
Wiki / Frauen







Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)





Prinzessin und Königstochter Sabra
Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898)
englischer Maler




Through countless generations, from the
very beginning, the social subservience of
women resulted naturally in the partial atrophy or at least the hereditary suspension of mental qualities which we now know the female sex
to be endowed with no less than men.
But the female mind has demonstrated a capacity for all the mental acquirements and achievements of men, and as generations ensue that capacity will be expanded; the average woman will be as well educated as
the average man, and then better educated,
for the dormant faculties of her brain will be stimulated to an activity that will be all the more intense and powerful because of centuries of repose. Woman will ignore precedent and startle civilization
with their progress.

Interview with Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Serbian
US American physicist, mechanical and
electrical engineer, When Woman is Boss,
presented by the US American magazine
Collier's Weekly, John B. Kennedy,
30. January 1926


Mütter des Grundgesetzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Die deutsche Politikerin und Juristin Elisabeth Selbert (1896-1986) und Friederike Nadig sind zwei der vier Mütter
des bundesdeutschen Grundgesetzes
. Ihrem Einsatz ist es zu verdanken, dass es seit dem 23. Mai 1949 den Artikel 3
Absatz 2 GG zur Gleichberechtigung der Frau gibt: "Männer und Frauen sind gleichberechtigt."

Referenz: ► Gelöschter Artikel Männer und Frauen sind gleichberechtigt. Artikel 2 Absatz 2 Grundgesetz,
präsentiert von Gabriele Meinhard, Mainz, 27. Oktober 2009
Am 1. Juli 1958 trat das Gesetz über die Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Kraft.
Im Zuge der Verfassungsreform wurde 1994 Artikel 3 Absatz 2 Grundgesetz mit folgendem Satz ergänzt: "Der Staat fördert die tatsäch-
liche Durchsetzung der Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern und wirkt auf die Beseitigung bestehender Nachteile hin."
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Mütter des Grundgesetzes
Siehe auch: ► Würde

Starke Frauen

Symbol der Weiblichkeit/Frauen
stilisiert den Handspiegel
der römischen Göttin Venus

1872, vor mehr als 130 Jahren, kandidierte Victoria Woodhull, eine Frau aus der Unter-
schicht, für das Amt der amerikanischen Präsidentin. Sie hatte sich viele Jahre lang ihren Lebensunterhalt als Hellseherin und Wunderheilerin verdient und dabei viele Lebensge-
schichten und die Problematik einfacher Frauen und Männer bezeugen können. Um mitzu-
helfen, deren schwierige Lage zu bessern, beschloss sie, selbst politisch aktiv zu werden. Als erste Frau sprach sie vor dem Rechtsausschuss des amerikanischen Kongresses. Sie hielt Vorträge und füllte damit Hallen mit mehreren tausend Menschen. Und ließ sich als erste Frau als Kandidatin für die Präsidentschaftswahlen aufstellen.
Victoria Woodhul war Spiritualistin und betonte wiederholt, dass sie im Auftrag jenseitiger Kräfte unterwegs sei. Geistwesen und Engel hätten ihr aufgetragen, sich am politischen Geschehen ihrer Zeit zu beteiligen.


Ich bin als Prophetin in die Welt geboren worden und diese Überzeugung
erfüllt mich mit Demut, Zittern und Beben.

Augusta Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) English mathematician, writer, November 1844

Tarotkarte 3 – KAISERIN


Starke Frauen – unvollständige Namensliste


Namensliste einflussreicher Frauen: ► Sonderseite Die 100 einflussreichsten Frauen der Menschheitsgeschichte, präsentiert von dem Personenlexikon Who’s Who, undatiert

Zu schwer zu kontrollieren – Wangari Maathai

Wangari Maathai

Sie ist mir zu gebildet, zu stark, zu erfolgreich,
zu dickköpfig und zu schwer zu kontrollieren.


sagte nach 10-jähriger Ehe der Exmann der bedeutendsten Umwelt-
schützerin und Frauenrechtlerin Afrikas Dr. Wangari Maathai (1940-2011).
Die schwarze Wissenschaftlerin und Umweltpolitikerin ist unter anderem für das von ihr initiierte Aufforstungsprojekt Green Belt Movement bekannt ge-
worden und wurde als erste schwarze Frau aus Afrika nach dreißig Jahren unermüdlicher Baumpflanzungs- und zugleich Frauenstärkungsarbeit 2004 mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet.
Kenias Männergesellschaft hat sie nicht aufhalten können.
Sie und ihre Arbeit wurden jahrzehntelang von der regierungsfreundlichen Presse lächerlich gemacht. Sie wurde mehrfach von waldrodenden Land-
besitzern krankenhausreif und auch beinah totgeschlagen und von der Re-
gierungspartei, die erst Jahrzehnte später abgewählt wurde, ins Gefängnis geworfen. Seit 1983 hat die westliche Welt von ihr Notiz genommen und zeichnet sie mit Preisen aus.

Referenz: ► Gelöschter Artikel Das Lächeln Kenias, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Potsdamer
Neueste Nachrichten (PNN)
, Dagmar Dehmer, 27. September 2011
Siehe auch: ► Die größte Angst – Marianne Williamson
See also: ► Too hard to control – Wangari Maathai


Liebe Frau,
Manchmal bist du einfach zu sehr Frau.
Zu klug, zu schön, zu stark.
Zuviel von dem, was einen Mann dazu bringt, sich weniger als Mann zu fühlen,
Was wiederum dich dazu bringt zu fühlen, dass du weniger Frau sein musst.
Der größte Fehler, den du begehen kannst, ist,
die Edelsteine aus deiner Krone zu entfernen,
Um es einem Mann leichter zu machen, sie zu (er)tragen.
Wenn das geschieht, ersuche ich um deine Einsicht:
Du brauchst keine kleinere Krone, sondern einen Mann mit größeren Händen.
Michael Reid, US-amerikanischer Motivationsredner, Dichter, Schriftsteller,
Dear Woman, Dreams on Paper Entertainment Publishing, Taschenbuchauflage 15. April 2015

Wille ⇔ Willigkeit

Man brachte einen Jüngling zu einem weisen Mann und sagte:

"Siehe, das ist einer, der durch die Weiber verdorben wird!"

Der weise Mann schüttelte den Kopf und lächelte.

"Die Männer sind es, welche die Weiber verderben: und alles, was die Weiber fehlen, soll an den Männern gebüßt und gebessert werden, denn der Mann macht sich das Bild des Weibes, und das Weib bildet sich nach diesem Bilde."
"Du bist zu mildherzig gegen die Weiber", sagte einer der Umstehenden, "du kennst sie nicht!"

Der weise Mann antwortete:

"Des Mannes Art ist Wille, des Weibes Art Willigkeit – so ist es das Gesetz der Geschlechter, wahrlich! Ein hartes Gesetz für das Weib! Alle Menschen sind unschuldig für ihr Dasein, die Weiber aber sind unschuldig im zweiten Grade: Wer könnte für sie des Öls und der Milde genug haben."
"Was Öl! Was Milde!" – "Man muss die Weiber besser erzieh'n!"
"Man muss die Männer besser erzieh'n!",

sagte der weise Mann und winkte dem Jüngling, dass er ihm folge.
Der Jüngling aber folgte ihm nicht.


Quelle: ► Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) deutscher klassischer Gelehrter, Philologe, Philosoph des Nihilismus,
Kulturkritiker, Schriftsteller, Werke in drei Bänden, Band II, Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, Erstes Buch, Nr. 68,
Ernst Schmeitzner, Chemnitz, 1882, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 1954/1956, Insel Verlag, 18. April 2000
See also: ► Will ⇔ willingness

Matriarchatstheorien im Überblick

I. Geschlechtsunterschiede

5. Es gibt eine natürliche Überlegenheit der Frau. Siehe Sokrates
6. Frauen können/konnten sich durch Parthenogenese fortpflanzen.
Methoden der Überprüfung: Physiologie, Biologie, Primatologie, Anthropologie


II. Paläolithikum

7. Schon in frühester Zeit hat es Matriarchate oder frauenzentrierte Zusammenhänge gegeben.
8. Es gibt eine ungebrochene Kontinuität von Symbolen, sie gelten immer und zu allen Zeiten.
Überprüfung durch: Anthropologie, Paläontologie, Verhaltensforschung, Primatologie, Urgeschichte


III. Neolithikum

9. Rituale waren ganzheitliche Erkenntniszusammenhänge und spiegelten die historische Gesellschaftsstruktur.
10. Matriarchate waren stets egalitär und demokratisch organisiert.
11. Matriarchate pflegten eine naturverbundene Lebensweise.
Überprüfung durch: Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Archäologie, Ethnopsychoanalyse, Agrarwissenschaften


IV. Metallzeiten

12. Es gab ein weltweites Matriarchat.
13. Es gab Amazonen.
Überprüfung durch: Archäologie, Kunstgeschichte, Altphilologie, Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Montanwissenschaften


V. Frühgeschichte, Mittelalter

Spuren des Matriarchats finden sich in Sagen und Märchen wieder.
Überprüfung durch: Philologie, Mediävistik, Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte


VI. Neuzeit und Gegenwart

14. Mythen sind »Fernrohre« in die Vergangenheit.
15. Es gab/gibt in verschiedenen Regionen der Welt matriarchale »Restethnien«.
16. Frauen sind von Natur aus friedfertig, Männer kriegslüstern.
17. Matriarchatsforschung ist per se »frauenfreundlich« und von Frauensolidarität gekennzeichnet.
Überprüfung durch: Philologie, Forschungsgeschichte, Ethnologie, Philosophiegeschichte, Soziologie, Politologie, Psychologie


Inspiriert durch: ► Martina Schäfer, deutsche Autorin, Die Wolfsfrau im Schafspelz. Autoritäre Strukturen in der Frauenbewegung,
S. 32-33, Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, Sphinx, München, 2001, epubli, Kindle Ausgabe, 28. Januar 2016
Siehe auch: ► Genderforschung

Das matriarchale Volk der Mosuo

In psychologischer Hinsicht mögen die matriarchalen Familienstrukturen der Mosuo im Südwessten Chinas mit tibeto-
birmanischer Sprache ein Idealbild verkörpern, wenn man Folgendes berücksichtigt:

  • Schwere Depressionen und Selbstmord sind fast unbekannt.
  • Die Kriminalitätsrate ist verschwindend gering.
  • Kinder werden von allen Sippenmitgliedern liebevoll betreut.
  • Gewalt in der Erziehung ist bei den Mosuo unbekannt.
  • Alte Menschen, Kranke und Behinderte sind im Familienverband voll integriert.
  • Das Zusammenleben innerhalb der Sippe ist trotz klar ausgeprägter Hierarchien demokratisch ausgerichtet.
  • Die meisten Entscheidungen werden im Kreise der Familie getroffen.
  • Die oberste Matriarchin hat eine Reihe von Pflichten für das Gemeinschaftsleben der Sippe zu erfüllen.
  • Ihr kommt ein besonders hoher Stellenwert im religiös-rituellen Leben zu.
  • Ihr ist es vorbehalten, am nächsten zum Ahnenaltar zu sitzen und somit im engsten Kontakt zu den Ahnen zu stehen.
  • Von einer dogmatischen Machtstellung kann hier nicht die Rede sein.


Quelle: ► Artikel Titel unbekannt, präsentiert von dem Magazin des deutschen Fernsehsenders für
Nachrichten und Zeitgeschehen Welt N24, Reportagen & Analysen, S. 20, Heft 3, März 2001

Weibliche Nobelpreisträgerinnen [Stand 2018]

Liste der unter 50 Nobelpreisträgerinnen – Stand 2015
1.1903Marie Curie (1.)1867-1934 Pionierforscherin von Radioaktivität
2.1963Maria Goeppert-Mayer1906-1972 Erstellte das erste ausgeklügelte Modell der atomaren Struktur
3.2018Donna Strickland1*1959  Bahnbrechende Erfindungen im Bereich der Laserphysik
4.1911Marie Curie (2.)1867-1934 Entdeckte die Elemente Radium und Polonium
5.1935Irène Joliot-Curie1897-1956 Entdeckte die künstliche Radioaktivität
6.1964Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin1910-1994 Bestimmte die Kristallstruktur von Penizillin und Vitamin B12
7.2009Ada Yonath*1939 Entdeckte die atomare Struktur der Ribosomen des HIV-Virus
8.2018Frances Arnold2*1956 Biochemikerin und Chemieingenieurin, Pionierin auf dem Gebiet der Gerichteten Evolution in der Chemie
                          Physiologie – Medizin                          
9.1947Gerty Radnitz Cori1896-1957 Vertiefte die Kenntnisse des Stoffwechsels von Glykogen und Glukose
10.1977Rosalyn Sussman Yalow1921-2011 Entdeckte eine Methode zur Bestimmung von Proteinhormonen im Blut
11.1983Barbara McClintock1902-1992 Erforschte das Wachstum und die Entwicklung des Nervensystems
("springende Gene")
12.1986Rita Levi-Montalcini1909-2012 Erforschte das Wachstum und die Entwicklung des Nervensystems
13.1988Gertrude Elion19181-1999 Entdeckte die wichtigen Grundregeln der medikamentösen Behandlung von Patienten
14.1995Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard*1942 Entdeckte die genetischen Steuerungsmechanismen der frühen Kindheitsentwicklung
15.2004Linda B. Buck*1947 Entdeckte wie der menschliche Geruchssinn funktioniert
16.2008Françoise Barré-Sinoussi*1947 Entdeckte den menschlichen Immuninsuffizienz HIV-Virus
17.2009Elizabeth Blackburn*1948 Entdeckte die entscheidende Rolle von Telomeren im Alterungsprozess
18.2009Carol W. Greider*1961 Entdeckte die entscheidende Rolle von Telomeren im Alterungsprozess
19.2014May-Britt Moser*1963 Entdeckte die räumliche Orientierung und das räumliche Gedächtnis des menschlichen Gehirns
20.2015Tu Youyou*1930 Entdeckte eine Behandlungsmethode gegen Malaria
21.1905Bertha von Suttner (Baronin)1843-1914 Anführerin der internationalen Friedensbewegung
22.1931Jane Addams1860-1935 Engagierte sich als Sozialarbeiterin in der Friedensbewegung
23.1946Emily Greene Balch1867-1961 Anführerin der amerikanischen Friedensbewegung
24.1976Betty Williams*1943 Gründerin einer Graswurzelbewegung gegen gewalttätige Angriffe in Nordirland
25.1976Mairead Corrigan*1944 Gründete eine Graswurzelbewegung gegen gewalttätige Angriffe in Nordirland
26.1979Mutter Teresa1910-1997 Der von ihr gegründete Orden setzte sich für die Arme, Kranke und Sterbende in Kalkutta und weltweit ein.
27.1982Alva Myrdal1902-1986 Entscheidende Mitwirkung bei Abrüstungsverhandlungen der Vereinten Nationen
28.1991Aung San Suu Kyi*1945 Vorkämpferin für Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Myanmar
29.1992Rigoberta Menchú Tum*1959 Vorkämpferin der Rechte von Ureinwohnern
30.1997Jody Williams*1950 Friedensaktivistin und Vorkämpferin gegen Landminen
31.2003Schirin Ebadi*1947 Anwältin und Aktivistin für Menschenrechte
32.2004Wangari Maathai1940-2011 Gründerin der Wiederaufforstungs-Bewegung in Afrika
33.2011Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf*1938 Verfechterin von Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und demokratischen Verfahren in Liberien
34.2011Leymah Gbowee*1972 Politische Aktivistin für Frauenrechte, Frieden, und sozialer Gerechtigkeit
35.2011Tawakkul Karman*1979 Führende Aktivistin für Frauenrechte in Yemen
36.2018Nadia Murad3*1993 Irakische (jesidische) Menschenrechtsaktivistin, erste Sonderbotschafterin für die Würde der Überlebenden von Menschenhandel der Vereinten Nationen (UNODC) (seit 2016)
37.1909Selma Lagerlöf1858-1940 Geschichtenerzählerin und Malerin über das Leben von Bauern
38.1926Grazia Deledda1871-1936 Beschrieb das harte Leben in Sardinien in ihren Gedichten
39.1928Sigrid Undset1882-1949 Beschrieb anschaulich das Leben der Frauen im Mittelalter
40.1938Pearl S. Buck1892-1973 Beschrieb das Leben von chinesischen Bauern
41.1945Gabriela Mistral1889-1957 Schrieb Lyrik und Gedichte über Liebe, Verrat und die Natur
42.1966Nelly Sachs1891-1970 Präsentierte das Kulturerbe des jüdischen Volkes
43.1991Nadine Gordimer1923- 2014 Beschrieb die Auswirkungen von Apartheitspolitik
44.1993Toni Morrison1931-2019 Beschrieb die historische Rolle der afrikanisch-amerikanischen Frauen
in der US-Gesellschaft
45.1996Wisława Szymborska1923-2012 Schrieb Gedichte, welche die Vergangenheit mit der Gegenwart verbinden
46.2004Elfriede Jelinek*1946 Beschrieb die Absurdität von gesellschaftlichen Clichés in ihren Büchern
47.2007Doris Lessing1919-2013 Schrieb darüber, wie und weshalb Menschen leben
48.2009Herta Müller*1953 Schildert Korruption, Intoleranz und Unterdrückung in Büchern
49.2013Alice Munro*1931 Meisterin zeitgenössischer Kurzgeschichten
50.2015Swetlana A. Alexijewitsch*1948 Verlieh dem post-sovietischen Einzelmenschen eine Stimme
51.2009Elinor Ostrom1933-2012 Akademische Expertin für die Verwaltung von Gemeinschaftsgütern
                          Kinderrecht auf Bildung                          
52.2014Malala Yousafzai*1997 Verfechterin des Kinderrechts auf Bildung
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Liste der weiblichen Nobelpreisträgerinnen und ► Liste von Frauenanteilen in der Berufswelt – Nobelpreise
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry List of female Nobel laureates
Reference: ► Video clip Women who changed the world, presented by Nobelprize.org, YouTube film, 2:07 minute duration, posted 9. March 2016
Impactful work and achievements of women around the world awarded the Nobel Prize


BEACHTE : Bis 2010 wurden insgesamt 773 Nobelpreise in den fünf klassischen Kategorien vergeben, davon gingen 710 an Männer, 40 an Frauen und 23 an Organisationen. Die einzige Mehrfachpreisträgerin ist Marie Curie. Der Frauenanteil unter den Preisträgern beträgt in den klassischen Kategorien 5,6 %. Inklusive des Preises für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der erst einmal an eine Frau verliehen wurde, ergibt sich ein Anteil von 5,3%.
Der Anteil der Frauen mit Abitur oder Fachhochschulreife stieg zwischen 1991 und 2015 von 22 auf 54 Prozent an.
Bei den Männern beträgt der Anstieg hingegen nur 23 Prozentpunkte.4


If you know you are on the right track, if you have this inner knowledge, then nobody can turn you off […] no matter what they say. Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) US American scientist, botanist, cytogeneticist, Nobel Prize laureate
in physiology or medicine, 1983, Wilhelm Odelberg, editor, The Nobel Prizes 1983, Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, 1984

Zitate zum Thema Frauen / Women

Zitate zu frauenrelevanten Themen

Ihr Frauen, ordnet euch euren Männern unter wie dem Herrn (Christus); denn der Mann ist das Haupt
der Frau, wie auch Christus das Haupt der Kirche ist; er hat sie gerettet, denn sie ist sein Leib.
Epheserbrief 5, 22-23 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse


  • Ich kann mich nicht dazu entscheiden, dass mehr Frauen in der Politik tätig sein sollten.
    Franz Josef Strauß (1915-1988) deutsch-bayrischer Politiker, CSU-Vorsitzender, bayerischer Ministerpräsident, zitiert in:
    Artikel Unterm Joch, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 1. September 1969



Hitlers Ausspruch nach seiner Ernennung zum Reichskanzler durch Präsident von Hindenburg und seinem Amtseid auf die Republik

  • Die Masse ist ein Weib, und als solche mache ich sie mir gefügig. [...]
  • Keine Macht der Welt wird mich hier jemals lebend wieder herausbringen.
    Adolf Hitler [Führer] (1889-1945) österreichisch-deutscher Diktator, Vorsitzender der NSDAP, "Reichskanzler" des Dritten Reichs (1933-1945), beim ersten Betreten der Reichskanzlei als Reichskanzler, 30. Januar 1933



  • Im Kampf gegen den Krieg sollten die Frauen die Führerinnen sein. Es ist die ihnen gemäße Aufgabe.
    Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) indischer Weiser, spiritueller Führer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, Menschenrechtsanwalt, gewaltloser Widerstandskämpfer zur Durchsetzung politischer Ziele, humanistischer Weiser, asketischer Morallehrer, Pazifist, Publizist, zitiert in: Gandhi über Militär, präsentiert von Gutzitiert


  • Wenn du willst, dass etwas gesagt wird, frage einen Mann; wenn du willst, dass etwas getan wird, frage eine Frau. Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) britische Premierministerin des Vereinigten Königreichs (VK) (1979-1990), zitiert in: Zitate.eu



  • Warum sind Frauen soviel interessanter für Männer, als Männer es für Frauen sind?
    Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) britische Verlegerin, Schriftstellerin, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



  • Ach, Männer, Männer, welch ein Geschlecht! Weshalb protestiert ihr so gegen alle Bestrebungen, die Frauen zu einer höheren Bildungsstufe zu erheben? Nun gut, wenn es nicht mit euch sein kann, so wird es ohne euch und trotz euch geschehen. Malwida Freiin von Meysenbug (*1816-1903) deutsche politisch Aktive, Förderin von Friedrich Nietzsche und
    Richard Wagner, Schriftstellerin, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



  • Das ist es, was man(n) den Frauen gesagt hat: Wenn ihr Feministinnen seid, werden euch die Männer nicht mehr lieben. Das stimmt nicht.
    Benoîte Groult (1920-2016) französische Journalistin, Schriftstellerin, autobiografischer Roman Salz auf unsrer Haut, 1988



  • Die Frau ist das Andere. Der Mann ist die Norm. Elfriede Jelinek (*1946) österreichische Schriftstellerin, Literaturnobel-
    preisträgerin, zitiert in: Interview mit Gabriele Presber, Herausgeberin, Die Kunst ist weiblich, S. 141, Droemer-Knaur Verlag, München, 1988


  • Wir werden nicht als Frauen geboren, wir werden dazu gemacht. Berühmtester feministische Satz des 20. Jahrhun-
    derts geprägt von Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) französische Philosophin, Feministin der ersten Frauenbewegung, Schriftstel-
    lerin, Das andere Geschlecht. Sitte und Sexus der Frau, S. 334, rororo Sachbuch, 1951, 10. Auflage 1. August 2000


  • Solange wir die Welt der Frauen zum Schweigen verurteilen, bleibt der Karfreitag unser Schicksal. Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Die Botschaft der Frauen. Das Wissen der Liebe, Walter-Verlag, Olten, 3. Auflage 1992





  • Es zeigt sich eben, Frauen sind auch Menschen.
    Angela Merkel (*1954) deutsche Quantenphysikerin, erste bundesdeutsche Bundeskanzlerin (2005-2021), Quelle unbekannt


  • Nur gemeinsam lässt sich Partnerschaft entwickeln, die der neuen Rolle von Mann und Frau gerecht wird. Beim Gegeneinander verliert am Ende jeder. Professor Dr. Waltraut Kruse (1925-2019) deutsche Psychotherapeutin, Kommunal-
    politikerin (CDU) (1979-1989), beigeordnete Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Aachen, Quelle unbekannt
  • Wer seine Mannheit kennt und seine Weibheit wahrt, der ist die Schlucht der Welt.
    Laotse (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph, Begründer des Taoismus, Autor von Tao te King, Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930) deutscher Übersetzer, Tao Te King, Kapitel 31, 6. Jht., Diederichs Gelbe Reihe, Band 19, 1998, 10. Auflage 2004


  • Alle Männer sind Frauen vor dem Absoluten. Mirabai (~1498-1547) aristokratische indische Hindu-Mystikerin, Krishna-Devotee der Sant-Tradition, Dichterin, zitiert in: Eintrag Mirabai, präsentiert von der Publikation Encyclopedia, aktualisiert
    9. Dezember 2020


  • Sobald die Weiber uns gleichgestellt sind, sind sie uns überlegen.
    [Lateinisch: Extemplo simul pares esse coeperint, superiores erunt.]
    Marcus Porcius Cato der Ältere (234-149 v. Chr.) römischer Feldherr, Staatsmann, Historiker, Geschichtsschreiber, Schriftsteller, Rede gegen die Aufhebung des Oppischen Gesetzes, 195 v. Chr.
    • Den Augenblick, sowie sie anfangen, euch gleich zu sein, werden sie eure Herren sein.
      Übersetzung von Konrad Heusinger, 1886
      • [E]ins musst du gut verstehen: Es ist der Mann, der nach Dominanz strebt, aber es ist die Frau, die tatsächlich dominiert.
        Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] (1931-1990) indischer Philosophieprofessor, umstrittener Guru, Begründer der NeoSannyas-Bewegung, Om Shantih, shantih, shantih. The soundless sound, peace, peace, peace, Talk #15, Kapitel 15
        "The Three Rings of Love", Rebel Publishing House, 1 Auflage 1997



Bekenntnis eines reifen Mannes:

Loye bezieht sich auf seine Lebensgefährtin Riane Eisler (*ca. 1937) österreichstämmige US-amerikanische Makrokulturhistorikerin, Partnerschaftsforscherin, Soziologin, Evolutionstheoretikerin, Sozialaktivistin, Referentin und Autorin.

  • Für mich war es außerordentlich wichtig, mich mit einer Frau auszutauschen, die imstande ist, mich auf der Basis von Ebenbürtigkeit zu lieben, so wie ich sie. In einer vermännlichten, vom Herrschaftsdenken dominierten Gesellschaft kostet es zahlreiche Ehen und Liebesbeziehungen, um die uns eingehämmerten Verhaltensmuster, andere zu beherrschen, abzuschleifen. Frauen sind im Begriff, diesen Durchbruch zu schaffen. Sie haben begonnen, über den bestehenden Käfig der Dominanz-Hierarchie hinauszublicken, in dem noch nahezu alle Männer praktisch ohne Ausnahme gefangen sind.
    Interview mit Dr. David Loye (1925-2022) US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Erforscher von Evolutionssystemen, Partner-
    schaftsforscher, Autor, Raising the Chalice, präsentiert von der aufgelösten US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift Mavericks of the Mind, Wintersonnwende 1988



Mythos der Hopi-Indianer:

Überliefert von Carl Gustav Jung zum Thema Paradigmenwechsel

  • Die Hopi behaupten, dass sie am Anfang tief unter der Erde, die viele Schichten aufwies, gelebt hätten. Jedesmal, wenn eine solche Schicht übervölkert war, machten die Frauen die Lage durch ihr Benehmen so unerträglich, dass die Männer gezwungen waren, einen Weg in die nächste Schicht hinauf zu finden; die Frauen taten also selbst nichts, aber durch ihr widriges Verhalten zwangen sie die Hopi, in die Welt des Bewusstseins hinaufzusteigen. Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Schweizer Philologin, Jungsche Gelehrte, Autorin, Das Weibliche im Märchen. Psychologisch gesehen, Nr. 32, S. 81, Bonz Adolf, 1977, 12. Auflage Januar 1999


Rote Trauben im Herbst


  • Eine Frau ohne Mann ist wie ein Fisch ohne Fahrrad. Irina Dunn (*1948) australische Aktivistin der Nuclear Disarmament Party, Filmemacherin, Autorin, zitiert von Gloria Steinem (*1934) US-amerikanische Feministin der neuen Frauenbewegung, Frauenrechtlerin, visionäre politische Aktivistin, Gründerin und Herausgeberin des feministischen US-Magazins Ms., Journalistin, Autorin, zitiert in: Artikel WISSEN: Wer sagte "eine Frau braucht einen Mann wie der Fisch ein Fahrrad"?, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Lifestyle-Magazin für Männer Wiener, Manfred Sax, undatiert


  • Vorbildsein ist unlösbar mit Machthaben verknüpft, und sei diese Macht auch noch so relativ. Und Macht ist nicht minder tabu für Frauen – wie für jede unterdrückte Gruppe, das war traditionell für Juden oder Schwarze nicht anders. Artikel Alice Schwarzer über Vorbilder & Idole, präsentiert von der deutschsprachigen feministischen Publikumszeitschrift Emma, 1. November 2003


  • Ich bin es leid, eine Frau zu sein. Ich wäre schrecklich gerne einfach nur Mensch.
  • Ich halte die Frauen weder für die besseren Menschen, noch möchte ich, dass sie bevorzugt werden.
  • Verunsicherte Männlichkeit ist gefährlich bis lebensgefährlich. Vor allem für Frauen und Kinder.
    Interview mit Alice Schwarzer (*1942) führende deutsche Feministin, Herausgeberin der Zeitschrift EMMA, Journalistin, Autorin, «Ich bin es leid, eine Frau zu sein», präsentiert von dem Schweizer Wochenmagazin Die Weltwoche, Roger Köppel und Thorsten Stecher, Ausgabe 49, 14. Dezember 2003


  • Patriarchat bedeutet wörtlich:
    1. 'am Anfang der Vater' bzw. 'Vater-Gebärmutter'
    2. 'Vater-Herrschaft' ist die zweite Bedeutung von archein.
Prof. Dr. Claudia von Werlhof (*1943) deutsche Soziologin, Politologin, internationale Frauenforscherin, Universität Innsbruck, Auto-
rin, Vortragsskript Wie das Patriarchat aus der Negation des Matriarchats hervorging, PDF-Version (267.1 KB), erster Weltkongress für Matriarchatsforschung, Luxemburg, September 2003


  • Frauen und unterworfene Völker werden so behandelt, als gehörten sie nicht zur eigentlichen Gesellschaft, die aus (männlichen) Lohnarbeitern und Kapitalisten besteht. Sie werden behandelt, als wären sie notwendige Produktionsbe-
    dingungen oder 'Naturressourcen' wie Wasser, Luft, Erde. Die ökonomische Logik hinter dieser Kolonisierung besteht
    darin, dass Frauen (als Produzentinnen von Menschen) und Land Güter sind, die auf keine Weise kapitalistisch herzu-
    stellen sind. Kontrolle über Frauen und Land ist daher die Grundlage jedes auf Ausbeutung basierenden Systems. […]
    Das Verhältnis zu ihnen ist ein Aneignungsverhältnis. Prof. Dr. Claudia von Werlhof (*1943) deutsche Soziologin, Politologin, internationale Frauenforscherin, Universität Innsbruck, Autorin, Maria Mies, Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen, Frauen, die letzte Kolonie,
    S. 9, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1983


  • Es ist die Frau, die Göttin, die das Geheimnis der Schöpfung kennt – das Geheimnis des Lebens, des Todes und der Wiedergeburt.
    Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) rumänisch-US-amerikanischer Professor für Religionsgeschichte, Universität von Chicago, Philosoph, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Carmen Wilms, Augenblicke der weiblichen Wirklichkeit, Books on Demand (BoD), 15. Januar 2003



Selbstbeschreibung der Muttergottheit Isis

  • Ich bin das All, das gewesen ist, das noch ist und das sein wird, und meinen Mantel hat noch kein Sterblicher aufgedeckt.
    Aussage von Göttin Isis über sich; zitiert in: James George Frazer (1854-1941) schottischer Sozialanthropologe, Ethnologe, Klassischer Philologe, Mitbegründer der Religionsethnologie, Der Goldene Zweig (The Golden Bough, 1890), (1906-1915) S. 528-529, Leipzig, 1928




  • Eine Frau zu zwingen, die Burka abzulegen, anstatt sie in die Lage zu versetzen, selbst wählen zu können, ist ein Akt der Gewalt, der Erniedrigung und des kulturellen Imperialismus. Arundhati Roy (*1961) indische politische Aktivistin, Globalisierungskritikerin, Schriftstellerin, Capitalism. A Ghost Story, Haymarket Books, 6. Mai 2014


Zwanzig Frauenportraits
  • Olympe de Gouges war während der Französischen Revolution unter denjenigen, die sich am stärksten für die Rechte der Frau einsetzten. 1791, also zwei Jahre nach der Revolution, veröffentlichte sie eine Erklärung, in der sie für Frauen genau dieselben Rechte wie für Männer verlangte.
    [Sophie]: Und was wurde daraus?
    Sie wurde 1793 hingerichtet. Und den Frauen wurde jegliche politische Aktivität verboten.
Jostein Gaarder (*1952) norwegischer Intellektueller, Schriftsteller, Sofies Welt. Roman über die Geschichte der Philosophie [1991], exzerpiert aus audiobooks, Carl Hanser Verlag, Kapitel 10, München und Wien, 1993


Marie-Olympe de Gouges wurde am 4. November 1793 guillotiniert.


  • Weiblichkeit ist die Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit, mit offenem Herzen zu leben. Sie ist die Bereitschaft, die Seele im Körper zu empfangen. Sie ist das Tor zum Leben und zur Kreativität. [...] Ohne Weiblichkeit lebt die Seele nicht, ohne Männlichkeit kann sich die Seele nicht ausdrücken. Die Männlichkeit kommt zu einem Mann über das Weibliche. Männlichkeit ist die Kraft, das Wissen der Seele in Handlung umzusetzen. Darin liegt keine Wertigkeit. Beides gehört zusammen. Prof. Andrew Terker, US-amerikanischer für Linguistiker, Bewusstseinsforscher, multidimensionaler Heiler (Quantum ReleaseWork), Quelle unbekannt


  • Die größte Revolution des Jahrhunderts ist die veränderte Stellung der Frau in der Gesellschaft.
    Theodor Heuss (1884-1963) erster deutscher Bundespräsident, Ende der 50er Jahre, zitiert in: Theodor Heuss, präsentiert von der Webseite Gutzitiert


'Stillende junge Mutter
  • 97% aller Karrieremänner sind verheiratet und haben sogar überdurchschnittlich viele Kinder. Dagegen haben 40% aller Frauen, die Karriere machen, keine feste Partnerschaft und keine Kinder. Elke Müller-Mees (1942-2011) deutsche Schriftstellerin, 1993


  • Der deutsche Mann tut sich mit der Vorstellung von Frauen als gleichwertigen Menschen wohl am schwersten. Elke Müller-Mees (1942-2011) deutsche Schriftstellerin, 1993


  • Die Frau, das fötale Umfeld [...]
    Attribut für die Frau gemäß eines Entwurfs zum Embryonenschutzgesetz, erlassen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 13. Dezember 1990


  • Ich bin ein Mitkämpfer für die »verrufene Emanzipation der Frauen«, indem ich kämpfe für eine bedeutend erweiterte Geltung und Berücksichtigung der Familie im modernen Staat. Denn in der Familie stecken die Frauen. Sie sollen wirken für das öffentliche Leben, aber man soll ihrer dabei nicht ansichtig werden, denn sie sollen zu Hause bleiben. Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823-1897) deutscher Kulturhistoriker, erster deutscher Familiensoziologe, Journalist, Romanschriftsteller, zitiert in: Natalia Igl, Geschlechtersemantik 1800/1900: Zur literarischen Diskursivierung der Geschlechterkrise im Naturalismus, S. 123, V & R unipress, Göttingen, 2014


  • Das mögliche wie das wirkliche Leben der Frauen darzustellen, soll endlich nicht mehr Sache eines dafür ganz inkompetenten Mannes sein. Männer haben Jahrtausende lang am Bild vom Leben der Frau gemalt, und was dabei herausgekommen ist, wissen wir inzwischen genauer als je zuvor. Zeit, dass sich Frauen um ihre eigene Perspektive kümmern. Inhalt und Ziele eines Frauenlebens auch nur zu beschreiben, ist endgültig nicht mehr Angelegenheit von Männern.
    Horst Herrmann (1940-2017) deutscher Soziologe, Kirchenrechtler, Kirchenkritiker, Entwickler der Mandatssteuer zur Kirchenfinan-
    zierung, Patriarchatskritiker, Schriftsteller, Liebesbeziehungen – Lebensentwürfe. Eine Soziologie der Partnerschaft, Telos Verlag,
    Dr. Roland Seim, 4. Taschenbuchauflage 7. July 2008


  • Ist die Frau weniger wert als der Mann? Wer diese Frage beantwortet, kann auch sagen, ob Feuer mehr wert ist als Wasser. Carl Ludwig Schleich (1859-1922) deutscher Chirurg, Entwickler der Infiltrationsanästhesie, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Eine Frau wird an dem Tage dem Mann wirklich gleichberechtigt sein, an dem man auf einen bedeutenden Posten eine inkompetente Frau beruft. Françoise Giroud (*1916-2003) französische Politikerin, Journalistin, Bühnenschriftstellerin, Autorin, zitiert in: Artikel (frz.) Le Sexe, La Morale Et La Reine Victoria, präsentiert von der französischen Tageszeitung Le Monde, Archiv, 11. März 1983


  • In einer Sache wenigstens sind sich Mann und Frau einig: Sie misstrauen den Frauen.
    H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) US-amerikanischer Literaturkritiker, Kolumnist, Satiriker, Journalist, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Zitate & Sprüche – Männer, präsentiert von 1000 Zitate



  • Patriarchale Männer nehmen also das Denken für sich in Anspruch, vermeiden aber mit aller Kraft das Fühlen. Das führt, wie wir wissen, zu einer gewissen Denkunfähigkeit, weil die rechte und die linke Gehirnhälfte nicht mehr in Gegenseitigkeit funktionieren. Lässt du einen Acker brach liegen, fliegen die wilden Pflanzensamen auch auf das Nachbarland und verhindern eine gute Ernte. Mach' das 3000 Jahre und du hast die reinste Wildnis. Auf das Denk-
    vermögen bezogen: Dummheit in höchster Potenz. Hannelore Vonier rette-sich-wer-kann deutsche feministische Kultur-
    kritikerin, Freigeistin, Bloggerin zu matriarchal lebenden Ethnien, Autorin, Quelle unbekannt


James-Flamingos (Phoenicoparrus jamesi), Bolivia
  • Der Prozess des Näherkommens an unsere Natur ist eine unruhige, chaotische Angelegenheit. Alle Frauen, die sich auf diesem Weg befinden, sind schwierig und anstrengend. Einige von uns können sogar ziemliche Nervensägen sein. Aber alle feministischen Nerven-
    sägen sind mir tausendmal lieber als alle angepassten Helferinnen der Männerwelt.
    Angelika Aliti (*1946) deutsche Philosophin, Kultur-
    schaffende, Theatermacherin, lesbische Feministin, Frauenbuchautorin, Quelle unbekannt


  • Da der weibliche Körper meistens nur von außen – nach der Figur, den Proportionen, den Kurven – beurteilt wird, sehen die Frauen sich selbst wie aus der Vogelperspektive. Sie sind daran gewohnt, sich von außen, aus einer gewissen Distanz zu sehen, aber selten spüren sie sich auch von innen. Wenn die Frau lernt, eine nährende Liebesbeziehung mit ihrem eigenen Körper aufzubauen und innerlich mit ihm zu verschmelzen, wird sie
    mit ihrer erwachten lebendigen Sinnlichkeit eine atemberaubende weibliche Ausstrahlung haben, die die ganze Atmosphäre um sie herum verändert. [...]
    Die weibliche Vagina ist der physische "Raum", in den der Mann eintritt. Und als Gegenpol dazu ist es die Frau,
    die den Mann physisch empfängt beziehungsweise ihn in sich hineinlässt. Diese beiden Funktionen – das Eintre-
    ten und das Empfangen – sind sehr verschieden voneinander. Der Mann ist der Gast, die Frau die Gastgeberin.
    Diana Richardson, südafrikanische Pionierin der sexuellen Evolution, Buchautorin, Zeit für Weiblichkeit. Der tantrische Orgasmus der Frau, Innenwelt Verlag, 15. September 2004, 9. Auflage 2010



  • Durch Frauen werden die Höhepunkte des Lebens bereichert und die Tiefpunkte vermehrt.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) deutscher klassischer Gelehrter, Kulturkritiker, Philologe, Philosoph des Nihilismus, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Berühmte Zitate



Vergleiche mit Streisands Männerrolle im Film Yentl

  • Männer kann man überreden, Frauen muss man überzeugen!
    Barbra Streisand (*1942) US-amerikanische Sängerin, Schauspielerin, Musicalschauspielerin, zitiert in: Zitate.eu


  • Die Frau ist die einzige Beute, die auf ihren Jäger lauert. Redensart


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Frauen

Hinweis: Der Begriff Stutenbissigkeit ist auf das Sozialverhalten von Pferden in einem Herdenverbund zurückzuführen. Die Rolle der alleinstehenden Leitstute erfordert ein hohes Maß an Verantwortung und Aufmerksamkeit (etwa für die Frühwarnung vor sich nähernden Raubtieren) und wird daher meist von erfahrenen, eher älteren Stuten übernommen. Um den Anspruch auf diese Führungsrolle zu erhalten oder zu bestätigen, kommt es gelegentlich zu Rangauseinandersetzungen unter den Stuten. Diese werden jedoch meist durch Bisse und weniger durch Tritte, die eher bei Rangkämpfen zwischen Hengsten vorkommen, ausgetragen. Im übertragenen Sinn bezeichnet "Stutenbissigkeit" eifersüchtiges, neidisches und missgünstiges Verhalten unter Frauen. Auch eine – im Verhältnis zu Männern vermeintlich oder tatsächlich stärker ausgeprägte – Rivalität von Frauen unter-
einander im Berufsleben wird oft als Stutenbissigkeit bezeichnet. Das "under cover" Ziel der weiblichen Stutenbissigkeit ist,
die (vermeintliche) Rivalin auszuschalten. Die Intrigantin ist bemüht, Mittäterinnen mit möglichst großem Einfluss in ihre Mob-
bingaktivität einzubinden.

  • Die Gleichberechtigung ist ein moderner Mythos.
    Solange Feminismus ein Schimpfwort ist, kann es keine Gleichberechtigung geben. Denn solange Frauen sich davor fürchten, Feministin zu sein, haben Männer die Deutungshoheit darüber, was eine gute Frau ausmacht.
    Die männliche Herrschaft ist in weibliche Selbstbeherrschung und in die emotionale DNA der Frau übergegangen.
    Das mit dem Annehmen des männlichen Namens kommt aus derselben Ecke wie das väterliche Führen der Braut zum Altar: Es geht historisch gesehen um Eigentumsverhältnisse und Eigentumsübergabe.
    Unterwerfung und Sexualisierung werden uns heute als Gipfel der weiblichen Selbstbestimmtheit und Freiheit verkauft. Der Unterschied zu früher ist bloß: Die Frau wird nicht mehr gezwungen, sondern stimmt der Aufgabe ihrer Selbstbestimmung zu.
    Eine Studie unter Highschool-Schülerinnen in New York deckt sich mit meinen Interviews. Die große Mehrheit der jungen Frauen gab an, Blowjobs wie Hausaufgaben zu betrachten: eine lästige Arbeit, die gemacht werden muss, etwas, das sie lernen müssen und wofür sie dann bewertet werden. Die eigene Lust spielt dabei keine Rolle, es geht darum, dass die Bewertung gut ausfällt.
    Das älteste Mittel, um Frauen zu kontrollieren, funktioniert immer noch bestens: das öffentliche Beschämen. Weibliches Verhalten hat bis heute Konsequenzen, männliches sehr viel weniger. Wenn eine Frau begrapscht oder vergewaltigt wird oder wenn man ihr sexuelle Gewalt androht – was im Netz massiv zugenommen hat –, heißt es: Die muss sich ja nicht wundern, wenn sie so spät noch unterwegs ist, ein solches Foto von sich postet, solch feministische Meinungen vertritt. Thematisiert wird die Frau, die von ihrer Freiheit Gebrauch macht. Und nicht der Mann, der diese Freiheit verletzt.
    Frauen, die im Rahmen von #MeToo offenbarten, begrapscht worden zu sein, wurde vorgeworfen, sie würden dadurch echte Vergewaltigungen bagatellisieren. Damit sprach man ihnen gleich wieder das Recht ab, eigene Grenzen zu setzen. Es ist bezeichnend, dass während der Debatte geradezu wissenschaftliche Abstufungen von Sexismus, sexueller Belästigung und Gewalt gefordert wurden. Dabei hängt das alles zusammen: Sexismus ist die Abwertung von Frauen und der Nährboden für sexuelle Gewalt.
    Pornos haben eine einzige Botschaft: Sie macht, was er will. Darauf beruht die ganze Sexindustrie. Aus patriarchalischer Sicht ist da die Welt noch in Ordnung. Problematisch ist vor allem, dass die Filme immer gewalttätiger werden, das geben selbst die Produzenten unumwunden zu.
    Pornografie ist eine Parallelwelt zur Gleichberechtigung. Wer sagt, es handle sich ja nur um Fantasien, mit denen sich Männer jene Macht zurückholten, die sie im realen Leben verloren hätten, macht es sich zu einfach. Pornografische Bilder wirken auf die gesamte Gesellschaft: Der Porno-Chic ist im Mainstream angekommen, das sehen wir am Ekel vor Intimbehaarung.
    Laut Studien verändert das unser Verhältnis zur Gewalt: Wenn man Menschen Filme zeigt, in denen Frauen misshandelt werden und diese dabei protestieren, werden die Filme eher abgelehnt, als wenn die Frauen die Gewalt einfordern. Dann wird das als stimulierend empfunden. Denn die Botschaft ist: Wenn eine Frau herabgewürdigt wird und freiwillig mitmacht, dann gibt es kein Opfer und keinen Täter, und alles ist gut. Nach solchen Szenen wird sexuelle Gewalt als akzeptabler erachtet, und zwar von beiden Geschlechtern.
    Prostitution ist der Ausdruck sexualisierter Macht, die zeigt, wie alltäglich und gewöhnlich es ist, dass man Frauen kaufen kann. Es spiegelt ein Frau-Mann-Verhältnis wider, das so nicht mehr akzeptiert ist, aber immer noch praktiziert wird. Die Prostitution wird gerne als glamourös dargestellt und als ein Beruf wie jeder andere – trotzdem wollen die wenigsten Männer, dass ihre Töchter in dem Metier Karriere machen.
    Das Argument mit dem ältesten Gewerbe der Welt ist die älteste Entschuldigung der Welt, um patriarchalische Gesellschaftsstrukturen nicht hinterfragen zu müssen. Eine ehemalige Prostituierte hat das einmal so auf den Punkt gebracht: Prostatakrebs gab es auch schon immer, trotzdem tut man was dagegen. Abgesehen davon waren die ersten Prostituierten Sklavinnen, und ihre Töchter wurden in die Prostitution geboren. Das hatte mit Freiwilligkeit und Selbstbestimmung nichts zu tun.
    Der Ansatz, die Frauen mit der Legalisierung nicht länger kriminalisieren zu wollen, hat nichts gebracht, profitiert haben nur die Freier und eine hochkriminelle Parallelgesellschaft. Und gesellschaftlich gesehen heißt die Legalisierung nichts anderes als: Es ist in Ordnung, den Körper einer Frau zu kaufen und eine Frau zu benutzen. Die schwedische Idee, den Freier strafrechtlich zu verfolgen, ist sinnvoller, weil es klar macht: Frauen sind weder Objekte noch käuflich. Wer behauptet, es gäbe ohne Prostitution mehr Vergewaltigungen, sagt damit, dass alle Männer Triebtäter sind. Das ist sexistischer Blödsinn.
    Interview mit Dr. Sandra Konrad (*1975) deutsche Diplom-Psychologin, Psychotherapeutin, Sachbuchautorin, Die sexuell selbstbestimmte Frau ist eine Fata Morgana, präsentiert von der überregionalen Schweizer Tageszeitung Tages-Anzeiger, Gastgeberin Bettina Weber, Sonntagsausgabe, 7. Januar 2018



Mit Papierpuppen spielendes Mädchen


  • Bei Frauen gibt es so viel Hin und Her, so viel Unvermutetes, unbegreifliche Schlussfolgerungen, verkehrte Auslegungen, eigensinnige Entschlüsse, die unwiderruflich scheinen und aufgegeben werden, bloß weil ein Vögelein vorüberflog und sich auf einem Fenstersims niederließ. Guy de Maupassant (*1893) französischer Journalist, Schriftsteller, Die Reliquie, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1924


  • Die Philosophen haben die Welt immer nur männlich interpretiert; es kommt darauf an, sie auch weiblich zu interpretieren und menschlich zu verändern.
    Irmtraud Morgner (1933-1990) deutsche genderorientierte Schriftstellerin des magischen Realismus, Amanda. Ein Hexenroman, 1. März 1983, Faber & Faber, 1995


  • Wenn jemand ein Schicksal hat, dann ist es ein Mann. Wenn jemand ein Schicksal bekommt, so ist es eine Frau.
    Elfriede Jelinek (*1946) österreichische Schriftstellerin, Literaturnobelpreisträgerin, Roman Die Liebhaberinnen, Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1975, 37. Taschenbuchuflage 2. März 1989, S. 6, 2006


  • Warum wird den Frauen nicht beigebracht, für sich selbst verantwortlich zu sein? Es wird ihnen nicht gelehrt, wie sie sich im Leben behaupten können, weil ihre Mütter es selbst nicht wissen und ihre Väter es nicht für nötig halten. Shirley Conran (*1932) britische Journalistin, Romanschriftstellerin, Tiger Eyes, Viking, 1994



Wandteppich "Ehret die Frauen"
  • Ehret die Frauen! Sie flechten und weben
    Himmlische Rosen ins irdische Leben,
    Flechten der Liebe beglückendes Band,
    Und in der Grazie züchtigem Schleier
    Nähren sie wachsam das ewige Feuer
    Schöner Gefühle mit heiliger Hand.
Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) deutscher Arzt, Historiker, Philosoph, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Ballade Würde der Frauen, 1795; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



  • Etwas Unheimliches geht vor sich – also muss eine Frau dahinterstecken. Al Bundy, fiktive männliche Filmfigur, Familienvater und Schuhverkäufer, in der US-Sitcom-Serie Eine schrecklich nette Familie, Sender Fox (1987-1997)



  • Männer haben mehr Fantasie! Eine Frau wäre niemals zum Mond geflogen. Das ist reine Männersache.
    Vicco von Bülow [Loriot] (1923-2011) deutscher Humorist, Karikaturist, Regisseur, Schauspieler, Bühnen- und Kostümbildner,
    zitiert in: Gutzitiert

Zitate von Frauen über Frauen


  • Wir [Frauen] machen 51% der amerikanischen Bevölkerung aus. Wir sind keine Interessengemeinschaft. Die Leis-
    tungskurve der amerikanischen Frauen reicht von Erfolg bis hin zu Einfluss. Wir brauchen mehr als "die Kühnheit der Hoffnung". Uns fehlt die Verwegenheit, Machtpositionen einzunehmen. Ich denke, das ist der nächste Schritt. Videopräsentation von Marianne Williamson (*1952) US-amerikanische visionäre spirituelle Lehrerin, politische Aktivistin, Referentin, Autorin, Politics from the Inside Out: New Consciousness. New Politics [Politik aus dem Inneren: Neues Bewusstsein. Neue Politik], veranstaltet von der All Saints Church, Gastgeber Pastor Ed Bacon, Pasadena, Kalifornien, 14. Oktober 2012, YouTube Film, Minute 26:59, 44:05 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 15. Oktober 2012


  • Jedes Mädchen, das zur Frau heranwächst, ohne zu wissen, dass die Liebe ihr höchster Wert ist, ist geistig verge-
    waltigt worden. Die weibliche Spiritualität drückt eine Haltung des spirituellen Wartens, der Zuwendung und der Be-
    reitschaft für die Begegnung mit dem Gegenpol aus, die eine Voraussetzung für innere Ganzheit ist. Ohne diese
    wird sie zur Beute des Männlichen in sich selbst, eines rasenden Geistes intellektueller oder körperlicher Aktivität,
    zu dem kein Mann in Beziehung treten kann und zu dem sie selbst in keiner Weise in Beziehung treten kann. Sie
    ist eine besessene Frau. Irene Claremont de Castillejo (1885-1867) britisch-spanische Jungsche Analytikerin, Schriftstellerin,
    Knowing Woman. A Feminine Psychology, Putnam, 1973


Afrikanische Mutter mit Baby in Trageschlinge
  1. Die erste [feministische Revolution] war, als Frauen das Wahlrecht erkämpften,
  2. die zweite, als wir Zugang zu allen Berufen bekamen.
  3. Die dritte ist, die Arbeitswelt zu verändern. Und nicht nur für Frauen.
Die Jungs werden uns nochmal wirklich, wirklich dankbar sein.
Interview mit Arianna Huffington (*1950) griechisch-US-amerikanische Journalistin, Mitbegründerin und Chefredakteurin der Online-Zeitung The Huffington Post, politische Blog-Autorin, Sachbuchautorin, präsentiert von der deutschen Wochenzeitschrift Stern, Heft Nr. 37, 2014


  • Sie halten die Welt zusammen. Frauen sind inspirierend, sie haben so viel Humor und besitzen oft großartige Seelen. Bei den Männern bin ich mir da nicht so sicher. Die Männer nehmen sich im Vergleich immer viel mehr zusammen und warten mit ihren Emotionen bis zur nächsten Geschäftsreise. Sigourney Weaver (*1949) US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, weiblicher Actionstar, zitiert in: Artikel, präsentiert von der zweiwöchentlich erscheinenden deutschen Frauenzeitschrift Brigitte, S. 88, Heft 21, 24. September 2008



Paradox der freien Frauen

  • Als Feministinnen haben wir nur Paradoxien anzubieten. Weil wir selbst in dieser Kultur, die Jahrtausende lang patriarchal war, ein Paradox sind – freie Frauen. Unsere Stärke liegt in unserer Uneinigkeit. Unsere Differenzen sind der Proviant, von dem wir zehren. Artikel Lasst uns uneinig bleiben!, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Antje Schrupp, deutsche Politikwissenschaftlerin, Journalistin, Publizistin, 27. November 2017

Frauenfeindliche Zitate in der Bibel

  • Adamah = Ackerboden (Erde)
  • Chawwah = Eva (von chai: Leben)
  • Adam (3 Bedeutungen) = 1. Erdling, 2. Mensch, 3. Mann Adam
    • Adam als ungeschlechtlicher Erdling; Genesis 2, 5-21 (AT)
    • Adam als Mann; Genesis 2, 22- Genesis 3, 19 (AT)
    • Adam als Name Adam; ab Genesis 3, 20 (AT)
  • Isch = Mann
  • Ischah = Männin (Frau)

Zwei Versionen der Erschaffung des Menschen und zwei Schöpfungsgeschichten

  1. Die erste jüngere Schöpfungsgeschichte (genannt Priesterschrift): 1. Mose, Buch Genesis 1, 1-2, 4a
    Ebenbürtigkeit des Menschen und der Geschlechter (naturgegebene (Würde)
    Gott schuf also den Menschen als sein Abbild; als Abbild Gottes schuf er ihn. Als Mann und Frau schuf er sie. Genesis 1, 27 (AT)
    Mensch: männlich und weiblich bzw. als männlich-weiblich
  2. Die zweite ältere Schöpfungsgeschichte: 1. Mose, Buch Genesis 2, 4b-3, 24
    Erst- und zweitrangige Version (gewohnheitsmäßiger (Rankismus):
    Da sprach der Mensch (Adam): Das ist doch Bein von meinem Bein und Fleisch von meinem Fleisch; man wird sie Männin (Ischah) nennen, weil sie vom Manne (Adam) genommen ist. Darum wird ein Mann seinen Vater und seine Mutter verlassen und seiner Frau anhangen, und sie werden ein Fleisch sein. Genesis 2, 23-24 (AT)
    1. Mose, Genesis 2, 7-8, 15-22 (AT) – Adam ("Mensch") wurde als erster Mensch aus Erde ("Adamah") geschaffen und wohnt im Garten Eden. Eva ("Leben", "Chawwah"), der Seite/Rippe Adams entnommen, wurde als seine Gefährtin erschaffen.



Paulinisches Christentum:

Paulus, Vertreter der rankistischen Schöpfung des Menschen (Mann vor Frau)


  • Ihr Frauen, ordnet euch euren Männern unter wie dem Herrn (Christus); denn der Mann ist das Haupt der Frau, wie auch Christus das Haupt der Kirche ist; er hat sie gerettet, denn sie ist sein Leib. Wie aber die Kirche sich Christus unterordnet, sollen sich die Frauen in allem den Männern unterordnen. St. Paulus von Tarsus (5-67 n. Chr.), Brief an die Epheser 5, 22-24 (NT)


  • Ihr Frauen, ordnet euch euren Männern unter, wie es sich im Herrn geziemt. St. Paulus von Tarsus (5-67 n. Chr.), Brief an die Kolosser 3, 18 (NT)


  • Eine Frau soll sich still und in aller Unterordnung belehren lassen. Dass eine Frau lehre, erlaube ich nicht, auch nicht, dass sie über ihren Mann herrsche; sie soll sich still verhalten. Denn zuerst wurde Adam erschaffen, dann Eva. Und nicht Adam wurde verführt, sondern die Frau ließ sich verführen und übertrat das Gebot. St. Paulus von Tarsus (5-67 n. Chr.), 1. Timotheus 2, 11-14 (NT)




  • Zur Frau sagte er: Groß, groß werde ich deine Mühe und deine Schwangerschaft machen. In Mühe wirst du Kinder gebären. Auf deinen Mann hin richtet sich dein Begehren. Er aber wird über dich herrschen.
    Zu Adam sagte er: Weil du auf die Stimme deiner ischah gehört hast und von dem Baum gegessen hast, auf den hin ich dir befohlen habe: Du sollst nicht von ihm essen! Verflucht ist die adamah deinetwegen. In Mühe wirst du von ihr essen alle Tage deines Lebens. Dornen und Disteln lässt sie dir wachsen. Und du wirst das Kraut des Feldes essen. Im Schweiß deines Angesichts wirst du Brot essen bis du zurückkehrst zur adamah, denn von ihr bist du genommen. Denn Staub bist du, und zum Staub kehrst du zurück. Genesis 3, 16-19 (AT)


  • Von einer Frau nahm die Sünde ihren Anfang, ihretwegen müssen wir alle sterben. Sirach 25, 24 (AT)




Sexueller Missbrauch im Alten Testament

  • Dann entblöße ich ihre Scham vor den Augen ihrer Liebhaber. Niemand kann sie meiner Gewalt entreißen. Hosea 2, 12 (AT)


  • Und Abschalom, ihr Bruder, sagte zu ihr: 'Amnon, dein Bruder, war er bei dir? Und nun, meine Schwester, schweig! Dein Bruder ist er. Nimm dir diese Sache nicht zu Herzen.' 2. Samuel 13 (AT)


  • Sie vergewaltigten sie und erniedrigten sie die ganze Nacht bis zum Morgen. […] Vor der Haustür des Mannes, bei dem ihr Herr wohnte, brach sie zusammen und bliebt dort liegen, bis es hell wurde. […] Als er nach Hause gekommen war, nahm er ein Messer, ergriff seine Nebenfrau, zerschnitt sie in zwölf Stücke. Richter 19, 25-29 (AT)

Wasser und Feuer – Frauen und Männer

Auf diese Art sprach sie zärtlich und gewinnend; inzwischen wurde sie von Weinen übermannt.
Als die Tränen und Seufzer alle Grenzen überschritten – bei ihr, die auch ohne Tränen hinreißend war – [2420]
Leuchtete in diesem Regen ein Blitz auf, der einen Funken Feuer in das Herz des einsamen Mannes schoss.
Ihr schönes Gesicht macht den Mann zum Sklaven; wie wird es sein, wenn sie beginnt, die Sklavin zu spielen?
Ihr Stolz lässt dein Herz erzittern; was wirst du tun, wenn sie weinend vor dir niederfällt?
Ihre Anmut lässt dein Herz und deine Seele bluten; wie wird es sein, wenn sie sich auf Flehen verlegt?
Ihre Tyrannei und Grausamkeit hält uns gefangen, welche Ausrede bleibt uns, wenn sie zu bitten anfängt? [2425]
Verlockend ist den Menschen gemacht die Liebe für die Freuden an Frauen:
Gott hat es so eingerichtet; wie können sie vor dem fliehen, was Gott eingerichtet hat? [Koran III:14]
Da Er sie erschaffen hat, damit er ihr beiwohne, wie könnte Adam dann von Eva getrennt werden? [Koran VII:189]
Das Wasser beherrscht das Feuer, weil es das Feuer einschüchtert,
doch das Feuer kocht das Wasser,
wenn es [das Wasser] [in einem Kessel] verborgen ist.

Wenn ein Kessel zwischen die beiden kommt,
vernichtet das Feuer das Wasser und verwandelt es in Luft.
Wenn du wie das Wasser deine Frau äußerlich beherrschst,
wirst du doch innerlich beherrscht und sehnst dich nach deiner Frau.
Das ist die Eigenschaft des Menschen; den Tieren fehlt die Liebe,
und das kommt von ihrer Minderwertigkeit.


        Erklärung der Überlieferung       
"Wahrlich, sie (die Frauen) beherrschen den Weisen, und der Unwissende herrscht über sie.
Der Prophet sagte, dass die Frauen die Vernünftigen und die Herzensbesitzer beherrschen.
Andererseits herrschen die unwissenden Männer über die Frauen,
denn in ihnen ist die Wildheit des Tieres gefangen. [2435]
Es fehlt ihnen an Zärtlichkeit, Güte und Zuneigung, denn in ihrem Wesen herrscht Animalität vor.
Liebe und Zärtlichkeit sind menschliche Eigenschaften, Wut und Gier sind tierische Eigenschaften.
Die Frau ist ein Strahl Gottes, nicht diese irdische Geliebte.
Man könnte sagen, sie ist schöpferisch, nicht geschaffen."


Quelle: ► Dschalal ad-Din Rumi (1207-1273) persischer islamischer Mystiker, Jurist, Theologe, Dichter des Sufismus,
Das Masnavi. Erstes Buch, Abschnitt "Über die Frauen", Verse 2524-2540, Edition Shershir, 12. September 2012

Das in Erniedrigung ausgetragene Menschentum der Frau

Dieses in Schmerzen und Erniedrigung ausgetragene Menschentum der Frau wird dann,
wenn sie die Konvention der Nur-Weiblichkeit in den Verwandlungen ihres äußeren Standes
abgestreift haben wird, zutage treten, und die Männer, die es heute noch nicht kommen fühlen,
werden davon überrascht und geschlagen werden. Eines Tages (wofür jetzt, zumal in den
nordischen Ländern, schon zuverlässige Zeichen leuchten), eines Tages wird das Mädchen
da sein und die Frau, deren Name nicht mehr nur ein Gegensatz zum Männlichen bedeuten wird,
sondern etwas für sich, etwas, wobei man an keine Ergänzung und Grenze denkt,
nur an Leben und Dasein: – der weibliche Mensch. [...]

Und auch im Manne ist Mutterschaft, scheint mir, leibliche und geistige [...].
Und vielleicht sind die Geschlechter verwandter als man meint, und
die große Erneuerung der Welt wird vielleicht darin bestehen, dass Mann und Mädchen sich,
befreit von allen Irrgefühlen und Unlüsten, nicht als Gegensätze suchen werden, sondern sich
zusammentun werden als MENSCHEN, um einfach, ernst und geduldig das schwere Geschlecht,
das ihnen auferlegt ist, gemeinsam zu tragen.


Quelle: ► Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) böhmisch-österreichischer Dichter, Lyriker,
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter, An Franz Xaver Kappus,
Worpswede bei Bremen, 16. Juli 1903, (1903-1908), veröffentlicht 1929

Hymne an das ewig Weibliche

Ich bin erschienen von Anbeginn der Welt.



Alles im Universum ist Werk der Vereinigung und Befruchtung – geschieht durch Sammlung der Elemente, die sich suchen und zu zweit miteinander verschmelzen und so wiedergeboren werden in einem Dritten [...]
Ich bin das verbindende Antlitz alles Seienden – ich bin der Wohlgeruch, der sie in Freiheit und Leidenschaft auf den Weg zu ihrer Vereinigung lockt und an sich zieht. Durch mich gerät alles in Bewegung und in Beziehung. Ich bin das wesenhaft Weibliche. Im Leben habe ich begonnen, mich zu offenbaren.
Wenn ein Mann eine Frau liebt, hat er zunächst die Vorstellung, er wende sich einem Einzelwesen zu, wie er selbst eines ist, einem Wesen, das er umgreift, so gut er es vermag, und das er frei sich zugesellt.
Während er mein Antlitz mit einem Nimbus umgibt, entdeckt er ein Strahlen, das sein Herz empfänglich macht und alle Dinge zum Leuchten bringt.
Dieses Strahlen meines Wesens schreibt er einer subjektiven Stimmung seines entzückten Geistes zu oder einem bloßen Reflex meiner Schönheit auf die tausend Facetten der Natur. Bald jedoch erstaunt er über das Ungetüm, das bei meinem Nahen in ihm aufbricht, und er zittert bei der Feststellung, dass er sich nur mit mir vereinen kann, wenn er sich zwangsläufig als Diener eines universellen Werkes der Schöpfung ergreifen lässt.
Er dachte, neben mir nur eine Gefährtin zu finden, doch wird er gewahr, dass er in mir die große geheimnisvolle Macht, die geheimnisvolle Verborgenheit berührt, die ihn unter dieser Gestalt ereilt, um ihn mit sich zu reißen.


Wer mich gefunden hat, steht am Eingang aller Dinge. [...] ich bin der Zauber der universellen Gegenwart und ihr vielgesichtiges Lächeln. Ich bin der Zutritt zum Herzen der ganzen Schöpfung – das Tor zur Erde – die Initiation. [...] Wer mich nimmt, gibt sich mir hin, und er wird vom Universum ergriffen. [...]


Als er begriffen hat, dass ich für ihn das All war, hat er geglaubt, er könnte mich in seinen Armen umschließen.
Er hat sich mit mir in einer geschlossenen Welt zu zweit einschließen wollen, wo wir uns genügen würden [...]
Genau in diesem Augenblick bin ich in seinen Händen zerflossen [...]und es hat den Anschein erwecken können, als sei ich die Verderbnis der Menschheit – die Versuchung. [...]
Von dem Augenblick an also, da ihr versucht mich festzuhalten und mich unter einer völlig fertigen Gestalt zu besitzen, erstickt ihr mich [...]
Ihr verderbt mich, ihr kehrt mein Wesen planmäßig um [...].
Ich verführe aber zum Lichte hin. Ich reiße mit fort, aber in die Freiheit [...] ich bin die unverwelkliche Schönheit der zukünftigen Zeiten, das weibliche Ideal.


Quelle: ► Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) französischer Philosoph, jesuitischer Theologe, Priester, Anthropologe,
Paläontologe, Geologe, Hymne an das ewig Weibliche, Verzy, Frankreich, 19.-25. März 1918, Johannes, 1. Januar 1969
See also: ► Hymn to the eternal female

Der Einfluss einer Frau auf den Mann

Der Einfluss der Frau
Ein frommer Mann hatte ein frommes Weib, aber sie hatten keine Kinder.
Da sprachen sie: Unsere Ehe bringt dem Heiligen, gelobt sei er, keinen Nutzen.
Und der Mann gab seiner Frau den Scheidebrief, und sie trennte sich von ihm.
Er heiratete in zweiter Ehe eine böse Frau, und die machte ihn zu einem Bösewicht.
Die Geschiedene wiederum heiratete einen bösen Mann
und verwandelte diesen in einen frommen.
Ob der Mann gottlos wird, ob der Mann fromm wird – alles bewirkt die Frau.
"When women go wrong men go right after them." Famous double entendre by Mae West (1893-1980) US American actress, sex symbol, playwright, screenwriter,
cited in: Mae West Quotes, presented by liveabout
Quelle: ► Talmud, Hauptschrift des gewöhnlichen Judentums, Midrasch Bereschit r. 17, 7

Zitate von Männern zu frauenrelevanten Themen

Simon Petrus sprach zu ihnen: Maria (Magdalena) soll aus unserer Mitte fortgehen, denn die Frauen sind des Lebens
nicht würdig. Jesus sprach: Seht, ich werde sie ziehen, um sie männlich zu machen, damit auch sie ein lebendiger Geist
wird, vergleichbar mit euch Männern. Denn jede Frau, die sich männlich macht, wird in das Himmelreich gelangen.
Thomasevangelium, Logion 114, Teil der Apokryphen, 50-140, 350 n. Chr., wiederentdeckt 1945, Übersetzung Wieland Willker, 2002



  • Der Feminismus ist unsere Erfindung aus zwei Gründen.
    1. Vorher zahlte nur die Hälfte der Bevölkerung Steuern, jetzt fast alle, weil die Frauen arbeiten gehen.
    2. Außerdem wurde damit die Familie zerstört, und wir haben dadurch die Macht über die Kinder erhalten. Sie sind unter unserer Kontrolle mithilfe unserer Medien und bekommen unsere Botschaft eingetrichtert, stehen nicht mehr unter dem Einfluss der intakten Familie.
Indem wir die Frauen gegen die Männer aufhetzen und die Partnerschaft und die Gemeinschaft der Familie zerstören, haben wir eine kaputte Gesellschaft aus Egoisten geschaffen, die
➤ arbeiten (für die angebliche Karriere),
➤ konsumieren (Mode, Schönheit, Marken) und folglich
➤ unsere Sklaven sind und das dann auch noch gut finden.
Eingeständnis von Nicholas Rockefeller gegenüber Aaron Russo (1943-2007) US-amerikanischer Geschäftsmann, Filmemacher, po-
litischer Steuerreform-Aktivist der Libertarian Party, Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO
– Aaron Russo
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Netzfernsehsender Prisonplanet.TV, Gastgeber Alex Jones (*1974)
US-amerikanischer rechtsgerichteter Radiomoderator, Unternehmer, YouTube Film, 8:01 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 14. Januar 2012
  • Ja, die Germanen meinen sogar, den Frauen sei eine gewisse Heiligkeit und eine seherische Gabe eigen. Und so verschmähen sie weder ihren Rat, noch verachten sie den erteilten Bescheid.
    Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Gaius] (58-~120 n. Chr.) bedeutender römischer Historiker, Senator des Römischen Reichs, kurze ethnographische Schrift Germania, 8. Kapitel, Erstausgabe durch Wendelinus de Spira, Venedig 1472


  • Die Macht der Frau ist immens, denn sie besitzt einen besonderen Magnetismus in Form von kleinen, subtilen Teilchen, die ihr entkommen.
    Nicht auf der körperlichen Ebene hat die Frau die größte Macht, sondern im Bereich der ätherischen Emanationen,
    und wenn viele sagen, sie sei eine Hexe, eine Magierin oder eine Fee, dann liegt es an diesem Magnetismus, den
    die Natur ihr gegeben hat.
    Dank dieser Ausstrahlung sind Frauen sogar in der Lage, ätherische Körper zu bilden.
    Wenn ein Großmeister, wenn ein Erlöser der Welt den Keim einer erhabenen Errungenschaft des Königreichs Gottes
    auf Erden gibt, dann können alle Frauen gemeinsam durch ihre Emanationen den Körper dieses kollektiven Kindes
    Wenn sich alle Frauen weltweit ihrer Möglichkeiten bewusst werden, könnten sie dank ihrer subtilen Ausstrahlung zur
    Bildung eines neuen kollektiven Körpers beitragen – Gottes Königreich und seiner Gerechtigkeit.
    Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900-1986) bulgarischer Philosoph, Psychologe, spiritueller Meister, Die neue Religion. Eine univer-
    selle Sonnenreligion
    , Prosveta Deutschland, Erstauflage 30. September 2005


  • Die Erfahrung lehrt uns, dass jeder Schritt nach vorwärts unveränderlich begleitet war von einem Schritte zur Erhebung der sozialen Stellung der Frauen, so dass Historiker und Philosophen die höhere oder niedere Stufe, auf welcher die Frauen standen, als das sicherste und untrüglichste Merkmal für den Grad der Zivilisation eines Volkes oder Zeitalters hinzustellen pflegen. Jede fortschrittliche Periode in der Geschichte der Menschheit bringt die Stellung der Frauen der Gleichheit mit den Männern näher, und wenn dies an und für sich betrachtet auch noch nicht beweist, dass die Assimi-
    lation bis zur vollkommenen Gleichstellung gehen muss, so lässt es doch unstreitig günstige Schlüsse dafür zu.
    John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) englischer Philosoph, Volkswirt, Feminist, Autor, Harriet Taylor Mill (Ehefrau), Helen Taylor (Stieftochter), "On the Subjection of Women", 1869, Ulrike Helmer, Herausgeberin, Die Hörigkeit der Frau, Berggold, Berlin, 1. Kapitel, tredition, Hamburg, 1991, 2011, Unikum, 25. April 2013


  • "Ein Baum, der fällt, macht mehr Krach als ein Wald, der wächst."  Tibetische Weisheit
    Was wir in den Geschichtsbüchern lesen, ist die Geschichte der fallenden Bäume. Das ist alles, was destruktiv war.
    Wer ist der wachsende Wald? Das sind unsere Frauen.
    Wir müssen genau auf die Gruppen gucken, die wissen, dass in der Kooperation die Rettung ist. Aber es geht lang-
    sam. Der wachsende Wald ist immer eine Art Heilungsprozess. Es heißt auch, dass wir auf ein höheres Niveau kommen. Video Konferenzvortrag von Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr (1929-2014) deutscher Quantenphysiker für Elementarteilchen-
    physik und Gravitation, Universität München, "passionierter Grenzgänger", Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, alternativer Nobelpreisträger, 30-Jahre-Feier des "Right Livelihood Awards", veranstaltet von German-
    watch, Triodos Bank und Deutsche Telekom, Bonn, 16. September 2010, gelöschter YouTube Film, The Great Transformation – 100% Future, Teil 2 von 2, Minute 11:18, 12:51 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 18. Oktober 2010


  • Die Hopi-Indianer sind ja der Meinung, dass ein Mann mit 50 Jahren erwachsen wird. [...] Irgendwann habe ich mich gefragt: Wieso reden die nie über Frauen? Weil sie der Meinung sind, dass bereits ein zwölfjähriges Mädchen her-
    zensgebildet ist, während sie den Jünglingen nicht trauen. Sie sagen [zum Mann]: "Wenn du 50 bist – wir haben dich deshalb so lange gewähren lassen – musst du endgültig verstanden haben, was Liebe und Verantwortung bedeuten." Und das haben die Frauen offensichtlich bei ihrer Geburt eingepflanzt bekommen, während Männer in ihrem rausch-
    haften Verlangen das jahrelang vergessen. Nicht, dass sie dazu nicht auch eine Lage sind. Videointerview mit Dirk C. Fleck (*1943) freier deutscher Journalist, Autor, AFTER DARK Episode 1 mit DIRK C. FLECK, präsentiert von der YouTube-Plattform FAIR TALK, Gründer und Gastgeber Jens Lehrich (*1970) deutscher Hörfunkjournalist, Autor, YouTube Film, Minute 1:12:02, 1:33:28 Dauer, eingestellt 28. November 2020


  • Die Liebe einer Frau kannst du dir durch mancherlei verscherzen:
    - durch Vertrauen und Misstrauen,
    - durch Nachgiebigkeit und durch Tyrannei,
    - durch zu viel und zu wenig Zärtlichkeit,
    - durch alles und durch nichts.
Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) österreichischer Arzt, Erzähler, Dramatiker, Schriftsteller der Wiener Moderne; zitiert in: Gute Zitate

Aufruf des 14. Dalai Lama an die Frauen
Ich habe einen Glauben, weswegen mich manche womöglich als Feministen bezeichnen werden.
Vor Millionen von Jahren existierte kein Herrschaftsgedanke in der menschlichen Gesellschaft.
Alle waren gleich.
Die Leute arbeiteten miteinander und was immer sie hatten, teilten sie unter sich.
Schließlich wuchs die Bevölkerung. Einige bösartige Leute kamen auf die Idee, die Herrschaft einzuführen.
Die wesentliche Eigenschaft der Herrschaft ist der materielle Status.
Ich glaube, die männliche Vorherherrschaft [= Stolzkultur] stammt von damals.
Schließlich nahm die Bildung eine wichtige Stellung ein, wodurch sich das Gleichgewicht der Geschlechter
bedeutend verbesserte.

1. Geld oder Reichtum genügte nicht, um inneren Frieden zu bringen.
2. Das [naturwissenschaftlich orientierte] Bildungswesen genügte nicht, um inneren Frieden zu bringen.
3. Die Technologie genügte auch nicht, um inneren Frieden zu bringen.
4. Im 21. Jahrhundert müssen wir die Menschenrechte, Ethik, Mitgefühl und Zuneigung nachhaltiger fördern.
Frauen sind einfühlsamer angesichts der Schmerzen oder des Leidens anderer. […]
Daher bitte ich die [westlichen] Frauen, sich stärker [in Führungsrollen] zu engagieren.

Quelle: ► Videopräsentation von S.H., der 14. Dalai Lama, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, präsentiert von dem kanadischen Privatfernsehsender CTV Television Network, letzter Abschnitt der Filmsequenz 2 von 4, Minute 14:53-17:59,
Vancouver, Kanada, Sonntag, 27. September 2009

Quotes by women on issues of women

Avowals of women on their womanhood


At age 7.5, Maya Angelou was raped by her "stepfather" Mr. Freeman. She confessed the crime to her brother, who then informed the family. Released from jail after only after one day of arrest, the rapist was killed, probably by Angelou's uncles. As a result she feared the power of her voice and naming names. Hence, she became mute for nearly five years.

  • The sadness of the women's movement is that they don't allow the necessity of love.
    See, I don't personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed. Maya Angelou (1928-2014) US American historian, actress, producer, director, civil-rights activist, educator, playwright, poet, bestselling black author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



Feminine energy in leadership will change the world.

  • I think that the time is ripe to make fundamental changes in our civilization. But for real change we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in mind of men. I am talking about men with young minds, of course. Old guys are hopeless. We have to wait for them to die off. Video presentation by Isabel Allende (*1942) Chilean US American storyteller, novelist, writer of the "magic realist" tradition, Tales of passion, TED Talks 2007, minute 16:43, 17:43 minutes duration, filmed March 2007, posted January 2008


Roasted coffee beans
  • I've got a loud mouth. I tease my husband. [...] He [her husband Barack Obama] is very able to deal with a strong woman. This is one of the reasons why he can be president because he can deal with me. TV interview with Michelle Obama (*1964) US Ame-
    rican wife of the 44th US president, first African-American first lady, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation ABC News, program Good Morning America, 22. May 2007


  • I can promise you that women working together – linked, informed and educated – can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. Isabel Allende (*1942) Chilean US American storyteller, novelist, writer of the "magic realist" tradition, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Now looking back I can see that while I was conducting my interviews, I wasn't actually listening. I was hearing them speak and I knew the cameras were recording, but in those moments of sitting across from my enemy, I wasn't listening.  Minute 1:30
    I learned a difficult lesson. When you start to humanize your enemy you in turn may be dehumanized by your community. And that's what happened to me.  Minute 10:44
    The greatest challenge I faced was peeling back the layers of my own bias. I did meet the enemy, while filming. It
    was my ego that was saying 'I was right, and they were subhuman.'  Minute 12:19
    I no longer call myself a feminist. I am not anti-feminist, and I am not a men's rights activist. I still support women's rights and I now care about men's rights as well.  Minute 12:45
    Video presentation by Cassie Jaye (*1986) US American film director, best known for directing the 2016 documentary film The
    Red Pill
    about the men's rights movement, MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement, presented by TEDxMarin, YouTube film, 14:47 minutes duration, posted 18. October 2017



Finding her voice in the Third Act

  • Although I've always been financially independent, and professionally and socially successful, behind the closed doors of my personal life I was still turning myself in a pretzel so I'd be loved by an alpha male. I thought if I didn't become whatever he wanted me to be, I'd be alone, and then, I wouldn't exist. […]
    Early on in my third act [past age 60] I found my voice and, in the process, I have ended up alone but not really. You see, I'm with myself and this has enabled me to see feminism more clearly. It's hard to see clearly when you're a pretzel. Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, writer, political activist, former fitness guru, Jane Fonda's Speech at the National Women's Leadership Summit, Washington, D.C., 12. June 2003


  • I have been a ventriloquist for the patriarchy. ...
    Now, every group that's been oppressed has its share of Uncle Toms, and we have our Aunt Toms. I call them ventri-
    loquists for the patriarchy. Article by Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, writer, political acti-
    vist, philanthropist, The Price Men Pay for Patriarchy, presented by Men's Resource Center For Change, Voice Male, fall 2003



Coincidences and spiritual conversion

  • I began to feel that I was being led.
    Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, writer, political activist, philanthropist, My Life So Far, presented by the satellite television channel University of California Television (UCTV), UC Santa Barbara, series "Voices", July 2006, Show ID:11755, 1. May 2006, YouTube film, starting at minute 1:02:31, 1:29:37 duration, posted
    25. February 2008



Word of caution:

Marx Hubbard is collaborating with and defending Marc Gafni, serial sexual predator for 40 years.

  • Men do what women want [reward]. Women attract the male shifting from the patriarchy into their own inner essence. Women are the leaders of the liberation of men. We don't reject or see men as inferior or oppressive. Men can be liberated and guided through women. Men can be liberated and guided through women. […] I have been "inseminated" logically by the ideas of great men. I have always been inspired by the great men who were evolutionaries. They were all men! I was attracted to their ideas and their seed, and it awakened in me the feminine co-creator. And then I became a guide to the men who were not yet evolu-
    tionaries but who were brilliant. Audio interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, "Women on the Edge of Evolution", spring 2010,
    cited in: Martin Ucik, German general manager, entrepreneur, integral relationship evolutionary, Integral Relationships. A Manual
    for Men
    , S. 256, singles2couples.org Publishing, 1st edition 30. July 2010


  • I think that there is a new "third" phase to the women's movement. [...] This new [...] phase is about the drive to self-evolve and self-express, which is different from wanting equal rights in the masculine world. It's deeper, and it's motivated by
    a passionate love of our potential.
    Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, cited in: article Sex, Immortality, and the Future of Women An interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard, presented by the publication Goddess on the Loose, Jessica Roemischer, 4. April 2007


  • I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does
    not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat
    me like a woman. Anais Nin (1903-1977) French-Cuban author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • I became a feminist as an alternative to becoming a masochist.
    [Ich bin Feministin geworden, weil ich sonst Masochistin geworden wäre.]
    Audio interview on "Religion" with Sally Kempton, US American feminist, journalist, Bringing Greater Consciousness to the Dialogue on Religion. Seeing Beyond the Mythic God, part 1, in dialog with host Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, presented by Integralinstitute.org, aired 29. October 2007



  • For young women, I would say, don’t worry so much about your weight. Girls spend way too much time thinking about that, and there are better things. For young men, and women, too, what makes you different or weird, that's your strength. Everyone tries to look a cookie-cutter kind of way, and actually the people who look different are the ones
    who get picked up. I used to hate my nose. Now, I don't.
    Interview with Meryl Streep (*1949) US American award winning actress, Meryl Streep at IU: 'I Thought I Was Too Ugly to Be an Actress', presented by the US American magazine Indianapolis Monthly, Dianne Osland, 17. April 2014



  • We know that when we empower girls, everybody benefits. Girls who are educated, healthy and free can trans-
    form their communities
    and pass on the benefits to their children, and to their children's children. [...] Girls who mar-
    ry before they turn 18 are more likely to drop out of school, live in poverty, suffer domestic violence, become pregnant before they are ready, and die in childbirth. Marrying too young is a sure way to perpetuate poverty and inequality
    in a girl's community. Graça Machel (*1945) Mozambican politician, humanitarian, international advocate for women's and children's rights, widow of former South African president Nelson Mandela, opinion blog When we empower girls, everybody benefits, presented by The Elders, 11. October 2012


  • To be whole, empowered women,
    ➤ we have to be disloyal to the patriarch in our mothers.
    ➤ We have to say no.
    ➤ We have to hand back the pain our mothers have asked us to carry for them so that they can uphold their own
         journey of healing.
    ➤ We must refuse to give up our power to feed the pain body of our mothers, which ultimately, is a great gift to them
         and to the world.
Blog article by Bethany Webster, US American psychologist, blogger, The Most Insidious Forms of Patriarchy Pass Through the Mother, ~July 2016


  • Women are 51% of the population but 70% of the poor
    and 83% of single parents doing 66% of the work
    producing 50% of the food
    but earn just 11% of the pay and only 1% of the land.
    In case you wondered why we still need feminism.

    Facebook comment by Hverdagsfeministen, 1. January 2020




Future prospects

  • When the Grandmothers speak the Earth will be healed. Prophecy by the Hopi, Native American peace tribe



  • What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.
    Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980) US American political activist, poet on equality, feminism, social justice, and Judaism, The Speed
    of Darkness
    , poem Käthe Kollwitz, Random House, 1968, Vintage, 1971




Why did 41% of American women vote against Hillary Clinton / for Donald Trump as president on November 8th, 2016

  • Women hate women. Women’s nature is not to support other women. It’s really sad. Men protect each other, and women protect their men and children. Women turn inward and men are more external. A lot of it has do with jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation. Madonna (*1958) US American singer, songwriter, actress, businesswoman, cited in: Article 'Women Hate Women': Madonna on Why Trump Won the Election, presented by the US American weekly news magazine TIME, Megan Lasher, 6. December 2016



  • Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. Charlotte Whitton (1896-1975) Canadian feminist, first woman mayor of Ottawa (1951-1956) and (1960-1964), cited in: article presented by the publication "Canada Month", June 1963
  • All souls are feminine in the presence of the [decidedly male] Lord Kṛṣṇa. Mirabai [Meera] (~1498-1547) aristocratic Indian Hindu mystical poet-saint, Krishna devotee, influential in the Sant tradition of the Vaishnava bhakti movement, cited in: entry Mirabai, presented by the publication Encyclopedia, updated 9. December 2020 – Hagiography



Initiating a politics of consience

  • We [women] are 51% of the population of America. We are not a special interest group. […] The trajectory for American women is from success to significance. […] We need more than the audacity of hope. We need the audacity to wield power. I think that's the next step. Video presentation by Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Politics from the Inside Out: New Consciousness. New Politics, sponsored by the All Saints Church, pastor and host Ed Bacon, Pasadena, California, 14. October 2012, YouTube film, minute 26:59, 44:05 minutes duration, posted
    15. October 2012


Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistani minister of foreign affairs (2011-2013)
  • [The omission of women's history] has fostered illusions of grandeur in every man that are unwarranted. If you can think as a man that everything great in the world and civilization was created by men, then naturally you have to look down on women. And naturally you have to have different aspi-
    rations for your sons and for your daughters. And I don't think that's good for men either.
    Video interview with Gerda Lerner, Ph.D. (1920-2013) Austrian
    US American professor emeritus of history, University of Wisconsin, Madison, pioneer of women's history, teacher, author, Women and History, episode #H060, excerpted from DVD, presented by the US American independent public television series Thinking Allowed (PBS) (1988-2002), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946)
    US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube film, 7:20 minutes duration, posted 28. August 2010


  • Most of the evidence for female equality in societies derives from matrilineal, matrilocal societies, which are historically transitional and currently vanishing. […] Patrilineal descent does not imply subjugation of women nor does matrilineal descent indicate matriarchy. […] Matrilineal societies have been unable to adapt to competitive, techno-economic systems and have given way to patrilineal societies. Gerda Lerner, Ph.D. (1920-2013) Austrian US American professor emeritus of history, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, pioneer of women's history, teacher, author, The Creation of Patriarchy, S. 30-31, Oxford University Press, 1986, 1st paperback edition 22. October 1987


  • Living without the full feminine for so many centuries, we don't know what it would be like to live within a society where the feminine voice is not repressed, women’s bodies are not distorted, controlled or sold, and where both men and women live with balanced psyches. It's as if humanity has lived with one side of its body atrophied.
    The return of the feminine may be the most significant development of the new millennium. Although there have been steps to begin this process it would be naïve to think the reintegration is by any means complete. [...] We see that the process of healing the feminine wound has only just begun. Tsultrim Allione taramandala.org (*1947) first American woman ordained as a Tibetan nun and Lama, Women of Wisdom, S. 65, Snow Lion Publications, revised 25. September 2000


  • In government, in business, and in the professions there may be a day when women will be looked upon as persons. We are, however, far from that day as yet. Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) US American First Lady (1933-1945) supporter of her husband Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal policies, advocate for civil rights, enhancer of the status of working women, chairwoman of the United Nations committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Nancy Woloch, editor, biography and autobiography Eleanor Roosevelt. In Her Words: On Women, Politics, Leadership, and Lessons from Life, S. 92, Hachette UK, 5. September 2017


  • People are like tea bags — they don’t know their own strength until they get into hot water. American saying, cited in: column Some People Are Like Tea Bags, quote provided by reader Harriett Burnham of Orange, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times, Art Ryon, S. B5, Los Angeles, July 1961
    • Women are like tea bags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water. Cited in: speech by Phyllis Schlafly (1923-2016) US American conservative activist, speaker, author, 1967, published in: article GOP Women Chief
      Has Missile Worry
      , presented by the daily newspaper The Advocate, Frances Lewine, Associated Press writer, page 16-A,
      column 2, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 17. April 1967




  • A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing.
    She goes where she will without pretence and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.
    Maya Angelou (1928-2014) US American historian, actress, producer, director, civil-rights activist, educator, playwright, poet, bestselling black author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • The Millionth Circle depends upon a simple hypothesis, whose mechanism has already been proposed and observed, and is one that can be intuitively and immediately grasped: when a critical number of people change how they think and behave, the culture will also, and a new era begins. Once the principles are understood, the significance of women's circles can be appreciated as a revolutionary-evolutionary movement that is hidden in plain sight. Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. jeanbolen.com (*1936) US American Jungian analyst, proactive women researcher and supporter, crone, spiritual teacher, author, The Millionth Circle. How to Change Ourselves and The World, "Preface", Conari Press,
    1st edition 1. September 1999


  • [T]o the best of my knowledge, no war was ever started by women. The education and empowerment of women throughout the world cannot fail to result in a more caring, tolerant, just and peaceful life for all. Aung San Suu Kyi (*1945) Burmese opposition politician (2012-2016), leader of Myanmar's democracy movement, house arrested for 15 of 21 years (1989-2010) for her opposition to the military junta's seizure, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1991, open­ing keynote via a videotape, NGO Forum on Women at the Fourth UN World Conference on Women Bei­jing, China, 1995; cited in: Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. jeanbolen.com (*1936) US American Jungian analyst, proactive women researcher and supporter, crone, spiritual teacher, author, The Millionth Circle. How to Change Ourselves and The World, "Preface", Conari Press, 1st edition 1. September 1999



Varied meanigs of NO in a courtship pattern

  • Now you have this shibboleth, "No means no." Well, no.
    Sometimes "No" means "Not yet".
    Sometimes "No" means "Too soon".
    Sometimes "No" means "Keep trying and maybe yes".
    You can see it with the pigeons on the grass. The male pursues the female and she turns away, and turns away, and he looks a fool but he keeps on pursuing her. And maybe she’s testing his persistence; the strength of his genes… It's a pattern in the animal kingdom – a courtship pattern. Camille Paglia, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of arts, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, since 1984, social critic, dissident feminist, author, cited in: Article 'The woman is a disaster!': Camille Paglia on Hillary Clinton, presented by the weekly British conservative magazine The Spectator, Emily Hill, October issue 2016



Judeo-Christian entrancement


  • Lucretia Mott called others into the battle against slavery. She did speak despite of the fact that at her time women weren't supposed to open their mouths in public. Once she narrowly escaped an angry mob that burned to the ground in protest the building in which she spoke. Mott declared:
    Let us not hesitate to be the messiahs of our age.
    Her younger contemporary Elizabeth Cady Stanton recalls that Mott was "spoken of as a most dangerous woman [...] an infidel, a heretic, a disturber," because she took incredible risks to uphold what was then almost unimaginable – freedom for all human beings and the equal rights of women.
    To Stanton, this diminutive woman, who insisted on living in obedience to a spiritual truth higher than the laws of men, was like "a being from some larger planet" who offered "an entirely new revelation of womanhood."
    No wonder Mott's public speaking, as one observer has said, was "so born of conviction, so radiant with [...] inward light" that it ignited social transformation by evoking a new consciousness. Article Where are the Women?, part 3, presented by the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, S. 3, issue 32, March/May 2006



White House Project for women:

Marie C. Wilson, US American advocate of women’s issues, founder and president emeritus of the White House Project, points out: Women have been effective negotiators and peacemakers across the globe.

  • Three decades of research in state legislatures, universities, and international public policy centers have proven beyond doubt that women, children, and men all benefit when women are in leadership. Broader social legislation, benefiting everyone, is more likely to pass if women are in office. Article Where are the Women?, part 3, presented by the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, S. 2, issue 32, March/May 2006




Pronoun gender gap:

The ratio of he words to she words in the English speaking literatur shrunk to 3:1 by 1975, and to less than 2:1 by 2005.

  • Between 1900 and 1945, 3.5 male pronouns appeared for every female pronoun [she, her, herself, hers], increasing to 4.5 male pronouns during the postwar era of the 1950s and early 1960s. After 1968, the ratio dropped precipitously, reaching 2 male pronouns per female pronoun by the 2000s. From 1968 to 2008, the use of male pronouns decreased as female pronouns increased.
    Jean M. Twenge, US American psychology professor, San Diego State University, leader of research project on the usage of gender pronouns in US literature (1900-2008), August 2012, The Rise of She: What a Shift in Gendered Pronouns Means, presented by
    the US American magazine The Atlantic, 10. August 2012



Education to girls

  • The best way to tackle various problems associated with population explosion is to provide suitable education to girls. Article, presented by the Indian daily newspaper
    The Hindu, Friday, 28. July 2006


  • To be a role model is indelibly connected with having power, may this power be as relative as it may. Power is not a lesser taboo for women as it is for every suppressed group. Traditionally this has been no different for Jews and black people. Article by Alice Schwarzer (*1942) leading German feminist, publisher of the German feminist journal EMMA, journalist, author, presented by the German feminist journal EMMA, 1. November 2003


  • [Women are] left straddling two rather incompatible positions. Feminism and femininity are in a big catfight, nowhere more than within each individual female psyche. Laura Kipnis, US American professor of media studies, Northwestern University, The Female Thing. Dirt, envy, sex, vulnerability, Vintage, 9. October 2007




Burka ban in the West

  • When, as happened recently in France, an attempt is made to coerce women out of the burka rather than creating a situation in which a woman can choose what she wishes to do, it's not about liberating her but about unclothing her. It becomes an act of humiliation and cultural imperialism. Coercing a woman out of her burka is as bad as coercing her into one. It's not about the burka. It's about the coercion. Viewing gender in this way, shorn of social, political, and economic con-
    text, makes it an issue of identity, a battle of props and costumes. It's what allowed the US government to use Western feminist liberal groups as moral cover when it invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Afghan women were (and are) in terrible trouble under the Taliban. But dropping daisy cutters on them was not going to solve the problem.
    Blog article Arundhati Roy: feminism and foundations, burkas and Botox – An extract from Capitalism. A Ghost Story, presented
    by versobooks.com, Sarah Shin, 19. November 2014, cited in: Arundhati Roy (*1961) Indian political activist, essayist, novelist, Sydney Peace Prize recipient, 2004, Capitalism. A Ghost Story, Haymarket Books, 6. May 2014



Female nonlinear web thinking
male linear step thinking

  • Women, on average, collect more bits of data, assemble that data into more complex patterns, and weigh more options as they make decisions. Women tend to see the big picture; they generalize and synthesize as they consider webs of factors – what I call "web thinking."
    Men, on the other hand, get to the point. Typically, they are more likely to focus on what they consider relevant, then ponder in a more linear progression: "step thinking."
    Both approaches have merit. Each has been traced, respectively, to the hormones estrogen and testosterone. And each evolved millions of years ago as women did more multitasking to rear the young, while men spent more time zeroing in on one thing at a time – often hunting game.
    Helen Fisher, Ph.D. (*1945) Canadian-American research professor of biological anthropology, human behavior researcher, Center
    for Human Evolutionary Studies
    , Rutgers University, expert on romantic love, chief scientific advisor to Chemistry.com, 8 Ways
    of Looking at Power
    , presented by the US American monthly magazine O, The Oprah Magazine, September 2009



Women are wired for leadership.



See also article / video:

Valerie Hudson and Chad Emmett: Women's Well-Being Is the Best Predictor of State Stability, presented by the blog New Security Beat, Kate Diamond, 22. May 2012
WomanStats Database, the world's most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of women

  • [T]he very best predictor of how insecure and unstable a nation
    ➤ is not its level of democracy,
    ➤ it's not its level of wealth,
    ➤ it's not what 'Huntington civilization' it belongs to,
    ➤ but is in fact best predicted by the level of violence against women in the society.
Valerie M. Hudson, Ph.D., US American professor of political science, The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, since January 2012, co-author of Sex and World Peace, book launch, Wilson Center, 26. April 2012


Vintages, Côte de Beaune, Burgundy
  • No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.
    Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) US American nurse, sex educator, birth control activist, eugenicist, racist, founder of the American Birth Control League [Planned Parenthood], article A Parents' Problem or Woman's?, presented by Margaret Sanger's lay magazine Birth Control Review, S. 6-7, March 1919


  • [Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children... [Women must have the right] to live... to love... to be lazy.... to be an unmarried mother... to create... to destroy.
    The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order...
    The most merciful thing that the large family does to one its infant members is to kill it.
    Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) US American nurse, sex educator, birth control activist, eugenicist, racist, founder of the American Birth Control League [Planned Parenthood], presented in shortlived US American magazine The Woman Rebel, Volume I, number 1, ~1920, reprinted in: Woman and the New Race, Brentanos Publishers, New York, 1922, republished in: The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger, Volume 1. The Woman Rebel, 1900-1928, University of Illinois Press, 12. January 2007



  • Women in particular need to keep an eye on their physical and mental health, because if we're scurrying to and from appointments and errands, we don't have a lot of time to take care of ourselves. We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to do' list. Michelle Obama (*1964) US American wife of the 44th US president, first African-
    American first lady, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quotes


  • One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don't invest any energy in them, because I know who I am. Michelle Obama (*1964) US American wife of the 44th US president, first African-American first lady,
    cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • It is safe to say: 'I'm an Obama mama.'
    President Barack Obama, when still a candidate, admitted: My wife Michelle [the "Obama mama"] could give you a much longer list [on what I don't know and how will I earn it]. And most of the time I learn it by asking her. Video TV interview with Michelle Obama (*1964) US American wife of the 44th US president, first African-American first lady, Michelle Obama on The Daily Show, presented by the satirical TV news program The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart (*1962) US American political satirist, actor, media critic, television host, stand-up comedian, writer, Thursday 9. October 2008


  • [T]he truth is, I'm not supposed to be here, standing here. I’m a statistical oddity. Black girl, brought up on the South Side of Chicago. Was I supposed to go to Princeton? No. […] They said maybe Harvard Law was too much for me to reach for. But I went, I did fine. And I’m certainly not supposed to be standing here. Interview/cover story with Michelle Obama (*1964) US American wife of the 44th US president, first African-American first lady, The Real Michelle Obama, presented
    by the US American weekly news magazine Newsweek, 25. February 2008


  • Girls tend to lose relationship with themselves at adolescence. They lose their voice. They choose relationship with a boy over relationship with self. Their visible public life becomes quite different than their internal personal life. [...] With boys, it happens at five, six. [...] They begin to shut down. They begin to become emotionally illiterate. They begin to become distant. They begin acting out in strange ways. [...]
    Girls have a decade before they lose their voice of owning who they are. [...] Patriarchy takes aim at girls' voices but it takes aim at boys' hearts. Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, writer, political activist, philanthropist, My Life So Far, presented by the satellite television channel University of California Television (UCTV), UC Santa Barbara, series "Voices", July 2006, Show ID:11755, 1. May 2006, YouTube film, minute 31:11, 1:29:37 duration, 25. February 2008


  • Oppression is always tied to material exploitation. This is as true for the war on women as it is for the war on the living planet. We need to recognize that the degradation of females is fundamentally intertwined with the degradation of Earth, and we need organized, political resistance to both. Rachel Ivey, US American activist, member of the Deep Green Resistance environmentalist movement, cited in: KVLT OF NYX



Women are wired for collaboration.


  • This [Egyptian] revolution is one that is toppling the old patriarchy and has little chance of succeeding if women are not given a voice as an equal partner in society. "Arab women will no doubt change the world," tells me Dr. Jean Houston, one of the founders of the Human Potential Movement who consults with the UN and advises on our projects in the Middle East. Blog article by Elza S. Maalouf (*1965) Arab-American futurist, cultural development specialist, president of the "Center for Human Emergence Middle East", Arab-Style Democracy: The Answer to the Post Dictatorship Era, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, 100th International Women's Day, 8. March 2011, updated
    25. May 2011




Systemic misogyny – Himpathy


Socially/politically enforced gender norms sustained by sexist/patriarchal ideology

  • Misogyny is a set of morally bankrupt norms, it's a system that does great damage. Study by Kate Manne, Ph.D., Australian assistant professor of philosophy, Cornell University, author, Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Oxford University Press, 1st edition
    8. November 2017



The banality and debilitating process of misogyny ⇔ sexual violence

  • The idea of rapists as monsters exonerates by caricature. […] People may know full well that those they treat in brutally degrading and inhuman ways are fellow human beings, underneath a more or less thin veneer of false consciousness. Study by Kate Manne, Ph.D., Australian assistant professor of philosophy, Cornell University, author, Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Oxford University Press, 1st edition 8. November 2017



Misogyny expressed by males and females

  • Misogyny is what happens when women break ranks or roles and disrupt the patriarchal order: they tend to be perceived as uppity, unruly, out of line, or insub-
    Misogyny is not an undifferentiated hatred of women – which, in light of women's social roles, would make little sense on men's part. Why would a man disparage the women looking up at him admiringly, or bite the hands that soothe and serve him?
    Misogyny isn't simply hateful; it imposes social costs on noncompliant women, who are liable to be labeled witches, bitches, sluts, and "feminazis," among other things. […]
    Misogyny often involves moves which put women down or raise men up, thus maintaining their relative positions within the gendered hierarchy. […]
    Misogyny can afford to be selective because its fundamental goal is enforcement. Women who know their place do
    not need to be put in it. […]
    Misogyny is the hostility women are prone to face in navigating a social environment because they are women in a man's world – a more or less entrenched patriarchy. […]
    Women may be misogynists without being self-hating, although elements of internalized misogyny are sadly not uncommon. But women may also be prone to police other women's bodies and behavior, elevating themselves in the terms of patriarchal values or signaling their loyalty to patriarchal figures.
    Article by Kate Manne, Ph.D., Australian assistant professor of philosophy, Cornell University, author, The Logic of Misogyny, presented by the publication Boston Review, 11. July 2016



Misogyny ⇔ sexism

  • Whereas misogyny upholds the social norms of patriarchies by patrolling and policing them, sexism serves to justify these norms, largely via an ideology of supposedly natural differences between men and women with respect to their talents, interests, proclivities, and appetites.
    Sexism is bookish; misogyny is combative.
    Sexism is complacent; misogyny is anxious.
    Sexism has a theory; misogyny wields a cudgel.
    Sexists subscribe to sexist ideology (albeit often unconsciously).
    Misogynists engage in misogynist behavior (again, often unwittingly).
    A sexist believes in men's superiority over women in masculine-coded domains – such as intellectual endeavors, sports, business, and politics – or that men are less suited to feminine-coded activities, such as domestic work, emotional labor, and caring for children and other dependents.
    Misogynists may hope that sexists are right, while fearing just the opposite.
    Article by Kate Manne, Ph.D., Australian assistant professor of philosophy, Cornell University, author, The Logic of Misogyny, presented by Boston Review, 11. July 2016



Woman – custodians of life

  • Woman's age-old instinct to nurture and sustain life, man's instinct to protect and defend it are being extended to embrace the life of the Earth. A planet which has taken three and a half billion years to evolve an organ of consciousness through which life can come to know itself may be under threat: our survival as a species is uncertain. Before too long, we may not be able to alter the course of events we have unwittingly set in motion. Yet, in response to the extre-
    me peril of this situation we are beginning to recover the ancient feeling of relationship with a sacred earth and a sac-
    red cosmos. We are responding to the instinct which is urging all of us to become custodians of life, drawing men
    and women closer together in partnership
    to act on behalf of life, on behalf of each other, on behalf of the Earth
    before it is too late. Essay by Anne Baring (1931-2020) British historian, Jungian psychoanalyst, feminist author, Woman as
    Custodian of Life
    , presented by the website anne-baring.com, originally published May 2006


  • [Instinct] is a mighty cause which organises the holographic pattern of life forms, the infinite fractal proliferation of it-
    self through countless fields or levels […] the source of our creative imagination and our creative power.
    Anne Baring (1931-2020) British historian, Jungian psychoanalyst, feminist author, The Dream of the Cosmos, S. 397-398, Archive Publishing, 16. May 2013


  • Anyone who does true spiritual "work" on themselves will eventually discover is that you can't have one side of your internal/external masculine/feminine nature being imbalanced without throwing off the other side. Therefore, the toxic masculine cannot exist without the toxic feminine, just like a victim cannot live without a perpetrator.
    Many women these days who identify themselves as feminists are not really interested in social progress for women
    as much as they are interested in seeking revenge on and gaining power over whatever they deem as "the patriarchy".
    Their 'feminism' then becomes the perfect mask for them to achieve this revenge without having to reflect upon and process their own pain. I am not saying that external action against the injustices of the world isn't necessary, but that external action guided by an illness which seeks to hurt other people so that it doesn't have to grieve itself is only going to cause more pain – for both parties. We need to look within, first and foremost, to the toxic patterns within our own nature before we point the finger. Blog article by Laura Matsue, The Toxic Feminine: Exposing the Collective Shadow of Manipulation, presented by the blogspot Laura Matsue, 20. February 2019


                                     Feminist manifesto                                     

  • ☛ Feminism is the belief that women ought to be equal to men in rights, freedom, and power in society. It is the extension
           of women’s rights to reach that equality in the arenas of justice, economics, politics, and social ideology.
☛ The emancipation of all women is necessary to achieve complete equality between men and women.
☛ The Masculine and Feminine are complimentary in their strengths. One is not superior to the other.
☛ The equal and full participation of women in all spheres of life in the world is essential for the harmony of all life.
☛ The systematic denial of women’s rights is an affront to human dignity and divinity. Such an attitude promotes
         destructive attitudes and reactions that become passed onto all branches of society, ultimately destroying
         life around itself.
☛ Without equality, humanity will not be able to establish social justice and global peace.
☛ The denial of equality between men and women lead to violence, the denial of basic human rights and education,
         and it turns women into a sub-category of humanity.
☛ The oppression of woman oppresses the existence of compassion towards life.
☛ The unwillingness of men to take responsibility for equality will remain an impediment to the global shifts that
         need to occur to restore balance in the world and heal its violent ways.
☛ The elimination of discrimination against girls and women is a moral, spiritual, and social imperative.
Deleted article Philofem: The Manifesto. Or the case for equality, originally presented by the dissolved online publication Philofem, Lyna
Jones, 3. April 2019, reissued by the blogspot Mary the Magdalene, Lyna Tevenaz, 2022


  • You are the caretaker of the generations, you are the birth giver, the sun told the woman. You will be the carrier of this universe. Sun Creation Myth of the Lakota Sioux


References: en.Wikiquote entries Women and ► Gloria Steinem

Literary quotes


Often misquoted as:

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.

  • I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman. For it needs little skill in psychology to be sure that a highly gifted girl who had tried to use her gift for poetry would have been so thwarted and hindered by other people, so tortured and pulled asunder by her own contrary instincts, that she must have lost her health and sanity to a certainty. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) English publisher, essayist, writer of short stories, To the Lighthouse, chapter 3, S. 51, Hogarth Press,
    5. May 1927
1 – 100 – 1000 – 10000 – 1 women
For every woman we've named there are a hundred who speak.
For every hundred who speak there are a thousand who know.
For every thousand who know there are ten thousand who do not yet know
      because their truth lies deeper than all those who can be named,
      who can speak and who know.

And everyone of us is needed now to do whatever we can do
      to be named, to speak, to know and to not know.

And everyone is in each of us.
Source: ► Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D. (*1942) US American psychologist, author, Patricia Hopkins,
US American author, The Feminine Face of God. The Unfolding of the Sacred in Women,
last page, Bantam, 1st edition 1. September 1991

Quotes by Carol Gilligan on female issues


Patriarchal cultural gender splitting: At age 5-7 boys lose their hearts, at age 11-12 girls lose their voices.



Sensing reality with voice, presence and interrelatedness



Wounds of patriarchy: Shaming of masculinity triggers men's violence, shaming of femininity silences women.



Quotes by bell hooks on female topcis


  • We need to highlight the role women play in perpetuating and sustaining patriarchal culture so that we will recognize patriarchy as a system women and men support equally, even if men receive more rewards from that system. Dismantling and changing patriarchal culture is work that men and women must do together.
    Clearly we cannot dismantle a system as long as we engage in collective denial about its impact on our lives. Patriarchy requires male dominance by any means necessary, hence it supports, promotes, and condones sexist violence.
    bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, Understanding Patriarchy, PDF, presented by Imagine No Borders, S. 2, Louisville Anarchist Federation Federation, 2010




Pathological silence

  • Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. […] Practically, it is a definition which implies that all sexist thinking and action is the problem, whether those who perpetuate it are female or male, child or adult. It is also broad enough to include an understanding of systemic institutionalized sexism. As a definition it is open-ended. To understand feminism it implies one has to necessarily understand sexism.
    bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, Feminism is for Everybody. Passionate Politics, South End Press, 1. October 2000


  • If any female feels she need anything beyond herself to legitimate and validate her existence, she is already giving away her power to be self-defining, her agency. bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, Feminism is for Everybody. Passionate Politics, South End Press, 1. October 2000


  • The wounded child inside many males is a boy who, when he first spoke his truths, was silenced by paternal sadism, by a patriarchal world that did not want him to claim his true feelings. The wounded child inside many females is a girl who was taught from early childhood that she must become something other than herself, deny her true feelings, in order to attract and please others. When men and women punish each other for truth telling, we reinforce the notion that lies are better. To be loving we willingly hear the other’s truth, and most important, we affirm the value of truth telling. Lies may make people feel better, but they do not help them to know love. bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, All About Love. New Visions, William Morrow Paperbacks, 9. January 2001


  • When we face pain in relationships our first response is often to sever bonds rather than to maintain commitment.
    bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, All About Love. New Visions, William Morrow Paperbacks, 9. January 2001


  • The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves. If an individual is not successful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on patriarchal men to enact rituals of power that will assault his self-esteem. bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, The Will to Change. Men, Masculinity, and Love, S. 66, Atria Books, 2004, Washington Square Press, reprint 21. December 2004


  • Visionary feminism is a wise and loving politics. It is rooted in the love of male and female being, refusing to privilege one over the other. The soul of feminist politics is the commitment to ending patriarchal domination of women and men, girls and boys. Love cannot exist in any relationship that is based on domination and coercion. Males cannot love themselves in patriarchal culture if their very self-definition relies on submission to patriarchal rules. When men embrace feminist thinking and practice, which emphasizes the value of mutual growth and self-actualization in all relationships, their emotional well-being will be enhanced. A genuine feminist politics always brings us from bondage to freedom, from lovelessness to loving. bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, The Will to Change. Men, Masculinity, and Love, Atria Books, 2004, Washington Square Press, reprint 21. December 2004


  • Often men who have been emotionally neglected and abused as children by dominating mothers bond with assertive women, only to have their childhood feelings of being engulfed surface. While they could not 'smash their mommy' and still receive love, they find that they can engage in intimate violence with partners who respond to their acting out by trying harder to connect with them emotionally, hoping that the love offered in the present will heal the wounds of the past. If only one party in the relationship is working to create love, to create the space of emotional connection, the dominator model remains in place and the relationship just becomes a site for continuous power struggle.
    bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, The Will to Change. Men, Masculinity, and Love, S. 69, Atria Books, 2004, Washington Square Press, reprint 21. December 2004

Quotes by Lucia René on spiritual female issues

Personal avowals

  • Lucia René: [W]e live in a time where we stand with one foot in both worlds: in the old era that is going away and in this new era which is already present. We don't have to wait for 2012 for this new world of heart-based energies and masculine / feminine balance. It is possible – I have discovered through my work – to take up residence there now. And when you can do that you more or less stand at the eye of the patriarchal storm and it is directly related to how unplugged you are from the patriarchal values. Audio interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging The Patriarchy, presented by the US American web radio program "Inner Speak News Soul Adventures", episode 45664, host Jean Adrienne, minute 51:54, 54:02 minutes duration, aired 13. April 2010
    Link deleted


  • Lucia René: I have felt a huge shift in this year [2011]. There is an openness that I am feeling that is coming into my attention field from the masculine that is so welcoming and so beautiful. Video interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, minute 0:45:25, 1:24:22 duration, posted 27. March 2011

Women must act first.

  • All over the planet women are indeed standing in their power. [...] If you are in relationship [with a man] you have to be willing at this stage as a woman to do what you know you are being asked to do, to do what is right [...] for the planet. And what is right for the planet at this point is for the masculine and feminine energies to be rebalanced. Women must act first. [...] We live in a repressive society where women have been taught that they are second-class citizens. And those who have perpetrated repression never come throughout history to the repressed and say 'I am so sorry. I have a change of heart. I am going to let you be an equal now.'
    The repressed must rise up which does not mean violently. It simply means in integrity. It means energetically. It means in terms of consciousness.
    You must be willing as a woman to stand as who you are and have the forbearance to allow the men in your life to react to you because only when the men are allowed to react to you will they be able to balance the masculine and feminine within themselves. They must reclaim that which they perceive as feminine. It's an extremely difficult thing for men to do. The wounding of the masculine has been in some ways more horrific than the wounding of the feminine during the patriarchy. They have their emotional bodies completely shut down. They have a male ego structure that won't allow them to look at this. The kindest thing that a woman can do for the man in her life for the next year and a half probably is to stand and allow him to react and to help him through her heart to find his own way. But the reaction has to happen [...] and the reaction is going to happen globally. Audio interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplug from the Patriarchy! Women You Have The Power Now!, presented via the US American Blogtalkradio station, program Snap Out Of It, host Dede Murcer Moffett, minute 35:44, 60:13 minutes duration, aired 3. August 2010



Women standing in their power

  • Women are now on the frontlines of consciousness. Until women reclaim their power, throw off their conditioning of being second class citizens, and really move out on the frontlines men won't have a chance to react to that and to open up the emotional body and to process their reaction to the second class citizen. Now we are coming into equality. [...]


Dignity is not right or left, white or black, male or female, conservative or progressive. It's nonpartisan. The more accurate term for "egalitarian society" is dignitarian society.

The oppressed must throw off the yoke and say 'No more! I am going to stand!' [...] If I simply stand and I meet your energy with exactly the right amount of energy that you are projecting at me to counter it. [...] It is very gandhiesque what I am proposing that women simply stand and allow men to react, allow men to process what they need to process in order to reclaim their heart and come into a more humble state of mind where they are ready, willing, and able to come to the table and accept women as equals and to co-create an egalitarian society. [...] Everyone is needed. There's no right and wrong here. We have all bought into this out of balance system. But really, it is women who must make the first move and be strong enough to allow men to then react against that. Video interview with Lucia René,
US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, minute 0:41:25, 1:24:22 duration, posted 27. March 2011



Women's natural leadership qualities

  • Women are better equipped in most cases to lead. [...] Really, to lead is to serve. To rule is to serve. That used to be the definition of royalty. [...] To lead is to create a situation where you are holding an energetic configuration in which everyone feels like they are equal and they have something to offer and they feel empowered. The true leader is someone you wouldn't think of as a leader. Women are intrinsically more capable of wielding power in a balanced way. Video interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, minute 1:01:51, 1:24:22 duration, posted 27. March 2011



The solar and lunar feminine

  • The book refers to true power for women as the "solar feminine." The solar feminine is embodied by "strength, passion, creativity, and action." Under the patriarchal system the type of femininity that was acceptable was the "lunar feminine" marked by qualities of gentleness, receptivity and nurturing. All wonderful qualities just not a complete picture of true empowered femininity. Removed interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author of Unplugging the Patriarchy, 2012 is Coming: Are You Ready to Embrace Heart-based Consciousness?, presented by host Melissa Wadsworth, aired 11. March 2010



  • As women reclaim the solar energies within (action, passion, creativity, strength), men can relax out of the responsibility of holding the solar energy on the planet and feel supported in reclaiming their lunar side (receptive, nurturing, quiet, yin). Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Facebook comment,
    3. April 2011



Different tasks for women and men

  • Women and men have very different jobs to do at this time in history if they want to rebalance the feminine/masculine energies within. It is time for women to reclaim their power and move forward onto the front lines of consciousness. This means throwing off their conditioning as second-class citizens, standing as the powerful beings they are, and speaking and acting their truth. Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Facebook comment, 12. April 2011



Collective apology from men to women

  • Bill Ryan, minute 0:47:25: [Referencing South Africa's Apartheid (microcosm for the entire patriarchy) and Truth and Reconciliation Commission]
    Bill Ryan, minute 0:48:05: You're almost envisioning something like this [South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission – for gender reconciliation] [...] in some way men or the collective body of men [...] [would] say: 'This is what we have done. This is what it really is.' [...] [leading up to] this huge kind of apology or an acknowledgement of their [men's] role in this group learning.' Do you think that is possible?
    Lucia René: Oh God, I hope so. Video interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, 1:24:22 duration, posted 27. March 2011



Paradigm shift

Men are more challenged than women.

  • Men are having a very difficult time right now giving up the ways of patriarchy. [...] Abuse of power is one aspect of learning about power. […] We are at a period of time where we extremely out of balance and we are learning now about the abuse of power. […]
    The way history works is that the oppressor never comes to the oppressed [to apologize and making amends]. [...] Men are never going to come to women and say: 'We're sorry, we've conditioned you to be second class citizens for 5000 years.' […] The slaveowners would never have gone to the slaves. [...] The blacks had to stand up. It's absolutely crucial. It's just the way the dynamic works. […] Women are on the front lines now. Women are being asked to stand. And it is the kindest thing they can do for the men in their lives. It's going to create havoc. Men are going to respond to this crescendo of female power, but that's the only way they are going to be able to balance the masculine and feminine [energies] within themselves. There is a progression to the next three years.
    Women who have been oppressed must be willing to stand up in their power, to continue functioning however that plays out in a patriarchal world until the patriarchal world falls and then to begin rebuilding in the new at which point they [men] will take up the reins of power again, but in a more egalitarian society. At that point men will have learned about power and about abuse of power, and women will have learned about power and the abuse of power, and we will be able to coexist on equal terms.
    In the next three years until women are willing to stand in their power men can work on reclaiming the energy of the heart. They can work on honoring the feminine, but men will not be able to process and balance the masculine and feminine within themselves until they experience at a visceral level the power of women full blown in the world.
    If women want to be of service to the men on the planet it is our job to stand on our own and to understand with enormous compassion that the male wounding is VERY, VERY DEEP. [...] To be a man and to be asked to reclaim the energy of the heart is brutally difficult. It's easier for women to buck their conditioning and stand in their power than it is for men to reclaim the energy of the heart. Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author of Unplugging the Patriarchy, excerpted from the teleseminar Women on the Edge of Evolution, spring 2010



Unplugging the patriarchal female – Restoring gender equality

  • We as women have to be very, very careful about who we climb in bed with. We have a rather delicate, loosely woven and very refined subtle body. When we are with a man who is not in a very high place of consciousness, who is not totally respectful of the feminine, who has not worked that out within himself then great damage can be done. […] When a man who is not pure thrusts into your [the female] body he is thrusting into the subtle physical. And if there is a lot of violent male energy in his aura it is like a hypodermic needle going right into you and it's incredibly damaging. [...]

Personal avowal:

This is why [my spiritual teacher] Rama encouraged me and some of his other women students to be celibate for many years, just to explore what it is like to be on your own and completely self-sufficient.

[Women are remembering] relationships of equals that existed in the Atlantean cycle. We are coming to gender equality with this ascension process. We are balancing out the masculine and the feminine. With the men who choose to ascend there will ultimaltely be total respect for the feminine because they [men] will have total respect for the feminine within themselves. Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author of Unplugging the Patriarchy, excerpted from the teleconference MP3, one third into the call, aired 1. August 2010



Spirit induced transition

  • This transition is going to happen whether we want it or not. It's the work of Spirit. [...] The more women and men who are willing to do this inner work the more we can soften the fall of the patriarchy. And we do that by simply starting by ourselves and by women collaborating. Removed audio interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplug from the Patriarchy – women standing in their power, men tending the heart, presented via the US American Blogtalkradio station, show "Freedawn Radio", host Glenna Mageau, minute 45:46, 59:49 minutes duration, aired 12. May 2010



Successful experiment in consciousness

  • Inner message from Spirit during a meditation: "Tell people that the experiment of consciousness on planet Earth has been a success. Now is the time to dance." Removed audio interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Lucia René – Interview, presented by the broadcaster KRUU, program "The Voice of Fairfield Writer's Voices", host Monica Hadley, minute 42:44, 59:55 minutes duration, aired 30. April 2010



Essential decision

  • Every human being faces a choice:
    • Do you remain aligned with the 3D, fear-based, male-dominated, patriarchal society?
    • Or, do you take up residence in the new multi-dimensional, love-based, egalitarian paradigm that has come online?
We need to give each human the time and space needed to make that choice. And, unless someone seeks out your help, there’s really not much you can do to assist.
Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Facebook comment,
14. April 2011



Divine Power / Will

  • To wield power is to align with Divine Will.
    Removed audio interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, A Novel Way to Move Beyond the Patriarchy, presented by the US American web radio program "Emotionalpro", #1533, host Ilene Dillon, minute 48:25, 60:11 minutes duration, aired
    18. March 2010  
    – Alternative source: prlog.org



Collaboration ⇔ cooperation

  • Collaboration is something different than cooperation [making mutual deals to ensure coexistence]. [Collaboration] is about moving the personal self out of the way and allowing the Divine Feminine Energy to come through the circuit of female collaboration that is formed when multiple women come together. This is really the Divine Will.
    Audio interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, A Novel Way to Move Beyond the Patriarchy, presented by the US American web radio program "Emotionalpro", host Ilene Dillon,
    minute 50:00, 60:11 minutes duration, aired 18. March 2010



Cocreating with Divine Power / Will

  • I believe women are being asked to collaborate at this time. [...]
    We entered a time when we as women – and soon the men as well – have this ability to co-create with Mother Divine, but it means that we must put our personal agendas, our personal desires and aversions out of the way. And the way we do that is by investigating them and finding the fear at the bottom of those conditioned patterns and moving them through the heart and bringing them to rest. If we can bring them to rest enough times then finally they drop and we are able more and more to stand in our power. [...] Then miracles can happen. Audio interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, A Novel Way to Move Beyond the Patriarchy, presented by the US American web radio program "Emotionalpro", host Ilene Dillon, minute 49, 60:11 minutes duration, aired 18. March 2010



Kali Yuga

  • We're at the end of a cycle. All of you have known this since childhood. The Hindus call it the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age. At the end of a cycle, Shiva, the Hindu lord of death, dances. At the end of a cycle, certain energetic configurations go away and others come into being. Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy. A Mystical Journey into the Heart of a New Age, Crown Chakra Publishing, 1st edition 21. December 2009



Ending of the reign of darkness

  • We're at a stage when darkness is no longer acceptable on this planet. And darkness is being given its ultimatum. We are not at a bargaining table here. [...] You go to this being [embodying the darkness] and say 'Your time is up.'
    Video interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, minute 0:50:33, 1:24:22 duration, posted 27. March 2011










  • You're perfectly capable of surfing the tsunami of change that is currently sweeping the planet, you know. You wouldn't have chosen to be here at the end of a cycle of time if you weren't geared for high-speed change. Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Facebook comment, 24. May 2011

Quotes by Gloria Steinem on female issues

Personal avowals

  • I have met brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and the courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words.
    Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, article Sisterhood, presented by the bi-weekly US American magazine New York Magazine, S. 49, New York, 20. December 1971

Physically strong women are a transformative factor.

Alternative source: Gloria Steinem, The revolution of women's bodies – "Instruments not ornaments!", The Connecticut Forum, 12. October 2012, YouTube film, minute 1:03, 2:03 minutes duration, posted 18. October 2012

  • [It is] profoundly transformative and revolutionary for women to become strong, physically strong. Anthropologically speaking: rich cultures value thin women, poor cultures value fat women. It's about being rare and therefore being an ornament to the men women are attached to. But all male dominant cultures value weak women. […] Women who are strong are made to conceal it and feel ashamed of it and imitate the weak women of the upper classes. It is deep for women to be physically strong and proud of their strength and to have bodies that are instruments not ornaments. Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, University of Idaho Women's Center 40th Anniversary Celebration - Gloria Steinem Keynote Adress, sponsored by the University of Idaho Women's Center 40th Anniversary Celebration, Moscow, Idaho, 4. October 2012, YouTube film, minute 23:00, 1:32:13 duration, posted 5. October 2012



Definition of feminism

  • Question WW: What is your definition of feminism now?
    Gloria Steinem: The dictionary's.
    Question WW: Hasn’t it changed?
    Gloria Steinem: No, not at all. It is the belief in the social, economic, political equality of males and females. A feminist is the person, male or female, who believes in that. I would like to add acts on it. There are other words that mean the same thing: womanism, women's liberation, girrls – with two r's, which I love – and mujerista.
Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, The Power and the Gloria. Gloria Steinem reflects on 40 years fighting for feminism and freedom – and against fear., presented by the publication Willamette Week, Swag Rag, Rachel Graham Cody, 10. October 2012



The Warren Buffet Rule:

75% of the US Americans support Buffet's rule which is millionaires and billionaires are to pay taxes as everybody else. The people who believe in ranking not linking are losing control.

  • No wonder corporations became legal persons in the 1800s with the right to make contracts while living breathing female human beings couldn't make contracts without their husband's written permission. Last year with a conservative Supreme Court [...] corporations became such legal paper people that they gained an unlimited right to fund independent political ads all under the right of First Amendment Free Speech. Well, if corporations are people, then some of them should be in prison. Though I oppose corporeal punishment for actual people I wouldn't mind putting a lot of them on Death Row. Video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, When Women Are People… and Corporations Are Not: Why the First Inequality Will Also Be the Last, presented by Bioneers Live, host Nina Simons, Bioneers Conference 2011, San Rafael, California, 14. October 2011, Vimeo video, minute 24:20, 35:27 minutes duration, posted 10. November 2011



Equal pay for women will recover the US economy. [Status 2012+]

  • Equal pay for comparable work for women would be the greatest economic stimulus this country could ever have. It would put $200 billion more into the economy every year.
    It [may] take another century and there may be other movements in the future before we finally realize that we are unique, not groups, and we are all part of the human family.
    Article featuring Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem visits Haverford, Haverford, Pennsylvania, 2. November 2012, presented by Haverford College, The Clerk, Katie Greifeld, posted 8. November 2012



Politics of nudity – Male dominated culture encourages young women to pose as ornaments.

  • The whole culture says that women are more judged by their outsides than by their insides. And that's a problem. Sometimes when I turn on the [US] TV stations I wonder 'Is it "Hooters" or is it the news?' Video TV interview with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem & the 2012 Women's Media Awards!', event hosted by Anne Hathaway (*1982) US American actress, 13. November 2012, presented by the US American
    TV show Good Day New York, YouTube film, minute 1:52 and 2:36, 6:10 minutes duration, posted 15. November 2012


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Gloria Steinem


See also: ► Violence: Quotes by Gloria Steinem and ► Women: Quotes by Gloria Steinem

Quotes on women in business and politics

Psychology of the world's most powerful woman


Defeating machos with aikido politics



Angela Merkel: gifted tactician without a larger vision

  • She's very difficult to know, and that is a reason for her success. It seems she is not from this world. Psychologically, she gives everybody the feeling of 'I will take care of you.' […] She is a master of listening. In a conversation, she speaks twenty per cent, you speak eighty per cent. She gives everybody the feeling 'I want to hear what you have to say,' but the truth is that her judgment is made within three minutes, and sometimes she thinks another eighteen minutes are wasted time. She is like a computer – 'Is this possible, what this man proposes?' She's able in a very quick time to realize if it’s fantasy.
    Unnamed longtime political associate commenting on Angela Merkel (*1954) German quantum physicist, first female German chancellor (*2005), cited in: The Quiet German. The astonishing rise of Angela Merkel, the most powerful woman in the world, presented by the US American magazine The New Yorker, Profiles, George Packer, 1. December 2014
  • According to the Department of Commerce, the number of women-owned businesses increased 44% from 1977 to 2007 and added 500,000 jobs.
    Meanwhile, the number of men-owned businesses increased just 22% and lost 2 million jobs.
    Women-owned businesses are customer-centric.
    Women are the market, responsible for 85% of consumer spending.
    Women thrive in complexity.
    Women’s minds are web-like, adept at dealing with non-linear, disruptive patterns.
    [Women] don’t think that there is just one answer to any problem.
Margaret Heffernan mheffernan.com, US American international businesswoman, former CEO of five businesses, author, Why Women Make Better Business Owners, presented by the YouTube channel BNETvideo, 2. November 2010

Quotes by men on female issues

Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul] (5-67 AD): Wives, submit yourselves to your
own husbands as you do to the Lord.
Ephesians 5, 22 (NT)


Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul] (5-67 AD): I do not permit a woman to teach or
to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet.
1 Timothy 2, 12 (NT)


Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul] (5-67 AD): For this reason, and because the
angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is under authority.
1 Corinthians 11, 10 New Living Translation, 2007 (NT)



See also:

The Gospel of Thomas, translated by Thomas O. Lambdin, 50-140 AD (rediscovered 1945)

Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary (Magdalene) leave us, for females are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "Look I shall guide her to make her male so that she too may become a living spirit
resembling you males.
For every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
The Gospel of Thomas, verse 114, translation by Elaine Pagels and Marvin Myer, cited in: Elaine Pagels, Ph.D. (*1943) US American religious historian, Biblical scholar of gnosticism, author, Beyond Belief. The Secret Gospel
of Thomas
, S. 241, Random House, 1st edition 6. May 2003



Setting the stage for:

gender equality

The best men are those who treat their wives well.
Koran, Muhammad (570/571-632 BE) Saudiarabian founder of the religion of Islam


Personal avowals

  • The outstanding impression my mother has left on my memory is that of saintliness. She was deeply religious. She would not think of taking her meals without daily prayer. She would take the hardest of vows and keep them without flinching. Illness was no excuse for relaxing them. Autobiography by Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, The Story Of My Experiments With Truth, chapter 1 "Birth and Parentage", 1925


A mother breastfeeding a child at Zanzibar
  • I began work among women when I was not even thirty years old. There is not a woman in South Africa who does not know me. But my work was among the poorest. The intellectuals I could not draw [...] you cannot blame me for not having organi-
    zed the intellectuals among the women. I have not the gift [...] but just as I never fear coldness on the part of the poor when I approach them, I never fear it when I approach poor women. There is an invisible bond between them and me. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: Articles on & by Mahatma Gandhi Gandhiji and Empowerment of Women, presented by mkgandhi.org, Dr. Vibhuti PatelDirector, PGSR, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, undated


  • Women's marvellous power is lying dormant. If the women of Asia wake up, they will dazzle the world. My experi-
    ment in non-violence would be instantly successful if I could secure women's help.
    Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, presented by gandhitopia.org, cited in: Richard L. Johnson, editor, Gandhi's Experiments with Truth. Essential Writings by
    and about Mahatma Gandhi
    , S. 156, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lexington Books, 2006


  • I long ago called for a revolution led by women.
    Removed TV video interview with Desmond Tutu (1931-2021) South African anti-apartheid activist, first black now retired Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, Why Women Should Rule the World, "World Affairs Council Northern California", presented by the television channel Link TV, host Jane Wales, CEO and president, minute 0:43, 10:33 minutes duration, recorded April 2008



Women ⇔ men

  • Women are much tougher than men underneath. To call women the weaker sex is sheer nonsense. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, R.F.C. Hull, editor, C.G. Jung Speaking. Interviews and Encounters, S. 244-251, Princeton University Press, December 1977, reprint edition 1. February 1987



Women (Persephone's qualities) intuition

  • Women are a magical force. They surround themselves with an emotional tension stronger than the rationality of men. […] Woman is a very, very strong being, magical. That is why, I am afraid of women.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, excerpt from interview, 1941, cited in: Lecture/essay by Paul Watsky, Ph.D., US American clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst, Anima, PDF, San Francisco Jung Institute, public program "Jung's Map of the Soul", fall 2001


  • I'm now a millenarian feminist. I have a dream. I see a day when politics is feminised, where female values move into
    the public sphere in a way they haven't quite done yet. [...] I met Angela Merkel and I sensed with her that she did bring
    certain feminine qualities to bear on the political situation in Germany. I want every country to be ruled by an Angela Merkel.
    A World ruled by women would be a better place. TV video interview with Martin Amis (*1949) British-Welsh novelist, World ruled by women would be a better place, says Martin Amis, presented by the English daily newspaper The Daily Telegraph, 5. July 2010


  • Men are ridiculous. Women are far better people. Much wiser (not difficult) and with a temperament to deal with life's complexities and men's abrasiveness. [...] So I think it's about time women took over. What they have to put up with is beyond belief. Pathetic, bullying men who throw their weight about (and there's usually a lot of it) in a vain attempt to prove they're superior when, in truth, they know they're not. Michael Winner (1935-2013) British film director, producer, Why I wish women DID rule the world: As Martin Amis said it's time men took a back seat..., presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Daily Mail, 13. July 2010


  • I've been advocating for years that I think men all over the world should be barred from holding public [political] office at any level for a hundred years. [...] Then you'd have a much kinder, gentler world almost immediately. Military budgets would be dramatically cut back and more money would be spent on health care and welfare and education. The things that we really need to be spending it on. [...] I mean, I'm deadly serious about this. This would work. And it's easy to do. You just pass a law. What you would do is, as men come up for re-election they couldn't stand for re-election. The women would be the only ones that could run. TV interview with Ted Turner (*1938) US American media mogul, entrepreneur, billionaire, philanthropist, presented by the US American television station CBS, program Late Show, host David Letterman,
    21. September 2006, cited in: Newsbusters, 22. September 2006
    • I've said for years and I'm really serious about it, I think men should be barred from holding public [political] office for a hundred years. They have been running the world for the last thousands of years and they've mucked it up something awful. I built my business surrounding myself with women. I find women more superior to men in business. Ted Turner (*1938) US American media mogul, entrepreneur, billionaire, philanthropist, 2003 and 2006, cited in:
      article Ted Turner: Men Should Be Barred From Political Office For 100 Years, presented by the blogspot and media watchdog mrc News Busters, Noel Sheppard, 23. September 2013



  • In all your amours you should prefer old women to young ones.
    Benjamin Franklin [The First American, Founding Father] (1706-1790) US American statesman, political theorist, occultist, polymath, diplomat, civic activist, adulterer, author, Old Mistresses Apologue, 25. June 1745


Sorbian painted Easter eggs



  • He who loves a woman, and brings her life to present realization in his, is able to look in the Thou of her eyes into a beam of the eternal Thou. Martin Buber (1878-1965) Austrian-born Jewish religious researcher and philosopher, I and Thou [1923] S. 105, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1937, Continuum International Publishing Group, reprint issue 2004


  • Women don't need to be funny. For most men, if they can't make women laugh, they are out of the evolutionary contest. They're never gonna get laid. If you can't make them [women] laugh, you don't have a chance. With women there is no need to be rendering yourself to men in that way. We already find you attractive. Thanks. Video interview with Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) English-American journalist, atheistic author, Christopher Hitchens: Why Women Still Aren't Funny, "An Immodest Rebuttal'', presented by the US American magazine of popular culture, fashion, and current affairs Vanity Fair, YouTube film, minute 1:28,
    4:58 minutes duration, posted 7. February 2012


Future prospects

  • All the geniuses who are born women are lost to the public good. Stendhal (1783-1842) 19th-century French writer, cited in: Sharyn Rohlfsen Udall, Carr, O'Keeffe, Kahlo. Places of Their Own, S. 4, Yale University, 2000



  • We now live in a world that is saturated with images. As a result, we're seeing an extraordinary surge of the feminine coming back into our society with women becoming priestesses again, being elected as judges and law makers. This pattern will continue because we've shifted from a text based society to an image based one. Kofi Annan (1938-2018) Ghanaian diplomat, seventh United Nations Secretary-General (1997-2006), founder of the Global AIDS and Health Fund, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2001, presented by the British TV channel BBC News, 30. April 2007


  • The natural superiority of women is a biological fact, and a socially acknowledged reality. Ashley Montagu (1905-1999) British-American anthropologist, humanist, author on race and gender, politics and development, The Natural Superiority of Women, 1953, AltaMira Press, new paperback edition 13. July 1999


  • If ever the world sees a time when women shall come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it would be a power such as the world has never known. Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) British cultural critic, poet, 1880ties, cited in: Ashley Montagu (1905-1999) British-American anthropologist, humanist, author on race and gender, politics and development, The Natural Superiority of Women, 1953, S. 239, Fifth Edition, division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1999


  • We all know there is a cure for poverty. It is a rudimentary one, it does work, though. It works everywhere, and for the same reason. It’s colloquially called the empowerment of women. It's the only thing that does work. If you allow women control over their cycle of reproduction, so that they are not chained by their husbands or by village custom to annual animal-type pregnancies, early death, disease, and so on. If you will free them from that, give them some basic health of that sort – and if you are generous enough to throw in, perhaps, a handful of seeds and a bit of credit – the whole floor, culturally, socially, medically, economically of that village will rise. It works every time. Video presentation by Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) English-American journalist, atheistic author, Christopher Hitchens: Empowerment of Women, presented by Cruciefiction, minute 0:52, 2:20 minutes duration, posted 23. May 2012


  • If women ran the world, there would be no wars. Anonymous


Shocking insight


Radicalizing insight


Dropping keys

  • The small man builds cages for everyone he knows
    while the sage, who has to duck his head when the moon is low,
    keeps dropping keys all night long for the beautiful rowdy prisoners.
Hafez (1325/26-1389/90) Persian Sufi mystic, lyric poet, cited in: AZ Quotes



Root of inequality:

Gandhi often confirmed that the paternal society is the root of inequality. In his autobiography is a touching chapter about when he asked his wife to clean a public toilet and the resulting conflict between him and his wife. He felt ashamed about it, and from then on he took care to not humiliate her anymore for the rest of his life.

  • Intellectually, mentally, and spiritually, woman is equivalent to a male and she can participate in every activity. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter; cited in: Lecture by Jyotsna Kamat, Gandhi and Status of Women on Gandhi's efforts to involve women in all phases of development, including the struggle for India's freedom, December 1998, last update 11. May 2008



Gender disparity:

Gandhi criticized Indian's passion for male progeny.

  • Womanhood is not restricted to the kitchen. Only when the woman is liberated from the slavery of the kitchen, that her true spirit may be discovered. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter; cited in: Lecture by Jyotsna Kamat, Gandhi and Status of Women on Gandhi's efforts to involve women in all phases of development, including the struggle for India's freedom, December 1998, last update 11. May 2008



See also:

  • The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women. […]
    There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. […]
    Woman has suffered for aeons, and that has given her infinite patience and infinite preserverance. Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) Indian Hindu saint, monk, scholar, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 4, S. 176, 1863-1902



Women ante portas

Western women can come to the rescue of the world, originally printed in Vancouver Sun, Victor Chan, 25. January 2010



Recipe of fulfillment: Spirit ∞ love, Yang ∞ Yin

  • The woman is increasingly aware that love alone can give her full stature, just as the man begins to discern that spirit alone can endow his life with its highest meaning. Fundamentally, therefore, both seek a psychic relation to the other, because love needs the spirit, and the spirit love, for their fulfillment. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Contributions to Analytical Psychology, S. 185, 1928, Hesperides Press, 4. November 2008


  • If she's amazing, she won't be easy.
    If she's easy, she won't be amazing.
    If she's worth it, you won't give up.
    If you give up, you're not worthy. [...]
    Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you;
    you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.
    Bob Marley (1945-1981) Jamaican singer-songwriter, musician, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • The world would be a peaceful place if it were ruled by women.
    Desmond Tutu (1931-2021) South African anti-apartheid activist, first black now retired Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, cited in: Article Women should rule the world – Tutu, presented by the publication News24, 8. October 2011



Lysistrata strategy:

Overseeing the peace talks in Burundi, rebels refusing to come to the table, Nelson Mandela asked the women to withhold conjugal rights.

  • In the ancient Greek comedy Lysistrata by Aristophanes, the women of Athens refuse to do anything for their men – including making love – to get them to stop fighting the Spartans. Article featuring Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) former South African anti-apartheid activist, first black president of South Africa (1994-1999), Mandela tells wives to go on strike, presented by the English daily newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Christopher Lockwood, diplomatic elder, 22. July 2000


A woman with burqa on walking
by the road in northern Afghanistan
  • The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?'
    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, cited in: Alfred Jones (1879-1958) British neurologist, psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud’s official biographer, Sigmund Freud. Life and Work. Volume 1, The Young Freud 1856-1900, Hogarth Press, London, 1953


  • From my point of view, it's been extremely important to me to interact with a woman [his partner Riane Eisler who is able to love me as I'm able to love her on some basis of equality. Rather than have the old superior-inferior relationship, which many men and women have. Women are making this breakthrough and they've begun to see out beyond this cage that every male is still encased in, almost without exception. Interview with David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022) US American social psychologist, evolutionary systems-theorist, futurist, partnership researcher, founder of the The Darwin Project, author, Raising the Chalice, presented by the dissolved US American magazine Mavericks of the Mind, winter solstice 1988


  • The power of the true woman is so great that I believe if a beautiful woman – that is to say, one beautiful in spirit, in manner and in thought, in fact, beautiful in every respect, a sort of goddess – were to appear suddenly on earth, she could command the whole world. Her leadership, I believe, would be universally recognized.
    History has given us many examples of the wonderful influence exerted by unusual women. Among these have been the mothers of great men. But their influence lay not in their determination to outdo man, or even to compete with him.
    Perhaps because woman is a finer and more highly sensitized instrument she knows by instinct her power and under-
    stands that the extent of it lies in the high position she takes for herself. But the superior never descends to the
    level of the commonplace.
    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Serbian US American physicist, mechanical and electrical engineer, inventor, presented by the US American newspaper Galveston Daily News, Galveston, Texas, page 23, 10. August 1924; cited in: Nikola Tesla – "Mr. Tesla Explains Why He Will Never Marry", 18. July 2011



The need and search for iron: women influenced men's behavior.

Males tended to be what females wanted them to be.
[Paraphrased] Because of the explosion in size of the human brain, women
a) did not want to have children (they would die by the thousands while giving birth) and
b) they desperately needed iron (a key ingredient of brains).
Both factors caused women to develop strategies of mating that forced men to change their habits. The danger of
giving birth led women to decouple sex and reproduction. The search for iron led females to favor men who could
hunt and bring meat, a form of concentrated iron. Leonard Shlain, M.D. sextimeandpower.com (1937-2009) US American chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, researcher, writer, cited in: Piero Scaruffi, Leonard Shlain: SEX, TIME, AND POWER, Penguin, 2003, 2006



Men's intense hunger to be near feminity

  • Very few women understand how great is the hunger in a man to be near femininity [...] (b)ut if a woman wishes to give a most precious gift to a man, if she would truly feed this masculine hunger (a hunger that he will seldom show but that is always there), she will be very, very feminine when her man is in a mood, so he can get his bearings and be a man again. Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, She. Understanding Feminine Psychology, 1976, Harper Perennial, revised edition 1. November 1989


  • Healthy feminism has stood up to patriarchal power and male sexism. It helped women empower themselves as equals in many areas of life. That is a wonderful thing and we need to do it even more effectively.
    Unhealthy feminism has encouraged the hatred of men, contempt for masculinity, the emasculation of men
    and boys, the devaluing of fatherhood and the suggestion that all men are predators and abusers.
    Unhealthy feminism has promoted the masculinity of women and the femininity of men, while disrespecting and undermining the femininity of women and the masculinity of men. We need to promote the healthy expression of both masculinity and femininity in both genders. Women can choose to be feminine, to be mothers or wives who support their husbands, if they want. Women can choose to be sexual and to dress however they want. We need strong, confident men, exhibi-
    ting healthy masculinity combined with a healthy dose of inner femininity. We need good fathers, grandfathers, uncles and sons. We need to value fathers as highly as we value mothers. We should accept that there are some biological differences between the sexes, while also accepting that many gender differences are also a matter of choice, culture and upbringing. We must suppress both the male chauvinist, patriarchal bigot and the anti-feminine, man-hating bigot. Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist, author, New Magna Carta. A Psychiatrist's Prescription for Western Civilization, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 4. February 2015


  • One of those who fought hardest for the rights of women during the French Revolution was Olympe de Gouges. In 1791 – two years after the revolution – she published a declaration on the rights of women. The declaration on the rights of the citizen had not included any article on women's natural rights. Olympe de Gouges now demanded all the same rights for women as for men.'
    "What happened?"
"She was beheaded in 1793. And all political activity for women was banned."
Jostein Gaarder (*1952) Norwegian intellectual, author, novel Sophie's World [1991], PDF, chapter 10, S. 187, Berkley Books, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994, Phoenix House, United Kingdom, 1995



Empowering women

  • There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. Discrimination against women of all ages deprives the world's children – all of them, not just the half who are girls – of the chance to reach their potential. Kofi Annan (1938-2018) Ghanaian diplomat, seventh United Nations Secretary-General (1997-2006), founder of the Global AIDS and Health Fund, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2001, presented by the British TV channel BBC News, 30. April 2007

Statistics: The UNICEF report points to a greater lack of opportunities for girls and women in education and employment, which contribute to disempowerment and poverty. UNICEF estimates that gender equality in family decision making in South Asia
would lead to 13.4 million fewer malnourished children.


  • Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women. Our society failed because we ignored and misbehaved our women Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) Turkish army officer, revolutionary, first President of Turkey, founder of modern Turkey, 1923



  • Empowering women isn't just the right thing to do – it's the smart thing to do. When women succeed, nations are more safe, more secure, and more prosperous. Barack Obama (*1961) 44th US president, International Women's Day,
    8. March 2013



Bigendered human nature split in two genders

  • The equality of men and women begins at the highest possible level: G-d. In Judaism, unlike traditional Christianity, G-d has never been viewed as exclusively male or masculine. Judaism has always maintained that G-d has both masculine and feminine qualities. As one Chassidic rabbi explained it to me, G-d has no body, no genitalia, therefore the very idea that G-d is male or female is patently absurd. We refer to G-d using masculine terms simply for convenience's sake, because Hebrew has no neutral gender; G-d is no more male than a table is. Both man and woman were created in the image of G-d. According to most Jewish scholars, "man" was created in Genesis 1, 27 (OT) with dual gender, and was later separated into male and female. Article The Role of Women, presented by JewFAQ.org, 1995-2011


  • A lot of women think the feminine to be weak. [...] The feminine is not weak. She is incredibly powerful. Women are changing their minds about how powerful their female really is. When women change their minds men follow. [...] The female guides, the masculine takes action. Men follow women. [...] If you are guiding us to be better men and more in touch with the feminine everyone is gonna win. Video interview with Paul Lawrence Curtis, English artist, painter, Balance between Male and Female energy – How and why?, presented by the webTV host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, minute 5:00, 24:29 minutes duration, posted 13. May 2011


  • The world is in such a mess now. There will never be leadership from men, because there are too few men who think like David Suzuki. So we're fucked. The only hope is women; I really believe it. By using technology to communicate with one another, women can start to change the world. They should make use of everything that connects people – the internet, telephones, television, writing, singing. Women have to somehow unite and take control of the world. And the only way they can do it is by withholding sex from men.
    That's the only way you can control men, to not allow them access to you unless they behave right.
    These are not original thoughts. If women were to band together and control men in this way, it would be at the risk of their own well-being, because the men would go around raping everybody. So women not only
    1. have to become strong,
    2. they have to be protective of each other and
    3. they have to be aggressive.
Well, that's an awful lot to ask overnight. But it's gotta happen soon.
Mothers are less likely to build bombs and drop them. Women are less liable to want their children to go to war. Women are less likely to knowingly pollute where they know their children are going to have to live. Mendelson Joe (*1944) Canadian mixed-media artist, singer-songwriter, guitarist, painter, outspoken political activist, railer, raconteur, Alien. The Strange Life and Times of Mendelson Joe, ECW Press pocket book 1. November 2000


  • Women as both wage earners and homemakers feel the contradictions more in our society. They feel more subtle, institutional discrimination. If a society inherits dysfunctional institutions then it is often the people with intelligence, skills, and an alternative perspective who are going to come up with better answers, rather than the people who have inherited positions that were already favored. In these cases, it is women who will play an increasingly important role. Besides this, approximately 80 percent of the people in the Western world are concerned that their children will inherit a worse world than the one in which they grew up. People tend to do for their children what they wouldn't do for themselves. Women, especially, will push for change and for a better world because of their children.
    Paul H. Ray, Ph.D., US American sociologist, founding partner of "Integral Partnerships", consultant of Cultural Creatives, author,
    Dr. Sherry Ruth Anderson (*1942), How 50 Million People Are Changing U.S. Business, Society, and Politics, Broadway Books,
    new edition 2. October 2001


Aschsee, Kassel, Germany
  • A great man is a man whose wife is smiling, whose wife is happy, and not a man who's got a lot of money in the bank and whose wife is on Prozac. Video interview with Shmuley Boteach (*1966) US American Orthodox rabbi, marriage counsellor, radio and television host, author, Respecting Our Women, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, transcript included, 2:53 minutes duration, aired 8. January


  • Question: In A Whole New Mind. Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future5, you tend to refer to people as "she." Do you feel that globalization highlights the role of women? Do you also mean to imply that the androgynous side of the human spirit has some sort of advantage in the new economy?
    Pink: There is lots of evidence that people with more androgynous minds that can reason both in a typically "left-brain," masculine way and a typically "right-brain," feminine way have a comparative advantage in the modern economy. I think that a lot of the abilities that are often dismissed as "feminine" or "soft" – things like empathy, to some extent even creativity itself – are more valuable nowadays, and that might confer a slight advantage on women. But I think that the future does belong to people with androgynous minds, people who have that analytical capability but people who also have that artistic, empathic ability. Deleted interview with Daniel Pink danpink.com (*1964) US American motivational speaker, chief speech writer of US vice president Al Gore (1995-1997), visionary author, The Changing Workplace, presented by the US American eJournal, February 2006, reprinted by IIP Digital usembassy 3. June 2008




Misogynous comment

See also Socrates' comment on women

  • Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal. [...] If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters. Attributed to Cato the Elder [The Censor, Wise, Ancient] (234-149 BC) Roman statesman, known for his conservatism and opposition to Hellenization, composed of excerpts (with some paraphrasing) from a speech of Cato as reported in: Titus Livius, Livy's History of Rome, book 34, sections 2-4, included in: Rev. Canon Roberts, translator, Ernest Rhys, editor, The History of Rome, Volume 5, J. M. Dent & Sons, London, 1905


  • The big change that would occur if women were running the world on a daily basis instead of men, is the military budgets all over the place would be slashed maybe to nothing, and a lot more money would go into education, health care, family planning, the things that really matter because women don't have as much testosterone as men. I mean, they don't want to start wars all the time. Women really would rather have things be peaceful. [...] And this one really could be done very quickly and very easily. All we have to do is change the laws, and in a hundred years then men can run again. And I think if we don't do something like that, we're going to have a nuclear, full-scale nuclear war at some point, or with global climate change, we're going to turn the world into such a hot house it will be unfit for humans to live in. So we need to change the way we're doing things right away and give some new ideas a chance or we're sunk. Deleted TV interview with Ted Turner (*1938) US American media mogul, entrepreneur, billionaire, philanthropist, presented by the US American basic cable, internet and satellite business news television channel CNBC, program "The Big Idea", host Donny Deutsch, aired ~September 2006


  • The one thing that is assured to bring prosperity to a nation is the empowerment of women.
  • The cure for poverty has a name, in fact: it's called the empowerment of women. If you give women some control over the rate at which they reproduce, if you give them some say, take them off the animal cycle of reproduction to which nature and some doctrine – religious doctrine condemns them, and then if you'll throw in a handful of seeds perhaps and some credit, the floor of everything in that village, not just poverty, but education, health, and optimism will increase. It doesn't matter; try it in Bangladesh, try it in Bolivia, it works – works all the time. Name me one religion that stands for that, or ever has. Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) English-American journalist, atheistic author, cited in: quote collection Slate Readers Share Their Favorite Hitchens Essays and Memories, presented by the US American online magazine Slate, Jeremy Stahl, 16. December 2011

Literary quotes

  • The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous toy.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, philologist, critic of culture, philosopher of nihilism, writer, Thus Spoke Zarathustra [Also sprach Zarathustra], 4 volumes, part II, chapter 18 "Old and Young Women", Ernst Schmeitzner, 1883-1891, Viking Press, 1954


  • A woman can change better than a man. A man sort of lives in jerks. Somebody dies, somebody’s born and that's
    a jerk. He gets a farm or loses a farm and that’s a jerk. With a woman it’s all in one flow, like a stream – little eddies and waterfalls, but the river, it goes right on. A woman looks at it that way.
    John Steinbeck (1902-1968) US American journalist, CIA agent, novelist, Pulitzer Prize laureate, 1940, Nobel laureate in literature,
    1962, novel The Grapes of Wrath, The Viking Press-James Lloyd, 14. April 1939



Movie quotes

  • If I asked you about women you'd probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. [...] you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Knowing someone could level you with her eyes. Feeling like God put an angel on earth just for you [...] who could rescue you from the depths of hell. And you wouldn't know what it’s like to be her angel and to have that love for her to be there forever. Through anything. Through cancer. You wouldn't know about sleeping sittin' up in a hospital room for two months holding her hand because the doctors could see in your eyes that the term visiting hours don't apply to you. Transcript from the movie Good Will Hunting, written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck; scene: psychiatrist Sean and young genius Will sitting together on a park bench in Boston.
    Good Will Hunting – Park Scene, YouTube film, minute 1:20, 4:46 minutes duration, posted 23. July 2007

Witch hunting

  • All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman […].
    What else is woman but a
⚑ foe to friendship,
⚑ an unescapable punishment,
⚑ a necessary evil,
⚑ a natural temptation,
⚑ a desirable calamity,
⚑ domestic danger,
⚑ a delectable detriment,
⚑ an evil nature, painted with fair colours […].
When a woman thinks alone, she thinks evil […].
Women are by nature instruments of Satan – they are by nature
⚑ carnal,
⚑ a structural defect rooted in the original creation.
Heinrich Kramer, Jacob Sprenger, Malleus Maleficarum [Hammer of Witches] published in Latin, 1486



Differences between male and female brains

  • Women's brains are made up of a big ball of wire. And everything is connected to everything.
    Men have scientific minds/brains filled with strictly separated boxes including the favored no-thing box for spacing out. [discovered in a study issued by University of Pennsylvania]
    Mark Gungor (*1954) US American pastor, comedian, marriage counselor, international speaker, Boxes vs. Wires, YouTube film, 7:51 minutes duration, posted 16. March 2009

Native wisdom
A woman's highest calling is to lead a man to his soul, so as to unite him with Source;
her lowest calling is to seduce, separating man from soul and leave him aimlessly wandering.
A man's highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to walk the earth unharmed.
Man's lowest calling is to ambush and force his way into the life of a woman.


Wisdom of the Cherokee, Native American tribe

Quotes by ⚡ Frederick Philip Lenz [Rama] – Men, women, gender, sex

Personal avowals

  • My position on women's liberation is that each individual woman can make a tremendous difference. I think that each woman has to feel that she represents all women, and that the way she conducts her life and whether or not she takes an active interest in her own liberation will affect all other women. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998)
    US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, source unknown


  • I think I've learned more from women than anyone else, and perhaps from love, what a wonderful testing ground, what a wonderful place to see and sense our limitations, to know that the pain reflects your state of awareness and not being able to hide from it. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, Sexuality, presented by ramaquotes.com, cited in: AZ Quotes

Basic gender equality – See also: Gender research

  • Men are not better, women are not better. […] We're all following the path to light. But we have to understand the operative conditions of the universe. It's men who make the wars, it is men who are interested in hatred and killing. By and large. […] It is because men are afraid of women. If they would accept their female side, their female side, their femaleness, then there would be a balance. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 17:27


Balancing and transcending gender roles – See also: Gender research

  • [T]here is no difference between men or women at the deepest levels. The particle of being that is our existence is both male and female. [...] The physical bodies and the subtle physical bodies of a man or a woman are very different and affect us. The subtle physical bodies are composed of luminous fibers of light. A man's subtle is more fixed. A woman's subtle is more pliant, can retain light and change more easily. [...] At the deepest levels there is no difference. We are all one.
    As either a man or a woman, there is neither or both, you need to harmonize yourself with eternity. […] Whether you are homosexual or gay or whatever it really doesn't matter a bit. What matters as a man or a woman is that you see that you are not a man or a woman. You are both. And that you create a balance on both sides of your being. And it's necessary to do a little work at the side that you have been neglecting. As you do that you become stronger and stronger and stronger. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 2:11 and 46:55


Enlightenment transcends gender tracks

  • The [gender] situation is bad – it's bad for men, and it's bad for women. [...] Men are suppressing women [politically, philosophically, socially, economically, educationally, spiritually] and women are suppressing men [responding with the second attention for their survival]. [...] The pain has been greater for women, because some men are able to draw back when they recognize that level of manipulation [extended by women] and they resist it. [...] Thus many spiritual teachers who have mostly taught men have said, 'Stay away from women.' [...] They see the ability of women to use the second attention and realize that if a man becomes overly involved in relationships enlightenment is not possibl because he is directing too much attention to duality and not to enlightenment. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 2 Why Don't More Women Attain Enlightenment? – Rama (Dr Frederick Lenz), minute 39:30 and minute 40:55, YouTube film, 1:11:46 duration, posted 28. August 2012


  • The solution is not easy, either for men or for women. Two people are fighting each other. They are so busy fighting each other that they don't realize that they could be inspiring each other, or giving each other strength or learning from each other. […]
    What is necessary for a woman to attain enlightenment is to undo everything what's been done. She will have to completely reexamine her life, her priorities, and specifically her use of the second attention, of course along with the physical attention, her sexual manipulation. […] She will have to realize that […] it will bring her no further, that she has to take that second attention which she's already developed and use it for spiritual pursuits.
    What a man must do is to realize that his continued belief in the inferiority of women is going to produce a type of karma which is going to hold him back and already has. And he must be honest enough and have enough integrity to change the description of the world even though everyone else in the world may not feel that way. By doing this a man and a woman they will not necessarily change the world but they will change themselves. They will enter into a state of balance. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 2 Why Don't More Women Attain Enlightenment?, minute 43:26


  • You have to become both a man and a woman [beyond the gender roles engendered by society] to be enlightened. Simply meditating is not enough. […] Selfless giving is not enough. […] If you give to others but still hold the ideas about the inferiority or superiority of women or men you will still be stuck. You must accept what is real and what is true. And to do that you must examine yourself, your history, and simply start to observe. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 2 Why Don't More Women Attain Enlightenment?, minute 45:30

Emotional modus operandi of men

  • There is this idea that women are emotional and men are not. And that's how they act. But actually, it's not. It is quite the opposite. Men are much more emotional. They love much more quickly than women do. [...] What I am suggesting is the way we see men and women outwardly and the way they act in society is not the way they are inwardly. It's backwards. And that's why not too many people in this world attain enlightenment. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 24:57


Sex reveals men's attitude towards women.

  • Many men have deep rooted problems regarding the status of women, and during sex these problems come out. They consciously or unconsciously project anger and hate towards women they have sex with. This energy enters a woman's subtle physical body and damages it. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, source unknown


Men's liberation

  • Men, if they don't begin the spiritual process fairly early, tend to fall into the world of ego – very quickly. There is this need to fight your way to the top. Men become obsessed with power which is completely unnecessary and destructive for them. It is better for women to be obsessed with power. […] Later at about their 40ties, 50ties, and 60ties [a essential time for men] sometimes their interest in meditation will come forward again. […] But most men, if they don't catch it at that age, they will dive into maya. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 12:41


Men are less afflicted by the world than women.

  • Men are not quite as affected by the (destructive) vibratory forces of the world as women are. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 14:29


Recommendations for men

  • Being a man is a very noble thing, a very powerful thing, a very gentle thing. [...] As a man it is necessary to become loving and gentle and kind, to be as strong as you can be and to be a fearless warrior, but at the same time to be delicate, to work on your capacity to love purely, to not throw sexual vibrations at [everyone] someone because of the way they look. [...] It is quite harmful to them and to you [the man] because you put yourself in a very low plane of consciousness. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 45:40 and minute 51:11


Spiritual work for men in liberation

  • If you're a man the best way to balance your energy is through love. […] Men have to soften their nature. It's necessary to practice the yoga of love and to loose interest in power and conquest. […] What you need to do is learn about surrender and selfgiving and humility and self-effacement, if you seek eternity. [...] It's important to work on the refinement of your nature and to meditate. [...] Meditate on love and on the heart. […]
    You need to learn to be a woman. You need to surrender, take eternity as your lover and just open yourself up to and let eternity do with you as it will. You need to become stronger and more patient. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 25:49


Obstacles on the way to self-realization of men

  • This is still the age of men although the age of women is around the corner. […] The primary problem men may have in self-realization is a kind of a low masculine energy that lacks sincerity, the lockerroom mentality, a lack of caring, being obsessed with oneself and one's own destiny as opposed to a group destiny, the idea of being the maveric, the I'm-just in it for myself-mentality. It is best to meditate on love and the heart and just to learn to love more and more. And this will be a painful process for you because men have turned off their emotional selves [for the idea of being a man]. […] Allow the emotional whirlpools to open up within themselves. […] Practice kindness. […] To work on humility is the most important.
    Meditate, ground yourself in eternal light, and see yourself in a new way. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 30:10


  • Women tend to open themselves up more during sex. Because their subtle physical bodies are so much more sensitive they tend to pick up the total energy of the man they have sex with. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, Sexuality, presented by ramaquotes.com, undated


  • It is most critical for a woman, or for a man who is very sensitive and opens up his heart, to be very selective about the people they have sex with. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher


Denial of spirituality to women

  • Women have also systematically been pushed out of spirituality by men. […] Even in the Bhagavad Gita, a book that I revere and respect, it's indicated that even women along with animals are capable of attaining enlightenment. The idea is that to be a woman is a lower birth. But still, all can attain enlightenment if they truly aspire. So even in a high spiritual and philosophical book we see the concept, which is quite ridiculous, that to be a woman is in a lower birth, that to be a woman is innately wrong in other words. You made a mistake somewhere and that's why you are born in the body of a woman. […] Women are cast into an image. That image is inferiority. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 2 Why Don't More Women Attain Enlightenment?, minute 41:48


  • If a woman places herself in an environment of light […] her growth will be tremendously fast. If she is in the opposite environment her descent will be very very quick. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 14:35


Women dealing with other women

  • Women don't support other women. They are jealous, they're vindictive. Again, simply because they don't realize that they have enough power within themselves. To enjoy other women and appreciate them it is not necessary to compete over a male. What an absurd idea! Women should be sisters and unite and pool their energy. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 21:55


Women in relationship with men

  • Women have to be very careful with their relationship with men. It's easier to have someone to make the decisions for you, but it's not, because then you're enslaved and you don't grow your own power, and you become weak. Women seem to have this idea to always be nice and allow people to walk all over them. You don't help men by allowing them to do that. All you do is fixate them in a bad consciousness. Whenever you allow someone to abuse you you don't help them, you are not a friend, because they are incurring bad karma. If you truly love someone, occasionally, you are being a little mean, if it's necessary. Or it may seem mean, it's not. […] You have to learn to become much more unattached. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 24:02


Women's subtle body

  • The subtle physical body of a woman is very different than that of a man. The subtle physical body of men are much more denser, more tightly packed, fixed. The subtle physical body of a woman is much more pliant. [It is a better conductor of light]. It's much easier for a woman to absorb and to retain light and to change. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 4:07


  • Women need to work on power and claiming their power and bringing the power of the kundalini from the root chakra and bringing it right up to the top of the head and asserting themselves. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 25:54


Recommendations for woman

  • As a woman you [are to] feel powerful, to feel strong, to bring the kundalini up [...], to assert yourself, yet to be inaccessible in a world that doesn't like women, to realize that most men hate women, because they are afraid of them, [...] the power of women, because they realize that women are much more powerful than men. And there is something in the unenlightened side of men that fears that power. It doesn't understand that if it would open themselves to that power that that power would enter them and help them in their liberation. Fearing that power they seek to put it down. And there is something in the unenlightened side of women that allows that to take place. It doesn't want responsibility. It wants someone to make the decisions. Ultimately that is not satisfactory because then a woman will be drained, tired and discouraged. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 50:11


  • As a woman you have to work on power, independence, self-confidence, supporting other women, and not always running to a man for justification, for condolence, for support. [...] You have to realize you have tremendous power in your being and you can bring that power into eternity. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 46:01


Cultural error – Patriarchal conditioning of women

  • Everything is reversed in this age. Men appear to be more powerful than women while the opposite is really true. What appears to be light is dark and what appears to be dark is light. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1 minute 6:26


  • Women have a misunderstanding of their purpose as women. Women think of themselves as being women and they are not. Women have a preconceived notion of what it means to be a woman and this notion is incorrect. This notion has been given to them by our society, history, men and other women. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1 minute 5:55


  • For a woman to attain liberation she has to realize that she has everything she needs within herself. Women have become dependent upon men in our society. They feel that they have to draw power from a man. They build their identities around men, or around their children. And doing so they do themselves and all women, and men a great injustice. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 6:53


Women's liberation

  • It is easier for women to attain to spiritual liberation than it is for men to do so. A woman’s subtle physical body accepts light in this world much more readily than does a man's. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 00:08


Women and kundalini


Women's subtle energy – See also: Energy and subtle energy

  • Women are essentially much more powerful than men are. The kundalini flows through them much more readily. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 5:24



Sensitivity and intuition – See also: Sensitivity


Women and power

  • Women must realize that power is their true aspect and support other women. If men see you a certain way, the image that is projected onto you is not your real self. You have to become commanding and assume responsibility for your power. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, source unknown


  • With women their subtle physical body fade away much faster in this world. While the strength of a women is the fact that her subtle physical body is pliant and conducts energy it's also the thing that is problematic for her, particularly in this age. […] The destructive vibrations are very powerful. […] Men are not quite as affected by the vibratory forces of this world as women are. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 13:45


Sexuality – on the way to self-realization – See also: Sexuality

  • Sexuality is neither good nor bad. It depends how you approach it. Change is necessary. The most basic change that we make has to do with our sexual identity. Sex does not matter. It's not important, unless you make it important. People place much too great a charge on sexuality. It's not necessary to be celibate to attain enlightenment. It's necessary to be yourself. There will come a time though when you will probably be celibate for a while on your way to enlightenment in one incarnation or another. […] Then you'll return to relationships or sexuality perhaps when you have sufficient detachment so that it won't be sex anymore. When you're with someone it will be a giving, a pure self-effacement, pure giving, a transfer of energy. There won't be any desire. There will be no concern for the personal self or physical satisfaction. Then it can't be harmful. Your emotions won't get wrapped up. Every action will be service and self-giving. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 15:18 and minute 43:35


Men's sexuality

  • [F]or most men sexuality is filled with violence. In the act of sex itself, while making love, men become very hateful. They very often hate the women they are making love to. [...] It is because men are afraid of the power of women. They sense this tremendous power and rather than helping to foster it or accessing it they want to cover it over. They are afraid of their own impotence. And the unrefined masculine energy enters easily into a woman, particularly during sex. [...] Women affix themselves very readily emotionally, much more so than men do. When a woman falls in love she will think of the man she is in love with constantly. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 15:23


Self-actualizing men in relationship with women

  • In relationships with women it is necessary to be gentle and to foster the power of women, to realize that a great deal of wrong has been done [to women]. […] As a man who is working towards liberation you can aid women, mainly by leaving them alone and by not projecting sexual energy towards them. [...] It hurts her [subtle body]. [...] The macho image is absurd. [...] Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 26:38


Women's sexuality – ⚠ Demise of women's aura due to sexual contacts with men

  • If a woman kept her emotional relationships to a minimum and if she has relationships, sexual contact, to make sure that it is with a nice person, someone who is not sexually abusive, and most importantly for women is not allow herself to become emotionally wrapped up in a man or in men then she can retain the integrity of her subtle physical body. And with meditation that power will grow stronger every year. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 20:17


Both genders fear sexuality. – Men fear impotence, women fear an overflow of sexuality.

  • Men are terrified of their sexuality. They're all afraid of impotence. Women are terrified of their sexuality because they've got so much of it. And we live in a society that says they don't. And it's very incongruent because women are told that they don't have sexuality, that men are sexual and women basically are not and actually quite the opposite is true in terms of the kundalini and the structure of the subtle physical [bodies]. Women are much more sexual – as Masters and Johnson have discovered – than men are and people are very put off by that. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, Sophisticated Sexuality YouTube film, minute 65:36, 1:12:58 duration, recorded 1983, posted 28. August 2012


Male disdain damages the female subtle body.

  • The damage that occurs to the subtle physical body of a woman occurs in several ways. Most of it is sexual. Most women lose their power in sexual relationships or simply by being exposed to the lower sexual energies of men. Sexuality is neither good nor bad. It depends on how you approach it. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, 1, minute 14:54


Sources featuring Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher
► Audio lectures The Lakshmi Series, presented by Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism, 1 of 30 recorded talks, 1982-1983
1 Women / Men and Self Realization, YouTube film, 54:30 minutes duration, posted 26. August 2012
► Audio lectures Insights: Talks on the Nature of Existence, Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism, 1 of 13 recorded talks, 1983
2 Why Don't More Women Attain Enlightenment?, YouTube film, 1:11:32 duration, posted 28. August 2012
⚠ Beware: Frederick Lenz was an abusive guru.
► Mark E. Laxer, Take Me For A Ride. Coming Of Age In A Destructive Cult, presented by the publication manybooks.net, 1993
On the trial of exiting the cult of Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher
Lenz-Watch. Appendix 1. Chronology/Biography. Frederick Lenz, aka Zen Master Rama

Hateful undermined 'feminism'

Personal avowals

  • Any man will follow any feminine looking thing down any dark alley; I've always wanted to see a man beaten to a shit bloody pulp with a high-heeled shoe stuffed up his mouth, sort of the pig with the apple; it would be good to put him on a serving plate but you'd need good silver. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US American sociologist, radical feminist, anti war activist, writer, Mercy. A Novel, 1990


  • The more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men. Sharon Stone (*1958) US American actress, producer, and former fashion model, cited in: AZ Quotes



  • I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them. And although there are exceptions (as in everything), i.e., men who are trying to be traitors to their own male class, most men cheerfully affirm their deadly class privileges and power. And I hate that class. Keynote address by Robin Morgan (*1941) US American political theorist and activist, lecturer, journalist, editor of the feminist magazine Ms., poet, author, topic "Lesbianism and Feminism: Synonyms or Contradictions?", sponsored by the West Coast Lesbian Feminist Conference, spring 1973, printed in: Going Too Far. The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist, S. 178, Random House, paperback edition, 1. August 1978


  • I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it. Barbara Jordan (1936-1996) US American lawyer, politician, leader of the Civil Rights Movement, educator, cited in: article Are Men Neccessary?, presented by the US American monthly magazine Texas Monthly, S. 84, Lawrence Wright, February 1992




Future prospects

  • If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males. Interview with Mary Daly (1928-2010) US American radical feminist philosopher, academic, theologian, No Man's Land, presented by the dissolved US American magazine What Is Enlightenment / EnlightenNext, host Susan Bridle, US American student of Andrew Cohen (1992-2002), WIE editor, #16, 1999, archived 14. December 2007



  • The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist. Ti-Grace Atkinson (*1938) US American philosopher, radical feminist author, pamphlet The Institution of Sexual Intercourse, presented by The Feminists, 1968


  • Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear.
    Susan Brownmiller (*1935) US American feminist, social activist, journalist, author, Against Our Will. Men, Women, and Rape, S. 6, Ballantine Books, 1. January 1975



  • Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated. Catherine MacKinnon (*1946) US American radical feminist legal scholar, professor of law, University of Michigan, A Rally Against Rape, S. 82, 1981


  • Ninety-five percent of women's experiences are about being a victim. Or about being an underdog, or having to survive […] women didn't go to Vietnam and blow things up. They are not Rambo. Jodie Foster (*1962) US American actress, director, producer, cited in: article, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, also cited in: Deleted article Fact Checking Warren Farrell: No, Jodie Foster wasn't "cashing in on her sex appeal" at age 4, presented by the publication "We Hunted The Mammoth", 20. July 2018


  • The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race. Sally Miller Gearhart (1931-2021)
    US American political activist, feminist, teacher, science-fiction writer, The Future – If There Is One – Is Female, 1981



  • If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them. David Angier, cited in: Peter Christopher Pappas, Fanning the Flames, S. 156, Lulu Publishing Services, 10. April 2014


  • Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience. Catherine Comins, Vassar College assistant dean of student life, cited in: article Column: Feminism has a right to anger, presented by the publication The Maneater, Rivu Dasgupta, 13. November 2013


  • As long as some men use physical force to subjugate females, all men need not. The knowledge that some men do suffices to threaten all women. He can beat or kill the woman he claims to love; he can rape women […] he can sexually molest his daughters […]. The vast majority of men in the world do one or morre of the above. Marilyn French (1929-2009) US American radical feminist, author, The War Against Women, S. 182, Ballantine Books, reprint edition 2. March 1993



  • Man-hating is everywhere, but everywhere it is twisted and transformed, disguised, tranquilized, and qualified. It coexists, never peacefully, with the love, desire, respect, and need women also feel for men. Always man-hating is shadowed by its milder, more diplomatic and doubtful twin, ambivalence. Judith Levine (*1952) US American civil libertarian, co-founder of the National Writers Union, journalist, author, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • We are taught, encouraged, moulded by and lulled into accepting a range of false notions about the family. As a source of some of our most profound experiences, it continues to be such an integral part of our emotional lives that it appears beyond criticism. Yet hiding from the truth of family life leaves women and children vulnerable. Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women, Radical Feminist quotes, präsentiert von Misandry Today


  • Women have their faults / men have only two: / everything they say / everything they do. Popular feminist graffiti


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Misandry


Source: ► Article 23 Quotes From Feminists That Will Make You Rethink Feminism,
presented by the contributor webblock Thought Catalogue, Jake Fillis, 17. May 2014
Reference: ► Quotations about Feminism

Quotes on women – Humorous


  • Whether women are better than men I cannot say – but I can say they are certainly no worse.
    Golda Meir (1898-1978) Israeli founder, first female prime minister of Israel (1969-1974), cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Men are stupid and women are crazy. And the reason women are so crazy is because men are so [...] stupid. George Carlin (1937-2008) controversial US American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, author, audio presentation Men and Women, excerpt from "When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?", YouTube film, 2:00 minutes duration, posted
    3. September 2009


  • I got divorced recently. It was a mixed marriage. I'm human, he was Klingon. Carol Leifer (*1956) US American stand-up comedian, film producer, actress, writer, cited in: AZ Quotes




  • Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake whole relationships.
    Sharon Stone (*1958) US American actress, film producer, former fashion model, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • If a man wants to truly communicate with a woman, he must enter her world of emotions. Gary Smalley, US American family counselor, president and founder of the Smalley Relationship Center, author of books on family relationships from a Christian perspective, John Trent, Ph.D., The Language of Love. The Secret to Being Instantly Understood, S. 62, 1988, 1991, 2006, 2018

Englische Texte – English section on Women

Four waves of American feminism

                       Evolutionary stages of American feminism                       
Wave of
Time frameLegendKey figures
FirstLate 19th -
early 20th century
Opening up various opportunities for women (right to vote was denied to women); empowerment of women
Social movements: abolitionist and temperance movements
Feminists felt morally superior towards men.
Susan B. Anthony
Second1960s-1990s Connected to contemporary social movements: anti-Vietnam protests, civil rights movement, equality in employment, sexual harassment, empowerment of women
Collaborative women were seen able to bring about a peaceful world.
Gloria Steinem
Betty Friedan
Third2000-2010s Young women raising their voices
Interest in various groups of women: women of color; lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered women, low income women
Rebecca Walker6
See also: Naomi Wolf
FourthStarting 2012 Focus on the empowerment of women, use of internet tools, intersectionality, genderismFourth-wave feminism
Source: ► Deleted article A Brief History: The Three Waves of Feminism, presented by the blogspot Progressive Women Leadership,
     Caroline Dorey-Stein, 22. September 2015
Literature: ► Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, political activist, social critic, leading spokesperson of the
     third wave of the feminist movement, author, Vagina. A New Biography, Ecco, 1st edition 11. September 2012
Video reference: ► Video presentation by Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, political activist, social critic,
     leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, Third Wave Feminism, presented by the
     US American web portal Big Think, YouTube film, 5:15 minutes duration, posted 23. April 2012
See also: ► ⚡ Gen­der Mainstreaming – a superimposed political ideology

Iceland's crowdfunding – women taking the lead

Iconic waterfall of Iceland Gullfoss

Supposedly the winner of the financial gambling game in Europe, Iceland (~300,000 inhabitants) faced bancruptcy as a result of the long-lasting international banking crisis in September 2008. Iceland's three largest private banks failed. Their market lost 90% of its value. The financial fall was the result of only male leaders tempted by baits offered to them by economic hitmen working on behalf of the international financial elite. Since the 2008 crash Big Media kept ignoring the phenomenal Icelandic revolution.

Source: ► en.Wikipedia entry 2009 Icelandic financial crisis protests [Kitchenware Revolution]


Icelandic revolution led by women (2008-2012)
༺·Time·line·༻History evolving
2008Iceland was in bankruptcy. The main bank of Iceland was nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland, was devaluated and the stock market halted.
Beginning 2009Initiated by women, citizens protested in front of the parliament which resulted in new elections. The male leaders and bankers were held accountable for the country’s economic and financial collapse.
23.·January·2009Prime minister Geir Haarde and his whole government resigned.
2009A bill proposed debt repayment to Great Britain and Holland (3,500 million € at a monthly rate with 5.5% interest) by the people of Iceland during the next 15 years.
January 2010The Icelandic people protested this debt repayment proposal and demanded a referendum which was subsequently approved by Iceland's president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.
March 2010The resulting referendum denied the payment of debts by 93% of the votes.7
March 2010Governmental investigations on those parties responsible for the financial crisis led to the prosecution of 200 individuals. High level executives and bankers were arrested. Former Icelandic prime minister Geir Haarde was on trial of charges of negligence over the 2008 financial crisis.
February 2011Out of the 522 candidates 25 chosen Icelandic citizens with no political affiliation formed a constitutional assembly to write a new national Constitution by synthesizing the recommendations handed in by citizens.
28. January 2013The EFTA Court in Luxemburg cleared Iceland of all charges by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. No loan agreement will be settled with the Icelandic state.8


Iceland is being governed by women since 2009.
༺·Time·line·༻History evolving
August 1980Vigdís Finnbogadóttir was the world’s first female president of Iceland (1980-1996) who had been democratically elected.
October 2008Birna Einarsdóttir (*1961) became the female CEO of Glitnir bank, newly named New Íslandsbanki.
1.·February·2009Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, social democrat, lesbian, became Iceland's first female prime minister.
May 2009Ásta Ragnheiður Jóhannesdóttir (*1949) became the female speaker of the Icelandic Parliament (Alþingi).
April 2012Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir was elected as the first female bishop of Iceland's state church.
30. June 2012Iceland's male president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson (*1943) since 1996 was re-elected for his fifth term.
       A young mother ran unsuccessfully for the office of president as well.
2012 41% (5 of 12) women held seats in the Icelandic government.
2014-2017Iceland's male political leaders have been caught in a cycle of financial and sexual scandals which have triggered three elections in four years.
2017Nearly 50% of lawmakers in the Icelandic parliament are women.
November 201741 year old environmentalist and feminist Katrin Jakobsdottir (*1976) took office as the youngest female Premier minister worldwide serving the most gender-egalitarian country in the world.9
1. January 2018Iceland's new law mandates equal pay from companies for men and women delivering the same kind of work – effective from 2018.


Written references
► Deleted article Iceland's amazing success taking back their country from the international banker gangs controlling the world, presented by
     the dissolved website voicesweb.org, Bill, 17. July 2012
► Article About Gender Equality, Centre for Gender Equality Iceland, Government of Ireland, ~January 2012
► Bjarni S. Jonsson, management consultant, expert on large-scale systemic change Nordic consulting firm Capacent with about 500 specialists
     in Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Finland, Notes from the Field. Iceland National Assembly. A Short History from a Personal Perspective,
     presented by the Integral Leadership Review, Volume X, No. 1, January 2010
► Article Why Did The Media Keep The Recent Peaceful Icelandic Revolution Quiet?, presented by the online publication
     Collective Evolution, Joe Martino, 11. January 2013
► Article Still fighting: Iceland sentences 26 bankers to a combined 74 years in prison, presented by the decentralized direct action group's
     website US Uncut, James Wood, reissued by the online publication Sott.net, 22. October 2015
► Article Breaking: Iceland Passes Law Requiring Equal Pay For Men And Women, presented by the publication True Activist, Amanda Froelich, 10. March 2017
► Article It's Now Illegal to Pay Men More Than Women in Iceland, presented by the multinational US American business magazine Fortune,
     Sarah Gray, 2. January 2018
► Article Iceland to Ban Boys' Circumcision, Introduces 6-year Jail Term for Offenders, presented by Truth Command / Saving Sons,
     11. February 2018
Audio and video sources
► Video interview with Hordur Torfason (*1945) Icelandic persecuted non grata human rights and democracy activist, leader of the Iceland
     political revolution, homosexual actor, singer, songwriter, poet, Iceland's Revolution Leader Hordur Torfason, presented by "People's
     Congress", hosts John Mulkins and Kelly Gerling, 59:29 minutes duration, aired 3. June 2012
Following a bank holiday on October 6, 2008 Torfason began to initiate a peaceful, weekly-persistant, legal, simple revolution in Iceland (2008-2012). He asked two questions, "What has happened to our country?", and "What are we going to do about it?" People subsequently agreed upon pressing three claims
1) the government to step down;
2) the board of the national bank to step down;
3) the board of the financial supervisory authority to step down.
Five months later during 2009: 1) The government, the national bankers and their supervisors resigned.
2) Private Icelandic bankers were prosecuted and jailed.
3) A new constitution was written by the people.
4) First the Icelandic banks were nationalized, then privatized again.
5) Since 2009 Icelandic people kept integrating the shocking news about the depth of the corrupted debt-money system.

► Video interview with Hordur Torfason (*1945) Icelandic persecuted non grata human rights and democracy activist, leader of the Iceland
     political revolution, homosexual actor, singer, songwriter, poet, Iceland's Peaceful Revolution, interoccupy.net, host Mark Taylor-Canfie,
     US American journalist, 1. August 2012, YouTube film, 34:57 minutes duration, posted 2. February 2013
► Video TV interview with Iceland's president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Iceland's Unconventional Comeback – LASST DIE BANKEN
, Davos-Kloster, January 2013, presented by the US American basic cable and satellite news television channel
     Fox News, program After the Bell, YouTube film, 5:49 minutes duration, posted 10. February 2013
Reference video:
Cutting Loose: Hungary pays off IMF debt, may eye EU exit, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel
     Russia Today News (RT), news channel, YouTube film, 3:11 minutes duration, posted 18. August 2013
See also: ► Politics


Referenzen (Print, Audio und Videomedien):
► Radiobeitrag zu Islands Verfassungs-Experiment Das Verfassungsreferendum in Island Modell für mehr Bürgernähe in Europa?,
     präsentiert von der deutschen Hörfunkanstalt Deutschlandradio, Hörprogramm Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Moderator Maximilian Steinbeis,
     Sendetermin 21. Oktober 2012
► Video Dokumentation Islands eindrucksvoller Weg aus der Schuldenkrise, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen
     Fernsehsender ARD, Wirtschaftsmagazin Plusminus, 22. August 2012, YouTube Film, Minute 6:12, 6:40 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt
     3. September 2012
♦ Entscheidung für den steinigen sozialen Weg der Volksentscheidung gegen die geplante Bankenrettung: "Island hat sich dafür entschieden, den demokratischen Weg zu gehen. Und ich glaube, das ist auch ein Grund dafür, warum sich unsere Wirtschaft so viel besser und schneller erholt hat als jede andere Volkswirtschaft in Europa." Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson (*1943) isländischer Politiker, fünfter isländischer Staatspräsident
"In unserem Fall haben wir uns dafür entschieden, die [drei] Banken [Islands] pleite gehen zu lassen. Es sind private Banken, und wie ich schon sagte, habe ich nie verstanden, aus welchem Grund Banken als die heiligen Kirchen der modernen Wirtschaft angesehen werden. […] Wir haben entgegen den orthodoxen Sichtweisen der Finanzwelt gehandelt, die in den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa vorherrschen. Und nun, vier Jahre später, erholt sich Island
in bemerkenswerter Weise."

Interview mit Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson (*1943) isländischer Politiker, fünfter isländischer Staatspräsident, Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF), Davos-Klosters, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Kabel- und Satellit-Nachrichtensender ⚡Fox News Channel, Programm After the Bell, 26. Januar 2012

► Artikel Island setzt korrupte Regierung ab und verhaftet alle Rockefeller und Rothschild Bankster, präsentiert von der Plattform
     Pravda-TV.com, 17. Juli 2012
► Artikel Island verabschiedet das erste Gesetz der Welt, das gleiche Bezahlung für Männer und Frauen festlegt, präsentiert von PIQD,
     Daniel Schreiber, 30. März 2017
Siehe auch: ► Globaler Index zur Geschlechterkluft – Ländervergleich 2009-2012 und ► Politik

Evaluating male and female leadership qualities – Pew Survey 2008 and 2018

Men ⇔ Women – Assessment of eight essential leadership qualities
2,250 surveyed adult US Americans voted:
Women express by far more specific leadership traits more explicitely than men.
༺༻Quality Votes for women Votes for men Equal votes for both genders
1. Honesty 75%25%n/a
2. Intelligence 75%25%n/a
3. Compassion 75%25% n/a
4. Creativity 75%25%n/a
5. Outgoingness 75%25%n/a
6. Hard work 50% 50%YES
7. Ambition 50% 50%YES
8. Decisiveness39% 61%n/a
2,250 surveyed adult US Americans voted:
As for political leadership men are far more trusted than women.

Quality Votes for women Votes for men Equal votes for both genders
9. Political leadership6% 21% 69%
► Deleted survey A Paradox in Public Attitudes Men or Women: Who's the Better Leader?, PDF, presented
     by the Pew Research Center, 25. August 2008
► Survey Women and Leadership 2018 – Views on leadership traits and competencies and how they intersect with gender,
     präsentiert von der Publikation PEW Research Center, Juliana Menasce Horowitz, Ruth Igielnik, Kim Parker,
     20. September 2018
See also: ► Women's leadership supersedes men's leadership and ► Leadership



The presence and the expertise and the bravery of Hillary Clinton changed the molecules in the air kind of so that we now can imagine female chief of state in a way we couldn't before. But I think the inability to see women in leadership in public life is indeed because we still associate female authority with childhood. That's when we see female strength.
Video interview with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem Visits BG, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 24. September 2012, presented by the US American TV station 13abc, host C. Williams, YouTube film, minute 1:17, 2:36 minutes duration, posted 17. February 2013

What really turned me off was what I call secret police. When she [then-first lady Hillary Clinton hired this fleet of detectives to go around examining all of the women who had been identified with [victimized and sexually harassed by] Clinton.
➤ Not for the purpose of divorcing Clinton.
➤ Not for the purpose of getting him to stop
➤ but for the purpose of developing blackmail material on these woman [to smear their character] to cow them into silence
that had a Nixonian quality that I hold against her and I continue to.

Dick Morris (*1946) US American pollster, political (campaign) consultant, former advisor to then-president Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton 'Hired Secret Police To Go After Woman Victimized By Bill,' Dick Morris Reveals, presented by the publication HNGN, Rida Ahmed, cited in: US American TV channel Ora TV, program Politicking, host Larry King (1933-2021), 1. November 2014

Ten core values for evolving women

Core virtuous behaviors embodied by maturing women
Dedicated to the creative potential of the relationship of maturing men and women
Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D. suggests women to embody the following core values:
1.Holding an evolutionary perspective Consciously evolving woman acknowledges her biological, psychological, and social condi-
tioning and draws on her true self devoted to the process of human evolution.
2.Trusting in life Witnessing woman keeps releasing control urges. She incorporates to the best of her abilities spirit, undefended innocence, dignity.
3.Taking responsibility for evolution Woman is aware of interconnectedness and cares to evolve in consciousness.
4.Realizing unity with other women Consciously evolving woman is trustingly, transparently, and passionately bonding with her sisters, taking responsibility of her programmed urge to compete with others and outshining it.
5.Being emotionally rational Conscious woman is aware of her survival impulses, developing emotional maturity by is releasing culturally programmed fears and desires.
6.Standing autonomously and not wavering Consciously evolving woman abstains from manipulative games and is cultivating simple,
gentle-straight radical sovereignty in her relationships.
7.Relinquishing sexual power Conscious woman refrains from seduction to win over. Her sexual relationships become profoundly intimate and straightforward.
8.Leading by example Willing to pioneer leadership conscious woman remains vulnerable and authentic, following
her inner guidance transparently and humbly.
9.Being trustworthy Woman devoted to a higher purpose remains honest and authentic when challenged.
10.Rejecting victimhood Responsible woman is not a victim. She cocreated history with men.
Inspired by: ► Article The Integral Relationship, presented by the dissolved US American magazine WIE? / EnlightenNext,
Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment,
cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, 2010
See also:Women and ► Relationship tips and ► Relationship levels and ► Dignity and ► Evolution and ► True Self and ► Trust
Interconnectedness and ► Leadership and ► Transparency and ► Humility and ► Authenticity and ► Victimhood

What women want from men – Jed Diamond

Women's wishes for their male partner to be like
༺༻                                       Woman's wish                                       
1.A woman wants – a man she can trust.
2.A woman wants – a man who is safe to be with.
3.A woman wants – a man who understands her inherent fears.
4.A woman wants – a man who is attuned to her needs.◊ Attend ◊ Turn toward ◊ Understand
◊ Non-defensive listeningEmpathize
5.A woman wants – a man who can handle emotional engagement.
Source: ► Article The Man's Guide to Women: 5 Things Women Want Men to Know About Fear, Sex, and Love, presented by the
publication MenAlive, Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, 10. March 2017

Too hard to control – Wangari Maathai

16 women out of 99 men won the Nobel peace prize within the time frame 1901-2017.10 Seven of which are regular folk. Wangari Maathai (1940-2011) is one of them.


Wangari Maathai

The first African woman who was honored by an international committee in 2004 for her endeavors in democracy, equal rights and the Green Belt Movement experienced thirty years of ridicule and barrage by the press. She was frowned at, beaten up by land owners, nearly murdered, imprisoned again and again, until the long term ruling party of Kenya was excelled, and the new one took her on as environmental minister.


In 1971 Wangari Maathai became the first woman in East and Central Africa to gain a Ph.D. who subsequently lectured at the University College of Nairobi. When her husband ran for a political office in parliament she was wary of accusations of being "a white woman in black skin". Maathai recounts:

"It was an unspoken problem that I and not my husband had a Ph.D. and taught at the university."

Trained as "a good African woman", she treated the supporters and detractors of her husband with respect.


After ten years of marriage her husband Mwangi Mathai, then a Member of Parliament, left her in 1977 and later divorced her, who was willing to reconciliate. He explained in public in 1980s:

"She was too educated, too strong-minded for a woman, too successful, too stubborn, and too hard for me to control."


Ninety percent of the members of Maathai's tree-planting movement were women. She said:

"The biggest impact of the ''Green Belt Movement is the sense of hope and power it gives to ordinary women.
The women respond so quickly to a common cause as they see it as a way to help the community at large."


Reference: ► Entry Maathai, Wangari 1940–2011, presented by encyclopedia.com, issued 2005
See also: ► Our deepest fear – Marianne Williamson
Siehe auch: ► Zu schwer zu kontrollieren – Wangari Maathai


Dear Woman,
Sometimes you'll just be too much woman.
Too smart, Too beautiful, Too strong.
Too much of something that makes a man feel like less of a man,
Which will make you feel like you have to be less of a woman.
The biggest mistake you can make
Is removing jewels from your crown
To make it easier for a man to carry.
When this happens, I need you to understand
You do not need a smaller crown –
You need a man with bigger hands.
Michael Reid, US American motivational speaker, poet, author,
Dear Woman, Dreams on Paper Entertainment Publishing, paperback edition 15. April 2015

Will ⇔ willingness

Old Man and Young Woman
Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)

Someone took a youth to a sage and said: Look, he is being corrupted by women.
The sage shook his head and smiled. It is men, said he, that corrupt women; and all the failings of women should be atoned and improved in men. For it is man who creates for himself the image of woman, and woman forms herself according to this image.


You are too kindhearted about women, said one of those present; you do not know them.
The sage replied: Will is the manner of men; willingness that of women. That is the law of the sexes – truly, a hard law for women. All of humanity is innocent of its existence; but women are doubly innocent. Who could have oil and kindness enough for them?


Damn oil! Damn kindness! Someone else shouted out of the crowd; Women need to be educated better!
Men need to be educated better, said the sage and beckoned to the youth to follow him. –
The youth, however, did not follow him.


Source: ► Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, philologist, philosopher, critic of culture, writer,
The Gay Science [Die fröhliche Wissenschaft], Leipzig, 1882, Random House, New York, 1974
Siehe auch: ► Wille ⇔ Willigkeit

Women and men – water and fire

"Nanna", 1850
Anselm Feuerbach (1829-1880) German painter

* * *
Woman prevails over the wise and intelligent,
While, on the other hand, ignorant men prevail over woman,
for in them the fierceness of the animal is imprisoned.
They lack tenderness, kindness, and affection,
because animality predominates over their human nature.
Love and tenderness are human qualities,
anger and lust are animal qualities.

Woman is a ray of God, she is not that earthly beloved:
she is creative, you might say she is not created.

Alternative translation:
This woman, who is your beloved, is in fact a ray of His light,
She is not a mere creature. She is like a creator.

The water prevailed over [extinguished] the fire
by its dread onset, [but] the fire makes it seethe
when it [the water] is screened [hidden in the cauldron].


Source: ► Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi (1207-1273) Persian Muslim Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, poet, R.A. Nicholson, translator,
The Masnavi. Book One, S. 122-123, Gibb Memorial Series, London, 1926, Oxford University Press, 1st edition 10. July 2008

Hymn to the eternal female

          I appeared from the beginning of the world.          


Everything in the Universe is a work of unification and fertilization – occurring through the gathering of the elements, who look for each other, melt together two by two and are thus reborn in a third. [...]


I am the uniting face of all existence – I am the god scent, attracting them in freedom and passion on the path to their union and to Myself.
Through me everything moves and relates. I am the female essence. In life I have begun to reveal my Self.


When a man loves a women he has, first, the notion that he approaches an individual being, just as he is, who he embraces as well as he can, and who he joins with freely.
While he surrounds my face with a nimbus he discovers a radiation, making his heart receptive and all things shine.


He interprets the shining of my essence as a subjective reflection of his enthusiastic mind, or a mere reflection of my beauty on the multiple facets of nature. Soon, however, he is astonished by the monster emerging within him when I approach. He realizes that he can only unite with me if he allows himself the inevitability of touch, as a servant of the universal work of Creation.


He thought that, on my side, he would find a companion: but he realizes now that in me he touches the mysterious power, the mysterious secret that takes him.


Those who find me are standing at the entrance of all things [...]
I am the magic of the universal presence and its many-faced smile.
I am the access to the heart of All Creation – the gateway to the Earth – the initiation [...]


Those who take me surrender to me and will be taken by the Universe [...]


When he realized that I was the Universe for him he believed he could embrace me with his arms.
He wanted to lock himself to me in a closed world of two where we would be enough for each other. [...]
Exactly in this moment I vanished from his hands [...] it may have seemed as if I were the doom of humanity – the temptation. [...]
From the moment you try to hold me and possess me as a totally willing figure, you suffocate me. [...]
You spoil me, purposefully you turn my essence upside down. [...]
But I seduce the light I take with me, into freedom. [...]
I am the incorruptible beauty of the future, the female ideal.


Source: ► Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) French philosopher, Jesuit priest, trained paleontologist,
trained geologist, Hymn to the Eternal Female, Verzy, France, 19.-25. March 1918
English translation of a German translation of a French original
Siehe auch: ► Hymne an das ewig Weibliche

Forbes list of 100 Women Who Run The World (2012)

1Angela Merkel58GermanyChancellor of the Federal Republic of GermanyPolitics
2 Hillary Clinton65United StatesSecretary of StatePolitics
3Dilma Rousseff64BrazilPresidentPolitics
4Melinda Gates48United StatesCo-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationHumanitarian
5Jill Abramson58United StatesExecutive editor for The New York TimesMedia
6Sonia Gandhi66IndiaPresident of the Indian National CongressPolitics
7Michelle Obama48United StatesFirst LadyPolitics
8Christine Lagarde56FranceManaging Director of the International Monetary FundHumanitarian
9Janet Napolitano55United StatesSecretary of the Department of Homeland SecurityPolitics
10Sheryl Sandberg43United StatesCOO of FacebookTechnology
Source: ► Article The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women,
presented by the US American business magazine Forbes, Caroline Howard, December 2012

Forbes list of 100 Women Who Run The World (2013)

1Angela Merkel56GermanyChancellor of the Federal Republic of GermanyPolitics
2Dilma Rousseff65BrazilPresidentPolitics
3Melinda Gates49United StatesCo-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationHumanitarian
4Michelle Obama49United StatesFirst LadyPolitics
5 Hillary Clinton66United StatesSecretary of StatePolitics
6Sheryl Sandberg44United StatesCOO of the FacebookTechnology
7Christine Lagarde57FranceManaging Director of the International Monetary FundHumanitarian
8Janet Napolitano55United StatesSecretary of the Department of Homeland SecurityPolitics
9Sonia Gandhi67IndiaPresident of the Indian National CongressPolitics
10Indra Nooyi57United StatesCEO of PepsiCoBusiness
Source: ► Article The World's Most Powerful Women 2013,
presented by the US American business magazine Forbes, Caroline Howard, 22. May 2013

Forbes list of 100 Women Who Run The World (2017)

1·Angela·Merkel63GermanyChancellor of the Federal Republic of GermanyPolitics
2Theresa May61Great BritainPrime ministerPolitics
3Melinda Gates53United StatesCo-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationHumanitarian
4Sheryl Sandberg48United StatesCOO of FacebookTechnology
5Mary Barra 55 United StatesCEO/chairman of the General Motors Company Technology 
6Susan Wojcicki (1968-2024)49Poland/United StatesCEO of YouTubeTechnology
7Abigail Johnson 55 United StatesPresident/CEO of the US investment firm Fidelity Investments (FMR)
Chairwoman of Fidelity International (FIL)
8Christine·Lagarde61FranceManaging Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)Banking/Humanitarian
9Ana Patricia Botín57SpainExecutive chairman of Santander GroupBanking
10Ginni Rometty60 United StatesPresident/CEO of IBM Technology 
Sources: ► Articles presented by the US American business magazine Forbes, The World's 100 Most Powerful Women in 2017,
Caroline Howard, Forbes staff, and article The World's 100 Most Powerful Women In 2017, Dorothy Pomerantz, 1. November 2017
► Article The World's 100 Most Powerful Women 2019, presented by the US American business magazine Forbes, Moira Forbes, 12. December 2019
► Article The World's 100 Most Powerful Women 2021, edited Moira Forbes and Maggie McGrath, 7. December 2021

Statistics on women

General data

  • 49.9% of the global population are women.
  • 70% of the world's women live in abject poverty.
  • 70% of the 130 million children in the world who miss school education are girls.
  • 22% of the world's general prisoners are women.
  • Less than 16% of all the world's terrorists are women.
  • 14% of the world's violent criminals are women.
  • 10% of the world's murderers are women.
  • Women do two thirds of all the work in the world.
  • Women get paid 10% of the salaries in the world.
  • Women worldwide own 1% of the property/wealth in the world.
  • 1% or less of the world's landowners are women.
  • Women initiate more than 70% of divorces and separations with the most common cause cited as "emotional neglect"
    from their husbands.11


  • Every day in the United States, 5 women are murdered with a gun.
    • US women are 11 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than women in other high-income countries.
  • 6,410 women were murdered in the United States by an intimate partner using a gun  (2001-2012)
    • The domestic murder rate of (more black than white) US women being killed exceeds the total number of U.S. troops
      killed in action during the entirety of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.


197690% of American women have experienced sexual harrassment in the workplace.
201780% of American women have experienced sexual harrassment in the workplace.


Violence against women and girls – Status 2013

  1. 1 in 5 women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime.
  2. Women are more likely to be beaten, raped, or killed by a current or former partner than by any other person, with most studies estimating that 20-50% of women experience partner violence at some point in their lives.
  3. In the United States, a woman is abused, usually by her husband or partner, every 15 seconds and is raped every 90 seconds.
  4. 102 countries have no specific legal provisions against domestic violence, and in at least 53 countries, marital rape is not
    a prosecutable offense
  5. Between 500,000 and 2 million people – the majority of them women and children – are trafficked annually into situations
    including prostitution, forced labor, slavery, or servitude. Only 93 countries have some legislative provision prohibiting trafficking
    in human beings.
  6. The UN estimates that approximately 5,000 women are murdered each year as a result of honor killings, but many
    women's groups in the Middle East and Southwest Asia suspect the number is at least 4 times higher.


Sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls – Status 2013

  1. There are approximately 27 million slaves alive today – more than at any point in history and 56% are women.
  2. The average price of a trafficked human is at a historic low of $90, which means that it is sometimes more "cost-effective" for traffickers to allow their victims to die than to provide them with adequate conditions and health care.
  3. Slavery is an extremely profitable, international industry. It is estimated that trafficking in the United States yields $9 billion every year, and around the world, trafficking in women for commercial sex purposes nets $6 billion per year.
  4. Roughly 14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States each year. California is a major trafficking
    entry point, with 43% of California trafficking incidents occurring in the San Francisco Bay Area alone.
  5. In the United States 70% of all prostitution is handled by pimps, who keep most of the money, and it is estimated that 70% of prostitutes experience multiple rapes each year – some as frequently as once a week.
  6. The typical age of entry into prostitution is 13-14 and almost 33% of the women got started in prostitution through family
    members or friends.
  7. Some estimates claim there are at least 300,000 children in prostitution, while others believe the numbers may be as high as 500,000-1.2 million.
  8. Worldwide, an estimated 51 million girls have been married before the age of consent. In many parts of the world, parents
    encourage the marriage of their underage daughters in exchange for property and livestock or to benefit their social status.
  9. The sexual violation and torture of civilian women and girls during periods of armed conflict has been referred to as "one of
    history's great silences" and has generally been ignored despite the millions who have been injured and killed by the brutal
    practice. Trafficking of women and girls was reported in 85% of the world's conflict zones.


Education – Status 2013

  1. Of the 781 million illiterate adults in the developing world, two-thirds are women, and nearly 1 out of every 5 girls who enrolls
    in primary school does not complete her primary education.
  2. Nearly three-quarters of girls out of school are from excluded groups such as ethnic minorities, isolated clans, and very poor
    households, even though these groups represent only 20% of the world's population.
  3. Educated women have greater control over their financial resources and are more likely than men to invest their resources in
    their families' health, education, and nutrition.
  4. No country has ever achieved continuous and rapid economic growth without first having at least 40% of its adults able to
    read and write. An extra year of primary school boosts girls' eventual wages by 10-20% and an extra year of secondary school
    increases earnings by 15-25%.
  5. Educating women increases productivity in agrarian communities. According to a 2005 report by the United Nations (UN), if
    female farmers in Kenya were provided with the same education and resources as male farmers, crop yields could rise by 22%.
  6. One year of female schooling reduces fertility by 10% and a child born to a woman who can read is 50% more likely to survive
    past age 5. Women with formal education are much more likely to use reliable family planning methods, delay marriage and
    childbearing, and have fewer and healthier babies.
  7. Education fosters democracy and women's political participation. A study in Bangladesh found that educated women are
    3 times more likely to take part in political meetings than those without schooling.
  8. Girls' education ranks among the most powerful tools for reducing vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. A study in Zambia found that
    AIDS spreads twice as fast among uneducated girls than girls who have access to education. Young rural Ugandans with
    secondary education are 3 times less likely to contract HIV.


Written sources:
Overview Women Undernews, presented by The Progressive Review, 2011
Article Missing women – missing men!? Are there more men or more women on earth?, presented by Gender Debate, 29. February 2012
Article 23 Fast Facts about Women's Oppression Worldwide, presented by Amnesty International, St. Louis chapter, 17. June 2013
Media source:
Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary
     and political activist, journalist, writer, 2012 Polly Wheeler Guth '44 Leader in Residence, presented by the girl's school Chatham Hall,
     Virginia, 17. January 2012, YouTube film, minute 34:42, 1:21:48 duration, posted by Chatham Hall 19. April 2012
See also: ► Statistics


Links zu Themen Frauen, Göttin, Feminismus, Emanzipation / Women, Goddess, feminism, emancipation

Literatur (inklusive Filme)

  • Film Und ewig lockt das Weib, produziert von Regisseur Roger Vadim, 1956
    • Et dieu crée la femme (französischer Originaltitel)

Feministische Grundlagenwerk Ende der vierziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts

US-amerikanischer Originaltitel When God was a woman, 1976

Märchendeutung nach Grundsätzen der jungianischen Psychologie

Umstrittenes Buch

Die Eigenwahrnehmung der Frauen als moderne und sexuell selbstbestimmte Menschen stimmt sehr oft nicht mit deren Handlungen in der gelebten Realität überein.
Viele Freiheiten für Frauen in der sexualisierten, westlichen Welt sind eher ein Indiz für Fremdbestimmung.

Literature (engl.)

Recension: "...the little book that started a revolution"

Presenting quotes by Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, Alice Walker, Jane Fonda, Cameron Diaz, Melissa Etheridge, Eve Ensler, Isabel Allende, Elizabeth Lesser, Jane Goodall

First factor – Sexual identity: over-sexualization and disempowerment of young girls via the sexual empowerment movement has led many girls to be disempowered.
Second factor – Cyberbubble: social networking (Facebook, Myspace) and cell phones have driven girls into an unfulfilling world.
Third factor – Obsessions: Expectating girls to work extremely hard at numerous activities
Fourth factor – Environmental toxins: dangerous chemicals in lotions

Misogyny as a debilitating process is policed, enforced, upheld, rationalized, and justified, whether overtly or covertly, in order to subordinate women and uplift men as a dominant, privileged and entitled gender.

Externe Weblinks

  • Datenbank mit Frauenbiografien FemBio

Über die Rolle von Frauen, Weiblichkeit und Maria Magdalena in der Bibel

Über das weibliche Gehirn

  • Artikel Die Rückkehr der Großen Göttin, Teil 1 und Teil 2, präsentiert von Neue Akropolis, Abenteuer Philosophie Rotraud Plattner
    • Die Bedeutung der Mythen des Matriarchats, PDF, Heft Nr. 78, 2006
    • Die Symbole des Weiblichen, Heft Nr. 79, 2006
  • Interview mit Ricardo Coler, argentinischer Arzt, Journalist, Matriarchat. Männer leben besser, wo Frauen das Sagen haben, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Spiegel online, 27. Mai 2009

Zwei Monate zu Besuch bei den matriarchalisch organisierten Mosuo in Südchina: Mosuo-Männer besitzen keine Autorität. Gewalt gibt es nicht.

Island ist das erste Land der Welt, das Ungleichbezahlung per Gesetz verbietet.

Linklose Artikel

  • 3-teiliger Artikel von Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", 2005
    • Wo sind die Frauen?, Teil 1, Heft 17, 2005

Über den Stand des Feminimus: Der Trend, sich in Sicherheit, Sex, gute-Mädchen-, böse-Mädchen-Mentalität zurückzuziehen, wurde noch nicht gebrochen durch spirit-mutige Frauen.

  • Wo sind die Frauen. Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Frauenbefreiung, Teil 2, Heft 18, 2005
  • Wo sind die Frauen? Jenseits des Weiblich-Göttlichen, Teil 3, Heft 20, 2005/2006
  • Artikel Das Göttlich-Weibliche, enthüllt. Führt uns eine weibliche Spiritualität über das Patriarchat hinaus?, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 27, ~2007/2008


Weblinks zum Thema Frauen (und Männer) – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

  • WomanStats Database, the world's most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of women

Albert Einstein wrote a list of rules for his wife including her chores.
Aristotle thought women should be slaves.
Confucius thought one testicle was better than a whole woman.
Friedrich Nietzsche thought women who wanted to learn were messed up sexually.
Kurt Vonnegut thought you couldn't educate women.
Martin Luther thought women were either wives or prostitutes.
Napoleon Bonaparte also thought women should be slaves.
Norman Mailer thought sexual assault was okay.
Gautama Buddha said women were too dumb for Buddhism.

A research project led by Jean M. Twenge, US American psychology professor, San Diego State University, W. Keith Campbell and Brittany Gentile, both University of Georgia, tracked pronouns by gender in 1.2 million texts i.e. published works (1900-2008) in the Google Books archive containing 4% of books ever published. The survey found that the "gender pronoun gap" has changed in favor of she.

Violence against women and girls – Sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls – Education, derived from: Nicholas D. Kristof (*1959) US American journalist, The New York Times op-ed columnist, author, two-fold Pulitzer prize laureate, Sheryl WuDunn (*1959) US American business executive, philanthropy expert, lecturer, writer, Pulitzer Prize laureate, Half the Sky. Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, Alfred A. Knopf, 8. September 2009, Vintage, reprint edition 1. June 2010

Three kinds of "witch" language:
1) Calling someone a witch, as applied lavishly to Hillary Clinton during the recent election.
2) "Witchhunt," used to imply that someone is looking for something that doesn't exist.
3) The structure of the Salem witchcraft trials, in which you were guilty because accused.

Linkless article

  • Article by Anne Baring (1931-2020) British historian, Jungian psychoanalyst, feminist author, How the Defamation of the Goddess has Affected Men and Women by Anne Baring, presented by the publication Philofem, Feminine Principle, Lyna Jones, 2019

External web links (engl.) – Bethany Webster

Blog articles by Bethany Webster, US American psychologist, blogger

"Underlying these painful elements [of the mother/daughter bond] has been an invisible fact: The only way women have traditionally been able to gain freedom or power was through an historically scarce and necessary survival tool: the approval of men."

"The "mother wound" is the seat of our deepest limitations as women because the most insidious forms of patriarchy are passed through the mother to the daughter, often unconsciously and unintentionally, remaining deep in the fabric of our sense of self."

"The unlived life of a mother can be experienced as a powerful burden on the daughter, consciously or unconsciously.
The bond between the inner mother and the inner child is the solid bridge to an authentic life, the true "portal of possibility.""

See also: ► Motherhood

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Videopräsentation für Führungskräfte und Unternehmer von Vera F. Birkenbihl (1946-2011) deutsche Psychologin, Manage-
    menttrainerin, Sachbuchautorin, Vera F. Birkenbihl: Das Männliche und Weibliche in jedem von uns, Magdeburg, 2007, YouTube Film, 1:19:10 Dauer, eingestellt Dezember 2021
  • Video Fernsehtalkshow Problemzone Frau, präsentiert deutschen Fernsehsender SWR (ARD), Sendung Nachtcafé, Moderator Wieland Backes, 18:33 von 88:19 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 30. Juli 2010
  • Videopräsentation von Matthias Horx (*1955) deutscher Soziologe, Unternehmensberater, Zukunfts- und Trendforscher, Publizist, Megatrend Frauen, präsentiert von der Veranstaltungsreihe Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft im Dialog (WIWID), Fakultät Wirtschaft, DHBW Stuttgart, YouTube Film, 8:15 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. Oktober 2011
  • Videopräsentation von Vera F. Birkenbihl (1946-2011) deutsche Psychologin, Managementtrainerin, Sachbuchautorin, Technische Universität, München, Bayern, 2001, veranstaltet und gefilmt von HM Veranstaltungsservice, Miesbach,
    Vera F. Birkenbihl kurz zu Männern und Frauen, YouTube Film, 11:16 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 2. Oktober 2014, neu eingestellt
    13. August 2017
  • Videointerview (Studio Talk) mit Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Der
    neue Feminismus
    , präsentiert von dem deutschen online Fernsehsender NuoViso.TV, Gastgeber Hagen Grell, produziert 2016, YouTube Film, 35:03 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 35:03 25. Juni 2017

Die Mütterfeindlichkeit des modernen Feminismus ist hochgradig gesellschaftsschädlich. Bis zu 50% der Persönlichkeit eines Menschen werden bereits im Mutterleib, Geburt und Stillphase festgelegt. Die Stress- oder Glückshormone, Nahrung, Sinneseindrücke im Leib der Mutter prägten das Kind maßgeblich.

  • Videopräsentation von Vera F. Birkenbihl (1946-2011) deutsche Psychologin, Managementtrainerin, Sachbuchautorin, Vera
    F. Birkenbihl zum Thema "Männer & Frauen"
    , YouTube Film, 49:54 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 1. September 2019
    "Was wollen Männer bei Problemen? Sie wollen Lösungen. Sonst garnix. Was wollen Frauen bei Problemen? Die wollen quatschen. Das ist ein gigantischer Unterschied."  Minute 4:35
    "Wenn Frauen den Mann ändern wollen, dann reden sie an ihn hin. Immer wieder dasselbe. Es nützt nix. Frauen müssen aktionesisch "reden", um verstanden zu werden."  Minute 6:04
    "Jungen lernen durch Experimentieren [haptisch], Mädchen durch Wörter [auditiv]."  Minute 9:30
  • Videopräsentation von Freya Rosi, Tugenden der Weiblichkeit | Freya Rosi, YouTube Film, 13:23 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. Oktober 2020

1. Fürsorglichkeit für sich selbst und andere,
2. Sanftmut (Charakterstärke, Selbstbeherrschung, Empathie) (mit sich, anderen und der Umwelt)
3. Selbstdisziplin und Ausdauer
4. Sinn für Schönheit
5. Gemeinschafts- und Sozialsinn
6. Hingabe


Audio and video links (engl.)

The possibilities for women at midlife

  • Video panel discussion between Paola Gianturco and Kavita Ramdas, Women Who Light The Dark, sponsored by the platform Talks at Google, Google Headquarters, Mountain View, California, recorded 2. October 2007, YouTube film, 49:16 minutes duration, posted 9. October 2007

Inspirational stories and images of women who are changing the world

Women want iron to cover their menstrual blood loss – Humans spent 99% of their experience as hunters/gatherers (tribes consisted of 150-225 persons; hunting parties consisted of 9-12 men in their prime) – Female Orgasm – G-Spot as the antedote to birth pain – Humans exhibit the most expressive homosexuality for an extra supply of aunts and uncles to help raising children in a village – Youth, health and beauty [subcutaneous fat, pheromenes] most attracts men to women.

  • Video presentation by Jean Houston, Ph.D. (*1937) US American psychologist, philosopher, cultural anthropologist, scholar, pioneer of the Human Potential movement, leading figure in the cross-cultural study of New Thought spirituality and ritual processes, visionary lecturer, author, Jean Houston on our Personal Mythology, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 49:23 minutes duration, posted January 2009   Subject to fee
  • Humorous! Video presentation by Mark Gungor (*1954) US American pastor, comedian, marriage counselor, international speaker, Boxes vs. Wires, YouTube film, 7:51 minutes duration, posted 16. March 2009

Differences between male and female brains; "Men have scientific minds/brains filled with strictly separated boxes including a favored no-thing box.", discovered in a study issued by University of Pennsylvania

"Women's brains are made up of a big ball of wire. And everything is connected to everything."

The revolutionary potential of women today and the next phase in human evolution

  • Video presentation by Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, former senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, Women's Unhappiness in a time of transition, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, 15:38 minutes duration, aired
    11. November 2009

Commenting on recent women studies

Referring to XIV. Dalai Lama's quote on western women's leadership September 2009  Minute 0:52-1:16

The gatekeeper and the gateway are the same – the way to a woman's innermost heart.

Men have 6.5 times more grey matter [thinking neurons], a better spatial orientation and maths skills than women.
Women have 10 times more white matter [connective neurons], 12% more closer knit neurons and a bigger corpus callosum than men.
Brainwise women are better equipped for problem solving than men.

After rereading Freud's thesis on the mental label "women's masochism", defined as "pleasure in pain", Caplan, missing the term 'Macho personality disorder' defeated Freud in 'The Myth of Women's Masochism.' 'Women's masochism' was redefined as selfdefeating personality disorder, proposed in DSM III-R for further review.

Linkless media offerings

  • Video TV presentation by Susan Schachterle, US American teacher, author, The Bitch, the Crone, and the Harlot, sponsored by the Book Passage, Corte Madera, California, recorded by the event video production company Fora.tv, 1:05:46 duration,
    6. April 2007

Reclaiming the magical feminine in midlife

  • Video TV documented panel discussion by four leadership versed women, Does Gender Matter? Are Women Leaders Different?, sponsored by the non-profit educational organization Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, California, recorded by the event video production company Fora.tv, 1:18:16 duration, 11. March 2008
  • Video presentation by Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921-2020) South African Zulu sangoma (shaman), Reawakening the grandmother spirit – Message to the world, YouTube film, 2:20 minutes duration, posted 7. January 2010

On the divine masculine (I/Mind) and the divine feminine (AM/Heart)

  • Video presentation by Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, political activist, social critic, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, "Women Are NEVER Told How IMPORTANT Female Masturbation Is!", sponsored by the Book TV, produced by the US American cable television network C-SPAN2 (MOXNews.com), Miami Bookfair 2012, 17. November 2012, YouTube film, 54:07 minutes duration, posted
    by MOXNEWSd0tC0M 18. November 2012

Linkless media offerings

  • Video interview with Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Marie-Louise von Franz speaks about the Anima in Jungian Psychology, excerpted from film series The Way Of The Dream, presented by "Windrose Film", host Fraser Boa, 1983, YouTube film, 3:15 minutes duration, posted 14. January 2011

Female archetypes: Eve, Helena, Virgin Mary, Sophia (wisdom of God)

Audio and video links (engl.) – Jean Shinoda Bolen

Message from Mother Earth. Call all the women

"When women are strong together, women can be fiercely protective of what we love."

Audio and video links (engl.) – Riane Eisler

Linkless videos

  • Video presentation by Riane Eisler, Ph.D., J.D. (*1937) Austrian-born US American scholar, cultural macrohistorian, sociologist, partnership researcher, social activist, author of The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics, sponsored by the nonprofit organisation Honoring Women Worldwide, YouTube film excerpt, 3:35 minutes duration, posted 13. June 2007
  • Video keynote address by Riane Eisler, Ph.D., J.D. (*1937) Austrian-born US American scholar, cultural macrohistorian, sociologist, partnership researcher, social activist, president of Center for Partnership Studies, author, Empowering Women and Building a Better World, sponsored by Civil Society Development Forum, Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO)'s Women’s Human Rights and Development: Inclusion, Participation, and Equality, New York, presented by Blip.TV, 22 minutes duration, 4. May 2010

Audio and video links (engl.) – Helen Fisher

Muted media offering

  • Deleted audio interview with Helen Fisher, Ph.D. (*1945) Canadian US American research professor, department biological anthropology, expert on romantic love, Center for Human Evolutionary Studies, Rutgers University, author of The First Sex: The Natural Talents of Women and How They are Changing the World, The emerging roles of women in the 21st century, presented by the Global Dialogue Center, founder and host Debbe Kennedy, cohost Maureen Simon, Maureen Simon Consulting, 2006

Audio and video links (engl.) – Jane Fonda

Featuring Fonda's disease to please, her new found spirituality (raised as an atheist, last married to atheist Ted Turner), becoming whole,
her film career, her three marriages, her activism opposing the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, her relationships with her children.

  • Confessional invigorating speech by Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, political activist, philanthropist, speaker, author, My Life So Far, presented by the satellite television channel University of California Television (UCTV), UC Santa Barbara, series "Voices", July 2006, Show ID:11755, 1. May 2006, YouTube film, 1:29:37 duration, posted
    25. February 2008
  • Women@Google interview with Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, political activist, philanthropist, speaker, author, Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem & Jane Fonda, host Eric Schmidt, US American CEO of Google, recorded 19. September 2006, YouTube film, 1:05:25 minutes duration, posted 27. September 2006, reposted 11. November 2015

Audio and video links (engl.) – Carol Gilligan

Audio and video links (engl.) – Margaret Heffernan

Audio and video links (engl.) – Barbara Marx Hubbard

  • Video interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, Barbara Marx Hubbard on Women Waking to Purpose, sponsored by the "Prophet's Conference" Tipping Point 2012, Vancouver, 23.-25. July 2010, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 59:48 minutes duration, posted September 2010   Subject to fee

Preview of Interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard, YouTube film, 2:55 minutes duration, posted 30. August 2010

  • Video interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, Understanding importance of conscious evolution, Santa Barbara, California, presented by the webTV host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, 38:56 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011

Emergence of the liberated older woman

Audio links (engl.) – Lucia René

Audios featuring and presented by Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-DateMinutes, durationAiring date
AudioTeleconference collectionPublic Teleconference Archive – 06/08/10-09/24/16Lucia René./.2010-2017
AudioInterview collectionLucia Interview Archive – 03/08/2010-06/11/2016Lucia René./.2010-2017
AudioRadio interview
Audio off
A Novel Way to Move Beyond the PatriarchyWeb radio program Emotionalpro,
host Ilene Dillon
60:1118. March 2010
AudioRadio interviewUnplugging the PatriarchyWeb radio station Tidings,
host Hazel Kahan
30:007. April 2010
Archived 5. April 2012
The nine most devastating components of the patriarchy (limiting consciousness in evolution): New World Order: politics, military, banking, World Bank (controlling natural resources), media, arts (PR), royalty, religion
AudioRadio interviewUnplugging the Patriarchy, MP3Web radio program The Catherine Bradford Show, host Catherine Bradford60:0029. April 2010
AudioRadio interviewUnplug from the Patriarchy! Women You Have The Power Now!Blogtalkradio show Snap Out Of It,
host Dede Murcer Moffett
60:133. August 2010
At the end of the current cycle of time the patriarchy's profit-before-people system has been defeated on the mystical planes. Mankind’s 5,000-year schooling in power, abuse of power, and masculine/feminine imbalance is ending. Mother Divine has handed the reins of power to women.
AudioRadio interviewBalancing the feminine and masculine energiesBlogTalkRadio, web radio show Padaran, host Daya Devi Doolin32:3124. February 2011
On the matrilineal female archetype of the Tantric Lover that fractured into the patriarchal wife/whore.
AudioRadio interviewUnplugging the PatriarchyBlogTalkRadio, web radio show Living In The NOW, BeLoveNow,
host Kimberley Jaeger
2:01:0010. May 2011


Video links (engl.) – Lucia René

  • Video interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 47:37 minutes duration, posted 1. July 2010   Subject to fee
  • Video lecture by Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Workshop-Overall Theme, YouTube film, 8:49 minutes duration, posted 27. January 2011
  • Video lecture by Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Workshop-12 Archetypes 12 Chakras, YouTube film, 9:31 minutes duration, posted 28. January 2011
  • Video interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, 1:24:22 duration, posted 27. March 2011

On the depth psychology of power (3rd chakra) and heart (4th chakra)

Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem

2nd wave of gender equality: from identity to equality

Linkless media offering

  • Video interview with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, Women and the Financial Crisis, presented by the pay television network Bloomberg Television, host Stephanie Ruhle, YouTube film, 3:59 minutes duration, posted 8. November 2011


See also:
► Women's literature: Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem
► Violence: Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem

Inspirationals by women

  • Video Phenomenal Women, presented by The Power of One TV, YouTube film, 3:57 minutes duration, posted 15. April 2008
  • Maya Angelou (1928-2014) US American historian, actress, producer, director, educator, civil-rights activist, playwright, poet, bestselling black author, Phenomenal Woman, YouTube film, 2:07 minutes duration, posted 29. March 2009

Angelou reading her poem

Women movies and documentaries

Alice Paul (1885-1977) US American suffragist leader, quaker, author of the Equal Rights Amendment – Paul picketed the White House during president Woodrow Wilson's term of office to gain national women's suffrage in the United States.

Scene: White House meeting with a reluctant President Woodrow Wilson and Alice Paul's psychiatrist Dr. White [comparing a hero to suffragist demands]: "I said she is prepared to starve to death in order to further her case. "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!", Patrick Henry, an American hero."
Participant: "Apples and oranges."
Psychiatrist Dr. White: "In oranges and women courage is often mistaken for insanity."

On August 26th, 1920, the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote became constitutional law.

About gender and transgender issues
Movies on other women


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Zusammen mit Gérard Mourou und Arthur Ashkin

2 Zusammen mit Gregory Winter und George Smith

3 Zusammen mit Denis Mukwege

4 Statistik Höchster Schulabschluss der 20- bis 29-Jährigen 1991-2020, PDF, präsentiert von dem Institut der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung WSi Gender Daten Portal ~2021

5 Riverhead Trade, reprinted updated edition March 2006

6 Rebecca Walker on third wave feminism | all about women 2018, YouTube film, 12:07 minutes duration, posted 6. March 2018

7 Großbritannien und die Niederlande verklagten Island vor dem EFTA-Gerichtshof in Luxemburg, der Island am 28. Januar 2013 von allen Anklagepunkten freigesprochen hat. London und Den Haag müssen die geliehenen Gelder abschreiben. Artikel Reykjavíks Sturheit zahlt sich aus, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Zeitung Die Tageszeitung (taz), 28. Januar 2013

8 Icesave dispute

9 Iceland's new PM is a 41-year-old anti-war feminist and environmentalist, presented by Metro, Joe Roberts, 2. December 2017

10 Nobel Prize Awarded Women, presented by Nobelprize.org, status 2017

11 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017


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