Wiki / Kampf
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
![]() Kämpfende Dinosauriere |
Du wirst zu dem, was du bekämpfst. |
Je stärker der Mensch gegen etwas ankämpft, um so stärker übernimmt er die Eigenschaften dessen, wogegen er sich wendet.
In jedem Rebellen verbirgt sich, mal stärker, mal schwächer ausgeprägt, ein Tyrann. Wenn also der Rebell im Inneren den Tyrannen tötet, der hinter dem Rebellentum stand, entpuppt sich der Rebell als Anführer.
Unglücklicherweise wird jedoch der Rebell, wenn man ihm genügend Zeit dafür einräumt, Eigenschaften entwickeln, die denen des Tyrannen gleichen. Was man bekämpft, hat Bestand, denn wogegen man auch immer in seinem Leben ankämpft, dem verleiht man damit zusätzliche zwingende Kraft.
Der Feigling leidet gewöhnlich unter kognitiver Dissonanz und Furcht. Er ent- |
Quelle: ► Blogartikel Der Russe, Blogspot fisch+fleisch, Benni, 30. März 2022 |
Literatur: ► Manfred Kleine-Hartlage (*1966) deutscher Sozialwissenschaftler, Blogger, freier Publizist, Autor, Tödliche Torheit. Der Ukrainekrieg und das Versagen der deutschen Politik, tredition, Kindle Edition, 21. November 2023 |
Siehe auch: ► Was will Putin? und ► Die Entstehungsgeschichte der Ukrainekrise – 1945-1991-2022 |
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Offiziell starben bei den kriegsverbrecherischen Angriffen auf Dresden 35.000 Zivilisten, doch es gab mindestens zehnmal mehr Brandopfer.
Um den IS wirklich zu schwächen, muss man ihn von Waffen, Finanzen und Nachschub an neuen Kämpfern abschneiden.
Verkürztes Zitat: Terrorismus ist der Krieg der Armen und der Krieg ist der Terrorismus der Reichen.
Lateinisch: Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Grundidee der griechischen Philosophen Platon (427-347 v. Chr.), Gesetze VIII, Cornelius Nepos, Epaminondas 5, 4
Smedley Butler wurde zweimal mit der Ehrenmedaille ausgezeichnet und war zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes der höchstdekorierte Marinesoldat in der US-Geschichte.
Samuel Huntington unternahm den Versuch, die ganze Welt in die Barbarei zu stürzen.
Eingeführt von Bernard Lewis, popularisiert von dem einflussreichen Professor S. Huntington, Harvard-Universität1
Orwellsche Sprache exemplifiziert
Seit Ende des 2. WK waren die USA an 201 (81%) von 248 bewaffneten Konflikten beteiligt. [Stand: 2017]
Personal avowals
US General Smedley Butler confirmed that he was "a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers."
Racketeering is illegal business, usually run as part of organized crime.
Truman ordered the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 which resulted in the death of ~275,000 Japanese civilians.
The brutality of the Japanese military could NOT justify Truman's deadly retaliation against innocent civilians.
Officially 35,000 civilians died at the Dresden terror bombings, yet the true number of death were at least ten times greater.
Years later Mann renounced his support of the war in his novels The Magic Mountain and Dr. Faustus depicting wartime Europe gripped by a mass psychosis.
Case of conscience
Future prospects
What Did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Say About War Costs?, YouTube film, 1:36 minutes duration, posted 16. January 2012
4/5th peace ⇔ 1/5th war
Wars generally occur after periods of increased prosperity and social progress, accompanied by more personal freedom. Increased wealth and social change triggers anxiety and discomfort of many individuals.
War is not for profit, it is clinically paranoid and self-destructive.
Muted as a result of a stroke and bound to his death bed Hurr wrote this message:
War is a Racket, published in 1935, describes the workings of the military industrial complex. After retiring from service he was a speaker at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists and church groups in the 1930s.
Means to keep up the racketeering of the MIC: 1. Medals, 2. Propaganda, and 3. God.
Remedies: 1. Conscript capital, industry and labor before the nation's manhood can be conscripted. 2. Restrict generals, admirals, officers, politicians, government office holders, and everyone to a total monthly income not exceeding that paid to the soldier in the trenches. 3. Allow limited plebiscite of the soldiers of the land. 4. Limit military forces to home defense purposes.
Brecht summing up the seven centuries of history and calling for the democratic and peaceful reunification of Germany, and the abolition of censorship.
88 of 100 US citizens own a gun.
The US firearm murder rate is at rank 28 out of 178 countries around the world.
"War is the father of all things."
Questioned by a US Treasury Department official in March 1945, McKittrick said that the WWII had been a charade all along, with Germany destined to fall and to be repositioned for the banker New World Order. Asked why the BIS worked with the Nazis, he replied:
Strategies of pressuring people into war
Literary quotes
See quote below
Gloria Steinem, Riane Eisler, Gregg Braden, Richard Wilkinson, Ph.D., Marija Gimbutas, Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. estimate:
There were 90-95% of non-war periods, 5-10% war periods in human history. War is a programmed condition, a maligned aberration.
Shifting from competition mode to cooperative mode
Shifting from empire to global family
Life in its beginning is selfish. The core of that life energy is survival. In order to survive it has to get. The core of the ego is to get because it doesn't have a source of energy within itself. The quality of the ego is primarily self-interest, up to consciousness level 200. At 200 there is a major change from selfishness to altruism. Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, presented by the US American magazine In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, November 2004
Source: ► Free ebook Lloyd deMause (1931-2020) US American social thinker, lay psychoanalyst, director of The Association for Psychohistory, president of the International Psychohistorical Association, editor of the The Journal of Psychohistory, The Origins of War in Child Abuse, chapter 5 "The Seven Phases of Going to War", transcript, 21. November 2010, audiobook version MP3 podcast, presented by the US American Freedomain Podcasts, A Voice for Men, founder and host, narrated by founder and host Stefan Molyneux (*1966) Irish-born Canadian blogger/vlogger, podcaster on anarcho-capitalism, politics, secular ethics, atheism, right-libertarianism, cryptocurrencies, self-published author, 1:05:32 duration, posted 1. September 2008 |
Sources (engl./German): ► Video interview with Dr. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Swiss historian, University of Basel, researcher on energy, geostra- tegic secret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Dr Daniele Ganser Most wars are resource wars based on False Flags, host Tommy Hansen (†2018) Danish journalist, founder of the project about authentic journalism, April 2014, YouTube film, minute 1:17:43, 1:29:10 duration, posted 12. September 2015 ► Video Talkshow-Diskussion mit Dr. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Don F. Jordan (*1941) US-amerikanischer Korrespondent, Publizist, Gerald Karner, österreichischer Militärstratege, Wolfgang Petritsch, österreichischer Diplomat, Politologe, Anna Rose, russische Journalistin, Die entzauberte Groß- macht – Was wurde aus dem Weltpolizisten USA?, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Privatfernsehsender ServusTV, Talkshow Talk im Hangar-7, Gastgeber Michael Fleischhacker (*1969) österreichischer Fernsehmoderator, Journalist, Salzburg, Österreich, 1:05:07 Dauer, Sendetermin 11. September 2014 Auszug Daniele Ganser zu Obamas Kriegserklärung an Syrien, YouTube Film, 8:05 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 11. September 2014 |
In 2001, dating back to 1991, billionaires/psychopaths Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz planned US wars of aggression on seven countries – Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran – within five years. Note 1: Though the time frame and the order of the invaded countries did not come about, the historical trend is still correct. Note 2: Nobel Peace laureate and US president Barack Obama bombed seven predominantly Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq and Syria. [Status: January 2009-November 2016] |
References on whistleblowing disclosure by Wesley Clark (*1944) US American retired general of the United States Army, Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO (1997-2000) ► Video interview Wesley Clark Told The Truth, presented by the US American non-profit TV, radio and internet news program Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, author, recorded 2. March 2007, YouTube film, 6:43 minutes duration, posted 28. May 2012 ► Video presentation General Wesley Clark reveals US war plan, YouTube film, minute 2:30, 4:22 minutes duration, reposted 13. January 2019 ► Video interview General Wesley Clark Asked About 7 Country War Plan, hosted by the publication, YouTube film, 2:43 minutes duration, posted 25. September 2013 ► Article The Ever-Growing List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks, presented by the online publication Global Research, Washington's Blog, 8. March 2017 |
Further media reference: ► Deleted video documentary War promises – Terror management in the 21st century, produced by German online TV station NuoViso.TV, Frank Höfer, contributor Frieder Wagner (*1942) German film producer, Grimme-Preis laureate, YouTube film, 1:15:43 minutes duration, posted 7. October 2011 Millions of people believe that evidence proves that Western intelligence services organised the hideous attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001. Mainstream media have stopped defending the official version and now prefer to ignore the issue altogether. Distrust in Western governments grows as the wars of aggression waged by the United States and NATO continue to be justified with these false flag operations. |
![]() United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the 2nd World War List by William Blum, Overthrowing other people's governments: U.S. the master list, February 2013
US military aggression – 1891-1934 |
References: ► Deleted Article Body Count of the "War on Terror" Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan, presented by Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), 1st interna- tional edition March 2015 Since 1776 the United States have been at war 222 out of 239 years, 93% of the time. Within 70 years (1945-2015) Iran was attacked four times by United States. Iran itself did not attack any other nation within the same period. According to evidence-based research of the British 'Bureau of Investigative Journalism and victims' attorneys only 4% of the people killed by drones were linked to Al Qaeda. [Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1776 befinden sich die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu 93% (222 Jahre von 239 Jahren) im Kriegszustand. Nach evidenzbasierten Untersuchungen des britischen 'Bureau of Investigative Journalism' und Opferanwälten waren unter den Drohnen-Toten nachweislich maximal 4% Al Qaida-Angehörige.] ► Article Monthly drone report: Total drone strikes under Obama in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen now 491 after September attacks, presented by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Jack Serle, Abigail Fielding-Smith, 5. October 2015 ► Article Why We Know So Little About the U.S.-Backed War in YemenWhat the U.N. calls the "world’s worst humanitarian crisis" is an unhappy confluence of American media taboos, presented by the US American biweekly magazine on popular culture Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi (*1970) US American journalist, author, 27. July 2018 "Yemen is a catastrophe on a scale similar to Syria, but coverage in the United States has been sporadic at best." Sources: ► Article Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions, presented by Counter Currents, James A. Lucas, 24. April 2007 U.S. military forces were directly responsible for 10-15 million deaths during the Korean War (including Chinese deaths), the Vietnam Wars (including fatalities in Cambodia and Laos) and the two Iraq Wars. 9-14 million deaths were the result of proxy wars in Afghanistan, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, East Timor, Guatemala, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sudan for which the United States is responsible. Since 1945 U.S. regime interventions (impact on its adversaries) have killed 20-30 million people (the equivalent of 10,000 September 11ths) in 37 other nations. The death toll of the US American "war on terror" (2003-2011) is 1.3-2 million people. Virtually all parts of the world have been the target of U.S. intervention as in military actions, proxy military forces, provision of U.S. military supplies or advisors, economic pressures (sanctions). ► Article Here’s how much of your life the United States has been at war, presented by the American daily newspaper The Washington Post, Philip Bump, 25. May 2015 "Young Americans have lived in a country at war for almost their whole lives, but they have to be reminded of it." ► Article US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 "Victim Nations" Since World War II, presented by Popular Resistance, James A. Lucas, 27. November 2015, archived by the online publication Global Research, 24. June 2017 ► Interview with Robert Baer (*1952) US American former CIA case officer, investigative journalist, author, Ex-CIA agent: – We got millions to destroy Yugoslavia, 2015, presented by the Blogspot eraclito450, 17. March 2017 ► Video presentation by William Blum (1933-2018) Jewish-American historian, critic of United States foreign policy, former State Department computer related employee (mid-1960s-1967), opposed to the Vietnam War, journalist, author, William Blum – CIA murder and torture of Hundreds of thousands of people, sponsored by Freedom of Law School's 2007 Justice and Freedom Conference, Irvine, California, March 2007, YouTube film, 44:29 minutes duration, posted 24. September 2011 ► Video presentation by William Blum (1933-2018) Jewish-American historian, critic of United States foreign policy, former State Department computer related employee (mid-1960s-1967), opposed to the Vietnam War, journalist, author, US will eventually BOMB IRAN as it BOMBED others – , William Blum presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), host Sophie Shevardnadze (*1978) Russian correspondent, YouTube film, 12:22 minutes duration, posted 29. April 2015 |
Book: ► Noam Chomsky (*1928) US American professor emeritus of linguistics, philosopher, cognitive scientist, social activist, author, Andre Vltchek (*1963) US American philosopher, filmmaker, photographer, investigative journalist, playwright, novelist, On Western Terrorism. From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare, Pluto Press, 12. September 2013 "Between 50 and 55 million people have died around the world as a result of Western colonialism and neo-colonialism since the end of World War II. This relatively short period has arguably seen the greatest number of massacres in human history. Most of them were performed in the name of lofty slogans such as freedom and democracy. A handful of European nations and those governed mainly by citizens of European descent have been advancing Western interests – the interests of the people who "matter" – against those of the great majority of humanity. The slaughter of millions has been accepted and seen as inevitable and even justifiable. And the great majority of the Western public appears to be frighteningly badly informed. […] Along with the 55 million or so people killed as the direct result of wars initiated by the West, pro-Western military coups and other conflicts, hundreds of millions have died indirectly, in absolute misery, and silently. Such global arrangements are rarely challenged in the West, and even in the conquered world it is often accepted without any opposition. Has the world gone mad?" Andre Vltchek, dito |
Deutsche Referenzen: ► Aufruf: Hightech US-Terrorismus STOPPT DIE DROHNENKILLER!, präsentiert von Jürgen Todenhöfer (*1940) deutscher Jurist, Bundestags- abgeordneter der CDU (1972-1990), Vorstandsmitglied und Medienmanager des Burda-Konzerns (1987-2008), Publizist, Facebook-Kommentar, 16. November 2014 ► Interview mit Robert Baer (*1952) US-amerikanischer ehemaliger CIA-Beauftragter, investigativer Journalist, Autor, Schuldbekenntnis eines CIA-Agenten: Man gab uns Millionen für die Zerstückelung Jugoslawiens!, präsentiert von dem Blogspot balkan-spezial, 2. Januar 2016 |
Deutsche Referenzen von und mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), ► Buch Illegale Kriege. Wie die NATO-Länder die UNO sabotieren. Eine Chronik von Kuba bis Syrien, Orell Füssli, 1. Oktober 2016 ► Videovortrag Dr. Daniele Ganser – Illegale Kriege von Iran bis Syrien, veranstaltet von Bautzener Frieden, Bürgerbewegung "Wir Sind Deutschland", und Hentschke Bau, gefilmt von KULTURPRODUKTION Marco Grüttner, Bautzen, Ostsachsen, 31. Oktober 2016, YouTube Film, Beginn Minute 10:50, 2:10:51 Dauer, eingestellt 1. November 2016 ► Videovortrag Dr. Daniele Ganser – Wie uns illegale Kriege schmackhaft gemacht werden (Sündenfall Kosovo 1999), präsentiert und gefilmt von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Ken Jebsen, YouTube Film, 1:52:33 Dauer, eingestellt 6. February 2017 |
Source: ► Deleted article Updated List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks, submitted by Investment Watchblog (IWB), Washington, 1. February 2015 |
The official 9/11 report is a conspiracy theory.
[A]lthough false flag attacks are commonplace and have been used throughout history to advance unde-
clared agendas, the public has been brainwashed to regard them as "conspiracy theories." Thus, anyone who raises questions is dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist." Many Americans do not even understand that the official story of 9/11, for example, is a conspiracy theory. So is the official explanation of the Boston Marathon Bombing and the Charlie Hebdo attack. What it boils down to is that official conspiracy theories are accepted as true, but everyone who questions them is a "conspiracy theorist." Blog article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (*1939) US American assistant secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan administration, associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, columnist for Bloomberg Businessweek, whistleblowing blogger, Charlie Hebdo: Report from Europe, 13. January 2015
Cruelty impresses. Cruelty and raw force. The simple man in the street is impressed only by brute force and ruthlessness. Terror is the most effective political means. Adolf Hitler [Führer and Reichskanzler] (1889-1945) Austrian-German fascist leader of the Nazi Party during the Third Reich (1933-1945), cited in: Jonathan Barker, The No-Nonsense guide to Terrorism, State Terrorism, S. 61, New Internationalist, Verso, 2002 |
1. ISIS was created, and is trained, funded and supplied weapons by the US government. 2. ISIS was formed by the US Government in order for the US to have a reason to invade Syria and other countries. 3. The US would like to control Syria in order to run an oil pipeline through it and so that Israel can expand its borders. Assad is against both. |
NOTE: ► Leader of Al-Qaeda: Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman, CIA agent ► Leader of ISIS: Abu Al-Baghdadi aka Simon Elliot, Mossad agent |
"ISIS is the progeny of those in Washington, London and Paris who, in conspiring to destroy Iraq, Syria and Libya, committed an epic crime against humanity. Like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, ISIS are the mutations of a western state terror dispensed by a venal imperial elite undeterred by the consequences of actions taken at great remove in distance and culture. Their culpability is unmentionable in "our" socie- ties, making accomplices of those who suppress this critical truth. […] Only when "we" recognise the war criminals in our midst and stop denying ourselves the truth will the blood begin to dry." Article by John Pilger (*1939) Australian documentary film producer, journalist, writer, John Pilger on ISIS: Only When We See the War Criminals In Our Midst Will the Blood Begin to Dry, presented by Films for Action, 13. October 2014 |
Sources featuring Tim Anderson, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian professor of political economy, international politics, University of Sydney, Syria Solidarity activist, author ► Article The Dirty War on Syria: Barrel Bombs, Partisan Sources and War Propaganda, presented by the online publication Global Research, Prof. Tim Anderson, 7. October 2015 ► Article Interview with Australian Dr. Tim Anderson over Syria, presented by the publication Syria Insider, 20. September 2017 ► Audio interview with Interview with Prof. Tim Anderson, MP3, 33:09 minutes duration, presented by the Canadian a-Infos Radio Project, program Taylor Report, recorded 12. October 2015 |
► Deleted blog article Origins of ISIS aka Islamic State. Well Researched Essay Exposes ISIS and War Agenda, presented by the publication WantToKnow, Fred Burks, 2015 |
Further media sources: ► Video documentary The Covert Origins of ISIS, transcript The Covert Origins of ISIS, presented by StormCloudsGathering, 28. August 2014, updated 2. November 2014, YouTube film, 21:00 minutes duration, posted 29. August 2014 ► Audio interview with Daniele Ganser, Ph.D. (*1972) Swiss historian, University of St. Gallen, researcher on energy, geostrategic secret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Interview with Daniele Ganser – NATO's Secret Armies, MP3, presented by Sott Radio Network, host Nial Bradleyl, 99:18 minutes duration, aired 9. November 2014, YouTube film, 1:02:26 duration, posted 10. November 2014 ► Video TV interview with Noam Chomsky (*1928) US American professor emeritus of linguistics, philosopher, cognitive scientist, social activist, self-proclaimed anarchist, author, Noam Chomsky: US is world's biggest terrorist, presented by the French multilingual news television channel Euronews, Global Conversation, host Isabelle Kumar, written transcript, YouTube film, 18:45 minutes duration, posted 17. April 2015 "Remember, the worst terrorist campaign in the world by far is the one that’s being orchestrated in Washington. That’s the global assassination campaign. There’s never been a terrorist campaign of that scale." ► Video presentation by Daniele Ganser, Ph.D. (*1972) Swiss historian, University of St. Gallen, researcher on energy, geostrategic secret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), The war in Syria, a simple explanation, presented by the Swiss-founded online video channel, aired 21. October 2016, YouTube film, 7:05 minutes duration, posted 22. October 2016 |
Further written sources: ► Article ISIS Is a Cult That Uses Terrorism: A Fresh New Strategy, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost, Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American ex-Moonie, cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author, 21. October 2014, updated 21. December 2014 ► Article John Pilger (*1939) Australian documentary film producer, journalist, writer, John Pilger on ISIS: Only When We See the War Criminals In Our Midst Will the Blood Begin to Dry, presented by Films for Action, 13. October 2014 ► Archived article Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad, presented by the English-language financial blog Zero Hedge, Tyler Durden, 24. May 2015 ► Article Israeli Colonel Caught with IS Pants Down, presented by the US American journal NEO, 25. November 2015 ► Article Raqqa's Rockefellers: How Islamic State oil flows to Israel, presented by the pan-Arab journalism portal Al-Araby Al-Jadeed (The New Arab) based in London, staff, 26. November 2015 ► Article Israel the Main Buyer of ISIS Oil – Report. Multiple reports claim that Israel is the top purchaser of smuggled ISIS oil, presented by the Russian news website Russia Insider, Enrico Braun, 3. December 2015 ► Article CONFIRMED: ISIS, the United States and SDF unite on the battle field against Syria and Russia. The Russian Defense Ministry has released photos showing ISIS, the SDF and US special forces working side-by-side on the battlefield in Dier ez-Zor, Syria., presented by the publication The Duran, Adam Garrie, 24. September 2017 |
Deutschsprachige Quellen: ► Fernsehvideopräsentation von Jörg Armbruster (*1947) deutscher Sozial-, Politik-, Volkswirtschaftswissenschaftler, Journalist, ARD-Korrespondent für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten (2010-2012), Die Zerstörung Syriens und das Versagen des Westens, präsen- tiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender SWR / ARD, Sendung Tele-Akademie, YouTube Film, ungeschnittene Orginalversion, 1:12:10 Dauer, eingestellt 8. April 2015 ► Videos mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011) ► Fernsehvideointerview KenFM am Telefon: Dr. Daniele Ganser zur Verbindung zwischen IS und USA, präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), KenTube Film, 1:19:56 Dauer, eingestellt 1. Juni 2015 Seit Mitte Mai 2015 ist offiziell bekannt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten den brutalen IS, den Islamischen Staat, unterstützt haben. ► Videointerview präsentiert von World War Three TV, Gastgeber Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, seit 2011 freischaffender Reporter, YouTube Film ☛ IS-Terror: Wie die Medien unsere Meinung machen, Teil 1 von 2, 26:19 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 18. Oktober 2014 ☛ IS-Terror: Wie die Medien unsere Meinung machen, Teil 2 von 2, 35:03 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 26. Oktober 2014 ► Audiointerview Unterstützen die USA die Terrormiliz ISIS?, präsentiert von deutschem Radiosender Hessenschau, Programm Klartext, Moderation und Redaktion Metin Fakioglu, Journalist, 23:45 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 19. June 2015 |
Deutschsprachige Quellen von und mit ► Dr. Michael Lüders (*1959) deutscher Politik- und Islamwissenschaftler, Nahostexperte, Politik- und Wirtschaftsberater, Publizist ☛ Fernsehvideopräsentation Wer den Wind sät… Was westliche Politik im Orient anrichtet, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich- rechtlichen Fernsehsender SWR / ARD, Sendung Tele-Akademie, veranstaltet von dem Deutsch-Amerikanischen Institut Heidelberg, 18. März 2015, YouTube Film, ungeschnittene Orginalversion, 1:11:04 Dauer, eingestellt 16. April 2016 Ursünde der westlich-imperialistischen Politik: Inszenierter Putsch gegen die demokratisch gewählte Regierung von Mohammad Mossadeg (1880/2-1967) im Iran, der 1951 Irans Erdölindustrie verstaatlicht hatte und 1953 zusammen von dem CIA (USA) und dem MI6 (GB) entmachtet wurde ☛ Fernsehvideointerview: Kritische Analyse: Michael Lüders über Giftgas und Propaganda in Syrien, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF, Polittalkshow Markus Lanz, Gastgeber Markus Lanz, Sendetermin 5. April 2017, YouTube Film, 9:22 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 11. April 2017 ☛ Fernseh-Politdiskussionsrunde: Exodus aus Syrien – Versagt der Westen?, präsentiert von den deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender Phoenix, politische Talkshow Phoenix Runde, Gastgeber-Moderator Alexander Kähler, gesendet 10. September 2015, YouTube Film, 44:49 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 11. September 2015 Minute 18 ff: Lüders sagt die Wahrheit über ISIS und Al-Qaida (made by USA). USA ist verantwortlich für Flüchtlingswelle nach Europa. ☛ Fernsehinterview: Ist ISIS ein 25 Jahre alter Plan der CIA?, präsentiert von den deutschen Fernsehsendern ARD/ZDF, Phoenix im Dialog, eingestellt von World War Three TV am 30. September 2015 ☛ Buch: Wer den Wind sät. Was westliche Politik im Orient anrichtet, C.H. Beck, Taschenbuch, 2015, 13. Auflage 1. Oktober 2015, 19. Ausgabe 5. Juli 2016 |
Source: ► Tim Anderson, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian professor of political economy, international politics, University of Sydney, Syria solidarity activist, author, Australian Author Tim Anderson Censures West's Disavowal of Moral Values In Its War Against Syria, presented by the Syrian Arab News Agency SANA, Manar al-Frieh/Manal, 6. November 2015 |
Geostrategic terror management framed by the propagandized 'War against [state launched] terror'
[Briefly summarized and translated]
Article Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Seumas Milne (*1958) British journalist, political aide, 3. June 2015
Cook died in 2005 at age 59 four weeks after having exposed propagandized state terrorism.
Deutsche Zitate (German)
Links zum Thema Kampf und Widerstand / Struggle and resistanceLiteratur
Literature (engl.)
Five parts: Self-directed warfare, Organizational (team) warfare, Defensive warfare, Offensive warfare, Unconventional (dirty) warfare
King Shulgi of Ur employed Numidian mercenaries at the battle of Kadesh 1294 BC. This incident accounts for the first official
Warfare is 'humanity's hereditary curse.'
Rebuttal of the book by Studs Terkel (1912-2008) US American historian, actor, broadcaster, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, 1985, The Good War. An Oral History of World War II, Pantheon Books, 1984
Critical literature
Externe Weblinks
In Syrien sind deutliche Hinweise auf den Einsatzes von amerikanischen EPW-Nuklearwaffen (Earth Penetrating Weapons) ans Tageslicht gekommen. Experten sprechen von unwiderlegbaren Beweisen.
External web links (engl.)
CIA trial in Alexandria, Virginia, United States, issued by Jeffrey Sterling, African-American lawyer, former CIA case employee, witchhunted
1. The privatization of war
Michael Flynn, 56 US American director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, former US special forces chief, assistant director of national intelligence inside the Obama administration (2004-2007) stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq, where, as commander of the US special forces, he hunted top al-Qaida terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, one of the predecessors to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who today heads the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq. After Flynn's team located Zarqawi's whereabouts, the US killed the terrorist in an air strike in June 2006.
Web links – City bombings during World War II (1940-1945) Civilians killed in World War II
The issue of Allied bomging is a "taboo subject – above all in Germany itself."
In 1945 the city of Dresden housed 750,000 citizens. The hordes of anonymous refugees supposedly summed up to a million people on 34 square kilometres. The number of people killed during the Dresden bombings range from 25,000 to 100,000.
⚡ Winston Churchill wanted "terror bombing" and "absolutely devastating, exterminating attacks by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland" and "the destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing". (American novelist Kurt Vonnegut) and British physicist Freemason Dyson, bomber (1943-1955) said it eroded his moral beliefs until he had no moral position at all.
Deconstructing the WWII myths that have underscored US foreign policy since 1945:
Audio- und Videolinks
Erst 1998 wurde bekannt, dass der Russe Stanislaw Petrow (1939-2017) während des Kalten Kriegs im Jahr 1983 geistesgegenwärtig den dritten Weltkrieg und damit eine nukleare Katastrophe verhindert hat.
2007 ließ sich Rose von seinen Aufgaben zur Unterstützung des Afghanistankriegs und der Operation Enduring Freedom entbinden, da nicht auszuschließen war, dass er, in Hinblick auf die TORNADO-Waffensysteme, zu völkerrechtswidrigen Kriegshandlungen beitragen würde.
Im 21. Jahrhundert rechtfertigen Regierungen ihre Kriege zunehmend mit moralischen Gründen. Der Theologe und Friedensaktivist Drewermann geht mit dieser Entwicklung hart ins Gericht.
Audio and video links (engl.)
Featuring what military life really entails
After 9/11; the importance of good will policy
The ⚡ George W. Bush government marching to war in Iraq
Audio and video links (engl.) – Daniele Ganser
Since 1945 the US Empire of recent time, mainly carried out false flag strategies of tension. Since 1859 US is drilling for oil. Within
Audio and video links (engl.) – Terrorist attacks9/11
Audios and videos
Boston Bombings April 2013 Audios and videos
Fleischmann-Pons claims of nuclear fusion
Audios and videos
Millions of people believe that evidence proves that Western intelligence services organised the hideous attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001. Mainstream media have stopped defending the official narrative on 9/11 and now prefer to ignore the issue altogether. Distrust in Western governments grows as the wars of aggression waged by the USA and NATO continue to be justified with these false flag operations.
Englisch Wiki
1 Artikel Wer will den "Krieg der Kulturen" und warum?, präsentiert von der internationalen Wochenzeitung Neue Solidarität, Mark Burdman, Nr. 38, 2001 ⇑
2 Videointerview (Ausschnitt) mit Gerhard Schröder (*1944) deutscher SPD-Politiker, siebter Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1998-2005), Lobbyist, "Ich habe gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen" – Gerhard Schröder: Krim-Krise und Kosovo-Krieg, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Die Zeit, ZEIT-Matinee, Gastgeber Josef Joffe (*1944) deutscher Dozent, Verleger, Publizist, ZEIT-Herausgeber, Hamburg, 9. März 2014, veröffentlicht über den deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender Phoenix, Format phonenix vor Ort, YouTube Film, 2:55 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 19. Oktober 2019 ⇑
3 Joseph A. Tainter, The Collapse of Complex Societies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988 ⇑
4 Peter Tompkins, The Eunuch and the Virgin, S. 15, Bramhall House, New York, 1962 ⇑
5 Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, Raising Cain. Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, S. 72, Ballatine Books, New York, 1999 ⇑
6 Lewis DO, Shanok SS, Pincus JH, et al. Biopsychosocial Characteristics of Children Who Later Murder: A Prospective Study, archived by the free MEDLINE database PubMed, presented by the medical journal Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 18:307-319, 1979 ⇑
7 Richard Rhodes, Why They Kill. The Discoveries of a Maverick Criminologist, S. 206, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1999 ⇑
8 Eli Sagan, The Honey and the Hemlock. Democracy and Paranoia in Ancient Athens and Modern America, BasicBooks, New York, S. 13-34, 1991 ⇑
9 Article CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 19. August 2013 ⇑
10 L. Fletcher Prouty, ''Indonesia 1958. Nixon, the CIA, and the Secret War’' ⇑
11 Unclassified in 1997, Operation Northwoods was written up by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff as a plan to persuade the American people to want to go to war with Cuba, by launching a wave of terrorist attacks on US citizens. It called for innocent people to be shot, bombs to be planted in major cities, planes to be hijacked, and it would be blamed on Cuba. ⇑
12 U.S. Secret Bombing of Cambodia, presented by, unknown date ⇑
13 Interview with ⚡ Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017), The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan, presented by Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, France, 15.-21. January 1998
⚡ Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted, the CIA's intervention in Afghanistan preceded the 1979 Soviet invasion. This decision of the Carter Administration in 1979 to intervene and destabilise Afghanistan is the root cause of Afghanistan's destruction as a nation. ⇑
14 Interview mit Robert Baer (*1952) US-amerikanischer ehemaliger CIA-Beauftragter, investigativer Journalist, Autor, Schuldbekenntnis eines CIA-Agenten: Man gab uns Millionen für die Zerstückelung Jugoslawiens!, präsentiert von dem Blogspot balkan-spezial, 2. Januar 2016 ⇑
15 Article A Nation Without a Conscience, presented by the publication OpEd News, Joseph Clifford, 27. September 2014 ⇑
16 Article A History of John McCain's Calls for War, presented by the publication informationclearinghouse, Jim Carey, 24. August 2017 ⇑
17 Article Why CodePink Calls Kissinger the Real 'Low-life Scum'. Senator John McCain called activists "scum." Clearly he's forgetting the despicable crimes Kissinger oversaw., presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Medea Benjamin, 30. January 2015 ⇑
18 Article Why CodePink Calls Kissinger the Real 'Low-life Scum'. Senator John McCain called activists "scum." Clearly he's forgetting the despicable crimes Kissinger oversaw., presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Medea Benjamin, 30. January 2015 ⇑
19 Video presentation Before Her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup, presented by the US American non-profit news outlet Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, author, 11. March 2016 ⇑
20 Article Drone Warfare. More than 2,400 dead as Obama's drone campaign marks five years, presented by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Jack Serle, 23. January 2014 ⇑
21 Article Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war, presented by the US American daily broadsheet The Washington Times, Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, Kelly Riddell, 28. January 2015 ⇑
22 Article U.S. Dropped 23,144 Bombs on Muslim-Majority Countries in 2015, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Adam Johnson, 9. January 2016
Under command of Nobel peace prize winner president Barack Obama 23,144 bombs dropped by US in 2015 ⇑
23 "Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the ‘Incident’ was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army." Tokyo International Military Tribunal-' ⇑
24 One participant in this formerly-secret program stated: "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security." As a result Italy and other European countries subjected to the terror campaign had joined NATO before the bombings occurred. ⇑
25 The top Turkish general explained: "In Special War, certain acts of sabotage are staged and blamed on the enemy to increase public resistance. We did this on Cyprus; we even burnt down a mosque." In response to the surprised correspondent's incredulous look the general said, "I am giving an example." ⇑
26 United Press International reported in June 2005: "U.S. intelligence officers are reporting that some of the insurgents in Iraq are using recent-model Beretta 92 pistols, but the pistols seem to have had their serial numbers erased. The numbers do not appear to have been physically removed; the pistols seem to have come off a production line without any serial numbers. Analysts suggest the lack of serial numbers indicates that the weapons were intended for intelligence operations or terrorist cells with substantial government backing. Analysts speculate that these guns are probably from either Mossad or the CIA. Analysts speculate that agent provocateurs may be using the untraceable weapons even as US authorities use insurgent attacks against civilians as evidence of the illegitimacy of the resistance." ⇑
27 Admission video ''US Troops discuss "Drop-Weapons", 2. June 2008 ⇑
28 Deleted article Obama Admits US Role in 2014 Ukraine Coup, presented by the Russian government-controlled English speaking news agency Sputnik News Service, Kevin Lamarque, 1. February 2015 ⇑
29 Video presentation by Dr. phil Daniele Ganser, Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser zum Syrienkrieg [On the War in Syria], Thun, Switzerland, 7. September 2012, YouTube film,
7:25 minutes duration, posted 30. September 2014 ⇑
30 Article Dresden: A Real Holocaust: The Destruction of Dresden – 1993, presented by National Vanguard Alliance, YouTube film, minute 13:26, 14:06 minutes duration, posted 12. November 2015 ⇑
31 Article Pforzheim: the Dresden nobody knows about, presented by Deutsche Welle (DW) online, Gabriel Borrud, 23. February 2015 ⇑
32 DR. JUDY WOOD on behalf of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff/Relator, vs. Defendants ⇑
33 Dr. Judy Wood at the Breakthrough Energy Movement ⇑