
Hawkins / EinfacheHilfsmittel





Einfache Hilfsmittel






Zitate zum Thema Einfache Hilfsmittel von großem Wert

Zitate von D. Hawkins – Einfache Werkzeuge von großem Wert

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  1. Sei zu allem und jedem freundlich einschließlich deiner selbst, ohne Ausnahme und zu jeder Zeit.
  2. Ehre das Leben in all seinen Ausdrucksformen, wie dem auch immer sei, selbst wenn du es nicht verstehst.
  3. Setze bei nichts ein tatsächlich gesichertes Wissen voraus. Bitte GOTT, (dir) den Sinngehalt zu enthüllen.
  4. Strebe danach, die verborgene Schönheit von Allem, was existiert, zu sehen – dann wird sie sich offenbaren.
  5. Vergib' Allem, was du erlebst und erfährst, wie dem auch immer sei. Denke daran, Christus, Buddha und Krishna sagten allesamt, dass jeder Irrtum auf Unwissenheit beruht. Sokrates sagte, alle Menschen könnten nur das wählen, wovon sie glaubten, dass es gut sei.
  6. Begegne allen Lebensformen in demütiger Haltung und sei bereit, alle Denkpositionen, intellektuellen und emotionalen Meinungen oder Vorteile aufzugeben.
  7. Sei bereit, allen Sinneseindrücken hinsichtlich von Gewinnvorteilen, Begehrlichkeiten oder Erfolgen zuvorzukommen, um auf diese Weise dem Leben in all seinen Ausdrucksformen bereitwillig selbstlos zu dienen.
  8. Gestalte dein Leben mit Hilfe von Intention, Ausrichtung, Demut und Übergabe zu einem lebendigen Gebet. Echte spirituelle Realität ist tatsächlich ein Seinszustand in der Welt.
  9. Ermittle nachweislich die Bewusstseinsebene und den spirituellen Wahrheitsgrad aller Lehrer, Lehren, metaphysischen Gruppierungen und Büchern, deren Schüler du sein willst und an denen du dich orientieren willst.
  10. Anerkenne, dass durch spirituelle Willenserklärung, Engagement und Übergabe eine Wissendheit auf den Plan kommt, die dir auf dem gesamten spirituellen Weg Unterstützung, Information und Alles, was du benötigst, bereit stellt.

Das allerkraftvollste Werkzeug liegt im Bereich des Willens und heißt Hingabe.
Somit ist es nicht nur die spirituelle Wahrheit, sondern der Grad der Hingabe daran,
der ihr die Macht verleiht, transformierend zu wirken.

FU Transcending Levels of Consciousness, Kapitel 19, "Simple Tools of Great Value", S. 333-334, 2006
Erleuchtung ist möglich, Kapitel 19, "Einfache Werkzeuge von großem Wert", S. 361-362, 2008


Haltungen, die dem normalen Geist einfach nur als "nett" erscheinen mögen, werden jetzt zu kraftvollen Werkzeugen, wenn sie sich mit spiritueller Absicht und Verpflichtung vereinen. So ist es zum Beispiel lebensverändernd, sich strikt an die Vorgabe zu halten, allem Leben mit gutem Willen zu begegnen, sobald hier die Energie des spirituellen Willens hinzutritt. Entscheidungen, allem Leben gütig entgegenzukommen oder die Heiligkeit von Allem, was Ist, zu achten, sind kraftvolle Haltungen auf dem Wege spiritueller Entwicklung. Sie gehen zusammen mit den Tugenden des Mitgefühls, der Bereitschaft zu vergeben und der Suche zu verstehen, statt zu verurteilen. Hingabe an Gott, S. 67, 2008

Quotes by D. Hawkins – Simple Tools of Great Value

  1. Be kind to everything and everyone, including oneself, all the time, with no exception.
  2. Revere all of life in all of its expressions, no matter what, even if one does not understand it.
  3. Presume no actual reliable knowledge of anything at all. Ask God to reveal its meaning.
  4. Intend to see the hidden beauty of all that exists – it then reveals itself.
  5. Forgive everything that is witnessed and experienced, no matter what. Remember Christ, Buddha, and Krishna all said that all error is due to ignorance. Socrates said that all men can choose only what they believe to be good.
  6. Approach all of life with humility and be willing to surrender all positionalities and mental/emotional arguments or gain.
  7. Be willing to forgo all perceptions of gain, desire, or profit and thereby be willing to be of selfless service to life in all of its expressions.
  8. Make one's life a living prayer by intention, alignment, humility, and surrender. True spiritual reality is actually a way of being in the world.
  9. By verification, confirm the levels of consciousness and spiritual truth of all teachers, teachings, spiritual groups, and literature with which one intends to be aligned or a student.
  10. Accept that by spiritual declaration, commitment, and surrender, Knowingness arises that provides support, information, and all that is needed for the entire journey.
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 19, "Simple Tools of Great Value", S. 333-334, 2006

The most powerful tool that is in the province of the will is devotion. Thus, it is not just spiritual truth but the degree of one's devotion to it that empowers it to become transformative.
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 19 "Simple Tools of Great Value", S. 333-334, 2006
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


( *) The thymus is the controller of the acupuncture energy system, and is related to one's overall immune health, which is prone to suppression by stress.

  • Question: You have taught some people spiritual "first aid". How does that work?
    Answer: To terminate an upset, do the following:
    1. "Thump the thymus." The thymus gland is located behind the upper breastbone. Thump that area with a closed hand and say, at the same time, "Ha-ha-ha" rhythmically three times, and then, after a pause, do it three more times. Smile while doing that and picture something or someone that you love. That could be a divine figure or even one's favorite pet. ( *) This method was originally taught by
      John Diamond, M.D..1
    2. Then breathe spiritual energy from the base of the spine up to the crown chakra. On each inhalation, picture
      it as Light. It flows from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Even a few breaths done in this way
      will cause a very noticeable effect.
    3. While doing the breathing, think or sound the syllable, "Om," as you proceed with the above.2
    4. Picture someone you love [LoC 500+].
    5. While involved in this process, find within yourself the willingness in your heart to surrender anything and everything
      to God and recommit your devotion [LoC 555] above all else.
The above instructions will lift one quickly and easily out of the arena of conflict and distress. It does
not take practice and the results are ovbious, even on the first try.
This can be followed up by prayer and meditation that focus attention on the whole picture (peripheral vision) of
what one is witnessing, rather than getting stuck and involved in details.
Equanimity is retained by relating to a total situation instead of to any of its parts. This tends to keep one
at the level of witness rather than at the effect of the details with attachment to outcome.
I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 378-379, 2003



Sacrifice ⇔ gift



Gifts of spiritual declaration, commitment, and surrender





  • Question: Is there any technique for clearing energies you pick up throughout the day that get stuck in your aura?
    Answer: Thump the thymus and think of God or visions. You can ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what the energy is. Ask for a miracle to please open your mind and the awareness of what kind of energy is to be healed. You have the karmic power in the name of Jesus Christ to say, "I hereby order you to leave! By the power of the Lord Jesus Christ within me, I order you to leave." You tell that to the dark spirit.
    Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006


  • Question: What is behind the thymus thump?
    Answer: The thymus is behind the breast bone. It controls the level of killer cells and the immune system. It balances the acupuncture system. If something negative comes along that blows out your acupuncture meridian, it gets you out of a negative fix. Say you are angry and can’t get out of it […] do that and you will feel better.
    Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006


  • Question: How to deal with negative energy?
    Answer: Do the thymic-thump tapping.
    Hold "Aaaah" in the mind while holding together thumb and middle finger on both hands. Say "OM" while doing this.
    It clears you! Use also mantras, smudging, incense.
    What evil is going to dare come near you? The way of the heart is the royal road to divinity.
    Prescott Seminar Spiritual Survival: Realization of Reality, 3 DVD set, 10. November 2007


  • Question: I had – experiences with the devil at age 6, 25, 44.
    Answer: It is a real sensation that is a lower astral energy pulled in with guilt.
    On the technique Challenging of spirits – You have the right to order these spirits to leave and they must then do so. If you are not of Jesus Christ – you must leave.
    He cursed someone at 19 years of age and brought in the negative lower astral beings. (Muscle tested as true.) It is best not to curse people.
    Cottonwood Seminar Handling Spiritual Challenges, 3 DVD set, 24. April 2010


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1 (See Suggested Reading.)

2 (The "O" is pronounced like the name of the letter "O".)

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