
Hawkins / ZitateBuch4




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David R. Hawkins

Zitate aus Truth vs. Falsehood (Buch 4E)


⚠ Achtung
Siehe Power vs. Truth, Januar 2013


Zitate von D. Hawkins – Truth vs. Falsehood

Zitate aus D. Hawkins' viertem Buch (engl.) Truth vs. Falsehood, Axial Publishing, 1. Juli 2005

  • Es gibt keine Geheimnisse mehr und die Wahrheit kann von jedem beliebigen integer gesinnten Forscher unver-
    züglich entdeckt werden. FU Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. xxii, 2005
    There are no longer any secrets and truth can be instantly discovered by any integrous reseacher. S. xxii


  • Die Forschung weist aus, dass Wahrheit im Verhältnis zu einer 'absoluten Konstante tatsächlich eine veränderliche Größe ist. FU Truth vs. Falsehood, "Kommentar des Autors", S. ix, 2005
    Research indicated that truth is actually a variable relative to an absolute constant. "Author's Statement", S. ix


Warnhinweis an den Leser

  • Der Entscheidungsprozess, ob alle entdeckten Daten zu veröffentlichen sind, ist problematisch und erfordert Beson-
    nenheit. Ihm liegt die Prämisse zu Grunde, dass Weisheit der bessere Teil des Heldenmuts ist. FU S. xii
    Whether to reveal all that is discovered is problematic and requires reflections. The premise that occassioned the above decisions was that wisdom is the better part of valor. Truth vs. Falsehood, last sentence, Hint to the readers, S. xii


  • Bewusstsein ist die nicht reduzierbare ursprüngliche Beschaffenheit all dessen, was existiert. FU S. xxiv


  • Die unendliche Wirkmacht des uranfänglichen Substrats der gesamten Existenz bietet die Möglichkeit der Umwand-
    lung des Potentials zur stofflichen Verwirklichung
    . Sie allein verfügt über die Kraft, das Unmanifeste in das Reich des Manifesten zu bewegen. FU S. xxvii
    The possibility of the transformation from potentiality to actuality is provided by the infinite power of the primordial substrate
    of all existence, which alone has the power to transform the unmanifest into the realm of the manifest.
    S. xxvii


  • Leben kann nicht zerstört werden, es kann lediglich die Form ändern. FU S. 28


  • Anhand von Forschungen enthüllte sich die erstaunliche Tatsache (die auf einem Bewusstseinsniveau von 998 kalibiert), dass die Umstände unserer Geburt und unseres Lebens aus karmischer Sicht hochgradig vollkommen sind. FU S. 178

Quotes by D. Hawkins – Truth vs. Falsehood

Quotes from D. Hawkins' forth book Truth vs. Falsehood, Axial Publishing, 1. July 2005

  • The overall mission was guided by Socrates' dictum that all human error or wrongdoing is involuntary for man can
    only choose what he believes at the time to be a good that will bring happiness. His only error is that he cannot dis-
    cern the real good from the illusory good. This work is devoted to clarifying what is the 'real' and how it can be iden-
    tified. Page unknown


  • While some of the raw data may not coincide with personal expectations, that is the anticipated response. The discovery of any new information of real significance has always provoked query and doubt and is to be expected. Data that are in conflict with personal belief are best handled by viewing such information as a 'possible alternative' rather than as 'make wrong,' which automatically summons up ego protest or even indignation. Oddly, protest is often confirmation that a nail has been hit on the head. Page unknown


  • Although the human mind likes to believe that it is 'of course' dedicated to truth, in reality, what it really seeks is confirmation of what it already believes. Page unknown


  • An all-pervasive crisis of credibility and integrity is currently shredding the very fabric of all levels of society. The institutions and historic bulwarks of integrity and reliability upon which society has relied over great expanses of time are under political attack, and others have fallen into disgrace and scandal on an almost daily basis.
    Page unknown


  • The general public is in a semi-paralysis state due to the quandary of doubt and futility of hoping for any kind of de-
    pendable authenticity in the current public discourse. Page unknown


  • At this time, there is no common agreement on even the most basic, simple, and obvious questions: What to do?
    Page unknown


  • As a result of the progressive evolution and advancement of the level of consciousness of mankind over the centuries, the decisive discovery was made during the late 1970s, and continued to develop on up to the present time, of how to actually tell truth from falsehood for the first time in the history of mankind. Although the fundamental physiological tool upon which it is based seems deceptively simplistic, like the advent of the telescope, it opened up a whole new univer-
    se of discovery. Because the test utilized the response of the universal energy fields of consciousness, the truth or
    falsehood of any statement about anything anywhere in time or space could be instantly discovered. In addition, it
    was revealed that there were calibrated levels of truth and that each, in turn, identified energy levels that
    dominated human consciousness.
    Page unknown


  • This presentation of a new, clinical 'Science of Truth' is therefore dedicated to the progress of humanity and the relief
    of suffering, which is the consequence of the advance in understanding the nature of consciousness in its pristine,
    pure expression as well as during ordinary life and its vicissitudes. Page unknown


  • Consciousness is the formless, invisible field of energy of infinite dimension and potentiality, the substrate of all existence. S. 14


  • Below consciousness level 200, the attractor fields of consciousness are primarily of an animal-group nature. Above level 200, the etheric brain emerges as a differentiated area of energy that supersedes the life of the physical body.
    S. 65


  • The 'etheric brain thus becomes the nonphysical vehicle of an individualized spiritual content (i.e. karma). Below consciousness level 200, the individual is dominated by the collective field of consciousness of that level from which a uniquely personal, spiritualized etheric brain has yet to evolve and only does so by the exercise of free choice, which can take the individual consciousness level above the critical point of 200. S. 66


  • One profound consequence of the emergence of an etheric brain is its survival of a physical death and the accumu-
    lation of karmic patterns. S. 68


  • While karmic evolutionary patterns develop below consciousness level 200, they do so in the collective field of consciousness that dominates the levels below 200. They actually do not become individualized as such until the consciousness level reach 200. (Calibrated as true.) S. 68


  • The steps out of failure, unhappiness, frustration, lack, want, anger, and depression are deceptively simple. Life is a voyage comparable to being out at sea in which a shift of one degree on the ship’s compass will determine by the end of the trip whether or not one is hundreds of miles off course. The strongest tool, which already exists within, is the spiritual will itself, which, when firmly set, will face and take on any obstacle. It is this spiritual will that determines the success of the venture. From subjective experience, as well as many years of clinical practice, spiritual education, and research, it is confirmed that the spiritual will is the primordial rudder that determines not only this lifetime, but also the course of one’s consciousness over great expanses of time, classically termed karma. (Calibrated at LoC 1000.) S. 250


  • By one simple decision, the impossible becomes possible because the lead sinkers that were attached to the cork have been released, and now the cork effortlessly rises because of the density and power of the field. Thus, one can let go of the egoistic illusion that spiritual progress is difficult and that one has to do it all alone. On the contrary, illusions of lack disappear and powerful energies now help to sustain one’s progress, which is now accompanied by the pleasure of increased self-esteem, and the world magically begins to appear to be a friendly and helpful place. The brain's neuro-
    changes in a positive direction, and like a butterfly out of a cocoon, the etheric brain springs forth as a conse-
    quence of the onset of the flow of spiritual (i.e., kundalini) energy, and the experience of life and the self in the world be-
    gins to transform. S. 250


  • Notable in the calibrations is the very major drop in the level of Christianity from the First Century, where it was in
    the 800's and 900's, to 485 after the council of Nicea in 325 AD. This was the consequence of the inclusion of the Old
    Testament (cal. 190) and Revelation (cal. 70) in the official Bible (see chapter 18). While the fall of man is allegorical
    (the story calibrates at 60), the downside was the naive belief and consequent emphasis on guilt and sin. Wit research,
    the 'fall of man' is the emergence of dualistic thinking (i.e. the tree of good and evil) which was the trap man fell into out of a seduction of curiosity. (This explanation calibrates at 995). S. 335


  • Low calibrations prevail in variants of New Ageism, which push credibility to the limits with glamorized claims of ex-
    traterrestrials, spirit guides, guardian angels, and prophesies of earth disasters. Other sources are claims of secret
    codes of God hidden in various disguises such as the stones in the pyramids, the Hebrew alphabet, DNA, famous
    paintings, and other imaginative obscurities. New Ageism (despite its own erroneous beliefs) is not, technically spea-
    king, "spiritual," but instead is actually "astral" in its practices and interests. S. 360


  • ...The world of pseudospiritual fantasy also produces the imaginings of "Indigo children, star children, star families,
    star people, fifth-dimension incoming messengers of the future," etc. Common to all of these is a sense of uniqueness;
    magic; romanticized, naïve, imaginative fantasy; and the attraction of "specialness" itself. S. 360


  • ...The ego is attracted to the limitation of form, whereas the essence of Divinity is beyond all form, yet innate within it. S. 361


  • From the viewpoint of the evolution of consciousness, atheism results from the refusal or inability to let go of the illu-
    sion that the narcissistic core of the ego is sovereign and is the source of one's life and existence. S. 361


On kinesiology

  • The higher the levels of consciousness of the test team, the more accurate are the results. The best results are obtai-
    ned if both team members are in the mid 400's, which represent clarity, awareness of context, and precision of defini-
    tion, as well as integrity, self honesty and awareness. Attachment C, S. 413


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