Hawkins / Buch13E
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Quelle (engl.): ► Scott Jeffrey, US-amerikanischer Unternehmens- und Marketing-Berater, Gründer der aufgelösten Netzplattform Consciousnessproject.org (2005-2015), Biograf, kultkritischer Autor, Power vs Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. Januar 2013 |
See also: ► ⚡ Cult leader David R. Hawkins and problematic issues of his teachings |
Source: ► Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013 |
Siehe auch: ► ⚡ Kultführer David R. Hawkins und seine absolutistische Lehre |
(Hawkins claims to have resolved all of the paradoxes and ancient riddles of mankind, but as we’ll see, his revelations are highly suspect.) […] [H]is system forces his students to place authority in Hawkins as their teacher, who claims such absolute authority by virtue of his enlightenment and his alignment with the "presence of God." "Preface", S. 1-2
Purpose of the book Power vs Truth
Hawkins' teachings honor the truths of many religions.
Persönliche Bekenntnisse Fundamentalisten scharen sich um den "Schiedsrichter der Wahrheit".
Discovering the human behind the god, the ego and shadow behind the 'avatar'
Transformative power of acknowledged cultic thorns
Two personal avowals and final caveat
by Lou Marzeles, former hopeful/protege in D. Hawkins' cult
A word on all this
Note: Hawkins' bypassed Winston Churchill's war crimes.
Former mistress of Rothschild and GOP ideologist, Rand blatantly promoted white supremacy and racism.
Hawkins provided a seemingly conclusive and definitive definition and understanding of the ego without reading any current psychological literature.
This Is How Fox News Brainwashes Its Viewers: Our In-Depth Investigation of the Propaganda Cycle, presented by AutoStraddle, Heather Hogan, 2. September 2015
See example: D. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 113, 2008
Handling ambiguity well
Naming psychic wholeness: integration (Jung), integrated (Loevinger), unitive (Cook-Greuter), integral (postmodern movement)
Source: ► Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 17 "Map of Consciousness", subheading "Creating the Map", S. 269-271, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012 |
Compare with: ► William Sargant (1907-1988) controversial British psychiatrist, life-long depressive, drug-tester, promoter of psychosurgery, deep sleep treatment, electroconvulsive therapy and insulin shock therapy, consultant of British Secret Service MI5, Battle for the Mind. A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing – How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians, and Medicine Men Can Change Your Beliefs and Behavior, Heinemann, London, 1957, Malor Books, Cambridge, Massachusetts, reprint 1. October 1997 |
Additional sources: ► Lester Levenson, PACMAN model, 1980s ► Abraham-Hicks, https://dailydish.co.uk/abraham-hicks-emotional-guidance-scale-with-pdf/"Bild" Emotional Guidance System, PDF, 2004 |
See also: ► Chart of emotions – Lester Levenson and ► ⚡ Quotes by Aldous Huxley |
Siehe auch: ► Emotionale Tonskala – Ron Hubbard |
Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Map of Consciousness
Quotes by other sources on maps of consciousness
D. Hawkins calibrations are infallible.
See also: ► Kinesiological calibration |
Note: In personal correspondence Renard has confirmed that his "teachers", supposedly ascended masters from the future, Arten and Pursah, were referring to David Hawkins.
Hawkins' quotes on his calibration method
See also: ► Kinesiology ► Ladder of 'personal' development – Joseph Dillard |
See: Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) Czech US American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, co-developer of transpersonal psychology, LSD. Doorway to the Numinous. The Groundbreaking Psychedelic Research into Realms of the Human Unconscious, Park Street Press, 1st edition 12. February 2009
David Hawkins and LSD
R. Gordon Wasson36, Albert Hoffmann, Gerald Heard, Aldous Huxley, Bill Griffith Wilson, Helen Wynn, David R. Hawkins, Alfred Matthew Hubbard, Myron Stolaroff, Willis Harman (SRI), Dr. Ewen Cameron, Timothy Leary, Owsley Stanley, Sidney Cohen, Humphry Osmond, Abram Hoffer, Ross MacLean, Alan Watts, Richard Alpert, Betty Grover Eisner, Louis Jolyon West (1924-1999), Stanislav Grof
Hawkins' addictiveness
He was also addicted to Diet Pepsi (replacing alcohol) and espresso coffee.
Personal avowal by D. Hawkins
Personal avowals by Heard, Wilson, Huxley
Bill Wilson and his mistress Helen Wynn experimented with LSD to help diehard drunks discover a power greater than themselves. In 1956 Bill W. set out for his first LSD trip.
General quotes
Marshall McLuhan/CIA set up Timothy Leary to destroy the capacity of dissent of an entire culture.
LSD was tested on an estimated 40,000 people around the world (1950-1963). LSD became illegal in California on 6. October 1966.
References: ► Audio interview with Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic and cocaine addict, freelance journalist, author, The Harvard Psychedelic Club, presented by "The 7th Avenue Project: Thinking Persons' Radio", host Robert Pollie, ~60 minutes duration, 7. February 2010 ► Audio interview with Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic and cocaine addict, freelance journalist, author of Distilled Spirits. Getting High, Then Sober, with a Famous Writer, a Forgotten Philosopher, and a Hopeless Drunk, University of California Press, 1st edition 18. October 2012, East-West Spirituality, Early Psychedelia and the Recovery Movement, presented by the "The 7th Avenue Project: Thinking Persons' Radio", host Robert Pollie, ~60 minutes duration, aired 4. November 2011 ► Video presentation by Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic, freelance journalist, author of Distilled Spirits by Don Lattin (Video Book Trailer), YouTube film, 4:01 minutes duration, posted 5. July 2012 ► Audio interview with Don Lattin, US American recovered alcoholic and cocaine addict, freelance journalist, author, Worshipping at the altar of vodka and cocaine, presented by the Canadian web radio station CBC Radio Tapestry, season 18, episode 18, host Mary Hynes, Canadian journalist, 53:59 minutes duration, aired 9. January 2013 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► History of lysergic acid diethylamide |
See also: ► ⚡ Quotes by Aldous Huxley |
Personal remarks by author S. Jeffrey
Savior complex – messiah complex – God complex
Switch from speaking in third person to first person
'Enlightened' mystic
Hawkins received the title "Foremost Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment."
D. Hawkins was dissociated from his inner feminine, the dream state, his body, emotions, and mind.
D. Hawkins was possessed by the archetypal image of God once his South Korean devotees projected it onto him.
Quotes by other sources on the God Messiah Avatar complex
David Hawkins' quotes on his/the status as an avatar
Recontextualizer of the reality of mankind for centuries
Quotes by other sources on Hawkins' humanness
David Hawkins' quotes on perfectionism
Personal avowals
D. Hawkins was an Enneagram type #1. See also: The nine types of the enneagram – exemplified.
Book: ► Stephen Larsen, US American psychologist, founder of the Center for Symbolic Studies, author, The Fundamentalist Mind. How Polarized Thinking Imperils Us All, Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1. January 2007 |
References: en.Wikipedia entries : ► Fanaticism ► Fundamentalism ► Moral absolutism ► Relativism |
See also: ► Questions and ► Absolutism and ► Critical thinking and ► Cults |
When people take an absolutist position – assuming that their way is the right way – they cut themselves off from other perspectives. This always leads to a very limited worldview. It also stifles their ability to clearly evaluate new informa- tion. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 6 "The Absolutist Stage of Development", S. 100-101, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013
Rigid hierarchy-ranking authoritarian black and white thinking
Jung's quotes on absolutism and certainty
General quotes on absolutism
Relocating authority within the self
Hawkins' quotes on absolutism and certainty
Objection: Morality is not wired in the nervous system. It becomes a concern in later development and influenced by culture. Babies are born egocentric.
The assumption of a definitive right and wrong, and knowing what is what is characteristic of the absolutist stage of development.
Extremism represents a common pathology.
Reference: ► Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar What is Truth? The Absolute, 3 DVD set, 21. July 2007 |
Also mentioned containing 39 items in Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality, S. 179-183, 2007
See also: ► Cults |
Six most common dynamics in cults – Source: ► Traumatic Narcissism. Relational Systems of Subjugation,
chapter "Traumatic Narcissism in Cults", Routledge, 1st edition 19. September 2013
Lingo of the DN community: "Calibrations," "integrous," "below 200," "above 200," "positionalities," "recontextualize," "consciousness calibration research technique"
See also: ► Integration and ► Ganzheit – Wholeness |
The unconscious – inner child – becomes dangerous when it gets repressed by conscious denigration.
Sigmund Freud saw the unconscious as a devouring entity. Exposed to it, humans could fall into disarray and chaos.
Jung's reply when asked if World War III was inevitable
Whether they are neurotic, psychotic, or sane, all humans are on a quest for meaning and evolution. Mental illness is the psyche’s effort to heal itself.
See also: ► Left/right brain conflict: Brain lateralization resulting in the history of the split Western culture – Iain McGilchrist |
Conscious and unconscious, solar and lunar, north and south, Shakti and Shiva, Dionysian and Apollonian, Eros and Thanatos, life and death, hard and soft, thinking and feeling, sensation and intuition, anima and animus, attraction and repulsion, day and night, positive and negative
Personal avowals by David R. Hawkins
Source: ► Women and ► Women's literature |
See also: ► Error and ► Level 600 |
Note: Pavlina initially endorsed Hawkins' Map and work in 2005, yet changed his mind before 2011.
Andrew Harvey's sacred activism
See also: Goodreads Quotable Quote
The Institute for Spiritual Research Inc., missing PDFs, Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, Income Tax Application, 2009 and 2011
See also: Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 11 "The Cult of Hawkins", subheading "The Business of Enlightenment", S. 193, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013 |
Hawkins explained in detail the charges on his lectures/services. He said that he has to cover legitimate business expenses:
☛ making advance deposit to reserve and rent for the hall,
☛ guarantee for certain number of hotel rooms for the attendees,
☛ the office employees to take reservations,
☛ crowd insurances for the events,
☛ legal fee for a lawyer to go over the contracts.
He claimed that he did not charge for his time to appear in the lecture.64
Personal avowals
Alternative sources: I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 278, 2003
Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 22, 2007
Humanistic psychology views Hawkins' interpretation of a maximal leap in consciousness differently.
Alternative source: Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 128, Hay House edition February 2002
Futility of war ⇔ supporting G. W. Bush's pre-emptive war against Iraq
Fox News: Rich people paying Rich people to tell Middle Class people to blame Poor people.
Encyclopædia Britannica, 1952
His teachings represents the much-awaited advance in spiritual teachings to bring that comprehension up to date.
Characterizations of David R. Hawkins
Personal avowals
Symbol of the winged fish or the feathered serpent uniting the opposites (of the worlds, elements)
Individuation is not to isolate oneself from others but to discover humanness on a deeper level.
Excellent survey of selfcontrol, dito, S. 592-611
Ken Wilber, Integral Spirituality, 2007: "Metaphysical thinking assumes a perspective-free universe, and then makes assertions about things that exist as if they were free of perspectives and free of context in general, which is not only the myth of the given, but a desperately egocentric version of the myth of the given [...] assuming there is something pre-existing in an ahistorical world and waiting to be seen as just metaphysics (and the myth of the given)."
Final within and final beyond
Describing Hawkins' descent into hell
Polarity and opposites
Self-actualizing people are inspired by metamotivation.
Alternative source: ⚡ Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author (editor), Quantum Questions. Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists, S. xi, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 2001
Literary quotes
Reference: ► AQAL Integral Map – All Quadrants, Levels/Stages, States, Lines, Types |
Reference – Literature: ► Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning, Harvard University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, The Evolving Self. Problem and Process in Human Development, Harvard University Press, 1982, reprint edition 1. July 1983 |
See also: ► Step models |
Notable 'legally' acting LSD researchers (some of whom agents of CIA-MKUltra projects)
William Sargant, R. Gordon Wasson79, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Albert Hoffmann, Gerald Heard, Aldous Huxley, Bill Griffith Wilson,
Helen Wynn, David R. Hawkins, Alfred Matthew Hubbard, Myron Stolaroff, Willis Harman (SRI), Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron,
Timothy Leary, Owsley Stanley, Sidney Cohen, Humphry Osmond, Abram Hoffer, Ross MacLean, Alan Watts,
Richard Alpert [Ram Dass], Betty Grover Eisner, Louis Jolyon West (1924-1999), Stanislav Grof
Note: Pink colored proponents were directly and personally related to Dr. David Hawkins. |
Reference/source: ► Article Grateful Dead Timeline, presented by the Californian news website SFGate, Greta Kaul, Jillian Sullivan, Aidin Vaziri, updated 22. June 2015 |
See also: ► Mind control |
See also: ► Posthumeously revealed biographical data of David R. Hawkins' life |
Footnote 15: It's curious that in Hawkins’ 1995 Who's Who[*] listing, his daughters, Lynn Johnson and Barbara Catherine Hawkins, are listed as progeny, but in his 2004 listing, Johnson is omitted. In his 2010 listing, neither of his daughters is ack- nowledged; only his wife Susan's daughter, Sarah Humphrey, is listed. Similarly, his only surviving daughter, Lynn Johnson, is not even mentioned in Hawkins' long deleted obituary Obituary – David Ramon Hawkins (1927-2012), originally presented by the websites legacy.com and azcentral, Arizona, End September 2012. (Barbara Catherine Hawkins committed suicide in 1995.) Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "Notes", "Chapter One: Power vs. Force", S. 302-303, Kindle location 5176-85, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013 [*] Hawkins' inclusion in Marquis Who's Who is not an achievement; he submitted his own entry and then paid for a copy of the book (which is how the Marquis business makes its money). Marquis' listing is a promotional tool that Hawkins and many others have used to inflate their credentials. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, founder of the dissolved website Consciousness Project, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 1 "Power vs. Force", S. 18, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013 |
![]() Scott Jeffrey After the passing of psychiatrist Dr. David Hawkins (9/2012) the disclosing book Power vs. Truth was written and published by his former ardent student, promoter, editor and officially appointed biographer Scott Jeffrey. His book helped the followers of Hawkins' "Devotional Nonduality" cult to grasp the bigger picture concerning their former teacher.
The following assessment was not expressly outlined in Power vs. Truth, |
Befriended with and under tutelage of the Rockefellers
Jeffrey outlined that in the 50ties Hawkins was a friend of Bob Roberts, who had married into the Rockefeller family *♦⚡. Unauthorized biography Doctor of Truth, chapter 8, pg. 105, 2012
⚑ Roberts (i.e. the NWO pushing Rockefeller dynasty) was to be on the board of directors of Hawkins' alternative health clinic. NOTE: Hawkins' clinic was located on Long Island where the Rockefellers and Carnegies lived and had set up their Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories devoted to eugenics in the early 1900's. They were the ones to plant eugenics into Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf and to prod him to implement their depopulation / selection plans. They paid to arm Nazi Germany where genocide / mind control programs took hold on a national level.
☛ Read: Article The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics, Edwin Black, September 2003
☛ Removed: Article Eugenics Moves to the Twenty-First Century, Daniel Taylor, 27. August 2007
Collaborating with NWO puppet masters and agents of Project MKUltra
The CIA funded Project MKUltra on crowd mind control. The CIA contracted psychiatrists, Aldous Huxley and Humphrey Osmond, launched LSD experimentation in prestigious universities in the United States and Canada. The Canadian psychiatrists under contract for LSD testing on schizophrenics and/or alcoholics were: ⚑ Ewen Cameron [Head of CPA and APA, criminal memory thief]
Closely related to these colleagues, Hawkins led his NNMHC clinic on Long Island. Having a member of the Rockefeller clan among the board of directors, it was well suited to also perform such experimentations on its patients. ☛ See: Timeline of CIA/Elite funded LSD experimentation, therapy and counterculture containing the names of 7 (close) associates of D. Hawkins |
Member of a secret men's club of the elite
In 1958, Hawkins moved to the Oyster Bay area on Long Island harboring the exclusive Creek Club founded by J.P. Morgan* [Field LoC 420] and the Locust Beach Valley Club. New York City's superrich met in the "Colony", the "University", and certain exclusive men's clubs ⚡.
Scott Jeffrey did not explicitely name which of Hawkins' "desirable assets" were of interest for the pushers of the NWO agen- DoT, chapter 11, pg. 159, 2012
⚑ In 1636 Hawkins' famous ancestor Roger Williams (1603-1683) founded the first Baptist church in the United States.
⚑ Hawkins' great-grandfather David G. Hooker* (1830-1888) made a fortune as an insurance enterpreneur and a 33° Freemason.
⚑ Hawkins' adopted "great-grandfather" Sigmund Freud* [LoC 499], both an atheist and a confessed "fanatical Jew", and a foreign fellow of the Royal Society*, was briefly directing the Tavistock Clinic / Institute* (1938-1939) in London, which was then the world's "scientific authority" on PTSD of shell shocked WWI soldiers and programming via ritual abuse to be funneled into crowd mind control.94
So Hawkins was invited into a nowhere listed, highly-exclusive Locust Valley area club for superwealthy families and chief executives of major foundations and international investment banks. Most club members were the invisible movers and shakers* of industry and politics.
Hawkins shared on his audition day, "Each of them leaned over backwards to put me at ease in what could otherwise have been an awkward situation. Each one of them could have bought and sold me hundred times over and yet they treated me with precise equality." Unpublished manuscript "Success is for the few", pg. 242, Veritas Publishing, 1991 Hawkins wrote a eulogy on the shadow power elite, "Many of the richest people in the world that I have known felt that it was unseemly to be ostentatious in their display of wealth because it created envy, discomfort, hostility, and jealousy in others." Unpublished manuscript "Success is for the few", S. 230, Veritas Publishing, 1991 Hawkins concluded, "Paradoxically, the elite are unknown to society and avoid publicity and celebrities. They live in very private enclaves and belong to clubs unheard of by the media. Mutual recognition is by subtlety, and pretense is quickly detected by even a single glance or intonation. Nobody "wants" anything or is seeking gain, approval, or recognition, and celebrity status is avoided." TvF, chapter 12 "Problematic Issues", pg. 205, 2005
Despite his years as a regularly traveling hermit living in a "monastery of two" and his happiest phase as a "dung baron" wishing to be a janitor in Chartres Cathedral, ⚑ Hawkins remained an elitist enthralled by the glamor of the elite.
"People will do anything to get a moment of fame [glamor]. It just amazes me the extent that people will go 'to be somebody'. The narcissistic core of 'being somebody' is overwhelming at times. It is amazing what people will do to get a moment of the world's attention. I guess that would be the ego's dream that the whole world gets to know you're a somebody. I find that life is better the other way, being a nobody, being anonymous."95 Not only denying his own shadow, ⚑ Hawkins was also oblivious to the shadow of well known American "philanthropists"96, who are members of the Committee of 300 and who sponsor the NWO plan of "people culling": "... creativity and ingenuity are exemplified by the legendary life of Andrew Carnegie♦ (cal. LoC 490) (1835-1919) [...]. The great philanthropic foundations are legendary (Rockefeller*♦⚡ , Gates*, [Buffet*⚡], Carnegie♦, Ford* , Mellon*, et al.) and pour billions of dollars back into society." TvF, chapter 10 "America", pg. 164/165, 2005 Furthermore, Hawkins refrained from exposing the background and connections between |
Protege of the dystopian Huxley brothers – supporter of totalitarian thought leaders
Hawkins was both on the board of directors and the president of The Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research. It was named for Aldous and Julian Huxley, both Tavistock NWO order architects and eugenicists. In 1979 Hawkins received the Thomas Henry Huxley Award. Cofounder and first director of UNESCO [LoC 355], Julian Huxley, promoted worldwide standardized dumbing down education i.e. indoctrination. ☛ Listen to: Audio presentation by Alan Watt Julian Huxley & World Propaganda, posted 25. September 2009
☛ Watch: Video documentary UNESCO – It's Evil Purpose and Philosophy, posted 16. May 2011
Hawkins backed totalitarian thought leaders and dystopian NWO architects: ⚑ Plato* (427-347 BC) [LoC 485] [Totalitarian elitist philosopher],
⚑ Thomas Henry Huxley* (1825-1895) [LoC 460] [Eugenicist, forerunner of Social Darwinism] RSMM, pg. 87, 2008,
⚑ Bertrand Russell* (1872-1970) [LoC 465] [Tavistock NWO architect],
⚑ Aldous Huxley* (1894-1963) [LoC 485/425] [Tavistock NWO architect, LSD / mescaline consumption via Hoffer / Osmond] PvT, chapter 9, pg. 160, 2013
Hawkins favored fellow gurus, famed preachers, scientists, and social climbing businessmen / politicians: ⚑ Muktananda [LoC 655] [Sexual abuser of minors and members, violent and greedy guru]98,
⚑ Mel Gibson* [Opus Dei member, confessed Multiple Personality Disorder],
⚑ Wernher von Braun [LoC 400] [Nazi war criminal],
⚑ Arnold Schwarzenegger*⚡ [LoC 400s?] [Hollywood terminator, pro-death penalty, Karl Rove's mentee picked to become the govenor of California at the annual Bohemian Grove ritual], ⚑ Tiger Woods [Top athlete, mind-controlled since childhood],
⚑ Sam Walton / Wal-Mart [LoC 365] [Multinational family owned retail corporation exploiting staff and tax payers].
Watching his favored TV channel, Rupert Murdoch's*⚡ Fox News [LoC 380/330], Hawkins – under-handedly or openly – advised his students ⚑ to refrain from challenging authority,
⚑ to pay income tax [Resulting from fraudulent takeover by private bankers] Success lecture, 3. October 2009,
⚑ to vote! – favorably for the US American Republican Party [one side of the eagle's wings],
⚑ to adopt the governmentally funded and backed spin on the 9/11 attacks [LoC 255/305] TvF 296/297, 301, 2005,
⚑ to abstain from activism / environmentalism [which could derail NWO installations],
⚑ to dismiss results of investigative journalism i.e. so-called "conspiracy theories" as "below 200" i.e. non-integrous.
NOTE: 'Conspiracy theory' is a term launched by the CIA in 1967 to particularly replace the word "investigative journalism" on matters like State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) [antidemocratic political conspiracies in high office]. This term is instigated to exclude critical investigative researchers from the sphere of public speech, discourse, debate, and conflict.101 |
Drinking buddy with Karl Rove's daddy – favoring neoconservatives
At age 16, Hawkins' drinking buddy was homosexual Louie Rove, who often acted outrageously and was the father of ⚑ ⚡ Karl Rove [Bush's Brain], who is known as the architect of the Republican Party and the adviser of president ⚡ G.W. Bush (2000-2008)]
Strikingly, Hawkins offered considerably high ranking calibrations of world renown leaders, whose crimes against humanity are noted by investigators: ⚑ Winston Churchill [LoC 510, influence LoC 500] [Racist, life-long functioning alcoholic, reckless psychopath, bailed out and financed by Jewish billionaires [NWO architects], war criminal] TvF, pg. 264, 2005 ⚑ Mother Teresa [LoC 710] [The world's richest Catholic nun, leader of a cultic order that transferred 90% of the collected donations to the frau- dulent private Vatican Bank*], ⚑ Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)* [LoC 570],
⚑ George W. Bush*⚡ [LoC 450] [US president convicted in absentia for war crimes by a Kuala Lumpur tribunal, 14. May 2012], son of US president George W.H. Bush*⚡ [LoC 400],
Hawkins differentiated between true statesmen [LoC 415/430] (most all American presidents) and exploitative politicians ⚑ Ronald Reagan*⚡ [Influence LoC 502] [Introduced "friendly fascism" as in neoconservative "trickle down" economics], ⚑ Mikhail Gorbachev* [Influence LoC 500].
Leaning to neoconservative politics, Hawkins placed plutocratic oligarchy over democracy. In 2005 he wrote: "The sources of valuable information for politicians need to come from advisory committees and experts external to the politicial process itself." TvF, chapter 15, pg. 316, 2005
His calibrations favored: ⚑ Thomas Sowell [LoC 480] [Social theorist on behalf of the NWO think tank The Hoover Institution],
⚑ Milton Friedman [LoC 400] [Servant of the NWO think tank Club of Rome*, Heritage student, who pushed deregulated casino capitalism] TvF pg. 254, 2005, ⚑ Alan Greenspan* [LoC 400] [Confessed student of failed objectivism as promoted by Ayn Rand]103 / 104
⚑ Ayn Rand [LoC 400] [Former Rothschild* mistress, GOP ideologist, white supremacist, racist],
⚑ Knights of Columbus [LoC 360] [Secretive Catholic men's fraternity with untoward initiation ritual],
⚑ UNESCO [LoC 355] TvF, pg. 265, 2005,
NOTE: Cofounder and first director of UNESCO, Sir Julian Huxley* was Hawkins' indirect mentor. Sprung from a eugenicist dynasty, he used the UNESCO as a springboard for propaganda and worldwide standardized indoctrination (i.e. dumbing down education). "…society as such embodies no values comparable to those embodied in individuals; but individuals are meaningless except in relation to the community." Julian Huxley, UNESCO. Its purpose and Its Philosophy, pg. 61, 1947
⚑ The Heritage Foundation [LoC 265] [NWO think tank merging Right and Left of the power elites, financed by billionaire Coors, foundations Carnegie-Mellon-Rockefeller [LoC 400], and corporate oligarchs Koch brothers]. |
Pawn drawn into the agenda of New World Order
Signs that imply that David Hawkins was involved in the agenda of the New World Order spread by its many organs. ⚑ Hawkins considered himself as being the "great-grandson" of the inventor of false psychology and arch designer of mass mind control, Sigmund Freud.
⚑ a member of the Rockefeller clan seeked his friendship and offered him a membership in a secret club of the Elite.
⚑ members of the Huxley family crossed Hawkins' life path on and off.
⚑ Hawkins became friends with a bunch of MKUltra contractors on LSD research (a means for mind control).
⚑ Hawkins ended up running a clinic overseen by a Rockefeller that was suited for this kind of covered "research".
⚑ Hawkins became friends with an MKUltra contractor [Thetford] who handled a medium and co-wrote the ACiM books (ACiM is classified as a "beneficial cult").
⚑ Hawkins repeated the myths launched by the NWO architects (like overpopulation, 9/11) in what he calls his highest calibrating "true teachings".
Hawkins recommended to avoid "fallen teachers". The predicament of any self-appointed permanently enlightened avatar is that they cannot live perfection and absoluteness on earth. Yet their students, hooked to the fundamentalist (blue / amber) meme, are programmed to believe so. The "world teacher" to unite all religions in the New Age focussing on "the savior" meme is one item listed on the agenda of the New World Order. Hawkins delivered – while deepening his dissociative state. |
Played by unseen forces
Hawkins was being played – by unseen forces (principalities) – to support the NWO agenda of hidden robotic enslavement of society. Supposedly, he was not (fully) aware of this circumstance. Hawkins was reluctant to disclose his nightly experience in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Unable to put it into words he shared that he was being visited by spirit beings from long ago. ⚑ Alexander the Great and Aleister Crowley spent a night in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid as well. Napoleon's night in there was arranged in 1798. Dishevelled from the experience he was unwilling to ever disclose it.
☛ Watch: James Horak – Napoleon in the Great Pyramid. Changing History through Time Manipulation, posted 23. July 2013
Overshadowed by Freud
Hawkins' first undetected professional cult leader was his adopted (great) grandfather Sigmund Freud. ☛ See: ⚡ Freud's shadow
Suspiciously, Hawkins forwarded a strategic lie that Freud himself had felt obliged to renounce a decade later. "Childhood sexual abuse memories are false 80% of the time" Video Volume I: Power vs Force, 2 DVD set, 11. November 1995
Psychiatry is the profession most complicitous with NWO schemes aimed for systematic mind control. Hawkins kept the lid ☛ Watch: Video interview with whistleblower Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, Dr Colin Ross Satanic Ritual Abuse & False Memory Syndrome, YouTube film, 15:04 minutes duration, recorded ~December 2012, posted 25. September 2014
Sleazy Playboy sexuality
Hawkins favored the ⚑ Playboy magazine [LoC 310] TvF, pg. 122, 2005
NOTE: Playboy producer Hugh Hefner (1926-2017) was Alfred Kinsey's* (1894-1956) main propagandist and "sex educator". Kinsey's fraudulent sexology was set up, financed, spread, and covered up by the Rockefeller Foundation and their mainstream media organs.
Whistleblower Judith Reisman wrote: "Playboy started in December 1953. [...] At the end of our study in 1984 Playboy stopped producing its child pornography cartoons and its child pornography photographs not be- cause they were so honorable but because they got exposed. So they backed down."105
Pursuing the American Dream, Hawkins ⚑ expressed both elitist and halfway pornographic sexist views. Unpublished manuscripts titled "Success is for the few" (1991) and "Inside the Male Psyche" (~1980s) ⚑ sided with the "successful" to gain promotion, connections, investment tips, titles, and even counterfeited "endorsements" NOTE: Sam Walton, Lee Iacocca, and Mother Teresa replied to having received the manuscript of Power vs. Force in 1991. They did not offer endorsements of it. In a untruthful and unethical manner Hawkins twisted their receipt notes to make them appear to be endorsements. |
Propagation of the overpopulation myth
As the common root of a cluster of 'unsolvable' social ailments Hawkins named ⚑ Overpopulation. I:R&S, chapter 4, pg. 57/59, 2003
⚠ SIDENOTE: The overpopulation myth was first conceived by Thomas Malthus and Darwin's cousin Francis Galton in 1798. Eugenicists Carnegie-Rockefeller-Harriman-Sanger felt justified to "cull" poor and racially inferior "useless eaters" in the early 1900s. Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book The Population Bomb spread inaccurate predictions. China's one-child policy, rationalized by Hawkins, is based on the 1974 study of the Club of Rome*, one of the many social engineering institutions of the power elite. Currently, depopulation is carried out by pseudo-philanthropists Rockefeller-Turner-Gates-Buffet [LoC 400] poisoning people via vaccination, GMO foods and chemtrails. ☛ See: World population development trends – Hans Rosling
Worldwide in 2000, there were 2 billion children aged 0-14. UN estimates that this number of minors will remain unchanged up to 2100. Humanity is growing older, yet doesn't overpopulate any longer.106
NOTE: 30 years of comparative global statistical research by economic historian Richard Wilkinson revealed as the common denominator of sociological predicaments: ⚑ Income Inequality Gap – Humiliation stress, 2005/2009.
Vaccination frauds
Hawkins failed to notice the ongoing crippling vaccicide as part of the NWO agenda by calling fraudulent vaccine inventors the "greatest scientists." RSMM, pg. 87, 2008, TvF, pg. 139, 2005 ⚑ Louis Pasteur [LoC 465/485] [Admitted his scientific fraud on his death bed],
⚑ Jonas Salk [LoC 455/460] [Eugenicist].
☛ See: Quotes by Rima Laibow
☛ See: Autism and the Amish anomaly
Propagation of beneficial cults and cult leaders
A Course in Miracles [LoC 600/550] and the 12-step program [LoC 540] are classified as beneficial cults. ⚑ Hawkins did not disclose that ACIM's co-creator William Thetford was a head contractor of the CIA Project MKUltra. ⚑ Hawkins did not disclose that his former mentor Bill Wilson [LoC 540], the promoter of AA, was covered for notorious womanizing. Stricken by depression and NPD, he took Belladonna and LSD. |
LSD trip into "permanent enlightenment" – Doublebind messages
"Permanently enlightened" via an LSD trip, Hawkins stated:
⚑ On stage and in his literature Hawkins spoke of himself predominantly in the third person, whereas in private company he spoke normal in the first person. PvT, chapter 8, pg. 153, 2013 ⚑ Hawkins allowed Asian devotees to kiss his shoes (somebodyness, cult of personality), while he claimed to prefer nobodyness and yearned for nothingness. "The classic is you're supposed to worship the teacher […] No. The true teacher doesn't need anything from you." Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 8. November 2008
As a "teacher of integrity" Hawkins gave doublebind (mixed) messages to his students by suggesting: ⚑ to have "blind faith" (blue meme) in the true teacher [him] and the [his] true teachings (including calibrations) I.R&S, chapter 2, pg. 32, 2003, ⚑ to "test everything." (green meme) Final public lecture Love, Prescott, 17. September 2011
⚑ Hawkins suggested to take (only) his calibrations as a given truth, while in his books and media offerings he encouraged students to do the muscle testing for themselves. NOTE in 2012 Veritas office staff told people who questioned on calibrating that the Hawkins couple does not wish them to calibrate.
⚠ SIDENOTE: Fundamentalism by nature infantilizes, hence it doesn't allow for testing.
⚑ In 2001, Hawkins said that it is not advisable to idolize i.e. worship the personage of a teacher. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, pg. 66-67, 2001 ⚑ In 2007, Hawkins said,
"[T]hroughout time, the Divine Teacher (Avatar) is accepted and worshipped as one's eventual advocate or inter- cessor as Savior by whatever name, such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, or the Hindu pantheon as expressions of Divinity." Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, pg. 188, 2007 ⚑ In his teachings Hawkins pointed out the futility of war, yet as a hawk by leaning he supported G.W. Bush's preemptive war of aggression against Iraq – based on a CIA supported WMD lie. ⚑ Spiritual teachers need to remain non-attached (neutral), while Hawkins himself supported the politics of his associates (like Karl Rove). |
Incongruencies of an "avatar"
⚑ Patriotic, not worldcentric, Hawkins favored the United States as "the greatest nation".
⚑ Adhering to authoritarianism couched in the model of scarcity / competition, Hawkins justified the circumstance that big dogs terrorize little dogs. ⚑ Oblivious to 95% of peaceful metahistory, Hawkins focussed on 5% of the recorded human history i.e. domination by wars. ⚑ Eager to enlist for WWII at age 17!, Hawkins approved of war as a means to balance karma, omitting that violence begets more violence and continued blood sacrifice empowers superrich psychopaths. ⚑ Neglecting social equality and adverse to social justice, Hawkins sang the hymns as the global elite.
⚑ Unable to honor the Divine Feminine and wary of (his) emotions, Hawkins avoided to address the cultural "great wound" (soul loss) due to the subjugated Yin aspect. ⚑ Implied "Avatar of the Aquarian Age", Hawkins adhered to a policy of secrecy and avoided full disclosure i.e. transparency [LoC 425], which is the most feared feature of the emerging new paradigm.
Jeffrey wrote, "Most of what Hawkins calibrates below 200, I believe, can be interpreted as shadow elements repressed by his (and many of our) conscious personality. As we integrate our shadow, we begin to see that absolute good and absolute evil do not and cannot exist." PvT Appendix C "Mining Our Personal Shadow", 2013 |
Enlightenment business
Engaged in what is called the "enlightenment business", Hawkins ⚑ collected donations amounting to $2.3 million by 2008, which he had invested.
Instead of exposing the systematic deception of humanity, Hawkins continued to churn ⚑ the myths of the old world order turned into the New World Order.
Bullied in childhood – lifelong multi-addicted
Born in 1927, Hawkins repeated the behavioral patterns set by both of his parents ⚑ lifelong multi-addicted, all of them were married three times.
Early childhood trauma results in long-term brain damage i.e. a dissociative disorder in adult life. As a bullied child Hawkins suffered panic attacks, as a (depressive) adult he was adverse to emotions ("oversensitivity"). Influenced by his co-writer and later dismissed cult leader Lester Levenson [LoC 505⇒180] (1974-1984), ⚑ he denied vulnerability. In the early 80ties Hawkins / Levenson wrote, "The truly humble cannot be humbled. They are immune to humiliation." Published first in Letting Go, pg. 142, 2012
NOTE: Humiliation is degrading the other, humbling is taking down one's shield of pride (elitism).
Sprung from an elite-religionist-saintly-addicted family
Emerged from an elite-religionist-saintly-addicted family and born as a nicotine addict, Hawkins was multigenerationally im-
References / Inspired by: ► Reader's comment on Amazon Pseudoscientific New Religious Movement, Edmund Knightley, United States, 9. August 2013 ► Amazon review/reader's comment on Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, Elitist Hooked on the Shadow Elite, Elfriede, 2. February 2014 ► Deleted reader's comment on Amazon Wayne Dyer's role in the rise of David Hawkins and his teachings, Elfriede, 11. February 2014 ► Deleted reader's comment on Amazon Fellow creators of linear consciousness ladders – template of Hawkins' MoC, Elfriede, 11. February 2014 |
See also: ► Setting up a cult – promotion of spiritual teachers ► Setting up a cult – promotion of spiritual teachings ► Timeline of procuring the first non-blessed biography of D. Hawkins |
Sources: ► Book: Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. (*1926) US American psychiatrist, researcher of the psychological causes and effects of war and political violence, developer of the theory of thought reform, author, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, chapter 15 "The Future of Immortality", Norton, New York, 1st edition 1961, New York, chapter 22, 2nd edition 1987, Chapel Hill, 1989 ► Book excerpt: Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Eight Criteria for Thought Reform ► Article Robert Jay Lifton's Eight Criteria of Thought Reform, presented by the blogspot howwelldoyouknowyourmoon, 2022 |
See also: ► Cults |
Links related to the book Power vs. Truth (2013)Literatur
Manuscripts by D. Hawkins
Literature – Referenced in the bibliography of Power vs. Truth
en.Wikipedia: Acid Dreams. The Complete Social History of LSD: the CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond
Note: Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, 2012, March 2013
Theory of multiple intelligences; See also: ► Theory of multiple intelligences – Howard Gardner
Literature – Various sources
⚡ The trial of exiting the cult of Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher
External web links
Free reading extracts
24. October 1968: Possession of LSD is banned federally in the U.S. after the passage of the Staggers-Dodd Bill (Public Law 90-639) which amended the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Recommended therapies/therapists by Scott Jeffrey
Humans are born with varying degrees of selfcontrol. Self-control is essential for healthy human development.
The amygdala appears to be crucial for the learning of new stimulus-threat contingencies and also appears to be important in the expression of
Footnote 47, Power vs. Truth, chapter 7 Beyond Absolutism, 2013: Ferguson takes what appears to be a very politically biased (for the left) and poorly constructed study and uses it to defend the conservative Republican position. In doing so, however, Ferguson makes sweeping genera-
Blog entries by Edmund Knightley aka drhtaf1000
External web links – References and book reviews of Power vs. Truth
Externe Weblinks (German)
Audio and video links
Audio and video links – Don Lattin, Abram Hoffer, Timothy Leary ► Psychedelic drugs, LSD for breaking addictions and inducing consciousness openings
Included is an interview with Anglo-Irish philospher Gerald Heard.
Abram Hoffer was Canada's preeminent LSD researcher with 2000 personal case records on file.
Hoffer received IFM's Linus Pauling Functional Medicine Award for his lifetime achievements in the fields of orthomolecular medicine, functional medicine, and psychiatry.
Missing media offering
Meeting with Alfred Matthew Hubbard [Johnny Appleseed of LSD] (1901-1982) US American early proponent for the drug LSD during the 1950s
English Hawkins
Wiki panel (German)
English Wiki
1 The socalled "Sovereign Order of Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem in the Americas" is a self-styled order and associated with the United States, not Denmark.
22. September 2012 ⇑
2 Footnote 11: Richard Toye, Churchill's Empire. The World That Made Him and the World He Made, St. Martin's Griffin, 2010, reprint edition 19. July 2011
excerpted in: Book review The Two Churchills, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Johann Hari (*1979) British columnist, journalist, writer, 12. August 2010 ⇑
3 Footnote 12: Eric Williams (1911-1981), British Historians and the West Indies, S. 150, André Deutsch, London, 1966 ⇑
4 ⚡ Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, A Brief History of Everything, S. 58, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1996, 2nd edition 6. February 2001 ⇑
5 D. Hawkins, Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment, DVD 1 of 3, track 5, 8. March 2008 ⇑
6 D. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 38, 2003 ⇑
7 Deleted Wikipedia entry ⇑
8 Referenced by D. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Notes, S. 302, Hay House, February 2002 ⇑
9 "Adaptational Development of Psychoanalytic Therapy", chapter "Changing Concepts of Psychoanalytic Medicine", S. 89-100, Grune & Stratton, New York/London, 1956 ⇑
10 Karl Arnold Belser, Ph.D. Integrity Tone Scale (Some History), 2004, 2005 ⇑
11 "The Sedona Method" interview with Robert Scott and D. Hawkins, presented by the radio station New Dimensions, host Michael Toms, December 1980; see: Audios by and with D. Hawkins ⇑
12 Revealed in a private discussion between S. Jeffrey and D. Hawkins ⇑
13 Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, DVD 1 of 3, track 6, 26. January 2008 ⇑
14 Power vs. Force, S. 93, 1995 ⇑
15 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 416, 2005 ⇑
16 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 342, 2005 ⇑
17 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 367, 2005 ⇑
18 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995 ⇑
19 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 366, 2005 ⇑
20 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995 ⇑
21 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 366, 2005 ⇑
22 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995 ⇑
23 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 367, 2005 ⇑
24 Power vs. Force, S. 274, 1995 ⇑
25 Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 367, 2005 ⇑
26 The The Great Books of the Western World (GBWW) [LoC 468] were compiled by the US American philosopher of the Aristotelian and Thomistic traditions Mortimer Adler (1902-2001). Published by Encyclopædia Britannica in 1952, the GBWW were to present the western canon in pursuit of the class-establishing closed teaching system "Classical Trivium" as first introduced by the Greek rhetorician and "educator" Isocrates' Enkyklios Paideia.
According to Kevin Cole's historical research the GBWW project started with philosopher Richard McKeon who was lecturing at UNESCO. It resulted from a plot by eugenicists and collectivists. The signers of the GBWW project were Union Now supporters, Cecil Rhodes scholars and members of collectivist groups seeking organic unity for Anglo-Saxon establishment power structures. See transcript at 2h7m. Source: The Trivium Method vs. The Classical Trivium: A Briefing by Kevin Cole, MP3, presented by the US American broadcasting station History… So It Doesn’t Repeat, host Richard Grove, YouTube film, 2:38:44 duration, posted 2. March 2013 ⇑
27 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", S. 32-34, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14. January 2013 ⇑
28 Clinically-based psychedelic research: L. Jerome et al. The Psychedelic Research Renaissance ⇑
29 Katherine A MacLean et al. Mystical experiences occasioned by the hallucinogen psilocybin lead to increases in the personality domain of openness, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal Journal of Psychopharmacology, volume 25, No. 11, S. 1453-1461, 12. December 2011 ⇑
30 Footnote 11: Lecture by David R. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Contextual Transformation of Addiction, CD 1 of a set, Sedona Villa, 1984-1988 (exact date unknown) ⇑
31 Footnote 12: Lecture by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism [Track 4] ⇑
32 Footnote 13: See, for example, Stanislav Grof's LSD. Doorway to the Numinous and Huston Smith's Cleansing the Doors of Perception. ⇑
33 Footnote 14: Lecture by David R. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Contextual Transformation of Addiction, CD 1 of a set, Sedona Villa, 1984-1988 (exact date unknown) ⇑
34 Footnote 15: Lecture by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Way Out of Addiction, CD 1, disc 1, track 8, presented at First International Conference on Consciousness and Addiction, date unknown] ⇑
35 Hawkins described how this was a common experience of many early LSD users who took it under appropriate conditions. Lecture by D. Hawkins, Consciousness: The Way Out of Addiction, CD 1, disc 1, track 8, presented at First International Conference on Consciousness and Addiction, date unknown ⇑
36 Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, 2012, March 2013 ⇑
37 Audio interview Alignment, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, ~60 minutes duration, aired 19. April 2005 ⇑
38 Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist ⇑
39 Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) British-Canadian psychiatrist, inventor of the term word 'psychedelic', researcher on psychedelic drugs ⇑
40 Radio interview with Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, presented by the Canadian radio station CKLN-FM 88, host Wayne Morris, Toronto, Canada, Sunday, 6. April 1997 ⇑
41 David [Hawkins] cited this recovery rate by recall in a private interview. Hoffer confirmed this percentage in Treatment of Alcoholism with Psychede-
lic Therapy, in Psychedelics, edited by Aaronson and Osmond. ⇑
42 Dick Riley, David Hawkins, Psychiatrist, Researcher, presented by Red Rock News, 1984 ⇑
43 Article LSD helps to treat alcoholism. Retrospective analysis shows hallucinogenic drug helped problem drinkers., presented by the English multidisciplinary scientific journal Nature, Arran Frood, 9. March 2012 ⇑
44 Alfred Matthew Hubbard [Johnny Appleseed of LSD] (1901-1982) US American early proponent for the drug LSD during the 1950s ⇑
45 D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Enlightenment, 3 DVD set, August 2003 ⇑
46 Sedona Seminar Radical Subjectivity: The "I" of "Self", CD 5 of 5, February 2002 ⇑
47 Sedona Seminar The Levels of Consciousness: Subjective and Social Consequences, DVD 3 of 3, track 4: 5 minutes, March 2002 ⇑
48 Footnote 43: Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", pages 81, 84, 93, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998 ⇑
49 Footnote 43: Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on Advanced States of Consciousness, pg. 82, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998 ⇑
50 Hawkins' translation of the Korean title is found on the back cover of his book Eye of the I. ⇑
51 My biography of Hawkins, Doctor of Truth, evoked such sentiments, which can be seen in the book's 1-star reviews on Amazon.com. For example, one anonymous reviewer wrote, "Should you read it? Be forewarned that you will expose yourself to a luciferic energy." ⇑
52 Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 3 of 3, track 1, 19. August 2006 ⇑
53 Sedona Seminar Reason vs. Truth, DVD 3 of 3, track 3, 19. August 2006 ⇑
54 Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, S. 178-183, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. Oc-
tober 2012 ⇑
55 Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Projections and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology, S. 165, Open Court Publishing Company, reprinted edition 19. December 1985 ⇑
56 Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Fraser Boa, Canadian Jungian analyst, film producer and director, The Way of the Dream. Conversations on Jungian Dream Interpretation with Marie-Louise von Franz, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1. November 1994 ⇑
57 Sedona Seminar The Levels of Consciousness: Subjective and Social Consequences, CD 4 of 5, track 2, March 2002 ⇑
58 Sedona Seminar Conviction, DVD 3 of 3, 16. July 2005 ⇑
59 ⚡ Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The Spirit of Evolution, S. 387, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1995, 2nd revised edition 2. January 2001 ⇑
60 Footnote 4: Don Beck, Ph.D. (*1937) US American geopolitical management consultant, complex systems strategist, co-author, Chris Cowan, US American consultant in business, speech communication, group dynamics and media, co-author, Spiral Dynamics. Mastering Values, Leadership and Change, S. 233, Wiley-Blackwell, 1996 ⇑
61 Footnote 4: Don Beck, Ph.D., US American geopolitical management consultant, complex systems strategist, co-author, Chris Cowan, US American consultant in business, speech communication, group dynamics and media, co-author, Spiral Dynamics. Mastering Values, Leadership and Change, S. 236, Wiley-Blackwell, 1996 ⇑
62 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 17 "Spiritual Truth", S. 398, 2005 ⇑
63 Lester Levenson, the founder of the Sedona Method, erroneously taught that people can permanently "go free" from negative emotions by releasing the energy of these negative emotions over a period of weeks or months. […] While we can process through the emotions of a particular experience, we can’t permanently eliminate negative emotions; they are part of our unconscious. I believe Levenson himself dissociated from his emotions and then called himself "enlightened." Hawkins, as a devoted student of Levenson for nearly a decade, followed suit and then incorporated this distorted understanding of emotions into his own teaching system. ⇑
64 Audio series featuring Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. The Art of Spiritual Discernment, 6 CD set, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, 2006 ⇑
66 PACMAN Sedona Method Chart Of Emotions & Lester Levenson , YouTube narrative film, 9:50 minutes duration, posted 6. February 2009 ⇑
67 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) German philosopher of the German idealism, author, 1805-1806, ⚡ John B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) British evolutionary biologist, geneticist, developer of Haldane's Law as an extension of Murphy's Law, translator, 1892-1896, collection Lectures on the History of Philosophy, presented by Carl Mickelsen utilising resources of the University of Idaho, Department of Philosophy, Alfred Weber, undated ⇑
68 Creative Evolution ['L'Évolution créatrice', French edition 1907], Arthur Mitchell, translator, chapter I The Evolution of Life – Mechanism and Teleology, Henry Holt and Company, New York, English edition 1911 ⇑
69 Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development. A Study in Social Psychology, chapter 7 "His Intelligence", Macmillan Company, New York, 1899 ⇑
70 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, R.F.C. Hull (translator), Symbols of Transformation. An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia, Volume 2, Pantheon, Bollingen, 1st American edition 1956, S. 301, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962 ⇑
71 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, R.F.C. Hull (translator), Symbols of Transformation. An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia, Volume 2, Pantheon, Bollingen, 1st American edition 1956, S. 433, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962 ⇑
72 Conceptions of the Mature Personality from Dr. Graves' Research. Nodal (Example # 2) ⇑
73 Audio clip by Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, MP3, 1:02 minutes duation, undated ⇑
74 The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order systems as man's existential problems change. Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, Introductory quote on the clarewgraves.com homepage ⇑
76 ⚡ Ken Wilber, Up From Eden. A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, 1981, Quest BooksWheaton, 16. May 2007 ⇑
77 Video presentation Steve McIntosh presents his book Evolution's Purpose, sponsored by Caritas Center, Boulder, Colorado, 16. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 25:40, 1:140:00 duration, posted 17. December 2012
Steve McIntosh stevemcintosh.com (*1960) US American lawyer, entrepreneur, founder and president of Now & Zen, activist, author of integral thought, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution. How the Integral Worldview Is Transforming Politics, Culture, and Spirituality, Continuum International Publishing Group, September 2007 ⇑
78 Power vs. Truth, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", S. 89, 2013 ⇑
79 Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, 2012, March 2013 ⇑
80 Book review Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary by Joanna Harcourt-Smith, presented by the blogspot The Oz Mix, 18. November 2013 ⇑
81 Cameron often sought William Sargant's advice. Sargant sent Cameron a note saying: "Whatever you manage in this field, I thought of it first." Gordon Thomas, Journey Into Madness, S. 189-190, Bantam Press, London, 1988 ⇑
82 Article B.C.'s Acid Flashback, presented by the Canadian daily newspaper Vancouver Sun, R.C., 8 December 2001 ⇑
83 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 8, S. 105, October 2012 ⇑
84 Deleted article by A. Orange, Alcoholics Anonymous as a Cult. Scorecards 1 to 100, presented by orange-papers.org, updated 21. October 2013 ⇑
85 Ross MacLean attended a CIA sponsored LSD symposium and described giving LSD to 338 different patients at Hollywood Hospital. Quoted in: Interviews Dr. Colin Ross. CKLN-FM Mind Control Series – Part 2 Producer Wayne Morris, archived by Second in a Series of Broadcasts, aired on CKLN-FM 88.1 in Toronto, Sunday, 6. April 1997 ⇑
86 In a 1988 interview with Neil Strauss, Timothy Leary stated that slogan "Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out." was "given to him" by Herbert 'Marshall' McLuhan (1911-1980) during a lunch in New York City. ⇑
87 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 12, S. 169-170, October 2012 ⇑
88 John Lennon: "Your Majesty, I am returning my MBE as a protest against Britain's involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and against 'Cold Turkey' slipping down the charts. With Love, John Lennon." ⇑
89 David Hawkins: "Woodstock was the ultimate expression of the philosophic school of Herbert Marcuse: total freedom, hedonism, and the collapse of the whole Protestant ethical system", cited in: Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth, chapter 12, S. 170-171, October 2012 ⇑
90 Sarah Vowell (*1969) US American social commentator, journalist, essayist, author of The Wordy Shipmates, Riverhead Trade, 1st edition 6. October 2009, on Roger Williams: "He is sort of the ideal religious fanatic. He believed that everyone who disagreed with his own puritan religious views were going to burn eternally in hell. He thought that is punishment enough. So on earth we could all live together." Removed TV interview Daily Show, host Jon Stewart (*1962) US American political satirist, actor, media critic, television host, stand-up comedian of The Daily Show, writer, minute 3:10, 5. October 2009
Vowell calls the Puritans "very elitist 17th century Jesus freaks" who made sure to provide the best education to their offspring to eventually reign the country. ⇑
91 Scott Jeffrey, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 16 "New Beginnings", S. 263, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012 ⇑
92 Removed article She reached for sister's 'very soul' , presented by The Charlotte Observer, Diedra Laird, 14. July 1991 ⇑
93 Barbara Catherine Hawkins – Death by suicide ⇑
94 Audio interview on mass mind control Cathy O'Brien Phillips – Covid 19 & The TRANCE Formation of America'', presented by Naturally Inspired Podcast: Health. Freedom. Lifestyle, host Tammy Cuthbert Garcia, 1:26:00 duration, posted 2021 ⇑
95 Podcast audio interview with ⚡ Dr. David R. Hawkins, Differentiating truth from falsehood – November 18th 2010, episode 331, presented by the US American web radio station podcast Theatre of the Mind, host Kelly Howell, aired 18. November 2010, minute 18:53, 50:47 minutes duration, posted 9. December 2012 ⇑
96 Hawkins uncritically praised elitist US American philanthropists in pursuit of the NWO agenda: TV video interview with Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, An Exclusive Hour with Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates, presented by the US American TV station PBS, interview show Charlie Rose, host Charlie Rose, YouTube film, 56:41 minutes duration, posted 26. June 2006 and 31. October 2013 ⇑
97 DVD documentary The Order of Death, presented by Jones Productions, 2005, posted 20. December 2010 ⇑
98 ⚡ Case of the abusive guru Muktananda – Testimonials of his former students ⇑
99 Deleted documentary Billy Graham Exposed, YouTube film, 1:00:05 duration, posted 5. June 2014 ⇑
100 Blog article by Cathy Fox, Billy Graham – Pedophile, Illuminati, Luciferian and Monarch Slave Programmer, presented by "blog on child abuse", 6. August 2018 ⇑
101 Archived article In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative, presented by the English-language financial blog Zero Hedge, George Washington, 23. February 2015 ⇑
102 Article Colin Powell: Another War Criminal Cashes In, presented by the US American nonprofit, progressive daily online newsletter Truthout, Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis, 10. June 2012 ⇑
103 Article A clinical psychologist explains how Ayn Rand seduced young minds and helped turn the US into a selfish nation, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Bruce E. Levine, 21. April 2017 ⇑
104 Article As a Guru, Ayn Rand May Have Limits. Ask Travis Kalanick, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, James B. Stewart, 13. July 2017 ⇑
105 Video presentation by Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the "Institute for Media Education", cultural conservative author, Media representation of children: Crime, violence and pornography in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, Zagreb, Croatia, 29. January 2013, minute 7:42, posted 6. February 2013 ⇑
106 Video presentation by Hans Rosling, M.D. (*1948) Swedish professor of global health, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, public speaker, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Religions and babies, presented by TEDxSummit 2012, Doha, Qatar, minute 10:22, 13:20 minutes duration, filmed April 2012, posted May 2012
Rosling: "We are still debating peak oil, but we have definitely reached peak child." ⇑
107 The English physician and scientist Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine, the world's first vaccine. The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae, the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox. Active Freemason, Jenner served as Master of the Royal Lodge of Faith and Friendship, No. 270, based in Berkeley, Gloucestershire in 1812. This lodge that was regularly visited by the Prince of Wales, the future George IV, was to become associated with the Jenner family. ⇑
108 Artikel 200 Jahre Impflüge: Die Urheber Edward Jenner und Louis Pasteur, präsentiert von der Plattform Pravda-TV.com, 28. Januar 2013 ⇑
109 [S]ince I feel pretty much around friends and fringies here [laughter], it doesn’t trouble me to confess that my book, Food of the Gods, I really conceived of as an intellectual Trojan horse. It’s written as though it were a scientific study. Footnotes, bibliography, citations of impossible to obtain books and so forth and so on (crowd really laughs now). But this is simply to assuage and ?calm? the academic anthropologists. The idea is to leave this thing on their doorstep. Rather like an abandoned baby or a Trojan horse. Terence McKenna (1946-2000) US American ethnobotanist, philosopher, psychonaut, multidisciplinary researcher, lecturer, author, Deleted YouTube film, minute 1:12, title and issuing date unknown ⇑