
Wiki / RichardBarrett





Richard Barrett, FRSA
(*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on human values and leadership




Richard Barrett (*1945)

Only by focusing on the greater good can we create the conditions which give us the opportunity to find our greatest personal success.
Richard Barrett, Evolutionary Coaching, May 2014


Zitate zum Thema Richard Barrett

Zitate von Richard Barrett

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Wenn ich mich als Führungskraft engagiere, muss ich mich dafür einsetzen, meine eigene Führung zu verbessern. Kulturelle Transformation beginnt mit der persönlichen Umwandlung der Führungskräfte, denn die Organisationkultur
    ist ein Spiegel ihres Führungsbewusstseins. Unsere Führungskräfte müssen mehr Verantwortung für ihr persönliches
    Wachstum und ihre persönliche Entwicklung übernehmen.
    Gelöschtes Audiointerview mit Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) britischer Gesellschaftskommentator, Vortragsredner, Autor zu The-
    men der Führungskräfteentwicklung und Werten in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations – The Future of Western Civilisation [Liebe, Angst und das Schicksal der Nationen – Die Zukunft der westlichen Zivilisation], Nr. 23, MP3, präsentiert von Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, britischer beratender Psychiater, YouTube Film, Minute 46:15, 1:27:17 Dauer, eingestellt 11. April 2012
  • Erstens müssen Führungskräfte verstehen, dass ihre Art der Führung, das Arbeitsklima erzeugt und somit den Haupt-
    leistungsfaktor in ihrem Unternehmen darstellt. Sie müssen sich der persönlichen Transformation verpflichten und ihr
    Führungsteam muss in der Lage sein, sich anpassen zu können.
    Gelöschtes Interview Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) britischer Gesellschaftskommentator, Vortragsredner, Autor zu Themen der Füh-
    rungskräfteentwicklung und Werten in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Q&A With Richard Barrett: The Bottom Line Impact of a Cultural Transformation [Fragen und Antworten mit Richard Barrett: Der entscheidende Faktor bei der kulturellen Transformation], präsentiert von dem Podcast The Skouting Report, Gastgeber David Gebler, gesendet 24. Januar 2011

Quotes by Richard Barrett

Personal avowals


Authentic leadership induces cultural change.

  • If I'm committing as a leader I need to commit to my own leadership improvement. […] Cultural transformation begins with the personal transformation of the leaders because the culture of the organisation is a reflection of their leadership cons-
    ciousness. […] Our leaders need to be more accountable for their own personal growth and development.
    Removed audio interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leader-
    ship and human values in business and society, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations – The Future of Western Civilisation, No. 23,
    MP3, presented by Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist, YouTube film, minute 46:15, 1:27:17 duration, posted
    11. April 2012



  • Our business leaders must stop seeking to be the best in the world and start seeking to the best for the world.
    Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, The New Leadership Paradigm, S. 13, selfpublished via Lulu, 2010, paperback issue 9. January 2011

Four Pillars of Conscious Capitalism

Reference: Rajendra S. Sisodia, Ph.D., Indian US American professor of marketing, Bentley University, co-founder and chairman of the Conscious Capitalism Institute, founding member of the Conscious Capitalism movement, Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D. (*1938) Burmese-US American Charles H. Kellstadt professor of marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, David B. Wolfe, US American customer behavior expert, author, Firms of Endearment. How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, Pearson Prentice Hall, 1st edition 10. February 2007

  • [Paraphrased summary] Four pillars of Conscious Capitalism
    1. Higher purpose of making money
    2. Equal consideration to all stake holders (employees, customers, shareholders, local community, society)
    3. Conscious leadership
    4. Conscious culture
Removed audio interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society,
Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations – The Future of Western Civilisation, No. 23, MP3, presented by Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist, YouTube film, minute 48:44, 1:27:17 duration, posted 11. April 2012


  • [Paraphrased] The most successful sustainably transformed organizations follow these principles:
    1. Higher purpose (beyond making money) supported by employees linking them to the common good of society
    2. Equal treatment of all stakeholders (employers, suppliers, customers, shareholders, local community and society)
    3. Conscious leadership (self-aware leaders living their values)
    4. Conscious (company) culture (that can be measured)
Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Conscious Capitalism, sponsored by the Italian company Asterys, Rome, YouTube film, minute 0:11,
3:15 minutes duration, posted 27. November 2012



The five modes of decision-making:

1. Instincts; 2. Subconscious beliefs; 3. Conscious beliefs; 4. Values; 5. Intuition


  • First, leaders need to understand that it’s their leadership that creates the culture and is the principal driver of perfor-
    mance in their company. They need to be committed to personal transformation and their leadership team needs to
    be able to adapt.
    Deleted interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Q&A With Richard Barrett: The Bottom Line Impact of a Cultural Transformation, presented by The Skouting Report, David Gebler, aired 24. January 2011



Democracy needs a significant upgrade.

  • We are all disengaged with democracy. […] What about the levels of consciousness about leaders? Talk about focus on self-esteem, status. Where are the values of the common good in our political leaders? They are not there! They are serving their interests. They are the new elites. We got rid of kings and queens and then we got politicians. Democracy needs to change significantly.
    Video presentation by Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, A Compass for Navigating Cultural Transformations, sponsored by the "Building Capacity for Sustainable Transformations" conference, Italian company Asterys, Rome, 7. June 2012, YouTube film, minute 43:24, 48:33 minutes duration, posted 29. October 2012



Creating conscious culture in companies

  • In a values driven organization the real role of the leader is actually to manage the values [of the organisation]. I am not the first person to say that it. Way back in 1983 Tom Peters (*1942) in his book In Search of Excellence said that's the real role of the leader: to manage the values of the organization. In fact, what he is really talking about is being able to manage the culture of the organization. Cultural capital is the new frontier of competitive advantage. Who you
    are and what you stand for as an organization is the passport to success.
    Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Conscious Capitalism, sponsored by the Italian company Asterys, Rome, YouTube film, minute 1:09, 3:15 minutes duration, posted 27. November 2012



Interdependence and sustainability

  • Organizations are not separate from society, they are part of society. And in fact, I would say that it's only important for organizations to pay attention to the environmental conditions that we live in. Because if the environment crashes our society will crash. And if the society crashes our business will crash. So therefore, it is in the best interest of every organization to think about their global impact, to think about sustainability, to think about the local community and
    to do good in the world.
    Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Conscious Capitalism, sponsored by the Italian company Asterys, Rome, YouTube film, minute 2:35,
    3:15 minutes duration, posted 27. November 2012


  • America is a deeply disturbed country. It is not a democracy. It's been hijacked by the powerful elites.
    Video presentation by Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership
    and human values in business and society, The Evoluotion of Consciousness: Next Steps, 2012 BVC International Conference,
    part 1 of 2, presented by Barrett Values Centre, YouTube film, minute 8:33, 36:13 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2012



Leaders leading a value-driven life change the company's culture.

  • Generally speaking, it's a leadership issue because the consciousness of the leaders is reflected in the culture of the organization. So if you want to improve the culture the leaders have to change or you have to change leaders. Once you've got these results you begin to see how to change because we can also map the values that the leaders by having the leaders go online and pick ten values of how they think they operate and having 15 people that they choose go online and say how they think this leaders operating. And when we compare the two against the levels of consciousness there's either a match or a mismatch. The mismatch might be that the leader sees
    himself up here and the people see him down here with a high level of personal entropy (values such as short-term
    focus, blame, and etc. etc.). Or it's the other way around where sometimes the employees, see the leader quite high-
    ly, but the leader hasn't really fully embodied that and sees himself operating like on average level. That's good news
    for the leader, yet they need to own up to it.
    Really, building a cohesive culture it all comes back to leaders, all comes back to the culture they create through the
    consciousness that they have.
    So, if you want to improve the cultural organization without changing the leaders
    then the leaders have to get involved in what I would call
    1. leading themselves,
    2. then learning how to lead a team,
    3. and then learning how to lead an organisation.
They have to work on themselves if they want to change the culture.
Video interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA Interview with Richard Barrett on Trust and Values, recorded at Trust Conference, London, 31. July 2013, host Andrea Vadkerti, YouTube film, minute 11:33, 17:22 minutes duration, posted 3. June 2014


Richard Barrett




Caring for the poor worldwide

  • Until the rich countries in the world are feeling the pain – which they are more and more – they won't come together to resolve the problems of humanity. And that's what we have to do. We need to recognize, as we do in a nation, that the nation can only move forward to the extent that you are able to care for the poorest people in that nation. And that's why we have taxation systems in order to care for those people. What we need is a similar mechanism at a global level. We don't really have that. If once we get that then we can lift the people in poor nations out the survival-relationship-self esteem levels, the basic needs levels, can lift them out of that level to the possibility of transformation and building society in that nation which becomes democratic.
    Video interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA Interview with Richard Barrett on Trust and Values, recorded at Trust Conference, London, 31. July 2013, host Andrea Vadkerti, YouTube film, minute 13:40, 17:22 minutes duration, posted 3. June 2014



Fear, trust and democracy

Democracy Index: The top five democratic countries are Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, and New Zealand.

  • Not all democracies are successful. There are many graduations of democracies. If you look at the Economic Intelligence Unit, they have a system for measuring that. Currently the UK is like number nineteen and USA is number 21 in levels of democracy. The most democratic nation on the planet is Iceland. They are only 250,000 people who get together in the pub, where they work things out. […] As the level of fear goes down the level of democracy goes up. There's a direct relation between the level of fear and the level of democracy. The most democratic nations have populations which have the least fear.
    Video interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA Interview with Richard Barrett on Trust and Values, recorded at Trust Conference, London, 31. July 2013, host Andrea Vadkerti, YouTube film, minute 15:04, 17:22 minutes duration, posted 3. June 2014



Most successful organizations

  • The most successful organizations are the ones that not just care about their employees and they care about their customers, they care about the environment and they care about the communities in which they live, and they care equally about them all. And when you make decisions which show that you care for all your stakeholders your stakeholders care about you, and that creates a successful company.
    Video interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA Interview with Richard Barrett on Trust and Values, recorded at Trust Conference, London, 31. July 2013, host Andrea Vadkerti, YouTube film, minute 16:42, 17:22 minutes duration, posted 3. June 2014


See also: ► Leadership

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals

Englische Texte – English tables by Richard Barrett

Stages of psychological development – Richard Barrett

Maturing along the seven stages of life – 10 years each
1. Surviving SatisfactionStaying alive and healthy in the best possible conditions 0-10
2. Conforming SatisfactionKeeping safe and secure by staying loyal to one's
family, kin and culture
3. Differentiating SuccessDistinguishing oneself from the crowd by honing one's
skills and talents
4. Individuating TransformationLetting go of the aspects of one's parental and cultural conditioning
that no longer serve oneself
5. Selfactualizing MeaningBecoming more fully who one is by leading a values-
and purpose-driven life
6. Integrating MeaningAligning with others who share the same values and purpose to create a better world 50-60
7. Serving MeaningFulfilling one's destiny by caring for the well-being of humanity and/or the planet 60-70
Source: ► Video dialogue with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the
evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Evolutionary Coaching, the Power of Trust, and High Trust Cultures,
presented by the "Barrett Values Centre", host Michelle Clarke, US American social entrepreneur, executive coach,
YouTube film, 48:26 minutes duration, posted 15. April 2014
See also: ► Maturity and ► Evolution of consciousness

Seven levels of personal consciousness – Richard Barrett

Seven chakras – seven levels of consciousness
Healthy motivation Underlying anxiety
Location of process
1. Self‐interest
Defiency mode
Survival Having EgoFeeling secure and safe in the world Feeling not being safe or secure and not having enough
2. Self‐interest
Defiency mode
Relationship Doing EgoFeeling a sense of love and belonging Feeling not being accepted and not being loved
3. Self‐interest
Defiency mode
Self‐esteem Being EgoFeeling a sense of personal self‐worth Feeling not being respected and not being enough
4. Personal authority
Transformation Becoming Ego
Becoming and uncovering one's authentic self by aligning ego with soul Internal
5. Meaning and purpose
Growth mode
Internal cohesion Having SoulFinding meaning in one's life by aligning with one's passion or purpose, creating a vision for one's future Internal
6. Meaning and purpose
Growth mode
Making a difference Doing SoulActualizing one's sense of purpose by cooperating with others for mutual benefit and fulfillment External
7. Meaning and purpose
Growth mode
Service Being SoulDevoting one's life to self‐less service in pursuit of one's passion or purpose and vision External
Source: ► Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in
business and society, The Seven Levels of Personal Consciousness, PDF, first presented in "Business & Economics", S. 248-252, 2006
See also: ► Step models

Individual, human, organisational, and societal stages of development – Richard Barrett

Corresponding evolutionary stages of human development
1. Surviving SurvivalFinancial stability
Control, corruption, greed, caution, short-term focus
2. Conforming SafetyBelonging
Manipulation, blame, internal competition, empire building
3. Differentiating Power (domination)High performance
Bureaucracy, complacency, silo-mentality, hierarchy
4. Individuating RighteousnessContinuous renewal and learning Nations
5. Selfactualizing Economic growthBuilding corporate community Cohesive nations
6. Integrating DemocracyStrategic alliances and partnerships Regional groupings
7. Serving Human wellbeingService to humanity and the planet Global grouping
Sources featuring Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of
leadership and human values in business and society
► Video presentation The Evoluotion of Consciousness: Next Steps, 2012 BVC International Conference, part 1 of 2, presented by
     the "Barrett Values Centre", YouTube film, minute 5:29, 20:21 and 28:23 and 36:13 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2012
► Video presentation A Compass for Navigating Cultural Transformations, presented at the "Building Capacity for Sustainable
     Transformations" conference, sponsored by the Italian company Asterys, Rome, 7. June 2012, YouTube film, minute 31:41,
     48:33 minutes duration, posted 29. October
See also: ► Evolution of consciousness and ► Politics

Models of leadership, value creation and democracy – Richard Barrett

Seven states of consciousness to create a high-trust liberal/electorial democracy
From freedom to trust, from I to We – Evolutionary stages of 20 mapped democratic nations
The sequence of values that determine the quality of democracy are as follows:
FocusLegendThemeLegendSpiral Dynamics
Color level
Stage 1
Below 200
Personal Mastery
Internal stabilityFreedomFreedom from survival needs
Freedom of expression and fear
Basic needs

Beige meme
Stage 1
Below 200
Personal Mastery
External equilibriumEqualityGender, racial, and income equality are the key to building trust. Family/Tribe
Ingroup think

Purple meme
Stage 1
Below 200
Personal Mastery
Balancing outer power AccountabilityPractice of "responsible freedom"
Personal responsibility of leaders is eminent. Two party politics is a stifling blame game.
Power / Red meme
Authority / Blue meme
Status / Orange meme
Stage 2
200 threshold
echoed in
500 threshold
Internal cohesion
Turning point
☛ Common good
Moral integrity
Basis of justice and positive value consciousness
Reduction of elitism
Moral integrity of leaders is the new platform for justice.
Relativistic personalistic pluralistic multiplistic-complex communitarian egalitarian
Green meme
Stage 2
Above 200
Internal cohesion
Field flow
External stabilityOpenness
Full spectrum leadership
Shared vision and shared values.
Leaders disclose themselves and their motivations to the public, encouraging a participatory multilog among all stakeholders.
Integral sensing
Teal meme
Stage 3
Above 200

External cohesion
Making a difference
Field flow
Internal equilibrium TransparencyDocumented operation availed to public scrutiny Integral sensing
Teal meme
Stage 3
Above 200

External cohesion
Field flow
Expressing ubiquitous powerTRUSTExtended to a trustworthy leadership team Coherence / Holonic mode
Turquoise meme


Ladder of Democracy ⇒ 1. Independence/Freedom ⇒ 2. Equality ⇒ 3. Accountability
⇒ 4. Fairness/Moral integrity
⇒ 5. Openness ⇒ 6. Transparency ⇒ 7. TRUST


Chakra level
Smaller octaveBody – Linear world Wider octaveSoul – Nonlinear realm
1. ∞ 7.Independence/FreedomIndividuationTrustInterdependence
2. ∞ 6.EqualityTransparency
3. ∞ 5.AccountabilityOpenness
4.∞4.FairnessMoral integrity


Video sources featuring with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership
and human values in business and society
► [*]Removed audio interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership
     and human values in business and society, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations – The Future of Western Civilisation, No. 23, MP3, pre-
     sented by Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist, YouTube film, 1:27:17 duration, posted 11. April 2012
► Vimeo video interview Measuring Conscious Cultures and Conscious Leadership, presented by 4th Annual International Conference on
      Conscious Capitalism; Conscious Capitalism: Building a Flourishing Business on Love and Care
, Bentley University, Waltham,
      Massachusetts, 22.-23. May 2012, 31:55 minutes duration, posted 22. June 2012
♦◊♦ Ken Wilber's AQAL model: Leaders need to walk the talk, live authentically. When the values of the leaders change their behavior changes
       alike which restructures the value system of the organisation and subsequently the behaviors of the whole organisation. Minute 25:21
♦◊♦ High cultural entropy in organisations/nations (41+%) ensues in very low engagement. When they are bigger than 51% fallouts of
       organisations/governments are imminent. (See Iceland, France, United States)
♦◊♦ 6. September 2008Iceland had 54% entropy due to issues of leadership (government). 2 weeks later the banks in Iceland went bankrupt.
      Re-elections voted out the existing government. Former Icelandic prime minister Geir Haarde was put on trial of charges of negligence
      over the 2008 financial crisis in March 2012. Minute 21:29
♦◊♦ November 2009Latvia had cultural entropy of 52%. A few months later government changed.1 Minute 29:33
♦◊♦ 1. May 2012France had the highest percentage of cultural entropy of all 15 assessed nations. President Sarkozy lost the elections
       on May 15, 2012. People are leaving France. Minute 30:00
♦◊♦ Staggering rates of cultural entropy were found in the United States year after year: 52% (2009), 54% (2010), 56% (2011).
      The most severe issue of conflict is the growing social inequality gap.2 Minute 31:34
► Video presentation Barrett Seven Levels and CTT Intro, presented by valuescentre, YouTube film,
     7:06 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2019
Literature by Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society
Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations. The Impact of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on World Affairs, Fulfilling Books, 4. May 2012
     Based on the Barrett Model, developed from Abraham Maslow's (1908-1970) Hierarchy of needs model, 1998
Liberating the Corporate Soul. Building a Visionary Organization, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1st edition 5. November 1998
Note: Three mantras displayed
See also:
Transparency and ► Politics
Spiral Dynamics Consciousness model  – according to Ken Wilber's terminology / color scheme


  • We've got an old leadership paradigm in place which comes from self-esteem consciousness. It's all about self-interest (ego/status)
    of the individual. We want people operating out of higher level of consciousness. We need openness, we don't need this hiding
    behind closed doors.
    Minute 32:25[*]



Shift from I to we

  • We need a new leadership paradigm – it is a shift from I to we, from being best in the world to being best for the world. We need higher thinking people [leaders]. Minute 34:56[*]


  • The leaders you get represent the average level of consciousness of the nation. You get the leaders you deserve, basically. […]
    What we can do is eliviate poverty, minimize inequality, so the masses can individuate and self-actualize. That's really about the
    evolution of human consciousness. And if we do that in a nation we will gradually get better and better leaders.
    People always elect those people [i.e. leaders] who represent their average level of consciousness. What we need to do is to lift the
    average level of consciousness in the nation.
    We do that by minimizing inequality, by helping people grow and develop and getting to being able to meet their deficiency needs.
    That's what we see in the [relatively homogeneous] Scandinavian or Nordic countries. Guess what, they've have got coalition
    governments. People make informed decisions now.
    Minute 36:20[*]



Leadership requirements in the new era of Integrity:

  • It's OK [for elected leaders] to have a shadow past. It's not OK to have a shadow present. […] Our leaders need to be more accountable for their own growth.
    If in the now you are living these indiscretions and you've have been elected by people that's not OK (with me).
    Minute 43:36[*]



Authentic leadership induces cultural change.

  • If I'm committing as a leader I need to commit to my own leadership improvement. […] Cultural transformation begins with the personal transformation of the leaders because the culture of the organisation is a reflection of their leadership consciousness. […] Our leaders need to be more accountable for their own personal growth and development. Minute 46:15[*]



Four pillars of conscious capitalism

  • [Paraphrased] Four pillars of Conscious Capitalism
    1. Higher purpose of making money
    2. Equal consideration to all stake holders (employees, customers, shareholders, local community, society)
    3. Conscious leadership
    4. Conscious culture
Rajendra S. Sisodia, Ph.D., Indian US American professor of marketing, Bentley University, co-founder and chairman of the Conscious Capitalism Institute, founding member of the Conscious Capitalism movement, Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D. (*1938) Burmese-US American Charles H. Kellstadt professor of marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, David B. Wolfe, US American customer behavior expert, author, Firms of Endearment. How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, Pearson Prentice Hall, 1st edition 10. February 2007

Journey from freedom to trust – Richard Barrett

Seven values to create a high-trust liberal democracy
A sequence of values that determine the quality of democracy are
the basis of the evolutionary stages of 20 mapped democratic nations.
༺༻༺♦◊♦༻ModeFocusFocus 2ThemeLegend
1. Stage·1 DeficiencySurvival
Personal mastery
Internal stabilityFreedom 
2. Stage·1 DeficiencyRelationship
Personal mastery
External equilibriumEquality 
3. Stage·1 DeficiencySelf-esteem
Personal mastery
Power aspectAccountabilityPractice of "responsible freedom"
Personal responsibility of leaders
4.Stage·2CongruencyTurning point
Common good
Internal cohesionFairness
Moral integrity of leaders
5. Stage·2 GrowthCommon good Internal cohesionOpennessTo a participatory multilog of stakeholders
6. Stage·3 GrowthCommon good External cohesionTransparencyDocumentation availed to public scrutiny
7. Stage·3 GrowthCommon good External cohesionTRUSTInto a trustworthy leadership team
Source: ► Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of
leadership and human values in business and society, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations. The Impact
of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on World Affairs
, Fulfilling Books, 4. May 2012
           Based on the Barrett Model, developed from Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, 1998
See also: ► Step models

Evolution of consciousness, values, leadership, and group culture – Richard Barrett


Leadership creates culture.

  • First, leaders need to understand that it's their leadership that creates the culture and is the principal driver of performance in their company. They need to be committed to personal transformation and their leadership team needs to be able to adapt.
    Interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership
    and human values in business and society, Q&A With Richard Barrett: The Bottom Line Impact of a Cultural Transformation,
    presented by The Skouting Report, host David Gebler, 24. January 2011

Barrett Models –––– Inspired by Abraham Maslow's book Hierarchy of Needs, 1998

Seven stages of evolution of consciousness, values and leadership
༺༻Seven levels of consciousnessFalse belief༺༻Leadership type
1.Survival I don't have enough.1.Crisis director
2.RelationshipBonding / Belonging to
in relationships
I am not loved enough.2.Relationship manager
3.Self-esteem I am not enough.3.FacilitatorInfluencer
Allowing one's soul to
emerge in the world
Internal cohesion4.ManagerOrganizer
5.Finding meaning Internal cohesion5.IntegratorInspirer
6.Finding beauty
Making a difference
in the world
with the natural order
External cohesion6.MentorPartner
7.Service External cohesion7.Wisdom leaderVisionary
Source: ► Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in
                   business and society   
Barrett Models –––– Inspired by Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, 1998


Five values of evolution of consciousness taking form
༺༻Value of evolutionEvolving consciousness[*]Evolving creation[*]
1. Adaptability Becoming viable and independent
within one's framework of existence
Atoms ⇒ molecules ⇒ cells
2. Continuous learning  Group structures ⇒ organisms ⇒ creature (Homo sapiens)
3. Ability to bond Bonding with other viable and independent entities Individuals ⇒ nations ⇒ global cooperative
4. Ability to cooperate Group structures cooperate
with each other to form
a higher group entity
5.Ability to be at ease with uncertainty  
[*] Source:
► Removed audio interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership
     and human values in business and society, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations – The Future of Western Civilisation, No. 23, MP3,
     presented by Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist, YouTube film, minute 11:11, 1:27:17 duration, posted 11. April 2012


See also: ► Culture and ► Politics and ► Consciousness and ► Dignity and ► Community

Company's vision and mission

Vision and mission of UK Barrett Values Centre (Diagram)
༺༻Vision and missionFocus of operationDeclaration
1. Internal visionGlobeTo be a global resource for the evolution of consciousness
2. External visionSocietyTo create a values-driven society
3. Internal missionNetwork of agentsBuild a worldwide network of change agents
committed to cultural transformation
4. External missionLeadersSupport leaders in building values-driven organisations
References by Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and
human values in business and society
Culture & Vision, presented by Barrett Values Centre
Building a Values-Driven Organisation. A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation, S. 121-125,
     Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, Routledge, 15. March 2006


Five elements of managing an organisation
༺༻Elements Description
1.VisionOne's destination
2.MissionOne's proposition to get to one's destination
3.StrategyOne's plan of action for the journey
4.TacticsOne's allocation of one's resources to tasks
5.GoalsOutcomes from management of one's tasks
References:Culture & Vision, presented by Barrett Values Centre
See also: ► Vision

Englische Texte – English section on Richard Barrett

Definition and history of the social justice movement

Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equa-
and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being.
The term and modern concept of "social justice" was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in 1840 based on the
teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and given further exposure in 1848 by Antonio Rosmini-Serbati. The idea
was elaborated by the moral theologian John A. Ryan, who initiated the concept of a living wage. Father Coughlin also used the term in his publications in the 1930s and the 1940s. It is a part of Catholic social teaching, Social Gospel from Episcopalians and is one of the Four Pillars of the Green Party upheld by green parties worldwide.
Social justice as a secular concept, distinct from religious teachings, emerged mainly in the late twentieth century, influenced primarily by philosopher John Rawls. Some tenets of social justice have been adopted by those on
the left of the political spectrum.
According to Dr. Kent Van Til, the view that wealth has been taken from the poor by the rich implies that the redistribution of that wealth is more a matter of restitution than of theft.
Source: ► en.Wikipedia entry Christian views on poverty and wealth – Social justice [status 2013]


Brief history of "social justice"
Catholic·/· Secular
Time frameSocial contributionLiterature
1759-1776Adam Smith
Scottish-American social and moral philosopher
1723-1790 Pioneer developer of the classical political economicsThe Wealth of Nations, 1776
1840Luigi Taparelli
Italian Catholic Jesuit
1793-1862 Developer of the term and modern concept of "social justice"Based on the teachings of Italian church father
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Antonio Rosmini-Serbati
Italian Roman Catholic priest, philosopher
1797-1855 Author further delving into the topicIndexed volume The Constitution of Social Justice, 1849
1906John A. Ryan
American Catholic professor of moral theology
1869-1945 Social justice advocate, initiator of the concept of a living wage (minimum income)Doctoral dissertation A Living Wage, 1906
Father Coughlin
Canadian-American Catholic priest
1891-1979 Publicist on social justice, host a radio show on the topic, calling for monetary reforms, founder of National Union for Social Justice, 1934, silenced by Vatican, US bishops and FDR, US government
Late 20th century
John Rawls
American political philosopher
1921-2002 Developer of the secular concept of social justice, distinct from religious teachingsA Theory of Justice, 1971
2006sRiane Eisler
Austrian-American macrohistorian, social scientist
*~1937 Caring EconomicsThe Real Wealth of Nations. Creating a Caring Economics, 2007
2010Richard Barrett
British leadership researcher
*1945 Conscious CapitalismLove, Fear and the Destiny of Nations. The Impact of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on World Affairs, Fulfilling Books, 4. May 2012
See also: ► Justice and ► Incomplete timetable of paradigmal shifts

Decision making on beliefs ⇔ values

Decisions based on: beliefs embedded in stories vs. values embedded in narratives
Belief-based decision making Values-based decision making
Acting from fear derived from past history Consciously creating the future
Left-brained story Right-brained narrative
Finite, self-contained, competitive mode Open-ended, cooperative mode
Defined: Beginning, middle, resolution (end) Resolution inherent in unfolding process
Resolution to be determined


Latvia has 2.3 million inhabitants. In 2008 Latvia was in a worse situation financially, culturally and energetically than Iceland. The Barrett Values Centre procured a "Latvian National Values Assessment" which resulted in the governmental project Latvia 2030, a value-based long-term development plan.3
The native Latvians and the Russian immigrants – two factions with largely differing belief systems – did not get along with each other. Further value assessment found that the desired cultural values of both factions were almost exactly the same.


Latvia's promising new narrative is: "Our values matter.""Let's create values."



Beliefs vs. values ◊ Fears vs. trust

  • Much of belief-based decision making is founded on our fears. And so we avoid doing things. Or we do things so we don't get hit or don't get hurt. It limits us.
    Value-based decision making, on the other hand, is about consciously creating the future we want to experience. If I want to experience trust in the future I am going to make this decision based on trust.
Video interview with Phil Clothier, British CEO of Barrett Values Centre, Phil Clothier – 'Consciousness in Business', presented by the British Conscious.TV, host Iain McNay, British chairman of the independent label Cherry Red Records, YouTube film, minute 46:10, 53:59 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011



Latvia: Building the first value-driven nation

  • What is so interesting is that this idea of engaging the people [of Latvia] in these values and building a values-driven nation is really what's driving them. This is the first time in modern European history that a country has said, 'we're going to build our policies on values and the values of the people and the values that the people want' rather than going to saying, 'we're going to get an education system from Australia and we are going to get a finance system from another country. They're saying, 'we really want to do this ourselves. And nobody has done it on values before. So that's what we're going to do.' Video interview with Phil Clothier, British CEO of Barrett Values Centre, Phil Clothier – 'Consciousness in Business', presented by the British Conscious.TV, host Iain McNay, British chairman of the independent label Cherry Red Records, YouTube film, minute 43:38, 53:59 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011


Sources: Video interviews featuring the Barrett Values Centre
► Phil Clothier, British CEO of the Barrett Values Centre: Phil Clothier – 'Consciousness in Business', presented by the
     British Conscious.TV, host Iain McNay, British chairman of the independent label Cherry Red Records, YouTube film,
     minute 41:36-46:59, 53:59 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011
► Phil Clothier, British CEO of the Barrett Values Centre: National Assessments and Banking and Latvia, YouTube film,
     5:31 minutes duration, posted by BarrettValuesCentre 28. April 2010
Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and
     human values in business and society, Beliefs vs Values Decision Making, YouTube film, 1:59 minutes duration,
     posted by BarrettValuesCentre 12. July 2010
See also: ► Decision and ► Seventeen stories in life and ► Stories ⇔ narratives



Links zum Thema Richard Barrett


Literature (engl.)

The critical factors of successfully building a visionary organization, to liberate the corporate soul/mission are:
☛ the management team needs to commit to modeling the new values and behaviors.
☛ the new values are integrated into the structural incentives of the human resource processes of the organization.
☛ employees are led to psychological ownership of the company, i.e. they get involved in defining its mission, vision, and values,
     objectives and targets.
☛ employees are supported in thinking like owners.
☛ responsibilities are assigned and structural mechanisms are developed to support innovation, learning, and cultural renewal.

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.) – Richard Barrett

  • Video interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Jeff Dunn, former US American president of CocaCola, Dawna Markova, neuroscientist, CEO consultant, Values Driven Organization, presented by CEO Leadership Summit, Costa Rica, YouTube film, 7:56 minutes duration, posted 4. May 2008

New emerging business paradigm

Evolution of Individual Consciousness: 1. Surviving ♦ 2. Conforming ♦ 3. Differentiating ♦ 4. Individuating ♦ 5. Self Actualizing ♦ 6. Integrating ♦ 7. Serving  Minute 20:21
Evolution of Societal Consciousness: 1. Bands ♦ 2. Tribes ♦ 3. States ♦ 4. Nations ♦ 5. Cohesive Nations ♦ 6. Regional Groupings ♦ 7. Global Grouping  Minute 28:23
Evolution of Human Consciousness: 1. Survival ♦ 2. Safety ♦ 3. Power (Domination) ♦ 4. Righteousness ♦ 5. Economic Growth ♦ 6. Democracy ♦ 7. Human Well Being  Minute 5:29

"America is a deeply disturbed country. It is not of democracy. It's been hijacked by the powerful elites."  Minute 8:33

Linkless media offering

  • Removed audio interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations – The Future of Western Civilisation, No. 23, MP3, presented by Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist, YouTube film, 1:27:17 duration, posted 11. April 2012


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki



1 Deleted video interview with Phil Clothier, British CEO of Barrett Values Centre, National Assessments and Banking and Latvia, YouTube film, 5:31 minutes duration, posted by BarrettValuesCentre 7. January 2010
Process and results of the Latvian National Values Assessment resulting in a Latvia 2030 development plan

2 Video presentation US National Values Assessment 2010, deleted YouTube film, 7:47 minutes duration, posted by BarrettValuesCentre 28. June 2010

3 Latvia's Sustainable Development Strategy 2030, presented by the UNESCO, undated


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