
Hawkins / WahreLehre





Wahre Lehren – Erkennungsmerkmale



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Definition von Sekte (Kult)

Hansjörg Hemminger definiert eine Sekte folgendermaßen:

  • Von einer Sekte kann man jedoch erst sprechen, wenn eine Gruppe eine geschlossene soziale Struktur auf-
    Sektierertum ist ein soziales Phänomen, nicht eine Eigenschaft von Individuen – obwohl es eine sektiererische Mentalität bei Einzelpersonen gibt. Ohne soziale Organisationsform wird die sektiererische Mentalität jedoch zur Enge, Rechthaberei und Verbissenheit – die es nicht nur bei Sekten gibt. Sozial organisiert und als Gruppennorm führen diese Eigenschaften jedoch zu den sozialwissenschaftlichen "Sektenmerkmalen":
         ☛ Monopolanspruch auf die Wahrheit gegenüber anderen Gemeinschaften der gleichen Tradition
         ☛ Monopolanspruch auf Rettung, Erlösung oder Heil
         ☛ Größenideen, irreale Machbarkeitsvorstellungen und überwertige Ideen
         ☛ Schwarz-Weiß-Struktur des Denkens
         ☛ Starre Geschlossenheit nach außen hin, ungewöhnliche Gruppenkohäsion
         ☛ Unterschied zwischen "innerer Wahrheit" und Außendarstellung (doppelseitige 'Wahrheit')
         ☛ Totalitäre Innenstruktur der Gruppe mit "steiler" Hierarchie
         ☛ Starker Zugriff der Führung auf die Gestaltung des Alltags bei den Anhängern
         ☛ Personenkult um die Zentralgestalt der Gruppe
         ☛ Innere Überwachungs- oder Spitzelsysteme, geheimdienstähnliche Methoden
         ☛ Starkes Elite- und Sendungsbewusstsein der Gruppe
         ☛ Selbstidealisierung und Dämonisierung anderer
         ☛ Finanzielle, berufliche und familiäre Abhängigkeit der Anhänger von der Gruppe bzw. der Führung


Gruppen, die mehrere oder viele dieser Merkmale aufweisen, gelten heute umgangssprachlich als Sekten.


Quelle: ► Essay von Hansjörg Hemminger (*1948) deutscher Verhaltenswissenschaftler, Spezialist für Sekten und religiöse Sonder-
gruppen, Was ist eine Sekte? Kurzinformation, PDF, präsentiert von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), November 2019
Siehe auch: ► Kulte und ► Bewusstseinskontrolle

Zitate zum Thema Wahre Lehren und Sekten / True teachings and cults

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Aristoteles' [BW 498] Ansatz berücksichtigt die ethische Haltung des Sprechers sowie dessen Logik und Dialektik und zuguterletzt den Entwicklungsstand der Empfänger. Alle drei sind in Betracht zu ziehen. Wenn man versäumt zu beden-
ken, auf welchem Niveau sich die Menschen befinden, fällt man beim Publikum durch. Die Botschaft kommt nicht an. Man muss ein Thema so kontextualisieren, dass es verständlich und annehmbar ist.
D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD Set, 17. April 2004

Quotes by D. Hawkins

Personal avowals
Asked upon the LoC of Dr. David Hawkins: Hawkins quietly calibrated below statement. His wife Susan's arm went weak at LoC 1000. He added no further comment to the result.

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • All enlightened beings tell the populace to ignore their personality or personhood, but, instead, to focus on the teachings. Source unknown


  • There's always a diminishment from the calibrated power of the energy field of the great masters' original teachings to their current practice in the form of organized religion (see Chapter 23). Yet the original principles themselves retain their innate power pattern; it's merely their expression that's become weaker. The teachings themselves have the same profound power they always did.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 186-187, Hay House, February 2002


  • The true [spiritual] teachers can be seen to have no interest in fame or in having followers, prestige or trappings. […] The teachings and not the teacher are what is important. Inasmuch as the teachings do not come from the perso-
    nage of the teacher at all, it does not make sense to idolize or worship the personage. The information is transmitted
    as a gift because it was received as such. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 37, 2001


  • The spiritual teacher transmits a benefit due not just to the words themselves but to the high energy of consciousness which accom-
    panies the words. The teacher's level of consciousness creates what might be likened to a carrier wave that accompanies and empowers the words. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 3, S. 37-38, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Question: Where does one begin the search for spiritual truth self-realization called enlightenment?
    Answer: It is simple. Being with who and what you are. All truth is found within. Use verified teachings as a guide. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 175, 2001


  • Spiritual information is stored in the mental body and is educational and useful, but it does not become experiential un-
    til the higher spiritual energy fields are activated by the higher frequencies that emanate from the presence of an advan-
    ced spiritual teacher. The transmission of the higher frequency energy field is silent and nonverbal (classically referred to as 'grace'). The event is imprinted karmically, and by energizing the higher spiritual bodies, it illuminates so that com-
    prehension then stems from an inner subjective experiential knowingness. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 306, 2003


  • In spite of the massive accumulation of knowledge that man has acquired over the centuries, uncertainty still domi-
    nates all philosophical and intellectual discussions, and spiritual teachings are considered to be belief systems ra-
    ther than provable facts. Therefore, a thorough investigation of the matter is of general interest to a mankind that
    still asks the basic questions:
    "Who are we? Where do we come from? And where do we go?"
Despite the purported erudition of the great intellects and philosophers of the past, the questions still remain unans-
wered because the questions asked cannot be answered by the mind at all. They can only be discovered by
delving into its source – consciousness – without which the mind could not exist and without which would not even
know that he has a mind. The nature of consciousness itself – how it arose, what it is, and how it functions – beco-
mes apparent from the study of its evolution. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 28, 2005



Resolution of cultural disparities




The importance of calibrating teachings

  • It is obvious how critically important it is to know the energy field of a given teaching. (See chapters 16 and 17 in Truth vs. Falsehood.) […] [T]he teaching of the Christ is based on forgiveness. If it requires compassion and understanding, then the teaching will have to be at a calibration level 500 and over because healing begins at 540. That which the world calls sin is obviously something that requires healing […] Then a healing that is at least at the level of 540 is needed. Healing and Recovery, chapter 5 "Spiritual First Aid", S. 154-155, 2009




  • The direct path is through consciousness itself. […] When you sit down to meditate, you notice that the mind is constantly racing and running around and a lot of teachings try to teach you have to control it. You can't control it. You don't have any control over the mind. The mind exists of its own nature and it just runs about and does its own thing, just like the body does. There's no point to try to control it.
    Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, 3 DVD set, January 2002


  • There are three ways of presenting truth:
    1. Ethos,
    2. logos,
    3. pathos.
Aristotle's [LoC 498] approach, considers the ethic standing of the speaker, the logic and dialectic of the spea-
, and lastly the standing of the listener/s. You have to consider all three. The failure to take into consideration where the audience is a means that you fall flat. It's not getting across. You have to contextualize a thing so that it's comprehensible and acceptable. Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004


  • Question: How do you choose a true spiritual practice to follow?
    Answer: Look for these things in a practice:
    • Non-linear. Same throughout the ages.
    • If it sounds weird, it probably is.
    • It seeks nothing for itself.
    • It doesn't want to change, control, enroll.
    • It is not a pyramid system, or a multi level marketing.
    • People are free to come and go.
    • The teacher is only a teacher, not some glamorized master.
    • It avoids spiritual trappings.
    • It does not portray real opinions on outside issues.
    • There is nothing to sign up, no membership.
    • It has no interest in special clothing, food, your family, your sex life.
    • It does not insist on specific spiritual exercises.
    • It does not insist on exercises or breathing patterns to lead to altered states.
    • It has no doctrines.
    • There is no partiality.
    • There is no specialness.
Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD set, 14. August 2004


Zitate von anderen Quellen

So ermahne ich dich inständig vor Gott und Christus Jesus, der richten wird die Lebenden und die
Toten, und bei seiner Erscheinung und seinem Reich:
* Predige das Wort, stehe dazu, es sei zur Zeit oder zur Unzeit;
* weise zurecht, drohe, ermahne mit aller Geduld und Lehre.
Denn es wird eine Zeit kommen, da sie die heilsame Lehre nicht ertragen werden; sondern nach
ihrem eigenen Begehren werden sie sich selbst Lehrer aufladen, nach denen ihnen die Ohren
jucken, und werden die Ohren von der Wahrheit abwenden und sich den Fabeln zukehren.
* Du aber sei nüchtern in allen Dingen.
2. Timotheus 4, 3 (NT)



  • Keine Lehre ist von Nutzen, sie komme denn vom Himmel, kein Gebot, keine Kunst, die nicht vom Himmel verliehen! Und also ist es auch mit allem übrigen. Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim (1493-1541) Schweizer Arzt, Mystiker, Alchemist, Astrologe, Philosoph, Laie, Lebendiges Erbe. Eine Auslese aus seinen sämtlichen Schriften mit 150 zeitgenössischen Illustrationen, S. 215, Rascher Verlag, Zürich, Neudruck, 1942


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Lehre


  • […] Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Liebster! Aber die «Lehre», die du begehrst, die absolute, vollkommen und allein weise machende, die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst. Die Ganzheit ist in dir, nicht in den Begriffen und Büchern. Die Wahrheit wird gelebt, nicht doziert. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) deutsch-schweizerischer Dichter, Schriftsteller, Gesammelte Werke Band 9, Roman Das Glasperlenspiel, 1943, S. 85, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1987

Quotes by various other sources

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3, 16 (NT)



  • You cannot teach people anything, you can only help them discover it within themselves.
    Attributed to Galileo Galilei [LoC 455] (1564-1642) Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, cited in: Dale Carnegie [Influence LoC 425] (1888-1955) US American speaker, bestselling author of selfhelp books, How to win Friends and Influence People,
    S. 117, Simon & Schuster, 1935, October 1936, Pocket, export edition 27. April 2010


  • Generosity and kind words,
    Conduct for others' welfare,
    Impartiality in all things [alternatively: "exemplification" of the good];
    These are suitable everywhere.
    These four winning ways make the world go round,
    As the linchpin in a moving car.
    If these in the world exist not,
    Neither mother nor father will receive,
    Respect and honor from their children.
Buddha [LoC 1000] (563-483 BC) Indian Avatar, teacher of enlightenment, central figure of Buddhism, canonical teaching of the four sangaha vatthuni, mentioned in the famous discourse Sigalovada Sutta



  • Teaching is probably the noblest profession in the world – the most unselfish, difficult, and honorable profession, but
    it is also the most unappreciated, underrated, underpaid, and under-praised profession in the world.
    Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) US American composer, conductor, pianist, music lecturer, author, A Tribute to Teachers, 1963
  • Now, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.'
    When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted and carried out, lead to welfare and to happiness' – then you should enter and remain in them.
    Buddha [LoC 1000] (563-483 BC) Indian Avatar, teacher of enlightenment, central figure of Buddhism, Kalama Sutta, translated from Pali by Thanis-
    saro, "To the Kalamas", 1994


Index: Wahre Lehre/n / True teachings – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Audio interview Valid Teachers and Teachings, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 8. November 2005


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