
Wiki / CarolineMyss





Caroline Myss
(*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin




Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952)


Heilung erfordert bewusste Entscheidungen.
Sie verlangt Veränderung, welche die
Menschen fürchten.
   Caroline Myss


Gnadengaben und Tugenden ⇔ Leidenschaften und Laster – Caroline Myss

Gnadengaben ⇔ Laster
Tugenden ⇔ Todsünden
༺༻ Gnade LasterLateinischer
1. EhrerbietungDankbarkeit, Würdigung Stolz / SchamSuperbia
2. Frömmigkeit – Dem Gott im Menschen dienen Gier / GeizAvaritia
3. Einsicht – Verständnis Ausschweifigkeit, Unmäßigkeit
Selbstverliebtes Anspruchsdenken
4. StandhaftigkeitHöchstmögliche Seelenstärke und geistige Führung ZornIra
5. RatschlussWissen um die Umsetzung mystischer Wahrheiten [Spirituelle] MaßloßigkeitGula
6. Mystisches Erkennen NeidInvidia
7. Weisheit TrägheitAcedia
Quellen (engl.) mit und von Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin
Audiointerview Healing Beyond Reason [Heilung jenseits von Vernunft], präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen
     Multimediaverlag Sounds True, "Insights at the Edge", Verlegerin und Gastgeberin Tami Simon (*1953), Minute 48:15,
     55:44 Minuten Dauer, 12. August 2009, archiviert 21. Oktober 2015
Buch Defy Gravity. Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, Hay House, 13. Oktober 2009, 2. Auflage 15. January 2011
Siehe auch: ► Stolz und ► Gnade und ► Tugend


Der erweiterte "Sündenkatalog" – Stand 2005
Im Jahr 2005 lud der britische BBC Kultursender Radio 4 seine Hörer ein, eine Liste der schlimmsten Vergehen der heutigen Zeit und Gesellschaft zu erstellen. Von den sieben historischen Todsünden schaffte es nur die Trägheit (heute Indolenz [bewusste Gleichgültigkeit]) in das deutlich erweiterte Sündenregister, nämlich:
                   ✣ Selbstsucht ✣ Heuchelei ✣ Gleichgültigkeit ✣ Intoleranz ✣ Ignoranz [bewusste Unwissenheit]
                                           ✣ Täuschung ✣ Vergeudung ✣ Grausamkeit ✣ Zynismus.

Vier zentrale Archetypen – Caroline Myss

Vier Hauptarchetypen im Leben aller Menschen
Wie können Archetypen dem Leben Bedeutung verleihen?
Die eigenen Archetypen geben den Ton an. Wer sie identifizieren kann, wird in der Lage sein, ein erfülltes Leben
zu führen, in dem jeder Anteil sich ausdrücken kann. Wer sich beispielsweise als "Künstler" bezeichnet, muss auf
irgendeine Weise den Künstler ausdrücken, sonst fühlt er sich bisweilen unruhig, unvollständig oder unglücklich.
Zentraler·ArchetypBeschreibungAnschauliches Beispiel
Kind Das Kind sehnt sich danach, unbeschwert, unschuldig und erwartungsfreudig gegenüber den Wundern von morgen
zu sein. Es hat manchmal eine spielerische Note. Im Gespräch kitzelt es in anderen die elterliche Bereit-
schaft heraus. Nach einer Meinungsverschiedenheit zieht es sich zurück. Wenn es sich nicht durchsetzen konnte, schmollt mit kindlicher Wut.
Der Archetyp des Kindes benutzt häufig gesundheitsbedingte Anlässe, um im Mittelpunkt zu bleiben. Während eines Familienessens wird eine Tochter, die unter dem Einfluss des Kindarchetyps steht, darüber sprechen, wie sie sich an ihre neue Zahnspange gewöhnt. Ihre Mutter, die auch demselben Archetyp untersteht, lenkt stattdessen das Gespräch immer wieder auf ihre Sinuskopfschmerzen.
Opfer Das Opfer übernimmt keine Verantwortung für sein eigenes Wohlbefinden und Lebensglück. Es vermag in anderen das Bedürfnis hervorrufen, Selbstwertgefühl
zu entwickeln, für sich selbst zu sorgen und sich zu behaupten.
Der Archetyp des Opfers neigt dazu, anderen und den Um-
ständen die Schuld für seinen körperlichen Zustand zuzu-
weisen. Auch wenn der Betroffene weiß, dass Milchpro-
dukte oft Nebenhöhleninfektionen auslösen, schiebt er die Schuld auf die Witterungsbedingungen statt auf das halbe Pfund Käse, das er auf einer Party gegessen hat.
Saboteur Der Saboteur nimmt Reißaus vor Chancen und dem "heiligen Vertrag", der Glück herbeiführen kann. Aus
Angst vor dem Leben und dem Guten im Leben, wen-
det er sich des Öfteren von ihnen ab.
Der Archetyp des Saboteurs fürchtet sich vor etwaigen Veränderungen. Deshalb schafft er Situationen, welche die Heilung des Betroffenenen verhindern. Nachdem ein Arzt ihm einen chirurgischen Eingriff vorgeschlagen hat, der seine Nebenhöhlenprobleme lindern würde, versteift er sich auf seine Abneigung gegen das Verhalten des Arztes am Krankenbett und verweigert seine Zustimmung zur Operation – aus purer Angst vor den Schmerzen, die mit der Operation und der Genesung verbunden sind.
Prostituierte Die Prostituierte hilft dem Menschen, sich den eigenen Anteilen zu stellen, die sein Selbstwertgefühl untergraben werden. Sie wirft sich selbst zu leichtfertig "weg" um des Vergnügens willen, das nicht zu ihrem Wohlergehen beiträgt. Selbst dann, wenn der Betroffene sich elendig fühlt, hält er womöglich an einer Arbeitsstelle oder einer Beziehung fest, um einen schäbigen Vorteil rauszuschlagen, der ihn nicht glücklich macht.Der Archetyp der Prostituierten wird dem Betroffenenen verdeutlichen, inwieweit er bereit ist, um seiner Gesundheit willen zu verhandeln. Auch wenn er weiß, dass er einen Akupunkturtermin hat, der ihr Erleichterung verschaffen wird, hört er nicht auf, an einem Geschäftsprojekt zu arbeiten.
Quellen von und mit Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin,
intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin
Übersicht (engl.) Appendix: A Gallery of Archetypes [Anhang: Archetypengalerie], Library, präsentiert von dem CMED Institute, undatiert
Buch Archetypen – Wer bist du? Erkenne dich selbst und lebe deine Kraft, Integral Verlag, München, 26. Mai 2014
Siehe auch: ► Archetypen

Neun wesentliche archetypische Familien – Caroline Myss

Neun archetypische Familien
༺༻Archetypische·FamilieArchetypen Anmerkung
1.Überlebensfamilie Kind Prostituierte Opfer SaboteurIn allen Typen vorhanden
2.Weibliche Familie ♦ Königin ◊ MutterGöttinnen ◊ Prinzessin/Jungfer ◊ Jungfrau 
3.Männliche Famile ♦ König ◊ Vater ◊ Ritter/Krieger ◊ Liebhaber ◊ Narr 
4.Göttliche Familie ♦ Nonne/Mönch ◊ Unverheirateter ◊ Schamane/Medizinmann ◊ Priester/Priesterin
◊ Guru/Jünger (Schüler) ◊ Märtyrer ◊ Samariter ◊ Missionar ◊ Engel
5.Weisheitsfamilie ♦ Mystiker ◊ Lehrer/Schüler ◊ Weiser/Orakel/Alte Weise ◊ Einsiedler
◊ Suchender/Wanderer ◊ Alchemist ◊ Geschichtenerzähler ◊ Richter/Kritiker
6.Heilungsfamilie ♦ Heiler ◊ Verwundeter Heiler ◊ Retter ◊ Diener ◊ Diener
◊ Hausmeister/Kümmerer ◊ Begleiter
7.Schöpferische Familie ♦ Künstler ◊ Schreiber ◊ Pionier/Erforscher ◊ Staatsmann/Staatsfrau ◊ Stratege
◊ Netzwerker/Klatschmaul ◊ Unternehmer ◊ Philanthrop ◊ Olympionike/Sportler
◊ Visionär/Prophet
8.AktionsfamilieHeldTyrannFeigling ◊ Söldner ◊ Spieler ◊ Rebell ◊ Detektiv
◊ König Midas/Geizhals ◊ Sklavin/Befreier ◊ Hausfrau/Arbeiter ◊ Mutter
9.SchattenfamilieSüchtiger ◊ Heiliger Narr ◊ Trickster (Hochstapler) ◊ Verführerin/Provokateur
◊ Zauberer ◊ Magier ◊ Hedonist ◊ Vampir ◊ Gestaltwandler ◊ Femme Fatale
◊ Dieb ◊ Pirat ◊ Clown
Quelle: ► Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystisch orientierte Bewusstseinslehrerin,
Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Autorin
Siehe auch: ► Archetypen
See also: ► Nine major archetypal families – Caroline Myss

Sieben Wohnungen der Seelenburg – Caroline Myss

Quartiere in der inneren Burg
1.Selbsterkenntnis Jeder Mensch hat ein äußeres Selbst und ein inneres SELBST. Das äußere (bzw. "empirische Ego") ist "das Selbst, das gesehen werden kann," während das innere Selbst (oder das transzendentale Selbst) niemals zu einer Sache oder irgendeinem Objekt gemacht werden kann, sondern vielmehr, unter anderem, ein Gefühl der Freiheit und eine große Befreiung vom Bekannten, vom Endlichen und vom empirischen Ego ist.
2.Beharrliche Freiheit Das innere Selbst weilt im zeitlosen, ewigen Jetzt. Ewigkeit bedeutet nicht ewig andauernde Zeit, sondern einen Augenblick der Zeitlosigkeit, der genau dieser Moment, der alle Zeit umfasst, wenn man ihn passender-
weise als endlose Gegenwart betrachtet. Das wahre Selbst ist sich dieses stets gegenwärtigen, nie endenden, ewigen Augenblicks bewusst, durch den alle Zeit vergeht – und als dessen unbewegter Zeuge bleibt, obwohl
er niemals in den Strom der Zeit an sich eintritt.
3.Trockenheit Das innere SELBST ist ein großes Geheimnis oder reine Leerheit und Nichtwissenbarkeit. Gerade weil man es nie wissen oder zum Gegenstand machen kann, ist das wahre Selbst Nichtheit (Kein-Dingheit), ein reines Mysterium, eine fortwährende unerkannte Wissendheit oder das Erkennen der Leerheit, oder einfach das große Mysterium des eigenen Seins.
4. Demut Das innere Selbst ist göttlich oder vollkommen eins mit dem unendlichen Geist in einer höchsten Identität. Wäre der Augapfel rot gefärbt, könnte er nicht die Farbe rot sehen, hat schon der heilige Thomas bemerkt. Weil er aber durchsichtig beziehungsweise rotlos oder farblos ist, kann er Farben sehen. Gerade weil das innere Selbst den Raum sieht, ist es selbst raumlos oder unendlich; und weil es Zeit sieht, ist es selbst zeitlos oder ewig. Und dieses unendliche und ewige Selbst ist die Heimat des Geistes im Menschen und jedem fühlenden Lebewesen. Die Gesamtzahl der inneren Selbste ist nur eins. Jeder Mensch fühlt auf dieselbe Weise wie du fühlst, wenn er sich in seinen eigenen Zeugen oder seine ICH-BIN-heit einfühlt: Da das wahre Selbst nichts Gegenständliches
ist beziehungsweise keine Eigenschaften hat, kann es bei keinem Menschen anders sein. Dasselbe strahlende Göttliche leuchtet in dir und mir und in allen Geschöpfen des Geistes.
5.Loslassen Die Hölle ist die Identifikation mit dem äußeren Selbst. Die Hölle ist kein Ort an sich. Sie ist kein Ort, wo man hingehen kann, wenn man tot ist. Die Hölle ist keine Bestrafung, die uns durch etwas oder jemandem widerfährt. Die Hölle ist vielmehr die menschliche Kontraktion, das Sündigen, der trennende Akt, sich für das falsche Selbst zu entscheiden, mit dem man sich identifizieren kann. Wir identifizieren uns mit dem, was wir nicht sind, wir identifizieren uns lediglich und ausschließlich mit dem empirischen Ich, dem Selbst, das gesehen werden kann. Diese kümmerliche, endliche, zeitliche, begrenzte und zerstückelnde Identität ist nichts weiter als die Hölle. Die Hölle ist ein verheerender Fall von verfehlter Identität. Wir haben vergessen, wer und was wir sind, ein transzen-
dentales Selbst, das unmittelbar an den Geist angeschlossen ist, das göttliche Worte ausspricht und die Kraft der Göttin ausstrahlt. Leider identifizieren wir uns lediglich mit dem endlichen Selbst, dem objektiven Selbst, dem Selbst, das man sehen kann, und nicht mit dem Selbst, das der Seher ist, das göttlich, unendlich und ewig ist.
6.Ekstase Der Himmel ist die Entdeckung und die Erkenntnis des inneren Göttlichen SELBSTES, der Höchsten Identität. Die Mystiker im Osten und im Westen weisen schon seit Langem darauf hin: "Das Königreich Gottes ist in mir". Die ICH BIN-heit ist das Christusbewusstsein, der Geist an sich, die Gottheit in mir und als mich. Das wahre Selbst in jedem Menschen ist das Wahre SELBST, das Jesus von Nazareth erkannte mit den Worten – "Ich und der Vater sind eins". Und diese Erkenntnis hat ihn umgewandelt vom zeitlichen Jesus in den ewigen Christus.
Er bittet uns, diese Wandlung zu erinnern und sie selbst nachzuvollziehen.
Der transzendentale Zeuge des persönlichen Selbstes ist eins mit dem Geist aller Wesen. Dein transzenden-
tales SELBST ist Christus, dein persönliches Selbst bist du.
7.Seelengrund Das Göttliche SELBST ist eins mit dem All. Irgendwann, wenn man im inneren Zeugen ruht und den Geschmack der Freiheit fühlt, verschwindet in vielen Fällen das Gefühl, dass das innere Selbst dem äußeren Selbst entge-
gensteht, wird als Täuschung erkannt, und hinterlässt nur ein Gespür, das die Mystiker als Geschmack bezeich-
nen. Mein transzendentales Selbst weicht dem nondualen Sosein, oder dem, was Meister Eckhart die Seiendheit nennt. Geist ist nicht nur das SELBST aller Wesen, sondern das Sosein oder die Seinheit aller Dinge. Zur Freiheit einer jeden Sache/Wesenheit gesellt sich auch die Fülle des Einsseins mit allen Sachen/Wesenheiten. Ich bezeuge nicht mehr die Berge, ich bin die Berge; ich fühle nicht mehr die Erde, ich bin die Erde; ich sehe nicht mehr das Meer, ich bin das Meer; ich bete nicht mehr zum Geist, ich bin Geist. Daher entsteht die Welt, ob heilig oder profan, so nahtlos in einem Stück, dass man nirgendwo im ganzen Universum eine Grenze – nicht eine einzige, grundsätzlich reale Grenze – finden kann. Es gibt nur das strahlende, alles durchdringende, satt-
göttliche ICH BIN, in dem alle Welten auftauchen und entschwinden.
Das Konzept der Seelenburg beschreibt sieben Wohnungen (Verweilorte). Die ersten drei wirken im aktiven Bereich des Betens. Das passive Gebet, ausgedrückt als innere Sammlung, beginnt ab der vierten Wohnung.
Es folgen das Ruhegebet, die Einheit mit Gott (Unio mystica) und das Verlöbnis, die »geistliche oder göttliche Hochzeit« in der siebten Wohnung. Hier schaut die Seele Gott.
Quelle: ► Teresa von Ávila (1515-1582) spanische römisch-katholische Heilige, Karmelitin, Kirchenlehrerin, Fritz Vogelsang,
Herausgeber, Übersetzer, Die innere Burg PDF, Erstausgabe 1588, Diogenes Verlag, Zürich, 1979, Neuausgabe Juli 2006
See also: ► Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author,
Entering the Castle. An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, S. 66, Soul Free Press, 6. March 2007
Siehe auch: ► Mystik

Zitate von Caroline Myss

Zitate von Caroline Myss

Persönliches Bekenntnis


Als Thema ihrer Doktorarbeit im Fach Theologie wählte Myss die Untersuchung des Zusammenhang von Mystik und Schizophrenie.


Drei-Stufen-Modell der Anatomie des Bewusstseins

  • 1. Sippenbewusstsein
    2. Individuation
    3. Seelenkontrakt
Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, Quelle unbekannt


  • Ein Heiliger Vertrag ist eine Abmachung, die deine Seele trifft, bevor du geboren wirst.
    Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, zitiert in: Artikel, präsentiert von der Publikation "Körper Geist Seele KGS Berlin", S. 24, November 2015


  • Vergebung heißt tatsächlich, sich aus den Schaltkreisen auszuklinken, die einen beherrschen.
    Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, zitiert in: Dragica Schadegg, Karmaablösung. Wie Du mehr Liebe, Glück und Reichtum in Dein Leben bringst,
    S. 173, Books on Demand, 2. Auflage 13. April 2018



Sippe unfähig, Verantwortung zu tragen

  • Die [tribalistisch ausgerichtete] Sippe hat kein "Ich" [das Verantwortung überneh-
    men könnte]. […] Solange es kein "Ich" in der Sippe gibt, kann sich die Sippe nicht für ihre Taten entschuld(ig)en. Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mysti-
    sche Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, Quelle unbekannt

Sippenorientierte Folgegenerationen des Holocausts: Unter ihren europäischen Schülern hat Caroline Myss keinen Deutschen getroffen, dessen Vater erklärtermaßen ein Nazi im zweiten Weltkrieg gewesen war.


  • Wenn du keine Wirkmacht erkennst, ist [all]es von Wirkmacht erfüllt. Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, Quelle unbekannt


Außenansicht des Rosettenfensters,
Straßburger Dom, 14. Mai 2007
  • Der machtvollste Willensakt ist, keinen [eigenen] Willen zu haben. Es ist ein Paradox. Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-ameri-
    kanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, Quelle unbekannt



  • Die ausnahmslose Zutat eines jeden Problems oder einer einzi-
    gen Fehlfunktion ist der Faktor Macht. Der leibliche Körper ist ein Gebilde der spirituellen Macht. Jedem von uns ist bestimmt, sich über Phasen der Durchsättigung mit Wirk-
    macht in unterschiedlichen Bewusstseinsebenen zu entwickeln. Und unser Körper spiegelt genau jene Lektionen vollständig wieder, die wir zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt lernen.
    Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgs-
    autorin, Cassettenserie Energy Anatomy. The Science of Personal Power, Spirituality, and Health, Sounds True, September 2001



Stammesdenken ⇔ Individuation

  • Du musst aufhören, mit deinen fünf Sinnen zu argumentieren. In deiner mensch-
    lichen Erfahrung musst du den Tribalismus, das Stammesdenken, abstreifen. Die
    menschliche Gerechtigkeit und die menschliche Vernunft müssen dich enttäu-
    schen. Daher ist eine Judas-Erfahrung unumgänglich. Es ist ein Ereignis, in dem dieses System dich brandmarkt.
    Um das Stammesdenken hinter dir lassen zu können und dich auf die Individuation einzulassen, brauchst du die Er-
    fahrung des Verrats. Das Stammesbewusstsein muss dich verraten. Es geht nicht darum, dass ein einzelner Mensch
    dich verrät. Die Menschen in deinem Leben wählten ihre Rolle in deinem Leben und ihre Beziehung zu dir, ehe ihr
    alle geboren wurdet. Einer hat sich als Verräter angemeldet, ein anderer als Liebhaber. Ein Dritter entschied sich da-
    für, dir ein Freund sein. Sie sind nichts weiter als die Spieler, die zugestimmt haben, eine bestimmte Rolle in deinem
    Leben zu spielen. Mir geht es um das zentrale Thema des Spiels, das da heißt "Um das Stammesdenken loszu-
    lassen, musst du einen Verrat erleiden."

    Wichtig ist zu verstehen, nicht allein die Verratserfahrung durch einen Menschen ist durchschlagskräftig, sondern erst der Verrat durch ein ganzes Bewusstseinssystem, dem du nicht länger anhängen darfst. Ein erschütterndes Ereignis kann diese Loslösung auslösen.
    Jeder von uns ist in das Stammesbewusstsein eingebunden. Glaube nicht, dass du keinen Anteil mehr daran hast, nur weil du im Begriff stehst, ihm zu entwachsen. Wir alle unterwerfen andere den Stammesgesetzen. Und wir reagieren sauer, sollte jemand versuchen, das Tempo zu beschleunigen, in dem wir und unsere Gruppe gewohnt sind zu agieren. Interview mit Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnos-
    tikerin, Erfolgsautorin, Pioneering The Anatomy Of The Spirit, präsentiert von Gastgeber Randy Peyser, nach 2000



Gnade heilt.

  • Nicht die Energie heilt den Körper, [hochfrequente] Gnade heilt. […] Gnade ist kein katholischer Begriff. Es ist ein Begriff, der sich auf heilige Energie bezieht. […] Das von dir benötigte Gewahrsein im Hinblick auf die Heilung verlangt das Ge-
    spür, sich dem Heiligen zu nähern. Radiosendung mit Gastgeberin Dr. Caroline Myss (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, Sacred Contracts. The Symbolic Aspects of Rheuma-
    toid Arthritis
    , präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Webradiosender Hay House Radio, ab Minute 4, ausgestrahlt 6. November 2007

Quotes by Caroline Myss


Skilled intuition

Personal avowals

  • I don't care what somebody's religion is. [...] Religion is just a corrupt form of politics.
    Removed video keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Being Fearless, sponsored by the US American non-profit educational retreat center Omega Institute for Holistic Studies Being Fearless conference, New York City, part 1 of 3, minute 30:46, 11.-13 April 2008



Grace radical

  • I am obviously an activist. Now I think of myself as a psychic radical, as a an intuitive radical, as a mystical radical. [...] I am a radical of the higher altitudes,
    I am a grace radical.
    Deleted audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author,
    The World Needs Us To Channel Grace, YouTube film, minute 0:41, 5:19 minutes duration, posted 28. September 2010


  • [O]ne day, Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) was nothing more than a Carmelite nun from Avila, Spain who lived 500 years ago and suddenly, while teaching about her in one of my CMED workshops, her work became a vessel of illumination for me. Since that moment, nothing in my life has ever been the same. Everything in my life – in my world […] shifted unexpectedly in an instant and that experience had Teresa of Avila written all over it. And from that experience came
    my book, Entering the Castle. An Inner Path to God and Your Soul [2007]. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, A Touch of Teresa of Avila's Wisdom, deleted Facebook note, 16. April 2011



Addiction archetype

Myss lost her middle-aged brother to alcoholism.

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) defined addiction totally insufficiently. [...] AA has defined addiction [in general, alcoholism in particular] as a disease and that the addict is helpless over the disease. I don't particularly buy that. I find that to be a rather challenging position, especially when one positions it within a spiritual context and a spiritual journey of the empowerment of the self. [...]
    The addict didn't even exist as an archetype until the 20th century. [...]
    Every single one of us is a born addict. That's a given. Why is that? We are not born congruent. Addiction at its
    heart is the separation between the mind and the heart.

    Deleted video DVD presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Addiction Workshop, part 1, sponsored by Hockley Valley, Ontario, Canada, archived by CMED Free Media, minutes 3:07, 5:52 and 27:57, 68:09 minutes duration, recorded August 2011



Marian apparitions presaging World War II

  • I remember studying the texts of the mystical apparitions from Fátima and Lourdes and other well known sightings of the Madonna. They intrigue me for many reasons, not the least being the pattern behind those apparitions. Consistent with her messages to the visionaries was always the urgent plea to tell people to pray. The apparitions of the Fatima Madonna, which occurred in 1917, included the prediction of yet another world war that would eclipse World War I
    in size and horror, which, of course, World War II did. That early exposure to "messages from above," so to speak,
    set me on a path of wondering for years, if "heaven" already anticipated such horror, why didn't heaven just stop it?
    What's with telling us to pray? Why not just stop all those evil Nazis and Hitler and Stalin? How could a good and
    just and loving heaven and God permit such nightmarish suffering? To say that I struggled with this question as
    a child and young adult is a masterpiece of understatement. The study of the Holocaust consumed me from the
    age of thirteen as did the study of war, which still consumes me, always looking for the root of that point of evil.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Thanksgiving Newsletter:
    A Much Needed Injection of Hope
    , 29. November 2008


  • I have wondered myself what it is that moves me literally to tears when I enter these magnificent cathedrals. Why is
    it that they “bring out the Catholic” in me at a time when I so clearly see the political and social turmoil that is clearly
    destroying the contemporary Catholic Church? But then, paradox defines the nature of God and the hidden ways of
    the sacred. The Catholic Church is more than what it appears to be. It is indeed the world’s oldest corporation – that
    is certain. But it is also a mystical strong hold – that is its greatest treasure. Its charism from the time of Jesus was
    to hold the Light in the field of darkness. And that covenant assured that endless resources of mystical Light would
    pour through this Church because endless serpents of darkness would be ever present, if not at times in control. It
    is this mystical covenant that gave the Catholic world Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avlia, Ignatius of Loyola, John of
    the Cross, Hildegard, Padre Pio as well as renowned places where the Madonna has appeared and created a means
    of healing for people as proof of her visitation: Lourdes and Fatima. I have been intrigued by Catholic mysticism all
    my life. Newsletter by Caroline Myss on the Notre Dame Blaze A Fire From Heaven, presented by Caroline's Blog, 17. April 2019




Five essentials

  1. We can't reason with illness, crisis, or God.
  2. Connect with meaning and purpose.
  3. Courageously navigate the dark night of the soul.
  4. Rely on the power of your graces.
  5. Defy gravity and learn to reason like a mystic.
Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Defy Gravity. Healing Beyond
the Bounds of Reason
, Hay House, 13. October 2009, 2nd edition 15. January 2011


  • Act on your guidance without constantly saying that you're frightened and require proof that you will be safe. You
    will never get that proof. Every choice in life is an act of faith.
    Stop letting fear be the one constant voice you listen to with unremitting faith.
    Be outrageously bold in your belief that you will be guided but do not have expectations of how that guidance will unfold.
    Keep your attention in present time – always in present time.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, deleted Facebook picture
    message, 26. August 2016
Daily Message Archive Presented by myss.com/library, Quotes by Caroline Myss, Myss.com
Quotes by Caroline Myss, presented by awaken.com, 19. November 2012



  • The most powerful act of will is to have no will. It's a paradox. […] When you see no power, it's full of power.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, source unknown


  • Paradox is one of the languages of the Divine, an apparent contradiction that nonetheless contains the truth. The power of a paradox, by its very nature, cannot be captured in a single definition. Paradoxical dynamics are currents
    that animate the wild cards of our lives, sometimes with such a dramatic force that it gives us pause to consider,
    "Who could possibly have masterminded such an event?"
    Ironic events along with paradoxical ones stand out in our lives, calling us to notice them. They come together with rare, once-in-a-lifetime ingredients that may never coalesce again. These facts alone beckon us to take notice that unusual forces have consciously gathered around us to make that one event happen.
    • What is big is really small; what is small is really big.
    • What is frightening is really the safe path; what looks safe is your fear talking.
    • What looks like chaos is actually a future blessing in disguise.
    • Your greatest power is humility; your greatest weakness is humiliation.
    • The mustard seed (one clear soul) has more power than the mountain (a group of people in chaos).
    • The power of prayer and grace – knowing how to work in harmony with the cosmos – influences the whole
      of life, whereas tying to dominate one person destroys you.
    • Your ego – and not someone else's – is your most ruthless adversary.
Blog article by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, The Fourth Mys-
tical Law: Trust in Divine Paradox, Irony, and Synchronicity
, presented by Caroline's Blog, 1. August 2020


  • The power we generate by becoming spiritually congruent is immeasurable.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, source unknown



Inherent irresponsibility of the tribal mindset

  • The tribe has no "I" [i.e. doesn't take response-ability]. […] As long as there is no "I" in the tribe, the tribe can't apologize for what the tribe did. Caroline Myss (*1952)
    US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, source unknown


  • Heaven has no respect for Harvard.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, source unknown







  • The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that's why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they've really done is they've shifted their relationship with time.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, cited in: Idle Hearts



Empowerment test

  • Whenever you become empowered, you will be tested.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, cited in: AZ Quotes



Fear of change

  • If we let go of things, our life is going to change. And the reality is that we are actually more afraid of change than we are of death. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, cited in: AZ Quotes




  • A soulmate is the person who makes your soul grow the most.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote




Second chakra

  • The [sacral] chakra resonates to our need for relationships with other people and our need to control to some extent the dynamics of our physical environment. All attachments by which we maintain control over our external lives, such as authority, other people, or money, are linked through this chakra to our energy field and physical body.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Anatomy of the Spirit. The Seven Stages of Power and Healing, Three Rivers Press, 1st edition 26. August 1997





Healing from wounds

  • We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful episodes of our lives. By remaining stuck in the power of our wounds, we block our own transformation. We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds – the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them. Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can, Harmony, 1st edition 23. September 1998, chapter 1, S. 15, Bantam House, Crown Publishing Group, 4. September 2013


  • When an illness is a part of your spiritual journey, no medical intervention can heal you until your spirit has begun to make the changes that the illness was designed to inspire. Medical intervention, complementary healing modalities, changes in nutrition, and overall lifestyle may all help to some extent and should certainly be used. But the most effec-
    tive healing option […] is to rely on your spiritual practice to bring you the insights you need.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can, Harmony, 1st edition 23. September 1998, chapter 5, S. 125, Bantam House, Crown Publishing Group, 4. September 2013









  • You've got to give up reasoning from your five senses. What has to fail you is [...] this tribal form of human experience. Human justice, human reasoning has to fail you. This requires a Judas experience, some form of betrayal of this system.
    You need to have a betrayal experience, because in order to let go of the tribal mind and individuate, what needs to betray you is this form of tribal consciousness. It's not about any one person betraying you. The people in your life chose their roles and their relationship to you before you were all born. One signed up to be a betrayer. Another to
    be a lover. Another to be a friend. They're all only the players who have agreed to play a certain role in your life. What I'm talking about is the theme of the play; the theme being that in order to let go of the tribal mind, you must have
    a betrayal experience.

    What you need to understand is that this is not just a betrayal experience by one person. It is the betrayal of a whole system of consciousness that you are no longer allowed to have faith in. You have to have a major event that triggers that.
    Everyone of us is plugged into the tribal mind. Don't think that just because you may now be in the process of leaving
    it, you're not part of it. We all subject others to tribal laws. And we get miffed if anyone tries to alter the pace at which
    we and our group are doing things. Interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical in-
    tuitive, bestselling author, Pioneering The Anatomy Of The Spirit, presented by host Randy Peyser, past 2000



Outgrowing the tribal frame

  • What triggers the dark night of the soul is that you're going to have a tribal revolu-
    . You get to the point where you think, "I want to make decisions on my own. I want to manage my own perceptions, my own emotions, and my own choices." But the assumption of the tribal mind is that everybody loves being part of the tribe. So that's when you enter the dark night of the soul. Because that's when you begin the real deep journey of recognizing, "What do I believe?" It's one thing to fight about what you don't want to believe anymore. That doesn't necessarily mean you automatically and always know what you do believe. All you know is you can't go backwards, but the tribe is the only world you know. It doesn't feel right anymore and it doesn't offer you any comfort, but it is familiar.
    What you are actually going through is the incredible experience of exploring what it means to take a look at all the false gods you've invested your spirit into – like belief patterns that have never really been true, but you put your energy into. For example, superstitions or attitudes you've held with the group, like being afraid of God; the notion that "God will punish you if you do that" [...]
    In the tribe, we evolve by growing within the context of group perceptions and at the group's speed. How many my-
    do you have to go through until you can finally say, "God, I want you not through a group; I want direct contact? I don't want a toilet-water version of you in which I've agreed to experience you through the evolution and slow motion of a family, and the slow motion of a job, and a once-a-week ritual. As a tribe member, I keep you at bay and I've agreed to let my life evolve at a certain speed."
    If you want more direct contact, a more direct voice, then ask for it. God will say, "Okay fine, you'll get that. But here's the thing – we're going to change the world you came from and you have to leave that world behind." And indeed,
    that's dark night. Interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Pioneering The Anatomy Of The Spirit, presented by host Randy Peyser, past 2000




Archetype of betrayal

  • All of you will have at least six experiences of betrayal. They have to happen. Don't take them personally. As a rule one to two acts of betrayal have to come from a family member. An average of two come from a friend, and the rest is just miscellaneous (business, etc.). […] You have to take responsibility for the betrayal. Video presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Sacred Contracts – Caroline Live Video Web Stream – Atlanta – 2002, archived by the CMED Institute, minute 19:31, 1:17:13 minutes duration, Atlanta, Georgia, 2002





  • Keep your honor code between you and God, you don't break that, no matter who's not looking. God is. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medi-
    cal intuitive, bestselling author, cited in: Terry Loncaric, Caroline Myss' Journey, presented by Conscious Choice, September 2003




  • Healing requires conscious choices. […] Very few alcoholics want to give up liquor. Obese people don’t want to give up food. Diabetics don’t want to give up sugar. People in toxic relationships don’t want to leave because that's what they know. It's change. People are afraid of change. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestsell-
    ing author, cited in: Terry Loncaric, Caroline Myss' Journey, presented by Conscious Choice, September 2003


  • Being a Victim is a common fear. The Victim archetype may manifest the first time you don't get what you want or need; are abused by a parent, playmate, sibling, or teacher; or are accused of or punished for something you didn't do. You may suppress your outrage at the injustice if the victimizer is bigger and more powerful than you. But at a certain point you discover a perverse advantage to being the Victim. You may be afraid to stand up for yourself, or you may enjoy getting sympathy. The core issue of the Victim is whether it's worth giving up your own sense of empowerment to
    avoid taking responsibility for your independence. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Sacred Contracts. Awakening Your Divine Potential, subheading The Victim: Guardian of Self-Esteem
    S. 116, Three Rivers Press, 1st edition 28. January 2003




  • True negativity is not what someone else says to you, does to you, hurts your feelings.
  • Negativity is when you know you could heal yourself and you choose otherwise.
  • Negativity is when your intuition tells you: Quit this job! And you don't.
  • You want negativity? Accept shame and let it mutate in your soul.
  • Everybody is vulnerable. The real risk is to sabotage yourself.
  • The risk is to be powerful. Negativity is to disclaim your power.
    Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Living a Fearless Life: Why Not Risk It All?, part 2, sponsored by Omega Conference, archived by Myss Digital Media, New York City, New York, 31. March-2. April 2006




New mystics

  • We started with this kind of New Age consciousness, which immediately got routed into the consciousness of health, the discovery of the self, the self-awareness movement, the movement of the victim, woundedness, and the inner child. That became the "surrogate spirituality movement." [...]
    The new mystic is not someone who retreats into the ashram or into the monasteries, but rather is someone who re-
    mains a very effective lay person in the field – a mother, a lawyer, a teacher, a functioning person in the field – while
    having a very animated soul. [...] The mystic actually experiences the power of God. Their soul becomes animated.
    They go from the theory of God, to the fact of God. They go from "I believe", to "I know."
    Interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle of the Soul, presented by host Randy Peyser, 2007



Intuition vs. Divine revelation

  • Intuition is not a spiritual force; it is a practical skill of the ego, not of the soul. […]
    Intuitive gut force: Should I eat this? No/yes. Do I trust this person? No/yes. It's very basic. It's almost reptilian.
    A Divine revelation: will knock you to your knees; it's God in the walls of your soul.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle of the Soul, presented by host Randy Peyser, 2007



Seven levels – number seven:

  • The "template of seven" is the universal structure of the soul. It's what I saw when I wrote Anatomy of the Spirit, that there are seven chakras, seven Sacraments, seven levels to the Tree of Life. We are constructed on a map of seven levels of power. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle of the Soul, presented by host Randy Peyser, 2007


  • Self-examination is the process of accountability to your soul [...]. It is far better to "become" your truth than to speak your truth. Self-examination is the practice of becoming your truth.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle. An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, S. 66, Free Press, March 2007




  • Facing personal truths and purging yourself of addictions or manipulative habits requires strength, courage, humility, faith, and other qualities of a soul with stamina – because you are not just changing yourself. You are changing your universe. Your soul is a compass. Change one coordinate in your spiritual compass and you change your entire life's direction. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle. An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, S. 74, Free Press, March 2007





  • If you write me that you are an atheist, include the fact that you are young and healthy. Call me when you're dying. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Living a Fearless Life. Why Not
    Risk It All?
    , part 2 of 5, sponsored by Omega Conference, archived by Myss Free Media, New York City, New York, 13.-15. April 2007




Reference to: Teresa of Ávila, Spanish Catholic mystic saint, Interior Castle, Dover Publications, 29. February 2008




  • The Soul is a fact, but it is not physical. [...] Survivors of near-death experiences attest that some part of them apparently detaches from their physical bodies following the death of the body, but while that is proof of the soul for them, it does not prove it to us. The Soul is like divine music that only God can hear; it is the force of endless resurrection; the soul is like a fire that never goes out. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle. An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, S. 57, Simon & Schuster, United Kingdom, 6. August 2007




  • Self-examination is the process of accountability to your soul. […] It is far better to "become" your truth than to speak your truth. Self-examination is the practice of becoming your truth.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle. An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, S. 66, Simon & Schuster, United Kingdom, 6. August 2007




  • To enter your Castle (soul) is not a journey that takes you away from the world; rather it brings you directly into the world. It brings you fully into your soul, and into your power in the world. [...] Mystics change the world around them more dramati-
    cally and more positively than can ever be measured. The mystic works on the invisible plane, relying on God, prayer and grace. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle. An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, S. 85, Simon & Schuster, United Kingdom, 6. August 2007


  • Energy doesn't heal the body, [high voltage] grace does. […] Grace is not a catholic term. It is a term that refers to sacred energy. […] Your awareness of what is required in your approach to healing requires a sense of approaching the sacred. Audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Sacred Contracts – The Symbolic Aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis, presented by the US American web radio station Hay House Radio, starting minute 4, aired 6. November 2007


  • It was (St.) Paul of Tarsus who recognized immediately that the story of Jesus could be converted to politics and power right off the bet. He [Jesus] was not even cold in the grave or high in the Heavens before men realized there was power and money in his story. So from the getgo the inno-
    cence and beautiful message of this teacher [Jesus] was contaminated. [...] Taking a human being and turning him into a God [...] that people take literally. [...] All of this taken literally has just wreaked havoc on this planet. [...] Because they inherited Roman mythologies (including sacrificing on altars). Sacrificing something on an altar was Roman.
    Audio interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Conference Call Conversations with the Masters", presented by the US American web broadcasting station lifecoachmary.com, host Mary Allen (*1951) British arts administrator, management consultant, life coach, radio broadcaster, writer, minute 31:54, minutes 29:45-38:00, 1:00:46 minutes duration, aired 8. November 2007


  • Beyond the politics of God is the experience of God. And that's where the soul comes in. But it takes a very courage-
    ous person to make the leap and say 'I need more than my encounter with God to be through rules and regu-
    lations, and traditions that say my God is according to these myths and that is how I know the nature of God, but rather it is time to release those myths and go into my interior soul and invoke the experience of God.
    My history of this is that people only come near the experience of God and only in very small doses only in a bargaining position when they are in crisis. [...] When they are in the hospital or someone who is very sick. [...] They wait to the last minute and then they pull out prayer. Audio interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Conference Call Conversations with the Masters, presented by the US American web broadcasting station lifecoachmary.com, host Mary Allen (*1951) British arts administrator, management consultant, life coach, radio broadcaster, writer,
    minute 33:12, 1:00:46 minutes duration, aired 8. November 2007



  • Grace is the breath of God – an invisible essence beyond intellect that moves swiftly amongst us. [...] Not only is it possible [to act as a conduit of grace], but grace is immediately accessible to you and the courage to follow divine guidance. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, audiobook Chan-
    neling Grace
    , Sounds True, Audible, 2008


  • This New Age culture is just choking on its narcisissm. The laws of the universe have existed long before that ridi-
    culous book. [...] Sir Isaac Newton knew about these. What do they think? That these people discovered the laws
    of the universe?
    The only thing they' ve have done is that they applied it to greed. They have marketed it to greed. [...]
    »Now I get to build my bank account, get a boat, build a house, get a lover, change my sex.« [...] That touches the narcisissm. »Now it is not work, it is fun. [...] And I get to have stuff.« And therein lies the real secret which is greed.
    And that's what they managed to touch – the greed button. [...]
    [The movie] The Secret feeds off the ego's purpose, when in fact the soul feeds off a much deeper purpose. [...]
    • The soul has a purpose of service to others.
    • And the ego has a path of self service. [...] And the ego can never get enough for itself.
And the soul is a path of how to serve others. That's why the ego screams that it gets burnt out, whereas the soul does not burn out, because you nurture that with grace, and with prayer, and with a sense of guidance from above.
Audio interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle, episode # 22, archived MP3, presented by the US American web radio station Zentertainment, host Jo Davidson, minute 9:58, 24:29 minutes duration, posted 2008


  • What is required is that we are humiliated in order to be humble. Humility is a shield of great power. Humbleness is the capacity to hear an extraordinary command [given by inner guidance] and listen to it.
    Removed audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Israel – Kibbutz Kfar Blum Lecture 4 – 2008, lecture 4, part 1-3, archived by the CMED Free Media, Israel, 2008




  • Interviewer: How a scientist would measure love or intuition?
    Why is the scientific world so critical about intuitive, much less mystical, experiences?
    CM: It has to do with the management of truth. The scientific world is most comfortable with a right or wrong paradigm, a simple reality in which truth is controllable as opposed to truth controlling the observer. In the mystical experience, truth controls the observer, presenting an antinomian domain of thought – that is, a level of perception in which two opposing truths co-exist. (Light as a wave and a particle is one example of such a truth.) It is a challenge to contain opposing truths within your psyche and soul and to honor their pulsating power in the physical world. The majo-
    rity of people can reside only within the world of opposites, in which one side is right and one is wrong, ma-
    king their choices easier and the illusions much stronger.
    For this reason the journey into the soul is so intimi-
    dating: It is the journey of illumination and revelation into the domain of truth, melting the polarity of opposites and
    ascending into the truth that All is indeed One.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Newsletter, 11. January 2008


  • It takes a strong soul to never see the outcome.
    Removed audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Israel – Kibbutz Kfar Blum Lecture 4 – 2008, lecture 4, part 1-3, archived by the CMED Free Media, Israel, 2008


  • What's the difference between the ego and the soul? [...]
    One has the stamina to be invisible, the other one doesn't.
    Removed video keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Being Fearless, sponsored by the US American non-profit educational retreat center Omega Institute for Holistic Studies Being Fearless conference, New York City, part 1 of 3, minute 30:46, 11.-13 April 2008



  • Seven empowering graces versus shadow passions
    1 – Grace of Reverence Shadow: Pride / Shame
    2 – Grace of Piety Shadow: Greed
    3 – Grace of Understanding Shadow: Luxury / entitlement
    4 – Grace of Fortitude / carry highest potential guidance Shadow: Wrath
    5 – Grace of Council / apply mystical truths Shadow: Gluttony
    6 – Grace of Mystical Knowledge Shadow: Envy
    7 – Grace of Wisdom Shadow: Sloth
    Audio interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, podcast Caroline Myss: Healing Beyond Reason, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, "Insights
    at the Edge", host and founder Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True, minute 48:12, 55:44 minutes
    duration, aired 12. August 2009, archived 21. October 2015


  • Your soul is an eternal integrity. Audio interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, podcast Caroline Myss: Healing Beyond Reason, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, "Insights at the Edge", host and founder Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True, minute 48:12, 55:44 minutes duration, aired 12. August 2009, archived 21. October 2015



  • What we have now is a world that's built on the illusion that we are reasonable. What we've reached is the end of the age of reason. What we have now is a world where our crisis cannot be reasoned with. There is not one thing [in this world] that can be solved with reason. We do not have problems, we have predicaments. Problems have solutions, predicaments don't.
    We are in a field of predicaments that will take us to a different level of response. They cause us to respond to them. […] What we will discover through these predicaments is the folly of our arrogance, the [arrogance of the] belief that money can solve problems. And so the financial system is collapsing.
    We will discover that all the problems that are going into the predicaments that are bringing us to our knees cannot be resolved by any of the old systems. Why? Because we are coming to end of the finite world, the fossil era, the end of that finite form of consciousness that says everything can be controlled and reasoned with. […] There is a quantum world that has moved the solar world, that world of mystical consciousness that is emerging simultaneously as if to replace it at the same time. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, cited in: Review, by Integral Options Cafe, William Harryman, 20. December 2009



Three Unreasonable Reasons

  1. There's a lesson in the crisis – I just have to find it.
  2. It's my karma.
  3. Illness is the result of negativity.
Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Defy Gravity. Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, S. 34-39, Hay House, 13. October 2009, 2nd edition 15. January 2011




Blocks to intuition

  • You can eat beef on a weekly basis and become a genius intuitive if your energy is in present time. You can consume only organic food while running thirty-five miles a day and "om-ing" until dawn, but if your spirit is raging about your history and is saturated in regrets and unfinished business, you won't be able to intuit your left hand from your right.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Distractions, Distractions, Healyourlife.com, presented by the US American web radio station Hay House Radio, 19. August 2010



World in crisis

  • The world is at a particular crisis point right now. One of the greatest calming truths that we could know today is that we make a difference. [...] Video presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, The World Needs Us To Channel Grace, YouTube film, minute 0:20, 5:19 minutes duration, posted 28. September 2010


Phrases like "I'm always ...", "I will/did never ...", "I blame you/myself ...", "I should ...", "I should have ...",
"I deserve ...", "I'm entitled to ...", "I'm special ..." hinder the spiritual path.


Conscious languaging

  • You are not allowed to use the words: "Always", "Never", "Blame", "Deserve", "Entitled", "Special". Nothing is special about you [anybody].
    Removed audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, How Times of Change Influence Your Sacred Contracts, sponsored by the "Celebrate your Life" conference, Phoenix, Arizona, archived in Myss Media, minute 1:04:54, 1:18:19 duration, 5.-8. November 2010


  • Healing is not about forgetting your wounds, or anything. Healing is not about denying that you have ever seen, been bitten by the dragon. You have. You had a rough time and you are growing up. You have been bitten by the dragon AND you will heal. Both are true. It [wounds] simply has
    to stop eating you alive. It's about transforming them [wounds].
    Someday the object is to get to the point where you can walk past the dragon and it doesn't have any teeth. You want to take the teeth out of the dragon and then you want to make that dragon something that inspired you to recog-
    nize the dragons in others so that it builds the sage in you and the compassionate heart.
    Removed audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, How Times of Change Influence Your Sacred Contracts, sponsored by the Celebrate your Life conference, Phoenix, Arizona, archived in Myss Media, minute 1:07:36, 1:18:19 duration, 5.-8. November 2010




  • You've to get over yourself to engage being of service at that higher level.
    Removed audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, How Times of Change Influence Your Sacred Contracts, sponsored by the Celebrate your Life conference, Phoenix, Arizona, archived in Myss Media, 1:18:19 duration, 5.-8. November 2010




  • Be a friend. Do not let me get away with my BS. Removed audio presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, How Times of Change Influence Your Sacred Contracts, sponsored by the Celebrate your Life conference, Phoenix, Arizona, archived in Myss Media, 1:18:19 duration, 5.-8. November 2010




Inner wars


Empowerment – Shadow

  • The empowerment journey that is critical to your healing – and to your life – comes from progressing through the deep waters of your dark passions and continuing onward to discover not what has been taken from you, but what you have yet to give and who you have yet to become. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Peter Occhiogrosso, contributor, Defy Gravity. Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, S. 111, Hay House, 13. October 2009, 2nd edition 15. January 2011






  • There isn't a human being who hasn't been at war with himself, with herself. And the relationship of being at war is being projected onto your other. Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Loving Pandora. Exploring the Path of Human Intimacy, sponsored by the US American publisher Hay House I Can Do It 2011 conference, Vancouver, Canada, minute 3:26, 1:22:19 duration, 18. March 2011



New elements in relationship

  • Courtship doesn't exist anymore. [...] We have transformed. Somehow we crack easily, we are more impatient with each other and it is just way too easy to replace someone. Somehow we expect too much from the other.
    Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Loving Pandora. Exploring the Path of Human Intimacy, sponsored by US American publisher Hay House I Can Do It 2011 conference, Vancouver, Canada, minute 7:38, 1:22:19 duration, 18. March 2011



Age of nuclear energy

  • Energy creates matter. [Since World War II] we have entered the age of energy over matter instead of matter over energy. We have indeed entered a new world where the laws of energy take precedent to the laws of matter.
    Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Loving Pandora. Exploring the Path of Human Intimacy, sponsored by the US American publisher Hay House "I Can Do It 2011" conference, Vancouver, Canada, minute 22:52, 1:22:19 duration, 18. March 2011




  • In a mystical experience a great truth – all is one – is animated. You get it.
    Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Loving Pandora. Exploring the Path of Human Intimacy, sponsored by the US American publisher Hay House I Can Do It 2011 conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1:22:19 duration, 18. March 2011




  • The only person managing your soul is you. You take on your fear of becoming a whole person, you take on your fear of truth, of saying
    'Can I possibly be that afraid to love?'
    'Can I possibly be that afraid of empowering another person?'
    'Can I possibly be that afraid of letting another person win a race?'
    'Is that really me?'
    Yes, that is really you!
    'Can I be that afraid of forgiving another person?'
    You are human. And that's what makes you afraid to love beyond your wounds.
Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Loving Pandora. Exploring the Path of Human Intimacy, sponsored by the US American publisher Hay House "I Can Do It 2011" conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1:22:19 duration, 18. March 2011


  • If you understand mystical law, the law of energy, you really get that energy is more powerful than matter. And the bullets we shoot with our psychic field are the ones that really count because they are the ones that eventually incar-
    nate into the inspiration [idea] to destroy human life on this planet. And whether we live in one country or another it ultimately doesn't matter because there will never be peace anywhere so long as all of us, any of us break those laws. ALL IS ONE. Audio keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestsel-
    ling author, Loving Pandora. Exploring the Path of Human Intimacy, sponsored by the US American publisher Hay House I Can Do
    It 2011
    conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1:22:19 duration, 18. March 2011



True self vs. pseudo self

  • You cannot "reason" your way into the soul. [...] The "mind" is [...] ego-driven whereas the soul is [...] transcendent of ego-driven appetites and instead seeks the irrational, the unreasonable, the impossible, the miraculous – in short, the Sacred.
    [W]e dwell somewhere between the tug-of-war between the endless addiction to have life be what it can never be, which is "reasonable" and the burning desire to surrender to the irrational, unreasonable power of our soul. That is
    the impulse we feel that constantly creates the discontentment we often mistake as unhappiness.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, 'Wisdom from the Third Mansion'', deleted Facebook entry, 16. April 2011



Humility vs. humiliation

  • The true spiritual path is a path of humbleness. I fear being humiliated and I am not going there.
    If you are afraid of being humiliated you will be arrogant and prideful and that will be your downfall. If you are afraid to be humiliated you only live your fate. You will never get to your destiny. [...]
    People associate God with being humiliated. They associate and spiritual surrender with being humiliated and po-
    verty. Video interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé
    (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, Chicago, Illinois, YouTube film, minute 16:57 and 50:54,
    57:26 minutes duration, posted 4. August 2011



Shadow avoidance as the source of addiction

  • We have so much shadow within us, it is incomprehensible. And that's why we're addicts. And we don't face that truth about us. And that's why we're addicts.
    Deleted video DVD presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Addiction Workshop, part 1, sponsored by Hockley Valley, Ontario, Canada, archived
    by Myss Free Media, minute 63:57, 68:09 minutes duration, recorded August 2011


  • In 1944 Oppenheimer [Father of the atomic bomb] split the atom. […] One of the governing laws of mysticism is that 'What is in one is in the whole.' What happens in one happens everywhere. So if he splits the [archetypal] atom it means all atoms are split simultaneously. […] All life went into a parallel dimension. All life slipped into the quantum dimension. […] We are living in this new psychic field, the quantum dimension, not just our science, not just our math. […] Now energy [consciousness] became before matter. Oppenheimer [...] turned the world upside down. He shatte-
    red reality
    . Removed video DVD presentation by \Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, The Sacred Spaces in Morocco, part 1, lesson 1, 61:41 minutes duration, recorded 15.-26. October 2011



The end of the age of reason

  • The earth is conscious. Nature is conscious. All life is conscious. […] In keeping with the paradox of the Divine, our Enlightenment [the age of reason] turned the light off. The Enlightenment that began in the late 1400s, in fact, was the beginning of turning off our inner light. We began to take a reason[able] look at the universe. Everything had to have a reason. The end result was: everything that couldn't reason ceased to have value. Trees can't reason. Nature can't reason. Women don't reason very well. They are very emotional. […]
    Intuition, the mystical sense, started to frighten people. […] Women don't trust their own mystical sense. They deny their own. [They]'ve bought into the system that reason governs the soul. Removed video DVD presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, The Sacred Spaces of Morocco, Myss Digital Media, Morocco, minutes ~35:39, ~36:43, 65:01 minutes duration, recorded 15.-26. October 2011



  • Question: How do I find my life's purpose?
    Answer: Have no judgements about your life, no expectations and give up the need to know what happens tomorrow. Video interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Power, Intuition and Grace, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post via Harpo Studios, daytime self-help talk show Super Soul Sunday, program "Oprah's Lifeclass", host Oprah Winfrey (*1954) US American talk show host, actress, visionary, billionaire, philanthropist, minute 13:02, 41:33 duration, aired 24. June 2012, 29. September 2012, updated
    6. December 2017



Knowledge of cosmic impersonal chakras: Eighth, ninth, and tenth chakra:



In splitting the atom Oppenheimer unleashed the nuclear fire to be countered by inner soul fire.

The US American 'Father of the atomic bomb' J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) was the leader of the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos

  • It is 1944 – a man named Oppenheimer split the atom. One of the mystical laws is 'What is one is in the whole.' It means that what he did happened everywhere. It happened to the archetypal cosmic atom. […] And the quantum age was born. All of everything shifted into quantumness, while we slept. The moment he split the atom everything was recalibrated into Cairos time. [...] The archetypal pattern that was activated with Oppenheimer in the United States was the story of Pandora. He was acting as Prometheus stealing the fire from Zeus. [...] The United States stole the fire. [...] It was stolen by a nation that has a Sacred Contract to be a hu-
    manity driven nation, but it became the first global superpower from that moment on. And from that moment it became an imitation of Zeus.
    Video DVD presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, On the Path to Becoming a Congruent Human Being – Findhorn – 2012, sponsored by the Findhorn Foundation, Scotland, Great Britain, archived by Myss Digital Media, minutes 52:51, 62:01 64:22, 70:72 minutes duration, recorded October 2012


  • There is hope in [Pandora's] box is our inner fire.  Minute 66:40
    Nothing is more important now than understanding that becoming congruent is to become spiritually nuclear. That is
    the counterpart. That is your [inner] fire.  Minute 68:01
    At least recognize that you're now on a grid, and that grid is the grid of life. And you're never off it now. We are on the soul internet, the soul grid. What is in one, is in the whole. What is in you now is in all humanity now, is in all life. We breathe together now. The time has come to be congruent with all life.  Minute 69:22
    Video DVD presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, On the Path to Becoming a Congruent Human Being – Findhorn – 2012, sponsored by Findhorn Foundation, Scotland, Great Britain, archived by Myss Digital Media, 70:72 minutes duration, recorded October 2012




Sacred Contracts

  • Sacred Contracts are significant because they position us to encounter ourselves through the people we have agreed to meet in some mysterious way prior to incarnating. And they have agreed to meet us for the same reasons. We often say that we are in this life to learn, but what is it we are here to learn? We are here to learn that every choice we make has consequences and that we are as capable of making loving choices as we are of making dark and hurtful ones. That’s why we have Contracts with difficult relationships. We are as significant to them as they are to us. Just as we have visceral reactions to the certain people we meet – alerting us to the possibility that we may be encountering a person of significance – they, too, are sensing a similar response to us. Do we always act on these Contracts? No, we don't. […]
    Your Sacred Contracts are mystical and mysterious agreements that exist as potential power in your soul. You know
    the feeling of an opportunity offered to you and you also know the feeling of passing an opportunity by. Your soul is an active agent in your life, not a passive one. It is your central creative force.
    Video presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, "Identitifying Your Sacred Contract With Others", Facebook entry, 13. February 2013



Choosing the mature-impersonal-archetypal response

  • You can choose a very personal response and say, 'it's all about me, it's all about them.'
    Or you can go Buddhist and you can go archetypal and say, 'this actually has nothing to do with me', unless you have done something personal. You have the option to say, 'there is a pattern in me that engages with a pattern within that person. I am going to see this as imper-
    sonal as I can, before it goes any further.'
    1. Go go Buddhist and say, 'there is nothing about this that is personal.'
    2. Is this archetypal? Is there anything in this that is repetitious about this in my life? If [so], then it is a clou about my own mystery […] which that person happened to activate in me. Video presentation Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Castle Combe Workshop March – 2013, Castle Combe, United King-
    dom, archived by the CMED Institute, minute 29:40, 39:51 minutes duration, recorded March 2013








  • Your intuitive senses are not meant to eclipse your five sensory skills. They are meant to work in harmony. They are built to work as a team.  Minute 25:42
    Intuition is about getting a quick gut response [without the need to reshape it] and being able to say that is absolutely the truth. Instead of saying, "That's too fast for me."  Minute 32:57
We are wired to make ordinary [balanced] choices. Intuition is about the ordinary, not the extraordinary.
The extraordinary comes through prayer, meditation, exceptional moments.  Minute 42:16
Intuition requires a comfort zone with truth. If you can't bear the truth you can't handle intuition. Intuition is always about truth. [...] Truth is the cornerstone of intuition.  Minute 58:30
Video teleseminar with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, How to Understand Your Intuitive Nature – Reflections Seminar, part 1 of a 6-part series, presented by the CMED Reflections Online Institute, deleted YouTube film, minute 1:30:17 duration, posted 7. June 2017



  • The spiritual path is about the search for truth. That's what it's about. […] And the spiritual path is and has always been, no matter what tradition it's always about the pursuit of truth – which means whether it’s truth in your personal life or whether it is truth of a cosmic nature.
    The spiritual path, like with Buddha, is the breaking down of one illusion after another, after another, after another. […]
    We have to relearn everything. It takes a lot of discipline to do that. Why? Because the inner self wants things to stay
    as they are. We like our illusions. We love them! And we don't want things to change and so it takes a lot of discipline
    to say, "I need to live my truth." Which means, "If I learn that forgiveness is the higher principle and that illness is at-
    tached to toxic thoughts and toxic feelings, I have got to clean up and become forgiving. I've got to stop saying, 'I can
    forgive that person but not this one.' I’ve got to live my truth. If I believe that there is reincarnation, I can’t say 'Well,
    look at those innocent children,' because they aren't children. They are little humans with old souls. So I can't say
    innocent anymore. I’ve got to become congruent in my theology, so it takes a lot of discipline.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, video presentation of "Reflec-
    tions" series 7 on Spiritual Direction, Pebbles in the Well – Learning to Listen to Your Soul, part 2 of 8, YouTube film, 1:37:33 du-
    ration, recorded 21. January 2015, posted 30. November 2020


  • You need to understand that all systems of life simply have a chakra system, but also beyond the chakra system. For me that's the crudest level of the energy system. Today I would put the chakras, and then I would go into the tree of
    life, and then I would go into the mansions of the soul. The chakras are base to me. There's nothing sacred about them. They're just locators. Knowledge of the chakras will not help you heal. I see it completely differently now. So long as
    you exist in the language of energy and in the energy realm in my opinion, my experience, is that you get little help with
    the healing department. You get relief from pain, you get intervention, but the actual absence where you don't have any
    illness anymore requires the next realm which is grace. You go from matter to energy to grace.
    That's the ascension. What converts the energy that you're working with to the realm of grace is that you're the vessel.
    It's your capacity to undergo a transition, to become capable of dealing more with the capacity to see the world through
    light into matter, the speed at which you can perceive, the speed at which you can comprehend the laws of how light
    energy becomes matter. And it's just law, it's the nature of science at the spiritual alchemical level – and the way in
    which you finally detach from the mythologies of the mind and work with the nature of mystical law and get that that's
    the expression of the sacred. The great teachers Jesus or Buddha were teachers of law.
    Video presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Caroline Myss – Exploration into the Science and Art of Healing, titled Medical Intuition: An Exploration into the Science and Art of Healing, Oakbrook, Illinois, 24-27 September 2015, YouTube film, minute 7:38, 1:07:43 duration, posted 3. February 2021






  • Grace is like a blanket of hope that covers you at night when you think you don't have what it takes to get up in the morning.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Facebook note, 5. February 2016





  • Exposure to truth changes your life, period. Whether that truth is a revelation about personal honesty and integrity or a divine revelation that reorganizes your place in the Universe. This is why most people run from truth rather than toward it. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Facebook comment, 12. March 2017




  • Intuition is not a gift. It is a part of your "air wiring." But it is up to you to decide to listen and trust the uncertain and often intimidating nature of intuitive data. Intuition does not offer proof or guarantees and often an intuitive "hit" arrives just in the nick of time. Trusting "air data" does require a leap of faith and it also requires a strong sense of self-esteem. You have to believe in the integrity of your intuitive guidance especially if you find yourself in that terrifying initiation experience of being the only one standing in your own corner. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, teleseminar Reflections: Initiations by Air, Session 4, announced 17. May 2017





Caroline Myss' initiatory blood letting and blood transfusion experience

  • I almost killed myself because I couldn't forgive someone. [...] I had literally set myself on fire [of rage].  Minute 24:11
    As this [transfused] blood came into my body – most extraordinarily – I could feel life coming back into me. And retained every memory of everything that made me so angry, but none of the fire [of anger] was in my body and blood any more. It had been literally been drained out of me. I realized I literally had to be purged. I had literally set myself on fire with rage and I couldn't put out of it by myself.
    I kept testing it. I kept running the self-righteous narrative through my head that would fuel me but it didn't have any punch any more. I knew that that was my signal that I had to let it go, that I had to transform something in me. I nee-
    ded to chisel through that concrete way that I reason. From that point on the world changed shape for me. This whole journey [of unrelened self-destructive rage] took 10 years [to transform].  Minute 29:34
Video presentation by Caroline Myss, Initiations by Fire Session One: Forgiveness, presented by the Myss Reflections Online Instititute, 1:27:28 duration, 2018


  • Do you use the silent treatment as punishment? If so, remember the harm it does to both you and the other indivi-
    dual involved. Psychically, the communication lines remain open even if you are not speaking to someone in anger,
    so just be aware that the silent treatment is not really silent. Better to inform an individual that you need to with-
    draw from him or her
    in order to gather your own thoughts back together.
    Video presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, The
    Power of Silence Part 2
    , presented by Caroline's Blog, 23. July 2018




Anger tantrums directed at God

  • Between the personal and the impersonal is this battle field – ultimately – between you and God. It's archetypal and unconscious-conscious in which you are raging against what has happened to you. And if your rage is loud enough, if your anger is ferocious enough there is a part of you that actually thinks God will return your life the way you want it, that all will be put back into place. You as a child, a screaming child, will get the paternal father to finally cave. And you will get your life back, because finally God gave in, because your tantrum got to be cosmic-sized. Otherwise you are going to simply not play the game any more. [...] You will begin the journey of living your life through making other people suffer. [...] You'll punish others because you are unhappy. And you'll let them know and maybe they will serve as messengers to God for your misery. [...] Stop it! The goal is to get a hold of yourself as best as you can and try again and again. Pay attention if your anger tantrums are really at God, are really cosmic – and that in your inability you get to beat up some-
    one and anyone else will do. [...] Anger is a verb, not a noun. It wants to come out, and you want to move the universe with your anger. When we're angry we have to let someone know. We're not even fussy. Even pottery. Anger makes us explode or we implode, which is why it is so harmful to our body.
    Video presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, The Power of Holy Language to Change Your Life, sample presented by Caroline's Blog, recorded at The Manor House, Castle Combe, United Kingdom, 25-28 February 2019, minute 29:28, 35:35 minutes duration, posted 29. March 2019


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Caroline Myss

Churchill and the psychic – World War II anecdote

Brick-lined frieze, church in Steffenshagen, Germany
  • During World War II, a psychic named Tudor Pole was an adviser to Winston Churchill. (Turning to psy-
    chics and astrologers as well as others skilled at alche-
    mical arts has never been an uncommon practice among world leaders.)
    Tudor suggested to Churchill that he urge the Bri-
    tish people to hold Britain in their thoughts every evening
    at 9:00 P.M. for one minute. This became known as the
    "silent minute." Whether this collective effort helped pro-
    tect Britain from invasion will never be known. All we
    know is that the island was never conquered. And inci-
    dentally, after the war, papers were found in Nazi re-
    cords noting that Britain had a "secret weapon" connec-
    ted to Big Ben, but they were never able to identify the nature of that weapon.
    Caroline Myss (*1952) US Ame-
    rican spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Newsletter Archive, 13. September 2001


America thriving after World War II

  • But then America entered World War II and its golden years began. The Allies were desperate for the weaponry that Ame-
    rica could so easily and safely manufacture and manufacture it did: weaponry, planes, tanks, ships, uniforms – twenty-four
    hours a day. America was alive again and thriving. By the end of the war, America was economically, "back on its feet
    again", as all the economists and journalists of the day noted. Not surprising then that by the 1950’s, Jonas Salk dis-
    covered the vaccine for polio – America was more than ready to not only shed its epidemic consciousness but make an
    evolutionary leap in consciousness to the "Self and Wealth" generation. Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual tea-
    cher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, January Newsletter: Welcome Back America, 15. January 2009

Englische Texte – English section on Caroline Myss

Four basic ubiquitous archetypes – Caroline Myss

Four major survival archetypes emerging as graced archetypes
༺༻Survival archetypeDescription of survival archetypeArchetype·of·grace
1. Child Longs to be light-hearted, innocent and expectant of the wonders of tomorrow.
Has a playful quality at times and can bring out a parental quality in others to communicate.  
Will retreat after a disagreement.
Emancipated child
2. Victim Does not take responsibility for her own well-being or happiness. Can empower
the need in you to develop self-esteem, stand up and take care of yourself.
Empowered self
3. Saboteur
Runs away from opportunities and the sacred contract that can lead to happiness.
Is frightened of life and good things, so turns away from them.
Lover of self
Discerner of truth
4. Prostitute Helps people to face the parts of themselves that will negotiate their self-worth.
Gives herself "away" too much to gain pleasures that don't contribute to her well-being.
Authentic self
Source: ► Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author
Secondary source: ► Article by Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, M.Th., C.Ht. (†2024) US American healer, subtle energy scientist, ordained minister,
Deepak Chopra, M.D. (*1946) Indian US American physician, endocrinologist, public speaker, Harvard lecturer, self-help writer
on mind-body medicine, Paul J. Mills, Ph.D., From Survival to Grace: Using Archetypes in Your Personal Evolution,
presented by the Californian news website SFGate, 5. December 2016
See also: ► Archetypes

Nine major archetypal families – Caroline Myss

Nine families of archetypes
༺༻Archetypal familyArchetypes
1.Survival family
Present in all humans
Child, Prostitute, Victim, Saboteur
2.Feminine familyQueen, Mother, Goddesses, Princess/Damsel, Virgin
3.Masculine familyKing, Father, Knight/Warrior, Lover, Fool
4.Divine familyNun/Monk, Celibate, Shaman/Medicineman, Priest/Priestess, Guru/Disciple, Martyr, Samaritan, Missionary, Angels
5.Wisdom familyMystic, Teacher/Student, Sage/Oracle/Crone, Hermit, Seeker/Wanderer, Alchemist, Storyteller, Judge/Critic
6.Healer familyHealer, Wounded Healer, Rescuer, Servant, Caretaker, Companion
7.Creative familyArtist, Scribe, Pioneer/Explorer, Statesman/Stateswoman, Strategist, Networker/Gossip, Entrepeneur, Philanthropist, Olympian/Athlete, Visionary/Prophet
8.Action familyHero, Bully, Coward, Mercenary, Gambler, Rebel, Detective, Midas/Miser, Slave/Liberator, Housewife/Working Mother
9.Shadow family – Wild cardAddict, Holy Fool, Trickster, Seductress/Provocateur, Spellcaster, Magician, Hedonist, Vampire, Shape-Shifter, Femme Fatale, Thief, Pirate, Clown


Four essential families of archetypes
༺༻Archetypal familiesSpecified archetypes
1.Survival archetypes Child ◊ Prostitute ◊ Victim ◊ Saboteur
2.Royal archetypes Queen ◊ King ◊ Damsel ◊ Knight ◊ others
3.Shadow archetypes Thief ◊ Trickster ◊ Addict ◊ others
4.Divine archetypes Celibate ◊ Missionary ◊ Guru/disciple ◊ Nun/monk ◊ Shaman/medicineman ◊ others


Originator: ► Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author
See also: ► Archetypes
Siehe auch: ► Neun wesentliche archetypische Familien – Caroline Myss

88 archetypes (Chart) – Caroline Myss

88 archetypes (Chart) / 88 Archetypen (Übersicht) (engl./deutsch)
 English list of archetypesRemarkDeutsche Liste von ArchetypenBemerkung
AddictConspicuous consumer, glutton, workaholic (See gambler)SüchtigerPrestigekäufer, Vielfraß, Arbeitssüchtiger
(Siehe Spieler)
AdvocateAttorney, defender, legislator, lobbyist, environmentalistAdvokatRechtsanwalt, Verteidiger, Gesetzgeber, Lobbyist, Umweltschützer
AlchemistWizard, magician, scientist, inventor
(See visionary)
AlchemistZauberer, Magier, Wissenschaftler, Erfinder
(Siehe Visionär)
AngelFairy godmother/godfatherEngelFee/Gevatter
ArtistArtisan, craftsperson, sculptor, weaverKünstlerKunsthandwerker, Handwerker, Bildhauer, Weber
AvengerAvenging angel, savior, messiahRächer der Enterbten Racheengel, Erlöser, Messias
BeggarHomeless person, indigentBettlerObdachloser, Bedürftiger
ChildOrphan, wounded child, magical/innocent child, nature child, divine child, puer/puella eternis [eternal boy/girl]Kind Waisenkind, Verwundetes Kind, Magisches/unschuldiges Kind, Naturkind, Göttliches Kind, Ewiger Junge/Ewiges Mädchen
Child: Orphan Waisenkind 
Wounded Child Verwundetes Kind 
Magical/Innocent Child Magisches/unschuldiges Kind 
Nature Child Naturkind 
Divine Child Göttliches Kind 
Child: Puer/Puella EternisEternal boy/girlPuer Eternis/Puella EternisEwiger Junge/Ewiges Mädchen
ClownCourt jester, fool, dummlingClownHofnarr, Narr, Komödiant, Dummling
CompanionFriend, sidekick, right arm, consortWeggefährteFreund, Handlanger, Rechter Arm, Begleiter
DestroyerAttila, mad scientist, serial killer, spoilerZerstörerAttila, Verrückter Professor/Wissenschaftler, Serienmörder, Verderber
DetectiveSpy, double agent, sleuth, snoop, Sherlock Holmes, private investigator, profiler
(See warrior/crime fighter)
DedektivSpion, Doppelagent, Spürhund, Schnüffler, Sherlock Holmes, Privatdedektiv, Profiler
(Siehe Krieger / Kriminaler)
DilettanteAmateurDilettant/inAnfänger, Amateur/in
Don JuanCasanova, gigolo, seducer, sex addictDon JuanWeiberheld, Gigolo, Verführer, Sexsüchtiger
EngineerArchitect, builder, schemerIngenieurArchitekt, Erbauer, Plänemacher
FatherPatriarch, progenitorVaterPatriarch, Erzeuger
Femme FataleBlack widow, flirt, siren, circe, seductress, enchantressFemme FataleSchwarze Witwe, Flirterin, Sirene, Circe, Verführerin, Bezaubernde
Gambler Spieler 
GodAdonis (See hero)GottAdonis (Siehe Held)
Goddess(See heroine)Göttin(Siehe Heldin)
Gossip(See networker)Klatschmaul(Siehe Vernetzer)
GuideGuru, sage, crone, wise woman, spiritual master, evangelist, preacherLeiterGuru, Weiser, Alte Weise, Weise Frau, Spiritueller Meister, Evangelist, Prediger
HealerWounded healer, intuitive healer, caregiver, nurse, therapist, analyst, counselorHeilerVerwundeter Heiler, Intuitiver Heiler, Betreuer, Krankenschwester, Pfleger, Therapeut, Analytiker, Berater
Wounded Healer Verwundeter Heiler 
HedonistBon vivant, chef, gourmet, gourmand, sybarite
(See mystic)
HedonistBonvivant, Chefkoch, Gourmet, Vielfraß, Schlemmer
(Siehe Mystiker)
Hero/Heroine(See knight, warrior)Held / Heldin(Siehe Ritter, Krieger)
JudgeCritic, examiner, mediator, arbitratorRichterKritiker, Examinator, Prüfer, Mediator, Schiedsrichter
KingEmperor, ruler, leader, chiefKönigKaiser, Herrscher, Führer, Häuptling
Knight(See warrior, rescuer)Ritter(Siehe Krieger, Retter)
Liberator Befreier 
Lover Liebender 
Martyr Märtyrer 
MediatorAmbassador, diplomat, go-betweenMediatorBotschafter, Diplomat, Vermittler
MentorMaster, counselor, tutorMentorMeister, Berater, Tutor
MessiahRedeemer, saviorMessiasHeiland, Erlöser
Monk/NunCelibateMönch / NonneUnverheiratete/r, Novize, Sanyassin
MotherMatriarch, Mother NatureMutterMatriarchin, Mutter Natur
MysticRenunciate, anchorite, hermitMystiker/inPostulant, Mönch, Nonne, Anachoret, Einsiedler/in
NetworkerMessenger, herald, courier, journalist, communicatorBotschafterVernetzer, Herold, Läufer, Journalist, Kommunikator
PioneerExplorer, settler, pilgrim, innovatorPionierForscher, Siedler, Pilger, Erfinder
Poet Dichter/in 
PriestPriestess, minister, rabbi, evangelistPriesterPriesterin, Pastor, Rabbi, Erweckungsprediger
Prince Prinz 
Prostitute Prostituierte 
RebelAnarchist, revolutionary, political protester, nonconformist, pirateRebellAnarchist, Revolutionär, Politisch motivierter Protestler, Nonkonformist, Pirat
Rescuer Retter 
Saboteur Saboteur 
Samaritan Samariter 
ScribeCopyist, secretary, accountant
(See journalist)
SchreiberAbkopierer, Sekretär/in, Buchhalter
(Siehe Journalist/in)
SeekerWanderer, vagabond, nomadSuchende/rWandervogel, Vagabund, Nomade
ServantIndentured servantDiener/inVertragsknecht auf Zeit, pflichtbewusste Magd
Shape-shifterSpell-caster (See trickster)GestaltwandlerVerfluchende/r (Siehe Trickster, Trickbetrüger, Gauner)
Slave Sklave 
StorytellerMinstrel, narratorGeschichtenerzähler/inMinnesänger, Musikant, Sprecher
PlayboyNotorious heartbreaker, pleasure-seeking rogue, liarPlayboyNotorischer Herzensbrecher, vergnügungssüchtiger Filou, Lügner
StudentDisciple, devotee, follower, apprenticeStudent/inJünger/in, Ergebene/r, Nachfolger/in, Lehrling
TeacherInstructor (See mentor)Lehrer/inAusbilder/in, Coach (Siehe Mentor/in)
ThiefSwindler, con artist, pickpocket, burglar, Robin HoodDiebSchwindler, Trickkünstler, Taschendieb, Einbrecher, Robin Hood
TricksterPuck, provocateurTrickster, TrickbetrügerPuck, Provokateur, Anstifter
Vampire Vampir 
Victim Opfer 
Virgin(See celibate)Jungfrau(Siehe Unverheiratete/r)
VisionaryDreamer, prophet, seer
(See guide, alchemist)
VisionärTräumende/r, Prophet/in, Seher/in
(Siehe Führer/in, Alchemist/in)
WarriorSoldier, crime fighter, amazon, mercenary, soldier of fortune, gunslinger, samuraiKrieger/inSoldat, Verbrechensbekämpfer, Kriminaler, Amazone, Söldner, Glücksritter, Revolverheld, Samurai
Source: ► Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author,
A Gallery of Archetypes, presented by meta-religion.com, undated
See also: ► Archetypes

Seven deadly sins Seven heavenly virtues

              Sins and virtues juxtaposed              
༺༻Seven deadly sinsSeven heavenly virtuesC. Myss' suggestionsDefy Gravity
1. Pride / Shame Humility Reverence
2. Greed Charity Piety?
3. Lust Chastity Understanding
4. Wrath Patience Fortitude
5. Gluttony Temperance Council
6. Envy Kindness Mystical Knowledge
7. Sloth Diligence Wisdom
      ⚑ Pride is a deadly sin.
      ⚑ Greed is the pride of thinking you know better. (I need this / that / be rich, etc.)
      ⚑ Lust is usually attached to pride. (I've slept with more hot women / men than you.)
      ⚑ Wrath is the pride as in control. (I'm superior to you. You must obey me or be punished.)
      ⚑ Gluttony is similar to greed. It may mean prideful hunger for power.
      ⚑ Envy stems from pride. The ego, eager to feel superior, tries desperately to deny its imperfections.
      ⚑ Sloth stems from pride. (I can be lazy, be without responsibility, etc.)


Graces and shadow passions juxtaposed
༺༻Chakra Empowering graces Shadow passions
1.Base Chakra Reverence Pride / Shame
2.Sacral Chakra Piety Greed
3.Solar Plexus Chakra Understanding Luxury / Entitlement
4.Heart Chakra Fortitude / carry highest potential guidance Wrath
5.Throat Chakra Council / apply mystical truths Gluttony
6.Brow Chakra Mystical knowledge Envy
7.Crown Chakra Wisdom Sloth
Sources featuring Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author
► Audio interview Caroline Myss: Healing Beyond Reason, presented by the US American broadcasting station Sounds True, "Insights at
     the Edge", host Tami Simon (*1953), podcast, minute 48:12, 55:44 minutes duration, aired 12. August 2009, archived 21. October 2015
► Video DVD presentation The Seven Graces and Shadow Passions of your Soul, Scotland, Great Britain, archived by Myss Digital Media,
     part 1, session 1, 59:54 minutes duration, recorded 17.-19. September 2011
Reference: ► Video keynote address by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive,
bestselling author, Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, part 2, presented by the US American publisher Hay House,
"I Can Do It!" conference, Tampa, Florida, 44:57 minutes duration, aired 22. November 2009
See also: ► Pride and ► Virtue

Symbology of Christian sacraments

Meaning of the seven Christian sacraments mirroring the chakras
༺༻Sacrament ChakraSymbolic meaning
1.Baptism 1st chakra To receive or bestow an expression of grace, representing gratitude for one's life
in the physical world
2.Communion 2nd·chakra To receive or bestow an expression of grace – in the form of a "host" – that represents
the holy union with God and with the people in one's life
3.Confirmation 3rd chakra To receive or bestow an expression of grace, representing that enhances
one's individuality and self-esteem
4.Marriage 4th chakra To receive or bestow a blessing, making a sacred union with oneself, symbolic of recognizing and
honoring the essential need to love and care for oneself in order that one can fully love another
5.Confession 5th chakra To receive or bestow the grace to cleanse one's spirit of negative acts of will
6.Ordination 6th chakra To receive or bestow the grace to make sacred one's path of service
7.Extreme unction 7th chakra To receive or bestow the grace to finish one's unfinished business not just before death,
but as a daily part of one's life, thus allowing a person to love in "present time."
Source: ► Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic,
medical intuitive, bestselling author, Facebook comment, 24. October 2016
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Sacrament and ► Chakra
See also: ► Symbology and ► Christianity and ► Meaning and ► Chakra system


The "template of seven" is the universal structure of the soul. It's what I saw when I wrote Anatomy of the Spirit, that there are seven chakras, seven Sacraments, seven levels to the Tree of Life. We are constructed on a map of seven levels of power. Interview with Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle of the Soul, presented by host Randy Peyser, 2007

Three stages model of the anatomy of consciousness – Caroline Myss

1. Tribal consciousness
2. Individuation
3. Soul contract

You are living proof.

Caroline Myss underwent a revelatory moment with God. The Spanish Catholic mystic saint Teresa of Ávila told her

"Follow me daughter."

Myss dared to destroy eight months of work thereby geopardizing her book contract with publisher Hay House.
She asked her publisher about "switching the project to a book on a mystic". She risked her reputation of saneness –
all because she "heard God" speaking to her.
Hay House replied:

"Teresa of Avila has a deadline of 5 months."

And so things evolved.


Prone to seizures, a mystic's disorder, Caroline Myss requested:

"I want proof. [...] An apparition that would be too much for me, even as a Catholic."

Inner answer:

"There is no proof. [...] You are living proof. [...] I told you I'll test you.'"

Caroline Myss:

"Dear God, you are a ferocious light."
Source: ► Video presentation by Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic,
medical intuitive, bestselling author, Healing and the Mystery of Grace – 2008, sponsored by Kripalu Center,
Stockbrige, Maine, archived by Myss Digital Media, 1:17:21 duration, 2008
See also: ► Teresa von Avila and ► Proofs and ► Temptation


Links zum Thema Caroline Myss

Literatur – Caroline Myss

Literatur allgemein

  • Teresa von Ávila (1515-1582) spanische römisch-katholische Heilige, Karmelitin, Kirchenlehrerin, Fritz Vogelsang, Herausgeber, Übersetzer, Die innere Burg PDF, Erstausgabe 1588, Diogenes Verlag, Zürich, 1979, Neuausgabe Juli 2006

Literature (engl.) – Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author

Video introduction to Defy Gravity by Caroline Myss

Audio books – Live lectures

General literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge
  • Persönlichkeiten Caroline Myss nicht vorhanden

External web links (engl.)

Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author
Articles and interviews

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.) – Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author




  • Audio interview Entering the Castle, episode # 22, archived MP3, presented by the US American web radio station Zenter-
    , host Jo Davidson, minute 9:58, 24:29 minutes duration, posted 2008   Archived, not availed any longer
  • Audio interview Entering The Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul, presented by the dissolved US American web
    radio station Beyond Reason, hosts Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins, 30 minutes duration, aired 1. February 2008
  • Video conversation What's Your Reason for Not Healing?, presented by the Medicalrenaissance.net series, host C. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D. (*1932) US American neurosurgeon, founder and president of the "American Holistic Medical Association", pain and stress management researcher, YouTube film, 1:12 minutes duration, posted 19. March 2008


  • Deleted audio interview Beyond Reason. Simple Truths That Can Heal Your Life, presented by the Canadian web radio station CFRO, Vancouver, Conscious Living Radio, program "Seattle Extraordinary People Series", host Judith, 54:57 minutes duration, aired 22. January 2009
  • Audio interview Caroline Myss: Healing Beyond Reason, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, "Insights at the Edge", host and founder Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True, minute 48:12, 55:44 minutes duration, aired 12. August 2009, archived 21. October 2015
  • Video introduction to the book Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason – Defy Gravity, presented by publisher Hay House, YouTube film, 4:00 minutes duration, posted 8. October 2009





  • Deleted Audio presentation Dropping Our Entitlement, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, Insights at the Edge, Producer's Pick, host Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True, podcast, 12:46 minutes duration, posted end March 2013






Audio and video links (engl.) – Lectures/teleseminars by Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author






  • Video keynote address Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, presented by the US American publisher Hay House, I Can Do It! conference, Tampa, Florida, part 1, 48:20 minutes duration, part 2, 44:57 minutes duration, aired
    22. November 2009   Link deleted











Audio and video links (engl.) on archetypes – Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author




  • Family archetypes excerpted from the Audio Series The Language of Archetypes. Discover the Forces That Shape Your Destiny, Sounds True, unabridged edition 1. January 2006
    1. THE ADDICT, 5:41 minutes duration
      Addiction is a way to become a congruent person.
    2. THE VAMPIRE, 13:36 minutes duration
      Sensual seductive popular archetype; force to become aware of oneself
    3. THE NUN/MONK, 7:54 minutes duration
      Spreading grace on behalf of the rest of humanity, removed from the world
    4. THE SHAMAN/MEDICINE MAN, 5:01 minutes duration
      Ritualistic nature, structuring the sacred, healing power routing
    5. THE CELIBATE, 9:47 minutes duration
      Partnership with God on a soul level
    6. THE MISSIONARY, 10:48 minutes duration
      Spiritual networker for God
    7. THE GURU/DISCIPLE, 6:10 minutes duration
      Idol worshipers, devotees, surrounded by the light
    8. THE MARTYR, 4:56 minutes duration
      Martyrs are world changers. Self-martyrs are a drag.
    9. THE PRIEST/PRIESTESS, 4:37 minutes duration
      From heaven and cosmos to the body/spirit. From above to below
    10. ANGEL, 5:25 minutes duration
      Angels are real bridging archetypes. Accessing one's angel and removing the human form from it.
    11. THE SAMARITAN, 3:22 minutes duration
      Giving and serving without agenda, freely and gracefully on behalf of others
    12. THE GODDESS, 5:37 minutes duration
      Athena, Diana, Aphrodite and others
    13. THE VIRGIN, 8:46 minutes duration
      A woman who is free, cannot be controlled.
    14. THE PRINCESS and DAMSEL, 9:03 minutes duration
      The clever abundant princess archetype in crisis is dead, outdated. The ragged helpless damsel needs rescueing.
    15. THE WOUNDED HEALER, 11:28 minutes duration
      Wounding, forgiving, rebuilding, and healing
    16. THE RESCUER, 7:50 minutes duration
      Lifeguard who doesn't take rewards
    17. The PROSTITUTE, 8:54 minutes duration
      Unconscious and sacred prostitute, selling one's honor
    18. SAGE/ ORACLE ARCHETYPE (Mother- Maiden- Crone), 15:08 minutes duration
      Wisdom given unattached to conditions
    19. THE ALCHEMIST ARCHETYPE, 7:19 minutes duration
      Knowing the energetic price, changing the speed of healing


  • Audio presentation excerpted from audio series Advanced Energy Anatomy. The Science of Co-Creation and Your Power of Choice
    • The Addict – Language of the Archetypes, part 1 of 9, 5:41 minutes duration
    • The Addict – Defining Addiction, part 2 of 9, 9:21 minutes duration
    • The Addict – Profound Power of Will, part 3 of 9, 10:11 minutes duration
    • The Addict – The Challenge of Congruency, part 3 of 9, 9:23 minutes duration
    • The Addict – Addictions of the Ego, part 5 of 9, 9:58 minutes duration
    • The Addict – Addictions of the Ego, part 6 of 9, 9:58 minutes duration
    • The Addict – The Saboteur in Addiction, part 7 of 9, 9:58 minutes duration
    • The Addict – The Saboteur in Addiction ♦ Powerlessness and Surrender, part 8 of 9, 5:27 minutes duration
    • The Addict – The Saboteur in Addiction ♦ Powerlessness and Surrender, part 9 of 9, 10:32 minutes duration
  • Video presentation Anatomy of the Spirit
    • Chakras – First Chakra, part 1 of 12, 9:44 minutes duration
    • Chakras – Second and Third Chakra, part 2 of 12, 9:41 minutes duration
    • Chakras – Third and Fourth Chakra, part 3 of 12, 9:47 minutes duration
    • Chakras – End of the Third Chakra, Beginning of the Fourth Chakra, part 4 of 12, 9:05 minutes duration
    • Chakras – End of the Fourth, Beginning of the Fifth Chakra, part 5 of 12, 9:30 minutes duration
    • Chakras – More on the Fifth Chakra, part 6 of 12, 9:47 minutes duration
    • Chakras – End of the Fifth Chakra, Beginning of the Sixth Chakra, part 7 of 12, 9:43 minutes duration
    • Chakras – End of Sixth Chakra, Beginning of the Seventh Chakra, part 8 of 12, 10:27 minutes duration
    • Chakras – Conclusion of the Seventh Chakra, part 9 of 12, 7:41 minutes duration
    • Chakras – Conclusion of the Seventh Chakra, part 9 of 12, 7:41 minutes duration
    • Chakras – Eighth Chakra, part 10 of 12, 9:33 minutes duation
    • Chakras – Caroline answers questions from Audience, part 11 of 12, 8:48 minutes duration
    • Chakras – Caroline answers questions from Audience, part 12 of 12, 8:55 minutes duration

Audio and video links with CMED guest speakers

  • 3-part video presentation by Robert Ohotto, US American intuitive guide, coach, strategist, teacher, The Power of Psycho-Spiritual Intuition, presented by Caroline's Blog, recorded in Sedona, Arizona, February 2019, released 10. May 2019
    • Lesson 1: "Psychic Viruses & Your Holographic Heath", 49:17 duration
    • Lesson 2: "Archetypes & Your Esteem-Systems", 1:05:40 duration
    • Lesson 3: "Mystically Managing Your New Psychic Nervous System", 1:14:10 duration

Übersichten / charts SpiritualWiki-Links – Caroline Myss


Interne Links

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