
Hawkins / Uebergabe

(umgeleitet von Hawkins.Übergabe)





Übergabe – Surrender
Ebene 310 BW 540 BW 575






Afrikanische Schmucklilie




Unablässiges Übergeben

Caritas, 1895
Stanisław Wyspiański (1869-1907) polnischer Künstler

Der Kern aller spirituellen Pfade ist fortwährende Übergabe an GOTTES WIL-
. Dabei geht es darum, sich ganz GOTT zu überantworten, den Eigenwillen, Standpunkte, Widerstände, Glaubensüberzeugungen und Eitelkeiten aufzuge-
ben und dann GOTT zu übergeben.

Hawkins unterscheidet zwischen

  • Dem Prozess der Übergabe1, womit die Loslösung von Inhalten und
    die Hinwendung zum Kontext gemeint ist
  • Der Übergabe und Aufgabe des Widerstandes gegen das, was ist

Im Prozess der Übergabe geht es vornehmlich um das Loslassen und Über-
geben der Anhaftung an Denken und Gedanken, an Fühlen und Emotionen.


In der Übergabe und Aufgabe des Widerstandes gegen das, was ist steht am Anfang das Loslassen des Eigenwillens, der Eigenwilligkeit und der Kontroll-
. Aus der Eigenwilligkeit tritt Widerstand hervor, der GOTT überge-
ben werden muss.

Jeder spirituelle Pfad mündet darin, alles – einschließlich sich selbst und das Leben – GOTT zu übergeben. Dies beinhaltet sowohl den geleisteten Wider-
stand gegen die eigene Erfahrung des Lebens, als auch die mentale und ge-
mütshafte Anhaftung an Inhalte.

Vordergründig beginnt jede Übergabe an GOTT anhand der Zustimmung des eigenen Willens. Die Bereitwilligkeit und Absicht zur Übergabe als auch die Übergabe selbst ist in letzter Konsequenz jedoch ein Akt des spirituellen Wil-
. Es ist die Liebe und Hingabe zu GOTT und das Aufgeben der narzissti-
schen Verliebtheit in das Ego-Selbst, die dem spirituellen Willen und der Be-
reitschaft zur Übergabe an GOTT Raum gewährt.

Der Satz, den Dr. Hawkins am häufigsten in seinem Buch Erleuchtung ist mög-
(2008) wiederholt, lautet:


Übergebe dich Gott.

Loslösung von irrtümlichen Konzepten

Sich Gott zu übergeben, erfordert, einige der wesentlichen irrigen Konzepte / (Denkpositionen) loszulassen.

  • Es gibt ein getrenntes Ich.
  • Ich bin von Gott getrennt.
  • Die Vorstellung, man könne "das, was man bereits ist", durch eine Methode erwerben.
  • Die Idee, dass ein "Ich" sich hingibt.
  • Die Idee, dass das Ich der Akteur der Übergabe ist.


Gelingt die Preisgabe der obigen Ansätze, ist es wiederum durch Gott geschehen:


Es gilt, das BEDÜRFNIS nach Wahrheit preiszugeben, um Wahrheit zu erfahren.


Das Ego, das sich heimlich als Schöpfer von Allem dünkt, ist meistens ausgesprochen stur und wird sich nur angesichts
einer erschütternden Lebenskrise, einer existenziellen Sinnkrise (rock-bottom crisis situation), angelangt an dem Punkt
ohne Wiederkehr
, auf den Prozess der Übergabe einlassen.


Die Übergabe an GOTTES WILLEN muss vollständig geschehen. Nur so schenkt Übergabe Frieden. Geschieht er nur teil-
weise, führt dies zu Zweifeln2. Ebenso verhält es sich mit Vergebung. Nur vollständige Vergebung führt zur Loslösung.

Radikale Wahrheitsübung – Vier Schritte zur Loslösung


Höre auf, über deine Empfindungen (Gefühle, Schmerzen) zu grübeln (mentieren) und sie mit Namen
(einer Geschichte, Diagnose, Urteile) zu versehen.

2. Leiste deinen Empfindungen keinen Widerstand mehr. Und erlaube, dass sie über ihr örtliches Vorhandensein hinauswachsen und sich in deiner Aura verteilen.
3. Übe dich in der Haltung Mögen noch mehr von diesen Empfindungen auftauchen.
4. Nimm sie ganz an und erlaube, dass sie sich im Prozess der Übergabe vollständig auflösen.


Die vier Schritte zur Loslösung von Notstandsgefühlen im nichtintegeren Bereich lassen sich beispiels-
weise anwenden bei:


Wer loslässt, wächst über seine wollüstigen Begierden und Gefühle der Scham, Schuld, Angst, Wut und des Stolzes hinaus und erreicht einen gelassenen, nicht verhafteten Zustand, in dem er gleichermaßen in Frieden ist, ob nun das Verlangen vorhanden ist oder nicht, ob es auftaucht oder verschwindet. Der Gelöste betrachtet sein Verlangen aus der Haltung der Harmlosigkeit und weiß, wann es angemessen ist und wie es angemessen zu befriedigen ist.


Um eine BW-Stufe hinter sich lassen zu können,
muss man sie sich in Gänze zu eigen gemacht haben.

Source: ► Audios Office Visit Serie: ► B-1 Drug Addiction and Alcoholism and ► A-8 Pain and Suffering and ► A-4 Sexuality

Dilemma von Martha und Maria

Es geschah aber, als sie ihres Weges zogen, dass er in ein Dorf kam; und eine Frau mit Namen Martha nahm ihn
in ihr Haus auf. Und diese hatte eine Schwester, genannt Maria, die sich auch zu den Füßen Jesu niedersetzte
und seinem Wort zuhörte.
Martha aber war sehr beschäftigt mit vielem Dienen; sie trat aber hinzu und sprach: Herr, kümmert es dich nicht,
dass meine Schwester mich allein gelassen hat zu dienen? Sage ihr doch, dass sie mir helfe!
Jesus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihr: Martha, Martha! Du bist besorgt und beunruhigt um viele Dinge; eins
aber ist nötig. Maria aber hat das gute Teil erwählt, das nicht von ihr genommen werden wird.
Lukas 10, 38-42 (NT)


Das Martha-Maria-Dilemma weist auf die Unterscheidung zwischen vorsätzlichem Eigenwillen und Bereitwilligkeit hin. Beide Frauen sind mit Jesus befreundet und seine Schülerinnen.

  • Martha – Arbeit, Sagen/Tun, proaktiv, extrovertiert, betriebsam, logisch, komplex-multitasking, exklusiv, gestresst
  • Maria – Stille, Essenz des Seins, passiv, introvertiert, kontemplative, inspiriert, einfach-fokussiert, inklusiv, ruhig-entrückt
Media references:
► Video presentation Martha and Maria, presented by Laurence Freeman OSB (*1951) Catholic priest, Benedictine monk of the
     Turvey Abbey in England, YouTube film, 8:28 minutes duration, posted 1. February 2009
► Article Mary and Martha are Biblical Favorites, but Who Were They? Two models of Christian devotion., presented by the monthly
     news magazine U.S. News & World Report, Caroline Hsu, 25. January 2008

Zitate zum Thema Übergabe / Surrender

Zitate von D. Hawkins


  • Ich lebe auf Messers Schneide und übergebe jeden aufsteigenden Augenblick an D-ich, oh Lord! Quelle unbekannt
⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Wenn du gar Willen Gottes alles dem überantwortest, ermöglicht dir das, damit beginnen zu können zu bezeugen, dass Prozess [Abläufe] unwillkürlich und aus sich heraus geschehen. Quelle unbekannt


  • Wirkliches Opfer heißt, das Geringere für das Größere loszulassen. Dies enthält seinen Gewinn aus sich selbst, statt einem etwas wegzunehmen. Schmerzhaftes widerstrebendes "Aufgeben" ist kein wirkliches Opfer, sondern der Ver-
    such, sich einen religiösen Vorteil zu erkaufen. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 365, 2005



  • Jede Lehre mündet in "Übergib alles Gott, wie dem auch immer sei". Somit brauchst du ein Buch, das diesen einen Satz enthält! Audiointerview "Ohne Titel", präsentiert von dem aufgelösten US-Webradiosender Beyond the Ordinary, Gastgebe-
    rinnen Nancy Lorenz und Elena Young, 60 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 14. Oktober 2003


Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Surrender everything to God. Multiple unknown sources


  • One can surrender in a split second. Source unknown



  • Worry is the unwillingness to surrender. Source unknown




Differentiation between surrender and sacrifice

  • These [surrender and sacrifice] are arbitrary terms which presume that one is looking at spiritual principles from the viewpoint of the ego's vested interests and justifications for negativity. To the ego, spiritual principles represent a possible loss of positionality, but from the viewpoint of spirit, they are gains.
    The primary surrenders and sacrifices have to do with the substitution of humility for vanity. In actual practice, one merely relinquishes the vanities of opinionation and judgmentalism.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 66, 2001




  • Out of love and respect for God arises the willingness to surrender all […] prejudgments, and the humility that ensues opens the doors to the splendor of reality which is the revelation of the S(s)elf.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 228, 2001


  • Out of an unrestricted love for God arises the willingness to surrender all motives except to serve God completely.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 36, 2003



The three pathways:

Krishna said: The Yogas of love, knowledge, and work have been given by me to men for their highest good. Except for these there is no way to attain freedom.  Srimad Bhagavatam, translated by Prabhavananda, S. 264
See: Principle 3:1



The Process of Surrender

  • Spiritual seekers know that the core of all pathways to God is surrender, but to what is not clear. Without a decisive technique, many seekers spend years surren-
    dering on content and complain that they are no farther along than before. The mind goes right on with its endless production and, therefore, one cannot surrender content as fast as it is produced; it is a losing game.
    Next, one hears that it is not the content but attachments to the content that is the problem. This brings some relief
    but also brings the next question: How does one let go of attachments? It is necessary to examine the nature of an attachment. It is based on a belief and a desire. The belief is that a mental content will bring happiness and solve problems; therefore the attachment is to the implied promise that it is the thinking itself that is the road to happiness (wealth, success, love, etc.).
    To let go of the thinking therefore seems frightening because it is also seen as the main tool of survival; plus it is 'me'. As 'me', it is viewed as unique, personal, and precious, and it constitutes the main data base of identification of 'who
    I am'.
    The fear of loss of self-identity brings up resistance. As we get closer to the discovery of the source of the ego's tenacity, we make the amazing critical discovery that we are enamored with our self.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 39-40, 2003


  • With surrender, obstructions are dissolved by the infinite compassion of Divinity which unconditionally loves all that exists for that existence is the manifestation of God. Only illusions could make this obvious truth not apparent.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 42, 2003


  • Surrender is a constant process of not resisting or clinging to the moment but instead, continuously turning it over
    to God. The attention is thus focused on the process of letting go and not on the content of the 'what' that is being
    surrendered. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 48, S. 101, 2003


  • Surrender to God […] means to surrender control and the secret satisfactions of the ego's positionalities. Turn only
    to love and to God as the source of life and joy. This choice is available in every instant. When finally chosen, the reward is great. By invitation, spiritual awareness illuminates the way. The key is willingness.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 313-314, 2003


  • To 'surrender to God' means to stop looking to the ego for solace and thrills and to discover the endless, serene joy
    of peace. To look within is to find the underlying, ever present Source of the illumination of the mind itself. It is like finding the Source of Light, behind which is enabled the expression of that light as the colored spectrum. By intro-
    spection, one can see that there is that which changes and that which is changeless.
    That which changes thereby identifies itself as illusion. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 398, 1st edition 2003



  • With deep prayer and deep humility, the fate of the world can be surrendered to God at ever deeper levels, for it becomes obvious that all that is witnessed is actually in accord with Divine Providence and Wisdom. Worldly life provides the maximum opportunities for the evolution of consciousness via the undoing of past negative karma
    and the accrual of positive karma on both an individual and group basis.
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 325, 2006



  • Spiritual commitment is energized by the alignment of the spiritual will (calibration level 850), with attributes of Divinity, which are truth, love, compassion, wisdom, and nonpartiality. Devotion prioritizes one's life and attracts
    that which is of assistance.
    To be a servant of God is a dedication whereby the goal takes precedence over all
    other positionalities, attractions, or distractions. By devotion and commitment, the pathway unfolds and reve-
    supplants presumptive cause-and-effect acquisition.
    It could be languaged that the dedication is quite
    'Yang' by intent, but 'Yin' by fulfillment as a process.
    All actions become recontextualized, and their spiritual essence begins to shine through appearances. Devotion
    also expresses as selfless service
    whereby peeling the potatoes is no longer a chore but an act of love be-
    cause it has been sanctified by intention. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 35, 2007




  • As we grow spiritually and become spiritually educated, it takes less to bring about the willingness to face this in-
    ner experience. It could be said that a person's 'bottom of the barrel' gets progressively raised. The person does
    not have to go through agonizing pain before they are willing to let go and surrender. More and more there arises
    a willingness to do it on a daily basis so that it becomes part and parcel of one's life, with the constant looking at
    how one is trying to control things, or trying to change God's will, or how one is going to try to change and control
    God. More often there is the willingness to totally surrender at great depth, and then one sees that surrender oc-
    curs at different depths. In ordinary life we surrender a little bit. Under great pressure, we are willing to surrender
    more and realize that we do not have to put ourselves under catastrophic pressure in order to be willing to sur-
    render at great depth. The transformation of personality, the whole shift in one's spiritual position, tradi-
    tionally comes from surrendering at great depth.

    Healing and Recovery, chapter "Handling Major Crisis", S. 260-261, 2009



  • The intention of devotion to God means the willingness to surrender willfulness to God. So at all times we are al-
    ways surrendering willfulness. As we said, the juice we get out of the ego is coming out of the willfulness to juice
    the ego. When you let go of that willfulness to pull all of that juice you can out of it, then it stops. When you don't
    get any satisfaction out of it. So we surrender the will. [...] The persistence of willfulness, then, is what precludes
    enlightenment. That and that alone. One single thing. The insistence on what I want, what I desire, how I see it.
    Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, titled "Moving focus from the content of thinking to the Witness", Nightin-
    , United Kingdom, 6 CD set, January 2003


  • Every teaching ends up with "surrender everything to God, no matter what". So you need a book that is one sen-
    tence long!' Untitled audio interview, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts
    Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 14. October 2003


  • Do you want to be bullet-proof? – If so, then surrender everything to God, the good, the bad, the ugly, regardless
    of what just surrender it all. Sandy Springs, Georgia, Seminar Title unknown, Unity Church, month unknown 2001/2002


  • Every opportunity to let go now will prepare you for the ultimate test, which is coming. 'Renunciation' is the willing-
    ness to surrender within myself my cherished positionalities and the JUICE I get out of them (i.e., insisting on being right, possessions, position, reputation, fame, having it my way, controlling). In order to transcend the lower levels,
    we have to be honest (cal. 200). We must be willing to admit that 'I get a payoff from clinging to my positionalities.' Hating and wallowing in grief (the ego inflation of pride). Instead, let it go the instant it happens! Surrender it. Why? Because you're developing the capacity to let go of anything! And you'll need that down the road!
    Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, 3 DVD set, 27. September 2002


  • Very often one has illusions about the nature of reality. They have to be let go also. That there is a good and a
    bad, a desirable and undesirable, that is all in your mind. So you realize that the sun shines and then the clouds
    come up and then the rain falls. The grass grows up and dies, the stock market goes up and down, age comes
    and goes, people arise and leave. So you see there is the ebb and flow and if one is at this part of the cycle there
    is no point in crying about it, because the cycle will cycle itself out.
    Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, DVD 1 of 3, track 5, minute ~38:00-39:00, 27. September 2002


  • So renunciation means, eventually, an inner renunciation. The willingness to let go of insisting a thing isn't logical or can't be true and all these kinds of positionalities. The willingness, then, to let go of everything that stands in the way
    of love. As we do that the things that keep coming up that block us from love, then, are feelings and these feelings
    are just based on certain perceptions, ways of seeing things, the way of interpreting them – conditionalities that we
    have been brainwashed into and – ask
    'Am I willing to surrender that to God?'
    'Would I rather be right or would I rather realize the Presence of God?'
Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, DVD 1 of 3, minute ~47:00, 27. September 2002


  • When you surrender to the will of God, which calibrates at 850, the personal will can't match. Then, watch out. […] When you surrender to Divine Will, be prepared for whatever comes.
    Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 4 CD set, 28. February 2004


  • Joy, bliss, ecstasy, the high 500s, these higher states, have to be surrendered to God too, and then the peace that passeth understanding comes. Surrender everything to God, including these sublime states, transcend them.
    Chicago Seminar Title unknown, 10. April 2004


  • When you surrender everything to God, you can't have a say in the outcome. Do not look for a result, personal volition is removed, whatever God's will is, that's it. Chicago Seminar Title unknown, 10. April 2004


  • The way to God is constant surrender. Marietta, Georgia, Seminar Title unknown, Unity North Atlanta Church, 24. April 2004


  • When you surrender to God, you can be asked, if is it okay with you if you don’t become enlightened? If you answer 'yes', you’ve earned the right to become enlightened. Sedona Seminar Vision, 4 CD set, 25. February 2005


  • Surrender has to do with the will. All spiritual work centers on the fulcrum of the will. It's only by the ascent of the will. It's by the ascent of the will that your karmic destiny is set and the calibrated level of consciousness is set. The two
    go together. It's only by the will. So surrender is the surrender of volition of will and trying to control. So the will that
    expresses itself in ordinary life is trying to control. And willpower is very weak. The will of the ego calibrates at ex-
    actly the same level as your personal level.
    […] Will with a capital W is the Will of God and when you surrender
    to God's Will that means you've removed your own resistance and positionalities and vanities.
    Now you've
    opened the door and the spiritual Will, the Will of God as you experience within, calibrates at 850. It will knock just
    about anything off the path. The personal will is insufficient to overcome even a bad habit. The Divine Will is enor-
    mously powerful. When you invite in Divine Will, then be prepared, because it may sweep people right out of your
    family situation; it may sweep you from one part of the country to another; it may change your health. You may go
    from wealth to poverty or vice versa. Sedona Seminar Vision, 4 CD set, 25. February 2005


  • I remember clearly the moment when the ego surrendered its dominion. The ego's juice is being the source of your
    life, the experience of being what it considers the center of your life. The ego can't surrender of its own. Once you've
    surrendered positionalities, you come to understand that you're no longer subject to personal karma, and the
    temptation arises to assume all power
    – all power is yours; own it. I thought, who the hell would want it? There's
    a you that was going to have the power. The power isn't with you, anyway. That which you are is the source of
    your own life.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005


  • There’s really only one thing you have to let go of. You don’t have to give up any particular negativity or positionality.
    You just have to give up the payoff, the juice. Could you? Of course – but would you? It’s then a matter of will, but
    not human will, which is only as strong as your level of consciousness. It's only by surrender; now it's spiritual, Di-
    vine will, which calibrates at 850. This work threatens the narcissistic core of the ego.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Traps, 3 DVD set, 15. October 2005


  • The ego says "If you surrender me to the field you become nothing". The truth is that if you surrender the ego, you
    become everything. Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality, 3 DVD set, 18. February 2006


  • The heart is more powerful than the mind. Therefore serious devotion is very powerful.
    Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality, 3 DVD set, 18. February 2006


  • Question: What is surrendering?
    Answer (Summary): Surrendering is letting go of resisting to what comes up. It is not the same as being stupid or
    blind (gullible). Be OK with either outcome. Withdraw intention from the matter. Surrender resisting. Surrender to
    God’s will. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, Sedona Creative Life Center, 15. March 2006


  • Question: How do I deal with surrendering my child who is on drugs?
    Answer: Surrender how you feel about your child using drugs. You don't know the full story. Therefore you don't
    know the karmic benefits of this life for your child. Your child may have to hit bottom before surrender happens.
    Seeing somebody you love suffer is in itself painful. You also need to surrender the pain and presume it is for
    the good. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, Sedona Creative Life Center, 15. March 2006


  • Constantly surrendering your will to God allows you to notice the spontaneity of life without putting forth
    your own agenda.
    You pull back. You are the witness. You pull back from being in the middle of the drama to be-
    ing the witness, to being the watcher, to being the whole context in which everything occurs. You make that a style,
    a way of being in the world. You are not doing. You are allowing. Yin.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, Sedona Creative Life Center, 10. May 2006


  • There are two types of surrender
    1. Surrender as attitude and
    2. Surrender of specifics.
Surrender as attitude is when you say "whatever will be will be". You go with the flow, either way will be fine. See
the positive in any outcome. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, Sedona Creative Life Center, 13. September 2006



  • Question: Could you explain to me – like I'm 3 – about surrendering. I don't know if I'm doing it right.
    Answer: Quit trying. That means letting go wanting to change something. And it means acceptance. Acceptance means to let go of willfulness. And one can pray for grace.
    Prescott Seminar Love, 3 DVD set, 17. September 2011

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Wer sein Leben zu erhalten sucht, der wird es verlieren; und wer es verlieren wird, der wird es gewinnen.
Lukas 17, 33 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Es war das erste Mal, dass ich erkannte, dass vollkommene Hingabe bis in die letzte Körperzelle menschenmöglich
    ist; es war, als die Mutter kam und sich verneigte, dass ich diese vollkommene Hingabe in Aktion erlebte.
    Sri Aurobindo [Aurobindo Ghose] [BW 605] (1872-1950) indisch-britischer hinduistischer Philosoph, Mystiker, Yogi, Meister, Freiheits-
    kämpfer, Dichter, Mitteilung an seinen Bruder über Mira Richards, seine spätere Lebensgefährtin, genannt "die Mutter", zitiert (engl.) in: K.D. Sethna, Herausgeber, kompiliert von Nilima Das, Glimpses of the Mother's Life, S. 253, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Mother India, Pondicherry, 1978

Quotes by various other sources

Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it. Luke 17, 33 (NT)




  • Complete surrender is impossible in the beginning. Partial surrender is certainly possible for all. In course of time that will lead to complete surrender. Sri Ramana Maharshi [LoC 720] (1879-1950) Indian Hindu sage, saint, cited in: article What
    is Surrender? How to do it?
    , Talk 244, presented by the website sriramanamaharishi.com, 11. August 2018


  • As he contemplated the sins of his past life, he was horrified.
    It might have pleased God to allow him to retain some of the anointing he had felt at the beginning of his conversion, but that was all removed from him. Ten years of fears and troubles gave him very little release.
    But no matter what prayer he made to God, his sufferings continued to increase, with such heavy fears and perplexi-
    ties that his mind was suddenly unable to maintain control. Solitude [...] had become a sea agitated with furious storms.
    His mind was tossed like a vessel beaten by the winds and storm, abandoned by its pilot, and he did not know which
    way to go nor where to flee.
    [...] although reduced to the extreme he did not lose courage.
    Finally, one day before the altar, reflecting on the sufferings with which his soul was afflicted […] he firmly resolved to
    endure them, not only for the rest of his life, but during all eternity, if that were God's will.
    That was exactly the frame of mind God wanted him to have so He could flood him with His grace. […] God who needs
    neither time nor reasoning to make Himself understood, suddenly opened his eyes. Lawrence caught site of a ray of
    divine light; illuminating his spirit, this light dissipated all his fear, and his sufferings ceased.
    Edited eulogy by Abbé of Beaufort on Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection [Nicholas Herman] [LoC 575] (1614-1691) French Carmelite lay brother, theologian, mystic, cook, sandalmaker, Tony Jones, Practicing the Presence of God: Learn to Live Moment-by-Moment, S. 22, The Community of Jesus, 2007


  • Step Three. Many of us said to our Maker, as we understood Him: "God, I offer myself to Thee-to build with me and
    to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties,
    that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do
    Thy will always!"
    We thought well before taking this step making sure we were ready; that we could at last abandon
    ourselves utterly to Him. Alcoholics AnonymousThe Big Book, S. 63, 2nd online edition April 1939


  • Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult – once we truly understand and accept it – then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.
    M. Scott Peck [LoC 475] (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author, The Road Less Traveled [LoC 510],
    S. 13, Touchstone, 1st edition 1978, 25th anniversary edition 4. February 2003



  • We tend to speak of surrendering – or "the surrender" – as though we finally make one choice to let it happen. Actually it's more a choice to keep choosing. Usually along the way we are saying, "Thy Will, O God," but continue to whisper, "And a little bit of mine." We let a piece go, then rearrange and integrate what's left into new combinations. Then we
    live out the new setting until we are ready to release yet another piece and then another.
    Gloria Karpinski, US American spiritual teacher, holistic counselor, author, Where Two Worlds Touch. Spiritual Rites of Passage,
    S. 250-253, Ballantine Books, 1st edition 4. August 1990

Englischer Text – English section on Surrender

Differentiating between giving in/up and surrender

To give in (up, over) and to surrender sound similar. The differences are subtle.


Definition of giving up, over, or in:

  • To give oneself up to another’s power or control (especially as a prisoner)
  • To lose hope for the situation or cause
  • To cease doing or attempting something (especially as an admission of defeat)


Definition of surrender:

  • To give up possession of or power over
  • To yield to another on demand or compulsion
  • To yield or resign oneself
  • To give up claim to
  • To give over or yield voluntarily
  • To give up or abandon in favor of another


Whoever chooses to give up (in, over) has given up hope has resigned themselves to no other choice, no further options.
Whoever chooses to surrender allows another chance, for other options. Resigning oneself does not mean there are no
other options. To surrender allows to regroup, to reconsider what is.

BW-Werte: Übergabe, Hingabe

LoC calibrations (engl.): Surrender

  • LoC 850 – Total surrender of personal will (volition) to Divine Will, to God; Attitude: Thy Will be done!
  • LoC 575 – Surrender, process of giving up all inner resistances Widerstände and hands over oneself to God6
  • LoC 555+ – Surrender as devotion to God
  • LoC 555 – Surrendering of limiting beliefs, positionalities, doubts, and attachments7
  • LoC 535 – Surrendering the world to God
  • LoC 390 – Kamikaze pilots [Shimpū Tokkōtai] in the Second World War8
  • LoC 350 – Acceptance
  • LoC 310 – Reducing/subsiding resistance
  • LoC 310 – Willingness in view of the larger picture of life to sacrifice sensual pleasure or worldly gain9
  • LoC 310 – People of good will

Index: Übergabe / Surrender – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • Buch 3E, Structure of ego, process of surrender, S. 37-41
  • Buch 5E, Void, Final Surrender, S. 297-306

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Video Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3. September 2005
    Surrendering stacks of resistance persistantly and repeatedly. Everyone needs confidants or trusted older friend for feedback.
  • Prescott Seminar Love, 3 DVD set, 17. September 2011

See also: Veröffentlichungen, list of YouTube clips


Links zum Thema Übergabe / Surrender

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)


Interne Links




1 D. Hawkins, Erleuchtung ist möglich. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet, S. 126, 2007

2 Healing and Recovery, S. 164, 2009

3 Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 263-264, 2006

4 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 287, 2005

5 I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 239-240, 2003

6 Healing and Recovery, S. 164, 2009

7 Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 263-264, 2006

8 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 287, 2005

9 The mere willingness to sacrifice sensual pleasure or worldly gain is already of value in learning how to transcend attractions and instinctual drives, and the intensity of spiritual commitment is enhanced. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 239-240, 2003

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