Wiki / SigmundFreud
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Sigmund Freud |
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) unterschied zwischen drei Instanzen innerhalb des "psychischen Apparats":
Erkenntnis des dominanten Unbewussten
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Siehe auch (engl.): Legend of king Arthur, knight Gawain and lady Ragnell
"Was hat man Dir, Du armes Kind getan?" – Zentrale Frage aus Goethes Gedicht Mignon
Kindesmissbrauch: Freud wurde als Vierjähriger von einem Kindermädchen sexuell stimuliert. Als Siebenjähriger sah er seine Mutter nackt und begehrte sie und war eifersüchtig auf seinen Vater.
Quelle: Gustav Keller, deutscher Autor, Freuds Liebesleben. Seine eigene Triebgeschichte, Königshausen u. Neumann, 24. Juni 2012
Verkürzte Version: Im Moment, da man nach Sinn und Wert des Lebens fragt, ist man krank.
Sigmund Freud prägte den Begriff "Narzissmus" mit Bezug auf den griechischen Mythos von Narziss, der sich in sein Spiegelbild auf der Wasseroberfläche des Teichs, in den er schaute, verliebte.
Narzissmus: Egoism / Selbstfixiertheit auf der Grundlage des eigenen Selbstbildes.
Freud erachtete die Deutschen als unbegabt für Glück. Er definierte Glück unter anderem als "laues Behagen".
Personal avowals
Sigmund Freud coined the term "narcissism" based on the Greek myth of Narcissus who fell in love with his own image reflected on a pool of water.
Narcissism: egotism / fixation for oneself based on one's self image.
Freud confessed this to his client/benefactor Marie Bonaparte. See also: ► Legend of king Arthur, knight Gawain and lady Ragnell
Freud fails to note that in many cultures – including the Hebrew one – circumcision is carried out by force. The boy is not offered a choice of accepting or rejecting this "painful sacrifice."
Copernicus ♦ Darwin ♦ Freud - Three culprits inflicting major blows to long held human paradigms
Freud’s "wounding blows", presented by brainethics, 10. December 2005
Personal avowals
Freud provided the rationale for male supremacy. Book reference: Excerpted from Moving Beyond Words, pp. 32-69, 1994,
and Nelson, E.D. & Robinson, B., chapter 2, S. 52-73, Gender in Canada. Prentice-Hall, Toronto, Canada, 1999
⚡ Pavlov's and Freud's findings funneled into scientific massmind control of a dictatorial globalist elite
Originally listening to his sexually traumatized women patients, Freud broke his alliance with them in order to adopt a more patriarchal stance.
Freud operated more like a guru, convincing people of the superb rightness of his ideas through the sheer force of his personality.
The unconscious – inner child – becomes dangerous when it gets repressed by conscious denigration.
Sigmund Freud saw the unconscious as a devouring entity. Exposed to it, humans could fall into disarray and chaos.
US American psychoanalyst and critical author on Sigmund Freud's theoretical concepts and psychoanalysis Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D. (*1941) debunked Freud's seduction theory in his book The Assault on Truth. Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory, 1984.
See also: Confabulation
Sigmund Freud was a closet fanatical Jew aka Zionist.
Sigmund Freud's influential role in the Tavistock Clinic in London heading for crowd control.
Atheist Freud believed that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood.
In his book Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, professor of psycho-
logy David Bakan, Ph.D. (1921-2004) has shown that Freud was a "crypto-Shabba-
tean". When Freud discovered the Lurianic Kabbalah he exclaimed "This is
gold!" wondering why it had never previously been brought to his attention.
Bakan describes Freudian psychoanalysis as a derivative of the Lurianic Kabbalah, a 2nd century Gnostic formulation founded and promoted by the Jewish heretic Sabbatai Zevi, who had declared himself as Messiah in 1666, taught sex magic, and then converted himself to Islam and the Zohar.
In 1897 Freud, at age 41, joined the oldest Jewish service organization in the world B'nai B'rith International29 ("Children of the Covenant"), founded by the Roth-
schild dynasty on 13. October 1843 to prevent exposure of the global Zionist net-
works. Offshoot of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the 'BB' operates worldwide to brand as 'anti-Semitic'30 anyone who exposes the Rothschild operation. In 1913,
B'nai B'rith launched the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) specifically to target and defame researchers and critics ready to expose Israel and the growing Zionist influence worldwide – supposedly to protect Jewish people.
After joining the B’nai B’rith Freud's career took off. [See text above.]
Links zum Thema Sigmund FreudLiteratur
Sammlung von Briefen von Sigmund Freud an seine Kinder
⚡ Kritische Literatur über S. Freud
Literature (engl.)
⚡ Critical literature on Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis (engl./French)
From its inception the sexual liberation was a form of (mass) control. Aldous Huxley wrote: "As political and economic freedom diminishes,
Debunking of Freud's seduction theory
Freudianism is a secular religion, where the Unconscious – a new version of the Original Sin – is treated as a Revelation, with a sharp distinction between the sacred (those under analysis) and the profane, between the good (the true believers) and the bad, and where reason must be sus-
F. Crews: "Freud was something of a specialist in gleaning precious admissions from people who couldn’t be reached for checking. ... Freud's standard practice was to smear his former associates as soon as they posed an obstacle to his goals." Externe Weblinks
⚡ Kritische Betrachtungen über Freud und seine Wirkung
Weblinks zum Thema Sigmund Freud – QuoraBeiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
External web links (engl.)
⚡ Critical conclusions on Freud and his societal impact
Frederick Crews has written a reassessment of Freud based on newly available correspondence and re-evaluation of previously available materials. He shows that Freud was a fraud who deceived himself and succumbed to pseudoscience.
1. Avid drug user 2. Defender of child molestation 3. Serious women issues 4. Generational abuse in the family 5. Relentless addict 6. In safe hands? 7. Something to hide?
Web links on the topic Sigmund Freud – QuoraQ&A contributions issued by Elfriede Ammann, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora EN
Audio- und Videolinks
⚡ Freud-kritische Medien
Einsatz zur Aufhebung von skandalösen psychiatrischen Fehlentscheidungen (Beispiel: Fall von Gustl Mollath)
Linklose Medienangebote
⚡ Critical audio and video links (engl.)⚡ Freud critical media contributions
After rereading Freud's thesis on the mental label "women's masochism", defined as "pleasure in pain", Caplan, missing the term 'Macho personality disorder' defeated Freud in 'The Myth of Women's Masochism.' 'Women's masochism' was redefined as selfdefeating personality disorder, proposed in DSM III-R for further review.
Linkless media offerings
References to S. Freud, starting minute 33:52
Documentaries and movies (engl.) on S. Freud
Modern political propaganda began in Britain with George Creel. Minute 40:36
The Freud dynasty – largely associated with the Tavistock Institute in London – influenced the way corporations and governments
1 See: Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation ⇑
2 Paul Ferris, Dr. Freud. A Life, S. 135, Counterpoint, Washington, D.C., 1997 ⇑
3 Paul Ferris, Dr. Freud. A Life, S. 16, Counterpoint, Washington, D.C., 1997 ⇑
4 Article Was Freud A Depraved, Drug Addicted Deviate?, presented by, John Smethers, Ph.D., ~May 2015 ⇑
5 Jean Chiriac, Freud and the "Cocaine Episode", presented by, AROPA, 1998-2015 ⇑
6 Sigmund and Minna? The Biographer as Voyeur, presented by the US American newspaper The New York Times, Peter Gay, 29. January 1989 ⇑
7 Kathleen Daniels, Minna's Story. The Secret Love of Doctor Sigmund Freud, Health Press, 1992 ⇑
8 Article Hotel Log Hints at Illicit Desire That Dr. Freud Didn’t Repress, presented by the US American newspaper The New York Times, Ralph Blumenthal, 24. December 2006 ⇑
9 Artikel "Meine Glückstiere" – Die Patientinnen von Sigmund Freud. Wer waren Sie?, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Nachrichtenmagazin profil, 6. Oktober 2007 ⇑
10 Article by Jay Geller, The Godfather of Psychoanalysis: Circumcision, Antisemitism, Homosexuality, and Freud's "Fighting Jew", presented by the US American peer-reviewed academic journal Journal of the American Academy of Religion, American Academy of Religion, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 355-385, Oxford University Press, June 1999 ⇑
11 Judith Lewis Herman (*1942) US American psychiatrist, researcher, teacher, author, Father-Daughter Incest, 1981, S. 9-10, Harvard University Press, 5. May 2000 ⇑
12 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) US American former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 122, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005 ⇑
13 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections,
S. 149, Fontana Press, 1961, reissued edition 6. March 1995 ⇑
14 Peter Gay (1923-2015) US American historian, educator, skeptical Freud biographer, author, biography Freud. A Life for Our Time, S. 143, J. M. Dent & Sons, 1988, cited in: Kevin B. MacDonald, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of psychology, biobehavioural scientist, California State University-Long Beach, author, The Culture of Critique. An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, Praeger, 1998, chapter 4 "Jewish Involvement in the Psychoanalytic Movement" (Delineating the Jewish guru syndrome), S. 121, 1stbooks Library, paperback edition 2002 ⇑
15 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 116, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005 ⇑
16 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 127, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005 ⇑
17 Mannoni, S. 168, 1971, cited in: Kevin B. MacDonald, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of psychology, biobehavioural scientist, California State University-Long Beach, author, Freud's Follies. Psychoanalysis as a Religion, Cult, and Political Movement, presented by, 1996 ⇑
18 Thomas S. Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian US-American professor emeritus of psychiatry, psychoanalyst, social critic of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry and scientism, author, The Myth of Psychotherapy. Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression, S. 146, Syracuse University Press, paperback, 1. December 1988 ⇑
19 See: ⚡ Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, author, Moses and Monotheism, Hogarth Press, London, Institute of Psychoanalysis, Vienna and Zurich, 1939 ⇑
20 David Bakan (1921-2004) US American psychologist, co-founder and director of the American Psychological Association's Division 26, author, Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, Beacon Press, Boston, 1958, Dover Publications, 9. December 2004 ⇑
21 E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi. Sexual Liberation and Political Control, S. 116, St. Augustine's Press, 1999, 1st edition 15. April 2005
Article Freud and His "Negro": Psychoanalysis as Ally and Enemy of African Americans, presented by Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, volume 1, issue 1, Claudia Tate, US American author, S. 53-62, spring 1996, reprint by Chicken Bones, Journal for Literary & Artistic African-American Themes ⇑
22 Deleted video presentation by E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. (*1948) former professor, media commentator, editor of the Culture Wars Magazine, author, Libido Dominandi Sexual Liberation and Political Control through manipulation, presented by TruTube.TV, minute 33:52, 1:00:45 duration, posted 24. March 2013 ⇑
23 One of Freud's last writings ⇑
24 See: Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation ⇑
25 German source: Artikel War er ein guter Vater? Sigmund Freud war für seine sechs Kinder nahezu unerreichbar. Auch deshalb hatte er auf sie großen Einfluss., präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Elisabeth Thadden, Nº 22, 30. Mai 2010
Reference: Sophie Freud, Living in the Shadow of the Freud Family, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1. January 2007 ⇑
26 Masson referenced David Livingstone's book Black Terror. White Soldiers. Islam, Fascism and the New Age, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 16. June 2013 ⇑
27 See also: David Livingstone (*1966), Controversies in Psychotherapy and Counselling, 12 pages, presented by Sage Publications, August 1999 ⇑
28 See: Tavistock's agenda: long-term crowd control, mass-brainwashing, dehumanization, and depopulation ⇑
29 The B’nai B’rith International ("Children of the Covenant") is the oldest Jewish service organization in the world, a severed secret Freemason lodge founded in London. It is committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people and the State of Israel and combating antisemitism and bigotry. Its mission is to unite persons of the Jewish faith and to enhance Jewish identity through strengthening Jewish family life.
[Die B’nai B’rith (Söhne des Bundes) sind eine abgetrennte Freimaurer-Großloge, die 1843 als Geheimloge in London gegründet wurde. Seit damals ist sie ausschließlich Juden vorbehalten und nach dem Muster der Freimaurer organisiert, der anzugehören sie jedoch ablehnen.] ⇑
30 "The term 'anti-Semitism' is used by the Israel lobby in the United States to restrict criticism of Israel's violent and inhumane policies against the Palestinian people and Israel's domination over the US government." Images From Palestine, Facebook comment, 9. January 2016 ⇑