
Hawkins / Prinzipien





Prinzipien – Göttliche Gesetzmäßigkeiten
BW 700



Pareto principle





Zitate zum Thema Prinzipien / Principles

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Der luziferische Irrtum besteht darin, dass ein Geistwesen, obwohl es sich über das normale menschliche Karma hinaus entwickelt hat, immer noch den karmischen Gesetzen des Universums und Gott unterworfen bleibt.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel 15 "Karma", S. 352, 2006


Quotes by D. Hawkins


⚠ Caveat:

Hawkins favoring specialness, ladder elitism

Should conclusion

  • Consistent application of any spiritual principle can unexpectedly result in a very major and sudden leap to unanticipated levels. At that point, memory may not even be available, and instead, the Knowingness of Spiritual Truth presents itself silently. Spiritual students should accept the reality that they are already gifted. A serious reader of a book such as this could hardly be otherwise. Divinity knows its own; therefore, to accept that truth
    is to already feel joy. To not experience joy by understanding this means that it is being resisted.
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 18 "Full Enligtenment", S. 304, 2001
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Every civilization is characterized by native principles. If the principles of a civilization are noble, it succeeds; if they are selfish, it falls. As a term, "principles" may sound abstract, but the consequences of principles are quite con-
    If we examine principles we will see that they reside in an invisible realm within consciousness itself. Although we can point out examples of honesty in the world, honesty itself as an organizing principle central to civilization is no-
    where independently existent in the external world. True power, then, emanates from consciousness itself; what
    we see is a visible manifestation of the invisible. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 8
    "The Source of Power", S. 133-134, Hay House, Februar 2002



The spiritual non-violent approach based on universal principles

  • Violence is force, but since [Mahatma] Gandhi was aligned with power instead of force, he forbade all use of violence in his cause. And because he expressed uni-
    versal principles (which calibrate at 700) he was able to unite. When the will of the people is so united by and aligned with universal principle, it’s virtually unconque-
    rable. Colonialism (calibrated at 175) is founded in the self-interest of the ruling country, Gandhi demonstrated, for the world to witness, the power of selflessness versus the force of self-interest. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 10 "Power in Politics", S. 152, Hay House, February 2002


  • The power of the United States, or any other democracy, arises from the principles upon which it was founded. Principles that calibrate as high as 700 affect mankind over great courses of time. Thus we can find the basis
    of power by examining such documents the U.S. Constitution [LoC 710], the Bill of Rights [LoC 640], and the Decla-
    ration of Independence [LoC 705].
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 10 "Power in Politics", S. 156, Hay House, February 2002



The effects of "failing to differentiate principle from expediency"



Differentiating principle from expediency

  • [The average person cannot] differentiate principle from expediency [...] Learning the difference between principles and imitators requires experience and educated judgment. The exercise of such discretion is necessary for moral survival in the modern world in general, but it is imperative in those grayest of areas, where ethical ambiguity has been elevated
    from convention to [an] art form: the political arena and the marketplace of daily commerce. Power vs. Force. The
    Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
    , chapter 10 "Power in Politics", S. 159, Hay House, Februar 2002




Differentiation between surrender and sacrifice

  • These [surrender and sacrifice] are arbitrary terms which presume that one is looking at spiritual principles from the viewpoint of the ego's vested interests and justifications for negativity. To the ego, spiritual principles represent a possible loss of positionality, but from the viewpoint of spirit, they are gains.
    The primary surrenders and sacrifices have to do with the substitution of humility for vanity. In actual practice, one merely relinquishes the vanities of opinionation and judgmentalism.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 66, 2001



The linear ⇔ the nonlinear Absolute

Mere presumptions ⇔ self-revealing principles


  • As mentioned previously, René Descartes made the seminal observation that there is the mind itself (res interna/co-
    gitans), and then there is external reality (res externa – the world or nature as it is). The principle could be seen as a way of stating the difference between perception and essence. That there is often great disparity between the two con-
    ditions is the dilemma of humankind, as has been noted by the sages of history, such as in Socrates' dictum that man
    always chooses what appears to be the 'good', but his difficulty is that he cannot tell the 'real' good from that which is
    illusory (i.e., differentiate appearance from essence). Note that 'do-gooders' (cal. 190) frequently bring about long-term
    social disasters (Charen, 2004). Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 76, 2008



Spiritual students perfecting the 400s leaping into the 500s



Principles above personalities

  • AA has a saying: "Just bring the body, and you will get it by osmosis." It places principles above personalities and means that it is the unconditional love of the healing field itself that nurtures, supports, and brings about the miracle of recovery. The importance of alignment with that energy field is because the feeling of gratitude, which is at about 540, is characteristic of AA. At this level are the values of laughter, humor, and the capacity for a different way of holding experiences. Instead of self-pity, fear, or anger and its expression as resentement, there is now humor about the expe-
    rience, which at the time was perhaps tragic. Because of this willingness to be forgiving and understanding, out of the healing nature of this energy field arise the joyful states characterized by compassion and the desire to heal through understanding. This transition marks the beginning of transfiguration in one's consciousness, the beginning of seeing the perfection of the world and experiencing the oneness of all things and all life.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 13 "Alcoholism", S. 410, 2009



Living by basic spiritual dictums




  • The way men tradtionally cross over the level of 200, the way you cross over from [moral] cowardice to integrous cou-
    rage is you literally do walk into the bullets in the name of a higher principle is you literally do walk into the bullets in
    the name of a higher principle
    , in the name of God, country, the king, divinity, womanhood, the family, university, for whatever reason you do it is for some higher principle other than an egoistic one. And you transcend it and you never have to return below 200. Removed audio lecture and Q&A by D. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Any-
    , part 4 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 24:11, 45:25 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011



Standing up for truth is spiritual. It requires a principled strong character.

  • Spirituality means to stand up for truth. It doesn't mean to passively lie down [LoC 145] and allow yourself to become the victim and think that you are pious and holy with all that. Piety and holyness means also to stand for the truth. Truth is also strength, strength and commitment. […] It's up to your wisdom how and when to express it, but nevertheless we stand for that in which we believe in. Otherwise we are people without principles. Without principles one is weak and easy to knock over. The value of mores and spiritual principles, religious principles, logic, reason is it gives you a strength at your character. In times of great stress that's when you are going to need that character. When you need it it's there because it's habitual. Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, lecture 7, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005


  • Question (woman): I have a little 17 year old at home who is spreading the word Hawkins. [...] She is such a devoted disciple.
    Answer: Share the principles, not the person through which you heard the principles. [...]
    Question (woman): She heard your voice above all else.
    Answer: Principles above personalities. [Applause] It's the principles not who you heard them from.
Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, 3 DVD set, minute ~3:17:00, 26. January 2008


  • The basic rule in spirituality is that you walk straight ahead no matter what.
    Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008

Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Derjenigen unter den Menschen, die nach Grundsätzen verfahren, sind nur sehr wenige, welches auch überaus gut ist, da es so leicht geschehen kann, dass man in diesem Grundsätzen irre, und alsdann der Nachteil, der daraus erwächst, sich um desto weiter erstreckt, je allgemeiner der Grundsatz und je standhafter die Person ist, die ihn sich vorgesetzt hat. Immanuel Kant [BW 460] (1724-1804) deutscher Philosoph der Aufklärung, Autor, Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schö-
    nen und Erhabenen
    , 2. Abschnitt "Von den Eigenschaften des Erhabenen und Schönen am Menschen überhaupt", 1764; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Prinzipien


  1. Gesetz der Wechselwirkung (Was du säst, wirst du vielfach ernten.)
  2. Anziehung der Gleichart
  3. Gesetz des Ausgleichs (Gleichgewicht von Geben und Nehmen)
  4. Schweres sinkt nach unten, Leichtes steigt auf.
  5. Gesetz der Entsprechung (Wie oben, so unten. Wie innen so außen.)
  6. Gesetz des Anschlussverlangens (Ergänzung von Mann/Frau uvam.)
  7. Innewohnendes Streben nach geistiger Erkenntnis
  8. Gesetz der Bewegung (Alles fließt.)
  9. Gesetz der Entwicklung


  • Ich habe eiserne Prinzipien. Wenn sie Ihnen nicht gefallen, habe ich auch noch andere.
    Groucho Marx (1890-1977) US-amerikanischer Komödiant, Entertainer, Schauspieler, zitiert in: 1000 Zitate

Quotes by various other sources


  • Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson [LoC 485, work LoC 475] (1803-1882) US American philosopher, Unitarian, lecturer, poet, essayist, essay
    Self-Reliance, 1841, 2nd edition 1847


  • Everything you've learned in school as "obvious" becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe.
    For example, there are no solids in the universe. There's not even a suggestion of a solid. There are no absolute continuums. There are no surfaces. There are no straight lines.
    Generalized principles coined by Buckminster Fuller [LoC 445] (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author, cited in: John A. Keel, Our Haunted Planet, S. 11, Galde Press, 2002


  • Only principles endure and these I now possess. [...] For what is success other than a state of mind? Which two,
    among a thousand wise men, will define success in the same words; yet failure is always described but one way.
    'Failure is man's inability to reach his goals in life, whatever they may be.' Augustine "Og" Mandino II (1923-1996) US American recovering alcoholic, bestselling author, The 10 Scrolls, Bantam, reissued 1. January 1983



  • It is of interest that even such a concrete question, namely, why do the Sun and the stars shine, i.e., why are they
    out of thermal equilibrium with the ambient space, cannot be answered within the known physical laws.
    Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev (1908-1983) Russian astronomer, astrophysicist, Causal mechanics and the possibility of experi-
    mental studies of the properties of time
    , published in the journal "History and Methodology of Natural Science", 2nd issue, published
    in "Physics", Moscow (in Russian), S. 96, 1963



  • [Paraphrased?] Men do not invent arts and sciences.
    They discover the principles which have always existed.
    Manly Palmer Hall [LoC 485] (1901-1990) Canadian-born mystic, occultist, 33rd degree Freemason, author, source unknown



  • Softer than the flower where kindness is concerned;
    stronger than the thunder where principles are at stake.
    Vedic definition of a man of God, in an ancient Veda text of India; cited in: Paramahansa Yogananda [Mukunda Lal Ghosh] [LoC 540] (1893-1952) Bengalian Indian Hindu sage, yogi, philosopher, author, Autobiography of a Yogi, chapter 12, S. 92, Self-Realization Fellowship, Thus, 1st edition 12. December 1946


Sunset in Cuba
  • All the principles of heaven and earth are living inside you. Life itself is truth, and this will never change. Everything in heaven and earth breathes. Breath is the thread that ties creation together.
    Morihei Ueshiba [Great Teacher] (1883-1969) Japanese philosopher, martial artist, creator of the martial art of Aikido, author, translator John Stevens, The Art of Peace, S. 48, Shambhala Publications, London and Boston, 10. November 1992, 2002


  • The ancients, who were superior to us and dwelt nearer to the Gods, have handed down a tradition that all things that are said to exist consist of a One and Many and contain in themselves the connate principles of Limit and Unlimitedness.
    Plato [LoC 485] (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, Philebus, 16c, 360-347 BC


  • All these [scientific] principles added together still do not tell us what the content is of the nature that we are talking about.
    Richard Feynman (1918-1988) US American physicist known for integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, Nobel laureate in physics, 1965, author, series of seven lectures held at Cornell University, 1964 The Character of Physical Law, S. 149, Modern Library, 1965



Principles under constant testing

  • Principles are invariably tested in the crucible of sacrifice.
    Nelson Mandela [Influence LoC 505] (1918-2013) leading South African anti-apartheid activist, prisoner for 27 years during apartheid, first black president of South Africa (1994-1999), cited in: deleted article by Nelson Mandela's lessons for faltering contemporary leaders, presented by the newspaper The Jakarta Post, Amol Titus, 18. July 2007


  • The sudden appearance of all the Laws of Nature is as untestable as Platonic metaphysics or theology. Why should we assume that all the Laws of Nature were already present at the instant of the Big Bang, like a cosmic Na-
    poleonic code? Perhaps some of them, such as those that govern protein crystals, or brains, came into being when
    protein crystals or brains first arose. The preexistence of these laws cannot possibly be tested before the emergen-
    ce of the phenomena they govern. Rupert Sheldrake [LoC 460] (*1942) English biochemist, plant physiologist, researcher
    in parapsychology and morphic resonance, author, Morphic Resonance. The Nature of Formative Causation, Park Street Press,
    4th revised and expanded edition 9. September 2009


  • A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
    Dwight D. Eisenhower [Influence LoC 455] (1890-1969) 34th US president (1953-1961), five-star general in the United States Army, war criminal, Inaugural Address, 20. January 1953


  • [G]overnance can only be based on clarity of shared intent and trust in expected behavior, heavily seasoned with common sense and tolerance […] [R]ules and regulations, laws and contracts, can never replace clarity of shared purpose and clear, deeply held principles about conduct in pursuit of it. Principles are never capable of ultimate achievement, for they resume constant evolutionary change.
    Do unto others as you would have others do unto you is a true principle, for it says nothing about how it must be
    done. Dee Ward Hock (1929-2022) US American founder and CEO Emeritus of the VISA credit card association, founder of
    non-profit organization The Chaordic Commons, Birth of the Chaordic Age, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1999



Constructual law of evolution:

  • Anything that is of finite size and moves in order to persist in time which means to live must evolve such that it flows more and more easily for a greater and greater access over time. Adrian Bejan, Ph.D., Romanian-American professor of mechanical engineering, Duke University, discoverer of the constructal law of design and evolution in nature, cited in: Removed video segment
    of the TV documentary series "Through the Wormhole" – Did God Create Evolution? – Constructal theory, presented by the US American pay television Science Channel, narrated by Morgan Freeman (*1937) US American actor, narrator, producer, YouTube film, minute 4:31, 6:34 minutes duration, posted 13. August 2013
    • The constructal law was proposed in 1996 as a summary of all design generation and evolution phenome-
      na in nature, bio and non-bio. The constructal law represents three steps toward making "design in nature" a concept and law-based domain in science:
      1. Life is flow: all flow systems are live systems, the animate and the inanimate.
      2. Design generation and evolution is a phenomenon of physics.
      3. Designs have the universal tendency to evolve in a certain direction in time.
    The constructal law is proposed as a first principle of physics accounting for all design and evolution in nature. It holds that shape and structure arise to facilitate flow. The designs that happen spontaneously in na-
    ture reflect this tendency: they allow entities to flow more easily – to measurably move more current farther and
    faster for less unit of useful energy consumed. Concerning the discovery of constructal law of design and evolution
    in nature by Adrian Bejan, Ph.D., cited in: en.Wikipedia entry [status January 2014]


  • A chain breaks at its weakest link. Universal wisdom


  • The law that operates outside is the law of the cosmos. There are no two laws – God's law and man's law; universal
    law and individual law. No such thing is there. Such thing as 'my law' or 'your law' does not exist. There is only one
    law operating everywhere, in all creation, visible or invisible, in all realms of being.
    The same law is there for
    the celestials, the humans and the subhuman creatures. Everyone is controlled by a single principle of ordinan-
    ce. That is called Dharma.
    It operates as gravitation in the physical level; it operates as love in the psychological
    level; it operates as chemicals in the chemical level and it operates as integration of thought in our mental level,
    the level of cognition and thinking. It ultimately operates as the connecting link between the subject and the object,
    on account of which there is knowledge of anything at all. That is called Dharma. Dharma is an integrating force
    of anything that is even apparently in disparity. Anything that is disconnected, apparently isolated, not visibly con-
    nected, is actually connected, and that connecting principle is called Dharma. And Dharma becomes an integrating
    principle because of the presence of the Ātman that is behind it. There is no such thing as Dharma independent of
    the operation of the Ātman.
    What you call Dharma or law is the Ātman working. Its own law is its Being; its Being is its law; they are not two dif-
    ferent things. […]
    This Being which is responsible for the interconnectedness of things has become, what you call, the living and the
    non-living; the visible and the invisible; the creatures which are two-footed and those that are four-footed. He be-
    came the subtle body and then the gross body by means of a subtle instrument known as the Linga Śarīra or Suk-
    shma Śarīra. The very Being became the vital consciousness of all physical bodies, and He is present in everybody.
    The Body that is Universal and the body that is particularised – there is nothing that it is not enveloping.
    Swami Krishnananda [Fallen LoC 615⇒195] (1922-2001) Indian Hindu saint, disciple of Swami Sivananda, general secretary of
    the Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, India (1958-2001), The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, chapter II "Fifth Brahmana: Madhu-Vidya.
    The Honey Doctrine", referring to Brihadaranyaka Upanishad ~9th to 6th century AD


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Principles

Literary quotes

  • A principle [natural law] is a truth that creates freedom.
    A law is a lie that creates slavery.
    Jeremy Locke, US American author, The End of All Evil, End of Evil.com, 1. February 2006

Englische Texte – English section on Principles

42 principles of Maat

At least eight out of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament were taken from the Egyptian Principles of Ma'at
written at least 2000 years earlier. The 42 Principles of Ma'at are one of Africa's, and the world's, oldest sources of moral
and spiritual instruction. Ma'at, the Ancient Egyptian divine principle of truth, justice, and righteousness,
is the foundation of natural and social order and unity.


42 negative confessions of Ancient Egypt sourcing the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament
༺༻42 declarations of purity
42 negative confessions (Papyrus of Ani)
42 commandments of Ancient Egypt
1.I have not done iniquity.
I have not committed sin.
I.Thou shalt not kill, nor bid anyone kill.
2.I have not robbed with violence.II.Thou shalt not commit adultery or rape.
3.I have not stolen.III.Thou shalt not avenge thyself nor burn with rage.
4.I have not made any to suffer pain.
I have not slain men or women.
IV.Thou shalt not cause terror.
5.I have not defrauded offerings.
I have not stolen food.
V.Thou shalt not assault anyone nor cause anyone pain.
6.I have not swindled offerings.VI.Thou shalt not cause misery.
7.I have not stolen from God/Goddess.VII.Thou shalt not do any harm to man or to animals.
8.I have not told lies.VIII.Thou shalt not cause the shedding of tears.
9.I have not caused the shedding of tears.
I have not carried away food.
IX.Thou shalt not wrong the people nor bear them any evil intent.
10.I have not dealt deceitfully.
I have not cursed.
X.Thou shalt not steal nor take that which does not belong to you.
11.I have not acted guilefully.
I have not closed my ears to truth.
XI.Thou shalt not take more than thy fair share of food.
12.I have not laid waste to the land.
I have not committed adultery.
XII.Thou shalt not damage the crops, the fields, or the trees.
13.I have not set my lips against anyone.
I have not made anyone cry.
XIII.Thou shalt not deprive anyone of what is rightfully theirs.
14.I have not been angry or wrathful without a just cause.
I have not felt sorrow without reason.
XIV.Thou shalt not bear false witness, nor support false allegations.
15.I have not lusted nor defiled the wife of any man.
I have not assaulted anyone.
XV.Thou shalt not lie, nor speak falsely to the hurt of another.
16.I have not polluted myself.
I am not deceitful.
XVI.Thou shalt not use fiery words nor stir up any strife.
17.I have not caused terror.
I have not stolen anyone’s land.
XVII.Thou shalt not speak or act deceitfully to the hurt of another.
18.I have not done that which is abominable.
I have not been an eavesdropper.
XVIII.Thou shalt not speak scornfully against others.
19.I have not multiplied words exceedingly.
I have not falsely accused anyone.
XIX.Thou shalt not eavesdrop.
20.I have never uttered fiery words.
I have not been angry without reason.
XX.Thou shalt not ignore the truth or words of righteousness.
21.I have not judged hastily.
I have not seduced anyone’s wife.
XXI.Thou shalt not judge anyone hastily or harshly.
22.I have not transgressed nor have I vexed or angered God.
I have not polluted myself.
XXII.Thou shalt not disrespect sacred places.
23.I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth.
I have not terrorized anyone.
XXIII.Thou shalt cause no wrong to be done to any workers or prisoners.
24.I have not burned with rage.
I have not disobeyed the Law.
XXIV.Thou shalt not be angry without good reason.
25.I have not worked grief.
I have not been exclusively angry.
XXV.Thou shalt not hinder the flow of running water.
26.I have not acted with insolence.
I have not cursed God/Goddess.
XXVI.Thou shalt not waste the running water.
27.I have not avenged myself.
I have not behaved with violence.
XXVII.Thou shalt not pollute the water or the land.
28.I have not stirred up strife.
I have not caused disruption of peace.
XXVIII.Thou shalt not take God’s name in vain.
29.I have not been an eavesdropper.
I have not acted hastily or without thought.
XXIX.Thou shalt not despise nor anger God.
30.I have not wronged the people.
I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.
XXX.Thou shalt not steal from God.
31.I have done no harm nor have I done evil.
I have not exaggerated my words when speaking.
XXXI.Thou shalt not give excessive offerings nor less than
what is due.
32.I have not worked treason.
I have not worked evil.
XXXII.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
33.I have never fouled the water.
I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds.
XXXIII.Thou shalt not steal from nor disrespect the dead.
34.I have not spoken scornfully.
I have not polluted the water.
XXXIV.Thou shalt remember and observe the appointed holy days.
35.I have never cursed God.
I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.
XXXV.Thou shalt not hold back the offerings due God.
36.I have not behaved with arrogance.
I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds.
XXXVI.Thou shalt not interfere with sacred rites.
37.I have not envied or craved for that which belongs to another.
I have not placed myself on a pedestal.
XXXVII.Thou shalt not slaughter with evil intent any sacred animals.
38. I have not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess.XXXVIII.Thou shalt not act with guile or insolence.
39.I have not filched food from the mouth of the infant.
I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased.
XXXIX.Thou shalt not be unduly proud nor act with arrogance.
40.I have done no hurt unto man, nor wrought harm unto beasts.
I have not taken food from a child.
XL.Thou shalt not magnify your condition beyond what is appropriate.
41. I have not acted with insolence.XLI.Thou shalt do no less than your daily obligations require.
42.I have never magnified my condition beyond what was fitting.
I have not destroyed property belonging to God/Goddess
XLII.Thou shalt obey the law and commit no treason.
► Blog article 42 Principles of Maat 2000 years before Ten Commandments, presented by xenophilius, wordpress, 11. March 2008
► Blog article 42 Laws of Maat, or 42 Negative Confessions, or 42 Admonition to Goddess Maat, or 42 Declarations of Innocence or Admonitions of Maát,
     42 Laws of Maat of Ancient Egypt, or the Laws of the Goddess Maat
, presented by Vanessa Cross, J.D., LL.M., 2012
See also: ► Should and ► Bible

Law of life

The Law Of Life

Whatever you give away today,
Or think or say or do;
Will multiply about ten fold,
And then return to you.

It may not come immediately,
Nor from the obvious source;
But the law applies unfailingly,
Through some invisible force.

Whatever you feel about another,
Be it love or hate or passion;
Will surely bounce back to you,
In some clear or secret fashion.

If you speak about some person,
A word of praise or two;
Soon tens of other people,
Will speak kind words of you.

Our thoughts are broadcasts of the soul,
Not secrets of the brain;
Kind ones bring us happiness,
Petty ones, untold pain.

Giving works as surely as,
Reflections in a mirror;
If hate you send, hate you’ll get back,
But loving brings love nearer.

Remember, as you start this day,
And duty, crowds your mind;
That kindness comes so quickly back,
To those who first are kind.

Let that thought and this one,
Direct you through each day;
The only things we ever keep,
Are the things we give away.


Source: ► Author unknown
See also: ► Poems

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Taking a stand for truth and principles fueled by strength of character

  • Video Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, lecture 7, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005
  • Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, presented by the US American ACIM web radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011


Links zum Thema Prinzipien / Principles


Literature (engl.)

12 core principles of human existence: 1) balance 2) choice 3) process, 4) presence, 5) compassion, 6) faith, 7) expectation, 8) integrity,
9) action, 10) cycles, 11) surrender, 12) unity

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge Prinzip, Ungeschriebene Lehre "Die beiden Urprinzipien und ihr Zusammenwirken": "das Große und Kleine" / "das Groß-Kleine"

External web links (engl.)


Interne Links



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