
Hawkins / Bewusstseinsebenen









Zum Zeitpunkt der Geburt haben wir bereits eine messbare Bewusstseinsebene.
Der Zeitpunkt [nicht die Umstände]
des Todes ist bereits zum Zeitpunkt
der Geburt festgelegt.


Dr. David Hawkins, Houston Seminar The Realization
of the Presence of God
, Texas, 11. Oktober 2003




  • Funktion der Bewusstseinsebene: Übersetzer bei der Interaktion mit der äußeren Welt
  • Status der Bewusstseinsebene: Ausdruck des Grads der spirituellen Intention


Die jeweilige Bewusstseinsebene, auf der ein Mensch schwingt, drückt das Maß seines spirituellen Willens aus.


Die Bewusstseinsebene agiert als Übersetzer der Wahrnehmung der äußeren Welt auf der Sinnesebene
(Sehen, Hören, Tasten, Riechen, Schmecken, Gleichgewicht) und die Prozesse des Gehirns.

Die Mitte bewahren

1. BW 400+ Wer andere erkennt, ist gelehrt.
2. BW 500+ Wer sich selbst erkennt, ist weise.
3. BW ≤ 200
Zwang, Überleben
Wer andere besiegt, hat Muskelkraft.
4. BW 200+
Göttliche Wirkmacht
Wer sich selbst besiegt, ist stark.
5. BW 600+ Wer zufrieden ist, ist reich.
6. BW 1000 Wer seine Mitte nicht verliert, ist unüberwindlich.
Quelle: ► Laotse [BW 610] (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph,
Begründer des Taoismus, Tao Te King [BW 610],
Übersetzung Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930), Diederichs Gelbe Reihe,
Band 19, S. 73, 1998, 10. Auflage 2004
Source: ► Laotse

Bewusstseinswerte von Gemeinschaften

Bei der kinesiologischen Ermittlung des Bewusstseinswertes eines Landes, einer Firma, eines Internetforums usw.
sind laut Hawkins die Werte von jeweils drei Unterebenen zu beachten:

  1. der BW des Präsidenten/Kanzlers, des Firmenchefs, des Forengründers/-betreibers usw.
  2. der BW der Regierung, des mittleren Managements (Führungsriege), der Foren-Administration und des Moderatoren-Teams
  3. der BW des Volks, der Firmenbelegschaft, der registrierten User und der nicht registrierten stillen Mitleser
  4. Der Gesamt-BW einer sozialen Einheit drückt den kinesiologischen (nicht den mathematischen) Mittelwert der drei genannten Unterebenen aus.

Zitate zum Thema Bewusstseinsebene/n / Levels of consciousness

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Im Allgemeinen sind die Bewusstseinswerte von Kunstwerk und Künstler, Buch und Autor, deckungsgleich.
    Quelle unbekannt


  • Die Bereitwilligkeit, sich auf den Weg zu begeben, kann nicht erzwungen werden noch kann jemandem ein Vorwurf gemacht werden, bei dem sie noch nicht vorhanden ist. Der Bewusstseinsgrad muss das Stadium erreicht haben, in dem solch eine Absicht als bedeutsam und reizvoll erachtet wird.
    FU Das All-sehende Auge, 2005; engl. Original The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 9, S. 133, 2001


  • Die Entwicklung des Bewusstseins geschieht unvermeidlich. [...] Das Bewusstseinsniveau der Menschheit steigt unaufhaltsam. Die von uns gemessenen Werte für Evolution und Gesellschaft sind nachweislich fortschreitend.
    Deleted interview Investigating Truth, präsentiert von der britischen Zeitschrift Kindred Spirit Magazine, 2005


  • Niemand kann ohne den Beistand des Heiligen Geistes vertreten durch Engel und hochschwingende Wesen die höheren Ebenen des Bewusstseins passieren.
    Videovortrag mit Muskeltest-Demonstrationen Power vs. Force, Volume Serie I, DVD 2 von 2, Minute 33:00, 11. November 1995


  • In höheren Bewusstseinsebenen bringt jede Art des spirituellen Irrtums Schmerzen hervor. Es taucht irgendein Archetyp aus dem Kollektivbewusstsein auf. Ich wurde ungehalten wegen der Entstellung von Wahrheit – und ich verstand es nicht, bis ich alles damit Zusammenhängende für mich geklärt hatte. Man fängt an, für einen Teil des Kollektivs Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Durch Beten wird man es gewahr. Wenn man ein "Krieger" der Wahrheit
    ist, würde man das Recht [der Wahrheitsverdreher] verteidigen, fehlgeleitet zu sein, statt sie [die Wahrheitsverdreher]
    ins Unrecht zu setzen. Statt ihnen Schuld zuzuweisen, achte auf ihr Recht auf Vergebung.
    Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD-Set, 25. Februar 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • The levels of consciousness describe the terrain to be traversed, but they leave out the essential factors of love and devotion that activate the journey and give strength to the endeavor. Source unknown




Followed by a reference to the fictional paradise-like mystical, harmonious valley in the Himalayan Mountains Shangri-La described/shown in the novel/movie Lost Horizon (1933) by British author James Hilton. Synonymously Shangri-La is coined for a mystical state.

  • Within the levels of consciousness, the higher frequencies are extremely po-
    werful, and few people routinely experience these as pure states because they're masked by lower energy fields of anxiety, fear, anger, resentment
    , and so on. Rarely does the average person get to experience, for instance, love without fear, or pure joy, much less ecstasy. But these higher states are so powerful that once they have been experienced, they are never forgotten, and therefore, are sought ever after.
    It is to this experience of higher states that people become addicted.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 104-105, Hay House, February 2002


  • Everyone has chosen his own level of consciousness, yet nobody could have done otherwise at any given point in time. We can only get "there" from "here." Every leap has to have a platform to originate from. Pain exists
    to promote evolution
    ; its cumulative effect finally forces us in a new direction, although the mechanism may be
    very slow. How many times is it necessary to hit bottom before a lesson is learned? Perhaps thousands, which
    may account for the sheer quantity of human suffering, so vast as to be incomprehensible. Slowly, by inches, does
    civilization advance. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 127, Hay House, February 2002




Truth is dependent on given parameters.

  • To be operational, truth must not simply be "true" but knowable; yet each le-
    vel of truth is unknowable to the levels below it and has no validity beyond its own territory. Thus we can conclude that all levels of truth as we know it – within the dimension of ordinary human function – are examples of dependent truth, whose veracity is totally contingent on
    a given set of parameters. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 23 "The Search for
    Truth", S. 283, Hay House, February 2002


  • The personal will dissolves into Divine Will, and the spark that leads to the spiritual search and inquiry is a divine
    gift. The readiness to initiate the journey cannot be forced nor can people be faulted if it has not occurred in them
    as yet. The level of consciousness has to have advanced to the stage where such an intention would be meaning-
    ful and attractive. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 9, S. 133, 2001


  • The foundations of its [the mind's content and operations are similar to a computer's motherboard that, when dis-
    connected, unplugs entire, sizeable sets of operations. One could say that, analogously, each level of conscious-
    ness is orchestrated by its own predominant attractor field which is thereby the operational "motherboard" for that
    To choose to forgive by giving up the 'juice' of justified resentments and grudges disconnects all the associated thoughts and grievances from them, along with their multiple rationalizations and memories. Thus each level has
    its basic props, and when these props are surrendered, the level no longer dominates. By removing the mother-
    boards of each level, one witnesses that everything merely is just what it is, and judgmentalism is surrendered
    to God.
    Each level has its associated negative feelings, including guilt, shame, fear etc., so removing its fulcrum allows
    the whole stack to collapse. Each step along the way is self-rewarding and reinforces dedication to the process.
    With the removal of the positionality that results in a whole level of consciousness, the negative energy disap-
    pears and is replaced by the positive energies. As the process proceeds, there is therefore less and less resis-
    . The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, 2001



  • Like a radio receiver each person attunes to the thought field of their own level of consciousness. [...] Each level
    tends to discount the reality of the other levels. [...] For instance, at 190, pride is a very powerful motivator, e.g.,
    Hitler's Germany. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 79, 2001



Hierarchy of spiritual energy levels

  • Between God and man there is a hierarchy of spiritual energy levels and fields of graduated power. These are intuited and referred to as the Holy Spirit, the higher self, the grace of God, angels, archangels, and heavens. Consciousness levels beyond 1,000 and up through the spiritual hierarchy represent power beyond the capacity of human imagination.
    The Eye of the I from Which Nothing Is Hidden, S. 155, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Love gravitates towards heaven and hate sinks into the other direction. Goodness rejects no one. Like goes to
    like; love is attracted to love. God takes no actions against anything or anyone. Some souls are attracted by
    light and others by darkness. The selection is from within the ego and not imposed from without.

    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 156, 2001


  • The level of consciousness is determined by the choices made by the spiritual will and therefore is the consequen-
    ce as well as the determinant of karma. Freedom to evolve requires a world which affords the greatest opportunity
    to ascend or descend the spiritual ladder. Viewed from that perspective, this is an ideal world and its society is con-
    stituted by a wide range of experiential options. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 80, 2003


  • It is also meaningless to say that one person is 'higher' than another. It is well to remember that the calibrated
    levels of consciousness
    are really measuring the prevalence of illusion and not Reality.
    It is a measure of
    one's degree of awareness of the Self as the real 'I'. The levels primarily denote the resistance to one's actual
    reality. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 330, 2003


  • For purposes of clarity of expression, the evolution of consciousness has been presented as calibratable, identi-
    fiable levels in the style of a progressive chart in order to facilitate comprehension in a manner familiar to the hu-
    man mind, with its traditionally learned categorization of information. While this style of elucidation is familiar and
    pragmatic, a progressive chart, however, is an abstraction and not the same as the reality to which it refers. It
    also appears to artificially separate that which is a wholeness and a continuum into seemingly distinct partitions
    based on identifiable characteristics. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 343, 2003


  • At every instant, one is really making a choice between heaven or hell. The cumulative effect of all these choices
    determines the calibrated level of consciousness and one’s karmic and spiritual fate.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 397, 2003



LoC: degree of impairment of the capacity for recognition of Reality



Pride-ridden rankism misreads the levels of consciousness of the MoC. "Better than" does not apply.

  • It is necessary to recognize that each calibratable level of consciousness does not denote ‘better than’ those that precede it but is merely a stage of evolution. Each level is ‘different from’ the others, but at each level, excellence is its own hall-
    . Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 141, 2007


  • The evolution of consciousness is inevitable and it occurs because of its own nature, just as water always runs
    downhill. The consciousness level of Mankind is advancing inexorably. When we calibrated evolution and society,
    it’s verifiably progressive.
    Deleted interview with D. Hawkins, Investigating Truth, presented by the British Kindred Spirit Magazine, 2005


  • The capacity to rise in consciousness is independent of the prevailing level of consciousness of mankind in general.
    It is an individual matter. The consciousness level of the world does not control you. Interview A Conversation with Knowingness, part I of II, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, April/May 2007


  • Question: What is the relationship between consciousness and intelligence?
    Answer: A high level of consciousness allows for a high level of intelligence but doesn't guarantee it. It tells you what
    the possibility is but not the propensity. Propensity shows if you are disposed toward higher truth. The environment
    you experience when young influences IQ and propensity to spiritual life. Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Haw-
    , ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, presented by the US American ACIM \web radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona,
    Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011


  • Everyone who advances in consciousness is faced with the challenge to their current level of consciousness. […]
    Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, presented by the US American ACIM web
    radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011


  • The classic dictum is "you are tested all along the way". Tested by the opposite of that which you have now
    affirmed in yourself.
    You vow to be forgiving and the next thing that happens is unforgivable. The sincerity of one's
    dedication is always bringing up one's opposite, which is beneficial
    . You want to overcome selfishness and you
    get offered a lucrative deal if you cut corners so this is the karmic opportunity to become that to which you have be-
    come committed as an actuality. Everyone who advances in consciousness is faced with the challenge to their current
    level of consciousness; i.e., you will be loving toward everyone and the next thing that happens is unlovable. It is as though to say, "Let's see about that!" These are opportunities and not to be feared. They are to be expected. If
    you vow to be loving you can be sure the unlovable will wander into your life. You have to change the way you per-
    it. You love them as fellow human beings who are subject to the vicissitudes of humanness. Their life is full of
    vicissitudes as ours is, in fact, more, so you feel compassion towards ignorance and at the same time not approving
    of the behavior necessarily. But you see how the person fell into that belief system.
    Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, presented by the US American ACIM web
    radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011



Not better but different

  • The levels of consciousness. As I've said, it doesn't say you're better than others. It's not a matter of better. Because of our status oriented society, who we say is better. It's not better, it's different than. It's different than. And very often to be in a 'different than' state of consciousness that is not appropriate to where you are. It can be a hindrance, you understand? To be blissed out when you're driving is not so great. [Laugther.] You have to pull over. So you sorta have to be in what’s appropriate. Audio series The Discovery, CD 2 of 6, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007


  • Every instant of every day your behavior and the way you're experiencing the world is being influenced by your level of consciousness. […] At all times you're influencing what's around you – either wittingly or unwittingly. The more you are evolved in your own level of consciousness the more you become aware of what your influence is on the world around you. And you stop blaming the world. […] The limitation of the human existence itself is intrinsic. Discussion Series What You Are Changes the World, session #2, 60 minutes duration, spring 2012


  • There is a counterforce to every level of consciousness. It can be very effective but also a snap to get rid of it when you know how. You may find something in yourself that drives you crazy, but it's actually caused by something small. You can stop a four-ton locomotive when you know the simple small button to hold. When you know, the solution can
    be very simple. You're frustrated because you can't turn on the light. Then you see, "The light switch is over on the
    other side. Oh." Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, October 2002


  • Everything attracts what it attracts to it by virtue of what it is. That which you are, karmically, is what you’ve inherited when you're born. Everyone is born with a calibratable level of consciousness and in the most propitious circumstances for spiritual growth. Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004


  • I can tell you the calibrated level of consciousness of a neighborhood just by looking at the sidewalk. Just being res-
    ponsible for your own trash raises consciousness. Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004


  • Everyone is born with a calibratable level of consciousness and in the most propitious circumstances for spiritual
    growth. Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004


  • Each level of life, consciousness, is sacrificial to the one above it. In that, it earns karmic merit; it becomes part of
    the higher level. Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004


  • There is an attractor field for each level of consciousness.
    Marietta, Georgia, Seminar Title unknown, Unity North Atlanta Church, 24. April 2004


  • First you have to know who you are and who they are, the levels of consciousness. Our job is to know what their
    language is at their level of consciousness. Reason appeals to Canadians. It does not appeal to the Middle East.
    Revenge appeals to the Middle East. Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004



  • When you reach a certain level of consciousness, you remember what happened in your previous lifetimes.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • Human will calibrates only at your own level of consciousness. Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005


Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Die vielfachen Ansätze zu informieren, bleiben wirkungslos. Es ist unsere Fähigkeit, andere zu inspirieren, die den Gezeitenwechsel herbeiführen kann. Jan Phillips (*1952) US-amerikanische visionäre Referentin, Autorin, Quelle unbekannt


  • Wir aber wollen weiter wandern und suchen und noch andere Menschen finden, die unserem guten Menschen von Sezuan gleichen, damit das Gerede aufhört, dass es für die Guten auf dieser Erde nicht mehr zu leben ist.
    Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) deutscher Theaterdirektor, Lyriker, Dramatiker, einflussreicher Bühnenschriftsteller, Der gute Mensch
    von Sezuan
    , S. 31, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1964


  • In meiner Preisschrift über die Freiheit des Willens habe ich (S. 50 ff.) die Ursprünglichkeit und Unveränderlichkeit
    des angeborenen Charakters, aus welchem der moralische Gehalt des Lebenswandels hervorgeht, nachgewiesen.
    Sie steht als Thatsache fest. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) deutscher Philosoph, Hochschullehrer, Schriftsteller, Die
    Welt als Wille und Vorstellung II
    , S. 696, Haffmans Verlag AG Zürich, 1991


  • Die Ziffer des Menschen ist eine Gegebenheit, ein Angebinde an seine Persönlichkeit. Niemals kann sie durch eine
    wie auch immer geartete Tätigkeit gesteigert werden. Was wir "reif werden", "an sich selbst arbeiten" nennen, be-
    deutet nur ein Verwirklichen von Möglichkeiten innerhalb der Ziffer, niemals aber eine Steigerung der Reaktions-
    fähigkeit selbst. Carl Freiherr von Feilitzsch (1901-1981) deutscher Komponist, K2M oder Die Hypothese von der Nebelsäule,
    O. C. S. 25, Recht-Verlag München, 1954


  • Es gibt 100 Bewusstseinsstufen. Bei einem Koma haben wir gerade mal die zehnte Stufe erreicht.
    US-amerikanischer Mystery Film Im Zeichen der Libelle, Regisseur Tom Shadyac, 2002

Quotes by various other sources

  • Each level of consciousness (LoC) coincides with determinable human behaviors and perceptions about life and God. Each level represents a corresponding attractor field of varying strength that exists beyond our three-dimensional reality. There’s a critical point within each LoC from which its field gravitates (or entrains). Consciousness Research [Bewusstseinsforschung], published by Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, founder of the dissolved website Consciousnessproject.org, biographer, author   Reference removed after the release of Power vs. Truth, 2013


  • When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge of it is of a meager and unsa-
    tisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced it to the
    stage of science. William Thompson, 1st Baron Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) British mathematical physicist, engineer, Popular
    Lectures and Addresses
    , volume 1 of 3 volumes, lecture on "Electrical Units of Measurement", S. 73, 3. May 1883, 1891-1894

Literary quotes


Movie lines

  • The Guardian of Forever: I answer as simply as your level of understanding makes possible.
    Star Trek, The City on the Edge of Forever, US American science fiction television series, 1966

Index Consciousness levels: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Bewusstseinsebene/n / Levels of consciousness


Externe Weblinks

  • IPT Integrale Perspektiven Tabelle, einteiliges integrales Modell über den direkten Zusammenhang von Stufen, Zuständen,
    Linien, Quadranten und Enneagramm-Typen, Integrale Perspektive, 2011
  • Entwicklungsstufen, 12 Bewusstseinsstufen und ihr Zusammenhang mit Raum/Zeit und Holongrenzen, präsentiert von der deutschen Publikation "Integrale Perspektive", 2011

External web links (engl.)


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