
Wiki / Stimme








Spektrogramm einer weiblichen Stimme

Gott […] deine Stimme ist leise geworden
– zu leise für den Donner unserer Zeit.
Wir können dich nicht mehr hören.

Wolfgang Borchert (1921-1947),
Draußen vor der Tür, S. 43, 1956


Die Stimme des wahren Selbstes erheben

Spektrogramm einer weiblichen Stimme (0-5000 Hz)
Satz: "It's all Greek to me", August 2007

Frauen können ihre depressive Erkrankung eindämmen, indem sie den Weg zu ihrer eigenen Stimme finden.
Die amerikanische Psychologin und Professorin für Genderstudien Dr. Carol Gilligan betont die Wichtigkeit, das weibliche "Bezie-
dem männlichen "autonomen Selbst" gleichzu-
stellen und aufzuhören, fremde, männliche Werte überzubewerten. Weibliche Depression kann überwunden werden, wenn Frauen ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten und Ressourcen aufspüren und sie für ihre ur-
eigenen Ziele einsetzen. Wichtig ist, dass sie sich erlauben, Unter-
stützung und Hilfe anzunehmen und zu aktivieren.


Das Risiko für Frauen, depressiv zu werden, erhöht sich, wenn sie ihr Bedürfnis nach Bindung unterdrücken und ihr wahres Selbst zum Schweigen bringen, weil sie glauben, dass dieses im Außen nicht akzeptiert und anerkannt wird.


Quelle: ► Dr. Carol Gilligan (*1936) US-amerikanische Professorin für Genderstudien, Psychologin, feministische Ethikerin (Gemeinschaft,
Beziehung), Autorin, Die andere Stimme. Lebenskonflikte und Moral der Frau, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), München, 1996
Siehe auch: ► Depression
See also: ► Transforming rankist rape culture into digntiarian consent culture and ► Depression

Alarmierende Geräusche

Laute und schrille Töne (zwischen 2000 und 5000 Hertz) in Form bedeuten seit der Urzeit meisten Gefahr. Die älteren Gehirnregionen werden auch in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt, wenn man mit quietschender Kreide an der Tafel schreibt. Menschen bekommen eine Gänsehaut, Tiere reagieren mit Fellsträuben.


Schreie oder Kreischen aktivieren sowohl die mandelförmige Amygdala und das limbische System. Dieses zweitälteste Gehirn des Menschen verarbeitet Gefühle und Gerüche.


Auch andere Geräusche, die mit Schmerzen oder sonstigen schlechten Erfahrungen zusammenhängen, können im menschlichen Gehirn einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.


► Scientific paper by Sukhbinder Kumar, Katharina von Kriegstein, Karl Friston, Timothy D. Griffiths, Features versus Feelings:
     Dissociable Representations of the Acoustic Features and Valence of Aversive Sounds
, presented by the weekly peer-reviewed
     scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience, volume 32, issue 41, 10. October 2012

Zitate zum Thema Stimme / Voice

Zitate allgemein

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

Menschliche Ohrmuschel


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Stimme

General quotes

Personal avowals


Falling mute and regaining voice

At age 7.5 Maya Angelou was raped by her "stepfather" Mr. Freeman. She confessed the crime to her brother, who informed the rest of the family. Released from jail after only one day, the rapist was killed, supposedly by Angelou's uncles. As a result the child Maya became mute for nearly 5 years. Her mother used to beat her up for her muteness.

  • I thought, my voice killed him; I killed that man, because I told his name. And then I thought I would never speak again, because my voice would kill anyone. First broadcast audio interview with Maya Angelou (1928-2014) US American historian, actress, producer, director, educator, civil-rights activist, playwright, poet, bestselling black author, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, presented by the British television station BBC World Service Book Club, October 2005


  • I'm not an activist, nor the leader of any mass movement, and I'm certainly not the "voice of the voiceless". We
    know of course there's really no such thing as the 'voiceless'. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the
    preferably unheard.
    Sydney Peace Prize lecture by Arundhati Roy (*1961) Indian political activist, essayist, novelist, Seymour Theatre Centre,
    University of Sydney, delivered 3. November 2004, 2004 Arundhati Roy – Sydney Peace Prize Lecture, presented by the Sydney Peace Foundation, 4. November 2004


Phonograph, ~1914
  • I listened to my [inner] voices, with whom I'd finally learned to live with peace and respect and which in turn reflected a growing sense of compassion, accep-
    and respect towards myself.
    As a very wonderful doctor once said to me, "Don't tell me what other people have told you about yourself. Tell me about you."
    An important question in psychiatry shouldn't be what's wrong with you but rather what's happened to you.
    Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride [empowered]. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. Video presentation by Eleanor Longden, Ph.D., British doctoral re-
    searcher on voice hearing, trauma, psychosis, and recovery, coordinator of the Intervoice Scientific Committee, trustee of the UK Soteria Network, The voices in my head, trans-
    , presented by TED Talks 2013, 14:17 minutes duration, filmed February 2013, posted February 2013, posted as YouTube film 8. August 2013



  • Your soul's voice is a transmission only you can give.
    Emerging women,
    ➤ do not be afraid of your power,
    ➤ let your voice transmit all of who you are. […]
    ➤ [D]are to speak Goddess, not English.
    Life longs to hear you.
Video presentation by Sera Beak, US American scholar of comparative world religions, spiritual activist (redvolutionary), mentor, speaker, author, Sera Beak – In All Trembling Fears and Trembling Boldness, sponsored by Emerging Women Live conference,
New York City, 2013, YouTube film, minute 30:52 and minute 38:15, 38:57 minutes duration, posted 7. December 2014


Call for action

  • We are all here to be makers, to become articulators of the ongoing creation of the world. That’s what truly makes history, that’s what transforms the world when it needs to be transformed, when it needs to be remade and reborn from the depths of the souls of the people living in it. For we are not here to be passive witnesses of our
    age but to be its makers and its articulators.
    Audio presentation by Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthro-
    pology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, Nihilism vs Idealism, Apple podcast MP3, 20:10 minutes duration,
    1. March 2018





  • Sound is the force of creation, the true whole. Music then, becomes the voice of the great cosmic oneness and therefore the optimal way to reach this final state of healing. Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927) Indian founder of the International Sufi Order and the International Sufi movement, 1983, cited in: Don Campbell, Music. Physician for Times to Come,
    S. 119, Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, 1991



Patriarchy crushing voices resulting in dissociation

  • The optimism that is at the core of this work, and that is actually riveting to me at the present moment, is that the very capacities of our nature, the capacity – we have a voice – to communicate with other people, and to live in relationship, to resolve conflicts in relationship, are the grounds both, they are the requisites of love, but they are also the requisites
    of democratic citizenship. So, our human nature, qualities that are ours as humans are aligned with love, and alig-
    ned with democratic forms of living. So if you are going to set up a patriarchal structure, you have to break those capacities, you have to traumatize them, and the result is dissociation.
    Video presentation by / Q&A with Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance, sponsored by The Dalai Lama Center For Ethics and Transformative Values MIT World, minute 43:20, 1:10:34 duration, recorded 24. April 2009, uploa-
    ded 23. December 2011



Wounds of patriarchy: Becoming aware of democratic manhood and womanhood vs. patriarchal manhood and womanhood

  • Look at patriarchy and the tie between
    ➤ the shaming of masculinity and men's violence and
    ➤ the shaming of femininity and women's silence. […]
Violence occurs when women's voices are silent or silenced. […]
[B]ecause the initiation [into patriarchy] of girls [at age 11-12] is later [than boys' initiation at age 5-7] [...] that girl's voices and women's voices will give words to something that is felt deeply also by men but often not [voiced] in language. And when women's voices drop out of the conversation this awareness and
this knowledge tends to drop out with it. Video presentation by / Q&A with Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American pro-
fessor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots
of Ethical Resistance
, sponsored by The Dalai Lama Center For Ethics and Transformative Values, sponsored by the MIT World, minute 46:42, 1:10:34 duration, recorded 24. April 2009, uploaded 23. December 2011


  • Your authentic voice is a transformative conduit for spirit. Used consciously and compassionately it has the
    power to awaken, empower, and transform your life as well as those around you. I call this authentic voice your
    'naked voice'. […]
    "Sound" says Edgar Cayce, "is the medicine of the future." As humanity faces this crisis of spirit, the soul of the world is in great danger. However your naked voice equips you with a language prior to religion, politics, or
    the law.
    Your naked voice is the wellspring of your spirit. It offers you a way of listening, communicating, and being that is older and deeper than the polarity of all conflict, and that includes the fear of death. It offers a language of consciousness. Article The Naked Voice – How sound can change the world, presented by the Irish magazine Network,
    Chloe Goodchild (*1954) British singer, musician, performer, recording artist, innovative educator, 1. March 2017


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Voice

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals

Englische Texte – English section on Voice



Links zum Thema Stimme / Voice


Literature (engl.)

Recension: "...the little book that started a revolution"
Notes on In a Different Voice by Carol Gilligan, presented by Allen Cypher, undated

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Videovortrag von Harald Kautz (*1966) deutscher Physiker, Geologe, unabhängiger investigativer Forscher, Referent, Übersetzer, Verleger, Autor, STIMM-SIGNATUREN, YouTube Film, 9:43 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 1. Juli 2023


  • Dokumentarfilm Stimmen im Kopf – 2015, Regisseurin Anja Krug-Metzinger, deutsche Dokumentarfilmerin, Autorin, präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, gesendet 2. Juni 2015, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehsender ARD, gesendet 3. Juni 2016, Dailymotion Film, 52:00 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. August 2016

Etwa 6-15% aller Menschen hören irgendwann einmal im Leben Stimmen. Weit über die Hälfte der weithin stigmatisierten Stimmenhörer sind geistig gesund und leben unauffällig. Gehirnscanner weisen nach, dass das Stimmenhören keine "Einbildung" ist; Betroffene "hören" tatsächlich etwas. Die Inhalte des Gehörten hat mehr Bedeutung als bisher vermutet.
Bekannte Stimmenhörer: Abraham (Genesis 12,1-3), Prophet Elia (1. Könige 19,11-13), Engelsvision von Prophet Jesaja (Jesaja 6) Saulus-Paulus (Apostelgeschichte 9), Sokrates (469-399 v. Chr.), Augustinus (354-430), Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Rainer Maria Rilke, Andy Warhol

Audio and video links (engl.)

Partial transcript: Carol Gilligan: "To care is to be present, it’s to have a voice, it’s to be in relationship.", 9. March 2012


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




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