
Hawkins / SpirituelleUebungen

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Spirituelle Übungen (Liste)
Siehe auch: Einfache Hilfsmittel und Notfalltipps







Kielwasser einer Fähre nach Fanø, Dänemark









Die Ausrichtung auf das höchste Wohl des Ganzen

Angst ist illusionär, da sie vom Zweifel genährt wird, der aus dem Komplex Selbst-Ego-Verstand-Karma entspringt. Dieser Komplex ist außerstande, die stets vorhandene echte Liebe und Freude aufzuschließen.


Das SELBST trägt durch alle dualistischen Hindernisse hindurch – mit Gottes Hilfe. Hawkins lehrt, bestenfalls alles Aufstei-
gende unmittelbar Gott zu übergeben und sich auf das höchste Wohl aller auszurichten, das GOTT/SELBST für den Einzel-
nen/das Ganze vorgesehen hat. Was sich sodann entfaltet, darf der spirituelle Aspirant erleben, bezeugen und beobachten.

Gebetsempfehlungen von D. Hawkins

* Bitte darum, ein Diener Gottes zu sein.
* Bitte darum, ein Gefäß der göttlichen Liebe zu sein.
* Bitte darum, ein Vermittler des göttlichen Willens zu sein.
* Bitte um Unterweisung und göttlichen Beistand.
* Verpflichte dich, bedingungslos zu lieben.
* Verpflichte dich, für alle Lebewesen Mitgefühl zu hegen.
* Überlasse das Beurteilen Gott.
* Übergib' deinen Eigenwillen vollständig.
* Übe dich in gottergebener Hingabe.
* Entscheide dich stets für Liebe und Frieden.
* Widme dein Leben dem Dienst am Göttlichen.
   Orientiert an The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 201, 2001

Buchtipp: Father Thomas Keating (1923-2018) US-amerikanischer Zisterziensermönch, Priester, Abt, Entwickler des Centering Prayers [Gebet der Sammlung], Autor, Das Gebet der Sammlung. Eine Einführung und Begleitung des kontemplativen Gebetes, Vier Tuerme, 6. Auflage Januar 1987

Buchtipp: Bruder Laurentius, Allzeit in Gottes Gegenwart. Briefe, Gespräche und Schriften, Neufeld Verlag,
veränderte Auflage 1. November 2005

Siehe auch: ► Beten

Loslösung von Anhaftung an das Denken und das Selbst – D. Hawkins

  1. Erkenne die Quelle der Liebe des SELBST.
  2. Stelle durch Erfahrung fest, dass du in dein Denken und das Selbst verliebt bist.
  3. Gib' die Anhaftung an narzisstische überbewertete Gedanken, Meinungen, Standpunkte und Erinnerungen auf.
  4. Übergib' deine Gedankenverliebtheit an GOTT.
  5. Verehre GOTT anstelle deines Selbstes.
  6. Übergib' Anhaftungen an Inhalte des Geistes/Gemütes.


Inspiriert durch: ► D. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 91, 2006

Das Ego überschreiten und heilen

Hawkins empfiehlt im Wesentlichen drei Vorgehensweisen, um das Ego zu heilen beziehungsweise zu transzendieren:

  1. Selbst-Hinterfragung / Selbsterforschung
    Ego heilend
  2. Über den Weg des Verstand/Gemüts
    Vor dem Auftauchen eines Gedankens ist die große Stille; in der Haltung der Übergabe kommt man der Energie
    hinter dem Denkvorgang nahe.
    Ego transzendierend
  3. Jenseits des Verstandes/Gemüts
    Ego transzendierend


Siehe auch: ► Selbsterforschung

Radikale Wahrheitsübung – D. Hawkins

In seinen Seminaren zum Thema Sucht, Schmerz und Sexualität erläuterte David Hawkins die
radikale Wahrheitsübung als generelle Abhilfe bei Suchtverhalten, Krankheit und Schmerzen.
Vier Schritte zur Loslösung
1.Höre auf, über deine Empfindungen (Drang) zu grübeln (mentieren) und sie mit Namen (Geschichte, Diagnose, Urteilen) zu versehen.
2.Leiste deinen Empfindungen keinen Widerstand mehr.
Erlaube ihnen, über ihren angestammten Platz hinauszuwachsen und sich in deiner Aura zu auszubreiten.
3.Übe dich in der Haltung "Mögen noch mehr dieser Empfindungen auftauchen."
4.Nimm sie ganz an und erlaube ihnen, sich im Prozess der Übergabe vollständig aufzulösen.

Die vier Schritte zur Loslösung von Notstandsgefühlen1 im nichtintegeren Bereich lassen sich beispielsweise anwenden bei

  1. Sexueller Begierde, Hungergefühlen oder Verlangen sonstiger Art, bei aufkommden Krankheiten und Schmerzen (wie bspw. auch bei Operationen ohne Narkose)
  2. Schuld- und Schamgefühlen und Angst wegen des Verlangens,
  3. Stolz, nachdem man seiner Begierde nachgegeben hat und kurzfristige Befriedigung dadurch spürte und
  4. bei sonstigen illusionären Gefühlszuständen.


Wer loslässt, wächst über seine wollüstigen Begierden und Gefühle der Scham, Schuld, Angst, Wut und des Stolzes hinaus und erreicht einen gelassenen, nicht verhafteten Zustand, in dem er gleichermaßen in Frieden ist, ob nun das Verlangen vorhanden ist oder nicht, ob es auftaucht oder verschwindet. Der Gelöste betrachtet sein Verlangen aus der Haltung der Harmlosigkeit und weiß, wann es angemessen ist und wie es angemessen zu befriedigen ist.


Um eine Bewusstseinsstufe hinter sich lassen zu können,
muss man sie sich in Gänze zu eigen gemacht haben.


Beschleunigen: Die Haltung, dass die anstehenden Schatten-Empfindungen noch stärker auftauchen mögen, ist eine beschleunigte Form, '100 Prozent Verantwortung zu übernehmen' für das, was da ist. Man anerkennt seine Empfindungen vollständig und führt sie nicht (mehr) aus. Die Vorstellung, dass das Verlangen endlos sei, gibt man ebenfalls auf.
Es stellt sich heraus, dass es im Prozess der Hingabe austrocknet und irgendwann einfach aufhört.

Quellen (engl.): ► D. Hawkins, Videovorträge der Office Visit Serie, aufgenommen 1986:
B-1 Drug Addiction and Alcoholism und ► A-8 Pain and Suffering und ► A-4 Sexuality
Siehe auch : ► Krankheit und ► Emotionen und ► Schmerz und ► Sexualität und ► Sucht

Beschleunigter Abbau von unlauteren Impulsen

Beschleunigen: Die Haltung einzunehmen, dass eigene hochkommende Schattenimpulse und Notstands-Emotionen sich noch verstärkt zeigen mögen, ist eine beschleunigte Form, '100 Prozent Verantwortung zu übernehmen' für die vorhandenen unlauteren Anteile.
Man anerkennt sein nichtintegeres Verlangen und seine zehrenden Antriebe vollständig und führt sie nicht (mehr) aus. Die Vorstellung, dass das Verlangen endlos sei, gibt man ebenfalls auf. Im Prozess der Übergabe wird sich herausstellen, dass sie austrocknen und irgendwann versiegen.

Sündenregister-Methode von D. Hawkins

Kugelsicherheit (Immunität) stellt sich ein, wenn man volle Verantwortung für die
kollektive Negativität übernimmt, die möglicherweise auf einen selbst gerichtet wird.

FU CD Serie The Highest Level of Enlightenment,
Q&A-Teil, Diskette 3 von 6, Minute 33:27 (Mitte), Nightingale-Conant, 2005


100% Verantwortung übernehmen – ein Sündenregister führen

Schreib' alle deine Fehler auf, die du dir selbst zuschreibst.
Schreib' alle jene Fehler auf, die andere dir zuweisen,
auch dann, wenn du denkst, dass sie lügen.
Übernimm für alles die Verantwortung.
Sobald du dir alle Anklagepunkte zu eigen gemacht hast, kann dich keiner mehr in irgendeiner Weise angreifen.
Wenn dich andere angreifen, so liegt es daran, dass du dir etwas nicht zu eigen gemacht hast.

Außerdem ist nichts verkehrt daran, doof und hässlich zu sein. (lacht)
Bekenne deine Fehler und unterlasse es, sie als Fehler zu bezeichnen.
Wachse über deine narzisstische Überempfindlichkeit hinaus.
Keine einzige negative Reaktion wird von außen verursacht;
es kommt darauf an, wie du dich entscheidest, damit umzugehen.
Du wirst gegen Angriffe immun, wenn du dir all das zu eigen machst,
was scheinbar deine Fehler (Unzulänglichkeiten) sind.

Die Widerstände deines Egos überwindest du, indem du sagst:
"Ich bin doof und hässlich? Das spielt keine Rolle. Gott liebt mich."
Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD-Set, 17. April 2004


Anmerkung: Diese Empfehlung wurde in Internetforen mit antagonistischem Klima umgesetzt. Es wurde ein so genanntes Sündenregister
in schriftlicher Form verfasst und eingestellt, das die von verschiedenen Seiten geäußerten Vorwürfe enthielt. Die Reaktionen darauf
waren unterschiedlich – sie reichten von Achtungsbezeugungen bis zu verhöhnendem Unverständnis.


Siehe auch: ► Verantwortung und ► Mitverantwortung

Imagination und Umsetzung eines tugendhaftes Selbstbilds

Erzeuge ein vorbildhaftes Selbstbild und übe es wie eine Filmrolle.
Entscheide dich für eine Tugend und verhalte dich so, als ob du die vorgestellte Tugend bereits verkörperst.
Übe dich in den Verhaltensweisen des höheren Verstands/Gemüts [BW 275+].


Haltungen / Verhaltensweisen des höheren Verstands/Gemüts:


1. Konzentriere dich, bevor du das Haus verlässt, darauf, was du gern sein möchtest, und beschließe, dich entsprechend zu verhalten.
2. Stelle dir die Reaktion deiner Mitmenschen auf dein freundliches, achtsames, wohlwollendes und liebevolles Verhalten vor. Handle stets danach, dir selbst und anderen gegenüber.
3. Weise negative Einstellungen oder Denkpositionen wie Verführung / Versuchung durch Flatterhaftes und Sensationelles zurück. Hüte dich davor, spirituelle Prinzipien zugunsten eines kurzfristigen Gewinns zu verletzen.
4. Verzichte auf das fragwürdige Vergnügen, dich an anderen zu rächen oder in einer emotionalisierten Auseinandersetzung als Sieger hervorzugehen.
5. Übe dich bewusst und absichtlich darin, andere Menschen "gewinnen" zu lassen, um so deine innere Größe und Großzügigkeit zu entdecken.
Orientiert an: ► D. Hawkins, Erleuchtung ist möglich. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet, S. 187-195 und 289-340, 2008

Atemübungen zur Diffusion negativer Emotionen

Bei emotionalen Beschwerden empfiehlt Hawkins folgende Atemübungen:


  • Wenn z.B. ein Mensch sexbesessen ist, kann er Erleichterung finden, indem er die Energie aus dem Basischakra in die höheren energetischen Zentren hinaufatmet.
  • Ebenso kann eine Person, die in scheinbar unlösbaren Verstrickungen von Hass, Eifersucht, Anschuldigung, Groll oder Rachegefühlen gefangen ist, sich durch ein Hinaufatmen der überschießenden Energie, die sich im Milzchakra festgehakt hat, befreien.
  • Ein übermäßig ehrgeiziger, materialistischer oder gieriger Mensch kann seine Lage verbessern, indem er die im Solarplexus stecken gebliebenen Energien entkrampft.
  • Ein Herzkranker kann Erleichterung bekommen, wenn er die Energie des Herzens zum Dritten Auge oder zum Scheitelchakra hinaufatmet, so dass die Energie von persönlicher Liebe, die Ebene, auf welcher der Verlust wahrgenommen wurde, in Liebe zu GOTT verwandelt wird, welche niemals verloren gehen kann.
  • Ein Mensch, dem spirituelles Verständnis, Gewahrsein oder Visionen fehlen [mangelhaft aktiviertes fünftes Chakra],
    tut gut daran, mehr Energie in das Dritte Auge oder Stirnchakra hineinzuatmen.


Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 328-329, 2006

Meditation mit den Gralstafeln von Chartres

Meditation zur Synchronisation der beiden Gehirnhälften


  • Die Gralstafeln von Chartres sind eine Meditationstechnik, die von französischen Zigeunern aus dem Mittelalter überliefert wurde. Durch Schielen mit den Augen kann in der Mitte eine virtuelle dritte Tafelreihe erzeugt werden, die aus der Bildebene herauszuspringen scheint und zunächst zwischen den Farben Blau und Rot hin- und her-
    . Nach einiger Zeit bildet sich ein violetter Farbton heraus, und das Bild kommt zur Ruhe. Heute weiß man, dass die Tafeln ein einfaches Biofeedbackgerät darstellen, um den Aktivitätszustand der beiden Gehirnhälften zu überwachen. Ziel der Übung ist die Synchronisation der Gehirnhälften, was zunächst zu einem Entspannungs-
    , bei längerer Übung dann zum Eintritt in neue Erkenntnisräume führt. Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf (†2023) deutsche Autoren, Die Gralstafeln von Chartres, PDF, ehemals präsentiert von Fosar-Bludorf.com, neu aufgelegt von der Web-
    seite uralte-heilwesen, undatiert


➤ Im Kreis zeigt sich das ABSOLUTE, ohne Form, Farbe, weitere Eigenschaften, das buchstäbliche NICHTS, es
     begegnet uns auf unbewusster Ebene beim Eintritt in die Kathedrale.
➤ In der sperrigen, quadratischen Raute erleben wir das Symbol der Materie, unser schicksalhaftes Geworfensein
     in die materielle Welt,
➤ […] "Quadratur des Kreises" […] im Altarraum in der Form des Rechtecks (symbolisch für das letzte Abend-
stehend; Jesus inmitten der 12 Apostel ist ein Sinnbild für die Einheit des Lebens in allem Geschaffenen:
     Der EINE GEIST drückt sich in allen 12 Tierkreiszeichen aus).
     Wer sich länger meditierend auf die Symbole einlässt, kann tatsächlich intuitiv erleben, dass Kreis und
     Raute in dieser Form "dem inneren Sinn nach" im Rechteck verschmelzen.
Quelle: ► Notiz Meditation mit den Tafeln von Chartres | Übungs-Seite, präsentiert von Spirituelle-Reisen.de, Reinhold Pertler, undatiert
Siehe auch: ► Neurowissenschaft

Meditation und Kontemplation – Empfehlungen

  • Psalmen kontemplieren – EKiW studieren
    • Hawkins empfiehlt, über einen längeren Zeitraum den Psalm 91 zu kontemplieren.
    • Psalm 23 – Der Herr ist mein Hirte.
    • Arbeitsbuch Ein Kurs in Wundern [BW 600], 365 Lektionen


Siehe auch: ► Kontemplation und ► Empfehlungen

Zitate zum Thema Spirituelle Übungen / Spiritual practices

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Man sollte nicht "versuchen", das Offensichtliche zu sehen, sondern vielmehr die Hindernisse beseitigen, wie etwa Meinungen, Glaubenssätze, Denkschablonen, Kommentare, Ungeduld oder die Versuche des Geist/Gemütes, den nächsten Bruchteil einer Sekunde vorwegzunehmen oder zu kontrollieren. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 280, 2005


  • Bitte darum, ein Diener Gottes zu sein, ein Gefäß der göttlichen Liebe, ein Kanal für GOTTES Willen.
    Bitte um Richtungsweisung und göttliche Hilfe, und übergib deinen Eigenwillen durch Hingabe.
    Widme dein Leben dem Dienst GOTTES.
    Wähle Liebe und Frieden vor allen anderen Optionen.
    Verschreib dich dem Ziel bedingungsloser Liebe und Mitgefühl für alle Lebewesen in allen Ausdrucksformen
    und übergib das Beurteilen GOTT. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 289, 2005



Nicht fokussierte Kontemplation

  • In dieser Übung liegen Absicht und Fokus ausschließlich auf der peripheren Sicht und nicht auf etwaigen Gedanken oder Urteilen über das, was man sieht. Nach einer gewissen Zeit wird man plötzlich Zeuge und dann Gewahrsein selbst, das spontan und unpersönlich funktioniert. Ohne eine beteiligte "Person" Zeuge zu sein, beseitigt die "persönliche" Illusion von Gewahrsein. Man überschreitet dann die Wahrnehmung, die durch spirituelle Sicht ersetzt wird. Diese Übung ist mühelos und offenbart die Einheit von ALLEM, WAS IST, als zusammenhängende, harmonische Vollkommenheit und anmutige Schönheit. Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 72, 2006



Zwei Pfade – Geist und Herz

  • Es ist tatsächlich einfach, beide Pfade gleichzeitig zu gehen, also den Weg des Herzens und den Weg des Geistes. Man beginnt entweder mit der Technik zentraler, intensiver Fokussierung oder derjenigen des peripheren Fokus […] und wendet diese im täglichen Leben sowie in der Meditationspraxis ständig an. Zusätzlich beschreitet man jedoch noch den Weg des Herzens durch den Entschluss, alles, was man auf dem einen oder anderen Wege trifft, bedingungslos zu lieben. Das bedeutet, dass man lernen muss, sogar einen Mülleimer zu lieben.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 78, 2006


  • Man kann auch eine einfache Übung machen, die "Prinzip der sicheren Bahre" genannt wird: Projiziere dich in der Zeit voraus zu der unvermeidbaren Szene deines unvermeid-
    baren Abgangs und erkenne an, dass du, um hier zum Ende zu kommen, auf jeden Fall die Zeit überlebt haben musst, die dich bis hierhin geführt hat. Jede Angst wird vollständig ausgelöscht durch die Verwirklichung des SELBSTES, weil man in diesem Zustand eine absolute Kenntnis der Unsterblichkeit besitzt – davon, dass unsere tatsächliche Wirklichkeit weder Geburt noch Tod und noch viel weniger irgendwelchen Veränderungen oder Schick-
    salsschlägen unterworfen ist. Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 286, 2006


  • Alle spirituellen Praktiken sind in sich weit kraftvoller, als der naive Sucher sich vorstellt. Man soll sich ihnen mit Achtung nähern, und der Anfänger sollte im Vorhinein eine passende vorbereitende Information erwerben.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 329, 2006



  • Schau dich jeden Morgen im Spiegel an und sage dir: "Du bist schön und vollkommen", denn so sieht dich Gott.
    (Per Muskeltest als wahr bestätigt.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2009

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times,
    in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself.
    This is the greatest gift anyone can
    give. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 17, S. 333, 2001, S. 257, revised edition 2002


  • For significant spiritual growth, only one simple tool is required. Merely select any simple spiritual principle that is appealing and then proceed with its application, without exception, to every area of life, both within and without. For example, one could choose any one of the following: kindness, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, non-
    critical acceptance, unconditional loving, commitment to seeing the innocence of life
    , etc.
    Whatever principle is chosen then has to be applied to everyone, including oneself, without exception, and with ab-
    solute persistence. This process will bring about spiritual purification as the obstacles to these spiritual principles
    are brought up for examination. The accomplishment of the spiritual goal will require changes of perception which
    will, in turn, require growth of understanding and reconceptualization.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 224, 2001


  • Questions: How should one handle the seeming conflict between the illusion called "ego", the world and spiritual work?
    Answer: The source of joy of spiritual endeavor stems from the work itself and is not dependent on outcomes or the
    achievement of goals. Each movement forward has an inner delight. There is, for instance, an inner pleasure that
    accompanies progress. The replacement of resentment with peaceful acceptance is its own reward. There is a pro-
    gressive alteration in one's view of self and others. When this happens, one's own life story can then be recontex-
    tualized from a more compassionate understanding. I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 4, S. 53, 2003


  • Question: Of what value are breathing exercises?
    Answer: These are especially useful upon the realization that one is 'stuck' on a lower level and too much energy
    has accumulated in the lower chakras. To utilize breathing exercises, it is necessary to have some simple
    understanding of the etheric body and the chakra energy system.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 235-236, 2003


  • Question: The existence of the spiritual energy system and breathing techniques may sound foreign to Westerners.
    Are they really of practical value to the aspirant?
    Answer: Yes, and generally, they are beneficial. There are also specific problems where breathing exercises can be very useful.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 237-239, 2003



Quick conflict diffusion

( *) The thymus is the controller of the acupuncture energy system, and is related to one's overall immune health, which is prone to suppression by stress.

  • Question: You have taught some people spiritual "first aid". How does that work?
    Answer: To terminate an upset, do the following:
    1. "Thump the thymus." The thymus gland is located behind the upper breastbone. Thump that area with a closed hand and say, at the same time, "Ha-ha-ha" rhythmically three times, and then, after a pause, do it three more times. Smile while doing that and picture something or someone that you love. That could be a divine figure or even one's favorite pet. (*) This method was originally taught by Dr. John Diamond.2
    2. Then breathe spiritual energy from the base of the spine up to the crown chakra. On each inhalation, picture
      it as Light. It flows from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Even a few breaths done in this way
      will cause a very noticeable effect.
    3. While doing the breathing, think or sound the syllable, "Om," as you proceed with the above.3
    4. Picture someone you love [LoC 500+].
    5. While involved in this process, find within yourself the willingness in your heart to surrender anything and everything to God and recommit your devotion [LoC 555] above all else.
The above instructions will lift one quickly and easily out of the arena of conflict and distress. It does not take practice and the results are ovbious, even on the first try.
This can be followed up by prayer and meditation that focus attention on the whole picture (peripheral vision) of what one is witnessing, rather than getting stuck and involved in details.
Equanimity is retained by relating to a total situation instead of to any of its parts. This tends to keep one at the level of witness rather than at the effect of the details with attachment to outcome.
I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 378-379, 2003



The mechanism of truth:

Two-step escape from the negativity of the ego

  1. Negativity is based on an energetic force (animal origin) that can be overcome only by power, which is solely of Divine origin. Therefore, it is operationally necessary to request and invoke God's help by whatever means available.
  2. Disidentify with the body/emotions/mind as 'me'. Be truthful and admit that they are yours but not you. While this may seem artificial, strange, foreign, and unnatural in the beginning, the basic reality is that it is a truth of higher order, which makes it a very powerful and formidable tool. The mind will try to deny this reality as well as truth (that is what it is 'supposed to do') because Truth is intuited as its nemesis.


  • As a practical exercise, before leaving the house, review how one would like oneself to be and decide to act that way.
    • In so doing, note the response of others to one's being friendly, considerate, gracious, or loving.
    • Decline seduction and temptation by that which is tawdry and sensational.
    • Surrender the dubious pleasure of 'getting even' or 'getting the best of a deal' in emotional interchanges.
    • As a pleasant exercise, consciously and purposely allow other people to 'win' and thus discover one's own inner greatness and generosity.
To be emotionally stingy creates emotional poverty. Every 'win' that one gives others paradoxically makes one richer, and by practice, one ends up emotionally wealthy.
Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 363, 2005


  • Some spiritual practices may also lead to altered states of consciousness or autosuggestive states that are misiden-
    tified as spiritual. While mantras and certain repetitious practices have some value, depending on their calibrated
    level of truth, as well as the intention behind them, they can also become substitute for the progressive realizations
    that underline and substantiate true spiritual advance.
    The true state is reflected in what one has become rather
    than what one believes or does.
    Thus occult practices or magical manipulations and gymnastics are better bypas-
    sed in favor of true, substantial spiritual growth.
    Progress is facilitated by the willingness to surrender ambition to
    God. Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, section V "Overview", S. 317-318, 2006



  • There is an inherent limitation to repetitious mantras in that they too often result in a semi-auto hypnotic,
    altered state of consciousness that actually becomes an obstruction to the sought-for state of realization.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 82, 2007


  • The major genuine spiritual practices include
Group activities reflect not only worship but also gratitude to Divinity for life and its expressions of God's Grace. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 73-74, 2007


  • With incorporation into daily life, a spiritual practice can take the form of the continuous surrendering of
    , which then emerges into autonomous witnessing and effortless observation.
    These capacities will then be discovered to be qualities of consciousness, and not personal.
    Concentrated spiritual focus is like a 'mind set' by which spiritual processing becomes prioritized. Eventually,
    the illusion of a distinct, separate, personal 'I' that is 'doing' the processing drops away. The phenomenon
    is then witnessed to be happening spontaneously of its own.
    Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, chapter 19 "Practicum", S. 355, 2008


  • A fast track to this effortless state is provided by the simple technique of focused relinquishment of resisting the
    perception/experiencing of the passage or duration of time. This is a surprisingly simple yet very powerful tech-
    nique, and the reward is a sudden relief from the constant unconscious pressure of 'time', which subtly contex-
    tualizes and colors the experiencing of worldly life. Breaking the dominance of the illusion of time is very
    It is then discovered that time is a projection from consciousness and only a belief system out which
    the ego 'time tracks' the witnessing of the emergence of phenomena. With release from dominance, there is
    a great sense of freedom and inner joy.
    Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, chapter 19 "Practicum", S. 355-356, 2008


  • To safely do spiritual work and avoid crises, it is necessary to reaffirm, look within, and discover one's own
    innocence. It really is not safe to do spiritual work unless one has a glimpse of that innate naive innocence
    and keeps one eye on it at all times, because that innocence is the gateway back to the Truth so one does
    not get lost in the swamp. Healing and Recovery, S. 166, 2009



What is searching?


  • [S]it with your arms slightly raised and hands held out, not to receive as in Eastern traditions, but on the contrary,
    to radiate out that which you would give to the world and humanity. Sitting quietly with hands held out as if to
    bless the world, you become a channel of God and radiate out unconditional love. You give all that you are infi-
    nitely capable of giving. You are an antenna of radiance. You begin with a prayer, something like what St. Francis
    of Assisi
    [LoC 580] said, 'As your servant, o Lord, I give what you have given me.' As you do this you awaken to
    what the world is crying for and automatically you radiate that and you suddenly realize who you are. It is all non verbal. It may take years to get it. It is simple and direct like a laser. You become a radical laser beam. You keep
    doing that and that which humanity needs will reveal itself to you, and that which humanity is, will reveal itself to
    you and eventually that which is the Real Self will shine forth in an absolute Harmonious Perfection. The mind is
    Teddy and Otis Carnie, Synopsis and Study Guide to Power vs. Force. An Anatomy of Consciousness, Part III,
    "Realization of the Presence of God", Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 8. June 1996


  • Question: You mention chakra breathing as something basic we can do to increase our awareness level.
    Answer: Not only the exercise, but the intention behind it, tends to precipitate advancement of spiritual consciousness. Your intent to reach a higher level of understanding is in itself powerful. When you take time to [do these exercises], you're saying to God, "I’m trying to get to you, help me." You align with God. Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., presented by the US American magazine Holistic Networker, host Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005


  • What is the simplest thing that one can do? I think one should just sit and hold out one's hands like this [outstretched, palms up]. Not to receive, as many spiritual teachers would say ("this is to receive the energy of God", etc.). On the contrary: to sit like this and radiate out into the world that, which you will for the world; very revealing. Just sit quietly some place, hold out one's hands thusly and express nonverbally, what it is that you wish for the world and for huma-
    nity. You just keep doing that, and that which humanity needs will reveal itself to you. And then that which intrinsi-
    cally humanity is, reveals itself to you. And eventually that which is the real Self shines forth in all its radiance and
    splendor and magnificence and stillness in which you see, all things expressing their own essence in an absolute harmonious perfection. [...] And it is also healing to the world. So that motivation to heal the suffering of the world assuming this position automatically begins to reveal to yourself in a nonverbal way which jumps the intellect.
    Video presentation demonstrating muscle testing Power vs. Force, Volume Series I, DVD 2 of 2, 11. November 1995


  • The way to train your mind. […] when you're riding in the car as a passenger you pick a slot in the window through which you look. You look at the window right here. Now everything is passing. You're not tracking it. This way your vision is caught by the subject of your interest. You're constantly going from this to that. That's the way your mind is working all day. This catches it for a while. Now you’re going to practice something where you look through the window and your project is to keep your eye on this place on the window no matter what goes through. Now stuff goes through. The difference is you're not attached to it. You're detached. You can't pull back from the mind as long as you're attached to it and its emotional payoff. […]
    You are just fixed, like, the other analogy I use for it is like the prow of a ship. You see the prow of the ship is consistent, no matter what the wave, no matter how high the wave, no matter what the wind. It's called one-pointedness of mind. So that one-pointedness of mind is a fixity of attention.
    Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, DVD 1 of 3, January 2002


  • Om [...] Om [...] is something else and the sound of Om is inherent in all sound and can be heard by anybody who attunes to it and can be heard within your own mind and it's the sound of the universe. Om [...] Om [...] is there at all times. [...] Om is there at all times. Amen.
    Sedona Seminar Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques, 1 CD, 8. June 2002


  • There comes a time when it means to do whatever practice you are doing without exception, all the time. […] The love for God pulls you, it isn’t that you are driving it, it is now you are being pulled by your own destiny. By one's own karmic commitment let us say you have chosen the ultimate destiny, and now that begins to pull you and attract you. Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, DVD 2 of 3, minute 0:34:00-0:45:00, 27. September 2002



Exercise: Antenna of radiance

  • Find a quiet place. Determine to be quiet and undisturbed for 10 or 15 minutes. Unplug or turn off phones, inform the family you will be unavailable for a time.
    Let go of any heaviness – take a few deep full breaths. Easily breathe in and easily breathe out. Imagine dropping your cares, your concerns, just letting them go. Tell yourself you can pick them up later
    if you wish and that for now you are setting them aside.
    Sit comfortably with your arms raised slightly, palms turned up.
    Intend to be a channel for the Infinite Field of Consciousness.
    Imagine being the bulb through which the Light or a radiant flame shines.
    Consider a light; it does nothing about being a light.
    Consider a flame; it does nothing about being a flame.
    Neither thing 'tries' to shine.
    Neither intends to shine brightly or fully – instead they are themselves.
    So allow yourself to be a channel for unconditional love, in the same way a flame is a channel or a light radiates.
    Be like the light or the flame and extend perfectly without reservation, to all.
    First accept and then allow the Love through.
    "It is the heart that is at one with God, not the mind. To discover one's own heart is to discover God."
    Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005


  • Spiritual work is like a sweater. You can grab a threat, a piece anywhere and you unravel the whole sweater.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, DVD 3 of 3, minute 21:05, 16. April 2005


  • [Paraphrased] Beware of the lure of hedonism. To release from the enslavement of the senses requires serious spiritual training [as suggested by the Buddha].
    Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008



101 Ways to Peace

  • 69a. Have pets.
    69b. Have a garden spot.
    93. Watch TV's animal channel.
    100. Speak sanely to yourself in the mirror.
    Prescott Seminar Peace [LoC 565] 3 DVD set, 8. August 2009




The patterns of the labyrinth, the rosary, and prayer wheel bring a profound sense of peace. (Calibrated as true.)
Each of these things brings about inner peace.
It is not dependant upon belief or being a Buddhist or a Christian. Anybody can have this result. It's beyond a belief system. It's a geometric pattern – in mathematics, the torus.
The effect on consciousness is the same if you trace the labyrinth with a pencil. (Calibrated as true.)
That is a mystical truth. No one knows the reason for it.

  • 88a. Walk the labyrinth.4
    88b. Paint mandalas.
    89. Do the Rosary.
    90. Spin the prayer wheel.
    Prescott Seminar Peace [LoC 565] 3 DVD set,
    8. August 2009


Fingerlabyrinth, Pfarrkirche von Beyenberg, Wupperthal

Quotes by D. Hawkins – Spiritual discipline


'''Note on muscle testing tool:

Kinesiology used in the right way is a spiritual discipline – some people are karmically not allowed to use a certain technique at a certain time. Dr. Hawkins recommends
in such cases: Surrender your will about the matter.

Three simple requirements for enlightenment

  1. An intense desire to experience Pure Awareness.
  2. The discipline to act with constant and universal gentleness and forgiveness towards everything, without exception, including towards one's self and one's thoughts.
  3. The willingness to hold one's desires in abeyance and surrender one's personal will in every moment. Source unknown


  • Then began the discipline to act with constant and universal forgiveness and gentleness, without exception.
    One has to be compassionate towards everything, including one's own self and thoughts.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 343, 2001


  • The discipline to act with constant and universal forgiveness and gentleness, without exception. One has to be compassionate towards everything, including ones's own self and thoughts. I. Reality and Subjectivity, 2003


  • In highly motivated, spiritually-disciplined groups, approximately fifty to fifty-five percent of the people in the group
    reach the goal of Unconditional Love (e.g. twelve-step groups, spiritual / religious ashram devotees, monastic re-
    nunciates, members of spiritual communities, such as Zen monasteries, etc.).
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, 2006


  • A useful decision or choice is to decide to stop mentally talking about everything and refrain from interjecting comments, opinions, preferences, and value statements. It is therefore a discipline to just watch without evalu-
    ating, investing worth in, or editorializing, commenting, and having preferences about what is witnessed. One then
    sees the rising and falling away of phenomena and the transitory nature of appearance which, with ordinary men-
    tation, is conceptualized as a sequence of cause and effect.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 88, 2007


  • The major genuine spiritual practices include individual and group worship and prayer, including music, incense, creative arts, and dance, as well as symbols, postures, and mudra. [...] Group activities reflect not only worship
    but also gratitude to Divinity for life and its expressions of God's Grace.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, subtitle "Spiritual Economy", S. 73-74, 2007


  • It is necessary that you develop respect for spiritual endeavor. Straight and nar-
    row is the path, waste no time effort.
    5 Precision is discipline that is innate to serious commitment. Some students may yet be in a period of exploration, but once one gets the 'fire in the belly', the urge to reach God becomes a drivenness or relentless drive, or even, in the eyes of the world, a 'madness'. From that point on, there is no patience for amusement or diversion. It depends on decision, will and the level of consciousness, and karmic propensities. As it gets more intense, the love for God and of God allows no delay.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, headline "Spiritual Economy", S. 153, 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Quotes by various other sources

  • All you need to remember are the following injunctions:
    1. First, learn how to be entirely enreceptive to sensations arising from external forms, thereby purging your bodies of receptivity to externals.
    2. Second, learn not to pay attention to any distinctions between this and that, arising from your sensations, thereby purging your bodies of useless distinctions between one phenomenon and another.
    3. Third, take great care to avoid discrimination in terms of pleasant and unpleasant sensations, thereby purging your bodies of vain discriminations.
    4. Fourth, avoid pondering things in your mind, thereby purging your bodies of discriminatory cognition.
Huang Po (Huangbo Xiyun) [LoC 960] (770-~850 AD) Chinese Chan master of Zen Buddhism, Hsi Yun, of Huang Po Mountain: Doctrine of One Mind, 25. November 2004


  • Spiritual practice is not just sitting and meditating. Practice is looking, thinking, touching, drinking, eating, and talking. Every act, every breath, and every step can be practice and can help us to become more ourselves.
    Article by Thich Nhat Hanh [LoC 460] (1926-2022) Vietnamese France based Buddhist monk, peace activist, teacher, poet, author,
    The Moment is Perfect, presented by the independent, bimonthly Buddhist magazine Lion's Roar previously named Shambhala
    , 1. May 2008


Reference: en.Wikiquote entries Exercise

Englische Texte – English section on spiritual exercises

101 ways to happiness – D. Hawkins

Ways to happiness – David Hawkins
1.Source is within, not without. 
2.Want what you have, instead of have what you want […] including your own existence. All that it takes to be happy is the fact that you are. Be satisfied with the fact that you are. Be happy
with what you have.
3.Happiness is an inner decision. 
4.Give up the ‘poor me’. 
5.Choose instead of crave, want, desire, or get. Be willing to surrender to God.
"Dear God I seem to be the victim of this insatiable craving. Please help me."
6.Surrender all cravings to God. Love of God becomes all you want. Pray.
7.Joie de vivre is independent of events. It is an attitude and a superior "style" of life. In human life, there is no winning or losing. Celebrate your own existence. Joy of life, helping others.
8.Is it the child, adult, or parent (in you) that wants? Happiness = bubbling over and active child, integrated adult, and totally loving and accepting parent.
DH: "When I was 12, my mom made me wear rubbers to school when it rained. This embarrassed me.
I hid the rubbers in the shrubs on way to school and then put them on again on the way home.
Happiness is hiding your rubbers in a shrub!"
DH: "I went to internist, came home and the parent came up in Susan, "You didn't wear that undershirt
with the hole in it, did you?!"
9.Differentiate actual from symbolic win or gain. 
10.Differentiate narcissistic ("rich and famous") from mature goals. 
11.Be pleased with the direction and alignment instead of just completion. Be pleased with where you are, rather than "I'll be happy when I reach the goal."
12.Practical reality ⇔ fantasy and glamor of "success". 
13.Choose decision instead of just hope. Write down your goals for this life. One goal: Be happy no matter what happens. Be pleased with the direction of life. Be uplifting to others or enlightenment – not how far along you are on the path because
it’s anybody’s guess. Where you are is the result of your own decision, so you can't blame anyone. No matter which way you go, there are risks involved. Life is a sequence of roles.
14.Be flexible ⇔ rigid. The reed bends with the current.
15.Cancel ‘...and then I’ll be happy.’ 
16.Let go of clutching and grasping. 
17.Clarify goals and ideals. 
18.Realize that all value is arbitrary. 
19.Happiness is a nap on a train or plane. Being happy is fulfilling your human potential.
20.Live one day at a time. If you don’t have a problem, get one so that you can join a 12 step group. They are happier than other people.
21.Happiness is a cat’s purr or a dog’s wagging tail. 
22.Differentiate faithskepticism (narcissism). The skeptic has faith in his skepticism.
23.Show gratitude for what you have and are. 
24.Differentiate nonattachment ⇔ craving. Pick something you think you need for happiness and get detached from it.
25.Is the glass half full or half empty? 
26.Differentiate spiritual ⇔ material goals. Searching for truth in all of its expressions is one of the most advanced states of consciousness.
27.Surrender to God’s will. Spiritual wisdom evolves. For some people, shooting the enemy is God’s will. For others, God’s will is
not shooting.
28.Allow the capacity to let go. This capacity is infinite. It's not that you can’t let go, but that you won't.
29.Be pleased with progress. 
30.Avoid self-judgment. Recognize the internalized parent, Freud’s super-ego, the inner judge.
Have your inner child alive and well, and sometimes you have to sit on your inner child.
"My sister and I would go on street car. Mom had told us to stay in our seats. I was 'good' and she was 'bad' because she would be running up and down the aisle. For me happiness was being "good," for her happiness was being "bad.""
31."Good" ⇔ "Bad" are circumstantial. 
32."Win" is provisional. 
33.Differentiate simplicity ⇔ complexity. 
34.Have realistic expectations of life, others, events. In politics, don’t judge the world by your values, don’t expect a lot!
35.Value is in the eye of the beholder. 
36.Give up your skepticism. 
37.Nurture a sense of humor. 
38.Accept karmic propensity. It's not causality but likelihoods.
39.See essence rather than perception. 
40.Be jocular instead of morose. 
41.Show good will regarding all of life. 
42.Differentiate easy-going ⇔ rigid. 
43.Reduce your expectations. 
44.Be generous instead of stingy. Generosity is an attitude, not money. Good will is noticed by all of life.
45.Modify your inner voice. 
46.Be gracious to self and others. 
47.Surrender the need to control. DH: "My truck broke down on Cloverleaf in the middle of a strange place. A stranger came by to
remove the tire, took it to be fixed, brought it back and put it back on.
That was my good karma savings account."
(Calibrated as true.)
"There are angels in bodies." (Calibrated as true.)
48.Let go of desire for applause. 
49.Be glad instead of mad. 
50.Choose acceptance instead of resistance. 
51.Be generous instead of stingy. 
52.Be candid with self and others. Be honest. 
53.Silence the mind. 
54.Give up thinkingness. Thinkingness is an energy field which can be transcended.
Stop calling it ‘my’ mind. Everybody’s gotta speak their mind on TV, and they think that’s a step forward!
Anybody can babble! I don't care what the man on the street thinks, he learned it on TV yesterday. Narcissistic egotism. Knowingness comes about nonlinear. It is certainty. It emerges without
thinking about it.
55.Be forgiving instead of vindictive. Forgive. You don’t have to get even because karma is inevitable.
56.Work on inner traits instead of external ones. 
57.It only takes a bone to make a dog happy. It's the small things of life! All it takes is a sip of soda, of espresso.
58.Sing, Don’t worry, be happy! in mind. 
59.Choose spiritual values and goals. You feel inner gladness about the goodness of life. What’s the purpose of the world? It’s here for YOU. This is not egocentric. Out of Divine intention, that which is here, is here for you. The essence of all that arises is Divinity expressing itself as a stage, as a wonderful wife, as these flowers, as the Kleenex, as the diet soda, espresso.
60.Choose spiritual friends and groups. You serve all of mankind by becoming as spiritually evolved as you can be.
61.Go from complete to complete. 
62.Identify with Self rather than self. Without the presence of God within you, you wouldn’t exist.
Self is my reality; self is only my temporary expression in this domain.
63.Accept limitations of humanness, which has the karma of protoplasm. 
64.Happiness is a decision and direction. 
65.Be reflective instead of impulsive. 
66.Be thoughtful rather than critical. 
67.Be content instead of complaining.(i.e. with the weather, taxes)
68.Realize life is a learning curve. 
69.Pray. Praying is not just a grade school exercise but the expression of what you’ve become, which is gracious.
71.Affirm 'God is my Source'. 
72.Sing an inner song. Learn to hum to yourself without making any noise!
73.When feeling down, say to yourself, "Yours is the saddest story I’ve ever heard!" 
74.Insist on being miserable and gloomy. "Oh well…." "Eeyore."
75.Make faces at yourself in the mirror. This is a wonderful spiritual technique. The way to God is through giggles.
76.Be grateful for the gift of life. Be all you can be to everyone all of the time. Reflect back to life its beauty.
77.Live one day at a time. 
78.Be your own best friend. 
79.Differentiate expansion ⇔ diminution of problems. 
80.Clarify __________ with______role. 
81.Do you play role of martyr? 
82.Do you play role of hero? 
83.Do you play role of victim? 
84.Do you play role of morally superior? 
85.Let go of being the injustice collector (martyr). 
86.Let go of being provocative. 
87.Stop pushing your luck. 
88.Avoid catastrophe. 
69.Don’t buy a home in the flood plain or on the edge of a mud cliff. 
90.Do not win the lottery. 
91.Don’t ski in an avalanche area. 
92.Give up self-importance. 
93.Obey the law – be polite to police. 
94. Stop demonstrating. 
95.Give up saving the world. 
96. Mind your own business. 
97.Give up being important. 
98.Improve yourself instead of others. 
99. Pay your income taxes. 
100.Smile and the world smiles with you. 
101.Dedicate all actions to God. 
Source: ► D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Happiness, presented by message 12126, Yahoo drhawkinsgroup (2002-2016), 3 DVD set, 25. April 2009
Other recommendations: ► D. Hawkins, 101 ways to success and ► 101 ways to peace
See also: ► Happiness and ► Recommendations and ► Empfehlungen

Psalm 91

HE who dwells in the protection of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress;
my God; in him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from vain gossip.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall trust;
his truth shall be your shield and buckler.
You shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flies by day,
Nor for the conspiracy that spreads in darkness;
nor for the pestilence that wastes at noonday.
Thousands shall fall at your side,
and ten thousand at your right hand;
but it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you behold the reward of the wicked.


For thou, O LORD, art my trust;
thou has established thy habitation in the highest.
There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling.
For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.
They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the viper and adder;
you shall trample under foot the lion and the great serpent.
Because he has loved me, therefore will I deliver him;
I will set him on high because he has known my name.
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.


Source: ► Psalm 91 (OT)

BW-Werte von Spirituellen Übungen / LoC list of Spiritual practices

BW 275 – Der höhere Ego-Verstand (Higher Mind) beinhaltet disziplinierte Inhalte (Einzelheiten).

850 – Surrendering one's will (at depth) to God
740 – Om (Mantra)
700 – Om Mane Padme Hum (Tibetan Mantra)
650 – The Lord's Prayer
650 – Shanti, Shanti, Shanti (Mantra)
630 – Om Namah Shivaya (Mantra)
595 – Gregorian Chants
580 – Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
540 – Bathing in the Ganges
540 – Genuflection
540 – Kneeling to pray
540 – Prayerful hand clasp
540 – Turning prayer wheels
540 – Twelve step programs (AA)
540 – The Wailing Wall (Jerusalem)
535 – Surrender the World to God
525 – Jesus Prayer
515 – Japa spiritual discipline; meditative repetition of a mantra or name of God; i.e. Hare Krishna mantra
515 – Saying the Rosary
505 – "What is held in mind tends to manifest."6
503 – Walking the Labyrinth (Cathedral of Chartres)
500 – Baptism
500 – Confirmation
500 – Last Rites
485 – Visualisation (Healing)
405 – Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
390 – Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
350 – Random acts of kindness
310 – Prayer of Jabez
295 – Transcendental Meditation (TM)
250 – Kirtan (Yogic chant)
210 – Aum (Mantra)


Source: ► D. Hawkins, Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 17 Spiritual Truth, chart Spiritual Practices, S. 397, 2005



The downside of repetitious mantras

  • There is an inherent limitation to repetitious mantras in that they too often result in a semi-auto hypnotic, altered state of consciousness that actually becomes an obstruction to the sought-for state of realization.
    D. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 82, 2007

Index: Spirituelle Übungen / Spiritual practices

Meditation aids

~1201 AD, diameter 42.25 ft, path/line is about 17 inches wide, the center is about 10¼ ft wide, approximately 1/65th scale

English works
The Eye of the I

  • Liebe zu Gott, S. 36
  • Hingabe, S. 66
  • Spirituelles Engagement, S. 67
  • Verstand/Gemüt beobachten (Felder der Erkenntnis), S. 100-105
  • Allgemeine Meditationen, S. 121-123, S. 135
  • Introspektion (Innenschau), S. 131
  • Kontemplation, S. 133
  • Spirituelle Übung "Geschäftige Welt", S. 164
  • "Wofür?"-Meditation, S. 165
  • Abkürzung zur Erleuchtung, S. 177
  • Hilfsmittel, um das Ego zu mindern, S. 180, S. 292
  • Selbsterforschung, S. 194, S. 247
  • Einfachheit, S. 224, S. 285
  • Spirituelle Läuterung, S. 225
  • Intention zur Freundlichkeit, S. 228
  • Grundlegende Anweisung zur Meditation, S. 245
  • Verurteilen einstellen, S. 247
  • Intention, S. 252
  • Nützlich für die Welt, S. 257
  • Progressive Felder der Verwirklichung, S. 301

The Eye of the I

  • Love for God, S. 36
  • Surrender, S. 66
  • Spiritual Commitment, S. 67
  • Watching the Mind (Fields of Realization), S. 100-105
  • General Meditation, S. 121-123, S. 135
  • Introspection, S. 131
  • Contemplation, S. 133
  • "Busy World" Spiritual Practice, S. 164
  • "What for?" Meditation, S. 165
  • Shortcut to Enlightenment, S. 177
  • Tools to Lessen the Ego, S. 180, S. 292
  • Simplicity, S. 224, S. 285
  • Spiritual Purification, S. 225
  • Intention of Kindness, S. 228
  • Basic Meditation Instruction, S. 245
  • Self-Inquiry, S. 194, S. 247
  • Stop Judging, S. 247
  • Intention, S. 252
  • Helpful to the World, S. 257
  • Progressive Fields of Realization, S. 301

I. Reality and Subjectivity

  • Schritte zur Erleuchtung, Teil I Der Prozess, XXVI
  • Fortgeschrittener spiritueller Aspirant, S. 22
  • Kontemplation (mit peripherem und fokussiertem Blick) S. 27-31
  • Anhaftungen an das Denken überwinden; S. 44, S. 48
  • Plötzliche Erleuchtung, S. 94
  • Entsagung, S. 121
  • Verzicht auf Verlangen, S. 190
  • Prinzip der Gewissheit auf dem Totenbett, S. 201
  • Atemübungen, S. 235
  • Spirituelles Engagement, S. 299
  • Spirituelle Notfallhilfe, S. 378-379
  • Gewahrsein des Superegos, S. 381
  • Konzentration auf Subjektivität, S. 398

I. Reality and Subjectivity

  • The Steps of Enlightenment, S. XXVI
  • Advanced Seeker, S. 22
  • Contemplation (Peripheral and Central, S. 27-31
  • Transcending the Attachment to Thinkingness, S. 44 und 48
  • Sudden Enlightenment, S. 94
  • Renunciation, S. 121
  • Surrendering Desire, S. 190
  • Death-bed Certainty Principle, S. 201
  • Breathing Techniques, S. 235
  • Spiritual Commitment, S. 299
  • Spiritual First Aid, S. 378
  • Awareness of the super ego, S. 381
  • Focus on Subjectivity, S. 398

Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

List of meditative and contemplative techniques Spiritual Practices


Links zum Thema Spirituelle Übungen / Spiritual practices


Sieben klassische, in der geistigen Kultur verankerte, "Haltungen", um die eigene Spiritualität zu spüren, zu üben, zu vertiefen, zu erleben:
1. Meditation (und die Kraft des Atmens und des Geistes) • 2. Dankbarkeit kultivieren • 3. Im Kontakt mit der "Geistigen Welt“ • 4. Eins sein mit der Natur (und die Kraft der Pflanzen) • 5. Rituale (und damit die Präsenz der Vergangenheit) • 6. Gesang (die Macht der Musik) • 7. Pilgerreisen und Wallfahrten und "heilige Stätten"

"Ungeachtet der Glaubensrichtung aber, zu der sich die Befragten bekennen, kommen neueren Studien zufolge,
spirituelle Erlebnisse überraschend häufig vor, auch unter denjenigen, die sich selbst als nichtgläubig bezeichnen."

Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

  • George Pennington (*1947) amerikanisch-deutscher Psychologe, Berater, Trainer, psychologischer Forscher, TV-Psychologe, Buchautor, Die Tafeln von Chartres, undatiert
    • Grazyna Fosar, Franz Bludorf (†2023), deutsches Autorenpaar, Die Gralstafeln von Chartres, PDF, ehemals präsentiert
      von Fosar-Bludorf.com, neu aufgelegt von der Webseite uralte-heilwesen, undatiert

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)


Interne Links

Englisch Hawkins




1 Energieraubende Emotionen

2 See suggested reading material.

3 The "O" is pronounced like the name of the letter "O".

4 Interactive labyrinth of Chartes, presented by Labyrinthonline.com

5 Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Matthew 7, 13-14 (NT)

6 Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 17 Spiritual Truth, chart Spiritual Practices, S. 397, 2005

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