
Hawkins / Buch13E





Buch 13E
Scott Jeffrey

Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
Macht und Wahrheit. Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Lehre von David R. Hawkins


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)








⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013




Book: Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
Author: Scott Jeffrey
Hardcover, 340 pages
Publisher: Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013
ISBN-10: 1938557026 – ISBN-13: 978-1938557026
Kindle E-book, data volume 1171 KB: Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
Publisher: Creative Crayon Publishers, 15. January 2013  
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Kindle E-book: Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
Author: Scott Jeffrey
Publisher: Book/Kindle edition Creative Crayon Publishers, 15. January 2013


⚡ Kultführer David R. Hawkins und seine absolutistische Lehre

Ursprünglich begeistert von Dr. David Hawkins' Lehre, begann sein ehemaliger Schüler, Herausgeber und Biograph Scott Jeffrey ab 2007 an der Aufrichtigkeit seines Lehrers zu zweifeln. Nach einem intensiven Studium der Entwick-
lungspsychologie kam er zu folgenden Erkenntnissen über David Hawkins, an dessen Biografie Doctor of Truth, er-
schienen im Oktober 2012, er sechs Jahre lang gearbeitet hatte.
Scott Jeffreys Enthüllungsbuch Power vs. Truth [Macht ⇔ Wahrheit. Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Lehre von David
R. Hawkins] über Dr. David Hawkins und seine Auffassung vom Leben und von Spiritualität erschien Mitte Januar 2013.


Unbequeme Fakten über das Wirken von Hawkins – designierter Biograph Scott Jeffrey
༺༻Erkenntnisse über Dr. D. Hawkins
1.Hawkins (1927-2012) war teilweise unehrlich hinsichtlich der vielfältigen Aspekte seiner Lehre und der Ereignisse seines Lebens, die er der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich machte.
2.Hawkins' Verhalten in unterschiedlichen Lebenslagen war frappierend (inkongruent).
3.Hawkins' Absolutismus machte ihn zum Führer eines Kults, dem er 2003 den Titel Devotional Nonduality verlieh.
4.Hawkins' zentrales System der Messung von Bewusstseinswerten weist gravierende Schwächen auf und ist daher als Kompass zur Wahrheitsfindung unbrauchbar.
5.Hawkins' eigene Andeutung, der Avatar des Wassermannzeitalters zu sein, ist haltlos und ein Ausdruck von Grandiosität.
6.Hawkins war äußerst abgespalten – von seinem Körper, seinen Gefühlen und seiner Selbstwahrnehmung.
Seinen eigenen dissoziierten Bewusstseinszustand hat er als Erleuchtung fehleingeschätzt.
7.Schüler von Hawkins' Lehre laufen Gefahr, eine ähnliche Form von Dissoziation zu erleben.
Quelle (engl.): ► Scott Jeffrey, US-amerikanischer Unternehmens- und Marketing-Berater, Gründer der aufgelösten
Netzplattform Consciousnessproject.org (2005-2015), Biograf, kultkritischer Autor, Power vs Truth.
Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. Januar 2013
See also: ► ⚡ Cult leader David R. Hawkins and problematic issues of his teachings


⚡ Cult leader David R. Hawkins and problematic issues of his teachings

Initially enthusiastic about David Hawkins (1927-2012) and his teachings, his editor and assigned biographer Scott Jeffrey
had grown disillusioned with his teacher's authenticity around 2007. After an intense study to become fluent in
aspects of developmental psychology he came to following conclusions about David Hawkins:


Inconvenient conclusions on Dr. David Hawkins by his appointed biographer Scott Jeffrey
༺༻Inconvenient realizations about David R. Hawkins after six years of study
1. Hawkins was halfway dishonest about multiple aspects of his teachings and the events of his life that he offered to the world.
2. In several situations Hawkins behaved surprisingly (incongruently).
3. Hawkins' absolutism rendered him as the leader of a cult known as Devotional Nonduality since 2003.
4. Hawkins' calibration system has profound limitations. Hence, it does not qualify as a well-proven compass.
5. Hawkins' repeated insinuations to be the Avatar of the New Aquarian Age is untenable and a feature of grandiosity.
6. Hawkins was highly dissociated – from his body, his feelings, and his sense of self.
He mistook his state of dissociation for enlightenment.
7. Students who closely follow Hawkins' teachings are likely to become subject to a similar dissociation.
Source: ► Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs Truth.
Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013
Siehe auch: ► ⚡ Kultführer David R. Hawkins und seine absolutistische Lehre



  • Power vs. Truth examines [David] Hawkins’ claims, his teachings, and his muscle test for truth, deconstructing them for serious students dedicated to discovering higher consciousness. "Announcement"



  • His [Hawkins] teachings give students
    • a false sense of security, leading them to
    • suppress the ambiguity inherent in adult life and robbing them of the psychological growth that comes from accepting ambiguities and paradoxes.
(Hawkins claims to have resolved all of the paradoxes and ancient riddles of mankind, but as we’ll see, his revelations are highly suspect.) […]
[H]is system forces his students to place authority in Hawkins as their teacher, who claims such absolute authority by virtue of his enlightenment and his alignment with the "presence of God." "Preface", S. 1-2


  • Because of the large ground we have to cover, I’ll be focusing on what I believe are problematic issues found in his work. The drawback to this approach is that it limits our ability to credit the many beautiful passages that have inspi-
    red and attracted us to his teachings. "Preface", S. 9


  • Had Hawkins not made absolute claims about muscle testing, his consciousness research, his Map of Conscious-
    , and the absoluteness of his teachings, this book would not have been written. "Preface", S. 9


Purpose of the book Power vs Truth

  • In the book [Power vs Truth] [...] power refers to the unnatural influence Hawkins holds over his students – the inhe-
    rent psychological control he, unconsciously exerts over those who adopt his system. "Power" [...] refers to the sense
    of control in an unpredictable world that Hawkins, being an absolutist, needs to feel. The system he created gives him a feeling of power over tremendous uncertainty and ambiguity.
    Discovering valid truth, we find, was less of a preoccupation for Hawkins than we once believed, because much of what he calibrated as "force" was actually a higher order of truth that existed beyond his understanding as an abso-
    lutist. My sincere hope is that Power vs. Truth clarifies many of the distortions Hawkins presented to his students as "absolute truth" in Power vs. Force. Chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", S. 217


Hawkins' teachings honor the truths of many religions.

  • For those seeking absolute certainty with a center of gravity at the absolutist stage of ego development, or for those at the conformist stage, Hawkins's system is likely of value. In fact, Hawkins’ system may be helpful to anyone fixated on a specific religious viewpoint (especially Christians) because his system does honor the truths of many religions. In other words, for individuals stuck in the belief that one religion holds all of life's answers, Hawkins' system can act as a stepping-stone: it opens individuals to the fact that no one religion has cornered the market on truth.
    Chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", S. 219


  • There are perhaps novel and valid concepts within his metaphysical system as well. It would be the job of his inspired students to unearth and highlight them. Chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", S. 219

Quotes related to the book Power vs. Truth (2013)

Zitate von S. Jeffrey

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

Fundamentalisten scharen sich um den "Schiedsrichter der Wahrheit".
  • Wie viele seiner Schüler wurde ich zu einem der von mir so genannten Hawkins-Fundamentalisten, die glauben, dass David R. Hawkins der endgültige Lehrer sei – der Schiedsrichter der Wahrheit – und dass seine Lehre die unwiderlegbare Lehre zum Thema Erleuchtung sei. Für Fundamentalisten wie mich hatte Hawkins in allen Dingen das letzte Wort, weil er erleuchtet war und weil er bestätigt, was er sagt, indem er seine Aussagen auf ihren Wahr-
    heitsgehalt überprüft. Will sagen, er "kalibriert" seine Behauptungen (indem er seinen Muskeltest durchführt), um
    sie damit als wahr, absolut und über jede Kritik erhaben zu bestätigen.
    Scott Jeffrey, US-amerikanischer Unternehmens- und Marketing-Berater, Gründer der aufgelösten Netzplattform Conscious-
    nessproject.org, Autor, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Vorwort" [Preface], S. 3-4, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. Januar 2013

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Personal avowals and disclosures


Passionate privileged student

  • We are all searching for meaning. In the throes of angst or confusion, when something comes along that resembles meaning, we tend to latch on. When I discovered Dr. David R. Hawkins’ work in 2001, I was seeking higher truth. For various reasons, his work resonated with me deeply – it helped me find meaning – and I devoted myself to it for a de-
    cade. More than an ardent student of his work, I revered Hawkins as my spiritual teacher. I was devoted to serving him
    in whatever capacity I could, and felt privileged for the opportunity. After my initial encounter with Hawkins, I was spiri-
    tually inspired: meditating with greater intensity, reading spiritual literature with fervor and greater comprehension, and
    engaging in contemplation on a more consistent basis. All of these activities have continued to this day, and for that I
    will always be grateful. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Preface", S. 1, Kindle locations 150-157, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14./15. January 2013



Fundamentalists drawn to the arbiter of truth

  • Like many of his students, I became what we’ll call a Hawkins fundamentalist, believing David R. Hawkins was the ultimate teacher – the Arbiter of Truth – and that his teachings were the conclusive teachings on enlightenment. To fundamenta-
    lists like me, Hawkins had the final word on all matters because he was enlightened and because he confirms what he says by testing his statements for truth. That is, he "calibrates" his statements (using his muscle test) to confirm them as true, absolute, and beyond reproach.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Preface", S. 3-4, Creative Crayon Publishers, 15. January 2013



Hooked by Power ⇔ Force

  • I became a Hawkins fundamentalist upon reading that book – before ever meeting Hawkins or reading any of his other work. […] Although I take full responsibility for my adopted fundamentalism, I can identify five factors related to Power vs. Force that seduce students into believing Hawkins’ teachings.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 1 "Power vs. Force", S. 15, Creative Crayon Publishers, 15. January 2013



The biographer takes note of projections of his teacher.

  • As his biographer, I noticed that Hawkins tends to project his experiences onto the overall human experience: he seems to assume that others will likely, sometimes necessarily, have experiences similar to his own.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 135, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins dissociation

  • Based on my personal experience as Hawkins’ biographer and through my analysis of his teachings, I believe Hawkins dissociated from his body and mind, as well as his ego, shadow, and overall personality.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", subheading "The Savior complex", S. 141, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Encountering a living mystic

  • My initial interest in pursuing Hawkins’ work was influenced by the autobiographical sketch he provided in his book, Power vs. Force. The spiritual autobiography, while brief, was the first proclamation of a living mystic – an enlightened being – that I had ever read. I instantly wanted to meet him and learn more about him. I came to believe that Hawkins’ own level of consciousness was highly rare and special, and that therefore I was somehow rare and special (but to a lesser de-
    gree) for having found him as my teacher.
    It was this initial fascination and "projected specialness," as Hawkins calls
    it, which led to my induction into his clan.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 "Hawkins' Biography: A Different Perspective", S. 157, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Stranded "apostle"

  • I truly thought Hawkins had the answers to everything. His certainty was beyond question, his presentation mesmerizing. To me, his calibration method was the answer to all of humankind's problems. I felt privileged and "karmically blessed" to have been one of the early souls to discover him. In fact, I began to believe I was some kind of apostle.
    Yet, the further I went into his work, the more I distanced myself from many of my friends and family members. I became less engaged in work and active life. It's okay, I justified to myself. I'm on the direct path to enlightenment.
    I'm simply avoiding worldly distractions.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", subheading "Hawkins Fundamentalism", S. 178, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Broken spell:

Discovering the human behind the god, the ego and shadow behind the 'avatar'

  • I began to see that Hawkins did indeed have an ego – and a shadow – and his full humanness finally struck me. The spell was broken; disillusionment set in. I went from revering him as a god to appreciating him as a man. And in seeing him as a man, I was able to deeply question his work and the assumptions on which it was based. I was amazed there wasn't more public discourse about discrepancies by those who understood the material. The ground had evaporated and I was falling hard and fast. At first, I was deva-
    stated, then, angry. I felt like I had been duped, tricked, and brainwashed. Yet I didn't sense any conscious decep-
    tion in Hawkins.
    I was confused, to say the least. The work's discrepancies and the issues I'd been suppressing for nearly a decade began bubbling to the surface.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", subheading "Hawkins Fundamentalism", S. 178-179, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Recovering from fundamentalism

  • And yet, there I was, a Hawkins fundamentalist, needing recovery. I take full responsibility for my fundamentalism. No one, including Hawkins, forced me to adopt his system with such absoluteness. I know I'm not alone, however: I’ve spoken to many disillusioned students and observed this same fundamentalism rampant throughout the Hawkins community. Hawkins’ system appeals to a fundamentalist mindset: In fact, absolutism leads to fundamentalism.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", subheading "Hawkins Fundamentalism", S. 179, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Prone to fundamentalist thinking

  • Every explorer of Hawkins' work isn't necessarily an overt fundamentalist as I once was. His system, however, caters to those prone to fundamentalist thinking. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", subheading "Hawkins Fundamen-
    talism", S. 184, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Giving up striving for enlightenment as a mystical release

  • As a former Hawkins fundamentalist, shedding my belief in his system stimulated the release of anxiety, judgment, guilt, spiritual pride, and overall life repression. Many students will relate to this; some may not (especially those who didn't buy into Hawkins’ teaching system wholeheartedly). When the veil was lifted for me, I was able to accept more dimensions of myself, embracing a fuller expression of life. As I became more integrated
    with each step toward wholeness, the striving for enlightenment as a mystical release from the world subsided for
    me. Without trying to get anywhere – without trying to ascend – I am learning the spiritual power of the present mo-
    ment. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", subheading "Exiting the House of Mirrors", S. 230-231, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Healing capacity of research and writing while exiting a cult

Transformative power of acknowledged cultic thorns

  • I found that researching and writing Power vs. Truth was a means of healing my mind, of expunging many of the limited perspectives I had adopted as a student of Hawkins’ teachings. But it's clear to me that my heart still requires a great deal of mending. Only time and practice can address these raw wounds. These wounds, however, bind together many of us who were attracted to Hawkins’ work. I believe these wounds can be a source of transformative power for each of us – if we learn how to work with and heal our wounds instead of pushing them away or dissociating from them as Hawkins did.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Epilogue", S. 232, Kindle locations 4038-4042, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14./15. January 2013


  • And I was even his [Hawkins'] biographer for over five years where I was given access to all of his archives: professional letters, personal cards, unpublished works, income statements – you name it. I interviewed over a dozen people include old friends, colleagues, and family members.
    His biography, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins shipped to bookstores the same day Hawkins passed away at the age of 85.
    In the process of researching Hawkins' biography and spending many hours with him in person, I was struck by an overwhelming number of inconsistencies in both his stories and his teachings. This was like pulling a thread on an old sweater. I wasn't trying to unravel anything in the beginning, but the more I pulled, the more "truths" came undone.
    I wrote a follow-up to his biography entitled, Power vs. Truth: Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, to explore the evidence and inconsistencies I had accumulated about both the man and his teachings.
    I knew this work would not be well-received by his loyal community (and I was correct), but I felt a sense of obligation
    to share what I learned. I'm grateful to learn that the work has been helpful to many readers who were ready to move
    on from Hawkins’ teachings.
    I have no malicious intent toward Hawkins. I believe he was largely unconscious to his improprieties and I still
    believe that his work contains inspiration and some wisdom.
    But it is most certainly not THE truth, nor is it
    anything resembling a "science of truth," as he promoted it.
    Removed article by Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, "My Quest for Truth with David R. Hawkins", 2014
  • It took Dr. Hawkins' biographer, Scott Jeffrey – a close confidante and devotee for about a decade – to discover the truth of Hawkins' endorsements more than 15 years after the initial self-publication of Power vs. Force, a book loaded with scientific-sounding language without much substance. For his efforts, Mr. Jeffrey has been labelled by members of Haw-
    kins' devoted community as "Luciferic," a "Spiritual Snake," and even a "Judas!" Hawkins being seen as basically all-
    , anyone who disagrees with his teachings or reveals uncomfortable facts related to him, we suppose is viewed
    as essentially all-bad (all of that taught "unconditional love" just goes right out the window!). Love itself, in the Hawkins community, appears to be more about loyalty and love for Hawkins "Himself" and his "Devotional Nonduality community," rather than for truth and our fellow human beings, including our "enemies."
    Blog entry by Edmund Knightley aka drhtaf1000, Wayne Dyer, "Lord" David R. Hawkins, and PBS, 14. November 2014

Two personal avowals and final caveat
by Lou Marzeles, former hopeful/protege in D. Hawkins' cult

A word on all this

  • As will have been observed, support for both Doc and Scott Jeffrey have been voiced in this group, to the annoyance
    in varying degrees of those on both sides of the discussion. Some of the most strident supporters of Doc have quit this
    group in disgust. That's understandable.
    Scott sent me a copy of Power vs. Truth, and I read it. I'm not willing to engage in opinionation about all this, largely be-
    cause I find it generally counterproductive.
    I will say this: to my sense, Doc was neither a sham nor an avatar. I find
    his work hugely helpful, and I genuinely liked the man. I found him to be warm and kind. My memory of him and his work
    will always remain very fond. And at the same time, I never understood the wild adulation of him, the veneration of him
    to the status of godhood.
    Scott pointed out inconsistencies in Doc's work and weird goings-on in Veritas' business dea-
    lings that will have surprised no one who worked closely with Veritas (and has since moved on) or studied his work close-
    ly while scratching their heads over some perplexing things. I don't find those matters to necessitate a sweeping overtur-
    ning of Doc's work, nor do they strike me as anything other than particularly interesting karmic points for all concerned.
    The truth, in my experience, is always above and between the apparent polar opposites.
    Statement per email message by Lou Fournier Marzeles, US American researcher, educator, author, to ~1800 registered members of
    the DrHawkinsGroup Yahoo email group, 12. February 2013


  • It's hard to look at the home page of the DrHawkinsGroup [Yahoo email group] and see the messages arranged by year, from 2002 to the present, and think about shutting it down.
    On the other hand, at its height the group had 400 messages in a single month. Since September of 2014, almost two years ago, there have been a total of 77. It's a case of use it or lose it, it seems. It will close soon.
    I wanted to take a moment to share a few thoughts. I started this group when I moved to Sedona, next door to Dr. Haw-
    kins, in 2002, a year after I first met him at his home. His work was, and remains, a source of profound inspiration to me,
    and as well I had the chance to learn at very close quarters the dynamics of the organization that built up around
    . Doc often reminded me of the Moonies, if any of you recall them, where the head of the organization (Rev. Moon), a bascially decent guy, was ensconced in an organization around him that was gravely flawed.
    I had my stone out and was ready to be the first to throw it at Doc's organization, and then I thought, Oh wait, I'm not without sin myelf. For that and other reasons, I'm never going to do as Scott Jeffreys did and write a ravaging expose of Veritas; I don't take issue with Scott for doing that (and the facts he reported are accurate), but it#s not my way. Some have urged me to share what I know (which is a lot) about the issues with Veritas, and that's not going to happen. The farthest I will go is to say, approach with a healthy mix of appreciation and caution.
    Testimonial per email message by Lou Fournier Marzeles, US American researcher, educator, author, to ~1800 registered members
    of the DrHawkinsGroup Yahoo email group, 19. August 2016

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – concerning David R. Hawkins


Claim of false knighthood

  • Hawkins wrote on the final page of Power vs. Force, "The author was knighted for this work by the Danish Crown."8 This is untrue and a deliberate distortion of the facts. Hawkins was knighted for submitting a paper on low-cost mental health clinics to [Chilean engineer, entrepreneur and politician] Fernando Flores [*1943] for entry into the order – not for his "consciousness research." Second, the order that knighted him, the Sovereign Order of Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem in the Americas, is not a legiti-
    mate order, but a self-styled order with questionable intentions.9 Hawkins is aware of the credibility issues within this order, but still
    keeps it in his author biography, in his books, and on his website.
    Additionally, it was a gross exaggeration for Hawkins to say that he was knighted "by the Danish Crown."101 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing con-
    sultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 1 "Knighthood and More Firepower",
    S. 18, Kindle locations 422-433, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14. January 2013



Hawkins faked three endorsements for his first book.

  • Sam Walton[^Bob Ortega, US American author, In Sam We Trust. The Untold Story of Sam Walton and Wal-Mart, the World's Most Powerful Retailer, Three Rivers Press, 1998, reprint edition 21. March 2000
    Lee Iacocca, and Mother Teresa replied to having received the manuscript [of Power vs. Force – they did not offer endorsements of it [...] Hawkins twisted [their] replies [...] to make them appear
    to be endorsements [...] [T]his was untruthful and unethical.
    Hawkins never requested endorsements from Walton, Iacocca, or Mother Teresa. He simply sent them the book manuscript to review. For example, in his cover letter to Walton dated January 11, 1991, Hawkins wrote, "Before the book goes to the printers, I wonder if you have any comments or suggestions on what I've written about Walmart or
    any corrections for any inaccuracies." Walton, Iacocca, and Mother Teresa replied to having received the manuscript
    – they did not offer endorsements of it.
    On the back of Power vs. Force, Lee Iacocca is quoted as making the following endorsement of the book: "… particularly timely … a significant contribution to understanding and dealing with the problems we face today." Iacocca responded to the receipt of Hawkins’ manuscript for his review (from a letter dated January 29, 1991): "Thank you for your letter and for sending me the manuscript of your forthcoming book, Power vs. Force. It's a particular timely topic considering what's happening today in the world around us. I will put it on my 'read' pile."
    Hawkins grossly distorted Iacocca's reply. […] Iacocca hadn't read the manuscript and never endorsed Hawkins’ book. Hawkins, in self-publishing Power vs. Force, twisted Iacocca's words to make them appear to be an endorsement. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 1 "Knighthood and More Firepower", S. 22/21, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14. January 2013



Example k-testing:

Note: Hawkins' bypassed Winston Churchill's war crimes.

  • Hawkins assumes that people's levels of consciousness determine their behavior. So let's consider that. What calibrated level of consciousness might you expect of a person who says, "I hate Indians. They are beastly people with a beastly religi-
    11 2 Most students of Hawkins’ work would say "below 200," but this quote is from Winston Churchill, and Hawkins calibrates him at 515, the level of "Love" on his scale. I'm an admirer of Churchill; the entire planet owes him our gratitude. History, however, shows him to have been not only a hero, but
    also a racist and an imperialist. Consider this quote by Churchill addressing the Council of the West Essex Unionist Association in reference to Mahatma Gandhi: "It is alarming and also nauseating to see Mr. Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer of the type well-known in the East, now posing as a fakir, striding half-naked up the steps of the Vice-
    regal palace to parley on equal terms with the representative of the King-Emperor […] The truth is that Gandhiism and all it stands for will, sooner or later, have to be grappled with and finally crushed."
    12 3
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 3 "Map of Consciousness", S. 59, Kindle locations 1121-1132, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14./15. January 2013



Former mistress of Rothschild and GOP ideologist, Rand blatantly promoted white supremacy and racism.

  • [The Native Americans] didn't have any rights to the land and there was no reason for anyone to grant them rights which they had not conceived and were not using [...]. What was it they were fighting for, if they opposed white men on this continent? For their wish to continue a primitive existence, their "right" to keep part of the earth untouched, unused and not even as property, just keep everybody out so that you will live practically like an animal, or maybe a few caves above it. Any white person who brought the element of civilization had
    the right to take over this continent.

    Q&A session of address to the graduating class by '' Ayn Rand [LoC 400] (1905-1982) Russian-American philosopher, play-
    wright, screenwriter, novelist, The United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, 6. March 1974


  • In the ten brief pages of the first chapter of Power vs. Force, "Critical Advances in Knowledge," readers are bom-
    barded with terminology including chaos theory, attractor patterns, stellar astronomy, fractal geometry, fluid mecha-
    nics, non-linear dynamics, psychopharmacology, strange attractors, advanced theoretical physics, causality, neural
    networks, pure awareness, logical progression, morphogenetic fields, critical factor analysis, implicate and explicate
    order, neurophysiologic modeling, left-brain/right-brain, and the law of sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 3 "Map of Consciousness", S. 61, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



The magic misdirection



Example k-testing:

Karl Marx: The exploiting class system as a fundamental reality

  • Consider Hawkins' calibration of Karl Marx's work at 130. Hawkins says it was a mistake that his work (and Engels’) were included in the Great Books of the Western World.31 Because of this, most students of Hawkins' work tend to recoil if Marx is mentioned, without ever reading Marx's work or evaluating him for themselves. Marx explored the social forces (mainly oppression) that play a role in a particular level of development and evolution. Class systems exert pressure on individuals, and Marx tackled that head-on. He wrote about the ex-
    ploiter and the exploited. Can we deny that certain individuals, groups, institutions, and governments exploit their people? Can we not observe this phenomenon throughout numerous cultures and levels of society? Hawkins sug-
    gests that the observation of the exploiter and the exploited is an egoistic position rather than a fundamental reality
    that needs to be examined and considered.

    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 3 "Map of Consciousness", S. 65-66, Kindle locations 1241-1248, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14./15. January 2013



The MoC presented as THE lens to enlightenment


  • When we look at the history of human development, an intriguing evolutionary pattern emerges. Evolutionary philo-
    sophers observe that "each worldview gives way to its successor because certain inherent limitations in the earlier worldview become apparent."18 4 As evolution unfolds, new truths and new realizations unfold. This means that even the revered ancient philosophers, mystics, and sages don't have the final word, as the world we live in today contains levels of context that didn't exist several thousand years ago.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 4 "Postmodernism: A Closer Look", subheading "Hawkins' View of Postmodernism", S. ~82, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • In other words, just because the world is not pre-given doesn't mean there isn't any structure or hierarchical order to reality. It simply means that we – human beings – are playing a vital role in the evolutionary development of reality
    itself, and no one knows for certain where it's going next.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 4 "Postmodernism: A Closer Look", subheading "Hawkins' View of Postmodernism", S. ~82, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins defying postmodernism

  • Hawkins is transparent about his view of postmodernism. He says, "Modern man is still struggling with things that were answered in 400 BC … [The postmodernist] says, 'The world I see is different from the world you see. So we live in different worlds.' That was the argument that Plato answered, and [the statement] is, of course, fallacious because what you're talking about is opinion, and opinion is perception. What a thing looks like is not its reality … Truth is based on essence and not on appearance."20 5 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 4 "Postmodernism: A Closer Look", subheading "Hawkins' View of Postmoder-
    nism", S. ~83, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Transcending the Freudian psychological ego



Hawkins provided a seemingly conclusive and definitive definition and understanding of the ego without reading any current psychological literature.

  • In a private interview, Hawkins revealed that as a psychiatrist he never stayed current with psychological literature. He is surprisingly unaware of the accumulated knowledge amassed from research in humanistic psychology over the past sixty years.17
    Footnote 17: Hawkins conveyed in a private interview that as a psychiatrist he hasn't read any psychological literature – and yet he's providing what appears to be a very conclusive and definitive definition and understanding of the ego.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", subheading "What Is the Ego?",
S. 91, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



See article:

  • [A]s a student, I was more likely to pick up a copy of The Weekly Standard or tune into Fox News, since Hawkins calibrates both sources in the 400s (Reason). I was also likely to avoid other media sources like National Public Radio [NPR] because Hawkins calibrates it at only 200.
    When you only read, watch, and listen to media sources that are in alignment with a single perspective, you're only reinforcing a belief in that perspective. When you fortify your worldview – when you believe you "know" what's true and what's not – you close yourself off to other perspectives that may prove useful for your own evolution.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 7 "Beyond Absolutism", S. ~129-130, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • [H]e realized higher states of consciousness (like his "intensification of the infinite Presence" or his "final doorway" experience), but he lacked a community to verify the uniqueness (or lack thereof) of his experiences. He also lacked
    a viable means of accurately interpreting the states he experienced. The Map of Consciousness, Hawkins has shared, was his attempt to understand and explain the states of consciousness he experienced.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", subheading "Hawkins’ Level of Consciousness", S. ~140, Kindle locations 2426-2431, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14/15. January 2013



Hawkins' many personas

  • Whether Hawkins calls it persona or ego, there's necessarily some form of perso-
    nal identity behind his social mask. Even though Hawkins doesn't identify with this personal self, claiming to reside in a state beyond it, it's still present. And the evi-
    suggests that this personal self has a host of beliefs, opinions, values, worldviews, and so on (like all human beings).
    Hawkins, in fact, doesn't just have one persona; like all of us, he has many. For instance, the person you speak to in private has a very different social mask from the one Hawkins’ students witness at his lectures and sat-
    sangs.28 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", subheading "Hawkins' Personal Shadow", S. 144, Crea-
    tive Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14. January 2013



Hawkins' deceptions:

See example: D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 113, 2008

  • Humanistic, developmental, and transpersonal psychologies expose the deceptions for those open to seeing them. Hawkins often remarks about the fallacious memes and ideologies that he believes are destroying the fabric of Western civilization.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", subheading "The Case of David R. Hawkins", S. ~223, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Maturing of the ego


Mature ego

Handling ambiguity well

  • The mature ego is
      ➣ not proud or narcissistic [Jeffrey].
      ➣ Rather, someone with a mature ego is highly integrated (Loevinger) and
      ➣ able to hold multiple perspectives simultaneously (Beck and Cowan).
      ➣ A mature ego can handle ambiguity without the need to resolve seeming paradoxes (Cook-Greuter) and
      ➣ can hold a worldview that is integrated and based on dialogue with others (Miller).
      ➣ seeks universal care in women (Gilligan) and
      ➣ [seeks] universal rights in men (Kohlberg).
      ➣ A mature ego is driven by internal instead of external motivations (Maslow).
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
R. Hawkins
, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", subheading "What Is the Ego?", S. 88, Creative Crayon Publishers,
14. January 2013


  • The father of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, spoke and wrote passionately throughout his career of
    the importance of realizing one's highest potential. But toward the end of his life, he, too, concluded that we
    must first resolve our internal conflicts and neuroses before higher realizations are possible.16
    Referencing: Tony Schwartz, US American president and CEO of The Energy Project, professional speaker, journalist, business
    book author, What Really Matters. Searching for Wisdom in America, S. 109, Bantam, New York, reprint edition 1. March 1996,
    cited in: Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings
    of David R. Hawkins
    , chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", subheading "What Is the Ego?", S. 91, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Researchers of paths of human development

Naming psychic wholeness: integration (Jung), integrated (Loevinger), unitive (Cook-Greuter), integral (postmodern movement)

  • Abraham Maslow uncovered the hierarchy of human needs – the self needs we all share.
      ➤ Jean Piaget outlined the developmental path of human cognition.
      ➤ Jane Loevinger pioneered a model of the stages of ego development.
      ➤ Clare Graves unearthed the evolution of our values.
      ➤ Erik Erikson explored our psychosocial stages of development.
      ➤ Lawrence Kohlberg studied the stages of moral development in men and
      ➤ Carol Gilligan did likewise for women.
      ➤ James Fowler shined a light on the developmental stages of faith.
      ➤ Melvin Miller cataloged the evolutionary tiers of our worldviews.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
R. Hawkins
, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", subheading "What Is the Ego?", S. 93, Creative Crayon Publishers,
14. January 2013
  • The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order systems as man's existential problems change. Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, Introductory quote, presented by clarewgraves.com, undated


  • The mature personality provides a means for bringing relations of reciprocity and willing amity to the entire family of hu-
    man beings. The mature provides for the interchange and utilization of the entire experiences of humankind. He or she
    lives in a moral world which tears down manmade barriers of law and custom widening the means of communication
    and cooperation between humans.
    The mature is a committed person, committing self to continuous self-development, and to intimate relations and coope-
    ration with all people. He or she is one who believes in face to face interaction and assessment, one who believes friend-
    ly eyes are the indispensable mirror for reflecting what is. He or she believes in an absolutely open society where every nook, every corner is exposed to anyone who is curious. He or she behaves so as to demonstrate that every person
    may be freely heard.
    Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, Conceptions of the Mature Personality from Dr. Graves' Research. Nodal FS, presented by clarewgraves.com, undated

Timeline and origins of D. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness

Timeline, versions and originators of various maps of emotional states and consciousness
༺༻DateAuthor/sBook title
Scale name Number of levels/
1.19th centuryTheosophist movement
Theosophical Society
Unknown script
Allocated by Randi Richmond
Levels of Soul Evolvement Ranging from 0-800Anonymous
2.1945 Aldous Leonard Huxley, grandson of 'Darwin's Bulldog' Thomas Henry Huxley [LoC 460] (1825-1895)The Perennial Philosophy, Chatto & Windus, UK; Harper & Row, US8Ontological order
6 levels Aldous Leonard Huxley
Tutors: H.G. Wells (1866-1946), Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), Tavistock Clinic, London
Sándor Radó, M.D. (1890-1972) Hungarian Freudian psychoanalyst Psychoanalysis of Behavior. 1956-1961, Grune & Stratton, 1962 Emergency emotions
Welfare emotions

Division of danger/pleasure
? emotionsSándor Radó, M.D. (1890-1972) Hungarian Freudian psychoanalyst
4.1. January 1972Ruth MinshullHow to Choose Your People, Scientology Ann Arbor, 1st edition
Free PDF version
Tone scale 15 emotional tones Ron L. Hubbard (1911-1986), Scientology Mentor: Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)
April 1990
Dr. Vern Black, former EST trainer, psychologistHandbook for the Integrity Tone Scale, Vern Black and Associates, 3rd edition 1984
See also:10
The Integrity Tone Scale, presented by waltsearch.wordpress.com,
16 levels/states of integrity; columns across the top of the scale Werner Erhard (*1935), EST
6.1986Virginia Lloyd, director of The Sedona InstituteMastering Your EmotionsChart of Emotions: AGFLAP CAP 9 emotional states (AGFLAP CAP) Lester Levenson (1910-1994), Sedona Method
7.1984-1988Dr. David R. HawkinsCreation phase of the MoCMap of Consciousness 17 levels Muscle testing with colleague/friend Glorian Ross
Note: Hawkins' calibrations on his fellow map creators: Ron L. Hubbard [LoC 410⇒ 145],
Werner Erhard [LoC 510⇒ 175], Lester Levenson [LoC 505⇒ 180].
Yet, no credit was availed to Glorian Ross.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 17
     "Map of Consciousness", subheading "Creating the Map", S. 269-271, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012
Compare with:
William Sargant (1907-1988) controversial British psychiatrist, life-long depressive, drug-tester, promoter of psychosurgery, deep sleep
     treatment, electroconvulsive therapy and insulin shock therapy, consultant of British Secret Service MI5, Battle for the Mind. A Physiology
     of Conversion and Brainwashing – How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians, and Medicine Men Can Change Your Beliefs and Behavior
     Heinemann, London, 1957, Malor Books, Cambridge, Massachusetts, reprint 1. October 1997
Additional sources:
Lester Levenson, PACMAN model, 1980s
► Abraham-Hicks, https://dailydish.co.uk/abraham-hicks-emotional-guidance-scale-with-pdf/"Bild" Emotional Guidance System, PDF, 2004
See also: ► Chart of emotions – Lester Levenson and ► ⚡ Quotes by Aldous Huxley
Siehe auch: ► Emotionale Tonskala – Ron Hubbard

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Map of Consciousness



1984: Falling out between Hawkins and his teacher Lester Levenson

  • Hawkins became engrossed in Lester Levenson's teachings and his Sedona Method in 19763 11. The nine emotional states used in the method are apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride (AGFLAP), and courageousness, acceptance, and peace (CAP). If you change "lust" to "desire," you have nine of the seventeen levels of consciousness from Hawkins’ map – verbatim and in the same order. [...] Hawkins and Levenson had a falling out over a real estate deal and Hawkins came to believe that Levenson was solely interested in financial gain. He nee-
    ded to differentiate his map from the Sedona Method’s AGFLAP CAP. It seems likely that he added the columns main-
    ly to avoid a lawsuit from the Sedona Method's organization. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consul-
    tant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", S. 53 and 59, Kindle, locations 1018-1021, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14./15. January 2013


  • It's one thing to say that someone's work contains errors and limitations; it's quite another to say that it's destructive and categorically false. The former statement informs; the latter reinforces ignorance. And since the validity of the calibration method doesn't stand up to scrutiny, it's prudent to question its application and use. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 3 "Map of Conscious-
    ness", S. 66, Kindle locations 1260-1261, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14./15. January 2013



Sandor Rado's Map of emotions used as a pretense

  • Footnote 2, Notes re chapter 3: [Sandor] Rado’s (1890-1972) model bears no resemblance to Hawkins’s levels of consciousness or even the column of emotions on Hawkins’ map. My sense [author S. Jeffrey] is that Hawkins refers to AP because he doesn't want to reference the Sedona Method. He parted with Levenson and the Sedona Method group on poor terms.
    I was told by numerous sources that Levenson was highly litigious and Hawkins was likely trying to avoid a lawsuit.


  • The language Hawkins learned throughout his life and his exposure to Lester Levenson's teachings (Sedona Method) shape how he sees his experiences of various levels of consciousness.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 4 "Postmodernism", S. 78, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 15. January 2013


  • Susan [Hawkins] convinced her husband that it was important that he share his Map of Consciousness with the world (even though she never read any of her husband's books).
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 "Hawkins' Biography: A Different Perspective", subheading "Hitting Bottom", subheading "Fortifying Power vs. Force", Kindle locations 3013-24, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • [T]he Map of Consciousness is clearly based, among other sources, on the Sedona Method’s nine emotional states (AGFLAP CAP), which was published in its course materials in the ’70s and in Virginia Lloyd’s Mastering Your Emo-
    (1986). AGFLAP CAP was established at least a decade before Hawkins developed his map. But Hawkins needed to differentiate his teaching system both from the Sedona Method and from the work of one of his former teachers (Lester Levenson). Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", subheading "The Business of Enlightenment", S. ~212, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 15. January 2013


  • Footnote 3, Notes re chapter Epilogue, S. ~234: Lester Levenson, the founder of the Sedona Method, erroneously taught that people can permanently "go free" from negative emotions by releasing the energy of these negative emotions over a period of weeks or months. (He claims he went free of negative emotions in less than three months.) While we can process through the emotions of a particular experience, we can't permanently eliminate negative emotions; they are part of our unconscious.
    I [author S. Jeffrey] believe Levenson himself dissociated from his emotions and then called himself "enlightened." Hawkins, as a devoted student of Levenson for nearly a decade, followed suit and then incorporated this distorted under-
    standing of emotions into his own teaching system.

Quotes by other sources on maps of consciousness

  • A good map becomes a model, and a model that is never disputed becomes a law.
    Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millen-
    nium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Eye to Eye. The Quest for the New Paradigm, S. 160, 1983, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 3rd revised edition 30. January 2001



Trancending: Lower stages are being integrated into higher stages.

  • The higher stage always has access to those below it. Each succeeding level has all the capacities of the previous level, and then it adds something extra. That something extra is what makes it transcending in relation to the previous one. What's negated is not the previous stage but its limitation. Each stage transcends and includes.
    Interview with Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, cited in: Tony Schwartz, US American president and CEO of The Energy Project, professional speaker, journalist, business book author, What Really Matters. Searching for Wisdom in America, S. 353, Bantam, New York, reprint edition 1. March 1996

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Calibration method


Bias ⇔ mandate of objectivity/opting for truth

  • As Hawkins acknowledges, everyone has biases and beliefs; thus, by his man-
    date of total objectivity, it seems unlikely that anyone would be able to use the calibration method with consistent accuracy. Your opinions, as well as your unconscious attitudes and beliefs, affect your testing results, explaining why errors and inconsistencies are likely.29 12 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", subheading "The Claims and Assumptions of the Method", S. 42, Creative Crayon Publis-
    hers, 15. January 2013



Underlying assupmption:

D. Hawkins calibrations are infallible.

  • Anyone who has experimented with the technique with any frequency, however, knows how easy it is to manipulate your subject's arm, even when testing silently. The unspoken assumptions seem to be that because Hawkins is "enlightened,"
    1. he can't be manipulating his wife's arm;
    2. is completely void of opinions, positions, and beliefs; and
    3. possesses 100 percent objectivity.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", subheading "The Claims and Assumptions of the Method", S. 50, Creative Crayon Publishers, 15. January 2013



Hawkins' calibration tool used to replace one's critical thinking faculty

  • Hawkins believes that "once you learn how to tell truth from falsehood, you become a little more perceptive. You get much sharper at picking up that you're being had all the time. Not some of the time, all the time […]. So your mind is one set of stupid programming. It's worthless."13 13 Statements like these undermine his students’ self-worth and selfconfidence, along with their critical thinking, leading them to blindly follow their teacher.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", subheading "The Destructive Side of the Devotional Nonduality Cult", S. 201, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


See also: ► Kinesiological calibration
  • One of the things [Hawkins] does is use [Hawkins applied] kinesiology, which is muscle testing, to test the truthfulness of statements […] making a kind of lie-detector test out of it […]. The hidden ego hook is that now the student's attention is being put on the wrong place, focused on an illusory test of an illusory thing in an illusory world […]. [Hawkins] calibrates different teachings at various levels, from 1 to 1,000. People love it […]. [But] the Course [states] […] 'Spirit has no levels, and all conflict arises from the concept of levels.' […] Enlightenment has no levels […] things like tests and calibrations distract the student […] and all it really leads to is a lot of wasted time […]. Add the lie-detector test to the mix and you have a lifetimes worth of distractions […]. Don't be discouraged by those who borrow from the Course instead of teaching it. Gary Renard, US American author, Your Immortal Reality. How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death, Hay House, 2006,
    1. September 2007

Note: In personal correspondence Renard has confirmed that his "teachers", supposedly ascended masters from the future, Arten and Pursah, were referring to David Hawkins.

Hawkins' quotes on his calibration method


Calibration method – independent of opinions held by the tester

  • This phenomenon occurs independently of the test subject's own opinion or know-
    ledge of the topic, and the response has proven cross-culturally valid in any popula-
    tion and consistent over time. D. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 30, Hay House, February 2002



Calibration method – independent of held opinions

  • The calibrated number is obtained by means of a blind, impersonal technique resulting in biological-based physiological responses that occur independently of personal opinion. D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 4, S. 73, 2008



Calibration method – Bias may thwart test results.

  • Skepticism calibrates at about 185. Kinesiology calibrates at 600. Therefore it is be-
    yond logic and reason. […] Having a vested interest in the answer can throw it off. We must truly want the truth. This needs to be our intention.
    D. Hawkins, Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, 11. October 2003


  • One way to God is by calibrating the levels of truth and following those things which calibrate the highest.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar What is Real?, DVD 2 of 3, track 4, 16. June 2007


  • Once you learn how to tell truth from falsehood, you become a little more perceptive. You get much sharper at picking up that you're being had all the time. Not some of the time, all the time […]. So your mind is one set of stupid programming. It's worthless. D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, DVD 1 of 3, track 6, 26. January 2008

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – List of discrepancies in Hawkins' calibrations

           Calibrated item/person/thesis                        Levels of Consciousness (LoC)             
David Hawkins claimed that his leap into permanent enlightenment [600] NYC, 10 January 1965
which supposedly terminated his alcohol addiction.
850 Video presentation demonstrating muscle testing Power vs. Force, Volume Series I, 2 DVD set, 1996
945 Private interview with Scott Jeffrey, Sedona, 27 January 2008
3,500 Sedona Seminar A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation, 4 DVD set, 6. December 2008
1,000 Private interview with Scott Jeffrey, Sedona, 25 August 2009
Book Power vs. Force, 1995750 * 810 * 850
Book The Eye of the I950 (Backcover of Eye of the I, 2002)
980 (Backcover of I. Reality & Subjectivity, 2003)
998 (Backcover of Truth vs. Falsehood, 2005)
Enlightenment70014 * 60015
Mantra AUM 65 * 160 (books) * 250 * 300 * Half-dozen other LoCs (Various lectures)
Mantra OM740 * 1,000
Vedanta85516 * 59517
The Bill of Rights265 * 640
Rene Descartes465 * 490 * 499
Koko, gorilla trained in the United States250 * 405
Hatha Yoga260 * 390
Concept of Intelligent Design 200 * 450 * 480
Kabbalah72018 * 60519
Koran72020 * 70021
Torah77022 * 55023
Zohar73024 * 90525
The Ten Commandments595 * 1,000
The Gnostic Gospels400 * 535
Zoroaster860 * 1,000
Yahweh460 * 510
Gregorian chants485 * 595
Abraham Lincoln#s Gettysburg Address505 * 550
Biblical teachings of Abraham505 * 850 * 985
Plotinus (person, not his writings)510 * 730
Nelson Mandela435 * 505 * 550
Billy Graham460 * 570
Nonlinear dynamics460 * 510+
The United States Constitution705 (I. Reality and Subjectivity, pg. 75, 2003) * 765
Roman Coliseum 80 * 350
William Shakespeare's works465 * 500
Edinburgh Castle445 * 495
Adolf Hitler (while writing Mein Kampf)250 * 430
Principle of causality426 * 440 * 450 * 460
Edmund Husserl (German philosopher) 195 (Truth vs. Falsehood, pg. 209, 2005)
450 * 499 (Truth vs. Falsehood, pg. 254, 2005)
Solipsism300 (Truth vs. Falsehood, same pg. 255, 2005)
410 (Truth vs. Falsehood, same pg. 255, 2005)
Atheism 165 * 190 (2 charts in Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, 2008)
Book collection The Great Books of the Western World496 (Lecture Feb 2002) * 460 * 465/468 (Writings and later lectures)26
The Bhagavad-Gita740 (Video Power vs. Force, 1996)
910 (Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, pg. 306, 2005)
The Rolling Stones (US American band) Below 200 (Video Power vs. Force, 1996)
340 (Truth vs. Falsehood, pg. 97, 2005)
Huang Po740 (Video Power vs. Force, 1996)
790 (Lecture Unknown title, 2000)
750 (Lecture March 2002)
850 (Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, pg. 306, 2005)
960 (Discovery of the Presence of God, chapter 11, 2007
Hawkins' statement: At least 2,000, yet less than 3,000, people die in traffic accidents in America each week.
(This number mounts up to 104,000-156,000 deaths each year). Hawkins' lecture, January 2008
The actual estimated number of deaths by accidents is ~40,000 each year.  Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
The average variation in percentages for each item listed above is 63.2 percent. The median percentage change
is 30.1 percent. These figures represent unacceptable percent errors in any form of science.27
More calibrated item/person/thesisLevels of Consciousness (LoC)
Environmental activism/activists
260 (Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 94, 2005)
195 (Truth vs. Falsehood, chapter 10 "America", S. 153, 2005)
See also:
Ladder of 'personal' development – Joseph Dillard


[I]t wasn’t until Hawkins requested that I compile a reference book of calibrations based on both his long-form notes
and his books (over 7,000 calibrations in total) that I began to see a vast number of discrepancies.* In the course of
interviewing Hawkins for his biography, I recorded inconsistent calibrations that he conducted in my presence. Some-
times these calibrations were off by hundreds of points between visits. What follows is just a taste of the calibration
discrepancies found in his work.†
Footnote *: Although Hawkins references repeatedly a "database" of consciousness calibrations (for example, in Truth vs. Falsehood, pages 88 and 104), when I inquired about it, Hawkins said no such database exists. I compiled his calibration dictionary after Truth vs. Falsehood was published (2006) and submitted it to Hawkins. To my knowledge, Veritas Publishing never publically released this document.
Footnote †: What follows is a series of discrepancies contrasting calibrations from Hawkins' long-form notes, his books, and his lectures. Since the reader does not have access to Hawkins' calibrations that I prepared for him from his personal notes, I'm not including citations for these discrepancies.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", S. 32-34, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


Hawkins classifies his own experience as a "major transformation in consciousness," offering the date of his sobriety, January 10, 1965, as the date of his permanent enlightenment. He variously calibrates this "revelation of Divinity" at 850, 945, 1,000, and 3,500, depending on the date of the calibration.2
Footnote 2: In the Power vs. Force video in 1996, Hawkins calibrated it at level 850. In a private lecture to a group of Koreans in December 2008, he calibrated this same experience at 3,500. He calibrated this experience at 945 on January 27, 2008 and at 1,000
on August 25, 2009 – both during a private interview with me in his home.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 "Hawkins’ Biography: A Different Perspective", subheading "Hitting Bottom", S. 159, Creative Crayon Publishers,
14. January 2013


Note: "It is normal for those who have had a near death or mystical experience to be convinced that they have attained the transpersonal due to overwhelming experiences of vast timelessness, spacelessness, selflessness, and unconditional love. […] As stunningly expansive and transformational as these experiences are, if a person claims to have been propelled into a state of permanent enlightenment, they are almost certainly self-deluded. They are confusing the accessing of transpersonal states, which anyone, including children, can do, and being stable in one's development at some transpersonal level, which almost nobody does."
Joseph Dillard, Ph.D. (*1949) US American psychotherapist, developer of dreamwork method Integral Deep Listening (IDL), author, Transformational Dreamwork, Amazon Publishing, CreateSpace.com, January 2017

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Addiction and drug (LSD) induced consciousness research


History of LSD, DMT, psilocybin:

See: Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) Czech US American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, co-developer of transpersonal psychology, LSD. Doorway to the Numinous. The Groundbreaking Psychedelic Research into Realms of the Human Unconscious, Park Street Press, 1st edition 12. February 2009

  • Beginning with Albert Hofmann's discovery of LSD in 1938, interest in the scien-
    tific exploration of psychedelics continued to grow. It has been reported that psy-
    chedelic substances like LSD, DMT, and psilocybin, taken under the appropri-
    ate internal conditions with the proper understanding while in a safe, supportive
    setting, can offer experiences similar to those described by the ancient Eastern
    traditions through meditation. Most of the effects of these substances in terms of higher states of consciousness are temporary, but numerous participants have reported long-term psychological benefits.2 28 (Some studies have suggested permanent personality changes from taking a substance like psilocybin only once.3)29 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix E: Additional Insights", S. 291, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013


David Hawkins and LSD

Amanita muscaria
  • [Bill] Wilson was a dear mentor to Hawkins, and so was Wynn [BW's mistress]. Under Wynn's guidance, Hawkins says he prepared for his LSD experience for almost a year, recalling, "I'll never forget the ultimate drug: 150 [micrograms] of pure Sandoz acid [LSD]. And I’ll tell you: it opened up the top of the box [beyond level 1,000 on his map], and I stood there in the presence of the in-
    finite oneness of the universe. What Buddha and Jesus talked about was stark-raving it. There's no mystery left about it. It was beautiful … It was so incredible. Absolute transcendence … I lifted right through the top of the box and experienced what is."
    [Footnote 10: Lecture Consciousness: The Contextual Transformation of Addiction, disc 1, date unknown
    Hawkins’ remarks about LSD unveiling the truth of Christ and Buddha reinforces the research presented in John M. Allegro's The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross as well as Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit's Astrotheology & Shamanism. According to Allegro's evidence, it looks probable that the early teachings of the avatars were symbolic representations of the experiences of small groups (presumably from the mystery schools) that were using psychedelic substances, such as the Amanita muscaria mushroom.]
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 subheading "The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 160ff, Kindle locations 2841-2846, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 15. January 2013



Hawkins gained deeper insights after his "enlightenment" experience with two LSD trips.

  • Hawkins reports that he only tripped on acid twice and that both trips came AFTER his 1965 spiritual experience.11 30
    Footnote 11: He confirmed the time line of his acid trips in one of our private interviews for his biography. However, to my mind, it is entirely possible that Hawkins’ recollection of the time line of events is incorrect. Hawkins was a hopeless addict who couldn’t find sobriety. His mentors Bill Wilson and Helen Wynn were avid acid trippers, and Hawkins worked with Ross MacLean, who specialized in using LSD to treat alcoholism, at Hollywood Hospital in British Columbia. It seems entirely plausible that Hawkins dropped acid with Wynn in December 1965 –
    the month his sobriety began. On acid, he realized a greater truth and, like many others, had the confidence to remain sober (for
    reasons highlighted in Appendix). If this was the case, it's unlikely that he would ever tell this story to anyone, especially since
    LSD became illegal a few years later. Of course, there's no way to confirm any of this; I’m merely speculating.
He says that "LSD taken under the best of possible circumstances has allowed many people to experience the exquisite and infinite awareness of the truth of reality."12 31 His statement rings true with available transpersonal research.13 32 Describing the mechanism of LSD from his perspective, Hawkins explains, "What it does is create
a hole – a crack – in the edge of the ego and you get to experience what's beyond the ego."
14 33 That is, "All the
drug does is clear the field from you to experience something that is already there."
15 34 […]
"What's being revealed to you," Hawkins continues, "is that all things are sacred – including you. If you stay in that state, the world calls you enlightened. If you come out of it, it says you were stoned." Based on his own statements,
it seems likely that what Hawkins later called the "Infinite Presence of God" that unfolded via the "Grace of God" in
his teachings was an illumination brought about by an acid trip (similar to that experienced by the shamans of old
and many modern-day teachers).
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth.
Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
, chapter 9 subheading "The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 160ff, Kindle locations 2847-2858+, footnotes 5948-5969, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 15. January 2013


  • His [Hawkins] acid trips were transformative events that illuminated aspects of greater truths for him, and many people have realized these same truths. Based on the recorded talks he gave on addiction in the ’80s, it doesn’t seem that Hawkins had an inflated sense of his own realization right away. After all, his mentors Bill Griffith Wilson and [his mistress] Helen Wynn (as well as other close friends) were seasoned LSD users, and it would have been presump-
    tuous for him to claim that his experience of Infinite Light was more profound than theirs. No doubt, however, his experience invigorated his interest in meditation and spiritual studies.18 35
Interestingly, Hawkins never mentions his LSD experiences in any lectures after the ’80s. He also categorically calibrates "drugs" below 200. Yet it seems LSD experi-
ences played a major (if not primary) role in his spiritual journey, as they have for many. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 "Hawkins' Biography: A Different Perspective", subheading "The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 164, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • Notably, before LSD became illegal in the late '60s, there was a considerable body of evidence suggesting that controlled use of this psychedelic substance could bring about for people with addictions a spiritual awakening that would lead to their recovery. Clinical experiments performed by psychiatrists like Abram Hoffer, Humphry Osmond, and Ross MacLean – all of whom Hawkins worked with closely – demonstrated the efficacy of this approach. Peak experiences alter our perception of reality, making what was once perceived as impossible (impulse control), possible.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix B Integrity and Willpower", S. ~248-249, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Hawkins' addictiveness

  • Hawkins was always a truth seeker: through ancient philosophy, atheism, agnosticism, psychoanalysis, and various religions (both Eastern and Western). And all the while, he was manipulating his brain chemistry: with alcohol, tran-
    quilizers, caffeine, and more. Andrew Weil, M.D. (*1942), a founder of the field of integrative medicine, makes a compelling case that all humans have an innate drive to alter their state of consciousness and that we express this
    by using caffeine, sugar, chocolate, alcohol, nicotine, and other substances. (As the biography iterates, Hawkins al-
    ters his brain chemistry with nicotine as a heavy chain smoker and with caffeine as an addicted espresso and Diet Pepsi drinker.)
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 subheading "The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 160, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins stated that he was born addicted to nicotine.

He was also addicted to Diet Pepsi (replacing alcohol) and espresso coffee.

  • David has smoked an average of three packs [of cigarettes] daily for over five de-
    cades, starting when he was sixteen. For many years, David grew his own tabacco,
    rolling his own handmade cigarettes and giving the organic tabacco as a gift to close friends. David tried to stop smoking several times in his life, even completing Jacquelyn Roger's eight-week Smokenders program. David believes that smoking somehow anchors him to the physical world, a consequence of the recurring sen-
    sory movement, without which he just "drifts off" due to his state of consciousness.2 37
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 19
    "A Closer Look at David R. Hawkins", S. 300, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012



Addicted neurotic "avatar" Hawkins

  • Footnote 41: Each time we experience undesirable emotions like guilt and shame, our brains don't like it. This drives us to some kind of impulsive or addictive behavi-
    or like smoking, drinking, watching television, eating sugar, or checking our email – all of which trigger the neurotransmitter dopamine in our brains. A rush of dopamine doesn't produce happiness, but a feeling of arousal: dopamine gives us the possibility of feeling good. Unless we can break the cycle of guilt and shame – by owning our shadow and developing new behaviors – it is unlikely that can overcome our addictive tendencies. Hawkins […] maintained his neurotic behaviors and addictive habits throughout his entire life.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C", footnote 41, S. ~321, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Quotes – LSD intake for healing alcoholism and mind control purposes

Personal avowal by D. Hawkins

  • To be really stoned, is to be exposed to exquisite beauty of all things. It lays you back – takes you out of the picture. And then reveals exquisite beauty. […] What's being revealed to you is that all things are sacred – including you. If you stay
    in that state, the world calls you enlightened. If you come out of it, the world says you were stoned.

    Dr. David R. Hawkins, lecture Consciousness: The Way out of Alcoholism and Addiction, Sedona Villa, 1984-1988, cited in:
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 6 "Hell",
    S. 85-86, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012; Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 subheading "The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 161, Kindle locations 2841-2846, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle
    edition 15. January 2013


Personal avowals by Heard, Wilson, Huxley

Aldous Huxley, Famous Last Words, 1963
  • First, there are the colors and the beauties and designs and the way things appear. But that's just the beginning. At some point you notice that there aren't these separations that we normally feel. We are not on some separate island – shouting across and trying to hear what each other are saying. Suddenly you know. You know empathy. It's flowing underneath us. We are parts of a common continent that meets underneath the water. And with that comes such delight – the sober certainty of wa-
    king bliss. Gerald Heard (1889-1971) Anglo-Irish historian, mystical philosopher, mentor to Bill Griffith Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, educator, science writer, 1956



Personal avowal

Bill Wilson and his mistress Helen Wynn experimented with LSD to help diehard drunks discover a power greater than themselves. In 1956 Bill W. set out for his first LSD trip.

  • I am certain that the LSD experience has helped me very much. I find myself with a heightened color perception and an appreciation of beauty almost destroyed by my years of depression […]. The sensation that the partition between "here" and "there" has become very thin is constantly with me.
    Bill Griffith Wilson [Bill W.] [LoC 540] (1895-1971) US American co-founder of the inter-
    national mutual aid fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 1957


  • My own belief is that, though they may start by being something of an embarrassment, these new mind changers (psychedelic drugs) will tend in the long run to deepen the spiritual life of the communities in which they
    are available. […] From being an activity mainly concerned with symbols, religion will be transformed into an activity concerned mainly with experience and intuition.
    Aldous Huxley [LoC 485, work LoC 425] (1894-1963) English US American visionary huma-
    nist, pacifist, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, 1958

General quotes

  • On a cross-country trip in 1943, Wilson met Aldous Huxley, popular author and intellectual of his time. Huxley and
    his brother, British biologist and scientific humanist Julian Huxley, were big supporters of psychiatrists Abram Hoffer (1917-2009) and Humphry Osmond (1917-2004). Before researching the effects of large doses of niacin and other vitamins, these fathers of Orthomolecular Psychiatry were two early LSD researchers who studied its effect on schi-
    zophrenic and alcoholic patients.
    Osmond coined the term psychedelic, derived from the Greek work psyche meaning "mind" and delos meaning "to
    make visible." Osmond introduced another psychedelic compound, mescaline (derived from the peyote cactus), to
    Huxley documented his experience with mescaline in The Doors of Perception, the title inspired by William Blake's poetry: "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."
    By 1960, the year [David] Hawkins joined A.A., Wilson's A.A. involvement was minimal, and he spent his time explo-
    ring the occult as well as psychedelics. Wilson, accompanied by his mistress Helen Wynn and Huxley, frequently
    experimented with LSD.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 subheading "The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 160, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Marshall McLuhan/CIA set up Timothy Leary to destroy the capacity of dissent of an entire culture.

  • The lunch with Herbert 'Marshall' McLuhan (1911-1980) at the Plaza was informa-
    tive. "Dreary Senate hearings and courtrooms are not the platforms for your message, Tim. You call yourself a philosopher, a reformer. Fine. But the key to your work is ad-
    vertising. You're promoting a product. The new and improved accelerated brain. You
    must use the most current tactics for arousing consumer interest. Associate LSD with all the good things that the brain can produce – beauty, fun, philosophic wonder, religious revelation, increased intel-
    ligence, mystical romance. Word of mouth from satisfied consumers will help, but get your rock and roll friends to
    write jingles about the brain."
    He sang:
    'Lysergic acid hits the spot.
    Forty billion neurons, that's a lot.'
"The problem is tricky," I said. "The opposition beat us to the punch. The psychiatrists and police propagandists have already stressed the negative, which can be dangerous when the mind is re-imprinting under. They may be deliberate-
ly provoking bad trips. They never mention the 999 good experiences. They keep repeating 'LSD: jump out a window.'
When some ill-prepared person goes spinning into new realms, he or she wonders what happens now? Oh yeah.
Jump out a window. It's like the over-solicitous mother who warned her kids not to push peanuts up their noses."

"Exactly," agreed McLuhan. "That's why your advertising must stress the religious. Find the god within. This is all fright-
fully interesting. Your competitors are naturally denouncing the brain as an instrument of the devil. Priceless! To dispel
fear you must use your public image. You are the basic product endorser. Whenever you are photographed, smile.
Wave reassuringly. Radiate courage. Never complain or appear angry. It's okay if you come off as flamboyant and ec-
centric. You're a professor, after all. But a confident attitude is the best advertisement. You must be known for your
[…] "You’re going to win the war, Timothy. Eventually. But you're going to lose some major battles on the way.
You're not going to overthrow the Protestant Ethic in a couple years."

Timothy Leary (1920-1996) US American psychologist, influential figure of the 60s counterculture, advocate for research of psy-
chedelic drugs, CIA agent, writer, autobiography Flashbacks. A Personal and Cultural History of an Era, S. 251-252, G. P. Put-
nam's Sons
, 1983, J. P. Tarcher, 1990



  • With fellow psychiatrist Ross MacLean at Hollywood Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, he [D. Hawkins] instituted a recovery program for alcoholics based on the therapeutic use of LSD in a highly controlled environ-
    ment. […] The recovery rate for alcoholics who were "untreatable" by the rest of the medical community was an
    astounding 50 percent using this methodology.6 41 MacLean's work was an outgrowth of the original psychedelic research by Hoffer and Osmond. Hollywood Hospital treated more alcoholics with psychedelics than any other institution in North America.7 42
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins,
    chapter 12 "A Constant Quest", S. 173-174, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012


Anaïs Nin, ~1920
  • In 1953, a pair of Canadian researchers [Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. and Hum-
    phry Osmond] tried to use high doses of LSD to scare alcoholics into sobrie-
    , but discovered it instead produced a kind of mystical, near-religious experience
    for them that convinced them to stop drinking. They were onto something: A 2012
    meta-analysis of LSD-alcoholism trials found though many of the trials from the late
    1960s were too small to produce statistically-viable results on their own, in conjunc-
    tion, they showed consistent, positive results.
    At the same time, the government was also dipping its toes in an acid-filled pool. The
    CIA saw a more insidious potential in LSD: They thought it could be a truth se-
    rum or a route to mind control.
    Josef Mengele and other Nazi doctors had expe-
    rimented on concentration camp prisoners with mescaline and other psychotropic drugs. In the midst of Cold War paranoia, the U.S. Navy thought mescaline could
    be used to get people to reveal information against their will.
    When the experiments ultimately proved unsuccessful, the government turned to Albert Hofmann's new wonder drug, already beginning to emerge as a psychiatric juggernaut.43 Article Why Doctors Can't Give You LSD [But Maybe They Should]. For the first time since the 1970s, researchers are being allowed to study the potential medical properties of the most tightly controlled substances around. But it's not easy., presented by the publication Pop Science, Shaunacy Ferro, 16. April 2013


  • To fathom hell or soar angelic,
    Just take a pinch of psychedelic.
Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) British-Canadian psychiatrist, inventor of the term word 'psychedelic', researcher on psychedelic drugs, rhyme written to Aldous Huxley [LoC 485, work LoC 425] (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist,
poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, early 1950s, cited in: Article The Original Captain Trips, first published by the New York-based monthly magazine High Times, Todd Brendan Fahey, November 1991


  • LSD is an invaluable weapon to psychiatrists. Article, presented by the US American weekly news magazine TIME, 1955


Self-portrait of Stanley Kubrick
with a Leica III camera, late 1940s
  • [Al] Hubbard's44 secret connections allowed him to expose over 6,000 people to LSD before it was effectively banned in '66. He shared the sacrament with
    a prominent Monsignor of the Catholic Church in North America, explored the roots of alcoholism with AA founder Bill Wilson, and stormed the pearly gates with Aldous Huxley (in a session that resulted in the psychedelic tome Heaven and Hell), as well as supplying most of the Beverly Hills psychiatrists, who, in
    turn, turned on actors Cary Grant, James Coburn, Jack Nicholson, novelist Anaïs Nin, and filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. […]
    Myron Stolaroff: "Al's dream was to open up a worldwide chain of clinics as training grounds for other LSD researchers." […]
    In '57, he met Ross MacLean, medical superintendent of the Hollywood Hospital in New Westminster, Canada. MacLean was so impressed with Hubbard's know-
    ledge of the human condition that he devoted an entire wing of the hospital to the study of psychedelic therapy for chronic alcoholics. […]
For the next few years, Hubbard – together with Canadian psychiatrist Abram Hoffer and Dr. Humphry Osmond – pioneered a psychedelic regimen with a recovery rate of between 60% and 70% –
far above that of AA or Schick Hospital's so-called "aversion therapy."
Ross MacLean, [t]he suave hospital administrator was getting fat from the $1,000/dose fees charged to Hollywood's
elite patients, who included members of the Canadian Parliament and the American film community.
Article The Original Captain Trips, first published by the New York-based monthly magazine High Times, Todd Brendan Fahey, November 1991



LSD was tested on an estimated 40,000 people around the world (1950-1963). LSD became illegal in California on 6. October 1966.

  • 24. October 1968: Possession of LSD is banned federally in the U.S. after the pas-
    sage of the Staggers-Dodd Bill (Public Law 90-639) which amended the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Article LSD Timeline, presented by the non-profit educational and harm-reduction resource The Vaults of Erowid, 6. October 1999


► Audio interview with Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic and cocaine addict, freelance journalist, author, The Harvard
     Psychedelic Club
, presented by "The 7th Avenue Project: Thinking Persons' Radio", host Robert Pollie, ~60 minutes duration,
     7. February 2010
► Audio interview with Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic and cocaine addict, freelance journalist, author of Distilled Spirits.
     Getting High, Then Sober, with a Famous Writer, a Forgotten Philosopher, and a Hopeless Drunk
, University of California Press,
     1st edition 18. October 2012, East-West Spirituality, Early Psychedelia and the Recovery Movement, presented by the
     "The 7th Avenue Project: Thinking Persons' Radio", host Robert Pollie, ~60 minutes duration, aired 4. November 2011
► Video presentation by Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic, freelance journalist, author of Distilled Spirits by Don Lattin
     (Video Book Trailer)
, YouTube film, 4:01 minutes duration, posted 5. July 2012
► Audio interview with Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic and cocaine addict, freelance journalist, author, Worshipping at
     the altar of vodka and cocaine
, presented by the Canadian web radio station CBC Radio Tapestry, season 18, episode 18,
     host Mary Hynes, Canadian journalist, 53:59 minutes duration, aired 9. January 2013
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry History of lysergic acid diethylamide
See also: ► ⚡ Quotes by Aldous Huxley

D. Hawkins: "Sharer of knowledge" ⇒ "mystic" ⇒ "Avatar"

Personal remarks by author S. Jeffrey


Hawkins: the Real McCoy.

  • I can only recall a single lecture where a bold student publicly asked Hawkins about his own calibrated level. Cordially dodging the question, Hawkins only said that his wife calls him "the Real McCoy."3 45
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 137, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Unproportionately deceptive shadow of the egoless person

  • The personal shadow is especially deceptive when one denies its existence and be-
    lieves it is egoless, as Hawkins' case clearly illustrates. I truly believe the man doesn't
    think he's doing anything "non-integrous," but that, of course, doesn't excuse his im-
    propriety. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 149, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • In Hindu mythology an avatar is a divine being that takes the form of a human or animal. (Avatara literally means "crossing down" or "descent" into the realm of humans.) An avatar, according to Hawkins, "is one whose birth, teach-
    ings, and presence recontextualize the significance of all of life for all of mankind throughout thousands of years."
    1 46 Hawkins generally calibrates an avatar at 985 but sometimes at 1,000, the highest number on his map.2 47 The only figures he has classified or publicly calibrated at this level are Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, and sometimes Zoro-
    . Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 137, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013




Savior complex – messiah complex – God complex

  • In psychoanalytic terms, this is called a savior complex or a messiah complex.
    A complex is a troubling cluster of mental content (images, memories, fantasies, wishes, and so on) that forms an organized whole in the psyche. A complex is either partly or totally unconscious, meaning that a person is unaware that this organized cluster of mental content exists. A savior complex occurs when, by its own grandiosity, the ego gets so inflated that it believes it is a savior or a messiah to humankind.
    How might this savior complex have developed in Hawkins? Based on my personal experience as Hawkins' biogra-
    pher and through my analysis of his teachings, I believe Hawkins dissociated from his body and mind, as well
    as his ego, shadow, and overall personality.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Po-
    wer vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
    , chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", subheading "The Savior complex", S. 141, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Stage personality vs. normal self

Switch from speaking in third person to first person

  • Hawkins' dissociation from his mind helps explain why he speaks of himself in the third person, using terms like "this entity here" or "this consciousness." It is note-
    worthy, however, that Hawkins only speaks in the third person when he's on stage. He speaks like a normal human being (in the first person) when he's not on stage. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow", subheading "Dissociation versus Integration: Beware of Level 600", S. ~153, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013




'Enlightened' mystic



Seoul, South Korea 1999-2000:

Hawkins received the title "Foremost Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment."

  • In the ’90s, instead of perceiving himself as a spiritual teacher, Hawkins saw him-
    self as a "sharer."45 49 This all changed in July 1999. During his first of two trips to South Korea, Hawkins discovered that he had a group of devoted followers and students. These students were (and are) highly devotional, waiting on Hawkins hand and foot. It appears likely that Hawkins came to fully believe he was an enlightened master on his second trip to Korea. There, a group led by Jin-Hee Moon bestowed upon him the title that Hawkins translates as "Foremost Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment."46 50
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9, subheading "Foremost Teacher of Enlightenment", S. 171, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins' foremost promotional disciple: Wayne Dyer

  • After his second trip to South Korea in September 2000, he started writing Eye of the I, where he first expounded on his own teachings. A teacher, however, needs students, and for finding Hawkins those, all accolades go to one man: Wayne Dyer. Dyer single-handedly built Hawkins' readership. Not only is Dyer respon-
    sible for getting Hawkins his publishing contract with Hay House (where the bulk of Power vs. Force has been sold),
    but Dyer generously and enthusiastically dedicated a large portion of his own lectures and syndicated PBS spe-
    cials to promoting and selling Power vs. Force.48
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 "Foremost Teacher of Enlightenment", S. 171ff, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins' dissociation

D. Hawkins was dissociated from his inner feminine, the dream state, his body, emotions, and mind.

  • Yet, when we repress the feminine principle and avoid listening to the uncons-
    cious, the unconscious innocently hijacks our mental health.
    Footnote 31: As a Jungian might say,  Hawkins' unconscious devoured him when he took on the projection of Jesus Christ (or "avatar"), and he has lived in the dream world ever since.
Hawkins dissociates from the dream state and the unconscious in the same manner that he dissociates from his body and mind. This type of dissociation leads to larger and larger projections from our unconscious. It also leads to ego inflations: we can even come to believe that we're the savior of the world or an exalted avatar, as Hawkins did. (In Jungian terms, this is called being possessed by the god-image.) This denial of the ever-present power of the un-
conscious also can lead us to project evil onto many aspects of life – in Hawkins' case, aspects such as skepticism,
atheism, relativism, and activism – classifying them as destructive or below 200 if they conflict with our beliefs.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C Integration", S. 252f, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins God complex

D. Hawkins was possessed by the archetypal image of God once his South Korean devotees projected it onto him.

  • When we disown, repress, or don’t acknowledge a part of ourselves, we tend to project that part onto others. From a Jungian perspective, projections happen unconsciously, emanating from complexes or archetypes within the collective unconscious. When these South Koreans projected the guru or God image onto Hawkins, Hawkins then received the projection, becoming, we might say, possessed by the archetypal image of God. Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz notes, "The concrete acting out of compelling archetypal contents is the greatest danger accompanying numinous experiences. … Possession always also means fanaticism [absolutism]. One has and represents the only truth and feels justified in beating down everything else." (Psychotherapy, 186-187).
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, Footnote 47 at the end of chapter 9 "Hawkins' Biography: A Different Perspective", subtitle "Foremost Teacher of Enligh-
    tenment", Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Projecting one's God image onto a spiritual teacher

  • For various reasons, we sometimes take an internal image of God or the Self – an image that resides within each of us – and project it onto a spiritual teacher. In doing so, we relocate our own Divine center in another being. When we project this God image onto a teacher, we strip this teacher of his humanity. Those who see Hawkins as a God are unable to ac-
    cept him as a human being. (For this reason, they will irrationally attempt to refute anything they perceive as negative about Hawkins because it conflicts with their internal image. Since unpleasant information evokes negative feelings, these well-intentioned students naturally label Hawkins’ critics "below 200" or "lucerific."19)51 If we project the image
    of God onto Hawkins (or any other teacher), we can’t accept that he is just another human being with gifts, strengths,
    and intelligences, but also biases, limitations, and weaknesses in his personality (like every human being).
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", subheading "The Destructive Side of the Devotional Nonduality Cult", S. 201, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Avatar board game – with a map and rules

  • It appears that Hawkins has been living in a thirty year fantasy. And this fantasy has attracted thousands of followers to join him. Hawkins developed an intricate game board complete with a map and a set of rules, allotting to himself the highest honor in his system ("avatar"). He states, "The real problem then is the narcissistic core of the ego, which is convinced that it knows, where it actually doesn’t know. It confuses our beliefs as truth."7 52 It seems apparent that he himself has committed this error, confusing his beliefs with truth. He is convinced he knows the truth; we see evidence that indicates otherwise.
    Discussing the downfall of "fallen teachers," Hawkins states, "They fell innocently into [the Luciferic temptation] be-
    cause the narcissistic core of the ego is in direct competition with God. And the more godly you get, the more
    clever it gets in order to survive.
    8 53 While Hawkins appears "godly," it can be argued he has a profoundly clever, narcissistic ego that claims to know the Ultimate Truth. Since he denies his ego, he remains ignorant of his personal shadow. Then, in ignorance, he projects his unconscious onto other "fallen teachers," remaining oblivious to his own improprieties. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", subheading "The Case of David R. Hawkins", S. 222,
    Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins' dissociation from body and mind, and Jonah complex

  • When Hawkins went through his spiritual conversion [1965], he dissociated even further from his body and mind. This, it seems likely, led to what Wilber aptly calls aborted self-actualization. Maslow called it the Jonah Complex […] Self-actuali-
    zation – realizing one's full potential – requires a departure from the conventional world. When we deny our own potential – when we refuse our call to adventure – we abort self-actualization. Aborted self-actualization can lead to depression, lethargy, and a host of neurotic behaviors and physical ailments.14 54
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix E Additional Insights", S. ~298, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



The Self is correcting the ego via dreams.

  • Footnote 35: Jung borrowed the concept of the Self from Hindu philosophy […]. He described the Self as the "totality of the whole psyche," distinguishing it from the ego, which represents a small part of this total psyche. The Self, according to Jung, "controls the equilibrium of the whole psyche and corrects the ego attitude through dreams"55. Dreams, he found, are the gateway through which the unconscious communicates with the conscious mind. Think of the Self as an unknown, inner Divine center that we explore throughout our lives. We don’t know what the Self wants for us; for that, according to Jungian psychology, we need our dreams. "Dreams are the letters of the Self that the Self writes us every night," says von Franz56 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C", footnote 35, S. ~320, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Quotes by other sources on the God Messiah Avatar complex


Encounter with God, Infinite Light, the Absolute

  • A person in this state thinks with mounting excitement that he has grasped and solved the great cosmic riddle; he therefore loses all touch with human reality.
    Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, cited in: Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, Man and His Symbols, heading "The Process of Individuation", S. 234, Doubleday, 1964



Projecting uniqueness and greatness of one's inner Self onto spiritual leaders



Holding the opposites together



Dangers on the way to enlightenment

  • You cannot get near the Self and the meaning of life without being on a razor's edge of falling into greed, into darkness, and into the shadowy aspect of the personality. One does not even know if it is not necessary sometimes to fall into it, because otherwise it cannot be assimilated.
    Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales, S. 49, C.G. Jung Foundation Book, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, revised edition 7. February 1995



Projecting one's God image onto the ‘perfect’ guru

  • Perfection exists only in transcendental essence, not in manifest existence, and yet many devotees consider their master ‘perfect’ in all ways, the ultimate guru. This is almost always a problematic sign, because the devotee, in confusing essence with existence, is invited to project his or her own archaic, narcissistic, and omnipotent fantasies onto the 'perfect' guru.
    Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millen-
    nium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Eye to Eye. The Quest for the New Paradigm, S. 238,1983, Shambhala Publications,
    Boulder, Colorado, 3rd revised edition 30. January 2001


  • We need to be aware of the dark side and in fact to accept the dark side. […] That ability to accept that there is this dark side as the Jungians say to character is very important because by denying it we actually end up doing a lot of harm in misunderstanding ourselves and others.
    Removed video presentation by Iain McGilchrist, M.D. (*1953) British psychiatrist, physician, literary scholar, New College, Oxford, neuroimaging researcher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, writer, Things Are Not What They Seem, presented by the Schumacher College, Dartington, United Kingdom, recorded by TV Dartington, minute 35:45, 1:29:04 duration, posted 23. May 2011


  • The shadow cannot be eliminated. It is the ever-present dark brother or sister. Whenever we fail to see where it stands, there is likely to be trouble afoot. For then it is certain to be standing behind us.
    Edward C. Whitmont, M.D. (1912-1998) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, homeopathic physician, cited in: Connie Zweig, Ph.D. (*1949) US American Jungian-oriented therapist, nondenominational minister, bestselling author (editor), Jeremiah Abrams, US Ame-
    rican psychotherapist (editor), Meeting the Shadow. The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, heading "The Evolution of
    the Shadow", S. 18, Tarcher, 1st edition 1. April 1991

David Hawkins' quotes on his/the status as an avatar


The Second Coming of Christ – Physical reincarnation of a Christ

  • Question: What seems to be the meaning of "The Second Coming of Christ"?
    Answer: Because the unenlightened person believes that they are a separate physical body, the expectation, therefore, is of a physical reincarnation of a Christ with histo-
    rical connection to that appearance of Jesus two thousand years ago. The term "Christ," however, generically refers to the ultimately possible level of consciousness on this plane. The conscious aware-
    ness of the Self as Divinity manifests as Christ Consciousness, which calibrates at 1,000.
    The prediction is that Christ Consciousness will prevail upon the earth. It could be that, inasmuch as the conscious-
    ness of mankind prevailed for many centuries at 190 and only very recently jumped to 207, this signals the be-
    ginning appearance of the dominion of Christ Consciousness on Earth. (Calibrated as true.)
    Whether or not a physicality is necessary to confirm that reality may be seen as relevant or irrelevant. The need of the majority of humans for a real human personage could be a "necessity" capable of being granted.
    D. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 283-284, 2003



Definition of avatar:

Recontextualizer of the reality of mankind for centuries

  • [An avatar] has the capacity to send forth and radiate into the world an energy which tends to recontextualize the reality of mankind for centuries. What happened two thou-
    sand years ago defines [reality] through the next two thousand years […] our defini-
    tions of right and wrong, values, the Ten Commandments, the judiciary, its influence on architecture, human behaviors […] It's the power of that energy field, which contex-
    tualizes consciousness of all of mankind. D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar The Levels of Consciousness: Subjective and Social Consequences, DVD 3 of 3, track 4: 5 minutes, March 2002

Quotes on the trap of perfectionism

  • Hawkins says that the purpose of his work is "to fortify that which is known in such a way that it’s not misinterpreted later. To fortify it with such a bulwark of explanation, demonstration, and clarification, that it can’t be misunderstood."15 57 Fortify his system he has, by misrepresenting endorsements of the work and his own credibility as a Ph.D. as well as a knight, silencing his critics by attacking their integrity, and covertly representing the source of his map as coming from his research alone. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", subheading "The Case of David R. Hawkins", S. 225, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Quotes by other sources on Hawkins' humanness


Saul Steinberg recalling a meeting with "enlightened" Hawkins in 1978

  • "When I first met Dave Hawkins, he was not the man he is today. I saw in him a very troubled human being who was crying out for help […] I remember him walking into my office for the first time. He was kind of hunched over and really beat."
    Saul Steinberg, original US American printer of A Course in Miracles, cited in: Office Series – Farmingdale, New York, Seminar Giving Up Illness through A Course in Miracles, sponsored by "The Bridgebuilders", host Saul Stein-
    berg, first publisher of ACIM, host Dan McGrew, CD 3 of 3, track 6, 11. June 1983

David Hawkins' quotes on perfectionism
Personal avowals


The trap of a "perfect" life faced with disintegration

  • I had built an exemplary life, a perfect life. Everything the world said would work – a bastion of security on every level. Yet my personal life was disintegrating, falling to pieces before my very eyes. All that I had so carefully built up over the years, based on all the traditional human values, could not stand up under the stress of the catastrophic.
    D. Hawkins, printout manuscript Sedona Releasing Method, chapter 1, S. 1, Veritas Publishing, 1984



Perfectionism and intolerance of the human condition

  • I began to study my perfectionism and see how this tendency, which allowed me to forgive others but did not allow me to forgive myself, was creating an intolerance of my own humanness. As you can see, to be intolerant and condemn and attack all these things within oneself produces unconscious guilt about one's own human limi-
    tations. D. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 58, 2009



  • This world is perfect. You are not perfect. That’s a relief, isn’t it! If you reached perfection, you wouldn’t be here anymore. D. Hawkins, Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, Sedona Creative Life Center, 13. September 2006


  • No beating on yourself for not being perfect. To not be perfect is perfect. If you were perfect you wouldn't be a human being, you would stay in heaven. D. Hawkins, Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 16. July 2011

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Absolutism, relativism, fundamentalism, and fanaticism

Acid test for fundamentalist systems
༺༻QuestionsAnswers concerning Hawkins' teachings / system
1. Is the system closed to modification? Hawkins' Map of Consciousness is a linear ladder, closed to modification.
2. Is there a covert [political] agenda in the system? Hawkins favors conservative-Republicans over the liberal-Democrats.
3. Does the system deal in absolutisms? Hawkins taught a system based on absolutist tenets.
He proclaimed absolutist views and devalued relativist views.
4. Does the system denounce opposing points of view or seem paranoid? Hawkins' calibrations devalue skepticism, atheism, relativism, activism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, feminism, liberalism, diversity as destructive and without integrity.
5. Does the system avoid critical thinking? Hawkins humiliated critics on stage who attempted to challenge him.58 Exemplary humiliation helped to turn off the public discourse on the discrepancies of his ideology.
Book: ► Stephen Larsen, US American psychologist, founder of the Center for Symbolic Studies, author,
The Fundamentalist Mind. How Polarized Thinking Imperils Us All, Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1. January 2007
References: en.Wikipedia entries : ► FanaticismFundamentalismMoral absolutismRelativism
See also: ► Questions and ► Absolutism and ► Critical thinking and ► Cults

Postmodern philosophy vs. absolute truth and absolute falsehood

  • Hawkins’ belief in a pre-given world is the foundation for his assumption that there is a clear moral dividing line between unchanging, absolute truth (above 200) and absolute falsehood (below 200). But as evolutionary postmodern philosophers as well as the entire field of developmental psychology demonstrate, our "truths" are still evolving. "It is not that a greater and absolute truth overthrows a falsehood," explains Wilber, "so much as that a great truth supersedes a lesser truth (no epoch lives, or can live, simply on falsehoods)."'19 59 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 4 "Postmo-
    dernism: A Closer Look", subheading "Hawkins' View of Postmodernism", S. ~82, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • Absolutists assume that what they value is what everyone should value; how they behave is how everyone should behave. We've seen how absolutism creeps its way into virtually every field of study:
      • sexual theory (Freud),
      • cognitive theory (Piaget),
      • social theory (Marx),
      • behavior theory ( Skinner), and so on.
When people take an absolutist position – assuming that their way is the right way – they cut themselves off from other perspectives. This always leads to a very limited worldview. It also stifles their ability to clearly evaluate new informa-
tion. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of
David R. Hawkins
, chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", S. 100-101, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • An absolutist values particular things and scorns others. At this level of development, people think in rigid ways. Situ-
    ations are black and white, with no shades of gray. They see structures of people, organizations, and reality itself as
    hierarchies of dominance – and so they rank everything. They process information in an authoritarian manner. They
    see things in terms of right or wrong. At the absolutist stage, Beck and Cowan write, "Good opposes Evil in an on-
    going battle for dominion. The outcomes may include enlightenment, eternal life, oblivion, or unimaginable torment."3 60 Absolutists value order and regimentation, and must have everything in its place. They "prefer tight structure … they
    live on absolutes – a lifetime guarantee and metaphysical certitude."4 61
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and mar-
    keting consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", "The Absolutist", S. 102-103, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • [H]e [Hawkins] developed his absolutist calibration method and then devoted himself to writing and lecturing about it. Hawkins was clearly an absolutist prior to and after 1965, the year he reports becoming enlightened. His asser-
    tion that absolutism represents a "higher" level of consciousness than relativism cannot be corroborated by psycho-
    logy, philosophy, Eastern teachings, or any other verifiable source.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", subheading "The Absolutist", S. ~104, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013


  • At an absolutist stage of ego development, we tend to assume our moral code is the moral code. Hawkins calls out relativists for thinking they're morally superior, yet he does the exact same thing: he judges a worldview he
    doesn't agree with (relativism: 180), assuming his view is correct and the opposing view is incorrect. Then, he tea-
    ches his opinions with absolute conviction and authority.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant,
    author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", "The
    Absolutist", S. ~106, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • Hawkins firmly believes he is answerable to God, and yet he invested over thirty years developing and promoting a system based on his personal beliefs and value structure that is answerable to no one. His system offers no account-
    to any person or persons – a system that, he believes, is immune to outside skepticism and criticism.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", subheading "The Absolutist", S. ~106, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013


  • At later stages of ego development, one realizes that no absolute authority or absolute truth does or can exist in the
    world of human experience – now or ever.
    Postmodernism challenged the absolute authority of all institutions – in-
    cluding the domain of the mystic – by demonstrating that even a mystic's understanding of reality and his related
    interpretation is influenced by his culture. (Culture, in this sense, includes the language, perspectives, values, be-
    , and norms that the collective upholds.) Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power
    vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
    , chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", subheading "The Absolutist", S. 109, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • Mature ego development requires us to challenge our preconceived notions of right and wrong and the moral codes
    we adopted as our egos developed through childhood (in the conventional world). Those living within the conven-
    tion assume that if we stop obeying some external moral code (set by an outside authority) society will slip into
    chaos, but this simply is not the case.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", subheading "The Absolutist", S. 106, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013


  • Absolutists assume that a universal moral code exists, and only they know what it is. Absolutists further assume that
    we must each adopt it for our own salvation. Absolutists are narcissistic because they believe that they know what
    others should believe and think, as well as how they should behave.
    Relativists, by contrast, believe that we each experience the world differently and that no definitive or absolute moral
    code exists. (Relativists, however, tend to be intolerant of absolutist beliefs [...].)
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", subheading "The Absolutist", S. 107, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013




Rigid hierarchy-ranking authoritarian black and white thinking

  • An absolutist values particular things and scorns others. At this level of development, people think in rigid ways. Situations are black and white, with no shades of gray. They see structures of people, organizations, and reality itself as hierarchies of domi-
    nance – and so they rank everything. They process information in an authoritarian manner. They see things in terms of right or wrong.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", subheading "The Absolutist", S. 102, Kindle locations 1805-1808,
    Creative Crayon Publishers, 14./15. January 2013


  • The solution to the extreme forms of relativism – according to all available research – is not a return (or regression)
    to absolutism as Hawkins prescribes. Rather, the solution is to grow by integrating at a higher level of development.
    Following the relativistic stage, the next level of maturation in the developmental models is some form of integration.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 7 "Beyond Absolutism", subheading "Beyond Absolutism and Relativism", S. 125, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013


  • Incidentally, when Ram Dass (1931-2019) reportedly gave 900 micrograms of LSD (a large dose) to Maharaji ( Neem Karoli Baba), the substance allegedly had no effect on him. We might expect that a substance like LSD would have
    little or no effect on the so-called "enlightened", since the enlightened presumably already operate in a higher state of
    consciousness. More importantly, […] transpersonal research suggests when a person comes out of a high state – like
    the one induced by LSD – she will interpret the experience through her state of ego development. And this, it appears,
    is exactly what happened to Hawkins. He realized a high state of consciousness induced by LSD, but then inter-
    preted his state through his absolutist structure of ego development.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and mar-
    keting consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 subheading "The Ultimate
    Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 161, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • It is clear how Hawkins’ system plays to a "psychological condition of trying to know and label everything," as all things have a specific, calibrated level of consciousness. And it's difficult to stay open-minded when you believe there is a definitive calibration for everything. Such an assumption leads to rigid, closed thinking. Scott Jeffrey, US American busi-
    ness and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", subheading "Hawkins' Fundamentalism", S. 180, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Critique on D. Hawkins' absolutism

  • Whereas in traditional religion, the absolute truth is found in an ecclesiastic doctrine, in Hawkins' case, absolute truth is presented in the form of calibrations. (although it could be argued that his books have become religious doctrines for many of his students). As we've learned, absolutism leads to fundamentalism. […] Hawkins has wise perspectives on some things,
    but he also demonstrates severe limitations (like all of us) in his thinking in many areas. His absolute truth claims clear-
    ly do not hold up under scrutiny. Fundamentalism [LoC 200]62 comes in an infinite number of degrees. Every explorer of
    Hawkins' work isn’t necessarily an overt fundamentalist as I once was. His system, however, caters to those prone to fun-
    damentalist thinking. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", S. 184, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Plato did not defeat relativism.

  • A careful reader of Plato will pause after reading Hawkins’ statement, for not even a philosophy professor would say that Plato conclusively answered the relativist's posi-
    tion.21 That's merely Hawkins' interpretation. Furthermore, Hawkins’ statement that "truth is based on essence" implies that a thing's essence is pre-given – unchanging over time. Holding a belief in a pre-given reality, Hawkins fails to see how cultural forces (including language and thought) are constantly molding the foun-
    dation of reality itself.22 As radical as it may seem, even a sage's subjective realizations are influenced by forces out-
    side of his own awareness. Hawkins' understanding of his subjective experiences – including his mystical experiences – are filtered by his beliefs, his values, and the culture in which he was raised. This is true of any sage or mystic, the
    same as it's true for everybody else.
    Footnote 21: For example, see Plato's Theaetetus, 166c-168c. Although Protagoras – a famed relativist – was a Sophist, Socrates had deep respect for him as a thinker. Plato offers a refutation of his own concepts by a then-dead Protagoras that illustrates the merits of Protagorian discourse. Also, in the conclusion of Plato's Protagoras (named after this influential thinker), we're given the definition of knowledge as justified, true belief. Where modernism amended Plato's definition so that justified true belief requires confirmable ob-
    jective facts, postmodernism challenges this amendment by arguing that all "objective" facts are partly culturally and socially molded
    and therefore subject to change. Hence, there is no absolute, confirmable truth in the domain of relative form.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 4 "Postmodernism: A Closer Look", subheading "Hawkins' View of Postmodernism", S. ~83, Creative Crayon Pub-
lishers, 14. January 2013



Students of the path mired in fundamentalism

  • Since Hawkins calibrates fundamentalism below 200, students are likely to be unaware of their fundamentalist attitudes, as I was (and as Hawkins was). Believing that they calibrate in the 400s and 500s (and that such calibrations are meaningful), these students don’t realize they are just as susceptible to fundamentalist thinking as anyone else.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", Kindle locations 3138-3140, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition
    15. January 2013



Placing authority in oneself vs. following a teacher blindly

  • Teachers in any field impart knowledge based on their experience and training. Teachers can help us refine our technique and provide inspiration. But when it comes to spiritual teachers, we must be very careful.
    • It's one thing for spiritual teachers to point us toward our true Self and
      offer practices to realize that Self;
    • it's another for them to instruct us on how to live or
      to position themselves as an external authority.
If we follow Hawkins' calibrations as absolute truth, we are putting our authority in him and his method, not in ourselves.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", subheading "Exiting the House of Mirrors", S. 230, Creative Crayon Publishers,
14. January 2013

Jung's quotes on absolutism and certainty


The absolutist mind favors certainty over doubt.

  • We want to have certainties and no doubts, results and no experiments – without even seeing that certainties can arise only through doubt, and results only through experiment. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. [LoC 410] (1904-1987), editor, The Portable Jung, S. 5, Penguin Books, 9. December 1976



Costly path filled with dangers

  • The way is not without danger. Everything good is costly, and the development of the personality is one of the most costly of all things.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, cited in: Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930) German sinologist, theologian, missionary, translator, The Secret of the Golden Flower. A Chinese Book of Life, S. 92, Mariner Books, revised edition 1962



Giving up shelter and safety

  • The step to higher consciousness leads away from all shelter and safety. The person must give himself to the new way completely, for it is only by means of his integrity that he can go farther, and only his integrity can guarantee that his way does not turn out to be an absurd adventure. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of
    a new school of depth psychology, author, cited in: Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930) German sinologist, theologian, missionary, translator, The Secret of the Golden Flower. A Chinese Book of Life, S. 93, Mariner Books, revised edition 1962



Absolutism and the dichotomy and weight of Good and Evil

  • If we have risen near the heights of good and evil, then our badness and hatefulness lie in the most extreme torment. Man’s torment is so great and the air of the heights so weak that he can hardly live anymore. The good and the beautiful freeze to the ice of the absolute idea, and the bad and hateful become mud puddles full of crazy life.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author,
    Sonu Shamdasani, Indian historian, editor, The Red Book, 205-page illustrated manuscript, Philemon Series, S. 242-245, The Phile-
    mon Foundation and W.W. Norton & Company, 9. October 2009


General quotes on absolutism


Fanaticism and absolutism: Possessed by one's inner unconscious God archetype

  • The concrete acting out of compelling archetypal contents is the greatest danger accompanying numinous experiences. […] Possession always also means fanaticism [absolutism]. One has and represents the only truth and feels justified in beating down everything else. Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Psychotherapy, S. 186-187, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1. May 2001



Relativist individuative-reflective stage of faith:

Relocating authority within the self

  • [M]any persons undergo the relativization of their inherited worldviews and value systems. They come face-to face with the relativity of their perspectives and those of others to their life experience. James W. Fowler (1940-2015) US American professor of theology and human developmental psychology, Emory University, political and social scientist, Methodist minister, author, Stages of Faith. The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning, S. 179, 1981, HarperOne, new edition 15. September 1995



Openness to experience is critical for constructive creativity.

  • [I]nstead of perceiving in predetermined [absolutist] categories, the individual is aware of this existential moment as it is, thus being alive to many experiences which fall outside of the usual categories. Carl Rogers, Ph.D. (1902-1987) influential American professor of psychology and psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, CIA MKUltra agent, co-founder of the humanistic approach to psychology, president of the American Psychological Association (APA) (1947), author, On Becoming a Person. A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy, S. 353, Mariner Books, 1st edition 7. September 1995


  • [People gravitating to the absolutist stage] have 'figured it all out.' They know all the answers. They know what to believe. This stage is very resistant and stable. No one can tell an [absolutist] anything they don't already know. […] [Absolutists] will discredit material that does not fit into their scheme by dismissing counter-evidence or belittling others.
    Susanne Cook-Greuter, Ed.D., Swiss-American independent education scholar, coach, consultant, cofounder of the think tank Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado, 1998, Ego Development. Nine Levels of Increasing Embrace,
    PDF, S. 16, 1985, 2005, revised December 2013


  • [People gravitating to the absolutist stage] have high moral standards and a strong sense of what should be.
    Susanne Cook-Greuter, Ed.D., Swiss-American independent education scholar, coach, consultant, cofounder of the think tank Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado, 1998, Ego Development. Nine Levels of Increasing Embrace, PDF, S. 16, 1985, 2005, revised December 2013



Ambiguity and ambivalence remain under the conformist's radar system.

  • Ambiguity and ambivalence are not registered, and cannot be acknowledged as they threaten the very being of a conformist.
    Susanne Cook-Greuter, Ed.D., Swiss-American independent education scholar, coach, con-
    sultant, cofounder of the think tank Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado, 1998, Ego Develop-
    ment. Nine Levels of Increasing Embrace
    , PDF, S. 13, 1985, 2005, revised December 2013



Absolutists favor certainty and fear ambiguity and vulnerability.

  • [People operating from the absolutist stage fear that if they] open themselves to others’ views, they might lose their current certainty and strong sense of self. This fear of incompleteness and vulnerability is often counteracted by having a strong front. Susanne Cook-Greuter, Ed.D., Swiss-American independent education scholar, coach, con-
    sultant, cofounder of the think tank Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado, 1998, Ego Development. Nine Levels of Increasing Embrace,
    PDF, S. 17, 1985, 2005, revised December 2013


  • I agree that things are contextual and that there is no absolute truth. Unfortunately, in [the left-hemispheric] postmo-
    dernism this often comes to mean that there is no truth at all. Audio interview with Iain McGilchrist, M.D., British psychiatrist, physician, literary scholar, New College, Oxford, neuroimaging researcher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, writer, The West's Mass Schizophrenia, part 2 of 2, Transcript, presented by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC Radio National, host Natasha Mitchell, aired 19. June 2010, YouTube film, minute 10:23, 14:18 minutes duration, posted 9. February 2013



The need for certainty

  • The need for fixed stars for certainty in the midst of our tenuous lives on a dange-
    rously unpredictable planet, is real and understandable. Religious leaders who can
    package and deliver absolute truths find receptive audiences.
    Charles Kimball, Ph.D., US American presidential professor and director of religious studies, University of Oklahoma, Norman, When
    Religion Becomes Evil
    , S. 67, HarperOne, 1st edition 3. September 2002


Hawkins' quotes on absolutism and certainty

  • Start with certainty and a feeling of security instead of self-doubt or timidity. Accept without reservation that you
    are worthy of the quest and be resolved to totally surrender to the truth about God.
    D. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 6, S. 108, 2003



Security, certainty, conviction

  • It is necessary to have faith in a pathway and clear away doubts to ascertain if they are realistic or merely forms of resistance. A seeker should have the security and support of inner certainty and firm conviction that are consequent to study, personal research, and investigation. Thus, a pathway should be intrinsically reconfirming by discovery and inner experience.
    D. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 204, 2007



Reenforcing division and dualism with the calibration method

  • It was obvious that the world can be divided into that which makes you go strong and that which makes you go weak. D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Radical Subjectivity: The "I" of "Self", CD 4 of 5, track 5, 7 minutes, February 2002



Hawkins' absolutist calibration method

  • We use the technique [calibration method] to verify the 'yes' or 'no' of various things, but to some degree, we already know the answer, and all we're looking for is some external verification for the purpose of demonstration and for showing how this technique can be used to further spiritual progress and gain access to information.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Radical Subjectivity: The "I" of Self", DVD 3 of 3, track 4, minute 4:00, February 2002
  • To not know is to be vulnerable, and to know is a much better position to be in.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar The Levels of Consciousness: Subjective and Social Consequences, DVD 1 of 3, track 4, March 2002
    • I get the essence of a thing the minute I have the question in my head.
      D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, CD 3 of 5, track 1, 19. August 2006
    • If your sense of adequacy is strong, nothing challenges you.
      D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality: The Mystic, DVD 2 of 3, track 1, 8. December 2007
    • Because it's infallible, it allows you to get the answer to anything you want to know in the known universe – anywhere in time or place […] It's God-like almost.
      D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Happiness, DVD 1 of 3, track 3, 25. April 2009



Objection: Morality is not wired in the nervous system. It becomes a concern in later development and influenced by culture. Babies are born egocentric.

The assumption of a definitive right and wrong, and knowing what is what is characteristic of the absolutist stage of development.

  • Somehow morality – right and wrong – is inborn and wired into the nervous system. And a society that tries to reverse right versus wrong will go through a period of great confu-
    sion and collapse because it's trying to change the identi-
    fication of right and wrong. D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, DVD 1 of 3, track 4, 18. August 2007


  • For some reason, absolutism drives people crazy. I don't know what it is about it. I guess they are all atheists, and absolutism is such a challenge to the narcissistic core of the ego that the thought that there's something other than yourself that's sovereign just can't be handled.
    D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, CD 1 of 4, track 6, 26. January 2008



  • Our current society is at an endless war of moral superiority. We're not a world of success anymore, but of moral superiority […] So you see the narcissistic core of judgmentalism – to be able to claim that you're morally superior.
    D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Overcoming Doubt, Skepticism and Disbelief, CD 3 of 4, track 2, 9. August 2008



Distorted views of environmentalism and the ecological movement

Extremism represents a common pathology.

  • The human race is so worried about its own survival. What difference does it really make whether it survives or not? That is sheer vanity and egotism. It is narcissism.
    Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", spiral-bound, S. 31, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona,
    1. January 1998


  • Some people think that mankind should be eliminated and only the planet should survive. Environmentalists are sort of mad people. They think what’s important is the planet and not humans; if they
    could, they would eliminate all humans.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, DVD 1 of 3, track 3, 18. August 2007


Reference:Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar What is Truth? The Absolute, 3 DVD set, 21. July 2007

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Cultic features



Four core assumptions of the 'Devotional Nonduality' cult-community

  • Hawkins’ work is based on four core assumptions:
    1. There is an absolute truth.
    2. The mind can't know what absolute truth is.
    3. Only by using Hawkins' calibration method can one accurately discern truth.
    4. Hawkins' calibrations can be trusted – you don’t need to calibrate anything yourself.
All four statements are made implicitly throughout Hawkins' work, each capable of setting up a cult-like environment. […] Instead of discerning what's true for themselves, students are encouraged to trust in their teacher to tell them the truth about everything. In so doing, the students also trust that their teacher doesn't have any developmental arrest, limiting value structures, distorted worldviews, political positions, or mythic belief systems of his own.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
R. Hawkins
, chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", subheading "Is Hawkins' Community a Cult", S. 193-194, Creative Crayon Publishers,
14. January 2013


  • Although Hawkins doesn't command financial or sexual control, he wields considerable psychological control over
    many people, a form of subtle manipulation that can be just as damaging. While I don't believe Hawkins has done
    this consciously, intention (or lack thereof) surely doesn't absolve one of responsibility.10 Hawkins wields uncom-
    promising power with his calibration method. Thankfully, at present, he hasn't grossly misused that power.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", subheading "The Destructive Side of the Devotional Nonduality Cult", S. 197,
    Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Teacher and students: ingredients of a cult

  • The responsibility for a cult’s creation never lies solely on its leader. A teacher and a group of students are cooperating – consciously or not – to facilitate the perver-
    sion between them. [...] So now let’s take a look at the role we, as students, have been playing. It's probably not a coincidence that many students of Hawkins' work came to him after being immersed
    in more destructive cult environments.21
    Footnote 21: If you took a random sample of die-hard Hawkins' students, you would be amazed at how many of them have had prior cult experience in one form or another. While Hawkins' system appears to be an "upgrade" compared to certain, more destructive cult systems, it still appears to be a manifestation of developmental arrest at a particular stage of development.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
R. Hawkins
, chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", subheading "Joining Hawkins' Cult: The Role of the Student", S. 202, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Brainwashing by polarizing worldviews → stifling psychological growth

  • Yet, it isn’t apparent to him [D. Hawkins] that he has built his system on his own slogans and memes that are equally, if not more destructive than extreme relativism. Accepting into one's psyche messages like "there's a clear dividing line between truth and falsehood" and "the mind cannot discern truth" leads to mental illness (neurosis), not enlightenment. These memes are ingrained in his student's "mental apparatus" – to me, a clear form of brainwashing (even if unintentional). Such memes polarize one's worldview, promote rigid thinking, petrify psychological growth, and lead to judging others under the guise of "spiritual discernment."
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", subheading "The Case of David R. Hawkins, S. 225, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013



The tendency of immature souls to project their greater Self onto stars or teachers.

  • As students of Hawkins, we projected our star onto him. Hawkins held our projec-
    tion. When we project the uniqueness of our own personality – our star – onto
    someone else, we become fascinated by that person. While it can be beneficial
    to project our greater Self onto a wise person for a period of time, eventually we
    must realize that what we're seeing in these wise ones is ultimately within us.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 12 "The Winding Road Ahead", subheading "Exiting the House of Mirrors", S. ~229, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013



Hawkins violated his list of criteria to spot cultic features more than 12 times.

Also mentioned containing 39 items in Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality, S. 179-183, 2007

  • Footnote 57: Hawkins created a list of forty criteria to help students differentiate between true spiritual organizations and religious cults. The list is titled, "Identifi-
    cation and Characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers and Teachings." (Reprinted in Truth vs. Falsehood, 379-382 and Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, 188-192 [the latter lists all forty].) The evidence in this chapter [11 "The Cult of Hawkins"] demonstrates a clear violation by Hawkins of over a dozen of his own criteria for a true spiritual organization. […] The case of David R. Hawkins simply offers a very public and well-documented example that demonstrates the importance of psychological integration
    and the consequences of forgoing integration.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", "Notes", S. 301-323, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


See also: ► Cults

Six most common dynamics in cults – Source: ► Traumatic Narcissism. Relational Systems of Subjugation,
chapter "Traumatic Narcissism in Cults", Routledge, 1st edition 19. September 2013

  1. Purification of the ego.
  2. Only perfection is good enough.
  3. Incessant urgency.
  4. Violation of boundaries as a norm.
  5. Inner deviants must be eradicated.
  6. Defend the leader, no matter what.
Daniel Shaw, LCSW, US American certified psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, cult member of the SYDA movement under Gurumayi (1981-1994), author, cited in: Audio podcast interview Daniel Shaw: What Is Narcissism, Victim Process, How It Develops, Cults, Tea-Party, Clinton..., MP3, presented by The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, host Rob Kall, US American radio host, minute 1:34:48, 2:28:54 minutes duration, aired 27. August 2014



Shifting focus from spiritual principles to the teacher or head figure

  • [The primary characteristics of a cult is] a charismatic leader, who tends increa-
    singly to become the object of worship in place of more general spiritual prin-
    ciples that are advocated.
    Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. (*1926) US American psychiatrist, re-
    searcher of the psychological causes and effects of war and political violence, developer of the theory of thought reform, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, S. vii, Norton, New York, 1st edition 1961





Specialness, ingroup status, jargon, false promises

Lingo of the DN community: "Calibrations," "integrous," "below 200," "above 200," "positionalities," "recontextualize," "consciousness calibration research technique"



Message to the "chosen people"

  • We are at the forefront of the evolution of consciousness as it has evolved through millennia. We are the epitome of it in this domain at this moment.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 3 DVD set, June 2003



Shifting from focus from teachings/self-testing to placing authority into the teacher

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Wholeness, balance, and integration


Hawkins' aversion to and refusal of the dream state

  • Dreaming is merely the rehashing of events in the unconscious from the prior day.30
    Footnote 30: [T]he fields of transpersonal psychology, Jungian depth psychology, Tibetan Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta strongly disagree with Hawkins’ remarks about the dream state. The Eastern tradition maintain that there are gross, subtle, and causal domains of consciousness, which translate to waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. For the important role of dreaming, see, for example, Wilber, Integral Psychology. Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy, pages 13
    and 262 [2000].
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 10 "The Spoiled Fruits of Absolutism", S. 192, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Bearing ambiguities, integrating polarities, opposites of body and mind

  • Jung found that opposites create tension in the psyche. If we don’t learn to address these tensions, denying the existence of the opposites, we repress or push the tension out of our consciousness. But that doesn’t eliminate the opposites – or the tension itself. It only makes them more destructive in our psyche by strengthening our shadows. It makes us one-sided, and it leads us to project our unconscious fantasies onto reality. That is, when
    we deny these internal tensions, we ultimately enforce our delusions and self-deception. This denial also forms the basis for more severe mental disorders (psychosis). […]
    Jung, in an effort to harmonize opposites, integrated the two viewpoints – other-worldly and this-worldly – into a single philosophy, much as the Hindus and Taoists have done for thousands of years (even though many Easterners misin-
    terpret their own systems). At one end, you have the instincts, matter, or biological form (this world). At the other, you have the transcendent realm or spirit (other world).
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Epilogue", S. ~234-235, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Light and shadow: the two aspects of humanity

  • The wisdom traditions teach us the complete process – full integration: All the way up to enlightenment and all the way down to our humanity. Up in the light; down into the abyss. Experience the bliss; stay open to the pain. Joy and suffering are the opposites of our humanity. Closing off to either one fosters illness; opening up to both heals our whole being.
    Most of us prefer to only experience pleasure and so we pursue the higher states of consciousness that Hawkins expresses – while repressing the lower states (which he [Hawkins] calibrates "below 200"). But if we open our eyes, minds, and hearts, we come to see that every human being is suffering from these lower states – the darkness of our shadows – no matter how well some of us have learned to avoid, mask, and repress these instinctual feelings.3 63
    In an attempt to climb up Hawkins’ scale of consciousness, it's all too easy to cut ourselves off from the qualities that partly define us as human beings – that is, our negative emotions. And when we do, we drink the same poison Hawkins did (called "delusion" in the wisdom traditions). The further we attempt to move away from these negative emotions, the more we disconnect from our personal shadows and our humanity. We become unloving to ourselves and we close our hearts to those that appear different from us. We shun those whose beliefs and perspectives are different from our own. Our world gets smaller and smaller. And we become more anxious, paranoid, and afraid.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Epilogue", S. ~234, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



The danger of dividing light and darkness

  • By concretizing the notion of "absolute good" and "absolute evil" into a system of measurement and advising avoidance of "absolute evil," Hawkins is essentially persuading his students to avoid real parts of life. This avoidance or repression has the effect of energizing our shadows. It leads us to fear or avoid the dark impulses within us. Jung discovered that it
    is psychologically malignant to foster such a definite divide between good and evil. In fact, he found it was at the
    root of both neurotic and psychotic behavior. To realize wholeness, we need unity of the opposites, not dissociation from them. […] [I]t can be argued that Hawkins’ system keeps people chained to age-old beliefs and traditions that prevent them
    from evolving, integrating, and transcending to higher levels of development. Hawkins often cites Socrates in support of his moral
    cause. Socrates, however, ultimately was forced to conclude that humankind was unable to discern the absolute good from the
    bad. Hawkins, with his calibration method, believes he can.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C", S. ~265-266, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Implications of Hawkins' refusal to remember his dreams

  • We saw how Christianity and Hawkins’ system tend toward a one-sided masculine view of reality. The masculine principle is associated with the conscious, waking state. The feminine principle, by contrast, is associated with the unconscious (dreaming and deep sleep). Hawkins claims that he stopped dreaming after he became enlightened. I personally find his claim interesting for two reasons:
    1. First, it’s a scientific fact that all mammalian species dream. While there are cases of stroke victims with parietal lobe damage who no longer dream, generally, everyone dreams. Even mystics dream, and many of them testify to this. […]
    2. Second, Eastern systems like Advaita and Tibetan Dream Yoga suggest the importance of the dream state in higher levels of consciousness.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C", S. ~268, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


See also: ► Integration and ► Ganzheit – Wholeness

The unconscious – inner child – becomes dangerous when it gets repressed by conscious denigration.

Sigmund Freud saw the unconscious as a devouring entity. Exposed to it, humans could fall into disarray and chaos.


  • There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. [LoC 410] (1904-1987), editor, The Portable Jung, S. 406, Penguin
    Books, 9. December 1976



Holding the opposites together

Jung's reply when asked if World War III was inevitable

  • Such a war [Third World War] could only be avoided if a sufficient number of indivi-
    duals could hold the opposites together within themselves.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, cited in: Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Psychotherapy, S. 172, Shambhala Publica-
    , Boulder, Colorado, 1. May 2001




Three+ types of the unconscious

  • [Paraphrased] Freud’s major discovery was the "personal unconscious": dreams (recalling of the previous day and childhood memories) allow us to access the unconscious. Jung identified the "collective unconscious" ("the two million-year-old self") as a third source of the dream content. Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, cons-
    ciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Atman Project. A Transpersonal View of Human Development, chapter 11, Quest Books, Wheaton, 1980, 2nd edition 1. March 1996



Jung's biological approach to healing

Whether they are neurotic, psychotic, or sane, all humans are on a quest for meaning and evolution. Mental illness is the psyche’s effort to heal itself.


See also: Left/right brain conflict: Brain lateralization resulting in the history of the split Western culture – Iain McGilchrist

Denial of opposites (polarities):

Conscious and unconscious, solar and lunar, north and south, Shakti and Shiva, Dionysian and Apollonian, Eros and Thanatos, life and death, hard and soft, thinking and feeling, sensation and intuition, anima and animus, attraction and repulsion, day and night, positive and negative

  • The opposites are not opposite at all but are merely linear gradations along the same line and not along different lines […] The gradations are all on the same continuum, not on two opposing ones.
    D. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 46-47, 2003

Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Missing aspect of the feminine


Hawkins' teachings are predominantly masculine.

  • The masculine principle is epitomized by otherworldliness, rationality, and the conscious mind. The feminine principle is represented by thisworldliness, non-rationality, and the unconscious.
    Hawkins’ system (as well as his value structure) is predominately masculine as it denies ambiguity and the important role of the unconscious. His system values transcendent realities over earthly existence.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C Integration'", S. ~256, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins: Frozen in misogynous Freudian views

  • Footnote 8: Hawkins was a Freudian analyst for fifty years. Freud’s theories play a fundamental role in Hawkins’ interpretation of reality. [...] [T]he same limitations found in Freud’s theories are found in Hawkins’ theories.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", S. ~308, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Personal avowals by David R. Hawkins


Aversion to emotions due to primacy effect of imprinted "masculinity"

  • All the emotions that I had pushed down – all the tons of feelings that I had stuffed out of awareness so as to clear the decks for action – now came up [...] I learned how to be aware of these feelings, their nature and a multitude of descriptive terms [...] I was somewhat dismayed at my lack of connectedness with my own inner feelings. I saw my masculine protest about entering this whole unfamiliar dimen-
    sion. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Releasing Method, chapter 2, S. 3, printed unpublished manuscript, Veritas Publishing, 1984,
    cited in: Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins,
    chapter 13 "Self-Healing", S. 186, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012



Fear of illogical feelings and rejection of women and femininity

  • I saw that my fear of feelings, due to not knowing how to handle them, and my resentment at being their victim, had accounted for my rejection of women and the resultant typical male rationalization that the world of feelings is for women only and unmasculine. I rejected feelings because they were illogical, but I paid a great price. I had cut myself off from half my life and diminished the quality of my relationships.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Releasing Method, chapter 2, S. 8-9, printed unpublished manuscript, Veritas Publishing, 1984, cited in: Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 13 "Self-Healing", S. 186, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012

The lobsided Christian god-image resulted in a tragic fate of Christian women.

  • Because the Christian god-image is exclusively masculine, she can become one with God only through alienation from her own feminine nature. This, however, is nothing other than a spiritual possession, a denial of her feminine consciousness and her physical reality.
    Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psychology. Reflections of the Soul, 1980, S. 138, Court Publishing Company, reprint edition 19. December 1985



Gilligan's insight of female developmental psychology



Gilligan's insight of gendered splits

  • If you think of the splits – reason/emotion, mind/body, self/relationships – you know how they’re gendered.
    Mind, self, thought, is gendered masculine and elevated.
    Emotion, relationships and body are gendered feminine and like women idealized and devalued. […]
There's a convergence now of findings from developmental psychology and neuroscience that puts in place a very different story about us as humans and says that when these splits occur, they are signs of injury or trauma.
Video presentation including Q&A by Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance, sponsored by the The Dalai Lama Center For Ethics and Transformative Values MIT World, minute 34:38 and 36:00, 1:10:34 duration, recorded 24. April 2009, uploaded 23. December 2011


  • The alternative to the myth of pure evil is that most of the harm that people visit on one another comes from motives that are found in every normal person. And the corollary is that much of the decline in violence comes from people exercising these motives less often, less fully, or in fewer circumstances. Steven Pinker, Ph.D. (*1954) Canadian-born US American Johnstone professor of experimental psychology, Harvard University, cognitive scientist, linguist, popular science author, The Better Angels of Our Nature. Why Violence Has Declined, S. 569, Viking, 2011, Penguin Books, reprint edition 25. September 2012


Source: ► Women and ► Women's literature

Thresholds in Hawkins' system: Above and below 200 and above 600



Tabooes within the "Devotional Nonduality" community-cult

  • Postmodernism, relativism, activism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, feminism, liberalism, diversity – all of these terms are anathema if you’re a student of Hawkins’ work and a frequent attendee of his lectures. He calibrates almost all these "dirty word" concepts below 200. Hawkins spends an inordinate amount of time in his lectures (as well as in his books Truth vs. Falsehood and Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man) describing the supposed destructive nature of these movements and ideologies to an audience that, for the most part, has little knowledge of them. His audience then assumes, for example, that
    1. they know what relativism is, based on Hawkins' discourse, and
    2. they know that it is inherently destructive because Hawkins calibrates it at 180 – below the critical level of integrity (200).
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 4 "Postmodernism: A Closer Look", S. 71, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013
  • Anything that Hawkins does not personally value – relativism, postmodernism, feminism, activism, atheism, and so on – gets relegated to below 200 (destructive; false; without integrity). Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", "The Absolutist", S. 103, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins' ideology derived from an absolutist mindset

  • Hawkins’ entire system is aligned with an absolutist mindset, including:
      ➤ assumptions about the absoluteness of his calibrations;
      ➤ the polarization of above 200 and below 200;
      ➤ the existence of a definitive moral dividing line between truth and falsehood, life-affirming and destructive;
      ➤ and the notion that you can calibrate anything to determine what's in the "best and highest good."33
    Research indicates that all of these premises are an indication of an absolutist stage of ego development.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 7 "Beyond Absolutism", subheading "The Healthy Side of Relativism", S. 124, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013



Hawkins' ideology enforces the inner dualistic split.

  • If we believe in climbing Hawkins’ stairway to enlightenment (his Map of Consciousness) and we don’t understand the important role of integration, we invariably get ourselves into trouble. Attempting to pursue what we believe is above 200 while avoiding what we think calibrates below 200 won’t lead us to enlightenment; it simply enforces an existing split in our psyche. This split, modern psychology has repeatedly found, produces a host of mental disorders – most commonly neurotic behavior, including anxiety, depression, and obsessive tendencies. And according to Jung and the field of humanistic psychology, this neurotic behavior is endemic to all of us.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , "Appendix C Integration", S. 252, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Embracing negative emotions instead of ignoring/surrendering i.e. dissociate from them

  • Naturally, none of us enjoy experiencing negative emotions like loss, guilt, shame, apathy, fear, anger, and greed. We would all prefer to revel in acceptance, willingness, love, gratitude, compassion, and joy. But the negative emotions are there; they are part of the human experience. […] When we learn to fully integrate these emotions (instead of attempting to release them, ignore them, or "let them go"), we can reconnect with our humanity. These negative emotions can provide a gateway that helps us open our hearts to our own suffering so we can heal. This process enables us to open our hearts to the suffering of others; in Buddhism, this is called compassion. But if we believe that these negative emotions represent destructive levels of consciousness, as Hawkins' system suggests, then we are likely to avoid these emotions or completely dissociate
    from them. Doing so feeds our delusions. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs.
    Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
    , "Appendix C", S. ~270, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Below 200: Repressed shadow elements

  • Most of what Hawkins calibrates below 200, I believe, can be interpreted as shadow elements repressed by his (and many of our) conscious personality. As we integrate our shadow, we begin to see that absolute good and absolute evil do not and cannot exist.39
    Footnote 39: Everything depends on context (not an illusionary map) – who does what and in what situation as well as how each
    person feels about the matter. This fact begins to reveal itself at the relativistic stage of ego development where a pregiven, absolute world is no longer perceived as valid.
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C", S. ~275-276, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Acknowledging the contradictory nature

  • If we don’t come to integrate our instinctual inner being, we can’t acknowledge the contradictory nature of our basic ethical disposition. Without this acknowledgment and acceptance, we are led to believe that one thing is "absolute truth" while we repress its opposite (in this case, classifying it as "below 200").
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C", S. 279, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Nonduality [LoC 600] includes duality by definition.

  • [N]ondual awareness does not negate the existence or reality of duality; on the contrary, nonduality, by definition, necessarily includes duality. We might make universal statements about impersonal nonduality (emptiness), but we cannot accurately do so about personal duality (relative form), as Hawkins and many other spiritual teachers carelessly do.
    […] When Hawkins defines truth, consciousness, or reality, he has a tendency – like many other teachers of nondua-
    lity – of focusing exclusively on the impersonal qualities without addressing the existence of the personal side.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix D Nonduality", S. ~282, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


See also: ► Error and ► Level 600

Criticism on Hawkins' dualistic scale

  • [Hawkins' dualistic] scale […] ends up causing a lot [of] well-meaning but naive spiri-
    tual seekers extraordinary amounts of unnecessary suffering […]. [I]t's actually not
    good to only have sunny days. "It's always a sunny day over there" was not a compli-
    ment. It was a very important insight and a kind of warning.
    Blog entry Against High Vibrations: A Critique of New Age Spirituality, presented by Chris Dierkes, 16. July 2014


Note: Pavlina initially endorsed Hawkins' Map and work in 2005, yet changed his mind before 2011.

  • Have you noticed that each time someone creates a linear map of consciousness (i.e. a series of defined tiers that you
    can progress through), they almost always put themselves on the 2nd or 3rd rung from the top, with the top tier being
    the idealized version of their values? […] There is no universal, tiered, linear map of conscious growth. There is simply
    expansion, with no direction being more or less enlightened than any other. Blog article by Steve Pavlina, US American personal development blogger New and Improved Map of Conscious Growth, 22. August 2011

Andrew Harvey's sacred activism


Sacred Activism

  • A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic political and social consciousness, does little to halt the suicidal juggernaut of history. On the other hand, an activism that is not purified by profound spiritual and psychological self-awareness and rooted in divine truth, wisdom, and compassion will only perpetuate the problem it is trying to solve, however righteous its intentions. When, however, the deepest and most grounded spiritual vision is married to a practical and pragmatic drive to transform all existing political, economic and social institutions, a holy force – the power of wisdom and love in action – is born. This force I define as Sacred Activism.
    Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, presented by Harvey's website andrewharvey.net, excerpted from Harvey's book: The Hope. A Guide to Sacred Activism, Hay House United Kingdom, 7. September 2009

Money issues – Running an 'enlightenment business'


Collecting donations as a business trick:

The Institute for Spiritual Research Inc., missing PDFs, Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, Income Tax Application, 2009 and 2011

  • Hawkins operates two businesses under one roof: The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc., which is listed as a non-profit corporation in the state of Arizona, and Veritas Publishing, a "trade name" technically owned by the institute. By
    running a non-profit, Hawkins is able to accept non-taxed income in the form of donations. In 2005, the institute recorded donations of $634,033 and by 2008 it recorded total investments exceeding $2.3 million.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 142-143, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14. January 2013



Deceitful non-profit organisation

  • [I]n addition to receiving taxable income from the profit-generating Veritas Publi-
    Hawkins receives donations for his nonprofit 'Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research.' Would anyone donate to Hawkins' institute, where proceeds go to his "consciousness research," if it wasn’t under the guise of spirituality and enlightenment? Remember that
    his "consciousness research" translates to him doing muscle testing with his wife in their kitchen.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 142-143, Kindle locations 3686-3690, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 15. January 2013



Veritas Publishing, a business

  • And so we must keep in mind that David and Susan Hawkins are running a business. To my knowledge, they do not have outside income. The couple makes a living through Veritas Publishing and the Institute of Advanced Spiritual Research. Hawkins and his wife would need to find another means of supporting themselves without the income ge-
    nerated from these businesses. They need income to pay their living expenses, home mortgage in Sedona, weekend cabin outside of Sedona, home furnishings and new construction, car expenses, and so on – just like all of their many customers (students). I don't mean to imply that there's anything inherently unethical about this exchange, nor am I implying the Hawkinses live extravagantly. But under the guise of "spirituality," it's easy to miss this point: They are running a business. The same observation can be made of all cults, most spiritual teachers, and most reli-
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 142-143, Kindle locations 3691-3697, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 15. January 2013


See also: Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth.
Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
, chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins",
subheading "The Business of Enlightenment", S. 193, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Hawkins explained in detail the charges on his lectures/services. He said that he has to cover legitimate business expenses:
  ☛ making advance deposit to reserve and rent for the hall,
  ☛ guarantee for certain number of hotel rooms for the attendees,
  ☛ the office employees to take reservations,
  ☛ crowd insurances for the events,
  ☛ legal fee for a lawyer to go over the contracts.
He claimed that he did not charge for his time to appear in the lecture.64


  • Less well-known is that Veritas Publishing has threatened a number of websites with legal action if they did not remove their respective postings of the Map of Consciousness. (Veritas charges $665 for the plagiarized66 – from Hubbard through Levenson – work, so apparently they do not appreciate it being offered for free.)
    Blog entry by Edmund Knightley aka drhtaf1000, The "Force" of Veritas Publishing, 23. November 2014

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowals


  • I have bulwarked everything I have said; experientially, I have been the witness, testified to it, and I’ve calibrated it. Then I have cited the references in history that confirm it. All the books I write have extensive references in the back. Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, A Conversation with Knowingness, part I of II, S. 15, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, April/May 2007
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013



Hawkins believed his ego died.

  • The revelation of spiritual truth was now spontaneous and occurring; and in that instant, the ego really died. Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on Advanced States of Consciousness, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998

Hawkins contradicting his claims of "ego death" made in 2003 and 2007

  • In actuality, the ego-self doesn’t have to die at all: life doesn’t come to an end; existence doesn't cease; and no horrible, tragic fate is waiting to end life at all. Like the ego itself, the whole story is imaginary. One doesn't have to destroy the ego or even work on it. The only simple task to be accompli-
    shed is to let go of the identification with the ego as one's real self! With this relinquishment of identification, the self actually goes right on walking and talking, eating and laughing – the only difference is that, like the body, it becomes "that" instead of "me" or
    "this." D. Hawkins, cited in: Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Haw-
    kins, M.D., Ph.D.
    , edited by Scott Jeffrey, S. 56, quote, Hay House, August 2011



Hawkins' "transcending the world" experience in 1965

Humanistic psychology views Hawkins' interpretation of a maximal leap in consciousness differently.



Nonsensical scientific claim

Alternative source: Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 128, Hay House edition February 2002




Futility of war ⇔ supporting G. W. Bush's pre-emptive war against Iraq

  • Typical of the ego is its belief that the problems to be addressed are 'out there', and therefore all the social programs, including wars, are devoted to fixing 'them' or fixing 'out there'. D. Hawkins, The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 44, 2001



Tieboutian Ego definition



Tieboutian Ego definition ⇔ Freudian ego definition

  • In spiritual parlance 'ego' implies a negative quality, an obstacle to realization be-
    cause of its linear, dualistic construction.
    In psychology, however, the term denotes coping and survival skills to deal effectively with the world. D. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 38, 2003



Hawkins' belief in an impersonal remaining ‘personality' / interactive 'persona'

  • The remaining ‘personality’ is actually impersonal. It is an interactive 'persona'
    that is capable of seemingly ordinary participation in ongoing human affairs, but
    it is merely witnessed and allowed to do so, but it is not obligatory.
    D. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 136, 2003




Open advertising for news TV station Fox News and Bill O'Reilly

Fox News: Rich people paying Rich people to tell Middle Class people to blame Poor people.



Suggestions to deny and dissociate from one's body, emotions, and mind

  • A Simple Two-Step Escape from the Negativity of the Ego
    2. Disidentify with the body/emotions/mind as "me". Be truthful and admit that they are "yours" but not "you". While this may seem artificial, strange, foreign, and unnatural in the beginning, the basic reality is that it is a truth of a higher order, which makes it a very powerful and formidable tool. The mind will try to deny this reality as well as truth (that is what it is 'supposed to do') because Truth is intuited as its nemesis. D. Hawkins, Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 343, 2006


  • The impact of relativism on Western civilization is the exact opposite to that which ensued from the era of enlighten-
    ment that superseded the Dark Ages and replaced ignorance with reason, logic, and rationality and an education
    based on truth, morality, and integrity.
    D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 6 "Social Reality and Levels of Truth", S. 113, 2008



Published by


  • [R]elativism is the Trojan Horse by which the enemies of freedom hide under the sheep's clothing of apologists (termed 'useful fools' by Lenin).
    D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 6 "Social Reality and Levels of Truth", S. 118, 2008


  • Via the dictum of 'tolerance', 'social justice', 'muticulturalism', 'accomodation', etc., major universities then began stylishly inviting even overtly psychotic visiting trendy 'professors' to lecture on delusional subjects (e.g. 9/11 conspiracy, or the Holocaust "never happened").
    D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 6 "Social Reality and Levels of Truth", S. 120, 2008



Hawkins' promoting the MSM narratives on major deceptions

  • Fallacious viewpoints gain attention (e.g. "The Holocaust never happened," and "America engineered 9/11") and media recognition.
    D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 6 "Social Reality and Levels of Truth", S. 125-126, 2008


  • True, valid authority originates from essence (Reality) and not from appearance, titles, attributes, or perceptions. In
    the current world truthful authority itself is the target of philosophical relativism, which rhetorically denies that the true authority (truth) even exists or has any possible validity; thus, politically and philosophically, it condemns absolutism.
    D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 215, 2008



Hawkins' implied assumption and belief in a pregiven, unchanging world:

His teachings represents the much-awaited advance in spiritual teachings to bring that comprehension up to date.

  • Spirituality, in a way, has been at a standstill. There's supposedly what the Buddha and Christ said […] And then it sort of comes to an end. Like a great comprehen-
    sion of spiritual teachings has not kept pace with every other area of information and knowledge. Video presentation by D. Hawkins, Undoing the Barriers to Spiritual Pro-
    , Volume Series V, 3 DVD set, recorded in the 90ties, published 2000


  • Truth cannot be argued. It cannot be defended. It has no answers for any argument. Its authority is absolute. It is the absoluteness of the Presence that defies any questions and against which any question falls flat because there is no room for questions. That which is All That Is is beyond all questioning.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Radical Subjectivity: The "I" of "Self", 3 DVD set, February 2002



Map of Consciousness – Calibrations

  • The value of the work we share [that is, his system] is that for the first time in human history there was a means discovered to tell truth from falsehood. So the mind is intrinsically incapable of it. And now, I think people's capacity to discern reality is actually being injured because it’s being repetitively programmed to think in terms of certain slogans and memes. And these then become incorporated into one's mental apparatus. And you just became injured and didn't
    even know it. D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 1 of 3, track 5, 19. August 2006


  • The real problem then is the narcissistic core of the ego, which is convinced that it knows, where it actually doesn't know. It confuses our beliefs as truth. D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 3 of 3, track 1, 19. August 2006



The downfall of "fallen teachers"

  • They [fallen teachers] fell innocently into [the Luciferic temptation because the narcissistic core of the ego is in direct competition with God. And the more godly you get, the more clever it gets in order to survive.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 3 of 3, track 3, 19. August 2006



Hawkins wanted his first book Power vs. Force to be written by anonymous.


  • For some reason, absolutism drives people crazy. I don’t know what it is about it. I guess they are all atheists, and absolutism is such a challenge to the narcissistic core of the ego that the thought that there's something other than yourself that's sovereign just can't be handled. So why does absolutism drive these people crazy? I suppose it's because it signifies you are answerable. Yes, you are responsible and you are answerable.
    D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, CD 1 of 5, track 6, 26. January 2008

Quotes by various other sources

Characterizations of David R. Hawkins

  • With his unusual brand of wit, cutting through the bullshit, David has been called "the George Carlin of cons-
    ". In his writings, he avoids using humour to avoid appearing frivolous, but during his lectures, David's humour is unleashed on an unsuspecting audience. […]
    Living by Buddha's dictum David put no head above his own. Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 19 "A Closer Look at David R. Hawkins", S. 297, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012



Personal avowals



  • We would expect authoritarian followers especially to submit to corrupt authorities in their lives: to believe them when there is little reason to do so, to trust them when huge grounds for suspicion exist, and to hold them blameless when they do something wrong.
    Bob Altemeyer (*1940) Canadian retired professor of psychology, University of Manitoba, producer of the scale for Right-wing authoritarianism, author, The Authoritarians, PDF, chapter 1 "Who Are the Authoritarian Followers?", S. 15, 2006




  • We have come to realize that our view of reality isn't as real as it once seemed. We have come to realize that there is not one reality but many different, often conflic-
    ting realities. We have come to see that our ideas about truth are not eternal, but made. James N. Powell, US American Vedic scholar, editor, writer, Postmodernism For Beginners, S. 151, 21. August 2007




Symbol of the winged fish or the feathered serpent uniting the opposites (of the worlds, elements)

  • You don't have to be quit of your bondage in order to experience the release. The two go together. […] You can't eliminate the sorrows of the world.
    Video presentation with / interview by Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. [LoC 410] (1904-1987)
    US American mythologist, expert in comparative mythology and comparative religion, The Mythic Symbology of Release, YouTube film, minute 0:57, 4:02 minutes duration, posted
    26. August 2010




Joining the waking consciousness and the unconscious


Wooden houses in Kippel, the main village of Lötschental valley
12. September 1998
  • The impersonal is a truth, the personal, too, is a truth; they are the same truth seen from two sides of our psychological activity; neither by itself gives the total account of Reality, and yet by either we can approach it. Sri Aurobindo [Aurobindo Ghose] [LoC 605] (1872-1950) Indian British Hindu freedom fighter, philosopher, yogi, mystic, guru, poet, Synthesis of Yoga, S. 581, Lotus Press, 1st US edition 1. January 1990


  • One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. This procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not very popular. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, R.F.C. Hull, Alchemical Studies, S. 265, [1945], 1967, Princeton University Press, 1983



Consciousness emerges out of the unconscious.



Holding the paradox of right or left

  • It begins with compassion for yourself […] It’s a compassion which is not trapped in any way in calling yourself right or wrong. It’s this astoundingly unfamiliar ground between righteous indignation and shame where you feel completely embarrassed […]. An amazingly unfamiliar but spiritually potent ground between acting out with our words and actions or repressing – just pushing it under, not wanting to go there, not wanting to look at it, telling yourself its not happening, or dissocia-
    ting completely. That middle ground that is not caught in right-wrong, for-against […] it is referred to as open heart
    and open mind: just completely able to hold the paradox of not falling off to the right or to the left.
    Pema Chödrön (*1936) US American Tibetan Buddhist nun (*1981), teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage of Chögyam Trungpa, author, When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, paperback, later printing edition 26. September 2000


  • [Real compassion is a relationship of equals. There’s no up or down [calibration levels] in the relationship. You can
    look in the eyes of someone who is suffering and be there for him [or her], even though doing so may trigger all
    kinds of unwanted feelings in you. But you know what it is to sit with those feelings, to become intimate with those feelings and to not run away. Pema Chödrön [Deirdre Blomfield-Brown] (*1936) US American Tibetan Buddhist nun (*1981), teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage of Chögyam Trungpa, author, Audiobook Good Medicine. How to Turn Pain into Compassion with Tonglen Meditation, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, Boulder, Colorado, March 2001




Individuation is not to isolate oneself from others but to discover humanness on a deeper level.

  • Once we feel more secure as individuals, more complete within ourselves, it is natural also to seek the myriad ways in which we resemble our fellow human beings […] the essential human qualities that bind us together in the human tribe. Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, Inner Work. Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth, S. 11, Harper & Row,
    San Francisco, 1986, 10. May 1989



Wholeness ⇔ perfection

  • It seems that it is the purpose of evolution now to replace an image of perfection with the concept of completeness or wholeness. Perfection suggests something all pure, with no blemishes, dark spots, or questionable areas. Wholeness includes the darkness but combines it with the light elements into a totality more real and whole than any ideal.
    Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, He. Understanding Masculine Psychology,
    S. 64, Harper Collins, 1974, March 1987, Harper Perennial, revised 6. October 1989


Mandala made by a Jung's unknown patient before 1929
Scanned from Mystery of the Golden Flower by C. G. Jung





Psychology of selfcontrol – brain research

Excellent survey of selfcontrol, dito, S. 592-611

  • [Paraphrased] Neurobiological studies show that selfcontrol implies the activation of the lateral prefrontal cortex. Lack of selfcontrol means that the limbic brain regions are activated. Steven Pinker, Ph.D. (*1954) Canadian-born US American Johnstone professor of experimental psychology, Harvard University, cognitive scientist, linguist, popular science author, The Better Angels of Our Nature. Why Violence Has Declined, S. 596, Viking, 2011, Penguin Books, reprint edition 25. September 2012







Book review of Hawkins' bestseller Power vs. Force (1995/2002) by Ken Wilber:

Ken Wilber, Integral Spirituality, 2007: "Metaphysical thinking assumes a perspective-free universe, and then makes assertions about things that exist as if they were free of perspectives and free of context in general, which is not only the myth of the given, but a desperately egocentric version of the myth of the given [...] assuming there is something pre-existing in an ahistorical world and waiting to be seen as just metaphysics (and the myth of the given)."



Postmodernism provided linguistic analysis instead of metaphysics.

  • Metaphysics in general was replaced with linguistic analysis, because it was be-
    coming increasingly obvious that language is not a clear window through which we innocently look at a given world; it is more like a slide projector throwing images against the screen of what we finally see. Language helps to create my world, and, as Wittgenstein would put it, the limits of my language are the limits of my world. Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness re-
    searcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Marriage of Sense and Soul. Integrating Science and Religion, S. 125, Shambhala Pub-
    , Boulder, Colorado, 1998, Three Rivers Press, 20. April 1999



Postmodernism: language creates worlds

  • In the wake of this extraordinary linguistic turn, philosophers would never again look at language in a simple, trusting way. Language does not merely report the world, represent the world, describe the world. Rather, language creates worlds, and in that creation is power. Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Marriage of Sense and Soul. Integrating Science and Religion, S. 128, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1998, Three Rivers Press, 20. April 1999



Postmodernism states: Self and world exist in evolving historical contexts.

  • So the great postmodern discovery was that neither the self nor the world is simply pre-given, but rather they exist in contexts and backgrounds that have a history, a development. Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, A Brief History of Everything, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1996, 2nd edition 6. February 2001




Final within and final beyond

  • The Godhead completely transcends all worlds and thus completely includes all worlds. It is the final within, leading to a final beyond – a beyond that, confined to absolutely nothing, embraces absolutely everything.
    Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The Spirit of Evolution, S. 310, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1995, 2nd revised edition 2. January 2001



Common syndrome aborted selfactualization:

Describing Hawkins' descent into hell

  • [Existential angst leads to] a concern for overall meaning in life (or being-in-the-world); a grappling with personal mortality and finitude; and finding a courage-to-be in the face of lonely and unexpected death.
    [At this existential level| personal life is [seen as] a brief spark in the cosmic void.
Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Transformations of Consciousness, S. 118, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1st edition 12. September 1986



The enigma of TO BE or NOT TO BE

Polarity and opposites

  • If you pursue success, pleasure, good, virtue […] all these positive things you are under illusion because the positive cannot exist without the negative. You only know what to be is by contrast of not to be. […] You can't have the one without the other. […] If you try to pursue, to gain the positive and to deny, get rid of the negative it is as if you trying to arrange everything in the room so as if it was all up and nothing was down. You can't do it. You set yourself an absolutely insoluble problem.
    The basis of life is spectrum. Most people think of it [the spectrum of colors] as a ribbon which is red at one end and purple at the other. But the spectrum is actually a circle. Because purple is the mixture of red and blue. It goes right round. In this way all sensation, all feeling, all experience whatsoever is moving through spectra [of colors, sounds, textures, smells, and tastes]. You are constantly operating through all of the possible variations of experience. And it implies that you can't know one end of the spectrum without also knowing the other. […] Without blue and purple you can't have red. 12-hour audio retreat/presentation by Alan Watts [LoC 485] (1915-1973) British philosopher, speaker, writer, You're It! On Hiding, Seeking, and Being Found, CD Audiobook Sounds True, unabridged edition 1. October 2009



The biggest ego trip is getting rid of the illusionary ego.

  • You know, the biggest ego trip going is getting rid of your ego [laughing, clapping] and the joke of it all is that your ego doesn't exist! There's nothing to get rid of! It's an illusion, as I tried to explain. 12-hour audio retreat/presentation by Alan Watts [LoC 485] (1915-1973) British philosopher, speaker, writer, You're It! On Hiding, Seeking, and Being Found, CD Audiobook Sounds True, unabridged edition 1. October 2009







Self-actualizing people are inspired by metamotivation.



Jonah complex – aborted self-actualization



The dicotomy between mysticism and modern science

Alternative source: Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author (editor), Quantum Questions. Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists, S. xi, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 2001



Fundamentalism: Driven to know and label everything

  • Thus it is not simply the volatile and intoxicating idea of God that is the culprit, but a certain psychological condition of trying to know and label everything, whatever the philosophy or cosmology, and getting stuck in and limited by our own categories of thought. Stephen Larsen, US American psychologist, founder of the "Center for Symbolic Studies", author, The Fundamentalist Mind. How Polarized Thinking Imperils Us All, S. 140, Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1. January 2007




  • Fundamentalists often build absolute truth claims on a kind of logic that does not hold up under scrutiny. S. 58
    When zealous and devout adherents elevate the teachings and beliefs of their tradition to the level of absolute truth claims, they open a door to the possibility that their religion will become evil.
    S. 44
Charles Kimball, Ph.D., US American presidential professor and director of religious studies, University of Oklahoma, Norman, When Religion Becomes Evil, HarperOne, 1st edition 3. September 2002



Authoritarian followers

  • [A] second kind of authoritarian: someone who, because of his personality, submits by leaps and bows to his authorities. It may seem strange, but this is the authori-
    tarian personality that psychology has studied the most. […]
    Authoritarian followers usually support the established authorities in their society, such as government officials and traditional religious leaders. Such people have historically been the "proper" authorities in life, the time-honored, entitled, customary leaders, and that means a lot to most authoritarians. Psychologically these followers have personalities featuring:
    1. a high degree of submission to the established, legitimate authorities in their society;
    2. high levels of aggression in the name of their authorities; and
    3. a high level of conventionalism. […]
[A] right-wing authoritarian follower doesn't necessarily have conservative political views. Instead he’s someone who readily submits to the established authorities in society, attacks others in their name, and is highly conventional. It's
an aspect of his personality, not a description of his politics. Right-wing authoritarianism is a personality trait.
Bob Altemeyer (*1940) Canadian retired professor of psychology, University of Manitoba, producer of the scale for Right-wing authoritarianism, author, The Authoritarians, PDF, chapter 1 "Who Are the Authoritarian Followers?", S. 8-9, 2006



  • Because of the explosion of cultural messages we are beginning to understand that not only our stories but also
    our rituals, religious dogmas, myths, gender roles, self concepts, beliefs, histories, and theories are cultural, so-
    cial inventions. We are beginning to realize that we live in a world of man-made signs and symbols, and we have
    begun to play around with those signs and symbols humorously and ironically so that we are not enslaved to them.
    James N. Powell, US American Vedic scholar, editor, writer, Postmodernism For Beginners, S. 152, 21. August 2007



Bodily neglect among spiritual aspirants

  • When energy is out of balance in the body, there is probably some corresponding imbalance in the psyche. Witness the spiritual seekers who are so much 'in their heads,' so unfeeling in the remainder of their bodies, that they have lost connection with the real world. George Leonard (1923-2010) US American pioneer of the Human Potential Movement, honorary president
    of the Esalen Institute, California, editor, author, The Life We Are Given (Inner Workbook), S. 146, Tarcher, 20. October 2005




Error of annihilating the ego

  • One has to be somebody before one can be nobody. […] The attempt to bypass the developmental tasks of identity formation and object constancy through a mis-
    guided spiritual attempt to "annihilate the ego" has fateful and pathological conse-
    quences. This is what many students who are drawn to meditation practice and even some teachers seem to be attempting to do. What is needed, and what has been missing from both clinical and meditative perspectives, is a developmental psychology that includes the full developmental spectrum. […] Both a sense of self and a sense of
    no-self – in that order – seem to be necessary to realize that state of optimal psychological well-being that Freud
    once described as an "ideal fiction" and the Buddha long before described as "the end of suffering" and the one
    thing he taught. John H. Engler, Ph.D., US American transpersonal psychologist, meditation teacher, author, cited in: Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D. (*1946) Australian professor of psychiatry, philosophy and anthropology, University of California, Irvine,
    author, Frances Vaughan, Ph.D., US American transpersonal psychologist, educator, spiritual author [editors]: Paths Beyond
    , S. 119, Tarcher, 15. September 1993; also cited in: Lama Surya Das (*1950) US American lama in the Tibetan
    Buddhist tradition, Awakening To The Sacred, S. 142, Random House, 21. September 2010

Literary quotes

  • He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long
    into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic
    of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer, philosophical work Beyond Good and Evil. Prelude to a Philosophy
    of the Future
    [Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft], aphorism 146, C. G. Naumann, Leipzig, 1886



  • Be careful, lest in casting out your demon you exorcise the best thing in you. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

Englische Texte – English section on Power vs. Truth (2013)

Table of contents of Power vs. Truth

Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
1Power vs. ForceHawkins’ Credentials and His Dissertation
Celebrity Endorsements
Mysticism and the New Physics
Hawkins’ Authoritative Voice
  2Calibration MethodIn Search of Calibration Accuracy
Calibration Discrepancies
A Simple Experiment
Hawkins and Kinesiology
Claims and Assumptions of the Method
Hawkins' "New Science"
  3Map of ConsciousnessHow the Map of Consciousness Was Conceived
Is the Map’s Structure Meaningful?
The Map’s Missing Pieces
Perils Below 200
Exploring Other Maps of the Terrain
IIHawkins in a
Postmodern World
A Closer Look
A Brief History of Postmodernism
Hawkins’ View of Postmodernism
  5The Ego and
Human Development
What Is the Ego?
Multiple Lines of Human Development
Stages of Development versus States of Consciousness
Stages of Ego Development
  6The Absolutist Stage
of Development
The Absolutist
The Absolute versus Absolutism
  7Beyond AbsolutismDeparting from Convention
The Healthy Side of Relativism
Beyond Absolutism and Relativism
8The Avatar, the Shadow,
and the Dissociated
Hawkins' Level of Consciousness
Hawkins’ Personal Shadow
Dissociation versus Integration: Beware of Level 600
  9Hawkins’ Biography:
A Different Perspective
Hitting Bottom
The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience
The Search Continues
A Reclusive Life?
Fortifying Power vs. Force
Foremost Teacher of Enlightenment
10The Spoiled Fruits
of Absolutism
Hawkins Fundamentalism
The Church of Calibrations
  11The Cult of
Is Hawkins' Community a Cult?
The Destructive Side of the Devotional Nonduality Cult
Joining Hawkins' Cult: The Role of the Student
Hawkins’ Pseudoscience
The Business of Enlightenment
  12The Winding
Road Ahead
The Case of David R. Hawkins
Exiting the House of Mirrors
 APPENDICESAStages of Human Development
  BIntegrity and Willpower
  EAdditional Insights

Evolutionary models of integral thought leaders – Maturing the ego

Evoulutionary stages – characteristics of a mature ego
༺༻ResearcherTime frameResearch area / Model Status of the mature ego
1.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
[LoC 425,
work LoC 470]
1770-1831Dialectic of consciousness "The common source of the ego and of nature does not transcend reality."67
2.Henri Bergson1859-1941Intuition
Unmediated knowledge
"[F]or a conscious being, to exist is to change, to change
is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself end-
3.James Mark Baldwin1861-1934Development psychology and genetic logic Ego – Alter – Ideal: "The concrete ego and alter thoughts fall together on one side, over against the thought of an ideal personality on the other side."69
4.Alfred North Whitehead1861-1947Philosophy mediating between science and religion The world transcends god as much as god transcends the world.
5.Carl Gustav Jung
[LoC 520/540]
1875-1961Individuation "Individuation is the transformational process of integrating the conscious with the personal and collective uncons-
"Individuation generally has a profound healing effect on the person."71
6.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
[LoC 500]
1881-1955Evolutionary thresholds: physiosphere, biosphere, noosphere "Matter is spirit moving slowly enough to be seen."
7.Jean Piaget1896-1980Developmental stages of
human cognition
As the brain matures a child is capable of increasing complex mental transformations (understanding).
8.Erik Erikson1902-1994Stages of psychosocial development Centauric stage: mature mind-and-body integration
'Human mind' and 'animal body' are harmoniously one.
Achieve mature, civic and social responsibility
9.Jean Gebser1905-1973Coined the term "integral consciousness" A mature integral consciousness imbues clarity.
10.Abraham Maslow
[LoC 475]
1908-1970Hierarchy of needs of the human self The mature ego is driven by internal inspiration instead of external motivations.
11.Clare W. Graves1914-1986Evolution of human values
Bio-psycho-social developmental stages
"Man is both geist and body, and in fact they are one."72
"Man's psychological development is an infinite process."73
Progressive subordination of lower-order behavior systems to higher-order ones74
The personality does not seek absolute freedom.
12.Jane Loevinger1918-2008Stages of ego development The mature ego is highly integrated.75
13.Lawrence Kohlberg1927-1987Stages of
moral development in men
The mature ego seeks the universal rights in men.
14. David R. Hawkins
[LoC 945/1000]
1927-2012Map of Consciousness
Cult building left-brained consciousness research
The ego is blind, vain, proud, or narcissistic.
15.Jürgen Habermas*1929Founder of integral philosophy The mature, autonomous ego is open to the "other".
16.Carol Gilligan*1936Stages of
moral development in women
The mature ego in women seeks universal care.
17.Don Edward Beck
Chris Cowan
Spiral Dynamics   Wikipedia entry deleted – model of
human evolution
The mature ego can hold multiple perspectives simultaneously.
18.James W. Fowler(1940-2015)Developmental stages of faith The executive ego takes responsibility for one's choices.
19.Melvin E. Miller*1946Evolutionary tiers of
human worldviews
The mature ego can hold an integrated worldview based on dialogue with others.
20.Robert Kegan*1946Psychological development
six "equilibrium stages"
The inter-individual ego is interpenetrable of self-systems.
21. Ken Wilber
[LoC 490]
*1949Framing integral philosophy
"big picture"
"A mature, rational, and responsible ego is capable of freely participating in the open exchange of mutual self-esteem."76
22.Susanne R. Cook-Greuter*~1953Stages of
ego development
The mature ego can handle ambiguity without the need to resolve seeming paradoxes.
23.Steve McIntosh*1960Distinguishing, not blending, science, philosophy, spirituality
Evolution of culture
"The stages of consciousness and culture are like octaves of the beautiful, the true, and the good."77
24.Scott Jeffrey~1975 Deconstructing Hawkins'
Map of Consciousness

Cult busting research
The mature ego is not proud or narcissistic.78
Reference: ► AQAL Integral Map – All Quadrants, Levels/Stages, States, Lines, Types
Reference – Literature:
Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning, Harvard
     University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, The Evolving Self. Problem and Process in Human Development,
     Harvard University Press, 1982, reprint edition 1. July 1983
See also: ► Step models


Developmental streams framed by the Basic Waves outlined by Ken Wilber

Timeline of CIA/Elite funded LSD experimentation, therapy and counterculture

               Notable 'legally' acting LSD researchers (some of whom agents of CIA-MKUltra projects)              
William Sargant, R. Gordon Wasson79, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Albert Hoffmann, Gerald Heard, Aldous Huxley, Bill Griffith Wilson,
Helen Wynn, David R. Hawkins, Alfred Matthew Hubbard, Myron Stolaroff, Willis Harman (SRI), Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron,
Timothy Leary, Owsley Stanley, Sidney Cohen, Humphry Osmond, Abram Hoffer, Ross MacLean, Alan Watts,
Richard Alpert [Ram Dass], Betty Grover Eisner, Louis Jolyon West (1924-1999), Stanislav Grof

Note: Pink colored proponents were directly and personally related to Dr. David Hawkins.


Psychiatry itself as a profession is one gigantic mind control operation. Jon Rappoport (*1938) US American philosopher, investigative journalist, author on alternative medicine, cited in: Independent DVD documentary State Of Mind – the Psychology of Control – full length,  produced by the Prison Planet TV, released 17. July 2013, YouTube film, minute 2:15:44, 2:43:54 duration, posted 19. July 2013; reissued 1:57:53 duration, reposted 19. November 2018


༺·········Date·········༻Legend: Proponent/s and event
1938Controversial British psychiatrist, life-long depressive, drug-tester, brainwashing pioneer, later to be mentor of Dr. Ewen Cameron, William Sargant (1907-1988) is awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship to spend a year at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, under Professor Stanley Cobb.
1947Continuing the mescaline experiments performed at the concentration camp in Dachau, Bavaria, and then Project Paperclip in the United States, Dr. Louis Jolyon West runs mescaline experiments at the University
of Vancouver on behalf of West Navy initiated Project Chatter.
1947-1948Timothy Leary meets Cord Meyer at the American Veterans Committee (AVC) conventions; possible CIA hookup.
After briefly mentoring Leary in his psychedelic researches and presentations as documented in High Priest, Aldous Huxley directly linked him with Aleister Crowley. A transfer of a specific kind of baraka had occured there. Crowley had turned Huxley on to the idea of experimenting with mescaline.80
1951-1956Bronx Jewish chemist, spymaster Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (1918-1999) joins the CIA to direct the MKUltra LSD program, directly supervised by CIA director Richard Helms.
1950s-1960sHayday of MKUltra mind control programs including assassination attempts.
1952 Dr. Humphry Osmond and Dr. Abram Hoffer begin LSD experiments at Regina General Hospital Saskatchewan, Canada, with Sandoz Montreal LSD product. Among their prominent clients are Aldous Huxley and Bill Wilson.
1953Sandoz patents on LSD formula expire allowing for Eli Lilly Production.
1953 Humphrey Osmond meets Alfred Matthew Hubbard through their mutual friend Aldous Huxley.
13 April 1953CIA launches the major drug and mind-control program Operation MK-ULTRA.
December 1953Former US military L. Ron Hubbard, connected to U.S. OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE (ONI), characterized Scientology as a religion. It incorporates three churches.
1954-1960 Humphry Osmond and Abram Hoffer treated ~2000 alcoholics under carefully controlled conditions with LSD, concluding that insight, not terror, seemed to have helped them to reform. Both worked closely with Dr. Ross MacLean, Vancouver, and Dr. David Hawkins, NYC, directors of clinics treating alcoholics with LSD.
1954 Willis Harman, later consultant to the White House, involved in LSD research on behalf of the CIA, attends study group led by Harry Rathbun.
1954 Gerald Heard gives a lecture to the Sequoia Seminar about mind expansion and mind-altering drugs. Attendees are Willis Harman and Myron Stolaroff.
26 October 1954Large-scale availability of LSD through newly-discovered synthesis by Eli Lilly
1955(Satanist) Order of the Trapezoid begun by Anton LaVey (1930-1997)
1956CIA-contractor on mind control research projects Dr. Ewen Cameron, witness of the Nuremberg Nazi Doctors Trials, tests LSD in conjunction with "depatterning" experiments designed to reprogram personalities.81
1956Sequoia Seminars, run by Emilia and Betty Grover Eisner, begin LSD therapy sessions. Attendees are Willis Harman and Al Hubbard.
29 August 1956 Bill Griffith Wilson, founder of AA, has his first LSD experience in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Los Angeles, California, supervised by Gerald Heard.
February 1957 Bill Wilson, suffering from profound depression and narcissistic personality disorder, undergoes his first medically supervised LSD trip in the house and presence of Will and Betty Grover Eisner. Also present are early A.A. member Tom Powers and Dr. Sidney Cohen. In continuous sessions also Aldous Huxley is present.
1957Suave hospital administrator Dr Ross MacLean runs Hollywood Hospital in New Westminster, Vancouver, Canada.
Previously the elites alcoholics's detox center for years, is treating thousands of patients with LSD (1957-1975) (including Ethel Kennedy, wife of Robert Kennedy). MacLean charges $1,000/dose fees from Hollywood's elite patients (from the Canadian Parliament and the American film community). MacLean claimed a success rate of 80% with his LSD treated alcoholic patients.
1957Al Hubbard meets Ross MacLean, medical superintendent of the Hollywood Hospital in New Westminster (Vancouver). Ross gives Hubbard an entire wing of the hospital to the study of psychedelic therapy for chronic alcoholics.
1957Al Hubbard quits, after dispute with Ross MacLean. Frank Ogden, former helicopter pilot, takes his place.
Ogden is Hollywood's resident therapist (1961-1968).
Note: The U.S. banned LSD completely, but it was still legal in Canada.82
1958Palo Alto Mental Research Institute begins conducting LSD Research studies.
1958Bob Roberts, married into the Rockefeller clan, asks his father-of-law, an influential Rockefeller, to make one phone call on behalf of the clinic plan of his friend David Hawkins. Rockefeller's intervention immediately provided the state licence for Hawkins' non-profit, tax-exempt clinic North Nassau Mental Health Center in Long Island (specializing in treating alcoholism and drug addictions), chartered by the Department of Social Welfare of New York state.83 North Nassau Mental Health Center possibly serves as a kind of extension of Ross MacLean's Hollywood Hospital in Vancouver.
1959Sequoia Seminars LSD therapy sessions end.
1959 Willis Harman, Myron Stolaroff and Al Hubbard begin with LSD therapy sessions.
As an international umbrella organisation of psychiatric societies World Psychiatric Association is formally founded with Dr. Ewen Cameron as its second president.
March 1961The International Foundation for Advanced Study LSD Therapy, led by Myron Stolaroff, Willis Harman, consultant to the White House, involved in LSD research on behalf of the CIA, and Al Hubbard, officially begins.
October 1961Mary Meyer begins visiting John F. Kennedy in the White House.
1962Mary Meyer makes contact with Timothy Leary. Leary supplies LSD to Meyer who uses it with Kennedy.
1963Sandoz patents for LSD production expire. (There seems to be various patent dates.)
1. March 1963Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert are fired from Harvard University.
22 November 1963John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Death of Aldous Huxley supported by intake of LSD.
1964Project MKULTRA becomes Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs.
9 February 1964The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan Show.
1965The Process Church of the Final Judgment splinter group from Scientology appears.
1965Queen's Birthday. British Queen awards MBE The Beatles.
1 February 1965Owsley Stanley first succeeds in synthesizing crystalline LSD. Distribution begins March 1965.
1966Owsley Stanley builds the LSD Lab Pt. Richmond in California.
1 May 1966Anton LaVey (1930-1997) founds the Church of Satan.
October 1966Owsley Stanley leaves soundman position with band "Grateful Dead".
6 October 1966Love Pageant Rally protests illegalization of LSD in California.
24 October 1966Possession of LSD is banned federally in the U.S.
December 1965 Dr. David R. Hawkins has his first LSD trip (delivering him from alcoholism and medication addiction) supervised by Helen Wynn, then mistress of Bill Wilson.84
~1966+?With fellow psychiatrist Ross MacLean at Hollywood Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, David Hawkins instituted a recovery program for alcoholics based on the therapeutic use of LSD in a highly controlled environment. The recovery rate for "untreatable" alcoholics is at astounding 50+%.85
1 January 1967CIA Operation Chaos begins.
1967Owlsey and Scully build the Denver LSD Lab.
1 September 1967Timothy Leary coins the catchphrase: "Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out."86
4 April 1968Martin Luther King, Jr assassinated.
5 June 1968Robert Kennedy assassinated.
July 1968Owsley Stanley takes over sound position again for band "Grateful Dead".
October 1968 Willis Harman employs Al Hubbard officially as a security officer for SRI.
1969As psychiatrist consultant and vitamine specialist David Hawkins works for two organisations helping the psychedelically distraught: the LSD Rescue Service and HOTLINE.87
1969Tim Scully builds the LSD lab Windsor in California which produces "Orange Sunshine", ALD-52--.
1969John Lennon returns his MBE to the Queen.88
June 1969"Orange Sunshine" acid first appears.
15-18 August 1969Woodstock Festival (starring The Who, Grateful Dead [16 August], MKUltra mind-controlled Janis Joplin).
On behalf of the LSD Rescue Service David Hawkins treated over 400 youths for adverse drug reactions at the festival.89
31 January 1970Jerry Garcia & Bob Weir "busted down on Bourbon St." New Orleans. Band members and Owsley Stanley arrested and soon released from jail.
February 1970Owsley leaves soundman position after New Orleans bust.
February 1970Leary is convicted of marijuana possession for 10 years, jailed at Lompoc, California.
12 September 1970Leary escapes from the State Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo and flees to Algeria, later Switzerland.
1973CIA director Richard Helms orders all MK-ULTRA files destroyed. (10 boxes of documents survive.)
1973Dr. Sidney Gottlieb ends his career having spent more than fifty million dollars without a trace.
1973Roe v. Wade – U.S. Supreme Court legalizes abortion throughout the United States.
January 1973Leary is kidnapped at gun point in Afghanistan by American agents and returned to California.
July 1973Nixon creates the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to coordinate the efforts of all other agencies.
21 April 1976Tim Leary is released from prison by governor Jerry Brown (in return for FBI work as a government informant).
8 December 1980John Lennon is shot and murdered by unknown assailant.
November 1981Stanford Research Institute (SRI) publishes Changing Images of Man by Oliver W. Markley, author, Joseph Campbell, editor, O. W. Markley, editor, Willis W. Harman, editor, 1st edition Pergamon Press.
Note: Attempting to identify and assess the plausibility of a host of future possibilities for society.
Reference/source: ► Article Grateful Dead Timeline, presented by the Californian news website SFGate,
Greta Kaul, Jillian Sullivan, Aidin Vaziri, updated 22. June 2015
See also: ► Mind control

Family man David R. Hawkins – three marriages and four daughters

David R. Hawkins' father and mother were each married three times and divorced twice. Their son followed the same pattern. He had two biological daughters from his first marriage, and each one step daughter from his second wife
and his third wife. His oldest daughter denied to speak with her father for decades. His second daughter committed suicide followed by his first stepdaughter who died young from an incurable disease. His second stepdaughter made him a grandfather.


David R. Hawkins' pedigree
Father's side
Roger·Williams 1603-1683 English Protestant theologian, early proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state, provider of refuge for religious minorities, 1636, initiator of the first Baptist church in America90
R. Williams (11) had a conversion experience dissaproved of by his father. –– David Hawkins had his first near-death-like experience at age 12. His father "disapproved" of him dying.
Mother's side
David G. Hooker 1830-1888 Insurance enterpreneur, lawyer, mayor, 33rd degree Freemason
Mother's side
Frank·McCutcheon Erudite man, took 14 year old grandson to lightweight boxing
Mother's side
Alice-Ashley·McCutcheon Saintly, erudite woman, sweet matriarch of the family , died of dementia
Father's side
Father's side
Mary Jane Elizabeth Lavender Coffey ∞ Hawkins
Father Ramon·Nelson·Hawkins †~1972 Married 29. April 1926, twice remarried, lifelong alcoholic and smoker
Mother Alice-Mary McCutcheon ∞ Hawkins †~1975 Married 29. April 1926, social elite heir, flapper [early feminist], twice remarried, lifelong alcoholic, coffee abuser, hypochondriac, twice remarried, died of liver failure
Sister Sally-Claire Hawkins 1929-† Expressive character
First wife Sally Louise Kennedy *~1930 Married Hawkins 1949 at age 19, divorced 1960
Second wife Margaret Phelan *October 1930 Remarried Hawkins 1961, divorced ~1976/77
Third wife Susan Jane Humphrey *1949 Professional model, first meeting with D. Hawkins as his dancing partner in 1989/1991, twice remarried, third marriage with Hawkins on 26 December 199991
First daugther Lynn Ashley Hawkins ∞ Johnson *July 1953 Did not speak or meet with her father for decades, was excluded from the paid Who's Who entry (2010) as well as the obituary (9/2012)92
Second daugther Barbara Catherine Hawkins2/1955-15 July 1995 Introduced D. Hawkins to dancing, psychologically instable, institutionalized, committed93 suicide
First stepdaugther Cathleen Phelan 1955-1976 Died of Hodgkin's disease at age 22; D. Hawkins grieved intensely, his
2nd marriage fell apart
Second·stepdaugther Sarah Humphrey ∞ Spradling  Susan Hawkins' daughter, mother of one or two daughters, heir
Grand-stepdaughter Evren L. Spradling
See also: ► Posthumeously revealed biographical data of David R. Hawkins' life


Footnote 15: It's curious that in Hawkins’ 1995 Who's Who[*] listing, his daughters, Lynn Johnson and Barbara Catherine Hawkins, are listed as progeny, but in his 2004 listing, Johnson is omitted. In his 2010 listing, neither of his daughters is ack-
nowledged; only his wife Susan's daughter, Sarah Humphrey, is listed. Similarly, his only surviving daughter, Lynn Johnson, is not even mentioned in Hawkins' long deleted obituary Obituary – David Ramon Hawkins (1927-2012), originally presented by the websites legacy.com and azcentral, Arizona, End September 2012. (Barbara Catherine Hawkins committed suicide
in 1995.)
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "Notes", "Chapter One: Power vs. Force", S. 302-303, Kindle location 5176-85, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

[*] Hawkins' inclusion in Marquis Who's Who is not an achievement; he submitted his own entry and then paid for a copy of the book
   (which is how the Marquis business makes its money). Marquis' listing is a promotional tool that Hawkins and many others have used to
   inflate their credentials
.  Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, founder of the dissolved website Consciousness Project,
Power vs.
   Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
, chapter 1 "Power vs. Force", S. 18, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Reader's assessment concerning D. Hawkins' background and NWO agency

Scott Jeffrey

After the passing of psychiatrist Dr. David Hawkins (9/2012) the disclosing book Power vs. Truth was written and published by his former ardent student, promoter, editor and officially appointed biographer Scott Jeffrey. His book helped the followers of Hawkins' "Devotional Nonduality" cult to grasp the bigger picture concerning their former teacher.
Most of the confessions of "truth researcher", Hawkins, were left to the discretion of his confidante Scott Jeffrey. During six years of collecting and researching contradicting and unsettling life data, both handed to him by Hawkins and found along the way, he matured while discovering what was driving Hawkins' narrative, i.e. "true teachings", his fellow students and himself. Conscientious profiler, Jeffrey, boldly disclosed the pristine and awful truth concerning his former teacher and
role model of 10 years:
     ⚑ first in the biography Doctor of Truth (10/2012) and
     ⚑ in a more detailed and outspoken manner in Power vs. Truth (01/2013).

The following assessment was not expressly outlined in Power vs. Truth,
yet it emerged by means of connecting the dots.


                                                                                      Legend of icons         
* Member of central NWO outlets: Committee of 300 / 33° Freemason / Bilderberg Group / Skull and Bones / Knights of Malta
Member of the ultra-secretive club Bohemian Grove (*1872) [by invitation only annual men's party for 2000
    conservative elite males aged 50+]
Related to article The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics, Edwin Black (*1950) US American historian,
    investigative journalist, author, September 2003


Befriended with and under tutelage of the Rockefellers


Jeffrey outlined that in the 50ties Hawkins was a friend of Bob Roberts, who had married into the Rockefeller family *♦. Unauthorized biography Doctor of Truth, chapter 8, pg. 105, 2012
In 1958, Roberts' father-in-law made one phone call to obtain the state licence for Hawkins' non-profit, tax-exempt clinic
"North Nassau Mental Health Center on Long Island" – almost instantly. Saving Hawkins 2 years of delay, the only proviso
for this favor was:

⚑ Roberts (i.e. the NWO pushing Rockefeller dynasty) was to be on the board of directors of Hawkins' alternative
    health clinic.
NOTE: Hawkins' clinic was located on Long Island where the Rockefellers and Carnegies lived and had set up their Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories devoted to eugenics in the early 1900's. They were the ones to plant eugenics into Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and to prod him to implement their depopulation / selection plans. They paid to arm Nazi Germany where genocide / mind control programs took hold on a national level.
Read: Article The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics, Edwin Black, September 2003
Removed: Article Eugenics Moves to the Twenty-First Century, Daniel Taylor, 27. August 2007

Collaborating with NWO puppet masters and agents of Project MKUltra


Donald Ewen Cameron, 1967

The CIA funded Project MKUltra on crowd mind control. The CIA contracted psychiatrists, Aldous Huxley and Humphrey Osmond, launched LSD experimentation in prestigious universities in the United States and Canada. The Canadian psychiatrists under contract for LSD testing on schizophrenics and/or alcoholics were:

Ewen Cameron [Head of CPA and APA, criminal memory thief]
Abram Hoffer, ⚑ Humphry Osmond, ⚑ Ross MacLean – all crosslinked to
    NWO architect Aldous Huxley*.

Closely related to these colleagues, Hawkins led his NNMHC clinic on Long Island. Having a member of the Rockefeller clan among the board of directors, it was well suited to also perform such experimentations on its patients.
Hawkins was ordered to work as a counsellor of the LSD Rescue Service and treated over 400
youths on drug-induced hell trips at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair in 1969.

See: Timeline of CIA/Elite funded LSD experimentation, therapy and counterculture
             containing the names of 7 (close) associates of D. Hawkins

Member of a secret men's club of the elite


In 1958, Hawkins moved to the Oyster Bay area on Long Island harboring the exclusive Creek Club founded by J.P. Morgan* [Field LoC 420] and the Locust Beach Valley Club. New York City's superrich met in the "Colony", the "University", and certain exclusive men's clubs .


Scott Jeffrey did not explicitely name which of Hawkins' "desirable assets" were of interest for the pushers of the NWO agen-
da. Some intergenerational assets of the Hawkins family are striking.

DoT, chapter 11, pg. 159, 2012
⚑ In 1636 Hawkins' famous ancestor Roger Williams (1603-1683) founded the first Baptist church in the United States.
⚑ Hawkins' great-grandfather David G. Hooker* (1830-1888) made a fortune as an insurance enterpreneur and a 33° Freemason.
⚑ Hawkins' adopted "great-grandfather" Sigmund Freud* [LoC 499], both an atheist and a confessed "fanatical Jew", and a foreign
    fellow of the Royal Society
*, was briefly directing the Tavistock Clinic / Institute* (1938-1939) in London, which was then the
    world's "scientific authority" on PTSD of shell shocked WWI soldiers and programming via ritual abuse to be funneled into crowd
    mind control.94


So Hawkins was invited into a nowhere listed, highly-exclusive Locust Valley area club for superwealthy families and chief executives of major foundations and international investment banks. Most club members were the invisible movers and shakers* of industry and politics.
Escorted by his sponsor Bob Roberts, Hawkins spent a day in New York City to meet each member of the board of directors
of the secret elite club (J.P. Morgan*, E.F. Hutton*, Rockefellers*♦). Acceptance into this enclave was a matter of class.


Hawkins shared on his audition day,

"Each of them leaned over backwards to put me at ease in what could otherwise have been an awkward situation. Each one
of them could have bought and sold me hundred times over and yet they treated me with precise equality."

Unpublished manuscript "Success is for the few", pg. 242, Veritas Publishing, 1991

Hawkins wrote a eulogy on the shadow power elite,

"Many of the richest people in the world that I have known felt that it was unseemly to be ostentatious in their display of
wealth because it created envy, discomfort, hostility, and jealousy in others."

Unpublished manuscript "Success is for the few", S. 230, Veritas Publishing, 1991

Hawkins concluded,

"Paradoxically, the elite are unknown to society and avoid publicity and celebrities. They live in very private enclaves and belong to clubs unheard of by the media. Mutual recognition is by subtlety, and pretense is quickly detected by even a single glance or intonation. Nobody "wants" anything or is seeking gain, approval, or recognition, and celebrity status is avoided." TvF, chapter 12 "Problematic Issues", pg. 205, 2005


Despite his years as a regularly traveling hermit living in a "monastery of two" and his happiest phase as a "dung baron" wishing to be a janitor in Chartres Cathedral,

⚑ Hawkins remained an elitist enthralled by the glamor of the elite.
"People will do anything to get a moment of fame [glamor]. It just amazes me the extent that people will go 'to be somebody'. The narcissistic core of 'being somebody' is overwhelming at times. It is amazing what people will do to get a moment of the world's attention. I guess that would be the ego's dream that the whole world gets to know you're a somebody. I find that life
is better the other way, being a nobody, being anonymous.

Not only denying his own shadow,

⚑ Hawkins was also oblivious to the shadow of well known American "philanthropists"96, who are members of
    the Committee of 300 and who sponsor the NWO plan of "people culling":
"... creativity and ingenuity are exemplified by the legendary life of Andrew Carnegie (cal. LoC 490) (1835-1919) [...]. The
great philanthropic foundations are legendary (Rockefeller
, Gates*, [Buffet*], Carnegie, Ford* , Mellon*, et al.) and
pour billions of dollars back into society."
TvF, chapter 10 "America", pg. 164/165, 2005

Furthermore, Hawkins refrained from exposing the background and connections between

⚑ the Bohemian Grove Club and Skull and Bones and other occult secret societies.97

Protege of the dystopian Huxley brothers – supporter of totalitarian thought leaders


Aldous Huxley, 1954

Hawkins was both on the board of directors and the president of The Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research. It was named for Aldous and Julian Huxley, both Tavistock NWO order architects and eugenicists. In 1979 Hawkins received the Thomas Henry Huxley Award.

Cofounder and first director of UNESCO [LoC 355], Julian Huxley, promoted worldwide standardized dumbing down education i.e. indoctrination.

Listen to: Audio presentation by Alan Watt Julian Huxley & World Propaganda, posted 25. September 2009
Watch: Video documentary UNESCO – It's Evil Purpose and Philosophy, posted 16. May 2011


Hawkins backed totalitarian thought leaders and dystopian NWO architects:

Plato* (427-347 BC) [LoC 485] [Totalitarian elitist philosopher],
⚑ Thomas R. Malthus* (1766-1834) [LoC 480] [Scarcity economics
    theorist] RSMM, pg. 87, 2008,
⚑ Thomas Henry Huxley* (1825-1895) [LoC 460] [Eugenicist, forerunner of Social Darwinism] RSMM, pg. 87, 2008,
Bertrand Russell* (1872-1970) [LoC 465] [Tavistock NWO architect],
Aldous Huxley* (1894-1963) [LoC 485/425] [Tavistock NWO architect, LSD / mescaline consumption
    via Hoffer / Osmond] PvT, chapter 9, pg. 160, 2013


Hawkins favored fellow gurus, famed preachers, scientists, and social climbing businessmen / politicians:

Muktananda [LoC 655] [Sexual abuser of minors and members, violent and greedy guru]98,
Billy Graham* [LoC 460/570]99 / 100,
Mel Gibson* [Opus Dei member, confessed Multiple Personality Disorder],
Wernher von Braun [LoC 400] [Nazi war criminal],
Arnold Schwarzenegger* [LoC 400s?] [Hollywood terminator, pro-death penalty, Karl Rove's mentee picked
   to become the govenor of California at the annual Bohemian Grove ritual],
Tiger Woods [Top athlete, mind-controlled since childhood],
Sam Walton / Wal-Mart [LoC 365] [Multinational family owned retail corporation
   exploiting staff and tax payers].


Watching his favored TV channel, Rupert Murdoch's* Fox News [LoC 380/330], Hawkins – under-handedly or openly – advised his students

⚑ to refrain from challenging authority,
⚑ to pay income tax [Resulting from fraudulent takeover by private bankers] Success lecture, 3. October 2009,
⚑ to vote! – favorably for the US American Republican Party [one side of the eagle's wings],
⚑ to adopt the governmentally funded and backed spin on the 9/11 attacks [LoC 255/305] TvF 296/297, 301, 2005,
⚑ to abstain from activism / environmentalism [which could derail NWO installations],
⚑ to dismiss results of investigative journalism i.e. so-called "conspiracy theories" as "below 200" i.e. non-integrous.
NOTE: 'Conspiracy theory' is a term launched by the CIA in 1967 to particularly replace the word "investigative journalism"
on matters like State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) [antidemocratic political conspiracies in high office]. This term is instigated to exclude critical investigative researchers from the sphere of public speech, discourse, debate, and conflict.101

Drinking buddy with Karl Rove's daddy – favoring neoconservatives


Karl Rove

At age 16, Hawkins' drinking buddy was homosexual Louie Rove, who often acted outrageously and was the father of

Karl Rove [Bush's Brain], who is known as the architect of the
     Republican Party and the adviser of president G.W. Bush


Strikingly, Hawkins offered considerably high ranking calibrations of world renown leaders, whose crimes against humanity are noted by investigators:

Winston Churchill [LoC 510, influence LoC 500] [Racist, life-long
    functioning alcoholic, reckless psychopath, bailed out and financed by
    Jewish billionaires [NWO architects], war criminal] TvF, pg. 264, 2005
Mother Teresa [LoC 710] [The world's richest Catholic nun, leader of a
    cultic order that transferred 90% of the collected donations to the frau-
    dulent private Vatican Bank*],
⚑ Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)* [LoC 570],
Colin Powell* [LoC 460] [War criminal]102,
George W. Bush* [LoC 450] [US president convicted in absentia
    for war crimes by a Kuala Lumpur tribunal, 14. May 2012], son of
    US president George W.H. Bush* [LoC 400],
Kim Il-sung [LoC 400's] [North Korea's communist leader].
     DoT, chapter 18, pg. 284, 2012


Hawkins differentiated between true statesmen [LoC 415/430] (most all American presidents) and exploitative politicians
[LoC 180/190]. He favored the politics of compliant NWO servants:

Ronald Reagan* [Influence LoC 502] [Introduced "friendly fascism" as in neoconservative
    "trickle down" economics],
Mikhail Gorbachev* [Influence LoC 500].


Leaning to neoconservative politics, Hawkins placed plutocratic oligarchy over democracy. In 2005 he wrote:

"The sources of valuable information for politicians need to come from advisory committees and experts external to the politicial process itself." TvF, chapter 15, pg. 316, 2005

His calibrations favored:

Thomas Sowell [LoC 480] [Social theorist on behalf of the NWO think tank The Hoover Institution],
Milton Friedman [LoC 400] [Servant of the NWO think tank Club of Rome*, Heritage student, who pushed
    deregulated casino capitalism] TvF pg. 254, 2005,
Alan Greenspan* [LoC 400] [Confessed student of failed objectivism as promoted by Ayn Rand]103 / 104
Ayn Rand [LoC 400] [Former Rothschild* mistress, GOP ideologist, white supremacist, racist],
Knights of Columbus [LoC 360] [Secretive Catholic men's fraternity with untoward initiation ritual],
UNESCO [LoC 355] TvF, pg. 265, 2005,
NOTE: Cofounder and first director of UNESCO, Sir Julian Huxley* was Hawkins' indirect mentor. Sprung from a eugenicist dynasty, he used the UNESCO as a springboard for propaganda and worldwide standardized indoctrination (i.e. dumbing down education). "…society as such embodies no values comparable to those embodied in individuals; but individuals are meaningless except in relation to the community." Julian Huxley, UNESCO. Its purpose and Its Philosophy, pg. 61, 1947
The Heritage Foundation [LoC 265] [NWO think tank merging Right and Left of the power elites, financed by
    billionaire Coors, foundations Carnegie-Mellon-Rockefeller [LoC 400], and corporate oligarchs Koch brothers].

Pawn drawn into the agenda of New World Order


Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States

Signs that imply that David Hawkins was involved in the agenda of the New World Order spread by its many organs.

⚑ Hawkins considered himself as being the "great-grandson" of the inventor of false psychology and arch designer of mass mind control, Sigmund Freud.
⚑ a member of the Rockefeller clan seeked his friendship and offered him a membership in a secret club of the Elite.
⚑ members of the Huxley family crossed Hawkins' life path on and off.
⚑ Hawkins became friends with a bunch of MKUltra contractors on LSD research (a means for mind control).
⚑ Hawkins ended up running a clinic overseen by a Rockefeller that was suited for this kind of covered "research".
⚑ Hawkins became friends with an MKUltra contractor [Thetford] who handled a medium and co-wrote the ACiM books (ACiM is classified as a "beneficial cult").
⚑ Hawkins repeated the myths launched by the NWO architects (like overpopulation, 9/11) in what he calls his highest calibrating "true teachings".

Hawkins recommended to avoid "fallen teachers". The predicament of any self-appointed permanently enlightened avatar is that they cannot live perfection and absoluteness on earth. Yet their students, hooked to the fundamentalist (blue / amber) meme, are programmed to believe so. The "world teacher" to unite all religions in the New Age focussing on "the savior" meme is one item listed on the agenda of the New World Order. Hawkins delivered – while deepening his dissociative state.

Played by unseen forces


Great Pyramid of Giza, 19th-century card photo

Hawkins was being played – by unseen forces (principalities) – to support the NWO agenda of hidden robotic enslavement of society. Supposedly, he was not (fully) aware of this circumstance. Hawkins was reluctant to disclose his nightly experience in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Unable to put it into words he shared that he was being visited by spirit beings from long ago.
Cottonwood lecture Spiritual Life in Today's World, 16. October 2010

Alexander the Great and Aleister Crowley spent a night in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid as well. Napoleon's night in there was arranged in 1798. Dishevelled from the experience he was unwilling to ever disclose it.

Overshadowed by Freud


Hawkins' first undetected professional cult leader was his adopted (great) grandfather Sigmund Freud.

Suspiciously, Hawkins forwarded a strategic lie that Freud himself had felt obliged to renounce a decade later.

"Childhood sexual abuse memories are false 80% of the time" Video Volume I: Power vs Force, 2 DVD set, 11. November 1995


Psychiatry is the profession most complicitous with NWO schemes aimed for systematic mind control. Hawkins kept the lid
on it and joined the highly financed propaganda on the false memory syndrome (FMS).

Watch: Video interview with whistleblower Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, Dr Colin Ross Satanic Ritual Abuse & False Memory Syndrome, YouTube film, 15:04 minutes duration, recorded ~December 2012, posted 25. September 2014

Sleazy Playboy sexuality


Hugh Hefner, 1966
showing his trademark Playboy Pipe

Hawkins favored the

Playboy magazine [LoC 310] TvF, pg. 122, 2005
NOTE: Playboy producer Hugh Hefner (1926-2017) was Alfred Kinsey's* (1894-1956) main propagandist and "sex educator". Kinsey's fraudulent sexology was set up, financed, spread, and covered up by the Rockefeller Foundation and their mainstream media organs.
Whistleblower Judith Reisman wrote: "Playboy started in December 1953. [...] At the end of our study in 1984 Playboy stopped producing its child pornography cartoons and its child pornography photographs not be-
cause they were so honorable but because they got exposed. So they backed down."


Pursuing the American Dream, Hawkins

⚑ expressed both elitist and halfway pornographic sexist views.
     Unpublished manuscripts titled "Success is for the few" (1991) and
    "Inside the Male Psyche" (~1980s)
⚑ sided with the "successful" to gain promotion, connections,
    investment tips, titles, and even counterfeited "endorsements"
NOTE: Sam Walton, Lee Iacocca, and Mother Teresa
   replied to having received the manuscript of Power vs. Force in 1991. They did not offer endorsements of it.
   In a untruthful and unethical manner Hawkins twisted their receipt notes to make them appear to be endorsements.

Propagation of the overpopulation myth


As the common root of a cluster of 'unsolvable' social ailments Hawkins named

Overpopulation. I:R&S, chapter 4, pg. 57/59, 2003
⚠ SIDENOTE: The overpopulation myth was first conceived by Thomas Malthus and Darwin's cousin Francis Galton in 1798. Eugenicists Carnegie-Rockefeller-Harriman-Sanger felt justified to "cull" poor and racially inferior "useless eaters" in the early 1900s. Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book The Population Bomb spread inaccurate predictions. China's one-child policy, rationalized
by Hawkins, is based on the 1974 study of the Club of Rome
*, one of the many social engineering institutions of the power elite. Currently, depopulation is carried out by pseudo-philanthropists Rockefeller-Turner-Gates-Buffet [LoC 400] poisoning people via vaccination, GMO foods and chemtrails.
See: World population development trends – Hans Rosling
Worldwide in 2000, there were 2 billion children aged 0-14. UN estimates that this number of minors will remain unchanged up to 2100. Humanity is growing older, yet doesn't overpopulate any longer.106
NOTE: 30 years of comparative global statistical research by economic historian Richard Wilkinson revealed as the common denominator of sociological predicaments: ⚑ Income Inequality GapHumiliation stress, 2005/2009.

Vaccination frauds


Hawkins failed to notice the ongoing crippling vaccicide as part of the NWO agenda by calling fraudulent vaccine inventors the "greatest scientists." RSMM, pg. 87, 2008, TvF, pg. 139, 2005

Edward Jenner [LoC 450] [His injections debilitated and slowly "killed" two children]107 / 108,
Louis Pasteur [LoC 465/485] [Admitted his scientific fraud on his death bed],
Jonas Salk [LoC 455/460] [Eugenicist].

Propagation of beneficial cults and cult leaders


A Course in Miracles [LoC 600/550] and the 12-step program [LoC 540] are classified as beneficial cults.

⚑ Hawkins did not disclose that ACIM's co-creator William Thetford was a head contractor
    of the CIA Project MKUltra.
⚑ Hawkins did not disclose that his former mentor Bill Wilson [LoC 540], the promoter of AA, was covered for
    notorious womanizing. Stricken by depression and NPD, he took Belladonna and LSD.

LSD trip into "permanent enlightenment" – Doublebind messages


"Permanently enlightened" via an LSD trip, Hawkins stated:

"Most self-proclaimed messiahs are suffering from the manic phase of a bipolar mental disorder".
I. Reality and Spirituality, chapter 1, pg. 15, 2003
A "savior, messiah, Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Brahma, avatar, enlightened sage, great teacher" reflects Divinity and
renews "faith and peace" which "reenergizes" all mankind to eventually merge in the "pathway" (new religion)
of Hawkins' "devotional nonduality".
TvF, pg. 179, 2005
⚠ SIDENOTE: Springing from the Tavistock Clinic NWO think tank is the installation of a new religion represented by a
new world teacher such as David Hawkins and his devotional "pathway".
⚑ On stage and in his literature Hawkins spoke of himself predominantly in the third person,
    whereas in private company he spoke normal in the first person. PvT, chapter 8, pg. 153, 2013
⚑ Hawkins allowed Asian devotees to kiss his shoes (somebodyness, cult of personality),
    while he claimed to prefer nobodyness and yearned for nothingness.
"The classic is you're supposed to worship the teacher […] No. The true teacher doesn't need anything from you."
Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 8. November 2008


As a "teacher of integrity" Hawkins gave doublebind (mixed) messages to his students by suggesting:

⚑ to have "blind faith" (blue meme) in the true teacher [him] and the [his] true teachings (including calibrations)
    I.R&S, chapter 2, pg. 32, 2003,
⚑ to "test everything." (green meme) Final public lecture Love, Prescott, 17. September 2011
⚑ Hawkins suggested to take (only) his calibrations as a given truth, while in his books and media offerings
    he encouraged students to do the muscle testing for themselves.
NOTE in 2012 Veritas office staff told people who questioned on calibrating that the Hawkins couple does not wish them to calibrate.
⚠ SIDENOTE: Fundamentalism by nature infantilizes, hence it doesn't allow for testing.
⚑ In 2001, Hawkins said that it is not advisable to idolize i.e. worship the personage of a teacher.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, pg. 66-67, 2001
⚑ In 2007, Hawkins said,
"[T]hroughout time, the Divine Teacher (Avatar) is accepted and worshipped as one's eventual advocate or inter-
cessor as Savior by whatever name, such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, or the Hindu pantheon
as expressions of Divinity."
Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, pg. 188, 2007
⚑ In his teachings Hawkins pointed out the futility of war, yet as a hawk by leaning he supported G.W. Bush's
    preemptive war of aggression against Iraq – based on a CIA supported WMD lie.
⚑ Spiritual teachers need to remain non-attached (neutral), while Hawkins himself supported the politics of
    his associates (like Karl Rove).

Incongruencies of an "avatar"


⚑ Patriotic, not worldcentric, Hawkins favored the United States as "the greatest nation".
⚑ Adhering to authoritarianism couched in the model of scarcity / competition, Hawkins justified the circumstance
    that big dogs terrorize little dogs.
⚑ Oblivious to 95% of peaceful metahistory, Hawkins focussed on 5% of the recorded human history i.e.
    domination by wars.
⚑ Eager to enlist for WWII at age 17!, Hawkins approved of war as a means to balance karma, omitting that
    violence begets more violence and continued blood sacrifice empowers superrich psychopaths.
⚑ Neglecting social equality and adverse to social justice, Hawkins sang the hymns as the global elite.
⚑ Unable to honor the Divine Feminine and wary of (his) emotions, Hawkins avoided to address the cultural
    "great wound" (soul loss) due to the subjugated Yin aspect.
⚑ Implied "Avatar of the Aquarian Age", Hawkins adhered to a policy of secrecy and avoided full disclosure i.e.
    transparency [LoC 425], which is the most feared feature of the emerging new paradigm.


Jeffrey wrote,

"Most of what Hawkins calibrates below 200, I believe, can be interpreted as shadow elements repressed by his (and many
of our) conscious personality. As we integrate our shadow, we begin to see that absolute good and absolute evil do not and cannot exist."
PvT Appendix C "Mining Our Personal Shadow", 2013

Enlightenment business


Engaged in what is called the "enlightenment business", Hawkins

⚑ collected donations amounting to $2.3 million by 2008, which he had invested.

Instead of exposing the systematic deception of humanity, Hawkins continued to churn

⚑ the myths of the old world order turned into the New World Order.

Bullied in childhood – lifelong multi-addicted


Born in 1927, Hawkins repeated the behavioral patterns set by both of his parents

⚑ lifelong multi-addicted, all of them were married three times.


Early childhood trauma results in long-term brain damage i.e. a dissociative disorder in adult life. As a bullied child Hawkins suffered panic attacks, as a (depressive) adult he was adverse to emotions ("oversensitivity"). Influenced by his co-writer and later dismissed cult leader Lester Levenson [LoC 505⇒180] (1974-1984), ⚑ he denied vulnerability. In the early 80ties Hawkins / Levenson wrote,

"The truly humble cannot be humbled. They are immune to humiliation." Published first in Letting Go, pg. 142, 2012
NOTE: Humiliation is degrading the other, humbling is taking down one's shield of pride (elitism).

Sprung from an elite-religionist-saintly-addicted family


Emerged from an elite-religionist-saintly-addicted family and born as a nicotine addict, Hawkins was multigenerationally im-
paired. Due to his typology (charts) co-joined with a coping mechanism and his gradation his MoC system Hawkins gradually upgraded himself into an "avatar of the Aquarian age".


Hawkins had two biological daughters from his first marriage,
and a step daughter from each of his second wife and his third wife.
༺༻Three quarters of Hawkins' daughters – muted and suicided
1.Hawkins' oldest daughter denied to speak with him for decades.
Neither was she at her father's funeral, nor is her name mentioned in his obituary.
2.One daughter first attempted, then committed suicide.
3.One daughter died young from a disease which Hawkins could not cure.
These family secrets were factually unknown to the Hawkins' community until Scott Jeffrey disclosed them.
NOTE: Three of Hawkins' four daughters fell mute and self-sacrificed. This circumstance signifies
            both ◊ a lack of expression (liberated voice) of his own feminine aspect and ◊ his future prospects.
See: Family man David R. Hawkins – three marriages and four daughters
See: Posthumously revealed biographical data of David R. Hawkins' life


The exposed cult leader David Hawkins adhered to the three elements constituting revelatory religious cults.
༺༻Mythic element of religious cults
1.Savior myth
2.True teachings myth
3."Chosen people"❄ myth
NOTE: ❄ Hawkins started to draw a community from around the globe that he marked as "the most evolved group living on earth"
               mainly via the promotion of his first book Power vs. Force by world-renowned motivational speaker
               Wayne Dyer (2000-~2003) and various Internet channels.
See: Salvationism: Problematic Redeemer ◊ Messiah ◊ Savior complex


Hawkins' multi-addictive constitution
Hawkins was a multi-addicted man born into a multi-addicted family couched in a multi-addicted society. To ease his pain, anxiety and scrupulosity he sought for drugs. He overcame his addiction to alcohol and medication, and remained addicted to nicotine, caffine, Coca, sugar, 80 hour work weeks, shadow elitists, cult leaders, and "saints". Worshipping a human savior figure, leader, celebrity as a god substitute has been pinpointed as the most binding form of addiction. Hawkins was involved in all four quadrants of addiction.
༺༻4-level focusAddictive expression
1.BODYSubstance abuse
2.EMOTIONSWork / method addiction (compulsive behavior)
3.MINDLoyalty to dominator forces i.e. leaning towards war and warlords
4.SPIRITSpiritual / religious idolization
See: Progressive stages of addiction and recovery


References / Inspired by:
► Reader's comment on Amazon Pseudoscientific New Religious Movement, Edmund Knightley, United States, 9. August 2013
► Amazon review/reader's comment on Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins,
     Elitist Hooked on the Shadow Elite, Elfriede, 2. February 2014
► Deleted reader's comment on Amazon Wayne Dyer's role in the rise of David Hawkins and his teachings, Elfriede, 11. February 2014
► Deleted reader's comment on Amazon Fellow creators of linear consciousness ladders – template of Hawkins' MoC, Elfriede,
     11. February 2014
See also:
Setting up a cult – promotion of spiritual teachers
Setting up a cult – promotion of spiritual teachings
Timeline of procuring the first non-blessed biography of D. Hawkins

Eight criteria to identify cultic coercion – Robert Lifton

Eight criteria to measure the level of coercion in families, groups, nations
using manipulative techniques to gain (total) control over their members
༺༻Cultic focusAction item
1.Milieu control"We control what you experience, and how you experience it."
2.Loading the language"Our own special language [group jargon] helps you to think the way we want you to think."
3.Mystical manipulation"We'll make sure our system works for you – even if we have to fake it."
4.Sacred science"It's true because we say it's the Truth."
5.Demand for purity"Only those good enough can 'get it.''"
6.Confession"We promise we won't use your past against you … really …"
7.Doctrine over person"When your facts don't match our Truth, your facts are wrong."
8.Dispensing of existence"The Truth is worth more than life, especially an outsider's life."
Book: Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. (*1926) US American psychiatrist, researcher of the psychological causes and effects of war and political
     violence, developer of the theory of thought reform, author, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, chapter 15 "The Future
     of Immortality", Norton, New York, 1st edition 1961, New York, chapter 22, 2nd edition 1987, Chapel Hill, 1989
Book excerpt: Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Eight Criteria for Thought Reform
Article Robert Jay Lifton's Eight Criteria of Thought Reform, presented by the blogspot howwelldoyouknowyourmoon, 2022
See also: ► Cults


Links related to the book Power vs. Truth (2013)


  • Steven Pinker, Ph.D. (*1954) kanadisch-US-amerikanischer Johnstone Professor für experimentelle Psychologie, Harvard University, Erkenntnistheoretiker, Linguist, populärwissenschaftlicher Autor, Wie das Denken im Kopf entsteht, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2. Auflage 5. April 2012

Manuscripts by D. Hawkins

  • David R. Hawkins, The Nature of Power (Early version of Power vs. Force), printed manuscript, Veritas Publishing, date unknown
  • David R. Hawkins, Inside the Male Psyche, printed unpublished manuscript, Veritas Publishing, date unknown
  • David R. Hawkins, Success Is for The Few, printed unpublished manuscript, Veritas Publishing, 1991
  • David R. Hawkins, Macho / High Steel, printed unpublished manuscript, Veritas Publishing, 1991

Literature – Referenced in the bibliography of Power vs. Truth

en.Wikipedia: Acid Dreams. The Complete Social History of LSD: the CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond

Note: Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, 2012, March 2013

Theory of multiple intelligences; See also: ► Theory of multiple intelligences – Howard Gardner

Literature – Various sources

The trial of exiting the cult of Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher

External web links

Free reading extracts

  • Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, Doctor of Truth Sample Chapters, PDF, presented by dissolved website Consciousness Project, "Preface", S. xiii-xiv, "Prologue", S. 1-2, "Chapter 3", S. 40-52, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012
    Not valid any longer; availed temporarily from October 2012-beg 2014
  • Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David
    R. Hawkins
    , presented by dissolved website Consciousnessproject.org, "Preface", S. 1-10, chapter 1 "Power vs. Force", S. 11-26, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", S. 29-46, chapter 3 "Map of Consciousness", S. 52-67, Footnotes S. 69-73, Creative Crayon Publishers, January 2013

24. October 1968: Possession of LSD is banned federally in the U.S. after the passage of the Staggers-Dodd Bill (Public Law 90-639) which amended the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Recommended therapies/therapists by Scott Jeffrey

Humans are born with varying degrees of selfcontrol. Self-control is essential for healthy human development.

The amygdala appears to be crucial for the learning of new stimulus-threat contingencies and also appears to be important in the expression of
cue-specific fear.

Footnote 47, Power vs. Truth, chapter 7 Beyond Absolutism, 2013: Ferguson takes what appears to be a very politically biased (for the left) and poorly constructed study and uses it to defend the conservative Republican position. In doing so, however, Ferguson makes sweeping genera-
lizations, attempting to undermine the fields of social science and neuroscience. Readers who hold a similar perspective as the author
will be put at ease. They will also be less likely to ever evaluate the actual research and findings themselves.

Blog entries by Edmund Knightley aka drhtaf1000

External web links – References and book reviews of Power vs. Truth

Externe Weblinks (German)

Audio and video links

Decline of Violence

Audio and video links – Don Lattin, Abram Hoffer, Timothy Leary

Psychedelic drugs, LSD for breaking addictions and inducing consciousness openings

Included is an interview with Anglo-Irish philospher Gerald Heard.

  • Video dialog at a candid meeting with notable figures of the early days of LSD research (present Aldous Huxley, Gerald Heard, Al Hubbard, Humphry Osmond, Alan Watts) at T. Leary's home, A Conversation on LSD (1970s), presented by the Timothy Leary Archive, 1:02:20 duration, filmed in the 1970's or early 1980's
  • TV video interview on supervised LSD intake with Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist, Abraham Hoffer / interview acid, YouTube film, 2:53 minutes duration, posted 14. January 2008

Abram Hoffer was Canada's preeminent LSD researcher with 2000 personal case records on file.

Hoffer received IFM's Linus Pauling Functional Medicine Award for his lifetime achievements in the fields of orthomolecular medicine, functional medicine, and psychiatry.

Missing media offering

  • Video interview with Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist, Hoffer on Hubbard, YouTube film, 4:51 minutes duration, posted 27. July 2009

Meeting with Alfred Matthew Hubbard [Johnny Appleseed of LSD] (1901-1982) US American early proponent for the drug LSD during the 1950s


Internal links (German)

English Hawkins

Wiki panel (German)

English Wiki



1 The socalled "Sovereign Order of Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem in the Americas" is a self-styled order and associated with the United States, not Denmark.
22. September 2012

2 Footnote 11: Richard Toye, Churchill's Empire. The World That Made Him and the World He Made, St. Martin's Griffin, 2010, reprint edition 19. July 2011
excerpted in: Book review The Two Churchills, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Johann Hari (*1979) British columnist, journalist, writer, 12. August 2010

3 Footnote 12: Eric Williams (1911-1981), British Historians and the West Indies, S. 150, André Deutsch, London, 1966

4 Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, A Brief History of Everything, S. 58, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1996, 2nd edition 6. February 2001

5 D. Hawkins, Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment, DVD 1 of 3, track 5, 8. March 2008

6 D. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 38, 2003

7 Deleted Wikipedia entry

8 Referenced by D. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Notes, S. 302, Hay House, February 2002

9 "Adaptational Development of Psychoanalytic Therapy", chapter "Changing Concepts of Psychoanalytic Medicine", S. 89-100, Grune & Stratton, New York/London, 1956

10 Karl Arnold Belser, Ph.D. Integrity Tone Scale (Some History), 2004, 2005

11 "The Sedona Method" interview with Robert Scott and D. Hawkins, presented by the radio station New Dimensions, host Michael Toms, December 1980; see: Audios by and with D. Hawkins

12 Revealed in a private discussion between S. Jeffrey and D. Hawkins

13 Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, DVD 1 of 3, track 6, 26. January 2008

14 Power vs. Force, S. 93, 1995

15 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 416, 2005

16 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 342, 2005

17 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 367, 2005

18 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995

19 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 366, 2005

20 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995

21 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 366, 2005

22 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995

23 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 367, 2005

24 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995

25 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 367, 2005

26 The The Great Books of the Western World (GBWW) [LoC 468] were compiled by the US American philosopher of the Aristotelian and Thomistic traditions Mortimer Adler (1902-2001). Published by Encyclopædia Britannica in 1952, the GBWW were to present the western canon in pursuit of the class-establishing closed teaching system "Classical Trivium" as first introduced by the Greek rhetorician and "educator" Isocrates' Enkyklios Paideia.
According to Kevin Cole's historical research the GBWW project started with philosopher Richard McKeon who was lecturing at UNESCO. It resulted from a plot by eugenicists and collectivists. The signers of the GBWW project were Union Now supporters, Cecil Rhodes scholars and members of collectivist groups seeking organic unity for Anglo-Saxon establishment power structures. See transcript at 2h7m. Source: The Trivium Method vs. The Classical Trivium: A Briefing by Kevin Cole, MP3, presented by the US American broadcasting station History… So It Doesn’t Repeat, host Richard Grove, YouTube film, 2:38:44 duration, posted 2. March 2013

27 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", S. 32-34, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14. January 2013

28 Clinically-based psychedelic research: L. Jerome et al. The Psychedelic Research Renaissance

29 Katherine A MacLean et al. Mystical experiences occasioned by the hallucinogen psilocybin lead to increases in the personality domain of openness, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal Journal of Psychopharmacology, volume 25, No. 11, S. 1453-1461, 12. December 2011

30 Footnote 11: Lecture by David R. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Contextual Transformation of Addiction, CD 1 of a set, Sedona Villa, 1984-1988 (exact date unknown)

31 Footnote 12: Lecture by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism [Track 4]

32 Footnote 13: See, for example, Stanislav Grof's LSD. Doorway to the Numinous and Huston Smith's Cleansing the Doors of Perception.

33 Footnote 14: Lecture by David R. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Contextual Transformation of Addiction, CD 1 of a set, Sedona Villa, 1984-1988 (exact date unknown)

34 Footnote 15: Lecture by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Way Out of Addiction, CD 1, disc 1, track 8, presented at First International Conference on Consciousness and Addiction, date unknown]

35 Hawkins described how this was a common experience of many early LSD users who took it under appropriate conditions. Lecture by D. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Way Out of Addiction, CD 1, disc 1, track 8, presented at First International Conference on Consciousness and Addiction, date unknown

36 Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, 2012, March 2013

37 Audio interview Alignment, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, ~60 minutes duration, aired 19. April 2005

38 Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist

39 Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) British-Canadian psychiatrist, inventor of the term word 'psychedelic', researcher on psychedelic drugs

40 Radio interview with Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, presented by the Canadian radio station CKLN-FM 88, host Wayne Morris, Toronto, Canada, Sunday, 6. April 1997

41 David [Hawkins] cited this recovery rate by recall in a private interview. Hoffer confirmed this percentage in Treatment of Alcoholism with Psychede-
lic Therapy
, in Psychedelics, edited by Aaronson and Osmond.

42 Dick Riley, David Hawkins, Psychiatrist, Researcher, presented by Red Rock News, 1984

43 Article LSD helps to treat alcoholism. Retrospective analysis shows hallucinogenic drug helped problem drinkers., presented by the English multidisciplinary scientific journal Nature, Arran Frood, 9. March 2012

44 Alfred Matthew Hubbard [Johnny Appleseed of LSD] (1901-1982) US American early proponent for the drug LSD during the 1950s

45 D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Enlightenment, 3 DVD set, August 2003

46 Sedona Seminar Radical Subjectivity: The "I" of "Self", CD 5 of 5, February 2002

47 Sedona Seminar The Levels of Consciousness: Subjective and Social Consequences, DVD 3 of 3, track 4: 5 minutes, March 2002

48 Footnote 43: Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", pages 81, 84, 93, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998

49 Footnote 43: Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on Advanced States of Consciousness, pg. 82, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998

50 Hawkins' translation of the Korean title is found on the back cover of his book Eye of the I.

51 My biography of Hawkins, Doctor of Truth, evoked such sentiments, which can be seen in the book's 1-star reviews on Amazon.com. For example, one anonymous reviewer wrote, "Should you read it? Be forewarned that you will expose yourself to a luciferic energy."

52 Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 3 of 3, track 1, 19. August 2006

53 Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 3 of 3, track 3, 19. August 2006

54 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, S. 178-183, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. Oc-
tober 2012

55 Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Projections and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology, S. 165, Open Court Publishing Company, reprinted edition 19. December 1985

56 Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Fraser Boa, Canadian Jungian analyst, film producer and director, The Way of the Dream. Conversations on Jungian Dream Interpretation with Marie-Louise von Franz, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1. November 1994

57 Sedona Seminar The Levels of Consciousness: Subjective and Social Consequences, CD 4 of 5, track 2, March 2002

58 Sedona Seminar Conviction, DVD 3 of 3, 16. July 2005

59 Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The Spirit of Evolution, S. 387, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1995, 2nd revised edition 2. January 2001

60 Footnote 4: Don Beck, Ph.D. (*1937) US American geopolitical management consultant, complex systems strategist, co-author, Chris Cowan, US American consultant in business, speech communication, group dynamics and media, co-author, Spiral Dynamics. Mastering Values, Leadership and Change, S. 233, Wiley-Blackwell, 1996

61 Footnote 4: Don Beck, Ph.D., US American geopolitical management consultant, complex systems strategist, co-author, Chris Cowan, US American consultant in business, speech communication, group dynamics and media, co-author, Spiral Dynamics. Mastering Values, Leadership and Change, S. 236, Wiley-Blackwell, 1996

62 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 17 "Spiritual Truth", S. 398, 2005

63 Lester Levenson, the founder of the Sedona Method, erroneously taught that people can permanently "go free" from negative emotions by releasing the energy of these negative emotions over a period of weeks or months. […] While we can process through the emotions of a particular experience, we can’t permanently eliminate negative emotions; they are part of our unconscious. I believe Levenson himself dissociated from his emotions and then called himself "enlightened." Hawkins, as a devoted student of Levenson for nearly a decade, followed suit and then incorporated this distorted understanding of emotions into his own teaching system.

64 Audio series featuring Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. The Art of Spiritual Discernment, 6 CD set, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, 2006

65 Map of Consciousness ®

66 PACMAN Sedona Method Chart Of Emotions & Lester Levenson , YouTube narrative film, 9:50 minutes duration, posted 6. February 2009

67 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) German philosopher of the German idealism, author, 1805-1806, John B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) British evolutionary biologist, geneticist, developer of Haldane's Law as an extension of Murphy's Law, translator, 1892-1896, collection Lectures on the History of Philosophy, presented by Carl Mickelsen utilising resources of the University of Idaho, Department of Philosophy, Alfred Weber, undated

68 Creative Evolution ['L'Évolution créatrice', French edition 1907], Arthur Mitchell, translator, chapter I The Evolution of Life – Mechanism and Teleology, Henry Holt and Company, New York, English edition 1911

69 Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development. A Study in Social Psychology, chapter 7 "His Intelligence", Macmillan Company, New York, 1899

70 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, R.F.C. Hull (translator), Symbols of Transformation. An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia, Volume 2, Pantheon, Bollingen, 1st American edition 1956, S. 301, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962

71 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, R.F.C. Hull (translator), Symbols of Transformation. An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia, Volume 2, Pantheon, Bollingen, 1st American edition 1956, S. 433, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962

72 Conceptions of the Mature Personality from Dr. Graves' Research. Nodal (Example # 2)

73 Audio clip by Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, MP3, 1:02 minutes duation, undated

74 The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order systems as man's existential problems change. Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, Introductory quote on the clarewgraves.com homepage

75 Integrated stage (E9)

76 Ken Wilber, Up From Eden. A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, 1981, Quest BooksWheaton, 16. May 2007

77 Video presentation Steve McIntosh presents his book Evolution's Purpose, sponsored by Caritas Center, Boulder, Colorado, 16. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 25:40, 1:140:00 duration, posted 17. December 2012
Steve McIntosh stevemcintosh.com (*1960) US American lawyer, entrepreneur, founder and president of Now & Zen, activist, author of integral thought, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution. How the Integral Worldview Is Transforming Politics, Culture, and Spirituality, Continuum International Publishing Group, September 2007

78 Power vs. Truth, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", S. 89, 2013

79 Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, 2012, March 2013

80 Book review Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary by Joanna Harcourt-Smith, presented by the blogspot The Oz Mix, 18. November 2013

81 Cameron often sought William Sargant's advice. Sargant sent Cameron a note saying: "Whatever you manage in this field, I thought of it first."  Gordon Thomas, Journey Into Madness, S. 189-190, Bantam Press, London, 1988

82 Article B.C.'s Acid Flashback, presented by the Canadian daily newspaper Vancouver Sun, R.C., 8 December 2001

83 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 8, S. 105, October 2012

84 Deleted article by A. Orange, Alcoholics Anonymous as a Cult. Scorecards 1 to 100, presented by orange-papers.org, updated 21. October 2013

85 Ross MacLean attended a CIA sponsored LSD symposium and described giving LSD to 338 different patients at Hollywood Hospital. Quoted in: Interviews Dr. Colin Ross. CKLN-FM Mind Control Series – Part 2 Producer Wayne Morris, archived by Second in a Series of Broadcasts, aired on CKLN-FM 88.1 in Toronto, Sunday, 6. April 1997

86 In a 1988 interview with Neil Strauss, Timothy Leary stated that slogan "Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out." was "given to him" by Herbert 'Marshall' McLuhan (1911-1980) during a lunch in New York City.

87 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 12, S. 169-170, October 2012

88 John Lennon: "Your Majesty, I am returning my MBE as a protest against Britain's involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and against 'Cold Turkey' slipping down the charts. With Love, John Lennon."

89 David Hawkins: "Woodstock was the ultimate expression of the philosophic school of Herbert Marcuse: total freedom, hedonism, and the collapse of the whole Protestant ethical system", cited in: Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 12, S. 170-171, October 2012

90 Sarah Vowell (*1969) US American social commentator, journalist, essayist, author of The Wordy Shipmates, Riverhead Trade, 1st edition 6. October 2009, on Roger Williams: "He is sort of the ideal religious fanatic. He believed that everyone who disagreed with his own puritan religious views were going to burn eternally in hell. He thought that is punishment enough. So on earth we could all live together." Removed TV interview Daily Show, host Jon Stewart (*1962) US American political satirist, actor, media critic, television host, stand-up comedian of The Daily Show, writer, minute 3:10, 5. October 2009
Vowell calls the Puritans "very elitist 17th century Jesus freaks" who made sure to provide the best education to their offspring to eventually reign the country.

91 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 16 "New Beginnings", S. 263, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012

92 Removed article She reached for sister's 'very soul' , presented by The Charlotte Observer, Diedra Laird, 14. July 1991

93 Barbara Catherine Hawkins – Death by suicide

94 Audio interview on mass mind control Cathy O'Brien Phillips – Covid 19 & The TRANCE Formation of America'', presented by Naturally Inspired Podcast: Health. Freedom. Lifestyle, host Tammy Cuthbert Garcia, 1:26:00 duration, posted 2021

95 Podcast audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Differentiating truth from falsehood – November 18th 2010, episode 331, presented by the US American web radio station podcast Theatre of the Mind, host Kelly Howell, aired 18. November 2010, minute 18:53, 50:47 minutes duration, posted 9. December 2012

96 Hawkins uncritically praised elitist US American philanthropists in pursuit of the NWO agenda: TV video interview with Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, An Exclusive Hour with Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates, presented by the US American TV station PBS, interview show Charlie Rose, host Charlie Rose, YouTube film, 56:41 minutes duration, posted 26. June 2006 and 31. October 2013

97 DVD documentary The Order of Death, presented by Jones Productions, 2005, posted 20. December 2010

98 ⚡ Case of the abusive guru Muktananda – Testimonials of his former students

99 Deleted documentary Billy Graham Exposed, YouTube film, 1:00:05 duration, posted 5. June 2014

100 Blog article by Cathy Fox, Billy Graham – Pedophile, Illuminati, Luciferian and Monarch Slave Programmer, presented by "blog on child abuse", 6. August 2018

101 Archived article In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative, presented by the English-language financial blog Zero Hedge, George Washington, 23. February 2015

102 Article Colin Powell: Another War Criminal Cashes In, presented by the US American nonprofit, progressive daily online newsletter Truthout, Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis, 10. June 2012

103 Article A clinical psychologist explains how Ayn Rand seduced young minds and helped turn the US into a selfish nation, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Bruce E. Levine, 21. April 2017

104 Article As a Guru, Ayn Rand May Have Limits. Ask Travis Kalanick, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, James B. Stewart, 13. July 2017

105 Video presentation by Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the "Institute for Media Education", cultural conservative author, Media representation of children: Crime, violence and pornography in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, Zagreb, Croatia, 29. January 2013, minute 7:42, posted 6. February 2013

106 Video presentation by Hans Rosling, M.D. (*1948) Swedish professor of global health, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, public speaker, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Religions and babies, presented by TEDxSummit 2012, Doha, Qatar, minute 10:22, 13:20 minutes duration, filmed April 2012, posted May 2012
Rosling: "We are still debating peak oil, but we have definitely reached peak child."

107 The English physician and scientist Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine, the world's first vaccine. The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae, the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox. Active Freemason, Jenner served as Master of the Royal Lodge of Faith and Friendship, No. 270, based in Berkeley, Gloucestershire in 1812. This lodge that was regularly visited by the Prince of Wales, the future George IV, was to become associated with the Jenner family.

108 Artikel 200 Jahre Impflüge: Die Urheber Edward Jenner und Louis Pasteur, präsentiert von der Plattform Pravda-TV.com, 28. Januar 2013

109 [S]ince I feel pretty much around friends and fringies here [laughter], it doesn’t trouble me to confess that my book, Food of the Gods, I really conceived of as an intellectual Trojan horse. It’s written as though it were a scientific study. Footnotes, bibliography, citations of impossible to obtain books and so forth and so on (crowd really laughs now). But this is simply to assuage and ?calm? the academic anthropologists. The idea is to leave this thing on their doorstep. Rather like an abandoned baby or a Trojan horse. Terence McKenna (1946-2000) US American ethnobotanist, philosopher, psychonaut, multidisciplinary researcher, lecturer, author, Deleted YouTube film, minute 1:12, title and issuing date unknown


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