
Wiki / SigmundFreud





Sigmund Freud Problematischer Psychologe / Problematic psychologist
(1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker




Sigmund Freud 
Foto von Max Halberstadt, 1921


Es • Ich • Über-Ich

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) unterschied zwischen drei Instanzen innerhalb des "psychischen Apparats":

  • "Es/Id" – Unterbewusstsein
  • "Ich" – Vermittlungsinstanz zwischen "Es" und Außenwelt
  • "Über-Ich" – Leitbilder, Wertvorstellungen, Handlungsnormen, Gewissen



3. Kränkung der Menschheit

Erkenntnis des dominanten Unbewussten

  • 1917 stellt er [S. Freud] seine Entschlüsselung des Unbewussten in eine Reihe mit den Theorien von Kopernikus und Darwin. Alle drei hätten sie die Menschheit gekränkt.
    • Kopernikus hatte die Erde vom Mittelpunkt der Welt an den Rand gerückt.
    • Darwin hatte die göttliche Natur des Menschen gegen eine Affennatur ersetzt.
    • Und Freud habe dem Menschen gezeigt, dass er kein Herr im eigenen Haus ist, weil das Unbewusste viel dominanter sei als das Bewusste.
Richard David Precht (*1964) deutscher Philosoph, Dozent, Fernsehmoderator, Publizist, Wer bin ich. Und wenn ja, wieviele?
Eine philosophische Reise
, Kapitelüberschrift "Ulm. Ein Winterabend im 30-jährigen Krieg. Woher weiß ich, wer ich bin?", S. 88,
Goldmann Verlag, München, 24. Auflage September 2007

Zitate zum Thema Sigmund Freud

Zitate von S. Freud und über S. Freud

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Die große Frage, die ich trotz meines dreißigjährigen Studiums der weiblichen Seele nicht zu beantworten vermag, lautet: "Was will eine Frau eigentlich?"
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, zitiert in: Ernest Alfred Jones (1879-1958) britischer Neurologe, Psychoanalytiker, offizieller Biograph von Sigmund Freud, Autor,
    Das Leben und Werk von Sigmund Freud, Band 1, Huber, Bern, 1960



Familiärer Kindesmissbrauch

"Was hat man Dir, Du armes Kind getan?" – Zentrale Frage aus Goethes Gedicht Mignon

  • Früher war ich arglos, seither ist mir die kriminelle Bedeutung mancher Dinge klar geworden, ich kann mich nicht entschließen, davon zu sprechen. […] In meinen Analysen sind es die Nächststehenden, Vater oder Bruder, die die Schuldigen sind. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Brief an seinen Freud Wilhelm Fließ
    in Berlin, 28. April 1897


  • Kinder, die sexuell stimuliert werden, sind nicht mehr erziehungsfähig. Die Zerstörung der Scham bewirkt
    eine Enthemmung auf allen anderen Gebieten, eine Brutalität und Missachtung der Persönlichkeit der Mit-
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse,
    Religions-kritiker, Autor, Gesammelte Werke, Band 5, S. 159, S. Fischer Verlag, 1968 bis 2006, Jazzybee Verlag, Taschenbuch-
    auflage 1. August 2015



Kindesmissbrauch: Freud wurde als Vierjähriger von einem Kindermädchen sexuell stimuliert. Als Siebenjähriger sah er seine Mutter nackt und begehrte sie und war eifersüchtig auf seinen Vater.

Quelle: Gustav Keller, deutscher Autor, Freuds Liebesleben. Seine eigene Triebgeschichte, Königshausen u. Neumann, 24. Juni 2012



Freuds Bekenntnis wenige Monate nach dem Tod seines perversen Vaters



  • Ich erhalte eine Zuschrift vom Gemeinderat meiner Geburtsstadt, betreffend die Zahlungskosten für eine Unterbrin-
    gung im Spital im Jahre 1851, die wegen eines Anfalls bei mir notwendig war. Ich mache mich darüber lustig, denn
    erstens war ich 1851 noch nicht am Leben, zweitens ist mein Vater, auf den es sich beziehen kann, schon tot. Ich
    gehe zu ihm ins Nebenzimmer, wo er auf dem Bette liegt, und erzähle es ihm. Zu meiner Überraschung erinnert er
    sich, dass er damals 1851 einmal betrunken war und eingesperrt oder verwahrt werden musste. [...] Du hast also
    auch getrunken, frage ich. Bald darauf hast du geheiratet? Ich rechne, dass ich ja 1856 geboren bin, was mir als
    unmittelbar folgend vorkommt. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer
    der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Die Traumdeutung, S. 421, 1900, Nikol, gebundene Ausgabe August 2011





  • Man kann Leute nicht entbehren, die den Mut haben, Neues zu denken, ehe sie
    es aufzeigen können. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, zitiert in: Zitate von Sigmund Freud, präsentiert von 1000-zitate.de



Tücken des Skeptizismus

  • Wenn man sich für einen Skeptiker hält, tut man gut daran, gelegentlich auch an seiner Skepsis zu zweifeln. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, zitiert in: Der Skeptizismus, präsentiert von Philolex, Peter Möller, Berlin, undatiert



Sinn des Lebens

Verkürzte Version: Im Moment, da man nach Sinn und Wert des Lebens fragt, ist man krank.

  • Im Moment, da man nach Sinn und Wert des Lebens fragt, ist man krank, denn beides gibt es ja in objektiver Weise nicht; man hat nur eingestanden, dass man einen Vorrat von unbefriedigter Libido hat, und irgend etwas anderes muss damit vorgefallen sein, eine Art Gärung, die zur Trauer und Depression führt. Großartig sind meine Aufklärungen gewiss nicht. Vielleicht weil ich selbst zu pessimistisch bin. Mir geht ein 'advertisement' im Kopf herum, das ich für das kühnste und gelungenste Stück amerikanischer Reklame halte: 'Why live, if you can be buried for ten Dollars?' Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neuro-
    loge, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Brief des 81jährigen Freud an seine zur Freundin gewordenen ehemaligen Patientin an Marie Bonaparte, deren Buch Topsy. Der goldhaarige Chow, er zusammen mit seiner Tochter Anna übersetzen wird, 13. August 1937, zitiert in: "In dem Augenblick, in dem ein Mensch den Sinn und den Wert des Lebens bezweifelt, ist er krank." Sigmund Freud (angeblich), präsentiert von dem Blogspot falschzitate, 13. September 2018







Sigmund Freud prägte den Begriff "Narzissmus" mit Bezug auf den griechischen Mythos von Narziss, der sich in sein Spiegelbild auf der Wasseroberfläche des Teichs, in den er schaute, verliebte.
Narzissmus: Egoism / Selbstfixiertheit auf der Grundlage des eigenen Selbstbildes.



Genderthematik – Sexualität

  • Die Objektwahl des geschlechtsreifen Individuums wird auf das gegenteilige Geschlecht eingeengt, die meisten außergenitalen Befriedigungen als Perversionen untersagt. Die in diesen Verboten kundgegebene Forderung eines für alle gleichwertigen Sexuallebens setzt sich über die Ungleichheiten in der angeborenen und erworbenen Sexual-
    konstitution der Menschen hinaus, schneidet eine ziemliche Anzahl von ihnen vom Sexualgenuss ab und wird so die Quelle schwerer Ungerechtigkeit. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer
    der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, zitiert in: Freud. Gesammelte Werke 1890-1939, PDF, topoi.net, S. 1554, 1910



Aggression – Selbstzerstörung

  • Die Schicksalsfrage der Menschenart scheint mir zu sein, ob und in welchem Maße es ihrer Kulturentwicklung gelingen wird, der Störung des Zusammenlebens durch den menschlichen Aggressions- und Selbstvernichtungstrieb Herr zu werden. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, VIII, 1930




  • Wer Augen hat zu sehen und Ohren zu hören, überzeugt sich, dass die Sterblichen kein Geheimnis verbergen können. Wessen Lippen schweigen, der schwätzt mit den Fingerspitzen; aus allen Poren dringt ihm der Verrat.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker,
    Autor, Gesammelte Werke V, "Bruchstück einer Hysterie-Analyse", S. 240, 1905



Streben nach Glück

Freud erachtete die Deutschen als unbegabt für Glück. Er definierte Glück unter anderem als "laues Behagen".

  • Mit Sicherheit weiß ich nur das eine, dass die Werturteile der Menschen unbedingt von ihren Glückswünschen geleitet werden, also ein Versuch sind, ihre Illusionen mit Argumenten zu stützen [...].
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, VIII, 1930


  • Wir verwundern uns über diese »ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen« nur wenig, wenn es sich um ein aktives Verhalten des Betreffenden handelt und wenn wir den sich gleichbleibenden Charakterzug seines Wesens auffinden, der sich
    in der Wiederholung der nämlichen Erlebnisse äußern muss. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Jenseits des Lustprinzips, Kapitel 3 "Das Unbewusste", präsentiert von dem Projekt Gutenberg, 1920




  • Das Unbewusste ist das eigentlich reale Psychische, uns nach seiner inneren Natur so unbekannt wie das Reale der Außenwelt und uns durch die Daten des Bewusstseins ebenso unvollständig gegeben wie die Außenwelt durch die Angaben unserer Sinnesorgane.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker,
    Autor, Gesammelte Werke. Die Traumdeutung / Über den Traum Band 2/3, S. 617, S. Fischer, 9. Auflage 1. Januar 1945




  • Der Verlust von Scham ist das erste Zeichen von Schwachsinn. […] Kinder, die sexuell stimuliert werden, sind nicht mehr erziehungsfähig […]. Die Zerstörung der Scham bewirkt eine Enthemmung auf allen anderen Gebieten, eine Brutalität und Missachtung der Persönlichkeit des Mitmenschen.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker,
    Autor, Gesammelte Werke Band 7 (1906-1909), S. 149, Fischer, 7. Auflage 1. Januar 1941




  • Die psychischen Folgen des Penisneides, soweit er nicht in der Reaktionsbildung des Männlichkeitskomplexes aufgeht, sind vielfältige und weittragende. Mit der Anerkennung seiner narzißtischen Wunde stellt sich – gleichsam als Narbe – ein Minderwertigkeitsgefühl beim Weibe her. Nachdem es den ersten Versuch, seinen Penismangel als persönliche
    Strafe zu erklären, überwunden und die Allgemeinheit dieses Geschlechtscharakters erfasst hat, beginnt es, die Geringschätzung des Mannes für das in einem entscheidenden Punkt verkürzte Geschlecht zu teilen, und hält wenigstens in diesem Urteil an der eigenen Gleichstellung mit dem Manne fest. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Kleine Schriften Band 1, Kapitel 6 "Einige psychische Folgen des anatomischen Geschlechtsunterschieds", 1925, Kindle-Ausgabe, 19. Dezember 2014






Tyrannischer Vater

  • Hinter jeder starken Frau versteckt sich ein tyrannischer Vater.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, Wien, 1930



Begehren ⇔ Liebe

  • Wo sie lieben, begehren sie nicht, und wo sie begehren, können sie nicht lieben. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Kleine Schriften, Band 1, Kapitel 19 "Über die allgemeinste Erniedrigung des Liebeslebens", 1912



Verdrängte männliche Päderastie


Freuds Strukturmodell der Psyche
  • Die Seele hatte, von diesem Zeitpunkt an, nur noch eine befris-
    tete philosophische und psychologische Existenz.
    Es hätte dabei bleiben können und die Seele hätte womöglich in
    der Philosophie und Psychologie nur noch jene Randexistenz ge-
    führt, die wir ihr heute zuerkennen. Doch Freud hat ihr, unerwar-
    teterweise, zu einem Comeback verholfen, das übrigens weit-
    gehend unbeachtet geblieben ist. Dem Trend seiner Zeit trotzend
    machte er die Seele zu einem zentralen Begriff der Psychoanaly-
    se und integrierte sie damit wieder in die psychologische Sprache.
    Freud entledigte die Seele ihrer metaphysischen Konnotatio-
    nen und machte sie zum Hauptakteur seiner Metapsycholo-
    Zentral ist dabei für Freud das Modell des sogenannten Seelenapparates, der Bewusstes und Unbewusstes in sich birgt. In Freuds Terminologie sind Seele und Psyche synonym, sowie auch die Adjektive «seelisch» und «psychisch». Deutlich unterschieden werden hingegen Seele und Geist, sowie seelisch und geistig. Die Psychoanalyse hat nicht den Geist zum Objekt, sondern die Seele. Freud selbst hat nie explizit erklärt, warum er zum Seelenbegriff ge-
    griffen hat in einer Zeit, als der Geist bereits die Seele in der Psychologie verdrängt hatte. Deutlich ist aber, dass es
    für ihn einen Unterschied macht, ob man seelische Prozesse analysiert oder geistige: Der Geist scheint im Unter-
    schied zur Seele wenig Raum für unbewusste Prozesse zu enthalten.
    [H[eutzutage sagt niemand mehr, dass die Psychoanalyse die Seele kuriert. Man wendet sogar ein, «soul» oder
    «âme» seien zu metaphysisch oder religiös konnotiert. Niemand, der nur die Übersetzungen liest, nimmt zur Kennt-
    nis, dass Freud den Begriff der Seele ganz dezidiert benutzt hat.
    Artikel zu Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften Kuriert die Psychoanalyse eigentlich die Seele oder den Geist? Fragt man heutzutage Psychoanalytiker, was sie eigentlich behandeln, die Seele oder den Geist, bringt man sie zumeist in grosse Verlegenheit, präsen-
    tiert von der Schweizer online Publikation philosophie.ch, Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexandrine Schniewind, 26. November 2016



Über das pathologische Verdrängen von erdrückenden Evidenzen

  • Schon Sigmund Freud beschäftigte sich vor 100 Jahren mit der Belehrungsresistenz unserer Spezies, und er führte sie nicht auf Unwissen zurück. Seine These war vielmehr: Manche Erkenntnisse seien derart markerschütternd, dass sie unser Selbstbild ins Wanken brächten – und deshalb lieber ignoriert oder rundheraus bekämpft würden. Die narzisstische Kränkung des Menschen, so nannte er das.
    So sei das schon gelaufen, als Nikolaus Kopernikus herausfand, dass sich die Erde um die Sonne dreht – seinerzeit eine Ungeheuerlichkeit. Charles Darwin konfrontierte seine Zeitgenossen dann mit der Tatsache, dass der Mensch nicht Gottes Ebenbild ist, sondern ein hochentwickelter, haarloser Affe. Die dritte Kränkung des Menschen schließlich machte sich der Wiener Psychoanalytiker ganz unbescheiden selbst zu eigen: Die Erkenntnis nämlich, dass der Mensch nicht einmal Herr über sich selbst ist, dass da nämlich noch Es und Über-Ich unter unserem Bewusstsein schlummern, also eine ganze Menge Triebe und Affekte unser Handeln bestimmen.
    Kolumne Fünf vor acht / Klimawandel: Mensch, Narziss!, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Ferdinand Otto, 29. Juli 2019


  • Sigmund Freud sagte: "Das Verdrängte wird ständig symbolisch ausagiert, und gerade das Wesentliche kann nicht als Realität erinnert werden." Olga Rinne, deutsche Autorin, Medea, Kreuz Verlag, 1988


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Sigmund Freud
Referenz: 148 Zitate von Sigmund Freud, präsentiert von [[https://www.aphorismen.de/|Aphorismen.de

Quotes by S. Freud

Personal avowals

  • "I know that I have artificially blinded myself at my work in order to concentrate all the light on one dark passage'."
    [Paraphrased] I need to deepen the darkness in order to see what has faint light to it.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author,
    cited in: Letter to Lou Andreas-Salomé, S. 20, 25. May 1916


  • I am actually not at all a man of science, not an observer, not an experimenter, not a thinker. I am by temperament nothing but a conquistador – an adventurer, if you want it translated – with all the curiosity, daring, and tenacity characteristic of a man of this sort. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, letter to Wilhelm Fliess (1858-1928) German Jewish otolaryngologist, 1. February 1900,
    cited in: Frederick Crews (*1933) US American professor emeritus of English, University of California, Berkeley, literary critic,
    Freud critic, essayist, author, Freud. The Making of an Illusion, Metropolitan Books, 22. August 2017



Freud's last words on his death bed. (He committed doctor assisted suicide.)

  • Now it's nothing but torture and makes no sense anymore.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, cited in: article The Assisted Suicide of Sigmund Freud, presented by the English speaking lifestyle website Beliefnet, 2020




  • My deep engrossment in the Bible story (almost as soon as I had learnt the art of reading) had, as I recognised much later, an enduring effect upon the direction of my interest. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, An Autobiographical Study, 1925, Martino Fine Books, paperback 20. May 2010


  • I regard myself as one of the most dangerous enemies of religion.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, cited
    in: R. J. Rushdoony, Freud, chapter 7, S. 26, Chalcedon/Ross House Books, Vallecito, California, 1965, 2006



Unhealthy authoritarian detached psychiatric model

  • I cannot advise my colleagues too urgently to model themselves during psycho-analytic treatment on the surgeon, who puts aside all feelings, even his human sympathy. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion; cited in: Peter D. Kramer (*1948) US American psychiatrist specializing in the area of depression, former Marshall scholar, faculty member of Brown Medical School, author, Sigmund Freud. Inventor of the Modern Mind, S. 26, 2006, Harper Perennial, reprint edition 3. November 2009


Sigmund Freud coined the term "narcissism" based on the Greek myth of Narcissus who fell in love with his own image reflected on a pool of water.
Narcissism: egotism / fixation for oneself based on one's self image.


Discomfort and ignorance in respect to women

Freud confessed this to his client/benefactor Marie Bonaparte. See also: ► Legend of king Arthur, knight Gawain and lady Ragnell



Freud's misogyny

  • Women oppose change, receive passively, and add nothing of their own.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, paper entitled The Psychical Consequences of the Anatomic Distinction Between the Sexes, written 1925




  • [O]ne might venture to regard the obsessional neurosis as a pathological counterpart to the formation of a religion, to describe this neurosis as a private religious system, and religion as a universal obsessional neurosis. The essential resemblance would lie in the fundamental renunciation of the satisfaction of inherent instincts, and the chief difference in the nature of these instincts, which in the neurosis are exclusively sexual, but in religion are of egoistic origin.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, Obsessive
    Acts and Religious Practice
    , 1907, alternative source: The Future of an Illusion [Die Zukunft einer Illusion], 1927




  • Religious doctrines […] are all illusions, they do not admit of proof, and no one can be compelled to consider them as true or to believe in them.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, The Future of an Illusion [Die Zukunft einer Illusion], chapter 6, 1927




  • Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1933, Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-analysis, 1964, 2013




  • The religions of mankind must be classed among the mass-delusions of this kind. No one, needless to say, who shares a delusion ever recognizes it as such.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, Civilization and Its Discontents [Das Unbehagen in der Kultur] Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, Wien, 1930




  • The whole thing [religion] is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, Civilization and its Discontents [Das Unbehagen in der Kultur], Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, Wien, 1930




  • The super-ego retains the character of the father, while the more powerful the Oedipus complex was and the more rapidly it succumbed to repression (under the influence of authority, religious teaching, schooling and reading), the stricter will be the domination of the super-ego over the ego later on – in the form of conscience or perhaps of an unconscious sense of guilt. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, The Ego and the Id, 1923



Urge to kill

  • The very emphasis of the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" makes it certain that we are descended from an endlessly long chain of generations of murderers, whose love of murder was in their blood as it is perhaps also in ours.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, A. A. Brill and Alfred B. Kuttner, translators, Reflections on War and Death, Moffat, Yard & Company, New York, 1918







  • Moreover, the act of birth is the first experience of anxiety, and thus the source and prototype of the affect of anxiety.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, The Interpretation of Dreams, Franz Deuticke, Leipzig and Vienna, 4. November 1899, in a footnote added to 2nd edition in 1909, cited in: Psychoanalytic Pioneers, S. 46, Transaction Publishers, 1995



Dream interpretation

  • The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, The Interpretation of Dreams, S. 608, Franz Deuticke, Leipzig and Vienna, 4. November 1899



Manipulative profit/status oriented psychiatric model

  • If one wanted to make a living from the treatment of nervous ailments, one had to do something for them. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, cited in: Peter D. Kramer (*1948) US American psychiatrist, former Marshall scholar, faculty member of Brown Medical School specializing in the area of depression, author, Sigmund Freud. Inventor of the Modern Mind, S. 45, 2006, Harper Perennial, reprint edition 3. November 2009



Circumcision in Abramitic religions

Freud fails to note that in many cultures – including the Hebrew one – circumcision is carried out by force. The boy is not offered a choice of accepting or rejecting this "painful sacrifice."

  • Circumcision is a symbolical substitute of castration, a punishment which the primaeval father dealt his sons long ago out of the awfulness of his power, and whosoever accepted this symbol showed by so doing that he was ready to submit to his father's will, although it was at the cost of a painful sacrifice.
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, Moses and Monotheism, Hogarth Press, London, Institute of Psychoanalysis, Vienna and Zurich, 1939, cited in: article The Psychology of Circumcising "What has been done to you, poor child?" , presented by the website Circumstitions, undated



Copernicus ♦ Darwin ♦ Freud - Three culprits inflicting major blows to long held human paradigms

Freud’s "wounding blows", presented by brainethics, 10. December 2005

  • Humanity has in the course of time had to endure from the hands of science two great outrages upon its naive self-love.
    1. The first was when it realized that our earth was not the center of the universe, but only a tiny speck in a world-system of a magnitude hardly conceivable; this is associated in our minds with the name of Copernicus, although Alexandrian doctrines taught something very similar.
    2. The second was when biological research robbed man of his peculiar privilege of having been specially created, and relegated him to a descent from the animal world, implying an ineradicable animal nature in him: this transvaluation has been accomplished in our own time upon the in-
      stigation of Charles Darwin, Wallace, and their predecessors, and not without the most violent opposition
      from their contemporaries.
    3. But man's craving for grandiosity is now suffering the third and most bitter blow from present-day psychologi-
      cal research which is endeavoring to prove to the ego of each one of us that he is not even master in his own
      house, but that he must remain content with the veriest scraps of information about what is going on uncons-
      ciously in his own mind.
We psycho-analysts were neither the first nor the only ones to propose to mankind that they should look inward; but
it appears to be our lot to advocate it most insistently and to support it by empirical evidence which touches every
man closely. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of
religion, author, Introduction to Psychoanalysis [Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis], 1916-1917


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Sigmund Freud

⚡ Kritische Zitate über Sigmund Freud


'Irrtümliche' Verführungstheorie (Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch)

  • Sigmund Freud hatte 1896 frühzeitig erkannt, dass zahlreiche Kinder, in erster Linie Mädchen von Familienangehörigen und hier hauptsächlich von ihren Vätern sexuell missbraucht wurden. Diese Entdeckung war hochexplosiv und mochten seine FachkollegInnen nicht akzeptieren, so dass Freud geschnitten und isoliert wurde.
Freud-Museum, Frontseite mit Firmenschild
Berggasse, Wien, 28. November 2010
Als S. Freud seine «irrtümliche» Auffassung aufgegeben hatte, bekam er wieder Zugang zur medizinischen Fachwelt, von der er zuvor geschnitten worden war. Freud widerrief 1905 öffentlich die Verführungstheorie (d.h. sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch), und
schon 1908 hatten sich ihm angesehene Ärzte angeschlossen:
Paul Federn, Isidor Sadger, Sandor Ferenczi, Max Eitington, Carl Gustav Jung, Ludwig Binswanger, Karl Abraham, Abraham Brill und Ernest Jones.
Psychoanalytiker waren nicht besonders interessiert an Freuds Mo-
tiven seines Gesinnungswandel, auch wenn sie mit ihm überzeugt
waren und sind, dass die Psychoanalyse sich nur in der Absage an
die «Verführungstheorie» entwickeln konnte.
Dr. phil. Rudolf Sponsel (*1944) deutscher klinischer Psychologe, Psycho-
therapeut, bezugnehmend auf die Forschungsergebnisse und Aussagen von Dr. Jeffrey Masson (*1941) über Freud, Der Widerruf der Missbrauchsthe-
orie ("Verführungstheorie") durch Sigmund Freud
, 30. August 2001, zuletzt geändert 15. Januar 2007



Freud, ein homophober Phallokrat

  • Er [Freud] hat nichts Allgemeingültiges vorgebracht, und seine Lehre ist ein auf seine Hirngespinste, seine Obsessionen und sein vom Inzest gequältes und zerfressenes Innenleben zugeschnittenes Konstrukt. Michel Onfray (*1959) französischer Philosoph, Begründer der Université populaire de Caen, Autor, zitiert in: Artikel Sigmund Freud Inzestuöse Leidenschaft, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Stuttgarter Zeitung, Gudrun Mangold, 17. Mai 2011



Kritik von Freuds Angehörigen


  • [W]as Freud über seine Patientenbefunde an [Wilhelm] Fließ berichtet, ist eine soziale Realität männlicher Distanz-
    : des Missbrauchs, dessen Häufigkeit selbst den illusionslosen Freud aus der Ruhe bringt, auch wenn sie
    seither Therapeuten kaum wundert. Der Zugriff des Hausherrn auf die Dienstmädchen, das Recht des Hausherrn im
    Ehebett sind nur das eine. Ein anderes aber ist das Leiden von Kindern. [...] In allen Fällen der Zwangsneurose, be-
    richtet Freud, habe sich in frühem Kindesalter ein passives sexuelles Erlebnis feststellen lassen.
    Artikel War er ein guter Vater? Sigmund Freud war für seine sechs Kinder nahezu unerreichbar. Auch deshalb hatte er auf sie gro-
    ßen Einfluss.
    , präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Elisabeth Thadden, Nº 22, 30. Mai 2010



Freuds Unverständnis für Frauen

  • Freud [...] schrieb einmal: 'Was will die Frau eigentlich?'
    Er hatte nicht die geringste Ahnung. Und woher hätte er es auch wissen sollen, er war umgeben von Frauen, die so unterdrückt waren, dass sie selbst nicht wussten, was sie wollten. Frauen, die sich selbst nur negativ bestätigen konnten – als zweitklassige Ausgabe des Mannes, als Zwischending zwischen Mann und Kind, als ein hohler Penis oder wie ihre Analytiker sie sonst nannten. Oder da-
    durch, dass sie immer dem stärksten Jungen nachliefen – nur um geduckt zu werden.
    […] Heute sind wir umgeben von Frauen, die wissen, was sie wollen. Die Frauenbewegung ist der sichtbare Beweis dafür, dass unsere Natur nicht vorbestimmt ist, sondern dass wir wählen können. Wir sind nicht dazu verurteilt, passiv und masochistisch zu sein, sondern können genausogut aktiv sein, tatkräftig, voller Stärke, Initiative, Solidarität und politischem Willen. […] Wer wagt zu behaupten, die neuen Frauen seien nicht auch Teil der Natur?
    Maria Marcus (1926-2017) dänische Filmemacherin, Feministin, ehemalige sexuelle Masochistin, Autorin, Die furchtbare Wahrheit. Frauen und Masochismus, S. 306, Rowohlt TB-Verlag, Rheinbeck, Erstauflage 1982, Juni 1991


  • Es ist unbestritten, dass Freud für die Seelenforschung so viel leistete wie Darwin für die Biologie oder Einstein für
    die Physik, konstatiert der US-Psychiatrieprofessor und Autor der Freud-Biografie Peter D. Kramer Freud. Inventor of the Modern Mind, nur sind seine Theorien inzwischen längst nicht mehr wissenschaftlicher Konsens. In der modernen Wissenschaft wird er nur noch als Gralshüter großteils völlig veralteter Annahmen hochgehalten. Betrach-
    ten wir ihn als literarisches Genie und Wegbereiter und nicht als ewigen Übervater. [...]
    Dass Freud heute in Österreich nach wie vor Denkmalstatus genießt, führt der Psychoanalytiker und ­Institutsvorstand der Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität, Felix de Mendelssohn, auf den selbstverliebten, kleinbürgerlichen Lokalpatriotis-
    mus und die entsetzliche Zäsur durch die Nazi-Herrschaft zurück. Durch die Vertreibung der Psychoanalyse nach dem Anschluss 1938 ist ihre Weiterentwicklung hier völlig abhandengekommen. Das Trauma des Dritten Reichs und die jahrelange "Unfähigkeit zu trauern", so der Psychoanalytiker Alexander Mitscherlich, verursachten eine Beißhemmung, die die Psychoanalyse erstarren ließ, als wäre sie mit dem Verschwinden Freuds abrupt stehen geblieben. Aus diesem Blickwinkel, so de Mendelssohn, sei es durchaus nachvollziehbar, dass sie heute mehr nach Kirchensekte, Denkschule der Philosophie und esoterischem Kult klinge als nach einer empirischen Wissenschaft. [...]
    In seinen Briefen und Notizen sprach der deklarierte Atheist, der in der Religionsausübung Analogien zur Zwangsneu-
    rose ortete, von sich selbst gerne als Feldherr, Messias und Moses; seine Anhänger bezeichnete er als Strenggläu-
    bige und die gegen seine Dogmen revoltierenden Schüler als Ketzer.
    Artikel Wie tot ist Sigmund Freud? Viele seiner Thoerien gelten heute als längst überholt, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Nachrichtenmagazin profil, Angelika Hager und Sebastian Hofer, 19. September 2009


  • Mitte der 1890er Jahre beschäftigte sich in Wien ein begabter junger Neurobiologe und Neurologe namens Sigmund Freud intensiv mit Studien zur Natur des "Seelenlebens" und seiner Erkrankungen, deren Ergebnisse er kurz darauf "Psychoanalyse" nannte. Gleichzeitig arbeitete er im Labor des seinerzeit führenden Neuroanatomen Ernst von Brücke. Freud versuchte nun, die neurobiologischen Grundlagen des Seelischen zu ergründen.
    Dieses Unterfangen Freuds war jedoch zu der damaligen Zeit zum Scheitern verurteilt. Man hatte soeben den Bau von Nervenzellen ("Neuronen") genauer beschrieben, aber man wusste nur wenig über die Funktionen der einzelnen Teile des Gehirns und fast nichts über die Prinzipien der neuronalen Informationsverarbeitung. Es blieb Freud deshalb trotz genialer Ideen nichts anderes übrig, als im Jahr 1895 seinen Entwurf einer Psychologie abzubrechen. Das unfer-
    tige Manuskript wurde erst postum im Jahr 1950 veröffentlicht. […]
    In den vergangenen Jahren ist die Hirnforschung zu bahnbrechenden neuen Erkenntnissen und Modellvorstellungen darüber gekommen, wie im Gehirn im Wechselspiel zwischen Genetik-Epigenetik und Umwelt das "Seelische" ent-
    steht, wie es in der vorgeburtlichen und früh-nachgeburtlichen Entwicklungsphase zu teilweise tiefgreifenden Störun-
    gen kommen kann, die sich dann in psychischen Erkrankungen manifestieren, und wie schließlich Psychotherapie
    teils kurzfristig, teils langfristig wirkt – und warum sie ein schwieriger und stets gefährdeter Prozess ist. Es stellt sich
    heraus, dass dabei zum Teil andere Faktoren wirksam sind, als die "Väter" der gegenwärtig vorherrschenden Psy-
    chotherapierichtungen (zum Beispiel Sigmund Freud und Aaron Beck) meinten.
    Artikel von Prof. Gerhard Roth (*1942) deutscher Biologe, Verhaltensphysiologe, Hirnforscher, Universität Bremen, Autor, Wie
    das Gehirn die Seele formt
    , präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Tageszeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ),
    11. August 2015


  • Nachdem Sigmund Freud aus Wien, Österreich emigriert war, ließ er sich im The Tavistock Institute nieder. So wurde England das Weltzentrum für Gehirnwäsche [Bewusstseinskontrolle]. Seine Macht stieg in Amerika immer
    weiter an, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem CIA wurden durch Bespitzelungen unzählige Daten gesammelt. Heute wurde
    die Bespitzelung und Datensammlung durch Anwendung der Computertechnik noch leichter und täglich fließen Da-
    ten von 1-1,5 Millionen Flugreisenden ohne ihr Wissen in das System. Zwischen den Denkfabriken, Meinungsfor-
    schungsinstitutionen, Medienunternehmen der USA und dieser Datenbank bestehen enge Verbindungen. Sie er-
    stellen unaufhörlich Profile der gesamten Bevölkerung. Das Fernsehen ist zu einer reibungslos funktionierenden
    Propagandamaschine für die US-Regierung geworden.
    Dr. John Coleman (*1935) ehemaliger britisch-amerikanischer Spion des Geheimdienstes MI6, Erforscher der Neuen-Welt-Ord-
    nung und der systemischen Massenbewusstseinskontrolle, Autor, Das Tavistock Institut. Auftrag: Manipulation, J.K. Fischer Ver-
    lag, 16. Januar 2011, Taschenbuch 6. Oktober 2015, 3. Auflage 1. Juni 2020; Überblick Das Tavistock-Institut, präsentiert von kath.zdw.ch, undatiert


  • Nicht die Psychoanalyse ist neu, sondern Freud. Sowie nicht Amerika neu war, sondern Columbus.
    Psychoanalyse gab es immer; jeder Arzt, jeder Dichter, jeder Staatsmann, jeder Menschenkenner musste es sein,
    war es unbewusst oder automatisch. Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) österreichischer Arzt, Erzähler, Dramatiker, Schriftsteller
    der Wiener Moderne, Über Psychoanalyse, zitiert in: Reinhard Urbach, Herausgeber, Protokolle. Wiener Halbjahresschrift für Literatur, bildende Kunst und Musik, S. 280, Ausgabe 2, 1976

⚡ Critical quotes on S. Freud

Personal avowals
Freud provided the rationale for male supremacy. Book reference: Excerpted from Moving Beyond Words, pp. 32-69, 1994,
and Nelson, E.D. & Robinson, B., chapter 2, S. 52-73, Gender in Canada. Prentice-Hall, Toronto, Canada, 1999

  • I was speaking to the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. I did write this [funny] essay What if Freud were Phyllis? (1994) [to get the message across by reversing Freud's theses].
    I read every word of what that crazy guy wrote and – I was shocked, shocked. […] He ended up denying that childhood sexual abuse was real. He said that children phantasized it because they wanted it.
    I commend Phyllis Freud to you. […] The footnotes are now bigger than the essay. He really said this.
    It also made me understand why Freud was so much more popular here [in the United States] than in Europe. Religion wasn't exactly working any more to put down this huge wave of abolitionists, suffragists, and rebellion. He provided a pseudoscientific rationale for male supremacy.
    Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist US magazine "Ms", journalist, writer, 2012 Polly Wheeler Guth '44 Leader in Residence, presented by the girl's school Chatham Hall, Virginia, 17. January 2012, YouTube film, minute 41:00, 1:21:48 duration, posted by Chatham Hall 19. April 24 2012




Freud's influential role in the Tavistock Intitute in London heading for crowd control

  • According to some reputable researchers, Sigmund Freud was Tavistock's first director, followed by his daughter, who apparently still runs the facility.1 It was used to program the postwar leaders of Germany's government, churches, schools, corporations, etc., from among the POWs who were easy to manipulate.
    One of the rare items concerning the Tavistock Institute appears in Businessweek, October 26, 1963, with a photo-
    graph of its building in the most expensive medical offices area of London. The story mentions "the Freudian bias"
    of the Institute
    , and comments that it is amply financed by British blue-chip corporations, including Unilever, British
    Petroleum, and Baldwin Steel. Article Tavistock Institute quotes, presented by the online archive outlet whale.to, undated



Freud did not discover the unconscious.

  • One of the virtually reactionary myths of the twentieth century is that Sigmund Freud is the "discoverer of the unconscious." The legend of Freud not only falsifies historical truth but also burdens the history of enlightenment with an absurd and inexplicable asymmetry and retardation in the investigation of the unconscious. How could enlightenment have investigated consciousness critically and empirically without encountering its "other side"? […] Enlightenment depth psychology was born in 1784, […] when the Marquis of Puységur discovered so-called magnetic sleep, which came to be called hypnosis in the nineteenth century. [...]
    Hypnosis […] had a grave disadvantage, for which reason, later enlightenment tried to repress this more than a cen-
    tury old "episode": After the procedure, the patients had forgotten everything they had experienced. Through the "posthypnotic amnesia," as it was later called, they were at the mercy of the magnetizer, who could profit from their excursions into the unconscious. Still in a trance, they had to submit themselves to the healing commands of the magnetizer, who transposed the knowledge he had gained in the session about the patient's problematic into hypno-
    tic instructions. These were supposed to remain effective in the unconscious for the patient's own good. Understan-
    dably, later enlightenment did not want to be involved with such procedures based entirely on authority and trust.
    After all, psychologically speaking, enlightenment always meant an advance in the training of mistrust – in the
    construction of an ego concerned about self-assertion and control of reality. Freud's methodology can be summari-
    zed, in a way, as the attempt to keep the path to the unconscious open without using hypnosis. One may consider
    whether, in Freud's procedure, a finesse born of mistrust is not at work.
    Peter Sloterdijk (*1947) German cultural scientist, professor of philosophy, Universität Karlsruhe, TV host, essayist, Critique of Cynical Reason, two volumes, [1983] S. 47-49, University of Minnesota Press, 1987, 1989



Pavlov's and Freud's findings funneled into scientific massmind control of a dictatorial globalist elite

  • Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development. Two great men, Pavlov and Freud, have laid the foundation. I do not accept the view that they are in any essential conflict, but what structure will be built on their foundations is still in doubt. I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology. [...] Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called "education." Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part. [...] It
    may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young
    and is provided by the State with money and equipment. […]
    The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. […] The social
    psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods
    of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the in-
    fluence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of
    ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is
    white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these
    maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and
    how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray. […]
    Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not
    be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government
    that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of
    armies or policemen.
    Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist", member of the Royal Society, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, The Impact of Science on Society, 1951, Routledge, new
    edition 1. January 1985



Originally listening to his sexually traumatized women patients, Freud broke his alliance with them in order to adopt a more patriarchal stance.

  • [P]atriarchy […] has profoundly shaped not only our religion and politics but also our very understanding of ourselves, our psychology. […] great psychologist, Sigmund Freud, who turned abruptly away from his early insights into the sources and nature of human suffering to a psychology that inscribed patriarchy as in the nature of things. […] Freud's ambition to succeed according to the terms of Viennese manhood against the background of an increasingly aggressive political anti-Semitism distorted, as patriarchy often does, some of his most creative and lasting contributions to human un-
    derstanding. […] Freud frames his struggles to manhood in terms of the Aeneid. We then consider alternative
    views within psychoanalysis, in particular, those of Sandor Ferenczi and Ian Dishart Suttie, who, even in Freud's lifetime, exposed and questioned his confusion of patriarchal culture with human nature, offering a different reading
    of the relationship between culture and psychology.
    Ferenczi and then Suttie located in history, including the history of an individual life, what Freud had naturalized: the identification with the voice or law of the father and the prevalence of aggression or violence. Where Freud saw development or instinct at work, Ferenczi saw trauma and Suttie the breaking of intimate relationship.
    Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, David A. J. Richards, US American professor of law, The Deepening Darkness. Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracy's Future, Cambridge Books Online, S. 159, Cambridge University Press, 1st edition 10. November 2008


  • It was Freud's ambition to discover the cause of hysteria, the archetypal female neurosis of his time. In his early in-
    vestigations, he gained the trust and confidence of many women, who revealed their troubles to him. Time after time, Freud's patients, women from prosperous, conventional families, unburdened painful memories of childhood sexual encounters with men they had trusted: family friends, relatives, and fathers. Freud initially believed his patients and recognized the significance of their confessions. In 1896, with the publication of two works, The Aetiology of Hysteria and Studies on Hysteria, he announced that he had solved the mystery of the female neurosis. At the origin of every case of hysteria, Freud asserted, was a childhood sexual trauma. But Freud was never comfortable with this disco-
    very, because of what it implied about the behavior of respectable family men. If his patients' reports were true, in-
    cest was not a rare abuse
    , confined to the poor and the mentally defective, but was endemic to the patriarchal family. Recognizing the implicit challenge to patriarchal values, Freud refused to identify fathers publicly as sexual aggressors. Though in his private correspondence he cited "seduction by the father" as the "essential point" in hys-
    , he was never able to bring himself to make this statement in public. Scrupulously honest and courageous in
    other respects, Freud falsified his incest cases.
    In The Aetiology of Hysteria, Freud implausibly identified governes-
    ses, nurses, maids, and children of both sexes as the offenders. In Studies in Hysteria, he managed to name an un-
    cle as the seducer in two cases. Many years later, Freud acknowledged that the "uncles" who had molested Rosaslia
    and Katharina were in fact their fathers. Though he had shown little reluctance to shock prudish sensibilities in other
    matters, Freud claimed that "discretion" had led him to suppress this essential information.
    Even though Freud had gone to such lengths to avoid publicly inculpating fathers, he remained so distressed by his
    seduction theory that within a year he repudiated it entirely. He concluded that his patients' numerous reports of
    sexual abuse were untrue. This conclusion was based not on any new evidence from patients, but rather on Freud's
    own growing unwillingness to believe that licentious behavior on the part of fathers could be so widespread. His cor-
    respondence of the period revealed that he was particularly troubled by awareness of his own incestuous wishes
    toward his daughter
    , and by suspicions of his father, who had died recently.
    Judith Lewis Herman (*1942) US American psychiatrist, researcher, teacher, author, Father-Daughter Incest, 1981, S. 9-10,
    Harvard University Press, 5. May 2000


  • Freud’s father molested his own children and that they all showed distinct symptom of distress and trauma. Some-
    thing that troubled Freud deeply and probably another reason as to why he dropped the seduction theory and pro-
    posed the infantile sexuality theory. A convenient way of explaining away abuse.
    As he writes in one of his letters during a time when he was engaging in self psychoanalysis. "Unfortu-
    nately, my own father was one of these perverts and is responsible for the hysteria of my brother (all of whose symp-
    toms are identifications) and those of several younger sisters."

    Today its commonly understood that victims of sexual abuse, when not having addressed and resolved the trauma,
    tend to in higher frequencies pass on the violence to the next generation.
    Freud's favorite daughter Anna showed signs of distress and mental illness which later gave her the description of
    a "jealous, depressed, masochistic, anorectic, latent-homosexual teenager". In early adolescence she developed
    a severe psychopathology, consisting of sado-masochistic fantasies accompanied by compulsive masturbation, an
    eating disorder, and depression. Symptoms of child abuse anyone?
    Blog article 7 disturbing facts about Sigmund Freud, presented by the stories outlet Medium, Suriana, 4. June 2017


  • He [Freud] waited until the last years of his life to write Moses and Monotheism [1939], realizing that he was likely
    to stir up considerable controversy in doing so. Moses seemed to defy his efforts to categorize him; on the one hand, Moses was the Egyptian seer and magician, on the other, he was the leader of the Jewish people, the man who gave them the problematic gift of monotheism. Moses represented the lure of the seductive gods of ancient Egypt and the austerity of the all-powerful Jewish God. In Freud's interpretation, the Moses of the Old Testament had been stripped
    of his Egyptian identity so that the Hebrews would have no rival claimant over him. In the same way, in constructing
    his own theories of psychoanalysis, Freud covered up the traces of ancient Egyptian influence. But once he had be-
    gun down that road, he had to conjure up a similar dissociation when it came to his debt to Jewish mysticism. Only
    in this way could he promote psychoanalysis as a substitute for the old religions, Egyptian or Jewish.
    Robert W. Rieber, US American historian of psychology, writer, Freud on Interpretation. The Ancient Magical Egyptian and Jewish Traditions, S. 35, Springer, December 2011



Freud as a cult leading guru

  • Throughout his long life, Freud claimed to be a scientist. He would have indignantly repudiated the title of guru, and dismissed any suggestion that he was promul-
    gating a faith. Yet psychoanalysis is partly based on personal revelation and is neither a science nor merely a method of treatment. […]
    Freud was far more of a guru than his followers have acknowledged […].
    It is still insufficiently appreciated that some of the most fundamental hypotheses of psychoanalysis had nothing to do with the objective observation of clinical cases. As with the revelations of the gurus whom we have already examined, they had a purely subjective origin, and followed upon a period of mental and physical distress; Freud's "creative illness." […]
    Although Freud continued to proclaim that psychoanalysis was a science, psychoanalysis became a movement which more closely resembled a secular religion than a set of scientific theories. […]
    Freud also resembled other gurus in being intolerant of criticism. He treated disagreement as personal hostility. […]
    Even his earliest and most faithful adherents could claim Freud only as Master, not as a friend. […]
    Psychoanalysis became more and more like a religious cult, and Freud himself applied the term heretics to defectors. […]
    Although Freud dismissed religion as an illusion, his conviction that he was right was a matter of faith rather than of reason. […]
    In effect he treated his own theories as if they were a personal revelation granted to him by God and demanded that others should accord to them the reverence which the sacred word usually commands. […]
    Like other gurus, Freud possessed considerable charisma, based upon his certainty that he was right.
    Freud exhibited a number of the typical features of gurus, but virtually none of their corrupt or disreputable characteristics. He charged high fees to those who could afford them, but was also generous to those in need. […]
    Freud was dogmatically sure of his theories; but, unlike some of the gurus whom we have considered, exhibited no features of psychotic illness like delusions or hallucinations.
    But the fact that Freud became elevated into a guru and that psychoanalysis became a way of life has had a number
    of undesirable consequences from which we have not fully recovered. In the 1930s and well into the 1950s, psycho-
    analysts considered themselves, by virtue of their training, to have acquired a unique insight into human nature from
    which those who had not been analyzed must always be excluded. Psychoanalytic training offered membership of an
    elite circle claiming superior knowledge and status. Those who questioned psychoanalytic theory or practice were said
    to be insufficiently analyzed. As an inevitable consequence of faith combined with intolerance, psychoanalytic socie-
    ties and institutes, on both sides of the Atlantic, became divided into splinter groups and warring factions, each clai-
    ming possession of "the truth," exactly as happens in religious movements. Freud was more of a messianic figure
    than many people realize
    ; but some of his disciples became deluded fanatics. […]
    One of the regrettable aspects of becoming a psychoanalyst was, and maybe still is, a tendency to become more and
    more isolated from the ordinary world. Janet Malcolm, describing a New York émigré analyst, wrote: "Her entire life
    was taken up with psychoanalytic concerns: during the day she saw patients, at night she went to meetings at the In-
    stitute, and when she and her husband went out to dinner or entertained at home it was always with analysts. Other
    people fall away, she explained. There is less and less to talk about with people on the 'outside' who don't look at things
    the way analysts do."
    Anthony Storr (1920-2001) English psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, author, Feet of Clay. Saints, Sinners, and Madmen. Study of Gurus, chapter 6 "Sigmund Freud", S. 109ff, HarperCollins, new paperback edition 7. April 1997



Freud operated more like a guru, convincing people of the superb rightness of his ideas through the sheer force of his personality.

  • In Freud's presence, people felt there was this penetrating power. […]
    People were afraid of Freud, and would do anything to avoid his disapproval. They became abject in his presence, and this abjectness was itself indoctrinating. If you give up your intellectual independence in somebody's presence, that person becomes all-consuming. The message Freud gave his followers was that he personified psychoanalysis. He was psychoanalysis […] much like the gurus described by British psychiatrist Anthony Storr, Freud resisted any criticism. He called these attacks manifestations of unconscious resistance, and claimed that critics needed to be analyzed to understand psychoanalysis properly. […]
    What Freud is saying to the world is, If you disagree with me it's because you're not an initiate […]. You have not had the experience that creates true belief. […]
    [In 1912] Ernest Jones and Salvador Ferenczi, two of Freud's most loyal disciples, came to him with the idea that they should have a secret central committee of psychoanalysis. They would monopolize the psychoanalytic channels, and plant negative stories about defectors. Freud was so thrilled with this idea that he went out and had rings made for the members of the committee; he then held a private ceremony in which members acquired their rings and swore loyalty.
    Frederick Crews (*1933) US American professor emeritus of English, University of California, Berkeley, literary critic, Freud critic, essayist, author, cited in: Article The Incredible Shrinking God. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung presented themselves as scientists – but functioned as gurus., presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, Marian M. Jones, 1. March 1998


  • At best, Freud is a figure of only historical interest for psychologists. He is better studied as a writer, in departments of language and literature, than as a scientist, in departments of psychology. Psychologists can get along without him. Essay by John Kihlstrom (*1948) US American cognitive social psychologist, professor emeritus, UCB, Freud critic, author, Is Freud Still Alive? No, Not Really, published in Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology, 14th edition, 2003, 15th edition, 2009


  • The primary trouble with Freud is that, while his ideas appear intriguing and even common sensical, there’s very little empirical evidence to back them up. Modern psychology has produced very little to substantiate many of his claims.
    For instance, there’s no scientific evidence in support of the idea that boys lust after their mothers and hate their fathers. He was totally, utterly wrong about gender. And his notion of “penis envy” is now both laughable and tragic.
    There's no proof of the id, ego, or superego. There's also no evidence to support the notion that human development proceeds through oral, anal, phallic, and genital stages. Nor that the interference, or arresting, of these stages leads to specific developmental manifestations.
    For example, he theorized that homosexuality was a failure to reconcile the anal phase, or the Oedipal phase. Which is nonsense. He also argued that only “mature” women could orgasm from vaginal sex, and that women who could only climax via clitoral stimulation were somehow stunted, stuck at a latent phase. Again, nonsense. Article Why Freud Still Matters, When He Was Wrong About Almost Everything, presented by the design, technology, science and science fiction website Gizmodo, George Dvorsky, 7. August 2013


  • Freud has steadily falling out of favor among psychologists since the 1960s, shortly after B. F. Skinner published his theories on behavioral therapy, with its focus on environmental stimuli rather than dreams or repressed memories. Psychology also developed into a more empirically-tested science, emphasizing evidence-based ideas over Freud’s often un-provable theories. This focus on evidence-based research has only increased with the growth of neuroscience, and ability to scan brain activity. Article America is an incredibly Freudian culture that doesn’t believe in Freud, presented by the US American online portal Quartz, Olivia Goldhill, 7. November 2015


  • In 1975, the Nobel Prize-winning medical biologist Peter Medawar called psychoanalytic theory "the most stupendous intellectual confidence trick of the twentieth century."
    The third edition of the DSM, in 1980, scrubbed out almost every trace of Freudianism.
    In 1984, one of them, |Adolf Grünbaum, at the University of Pittsburgh, published The Foundations of Psychoanalysis, a dauntingly thorough exposition designed to show that, whatever the foundations of psychoanalysis were, they were not scientific.
    Freud was often high on cocaine when he wrote his early scientific articles, which accounts for their sloppiness with the data and the recklessness of their claims.
    From the beginning, Freud was a lousy scientist. He fudged data; he made unsubstantiated claims; he took credit for other people's ideas. Sometimes he lied. Freud badgered patients into accepting his interpretations, and they either gave in, like the Rat Man, or left treatment, like Dora. If your analyst tells you that you are in denial about wanting to sleep with your father, what are you going to do? Deny it?
    Crews believes that Freud never had "a single ex-patient who could attest to the capacity of the psychoanalytic method to yield the specific effects that he claimed for it."
    In love letters to his fiancée, Martha Bernays […] Freud makes remarks like "I intend to exploit science instead of allowing myself to be exploited by it."
    "Woe to you, little princess, when I come. I will kiss you quite red and feed you quite plump. And if you are naughty you will see who is stronger, a gentle little girl who doesn't eat or a big wild man with cocaine in his body."
    Freud treated a friend, Ernst Fleischl von Marxow, with cocaine to cure a morphine habit, with the result that Fleischl became addicted to both drugs and died at the age of forty-five.
    In Freud's letters to and about men he was close to – Fleischl and, later, Wilhelm Fliess – [Crews noted] the homoerotic tone. Crews suggests that Freud "wrestled with homosexual impulses."
    Article Why Freud Survives. He's been debunked again and again – and yet we still can't give him up., presented by the US American magazine The New Yorker, Louis Menand, 28. August 2017


  • Freud was a despicable person with multiple character flaws. He betrayed his scientific training in a tour-de-force of self-deception, succumbing to all sorts of irrational beliefs. His vaunted psychoanalyses never objectively helped a single patient. It is astounding that his ideas and his cult were so influential for so long. Freud was a fraud, a liar, a bad scientist, and a bad doctor. Article Freud Was a Fraud: A Triumph of Pseudoscience, presented by Science-Based Medicine, Harriet Hall, M.D., 12. December 2017


  • Freud’s scientific reputation has plummeted over the past generation. Medical authorities have broadly recognized the faulty empirical scaffolding of psychoanalysis and its reliance on outmoded biological models. Mainstream American psychologists moved on decades ago. [...]
    Freud contradicts himself enough that no monolithic psychoanalytic theory ever existed.
    Book review The Curious Conundrum of Freud's Persistent Influence, presented by the US American The New York Times Book Review, George Prochnik, 14. August 2017


  • Freud was not only a misogynist but also a misanthrope. He wrote a colleague: "I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience, most of them are trash." He especially looked down on his patients. He told one colleague: "Patients only serve to provide us with a livelihood and material to learn from. We certainly cannot help them." He surprised another colleague with this about his patients: "I could throttle every one of them." The families of his (usually rich) clients called him a con man.
    Book review Young Freud, cruel, incurious, deceptive, and in search of fame, presented by the US American daily newspaper
    The Washington Post, Matthew Hutson, science writer, author, 1. September 2017


  • Again and again, Sigmund Freud projected his own obsessions and fixations onto others, tampered with the evidence and then presented his pre-existing biases as scientifically proven fact. He was talented, articulate and always kept his eyes on the prize: a proto L. Ron Hubbard with a bigger audience and a broader intellect, a cult leader whose mumbo-jumbo message is still taken seriously by a lot of troubled souls today.
    Book review 'Freud: The making of an illusion' by Frederick Crews, presented by the US American daily broadsheet The Washington Times, Aram Bakshian Jr., 29. October 2017


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Quotes by David R. Hawkins and Scott Jeffrey

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


The unconscious – inner child – becomes dangerous when it gets repressed by conscious denigration.

Sigmund Freud saw the unconscious as a devouring entity. Exposed to it, humans could fall into disarray and chaos.



Definition of ego






Childhood sexual abuse memories

US American psychoanalyst and critical author on Sigmund Freud's theoretical concepts and psychoanalysis Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D. (*1941) debunked Freud's seduction theory in his book The Assault on Truth. Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory, 1984.
See also: Confabulation



Note: Hawkins, self-acclaimed Freud's 'grandson', was frozen in misogynous Freudian views.

  • Footnote 8: Hawkins was a Freudian analyst for fifty years. Freud’s theories play a fundamental role in Hawkins’ interpretation of reality. [...] [T]he same limitations found in Freud’s theories are found in Hawkins’ theories. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", S. ~308, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Englische Texte – English section on Sigmund Freud

⚡ Freud's shadow

Sigmund Freud's shadow
TimeframeEvent / actionLegend
May 1897
Suffering undisclosed abuse from his father, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) concluded in a note that men, in general, are suppressing their penchant of pedophilia. "Unfortunately, my own father was one of these perverts and is responsible
for the hysteria of my brother (all of whose symptoms are identifications) and those of several younger sisters."
1860/1900 Four year old boy, Freud was sexually molested by his Czech nanny who also introduced him to Catholic ritualism. He blamed her as the cause of the majority of his psychological hangups. "A series of dreams, forty years after the events he hoped to recall, was devoted to her. Freud concluded that the servant had been 'my teacher in sexual matters', though
he failed to explain what he meant."
Freud experimented with "cocaine therapy" in vain. While drug peddling, he became a cocaine addict himself.4 Furthermore, he was a nicotine addict.
"Freud was a cocaine user indeed. Only that cocaine was not prohibited during his time, but prescribed and used as an euphoric."5
1897 After joining the oldest Jewish service organization in the world B'nai B'rith International at age 41, Freud's career took off. [See text below.]
13 August 1898
Placed in a love triangle, Freud had a secret extramarital affair with his unmarried sister-in-law Minna Bernays,6 who allegedly got pregnant by Freud and aborted the incestuously conceived child in Meran in 1900.7
1953 and again 1969 Jung first revealed Freud's triangular affair with his intended wife Martha Bernays and his caustic, intellectual "muse and closest confidante" Minna Bernays. 1898 Freud and Bernays lodged in a double room registered as "Dr. Sigm Freud and Frau" in the "Schweizerhof" in the Swiss Alps.8
While Freud's favorite line was "The truth shall set you free", he – in favor of his reputation and career – did carefully hide
his secrets, one of which was adultery.
1902-1938 Via bribery Freud was appointed associate professor of neuropathology at the University of Vienna. His wealthy
patient Baroness Marie von Ferstel bribed the Austrian minister of education with a rare painting.9
1905-1922 Freud proposed a theory of universal repressed homosexuality among men.10
See: Sigmund Freud's views on homosexuality
~1908 Freud committed psychological and intellectual abuse on all three of his daughters:
Mathilde (1887-1978), Anna (1895-1982), Sophie (1893-1920) who died prematurely.
"[Freud] was particularly troubled by awareness of his own incestuous wishes toward his daughter."11
1910 Freud founded the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), which was structured as a secret society presumably aligned with the goals of B'nai Brith aiming to subvert, exploit and enslave.12
1910 onwards Via the Illuminati-controlled media and the education system the perverted beliefs on incest, pedophilia, orgies, and homosexuality of crypto-Sabbatean and sex cultist Freud offering his toxicological libido theory were sold to
the world in the guise of science and medicine.
~1912 Staunch atheist, yet closet Jewish fanatic Freud denied man's spiritual dimension.
"Above all, Freud’s attitude towards the spirit seems to me highly questionable. Wherever in a person or in a work of art, an expression of spirituality (in the intellectual, not the supernatural senses) came to light, he suspected it, and insinuated that it was repressed sexuality."13
End 1912 Break with heretical follower of Freud Carl Gustav Jung Jung was brainwashed by Freud.
During WWI Freud's teacher Prof. Wagner-Jauregg applied the torture technique of electrotherapy on shell-shocked soldiers. Freud, who considered soldiers as "malingerers", wrote a long memorandum defending Wagner-Jauregg. Though this torture practice was forbidden by the Austrian War Ministry in 1920, Freud continued to use some electrotherapy on
his patients.
1915 Freud is the father of the sexual liberation and oversexualization of society. "Sexual morality – as society, in its extreme form, the American, defines it – seems to me very contemptible. I advocate an incomparably freer sexual life."14
  In his letters Freud revealed his greediness:
"My mood depends very much on my earnings. Money is laughing gas for me."15
  E. Michael Jones' conclusion: Psychoanalysis, the "talking cure", is based on the Illuminati initiatory ritual used as a form of mind control. For a fee, it absolved rich people for their guilty pleasures and permission to proceed.
"Both were based on having the patient or adept give in-depth, quasi-confessional "examinations of conscience" during which they told the Illuminist controller or psychotherapist details of their personal lives which could later be used against them. Both Illuminism and psychoanalysis ended up as covert forms of psychic control, whereby the controller learned of the adepts dominant passion and manipulated him accordingly."16
"[Freud himself] was convinced that it was in the very nature of psychoanalytic doctrine to appear shocking and subversive. On board a ship to America he did not feel that he was bringing that country a new panacea. With his typically dry wit he
told his traveling companions, "We are bringing them the plague."
  Throughout his life, Freud was a proud, chauvinistic, even vengeful Jew. His famed "irreligiousness" was merely his anti-Christian, antigentile bias. Freud's racial bias is the most important.
"One of Freud's most powerful motives in his life was the desire to inflict vengeance on Christ."18
1919 Break with heretical follower of Freud Victor Tausk Tausk was brainwashed by Freud.
1920 Discussing the Kabbalah with rabbi Chaim Bloch (1865-1948), Freud, fixated on Moses, proposed that Moses had been an Egyptian pharaoh, not a Jew. Actually, Freud's theory of the Oedipus complex is based on the figure of Moses and his Mother-son incest from which monotheism resulted.19
~1920 Freud was sympathetic to Zionism. His oldest son Martin (1889-1967) was a member of the Zionist student organization Kadimah. Freud himself was an honorary member of it.20 Martin's brother Ernst became active in editing a Zionist periodical.
1923 Break with heretical follower of Freud Herbert Silberer Silberer was brainwashed by Freud.
1924 [1886] Supremacist, racist, and sexist Freud disrespected his (American) patients. "Freud's letters reveal that he disregarded his clients. He considered his patients as his 'Negroes'."21
1927 Break with heretical follower of Freud Wilhelm Reich22 Reich was brainwashed by Freud.
May 1930 Four thousand psychiatrists from fifty-three countries are welcomed by US president Herbert Hoover at the International Congress on Mental Hygiene in Washington, D.C.. Their new pronouncement states that they alone have the knowledge to "understand and control human behavior […]. Psychiatry must now decide what is to be the immediate future of the human race. Psychiatrists alone possess the superior intelligence and knowledge to alter materially and permanently
human behaviors."
25.·June·1936 Freud became a foreign fellow of the Royal Society in London.
4.·June·1938 Freud's family moved to London to escape the impending danger of being deported by the Nazis in Austria.
12·July·1938 Sexist misogynist Freud wrote: "As a substitute for penis envy, identification with the clitoris; neatest expression of
inferiority, source of all inhibitions."23
1938-1939 Supposedly Freud was a director of the Tavistock Clinic in London. This NHS mental health clinic and training centre was founded in 1920. Tavistock was then the world's premier "brainwashing" institute that claims to be an scientific authority on ritual abuse, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), the creation of which allows for the programming of 'Monarch mind-controlled slaves.'24
23. September
Heavy cigar smoker, Freud had been suffering from mouth cancer since 1923. After several surgeries the tumor was inoperable. Upon Freud's request his doctor administered a fatal dose of morphine on 21. September 1939. Two days later Freud died.
1979 The obnoxious black sheep of the Freud family, Freud's daughter-in-law Ernestine (Esti) Drucker-Freud (1896-1980), Martin's wife and mother of Freud's granddaughter Sophie, stated in her unpublished memoir All members of the Freud family are "pigs", especially my own husband, topped by one exception only: the gaffer, Sigmund Freud.25
1984 Freud's seduction theory, the theory on childhood sexual abuse memories (Confabulation), was debunked by
US American psychoanalyst and former antiquar at the Freud Society in London and critical author on Sigmund Freud's theoretical concepts and psychoanalysis Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D. (*1941) in his book The Assault on Truth. Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory.26/27


Sigmund Freud was a closet fanatical Jew aka Zionist.

In some place in my soul, in a very hidden corner, I am a fanatical Jew. I am very much astonished to discover myself
as such in spite of all efforts to be unprejudiced and impartial. What can I do against it at my age?
Sigmund Freud, committed atheist, letter to Dr. David Feuchtwang (1864-1936) Austrian chief rabbi of Vienna, 1931, cited in: Emanuel Rice, M.D., US American associate clinical professor of psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, City University of
New York, author, Freud and Moses. The Long Journey Home, S. 25, State University of New York Press, 2. October 1990
Compare with Derrida's paradoxical avowal:
  • "The feeling of Jewishness remains in me something dark, abysmal, and above all, unstable. Both powerful and labile. Nothing is as important to me as my Jewishness which, however, in many respects, has so little impor-
    tance in my life."
    Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) Algerian French postmodern philosopher, founder of deconstructionism, developer of post-structuralism, atheist, cited in: Hervé Ryssen, Les Espérances planétariennes, S. 183, Éditions Baskerville, 2005


Sigmund Freud's influential role in the Tavistock Clinic in London heading for crowd control.

According to some reputable researchers, Sigmund Freud was Tavistock's first director, followed by his daughter, who apparently still runs the facility.28 It was used to program the postwar leaders of Germany's government, churches, schools, corporations, etc., from among the POWs who were easy to manipulate.
One of the rare items concerning the Tavistock Institute appears in Businessweek, October 26, 1963, with a photograph of its building in the most expensive medical offices area of London. The story mentions "the Freudian bias" of the Institute, and comments that it is amply financed by British blue-chip corporations, including Unilever, British Petroleum, and Baldwin Steel.

Article Tavistock Institute quotes, presented by the online archive outlet whale.to, undated


Atheist Freud believed that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood.

Sigmund Freud, 1926

In his book Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, professor of psycho-
logy David Bakan, Ph.D. (1921-2004) has shown that Freud was a "crypto-Shabba-
tean". When Freud discovered the Lurianic Kabbalah he exclaimed "This is
wondering why it had never previously been brought to his attention.
Bakan describes Freudian psychoanalysis as a derivative of the Lurianic Kabbalah, a 2nd century Gnostic formulation founded and promoted by the Jewish heretic Sabbatai Zevi, who had declared himself as Messiah in 1666, taught sex magic, and then converted himself to Islam and the Zohar.


In 1897 Freud, at age 41, joined the oldest Jewish service organization in the world B'nai B'rith International29 ("Children of the Covenant"), founded by the Roth-
schild dynasty
on 13. October 1843 to prevent exposure of the global Zionist net-
works. Offshoot of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the 'BB' operates worldwide to brand as 'anti-Semitic'30 anyone who exposes the Rothschild operation. In 1913,
B'nai B'rith launched the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) specifically to target and defame researchers and critics ready to expose Israel and the growing Zionist influence worldwide – supposedly to protect Jewish people.
After joining the B’nai B’rith Freud's career took off. [See text above.]


Sabbatai Zevi, 1665
"According to Idries Shah (1924-1996), the twelfth century Qadiriyya Sufi order was the origin of the Rosicrucians, the most important occult movement after the Renaissance, who later evolved into the Freemasons. As detailed in Black Terror · White Soldiers, the Rosicrucians were responsible
for orchestrating the advent of Sabbatai Zevi, who took the Jewish world by storm in 1666 when
he declared himself their expected messiah. However, Zevi disappointed the vast majority of his
followers when he subsequently converted to Islam. Nevertheless, an important segment followed
him into Islam as well, and to this day consist of a powerful community of secret Jews known as Dönmeh."
Deleted blog article by David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and inves-
tigator of the occult influence in history, author, The Sufi Conspiracy, presented by the dissolved blospot conspiracyschool, 17. August 2013


See also:
⚡ Critical quotes on S. Freud by other sources
⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control
Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation
Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government
Archons and Aeons as explained in Gnosticism – John Lash, Usko Ahonen


Links zum Thema Sigmund Freud


Sammlung von Briefen von Sigmund Freud an seine Kinder

⚡ Kritische Literatur über S. Freud

Literature (engl.)

⚡ Critical literature on Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis (engl./French)

From its inception the sexual liberation was a form of (mass) control. Aldous Huxley wrote: "As political and economic freedom diminishes,
sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase," Brave New World, preface, edition 1946

Debunking of Freud's seduction theory

Freudianism is a secular religion, where the Unconscious – a new version of the Original Sin – is treated as a Revelation, with a sharp distinction between the sacred (those under analysis) and the profane, between the good (the true believers) and the bad, and where reason must be sus-
pended. Freudianism is a self-perpetuating, falsification-evading pseudo-science. It is a closed system, which controls its own data-
Its enormous vested interests (also financial) are cultivated and protected by a guild: United Nations Analysis and Therapy Organization (UNATO).

F. Crews: "Freud was something of a specialist in gleaning precious admissions from people who couldn’t be reached for checking. ... Freud's standard practice was to smear his former associates as soon as they posed an obstacle to his goals."
Crews flays generations of Freud biographers who he believes have excused and covered up the master's faults, personal and professional.
To them, Freud's probity had to be preserved as sacrosanct even as he assassinated the character of his competitors.
See also: Collection of reviews on Freud. The Making of an Illusion, presented by Book Marks, 2017

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge Ödipuskonflikt, Strukturmodell der Psyche [Zweite Topik, Drei-Instanzen-Modell] 1923, Triebtheorie bei Kindern (Entladung der Libido): 1. Orale Phase ♦ Anale Phase ♦ Phallische Phase ♦ Latenzphase ♦ Genitale Phase, Verführungstheorie Mitte 1890 postierte Freud diese Vorgängertheorie des Ödipuskonflikts. Zwar hatte er die Verführungstheorie fallen gelassen, es aus opportunistischen Gründen erst 1906 bekanntgegeben.
    Kränkungen der Menschheit und des naiven Narzissmus des menschlichen Bewusstseins:
    1. Erschütterung: Kosmologische KränkungKopernikanische Wende = Kopernikus' Entdeckung: Erde ungleich Mittelpunkt des Weltalls
    2. Erschütterung: Biologische KränkungCharles Darwins Entdeckung, dass der Mensch aus der Tierreihe hervorgegangen ist
    3. Erschütterung: Psychologische KränkungFreuds Libidotheorie des Unbewussten, das sich der Herrschaft des bewussten Willens entzieht
  • Persönlichkeiten Sigmund Freud
  • Philolex-Eintrag Sigmund Freud / Psychoanalyse

Kritische Betrachtungen über Freud und seine Wirkung

Weblinks zum Thema Sigmund Freud – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

Critical conclusions on Freud and his societal impact

Frederick Crews has written a reassessment of Freud based on newly available correspondence and re-evaluation of previously available materials. He shows that Freud was a fraud who deceived himself and succumbed to pseudoscience.

1. Avid drug user 2. Defender of child molestation 3. Serious women issues 4. Generational abuse in the family 5. Relentless addict 6. In safe hands? 7. Something to hide?

Web links on the topic Sigmund Freud – Quora

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Französischer Dokumentarfilm, 1997, präsentiert von den Fernsehsendern France 3, BFC Productions und Arte, eingestellt
    26. Dezember 2017
  • Philosophen-Videoserie "Denker des Abendlandes", ''Folge 37: Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Max Weber, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender Bayerischen Rundfunk (BR online), Austausch zwischen den Gastgebern Prof. Harald Lesch (*1960) deutscher Professor für Physik, Astrophysiker, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Lehrbeauf-
    tragter für Naturphilosophie, Fernsehmoderator, Wissenschaftsjournalist, und Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (*1945) deutscher Professor
    für Philosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Philosoph der Gegenwart, Autor, gesendet/eingestellt 26. Oktober 2008, YouTube Film, 29:18 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 5. November 2017


  • Video Fernsehdokumentation Freud ganz intim / Doku, präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, YouTube Film, 1:37:11 Dauer, eingestellt 15. September 2021

Freud-kritische Medien

Einsatz zur Aufhebung von skandalösen psychiatrischen Fehlentscheidungen (Beispiel: Fall von Gustl Mollath)

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videointerview mit Dr. med. Friedrich Weinberger, deutscher Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Sigmund Freud – Konsequenzen einer Schwindelwissenschaft, Teil 2, präsentiert von dem Online Fernsehsender Quer-Denken TV, Gastgeber Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations, Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement, Publizist, YouTube Film, 1:57:45 Dauer, eingestellt 8. Januar 2017

⚡ Critical audio and video links (engl.)

Freud critical media contributions

After rereading Freud's thesis on the mental label "women's masochism", defined as "pleasure in pain", Caplan, missing the term 'Macho personality disorder' defeated Freud in 'The Myth of Women's Masochism.' 'Women's masochism' was redefined as selfdefeating personality disorder, proposed in DSM III-R for further review.

Linkless media offerings

References to S. Freud, starting minute 33:52

Documentaries and movies (engl.) on S. Freud

Modern political propaganda began in Britain with George Creel. Minute 40:36
American pioneer of propaganda aka public relations, and political marketing Edward Bernays believed that America's public opinion
must be engineered from above by society's due masters.  Minute 42:26

The Freud dynasty – largely associated with the Tavistock Institute in London – influenced the way corporations and governments
have analyzed,‭ dealt with, and controlled ‬people:
Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis;
Anna Freud, Freud's devoted mind-massaged daughter,
Edward Bernays, inventor of public relations;
Matthew Freud (*1963) present-day PR guru and Sigmund's great grandson

  • 4-parts award winning British television documentary film The Century of the Self, researched and written by Adam Curtis (*1955) British BAFTA winning documentarian, television producer, director, narrator, writer, produced by British TV channel BBC Four, 240 minutes duration, produced 2002
    Four 1 hour parts
    1. Happiness Machines, 17. March 2002
    2. The Engineering of Consent, 24. March 2002
    3. There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed, 31. March 2002
    4. Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering, 7. April 2002
    Adam Curtis: "This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy."
  • Short educative video by Daniel Philip, Sigmund Freud: Id, Ego, Superego – Psychodynamic – Psychoanalytic Personality Theory Explained!, YouTube film, 5:22 minutes duration, posted 10. March 2013
  • British TV documentation series video The Century of the Self (Full Documentary), YouTube film, 3:54:43 duration,
    posted 9. July 2015


Interne Links




1 See: Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation

2 Paul Ferris, Dr. Freud. A Life, S. 135, Counterpoint, Washington, D.C., 1997

3 Paul Ferris, Dr. Freud. A Life, S. 16, Counterpoint, Washington, D.C., 1997

4 Article Was Freud A Depraved, Drug Addicted Deviate?, presented by SelfGrowth.com, John Smethers, Ph.D., ~May 2015

5 Jean Chiriac, Freud and the "Cocaine Episode", presented by freudfile.org, AROPA, 1998-2015

6 Sigmund and Minna? The Biographer as Voyeur, presented by the US American newspaper The New York Times, Peter Gay, 29. January 1989

7 Kathleen Daniels, Minna's Story. The Secret Love of Doctor Sigmund Freud, Health Press, 1992

8 Article Hotel Log Hints at Illicit Desire That Dr. Freud Didn’t Repress, presented by the US American newspaper The New York Times, Ralph Blumenthal, 24. December 2006

9 Artikel "Meine Glückstiere" – Die Patientinnen von Sigmund Freud. Wer waren Sie?, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Nachrichtenmagazin profil, 6. Oktober 2007

10 Article by Jay Geller, The Godfather of Psychoanalysis: Circumcision, Antisemitism, Homosexuality, and Freud's "Fighting Jew", presented by the US American peer-reviewed academic journal Journal of the American Academy of Religion, American Academy of Religion, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 355-385, Oxford University Press, June 1999

11 Judith Lewis Herman (*1942) US American psychiatrist, researcher, teacher, author, Father-Daughter Incest, 1981, S. 9-10, Harvard University Press, 5. May 2000

12 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) US American former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 122, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005

13 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections,
S. 149, Fontana Press, 1961, reissued edition 6. March 1995

14 Peter Gay (1923-2015) US American historian, educator, skeptical Freud biographer, author, biography Freud. A Life for Our Time, S. 143, J. M. Dent & Sons, 1988, cited in: Kevin B. MacDonald, Ph.D. kevinmacdonald.net (*1944) US American professor of psychology, biobehavioural scientist, California State University-Long Beach, author, The Culture of Critique. An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, Praeger, 1998, chapter 4 "Jewish Involvement in the Psychoanalytic Movement" (Delineating the Jewish guru syndrome), S. 121, 1stbooks Library, paperback edition 2002

15 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 116, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005

16 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 127, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005

17 Mannoni, S. 168, 1971, cited in: Kevin B. MacDonald, Ph.D. kevinmacdonald.net (*1944) US American professor of psychology, biobehavioural scientist, California State University-Long Beach, author, Freud's Follies. Psychoanalysis as a Religion, Cult, and Political Movement, presented by scribd.com, 1996

18 Thomas S. Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian US-American professor emeritus of psychiatry, psychoanalyst, social critic of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry and scientism, author, The Myth of Psychotherapy. Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression, S. 146, Syracuse University Press, paperback, 1. December 1988

19 See: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, Moses and Monotheism, Hogarth Press, London, Institute of Psychoanalysis, Vienna and Zurich, 1939

20 David Bakan (1921-2004) US American psychologist, co-founder and director of the American Psychological Association's Division 26, author, Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, Beacon Press, Boston, 1958, Dover Publications, 9. December 2004

21 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 116, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005
Article Freud and His "Negro": Psychoanalysis as Ally and Enemy of African Americans, presented by Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, volume 1, issue 1, Claudia Tate, US American author, S. 53-62, spring 1996, reprint by Chicken Bones, Journal for Literary & Artistic African-American Themes

22 Deleted video presentation by E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi Sexual Liberation and Political Control through manipulation, presented by TruTube.TV, minute 33:52, 1:00:45 duration, posted 24. March 2013

23 One of Freud's last writings

24 See: Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation

25 German source: Artikel War er ein guter Vater? Sigmund Freud war für seine sechs Kinder nahezu unerreichbar. Auch deshalb hatte er auf sie großen Einfluss., präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Elisabeth Thadden, Nº 22, 30. Mai 2010
Reference: Sophie Freud, Living in the Shadow of the Freud Family, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1. January 2007

26 Masson referenced David Livingstone's book Black Terror. White Soldiers. Islam, Fascism and the New Age, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 16. June 2013

27 See also: David Livingstone (*1966), Controversies in Psychotherapy and Counselling, 12 pages, presented by Sage Publications, August 1999

28 See: Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation

29 The B’nai B’rith International ("Children of the Covenant") is the oldest Jewish service organization in the world, a severed secret Freemason lodge founded in London. It is committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people and the State of Israel and combating antisemitism and bigotry. Its mission is to unite persons of the Jewish faith and to enhance Jewish identity through strengthening Jewish family life.
[Die B’nai B’rith (Söhne des Bundes) sind eine abgetrennte Freimaurer-Großloge, die 1843 als Geheimloge in London gegründet wurde. Seit damals ist sie ausschließlich Juden vorbehalten und nach dem Muster der Freimaurer organisiert, der anzugehören sie jedoch ablehnen.]

30 "The term 'anti-Semitism' is used by the Israel lobby in the United States to restrict criticism of Israel's violent and inhumane policies against the Palestinian people and Israel's domination over the US government." Images From Palestine, Facebook comment, 9. January 2016


Anhand der Skala des Bewusstseins (von 1-1000), erarbeitet von Dr. David R. Hawkins, hat Sigmund Freud einen Bewusstseinswert von 499. Dies kategorisiert ihn als genialen Denker und ausgezeichneten spirituellen Lehrer.
Quellen: Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 139, 2005 und Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 87, 2008
Freudian analyst for fifty years, Hawkins considered himself the "great grandson" of Freud. The same limitations
found in Freud’s theories are found in Hawkins’ theories which he called "true teachings."
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