nahe zusammenstehen, dass sie
    wie ein einziger wirken. Hypathia (~355-415/416 n.Chr.) griechische spätantike Mathematikerin, Astronomin, neuplatonische Philosophin, gnostische Lehrerin, Hypatia von Alexandrien, präsentiert von Sophie, dem Lexikon der Philosophinnen, undatiert


  • Euch ist aufgefallen, dass alles, was ein Ureinwohner tut, sich in Kreisen vollzieht. Das liegt daran, weil die Kräfte der Welt auch in Kreisen wirken, und alles beflissen ist, rund zu sein. Der Himmel ist rund, und wie ich gehört habe, ist die Erde rund wie eine Kugel, genauso wie die Sterne. Der Wind entfaltet seine größte Kraft in Wirbeln. Die Vögel bauen ihre Nester kreisrund, denn sie haben dieselbe Religion wie wir. Die Sonne geht in einem Kreis auf und wieder unter. Der Mond vollzieht es ebenso, und beide sind rund. Sogar der Wechsel der Jahreszeiten bildet einen großen Kreis
    und kehrt immer wieder dorthin zurück, wo er begann. Das Leben des Menschen ist ein Kreis von Kindheit zu Kind-
    heit. Und so ist es mit Allem, worin die Macht sich regt. Black Elk (1863-1950) nordamerikanischer Medizinmann [Wichasha Wakan], Ältester der Oglala-Lakota-Sioux-Indianer, katholischer Katechist, Pine-Ridge-Reservation, Süd-Dakota


Magischer Kreis
John William Waterhouse (1849-1917)
englischer Maler
  • Alle Menschen sind Geister, die auf dieser Welt nur zu Besuch sind. Und alle Geister sind ewige Wesen.
    Alle Begegnungen sind Erfahrungen, und alle Erfahrungen sind ewige Verbindungen.
    Die 'Wahren Menschen' schließen den Kreis einer jeden Erfahrung. Weisheit der australischen Aboriginals


  • Wir leben noch immer in einer 'Entweder-oder'-Kultur, nicht in einer 'Sowohl-als-auch'-Kultur. Wir achten noch immer auf Rangfolgen, statt uns zu vernetzen. Statt eine zirkuläre Weltsicht zu vertreten, betrachten wir das Leben noch immer aus hierarchischer Sicht. Tatsächlich haben wir im Lauf der menschlichen Geschichte größ-
    tenteils anders gelebt. Es ging um Verbundenheit, nicht um Rang-
    ordnungen. Der Kreis war das Paradigma der Gesellschaft.
    Video Fernsehinterview mit Gloria Steinem (*1934) US-amerikanische Feministin der neuen Frauenbewegung, Frauenrechtlerin, visionäre politische Aktivistin, Gründerin und Herausgeberin des feministischen US-ameri-
    kanischen Magazins Ms., Journalistin, Autorin, @katiecouric: A Woman's World?, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender CBS News, Gastgeberin Katie Couric (*1957) US-amerikanische Talkshow-Moderatorin, Fernsehjournalistin, Autorin, YouTube film, Minute 37:29, eingestellt 22. Juni 2010


  • Zirkuläres Denken [Rückbezüglichkeit] ereignet sich im Verstehen oder in der Praxis der zirkulären Natur der Lebensprozesse. Dieses Verstehen entsteht auf natürliche Art und Weise, wenn das menschliche Leben der Natur nahe genug ist, um mit ihren zirkulären Dynamiken zu fließen. So ist zirkuläres Denken gewöhnlich gegenwärtig in 'primitiven' Gesellschaften und verschwindet in unserer westlichen patriarchalen Kultur mit deren Ausrichtung auf Produktion in der Inbesitznahme der Natur. In der westlichen Tradition werden Mensch und Natur als Gegensätze betrachtet, die einander verneinen. In 'primitiven' Traditionen sind menschliche Wesen Teil der Natur und nehmen teil an der Zirkularität der Natur. Für den modernen westlichen Menschen ist diese Teilnahme kein selbstverständliches Merkmal des Lebens. Die Folge dessen ist, dass es dem modernen westlichen Menschen schwer fällt, die Einladung meiner 'Ontologie des Beobachters' anzunehmen, das heißt, den Beobachter als konsti-
    tutiven Teilnehmer am Beobachteten zu erkennen. Humberto Maturana (1928-2021) chilenischer Biologe, Mitentwickler des Konzepts der Autopoiesis, Philosoph, radikaler Konstruktivist, Autor, Gerda Verden-Zöller, Herausgeberin, Liebe und Spiel. Die vergessenen Grundlagen des Menschseins, Carl-Auer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, 4. Auflage, 1. Mai 2005


Das vedische Mysterienwissen anerkennt die Multidimensionalität des Kosmos. Erst seit dem 20. Jahrhundert wurde diese Erkenntnis von Physikern in Betracht gezogen.

  • Die alte Hindu-Kosmologie enthält eine bemerkenswert detaillierte und quantifizierte Sicht einer zyklischen Evolution. Sie beschreibt gesamthaft Zyklen innerhalb von Zyklen innerhalb von Zyklen, wobei die Zyklen auf jeder Ebene eine unterschiedliche Dauer haben. Diese Ebenen entsprechen verschiedenen Zeitabschnitten in der Lebensspanne des Brahma, des Schöpfergottes. So entspricht eine Art von Zyklus einem Tag und einer Nacht in Brahmas Leben, eine andere einem Jahr, wieder eine andere einhundert Jahren, und so weiter. Wenn wir diese Zyklen auf Erdenjahre um-
    rechnen, sind einige von ihnen überraschend ähnlich wie jene Zeitangaben, die in der zeitgenössischen Astronomie von Interesse sind. Ein Tag und eine Nacht im Leben Brahmas dauern ein kalpa, eine Zeitperiode von 8,64 Milliarden Jahre, was ungefähr der Dauer entspricht, die von der modernen Kosmologie für die von Materie dominierte Epoche angesetzt wird, in der sich die Galaxien formten. Paul J. Steinhardt (*1952) US-amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, Universität Princeton, Neil Turok (*1958) südafrikanischer theoretischer Physiker, Astrophysiker, Universität Cambridge, Endless Universe. Beyond the Big Bang, S. 169-170, W&N, August 2006, 11. Dezember 2008


  • Die vier Yuga-Zyklen}
    Satya-Yuga - Zeitalter der Wahrheit – 4 x 432.000 = 1.728.000 Erdenjahre
    Tretā-Yuga - Drittes Zeitalter – 3 x 432.000 = 1.296.000 Erdenjahre
    Dvāpara-Yuga - Zweites Zeitalter – 2 x 432.000 = 864.000 Erdenjahre
    Kali-Yuga - Dunkles Zeitalter der Spaltung – 1 x 432.000 Erdenjahre

    Total – 10 x 432.000 = 4,32 Millionen Erdenjahre
    […] Die Übergangszeit des Satya-Yugas dauert am Anfang 144.000 Jahre, am Schluss ebenfalls 144.000 Jahre, und das eigentliche Satya-Yuga dauert 1.440.000 Jahre (144.000 + 1. 440.000 + 144.000 = 1.728.000). 144 000 ist im ve-
    dischen Kalender also die Zahl des ersten Yugas, des Goldenen Zeitalters! Dieselbe Zahl erscheint im Tzolkin ("Maya-Kalender") als Grundzahl der Berechnung des jetzigen Unterzyklus, der 2012 zu Ende geht: 13 Baktun-Zeitalter zu je 144.000 Tagen. Wie oben so unten. Wie in den großen Zyklen, so in den Unterzyklen. Bezeichnenderweise enthält
    ein 24-Stunden-Tag 1.440 Minuten (= 86.400 Sekunden). […]
    Möglicherweise wird das Jahr 2012 ein Tiefpunkt sein, der auch ein Wendepunkt sein wird – und die Startphase zu einem Quantensprung in eine neue Zeit, die kein "Kali-Yuga" mehr sein wird. Die indischen Prophezeiungen sprechen hier von einem neuen Zeitalter mit satya-yuga-ähnlichen Zuständen.
    Artikel von Armin Risi (*1962) Schweizer Veda-Philosoph, Dichter, Referent, Sachbuchautor, Wie lange dauert das Kali-Yuga? Das gegenwärtige Zeitalter und das Jahr 2012 im Licht der vier Yugas, präsentiert von der Webseite armin-risi.ch, undatiert (1992-2023)


  • Die Menschheit lebt seit fünftausend Jahren in einem "Zeitalter der Spaltung" (in der altindischen Sanskrit-Sprache "Kali-Yuga"). Dieses Zeitalter geht nun zu Ende, und wir stehen vor der Herausforderung, die Spaltung zu überwinden. Hierbei bekommen wir weltweit Hilfe und Inspiration, und wir sind aufgerufen, dieses Licht durch uns strahlen zu lassen. Seminar-Ankündigung von Armin Risi (*1962) Schweizer Veda-Philosoph, Dichter, Referent, Sachbuchautor, Paradigmen-
    wechsel: Der Mensch im Zyklus der Zeiten
    , Anbieter die Quelle, Bern, Januar 2024


  • Im Kreis zeigt sich das ABSOLUTE, ohne Form, Farbe, weitere Eigenschaften, das buchstäbliche NICHTS, es be-
    gegnet uns auf unbewusster Ebene beim Eintritt in die Kathedrale.
    In der sperrigen, quadratischen Raute erleben wir das Symbol der Materie, unser schicksalhaftes Geworfensein in
    die materielle Welt. […]
    "Quadratur des Kreises" […] im Altarraum in der Form des Rechtecks (symbolisch für das letzte Abendmahl stehend; Jesus inmitten der 12 Apostel ist ein Sinnbild für die Einheit des Lebens in allem Geschaffenen: Der EINE GEIST drückt sich in allen 12 Tierkreiszeichen aus).
    Wer sich länger meditierend auf die Symbole einlässt, kann tatsächlich intuitiv erleben, dass Kreis und Raute in dieser Form "dem inneren Sinn nach" im Rechteck verschmelzen.
Chartres-Tafeln Übungsseite, präsentiert von Spirituelle-Reisen.de, undatiert


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Kreis und ► Kugel


  • Sprach Govinda: "Viel haben wir gelernt, Siddhartha, viel bleibt noch zu lernen. Wir gehen nicht im Kreise, wir gehen nach oben, der Kreis ist eine Spirale, manche Stufe sind wir schon gestiegen."
  • Von jeder Wahrheit ist das Gegenteil ebenso wahr! Nämlich so: eine Wahrheit lässt sich immer nur aussprechen und in Worte hüllen, wenn sie einseitig ist. Einseitig ist alles, was mit Gedanken gedacht und mit Worten gesagt werden kann, alles einseitig, alles halb, alles entbehrt der Ganzheit, des Runden, der Einheit. [...] Die Welt selbst aber, das Seiende um uns her und in uns innen, ist nie einseitig.
    Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) deutsch-schweizerischer Dichter, Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger in Literatur, 1946, Siddharta. Eine indische Dichtung,
    Fischer, Berlin, 1922, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1969, 1974, 1998


  • War es nicht ein Komödie, eine seltsame und dumme Sache, diese Wiederholung, dieses Laufen in einem verhängnisvollen Kreise?
    Der Fluss lachte. Ja, es war so, es kam alles wieder, was nicht bis zu Ende gelitten und gelöst ward, es wurden immer wieder dieselben Leiden gelitten. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) deutsch-schweizerischer Dichter, Schriftsteller, Siddharta, Fischer, Berlin, 1922, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1969, 1974, 1998



  • Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge ziehn.
    Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn.
    Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm, und ich kreise jahrtausendelang;
    Und ich weiß noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm oder ein großer Gesang.
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) böhmisch-österreichischer Dichter, Lyriker,
dreiteiliger Gedichtzyklus Das Stunden-Buch (1899-1903), Insel Verlag, Leipzig, 1905

Armut schafft Demut
Demut schafft Fleiß
Fleiß schafft Reichtum
Reichtum schafft Übermut
Übermut schafft Krieg
Krieg schafft Armut.


Quelle: ► Spruch des Schlesischen Hungertuchs, erstmals erschienen 1306 in Münster,
erhalten durch Blaudruckerei Thieme, Pulsnitz, Sachsen, 20. Jahrhundert

General quotes

The disciples say to Jesus: "Tell us what our end will be."
Jesus says: "Have you then deciphered the beginning, that you ask about the end? For where the beginning is, there
shall be the end.
Blessed is the man who reaches the beginning; he will know the end, and will not taste death!"
Gospel of Thomas, verse 18, part of the Biblical apocrypha, 50-140 AD, 1945


Personal avowals

  • Everything I see, hear, touch, feel, taste, speak, think, imagine, is completing a perfect circle God has drawn.
    Daniel Ladinsky, Love Poems from God, Penguin Publication, reprinted 2002


  • [Paraphrased] I know most scientists in the West subscribe to the Big Bang theory of the origins of the universe,
    but I am going to have to go out on a limb here to say that we Buddhists do not believe in the Big Bang.
    We believe there were an infinite number of Big Bangs and that the universe is cyclical.
    H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism,
    Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1989, Conferences on religion and science, organized by Amherst College physicist Arthur Zajonc,
    Union Theological Seminary, New York City, 1994



  • Stay in the center of the circle and let all things take their course.
Tao Te Ching [The Book of the Way], verse 19, 800-200 BC


  • Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop. Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) English mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon, photographer, writer, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Macmillan, 26. November 1865



Animierter Einheits-Ring
  • We're still living in an 'either-or' culture, not in an 'and' culture. We're still ranking instead of linking. We still have a hierarchical view of life instead of a circle. And actually for most of human history we've lived the other way. It's been about linking, not ranking. The circle was the paradigm of society.
    Video interview with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading
    US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, @katiecouric: A Woman's World?, presented by the US American television news program CBS News, host Katie Couric (*1957) US American talk show host, anchor journalist, author, YouTube film, minute 37:29, posted
    22. June 2010


  • If we think of ourselves as circles, our goal is completion. [...] [I]f we think of work structures as circles [...] progress means mutual support and connectedness.
    Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Revolution from Within. A Book of Self-Esteem,
    Little, Brown and Company, 20. January 1993



Hierarchy vs. heterarchy



  • We're at the end of a cycle. All of you have known this since childhood. The Hindus call it the Kali Yuga, the dark age. At the end of a cycle, Shiva, the Hindu lord of death, dances. At the end of a cycle, certain energetic configurations
    go away and others come into being.
    Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy.
    A Mystical Journey into the Heart of a New Age
    , Crown Chakra Publishing, 1st edition 21. December 2009



  • I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world.
    And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred
    manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.
    And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and
    as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father.
    And I saw that it was holy. Black Elk [Wičháša Wakȟáŋ; Hehaka Sapa] (1863-1950) North American medicine elder and
    heyoka of the Oglala Lakota tribe (Sioux) of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux), Catholic katechist, Pine Ridge reservation, South Dakota,
    Black Elk Speaks. Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux, 1932, told by John Neihardt, 1961


Future prospects

  • Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world fil-
    led with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven genera-
    tions when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one
    circle again
    . In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one. Crazy Horse [Tȟašúŋke Witkó] (1842-1877) Native American war leader of the Oglala Lakota, stated while smoking the sacred pipe at Paha Sapa with Sitting Bull 4 days before he was assassinated, 1877


Oil painting by Steven Kenny, "The Circle, 2008
  • When we went from storytelling around the campfire we were living in a world of the circular logic of our ancestors of day-to-day living. When we switched to writing suddenly we now had a future. We began seeing the world from left to right, top to bottom, as the way we read. Now with computers and the Internet we're moving away from a literate society back to a kind of a cross between gathering around camp fire and storytelling (which is what the Internet is providing to people now) to symbolic. We are returning back to a symbolic world. When we successfully make that turn which we are right now then we are going to see the world the way our ancestors did. And the mechanized way of seeing the world through the written word will disappear and we will begin going back into the cyclic nature of reality, which is the true reality of nature. Skype video interview with Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, located in Oregon, Jay Weidner interviewed by Gerry Fialka 2012/10/13, host Gerry Fialka, East Oakland, minute 3:30, 1:3:09 duration, aired 13. October 2012



  • The same road goes both up and down. The beginning of a circle is also its end.
    Heraclitus of Ephesus (~535-475 BC) pre-Socratic Ancient Greek philosopher, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Walk to the well.
    Turn as the earth and the moon turn, circling what they love.
    Whatever circles comes from the center.
    Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi (1207-1273) Persian Muslim Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, poet, Coleman Barks (*1937) US American translator, poet, Selected Poems, S. 343, Penguin, new edition 6. August 2015



Circular development of the self

  • I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the self.
    There is no linear evolution; there is only a circumambulation of the self. Uniform development exists, at most, at the beginning; later, everything points toward the centre.
    This insight gave me stability, and gradually my inner peace returned.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Fontana Press, 1961, reissued edition 6. March 1995

Still-point of Tao

  • When there is no more separation between "this" and "that," it is called the still-point of Tao. At the still-point in the center of the circle, one sees the infinite in all things. Zhuangzi [Chuang Tzu] (~365-290 BC) influential Chinese philosopher during the warring states period, cited in: AZ Quotes


Come unto These Yellow Sands, 1842
Richard Dadd (1819-1887) English painter
  • There is no death in all the Universe. There is but continual repetition of life cycles of rebirth into their two opposite ex-
    pressions which we call life and death, but both are
    , in fact, one.
    Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, architect, painter, sculptor, builder, author (unified theory in physics and cosmogony), cited in: Walter Russell THINK TANK, Facebook group, posted 24. January 2020


  • Idea does not come and go. It is but the bodies of ideas which come and go. It is but the formed bodies of ideas which appear, disappear and reappear in what we call life, death and rebirth. These transient bodies simulate idea by form and motion but transient moving form cannot be the eternal idea which it manifests in forever repeated cycles. Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, architect, painter, sculptor, builder, author (unified theory in physics and cosmogony), Home Study Course wr hsc unit 5, LESSONS 17, 18, 19, 20, 1951



The enigma of TO BE or NOT TO BE, polarity, and opposites

Ribbon image vs. circle image

  • If you pursue success, pleasure, good, virtue […] all these positive things you are under illusion because the positive cannot exist without the negative. You only know what to be is by contrast of not to be. […] You can't have the one without the other. […] If you try to pursue, to gain the positive and to deny, get rid of the negative it is as if you trying to arrange everything in the room so as if it was all up and nothing was down. You can't do it. You set yourself an absolutely insoluble problem.
    The basis of life is spectrum. Most people think of it [the spectrum of colors] as a ribbon which is red at one end and purple at the other. But the spectrum is actually a circle. Because purple is the mixture of red and blue. It goes right round. In this way all sensation, all feeling, all experience whatsoever is moving through spectra [of colors, sounds, textures, smells, and tastes]. You are constantly operating through all of the possible variations of experience. And it implies that you can't know one end of the spectrum without also knowing the other. […] Without blue and purple you can't have red. 12-hour audio retreat/presentation by Alan Watts (1915-1973) British philosopher, speaker, writer, You're It! On Hiding, Seeking, and Being Found, CD Audiobook Sounds True, unabridged edition 1. October 2009



See also:

Outtake from the documentary film Miss Representation, written/directed/produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, What's New is Old, YouTube film, 1:57 minutes duration, 15. August 2011

  • Many of the Native American tribes (i.e. the Cherokee), the original cultures (the Dalits in India, the Kwei and the San in southern Africa) followed the paradigm
    of the circle not the hierarchy. Many of the native languages don't have gender articles. Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, source unknown


  • The circle means resolution of conflict.
    The circle symbolizes Reality while the diameter symbolizes illusion [ego mind].
    Video presentation by Willem de Swart, B.Sc. (*1956) South African electrical engineer, numeric scientist, Conflicted mind,
    part 2 of 2, V1202b.avi, produced in Johannisburg, SA, 19. February 2012, YouTube film, minute 3:36, 7:51 minutes duration,
    posted 25. February 2012


  • Insofar as cycles are meaningful, all science that has been developed in the absence of cycle knowledge is inadequate and partial. Thus, if cyclic forces are real, any theory of economics, or sociology, or history, or medicine, or climatology that ignores non-
    chance rhythms is manifestly incomplete, as medicine was before the discovery of germs.
    Edward R. Dewey (1895-1978) US American economist, expert on cyclical movements in economics and other fields, cited in:
    article The Case for Cycles, PDF, presented by the Cycles Magazine, Cycles Research Institute for the Interdisciplinary
    Study of Cycles, July 1967


  • If these cyclic forces are real, there is a much greater degree of interrelationship within nature than was pre-
    viously realized
    , since the same cycles appear in many different natural and social sciences. The implications are
    one of wholeness instead of the emphasis we so often see upon smaller and smaller sections of knowledge.
    Edward R. Dewey (1895-1978) economist, studied cycles in economics and other fields, cited in: article The Case for Cycles,
    PDF, presented by the Cycles Magazine, Cycles Research Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Cycles, July 1967


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Circles

Literary quotes

  • I live my life in big circles, that surround all things, that circle around all that is.
    Maybe I will not complete the last circle, but i will attempt it.
    Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist, The Book of Hours [Das Stunden-Buch], Insel Verlag, Leipzig,
    April 1905


  • We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path
    is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.
    Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss poet, novelist, Siddhartha, Fischer, Berlin, 1922, New Directions, United States of America, 1951


  • The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are: that good fortune I have enjoyed for nearly twenty years. C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) Irish British literary scholar, literary secret agent of MI6, novelist, They Asked for a Paper. Papers and Addresses‎, S. 63, 1962



Circular heroic journey toward the Self

  • We shall not cease from exploration
    And the end of all our exploring
    Will be to arrive where we started
    And know the place for the first time.
    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) US American British literary critic, poet, playwright, Nobel laureate in literature, 1948, Four Quartets, Harcourt, 1943



  • Poverty creates humility
    Humility creates hard work
    Hard work creates affluence
    Affluence creates mischief
    Mischief creates war
    War creates poverty.

    Aphorism of the Salesian starvation cloth [Hungertuch], first appearance in 1306, Münster, Germany, preserved by Blaudruckerei Thieme,
    Pulsnitz, Saxony, East Germany, 20th century

I live my life in growing orbits
which move out over the things of the world.
Perhaps I can never achieve the last,
but that will be my attempt.

I am circling around God, around the ancient tower,
and I have been circling for a thousand years,
and I still don’t know if I am a falcon, or a storm,
or a great song.

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist, poem I live my life in growing orbits translated by Robert Bly (1926-2021), excerpted from three parts collection of poetry Rilke's Book of Hours. Love Poems to God, Das Stunden-Buch, April 1905, part I, chapter 2, written 1899-1903, Insel Verlag, Leipzig, April 1905, Riverhead Trade, 8th edition
1. April 1997

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Very often one has illusions about the nature of reality. They have to be let go also. That there is a good and a bad, a desirable and undesirable, that is all in your mind. So you realize that the sun shines and then the clouds come up and then the rain falls. The grass grows up and dies, the stock market goes up and down, age comes and goes, people arise and leave. So you see there is the ebb and flow and if one is at this part of the cycle there is no point in crying about it, because the cycle will cycle itself out. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through
    the Heart
    , DVD 1 of 3, track 5, minute ~0:38:00-0:39:00, 27. September 2002


The One Ring, red colored
  • There is the ebb and flow and if one is at this part of the cycle there is no point in crying about it, because the cycle will cycle itself out. And by surrendering oneself to what-
    ever is cycling up is how one disappears it eventually.

    You disappear it by choosing to be with it and letting go wanting to change it as it arises. To do that particular tech-
    nique means to do it continuously, no matter what, non-stop. […] So then, one surrenders everything that stands in the way of the Presence. The Presence is so obvious, so start-
    ling and so overwhelming that there is no question about it.
    It is profound. It is total. It is all encompassing, totally over-
    whelming, totally transforming and completely unmistakable. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, DVD 2 of 3, track 5, minute ~0:34:00-0:45:00, 27. September 2002


  • There would be no point to this incarnation if the future could be predicted. This is a world of karmic opportunity. That is why it is so valuable. It is a recycling center. There is free will and karma. There would be no point in spiritual work if you could tell the future. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 10. December 2005


Englische Texte – English section on Circles

Cubic cosmology as opposed to spheric cosmology – Wallace Black Elk

Bolded sun cross
Circle represents the creative right brain.
Square represents the structured left brain.

At his last seminar in Neuss, Germany, in June 1998, Native American Dakota Sioux medicine elder Wallace Black Elk (1921-2004) taught the following cosmology:


Referring to the pre-Columbian era there was a spheric earth wherein all creatures lived in harmony. When the white conquerers from Europe arrived on Turtle Island the world view embedded and flowing within the circle/sphere as held by the Natives has been superseded by the structured goal-oriented square/cube. The box in which the white conquerer types prefer to live in consists of four walls with no windows and no door availed. Both the floor and the ceiling offer no exit either, nor do they allow to peek outside the box.


Four 90° angles along the four walls of the cubic world view
WallWallpaper / DisciplineChakra /
Subtle body
Reality angleExemplary patient story
First wall Science PHYSICAL Hardware reality A sick person [aka human] is consulting a physician.
                        When science inevitably fails to work the next 90° turn points to the wall of psychology.                    
Second·wall Psychology EMOTIONAL Software reality The sick person [aka human]
is sent to consult a psychotherapist.
                            When psychology inevitably fails to work the next 90° turn points to the wall of law.                          
Third wall Law MENTAL Human-designed reality The sick person [aka human] is institutionalized by signature of a psychiatrist. Their civil rights are stripped from them.
                         When law inevitably fails to work the next 90° turn points to the wall of religion.                               
Forth wall Religion ASTRAL God-given reality The sick institutionalized person [aka human] is sent
to consult an exorcist, a priest.
       When religion inevitably fails to work a new round of 360° inside the box resumes once more with SCIENCE.      
Inside the bottled up box, the spheric world outside the cube cannot be seen, except when it
can be "seen" with eyes to see. If intuition fails, the existence of a round spheric world is denied.
See also:
Historic cycles – From the love of power to the power of love – Anodea Judith
Three archetypal wounds in trust and love – Mario Martinez
Information Age ⇒ Conceptual Age ⇒ Changing expressions of creativity – Daniel Pink
Four developmental periods in biology, ecology, finance and economics
Healing individual trauma and transforming culture and society – Peter Levine
Four-stage composition of ancient Egyptian temples – Model of mystery schools
Moving into dignity politics – Four historical arcs of evolution
Cosmology and ► Science and ► Psychology and ► Justice and ► Religion and ► Medicine
Siehe auch: ► Würfel-Kosmologie ⇔ Kugel-Kosmologie


Before our white brothers arrived to make us civilized men,
♦ we didn't have any kind of [no] prison. Because of this, we had no delinquents.
   Without a prison, there can be no delinquents.
♦ We had no locks nor keys and therefore among us there were no thieves.
♦ When someone was so poor that he couldn't afford a horse, a tent or a blanket,
   he would, in that case, receive it all as a gift.
♦ We were too uncivilized to give great importance to private property.
♦ We didn’t know any kind of [no] money and consequently,
   the value of a human being was not determined by his wealth.
♦ We had no written laws laid down, no lawyers, no politicians,
   therefore we were not able to cheat and swindle one another.
♦ We were really in bad shape before the white men arrived and I don't know how to explain
   how we were able to manage without these fundamental things that (so they tell us) are
   so necessary for a civilized society.

John Fire Lame Deer [The Old Man] (1900/1903-1976) North American Mineconju-Lakota Sioux holy man, member of the Heyoka society, father of Archie Fire Lame Deer (1935-2001), cited in: G.W. Mullins, author, C. L. Hause, illustrator, Walking With Spirits Volume 2 Native American Myths, Legends, And Folklore, S. 103, Light Of The Moon Publishing, 14. March 2017

Pre-eminent number 25920 and its subdivided perfect numbers

Spiral illustration


Chaldea and early Egypt used perfect numbers of the sacred mysteries Sirius cycle. Proponents of the idea that terrestrial events repeat themselves in a cyclical fashion structured in perfect numbers were Thales of Miletus (624-~546 BC) and Pythagoras of Samos (~570-495 BC).


Plato (427-347 BC) advocated the complete precessional cycle. The Platonic Year comprises the golden number at 25920 years containing all other subnumbers.


The French astrologer Michel Helmer who had discovered the number Phi (~1.616) was the first to locate successfully the peak times within each cycle according to the ancient theory. [Cahiers Astrologiques, 1960]


Three interlaced astrological cycles
LegendLength·of·time Hands of
the cosmic clock
Earth's rotation on its axisSpace-Time of the houses
Worldly astrology of nations, regimes, political leaders
24 hours / 1 day Second hand
Earth's revolution around the SunSpace-Time of the heavy planetary cycles365.25 days / 1 year Minute hand
Precession of the EquinoxesSpace-Time of the Platonic Year25920 years1
Numerological rhythm
Hour hand


Various basic cycles
As a general rule the repetition is only approximate because the context is quite different.
Name of cycle25920·DivisionsDuration·in·yearsLegend
Platonic Year
Complete precessional cycle
25920 / 1
360 x 72
25920 years Containing all other significant subcycles
One Platonic day lasts 72 Earth years.
Manvantara cycle (Ancient Hindus)25920 / 2
12960 x 5
12960 years
64800 years
Yuga cycle (Ancient Hindus)
Yugas: Kali, Dwapara, Treta, Satya
25920 / 64320 years See: Yuga Cycles – Hindu mythological time referencing / Fulcanelli
Cycle of Daniel (OT)25920 / 10
3 x 864
2592 years Age of the Zodiac
Cycle of civilizations and religions25920 / 12
2160 / 2
2160 years
1080 years
Age of the Zodiac
Empires, civilizations, religions
Cycle of opposition to what was created at the start of the 2160-year cycle
Precessional passage from one constellation of the Zodiac to the next
Great Year (Siderial calendar)365 x 3 + 3661461 years Earth, Sun and Sirius Star are aligning. The heliacal rising has a huge energetic impact on Earth.
Polar cycle / ternary division2160 / 3720 years Neocreational level: Spiritual change Renewal
This cycle was discovered by Rev. Father Poucel.
Cycle of 7 times 77 (Biblical)7 x 77
2160 / 4
539 years
540 years
Paradoxical level: Mass movements of peoples
Turning point of the basic cycles of a civilization
Note: Fundamental human cycle of 11 years and 11 x 7 = 77 years
Cycle of internal ideology change of regimes2160 / 6360 years Symbolic level: Ideological change
Cycle of political change of regimes2160 / 12180 years Literal level: Political change


540 year and 2160 year cycles
Every 539/540 years ("7 x 77" biblical years) or 2160 / 4 years, humanity enters a period of mutation,
often accompanied by a mass migration of peoples.
22 years
Defeat of the English in the Hundred Years' War
changing European history due to the miraculous
intervention of 19-year-old Joan of Arc entrusted
with King Charles' VII army
539 years later
2160 years later
Opening of the Aquarian Age
Change of religion and morals will be radical,
eventually affecting the whole world
360 years later
French Revolution180 years later
22 years later
Decisive phase of the spiritual revival movement
Nostradamus' date for the end of the New Babylon
Philosophical and religious change will come
from Russia herself.
Each period of mutation extends over 180 years and is divided into two periods of maximum activity. The first is the time of creation of
the movement which is spread over 22 years or 2 x 11 years. Then follows a 180-year period of slow progress and gradual inroads,
and finally the decisive struggle which lasts 22 years, until the movement definitely succeeds or fails.


Three phases of building a religion – each 720 years
720 year cycleFocusTime frameChristian history
1st phaseProphetic period of religion0-33-720-750 AD Christ's teaching
2nd phase"Clerical phase" of religion720-750 to 1440-1470 Mystical epoch of Christianity
3rd phaseSupremacy of the temporal power over the spiritual power1440-1770
Epoch of the mastery of the ecclesiastical hierarchy over peoples and governments
Note: 2012 is the end of third-density time. Hence, all other cycles are automatically "attracted" together.


539 year cycle – French history
Time·frame·YearHistorical event
April 29-May 8 1429Tide turning against the English in the Hundred Years' War changing European history
Quasi-miraculous intervention of 19-year-old Joan of Arc entrusted with King Charles' VII army
539 years later
May 1968
French youth brought about the shift and incredible destruction of University mandarins
and the repeal of many taboos.


Cyclical evolution – exemplified by French history
CycleYearHistorical event
Start1249Constitution of the first Parliament of Paris
+180 years1429Joan of Arc's emergence2; King Charles VII is consecrated at Reims.
+360 years1789Start of the French Revolution
+1801968-1969Age of the world youth movement, indicating the absorption of the French cycle into the world cycle
+11 years
+11 years
1979-1980Peak of the resistance to change by the traditional structures of society
Earthly changes passed the point of no return by 1990-1991.


Cycle correlations between Rome and United States (New Rome)
Time·frameHistoric event – Roman EmpireTime·frameHistoric event – US Empire
264-241 BC1st Punic War – Rome against Carthage2160 years later
Economic war (Dingley Tariff) between the US and Europe (especially Germany) began 1896-1897. It ended in 1918-1919 by Germany's defeat, thanks to
the decisive American support in 1917.
USA’s world economic supremacy dates from 1919,
all the European states having emerged weakened
from the WW1.
218-201 BC2nd Punic War – Rome's gravest and most dangerous war against Carthage2160 years later
US engages in World War II followed by the cold (and hot) war against the USSR, Berlin blockade (1947) Korea War (1950-1953), Khrushchev's visit to the US, bringing China into conflict with the USSR (1959)
200-106 BC
198-197 BC
Macedonian War – Rome against Macedonia under King Philip V.
Roman victory of Cynocephalus ended the Macedonian War.
2160 years later
Kennedy administration involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis; possibility of war (22-28 October 1962), withdrawal of Russian missiles
192-188 BCRome engaged in wars against the Oriental King Antiochus III2160 years later
Vietnam War
181-174 BC1st Celtiberic War – Rome had to face a serious rebellion in her Spanish possessions2160 years later
Rebellion against US domination: in Latin America (lands colonized by Spain); in Africa, with Cuban troops
172-168 BC2nd Macedonian War – Rome against Perseus (preferred son of Philip V.)2160 years later
Direct USA-USSR confrontation destruction of the US Space Shuttle Challenger, according to Lt. Col. Tom Bearden, followed by the economic collapse of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev actively campaigning for peace


Correlations (name similarity) between ancient Roman statesmen Cato
and living American Jimmy Carter
Time·frameCato – Historical eventTime·frameCarter – Historical event
187 BCScipio Africanus, who defeated Antiochus, was being tried and had to resign and retire to his estate.2160 years later
The Watergate scandal forced Richard Nixon, who had honorably terminated the Vietnam War, to resign and retire to his estate.
184 BCFamous Roman statesman Cato the Elder [The Censor, Wise, Ancient] (234-149 BC) was elected Consul of Rome.2160 years later
Jimmy Carter (1924-2024) was elected
39th US president (1977-1981).


Written source:
Book excerpt from Francois Masson, David Michael Steinberg, translator, The End of Our Century by 1979-1980, 1981, chapter 6
     Cyclology – The Mathematics Of History, edited and published by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 2001
Audio sources featuring David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author
Radio interview David Wilcock – Synchronicity & Enlightenment, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM,
     host George Noory (*1950), aired 19. August 2013, YouTube film, 1:53:57 duration, posted 4. August 2017
Further reference: ► Article The Precession of the Equinoxes, presented by the publication ancient-wisdom, undated
See also: ► History


  • It is hard for modern man to believe that numbers have a meaning much more important than he thinks, that
    they are not merely a means of counting and measuring sense objects but that they also express a spiritual essence which they create and control. The ancient Hebrews called this spiritual essence the ten holy
    Ernst Bindel (1890-1974) German mathematician, Waldorf school, Stuttgart, Die geistigen Grundlagen der Zahlen
    [The Spiritual Elements of Numbers], 1958, Anaconda, 31. July 2011



Repeating cycles in history

  • [Paraphrased] Using history, astrology, and synchronicity theory, there is a hidden architecture played out in cycles, guiding humanity toward spiritual progress and enlightenment.
    "Reality is not real. We're in a hologram. There's a story that's repeating, and it keeps repeating until we master the lesson it's teaching us."
    [David Wilcock]
    History repeats in precise cycles. Much of 20th century American history is holographically connected to Roman history in the Age of Aries.
    There are parallels between Roman and American history, including the first Punic War to WWI, the second Punic War to WWII, Carthage to Germany, and Hannibal to Hitler, Robespierre to Stalin.
    Hannibal looks like "Hitler with a beard." They invaded the same areas, during the same six years, using the same basic strategies in each cycle.
    The French astrologer Michel Helmer accurately predicted in 1961 that the revolt Joan of Arc pulled off in the 1400s would repeat as a student-led revolution in France in 1968, within a few days off when it occurred in the previous 539-
    year cycle
    (one-quarter of an Age of the Zodiac). It is referenced as a parable by Jesus, where he spoke of forgiving
    your brother "seven times 77 times".
    The so-called "Age of the Zodiac" is a 2,160-year cycle that is precisely repeating itself. The cycle of 720 years
    (1/3 the age of the Zodiac) governs the history and development of Christianity and other religions, according to Helmer.
    It was independently discovered by Anatoly Fomenko, Ph.D. (*1945) as a massive, repeating pattern in world history.
    'End times' are not relegated strictly to Christian prophecy but referenced in over 30 ancient cultures. These cultures all indicated that mankind is heading into a golden age, but have go through a dark period first. People are fulfilling a cosmic blueprint, older than time itself, which is meant to steer humanity into a beautiful golden age where stargate tra-
    vel, antigravity technology, and ascension (transmutation into light bodies) is availed.
Audio interview with David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author,
Synchronicity Key: David Wilcock (interview) 33:54 , presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM,
host George Noory (*1950), aired 19. August 2013, YouTube film, minute 1:01:22 (39:00-2:33:59 duration), 33:54 duration,
posted 25. August 2013 –– The Synchronicity Key: Official Launch Video!, 19. August 2013

Ten archetypal spiritual pathways

       The Cosmic Equation A + B = 20 expresses oneness.       


Three basic rules express the meaning of each of the 22 Tarot cards:

  1. Meaning is derived from the meaning of the previous card, using the principle of negation (i.e. unity in operation).
  2. Meaning is derived from the diameter of the circle.
  3. Meaning is derived from the circumference of the circle.


Ten united pathways expressing the Cosmic Equation A+B = 20
PathTarot card ASymbol Planet/SignTarot card BSymbol Planet/SignCosmic equation
1.1st card (0)FoolSun19th card (20)MoonMoon1+19 = 20
2.2nd card (1)MagicianMercury18th card (19)StarAquarius2+18 = 20
3.3rd card (2)High PriestessEarth17th card (18)Tower of DestructionMars3+17 = 20
4.4th card (3)EmpressVenus16thcard (17)DevilCapricorn4+16 = 20
5.5th card (4)EmperorAries15th card (16)TemperanceSagittarrius5+15 = 20
6.6th card (5)Hierophant / PopeTaurus14th card (15)DeathScorpio6+14 = 20
7.7th card (6)LoversGemini13th card (14)Hanged ManNeptune7+13 = 20
8.8th card (7)ChariotCancer12th card (13)StrengthLeo8+12 = 20
9.9th card (8)JusticeLibra11th card (12)Wheel of FortuneJupiter9+11 = 20
10.10th card (9)HermitVirgo10th card (11)HermitVirgo10+10 = 20
Source: ► Video presentation by Willem de Swart, B.Sc. (*1956) South African electrical engineer, numeric scientist,
     Basic geometric structure of Major Arcana of Tarot, V1203.avi, produced in Johannesburg, South Africa, 9. March 2012,
     YouTube film, 8:48 minutes duration, posted 10. March 2012
See also: ► Weg – Path


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1 Robertino Solàrion, An Introduction To Galactic Mathematics

2 History of Joan of Arc, presented by historyworld.net

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