
Hawkins / BW310


BW 350-399: Akzeptanz < Bereitwilligkeit > BW 250-309: Neutralität


Ebene 310-349: Bereitwilligkeit

Optimismus, Sympathie, Intention, Vorsatz, Ziel, Zweck



* 330

  • Baseball (Sportart)10
  • US-amerikanischer Football (Sportart)11
  • Jurassic Park, Film, 1993
  • 325
    • Bill Cosby Show (1984-1992) US-amerikanische Fernsehsendung, ausgestrahlt von dem US-Fernsehsender NBC12
      [auch BW 385 genannt]
    • Sportsendungen im US-amerikanischen Fernsehen[auch BW 375 genannt]13

Positiver Effekt: Gehirntraining

  • 320
    • Feminismus
    • US-Medien
    • Geräteübungen, gymnastische Körperübungen, freizeitsportliche Aktivitäten im Fitness-Studio (Sport)14
    • Klang tibetisch-buddhistischer Hörner
    • Christoph Kolumbus (1451-1506) italienischer Seefahrer in spanischen Diensten, Entdecker Amerikas, 1492,
      Kolonisator, Frauenfeind, Rassist15  Einfluss BW 37516/17
    • Hu Jintao (*1942) chinesischer Politiker, Staatspräsident der Volksrepublik China (2003-2013), Generalsekretär der
      Kommunistischen Partei Chinas, Vorsitzender der Zentralen Militärkommission [Stand 2004]
    • Unitarisch-Universalistische Kirche, Religionsgemeinschaft freien Glaubens
    • Big Brother Big Sister (amerikanische Wohlfahrtsorganisation)
    • Lhasa, Hauptstadt von Tibet
    • Lawrence von Arabien, Film, 1962
  • 315

* 310


↑ Hawkins 1-1000 Inhalt


1 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 131, 2005

2 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 131, 2005

3 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 287, 2005

4 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

5 Stand ~2004: Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 254, 2005

6 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 124, 2005

7 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

8 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 131, 2005

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 149, 2005

10 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 110, 2005

13 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 110, 2005

14 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

15 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 110, 2005

16 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

17 Christoph Kolumbus – Schlächter und Kolonisator der Neuen Welt

18 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

19 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, Kapitel 10 "America", S. 150, 2005

20 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 122, 2005

21 Video presentation by Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author, Media representation of children: Crime, violence and pornography in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, presented in Croatia, 29. January 2013, YouTube film, 1:00:23 minutes duration, posted 6. February 2013
"Playboy started in December 1953. […] At the end of our study in 1984 Playboy stopped producing its child pornography cartoons and its child pornography photographs not because they were so honorable but because they got exposed. So they backed down." minute 7:42

22 Article Good Riddance To An Abusive Creep. Hugh Hefner was a tyrant who expounded a cruel and exploitative philosophy…, presented by the bi-monthly US American magazine Current Affairs, founder and editor, Nathan J. Robinson, Ph.D., 28. September 2017

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