
Wiki / TheSecret





The SecretNetzfilm • DVD • Buch



The Secret, DVD Cover


Es gibt keine Geheimnisse mehr.
Interview mit Dr. David H. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, präsentiert von der Zeitschrift "Super Human Abilities", Robert A. Carr, 8. Juni 2007


Filmdaten von The Secret

Der Film The Secret. Das große Geheimnis des Universums, der seit 26. März 2006 im Netz angeboten wird, ist von der australischen Regisseurin Rhonda Byrne. Sie ließ sich vorgeblich von der Vision, das Heilige mit dem Heiligen zu offenbaren inspirieren. Spots mit Experten-Aussagen – ähnlich wie im Verlauf des Bleep-Films – bestimmen weite Teile von The Secret.
Das Multimedia-Angebot des zweistündigen Films The Secret versteht sich als 24 Stunden-Fernsehereignis rund um die Welt, der gegen Gebühr in voller Länge abrufbar ist.
Die Trailer 1 und Trailer 2 zählten zum Zeitpunkt der Eröffnung zu den Top 10 der am meisten aufgerufenen Blog-Webseiten weltweit (laut Alexa).

Gesetz der Anziehung ⇔ Intention

Das "Geheimnis" des Films The Secret ist im Wesentlichen ein Absatzkniff.
Fortgeschrittene spirituelle Lehrer empfehlen nicht, sich dem "Gesetz der Anziehung" zuzuwenden.
Die gleichnamige Bewegung schwingt im Bereich der neutralen Linerität. BW 250


"Attraktion – Anziehung" in Bezug auf das Manifestieren, das Kreiieren, ist eine Fehlbezeichnung. Exakter ist der Begriff und die Praxis: eine spirituell ausgerichtete "Intention" zu halten.


Die Kreationsformel "Was man im Bewusstsein hält, neigt dazu, sich zu verwirklichen". schwingt im Bereich der liebenden Nichtlinearität. Nach der Unschärferelation des Quantenphysikers Werner Heisenberg bestimmt der Kontext den Inhalt, das heißt, der Beobachter beeinflusst das Testresultat.


Das Mögliche neigt dazu, sich zu verwirklichen, wenn die örtlichen und karmischen Gegebenheiten günstig sind. Energetisch schwache Menschen, die ein hochschwingendes geistiges Prinzip konstant und hingebungsvoll im Bewusstsein halten, werden das Ergebnis nicht ernstlich beeinflussen. Kraftvolle Menschen hingegen können nachhaltig auf die bestehenden Verhältnisse einwirken.


Quelle (engl.): ► Audible Hörbuch mit Dr. David R. Hawkins, In The World But Not Of It. Living spirituality in the Modern World, CD 4
von 7, Spur 10, What an advanced teacher would say about 'the Law of Attraction', Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, Oktober 2008
See also: ► Law of Attraction ⇔ Intention

Drei Stadien der Bewusstseinsentwicklung – Beispiel von Joe Vitale

Der amerikanische Erfolgsautor und (Beyond) Marketingguru Joe Vitale (*1953) beschreibt die Stationen seines Lebens folgendermaßen:

  1. Zehn Jahre lang war Vitale obdachlos und lebte in Armut.
  2. Als Hypnosetherapeut und Erfolgstrainer und schließlich einer der Experten des übermäßig beworbenen Dokumentarfilms The Secret war es ihm wichtig, sich Ziele zu setzen. Er unterlag der Illusion, das Geschehen weitgehend zu kontrollieren.
  3. Er vertraut dem Göttlichen Willen, indem er sich durch Inspiration führen lässt und sich im Fluss auftauchender Ereignisse bewegt, ohne eigene Ziele zu verfolgen.


Drei Entwicklungstadien im Bewusstsein und Leben von Joe Vitale
1. OpferhaltungArmutSich der Unbill des Lebens ausgesetzt fühlen Anklagen, Jammern, sich hilflos fühlen,
Wütend sein, grollen, nachtragen
2. Seine eigene Realität erschaffenErfolgDie Kraft des Inneren zu wecken und seine Intention einzusetzen In der Außenwelt mit Beeinflussungsmethoden reagieren, um die Situation zum eigenen Vorteil zu steuern
3. Sich dem Geist des Vertrauens hingebenVertrauen
Reinigung (Freibeten) des gemeinsam getragenen Programms mit Allem und Jedem, den Göttlichen Willen/Intention erkennen, annehmen und ihn hinge-
Die Gegebenheiten in einem neuen Kontext betrachten
Bereitschaft, die volle Verantwortung für das zu übernehmen, was ist und (sich) innerlich mit der Ho'oponopono-Methode zu reinigen
Siehe auch: ► Mitverantwortung und ► Bewusstseinsentwicklung und ► Evolution und ► Reife und ► Lösung


Dr. Hew Len: Du hast die Wahl, doch nicht die Kontrolle.
Joe Vitale: Bei der "Grenzenlosigkeit" hast du nicht einmal mehr die Wahl.
Selbst die Wahl zu haben, ist ein Zeichen, dafür, dass es noch weiterer Reinigung bedarf.

Nahziel- und ICH-orientierte Thesen des Erfolgsfilms 'The Secret'

Einschätzungen von Byron Katie und David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

The Secret (Film) Das Gesetz der Anziehung ist das "Geheimnis".
Dr. David R. HawkinsEs gibt keine verborgenen Geheimnisse, die man gewinnbringend verkaufen kann.1
Wahrheit birgt keine Geheimnisse. Nichtlineare Realität ist nicht […] orts- oder zeitge-
     bunden noch in beschränkten Formen zu verschlüsseln. Geheime Botschaften, Codes,
     Zahlen oder Inschriften usw. sind Ausdruck der menschlichen Vorstellungskraft.
Es gibt keine Geheimnisse mehr und die Wahrheit kann von jedem beliebigen integer
     gesinnten Forscher unverzüglich entdeckt werden.
Wähle die Kraft der Anziehung, statt jemanden zu umwerben beziehungsweise etwas zu
     bewerben oder anzupreisen.

     1. Schreite vom Handeln, 2. zum Beobachten, 3. zum Gewahrsein, 4. zum Bewusstsein.


The Secret (Film) Du kannst haben, was auch immer du willst.
Byron Katie – The Work Du kannst wollen, was auch immer du hast.
David R. Hawkins Respektiere und honoriere deine Bestimmung und deine Mittel – wie Zeit, Finanzen, Persönlichkeit, Talente, Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten und deine jeweiligen Talente –
zum Wohl deiner Bestimmung.


The Secret (Film) MEIN Wille geschehe. Ich weiß, was das Beste für mich ist.
Byron Katie – The Work DEIN Wille geschehe. (= DEIN Wille ist geschehen.)
Das Beste für mich ist das, was tatsächlich geschieht.
David R. HawkinsWende dich nicht an Gott, verbinde dich mit Gott, so wird Dein Wille geschehe! dir
     wirklich etwas bedeuten.
➤ Nähre beständig deinen spirituellen Willen, um die Struktur des Egos aufzuweichen.
➤ Wenn du dich aufgrund deiner Ichbezogenheit selbst hasst, dann sei der Prototyp von
     Ichbezogenheit. Durch Widersinn und, indem du darüber lachst, überwindest du sie.


The Secret (Film) Du kannst deine Gedanken kontrollieren.
Byron Katie – The Work Du bist nicht der Denkende. Es ist nicht möglich, deine stresserfüllten Gedanken zu unterdrücken. Wenn du sie jedoch in Frage stellst, so fallen sie von dir ab.
David R. HawkinsAußer dem Willen Gottes gibt es keinen Willen.
➤ Es gibt keinen Akteur hinter den Handlungen.

➤ 1. Entwachse sowohl dem Widerstand, 2. als auch dem Bemühen/Energieaufwand und
     3. verweile als Beobachter im Frieden.


The Secret (Film) Du kannst deine positiven Gedanken als Realität verwirklichen.
Byron Katie – The Work Die Realität ist bereits das Beste, was sich ereignen könnte. Sobald du das (an)erkennst,
hast du Narrenfreiheit.
David R. HawkinsJeder ist für seine Absicht und für seinen Einsatz verantwortlich, nicht für das
Intention ist, sich geistig etwas zu vergegenwärtigen und sich dem hinzugeben. Unter
     günstigen karmischen Bedingungen wird es sich möglicherweise erfüllen.
➤ Intention ist nicht, etwas zu versuchen; Intention ist, es geschehen zu lassen. […]
     Versuche nichts, erlaube.
➤ Freue dich am 100-%igen Einsatz.
➤ Wer den Erfolg bekämpft, ist zum Scheitern bestimmt.
➤ Das Ego nimmt die Realität stets eine 1/10.000-stel Sekunde später wahr in der irrigen
     Annahme, es bewege den Körper.


Alles geschieht spontan aus sich selbst heraus, als eine Folge des Potentials, das als Wirklichkeit auftaucht. Demnach
sieht man keine Veränderung, sondern Emergenz. [...] Phänomene kommen und gehen, während sich Potentiale verwirklichen, [...] sofern die örtlichen Gegebenheiten günstig sind. [...]
Mittels Intention können wir beeinflussen, dass Potentiale als Wirklichkeit auftauchen. Die bloße Absicht, [...] sich spirituell weiterzuentwickeln ist bereits sehr machtvoll. [...]
Wie steht es mit der Bewusstseinsstufe des Beobachters? Es könnte sein, dass die Bewusstseinsebene mancher Personen nicht hinreichend stark ausgeprägt ist, um das Ergebnis sehr nachhaltig zu beeinflussen. Ist hingegen die
Bewusstseinsebene anderer Menschen stark mit Wirkmacht geladen, könnten sie den Ausgang sehr nachhaltig
Q&A Audiointerview (engl.) mit Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, präsentiert von dem
aufgelösten US-amerikanischen EKiW Webradiosender Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, Gastgeberin Ellen Sutherland,
gesendet 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 28. März 2011


Quelle (engl.): ► Blogartikel von Byron Katie (*1942) US-amerikanische spirituelle Lehrerin, Autorin,
The Difference between The Work and The Secret, präsentiert von ByronKatie.com, 22. April 2007
Siehe auch: ► Ziele und ► Byron Katie und ► The Secret und ► Hawkins' Empfehlungen und ► Hawkins' theorems
See also: ► Goal oriented and ME oriented phrases in the movie 'The Secret'

Zitate zum Thema The Secret (Film)

Zitate – Thematik Manifestieren

  • Ereignisse geschehen, Handlungen werden ausgeführt, doch es gibt keinen individuellen Täter oder Handelnden, der sie ausführt. Gautama Buddha (563-483 v. Chr.) indischer Avatar, Lehrer der Erleuchtung, Zentralfigur des Buddhismus, zitiert in: Ingo Reichardt, Anne Reichardt, Treffende Worte. 3000 Zitate für Führungskräfte, S. 159, Linde international Verlag, Wien, 2003


  • Eine nützliche Technik zur Umgehung des Denkvorgangs ist das schöpferische Visualisieren des erwünschten Zieles, das man sich vorstellt und wiederkehrend im Geist aufrecht erhält. Potenziale neigen dazu, sich zu ver-
    wirklichen, wenn die Bedingungen dafür günstig sind und die Absicht einschließlich der karmischen Nei-
    gungen einen kontextbezogenen Einfluss ausübt.
    Beim üblichen Denkprozess sieht man Logik und die Aufeinan-
    derfolge als kausale Gegegebenheit an, die obendrein der Anstrengung bedarf. Die visionäre Ausmalung beeinflusst das Ergebnis durch völlig andere und einfachere Mechanismen.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, FU Erleuchtung ist möglich, Kapitel 13 "Vernunft", S. 257, 2008


Quotes on manifesting – Law of attraction

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11, 24 (NT)


⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


  • It is usually fruitless to try to block thought or force the mind to be still without removing its motivation and pay-off. Its motivational roots can be identified and surrendered. It is then surprisingly possible to make a decision: just do
    not think about anything.
    This is made possible by aligning with the Infinite Silence out of which thinkingness arises.
    It is located not between but just before the emergence of thoughts. […]
    A useful technique to bypass mentalization is that of creative visualization in which the desired goal is envisioned and held in mind periodically. Potentiality tends to manifest when conditions are favorable, and intention (plus karmic propensities) is a contextual influence. In ordinary mentation, logic and sequence are seen as causal and also need-
    ful of effort. Envisioning is influential on outcome by entirely different (and easier) mechanisms.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 13 "Reason", S. 234-235, 2006


Critical quotes on "The Secret"

Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven [of God], and His righteousness, and all other things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6, 25 (NT)



Alternative source:

Conversations about the Teacher and the Student, part III of III, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, August/September 2007

  • PB: Have you heard of the Law of Attraction and the DVD The Secret?
    DH: As if they just discovered it. It has been around forever.
    PB: Then it’s not so secret?
    DH: What you hold in your mind tends to materialize. That’s an old law, isn’t it?
    PB: Is there any correlation between the Law of Attraction and your model for attractor fields?
    DH: No. "Attractor field," as I use it, is a term from nonlinear dynamics. It is an energy field. You are attracted to your own energy field, that which you resonate with, that which you have become.
    The Law of Attraction is not a law; it is just an observation. What you hold in your mind tends to materialize [a certain thing] in your life because you are holding the pattern of it and naturally identifying with that pattern.
    PB: There are a lot of people holding in mind Cadillacs and mansions, so wouldn’t the source of your motivation affect what you get?
    DH: Wanting it tends to keep it away. You don’t picture wanting a Cadillac; you picture yourself having a Cadillac
    and being in a Cadillac and being joyful in it and appreciating it.
    Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Exploring Consciousness, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, No. 21, page 21, Pamela Becker, Winter 2008-2009


  • Secrets is the other sign [for controlling cults]. Truth has no secrets. That which claims a secret, avoid! God has
    no secrets.
    […] All is revealed! The only reason for a secret is to have control over you. I'll get something out of you
    in return for the secret, which makes you special. The attraction is one of specialness. […] All these things are OK
    on the way. The only trouble is their power of seduction is quite intense. […] Don't underrate the expertise of that
    which would mislead you. […] It sounds like the convincingly real. Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, DVD 1 of 3, minute 1:39, Sedona, Arizona, 14. December 2002


  • An advanced teacher would tell you to forget the Law of Attraction. Because that is just the ego projecting its will-
    fulness and desiringness out into the world and chasing willies with success. You let go all attractions and aver-
    sions. [...]
    You give up the idea that being a millionaire will make you happy as an illusion. Because it won't. It will make every-
    body hate you. [...]
    You feel because that one is eliminated that you will gonna be OK. Which you don't know is if you don't change
    the habits of the ego it will just bring up something new.
    [...] It's the whole idea of specialness projected onto
    something. [...]
    Every negativity befalls these people who unprepared suddenly win 100 million dollars. [...] And their lives are cata-
    strophic. [...] The worst thing that can happen to somebody is that he suddenly gets 10 million $ unexpectedly. [...]
    You remove the obstacles to spiritual reality and it emerges. [...]
    The advice of a more advanced teacher would be to stop projecting the energy field of glamor onto externals
    and stop projecting fears and attractions and aversions.
    [...] So the pristine state is without attractions or aver-
    sions. And in that pristine state everything merely IS. Audible audio book by Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), In The World But Not Of It. Living spirituality in the Modern World, CD 4 What an advanced teacher would say about "the Law of Attrac-
    of 7, track 10, issued by Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, October 2008


  • This New Age culture is just choking on its narcisissm. The laws of the universe have existed long before that ridicu-
    lous book. [...] Sir Isaac Newton knew about these. What do they think? That these people discovered the laws of
    the universe?
    The only thing they' ve have done is that they applied it to greed. They have marketed it to greed. [...]
    »Now I get to build my bank account, get a boat, build a house, get a lover, change my sex.« [...] That touches the narcisissm. »Now it is not work, it is fun. [...] And I get to have stuff.« And therein lies the real secret which is greed.
    And that's what they managed to touch – the greed button. [...]
    [The movie] The Secret feeds off the ego's purpose, when in fact the soul feeds off a much deeper purpose. [...]
    • The soul has a purpose of service to others.
    • And the ego has a path of self service. [...] And the ego can never get enough for itself.
And the soul is a path of how to serve others. That's why the ego screams that it gets burnt out, whereas the soul does not burn out, because you nurture that with grace, and with prayer, and with a sense of guidance from above. Audio interview with Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle, episode # 22, archived MP3, presented by the US American web radio station Zentertainment, host Jo Davidson, mi-
nute 9:58, 24:29 minutes duration, posted 2008


  • There's no Law of Attraction. The universe does not conspire to fulfill your wishes. The problem in believing
    such pseudoscience is that when it does not happen, you blame yourself. But there's something much better: If rather than relying on happy thoughts you begin to live with meaning, honor, and compassion what will happen is that, rather than attracting anything, you create evidence of your worthiness to accept good fortune without self-sabotage. Then your perception will hone in on opportunities that can bring abundance of health, love, and wealth to your life. So rather than attracting what could make you happy, you step into the joy that is already within you waiting for permission to shine. Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuroimmunologist,
    author, Facebook comment, 10. December 2015, repeated 18. December 2015


  • Question: What does The Course in Miracles talk about magic?
    Answer: […] The ego's power is magic.
    There is a difference in magic and miracles.
    And in that sense magic is not a good thing. […] If you just want to make something happen, that's the way of magic. […]
    The The Course in Miracles says: If you just treat God like your errand boy and say: I want this, I want this, and
    I want this!
    , that's magic.
    The way of the miraculous is: Dear God, how can I serve you. It is a path of surrender. […]
    That goes back to [movies like] "What the Bleep!" and seeing it all through physics. If it doesn't involve humility
    and it doesn't involve surrender, it doesn't involve true power.

    Not to mind about magic, but it is not going to involve the miraculous. It is not going to really tear down the kinds of walls that are keeping darkness in place on the planet. Removed video presentation by Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Marianne Williamson – CMED Guest – 2006, sponsored by Myss Digital Media, introduced by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, author, part 7
    of 7, minute 2:05, 17:39 minutes duration, January 2006


  • "The Secret" will actually do a disservice to many people when their mind cannot control the death of their innocent child, or make them a million dollars, or make their former husband forgive them, etc. It will also keep people from that much more honest, humble – and REALISTIC – position of Incarnational Christianity. God comes to us disguised as
    our life, not as a Platonic world of ideas, even positive and good ideas. We are still not in control, I am afraid; but
    we can control and mature our responses. Father Richard Rohr, O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, Richard's take on "The Secret", presented by the Center for Action and Contemplation, New Mexico, 22. February 2007


  • Hearing from the Oprah people who want me to go on Oprah [TV Talkshow] to talk about [the movie] The Secret. [...] I went to the pre-interview and everything. And part of my mind was thinking, "I am way beyond The Secret". [...] When
    I got the call saying that, "We are passing on you on the Oprah show this time around," I was relieved. (CD 1 of 6)
    I’m no longer playing the intention game. I’m no longer playing The Secret game, which is so ironic. And it is probably meaningful that I didn’t go on Oprah to go talk about The Secret. Because I would have been the one guy out of align-
    ment from the rest of the group [of The Secret experts]. [...] And then the one guy that said, "You know what. The Se-
    cret that’s kind of bull. It works for a certain stage but you can go past that."
    And Jack Canfield would be looking at
    me, and Oprah would be looking at me, and James Ray would be looking at me. So it is probably very relevant that I just kept cleaning [applying Ho'oponopono] and I won’t go on for that reason. But I may go on for this reason. So that’s my answer to the 'Law of Attraction'. Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Zero Limits seminar, sponsored and led by Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), CD 5 of 6, winter 2007

Quotes by David Wilcock

  • [I]ncreasing your sense of self-worth – but films like "The Secret" take this to very exaggerated extremes.
    David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, The Deeper "Secret", part 1, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 27. March 2007


  • I also know that another prominent speaker in "The Secret" ... sees that it has become a legitimization and sacra-
    mentalization of greed
    David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, The Deeper "Secret", part 1, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 27. March 2007


  • "The Secret" [...] philosophy elevates the 'ego,' and it's own demands, to a Godlike level [...] as if you should
    go forth and seek whatever your heart desires, no matter how big the price tag, because the Universe is basically
    built to satisfy you [...] like a giant "cosmic gumball machine".
    David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, The Deeper "Secret", part 2 (see The Deeper "Secret", part 1), presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 29. March 2007


  • The problem with philosophies like those in "The Secret" is they assume the 'ego' IS the Higher Self. There is no other authority to look to. You know what you want, and therefore that is what God wants. [...] This error in judgment
    is a classic mistake. This materialistic oversight is [...] a growth experience we ALL must go through.
    David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, The Deeper "Secret", part 2
    (see The Deeper "Secret", part 1), presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 29. March 2007


The choice between ego and Self – Prostitute and maiden
Choosing between two paths – Prostitute or maiden
Prostitute path
The left path of Ego
Maiden path
The right path of SELF
Let's say you're the guy, and you want to 'get lucky'. With the prostitute you go, pay the fee, and get exactly what you want from her. […] but since it is illegal, you may end up getting hit with a few arrows as well. The […] positive path – is to approach your Higher Self as if it were a maiden. […] If you want to connect with the maiden, it's not so simple. You have to LISTEN to her. You have to dance with her […] explore her needs […] find out what she wants […] and be willing to move with her own free will, so that the two of you can COMBINE your visions into a MUTUAL view of what you want. Only then do you consummate the relationship.
Finally I realized that what I SHOULD have been asking, if I were treating my Higher Self as a maiden, was
"Where should I move if I want to serve the Work most effectively […] to be the best
spiritual servant for my fellow human beings that I can be?"
Source: ► David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker,
lecturer, author, The Deeper "Secret", part 2, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 29. March 2007
[First part source: The Deeper "Secret", part 1, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 27. March 2007]
See also: ► Relational levels and ► Decision and ► White Buffalo Calf Woman

Englische Texte – English section on The Secret (movie)

Law of Attraction ⇔ Intention

In his audio 2008 lecture In the World But Not of It Dr. David Hawkins points out that the "secret" of the popular movie The Secret is basically a marketing ploy. He explains that advanced spiritual teachers do not recommend to engage in the "law of attraction" which calibrates at LoC 250, the realm of neutrality.
"Attraction" in respect to manifesting is a misnomer, the more accurate term and practice is holding an "intention". It is fairly common knowledge that "What is held in mind tends to manifest." (Calibrated at LoC 505), also known among the sophisticated people as the effect of the Uncertainty Principle of quantum mechanics (calibrated at LoC 465) defined by Werner Heisenberg. The observer influences the test result, the context assigns the content.


The possible tends to manifest when local and karmic conditions are suitable. Energetically weak people won't seriously influence the result, when they hold a beneficial principle in mind, constantly and devotedly so. However, powerful people can profoundly effect the outcome.


Source: ► Audible audio book by Dr. David R. Hawkins, In The World But Not Of It. Living spirituality in the Modern World, CD 4 What an advanced teacher would say about 'the Law of Attraction of 7, track 10, issued by Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, October 2008
Siehe auch: ► Gesetz der Anziehung ⇔ Intention

Goal oriented and ME oriented phrases in the movie 'The Secret'

Assessments by Byron Katie and ⚡ David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

The Secret (Film) The Law of Attraction is "The Secret".
David R. HawkinsThere are no secrets that are hidden that can be sold at a profit.4
Because reality is nonlinear, it cannot be localized or encoded. No secrets, messages, codes,
     etc. Codes are indicative of man’s imagination and not the capriciousness of Divinity.
There are no longer any secrets and truth can be instantly discovered by any integrous
Choose attraction rather than promoting or proselytizing.
Shift from doer to observer, to awareness, to consciousness.


The Secret (Film) You can have whatever you want.
Byron Katie – The Work You can want whatever you have.
David R. Hawkins Respect and honor your destiny and your assets and resources such as time, finances, personality, talents, and abilities, for the sake of your destiny.


The Secret (Film) My will be done. I know what’s best for me.
Byron Katie – The Work THY will be done (=THY will is done). What's best for me is what actually happens.
David R. HawkinsDo not turn to God, connect with God – and "Thy will be done" will
     really mean something.
➤ Energize your spiritual will continually in order to break down the ego's structure.
➤ If you hate yourself for being selfish, then be the epitome of selfishness; you defeat it
     by paradox and laughing at it.


The Secret (Film) You can control your thoughts.
Byron Katie – The Work You are not the thinker. It's not possible to suppress your stressful thoughts.
But when you question them, they let go of you.
David R. HawkinsThere’s no will but God’s.
➤ There is no doer behind the actions.

➤ 1. Transcend resistance, 2. and energies / efforts and, 3. rest observing in peace.


The Secret (Film) You can manifest your positive thoughts as reality.
Byron Katie – The Work Reality already is the best thing that could be manifested.
When you realize this, you're home free.
David R. HawkinsYou're responsible for your intention, not the outcome.
➤ Intention is holding something in mind and devoting to it. Under suitable karmic
     conditions, it tends to manifest.
➤ Don't try, allow.
➤ Find the joy of going 100 %.
➤ Who attacks success is fated to failure.
➤ The ego's sense of sovereignty will claim authorship in 1/10,000th of a second after
     the event. It's the witness-observer that's faster than the mind.


Everything happens spontaneously of its own as a consequence of potentiality emerging as actuality. So you don't
see change. What you see is emergence.
[...] Phenomena come and go as potentiality becomes actuality [...]
when local conditions are favorable. [...] With intention we can influence potentiality manifesting as actuality.
The mere intention […] to become more and more spiritually evolved is already very powerful. [...]
Could be that some people's consciousness level is not sufficiently strong to very seriously effect the outcome. However other people's consciousness level is very powerful and they could profoundly effect outcomes.
Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, presented by the US American ACIM web radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011


Source: ► Blog entry by Byron Katie (*1942) US American spiritual teacher, author, The Difference between
The Work and The Secret
, presented by the website thework.com, 22. April 2007
See also: ► Byron Katie andGoals and ► The Secret and ► Hawkins' recommendations and ► Hawkins' insights
Siehe auch: ► Nahziel- und ICH-orientierte Thesen des Erfolgsfilms 'The Secret'


Links zum Thema The Secret (Film)


Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

Wikipedia-Einträge The Secret

External web links (engl.)

Wikipedia entries The Secret

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

Critical audio and video links (engl.)

Die vertrackte Sache mit der Erschaffung der eigenen Realität. Wilber und Walker verweisen "The Secret" (Film und Buch) in den Raum des prärationalen magischen Denkens.

Wilbers Fazit am Ende: Das Geheimnis von THE SECRET ist, dass es einen nicht zur Erleuchtung führt.

Linkless media offerings

  • The Secret's David Schirmer debunked as investment swindler'', Australian TV program, YouTube film, ~2006

David Schirmer von The Secret als Anlage-Betrüger entlarvt

  • Video TV interview with James Ray (*1957) US American motivational speaker, 'The Secret' expert, convicted for manslaughter in 2009, author, The Secret: Is It For Real?, presented by the US American TV station CNN, Larry King Live,
    host Larry King, Youtube Film, ... minutes duration, posted 8. March 2007


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 D. Hawkins, Seminar A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation, 4 DVD-Set, Sedona, Arizona, 6. Dezember 2008

2 D. Hawkins, Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD-Set, Sedona, Arizona, 11. Dezember 2004

3 D. Hawkins, Truth versus Falsehood, S. xxii, 2005

4 D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation, 4 DVD set, 6. December 2008

5 D. Hawkins, Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD-Set, Sedona, Arizona, 11. December 2004

6 D. Hawkins, FU Truth vs. Falsehood, pg. xxii

7 D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD set, 14. August 2004

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