
Hawkins / Ursache








Cumuluswolke, Tannheim, Lechtaler Alpen



Herkunft des Ursache-Wirkungs-Denkens

Ursachen sind im Bewusstsein vorhanden. In der linearen Welt gibt es keine Ursachen, nur zeitlich abfolgende Wirkungen. Die beschränkte menschliche Wahrnehmung überträgt weltlichen Ereignissen magische Kräfte, genannt Kausalität. Der linear denkende Mensch betrachtet vorausgesetzte erforderliche Bedingungen und zeitliche Abfolgen (Effekte) irrtümlicher-
weise als Ursachen.
Die fehlgeleitete Glaubensüberzeugung hinsichtlich der substanziellen Ursachen und Verursacher in der irdischen Realität schädigt langfristig gesehen das Ganze.


Das Konzept der 'Ursache' ist Teil des überholten linearen Newtonschen Denkmodells. An die Stelle des Kausalitätsdenkens sind nichtlineare Dynamiken, ausgedrückt als Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Vermischungstheorie, Emergenz- und Komple-
xitätstheorie getreten.


Das Ursache-Wirkungs-Denken ist ein intellektuelles Konstrukt innerhalb des dualistischen Paradigmas. Es impliziert die Opfer-Täter-Mentalität, die das Feindbilddenken bedingt und beinhaltet.

Zitate zum Thema Ursache / Cause

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Nur weil ein vorausgehendes Bezugselement vorhanden ist, bedeutet nicht, dass es verursachend ist. Quelle unbekannt


Darstellung der den Kosmos umfassenden prima causa,
Ranghöchste Karte # 50 der Mantegna Tarocchi, ~1465


  • Die Beschränkung der Wahrnehmung propft den Ereignissen in der Welt eine unsichtbare, magische Kraft auf, die "Kausalität" genannt wird. Dies bezeichnet irrtümlich die notwendigen Bedingungen als Ursachen. Es verwechselt ebenfalls zeitliche Abfolge mit Kausalität. […] In Wirklichkeit geschieht Schöpfung andauernd.
    FU The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 387, 2001




  • Der Begriff 'Ursache' ist eine verkürzte Darstellung aus dem Newton-
    schen Realitätsmodell, das inzwischen sogar unter Naturwissenschaftl-
    ern als überholt gilt, die unter anderem weitergegangen sind zu nichtli-
    nearen Dynamiken, der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, der Vermischungs-
    theorie, der Emergenz- und Komplexitätstheorie und dergleichen.
    FU Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. xix-xx, 2008



Ursachenbekämpfung ist ein Kampf mit Windmühlen.

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • "Cause" is not within the manifest world. It's from the nonlinear formless realm. Source unknown


  • There is no cause except by your spiritual intention. Source unknown


  • There is no doer behind the actions. Source unknown


  • It is not possible for anything to cause anything else. Everything is manifesting its infinite potentiality by the Grace
    of Creation which is continuous. Source unknown


  • Just because it is antecedent does not mean it is causitive. Source unknown





  • In reality, everything occurs of its own, with no exterior cause. Every thing and every event is a manifestation of the totality of All That Is, just as it is at any given moment. Once seen in its totality, everything is perfect at all times and nothing needs an external cause to change it in any way. From the viewpoint of the ego’s positionality and limited scope, the world seems to need endless fixing and correction. This illusion collapses as a vanity.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, 2001


  • There is only Existence. Existence requires no cause, and to think as much is to create a fallacy of logic. […] Loo-
    king for a primary cause is an artifact of mentation that arises along with the concepts of time and space.

    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 229, 2001


  • Synchronicity signifies a 'quantum' correlation but not a causality. The correlation is a pattern in the unobservable domain which simultaneously manifests in an apparently divergent time and space. Thus thousands of iron
    filings can be affected by a single electromagnetic field in which a slight change would then bring about simultaneous shifts in observable events. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 317, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • The term "cause" is an abstract hypothesis, a tautology, an intellectualization which has no concordant substrate in reality. I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 13 "Mind", S. 220, 2003


  • Everything is happening of its own; nothing is causing anything else […] It is critical to grasp that the illusion of
    linear causality as an explanation for the observed phenomena of life is the major and most profound limitation of thin-
    kingness […]. Mentation, reason, logic, and language are all structured dualistically, based on the axiom that there is
    a subject and an object, that there is a 'this' doing or causing a 'that'.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 13 "Mind", S. 220, 2003


  • Mentation, reason, logic, and language are all structured dualistically, based on the axiom that there is a subject and
    an object, that there is a 'this' doing or causing a 'that'. Reason strives to find a connection between a witnessed phe-
    nomenon and some antecedent which is most commonly located in prior time. Logic then concludes that what pre-
    cedes an event must somehow be its 'cause' or explanation. It confuses temporal sequence with causation.
    The term "cause" is an abstract hypothesis, a tautology, an intellectualization which has no concordant substrate in
    reality. It is at best an operational supposition to satisfy the mind's requirement for an 'explanation'.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 13 "Mind", S. 220-221, 2003


  • Events and conditions have a source or origination but not a cause. The concept of 'cause' limits comprehension to content only, whereas, in reality, all content is subject to context. This is the very crux of the understanding that al-
    lows consciousness to jump from 499 [the pivotal point of the linear domain of provability] to the 500s [the domain
    of the nonlinear]. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 221, 2003


  • Cause is on the level of mind; effect is on the level of body, not the other way around. Merely reversing that understanding provides the whole key to health and healing. Health then comes out of a positive mental atti-
    , which we have heard many times, so much so that many people are annoyed by it because it implies that
    if they have a sickness, they do not have a positive mental attitude. Healing and Recovery, S. 121-122, 2009




  • The limitation of theology sees God as First Cause. There is no such thing as First Cause. (Calibrated as true.)
    It is trying to project the Newtonian paradigm of cause and effect to the Infinite and nonlinear. Alwaysness has no beginning. Everything is what it is, and it unfolds out of Divinity.
    Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, DVD 3 of 3, minute 6:33, 28. February 2004


  • To know the one thing, all is happening in and of its own. By Divine Ordination does the Unmanifest become manifest in and of itself because of the Infinite Power of the field of Divinity and for no other reason. That's all you need to know. Sedona Seminar Intention, DVD 1 of 3, 28. May 2005


Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Kein anderer kann Gefühle in dir verursachen. Ein anderer kann Gefühle auslösen. Es ist jedoch dein Denken darüber, was er tun sollte oder müsste beziehungsweise, was man tut, was korrekt oder richtig ist, das deine Gefühle von Wut, Schmerz oder Ärger verursacht.
    Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934-2015) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut, Entwickler der Gewaltfreie Kommunikation, Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. Eine Sprache des Lebens, Junfermann, 9. Auflage 12. Februar 2007


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Ursache und ► Grund

Quotes by various other sources

  • Cause and effect. Before the effect one believes in different causes than one does after the effect.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer, Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, S. 125, #215, Delphi Classics, Hastings, United Kingdom, 2015


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Causality

BW-Werte: Ursache / Cause

  • BW 999 – Aussage: "Es gibt keine Ursache für irgendetwas."1

Index Cause: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


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1 Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 350, 2006

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