
Hawkins / Heiligkeit





Heiligkeit – Heiligmäßiges – Heiligenstatus – Satori
BW 550+ bis BW 575+




Oktogon mit neobyzantinischem Mosaik
Deckenbemalung des Aachener Doms




Wundmale (Stigmata)

Pater Pios Wundmale an den Händen

Echte Stigmata sind körperliche Merkmale, welche mit den fünf Wundmalen Jesu korrelieren.
Es sind ausnehmend fromme Menschen, bei denen die Wundmale des Gekreuzigten erschei-
nen. Stigmata drücken eine Geisteshaltung aus, die kulturelle und individuelle religiöse Über-
zeugungen detailgetreu ins eigene Mikroumfeld überträgt. Blutende Stigmatawunden stellen
keine Gesundheitsgefährdung dar, sind immun gegen Infektionen und widerstehen der Heilung.


Der Prediger und Sozialreformer Franz von Assisi (1181/82-1226) war der Gründer des Fran-
ziskanischen Ordens
, in dem er als Ordensbruder diente. Der italienische katholische Heilige identifizierte sich so sehr mit den Schmerzen des gekreuzigten Jesus, dass er im Jahr 1224 als erste bekannte Persönlichkeit, die christlichem Wundmale am eigenen Körper aufwies. Seit die-
sem Erstereignis gab es etwa 400 Fälle von forschungswürdiger Stigmatisation, 100 davon allein im 20. Jahrhundert. [Status 2013]


Stigmatiker-Statistik➢ Stigmata kommen vor allem in Italien oder südlichen Ländern vor.
➢ Stigmatiker-Geschlechterverhältnis: 75% weibliche Mystikerinnen ⇔ 25% männliche Mystiker
➢ 62 von ~350 untersuchten Fällen von Stigmatikern wurden von der Katholischen Kirche
     selig- oder heiliggesprochen. [Status 2005]
➢ 98% der Stigmatiker waren/sind Katholiken.
     Zu Beginn der Entstehung Wundmalphänomens waren nur Laien davon betroffen.
➢ Der erste Geistliche, der Stigmata hatte, war Pater Pio (1887-1968).
Psychologisches Profil der Stigmatiker Von je her unterstützen Stigmatiker ein kulturell geprägtes Glaubenssystem, das sie mit dem Leiden der Passion Jesu Christi identifiziert, allerdings nicht mit seiner Auferstehung. Sie fühlen sich unwürdig, schuldig und von Scham erfüllt. Sie glauben, dass Schmerz ein Mittel ist, um die Gottheit zu erreichen. Während Stigmatiker qualvolle Schmerzen durch ihre Wunden erleiden, treten in ihrer Umgebung wundersame Krankenheilungen auf. Die Geheilten verstehen die Anwesenheit des Stigmatikers als eine Art Erlaubnis, von ihrer Krankheit befreit zu werden.


Ursprünglich wurde ich von einem ortsansässischen Bischof, der mich und meinen beruflichen Hintergrund kannte, gebeten, Stigmatafälle zu untersuchen. Da die Bevölkerung häufig hysterisch auf Stigmatiker reagierte und herbeigereiste Pilgern unmittelbar geheilt wurden, war die Kirche sehr daran interessiert, herauszufinden, was es mit diesen Fällen auf sich hatte. Meine Aufgabe ist es, die medizinischen Umstände im Zusammenhang mit den Stigmata zu untersuchen und die Ortsbevölkerung aufzuklären, dass es ihnen leichter fällt, Ruhe zu bewahren.
Ich glaube, dass Pater Pio Stigmata-Wunden hatte – tatsächlich verlor er täglich fast einen halben Liter Blut. Aus seine medizinischen Messergebnissen geht hervor, dass nichts Dramatisches vor sich ging – er zeigte keine Anzeichen einer Infektion, doch seine offenen Wunden weigerten sich zuzuheilen. Er scheint, ganz ehr-
lich, dass er stark aus seinen Wundmalen Christi geblutet hat.
Die Psychoneuroimmunologie untersucht, wie sich äußere Ereignisse auf das Immunsystem auswirken, wäh-
rend die Anthropologie erforscht, wie sich Kultur und Genetik auf die menschliche Gesundheit auswirken. Das
Ziel der Biokognition ist es, aufzuzeigen, wie sich unser Glaubenssystem auf unser Immunsystem auswirkt,
um Ratschläge zu geben, wie man bestenfalls mit Krankheiten umgeht und sie behandelt.
Stigmata sind der Inbegriff der kulturellen Rückkopplung 98% der registrierten Stigmatiker sind katholisch. Das liegt daran, dass sie in einer Kultur leben, die das Leiden Christi feiert, was sich wiederum unbewusst auf das alltägliche Leben der Menschen überträgt. Im Gegensatz zu gewöhnlichen Menschen begrüßen Stigmatiker das Leiden, weil es sie Gott näher bringt. Statt sich selbst die Erlaubnis zur eigenen Heilung zu geben, erlau-
ben sie sich zu leiden.
Gelöschter Artikel von Sinead O'Neill, Vorstellung von Mario Martinez, PsyD, uruguaiianischer klinischer Neuropsychologe, kontemplativer Psychologe, Psychoneuroimmunologe, Autor, Exploring the truth behind 'holy wounds' of stigmata [Was hat es mit den "heiligen Wunden" der Stigmatiker auf sich?], Irland, November 2005

Ich bin sehr daran interessiert, die Mystiker gesund zu halten. Die östlichen Mystiker führen ein sehr gesundes, kurzes Leben, während die westlichen Mystiker ein längeres, sehr leidvolles Leben führen. Beide haben sich dem Leidensmodell verschrieben.
Die östlichen Mystiker wollen ihr Karma bereinigen, und die westlichen Mystiker beabsichtigen, all die Buße tun, die notwendig ist, um in den Himmel zu kommen [z.B. Teresa von Ávila, Epileptikerin, Johannes vom Kreuz, Wunden, östliche Lamas leiden an Diabetes].
In beiden Kulturkreisen sind die Mystiker dem Schmerz verfallen. Genau dieses Leidensmodell gilt es zu kor-
Es gibt Ausnahmen wie Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) und die Heilige Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179). Sie glaubten an die Freude und führten ein langes, gesundes Leben. Und sie waren [deutsche christliche] Mys-
Gelöschtes Audiointerview mit Mario Martinez, PsyD, uruguaiianischer klinischer Neuropsychologe, kontemplativer Psychologe, Psychoneuroimmunologe, Autor, Psychology of Stigmata. How the Mind Wounds and Heals [Die Psychologie der Stigmata. Wie das Gemüt Wunden zufügt und heilt], präsentiert von dem aufgelösten US-amerikanischen Webradiosender Beyond Reason, Gastgeber Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins, Minute 8:17, 30 Minuten Dauer, gesendet ~ 2006


Schriftliche Referenzen:
► Artikel »Sie halten sich nicht für Christus, fühlen aber wie er«, präsentiert von dem Magazin der deutschen Tageszeitung
     Süddeutsche Zeitung, Malte Herwig, Heft 13/2012, republiziert 4. April 2013
► Hausarbeit Die Stigmatisation des heiligen Franziskus im Fresko der Oberkirche in Assisi. Eine Untersuchung der
     Neuerungen in der Darstellungsweise der Stigmatisation des heiligen Franziskus im 13.-14. Jahrhundert
, präsentiert
     von dem Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 2015
See also: ► Stigmata

Zitate zum Thema zum Heiligkeit / Sacred

Zitate von David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowals

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Die Ekstase des heiligen Franziskus
Maler: Guercino, 1. Hälfte 17. Jht.
  • Saints spent more time in bed than on their knees. Source unknown



  • In gratitude for the gift of life, one dedicates that life back as a gift to God through selfless service to His creation as all of life. With this dedication, one validates the sacredness of all life and treats it with respect. When we stop to assist a helpless beetle with a twig so it can turn over off its back and resume life, the entire universe knows it and responds. To acknowledge and support the value of
    all life supports one’s own, which is part of that life.
    Eye of the I, chapter 16, S. 237, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • As was cited in the research done in Power versus Force,
    • one single avatar at a consciousness level of 1,000 totally counterbalances the collective negativity of all mankind.
    • An individual at level 700 counterbalances the negativity of 70 million individuals below the level of 200.
    • One individual at 600 counterbalances ten million people below 200;
    • one at 500 counterbalances 750,000 below 200.
    • One individual at consciousness level 300 counterbalances the negativity of 90,000 individuals below 200.
Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 3 "The Nature of the Quest", S. 67, 2001 and S. 38, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Question: What is satori?
    Answer: It is a spiritual state of advanced awareness most often occurring during a course of meditation and which
    may remain for varying points of time. It may appear, disappear, change levels, and have permanent residuals or
    become a permanent state of awareness. Because it is a revelation, it cannot be controlled. Even if the state dis-
    appears, what was seen, realized, and understood remains permanently.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 320, 2001; S. 246, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002



Passengers on an evolutionary train destined to the ultimate individual and collective goal

  • The discovery that we are all passengers on an evolutionary train recontextualizes life in that all that we suffer, endure and ultimately transcend serves our individual and collective ultimate goal. This understanding brings gratitude and peace to our life.
    The realization allows us to transcend any self pity and resentment and to dedicate our life to love and to God, thus sanctifying it. In doing so, we coalesce the ultimate goals of all religions. The spiritual love with which this commit-
    ment is made coalesces the commitments of life. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 10, S. 179, 2005




Book recommendation:

Alban Butler (1710-1773) English Roman Catholic priest, hagiographer, The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints, four volumes (resulted from thirty years of study), London, 1756-1759, Kessinger Publishing, 26. May 2006

  • Another form of the dark night of the soul arises as a consequence of experi-
    entially falling from a high state (such as devotional joy or ecstasy) as has been well described in the lives of the Christian saints (as though one has been abando-
    ned by the Beloved). This may arise because one has used up their good karma, subsequent to which the remainder of karmic attachments and proclivities surface to be processed out and surrendered to God. Some of these are deep, such as self-hatred, resentments of God, and cherished beliefs that are often attached to beliefs about suffering itself. (e.g. that it will leverage God’s favor). Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 1, S. 37 (39), 2006



Willful and wanton acts of desecration – perpetration and bystander effect

  • Inclusion in what seems to be negative karmic consequences occurs as a result of prior concurrence and/or participation. Thus, the cheers at the death of a gladiator are karmically significant as is taking grim satisfaction from pain and suffering or the death of others. To cheer on the implementation of the guillotine is to join with its karmic consequences.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 1 "Shame: Despair", S. 39-40, 2006


  • The ego is envious of that which it intuits as being superior to its limitations and thus readily hates and denounces
    what it cannot understand. It has a vested interest in making wrong or denigrating what it cannot comprehend. Thus,
    the skeptic subtly hates spiritual truth or higher consciousness and its values (love, truth, Divinity, beauty). Hatred
    [LoC 80] for purity or aesthetics is expressed by obscenity and gross vulgarity, as well as by desecration (destroy
    the Pietà [LoC 590], defile femininity [Mysogyny – LoC 155-160], insult erudition, defame integrity, etc.).
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 2 "Guilt and Vindictive Hate", S. 59 (61), 2006




  • The mind remains silent, and there is an immense awe as Creation now appears as Revelation – iridescent, radiant as thought enchanted, and vibrant with the efflo-
    rescence of unmistakable Divinity. All is as though in intense Technicolor – elec-
    trified and luminous. All is conscious and conscious of being conscious, and conscious of the awareness of conscious-
    ness of all else that exists. All is intrinsically worshipful as a consequence of the conscious awareness of the Presence of God as Creation in its most minute details. All is holy and sacred, as evidenced by its splendor as Existence itself. Therefore, all things are seen as sacred and holy; all things 'both large and small' are sacred; thus, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo!" Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 229-230, 2007



Honor, dignity, sanctity

  • We honor that which we esteem in others as well as ourselves. Out of this, one honors one's own humanity and that of others and ends up honoring all of life in all its expressions by resignation to Divine Will. With surrender of the ego, the spirit becomes aware of the sanctity of existence.
    Out of self-honor arise chilvary (cal. 465) and respect for countrymen as well as heritage and appreciation for the va-
    lor of true responsibility. From self-respect arises respect for the rights of others as well as responsibility for personal accountability. Honor is far beyond pride and is, at its very core humble, thankful, and grateful, out of which one sen-
    ses the divinity of Creation and the knowingness, which is expressed by the exclamation "Gloria In Excelsis Deo."
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 224, 2008



Principle: all is God, all is sacred.

  • All the enlightened beings at the very top of the scale say that all is God and that a 'thing' is merely what it is (essence). They place no constriction or valuation of right or wrong on it. They see the sacredness of all of existence; therefore, there is no invalidation. If all is God, then to invalidate any part of it would be to invalidate God. Man, along with is expres-
    sions, being God's creation, would least of all be invalidated by God. Instead, the great beings teach a principle that leads to understanding. The highest teachers say that if you follow a certain course, certain things will happen; they then leave the rest up to you. Healing and Recovery, S. 163, 2009



The few who are more conscious raise the level of all.

  • We sanctify that which we do by the dedication of our life, to be conscious that all one’s actions are in the presence of God and that every action affects all of mankind. So, your life is no longer trivial. The fact that you are out on a river fishing, as you look over and you appreciate the beauty of that river and the surroundings, your appreciation of that beauty is radiating out and lifting all of mankind. So, even if you sit in the rowboat, thinking that you’re doing nothing, your acknowledgement of the beauty of creation itself is an act of sanctifying all of life and affirming its value and in-
    creasing its value. And that’s how the consciousness level of mankind evolves because those who are more cons-
    cious tend to lift all of mankind.
    We said that the top of the levels of consciousness are numerically small but their power outweighs all the rest of the population. One person who dedicates himself to life and sees the sacredness of all of life and thereby sanctifies all of life as they go about the day is lifting the consciousness of thousands of other people. Somewhere in Biafra, some little kid is lying there, slowly dying of starvation and AIDS and out of its hopelessness and grief and apathy, somewhere there is a little spark of hope and death is OK. Where does that come from? It came from the fisherman sitting there, appreciating the beauty. You see, because the context of life is nonli-
    near; so, in the infinite quantum potentiality, every intention on your part alters the context for everyone. Every hair
    on your head is counted, every moment of your life contributes this way or it pulls it down this way.

    Sedona Seminar God Transcendent and Immanent, DVD 2 of 3, minute 37:57, November 2002


The Exhortation to the Apostles
James Tissot (1836-1902) French painter
Brooklyn Museum, New York City, New York
  • When you transcend your karma, then you have the capacity to handle more. More negativity comes up for you to clear. Famous women mystics would reach a high state and then crash. They would feel they had been deserted by God. Read about them in the Encyclopedia Britannica. You can read what they went though. There are about half a dozen. It’s par for the course! You feel like you are going backwards, but you are not. You have earned the right to see how awful you have been. Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006


  • The classical developmental stages of the mystic are:
    1. Purgation of bodily desires (LoC below 200)
    2. Purification of the will (sliding personal LoC)
    3. Illumination of the mind (LoC 500+)
    4. Unitive state – unification with the Divine (LoC 580)
    5. Self dissolves in Self (LoC 600+)
    6. Final "state" or "condition" (LoC 600+)
    7. The Sage (LoC 700+)
Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality: The Mystic, 3 DVD set, 8. December 2007



Zitate von anderen Quellen

Gebt das Heilige nicht den Hunden und werft eure Perlen nicht den Schweinen vor, denn sie könnten
sie mit ihren Füßen zertreten und sich umwenden und euch zerreißen.  
Matthäus 7, 6 (NT)


Persönliches Bekenntnis

  • Im Bereich der heiligen Dinge behaupte ich nichts kategorisch. Auch diejenigen meiner Ansichten, die mit den Leh-
    ren der Kirche übereinstimmen, sind in meinem Geist mit einem Fragezeichen versehen.
    Simone Weil (1909-1943) französische Philosophin, christliche Mystikerin, gesellschaftliche Aktivistin; zitiert in: archivierter Artikel Die Chancen gegen das Vertraute, präsentiert von der Publikation des öffentlich-rechtlichen, werbefreien Rundfunksenders Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Judith Klein, Übersetzerin, freie Publizistin, 15. Februar 2009



  • Wir müssen die Heiligkeit des einzelnen 'Ichs' bewahren und eine Gemeinschaft bilden, in der sich die individuellen 'Ichs' radikal verändern können und den Durchbruch schaffen zu einer kritischen und zeitgenössischen Spiritualität. Interview mit Roland Benedikter (*1965) Südtiroler europäischer Stiftungsprofessor für Soziologie, Politikwissenschaftler, Autor zu Themen der Kulturanalyse und Gesellschaftsentwicklung, Spirituell aber nicht religiös. Jenseits der postmodernen Spiritualität, prä-
    sentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin,
    Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin von What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 19,


Schlussfolgerung – Das abhandengekommene Heilige

  • Ohne einen Sinn für das Heilige werden wir überheblich und arrogant. Wir denken, wir wüssten alles. Wir denken,
    dass wir in alles eingreifen und es besser machen können. Wir haben das Gefühl der Ehrfurcht oder des Staunens
    vor dem, was existiert, verloren. Wir haben das Mitgefühl und die Demut verloren, die einen wirklich spirituellen Zu-
    gang zur Welt kennzeichnen. Wenn wir unsere Augen für die Welt öffnen, beginnen wir, sie auf eine viel umfassen-
    dere und bereicherndere Art wahrzunehmen. […] 
    All diesen Denkern [Immanuel Kant, Karl Popper, Jürgen Habermas] ist gemein, dass sie einen großen Vorbehalt ge-
    genüber dem Begriff des Heiligen haben. Das Wort »heilig« findet sich ja auch oft im Vokabular totalitärer Systeme.
    Das Heilige ist ein existenzieller, kein kognitiver Begriff, das macht ihn schwerer fassbar und auch leichter miss-
    brauchbar. Viele sind schon für das Heilige in den Krieg gezogen. Aber es gibt auch weniger hehre Gründe, warum
    wir uns mit die-sem Begriff so schwertun. […]
    Offensichtlich hat das Heilige eine Verbindung mit dem Staunen und mit der Ehrfurcht. Um sich zu zeigen, braucht
    das Heilige das Staunen, das Wunder, die Ehrfurcht. Mit diesen seelischen Regungen tut sich unsere Zeit nicht leicht.
    Unsere von der Naturwissenschaft geprägte Welt basiert auf einer Grundhaltung, welche die Erklärung sucht, die Be-
    rechnung der Welt. Wir versuchen dem Staunen, dem Wunder und der Ehrfurcht zu entkommen. Nur die Erklärung
    und die Berechnung geben uns Frieden. […]
    In so einer Welt ist das einzig mögliche Heilige mein Selbst. Aber es ist schwierig, das Wunder, das Staunen, die Ehr-
    furcht ganz allein auf mich selbst zu beziehen. Vielleicht erleben viele auch deswegen diese seltsame Verlorenheit in
    der Welt, die unsere Kultur seit Jahrzehnten prägt. Unsere moderne-postmoderne Kultur empfindet eine gewisse kos-
    mische Heimatlosigkeit. Wir haben unsere Zugehörigkeit verloren. Auch das ist gemeint, wenn uns nichts mehr heilig
    ist. […]
    Die Verlorenheit unserer Kultur führte zu einer weltweiten Revolte gegen die Moderne und die Postmoderne. Die tradi-
    tionellen Kulturen aller Kontinente wollen nicht mehr in die Zukunft, die ihnen der Westen anbietet. Und im Mittelpunkt
    dieser Revolte steht eine Verteidigung des »Heiligen« gegen eine gottlose und verkommene Welt.
    Interview mit Dr. med. Iain McGilchrist (*1953) britischer Psychiater, Arzt, Literaturwissenschaftler, New College, Oxford, Neuro-
    imaging-Forscher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Schriftsteller, Das Heilige und die offene Gesellschaft, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin evolve, Herausgeber und Gastgeber Dr. Thomas Steininger (*1968) österreichischer Philosoph, Kulturaktivist, Hörfunkmoderator von evolve Radio, Journalist, Ausgabe 35, 8. August 2022
  • In diesem Lobpreis erschien meiner Seele ein großes Licht, und in dem Lichte zeigte sich Gott in großer Herrlichkeit und in unaussprechlicher Klarheit. Da hielt unser Herr zwei goldene Kelche in seinen Händen, die waren beide voll lebendigen Weines. In der linken Hand war der rote Wein der Pein und in der rechten Hand der weiße Wein des überhehren Trostes. Da sprach unser Herr: »Selig sind, die diesen roten Wein trinken; denn obwohl ich beide aus göttlicher Liebe schenke, so ist doch der weiße Wein edler in sich selbst. Und alleredelst sind jene, die beide trinken, den weißen und den roten.« Mechthild von Magdeburg [BW 640] (1207-1282) bedeutende deutsche Mystikerin des Mittelalters, Mitglied der Beginen, Visionärin, Schriftstellerin, Das fließende Licht der Gottheit, Buch II, 7., ausgewählt von Sigmund Simon, Oesterheld Verlag, Berlin 1907


  • Heilung ist das kleine Ziel des Anfangs,
    Gesundung ist der Weg dorthin.
    Das große Ziel aber ist das Heil.
    Es führt zu der Erkenntnis, dass alles heilig ist.
    Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Psychotherapeut, Ganzheitsmediziner, Dozent, Autor, Facebook-Eintrag, 5. Januar 2017


  • Die Heiligkeit im Inneren entspricht der Heiligkeit im Äußeren.
    Es gibt keine Trennung, da alles aus der gleichen Quelle kommt.
    Gleich gesegnet das ist, was wir sind.
    Und wenn diese Erkenntnis endlich in uns einkehrt,
    fließt die Göttlichkeit aus uns allen heraus.
Aisha North, Die Göttlichkeit in Inneren [ The Sacredness within ], 30. January 2019


  • Jeder Heilige hat eine Vergangenheit und jeder Sünder hat eine Zukunft. Oscar Wilde [Werk BW 440] (1854-1900)
    irischer Dramatiker, Dichter, Romanschriftsteller, zitiert in: Zitate berühmter Personen


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Heiligkeit


  • So, Freund, ist oft die Heiligkeit,
    Womit sich kleine Seelen blähen,
    Bloß Mangel an Gelegenheit,
    Die Fehler andrer zu begehen.
    Gottlieb Konrad Pfeffel (1736-1809) deutscher Pädagoge, Militärwissenschaftler, Erzähler, Fabeldichter, Gedichte. Fabeln und Erzählungen (zehn Bände), entnommen aus: "Das Pferd und das Füllen", Cotta, 1802-1810; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de

Quotes by various other sources

And therefore ye shall sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy. Leviticus 11, 44 (OT)
In the archaic Hebrew language, the root word used for 'holy' meant 'to separate' or 'to differentiate'. The main feature of the Cosmic Creation is differentiation and separation. The creational power of the Creator lies in the act of differentiating and separating. The heavens are differentiated and separated from the earth, light from darkness, seas from lands, animals from plants, and the human beings from one another.


Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine,
or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Matthew 7, 6 (NT)


Devotional avowals addressed to God


  • As I thus praised, a great light appeared to my soul, and in this light God revealed himself in great majesty and indes-
    cribable brightness. Our Lord held two golden chalices in his hands that were both full of living wine. In his left hand
    was the red wine of suffering, and in his right hand the white wine of sublime consolation.
    Then our Lord spoke: "Blessed are those who drink this red wine. Although I give both out of divine love, the white
    wine is nobler in itself;
    but noblest of all are those who drink both the white and the red."
    Mechthild of Magdeburg [LoC 640] (1207-1282) German medieval mystic, member of the Béguines, visionary, writer, The Flowing Light of the Godhead, translated and introduced by Frank Tobin, book II, 7, S. 77, Paulist Press, New York and Mahwah, NJ, 1998


  • O God [...] from that moment you entrusted a very important mission to your son. A mission known to you and me alone. [...] O God [...] I hear a voice deep within me saying: 'Sanctify yourself and sanctify others.'
    Padre Pio [Pio of Pietrelcina] [LoC 585] (1887-1968) Italian Capuchin priest, miracle healer, Catholic saint, Epistolario, S. 1010, 1910, 1922; see also: Luigi Settembrini, Francesco Florentini, Eepistolario, 1923, Ulan Press, 31. August 2012



  • O daughter, let God make you a mirror of life. But I too lie in the pusillanimity of my mind, fatigued much by fear, soun-
    ding a little, at times, like the small sound of a trumpet from the living light
    . Whence God help me, that I may re-
    main in his ministry. Saint Hildegard of Bingen [Sybil of the Rhine] (1098-1179) German Christian mystic, Catholic saint, Doctor of
    the Church, Benedictine abbess, visionary, philosopher, polymath, composer, writer, L. Van Acker, Corpus Christianorum, editor, Episto-
    , Epistolae, letter addressed to Elisabeth of Schoenau, Continuatio Mediaevalis, Band 91A, S. 456-457, Brepols, Turnholt, 1993


  • Never leave the knowledge of yourself, for you will know Me in yourself.
  • Do you know, daughter, who you are and who I am? If you know these two things you have beatitude in your grasp. You are she who is not, and I AM WHO IS.
  • Was it not I myself, hidden in your heart’s core?
  • O fire ever blazing! The soul who comes to know herself in You finds Your greatness wherever she turns, even in the tiniest things, in people and in all created things.
  • God says: If anyone should ask Me what this soul is, I would say: ‘She is another Me, made so by the union of love’.
    St Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) Italian mystic, tertiary of the Dominican Order, Scholastic philosopher, theologian, festival day
    April 29


Featuring Armstrong's seven years in the convent and her spiritual awakening, when developing her iconoclastic take on the major monotheistic religions, and "The Spiral Staircase"

  • I say that religion isn't about believing things. It's ethical alchemy. It's about behaving in a way that changes you,
    that gives you intimations of holiness and sacredness.
    Video presentation by Karen Armstrong (*1944) British former
    Roman Catholic nun, scholar of comparative religion, "freelance theist", founder of the "Charter of Compassion", commentator, author, Charter for Compassion, presented by TED Talks, 21:28 minutes duration, filmed February 2008



  • Set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation. Be saints.
    You were not made to fit in. You were born to stand out.
    Jim Caviezel (*1968) US American Catholic film and television actor, played the role of Jesus in biblical drama film The Passion of the Christ, produced, directed and co-written by Mel Gibson, released 25. February 2004, speech to students at the Franciscan University
    of Steubenville, Sunday, 4. March 2018, cited in:article Set Yourself Apart from This Corrupt Generation, presented by the US American conservative daily online magazine American Thinker, J.B. Shurk, 28. February 2021


  • There is nothing my holiness cannot do because the power of God lies in it.
    A Course in Miracles, workbook [LoC 600], lesson 38, 1976, revised edition 1996


  • And so it is necessary for the saints that all human feelings melt in a mysterious way and flow into the Will of God. Otherwise, how will God be all in all if something human survives in man?
    St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) French abbot, primary builder of the reforming Cistercian order, On Loving God (Cistercian Fathers), S. 120, Cistercian Publications, revised edition 1. January 1989, paperback edition 1. March 1995



Silent transmission

Article recommended by D. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, "Foreword", S. xl, Veritas Publishing, author's official revised edition May 2012

  • Scientists are finding ways to measure the ―physics of silent transmission. According to this emerging science, the true mystic, saint, or sage emanates an extraordinary ―field of ―energy coherence so that seekers who enter the mystic's ―field (often called ―aura) benefit from the healing capacities intrinsic to that energy coherence (Hawkins, 1995; Grace, 2011b; Hunt, 1996; Targ and Katra, 2003). The Map of Consciousness developed by modern mystic and clinical scientist David R. Hawkins breaks new ground in explaining the trans-
    mission effect and inspirational power so often noted of saints, sages, and mystics.
    Fran Grace, Ph.D., US American professor of religious studies, founding director of Inner Pathway, author, Beyond Reason. The Certitude of the Mystics from Al-Hallaj to David R. Hawkins, presented by the publication International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, volume 1, S. 148, 13. September 2011



Response to Mother Teresa's canonization by her long-term critic Aroup Chatterjee, 3. September 2016

  • What is so great about Catholic saints?
    People should realise a Catholic saint does not have to be saintly or nice in the secular sense, but has to be pure to Catholic dogma, especially on contraception and abortion.
    1. Jose Maria Escriva (1902-1975), a Fascist, is a Catholic saint;
    2. another Fascist, Cardinal Stepinac (1898-1960), is a "blessed".
    3. "Saint" Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) actively shielded the prolific paedophile and criminal Marcial Maciel over many years.
    4. Mother Teresa (1910-1997) also wrote a letter of support for a convicted paedophile priest Father Donald McGuire, asking people to overlook his "imprudence".
Kolkata will take a century to recover from Mother Teresa.
Article Kolkata will take a century to recover from Mother Teresa, presented by the English-language Indian daily newspaper The Economic Times, Aroup Chatterjee, Indian physician working in England, 3. September 2016



Nondual process theology and theodicy

  • What is meant by the 'holy' or the 'sacred' probably cannot be adequately defined, but certain pointers can be given. The holy is that which evokes awe, worship, commitment. It is that which has ultimate intrinsic value, and in relation to which other things have their value. To sense something as being holy is to want to be in harmony with it. This, in fact, is the basic religious drive of human beings – the desire to be in harmony with the holy reality.
    David Ray Griffin (1939-2022) retired US American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, political writer on the 9/11 conspi-
    racy, author, God, Power, and Evil, S. 116, 1st edition, 1976, Westminster John Knox Press, paperback edition 1. December 2004


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Sacredness

Literary quotes

  • Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.
    Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss poet, novelist, Bäume. Betrachtungen und Gedichte, Insel-Verlag, 1984

Tripping over joy


  • What is the difference between your experience of existence and that of a saint?
    The saint knows that the spiritual path is a sublime chess game with God and that the Beloved has just made such a fantastic move that the saint is now continually Tripping over Joy and bursting out in laughter and saying, "I surrender!"
    Whereas, my dear, I am afraid you still think you have a thousand serious moves.
    Daniel Ladinsky (*1948) US American interpreter of mystical poetry, poet inspired by Hafez (1325/26-1389/90) Persian Sufi mystic,
    lyric poet, Daniel Ladinsky, translator, I Heard God Laughing. Poems of Hope and Joy, Penguin Books, 1996, reprint edition 26. Sep-
    tember 2006

Englische Texte – English section on Sacred


Emma with stigmata of hands and feet
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 9. April 1998

Authentic stigmata are socalled marks emulating the five wounds of Christ. They express themselves as a form of the mind micromanaging culturally and individually held beliefs. Genuine bleeding stigmata wounds do not present a health hazard, are immune to infection, and resist healing.


Identified with the pain of the crucified Jesus St. Francis of Assisi [LoC 580] (1181/82-1226) who identified with the pain of the crucified Jesus was the first known person who had Christ-like wounds in 1224. Since then there have been about 400 cases of stigmata worthy of studying, 100 of them in the 20th century alone. [Status 2013] The reappearing of the Christ's wounds is experienced by highly pious people, mostly women living in the country-


on stigmatics
➢ Stigmata appear/ed mostly in Italy or Southern countries.
➢ Historically, the gender ratio was: 75% of female mystics and 25% of male mystics.
➢ 62 out of ~350 studied cases of stigmatics are blessed or sainted by the Catholic Church.
     [Status 2005]
➢ 98% of stigmatics were/are Catholics.
     In the beginning of the emergence of the stigmata phenomenon only lay people had them.
➢ The first clergyman who had stigmata was Padre Pio [LoC 585] (1887-1968).
profile of
Stigmatics support/ed a culturally held belief system that has them identify with the suffering of the Passion of Jesus Christ, however not with his ascension. They feel unworthy and a sense of blame (guilt) and shame. They believe in pain as a means to reach Divinity. Whereas they suffer excrucia-
ting pain from their wounds, people in their surrounding are getting healed miraculously. The presence
of the stigmatic gives people the permission to heal from their disease.


I was initially asked by a local bishop, who was familiar with my background, to investigate stigmata cases. Incidences of stigmata are often accompanied by hysteria and spontaneous healings of other people, so the church was keen to find out what was going on. My job is to examine the medicine behind the stigmata and debrief the community in order to help them remain calm.
I do believe Padre Pio exhibited stigmatic wounds – in fact, he bled almost a pint of blood per day. His medical results show there was nothing sinister going on – he showed no signs of infection yet his cuts refused to heal over. He appears to have, quite genuinely, bled profusely from Christ's wounds.
Psychoneuroimmunology examines how outside events impact upon the immune system and anthropology looks at how culture and genetics relate to our health. The aim of biocognition therefore is to show how our belief system impacts upon our immune system and directs the way in which we respond to and treat illness.
Stigmata are the epitome of cultural response. 98% of reported stigmatics are Catholic. That's because they have been surrounded by a culture which celebrates Christ's suffering and which, subconsciously, translates itself into our everyday lives. Unlike ordinary people, stigmatics welcome the suffering because it brings them closer to God. Instead of giving themselves permission to heal, they give themselves permission to suffer.
Article by Sinead O'Neill featuring Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuroimmunologist, author, Exploring the truth behind 'holy wounds' of stigmata, Ireland, November 2005

I am very interested in keeping the mystics healthy. There are the Eastern mystics who lead very healthy short lives and the Western mystics who lead longer, very suffering lives. But they're both into the model of suffe-
The Eastern mystics want to clean up their karma, and the Western mystics want to do all the penance that they need to do in order to get into Heaven [e.g. Teresa of Avila, epileptic, John of the Cross, sores, Eastern lamas suffer from diabetes].
They are both into the pain. It is that model of suffering that we have to atone.
There are exceptions like Meister Eckhart O.P. [LoC 705] (1260-1328) and Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) who believed in joy and lived long healthy lives. And they were [German Christian] mystics.

Audio interview with Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuroimmunologist, author, Psychology of Stigmata. How the Mind Wounds and Heals, MP3, presented by the dissolved US American web radio station Beyond Reason, hosts Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins, minute 8:17, 30 minutes duration, aired ~ 2006


Media references featuring Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuro-
immunologist, author
Video presentation Spontaneous Healing and Investigating Stigmata for the Catholic Church, excerpted from The Mind-Body Code
    six disc audiobook
, 2009, recorded at Caroline Myss' CMED 2005, starting minute 16:21,
     YouTube film, 8:40 minutes duration, posted 24. May 2013
Audio interview Psychology of Stigmata. How the Mind Wounds and Heals, MP3, presented by the dissolved US American
     web radio station Beyond Reason, hosts Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins, 30 minutes duration, aired ~ 2006
TV video interview presented by the Irish TV talk show Late Late Show, host Pat Kenny, YouTube film, posted 31. May 2009
     ☛ Dr. Martinez discusses stigmata (Part 1), 8:56 minutes duration
     ☛ Dr. Martinez discusses stigmata (Part 2), 6:41 minutes duration
► Article Stigmata: How the mind wounds and heals the body1, presented by the Australian publication Living Now, June 2016
Other written references:
► Article Mystical Stigmata, presented by Catholic Online, unknown date, republished as Mystical Stigmata, presented by the
    publication New Advent, Kevin Knight, 2017
► Blog article by Arun Oswin Kostka, STIGMATA AND STIGMATIST, presented by Saints Catholic Blogspot, undated
► Blog article What Do You Really Know About the Mystery of the Stigmata?, presented by The Mystical Humanity of Christ Publishing,
    Charles Kaupke, 15. November 2016
Media offerings:
Historic documentary Stigmata. Is it real?, presented by the US American digital cable and satellite television network
    National Geographic Channel, 46 minutes duration, produced 2005
Short video Mystical Stigmata, produced by Maria-Elena Sisneroz, YouTube film, 3:00 minutes duration, posted 23. July 2006
TV documentary Stigmata: Wounds Of Mystery, presented by the BBC Discovery channel, archived by Kristian Day, YouTube film,
    45:09 minutes duration, posted 1. February 2015
Siehe auch: ► Wundmale (Stigmata)

BW-Werte: Heiligkeit / Sacred

  • BW 910 – Gebeine (Reliquien) von St. Simon Petrus [BW 910] [† um 67] erster Apostel von Jesus Christus, jüdischer Sprecher der christlichen Jünger, erster Bekenner und Verleugner Jesu Christi, erster männlicher Augenzeuge des Auferstandenen, Leiter der Jerusalemer Urgemeinde, aufbewahrt unter dem Boden des Petersdoms im Vatikan [BW 570], Rom, Italien2
  • BW 910 – Apostel Johannes (Johannes, der Geliebte) (6-100 n. Chr.) galiläisch-jüdischer "Lieblingsjünger" des jüdischen Avatars Jesus von Nazareth [BW 1000], christlicher Apostel, Verfasser des vierten Evangeliums (Johannesevangelium), starb eines natürlichen Todes

Organisator Maitreyaproject.org:

Tournee der Herz-Schrein-Reliquien Buddhas

  • BW 905 – Gebeine (Reliquien) von Gautama Buddha [BW 1000] (563-483 v. Chr.) indischer Avatar, Lehrer der Erleuchtung, Zentralfigur des Buddhismus3
  • BW 750 – Gebeine (Reliquien) der christlichen Heiligen aufbewahrt in verschiedenen Kirchen und Klöstern weltweit4
  • BW 595 – Heiligkeit des Lebens
  • BW 585 – Satori, Glückseligkeit
  • BW 575+ – Heiligkeit
    Ursprung von Selbsthilfeprogrammen / Zwölf-Schritte-Selbsthilfegruppen entstehen lässt
    Beispiel: Bill Wilsons [BW 540] Offenbarung
  • BW 570 – Heiligmäßiges, Heiligenstatus
  • BW 555 – Heiligkeit6

LoC calibrations (engl.): Sainthood – The Sacred / Heiligkeit

  • LoC 910 – Relics (bones) of Saint Peter [LoC 910] [† ~67 AD] Apostle of Jesus Christ, early Jewish Christian leader, featured in the New Testament Gospels, Acts of the Apostles7

Maitreyaproject.org offers:

|Buddha Relics Tour Calendars

  • LoC 910 – John the Apostle (6-100 AD) Jewish Galilean beloved member of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, author of the Gospel of John, who died naturally
  • LoC 905 – Relics (bones) of the Buddha [LoC 1000] (563-483 BC) Indian Avatar, teacher of enlightenment, central figure of Buddhism8
  • LoC 750 – Relics (bones) of the Christian saints [on average] kept in various churches, chapels, and monasteries worldwide9
  • LoC 700 – Spiritual sages10
  • LoC 599 – Stonehenge near Wiltshire, power place in Great Britain11
  • LoC 595+ – Gregorian Chants
  • LoC 595 – Sacredness of life
  • LoC 595 – Padmasambhava [The Lotus Born] (8th-9th century AD) Tibetantan sage tantric guru, transmitter of Vajrayāna Buddhism to Bhutan and Tibet and neighbouring countries
  • LoC 590 – Paintings by Michelangelo Buonarroti
  • LoC 590 – Pieta by Michelangelo Buonarroti12
  • LoC 585+ – Satori [Inner bliss]
  • LoC 580 – Unitive state – unification with the Divine13
  • LoC 580 – Prayer Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace by St. Francis of Assisi [LoC 580]
  • LoC 575/605+ – Satcitananda ["Sat-chit-ananda"]
    Compound of three Sanskrit words, meaning Existence (Eternal Truth), Consciousness, Bliss
  • LoC 575+ – Sainthood
  • LoC 575 – Ecstasy
  • LoC 575 – Bill Wilson's [540] revelatory experience14
  • LoC 575 – Song 'Amazing Grace'
  • LoC 575 – Song 'Ave Maria'
  • LoC 575 – Song 'Silent Night'
  • LoC 575 – Song 'Joy to the World'
  • LoC 570+ – Miracle healer
  • LoC 570 – Serenity
  • LoC 560/570 – Compassion
  • LoC 560 – Concept of the "collective consciousness" by Carl Jung [540]
  • LoC 560 – Smudging ceremony
  • LoC 555 – Saintliness15
  • LoC 550 – Saints16
  • LoC 550 – Attitude of Forgiveness and Devotion to God
  • LoC 550 – Conservative/reformed Judaism

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

Video Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005


Links zum Heiligkeit / Sacred


Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Recommended by D. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, "Foreword", S. xl, Veritas Publishing,
author's official revised edition May 2012

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

Referencing: Therese Neumann, Padre Pio

Linkless media offering

  • Audio interview with Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuro-
    immunologist, author, Ted Harrison, US American author, Padre Pio and the Stigmata – canonization on 16. June 2002, presented by the BBC radio program "Sunday", host Roger Bolton, airing in the United Kingdom and Canada, 7 minutes duration, 2002

Movies (engl.) on saints and sainted people


Interne Links




1 Adapted book excerpt from chapter 7, The Mind Body Code. How to Change the Beliefs that Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success, 2014

2 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

3 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

4 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

5 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 5, S. 102, 2008

6 Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, CD 3 von 4, Minute 43:00-44:18, 3. September 2005

7 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

8 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

10 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 209, 255, 2005

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

13 Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality: The Mystic, 3 DVD set, 8. December 2007

14 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 5, S. 102, 2008

15 Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, CD 3 of 4, minute 43:00-44:18, 3. September 2005

16 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 209, 254, 2005

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