Wiki / Neurowissenschaft
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Chrystal mind, computer generated art |
Das Gehirn ist nicht eine Hardware, die mit dem Geist als Software ausgerüstet ist, sondern beides spielt auf eine untrennbare und sehr komplizierte Weise zusammen. |
We need both these processes [of each brain hemisphere]. We need division and we need union, but those two need also to be unified. |
The left hemisphere is always engaged in a purpose: it always has an end in view, and downgrades whatever has no instrumental purpose in sight. The right hemisphere, by contrast, has no designs on anything. It is vigilant for whatever is, a relationship of con- |
Hebb's Law: |
Hebb'sche Regel
Wenn ein Axon des Neurons A nahe genug an einem Neuron B liegt, so dass Neuron B wiederholt oder anhaltend von Neuron A erregt wird, so wird die Effizienz von Neuron A für die Erregung von Neuron B durch Wachstumsprozesse oder eine Stoffwechsel- änderung in beiden oder einem der beiden Neurone erhöht. Somit sind erfahrungsbedingte Veränderungen im Nervensystem von bestimmten Bedingungen abhängig. |
Referenz: ► Artikel Lernen und Gedächtnis – Neurophysiologische Grundlagen, präsentiert von, aktualisiert am 1. Februar 2017 |
Referenzen: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Gehirnwellenbereiche Artikel All About Brainwaves Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland, Florida, undated |
Siehe auch: ► Vier Seinsebenen – Hartmann • Gebser • Heim |
![]() Gehirnwellen
Die EEGs von Kindern sind ganz anders als die von Erwachsenen! |
Quellen (engl.) zum Elefant-Reiter-Gleichnis vorgestellt von Dr. Jonathan Haidt (*1963) US-amerikanischer Professor für Sozial-, Kultur- Moralpsychologie und ethisches Führungswissen, New York University Stern School of Business, Autor ► Buch Die Glückshypothese. Was uns wirklich glücklich macht (The Happiness Hypothesis. Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom), Vak-Verlag, 3. Auflage November 2011 ► Audiointerview Happiness Hypothesis [Die Glückshypothese], präsentiert von Charlottesville Podcasting Network, Radio Shows WNRN, Wake-Up Call, Gastgeber Pete Ronayne, 56:10 Minuten Dauer, Minute 12-16, Sendetermin 25. Juni 2006 | ||||
Siehe auch: ► Tabu und ► Vier Gehirne und ► Vier Gehirnwellenbereiche und ► Vier Seinsebenen – Hartmann • Gebser • Heim | ||||
See also: ► Four basic brains and the ethical brain |
Grafik von Ruch / Zimbardo, 1974
Referenz: ► Übersicht Hirnwellen (und was sie bedeuten...), präsentiert von der Publikation, Dr. Matthias Jacobi, 2002-2018 |
See also: ► Seven primary affective systems – Jaak Panksepp |
Eine Studie an der Universität von Pennsylvania in Philadelphia unter Leitung des Radiologen Dr. Andrew Newberg ergab, dass in den Momenten tiefster religiöser Meditation im Scheitellappen das so genannte "Orientierungs-Assoziations-Areal" (OAA) stillgelegt wird. Es hat die Aufgabe, dem Menschen jederzeit klar zu machen, wo sein Körper endet und die Außenwelt anfängt. Die Forscher hatten die Hirntätigkeit von meditierenden buddhistischen Mönchen und betenden katho- |
Quelle: ► Artikel Hirnforscher sind auf der Suche nach Gott, präsentiert von W. Stangl,, Stand 14. September 2019 |
Aus der auffälligen Inaktivierung des OAA, die während der Meditation zu beobachten ist, hat Dr. Andrew Newberg den Schluss gezogen, dass im Moment höchster religiöser Versenkung die Grenze zwischen Ich und Welt verschwindet und der natürliche Bezug zu Raum und Zeit verloren geht. Damit scheint die neuronale Basis für jene inneren Erleb- |
Referenzen: ► Artikel Gott im Gehirn. Neurotheologie nutzt Erkenntnisse der Naturwissenschaft, präsentiert von der Universitätszeitung Münster, Ausgabe 4, 2. Juli 2008 ► Essay Ist die Neurotheologie nur modischer Schnickschnack? Gott als Produkt der Hirnaktivität, präsentiert von der Zeitschrift Herder Korrespondenz, S. 60-64, Silke Lechtenböhmer, Thomas M. Schmidt (*1960) deutscher katholischer Professor für Religionsphilosophie, Ausgabe S2, 2008 |
Siehe auch: ► Gott |
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Timothy Leary |
Quelle: ► Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007) US-amerikanischer Philosoph, Anarchist, agnostischer Mystiker, Erfolgsautor, Der neue Prometheus, Kapitel 2, Hardware und Software: Das Gehirn und seine Programme, Hugendubel, 1983, Neuauflage August 2003 |
Damit sich das ethische Ich entwickeln kann, muss der präfrontale Kortex entsprechend ausgebildet sein.
Quelle: ► [Übertragen]: Dr. David R. Hawkins, Seminar Handling Spiritual Challenges, Cottonwood, Arizona, 24. April 2010 |
Hinweis betreffend des Kontroll-Ichs
Anmerkung: Es sind nicht "die vielen Zellen, die entscheiden". Entscheidung ist ein Feldeffekt der vorhandenen Bewusstseinsebene.
Siehe auch: ► Selbst |
Die wesentlichen Fissuren und Gehirnlappen des Großhirns, Seitenansicht
Figur 728, Gray's Anatomy, human anatomy textbook, Churchill-Livingstone, Elsevier, 40th edition 2008
In sehr seltenen Fällen bewirken große Ideen nach sehr langer Zeit des Meditierens oder des Betens eine Assymetrie des Thalamus.
Archivfilm Wie man sein Gehirn optimal nutzt, 2008, 2:05:20 Minuten Dauer, archiviert 13. November 2018
Gott, Luzifer, Christus – Dame Ragnell, Riese Gromer und Ritter Gawan – Rotkäppchen, Großmutter, Wolf und Waidmann – Der Hase und das Igelpaar Grimmsches Märchen 187
Personal insights
Coming in as a blank slate
In very rare events big ideas result in thalamic asymmetry after a very long time of meditation or prayer.
The Watchman's Rattle. A Radical New Theory of Collapse, Vanguard Press, first trade paper edition 13. November 2012
Newton, hit by a apple falling off a tree, discovered gravity.
Archimedes, spilling water over the edges of a bathtub, discovered the displacement theory.
Human brains are estimated to have a staggering 86 billion neurons, with multiple connections from each cell webbing in every possible direction, forming the vast cellular network that somehow allows for thinking and consciousness.
Above LoC 200 – Illusionary existence, Linear truth (mentation), Divine power, Beginning and learning of love, Personal responsibility, Karma accountability, Beginning of building an etheric brain
The etheric brain does not exist in individuals with a level of consciousness below 200.
God, Lucifer, Christ – Lady Ragnell, Giant Gromer, Knight Gawain – Grandmother, Wolf, Woodchopper – Hare and the Hedgehog Couple Grimm's tale 187
Other authors commenting on the "left/right brain" dichotomy or conflict
Fundamental culture – Based on human dignity, equality, caring – Right brain view
Secondary culture – Based on status along the ladder of pride⇔shame – Left brain view
Menstruation and right-brain functions
Dyslexia characterizes a predominant right brain.
Yahweh is a two-faced morally schizophrenic, psychopathic god.
Violent elitist-hierarchical either-or left-brained Yahwist systems kept humanity divided.
"The fabulous four" or "the fearsome four" brain chemicals:
Dopamine – Norepinephrine – Oxytocin – Serotonin
See also: ► Internet and ► Sexuality |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Electroencephalography |
Sources: ► Deleted article by Charlie Badenhop, Integrating the body's four "brains": The paradox of reason and emotion, AHP Perspective, June/July 2004 ► Video presentation by Layne Redmond, When the Drummers Were Women, Esalen Workshop, YouTube film, 3:55 minutes duration, posted 5. November 2008 The shamanistic and meditative affect of drumming on the brain. | |||
References: en.Wikipedia entries ► Somatic nervous system and ► Triune brain / Reptilian brain and ► Limbic system and ► Neocortex and ► Prefrontal cortex |
See also: ► Levels of Transformation II – Five brain frames – From survival → service |
Siehe auch: ► Vier Gehirne – Korrelationen und ► Vier Gehirne und ► Vier Gehirnwellenbereiche |
Adapted source: ► Article Top Ten Myths About the Brain, presented by the US American journal Smithsonian, Laura Helmuth, 20. May 2011 |
Amazing brain powers
![]() Iain McGilchrist ♦ ◊ ♦ Author and public speaker Iain McGilchrist, M.D. (*1953) is a British phy- The bilateral division of the brain occurred very early on in evolution.2
Both hemispheres are needed for human survival and mental health. Due to their anatomical and functional differentiation, they are neither equivalent nor redundant. They function each in a distinct way and together as an integrated whole.
In general, the two hemispheres of the human brain both perform the same (not distinct) functions in distinct ⚑ the right hemisphere is primary
⚑ whereas both hemispheres are meant to work together.
⚑ When the left and the right brains share their different but complementary perspectives on the world and cooperate with each other intellectual and spiritual progress toward wholeness is ensured.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks the dichotomy of the Apollonian and Dionysian mindframes has not been solved in Western civilization. The "unconscious" battle between the brain hemispheres extended to reductionist-mechanistic cultural and societal developments resulting in a gravely imbalanced Western culture. |
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. But we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Attributed to Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born US American theoretical physicist, developer of the theory of general relativity, Nobel laureate in physics, 1921, unsourced Power [right brain] always results in a win-win solution, force [left brain] produces win-lose situations. ⚡ Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 167, Hay House, February 2002 |
Related literature: ► Erich Fromm (1900-1980) US American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, author, To Have or to Be?, Harper & Row, 1976 |
See also: ► Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages ► Goals ⇔ process ► Balanced characteristics of creative people – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ► Pride culture ⇔ Dignity culture |
Siehe auch: ► Gegenüberstellung von Patristik und Matristik |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Lateralization of brain function |
See also: ► Culture and ► Macrohistoric timetable of evolution: Goddess ⇔ Alphabet ♦ Images ⇔ Writing ♦ Right ⇔ left brain hemispheres |
McGilchrist suggests the master (RB) has ever more been betrayed by its emissary (LB), especially over the last 200 years.
Idealistic philosopher Isaiah Berlin listed the three basic tenets of scientific truth finding in the Age of Enlightenment:
Sources featuring Lynne McTaggart (*1951) US American alternative medicine activist, lecturer, publisher, journalist, author of the international bestseller Living The Field, 2003, updated 2008 ► Video interview The Intention Experiment, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 52:49 minutes duration, posted March 2008 Subject to fee ► Article The Intention Experiment, initiated by Lynne McTaggart (*1951) US American alternative medicine activist, lecturer, publisher, journalist, presented by the website, 2007 ► Book The Intention Experiment, Atria Books, paperback, 5. February 2008 |
See also: ► Intention and ► Attractor |
Source: ► Video presentation by Daniel Amen, M.D. (*1954) US American physician, child and adult neuropsychiatrist, medical director of the Amen Clinic, self-help advisor, lecturer, author, Fit, Fun and Faith, sponsored by Saddleback Church, Daniel Plan series, event at New Community Church, 31. July 2011, YouTube film, 42:47 minutes duration, posted by newcommunitychurchmv 13. August 2011 |
See also: ► Gender research and ► Relationship tips ► Empirical data on gender-specific brain differences – Louann Brizendine ► Male and female brains – Corpus callossum and hypothalamus |
NOTE: Dopamine-Norepinephrine-Oxytocin-Serotonin are called both the "fabulous four" and the "fearsome four" brain chemicals. |
Sources featuring Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D. (*1953) US American professor emerita of International Management, California State University, East Bay, founder of the Inner Mammal Institute ► Video presentation This is your mammal brain – Loretta Breuning, YouTube film, 14:58 minutes duration, posted 29. April 2012 ► Book Meet Your Happy Chemicals. Dopamine, Endorphin, Oxytocin, Serotonin, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 14. February 2012 ► Article How to Hack Your Hormones for a Better Mood, presented by the publication, 30. September 2019 |
See also: ► Happiness research |
A brain center complex covers four brain circuits at once:
The healthy development of this complex in infants depends on the constant reliable presence of a non stressed emotionally available parenting care giver.
Endorphins are natural opiates (morphin like substances) produced in and by the body. They are chemicals to enhance joy and love as well as to soothe pain and supply reward. ⚑ Endorphins are essential for physical and emotional pain relief.
⚑ Endorphins support the immune system to fight off diseases.
⚑ Endorphins are connected with the feeling of reward (satisfaction).
⚑ Endorphins are love chemicals present when infants connect with their parents.
⚑ Endorphins are present with the feeling (state) of joy and elation.
Food, sex, drugs (i.e. opiates, antidepressants) are substitutes to suppress physical pain and emotional stress and to give reward (in search of joy and love). The abusive intake of these means may lead to addictions. When impulse control and stress control are damaged as well it's hard to overcome addictions induced by deficiently developed brain circuits. |
Leonard Shlain, M.D. (1937-2009) was a US American polymath, researcher, chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery at the UC San Francisco and writer. An avid reader and storyteller, he was able to keep many stories and facts which he had picked up in mind. He could make sense out of them by sequencing them anew.
Attempting to understand the right brain/left brain dichotomy, he found that the most creative people are found among: wo-men, homosexuals, bald-headed men in early age, color-blinds and lefthanded ones.
In various societies the population consists of
⚑ about 51% women and
⚑ 8-11% are homosexuals, lefthanders, young bald men and color-blind men.
Apparently these more rare conditions result in a much broader corpus callo-
sum, the bridge between both hemispheres of their brains. The brain halves of women, gays, bald men, lefthanders, and color-blind are more closely interlaced than those of heterosexual, righthanded, haired men.
Assymmetries in male/female biology – availing an advantage in hunting
Humans were hunters and gatherers for 99% of their their metahistorical existence. The human species exhibit the most expressive homosexuality among all species. Why? To provide meat to the
tribe, especially to iron deficient women.
The myth that balded men are sexier than the haired men results from their hunting advantage to bring home more meat.
Source: ► Video presentation by Leonard Shlain, M.D. (1937-2009) US American chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, researcher, writer, "The Big O", YouTube film, minute 35:37ff, 53:56 minutes duration, posted 1. November 2012 |
Differing language skills between men and women
With women in general (incl. lesbians), lefties, color-blind, bald headed men, gays, and memory superbrains the distribution of language skills is much less one-sided. They have a bigger corpus callosum which serves them to communicate their emotions – stored in the right brain and mostly translated and expressed via the left brain – in a more explicit way.
Females have at least twenty percent more neurons than males in the brain's Broca area (where language is produced), and up to 18% more volume in the Wernicke's area (where language is interpreted).
During infancy girls develop first the left hemisphere which is the brain's language center for most people whereas the order is reversed for boys which allows them to develop their spatial ability.
95% of the language skills of straight man are in the left brain (so called masculine side), whereas only 5% thereof are in the right hemisphere (so called feminine side). Among elderly stroke victims, women recover their speech much more quickly than men. A stroke in the left hemisphere of the brain leaves heterosexual men devastated as their speech faculty is basically gone.
Girls talk earlier than boys, have a larger pre-school vocabulary, and form more complex sentences. In school, they are one to one-and-a-half years ahead of boys in reading and writing, verbal memory and fluency, and spelling. Boys are twice as likely to have a language or reading problem and three to four times more likely to stutter. On average, girls utter two to three times more words per day than boys and speak faster (twice as many words per minute).
Musical abilities reside predominantly in the right hemisphere of the brain. The right parietal lobe and the right frontal lobe light up with trained musicians who are able to play music by ear. When a musician has learned how to write and to read music his right and left brains light up. The emotional aspects of music are received by the right brain, the tempo of music is perceived by the left brain.
Dyslexic children are predominantly male. The ratio of dyslexia is 9 boys and 1 girl. Possibly due to a failure of hemispheric dominance they find it difficult to decipher the alphabet, a leftbrained activity. Traditionally, 90% of the language centers reside in the left hemisphere of right-handed people. In a right-handed dyslexic, the distribution of language centers is found to be 80/20 or 70/30. Dyslexia seems to have erupted with the introduction of the image-dominant TV-set which enabled an entire generation to devalue the left hemispheric mode of knowing. Television may well be the agent of equilibrating the human brain's two differing modes of perception.
Many dyslexics are talented artists, architects, musicians, composers, dancers, healers, animal whisperer, and surgeons.
The ethical development happens in the frontal lobes within late puberty and continues during adulthood.
The Italian polymath (painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, writer) Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is likely the only human being in recorded history who could have won a Nobel Prize in both
Shlain, inspired by his namesake, found that the ambi-brained balanced genius da Vinci was an illegitimate child, a vegetarian, a bilingual, a synaesthetic, a homosexual, and a composer of music. He was lefthanded, ambidextrous, mirror writing, and hook writing. He was neither bald
in young age nor color-blind or dyslexic.
Source: ► Audio interview with Leonard Shlain, M.D. (1937-2009) US American chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, researcher, writer Leonard Shlain Interview, location University of Toronto's CIUT, presented by the US American web radio station Massive Change, host Jennifer Leonard, 54:24 minutes duration, aired 7. October 2003 |
See also: ► Male and female brains – Corpus callossum and hypothalamus |
Masculine creeds evolved with the written word in an alphabet. The first two Commandments of the Ten Commandments in
the Old Testament [first book issued 900 BC] reject the influence of the Goddess (right brain, Yin) and ban any form
of representative art. Women were forbidden to be priestesses in the 3rd millennium when the New Testament was transcribed.
Since the introduction of photography and TV [emitting/inducing alpha and theta brain waves] we witness the rise of the femi-
nine and the decline of the male (left brain, Yang) dominance after 5,000 years of patriarchy.
70,000 years ago when people migrated out of Africa women in the Northern hemisphere wanted iron to cover the enormous loss of iron during menstruation, birth, pregnancy and breast feeding. They loose 40 pints of blood over a lifetime during men-
sis. The fetus sucks out one 1/8 of iron from a woman. Out of 4000 species of mammals less than 100 experience menses,
31 of which are primates including the humans. [min. 18:30] It is considered "normal" that women have 15% less hemoglobin
and red cells than men.
Men started to hunt animals for women. Humans spent 99% of their experience as hunters/gatherers. (Tribes consisted of 150-225 persons (cp. Dunbar's number); hunting parties consisted of 9-12 men in their prime.)
The unparalleled female orgasm secured conception. The G-spot serves as the antedote to birth pain.
Youth, health and beauty [subcutaneous fat, pheromenes] most attracts men to women.
See also: ► Macrohistoric timetable of evolution: Goddess ⇔ Alphabet ♦ Images ⇔ Writing ♦ Right ⇔ left brain hemispheres ► Male and female brains – Corpus callossum and hypothalamus ► Quotes by Leonard Shlain |
Note: Conservative (authoritarian) personalities tend to block distracting information i.e. tend to be in denial. |
* Stress – Brain scan studies show decreased activity in different parts of the frontal lobes when exposed to different forms of stress. Mental and physical activities (meditation, unfocussing, focussing, intense cognitive work, exercise) that increase frontal brain activity decrease stress. Continued stress shrinks the size of the frontal lobe. ► Brain study on stress conducted by J. L. Hanson, M. K. Chung, B. B. Avants, K. D. Rudolph, E. A. Shirtcliff, J. C. Gee, R. J. Davidson, S. D. Pollak, department of psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Structural variations in prefrontal cortex mediate the relationship between early childhood stress and spatial working memory, presented by the weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience, issue 32(23), S. 7917-7925, 6. June 2012 |
Written sources: ► Article Study finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times, Denise Gellene, 10. September 2007 ► Book Paul Zak, Ph.D. (*1962) US American professor of (neuro)economics and neurology, mathematician, oxytocin researcher, Claremont Graduate University, The Center for Neuroeconomics Studies (CNS), Southern California, author, The Moral Molecule. The Source of Love and Prosperity, Dutton Adult, 10. May 2012 ► Article New Studies Show Liberals and Conservatives Have Different Brain Structures, presented by the US American lelf-leaning website AlterNet, Alexandra Rosenmann, 6. June 2016 |
Audio interview: ► Gabor Maté, M.D. (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Failed War on Drugs, drug decriminalization, and addiction, last third, presented by the US American broadcasting station Citizen Radio, aired 2. November 2012 |
Video source: ► Presentation by Gail Saltz, US American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, television commentator, columnist, author, Liberal vs. Conservative: A Neuroscientific Analysis with Gail Saltz, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, Reference, YouTube film, 14:24 minutes duration, posted 29. May 2016 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Biology and political orientation |
See also: ► Culture and ► Violence and ► Politics and ► Politics |
Sources featuring Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. (*1942) US American therapist specializing in the treatment and understanding of chronic stress, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD, tonic immobility), developer of Somatic Experiencing®, educator, author ► Audio dialogue Creating Health In a Traumatized Society, MP3, presented by the US American dissolved webcast Beyond Awakening Series, host Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader, coach, author, 60 minutes duration, aired 11. November 2012 ► Article Resolving Trauma and the "4th Wave" of Psychotherapy, host Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader, coach, author, aired 11. November 2012, presented by the US American blogsport Integral Options Cafe, 18. November 2012 |
See also: ► Trauma and ► Healing and ► Transpersonal psychology and ► Depression and ► Transformation and ► Culture and ► Sociology ► [*] Seven primary affective systems – Jaak Panksepp ► Four basic brains and the ethical brain ► Five types of brain waves ► Four stages of shadow integration ► Four systemic practices of humiliation ► Cubic cosmology as opposed to spheric cosmology – Wallace Black Elk ► Four collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos ► Three challenging lessons in life |
The middle prefrontal circuits of the brain may carry out the so called vertical integration |
Sources adapted from Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. (*1957) US American clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA, co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, educator, author ► Article An Interpersonal Neurobiology Approach to Psychotherapy: Awareness, Mirror Neurons, and Neural Plasticity in the Development of Well-Being, originally presented by the monthly peer-reviewed review journal Psychiatric Annals, volume 36, issue 4, April 2006, reissued by the social networking site for scientists and researchers ResearchGate ► Video presentation Goldie Hawn and Dan Siegel, presented by TEDMED Talks 2009, YouTube film, 19:00 minutes duration, posted 3. May 2010 Listing the nine integrative functions of the middle prefrontal cortex Minute 15:30 – Brain hygiene practice for neural integration Minute 16:30 |
See also: ► Consciousness |
Sources: ► Article Neurodiversity. A Concept Whose Time Has Come, presented by the American Institute for Learning and Human Development, Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., undated ► Book by Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., US American executive director of the American Institute for Learning and Human Development, educator, speaker, author, The Power of Neurodiversity. Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain, Cambridge, Massachussetts, DaCapo Lifelong/Perseus Books, 4. October 2011 |
A USC study has found the first proof of structural brain abnormalities in people who habitually lie, cheat and manipulate others. While previous research has shown that there is heightened activity in the prefrontal cortex – the area of the brain that enables most people to feel remorse or learn moral behavior – when normal people lie, this is the first study to provide evidence of structural differences in that area among pathological liars.
The USC study of pathological liars showed first evidence of structural differences
in the area of the brain that enables most people to feel remorse.
Aside from having histories of conning others or using aliases, the habitual liars also ad-
mitted to malingering, or telling falsehoods to obtain sickness benefits. After they were categorized, the researchers used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to explore struc-
tural brain differences between the groups. "Liars had significantly more 'white matter' and slightly less 'gray matter' than those they were measured against." "Pathological liars' can't always tell truth from falsehood and contradict themselves in an interview. They are manipulative and they admit they prey on people. They are very brazen in terms of their manner, but very cool when talking about this."
Source: ► Article Liars' Brains Wired Differently, presented by USC Dornsife, Usha Sutliff, 29. September 2005 |
Links (engl.) zum Thema Neurowissenschaft / Neuro scienceLiteratur
Literature (engl.)
Wikipedia entry: Descartes' Error
Combining the disciplines of Autogenic Training and Biofeedback Training
Book review: Oppositional Thinking. Reconciling the two hemispheres of the brain, presented by the Los Angeles Review of Books, Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult, 9. February 2012
Joining modern science with ancient teachings
Externe Weblinks
In den 60er Jahren schloss der Polygraph-Wissenschaftler Cleve Backster (1924-2013) seine Lieblingspflanze an einen Lügendetektor an.
Deutsch-schweizerisches Experiment zur Manipulation der Selbstwahrnehmung; Studie "Video Ergo Sum: Manipulating Bodily Self-Consciousness"
Die menschliche Seele korreliert mit dem limbischen System.
Linklose Artikel
External web links (engl.)
Love triggers dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin.
Power of compassion. Buddhist monks produce gamma waves. Study results were published at the US American nonprofit, non-governmental organization National Academy of Sciences (NAS), November 2004.
A study suggests soldiers form loyal "Bands of Brothers" fighting and dying for each other because they have the same instincts that let mothers ferociously protect their newborns.
The brain doesn't distinguish between physical pain and intense emotional pain. Science [a study led by Ethan Kross, Ph.D., department of psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan] confirmed that heartache and breakups are not allegorical pains, but real pains.
Liberal or conservative political views made research subjects less able to solve a math problem.
Skeletal evidence from every inhabited continent suggests that human brains have become smaller in the past 10,000 to 20,000 years.
Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine found that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist.
Creative people have more white matter and better-connected brains, study finds.
1. Talk to a neutral party.
Neurons are talking to one another, via a mysterious process unrelated to conventionally understood mechanisms: synaptic transmission, axonal transport, and gap junction connections.
Linkless articles
Audio- und Videolinks, Frequenz von Geist und Gehirn, ab (ehemals) Braincast # 92, Oktober 2007
Linklose Medienangebote
Braincast-Audiolinks – Hirnfunk, Arvid LeyhHörfunk-Podcasts von und mit Arvid Leyh (*1968) deutscher Wissenschaftsjournalist, Redaktionsleiter von, Podcaster, Autor, präsentiert von, Frequenz von Geist und Gehirn, 2005-2007
Definitionen, Eckdaten und Hintergruende über Intelligenz, Woher und wofür?
Innenverhältnis Körper, Gehirn und Geist
Große Gefühle, Lebensnotwendiges, Neurologie und Hormonelles bei Verliebtheit, Liebe und Verlassenwerden; Treue, Homosexualität, Hypothalamus, Orgasmen, 2 Minuspunkte für Männer
Der Freie Wille aus neurobiologischer Sicht, B. Libet-Experiment
Gedächtnis, eine hochkreative Angelegenheit; absolutes Gedächtnis, kein reiner Segen.
Moral, Altruismus, Fairness, Freundlichkeit
Neurologischer Konstruktivismus
Fluch und Segen von Emotionen und Gefühlen; über den Körper; Überlebensentscheidungen
Planen, handeln, hemmen – die Hauptaufgaben des präfrontalen Cortex (PFC); direkte Verbindung zum Gefühl und das Soziale.
Glück ist bereits vorhanden; hedonistische Tretmühle
Nahtodeserlebnisse, Lichttunnel und Schwebezustände beim Sterben sind neurologisch zu erklären.
Witze sind komplex, stellen hohe Anforderungen an den Hörer. Bei Verstehen belohnen sie Körper und Geist. Hintergründe des Witzigen.
Biofeedback kann unbewusste Körperprozesse bewusst machen. Beeinflussung von Magensäuregehalt, Stress, Herzschlag und Atmung
Schmerz ist lebensnotwendig, von störend bis unerträglich, diffus oder punktuell, akut bis chronisch und grundsätzlich. Herkunft, Verarbeitung und die Rolle der Geistes
Diskussion: Richard Dawkins, Biologe, The God Delusion, Extreme polarisierend, "Kampf" der Wissenschaft gegen die Kirche
Neurologische Hemmung ist unverzichtbar, dargestellt an Zellen, Arealen, Gedächtnis, soziales Miteinander und Kreativität
Das Krankheitsbild Schizophrenie ist umstritten bei ein Prozent der Bevölkerung weltweit. Symptome, Selbstversuch, Entstehung; die eigenen Gedanken sind unkontrollierbar
Zeit ist eine hochkomplexe Sache, psychologisch und neurologisch sehr flexibel; dargestellt an Kampfsport, Krankheiten; Zeitsinn auf Dopamin.
Die Amygdala ist die einflussreichste Hirnstruktur; reagiert auf Bedrohung zum Selbsterhalt
Was ist wahr, was ist real – im Gehirn? Was sagen die Philosophen dazu?
Priming ist oft unbewusste Wahrnehmung, unbewusste Hinführung zur Interpretation, Entscheidung und Stimmung. Evolutionär sinnvoll, Anfälligkeit für Beeinflussung durch Werbung und Verkauf
Aufmerksamkeit – steuern wir sie (bottom-up) oder steuert sie uns (top-down)? Ist das Gehirn strukturell von unten oder funktional von oben zu erklären; neurologische Konstruktivismus; kognitive Beschränktheit von Rassisten
Das menschliche Großhirn besteht aus zwei Hälften mit unterschiedlichen Aufgaben. Optimismus und Depression, Sprache und Musik. Aufbau, Verbindendes und Trennendes sowie Bewusstsein.
Weisheit als erlesenste Möglichkeiten im Gehirn.
Audio and video links (engl.)
Pioneering work with rats in the 1960's on the positive effects of enriched environments on brain growth – Given the right conditions, the brain continues to grow all during life and not just in the early years.
Dynamic multi media performance exploring the roots of the left-brain dominant culture, emergence of alphabetic literacy across the world and the correlating subjugation of women and all things "female", "the goddess archetype as a metaphor for the right-brain wisdom"
Exploring the roots of the left-brain dominant culture, the emergence of alphabetic literacy across the world and the correlating subjugation of women and all things "female", "the goddess archetype as a metaphor for the right-brain wisdom"
Mindfulness is neurologically enhancing.
The underdeveloped Anterior Cingulate Cortex in the brain of an ADHD patient results in poor emotional regulation with damaging effects in social interaction.
Men have 6.5 times more grey matter [thinking neurons], a better spatial orientation and maths skills than women.
"We live with mismatched instincts and are surrounded with supernormal allurements."
Sample chapter from the DVD Breaking the Babylon Mind
Reformatting one's brain and increasing one's intellect
Linkless media offerings
Free Will, minute 33:00; Nano-wiring the brain, minute 53:00
Function of the amygdala brain region when anxiety and fear are present
Audio and video links (engl.) – Daniel Amen
Spect Scan brain tests on longterm users of various drugs [Spect-Scans-Untersuchungen der Gehirne unter Drogeneinwirkung]
Linkless media offering
Audio and video links (engl.) – Louann Brizendine
Q&A on female brains
Linkless media offerings
Audio and video links (engl.) – Richard Davidson and Dan Rather
Featuring the compassion study
Neuroscientific research on positive human qualities such as compassion and how they can be cultivated through contemplative practice
Neuroscientists prove neurogenesis and neuroplasticity by testing the effect of long-term meditating Buddhist monks on brain and emotions.
Linkless media offering
Audio and video links (engl.) – Helen FisherLinkless media offerings
Audio and video links (engl.) – Lee Gerdes
Audio and video links (engl.) – Bede Griffiths
Audio and video links (engl.) – Rick Hanson
Audio and video links (engl.) – Caroline Leaf
Audio and video links (engl.) – Gabor MatéLinkless media offerings
ADD i.e. absent-mindedness as a coping mechanism, recall and implicit memory, counter-will Audio and video links (engl.) – Iain McGilchrist
McGilchrist explores the nature of thought, matter and consciousness.
Two of the leading thinkers of the current time focussing on topics as brain, chaos, order, freedom, evil, mythology, being, and becoming.
Audio and video links (engl.) – Andrew Newberg
An active spirtual life physically changes the brain.
Audio and video links (engl.) – Daniel Pink
Audio and video links (engl.) – Daniel SiegelAudios und Videos featuring Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. (*1957) US American clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA, co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, educator, author
Audio and video links (engl.) – Leonard Shlain
Linkless media offerings
Audio and video links (engl.) – Jill Bolte Taylor Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor was a 37 year old Harvard-trained and published brain scientist when she experienced a rare and severe AVM stroke which was the end of her old self. A blood vessel hemorrhaged and clogged up her left brain hemisphere. With the mindset of a trained neuroanatomist,
Audio and video links (engl.) – Russell Targ
Audio and video links (engl.) – Gary Wilson
Discussing the relationship between pornography and brain circuits
Wilson explains the science behind the effects of pornography on the brain and body, how addiction is developed, and the widely published! misleading idea of "perceived addiction."
Movies and documentaries
Physiological studies of yogis in India in 1974
Breakthrough research in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to heal itself
Audio and video links (engl.) – Humorous ♦ Play |
Englisch Wiki
1 Cordelia Fine, Ph.D. (*1975) Australian academic psychologist, freelance writer, author, Delusions of Gender. How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference, W. W. Norton & Company, 1st edition 30. August 2010 ⇑
2 Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Scott D. de Hart, Ph.D., US American philosopher, scholar in theology, author, Yahweh The Two-Faced God, Periprometheus Press Hera, 9. February 2012 ⇑
3 Concept developed by Martin Buber (1878-1965) Austrian-born Jewish religious researcher and philosopher, translator, educator ⇑
4 "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines." Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) US American philosopher, Unitarian, lecturer, poet, essayist, essay Self-Reliance, 1841, 2nd edition 1847 ⇑
5 "Likeverd" is the Norwegian word for "equality in dignity". ⇑
6 Four response categories of women – Ellie Drake ⇑
8 Rene Descartes was very, very smart, but as it turned out, he was wrong. Lorimer Moseley, Ph.D., Australian professor of neuroscience, University of South Australia, pain researcher, International Association for the Study of Pain ⇑
9 Income and status gap in 23 of the rich developed countries worldwide – Wilkinson und Pickett ⇑
10 Video infographics Global Wealth Inequality, presented by The Rules Org, YouTube film, 3:51 minutes duration, posted 7. July 2013
The richest 2% in the world have more wealth than the rest of 7 billion people worldwide.
The richest 300 people have more wealth than 3 billion people (population of India, China, Brazil, and US combined).
Gap 1810s: The richest countries were 3 times as rich as the poorest countries.
Gap 1960s (end of colonialism): The richest countries were 35 times as rich as the poorest countries.
Gap 2013: The richest countries are 80 times richer as the poorest countries. ⇑
11 Development of social media – Peter Kruse ⇑
12 Article Do Women Find Bald Men to Be More Attractive? New research finds some potential benefits when it comes to romance., presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, 22. December 2016 ⇑
13 Function of the amygdala brain region in anxiety and fear: Video presentation by Paul Whalen, Ph.D., US American physiological psychologist, associate professor of the department of psychological and brain sciences (DBIC), Dartmouth College, The Uncertainty of it All: Brain Lessons for Anxious Times, presented by TED Darthmouth Talks, Dartmouth, 17. April 2010, YouTube film, 20:00 minutes duration, posted 27. April 2010 ⇑
14 Video presentation by Russell Barkley, Ph.D., US American clinical psychologist, ADHD Emotional Regulation, YouTube film, 6:04 minutes duration, posted 15. June 2011
An underdeveloped anterior cingulate cortex in the brain of an ADHD patient results in poor emotional regulation of conflictuous social interaction. ⇑
15 Reference to professor Paul Zak's primary research thesis ⇑