
Hawkins / SpirituellesEgo





Spirituelles Ego


The spiritual ego sees progress as gain or
status rather than as a gift and, therefore, responsibility. It will even parade pseudohu-
and overpiety and can become quite sanctimonious. It is also impressed by rank,
title, and the adulation of large numbers of
followers [...]


Dr. David R. Hawkins, Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment,
S. 319, 2006



Spirituelles Ego als Ausdruck des persönlichen Karmas

Nach Hawkins kann man das spirituelle Ego als die aktuelle Manifestation des eigenen Karmas betrachten. Die Überstrahlung (Auflösung) der Ego-Aspekte ist identisch mit der Aufhebung des eigenen Karmas. Betriebsbedingt sind beide identisch. Wer mit dem Begriff Karma nicht vertraut ist beziehungsweise nicht
damit zurecht kommt, kann ersatzweise vom Unbewussten sprechen.


Die Vorstellung des Ego nach Freud (Id, Ego und Superego) und in der konventio-
nellen Psychiatrie unterscheidet sich von der Ego-Definition des Suchtspezialisten und Psychiaters Dr. Harry M. Tiebout, der das "spirituelle Ego" entdeckt hat, als
er das erste weibliche Mitglied der Anonymen Alkoholiker-Gruppen Marty Mann
untersuchte. Ein gesundes Ego ist notwendig, um das Id in Schach zu halten, wo-
hingegen das spirituelle Ego gemindert und ausgeschleust beziehungsweise als Illusion gesehen werden muss, damit die zu Grunde liegende Realität erfahren werden kann.

Grundlegende Einstellungen des (spirituellen) Egos

Das spirituelle Ego...
1. denktdualistisch, indem es Phänome als gut ↔ schlecht, richtig ↔ falsch, gerecht ↔ ungerecht bewertet.
2. engagiert sichfür die Bestrafung des Bösen und die Belohnung des Guten.
3. glaubt andie Ungerechtigkeit des Lebens angesichts des Leidens von Unschuldigen und der ungestraften
Missetaten der Bösen.
4. glaubt anden Zufall bzw. an die Fehlbarkeit anderer als Verursacher von Ereignissen.
5. glaubt,der Verstand könne Wahrheit erkennen und verstehen und Irrtümliches ausmachen.
6. glaubt,nicht das Göttliche, sondern die Welt und das Weltliche bewirke und bestimme das irdische Erleben
der Menschen.
7. glaubt,der Mensch könne anders sein und sich anderes verhalten als er wesensmäßig ist und sich verhält.
8. glaubt andie Relevanz des Rechthabens.
9. glaubt andie Relevanz des Gewinnens (Debatten, Sport, Spiel, Geschäftsleben).
10. glaubt andie Notwendigkeit, Falsches zu korrigieren.
11. glaubt,Integrität müsse gewinnen (und sich dadurch beweisen).
12. glaubt andie Inhalte von Wahrnehmungen als angemessene Reflexion der Wirklichkeit.
Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, orientiert an der Aufzählung in Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 92, 2003

Zitate zum Thema Spirituelles Ego / Spiritual ego

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Das spirituelle Ego ist das Gefährlichste, was es auf Erden gibt. Quelle unbekannt


  • Wir erleben eine große Erleichterung, wenn wir erkennen, dass wir durch die Entscheidung für ein spirituelles Leben moralische Entrüstung und den daraus folgenden Hass anderen überlassen können. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 111, 2005


  • Wenn die wesentliche Dynamik der spirituellen Suche nicht spiritueller Ehrgeiz – irgendwo hinzukommen – ist, sondern die fortschreitende Übergabe der Hindernisse an die Liebe, entsteht später nicht das, was man "spirituelles Ego" nennt, als weiteres Hindernis. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 316, 2005


  • Was man normalerweise mit der Bezeichnung "spiritueller Stolz" meint, ist das Ergebnis der Illusion, dass es ein per-
    sönliches Selbst gebe, das die spirituelle Arbeit verrichtet. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 346, 2005


  • Lange Zeit war Religion die beste Quelle für spirituelle Wahrheit. Das Problem dabei ist, dass dies zur Bildung eines spiritualisierten Egos führt, das die gefährlichste Einrichtung auf dem Planeten Erde ist. "Wenn du uns nicht zustimmst, musst du sterben." Schon ein wenig von sich selbst eingenommen? Was meint ihr?
    Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Question: Does not spiritual ambition lead to having a 'spiritual ego'?
    Answer: Yes, if it remains only as ambition. By surrender and humility, ambition is replaced by the motivation of love, inspiration, and devotion. Source unknown


  • Surrender all motives except to serve God completely. To be the servant of God becomes one's goal rather than enlightenment. To be a perfect channel for God's love is to surrender completely and to eliminate the goal seeking
    of the spiritual ego. Joy itself becomes the initiator of further spiritual work.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 36, 2001



Seeking enlightenment as a secret means of securing ego's survival

  • For a while, the ego even resorts to seeking enlightenment as a secret means of securing its survival unto Eternity. By this slight of hand, the spiritual ego emerges in a desperate but now sophisticated form of survival. Our fantasies about our reality are dear to us and we are reluctant to relinquish them. The process requires both courage [200s] and faith [500s]. To let go of the known for the unknown requires great commitment, willingness, and devotion to surrendering one's faith to God.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 110, 2001


  • To survive, the ego has to believe it is real and that it has a seperate, independent existence. The other motive for
    its continuance is the belief that through ego and its betterment, happiness can be found at last and the perfect con-
    ditions for it are secured. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 115, 2001




Spiritual pride and ambition believe themselves to be the owner.

  • Question: Does not spiritual ambition lead to having a spiritual ego?
    Answer: Yes, if it remains only as ambition. By surrender and humility, ambition is replaced by the motivation of love, inspiration, and devotion. What is usually im-
    plied by the term 'spiritual pride' is the product of the illusion that there is a personal self and that is doing the spiritual work. These tendencies are countered by humility, thankfulness, and gratitude, and it is merely the spiritual inspiration that emanates as a supportive energy from the Self. Spiritual intention at-
    tracts higher energy fields that are experienced as grace. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 17 "Dialogues", S. 321, 2001; S. 247, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • In the ultimate reality there is no such thing as the ego, until that realization occurs. […] Never underestimate its wily strategies. The more realistic position is to respect its position and compassionately heal it. Once the ego is do-
    cile, it is more amenable to evaporating into the sunshine. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 330, 2003




Angel/animal conflict

Dichotomy between the primitive drives and conscience

  • In classical Freudian terminology, the 'ego' is understood and contextualized quite differently than it is in spiritual terminology. The Freudian ego is that aspect of the mind that has to deal with external reality, as well as balance and resolve the inner conflicts between the 'Id' (primitive drives) and conscience. Thus, psychological health is equated with having a healthy, realistic, and balanced personality. Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 52, 2006


  • People feel more positive as they reach this level, and the rise in self-esteem is a balm to all the pain experienced at lower levels of consciousness. Pride is far enough removed from Shame, Guilt, or Fear that to rise out of despair is an enormous jump. Pride as such generally has a good reputation and is socially encouraged, yet, as we see from the Map of the Scale of Consciousness, it is sufficiently negative to remain below the critical level of 200. Pride feels good only in contrast to the lower levels. Because "Pride goeth before a fall;" it is defensive and vulnerable as it is dependent upon external conditions, without which it can suddenly revert to a lower level. The inflated ego is vulnerable to attack. Pride remains weak because it can be knocked off its pedestal into Shame, which is the threat that fires the fear of loss of pride. Pride is divisive and gives rise to factionalism, resulting in costly consequences. Man has habitually died for Pride for which armies still regularly slaughter each other. Religious wars, political terrorism and zealotry, and the ghastly history of the Middle East and Central Europe are all the price of Pride and hatred for which all of society pays. The downside of Pride is arrogance and denial. These characteristics block growth. In Pride, recovery from ad-
    is impossible because emotional problems or character defects are denied. The whole problem of denial is
    that of Pride; thus, Pride is a very sizable block to the acquisition of real power, which displaces Pride with true
    stature and prestige.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 8, S. 147, 2006




Zealotry and overambition

  • Devotion and dedication sometimes lead to what is best termed 'overambition', overzealousness, or even fanaticism, which represent imbalance. A frequent error is to try to force the rise of the kundalini energy by artificial exercises and practices. The kundalini automatically rises to its own appropriate level in accord with the energy field of the prevailing level
    of consciousness. This occurs as a consequence of what one has 'become' and 'is'. To force the spiritual energy by manipulative means can result in serious disorders, imbalances, and even irrational mental states of confusion or delusion. This may result in grandiose states and self-claims to be a 'prophet', or even 'Jesus Christ' or a 'messiah'. Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, Section 5 "Overview", S. 379-319 [319-320], 2006


  • The true state is reflected in what one has become rather than what one believes or does. Thus, occult practices or magical manipulations and gymnastics are better bypassed in favor of true, substantial spiritual growth. Progress is facilitated by the willingness to surrender ambition to God. Error can be precluded by being alert to the ego's desire
    to survive by taking over the spiritual process.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, Section 5 "Overview", S. 319-320, 2006


  • The clever ego can extract the juice/payoff of secret gratification and pleasure from anything it arbitrarily selects. Ac-
    tually, it is always just the same goal over and over again. The 'what' that is desired is actually irrelevant. The locus
    is imagined to be 'out there' but is actually 'in here'. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 120, 2007



Spiritual evolution and the problem with specialness

  • Sometimes personal ego limitations are transcended, but the ego is clever and seeks to survive by incorporating spiritual concepts that thereby creates what is known as the 'spiritual ego'. It may display itself by feeling superior to others, or more pure, or that it calibrates higher. Sometimes the ego's vanity is simply the wish to be considered 'spiritual'.
    Another trap of spiritual vanity is intellectual vanity, which is exhibited by the accumulation of a great deal of infor-
    mation and data about the details of religious and spiritual groups and their evolution over time. To know 'about'
    spiritual truth, however, is not the same thing as 'knowing' it, much less 'becoming' it.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 140, 2007




  • [T]he ‘spiritual ego’ […] may display itself by
    • feeling superior to others,
    • or more pure,
    • or that it calibrates higher.
    • Sometimes the ego’s vanity is simply the wish to be considered ‘spiritual’.
    • Another trap of spiritual vanity is intellectual vanity, which is exhibited by the accumulation of a great deal of information and data about the details of religious and spiritual groups and their evolution over time. To know ‘about’ spiritual truth, however, is not the same thing as ‘knowing’ it, much less 'becoming' it.
    • Another variety of specialness is that with spiritual evolution, the capacity to love and radiate that field increa-
      ses, which is attractive to others who misinterpret it as personal love. Thus, infatuation may be a temptation,
      and seduction has been the downfall of many unwary teachers who had a high calibration level early in their
      careers but then showed very severe decreases later on.
Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, subheading "Allness Versus Nothingness", S. 140-141, 2007


  • The Internet also displays endless solicitations for a variety of purportedly spiritual programs that make wild promises
    of instant enlightenment. Note that these are all done for a sizeable fee, with very special 'blessings' or 'powers' for
    sale for five thousand dollars and up. That such solicitations cater to the narcissism of the spiritual ego is quite ob-
    vious and would thereby actually be self-defeating. Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 55, 2008


  • A useful approach is to let the love for God replace the willfulness that is driving the seeking. One can release all desire to seek, and realize that the thought that there is anything else but God is a baseless vanity. This is
    the same vanity that claims authorship for one's experiences, thoughts and actions.
    With reflection, it can be
    seen that both the body and the mind are the result of innumerable conditions of the universe, and that one is at best the witness of this concordance. Out of an unrestricted love for God arises the willingness to surrender all motives except
    to serve God completely. To be the servant of God becomes one's goal rather than enlightenment. Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, edited by Scott Jeffrey, Reflection of February 25th, January 2011



Swapping spiritual ambition with surrender



No doer of deeds, no credit or blame


  • 400s – Spiritual education leads to the development of the spiritual ego; expressed as in "I know that", "I've heard
    that", etc. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 1 of 2, 10. January 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Englische Texte – English section on the spiritual ego

On the path of the "seeker" there usually comes a point when they start to feel they have acquired some control of the process. Feeling special and superior, they declare their particular subjective work as the only way to proceed, especially if they’ve been appointed or qualified to teach a certain doctrine or way.


Around 45% of prominent "renowned" teachers, lecturers and famous authors arrive at the moment where they lose sight of
the spiritual path and wind up in the ego’s path, and consequently fall drastically in their level of consciousness. Fallen spiritu-
al leaders lead their flock into destruction as a result of the workings of the spiritual ego.


In the beginning spiritual students are hardly not concerned with becoming enlightened. The focus may shift to the teacher
instead of the teachings and the spiritual work or it may engage in non-integrous paranormal circus arenas.


"There are many pretenders and few true teachers. If there were true teachers, enlightenment
would be common and it isn’t."
Dr. David Hawkins


The spiritual ego can become an obstacle to enlightenment. Constant witnessing and surrendering of the ego and its propen-
sities to Divinity is the antidote.

Index: Spirituelles Ego – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Spirituelles Ego / Spiritual ego


  • Johannes vom Kreuz [Juan de la Cruz] [LoC 605] (1542-1591) spanischer Karmelit, Priester, Dichter, Kirchenlehrer, Mystiker, Heiliger, Die dunkle Nacht, Erstes Buch Über die Unvollkommenheiten der Anfänger auf dem geistlichen Weg, Herder Verlag, 1995

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit Kaisa Puhakka, Das transpersonale Ego: eine neue Struktur?, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Heft 4, ~2000
  • Interview mit Mata Amritanandamayi [Ammaji, Mutter Amma, Hugging Saint] [BW 300] (*1953) populärer indischer weib-
    licher Guru bekannt durch Umarmungs-Darshans, Leiterin des weltweit vertretenen gemeinnützigen hinduistischen Vereins Am-
    rita, Wenn du das Ego überwindest, wirst du zum Geschenk für die Welt, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Er-
    leuchtung? (WIE)", Amy Edelstein, Heft 4, ~2000
  • Interview mit Archimandrit Dionysios, Der innere Feind, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Craig Hamilton, US-amerikanischer Pionier in emergierender evolutionärer Spiritualität, Chefredakteur des WIE-Magazins (1998-12/2006), Heft 4, ~2000

External web links (engl.)

  • Wikipedia entries


Interne Links



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