
Hawkins / HomoSpiritus





Homo Spiritus – Ätherisches Gehirn
Über BW 200 / indirekt über BW 500






Überschreitung der Integritätsschwelle (BW 200)

Ein Homo Spiritus hat die 200-er Bewusstseinsschwelle überwunden.


Er ist ein spirituell gespeister Mensch mit eigenverantwortlichem (Mitschöpfer)Bewusstsein, bei dem der Kundalinifluss vom Steiß zum Scheitel eingesetzt hat, der den Kraftzufluss der göttlichen Wirkmacht mitunter spüren kann, dessen ätherisches Gehirn sich auszubilden beginnt, wodurch er ein individuelles Karmakonto hat.


Die Individuation löst die Evolutionsphase des Sippenbewusstseins des Homo sapiens [BW unter 200] ab.

Unterscheidung von Homo sapiens ⇔ Homo spiritus – D. Hawkins

wert [BW]
Unter BW 200Homo sapiensIst dem Sippenbewusstsein unterworfen, überlebensorientiert, Feindbild orientiert, nicht liebesfähig, ohne persönliches Karma, entzieht der Umgebungswelt mehr Energie als er zurückgeben kann, mentiert, statt eigenständig zu denken bzw. eigenverantwortlich zu handelnVor August 1987
Über BW 200Homo spiritusEigenverantwortliches Bewusstsein, Kundalinifluss vom Steiß zum Scheitel setzt ein, Kraftzufluss der göttlichen Wirkmacht wird spürbar, Beginn der Ausbildung eines ätherischen Gehirns (Individuation) 1Nach August 1987
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Homo sapiens
Siehe auch: ► Evolution des Bewusstseins und ► Homo sapiens

Zitate zum Thema Homo Spiritus

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Proportionen des Menschen nach Vitruv
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
italienischer Maler, Universalgelehrter, Erfinder
  • The "Homo spiritus" refers to the consciousness of the man who built the bridge evolutionary leap from the physical to the spiritual, from form to the formless, and linear than nonli-
    The waking man realizes that it is consciousness itself that constitutes the core of the evolutionary tree in all its seemingly stratified and complex expressions and evolution of life. So life is transformed from the relatively unconscious linear to nonlinear aware, and Creation is revealed to be the continued deployment of the unmanifested becoming manifested. The ability to achieve the condition or state classically called Enlightenment represents the fulfillment of the potential of consciousness in their evolutio-
    nary progression. I. Reality and Subjectivity, 2003


  • The appearance in humanity of the realization of God as the Ul-
    timate Reality, substrate, and source of Existence and Creation marked the beginning of the emergence of a new, evolutionary branch of mankind called Homo spiritus. The term Homo spiritus refers to the awakened man who has bridged the evolutio-
    nary leap from physical to spiritual, from form to nonform, and from linear to nonlinear.

    The awakened man realizes that it is consciousness itself, which constitutes the core of the evolutionary tree in all its seemingly stratified and evermore complex expressions as the evolution of life. Thus, life transforms from the relatively unconscious linear to the fully conscious nonlinear, and Creation reveals itself to be the ongoing unfolding of the Unmanifest becoming Manifest. The ca-
    pacity to reach the condition or state classically called Enlightenment represents the fulfillment of the potential of consciousness in its evolutionary progression.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 418-419, 2003


  • The appearance in humanity of the realization of God as The Ultimate Reality, and source of Existence and Creation marked the beginning of the emergence of a new, evolutionary branch of mankind called Homo Spiritus [...] the awa-
    kened man who has bridged the evolutionary leap from physical to spiritual, from form to nonform, and from linear to nonlinear. The awakened man realizes that it is consciousness itself that constitutes the core of the evolutionary tree
    in all its seemingly stratified and evermore complex expressions as the evolution of life; the limited scope of causality Article The New Age Has Dawned: Homo Spiritus Is Born, presented by the publication "The Author's Den", Linda Tuck-Jenkins,
    11. July 2002


  • We're the leading edge of 'homo spiritus'. We've evolved from homo sapiens. When mankind evolved over conscious-
    ness level 200 it signaled the emergence of a new level of life. As the result, spiritual awareness is advancing more rapidly than ever before. In the 190s, worldly gain drove consciousness. It's aim was victory over one's enemies [com-
    petitors], and material gain. The mark of success was to be a millionaire. Now winning over one's enemies is questio-
    ned. 'Is it OK to stand up to our enemies and put them out of business before they do us in?'
    Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, October 2002


  • To be integrous [consciousness level 200+] is a way of worshipping God. Your integrity influences everyone else. Integrity is the new yardstick of success. The emergence of Homo Spiritus. An actual new branch off the evolutio-
    nary tree. It necessitates the emergence of a new nervous system, because this one is not made for consciousness levels over 600. Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, October 2002


  • In the late 1980's, that was the time of the Harmonic Convergence. That was the time when all the spiritual com-
    mitted people in the world joined together at a certain hour of the morning, we all woke up at 4 o'clock or something, and prayed for peace. That was the time when monolithic atheistic communism collapsed. All of those things, and
    I suppose there was some kind of confluence astrologically, not because the astrologic formation causes things, but because that which brings peace brings simultaneously many things all at the same time that are in concordance with each other. So we're a part of that emergence, we're the leading edge of Homo spiritus, the evolution of a new being. Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, DVD 1 of 3, minute 1:35:00, October 2002



Etheric brain:

The etheric brain does not exist in individuals with a level of consciousness below 200.

  • Spiritual intention changes the brain's physiology – spiritually oriented people experience things differently than "ordinary" people. The change occurs in the prefrontal cortex, creating an "etheric brain." (Calibrated as a fact.) The shift above LoC 200 speeds up karma. […] Rapid pathway bypasses the emotional centers of the brain. The majority of Homo sapiens do not have an etheric brain. The new species of individuals calibrating over 200 is "homo spiritus". Under 200, the left brain is dom-
    inant and individuals are more prone to disease, depression, addiction, and rage.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self and the "I", 3 DVD set, 1. November 2003

Zitate von anderen Quellen


Auf der Schwelle zur Individuation und mutigen Integrität

  • Der erste Schritt zur Individualität ist die Ablösung des Einzelwesens von der Ununterschiedenheit und Unbewusstheit der Herde. Es ist die Vereinsamung des reifen Menschen, der nicht mehr von den Werturteilen seiner Umwelt abhängt, sondern in seiner Beziehung zum Selbst fest verankert ist.
    Carl Gustav Jung [BW 520/540] (1875-1961) Schweizer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Gründer einer Schule der analytischen Tiefen-
    psychologie, Autor, zitiert in: Claus Riemann (*1951) deutscher Psychologe, Therapeut, Astrologe, Autor, Der tiefe Brunnen. Astro-
    logie und Märchen
    , S. 230, Goldmann Arkana, München, 2003, Taschenbuchauflage 11. Dezember 2006

Quotes by various other sources

Index: Homo Spiritus und Ätherisches Gehirn / Etheric Brain – Bücher von D. Hawkins



Das ätherische Gehirn besteht ausschließlich aus energetischen Mustern, hat keine physischen Bestandteile und funktioniert unabhängig vom leiblichen Gehirn.
Siehe Ätherkörper und Astralkörper

Englische Werke


Links zum Thema Homo Spiritus


Verbesserung des homo sapiens zum homo deus mittels Dataismus, Biotechnologie, Genmanipulation, KI im 21. Jahrhundert

Literature (engl.)

Upgrading homo sapiens into homo deus via dataism, biotechnology, GMO, AI in the 21st century

Externe Weblinks

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit John White (*1939) US-amerikanischer Bewusstseinsforscher, Dozent, Autor, Richtung Homo Noeticus, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin Was ist Erleuchtung? [WIE], Craig Hamilton, US-amerikanischer Chefredakteur des aufgelösten Magazins WIE (1998-12/2006), Ausgabe 9, 2002

External web links (engl.)


Interne Links




1 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, Kapitel 4, S. 36-39, 2005

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