
Hawkins / TorEndgueltiges

(umgeleitet von Hawkins.TorEndgültiges)





Endgültiges Tor – BW 600, BW 850, BW 975/999
Finale Schwellen der Egoauflösung




Eingangstor einer Moschee mit Eisensäule
Qutb-Komplex Delhi, Indien



Drei finale Schwellen – drei Arten der Egoauflösung

Angesichts seiner fortgesetzten transformativen Erlebnisse (Bewusstseinssprünge) berichtet Hawkins, der Lehrer des
Wegs der Erleuchtung, von drei aufeinanderfolgenden Schwellen, die bei der Auflösung des Egos von Bedeutung sind:

Drei Stufen auf dem Weg zur Endgültigen Schwelle (Egotod)
1.BW 600 Auflösung des gewöhnlichen 'persönlichen' EgosErleuchtung
Hierbei vergeht die Identifikation mit dem jeweiligen Körper/Verstand/Ego.
2.BW 850 Auflösung des spirituellen Egos sowie des kollektiven UnbewusstenLuziferische Versuchung / Leere
Bei der Versuchung durch luziferische Kräfte und der Begegnung mit der Leerheit wird die Identifikation mit dem Menschsein, dem menschlichen Kontext und dem kollektiv unbewussten Kontext
des Lebens übergeben.1
3.BW 975 / BW 999 Endgültiger Ego-TodHingabe des Lebens ansich
Hier wird das Leben ansich hingegeben. "Das Leben ansich" bezeichnet den Ego-Kern als Realität.2/3

Zitate zum Thema Endgültiges Tor (Egoauflösung) / Final Doorway

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • The last confrontation arises unannounced, and, therefore, it is never too early to be prepared. It can happen to a seeming novice, a 'spiritual idiot', or even an atheist at the point of death. It can happen to a lowly sinner in the depths of hell; it can happen as the car rolls over the cliff from a fatal impact; it can happen just as a devotee is about to give up; and it can happen after decades of seemingly futile spiritual practice. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 277, 2003



LoC 850 doorway:

84 % of the candidates do not pass the transition.

  • From consciousness research, we discover that eighty-four percent of those who arrive at the final doorway to enlightenment fail to successfully make the transition. It is therefore in the service of serious students that these teachings are provided and the nature of the condition is described in detail.
Be resolute on the level of absolutely no reservation.
► Avoid the lure of the astral realms.
► Beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing [LoC 120] for they are attracted to the devotee who is making significant
► Do not accept anyone into your life who does not pass the calibratable level of Truth.
► Keep your spiritual goal ever in awareness, no matter what the activity.
► Dedicate all endeavors to God.
► Remember the true nature of God and avoid any teaching that states otherwise.
All the truth that is necessary to know has already been spoken by actual beings on this planet. All great teachers proclaim the same truth for there is none other. The radiance of the Self within beckons one on and provides spiritual inspiration and strength. The presence of God within is the Source of one's existence; therefore, to seek one's sour-
ce is in accord with God's will.

The desire to search for God or enlightenment is already evidence of having been spiritually inspired. As the ego va-
cates, the radiance of the Self uplifts and inspires. Henceforth, it is not possible to be alone. At the critical moment, spiritual commitment and dedication bring forth the unseen help of the great beings who are no longer in physical bo-
dies, yet their energy stands at the great doorway of the final moment when one is sustained by the Holy Spirit and
the wisdom of the Teachers of Truth. I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 16 "The Final Doorway", S. 286-287, 2003


  • Question: So the final surrender is not of the self as the core of the ego, but one's attachment to it?
    Answer: That is a servicable way of expressing it. It is the attachment to the belief that the personal 'I' is the core of one's existence and is the source of life and the sense of 'I'. When that illusion is surrendered despite all obstacles
    it is discovered that the sense of 'I-ness' had originated all along from from the universal, impersonal 'I'. It is like a
    sunbeam which thinks that its light originates from itself and then discovers that all the while, the source of its illu-
    mination was really the sun. With this discovery, there is a giant relief. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 357, 2003


  • Question: How am I aware or even know that I exist?
    Answer: That question is the best that can be acted upon for it leads directly and nonverbally to the ever present Reality. Identify with that quality, capacity or condition of ever present subjectivity which is experienced as an under-
    lying awareness. It is consciousness itself. Identify with that consciousness instead of with the 'what' it is conscious about. That is the direct route to the Self. It is actually the only practice that leads directly through the doorway.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 399, 2003


  • As this approaches, the entire context is pristine, pure, formless and non-linear. There are no 'others' nor is there any where to turn. There are no personal qualities or positionalities, nor is thinkingness available, as the mind is silent and non-conceptual. There are no images or memories. Consciousness alone remains as awareness itself, with no object or content of that consciousness awareness. It merely is of its own, with neither subject nor object. It is awareness it-
    self that is aware, and there is no remaining 'entity' that is aware.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 14 "The Final Doorway", S. 228, 2007


  • When conditions, including mind set, intention, and dedication, are favorable, a decision may arise to drop every-
    thing in the world and throw oneself totally into an all-out, "go for it". Continous, laser-like, focused surrendering
    of the perceiver/experiencer aspect of the ego. This process takes one quite rapidly beyond the mind to the very "processing edge" of the experiencer. Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 356, 2008



Great Beings await seekers at the final door.



  • To surrender to God is to die. At that moment the warrior within you comes and then arises the fear of death. You have never experienced it before (death). There is the fear of death and the fear of the void. What arises is the terror
    of nothingness. At that moment, the energy of those who have been through it comes to you and you will remember
    to walk straight ahead no matter what. No matter how severe the fear, the greatest fear of all, walk through it.
    The terror lasts for an ungodly minute and then one has made it through.
    The majority turn back. 85 % turn back. If you fail to walk through, it is crushing. Those who have turned back remain
    silent. To not go through takes much time from which to recover.
    At that moment of death, die for God and walk through that fear. And then there stands the glory unfolding a ra-
    diance so magnificent that is beyond all comprehension. And at that moment, you have walked past humanness it-
    self. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • There is one basic saying in zen that one can rely on completely: Walk through all fear no matter what, committed to spiritual truth, no matter what. Know it with a concrete faith that that within you which is dedicated to reaching God is what has brought you to the point of death and at that time then [...] one says For thee, O Lord God, do I lay down
    my life
    . Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • There comes a time when one is confronted with a knowingness that the last and final step is facing you and the re-
    quirement is to die. Unless the fear of absolute death arises that isn't the Final Door. […] because you still have hope
    left. But when that is eliminated there is no way out and one is confronted with the absoluteness, the things that are
    operative at the point are the energy field of the Teacher in whom you have great faith, who
    tells you to walk through that because that Teacher has walked through it. Therefore the conviction of the truth of the
    inner experience is very firm, rock like, and you feel its rock like-ness, that knowingess of those who go through, be-
    cause everyone who has gone through leaves that conviction there, there is that rock like knowingness to walk through
    all fear no matter what. But the fear is quite intense, because it is death, it is death; and something else is needed.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • Within yourself already exists that which is willing to lay down its life for God, that is not something you have to acquire, or something you have to develop. It is something you locate within yourself, because that question will come up over and over again in the spiritual pathway, "Am I willing to surrender this to God, am I willing to surrender that to God?" and you will then locate within yourself that there is a capacity to lay anything down for God. If Krishna, the Buddha, or Jesus stood here and said, will you lay down your life for me, you would say Yes, O Lord, and you find within your self that which would say "Yes, O Lord" to that request. If you do that you will finesse that knowingness from yourself be-
    cause it is already within the Self. It is wise to come to know that within yourself, to know it is there, and that you can call upon it. Because now at that final door you have the profound strength and conviction, that is strength, the strength of the truth of God affirmed by those who have walked through it. That is the pathway of nonduality, but then combined with it is the power of devotion, so the heart and the mind are one at the point. The devotion, that within you which is willing to lay down its life for God, locate that within yourself now, when you don't need it because the final moment arises unannounced: in fact quite unexpected.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • That is what the feeling is, because the ego is stronger [...] it defies everything, the ego is just unbelievable, the tricks [...], and it has learned this over huge expanses, speaking from a temporal, perceptual viewpoint, it's learned it over huge time, how to survive, and now it faces extinction in this particular consciousness and it struggles for survival. Without me, you will die, that is what it's gonna tell you. I am your life, I am the source of you life, I am the core of
    your existence. Surrender me and you're dead
    . That is where you need the conviction, you reach withing yourself
    and say For thee O Lord, do I lay down my life itself. And then you summon forth the very core of devotion be-
    cause there is within you already that which loves God more than the personal self.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • The more we let go of the content, the greater is the effect of the context. It is the power of context then, that
    is responsible for our existence. The ego would have you believe that it is the source of your continued existence,
    but it's not. We exist in spite of the ego and not because of it. It is safe to let it go.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • Question: I’ve been studying A Course in Miracles as well as your teachings for the past eight years and through this I’ve gone through a lot of what feels like an undoing process. I’ve gotten to a point now where it feels as if I'm at a
    place where I’ve almost had experiences where I’ve felt I had to surrender my existence, not my existence but exis-
    tence itself, I felt I had to surrender that and it was too scary for me to go through. I felt like I was being sucked into
    a vortex [...]
    Answer: Yes.
    Question: of energy that you would never be able to come back out of once you make it through there and it was
    too scary. The couple of times when this has come up I’ve pulled out of it because of fear and I wonder if you could
    tell me if you think that it’s safe to do that or if my instinct [...]
    Answer: Well I’ve walked through that door and I’ve described that door. [...]
    Question: That’s why I came here to ask you this.
    Answer: I’ve described that door.
    Question: Did it feel like demons were pulling at you. Did it feel demonic and fearful and […] was
    it scary?
    Answer: Terrifying. It’s safe for her to surrender what she is contemplating surrendering. Resist. [Tested as true.]
    All fear is illusion.
    Prescott Seminar Happiness, DVD 3 of 3, track 6, minute 51:49-52:14, 25. April 2009

Steps to the final doorway

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Be resolute on the level of absolutely no reservation.
  • Avoid the lure of astral realms. Beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing for they are attracted to the devotee who
    is making significant progress
  • Do not accept anyone into your life who has not passed the calibratable level of Truth.
  • Keep your spiritual goal ever in awareness, no matter what the activity.
  • Dedicate all endeavors to God.
  • Remember the true nature of God and avoid any teaching that states otherwise.


  • All the truth that is necessary to know has already been spoken by actual beings on this planet.
  • All great teachers proclaim the same Truth for there is none other.
  • The radiance of the Self within beckons one on and provides spiritual inspiration and strength.
  • The presence of God within is the Source of one's existence; therefore, to seek one's source is in accord with
    God's will.


  • The desire to search for God or Enlightenment is already evidence of having been spiritually inspired.
  • As the ego vacates, the radiance of the Self uplifts and inspires.
  • Henceforth, it is not possible to be alone.
  • At the critical moment, spiritual commitment and dedication bring forth the unseen help of the great beings who are no longer in physical bodies, yet their energy stands at the great doorway of the final moment when one is sustained by the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of the teachers of Truth.

I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 286, 2003

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Quotes by various other sources

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few will walk on.
Matthew 7, 14 (NT)


Then Jesus cried with a loud voice and said, O my Father, into thy hands I commit
my spirit. He said this and passed away.
Jesus Christ, Luke 24, 46 (NT)


Personal avowal

  • 'I cannot live with myself any longer.' This was the thought that kept repeating itself in my mind. Then suddenly I became aware what a peculiar thought it was. 'Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the 'I' and the 'self' that 'I' cannot live with.' 'Maybe,' I thought, 'only one of them is real.' I was so stunned by this strange realization that my mind stopped. I was fully conscious, but there were no more thoughts. Then I felt drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy. It was a slow movement at first and then accelerated. I was gripped by an intense fear, and my body started to shake. I heard the words 'resist nothing,' as if spoke inside my chest. I could feel myself being sucked into a void. It felt as if the void was inside myself rather than outside. Suddenly there was no more fear, and I let myself fall into that void. Eckhart Tolle [LoC 525⇒240] (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment [LoC 545/565], Namaste Publishing, 1997, New World Library, 1999
  • Those who relinquish the body while remembering Me at the moment of death will come to Me. There is certainly no doubt about this. Krishna [LoC 1000] († 3102 BC) Indian Avatar, central figure of Hinduism, cited in: The Bhagavad Gita [LoC 910], 2 volumes, chapter 8, verse 5, Self-Realization Fellowship, 2nd edition 15. September 1995


  • The substance of the Absolute is inwardly like wood or stone, in that it is motionless, and outwardly like the void, in that it is without bounds or obstructions. It is neither subjective nor objective, has no specific location, is formless, and can-
    not vanish. Those who hasten towards it dare not enter, fearing to hurtle down through the void with nothing to cling to or to stay there fall. Huang Po (Huangbo Xiyun) [LoC 960] (770-~850 AD) Chinese Chan master of Zen Buddhism, John Eaton Calthorpe Blofeld, translator, The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po: On the Transmission of Mind, preface by P'ei Hsiu, Chinese scholar,
    S. 32, Grove Press, Evergreen, 1st edition 18. January 1994


  • The jnani has died before his death, he saw that there was nothing to be afraid of. The moment you know your real being, you are afraid of nothing. Death gives freedom and power. To be free in the world, you must die to the world.
    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj [LoC 720] (1897-1981) Indian Hindu sage of the advaita vedānta tradition, I Am That. Talks with Sri Ni-
    , S. 113, Acorn Press, 1973, June 1990


  • "What if anyone is dead? What if anyone is ruined? Be dead yourself – be ruined yourself." In that sense there is no pain after one's death. What is meant by this sort of death? Annihilation of the ego, though the body is alive. If the ego persists the man is afraid of death. The man mourns another's death. He need not do so if he predeceases them (by waking up from the ego-dream, which amounts to killing the egosense). […]
    In the effort to overcome birth and death man looks up to the Supreme Being to save him. Thus are born faith and de-
    votion to the Lord. How to worship Him? The creature is powerless and the Creator is Allpowerful. How to approach
    Him? To entrust oneself to His care is the only thing left for him; total surrender is the only way. Therefore he surren-
    ders himself to God. Surrender consists in giving up oneself and one's possessions to the Lord of Mercy. Then what
    is left over for the man? Nothing – neither himself nor his possessions.
    Sri Ramana Maharshi [LoC 720] (1879-1950) Indian Hindu sage, saint, Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi. On Realizing Abiding Peace and Happiness, Inner Directions, 2nd edition 1. August 2000


  • God would have you keep back nothing from Him, little or great. He will have it all; in proportion to what you know you have given will your reward be great or small. There is no more certain sign whether or not we have reached the prayer of union. Do not imagine that this state of prayer is, like the one preceding it, a sort of drowsiness (I call it 'drowsiness' because the soul seems to slumber, being neither quite asleep nor wholly awake). In the prayer of union the soul is asleep, fast asleep, as regards the world and itself: in fact, during the short time this state lasts it is deprived of all feeling whatever, being unable to think on any subject, even if it wished. No effort is needed here to suspend the thoughts: if the soul can love it knows not how, nor whom it loves, nor what it desires. In fact, it has died entirely to this world, to live more truly than ever in God. This is a delicious death, for the soul is deprived of the faculties it exercised while in the body: delicious because, (although not really the case), it seems to have left its mortal covering to abide more entirely in God. So completely does this take place, that I know not whether the body retains sufficient life to continue breathing; on consideration, I believe it does not; at any rate, if it still breathes, it does so unconsciously. Teresa of Ávila [LoC 715] (1515-1582) Spanish Carmelite nun, Roman Catholic saint, mystic, theologian, Interior Castle, 1577,
    S. 64, Dover Publication, 29. February 2008


  • Now rejoice, all ye powers of my soul, that you are so united with God that no one may separate you from Him. I
    cannot fully praise nor love Him therefore must I die, and cast myself into the divine void, till I rise from non-exis-
    tence to existence. Meister Eckhart O.P. (Eckhart of Hochheim) [LoC 705] (1260-1328) German mystic, Dominican theo-
    logian, philosopher, Sermon V "The Self-Communication of God", cited in: Quotepark


  • 'He that will save his life, the same shall lose it.' That is to say: He that will possess anything or seek anything for him-
    self, the same shall lose it; and he that loses his soul for My sake, the same shall gain it. That is to say: He who for
    Christ's sake renounces all that his will can desire and enjoy, and chooses that which is most like to the Cross (which
    the Lord Himself, through Saint John, describes as hating his soul [248]), the same shall gain it. And this His Majesty
    taught to those two disciples who went and begged Him for a place on His right hand and on His left; when, giving no
    countenance to their request for such glory, He offered them the chalice which He had to drink, as a thing more pre-
    cious and more secure upon this earth than is fruition. [...]
    This chalice is death to the natural self, a death attained through the detachment and annihilation of that self, in order
    that the soul may travel by this narrow path, with respect to all its connections with sense, as we have said, and ac-
    cording to the spirit, as we shall now say; that is, in its understanding and in its enjoyment and in its feeling. And, as
    a result, not only has the soul made its renunciation as regards both sense and spirit, but it is not hindered, even by
    that which is spiritual, in taking the narrow way, on which there is room only for self-denial (as the Saviour explains),
    and the Cross, which is the staff wherewith one may reach one's goal, and whereby the road is greatly lightened and
    made easy. [...]
    This he said that the truly spiritual man may understand the mystery of the gate and of the way of Christ, and so be-
    come united with God, and may know that, the more completely he is annihilated for God's sake, according to these
    two parts, the sensual and the spiritual, the more completely is he united to God and the greater is the work which he
    accomplishes. And when at last he is reduced to nothing, which will be the greatest extreme of humility, spiritual union
    will be wrought between the soul and God, which in this life is the greatest and the highest state attainable. This con-
    sists not, then, in refreshment and in consolations and spiritual feelings, but in a living death of the Cross, both as to
    sense and as to spirit – that is, both inwardly and outwardly.
    John of the Cross [San Juan de la Cruz] [LoC 605] (1542-1591) Spanish Catholic saint, mystic, Carmelite friar, priest, leading fi-
    gure of the Counter-Reformation, The Essential St. John of the Cross, S. 140, Start Publishing, 2012


  • The Supreme Maha Parinirvana (supreme enlightenment) is perfect, permanent, calm, and illuminating. Common people and ignorant ones miscall it death, while heretics hold arbitrarily that it is annihilation. Hui Neng (638-713)
    sixth and last Chinese Chan (Zen) Buddhism patriarch, Platform Sutra, composed in China, 8th-13th century


Englische Texte – English section on Final door

⚡ Three to four thresholds – three to four kinds of "ego death"

Three to four rungs of the ladder leading up to the final doorway
Following his own transformative experiences (leaps in consciousness) D. Hawkins references
three successive and distinct doorsteps whereby different intensities i.e. sheaths of the ego dissolve.
RungLevel of ConsciousnessDescriptionLegend
1.LoC 600Dissolution of the
ordinary 'personal' ego
The identification with the respective physical body / mind / ego dissolves.4
2.LoC 850Dissolution of the
spiritual ego and the collective unconscious
Testing by the Luciferic and the Void
The identification with humanness, the human context
and the collective unconscious context of life dis-
3.LoC 975 / LoC 999Final ego death
Surrender of Life itself
'Life itself' i.e. the core of the ego as reality is surrendered.6/7
1.LoC 1250 "I" (of the Essence of Divine Creation8
Note Caveat:
Hawkins believed his ego died in 1965. "Ego death" requires adequate integration. A state of imagined egolessness is problematic.
Within a span of 18 years of his ministry Hawkins moved himself up the prominent stages of his ladder Map of Consciousness and beyond.


  • The revelation of spiritual truth was now spontaneous and occurring; and in that instant, the ego really died.
    Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on Advanced States of Consciousness, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998 Transcript removed from Veritas Publishing sale offer in mid 2013

    The personal  is especially deceptive when one denies its existence and believes it is egoless, as Hawkins' case clearly illustrates. Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind
    the Teachings of David R. Hawkins
    , chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", S. 149, Creative Crayon Publishers,
    14. January 2013


  • In psychoanalytic terms, this is called a savior complex or a messiah complex. A complex is a troubling cluster
    of mental content (images, memories, fantasies, wishes, and so on) that forms an organized whole in the psyche.
    A complex is either partly or totally unconscious, meaning that a person is unaware that this organized cluster of
    mental content exists. A savior complex occurs when, by its own grandiosity, the ego gets so inflated that it be-
    lieves it is a savior or a messiah to humankind.
    How might this savior complex have developed in Hawkins? Based on my personal experience as Hawkins' bio-
    grapher and through my analysis of his teachings, I believe Hawkins dissociated from his body and mind, as
    well as his ego, shadow, and overall personality.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant,
    author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Disso-
    ciated", subheading "The Savior complex", S. 141, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


  • An individual undergoing the death-rebirth process would confront such themes internally as mandatory stages of
    the process of inner transformation. He or she would have to experience them and integrate them to reach "higher
    sanity" and a new level of consciousness. […] The critical turning point in the process of inner transformation is ego death and the conceptual destruction of the individual's old world.
    Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. erowid.org (*1931)
    Czech US American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, co-developer of transpersonal psychology, teacher, author, Beyond
    the Brain. Birth, Death, and Transendence in Psychotherapy
    , S. 427-428, State University of New York Press, 1. August 1985

Index: Endgültiges Tor / Final Doorway – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Endgültiges Tor (Egoauflösung) / Final Doorway

Externe Weblinks

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit Deepak Chopra, Cheri Huber, Paul Lowe und Saniel Bonder, Selbstakzeptanz oder Ego-Tod?, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Carter Phipps, US-amerikanischer Redaktionsleiter des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext, Journalist, Autor zum Thema evolutionäre Spiritualität, Heft 4, ~2000

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)


Interne Links

Englisch Hawkins




1 Erleuchtung ist möglich. The Stairway to Enlightenment, Teil 5 Transzendenz, S. 335-384, 2008

2 Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, Kapitel 14 "The Final Doorway", S. 229, 2007

3 Audioserie The Discovery, 6 CD-Set, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007

4 Sources of Hawkins' ego death: I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 278, 2003; Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 22, 2007

5 Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, section 5 Transcendence, S. 309-355, 2006

6 "To Thee, O Lord, do I surrender life itself." […]
This confrontation is the first and only time it will ever have to be faced and surrendered. As one lets go, there are a few moments of dread, and then the doorway opens to the Infinite Splendor and Glory that is beyond all description. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 14 'The Final Doorway', S. 229, 2007

7 Audio series The Discovery, 6 CD set, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007

8 I. Reality and Subjectivity, Enlightened and Divine States, S. 151-152 und S. 367-368, 2003

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