
Hawkins / Audio-Clips






Audio-Clips – Stichwortskripte


⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Videogespräche (engl.) zwischen David und Susan Hawkins Discussion Series – Start 2012

  1. How to Live Your Life Like A Prayer, Session #1, 1 CD, 1 DVD, 60 Minuten Dauer, Januar 2012
  2. What You Are Changes the World, Session #2, [60 Minuten Dauer, Frühjahr 2012

Satsangserie von D. Hawkins, Cottonwood

Satsangserie 2011 (Frage und Antwort Sitzungen) von D. Hawkins

  1. Samstag, 15. Januar, Cottonwood Satsang
  2. Samstag, 12. März, Cottonwood Satsang
  3. Samstag, 21. Mai, Cottonwood Satsang
  4. Samstag, 16. Juli, Cottonwood Satsang
  5. Samstag, 17. September, Cottonwood Satsang
  6. Samstag, 5. November, Cottonwood Satsang

Satsangserie 2010 von D. Hawkins

  1. Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010, Cottonwood Satsang
  2. Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010, Cottonwood Satsang
  3. Mittwoch, 1. September 2010, Cottonwood Satsang
  4. Mittwoch, 10. November 2010, Cottonwood Satsang

Satsangserie 2009 von D. Hawkins, Sedona

  1. Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009, Sedona Satsang
  2. Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009, Sedona Satsang Q&A
  3. Mittwoch, 9. September 2009, Sedona Satsang
  4. Mittwoch, 4. November 2009, Sedona Satsang

Satsangserie 2008 von D. Hawkins, Sedona

  1. Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, Sedona Satsang
  2. Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2008, Sedona Satsang
  3. Mittwoch, 10. September 2008, Sedona Satsang

Satsangserie 2007 von D. Hawkins, Sedona

  1. Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2007
  2. Mittwoch, 14. März 2007
  3. Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007
  4. Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2007
  5. Mittwoch, 12. September 2007

Satsangserie 2006 von D. Hawkins, Sedona

  1. Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2006
  2. Mittwoch, 15. März 2006
  3. Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006
  4. Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2006
  5. Mittwoch, 13. September 2006
  6. Mittwoch, 8. November 2006

Präsentationen von D. Hawkins, Unity Church, Sedona

  1. 6. March 2005 Unity Church of Sedona 2005 March|Unity Church of Sedona]]
    Hawkins as an ACIM teacher in Sedona the 70ties
  2. 25. June 2006 Converting Spiritual Concepts, Unity Church of Sedona



Seminarserie 2010 von D. Hawkins

  • 04-2010 - 24. April, Handling Spiritual Challenges
  • 10-2010 - 16. Oktober, Spiritual Life in Today's World

Seminarserie 2009 von D. Hawkins

  • 02-2009 - 28. Februar, Prescott: What is the World?
  • 04-2009 - 25. April, Prescott: Happiness
  • 07-2009 - 8. August, Prescott: Peace
  • 10-2009 - 4. Oktober, Long Beach, CA: Success

Seminarserie 2008 von D. Hawkins

  • 01-2008 - 26. Januar, Prescott: Spirituality: Reason and Faith
  • 03-2008 - 8. März, Long Beach, Kalifornien: The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment
  • 06-2008 - 14. Juni, Sedona: Belief, Trust and Credibility
  • 06-2008 - 28. Juni 11:30-1:30 2008, Las Vegas: I Can Do It Konferenz, Veranstalter Hay House Verlag
  • 08-2008 - 9. August, Prescott: Overcoming Doubt, Skepticism & Disbelief
  • 10-2008 - 25. Oktober, Sedona: Practical Spirituality
  • 11-2008 - 8. November, Prescott: Freedom: Morality and Ethics
  • 12-2008 - 6. Dezember, Sedona: A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation

Seminarserie 2007 von D. Hawkins

  • 02-2007 - 17. Februar: God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind
  • 04-2007 - 14. April: Relativism vs. Reality
  • 05-2007 - 19. Mai: Las Vegas, I Can Do It Konferenz, Veranstalter Hay House Verlag
  • 06-2007 - 16. Juni: What is Real?
  • 07-2007 - 22. Juli: What is Truth? The Absolute
  • 08-2007 - 18. August: The Human Dilemma
  • 09-2007 - 15. September: A Review of the Work – 2007
  • 10-2007 - 20. Oktober: Creation vs. Evolution
  • 11-2007 - 10. November: Spiritual Survival: Realization of Reality
  • 12-2007 - 8. Dezember: Experiential Reality: The Mystic

Seminarserie 2006 von D. Hawkins

  • 02-2006 - 18. Februar: Experiential Reality
  • 04-2006 - 22. April: Perception vs. Essence
  • 06-2006 - 17. Juni: Spiritual Truth vs. Spiritual Fantasy
  • 08-2006 - 19. August: Reason vs. Truth
  • 09-2006 - 15. September: A Review of the Work
  • 10-2006 - 21. Oktober: Spiritual Practice and Daily Life
  • 11-2006 - 18. November: Live Your Life Like A Prayer
  • 12-2006 - 9. Dezember: Is the Miraculous Real?

Seminarserie 2005 von D. Hawkins

  • 02-2005 - 25. Februar: Vision
  • 04-2005 - 16. April: Alignment
  • 05-2005 - 28. Mai: Intention
  • 06-2005 - 18. Juni: Transcending Barriers
  • 07-2005 - 16. Juli: Conviction
  • 08-2005 - 20. August: Serenity
  • 09-2005 - 3. September: Transcending Obstacles
  • 10- 2005 - 15. Oktober: Spiritual Traps
  • 11-2005 - 5. November: Valid Teachers and Teachings
  • 12-2005 - 10. Dezember: God, Religion and Spirituality

Seminarserie 2004 von D. Hawkins

  • 02-2004 - 28. Februar: Thought and Ideation
  • 04-2004 - 17. April: Emotions and Sensations
  • 06-2004 - 19. Juni: Perceptions and Positionality
  • 08-2004 - 14. August: Identification and Illusion
  • 10-2004 - 16. Oktober: Witnessing and Observing
  • 12-2004 - 11. Dezember: The Ego and The Self

Seminarserie 2003 von D. Hawkins

  • 02-2003 - Februar: Integration of Spirituality
  • 04-2003 - April: Spirituality and the World
  • 06-2003 - 28. Juni: Spiritual Community
  • 08-2003 - August: Enlightenment
  • 11-2003 - 1. November: Realization of the Self and the "I"
  • 12-2003 - Dezember: Dialogue, Questions and Answers

Seminarserie 2002 von D. Hawkins

  • 01-2002 - Januar: Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation
  • 02-2002 - Februar: Radical Subjectivity
  • 03-2002 - März: Levels of Consciousness
  • 04-2002 - April: Positionality and Duality
  • 05-2002 - 4. Mai: Perception and Illusion
  • 06-2002 - Juni: 'Realizing the Root of Consciousness''
  • 07-2002 - Juli: The Nature of Divinity vs. Religious
  • 08-2002 - August: Advaita. The Way to God through Mind
  • 09-2002 - 27. September: Devotion. The Way to God Through the Heart
  • 10-2002 - Oktober: Karma and the Afterlife
  • 11-2002 - November: God Transcendent and Immanent
  • 12-2002 - Dezember: Realization of the Self: Final Moments

Office Serie von D. Hawkins

A01 - Stress

  • Stress is resisting what I don't want.
  • The problem is within ourselves to merely shift our attitude about it.
  • The capacity to laugh about yourself – Humor at LoC 550


A02 - Health

  • Look at the body as something pleasurable – with lovingness and gratitude.
  • We know we are not the body.
  • The healthy person begins to develop a sense of self that is independent of external events and independent of being the body itself.


A03 - Spirituality

  • To prevent spiritual crisis, do individual research in the Map of Consciousness (field of reference). Check first per muscle test. What is the level of the teaching? The nnocent undiscerning child within us needs a way to find spiritual teachings that are going to be beneficial.


A04 - Sexuality

  • Desire has a negative energy field. It seems to bring in the propensity of a whole negative energy field, which makes us prone to guilt, apathy, grief, fear, worries, anger, pridefulness, anxiety of perform. Freed of desire one gets rid of guilt, anger, remorse, anticipation, of giving and getting, to keep, to own, to manipulate, to control.
  • If the orientation is coming from the heart and on has let go of desiringness then sexuality is only being with another person and then sexuality goes on to old age unimpaired.


A05 - The Aging Process

  • We have options, we can choose to be different. We can choose to let go of the belief system [on aging] in our family.
  • Belief systems on aging like retiring from jobs means retiring from life. Successful people did not buy that option.


A06 - Handling Major Crisis

  • The only thing we really ever have to handle about the events in life is our feelings.
  • The only thing that you have to handle in these acute catastrophic events [major life crisis] is the energy of emotions themselves.
  • Our feelings come from our attitudes, our beliefs, our way of being with that, the way we view ourselves of being in the world. So that
    will give a variety to the emotions.
  • It's not the event that has happened in the world that is our problem. It’s the way we feel about it, the emotional reactions to it. A fact is only a fact, it’s a nothing.


A07 - Worry, Fear, and Anxiety

  • Radical truth means what’s being experienced actually, not what you are thinking about it, not the thoughts about it, the concepts that you’re projecting onto the experience, not the labeling [...], but what you are literally experiencing within yourself.
  • The technique is to let go, to surrender fully to resisting the feeling [dryness in the mouth, flip-flop feeling in the stomach, trembling] of what is literally experienced.
  • The willow tree which bends with the wind survives. Like the willow tree we bend with the incoming experience. We let it be. We blend with it. We welcome it. We say let‘s have more of it. As you do that you’ll discover much to your surprise that there is a limited amount
    of that sensation. It‘s as though the amount of fear is limited in quantity.


A08 - Pain and Suffering

  • Your mind says [on an ulcer]: If it can‘t call it ulcer, I’m going to say it’s burning. That again is a concept, a thought form which we have learned in our learning. Actually you are not experiencing a burning. You're going to the inside now to an experiencing of the experien-
    cing which has no words. You go beyond the words to the experiencing of the experience which has no words. The animal has no
    words a bout that, it just is with what is going on. We are sort of calling up our animal nature. Without saying anything about it, without elaborating. Why? Because these thoughts [on an ulcer i.e.] all bring in complicated programs and belief systems and we then become at the effect of these thoughts. […] Because of the nature of mind I begin to experience all of that because of the power of mind.


A09 - Losing Weight

  • I noticed that I had forgotten to eat. Resist the cultural conditioning of keeping the habit of mealtimes.


A10 - Depression

  • The relief of suffering comes about through an understanding of the nature of consciousness itself and going through the processes
    [...] the willingness to experience out – and it can be experienced out – all the symptoms that are being experienced.
    [...] Using a technique "the worst scenario". Sit down and look at your life and ask: What is the worst possible outcome? What is the feeling that comes up with that? And then to let go resisting that feeling, to cancel out the thoughts about it and instead handle the feeling directly. As we do that we notice that the symptoms begin to abate. [...]
  • We are willing to look at the fact how we got set up [...] having the courage to face how this all came about.


A11 - Illness and Self-Healing

  • The source of all illness is unconscious guilt plus a specific belief system aggravated by suppressed emotions. […] Illness is also
    a result of buying into the collective consciousness. […] Illness comes about as a matter of family belief systems.
  • All illnesses are recoverable. There is no order or difficulty, no matter how severe they may sound to anyone.


A12 - Alcoholism

  • Context is the overall way in which you hold a thing, the space from which you are coming.
  • It's context that defines all meaning […] and defines goal. […] Emotions determine how we experience this energy field in our daily life.
    […] That energy field will also determine how we see the world and how we would relate to God or the God of our understanding because of the limitations of our own energy fields.


B1 - Addiction and Alcoholism

  • Once the person has experienced these divine states [of a near death experience NDE] their life is totally transformed. The movie Lost Horizon depicts those extremely well. If you see the movie Lost Horizon you will understand drugs and alcohol. […] Once the person has experienced this Shangrila and he tries to go back to the world the world of 220 no longer has much appeal. […] And in that movie the main character […] desires to get back to that state of Shangrila [LoC 625]. (Shangrila, once experienced, is a very addicting state
    of consciousness.) So he gives up everything in the world to go back to that state. In respect of drugs and alcohol that is exactly what you are going to do. You will give up anything and everything in order to […]. In the end this state requires that you’ll risk and give up your body. […] You’ll say yes to it.


B3 - A Map of Consciousness

  • These negative fields tend to reinforce each other. Seldom do you see one alone. One predominates but they are really all feeding into each other. So, an upset is usually composed of a composit of all these negative energy fields.
  • This is nothing but an adaptation of the integrity scale combined with of psychoanalysis and various other fields from geomancy etc.
  • Once you tell the truth about something you are above the line [in integrity]. You are no longer a victim.


B4 - Cancer

  • The first thing we have to let go off is unconscious guilt. […] For healing ourselves then we need to almost take ourselves into the our own arms and become that which is compassionate and healing. […] All of us have within us the healer. We begin now to heal our humanness. How do we get rid our ego? Not by making it an enemy, not by attacking it, not by getting into an adversary position with it? But by loving it out of existence. We literally dissolve the ego through compassion and love and understanding.


B6 - Death and Dying

  • The dying process is a surrender and letting go. It is willingness to open one’s heart to be love to others. If you are contemplating dying […] you say to God: 'To those that are dying I send my consciousness, I send my love, my willingness to be one with them.' It's like the forces of the universe then use the power of your consciousness and literally carry it to the person. At first it will seem to you like an imagination, […] like something that you are doing. But after you have done this a few times you suddenly experience that you are not doing this any more. You're saying YES to it because it is being done through you. You yourself go into a state of high joy and ecstasy. What the physical world calls your body is no longer is even important.

Audio- und Videomedien – Seminarmitschnitte (engl.) von D. Hawkins



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