
Hawkins / Reinkarnation









Illustration der hinduistischen Reinkarnationslehre



Reinkarnationsforschung – Ian Stevenson

Der kanadisch-amerikanische Biochemiker, Professor für Psychiatrie, Parapsychologe Dr. med. Ian Stevenson (1918-2007) bekannt als Begründer der Reinkarnations-
forschung hat mit Kindern, die sich an ein früheres Leben erinnerten, intensive Reinkarnationsforschung betrieben. An der Universität von Virginia führte er 1997 an 210 Kin-
dern die Studie 'Reincarnation and Biology' [Reinkarnation und Biologie] durch. Die jungen Probanden wiesen Ge-
burtsmale und -schäden auf, die, so vermutete Stevenson, wiesen auf Traumata hin, die aus früheren Leben stamm-


Stevenson hat über 3.000 Wiedergeburtsgeschichten ge-
sammelt. Bisweilen besuchte er die Städte, an die sich die Kinder erinnerten, ohne sie vorher gekannt zu haben. Die Kinder (er)kannten Gebäude, Wege und die Einwohner und konnten deren Namen nennen.

D. Hawkins' frühere Lebenszeiten

Hawkins erinnert sich an mehrere seiner früheren Leben. Hier eine Auswahl seiner Inkarnationen als:

  • Krieger
    Einmal hatte er den Ehrenkodex im Umgang mit sterbenden Feinden verletzt. Nachdem er einen Krieger der Gegen-
    seite durch einen Lanzenstich in die Weichteile erstochen hatte, ließ er ihn einfach im Wundschmerz liegen und qual-
    voll sterben. Er hatte sich aus Feigheit entfernt, ohne ihm den Gnadenstoß gegeben zu haben. Der Verletzte starb erst nach Stunden/Tagen auf dem Schlachtfeld.
    Bei einer Leistenoperation ohne Vollnarkose gelang es Hawkins nicht, wie sonst bei solchen Gelegenheiten, der Schmerzwelle davonzureiten. Er erlebte den karmischen Ausgleich für seine Missetat in diesem früheren Leben. Während er unter dem Operationsschmerzen litt, erinnerte er sich an das resonante Leben.
  • Pirat
    Er weiß heute noch, wo er und seine Mitpiraten von damals den Schatz vergraben haben. Ihn auszugraben oder zu heben, wäre nicht zum Wohl des Großen Ganzen. Einige seiner Kumpels von damals hat er in diesem Leben als tätowierte Mitglieder einer Motorradgang wiedererkannt.
  • Sklave auf einem Galeerenschiff
    Aus Erschöpfung, Hunger, Durst und Demütigung starb er am Ruder und fühlte sich beim Übergang auf die geistige Ebene befreit von tyrannischer Beherrschung.
  • Mönch des Hinayana-Buddhismus
    Sein erstes massives Erwachens-Erlebnis mit 3 Jahren in diesem Leben konfrontierte ihn mit dem Irrtum des Kon-
    zepts der Leerheit in seinem vorherigen Leben. Den Irrtum aufzulösen, war eine seiner Aufgaben in diesem Lebens.
Siehe auch: ► Anekdoten and ► Biografie and ► Leerheit

Anzahl der Lebenszeiten von Normalbürgern und Hawkins-Schülern

2002 ermittelte Hawkins mithilfe des Muskeltests, dass seine Schüler
durchschnittlich 25 irdische Lebenszeiten hinter sich haben.1


2009 kalibrierte Hawkins, dass ein heute lebender Mensch
im Durchschnitt sechs vorausgehende Lebenszeiten hatte.2

Zitate zum Thema Reinkarnation / Reincarnation

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Offensichtlich gibt es für einige Seelen die Gelegenheit, Wahl oder das Schicksal, eine weitere Lebenszeit in einem physischen Körper zu wählen [...] Alle Religionen sind sich jedoch einig, dass der (menschliche) Energiekörper nach dem Tod des physischen Körpers ein Schicksal erfahren wird, das durch die Handlungen während der irdischen Le-
    benszeit bestimmt ist. Folglich ist Schicksal in erster Linie durch die spirituellen Entscheidungen und Handlungen während unseres Lebens bestimmt, und großer Wert wird gelegt auf die Absicht, die Verantwortlichkeit und die Zu-
    stimmung zum (göttlichen) Willen.
Blaue Glockenblume
Spirituell ausgedrückt ist es eine ziemlich akademi-
sche Frage, ob eine physische Reinkarnation er-
folgt oder nicht. Die Prinzipien und das Schicksal des Energiekörpers sind dieselben, egal ob er erneut eine körperliche Existenz aufnimmt oder auf einer energetischen Ebene bleibt.
Das All-sehende Auge, S. 233-234, 2005


  • Dieses Leben ist das subjektive Abenteuer der ge-
    heimnisvollen Wesenheit, genannt "Ich". Die gegen-
    wärtige Erfahrung dieses "Ichs" mag sich selbst als
    physisch betrachten, was aber in sich eine Illusion ist. Ob aufeinander folgende Lebenserfahrungen die Illusion der Körperlichkeit [physicality] einschließen oder nicht, ist in Bezug auf die Tragweite und Be-
    deutung des sequentiellen Fortschreitens der Bedingungen nicht relevant. Alle "Lebenszeiten" sind subjektiv, nicht-
    physisch, miteinander verbunden und kontinuierlich. Jede ist bedingt und bestimmt durch Entscheidungen, Stand-
    und deren Auswirkungen. Alle Möglichkeiten sind in der Entwicklung von Bewusstsein eingeschlossen.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 247, 2005


Quotes by D. Hawkins

Personal avowals

  • Living through lifetimes, conquering them and transcending them – that is how an archangel got that way, not by skipping lifetimes. Heaven needs help and it only gets helpers by getting people who lived through it.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007


Reincarnation of Hawkins and his students

  • We're like a bunch of birds that tend to swoop onto this planet together and we are all gonna be swooping off to-
    gether [...] time doesn't matter [...] some get to the island first and others belatedly. [...] Because we're all here
    now, obviously we belong to some kind of a large overall grouping. [...]
    Muscle test on statement: "All of us here present belong karmically to a karmically comparable migration of
    [...] So we've all been together before. [...] So we all evolve together, come to the planet together, go back to the
    other side and then come here again. We've been together before. [...] I've always had that intuitive knowingness.
    Like tends to go to like. We're all alike in our essence. [...] We needed a few more shorties. [...]
    So I volunteered. [Laughter]
    Muscle test on statement: "We're all here of our own free-will, having chosen to incarnate and chosen what we
    thought was the greatest spiritual merit and benefit. We're a pretty committed group even on the other side."

    TRUE. [...] We don't hang-out in lazy heaven! [...] All those 'lazy' ones hanging out, listening to the angels sing!
    [Laughter] Then there's us worker bees! Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, 3 DVD set, 19. August 2006
    Reissued in CD series The Discovery, CD 6 of 6, minutes 10:55-13:06, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Projection is often realized through past life regression.




  • Question: At what level does one remember past lives?
    Answer DH: About 600. It is merely a recall. You don't see it as a past life, or I guess you may see it as a past life.
    Now, whether that is just something within the collective [...] whether you recall it because you have owned the en-
    tire collective consciousness of mankind [...] or whether it actually happened in a linear chronology is irrelevant.
    Interview Conversations about the Teacher and the Student, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine,
    S. 11, Pamela Becker, August/September 2007



More information see:

  • Question: What can we learn from past lives?
    Answer: Past life research – there are various techniques. What is the motivation? [...] Curiosity alone is nothing but vanity. But if certain negative things seem to persist in your life, you go into yourself to the one in you that does to others what they appear to be doing to you over and over. You presume that all negatives that happened to you are the karmic con-
    sequence of the same propensity in you that you experienced in a previous lifetime. Everyone has within them – us – the collective consciousness of mankind. There may be a specific thing you are hung up on. You begin to intuit – I must have been pretty cruel to deserve this kind of behavior. You can go into a self-hypnotic state. You can learn it from an integrous hypnotist in one visit. Profound relaxation. Picture yourself walking down the stairs and when you get to the bottom you ask yourself to go to a previous lifetime with this item in mind. If done correctly, the previous lifetime re-
    starts. Past life recall […] you totally experience […] the whole movie starts over again and you are in the movie. Not outside witnessing it. It starts again and you are reliving it and it becomes obvious to you. That allows you a full remem-
    brance experientially. You relive it. Not recall it. That lifetime is now on. You are part of that lifetime. It can be a very use-
    ful technique. Self-hypnosis is very simple to learn. You can use kinesiology and ask if it is justified to use the technique
    for this situation. Will it be useful to me? Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005,
    presented by the US American ACIM web radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired
    10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011


  • What reincarnates is that which thinks it has a mind. That which has no mind doesn't reincarnate, because
    it has no need to.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • Question: In reincarnation, are we living lives sequentially or simultaneously?
    Answer: From the ego's position, it could be both, since only the ego can see sequence.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005


  • Reincarnation is optional. Most people are attached and so naturally just return. Out of guilt, sometimes we choose
    to undo things we’ve done, for the sake of our spiritual growth. If you can see it in your consciousness to do so, we can
    undo much with strictly spiritual techniques. In a sense of culpability, we undo in action. Reincarnation is a balance bet-
    ween culpability and responsibility. Sedona Seminar Spiritual Traps, 3 DVD set, 15. October 2005


  • Question: Is it necessary to go back and rediscover past lives to undo negative karma?
    Answer: No. Although, if you wish, you can go back through self hypnosis to try to discover why certain issues seem
    to be happening in your current life. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 15. March 2006


  • The moment you incarnate you instantly forget everything. The moment you go out of body you remember.
    People are pleasantly surprised. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 1 of 2, 10. January 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Er antwortete und sprach: Ja, Elia kommt und wird alles zurechtbringen. Doch ich sage euch:
Elia ist schon gekommen, und sie haben ihn nicht erkannt, sondern haben mit ihm getan, was
sie wollten. So wird auch der Menschensohn durch sie leiden müssen. Da verstanden die
Jünger, dass er von Johannes dem Täufer zu ihnen geredet hatte.
Matthäus 17, 11-13 (NT)


Er hat uns gerettet – nicht weil wir Werke vollbracht hätten, die uns gerecht machen können,
sondern aufgrund seines Erbarmens – durch das Bad der Wiedergeburt und der Erneuerung
im Heiligen Geist.
Titus 3, 5 (NT)


Wer den Sieg erringt, den werde ich zu einer Säule im Tempel meines Gottes machen –
und sie wird ihn nicht mehr verlassen.
Offenbarung 3, 12 (NT)


Jesus sprach: Wenn ihr eure Ähnlichkeit erblickt, jubelt ihr. Wenn ihr aber eure Abbilder seht, die
vor euch entstanden, und die weder sterben noch sich offenbaren, wieviel müsst ihr dann ertragen!
Thomasevangelium, Logion 84, Teil der Apokryphen, 50-140, 350 n. Chr., wiederentdeckt 1945


Menschen, die sagen, dass sie zuerst sterben und dann aufsteigen werden, irren sich. Wenn diese
nicht zuerst die Wiederauferstehung erfahren haben, während sie lebendig (auf Erden) sind, sondern
erst sterben, jene werden nichts empfangen.
Philippusevangelium, 2. Codex der Nag-Hammadi-Schriften, gnostische Spruchsammlung, Mitte des 2. Jahrhunderts


Alle Menschen haben vom Wasser der Vergessenheit getrunken und existieren in einem Zustand
der Ignoranz. Manche unter ihnen gelingt es, durch den Geist des Lebens, der in sie hernieder ging,
die Ignoranz zu überwinden. Jene Seelen werden errettet und perfekt werden, das bedeutet, sie wer-
den dem Zyklus der Wiedergeburt entkommen können.
Das geheime Buch des Johannes, 185 n. Chr.3


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Die Arbeit mit Sterbenden hat mir auch dazu verholfen, meine eigene Identität zu finden, zu wissen, dass es ein Le-
    ben nach dem Tod
    gibt, und zu wissen, dass wir eines Tages wiedergeboren werden, damit wir die Aufgaben erfüllen können, die wir in diesem Leben unfähig oder nicht willens waren zu erfüllen. Interview mit Dr. med. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross [Einfluss BW 485] (1926-2004) Schweizer US-amerikanische Psychiaterin, Ärztin, Sterbe- und Nahtodforscherin, Autorin, zitiert in: Artikel Unerbittliches Mitgefühl, präsentiert von der Publikation News Age, Heft 2, Juli 2012


  • Ich will bestimmt niemanden allein auf der Grundlage meiner Forschungen von der Reinkarnation überzeugen. Das
    Äußerste, worauf ich Anspruch erhebe, ist, dass es nicht mehr angemessen ist zu sagen, es gäbe keine wissen-
    schaftlichen Belege dafür. Allerdings ist noch viel mehr Forschung ist erforderlich.
    Dr. med. Ian Stevenson (1918-2007) kanadischer US-amerikanischer Biochemiker, Professor für Psychiatrie, Begründer der Reinkarnationsforschung, Professor Publishes Evidence Suggesting Reincarnation, Presseerklärung der "Society for Scientific Exploration", Universität von Virginia, Stanford, Kalifornien, 22. Dezember 1993
  • Die Seelen kennen keinen Tod; so oft sie ihren Sitz verlassen, nehmen neue Wohnungen sie auf.
    Ovid Publius Ovidius Naso (43 v. Chr.-17 n. Chr.) römischer Epiker, Metamorphosen, entstanden ~1 oder 3-8 n. Chr.;
    zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Wiedergeburt

Das Leben, das ich selbst gewählt

            Das Leben, das ich selbst gewählt            

Ehe ich in dieses Erdenleben kam,
ward mir gezeigt, wie ich es leben würde:
Da war Kümmernis, da war Gram,
da war Elend und Leidensbürde.
Da war Laster, das mich packen sollte,
da war Irrtum, der gefangen nahm,
da war der schnelle Zorn, in dem ich grollte,
da waren Hass und Hochmut, Stolz und Scham.

Doch da waren auch die Freuden jener Tage,
die voller Licht und schöner Träume sind,
wo Klage nicht mehr ist und nicht mehr Plage
und überall der Quell der Gaben rinnt.
Wo Liebe dem, der noch im Erdenkleid gebunden,
die Seligkeit des Losgelösten schenkt,
wo sich der Mensch der Menschenpein entwunden
als Auserwählter hoher Geister denkt.

Mir ward gezeigt das Schlechte und das Gute,
mir ward gezeigt die Fülle meiner Mängel.
Mir ward gezeigt die Wunde, draus ich blute,
mir ward gezeigt die Helfertat der Engel.
Und als ich so mein künftig Leben schaute,
da hört' ein Wesen ich die Frage tun,
ob ich dies zu leben mich getraute,
denn der Entscheidung Stunde schlüge nun.

Und ich ermaß noch einmal alles Schlimme –
"Dies ist das Leben, das ich leben will!"
gab ich zur Antwort mit entschloss'ner Stimme
und nahm auf mich mein neues Schicksal still.
So ward ich geboren in diese Welt,
so war's, als ich ins neue Leben trat.
Ich klage nicht, wenn's oft mir nicht gefällt,
denn ungeboren hab' ich es bejaht.

Quelle: ► Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) deutsch-schweizerischer Dichter, Schriftsteller,
Nobelpreisträger in Literatur, 1946, Siddharta, Fischer, Berlin, 1922,
Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1969, 1974, 1998

Quotes by various other sources


Jesus identified John the Baptist as being Elijah of the Old Testament:

And if you care to accept it, he himself is Elijah, who was to come. Matthew 11, 14 (NT)


And He answered and said,
"Elijah is coming and will restore all things; but I say to you, that Elijah already came,
and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the
Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands."
Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist.
Matthew 17, 11-13, on the Mount of Transfiguration (NT); paralleled in Mark 9, 12-13 (NT)


And I was a witty child, and had received a good soul.
And whereas I was more good, I came to a body undefiled.
Wisdom of Solomon, 8, 19-20 (AT)


Personal avowals


Bodhisattvas do remember their past lives.

The Indian Avatar Buddha [LoC 1000] (563-483 BC) remembered his past lives as described in the Buddhist text Samannaphala Sutta.

  • Many are the lives I have passed through and you too.
    Krishna [LoC 1000] († 3102 BC) Indian Avatar, central figure of Hinduism to Arjuna, Bhagavad Gita [LoC 910]




  • My life often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning and no end. I had the feeling that I was an historical fragment, an excerpt for which the preceding and succeeding text was missing. I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had been born again because I had not fulfilled the task given to me. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Fontana Press, 1961, reissued edition 6. March 1995


  • I know I am deathless. No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before. I laugh at what you call dissolution, and I know the amplitude of time.
    Walt Whitman [Work LoC 460] (1819-1892) US Ameri-
    can Quaker, journalist, poet, essayist, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • I certainly would not want anyone to become con-
    vinced of reincarnation solely on the basis of my research. The most I want to claim is that it is no longer fair to say that there is no scientific evi-
    dence. But a lot more research is needed.
    Ian Stevenson, M.D. (1918-2007) Canadian US American biochemist, professor of psychiatry, reincarnation researcher, Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, Professor Publishes Evidence Suggesting Reincarnation, Press Release of Society for
    Scientific Exploration
    , University of Virginia, Stanford, California, 22. December 1993



  • Every soul comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life.
    Gregory of Nyssa [Gregory Nyssen] (335-395) Turkish bishop of Nyssa (372-376 and 378-395) saint in Roman Catholicism,
    Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Lutheranism and Anglicanism, De Principiis, cited in: Bill Missett, Awakening the Soul.
    The Trilogy
    , S. 322, AuthorHouse, May 2008



The cycle of life, death, reincarnation
  • The soul returns to earth in a body similar to its last one and has similar talents and inclinations.
    Plato [LoC 485] (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Chris-
    tian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, ci-
    ted in: Alain Aristide, A Course in Spirituality. An Inspiring and Enthralling Journey into New Age Philosophies,
    S. 47, iUniverse, 2015


  • Humans always think of themselves as the only beings. This is not the case. There are many worlds and many dimensions. […] many, many more souls than there are physical containers. Also, the soul may split if it wishes and have more than one expe-
    rience at the same time. This is possible but re-
    quires a level of development which most have not achieved. […]
    When you look into the eyes of another, any other, and you see your own soul looking back at you, then you will know that you have reached another level of consciousness. In this sense reincarnation does not exist, for all lives and all experiences are simultaneous.
    But, in the three-dimensional world, reincarnation is as real as time or as a mountain or as the oceans. It is an energy like other energies, and its reality depends on the energy of the perceiver. As long as the perceiver perceives a physical body and solid objects, reincarnation is real to that perceiver. The energy consists of light and love and knowledge. The application of this knowledge in a loving way is wisdom. […] There is currently a great lack of wisdom on your plane. Brian L. Weiss, M.D. (*1944) US American psychiatrist, reincarnation and future-life progression researcher, past life re-
    gression therapist, author, Only Love is Real. A Story of Soulmates Reunited, S. 63, Warner Books, reprint, March 1997



Principles and recurring features of reincarnation

  1. Physical resemblance in reincarnation cases
  2. Change of religion, nationality, race, ethnic affiliation and gender in reincarnation cases
    85% of people stay in the same gender when reincarnated.
  3. Renewed relationships as pairs, couples or soul groups in reincarnation cases
  4. Individual destiny or life plan (soul contract) in reincarnation cases
  5. Split incarnations i.e. parallel lives of the same soul in reincarnation cases
  6. Innate talents and child prodigies in reincarnation cases
  7. Physical characteristics (birthmarks and birth defects) indicate trauma forwarded from previous or
    parallel lives.
  8. Xenoglossy: Knowing an unlearned language and preservation of the personality within the soul
  9. Attraction to specific geographic locations and geographic memory in reincarnation cases
  10. Spiritual guidance and synchronistic events in reincarnation cases
As referenced partially in: article Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives, presented by the website Reincarnation Research, founded by the US American reincarnation researcher and author Walter Semkiw, M.D., undated


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Reincarnation

Literary quotes


Analogy of the mechanics of reincarnation

  • All the world's a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances,
    And one man in his time plays many parts,
    His acts being seven ages.
    William Shakespeare [LoC 465, work LoC 500] (1564-1616) English actor, playwright, dramatist, lyricist, pastoral comedy As You Like It, beginning of monolog spoken by the melancholy character Jaques, act II, scene VII, First Folio, 1623


  • He saw all these forms and faces in a thousand relationships become newly born. Each one was mortal, a passionate, painful example of all that is transitory. Yet none of them died, they only changed, were always reborn, continually had
    a new face: only time stood between one face and another. And all of these forms and faces rested, flowed, reproduced,
    swam past and merged into each other, and over them all there was continually something thin, unreal and yet existing, stretched across like thin glass or ice, like a transparent skin, shell, form, or mask of water. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss poet, novelist, Siddhartha, Fischer, Berlin, 1922, New Directions, United States of America, 1951


  • Love consists in this: that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist, Letters to a Young Poet, To Mister Kappus, chapter 7, Rome, 14. May 1904, (1903-1908), published in 1929


  • Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. Truth is singular. Its 'versions' are mistruths. To be is to be perceived, and so to know thyself is only possible through the eyes of the other […]. The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds, that go and impressionate themselves throughout all time […]. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is hea-
    ded in another. Yesterday I believed that I would never have done what I did today. These forces that often remake time and space, that can shape and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, begin long before we are born and continue after
    we perish. Our lives and our choices, like quantum trajectories, are understood moment to moment. At each point of intersection, each encounter suggests a new potential direction.
    David Mitchell (*1969) English novelist, reincarnation novel Cloud Atlas, Sceptre, 2004

Englische Texte – English section on Reincarnation

Who returned as who? Reincarnation matches – Walter Semkiw ∞ Kevin Ryerson

List of screened matching incarnations of public figures
The soulgroup of American revolutionaries returned to incite a second Internation-Revolution.
(Following the Pluto return cycle4 in general and namely in the United States) 5
༺༻Older incarnationYounger incarnation
1.Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter
Campaigned for civil rights and imprisoned for it in Africa, 1930s
Named the man of the year by the US American weekly news magazine TIME, 1930
Van Jones (*1968) US American attorney, environmental advocate, civil rights activist, advisor for green jobs, enterprise and innovation in the White House (2009), founder of the "Ella Baker Center for Human Rights"
Imprisoned for standing up for civil rights in the United States, beginning of 2000s
Named "environmental hero" in the US American weekly news magazine TIME, 2008
2.Early leader in the post revolutionary United States Ronald Reagan [Political influence LoC 502] (1911-2004) 40th Republican US president (1981-1989), frontman of neoconservative corporate trickle-down economics
3.James Wilson [US Founding Father] (1742-1798) signer of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776), legal theorist, original justice of the US Supreme CourtOprah Winfrey [LoC 500] (*1954) US Ameri-
can talk show host, actress, visionary, billionaire, philanthropist
4.Eleanor Roosevelt [Influence LoC 495] (1884-1962) US American First Lady (1933-1945), advocate for civil rights, enhancer of the status of working women, chairwoman of the United Nations committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human RightsChelsea Victoria Clinton (*1980) US Ame-
rican daughter of First Couple Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, special correspondent for NBC News, working in Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative
5.Deborah Read Franklin (1708-1774) US American spouse of Benjamin Franklin [US Founding Father] [Influence LoC 480] thinker, revolutionaryCaroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US Ameri-
can spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author
6.Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814) female US American propagandist of the American Revolution, political writerBarbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author6
7.Daniel Morgan (1736-1802) US American pioneer, soldier, US representative from Virginia, gifted battlefield tactician of the American Revolutionary WarGeorge W. Bush [Presidency LoC 460] (*1943) 43rd US American president (2000-2008)
8.Peyton Randolph (1721-1775) US American planter, chairman of the Virginia Conventions, first president of the Continental CongressBill Clinton [Presidency LoC 455] (*1946)
US American politician, 42nd US president (1993-2001)
9.Patrick Henry [US Founding Father] [Social impact LoC 455] (1736-1799) US American attorney, planter, orator, politician, governor of Virginia (1776-1779) and (1784-1786)Ron Paul (*1935) US American medical doctor, Republican U.S. Congressman
10.Lyman Trumbull (1813-1896) US American abolistionist, chairman of the Judiciary Committee for and co-author of the 13th amendment (end of slavery) in the United States
Trumball was a constitutional lawyer in Illinois. As senator (1855-1873) (as a Democrat, Republican, Liberal Republican, Democrat) he served in president Abraham Lincoln's cabinet. He died in Chicago, Illinois.7
Barack Obama (*1961) 44th US president, since 2009
Obama was as a civil rights attorney in Chicago, Illinois and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago (1992-2004). He was a senator of the Democratic party (2004-2008) before he was elected US president. His favorite public servant is civil rights activst and lawyer Mahatma Gandhi, his favorite US president is unifier Abraham Lincoln.
11.George Washington [US Founding Father] [Influence LoC 455] (1732-1799) US American dominant military and political leader (1775-1799), presiding co-author of the U.S. Constitution [LoC 710] in 1787, first US president (1789-1797), FreemasonTommy Ray Franks (*1945) retired US American general in the United States Army
12.John Adams [US Founding Father] (1735-1826) US American statesman, diplomat, political theorist, champion of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776), second US president (1797-1801)
Features: broad face, prominent nose, heavy brows; personality similar to Semkiw: passionate, inquiring, hard working, abrasive; writing style shows: interested in metaphysics, desiring truth; visited Sturbridge, Massa-
chusetts, to speak at the Publick House.
Walter Semkiw, M.D., US American physician, reincarnation researcher, founder of the "Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit", author
Features: broad face, prominent nose, heavy brows; personality similar to Adams: passionate, inquiring, hard working, abrasive; writing style shows: interested in metaphysics, desiring truth; visited Sturbridge, Massa-
chusetts, to speak at the Publick House; started to re-
search Adams' life on the anniversary of Adams' elec-
tion to the presidency

Semkiw's personal avowal, YouTube film, 3:49 minutes
13.Abigail Adams, US American wife of 2nd US president John Adams, intuitive-spiritual feminist, author on the spiritual destiny of the United States
Similar physical features, personality, and writing style to Williamson
Marianne Williamson [Sister Giant] (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, ACIM lecturer, public speaker, author
Similar physical features, personality, and writing style to Abigail Adams, writing and lecturing on the spiritual destiny of the United States, admirer of Abigail Adams
14.Philip Livingston [US Founding Father] (1716-1778) US American merchant, statesman from New York City, New York delegate to the Continental Congress (1775-1778), signer of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776)Kevin Ryerson (*1953) US American trance channel, expert intuitive, award winning consultant, futurist, author
15.Thomas Lynch, Jr. (1749-1779) US American signer of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776) as a representative of South CarolinaArianna Huffington (*1950) Greek-American conservative (until mid-1990s), liberal author (late 1990s), syndicated columnist, founder of the news website HuffPost, ex-wife of former Republican congressman Michael Huffington8
16.William James, M.D. [LoC 490] (1842-1910) US American physician, professor of psychology and philosophy, Harvard University, pragmatic authorJeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author
17.Rev. William Walter, English Anglican minister, rector of Trinity Church, Boston, FreemasonNeale Donald Walsch [LoC 450] (*1943) US American spiritual teacher, bestselling author
18.US 'Founding Father', signer of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776)Shirley MacLaine, US American actress, author
19.Horatio Gates (1727-1806) retired British soldier, US American general during the Revolutionary War, credited for the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga-Benedict ArnoldAl Gore (1995-1997) US vice president
20.Almon W. Babbitt (1812-1856) US American Mormon pioneer, early leader in the Latter Day Saint movement, first secretary and treasurer of the Territory of Utah and his wife Ann Julia Babbitt
Presumably Babbit bested the leader and prophet of the LDS church Joseph Smith, Jr. [LoC 510/520] (1805-1844) in a debate. On 28th December 1835 Smith submitted a complaint before the church's high council against Babbitt for "misrepresenting" him. Four times Babbitt was disfellowshipped from and restored by the LSD church (1839, 1841, 1843, 1851). 1848, in Utah, Babbitt, a Democrat, became involved in politics. He was shot to death with arrows near Fort Laramie in present-day Wyoming by Cheyenne Native Americans.9
Mitt Romney (*1947) US American business-
man, nominee of the Republican Party for Pre-
sident of the United States in the 2012 election, 70th governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007) and his wife Ann Romney
Very successful as a businessman, Romney served 14 years as the highest Mormon Church leader (lay bishop) in the Boston region (1981-1994). On October 3, 2012 he "won" the first presidential debate against 44th sitting president Barack Obama.10
21.Thomas Paine [US Founding Father] (1737-1809) British US American Enlightenment philosopher, inventor, intellectual, radical, revolutionary, pamphleteer, authorMartin Scorsese (*1942) US American film historian, film director, screenwriter, producer, actor, non-profit organization founder of "The Film Foundation", 1990
22.Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) US American Christian theologian, preacher, president of Princeton UniversityDr. Wayne Dyer [LoC 450] (1940-2015) US American self-help advocate, spiritual lecturer, author
23.Charles Thomson (1729-1824) US American Patriot leader in Philadelphia during the American Revolution, secretary of the Continental Congress (1774-1789)Ralph Nader (*1934) US American attorney, political activist, lecturer, author
24.Elbridge Thomas Gerry (1744-1814) US American statesman, diplomat, Democratic-Republican 5th US vice president (1813-1814)Gary Zukav (*1942) US American spiritual teacher, author
25.Early leader in the post revolutionary United StatesRoss Perot (1930-2019) US American businessman, running candidate presidential, 1992 and 1996
26.Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) Congregationalist US American clergyman, speaker, abolitionist, social reformerJon Stewart (*1962) US American political satirist, writer, television host, actor, media critic, stand-up comedian of The Daily Show
27.Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899) 19th-century US American author on juvenile novels containing the "rags-to-riches" narrative with a formative effect on America during the Gilded AgeJack Canfield (*1944) US American motivational speaker, author
28.William Wells Brown (1814-1884) African-American abolitionist lecturer, historian, novelist, playwrightMichael Beckwith, conversed US American preacher, ordained minister in Religious Science in 1985, founder of the New Thought church "Agape International Spiritual Center", Culver City, California, author
29.James Lovell (1737-1814) US American educator, statesman, Continental Congress delegate (1777-1782)Dennis Kucinich (*1946) US representative for Ohio's 10th congressional district, since 1997
30.Early leader in the post revolutionary United StatesJohn F. Kennedy [Presidency LoC 430] (1917-1963) assassinated 35th US American president (1917-1963)
31.Early leader in the post revolutionary United StatesRobert Kennedy (1925-1968) US American justice minister, Democratic senator from New York, civil rights activist, younger brother of the 35th US president John F. Kennedy
32.David Rittenhouse (1732-1796) renowned US American astronomer, inventor, clockmaker, mathematician, philosopher, surveyor, scientific instrument craftsman, public official
Helped to edit the bestselling pamphlet Common Sense, the blueprint of modern democracy, written by Thomas Paine [US Founding Father] (1737-1809) British US American Enlightenment philosopher, inventor, intellectual, radical, revolutionary, pamphleteer, 1776
Carl Sagan [LoC 200, work LoC 420] (1934-1996) US American astronomer, astro-
physicist, cosmologist, exobiologist, science popularizer and communicator in the space and natural sciences, author
33.Early leader in the post revolutionary United StatesAlexander Haig, Jr. (1924-2010) US Army general, US secretary of state, White House chief of staff, knight of Malta
34.Millard Fillmore (1800-1874) 13th US president (1850-1853)Alec Baldwin III (*1958) US American actor
35.James Otis, Jr. (1725 -1783) US American lawyer, member of the colonial Massachusetts provincial assembly, first rank Patriot leader advocating against British injustice that led to the American RevolutionJohn Hagelin, Ph.D. (*1954) US American professor of quantum physics, Kilby award winner, director of the Institute for Science der Maharishi University
36.Abraham Lincoln [LoC 565] (1809-1865) assassinated 16th US President (1861-1865), abolisher of slaveryTyler Perry (*1969) US American actor, song-
writer, screen writer, playwright, film director, producer, author
I represent a party which does not yet exist: the party Revolution-Civilization. This party will make the twentieth century. There will issue from it first the United States of Europe, then the United States of the World.
Victor Hugo [Work LoC 455] (1802-1885) French statesman, human rights activist, exponent of the Romantic movement in France, visual artist, playwright, poet, essayist, novelist, Oeuvres complètes. Océan. Tas de Pierres, A. Michel, Paris, 1942
List of screened matching incarnations of historic figures and modern celebrities
from the world of politics, literature, metaphysics, art, and science
༺༻Older incarnationYounger incarnation
1.Leonardo da Vinci [Works LoC 565] (1452-1519) Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, writerBuckminster Fuller [LoC 445] (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author
2.Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi [LoC 550] (1207-1273) Persian Muslim Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, poetKhalil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese US American painter, philosopher, poet, writer
3.Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644-1704) Bohemian-Austrian composer, violinistGeorge Harrison [Work LoC 540] (1943-2001) English musician, singer-songwriter, member of the British music band The Beatles [LoC 460]
4.Annie Besant [LoC 530] (1847-1933) prominent British Theosophist, second president of "The Theosophical Society" (1907-1933), women's rights activist, social reform worker, supporter of Irish and Indian self rule, philanthropist, orator, writerManeka Gandhi (*1956) Indian politician, animal rights activist, environmentalist, former model, widow of the Indian politician, Sanjay Gandhi, member of the Nehru-Gandhi Political Clan, author
5.Thomas Alva Edison [LoC 470] (1847-1931) US American business man, scientist, inventor of electricityElon Musk, US American founder of Tesla Motors, PayPal and SpaceX
6.William Shakespeare [LoC 465, work LoC 500] (1564-1616) English dramatist, playwright, lyricist, actorAugust Wilson (1945-2005) African US American playwright, recipient of two Pulitzer Prizes for drama
7.Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] [Work LoC 465] (1835-1910) US American humorist, authorKurt Vonnegut Jr. (1922-2007) influential US American writer of the 20th century
8.Nikola Tesla [LoC 460] (1856-1943) Serbian US American physicist, mechanical and electrical engineer, inventorSaul Perlmutter (*1959) US American astrophysicist, Nobel laureate, 2011
Patrick Flanagan |*1944) US American inventor
9.Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Italian priest, Baroque composer, virtuoso violinistPaul McCartney, MBE, Hon RAM, FRCM (*1942) English musician, singer, songwriter, composer, member of the British music band The Beatles [LoC 460]
10.Anne Frank (1929-1945) Jewish German girl, dying from typhus in the in Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen – Author of The Diary of a Young Girl, 1947, English version, 1952Barbro Karlen, Swedish female author
Barbro Karlen: The Reincarnation of Anne Frank, YouTube film, 34:54 minutes duration, posted 24. June 2017
        At age 2 Barbro Karlen revealed to her parents that her true name is Anne Frank.
11.Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) French naturalist, biologist, academic, soldier, early proponent of the idea that evolution occurred and proceeded in accordance with natural lawsBruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. brucelipton.com (*1944) US American developmental new cellular biologist, former associate professor, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, presaged the field of epigenetics [mechanism by which nurture controls nature], lecturer, bestselling author
12.Elvis Presley [LoC 430] (1935-1977) US American singer, actorRay Dylan, South African singer
13.Charles Coypeau ['Emperor of Entertainers'] (1605-1677) French musician, burlesque poet associated in French playwright Moliere’s team
2nd life: Teen age Crusades soldier
Michael Jackson [King of Pop] (1958-2009) US American singer-songwriter, musician, recording artist, entertainer, dancer, philanthropist
14.Charles Babbage, FRS [Father of the Computer] (1791-1871) English mathematician, philosopher, inventor, mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a programmable computer, 1822Steve Jobs (1955-2011) US American computer business magnate, inventor, Zen practitioner, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple and of Pixar Animation Studios
15.Phillis Wheatley, African-American slave in the United States, first female black poetMaya Angelou (1928-2014) US American historian, actress, producer, educator, civil-rights activist, director, playwright, poet, bestselling black author
16.Pablo Picasso [Works LoC 365] (1881-1973) Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptorAlexandra Nechita (*1985) Romanian-born American cubist painter and muralist
At age 8 Nechita had her first Picasso art exhibition.
17.Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, famous US American comediansJosh and Danny Bacher, US American brothers, comedians
18.Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) French painter, printmaker, sculptorPeter Teekamp, US American artist11
19.Robert Todd Lincoln (1843-1926) US American lawyer, secretary of war, first son of 16th US president Abraham Lincoln [LoC 565] (1809-1865) and Mary Todd Lincoln12 13Steven Spielberg (*1946) US American film director, screenwriter, producer, video game designer, studio entrepreneur
20.US American Marx Brothers (1887-1977)
1. Chico Marx (1887-1961) comedian, film star
2. Harpo Marx (1888-1964) comedian, film star
3. Groucho Marx (1890-1977) comedian, film and television star
All 3 actors were reunited in the movie Superbad, 2007.
1. Jonah Hill (*1983) US American actor, producer, screenwriter, comedian
2. Michael Cera (*1988) Canadian actor
3. Christopher Mintz-Plasse (*1989) US American actor
21.US American actors (1897-1952) of the slapstick comedy act The Three Stooges starting 1925
1. Moe Howard (1897-1975) comedian, actor
2. Larry Fine (1902-1975) comedian, actor
3. Curly Howard (1903-1952) comedian, vaudevillian
All 3 actors were reunited in the stoner comedy series Harold & Kumar, 2004-2011.
1. John Cho (Harold) (*1972) Korean-American actor, musician
2. Kal Penn [Kalpen Suresh Modi] (Kumar) (*1977) US American actor, producer, civil servant
3. Eddie Kaye Thomas (*1980) US American film, television and stage actor
22.Carroll Beckwith, US American artist, portrait painter in the 19th century (New Orleans)Robert Snow, US American skeptical police captain
23.Case of split incarnation:
Alice Cary (1820-1871; †age 51)
Joined by split incarnation at age 22
Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives – Introduction
Charles Parkhurst (1842-1933)
Overlapping of split incarnation for 29 years
Penney Peirce (*1949) US American former art director, designer, intuitive empath, psychic medium, author
Reborn 16 years after Parkhurst's death, 50 miles from the location where Parkhurst died
Video reference: ► Documentary Reincarnation Exploration: The Case of Laurel & Hardy and Josh & Danny,
YouTube film, 20:27 minutes duration, posted 15. June 2014
Written sources:
Article Laurel and Hardy Reborn: Planning Lifetimes as Stan and Ollie Reincarnated as Two Brothers, Josh and Danny Bacher, 2011
Article Laurel and Hardy Reborn: Planning Lifetimes as Stan and Ollie Reincarnated as Two Brothers, Josh and Danny Bacher,
     presented by the website Reincarnation Research, Walter Semkiw, M.D., undated
Blog article Man Finds His Doppelganger in 16th Century Italian Painting, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation
     ABC News blogs, Eliza Murphy, 13. November 2012
The US American student Max Galuppo (20) found his former Doppelgänger in a museum.
ThemeOlder incarnationYounger incarnation
Biblical case of reincarnationElijah (9th century BC) famous prophet, wonder-worker in the northern kingdom of Israel, referred to in Books of KingsJohn the Baptist [LoC 930] (6 BC-36 AD) major religious figure, hermit, prophet, itinerant preacher, leader of a movement of baptism at the Jordan River, possibly influenced by the Essenes, saint14
Complementary soulmatesAnwar El Sadat (1918-1981) assassinated third president of Egypt (1970-1981)Moshe Dayan (1915-1981) Israeli military leader, politician, fourth Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (1953-1958)
Complementary soulmatesLouis Pasteur [Father of microbiology [LoC 465/485] (1822-1895) French chemist, physician, microbiologistRobert Koch (1843-1910) German physician, founder of microbiology, Nobel laureate of physiology for his tuberculosis findings, 1905


I pursue past lives as a scientist based on objective evidence like common personality traits between reincarnations, memories, similarities in facial features, events, patterns in life and writing styles that most people carry over lifetimes. They rarely change down the births. Walter Semkiw, M.D., US American physician, reincarnation researcher, founder of the "Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit", author, cited in: article 'Past life' author Walter Semkiw sheds light on re-
, archived by the publication The Siasat Daily, 25. June 2009

Selected reincarnation cases – compiled by Walter Semkiw

 Reincarnation Case of Branwell Bronte | John Lennon
 Reincarnation Case of Robert Todd Lincoln | Steven Spielberg with the Reincarnation Case of Edwin Booth | Amitabh Bachchan
 Reincarnation Case of Wilbur Wright | Howard Hughes
 Reincarnation Case of Ernest Hemingway | Russell Banks
Split incarnation, change of nationality, same professionReincarnation Case of Sir George Hubert Wilkins | Edgar Mitchell – Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
Mitchell is an Apollo astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS).
Second incarnationReincarnation Case of Sir George Hubert Wilkins | Edgar Mitchell
Change of nationality, same professionPast Life Story of John Elliotson | Norm Shealy, MD: Spiritual Communication or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case
Child prodigies can be explained through reincarnation.
Past life ability, spirit being, mediumship, spiritual guidanceReincarnation Case of Rosario Weisz | Henrietta Roos-Weisz
Francisco Goya (1746-1828) was a famous Spanish painter.
Changes of ...Change of Religion, Nationality, Race and Ethnic Affliation in Reincarnation Cases-Introduction
Change of nationalityReincarnation Case of Leo Tolstoy | Tom Wolfe
Change of raceReincarnation Case of Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Berry & Cloud Atlas
Innate Talent
change in nationality 
Reincarnation Case of Jules Verne | David Mitchell & Cloud Atlas
Witnessing the assassination of LincolnReincarnation Case of Joseph Jefferson | Tom Cruise
Innate talent, same professionReincarnation Case of Chevalier de Saint George | Jimi Hendrix & Charlie Christian as a Past Life of Jimi Hendrix
Jazz guitarist reincarnates as prodigy rock star.
Change of nationalityReincarnation Case of La Duchesse De Bourgogne | Angelina Jolie with Past Lives of Billy Bob Thornton & Brad Pitt
Change of nationalityReincarnation Case of Frederic Chopin | Trent Reznor
Same nationality, same professionReincarnation Case of Herman Hollerith | Mark Zuckerberg
with the Reincarnation Case of Charles Flint | Sean Parker
Same nationality, same professionReincarnation Cases of David O. Selznick | Ben Stiller &
Alfred Hitchcock | Oren Moverman
Same family, soul groupReincarnation Case of Joanne Stefani Germanotta | Lady Gaga
Aunt reincarnates in niece.
Medicine and PsychologyReincarnation Cases-List of Additional Past Life Cases
LiteratureLiterature Reincarnation Cases-List of Additional Past Life Cases
Change of profession in the artsReincarnation Case of John Keats | Beck
Change of genderReincarnation Case of Ida Noddack | Jacob Barnett: Past life Talent & Child Prodigies
A German physicist and chemist returns as a math and physics prodigy.
Spirit being, Spirit guide, soul guidancePast Life Story of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson
An Italian doge (1373-1457) reincarnates as an US American diplomat.
Childhood memories and dreamsPast Life Story of World War II Fighter Pilot James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger
Wartime memories, deja vuPast Life Story of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene
Childhood memories and dreamsThe Reincarnation Story of Belle Starr | Karen Pigott
Change of nationalityPast Life Story of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson
Soul groupReincarnation Case of Alberto Santos-Dumont | Steven Udvar-Hazy with the Reincarnation Case of Aida de Acosta | Christine Udvar-Hazy
Split incarnation and suicide caseReincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz
 The Reincarnation Case of Carole Lombard | Emma Robert
 Reincarnation Case of Evangeline Adams | Terry Nazon
Ian Stevenson, M.D.
Reincarnation case
Change of racePast Life Story of an African Tribesman | Gedeon Haich
The son of author Elizabeth Haich draws on his African heritage.
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Change of religion and nationalityThe Reincarnation Case of an Islamic Persian | Peter Avery
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
XenoglossyReincarnation Case of Sharada | Uttara Huddar
Personality is retained in the soul intact following death.
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Consistent facial featuresReincarnation Story of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Consistent facial features
and phobia
Reincarnation Story of Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Same family, phobia,
consistent facial features,
spirit being involvement
Child Reincarnation Story of Alessandrina Samona 1 and 2
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Walk-in with reanimation
of dead body
Revival of the Deceased and the Walk-In Reincarnation Case of Sobha Ram | Jasbir Jat
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Geograhic memory, phobia,
split incarnation and
renewal of relationships
Past Life Behavior, Past Life Geographic Memory & Past Life Phobia in Turkish Reincarnation Case of Ahmet Delibalta | Erkan Kilic
Ian Stevenson-Jim Tucker
Reincarnation case
Change of religionChild Reincarnation Story of Karakas | Kemal Atosoy: Change in Religion-Christian to Muslim
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Planning lifetimes,
consistent facial features
Child Reincarnation Stories of Daw Aye Phyu |
Ma Nyunt Nyunt San and Daw Sapai | Ma San San Nyunt

Sisters reincarnate as twins.
Ian Stevenson
Reincarnation case
Holocaust WWII, phobiasReincarnation Case of a Jewish Concentration Camp Victim | Teuvo Koivisto


Sources featuring Walter Semkiw, M.D., US American physician, reincarnation researcher, founder of the "Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit", author along with Kevin Ryerson (*1953) US American trance channel of spirit guide Athun Re, 1500 BC,
expert intuitive, award winning consultant, futurist, author
Article Selected reincarnation cases, undated
Book Return of the Revolutionaries. The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited, Hampton Roads Publishing, 1. April 2003
Book Born Again. Reincarnation Cases Involving International Celebrities, India's Political Legends and Film Stars, Pluto Project,
     1. December 2007
Audio interview Reincarnation Research, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory
     (*1950) US American radio talk show host, aired 25. January 2012, YouTube film, 1:20:10 minute duration, posted 28. August 2012
Other source: ► Deleted Pilot Study Analysis of Scientific Reincarnation Research by Paul Von Ward (*1939)
US American psychologist, independent interdisciplinary cosmologist, Baptist minister, reincarnation researcher, author,
Facial Geometry And Reincarnation, 27. February 2009
Assumption to be tested: Similar facial geometry in robust cases is consistently stronger than in the public at large.
See also: ► Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation

The intricacies of birth and rebirth – Alpha and Omega

Once people get fixated and socially programmable at age 3-5-7 they tend to forget who they are and (simultaneously) were.
The Greek mythological rivers of forgetfulness Lethe and Styx refer to this life pattern.


North American indigenous wisdom

  • One's "chosen" parents are your karmic enemies, whose task i.e. soul contract it is to inflict the sacred wound (known as "felix culpa" in Catholic verbiage) onto their children during their pliable impressionable years. Without this injected "thorn in the flesh" the personality would hardly be inclined to get out of their preferered comfort zone.
  • The task of one's "chosen" set of four grandparents (at best case) is to serve as allies of their grandchild/ren.
    They are to soothe the child's wounding and to lend a helping hand in understanding the intricacies of life.
    Indeed, in the olden days, it were the grandparents (at best the elders) who tended the fire – in the center of the village – as
    well as the little ones from the tribe. And the respective parents, not mature enough to shoulder the responsibility of rearing children, went hunting and gathering during the day time.
  • Mind boggling constellation: Reincarnationally, one could be one's own grandmother.


Generational laws

  • Every other generation is at good terms with each other.
    For example: The war generation and the consumer/mediator children are in good terms with each other.
    The same applies for the boomers and the generation Y. They are in sync.
  • At best case, in a greater family, four generations are alive. The greatgrandparents are considered as the ones
    who are carrying the grace of God. The grace period is set in motion as soon as they have exceeded the age of 81.
    Age 81 is the beginning of the 4th round around the medicine wheel (spanning nine sections).


Karmic law

  • The intricacies of karma that have been played out by three generations in a row are to be "solved", at best, by the fourth generation playing itself out as crisis and integration. The "salvation" can be expected to come via the greatgrandchildren (Omega) and the greatgrandparents (Alpha), given they are present, aware and on track.
See also: ► Four-stroke cycles of generations – Strauss and Howe and ► Rounds of the medicine wheel


Links zum Thema Reinkarnation / Reincarnation


Anhand von mehr als 20 Bibelstellen ist der Bezug zur Reinkarnation festzumachen. Mohr bietet eine theologisch ausgereifte christliche Reinkar-
nationslehre, er rückt den Individualitätsgedanken in den Vordergrund, grenzt sich klar zu östlichen Erlösungslehren ab, bietet insgesamt einen aufgeschlossenen, wertvollen Beitrag zum religiösen Dialog.
Sein Werk wird in der wissenschaftlichen Bibliographie Index Theologicus als Monographie gelistet.

1. Unsere Seelen arbeiten vor der irdischen Inkarnation einen Plan aus.
2. Die Beteiligten werden ausgesucht, auch solche, die aus früheren Inkarnationen bekannt sind.
3. Falls Plan A nicht fruchtet, kann Plan B zum Tragen kommen.
4. Die Seele kann entscheiden, ob sie Plan B annimmt.
5. Unabhängig davon, ob Plan A oder B sich verwirklichen, kann die Seele auch während der Inkarnation immer noch entscheiden,
    ob sie den zuvor geplanten Lebensweg gehen will oder nicht.

Die Anunnaki, Außerirdische vom Planeten Nibiru, haben die Erde nie verlassen. Ihr Ziel ist die Neue Weltordnung, für die Demokratie ein Tarnwort für totalitäre Diktatur ist. Gewalt erzeugt negative Resonanz. Die Unwissenheit der Menschen (Arbeitssklaven) bezüglich der Reinkarnationsfalle erleichtert es der Machtelite, nach dem Tod eines Menschen dessen Rückkehr in ähnliche Verhältnisse zu lancieren, um ihren fortgesetzten Ein-
fluss zu sichern.

Literature (engl.)

Spontaneous recall of information about previous lives by young children
Mainstream scientists tended to ignore or dismiss Stevenson's work for decades.

Birthmarks and birth defects ostensibly associated with reincarnation

Insightful introduction to the work of Ian Stevenson who interviewed 3,000 children who spontaneously remembered recent ordinary lives.

Scientific proof for reincarnation

Externe Weblinks

Linklose Artikel

  • Artikel Tod, Wiedergeburt und was dazwischen liegt. Eine wissenschaftlich philosophische Untersuchung, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Carter Phipps, US-amerikanischer Redaktionsleiter des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext, Journalist, Autor zum Thema evolutionäre Spiritualität, Heft 20, 2005/2006
  • Artikel Auf der Suche nach Babaji. Auf der Suche nach dem schwer zu fassenden Yogi-Christus aus dem Himalaya, präsentiert
    von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Carter Phipps, US-amerikanischer Redaktionsleiter des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext, Journalist, Autor zum Thema evolutionäre Spiritualität, Heft 20, 2005/2006

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Linklose Medienbeiträge

Filme und Dokumentarfilme

Audio and video links (engl.)

H.H. the 14. Dalai Lama and Dr. Paul Ekman were brothers in a former lifetime. Both had a deja-vu when they met each other the first time.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Walter Semkiw

Audios and videos featuring Walter Semkiw, M.D., US American physician, reincarnation researcher, founder of the
"Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit", author
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube audioInterviewReincarnation ResearchUS American web radio station "The Revolution – Asheville's Progressive Talk", host Virato60:002. August 2008
VideoInterviewProof that we have lived beforeAndaaz Television, program Behind The Scenes, host Sarika Batra10:1130. May 2012
AudioInterviewReincarnation ResearchUS American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host, aired 25. January 20121:20:1028. August 2012
85% of the people stay in the same gender when reincarnated.
YouTube videoDVD documentaryEvidence of ReincarnationCopresenter Jim Tucker, Ph.D., US American medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatry Clinic, associate professor of psychiatry neurobehavioral sciences, reincarnation researcher, School of Medicine, University of Virginia9:5721. May 2013
YouTube audioInterviewReincarnation, Part One: The Research of Ian Stevenson, with Walter SemkiwUS American New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author26:4918. December 2015
YouTube videoPresentationEvidence of Reincarnation in Childhood by Dr. Jim TuckerPresenter: Jim Tucker, Ph.D., US American medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatry Clinic, associate professor of psychiatry neurobehavioral sciences, reincarnation researcher, School of Medicine, University of Virginia, Synchronicity Symposium 201451:457. September 2016
Quora contribution Average intelligence of children who remember past lives, 17. January 2019
YouTube videoReincarnation interview series
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
The Resarch of Ian Stevenson
Cases of Xenoglossy
Identifying Past Lives
New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author
All 4 parts aired 22. November 2015

Audio and video links (engl.) – Paul Von Ward

Case for Peter Teekamp and Michelle Moshay being the reincarnations of Paul and Mette Gauguin

  • Video interview with Paul Von Ward (1939-2017) US American psychologist, independent interdisciplinary cosmologist, Baptist minister, reincarnation researcher, author, presented by the HR-TV1, host Nikolina Dragosevic, Zagreb, Croatia, 12. December 2008, YouTube film
  • Video interview with Paul Von Ward (1939-2017) US American psychologist, independent interdisciplinary cosmologist, Baptist minister, reincarnation researcher, author, presented by Prevent Disease TV, host Marcel Bentivegna, YouTube film

Movies and documentaries (engl.)

The politician and workoholic Jerry declares his love to his former wife, now incarnated as the actress Shirley MacLaine, in the days of Atlantis.
She feels happy with her conviction of God. He cries and confirms his belief in his work, not in God.
Kevin Ryerson channeling two entities in Shirley MacLaine's home.


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki



1 D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, DVD 1 von 3, Minute 58:50, Oktober 2002

2 D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar What is the World?, 3 DVD Set, 28. Februar 2009

3 Paul Müller-Jürgens, Die geheime Offenbarung des Johannes, Haupt Verlag, 1938

4 Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation

5 Note on the Pluto return cycle: Pluto in the U.S. chart resides in the house of money and resources. The first Pluto return of the United States will happen during the period April 2018 to February 2022. April 2018 is correlated to Boston Tea Party, 16. December 1773. February 2022 is correlated to the issuing of the United States Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705], 4. July 1776.
A soulgroup consisting of the American revolutionaries has returned to incite a second American-Internation Revolution.

6 Oldest female agent of the consciousness evolution – Barbara Marx Hubbard

7 The Reincarnation Case Lyman Trumbull | Barack Obama''

8 Reincarnation Case of Thomas Lynch, Jr. | Arianna Huffington

9 Almon W. Babbitt

10 Article Mitt Romney's Role as Mormon Bishop Shows His Extremist Religious Beliefs, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, 15 September 2012

11 Video TV interview with Paul Von Ward (*1939) US American psychologist, independent interdisciplinary cosmologist, Baptist minister, reincarnation researcher, author, presented by Sorcery Films, Donna Davis for "Vision TV Documentary", Canada, 24. October 2008, YouTube film, posted 8. October 2009, Reincarnation Case of Artist Paul and Mette Gauguin, 10:00 minutes duration, posted 11. November 2009

12 The Reincarnation Case Lyman Trumbull | Barack Obama

13 Reincarnation Case of Edwin Booth | Amitabh Bachchan

14 Jesus replied, "To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist. Matthew 17, 11-13 (NT)
See also John 1, 19-21 (NT)

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