Hawkins / Kulte
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Rattenfänger von Hameln
༺·❄·༻ |
Das Wort Sekte (lat. secta) bedeutet "Partei" oder "Schule". Es geht wahrscheinlich nicht auf das lateinische Verb "secare" (abschneiden) zurück, sondern auf "sequi" (folgen). Es handelt sich weniger um eine Abspaltung als um eine Gefolgschaft.
Die nicht-christliche Antike bezeichnete philosophische oder religiöse Gruppierungen wertfrei und neutral als Sekten. Die ersten Christen wurden in dieser Tradition als "Sekte der Nazarener", eine Richtung des Judentums, bezeichnet.
Sekte wird in den meisten Fällen als Kampfbegriff gebraucht. Die begriffliche Nähe zu 'extrem agierenden dissidieren-
In Meyers Enzyklopädisches Lexikon stand 1977 zu lesen:
Im Münchner Rechtslexikon steht geschrieben:
Die früher als "Sekten" bezeichneten organisierten Gruppierungen werden heute meist neutraler als "Neue religiöse Bewe- |
Der Kampfbegriff Sekte ist nicht mehr 'politisch korrekt'.
Die 1996 im Auftrag des deutschen Bundestages eingesetzte Enquête-Kommission für 'Sogenannte Sekten und Psychogruppen' verzichtet mit folgender Begründung auf die Benutzung des Begriffs Sekte:
Der Begriff "Sekte" kommt von lateinischen sequi → folgen, und ist die Übersetzung von griechischen hairesis → Wahl, Gefolgschaft." Mit ihm wurden in der Antike zunächst diejenigen bezeichnet, die einem bestimmten Philosophen in seinen Anschauungen folgten. In der Ge-
schichte des Christentums wurden damit die Gruppen bezeichnet, die außerhalb der allgemeinen Kirche einem bestimmten Glaubensführer und für abweichend erklärten Glaubenslehren oder Praktiken anhingen. Im Mittelalter (siehe dazu die Konstitution Ad Deus des Kaisers Friedrich II. von 1220) wurde das 'widerspenstige Anhängen' an eine 'Sekte' in Acht getan und mit dem Tode bestraft (siehe dazu die Bam-
berger Halsgerichtsordnung von 1507, Artikel 30).
Dadurch wurde aus einem religiösen Abweichen ein kriminelles Delikt, wie der protestantische Theologe Paul Tillich (BW 480) schrieb:
'Wer gegen das kanonisierte Dogma verstößt, (ist) nicht nur ein Häretiker, der den Grundlehren der Kirche widerspricht, sondern auch ein Verbrecher gegen den Staat.' […]
Mit der Erklärung der Religionsfreiheit in den europäischen Staaten wurden solche Auffassungen und Einrichtungen abgeschafft. Das deutsche Grundgesetz kennt nur Religionen, Religionsgesellschaften, und Religionsgemeinschaften.
Staatsrechtlich gibt es in dieser Beziehung keinen Unterschied zwischen Kirche und anderen religiösen Organisationsformen. Da außerdem der Begriff der 'Sekte' kaum von allem ihm durch die kirchliche Verlästerung angehängtem Beigeschmack, wie Max Weber forderte, gelöst werden kann, ist er äußerst fragwürdig geworden.
Quelle und Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Sekte [Status ~2007/2008] |
Quelle: ► Artikel von Steven Hassan (*1954) US-amerikanicher Ex-Moonie, Sektenausstiegsberater, psychologischer Berater, Autor, A Response to Academics Who Say There Is No Undue Influence in Destructive Cults [Eine Antwort an Akademiker, die behaupten, es gäbe keine unangemessene Beeinflussung in destruktiven Kulten], präsentiert von Freedom of Mind Resource Center, 28. Juni 2018 |
See also: ► Influence continuum concerning individuals, leaders and organisations |
Specialness, ingroup status, jargon, false promises
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Gewalttätige und sexistische Aspekte des tibetisch-buddhistischenen Systems S. 75
Die Frau wird als "spirituelles Hilfsmittel" gesehen, ausgebeutet und spirituell entmündigt und verdrängt. S. 76
Anfangs glaubte Campbell, dass eine geheime Beziehung eine Erweiterung der religiösen Praxis sein könne und in den Bereich der geheimen tantrischen Praktiken fallen müsse.
Note: Eingeschüchtert und zu absolutem Stillschweigen über ihr Mudra-Dasein verdonnert, war es Campbell zunächst nicht möglich, aus diesem Bannkreis auszubrechen
Nach einer Vergewaltigung beginnt Nonne D. Wagner das Selbstlosigkeitsideal und Schweigen der Opfer zu hinterfragen.
Während Bhagwan seinen Jüngern Bescheidenheit predigte, besaß er selbst eine Autokette von Rolls-Royce.
Nun glaubt nicht, nur weil ich es euch gesagt habe. Erfahrt selbst. Sollte die Wissenschaft eines Tages eine meiner Lehren widerlegen, so glaubt der Wissenschaft.
Glaubt nicht dem Hörensagen und heiligen Überlieferungen, nicht Vermutungen oder eingewurzelten Anschauungen, auch nicht den Worten eines verehrten Meisters; sondern was ihr selbst gründlich geprüft und als euch selbst und anderen zum Wohle dienend erkannt habt, das nehmt an.
Definition von Sekte (Kult)
Der Verhaltensforscher Hansjörg Hemminger definiert eine Sekte folgendermaßen:
Quelle: ► Essay von Hansjörg Hemminger (*1948) deutscher Verhaltenswissenschaftler, Spezialist für Sekten und religiöse Sonder- gruppen, Was ist eine Sekte? Kurzinformation, PDF, präsentiert von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), November 2019 |
Siehe auch: ► Wahre Lehre und ► Bewusstseinskontrolle |
Personal avowals
Conclusions upon thorough research
What is enlightenment?
The simplistic [blue meme] view of a perfect guru challenged by a Western woman after having recovered from sex slavery
Face to Face. Confronting the Guru-Disciple Relationship, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Gnosis, Ihla F. Nation, S. 26, spring 1996
Pyramid structured, authoritarian, unduly influenced group or relationship resulting in a new identity (dissociative dysfunction) of followers who become obedient and dependent to the authority figure
Leaving old style deprogramming behind, Hassan developed the Strategic Interactive Approach on behalf of cult members in transition. It is relationship based and respectful of all persons involved.
As the worshipped charismatic leader is a fallible human being over time their contradictions are noticed and may become a source of parting from the cult.
Minute 0:27:52
Six most common dynamics in cults – Source: ► Traumatic Narcissism. Relational Systems of Subjugation,
chapter "Traumatic Narcissism in Cults", Routledge, 1st edition 19. September 2013
Referring to the form of national exceptionalism exercised by US president ⚡ George W. Bush in the US American Iraq War II
NOTE: Masters himself ran 2 community cults over 17 years. Anyone who said no to his wished or questioned him he had bullied and screamed down. As late a 2018 he still evades interviews regarding his cultic past and presence.
► Book: Joel Kramer (*1937) and Diana Alstad, US American author couple, The Guru Papers. Masks of Authoritarian Power, Frog / North Atlantic Books, 1st edition 20. May 1993 – Free PDF ► Book: The Guru Papers, offered by Books.Google ► Overview: Table of Contents, PDF, Overviews of The Guru Papers, PDF, presented by the website joeldiana.com ► Overview: Connections between Our Books, PDF, presented by the website joeldiana.com |
The sacrosanct concept of perfection allows "enlightened" structures to draw in authoritarianism.
The need for images of perfection and omniscience
Personal testimonies of prominent cult dropouts of the Unification Church
Donna Collins' closeness to the Moon family, allowed her to witness a "frightening, totalitarian" atmosphere with them.
She acknowledged "the tremendous discrepancy between the Moon family and the top hierarchy with money."
Her conclusion: Unificationism is wrong.
Moonies – glassy-eyed mindless robotic fundraisers
In 1981 the UK Daily Mail newspaper described the members of the Unification Church, led by Korean totalitarian cult leader Sun Myung Moon [LoC 515⇒160] (1920-2012) as "robots, glassy-eyed and mindless, programmed as soldiers in this vast fund-raising army with no goals or ideals, except as followers of the half-baked ravings of Moon, who lived in splendor while followers lived in forced penury."
The longest unsuccessful libel suit in British legal history against the newspaper cost the plaintiff Unification Church, then represented by Dennis Orme, more than 1$ million in court costs.4
Donna Orme-Collins was the first "Blessed Child" of the Unification Church in the West. Her parents, Doris and Dennis Orme (*1938) founded and directed the Unification Church (UC) in England in the 70ties and helped launch Moon's print media endeavors in the United States in the 80ties.
After separating themselves from Moon, Dennis and Doris Orme, who had worked for over three decades in and on behalf the UC, were impoverished senior citizens.
Assisted by New York lawyer AFF (later ICSA66) president Herbert L. Rosedale the Ormes threatened to sue the US for neglect of availing retirement funds. Moon paid an out of court cash settlement for silence to the Ormes. Since then they moved to Australia into a hideout.
In 1995, Nansook Hong, the wife of Moon's eldest son and heir-apparent, Hyo Jin Moon, escaped from the Moon family estate in Irvington. Her husband was an adulterer, an alcoholic, a cocaine addict, who regularly abused and beat his wife. The crown prince grew up spoiled and neglected in the dysfunctional Moon family which is divided by intrigue and hypocrisy.
Following her meticulously planned flight from the UC the church launched a hostile ill-advised campaign against Ms. Hong.
After her divorce from Hyo Jin Moon the former "true" daughter-in-law received a settlement of $600.000 and $9,000 per month [possibly $150,000+ a year] as child support for raising her five children from the UC.
In September 1998 Ms. Hong's autobiography In the Shadow of the Moons. My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Family was published by Little, Brown & Company.
See also a list of quotes from Nansook Hong's book: The Dysfunctional Messiah?, presented by the Cult Education Institute rickross.com, date unknown
Nansook Hong's autobiography In the Shadow of the Moons. My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Family, 1998
► NOTE: Moon publicly declared himself to be the Messiah at the opening session of the Assembly of World Religions held in San Francisco, CA in 1992.
► NOTE: The Reverend Moon's hubris culminated later that year [1985] in a secret ceremony in which he actually crowned himself and Hak Ja Han Moon as Emperor and Empress of the Universe. The Reverend Moon was aware enough of how an act of such monumental egotism would be received by the world that he banned photographs from being taken at the actual ceremony. Since there was no authority higher than the Reverend Moon, the Messiah had to crown himself Emperor of the Universe. Nansook Hong's autobiography In the Shadow of the Moons. My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Family, 1998
► NOTE: Moon blamed the apparent dysfunctionality of his "true" and "sinless" family to the lack of "blood, sweat and tears" of his followers who failed to meet the backbreaking daily fundraising quota requested of them by him.
► OBITUARY: The Rev Sun Myung Moon obituary. Korean founder of the Unification church – the Moonies, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Christopher Reed, 2. September 2012
In 1993, at age 37, Ye Jin Moon (*1960), the oldest Korean-American daughter of Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012), split from the "True Family". In 1996, at age 29, Moon's third daughter Un Jin Moon (*1967) parted from the Moon clan. She married another man, leaving her Moon-assigned abusive husband behind. As a result she had been declared spiritually dead to church members.6 Estranged from her parents, she told the US American television program 60 Minutes that she knew Moon had at least one illegitimate son. When she disclosed to her "true" misogynistic parents that her husband beat her, they responded that she deserved it. The same happened to her sister-in-law Nansook Hong. |
Source: ► Blog article Reverend Moon: Cult leader, CIA asset, and Bush family friend is dead, presented by the blogspot Free Press, Bob Fitrakis, 4. September 2012 "The man accused of being the biggest brainwasher in America has moved into mainstream Republican Americana." Anson Shupe, Ph.D., professor of sociology, Purdue University, long-time Moon-watcher |
See also: ► Mass mind control links |
Personal testimony of a former Tibetan Buddhist nun
Traveller in Space. Gender, Identity and Tibetan Buddhism, Continuum International Publishing Group, 1996, revised edition May 2002, rerevised edition 31. May 2018
Questioning the concept of enlightenment, traumatized former Kagyu nun Campbell waited 18 years before she revealed her
experiences as a tantric sex slave of Kalu Rinpoche within the misogynous Tibetan monasticism.
Background data on Campbell's abuse story
Insights gained from a secretive tantric enslavement by high Tibetan lama Kalu Rinpoche
June Campbell, the enforced sex consort of celibatary monk Kalu Rinpoche for several years, first risked publishing about her experiences with him after his death.
Personal avowals
Harvey who had promoted his colleague, the controversial serial sexual offender and "spiritual teacher" ⚡ Marc Gafni (*1960) discovered and made known that he had supported yet another fraud during his career as a teacher.
Interview with Andrew Harvey andrewharvey.net (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, poet, novelist, author, Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey, presented by the US American media company Yoga Journal, Catherine Ingram, issue 123, S. 62-63, July/August 1995
Harmful addiction to transcendence
Future outlook on the guru systems
Further reference: ► Article Killing the Guru and Finding God: the Andrew Harvey Story, presented by the blogspot patheos.com, Tom Rapsas, 23. September 2012 |
See also: ► Quotes on Dalai's Lama's association with ⚡Sogyal Rinpoche |
Source: ► Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D. (1921-2003) US American adjunct professor of clinical psychology, University of California, Berkeley, Cults in Our Midst. The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace, Jossey-Bass, September 1996, revised edition 11. April 2003 Focussing on family therapy, coercive persuasion, schizophrenia, brainwashing |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Cults in Our Midst |
Source: ► Mariana Caplan, Ph.D., US American professor of yogic and transpersonal psychologies, psychotherapist, author, 10 Spiritually Transmitted Diseases, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, 15. June 2010, upd. 17. November 2011, paraphrasing the author's book Eyes Wide Open. Cultivating Discernment on the Spiritual Path, Sounds True, 1. October 2009 |
Confirmed in article Bill Wilson. Little Known Facts About Bill W., presented by the publication alternatives-for-alcoholism, Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.]], US American mental health professional, recovering alcoholic, 2007-2012
Sources: ► Archived article by A. Orange The Other Women, A. Orange, last updated 21. July 2013 ► Alcoholics Anonymous as a Cult. Scorecards 1 to 100, presented by the defunct orange-papers.org, updated 21. October 2013 |
References: ► Bill Wilson, compiled by Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, founder, curator, and host of Logos Media, undated ► Online book The Orange Papers. One Man's Analysis of Alcoholics Anonymous and ► Blog article by jonsleeper, Leaving AA, staying sober: new perspectives on recovery, 30. September 2014 ► Article alcoholics anonymous and the new world order, presented by the blog sparklesdelicious, 26. October 2007 ► Article Bill Wilson. Little Known Facts About Bill W., presented by the publication alternatives-for-alcoholism, Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed., US American mental health professional, recovering alcoholic, 2007-2012 |
References: en.Wikipedia entry ► Bill Griffith Wilson [Bill W.] and ► Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) |
See also: ► Quotes by ⚡ Bill Griffith Wilson ► Actual success rate of the 12-step program – Lance Dodes |
Summary derived from: ► Blog article by John Smith, US American blogger, Spiritual Marketing Techniques, presented by the publication Reality Maps formerly known as Energy Grid Magazine, Andrew Paterson, October 2002 | ||
See also: ► Salvationism: Problematic Redeemer ◊ Messiah ◊ Savior complex |
Summary derived from: ► Blog article by John Smith, US American blogger, Spiritual Marketing Techniques, presented by the publication Reality Maps formerly known as Energy Grid Magazine, Andrew Paterson, October 2002 | ||
See also: ► Salvationism: Problematic Redeemer ◊ Messiah ◊ Savior complex |
Sources: ► Book: Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. (*1926) US American psychiatrist, researcher of the psychological causes and effects of war and political violence, developer of the theory of thought reform, author, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, chapter 15 "The Future of Immortality", Norton, New York, 1st edition 1961, New York, chapter 22, 2nd edition 1987, Chapel Hill, 1989 ► Book excerpt: Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Eight Criteria for Thought Reform ► Article by Paul Martin, Ph.D., director of the Wellspring Retreat, Robert Jay Lifton's eight criteria of thought reform as applied to the Executive Success Programs , 12. February 2003 |
See also: ► Power vs. Truth |
Source: ► Stephen Larsen, US American psychologist, founder of the Center for Symbolic Studies, author, The Fundamentalist Mind. How Polarized Thinking Imperils Us All, Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1. January 2007 |
References: en.Wikipedia entries : ► Fanaticism ► Fundamentalism ► Moral absolutism ► Relativism |
See also: ► Questions and ► Absolutism and ► Critical thinking and ► Absolutism, relativism, fundamentalism, and fanaticism |
Source: ► Checklist of Cult Characteristics, undated ► Blog article Characteristics Associated With Cults, presented by the publication cult research, Janja Lalich, Ph.D. (*1945) US American professor of sociology, 2006 ► Janja Lalich, Ph.D. (*1945) US American professor of sociology, California State University, Chico, expert on cult groups, charismatic authorities, power relations, coersion and social control, author, Madeleine Tobias, Take Back Your Life. Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships, Bay Tree Publishing, Berkeley, 2nd edition 17. August 2006 Above checklist was adapted from the checklist originally developed by Michael Langone, Ph.D., US American counseling psychologist specialized in research about "cultic" groups and psychological manipulation, executive director of the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), editor of the journal Cultic Studies Review, author of Captive Hearts, Captive minds. Freedom and Recovery from Cults and Other Abusive Relationships, Hunter House Publishers, 1994 and Recovery from Cults. Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1st edition 17. June 1995 |
See also: ► Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Cultic features |
Source: ► Article How Cults Work, presented by Howstuffworks, Julia Layton, undated |
Source: ► Isaac Bonewits (1949-2010) US American Druid, neopagan leader, author, The Advanced Bonewits' Cult Danger Evaluation Frame, version 2.7, presented by the website neopagan.net, 1979, 2008 |
Source: ► Chart List of MKUltra cults, compiled by Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, founder, curator, and host of Logos Media, blogger, lecturer, author, founder, undated |
See also: ► Mind control and ► Addiction and ► Addiction charts |
Source: ► Article by Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American ex-Moonie, cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author, A Response to Academics Who Say There Is No Undue Influence in Destructive Cults, presented by Freedom of Mind Resource Center, 28. June 2018 |
Siehe auch: ► Kontinuum der Einflussnahme auf Einzelpersonen, Führungskräfte und Organisationen |
See also: ► Five strategies when faced with the inevitable – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross |
Cultic features and God complex
Bibliography in Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 435, 2005
See also: ► Shadow |
Links zum Thema Kulte und Kultführer / Cults and cult leadersLiteratur
Ausrottung matrizentrischer Kulturen in Kanaan, welche die Mutter Erde heiligten; Bibelstellen: 1. Könige 18, 22, 40 ✣ 1. Könige 19, 1-18 ✣
Literature (engl.)
Study made on the Boston Church of Christ
⚡ The trial of exiting the cult of Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher
Focussing on schizophrenia, family therapy, brainwashing, coercive persuasion – Wikipedia entry: ► Cults in Our Midst
Campbell's ultimate aim is to elucidate, through the use of a psychoanalytical perspective, something of the dynamic inter-relationship between the inner lives of individuals, their gender identities in society, and the belief systems which they create in order to provide cohesion, continuity and meaning, whether it be in the east or the west.
Features / commonalities of a guru personality
Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence
Book review, presented by the magazine "Intersections. Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific", issue 22. October 2009
The Unification Church practiced the Korean Pigarum ceremony [‘change of blood lineage’] and yongch'e ceremony [receiving a new spiritual body] (1940s-1962). A male spiritual leader [here Moon] united sexually with his female disciples and a female spiritual leader had ritual sex with her male followers. In 1962 the Holy Wine Ceremony and The Three Day Ceremony replaced this original sexual ritual.
Even among those who do leave cults, a common feeling is shame, at their own blindness, their hunger to believe, and grief at getting it wrong.
It took Tredwell 14 years to publish her disclosure. The five years of writing this book contributed immensly to Tredwell's healing process. She took full responsibility as an accomplice and enabler of a cult leader. "Overall, my book has given numerous people their lives back and the ability to lead a happy and healthy spiritual life based on self-empowerment rather than on blind faith and subservient devotion."
The board of directors of M.A. Center in North America sent out a national email stating, "We are greatly disappointed and saddened by the false accusations, made by a troubled individual. The allegations are completely untrue and without a basis in fact or reality." Gail Tredwell suffered various retaliative actions.
Stripping the Gurus – Geoffrey Falk
⚑ Chapter II "A Bit of a Booby" – Ramakrishna Externe Weblinks
Anmerkung: Ratiobestimmtes Papier, mangelndes spirituelles Verständnis
Internationale Klassifikationssysteme von spirituellen Krisen: Zustände beschrieben, welche sich von den klassischen neurotischen bzw. psychotischen Verlaufsformen unterscheiden.
Sexueller Missbrauch von Ordensfrauen ist weltweit verbreitet. In vielen Fällen nutzen die Täter hierfür ihre Rolle als Beichtväter oder geistliche Begleiter der Frauen aus.
"Das ganze Kirchenrecht ist durchzogen von der Zweiteilung in Laien und Kleriker und pflegt damit eine Autoritätslogik, die Unterordnung verlangt."
Linklose Artikel
Links zum Thema Kulte – QuoraBeiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
External web links (engl.)
Global network of people concerned about psychological manipulation and abuse in cultic groups, alternative movements, and other environments
Exposing the worldwide religious movement Siddha Yoga run by the SYDA Foundation, founded by the Indian gurus ⚡ Swami Muktananda ⚡ [LoC 655] (1908-1982) and secret practitioner of Tantric sexual yoga Bhagawan Nityananda ⚡ [LoC 500], succeeded by the current head of the Siddha Yoga path Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (*1955).
Larsson relates how Sathya Sai Baba sexually molested him in a private interview. He eventually discovered that the guru even paid sexually exploited students and devotees.
Keywords to delineate false gurus [Stichwortkatalog zur Ermittlung von "falschen Gurus"]
About 87 percent of residents had a sexually transmitted disease and women who became pregnant were told by the Bhagwan to abort and sterilise. Stork and her teenage daughter Kelly were both sterilised.
Power dynamics happening on stage when The Work is being applied.
1. Physical, emotional and psychological abuse of students
Sexual abuse by gurus is perpetuated due to the concomitant logic that views physical nearness to the teacher as an "honor" and a "blessing" (S. 979). Such logic "diminishes guru accountability and creates social relationships that are readied forums for sexual abuse" (S. 956). "Instead of pathologizing each new case of sexual transgression as a guru's individual moral failure," it is more important to address the underlying structures, circles of silence, and logics that perpetuate harm (S. 981). The twisting of logics around dharma, karma, tantra, enlightenment, and emancipation has for too long been used to harm the vulnerable, ignore inequalities, enable injustices, and ultimately blame victims for their abuse.
Signs of an unhealthy spiritual community
Linkless articles Code of ethics for teachers and students (APST)
Web links on the topics cults and cult leaders – QuoraQ&A contributions issued by Elfriede Ammann, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora EN
Audio- und VideolinksAudio and video links (engl.)
Minute 4:13: Circular logic of emotional vulnerable cult members is:
During Secret Knock 2015, Dr. Jeffrey Fannin performed an ECG scan on a person before and after a 90 minute Bars session. Fannin's findings were greater than anything he has seen in 16 years of neuroscience brain mapping research.
After 9 years close to Bhagwan, it took 21 years for Jane Stork to break her silence and tell her impressive story about her time as a Rajneeshee, how she was drawn to the "savior" cult leader and her long journey to find her peace. The interview has been conducted in German in Germany in 2009 and later dubbed into English.
As a young Catholic religious sister in a modern Vatican-centered bi-gendered monastic community "Geistliche Familie Das Werk" in Bregenz, Austria (2003-2011), Doris Wagner suffered various kinds of sexual abuse, including serial rape (in 2008) by Pater Alois Felder, mental control, spiritual manipulation, exploitation and sexual aggression. Once she had recovered from her massive existential depression at the brink of suicide she became a speaker/writer whistleblower on "Spiritual Abuse" in religious organisations. Pope Benedict XVI, who she knew in person, got furious at her first published exposure book in 2015. Dismissed from his position at the Vatican in Rome, the perpetrator still remained a priest, has neither acknowledged his crime nor suffered any legal consequences. The community stood by the perpetrator, yet denied support to the pennyless victim. Another Austrian priest who had requested to become her confessor, had massively assaulted her in the confessional. Refusing to admit any transgressions, Father Hermann Geissler submitted his resignation to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Church in January 2019.
Linkless media offering
Audio and video links (engl.) – Steven Hassan
Inherent danger in giving federal charitable funds for faith based organizations tied to cults
Seven warning signs of a pyramid scheme and multi-level marketing group
Masoud Banisadr, author of Masoud. Memoirs of an Iranian Rebel, SAQI Books, 2004, was the longterm representative of MeK to politicians
Destigmatization after having once been in a cult
Former members of Scientology are leaving in record numbers, despite the church's PR efforts.
Thought reform, psychology of totalism, destroying the world to save it, Nazi doctors
Working with people who have been subjected to undue influence
Linkless media offering
Documentary and movie links (engl.) – Cults
Deleted article Reverend Sun Myung Moon – Emperor of The Universe, produced by the BBC, 2000, presented by GreatMindsOnGod,
Englisch Wiki
1 Siehe Shimano Archive ⇑
2 Study by John T. Chibnall, Ann Wolf, Paul N. Duckro, A National Survey of the Sexual Trauma Experiences of Catholic Nuns, presented by the quarterly journal Review of Religious Research, volume 40, No. 2, pp. 142-167, December 1998 ⇑
3 Oxford Living Dictionaries ⇑
4 Article The Story Behind London's Largest Libel Case – Moonies Versus The Daily Mail, presented by the organisation Tparents.org, Mike Marshall, July 1981 ⇑
5 See also: Entries The UC and Moon, undated ⇑
6 Article Sun Myung Moon, presented by the publication NNDB, undated ⇑
7 Learned Helplessness (LH) is defined as "the condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed." ⇑
8 Shunning/ostracism of people who quit the program, blaming non-A.A. spouses for relapses ⇑
9 Cult scoring of self-help group Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Audio and video links (engl.) – Alcohol addiction – ⚡ Bill Wilson and J.R. (Randy) Richmond ⇑
10 Timeline and origins of D. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness ⇑
11 Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government / Timeline of CIA/Elite funded LSD experimentation, therapy and counterculture ⇑
12 Quotes by ⚡ H.G. Wells and brothers ⚡ Aldous Huxley and ⚡ Julian Huxley / Quotes – LSD intake for healing alcoholism and mind control purposes / Quotes by and on the interbred elitist families Darwin-Galton-Huxley-Wedgewood ⇑
13 Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government ⇑
15 Video TV documentary Documental Carlos Castaneda BBC (2006) [ORIGINAL] "Carlos Castaneda and The Shaman – Tales of The Jungle", presented by the British knowledge TV channel BBC Four, originally aired 15. January 2007, YouTube film, 57:57 minutes duration, posted 3. February 2018 ⇑
16 Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government ⇑
17 Posthumeously revealed biographical data of David R. Hawkins' life / Quotes by and on the interbred elitist families Darwin-Galton-Huxley-Wedgewood ⇑
18 ⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control ⇑
19 Quotes by Marshall Rosenberg ⇑
20 Critique – ⚡ ACIM resulting from CIA mind control ⇑
21 Critical external web links (engl.) – ACIM ⇑
22 Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American ex-Moonie, cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author, Combatting Cult Mind Control. The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults, Park Street Press, 1988, Destiny, 31. December 1994, 2015 ⇑
23 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005 ⇑
24 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 17 "Spiritual Truth", S. 398, 2005 ⇑
25 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005 ⇑
26 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005 ⇑
27 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005 ⇑
28 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005 ⇑
29 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005 ⇑
30 Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 3 DVD set, 28. June 2003 ⇑
31 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005 ⇑
32 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005 ⇑
33 Article In Brief: "In the Shadow of the Moons", presented by the publication NYMag, Book Reviews, Vanessa Grigoriadis, 19. October 1998 ⇑