
Hawkins / Medizin





Medizin und Heilung
BW 400+


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)





Rehe im Schnee, 1911
Franz Marc (1880-1916)
deutscher Maler, Zeichner


Zuerst das Wort,
dann die Pflanze,
zuletzt das Messer.

Asklepios, altgriechischer Gott
der Medizin und Heilkunst


Lass die Nahrung deine Medizin sein
und Medizin deine Nahrung!

Rat von Hippokrates von Kos [BW 485]
(~460-~370 v. Chr.) berühmter altgriechischer Arzt,
Begründer der wissenschaftlichen Medizin, Heiler





Vom Internisten zum Eternisten

Der US-amerikanische Gebetsstudien-Forscher, Internist und Referent Dr. med. Larry Dossey (*1940) spricht von drei aufeinander aufbauenden Entwicklungsstufen der Medizin, die er als ÄRA I, ÄRA II und ÄRA III bezeichnet. Er selbst hat sich vom skeptischen Schulmediziner zum Wundermediziner gewandelt. Aus einem relativistisch eingestellten Internisten wurde ein Eternist, ein Ewigkeitsmediziner.

Pirschen und Träumen

Die Philosophie der Ureinwohner Nordamerikas kennt zwei grundlegende Herangehensweisen im Leben:
Pirschen und Träumen.
Den Pirschern (Rationalisten) und Träumern (Holistikern) ist es gleichermaßen bestimmt – wenn die Zeit erfüllt und
der Boden fruchtbar ist – eine schöpferische Einheit zu bilden. Ebenso verhält es sich auch mit den vier Verständ-
nisebenen der modernen Medizin, die den bekannten drei bis vier physikalischen Aggregatzuständen entsprechen.
༺༻        Pirschen                Träumen       
Gehirnhälfte Linkshirnig Rechtshirnig
AusdruckFormal klassifizierend, kontrollierendAssoziativ, erlaubend
MethodikEngagiertes, einseitiges MACHERTUMSegnendes, duldsames GESCHEHEN LASSEN
FokusZielgerichtet, aktivUmfassend, unspezifisch, ergebnisoffen
Medizin-Ära Schulmedizin ÄRA I (Inhalt / Praxis) Kooperative Medizin ÄRA II-IV (Kontext / Theorie)
Reference (engl.) – Examples of dreamers:
► Blog article Black Elk, the poet and the dream passport, posted by the blogspot mossdreams, Robert Moss (*1946)
     Australian historian, creator of shamanistic dreamwork Active Dreaming, journalist, author, 15. October 2011, 10. April 2018
Siehe auch: ► Träumen



Unterschiedliche Naturen von Künstler und Denker

Narziß erkennt das wahre Wesen seines Freundes Goldmund.

Die Naturen von deiner Art, die mit den starken und zarten Sinnen, die Be-
seelten, die Träumer, Dichter, Liebenden, sind uns andern, uns Geistes-
menschen, beinahe immer überlegen. Eure Herkunft ist eine mütterliche.
Ihr lebet im Vollen, euch ist die Kraft der Liebe und des Erlebenskönnens
gegeben. Wir Geistigen, obwohl wir euch andere häufig zu leiten und zu regieren scheinen, leben nicht im Vollen, wir leben in der Dürre. Euch gehört die Fülle des Lebens, euch der Saft der Früchte, euch der Garten der Liebe, das schöne Land der Kunst. Eure Heimat ist die Erde, unsere
die Idee. Eure Gefahr ist das Ertrinken in der Sinnenwelt, unsere das Ersticken im luftleeren Raum. Du bist Künstler, ich bin Denker. Du schläfst an der Brust der Mutter, ich wache in der Wüste. Mir scheint die Sonne, dir scheinen Mond und Sterne, deine Träume sind von Mädchen, meine von Knaben.

Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) deutsch-schweizerischer Dichter, Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur, 1946, Erzählung Narziß und Goldmund, entstanden von April 1927 bis März 1929, S. Fischer Verlag, 1930, Narziß und Goldmund, Reihe "Die Romane und die großen Erzählungen", Band 6, 4. Kapitel, S. 48, Frankfurt/Main, 1996

Die Welt ist in zwei Klassen geteilt, in diejenigen, welche das Unglaubliche glauben, und diejenigen, welche das Unwahrscheinliche tun.  Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) irischer Dramatiker, Dichter, Romanschriftsteller, Figur Lord Illingworth, 45, reicher, intelligenter Adliger, Komödie Eine Frau ohne Bedeutung, 3. Akt, 1893

Die Menschen werden sich weiterhin bemühen, die Dinge zu durchdenken und zu erfühlen, doch in Wirklichkeit ist
die grundlegende Frage: Können sie gegenwärtig sein? Gegenwärtig sein oder nicht gegenwärtig sein, das ist
wirklich die Frage.
  Gelöschtes Videointerview mit Dr. Victor Vernon Woolf, US-amerikanischer Physiker, Erfinder der Holodynamics-Methode, Holodynamics, Teil 4, Gastgeberin Lita Cox, Minute 10:58, 11:28 Minuten Dauer, aufgenommen 2009

Drei Arten der Medizin – Marilyn Schlitz

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz, eine international bekannte Autorin und wissenschaftliche Forscherin der menschlichen Potentials,
ist eine Vertreterin der integralen Medizin, die Naturwissenschaft im Äußeren und die Seele im Inneren umfasst.


Marilyn Schlitz beschreibt drei Typen der angewandten medizinischen Praxis:

  1. Konventionelle Medizin, die Krankheiten behandelt;
  2. Alternative, komplementäre, holistische oder integrative Medizin, die den ganzen Patienten behandelt und
  3. Integrale Medizin, die ebenfalls den Arzt und das medizinische System behandelt.1

Entwicklungsstufen der Medizin – Larry Dossey

Drei bis vier Entwicklungsstufen der Medizin
Medizin ÄRANameBeschreibungBeginn
ÄRA I Schulmedizin
Linearer Raum
Als beweisgestützte Heilkunde beruht auf dem alten kartesiani-
schen Weltbild, das sich auf den materialistisch-reduktionistischen
beruft und den Beitrag des Geistes minimiert.
ÄRA II Komplementärmedizin
Linearer Raum
Anerkennt, dass bei Patienten die innere Haltung zu sich selbst, zum Krankheitsbild und zu Allem zählt. Daraus entwickelte sich die Psychoneuro-gastro-kardio- [...]-immunologie, die so genannte Geist-Körper-Medizin.1940
ÄRA III Wundermedizin
Nichtlinearer Raum – Quantenraum
Gilt im Mainstream-Denken als widersinnig, da sie sich auf Be-
als Basis von Allem
beruft. Nichtlokale Ewigkeits-Medi-
zin anerkennt das quantenphysikalische Prinzip der Allgegen-
wärtigkeit und Zeitlosigkeit
und weiß um die Verbundenheit mit dem GANZEN.
Raum der
Wurde von Dossey nicht erfasst. Erfahren und studiert wurde sie von Mystikern, die sich im hochenergetisierten Schwingungfeld des göttlichen Friedens aufhalten, in dem Krankheit nicht mehr bestehen kann.
Das Wandlungswort "ES IST VOLLBRACHT!" (griech. tetelestai) wird hier umgesetzt. Wortwörtlich bedeutet es voll bezahlt.


Era III is mind/body medicine with a different slant. It's a collective mind, a mind not localized to the brain or the body. It's mind possibly affecting many bodies, across space. Mind that is not localized to the present moment, breaking time barriers, as in the recent studies where people received a message three days before it was sent. Temporal nonlocality.
Deleted interview with Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine, Healing Words, presented by the removed online publication Living on Light, Daniel Redwood, D.C., 1995


Siehe auch: ► Die fünf Ebenen der Heilung – Klinghardt

Vier Phasen der Medizin

Vier Entwicklungsstufen der Medizin
ÄRA·ISchulmedizin 400-440Realitätsebene
Körper / Materie
Evidenzbasierte konventionelle Medizin → fragmentarisch, reduktionistisch1

Gefühl / Seele
Innen und Außen
Materie und Psyche
Einstellungsbasierte Psychoneuro-gastro-cardio-immunologie → Körper-Geist-Medizin10
Verstand / SEELE
Kontextuelle GanzheitsmedizinNichtlinearität, Nichtlokalität, Diskontinuität, Ergebnisoffenheit
Energieübertragung, Gebetsheilung, Segnungen → Erfahrung von Wundern, Gnade, Heiligkeit, Heiliger Geist
ÄRA·IVGEISTmedizin 600+Neuschöpfung
GEIST / Spirit
SIEHE, ICH MACHE ALLES NEU.Krankheiten vergehen wie von selbst. Vollständige Erneuerung findet statt, sobald die karmische Last beglichen ist.1000
Siehe auch:
Entwicklungsstufen der Medizin – Larry Dossey
Vier Seinsebenen – Hartmann • Gebser • Heim
Die fünf Ebenen der Heilung – Klinghardt
See also: ► Evolutionary timetable of medicine – 3 eras of medicine – Larry Dossey

Formen der Medizin und Therapie (Übersicht) – D. Hawkins

Bewusstseinswerte von Medizinrichtungen und Therapieformen
BW-WerteMedizin-Ära Formen der Medizin und Therapie
150 Antidrogen-Programm in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
Unwirksames Programm, das Zeit, Geld- und Energieverschwendung des Kollektivs
170  Vom Arbeitgeber finanzierte Krankenversicherung mit begrenzter Ärzteauswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika – [HMO (Health Maintenance Organisation)]2
180 Klonen (Menschen)
190 "Health Financing Care Bill" [Gesetz für erschwingliche Krankenversicherungsfinanzierung] Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, verabschiedet am 23. März 20103
200 Klonen (Tiere)
200 Homöopathie
202 Holotropische Atemarbeit Entwickelt von Prof. Dr. med. Stanislav Grof, praktiziert in den Vereinigten Staaten
Biofeedback – 
Verhaltenstherapeutische computerisierte Methode zur Messung/Steuerung von Körperreaktionen
205 Pharmazeutische Industrie4
205 Körperarbeit
Rolfing –  Tiefengewebsmassage nach Ida Rolf, wie praktiziert in den Vereinigten Staaten
210 US-amerikanische Gesundheitsindustrie [Health industry]5
210 Kristalltherapie
240 Seelen-Geburtshilfe, Seelenrückholung –  Schamanische Praxis?
235 Medizinisches Marihuana6
245 Stammzellenforschung u.a. für medizinische Anwendungen
250 Rebirthing –  Atemtherapeutische Methode von Leonard Orr (1937-2019), praktiziert in den Vereinigten Staaten
Lehre des nicht-traditionellenhawaiianischen Schamanismus
260 Hatha Yoga7
340 Reiki–  Japanische Methode der Energieübertragung
350  Erforderliches Bewusstseinsniveau für erfolgreiche Suchtheilung
355 Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus [in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika]8
380 Klinische Psychologie9
385 Dialektisch-Behaviorale Therapie (DBT) –  Verhaltenstherapie
395 Operationssaal [in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika]10
395 Durchschnittswert: Orientalische Medizin (TCM, indisches Ayurveda u.a.)
400 Beginn von
ÄRA I Medizin
Konventionelle MedizinSchulmedizinAllopathische Medizin
405 Akupunktur –  Heilverfahren der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin (TCM)11
420-506 Psychiatrische Praxen12
430-440 Ärztliche Privatpraxen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika'13
440 ÄRA I MedizinAllgemeinmedizin, Innere Medizin
Chirurgische Operation
440 Beginn von
ÄRA II Medizin
Komplementärmedizin Körper-Geist-Medizin
440+ Psychiatrie14
445 Harvard Medical School medizinische Fakultät der Elite-Universität in Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts
450 US-amerikanische Krankenhäuser der Spitzenklasse
450 Pharmakologie
455 Kollektives Unbewusstes15
455 Chaostheorie16
460 ÄRA II MedizinFreudsche Psychoanalyse17
460 ÄRA II MedizinJungsche Psychoanalyse18
460 Energiemedizin19
460 Chaostheorie20
485 Visualisieren als Heilungsmethode
499 Spirituell orientierte Heiler und Heilpraktiker21
Ungeachtet der höheren Rate an chronisch Kranken 22% höhere Heilungsrate als die konventionelle Medizin
499 Positives Denken –  Dualitätsgebundene Denkweise
500 Beginn von
ÄRA III Medizin
Integrativ-holistische Medizin
500 Ärzte ohne Grenzen (Doctors Without Borders), internationale Ärzte-Hilfsorganisation22
500 Krankensalbung –  Auch "Letzte Ölung" genannt, christliches Kranken- und Sterbesakrament
505 Prinzip: Das, woran ich unentwegt denke, wird sich verwirklichen (vorausgesetzt es ist karmisch erlaubt).
540 Kraftfeld für erfolgreiche Suchtheilung –  Selbsthilfegruppen der 12-Schritte-Programme, Anonyme Alkoholiker (AA), Gelassenheitsgebet
540+ ÄRA III MedizinGruppenheilungsrituale, Gruppengebets-Zeremonien, Wunderheilungen werden möglich.
560+ Schwitzhütten-Zeremonie –  Aus der Tradition der Ureinwohner Amerikas
570 Kraftfeld für Wunder-Phänomene–  Geeignet für Spontanremissionen
600+ Beginn von
ÄRA IV Medizin
Kraftfeld, das fast alle Krankheiten gänzlich auflöst
600 Klinische Kinesiologie (Muskeltest)
605 Kinesiologischer Muskeltest –  Entwickelt von D. Hawkins zur Ermittlung der Bewusstseinsebenen
Diverse Quellen u.a. ► Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 92, 126, 134, 137, 397, 2005

Bereitwilligkeit für Therapie und nichtlineare Ereignisse – D. Hawkins

Therapiewilligkeit und nichtlineare Ereignisse – abgestuft je nach Bewusstseinsebene
Menschen mit BWTherapie-Willigkeit – Linearität
Unter BW 200Gehen NICHT in Therapie.
Oberhalb BW 200Sind offen für Therapieangebote, machen jedoch selten Gebrauch davon.
Von BW 299Gehen weniger gern in Therapie.
Oberhalb BW 300 bis BW 399Gehen hingebungsvoll in Therapie.
Oberhalb BW 400Gehen sehr selten in Therapie.
Oberhalb BW 500Gehen NICHT in Therapie.
BW-EbeneNichtlineare Ereignisse
Ab BW 500+Synchronizitäten treten vermehrt auf.
Die erste Erkenntnis von Celestine nach dem Erfolgsroman von James Redfield
BW 540+Bedeutendere Kundalini-Phänomene treten auf.
Ab BW 540 bis BW 600+Spontanheilungen, im Volksmund (Wunder) genannt, geschehen.

Zitate zum Thema Medizin und Heilung / Medicine and healing

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


ERA III medicine



  • Krankheiten können durch Glaubenssysteme beeinflusst werden.
    Q&A Audiointerview (engl.) mit Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, präsentiert von dem aufgelösten
    US-amerikanischen EKiW Webradiosender Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, Gastgeberin Ellen Sutherland, gesendet
    am 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 28. März 2011

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013



Referencing: ERA I medicine ⇔ ERA III medicine

  • The difference between treating and healing is that in the former, the context re-
    mains the same, whereas in the latter, the clinical response is elicited by a change in context, so as to bring about an absolute removal of the "cause" of the condition rather than the recovery from its symptoms. It's one thing to prescribe an anti-hypertensive medication for high blood pressure; it's quite another to expand the patient's context of life so that he stops being angry and repressive.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 73, Hay House, Februar 2002





  • Mankind develops progressively in all areas of science, technology, industry, physics, and medicine, so it is not surprising that spiritual awareness would also keep pace. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 372, 2003



  • When we move into unconditional lovingness at level 540, the field has the capacity to heal; it is the level of healers. The field that healers generate calibrates at 540 and up. It is an immensely loving field, and the emotion is experienced as lovingness – that desire to be with life, to say yes to it, and let go of resistance.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 10 "Pain and Suffering", S. 310, 2009



Referencing: ERA I medicine ⇔ ERA III medicine

  • In the practice of medicine, the bureaucratic oppression is enormous and continuous. Every single move one makes is monitored by numerous agencies. Is that freedom? No, that is not freedom. So one has to transcend the polarities of right and wrong, good and bad. That takes one into a different domain of unconditional love [LoC 540+]
    Landsberg speech Dialogue on Consciousness and Spirituality, medical faculty, University of San Francisco, 1997


  • Illnesses can be influenced by belief systems. Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, presented by the US American ACIM web radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011


  • You see, with right-brained people, all these phenomena occur with them naturally and spontaneously. [...] people with very advanced psychic abilities – this is the way healers make their diagnosis, they just leave their body – go within yours, look around to see what’s going on in your body, go back in their body and then tell you.
    Office Series – Farmingdale, New York, Seminar Giving Up Illness through A Course in Miracles, sponsored by "The Bridgebuilders", host Saul Steinberg, first publisher of ACIM, host Dan McGrew, 3 CD set, 11. June 1983


  • Humor is a way of healing. You can laugh yourself well. It’s a way of stepping beyond yourself and including yourself in the world. Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004


  • You can do healing in psychotherapy through recontextualization. Cite Socrates, who said that man always chooses the good; the problem is that he can't discern what’s really good. Patients don't want happiness; they want to enrol you in their unhappiness. Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005


  • The cure rate is much higher with clinical holistic medicine [LoC 445] than with academic medicine [LoC 440].
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Denn des Leibes Leben ist im Blut ... Denn das Blut ist die Versöhnung, weil das Leben in ihm ist.
3. Mose 17, 11 (AT)


Persönliches Bekenntnis


Als Thema ihrer Doktorarbeit im Fach Theologie wählte Myss die Untersuchung des Zusammenhang von Mystik und Schizophrenie.


  • Ich glaube, es gibt gewisse Tore, die einzig die Krankheit öffnen kann. Es gibt jedenfalls einen Gesundheitszustand, der uns nicht erlaubt, alles zu verstehen. Vielleicht verschließt uns die Krankheit einige Wahrheiten, ebenso aber ver-
    schließt uns die Gesundheit andere oder führt uns davon weg, so dass wir uns nicht mehr darum kümmern.
    André Gide (1869-1951) französischer Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur, 1947, zitiert in: A. Franke, Modelle von
    Gesundheit und Krankheit
    , Huber, 2006


  • Überleben
    Heute gehe ich zum Arzt, denn der muss auch leben –
    der verschreibt mir was, denn die Pharmaindustrie muss auch leben –
    das kauf ich in der Apotheke, denn die müssen auch leben –
    und dann schmeiß ich das ganze Zeug weg, denn ich will auch leben.
    Luisa Francia salamandra.de (*1949) deutsche Filmemacherin, Malerin, feministische Autorin, zitiert in: hanneweb.wordpress.com


Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrgehänge
Johannes Vermeer, niederländischer Maler


  • Heile die Atmosphäre und die Atmosphäre heilt dich.
    Vedischer Leitgedanke


  • Sei dir bewusst, dass in dir selbst alle Heilkraft liegt, die für den Körper gebraucht wird. […] Jede Heilung muss aus dir selbst ent-
    stehen. Denn der physische Leib hat die Fähigkeit, sich zu erholen und zu erneuern, ebenso wie die Fähigkeit, sich anzupassen.
    Edgar Cayce [Schlafender Prophet] (1877-1945) US-amerikanisches Trancemedium, mystischer Heiler, Visionär, Quelle unbekannt



  • Weiß man denn, was einen gesund gemacht hat? Die Heilkunst,
    das Schicksal, der Zufall oder Omas Gebet?
    Michel de Montaigne [BW 440] (1533-1592) französischer Politiker, Philosoph, Begründer der Essayistik, bedeutender Schriftsteller der Renaissance, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


Empfehlung eines ehemaligen Schulmediziners

  • Als Arzt im Ruhestand kann ich ehrlich sagen, dass – außer Sie seien in einer äußerst akuten Lage – Ihre beste Chance ein hohes und reifes Alter zu erreichen darin liegt, Ärzte und Krankenhäuser zu meiden und sich über Ernährung, pflanzliche und andere Formen der natürlichen Medizin schlau zu machen. […] Fast alle Medikamente sind giftig und nur dafür entwickelt worden, Symptome zu behandeln und nicht um irgend jemanden zu heilen. Die meisten chirurgischen Eingriffe sind unnötig. Kurz gesagt, unser offizielles medizinisches System ist hoffnungslos unpassend und/oder korrupt. Die Behandlung von Krebs und degenerativen Erkrankungen ist ein nationaler Skan-
    dal. Je eher Sie das lernen, desto besser wird es Ihnen gehen.
    Dr. Allan Greenberg, US-amerikanischer Krebsarzt, 24. Dezember 2002; zitiert in: Artikel Sprach ein weiser Arzt zur Weihnacht,
    präsentiert von der Webseite Forever Young, 5. November 2017



  • So wie Himmel und Erde zusammen gehören, also auch Himmel und Mensch.
    Und weil der Mensch aus Erde ist, soll er mit irdischen, weil er aus dem Himmel ist, auch mit himmlischen Mitteln erkannt werden.
    Also sind Menschen, Himmel und Erde, auch Luft und Wasser ein Ding. Das soll dem Arzt vor allem bewusst sein.
    Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus [Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Schweizer Arzt, Mystiker, Alchemist, Astrologe, Philosoph, Laientheologe, zitiert in: Frank Geerk (1946-2008) deutscher Dichter, Dramatiker, Schriftsteller, Paracelsus. Arzt unserer Zeit. Leben, Werk und Wirkungsgeschichte des Theophrastus von Hohenheim, Benziger-Verlag, Ein-
    siedeln, Schweiz, 1992, März 2001, S. 141, Patmos-Verlag der Schwabenverlag, 1. Januar 2001


  • Viren sind unsere einzigen und wahren Rivalen um die Herrschaft über den Planeten.
    Dr. med. Joshua Lederberg (1925-2008) US-amerikanischer Molekularbiologe, Genetiker, Nobelpreisträger für Physiologie/
    Medizin, 1958, zitiert in: Dorothy H. Crawford, The Invisible Enemy. A Natural History of Viruses, S. 2, Oxford University
    Press, New York City, New York, 2000, reprint issue 3. April 2003


  • Die moderne Medizin betreibt ein Geschäft mit der Gesundheit. Sie will nicht zur Gesundheit der Menschen beitra-
    gen, sondern existiert nur zum Selbstzweck. Ivan Illich (1926-2002) österreichisch-US-amerikanischer Theologe, katholi-
    scher Priester, Philosoph, sozialkritischer Autor, zitiert in: My Zitate




Abhelfende Medizin weicht der künftigen präventiven Medizin.

  • Die Medizin der Zukunft wird nicht mehr abhelfend, sondern präventiv sein. Sie wird nicht mehr auf Medikamenten beruhen, sondern auf einer Ernährung, die der Gesundheit am meisten dient. Zugeschrieben Dr. Linus Pauling [BW 450] (1901-1994) US-amerikanischer Chemiker, Biochemiker, Ausbilder, Friedensaktivist, Autor, zitiert in: Essay (engl.) von Peter Shepherd, Nutrition: The Medicine of the Future, PDF, präsentiert von Library.net, undatiert




ÄRA 3-4 Medizin

Bestätigt Wissen um Kontext, Attraktorfelder; ÄRA. |


ÄRA 3 Medizin

  • Jeder kann Energie übertragen, um die Symptome einfacher Beschwerden zu lindern, nicht um sie zu heilen. Ein erfolgversprechender Heiler benötigt wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Fertigkeiten, innere Disziplin und Durchhaltevermögen. Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere rosalynlbruyere.org (*1946) US-ameri-
    kanische spirituelle Lehrerin, Energieheilerin, Aurasichtige, Hart, Bayern, Deutschland, ~1994


  • Unter all meinen Patienten jenseits der Lebensmitte, das heißt jenseits 35, ist nicht ein Einziger, dessen endgültiges Problem nicht das der religiösen Einstellung wäre. Ja, jeder krankt in letzter Linie daran, daß er das verloren hat, was lebendige Religionen ihren Gläubigen zu allen Zeiten gegeben haben, und keiner ist wirklich geheilt, der seine religiöse Einstellung nicht wieder erreicht, was mit Konfession oder Zugehörigkeit zu einer Kirche natürlich nichts zu tun hat.
    Carl Gustav Jung [BW 520/540] (1875-1961) Schweizer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Gründer einer neuen Schule der analytischen Tiefenpsychologie, Autor, Gesammelte Werke. Band 11. Psychologie und Religion, § 509, Walter Verlag, 3. Auflage 1. Januar 1979




ÄRA 3 Medizin

  • Die Arznei [Medizin] ist eine Kunst, die mit großer Gewissenhaftigkeit, großer Erfahrung und großer Gottesfurcht ausgeübt werden sollte. Denn wer Gott nicht fürchtet, der stiehlt und mordet für und für. Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus [Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Schweizer Arzt, Mystiker, Alchemist, Astrologe, Philosoph, Laien-
    theologe, Werke. Band 2, Das Buch Paragranum, Septem Defensiones, "Die fünfte Defension dass ich mich der falschen Ärzte
    und ihrer Gesellschaft entschlage", entstanden 1538, erste deutsche Ausgabe, Perna, Basel, 1574, S. 497, Darmstadt, 1965


  • Paracelsus nennt vier Säulen der Heilkunde, in denen ein Arzt Kompetenz vorweisen muss:
    1. Philosophie
    2. Astrologie (entspricht der Psychologie/Kosmologie),
    3. Alchemie und
    4. vor allem Tugend (entspricht dem Ethos).
Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus [Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Schweizer Arzt, Mystiker, Alchemist, Astrologe, Philosoph, Laientheologe, zitiert in: Gelöschter Artikel Die vier Säulen der Heilkunde, präsentiert von der Web-
seite Stiftung Rosenkreuz, Dr. med. Stephan Sigrist, Bern, 11. November 2008



ÄRA 3 Medizin

  • In Zeiten des Pathos öffnet die Krankheit Türen zu einer Wirklichkeit, die einer bodenständigen Anschauung verschlossen bleibt.
    Dr. Jean Houston (*1937) US-amerikanische Psychologin, Philosophin, Kulturanthropologin, Gelehrte, Pionierin der Human Potential-Bewegung, visionäre spirituelle Lehrerin, Autorin, zitiert (engl.) in: Quotetab


  • Was die Arzneien [Medikamente] nicht heilen [ÄRA I – BW 400+],
    heilt das Eisen [Messer] [ÄRA I-II BW 440+ = Chirurgie],
    was das Eisen nicht heilt, heilt das Feuer [ÄRA III-IV – BW 500+].
    Hippokrates von Kos [BW 485] (~460-~370 v. Chr.) berühmter altgriechischer Arzt im Zeitalter von Perikles, Begründer der wissenschaftlichen Medizin, herausragende Figur der Medizingeschichte, Heiler, zitiert in: Gutzitiert


  • Es kommt darauf an, den Körper mit der Seele und die Seele durch den Körper zu heilen. Oscar Wilde [Werk BW 440] (1854-1900) irischer Dramatiker, Dichter, Romanschriftsteller, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Trotz unserer Unterschiede sind wir alle gleich. Jenseits von Identität und Verlangen gibt es ein gemeinsames Zentrum, einen inneren Kern – eine essentielle Menschlichkeit, deren Wesen Frieden [BW 600+], deren Ausdruck das Denken [BW 400+] und dessen Handeln bedingungslose Liebe [BW 540+] ist. Wenn wir uns mit jenem inneren Kern identifi-
    zieren, wenn wir ihn bei anderen ebenso wie auch in uns ehren, erfahren wir Heilung in allen Bereichen des Lebens.
    Dr. Joan Borysenko (*1945) US-amerikanische Medizinwissenschaftlerin, Pionierin der integrativen Medizin, klinische Psychologin, Stressexpertin, spirituelle Lehrerin, Autorin, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind, Da Capo Press, revised edition 13. November 2007



ÄRA 3-4 Medizin



ÄRA 2-3 Medizin

  • Krankheit spiegelt alte Muster beziehungsweise einen höheren geistigen Sinn. Wird dieser erkannt und im All-Tag integriert, werden die Symptome überflüssig. Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Psychotherapeut, Ganzheitsmediziner, Quelle unbekannt



ÄRA 3 Medizin



Schwartz' Biofeld-Studien haben erwiesen, dass die Wahrnehmung energetischer Prozesse und Energieübertragungen grundsätzlich von Jedem, auch ohne besondere Begabungen, erlernbar ist, ganz gleich, welchen Bewusstseinswert die Testpersonen aufweisen. Die Effektivitätsgrade der einzelnen Kursteilnehmer unterschieden sich allerdings deutlich voneinander.
Schwartz scheint für die Heileffektivität den Gefühlszustand des Heilers auszumachen.
Nach Dr. Hawkins heilt nicht der Heiler an sich, sondern die Nähe zum göttlichen Feld. Heilung ist eine Kombination aus Bewusstseinsgraden, Liebesfähigkeit, Gottesnähe und spiritueller Intention des Patienten, der Mitwelt und des/der Heiler/s in Verbindung mit göttlicher Gnade, wenn das Karma des Heilungssuchenden und die Zeit erfüllt ist.


  • Heilung ist das Umarmen dessen, was man am meisten fürchtet;
    Heilung ist das Öffnen dessen, was verschlossen war,
    Heilung ist das Weichwerden dessen, was zur Blockade verhärtet war.
    Heilung besteht darin, zu lernen, dem Leben zu vertrauen.
    Dr. Jeanne Achterberg (1942-2012) US-amerikanische Professorin für Psychologie, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, ehemals Präsidentin der Association of Transpersonal Psychology, zitiert in: Das Gesund Magazin



Definition von Energiemedizin

  • Energiemedizin [Energy medicine] bezeichnet eine Gruppe von medizinischen Verfahren, die Energiefelder in Diagnose und Therapie verwenden. Meist handelt es sich um elektromagnetische, aber auch elektrische und magnetische Felder, Schallwellen, mechanische Vibrationen oder Lichtwellen. Mittlerweile besteht auch Einigkeit darüber, den wissen-
    schaftlich noch wenig erforschten Bereich der Skalarwellen und sogar der Informationsfelder miteinzubeziehen.
    Russland, das eine längere Tradition in diesem Bereich vorweisen kann, verwendet den Begriff Bioenergetische
    Medizin, während in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika [...] auch von information medicine gesprochen wird.
    Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut und Dr. med. Manfred Doepp, deutsche Mitglieder der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Energetische und Informationsmedizin (DGEIM), Stuttgart, Energetische und Informationsmedizin (energy medicine), PDF, undatiert




ÄRA 3 Medizin

  • Wer (was) die Wunde schlug, der (das) wird sie heilen.
    Aussage des Sphinx vor Delphi in der griechischen Mythologie



Paradoxe Intervention

  • Das beste Mittel gegen eine Krankheit ist, aus der Krankheit eine Arznei zu machen. Weisheit aus China



  • Es gibt keine unheilbaren Krankheiten, nur unheilbare Menschen. Dr. med. Bernie Siegel, US-amerikanischer Assis-
    tenz-Professor für klinische Medizin, Kinderchirurg, Autor, Referent zu Komplementärmedizin und Neugeist-Themen, Prognose Hoffnung. Liebe, Medizin und Wunder [Love, Medicine & Miracles“ 1986], Ullstein Taschenbuch, 10. Auflage 1. März 2003


  • Wer heilt, hat Recht. Volksweisheit
  • Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden. Volksmund
  • Die Zeit heilt Wunden und verwundet das Heile. Unbekannt


  • Der Mensch ist die Medizin des Menschen. Afrikanisches Sprichwort, Nigeria


  • Liebe [ÄRA III – BW 500+] allein, nicht Hass, kann die Welt heilen. Baron Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999) jüdischer US-amerikanischer-schweizerischer-britischer Violinist, größter Geigenvirtuose des 20. Jahrhunderts, Dirigent, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Alle Objekte, also auch der materielle und individuelle Aspekt des Menschen [ÄRA I BW → 400+], sind wie Eisberge, die (in der Objektwelt) über der Wasserlinie getrennt zu sein scheinen, aber eine Einheit bilden. [ÄRA I-IV BW ⇔ 400+] Marco Bischof (*1947) Schweizer Wissenschaftsjournalist, Autor der Grenzwissenschaft, Energiemedizin – ein neues Paradigma in der Medizin?, präsentiert von der deutschsprachigen Esoterik-Monatszeitschrift Esotera (1986-2001), Nr. 8, Titel Energiemedizin – Heilkunst der Zukunft, August 2000, 2. Abdruck Energiemedizin. Marco Bischof beobachtet Zeichen eines Paradigmenwechsels in der Medizin, präsentiert von der Publikation Kurskontakte, Heft 124, Dezember 2002



ÄRA 1 ⇔ ÄRA 2-4 Medizin



ÄRA 1 ⇔ ÄRA 2-4 Medizin

  • Medizin beruht nicht in erster Linie auf Wahrheit [Beweisbarkeit], sondern auf Wirksamkeit. Prof. Hagenbucher, österreichischer Psychiater, Neurologe, Innsbruck, 1963, zitiert in: Artikel Frauen – willige Opfer der Medizin?, präsentiert von der Stiftung Paracelsus Heute, Konferenzbeitrag von Dr. Alois Maria Payer, Schweiz, 2.-5. Oktober 1995


  • Wir Ärzte werden hauptsächlich durch die Fachzeit-
    schriften informiert, die von der Ärztekammer oder
    von Interessengruppen [Pharmaindustrie und -lob-
    by] hergestellt werden, so dass die – für uns – se-
    lektierte Information alles ausgrenzt, was in der
    Wissenschaft bereits bekannt ist. Das wird uns
    überhaupt nicht weitergegeben. Wir bekommen
    nur die Information über patentierte oder paten-
    tierbare Medikamente und wie wir sie verschrei-
    ben sollen, so dass die Illusion entsteht, Medizin
    sei das Verschreiben von patentierten Medikamen-
    ten. [...] Durch den enormen Zeitdruck, unter dem wir Ärzte stehen, nehmen sich nur wenige von uns den Luxus heraus, [vorhandene Quellen selbst zu studieren].
    Videovortrag von Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt (*1950) deutscher Arzt, Erfinder von kinesiologisch-medizinischen Verfahren, Gründer der Klinghardt Academy, Vereinigte Staaten, Schwer-
    metalle, Impfungen und Entgiftung
    , präsentiert von dem online Fernsehsender Quer-Denken TV, Gastgeber Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations, Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement,
    Publizist, YouTube Film, Minute 58:29, 1:04:20 Dauer, erst eingestellt 31. August 2016, neu eingestellt 18. August 2021



Kontrovers: Impfungen


  • Mich faszinieren die herausragenden Erfolge der Impfungen: Mit Ausnahme von sauberem Trinkwasser hat keine andere Maßnahme mehr Leben gerettet. Gelöschtes Interview mit Prof. Dr. med. Christof von Eiff, Impfungen: Experteninter-
    , Absatz 1, präsentiert von der Publikation Pfizer, 2018



Kontext ⇔ Kontent

  • Der bessere Arzt hilft vor dem Aufkeimen der Krankheit. Der schlechtere Arzt beginnt erst dann zu heilen, wenn sich die Krankheit bereits entwickelt hat. Und weil er so spät zu Hilfe kommt, nennt man ihn unwissend.
    Wolfgang G. A. Schmidt, Der Klassiker des Gelben Kaisers zur Inneren Medizin, entstanden vermutlich im 3. Jht. v. Chr., ältestes medizinisches Buch der Welt, Herder, Freiburg, 1. Januar 1993
    • Ein Gramm Prävention ist soviel wert wie Pfund medizinischer Behandlung. US-amerikanische Medizinerweisheit



ÄRA 3-4 Medizin



  • Durch Injektionen, Medikamente und Chemikalien könnte die Bevölkerung möglicherweise zur Akzeptanz all dessen verleitet werden, was ihre wissenschaftlichen Meister für sie als das Beste erachten.
    Bertrand Russell [BW 465] (1872-1970) englischer Wissenschaftsphilosoph, Logiker, Mathematiker, Historiker, Sozialreformer, "Pazifist", Mitglied der Royal Society und des Geheimdienstes MI5, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur, 1950, The Scientific Outlook, 1931, Psychology Press, 2001, Routledge, 1st edition 8. April 2009


Hinweis: Untenstehender Artikel über "bewusste Verblödung" durch Fluor wurde von dem Facebook KI "Management" im Jahr 2017 nachträglich als "Spam" eingestuft und dauerhaft gelöscht.

  • Fluorid mit einer Konzentration von 1 ppm (part per million) ist genauso giftig wie Arsen und Blei. Fluoride sind so gefährlich, weil sie sich in unserem Körper ansammeln und über die Jahre zu einer schleichenden Vergiftung führen.
  • Fluorid ist generell ein protoplasmisches Gift, welches die Durchlässigkeit der Zellmembran durch verschiedene Enzyme verändert.
    Vereinigung der amerikanischen Dentisten, 1936, zitiert in: gelöschter Blogartikel Die bewusste Verblödung der Menschheit hat seit
    40 Jahren Methode
    , präsentiert von dem Blogspot "Zeit zum Aufwachen", 18. Februar 2015



"Speisesalz" wird zu zum größten Teil mit Fluorid versetzt, die meisten industriell gefertigten Nahrungsmittel enthalten fluoridiertes Salz.

  • Da Fluoride die Gestalt von Enzymen verändern, werden diese nun als Fremdkörper und Eindringlinge von unserem Immunsystem behandelt. Es kommt zu einer Autoimmunreaktion, der Körper attackiert sich selbst.
    Prof. Dr. Abderhalden, zitiert in: Journal der amerikanischen Ärzte-Vereinigung, 1943


Offiziell bestätigt: Fluoride hemmen die Funktionsfähigkeit der Zirbeldrüse erheblich. Das Gewebe der Zirbeldrüse nimmt mehr Fluorid auf als jedes andere harte Gewebe im menschlichen Körper. Die Ablagerungen hemmen die Drüse in ihrer Funktionsfähigkeit.

  • Das weiche Gewebe der erwachsenen Zirbeldrüse [Fenster zu höherem Bewusstsein] enthält mehr Fluorid als jedes
    andere Weichgewebe im Körper – ein Maß an Fluorid (~300 ppm), das in der Lage ist, Enzyme zu hemmen. Die Zirbel-
    drüse enthält auch Hartgewebe und dieses enthält mehr Fluorid (bis zu 21.000 ppm) als jedes andere Hartgewebe im
    Körper, wie zum Beispiel Zähne und Knochen.
    Ergebnis der Recherche von Dr. Jennifer Luke, Universität Surrey, England, zitiert in: gelöschter Blogartikel Die bewusste Verblödung der Menschheit hat seit 40 Jahren Methode, präsentiert von dem Blogspot "Zeit zum Aufwachen", 18. Februar 2015







Kernergebnisse der Krebsspontanheilungsforschung

Dr. Kelly Turner, US-amerikanische Krebsforscherin, Autorin, 9 Wege in ein krebsfreies Leben. Wahre Geschichten von geheilten Menschen, Irisiana, 10. August 2015

  • Neun Faktoren für ein neues Leben
    Aus 75 positiven Faktoren kristallisierten sich laut Krebsforscherin Kelly Turner neun Schlüssel-Komponenten heraus. Fast alle Menschen mit radikalen Krankheitsrückbildungen wandten folgende neun Maßnahmen an, um weiterzuleben:
    1. die Ernährung radikal umstellen
    2. die Kontrolle über die Gesundheit übernehmen
    3. der eigenen Intuition folgen
    4. Kräuter und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel einnehmen
    5. unterdrückte Emotionen loslassen
    6. positive Emotionen verstärken
    7. soziale Unterstützung erlauben
    8. die spirituelle Verbindung vertiefen
    9. starke Gründe für das Leben haben
Artikel Radikale Remissionen – die 9 Schlüssel zur Heilung, präsentiert von dem Blogportal Scilogs von Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dr. Karin Schumacher, Humanmedizinerin, 29. September 2017


  • Erkenntnistheoretische Irrtümer der Biomedizin'
    Die Biomedizin ("Schulmedizin") basiert auf dem Maschinenparadigma mit u.a. folgenden erkenntnistheoretischen Irrtümern:
    • Dualismus (Trennung von Körper und Seele)
    • Reduktionismus (weniger komplexe Entitäten menschlichen Lebens erklären höher komplexe Entitäten)
    • Mechanizismus (lineare Ursache-Wirk-Beziehungen)
    • Objektivismus (Objektives ⇔ Subjektives)
Video Konferenzvortrag von Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert (*1961) deutscher Mediziner, Psychologe, Autor, Massenpsychologie, Angst und Psychoneuroimmunologie – Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Schubert, veranstaltet von dem KRiStA-Symposium "Corona, der Rechtsstaat und die demokratische Gesellschaft", Halle (Saale), 17. September 2022, YouTube Film, Minute 25:29, 53:27 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. Oktober 2022


  • Meine (Mediziner)Kollegen sind Opfer eines falschen Menschenbildes. Sie gehen in Medizinstudium rein und ler-
    nen letzten Endes etwas über Roboter. Wenn sie dann rauskommen in die Klinik, dann machen sie große Augen.
    'Haben wir alles nicht gelernt!' Das wissen sie nicht. Das müssen sie natürlich verdrängen, müssen sich schützen
    und beginnen dann in die hierarchische Machtstrukturen zu kommen und haben immer Recht, haben immer Recht,
    haben immer Recht – auf jede Frage des Patienten.
    Die Biomedizin ist gekennzeichnet – wir nennen das in der Erkenntnistheorie, in der Wissenschaftstheorie und in der Philosophie – vom Maschinenparadigma. Dieses Maschinenparadigma ist ganz klar definierbar. Es ist nicht einfach irgend so ein Wort, das man so sagt. 'Naja, da wird nur der Körper in den Mittelpunkt gestellt.' Nein, es gibt ganz klar erkenntnistheoretische Irrtümer. Der Dualismus ist so einer. Das heißt die Trennung von Körper, Geist und Seele ist ein wissenschaftstheoretischer Irrtum. Wir wissen es mittlerweile längst, das ist über 300 Jahre mindestens klar. An-
    dere Forschungsrichtungen wie Physik haben den Paradigmenwechsel längst gemacht. Die Medizin nicht. Man muss
    sich überlegen, woran es liegt. […] Das nächste erkenntnistheoretische Problem ist der Reduktionismus, der min-
    destens so schlimm ist wie die Trennung von Körper, Geist und Seele und auch damit in Verbindung steht. Der Re-
    duktionist = der Schulmediziner.
  • Maschinenideologie in der Medizin
    • Biomedizin fokussiert in der Diagnose, Behandlung und Prävention auf die materiellen Entitäten des mensch-
      lichen Lebens (z.B. Genetik, Zellen, Organe, Moleküle).
    • Behandlung von Krankheit durch Reparatur (z.B. Medikamente, Operation), Diagnostik mit Physik und Chemie und Prävention durch Vermeidung von materiellen Krankmachern (z.B. Erreger, Schadstoffe, Nahrungsmittelallergie).
    • Das Maschinenmodell vom Menschen ist in der (technisierten) Akutmedizin (fraglich) erfolgreich und ist bei chronischen Erkrankungen unbrauchbar, da dort Diagnostik, Behandlung und Prävention in Zusammen-
      hang mit psychischen und psychosozialen Aspekten stehen.
Video Konferenzvortrag von Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert (*1961) deutscher Mediziner, Psychologe, Autor, Massenpsychologie, Angst und Psychoneuroimmunologie – Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Schubert, veranstaltet von dem KRiStA-Symposium "Corona, der Rechtsstaat und die demokratische Gesellschaft", Halle (Saale), 17. September 2022, YouTube Film, Minute 26:34, Minute 29:54,
53:27 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. Oktober 2022



Drei Gruppen von Todesfällen durch medizinische Behandlungen

  • Operationsfolgen: 200.000 Tote pro Jahr. Streiken Ärzte oder werden Betten gesperrt (Corona), sterben jene nicht, die als Folge von elektiven Operationen gestorben wären.
    Unerwünschte Medikamentenwirkungen: Rund 0,3% der Klinikpatienten versterben daran – in D sind das etwa 70.000 Menschen pro Jahr.
    Behandlungsbedingte Infektionskrankheiten / Klinikinfektionen: Gemäß der Zahl des deutschen Instituts für Krankenhaushygiene versterben daran 30.000-40.000 Menschen in Deutschland pro Jahr.
    Gesamt kommen etwa 300.000 Tote pro Jahr in Deutschland zusammen. "Und bei gut 900.000 Toten in Deutschland
    ist es ganz nüchtern so, dass jeder Dritte an einer medizinischen Behandlung verstirbt. Die Medizin ist tatsächlich,
    ob man es wahrhaben will oder nicht, die häufigste Todesursache in Industrieländern.
    Dr. med. Gerd Reuther (*1959) deutscher Facharzt, Privatdozent für Radiologie, medizinhistorischer Aufklärer, Autor, zitiert in:
    Artikel Dr. Gerd Reuther: "Die häufigste Todesursache in den Industrieländern ist die Medizin", präsentiert von dem unabhängigen österreichischen Nachrichtenportal Report 24, 11. Juni 2023



Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Medizin




  • Was bringt den Doktor um sein Brot?
    a) Die Gesundheit, b) der Tod.
    Drum hält der Arzt, auf dass er lebe,
    uns zwischen beiden in der Schwebe.
    Eugen Roth (1895-1976) deutscher Dichter, Lyriker, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Ein Mensch fühlt oft sich wie verwandelt,
    sobald man menschlich ihn behandelt.
    Der Kranke traut nur widerwillig
    dem Arzt, der's schmerzlos macht und billig.
    Lasst nie den alten Grundsatz rosten:
    Es muss a) wehtun, b) was kosten.
    Eugen Roth (1895-1976) deutscher Dichter, Lyriker, zitiert in: Gute Zitate




Zitat des Jahres 2010

Siehe Zitate

  • In der heutigen Welt wird fünfmal mehr Geld und Zeit in Potenzmittel für Männer und Silikonimplantate für Frauen investiert als für Heilverfahren der Alzheimer-Krankheit. In einigen Jahren wird es Omas mit Riesenbrüsten und Opas mit einem steifen Penis geben, die sich jedoch nicht erinnern können, wofür sie zu gebrauchen sind! Bonmot von Dr. Drauzio Varella (*1943) brasilianischer Arzt spezialisiert auf Onkologie und Immunologie, Referent, Autor, 2010, zitiert in: wissen-gesundheit.de

Zitate von Medizinern, Heilern, Seelenkennern


  • Wir müssen berührt werden, das gilt auch in der Medizin.
    Wir fassen nicht mehr an, wir geben keine Nähe meher durch körperliche Nähe.
    Wir müssen uns umarmen wir müssen uns fühlen, auch in der Medizin.
    Das ist heilsamer als ein Großteil von Medikamenten.
    Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer (*1952) deutscher Lehrstuhlinhaber für Radiologie und Mikrotherapie, Universität Witten/Herdecke bis 2012, Medizinunternehmer, gemeinnütziger Stifter, Autor, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD, WDR, zitiert in: Talkshow Kölner Treff, Gastgeberin Bettina Böttinger, 3. November 2017



Beschreibung von ÄRA I Medizin

  • Die medizinischen, vor allem die psychiatrischen Diagnosen sind ein Ausdruck institutionalisierter Näheangst. Sie versachlichen den Betroffenen und ersparen deshalb eine menschliche Begegnung, wie sich unschwer beobachten lässt, sobald sich Ärzte oder Psychologen mit der Beziehung zu ihren Patienten auseinandersetzen. Immer da, wo die Gefühle fehlen, stellt sich eine Diagnose ein – 'spontan' wird zu 'hysterisch', zu 'sensibel', zu 'paranoid', wenn Spontaneität oder Sensibi-
    lität von Experten nicht gewünscht sind.
    Wolfgang Schmidbauer (*1941) deutscher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Die Angst vor Nähe, S. 121, Rowohlt, 1985



ERA I medicine ⇔ Era III medicine

  • Bisher hatte ich geglaubt, dass wir bei der Frage unseres Lebensstils zwischen der Wissenschaft und Vernunft einerseits und der Spiritualität andererseits wählen müssten. Inzwischen betrachte ich dies als eine irrige Entscheidung. Wir können das Gefühl der Heiligkeit nicht nur in der Naturwissenschaft, sondern wohl auch in jedem Lebensbereich wiederbeleben. Dr. med. Larry Dossey (*1940) US-amerikanischer Internist, spiritueller Referent, visionärer Autor, Reinventing Medicine. Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing, HarperOne, 1. Ausgabe 8. September 1999, Ausgabe 5. September 2000


  • Dr. Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901) hat die Stadt München von der Cholera befreit. Nicht durch Impfung, sondern durch eine gute Wasserversorgung und Abwasserversorgung.
    Sein Zeitgenosse Dr. Robert Koch (1843-1910), der Bakterienjäger von damals – sein heutiges Pendant ist "Prof." Christian Drosten – war anfangs stark auf Bakterien fixiert. Er schickte ein Reagenzglas mit Choleravibrionen, den Erregern der Cholera, nach München. Max von Pettenkofer trank den Inhalt vor dem versammelten Auditorium aus
    und bekam keine Cholera. Hier kam die Auseinandersetzung deutlich zum Ausdruck.
    Dr. Koch soll noch ein zweites Reagenzglas geschickt haben. Ein Oberarzt von Pettenkofer hat den Inhalt getrunken
    und daraufhin Cholera gekriegt. Er glaubte schon stärker an die neue Theorie von Robert Koch, und hat die Krankheit
    im Sinne einer selbsterfüllenden Prophezeiung auch bekommen. Es gibt auch noch die starke Komponente der Psy-
    chosomatik, des Einflusses der Seele, die sich in der Medizin trotz der Psychoneuroimmunologie noch nicht ausge-
    breitet hat. Videointerview mit Dr. med. Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Arzt, Psychotherapeut, Autor, Fälschungen in der Medi-
    , Sendenummer Nhol_200430-S3, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Privatfernsehen QS24, Gastgeber Alexander Glogg, YouTube
    Film, Minute 7:50, 27:28 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 12. Juni 2020

Zitate zur Mediziner-Ethik


1. Art. 2(2) Deutsches GrundGesetz

Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit.

  • Eid des Hippokrates von Hippokrates (460-370 v. Chr.) griechischer Arzt
    ehemaliger Ärztlicher Berufseid: Ich schwöre […] alle Götter und Göttinnen zu Zeugen anrufend, dass ich nach be-
    stem Vermögen und Urteil diesen Eid und diese Verpflichtungen erfüllen werde. […] meine Verordnungen werde ich treffen zu Nutz und Frommen der Kranken, nach bestem Vermögen und Urteil; ich werde sie bewahren vor Schaden
    und willkürlichem Unrecht.
Computergenerierte Animation eines schlagenden Menschenherzens
Ich werde niemandem, auch nicht auf eine Bitte hin, ein tödliches Gift verabreichen oder auch nur dazu raten. Auch werde ich nie einer Frau ein Abtreibungsmittel geben. Heilig und rein werde ich mein Leben und meine Kunst bewahren. […] Was ich bei der Be-
handlung sehe oder höre, […] werde ich […] verschweigen und solches als ein Geheimnis betrachten. Wenn ich nun diesen Eid erfülle und nicht verletze, möge mir im Leben und in der Kunst Er-
folg zuteil werden […]; wenn ich ihn übertrete und meineidig wer-
de, das Gegenteil.
Brockhaus, Band 12, Pschyrembel Klininisches Wörterbuch, 1894, Verlag Walter De Gruyter, Berlin 255. Auflage 2006, 262. Auflage 2010


  • Gelöbnis der deutscher Ärztinnen und Ärzte: Bei meiner Aufnahme in den ärztlichen Berufsstand gelobe ich, mein Leben in den Dienst der Menschlichkeit zu stellen.
    Ich werde meinen Beruf mit Gewissenhaftigkeit und Würde ausüben.
    Die Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung der Gesundheit meiner Patientinnen und Patienten soll oberstes Gebot meines Handelns sein.
    Ich werde alle mir anvertrauten Geheimnisse auch über den Tod der Patientin oder des Patienten hinaus wahren. […]
    Ich werde jedem Menschenleben von der Empfängnis an Ehrfurcht entgegenbringen und selbst unter Bedrohung meine ärztliche Kunst nicht in Widerspruch zu den Geboten der Menschlichkeit anwenden.
    […] dies alles verspreche ich auf meine Ehre.
    Brockhaus, Band 12, Pschyrembel. Klininisches Wörterbuch, 1894, Verlag
    Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, 255. Auflage 2006, 262. Auflage 2010


  • Die Aufgabe des Arztes ist, es das Leben zu erhalten, die Gesundheit zu schützen und wiederherzustellen, Leiden zu lindern, Sterbenden Beistand zu leisten und an der Erhaltung der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen im Hinblick auf ihre Bedeutung für die Gesundheit der Menschen mitzuwirken. §1(2) der "Ärztlichen Berufsordnung"

Zitate von Anne Wilson Schaef

Zitiert aus: '''Anne Wilson Schaef (1934-2020) US-amerikanische Psychotherapeutin, Frauenrechtlerin,
Suchtforscherin, Autorin, Mein Weg zur Heilung. Jenseits von Wissenschaft und Therapie,
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), 1995


  • Heilung in Isolation ist nicht möglich. Wenn eine Arbeitsform nicht davon ausgeht, dass Heilung in Familien, Gruppen, Organisa-
    tionen, Gemeinschaften, Gesellschaften, in der Welt und im Universum stattfinden muss, kann sie meiner Meinung nach nicht adäquat sein. S. 52


  • Stärke und Heilung stellen sich erst ein, wenn wir nach innen schauen und uns unsere Realität aneignen, einschließlich der Formen, in denen wir dieses destruktive System in uns selbst ausagieren. [...] Das Wissen, dass wir das System s i n d, selbst wenn wir das System ablehnen, durchdringt immer noch mein Selbstbild und prägt die Art, in der ich arbeite. […] Solange ich nicht bereit bin, auf-
    zuspüren, in welcher Weise ich unbewusst aus diesem System heraus handle, werde ich mir selbst und anderen dieses System weiterhin aufbürden. S. 58


  • Auf einer tiefen Ebene geht es nicht darum, w a s jedem einzelnen von uns geschah. Es geht darum, uns das Geschehene zu eigen zu machen und unseren inneren Prozess den Heilungsweg nehmen zu lassen, den er selbst vorschreibt. S. 124



ÄRA I Medizin:

  • Nichts und niemand kann so gewalttätig, dogmatisch oder unkontrolliert emotional sein wie ein fundamentalistischer Wissenschaftler [Positivist]. […] Die wissenschaftliche Methode ist nichts anderes als ein religiöses Überzeugungssystem. […] Wissenschaft ist nicht reduktio-
    nistisch, sie ist expansiv. ÄRA II-IV Medizin […] Ich habe nie eine heiligere Kuh angegriffen als die auf dem Denken Newtons und Descartes' basierende Wissenschaft. S. 127



ÄRA I Medizin:

  • Der Glaube an den Mythos der Objektivität und das Festhalten daran als an einer zentra-
    len Wertvorstellung führte zu einer wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung, die uns sagt, dass gültige Informationen nur durch »objektive« Betrachtung zustandekommen können. S. 148



ÄRA I Medizin:

  • Psychologische, medizinische und psychiatrische Therapien [ÄRA I Medizin] versuchen nur, unsere Tiefenprozesse zu blockieren, abzubrechen oder zu kontrollieren, und unterdrücken damit die uns innewohnenden heilungsfördernden Mittel. […] Durch meine Arbeit mit Psychotikern und psychotischen Prozessen bin ich dazu gekommen, Psychosen einfach als beschleunigte, intensivierte Tiefenprozesse zu betrachten. S. 204



ÄRA I Medizin:

  • Die Medizin wollte immer mehr Macht und Herrschaft über alles ausüben, was mit dem menschlichen Organismus zu tun hat. All das beruht auf das mechanistischen Modell der Kontrolle. S. 291



ÄRA I Medizin:

  • Wie jeder selbstbezogene Süchtige versucht die Medizin, die Welt ausschließlich aus ihrem begrenzten Vorstellungsrahmen heraus zu definieren, aus dem, was sie geleistet hat und was sie leisten kann. S. 293


  • Die Psychotherapie hat ein Modell entwickelt, in dem Menschen Opfer sind – Opfer ihrer Eltern, ihrer Kindheit, ihrer Freunde, ihrer Therapeuten, ihrer Lehrer. Sie sind für ihr Leben nicht verantwortlich (wir verstehen verantwortlich sein im Sinn des »Sich-zu-eigen-Machens«, nicht im Sinn des Verursachens und der daraus sich ergebenden Schuldzuweisungen). […] Der Mensch, der in der Opferrolle bleibt, findet niemals Heilung. Ein Opfer kann seine Selbstachtung nicht wiedergewinnen. S. 306



ÄRA I Medizin:

  • Transformation [IV] ist ohne Genesung [III] nicht möglich. [...] Psychologie und Psychiatrie, Medizin, Religion und alle helfenden Berufe haben den Versuch unternommen, Transfor-
    mation (in irgendeiner Art) zustande zu bringen, ohne sich der Drecksarbeit der Ausein-
    andersetzung mit dem Suchtprozess zu stellen und insbesondere ohne die Unannehmlichkeit auf sich zu nehmen, sich mit den Wurzeln ihres wissenschaftlichen Weltbildes zu befassen. dito S. 349



ÄRA I Medizin:

  • Und umgekehrt können wir ohne Transformation [III] nicht genesen. Menschen, die versu-
    chen, zu genesen, ohne sich zu transformieren, sind »trocken« [III], aber nicht nüchtern [IV], oder abstinent, aber nicht in der Genesung. Um nüchtern zu werden, müssen wir einen Paradigmenwechsel [IV] riskieren. S. 350

Quotes by various other sources

Only be sure not to eat the blood, for the blood is the life, and you shall not eat the life with the flesh.
Deuteronomy 12, 23 (OT)


Personal avowals





Exposing the pervasive and largely hidden medical culture of bullying, hazing, and abuse that is a regular part of medical school training

  • Despite it all, I remain an optimist. Medical school knocked me to my knees. I haven't been the same since. Even though I still have a sparkle in my eyes and joy in my heart, a piece of me is missing. I can never get it back. I’ve tried. My innocence is gone. […]
    In my school, there seemed to be no end to the filthy jokes that demeaned female patients and classmates. In lectures, my instructors actually made fun of vegetarians for eating 'health food.' When I pro-
    tested the dog labs, where first-year students had to kill dogs, the dean diagnosed me with 'Bambi Syndrome.' I was be-
    littled because I cared – about animals, about people, about my own health, and about this planet we call home.
    Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, Physician Suicide Letters Answered, 1st edition 11. January 2016



  • Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates of Cos [Father of Western medicine] [LoC 485] (~460-~370 BC) ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, outstanding figure in the history of medicine, healer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • We must be touched, and so must medicine.
    We no longer touch, we no longer extend closeness through physical closeness.
    We need to hug each other, we have to feel each other, also in medicine.
    That is healthier than most medications.
    Dietrich Grönemeyer, Ph.D. (*1952) German professor of medicine, co-inventor of microtherapy, author, presented by the German
    public-broadcasting institution WDR, cited in: talkshow Kölner Treff, host Bettina Böttinger, aired 3. November 2017


Healing hands



  • We physicians desperately need to restore our sense of the visionary, to fight to keep the spirit of medicine alive. And the future of that spirit lies in the integration of technological advan-
    ces with intuition, the wedding of heart and mind.
    Judith Orloff, M.D., Ph.D. (*1951) US American assistant professor of psychiatry, UCLA, empath, dying companion, lecturer, author, Intuitive Healing. 5 Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Wellness, S. 13, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2000



  • Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an under-
    cover dictatorship. […] To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bas-
    tille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a republic [...] The Constitution
    of this republic should make the special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.
    Terry Dorian, Total Health and Restoration. A 180-Day Journey, S. 49, 2002



  • It is quite as important for the doctor to know what kind of patient the disease has for host, as to know what sort of dis-
    ease the patient has for guest. Address delivered by Henry George Plimmer, lecturer on pathology and bacteriology at St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 2. October 1899, printed in article On Some Motives and Methods in Medicine, presented by the "St. Mary's Hospital Gazette", London, S. 117, October 1899



Dangerous viral attacks

  • The single biggest threat to man's continued dominance on the planet is the virus. Joshua Lederberg, M.D. (1925-2008) US American molecular biologist, versed in microbial genetics, artificial intelligence, US space program, Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine, 1958, cited in: Dorothy H. Crawford, ‘’The Invisible Enemy. A Natural History of Viruses’’, S. 2, Oxford University Press,
    New York City, New York, 2000, reprint issue 3. April 2003


  • Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organised to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It
    makes more people sick than it heals.
    Ivan Illich (1926-2002) Austrian US American theologian, Roman Catholic priest, philosopher, social critic of the Western culture,
    author, Medical Nemesis. The Expropriation of Health, Pantheon, New York, 1976, 12. August 1982


Future prospective


Remedial and preventive medizine of the future



  • Faith in the health care provider, and faith in the relationship forged between you and your healer are wonderfully thera-
    peutic, successful in treating 60 to 90 percent of themost common medical problems. But if you so believe, faith in an invincible and infallible force carries even more healing power. For believers' physical health, it is a supremely potent belief. Dr. med. Herbert Benson (*1935) US American cardiologist, founder of the Benson-Henry Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Timeless Healing. The Power and Psychology of Belief, Scribner, New York, 1996


  • Pathos activates the eyes and ears to see and hear. At times of pathos, illness opens doors to a reality which is closed to a healthy point of view. Jean Houston, Ph.D. (*1937) US American psychologist, philosopher, cultural anthropologist, scholar, pioneer of the Human Potential movement, visionary lecturer, author, cited in: Quotetab



Sign of healing

  • When you can't remember why you're hurt, that's when you're healed.
    Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, political activist, philanthropist, speaker, author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote
  • Data that goes into the subconscious during a trauma cannot be released from the subconscious until a shift
    of the same magnitude or intensity is again attained.
    As a result, though we might be able to recall the traumatic event, we cannot change any attitude we may have toward the experience (trauma). Neither can we alter how we
    feel or release the experience until we reach the amplitude of the original traumatic event again.
    Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere (*1946) US American spiritual teacher, white medicine woman, energy healer, aura reader, Wheels of Light, Fireside, 12. April 1994


  • Medicine is not merely a science but an art. The character of the physician may act more powerfully upon the patient than the drugs employed.
    Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, general occultist,
    The Life and the Doctrines of Philippus Theophrastus, Bombast of Hohenheim Known by the Name of Paracelsus. Extracted and Translated from His Rare and Extensive Works and from Some Unpublished Manuscripts, 1918; cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Medicine is not only a science; it is also an art. It does not consist of compounding pills and plasters; it deals with
    the very processes of life, which must be understood before they may be guided.
    Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, general occultist,
    Die grosse Wundartzney, book I and II, Verlag T. H. Schäfer, Hannover, 1989, reissued 1. September 1998



Patch Adams initiated an intimate communal eco village health care hospital.

Since 1971 Adams teaches at the 'university of human culture'. His hospital project broke financially even in 2010.

  • Health and health care are a human right for all people.  Minute 00:29
    I entered medical school in 1967 to use it as a vehicle for social change. I was a whole systems thinker. What I wanted to do was to create a hospital that addressed every single problem of health care delivery in one model.  Minute 00:35
    We found that most people were lonely. The normal Americans that we saw didn't like themselves, didn't like their marriage, and didn't like their job.  Minute 5:35
    Nowhere are hospitals happy in the world. Medical students are hugely dissatified. […] All over the world physicians are rude. There is a hierarchy. All over the world there is a deep sadness that you don't have enough time for patients. […] At our hospital the cleaning person and the surgeon make the same salary: 300$ a month. Thousands of doctors and nurses apply every year to work for 300$ a month.  Minute 6:42
    We found out that no medical school in the world teaches compassion as an embedded course. Minute 8:40
    We also found ways to make (our hospital project) so much cheaper through an economic system that is based on friendship and shared skills.  Minute 10:06
Video presentation by Patch Adams, M.D. (*1945) US American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, author, Transform 2010, sponsored by the Mayo Clinic, Center for Innovation, "Transform 2010" symposium, YouTube film, 16:07 minutes duration, posted
14. September 2010




[Spanning ERA I to ERA III medicine]

  • Let us assume that
    • eighty percent of illnesses are either self-limited or not treatable by modern medicine. [ERA I medicine]
    • Ten percent are miraculously cured [ERA III medicine] and
    • nine percent are made worse.
Thus, we wind up barely on the positive side of zero.
Franz Ingelfinger (1910-1980) German-American physician, gastroenterologist, Boston University School of Medicine, editor of
The New England Journal of Medicine, editorial, 1977


  • Conventional medicine [ERA | medicine – Up to LoC 445] works with the iron filings,
    whereas a deeper form of healing would attempt to influence the magnetic field [ERA ||-||| medicine – LoC 450-540+].
    Most doctors don't see the field, so they're trying to figure out the relationship between the filings without even trying
    to incorporate the energy field in which they exist. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (*1944) US American developmental new cellular biologist, former associate professor, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, presaged the field of epigenetics [mechanism by which nurture controls nature], lecturer, author, cited in: Arjuna Ardagh [LoC 455] British US American spiritual teacher, author,
    The Translucent Revolution, New World Library, 15. June 2005



Hoffer called for a system's change at age 89: Holding doctors accountable for doing a lousy job

  • The main message has to be that we have to change the [medical] system. The system is sick and corrupt. Eventually, we have to make the medical profession accountable. [...] We have to ask them: Why is the medical profession not held accountable? We need an independent commission headed by a judge to examine why doctors don't do a better job. Big Pharma controls medicine today. […] And they control [and advertising and] the journals. [...] We are in a terrible situation. The system is really sick. And you can quote me literally. I think, the system is absolutely sick [dysfuntional]. And it has to be changed. […] We have
    to let the public exactly know what's happening, because right now they don't know.
    Video interview with Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, Natural Cure for Depression, Bipolar, ADHD, Schizophrenia, YouTube film, sponsored by "Healthy Mind Body Planet Tour" 2006, minute 6:27
    minute 8:21, 9:26 minutes duration, posted 21. January 2008



Separative, conservative, rankist paradigm in medicine

  • There are few professions as profoundly conservative as medicine. When people invest their whole lives and careers in a certain point of view, they are not going to give it up just because new research comes along. If new ideas do break through, they will be taken up by young physicians. But the people who control the gates of the medical schools are not going
    to surrender their perspectives easily. If they did, they'd have to admit that for three decades they practiced medicine
    that was deficient. This applies not just to addictions but physical illness. The mind-body separation is innate in
    medical practice.
    Clinically, physicians treat bodies, not an individual with a life history. Physicians think that what-
    ever occurs, whether addiction, mental illness or cancer, must be separated from a person's actual life. I'm fighting
    the idea that people can be severed from their lives – not only the mind from the body, but individuals from their
    environment. The gates of the medical schools are being slowly forced ajar, but it's going to be a long process.
    Interview with Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian addiction expert, speaker, author, Interview, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine The Believer, 17. February 2012



Medical professionals are breaking down under the weight of a dysfunctional system.

  • Each year more than one million Americans lose their doctors to suicide, and nobody ever tells the patients the truth. Nobody talks about our doctors jumping from hospital rooftops, overdosing in call rooms, hanging themselves in hospital chapels. It's medicine’s dirty secret – and it's covered up by our hospitals, clinics, and medical schools. Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, Physician Suicide Letters Answered, 1st edition 11. January 2016


Historical homeopathy set


  • Alternative medicine consists of wonderful modalities like homeopathy, acupuncture, and Ayurveda. Some are also founded in systems thinking, but they're outside of conven-
    tional Western biomedical science. Although they're being studied, they're things most regular Western doctors wouldn't do – or learn in the course of their medical education.
    Integrative medicine was an important advance […]. Integrative medicine represents a set of useful tools.
    The problem with simply taking the best of alternative and conventional medicine is that the paradigm of conventio-
    nal medicine is fundamentally flawed.
    So you're integrating a good system with the broken paradigm of disease-based medicine.
    Functional medicine is more like a map. The map is really the key to figuring out what's wrong with somebody. From there, you can use whatever tools necessary, whether diet, medication, acupuncture, or whatever is appropriate for a particular condition. Functional medicine leverages the best of biomedical science, alternative medicine, and integra-
    tive medicine
    , but in a whole new systems-based model of healing.
    Mark Hyman, M.D. (*1959) US American family physician, founder and medical director of the UltraWellness Center, advocate of functional medicine, educative speaker, author, How 5,000 Year Old Medicine Combined with 21st Century Science Can Help You Live Longer, 3. June 2010, updated 19. October 2014




Modern medicine amounts to 21st century voodoo.

  • After 20 years of studying the medical literature I have concluded that modern medicine is not a science. For all the science-speak in medicine about painstakingly controlled study and meticulous peer review – for all the attempt to cloak medicine in the weighty mantle of science – a good deal of what we regard as standard medical practice today amounts to little more than 21st century voodoo. Medicine’s current understanding of the body, which is essentially as
    a broken piece of machinery to be repaired, never takes into account the body's extraordinary potential to operate be-
    yond the empirical. What are we to make of the 8 per cent of breast cancer that just disappears by spontaneous re-
    ? What are we to make of the fact that the placebo effect works more than two-thirds of the time?
    Lynne McTaggart (*1951) US American alternative medicine activist, lecturer, publisher, journalist, author, Living The Field, 2003, updated 2008, In defense of God, first published 19. December 2008



Courageous benefactors to mankind stirred up controversy.

  • Now, you might think Ignaz Semmelweis, M.D. [LoC 460] would have been lauded as a hero. Instead, his brilliant observations and courageous actions stirred up such controversy that he lost his position at the hospital and ended his career in disgrace at Budapest. He was eventually committed to an insane asylum and died of a blood infection similar to the one he had prevented so successfully. This courageous doctor was vindicated in
    1879 when the great scientist Louis Pasteur [LoC 485, work LoC 465] personally defended Semmelweis' theories
    at a meeting of the Academy of Medicine in Paris. Dale A. Matthews, M.D., US American internist, faculty member, re-
    searcher, author, The Faith Factor, S. 57-58, Viking, New York, 1998, Penguin Books, 1st edition 1. April 1999




Rogaine studies: Bald men received placebos and regrew hair.
☛ Harvard researcher Ted Kaptchuk's study: The most essential placebo part is the nurturing care of a health care provider,
     more so even than the mind's positive belief. Some studies actually say that the doctor is the placebo or can be.
The Spontaneous Remission Project, a database compiled by the Institute of Noetic Sciences of
     over 3500 case studies in the medical literature of patients who have gotten better from seemingly incurable illnesses.


Placebo effect

  • The placebo effect is a thorn in the side of the medical establishment. It is an inconvenient truth, that gets in between, trying to bring new treatments, new surgeries into the medical establishment. […] It's concrete evidence that the body holds within it innate self-repair mechanisms that can make unthinkable things happen to the body. […] The scientific literature23 [is] full of evidence that the placebo effect, and the nocebo effect are incredibly powerful. We've known this since the 1950s, and we've seen countless case studies that showed that in almost everything you study, if you give people a fake treatment, a sugar pill, a saline injection, or most effectively, a fake surgery – yeah, really – 18% to 80% of the time, people get better. Video presentation by Lissa Rankin, M.D., US American OB/GYN physician, consultant to health care visionaries, speaker, author, Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves?, transcript, presented by TEDx Talk AmericanRiviera, YouTube film, 18:50 minutes duration, posted 18. December 2012




  • There is something exciting and reassuring for individuals on the autistic spectrum about communicating with other people over the Internet. For one thing, talking in chat rooms or by email does not require you to know how to initiate a conversation or when to smile or the numerous intricacies of body language, as in other social situations. There is no eye contact and it is possible to understand the other person's every word because everything is written down. The use of 'emoti-
    cons', such as :-) and :-(, in chat room conversations also makes it easier to know how the other person is feeling, because he or she tells you in a simple, visual method. Daniel Tammet (*1979) English autistic savant, translator, essayist, novelist, poet, memoir Born on a Blue Day, S. 181f, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2006, 2007


  • Dr. Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901) has liberated the city of Munich from cholera. Not by vaccination, but by a good water supply and sewage system.
    His contemporary Dr. Robert Koch (1843-1910), the bacteria hunter from back then (his current counterpart being chief virologist Dr. Christian Drosten) was initially strongly fixated on bacteria. He sent a test tube with cholera vibrions, the pathogens of cholera, to Munich. Max von Pettenkofer drank the substance in front of the assembled auditorium and did not get cholera. This clearly demonstrated the argument.
    Dr. Koch is said to have sent a second test tube. A senior physician of Pettenkofer drank it and got cholera as a result. He already believed more in the new theory of Robert Koch, and got "infected" in the sense of the self-fulfilling prophe-
    cy. There is also a strong component of psychosomatics, concerning the soul, which has not yet spread in medicine despite psychoneuroimmunology. Video interview with Rüdiger Dahlke, M.D. (*1951) German physician, psychotherapist, author, Fälschungen in der Medizin [Fakes in medicine], presented by the Swiss private online TV station QS24, host Alexander Glogg, YouTube film, minute 7:50, 27:28 minutes duration, posted 12. June 2020


  • One can assume that really at least 90% of the so-called science is a pure pharmaceutical science, i.e. an industry-dependent science.
    Video interview with Dr. med. Gerd Reuther (*1959) German physician, private lecturer in radiology, medical critic, author, Enteig-
    nung der Gesundheit
    [Expropriation of Health], presented by the YouTube info channel Punkt.PRERADOVIC, host Milena Prera-
    (*1962) German journalist, television host, YouTube film, minute 34:22, 46:44 minutes duration, posted 15. January 2021


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Medicine

Observation on the medical cycle

  • 4000 Years of Medicine
    2000 BC: Here, eat this root.
    1000 AD: That root is heathen! Here, say this prayer.
    1865 AD: That prayer is superstition! Here, drink this potion.
    1935 AD: That potion is snake oil! Here, swallow this pill.
    1975 AD: That pill is ineffective! Here, take this antibiotic.
    2000 AD: That antibiotic is poison! Here, eat this root.




Quote of the year 2010

  • In today's world five times more time and money is being invested in drugs for male virility and silicone implants for women, than in the cure of Alzheimer's disease. In a few years to come we'll have grammas with large breasts and grandpas with hard penis, but they won't remember what they're for.
    Drauzio Varella, M.D. (*1943) Brasilian physician, oncologist, medical science popularizer in the press and television, bestselling author, quote of the year 2010

Quotes on psychiatry

Personal avowals

  • Psychiatry's Depression: Psychiatrists themselves acknowledge that their profession often smacks of modern al-
    chemy – full of jargon, obfuscation and mystification, but precious little real knowledge. Cover article Psychiatry on the Couch, presented by the US American weekly news magazine TIME, S. 74, 2. April 1979


  • Only when people withdraw their faith in mental health and mental illness will they see fit to curb the powers of psy-
    chiatry, just as only when they withdrew their blind faith in God and the Devil did they see fit to curb the powers of priestcraft. Thomas S. Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian US-American professor emeritus of psychiatry, psychoanalyst, social critic
    of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry and scientism, Insanity. The Idea and Its Consequences, S. 14-15, Syracuse University Press, 1997


  • Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic. Thomas S. Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian US-American professor emeritus of psychiatry, State University of New York Health Science Center, Syracuse, New York, social critic of the moral and scien-
    tific foundations of psychiatry and scientism, cited in: Quotes.net



In 1994 Frances headed up the project to write the psychiatric bible, the DSM-IV.

The DSM-IV manual lists the invented description of 297 official mental disorders based on no biological or chemical diagnostic tests.

  • There is no definition of a mental disorder. It's bullshit. I mean, you just can't define it. […] 
    These concepts [of distinct mental disorders] are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the borders. […]
    Diagnosis [as spelled out in the DSM-IV] is part of the magic […] you know those medieval maps? In the places where they didn’t know what was going on, they wrote 'Dragons live here' […] we have a dragon's world here. But you wouldn't want to be without the map.
    Allen J. Frances, M.D. (*1942) US American psychiatrist, producer of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), critic of DSM-V, Gary Greenberg, US American journalist, interviewer, cited in: article Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness, presented by the
    US American magazine Wired, 27. December 2010

Quotes on era I-III medicine by Larry Dossey


Describing three progressive phases in medicine:

Eras I, II, and III

  • The recently developing Era III [in medicine]24 goes even further by proposing that consciousness is not confined to one's individual body. Nonlocal mind – mind that is boundless and unlimited – is the hallmark of Era III. An individual's mind may affect not just his or her body, but the body of another person at a distance, even when that distant individual is unaware of the effort. [...] Era III as illustrating the transpersonal effects of the mind.
    [...] The evidence supporting Era III implies that there are no boundaries to consciousness, that it is infinite in space and time. If our minds are unbounded, then they must unite or come together at some level. This means that in some sense we are literally one. The implications of this unity are profound. If our minds are connected, then we can, and do, share any and all experiences. All the joys and sorrows of life can be mutual affairs. This means we are never alone, which relieves the twin burdens of loneliness and isolation, two major factors in illness.
    The biggest payoff of Era III concerns our destiny. If our mind is nonlocal and boundless, then it is infinite in time. The-
    refore, the death of the body does not mean that consciousness ceases to exist; something about us endures. Era III, therefore, carries with it the promise of immortality, which is a cure for the "disease" that has caused more suffering for humans than any other: the fear of death.
    Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary me-
    dicine, cited in: deleted PDF A Conversation About the Future of Medicine]], presented by the deleted website dosseydossey.com, undated



Shift from ERA I medicine → ERA III medicine

  • For more than a century the profession of medicine has tried to become increasing-
    ly scientific and technical, because this is where we believed the future of healing lay. Now a monumental shift is occurring, empowered by the evidence that consciousness is a powerful factor in the world. Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritua-
    lizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine, Reinventing Medicine. Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing, HarperOne, 1st edition 8. September 1999, 2nd edition 5. September 2000


  • Era III is mind/body medicine with a different slant. It's a collective mind, a mind not localized to the brain or the body. It's mind possibly affecting many bodies, across space. Mind that is not localized to the present moment, breaking time barriers, as in the recent studies where people received a message three days before it was sent. Temporal nonlocality.
    Deleted interview with Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine, Healing Words, presented by the removed online publication Living on Light, Daniel Redwood, D.C., 1995


  • [T]o summarize where we stand data-wise, Dr. Wayne D. Jonas, who is the former director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, recently did a review and came up with 2,200 papers and citations in this field of remote healing. Over two hundred of these studies were controlled clinical trials and laboratory studies. The quality of the studies is quite good. Using what are called CONSORT criteria, he was able to assign either an "A" or a "B" level of excellence to these studies in remote healing. Eighteen of these studies are major controlled studies in humans, eleven of which show statistically signi-
    ficant results. The laboratory studies look at the effects of people's intentions on nonhumans – rabbits, mice, rats, plants, even bacteria growing in test tubes, fungi, yeast, and so on.
    Interview with Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine, Mavericks of Medicine. Conversations on the Frontiers of Medical Research, Smart Publications,
    David Jay Brown (*1961) US American parapsychologist, consciousness researcher, interviewer, writer, January 2006


  • Smart Publications: How do you see spirituality and medicine becoming more integrated in the future?
    Larry Dossey: That’s inevitable. One of the most telling indicators is how medical schools have responded. Back
    in 1993, when I first began to publish in this field with a book called Healing Words, there were only three medical
    schools in the country that had any coursework exploring the role of spirituality in health, out of one hundred and twenty-five medical schools total. Now ninety schools offer such coursework. That is a historic development. Ninety medical schools have either formal courses, a lecture series, or some feature of their curriculum that ho-
    nors and addresses this field [of spirituality].
    So it's kind of a done deal. […]
    Planck said that science changes funeral by funeral. And as Einstein once said, It's harder to crack a prejudice
    than an atom.
    I used to believe that it's possible to come up with such compelling evidence that it would change
    things overnight. Well, that didn't happen in physics, and it's not going to happen in medicine. These things always
    take awhile. Moreover, there are some physicians who are so resistant to these ideas about consciousness and
    healing that they will never come around. They'll simply die off, as Planck suggested.
    Interview with Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine, Mavericks of Medicine. Conversations on the Frontiers of Medical Research, Smart Publications,
    David Jay Brown (*1961) US American parapsychologist, consciousness researcher, interviewer, writer, January 2006


Quotes by Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Only familiar with the long dismissed terrain theory of medicine for three years, the outspoken US American psychiatrist Andrew Kaufman, M.D. became widely known to a social media audience during the worldwide Covid 19 hysteria. Kaufman was terminated from his job for not wearing the officially mandated face mask that has both detrimental effects on one's physical and psychological health. Already prepared for expulsion to happen and with a backup plan at hand, he transitioned out of medicine and decided to speak up as a critic of both the conventional germ theory, Big Pharma and the corrupted system in general.
Like his colleagues in the medical profession he had been comple-
tely indoctrinated in germ theory, taken as "consensual science". Following the general mode of operandi he had his children vacci-
nated – until he became doubtful of the practice and started to re-
search the field of vaccination. When Kaufman concluded
      "There is no research to support germ theory."
      "There is no research to support vaccine."
it was foreseeable that his days in conventional medicine were numbered.


Critique on the propagandized "new" Corona virus, Covid-19, vaccination plans and population control


Video interview with Andrew Kaufman, M.D., US American forensic psychiatrist, natural healing consultant, public speaker, Dr Andy Kaufman MD – The Agenda Behind the COVID Hoax, presented by the channel
and host Marshall Hodge, Bitchute film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 18. June 2020


  • Since there is currently no evidence of a virus and no evidence of a new disease then the vaccine must be for some other purpose. They've never isolated the Sars-Cov2 virus, they've just picked out this piece of RNA from it and constructed that in some kind of sequence from a really messy source. [...] This is the same exact technology by which they make genetically modified organisms. I see that as an attempt to make us a genetically modified organism. [...]
    This could manipulate the population in a profound way.  Minute 13:46


  • The adjuvant aluminum (hydroxite) is pervasive in all vaccines. We all know that aluminum is highly toxic [...] And
    they say, 'it increases the antibody response.' What they really mean is, 'it is so toxic that it causes your body to have
    a shock reaction that your immune system makes extra antibodies because it's so toxic.' [...] The adjuvant (preser-
    vative) mercury
    is one of the most toxic non-radioactive substances known.  Minute 25:46


  • Nano particles made of toxic metals (tungsten, antimony, lead) were found in vaccines. The researchers were not given information (about the purpose of those metals) from vaccine manufacturers at all.  Minute 27:37


  • This kind of stuff in vaccines and what we can see is that it is the cause of quite a lot of disease in our society and you know so perhaps it's just a way to keep people debilitated and ill such that they can't really rise up or that they're easier to control.  Minute 28:27


  • And then there's this other aspect about transhumanist agenda. Transhumanism is sort of the philosophy of aug-
    menting our human traits with some form of technology and by genetically modifying us.  Minute 28:49


  • Democide means that the government is killing its own people.  Minute 41:35


Video interview with Andrew Kaufman, M.D., US American forensic psychiatrist, natural healing consultant, speaker, Dr. Andrew Kaufman
     with Bob Unger – NY attorney
, host Bob Unger, US American lawyer, Altcensored film, 54:11 minutes duration, posted 14. July 2020
► Deleted blog article Who is Dr. Andrew Kaufman and his Professional Background,
     presented by the blogspot weblyf.com, James Herer, 18. April 2020


Future prospects to further the terrain model – convention and documentary


  • In order to prevent future tyranny [Covid-19 plandemic] like this we really have to shift the medical paradigm away from germ theory which is a bankrupt and disproven theory. And we need to move towards something more positive, more empowering, and more scientifically accurate which I believe is terrain theory. I think that we could be held hostage to any kind of epidemic or pandemic outbreak in the future as long as we maintain this false germ theory paradigm. This is kind of the fundamental issue. So I partnered up with Marcy Cravat who is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. We are going to make a feature-length high production value film about this issue. So far we've got some very exciting participants – Dr. Kelly Brogan and Dr. Stefan Lanka so far, and there'll be a few more. We are planning to put on a conference on germ theory terrain theory paradigm shift in the United States. We wanted to do this in Europe. And we're still looking for opportunities, but the travel bans are preventing we Americans and we Europeans from uniting together. This is really kind of a tragedy because we really need to pull together in this situation and not be kept apart. So I'm going to be moni-
    toring the travel situation and I actually have a team on the ground in Europe who are gung-ho to organize a conference if we're able to. We're not going to let this situation stop us, so we're going to do it in the United States instead. It will be an in-person conference not any vote virtual world BS. We're going to bring people together in person and we're going to have to overcome some obstacles to make that happen. We're pretty committed. And that's going to help finance the remainder of the film because it is expensive to do this. We're trying to fund it ourselves so that we don't have to be influenced by
    anyone else's opinion who's a financier. This is a project I'm really excited about and I think it could be really important for
    the future of our healthcare system and our freedom. Deleted video interview with Andrew Kaufman, M.D., US American forensic psychiatrist, natural healing consultant, public speaker, Dr Andrew Kaufman Reports the Frankenstein Viral Genome Sequence Fraud, presented by the banned YouTube channel Outside the Box, host Jason Liosatos, US American, artist, peace advocate, author, YouTube film, minute 53:59, 59:02 minutes duration, posted 22. July 2020


See also: ► Bio milieu and ► Dismantling the virus theory – Stefan Lanka

Quotes by Rima Laibow


JDR Jr''s pseudo philanthropy created allopathic medicine.

  • The pharmaceutical industry goes back to John D. Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960). […] Almost all drugs at that time [around the turn of the twentieth century] were coal tar derivatives. They were synthesized in an organic chemistry laboratory [of German pharmaceutical companies]. […] He [John D. Rockefeller Jr.] who then owned all the coal tar in the world] created conventional allopathic medicine as we know it today to be pill pushing. He gave a million dollars to each
    state in the United States and he said [to them], 'Set up a medical board that makes it a crime to practice [non-
    allopathic] medicine without a license'.
    He also gave a million dollars to each state to set up a medical school on their land grant college. And he gave an
    extra million to Harvard and an extra million to Yale so that they would be elite medical schools leading the pack. He
    set up the Rockefeller Institute. […] John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Andrew Carnegie [Influence LoC 490] (1835-1919) funded a study, supposedly an independent study the answer of which was already predetermined according to the documentation that we have. [The answer was in favor of allopathic drug-based medicine.]
    Video interview with / presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, whistleblower, Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot, YouTube film, minute 26:49, 27:50, 28:23, 1:21:18 duration, posted 10. December 2012, reposted 3. March 2013


  • Medical training [in allopathic drug-based medicine] is a brainwashing procedure designed to produce compli-
    ant, puffed up pill pushers, one-way or another. Because anybody who stops to think about drugs understands that they too poison your genome, that they too damage the long-term viability of the human race. That's a strong statement, and it's a very important statement.
    Video interview with / presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D.,
    US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Geno-
    cidal Plot
    , YouTube film, minute 31:40, 1:21:18 duration, posted 10. December 2012, reposted 3. March 2013


  • He [John D. Rockefeller Jr.] adopted the American Medical Association which had been a small struggling band up allopathic physicians who nobody wanted to go to because
    they killed people, they poisoned people, they purged them, they burned them. They gave them mercury from which
    the word quack comes. In German mercury is Quecksilber, and anybody who used it was a Quacksalber, a quack in
    English. You could say dentists fall into that category at this point. They were dangerous people. And nobody in their
    right mind wanted to go to them. But then they got marketed. He got Edward Bernays, the father of modern marke-
    ting, involved and the push [2-fold propaganda campaign] was on:
    1. The doctor is god. And you are putty in his hands. He wears a white coat and he knows your body. You don't know your body. Surrender your knowledge, surrender your care to the doctor.
    2. Nothing is as good as drugs. Drugs are scientific, better living through chemistry. And we all need drugs which will be dispensed by the doctor.
Skype video interview with presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, History of the Medical Cartel, presented by the Australian web radio station Fairdinkum, host Leon Pittard, minute 23:28, 1:00:23 duration, recorded ~6. November 2013   Link deleted


See also: ► The history of the Western pharma cartel and ► Audio and video links on vaccination (engl.) – Rima Laibow, Robert Kennedy
Quotes by Rima Laibow ♦ Russell Blaylock ♦ Boyd Haley ♦ Andrew Moulden ♦ Burk ♦ Antoine Béchamp

Englische Texte – English section on Medicine

Evolutionary timetable of medicine – 3 eras of medicine – Larry Dossey

Three eras of medicine and one to come
Time frameFieldStage of medicineThemeLoCRepresentative personality
1860s Linear Era I
Mechanistic Body medicine
Conventional medicine 400 Robert Koch, Rudolf Virchow, Ferdinand Sauerbruch, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
1900s Linear Era |IFreudian Psychoanalysis 460 Sigmund Freud [499]
1919 Linear Era |IJungian depth psychology 460 Carl Gustav Jung [540]
Linear Era |I
Food connection
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), Mind-body interventions,
Functional medicine
440 Harry Edwards,
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross [485],
O. Carl Simonton
Marilyn Schlitz [Reporting]
Mark Hyman
1990s Nonlocal nonlinear Era |IIIntegrative medicine, Holistic medicine, Energy medicine
Blessings, Sacraments
Group vigils
Marilyn Schlitz [Reporting]
Morrnah Simeona, Caroline Myss, Donna Eden, Rosalyn Bruyere
Beg 1500s
Nonlocal nonlinear Era |IIWonder medicine
Sweatlodge [560+]
Spontaneous remission [570]
500 Paracelsus, Padre Pio [585],
Larry Dossey [Reporting, 1999]
? – To be discovered Nonlocal nondual Era |V
Diseases vanish.
Eternity medicine 600 Jesus Christ, enlightened masters
Written references featuring Russell E. DiCarlo, US American medical writer, lecturer, author
Interview with Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on
     complementary medicine, Era Three MedicineRussell, presented by the publication healthy.net, excerpted from
     Epic Publishing, 1996
Book: Towards A New World View. Conversations At The Leading Edge, Epic Publishing, 1. January 1996
See also: ► Consciousness-Tables and ► Quotes on era I-III medicine by Dr. Larry Dossey
Siehe auch: ► Vier Phasen der Medizin and ► Drei Arten der Medizin – Marilyn Schlitz
Formen der Medizin und Therapie (Übersicht) – D. Hawkins


In his introduction of the book Reinventing Medicine. Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing, Harper Collins Publishers, 1999], Larry Dossey presents two principle ideas: Era III medicine and nonlocal mind. The concept of the nonlocal mind, a new treatment of consciousness, distinguishes Era III medicine from Eras I and II, its historical predecessors. Dating to the 1800s,
Era I medicine considered consciousness a mechanical entity like the physical brain.
Era II medicine emerged in the 19th century, when scientists began to understand what is known today as the
     mind-body connection. In Era II, consciousness is believed to have an influence on individual health.
Era III medicine adds a spiritual dimension to health, according to Dossey, and captures the idea that
     consciousness can extend beyond the body.
Dossey uses the term "nonlocality" to express the notion of an expansive consciousness. Borrowed from physics, nonlocality relates to one object’s having a direct influence on another, distant object. Dossey defines the nonlocal mind as the "hallmark" of Era III, noting consciousness's potential to act "on distant things, events, and people, even though they may be unaware that they are being influ-
enced."  Removed Book Review by Stephanie Riley, presented by website people.bu.edu, 2011

Statistics on healthcare-system-induced deaths in United States

225,000 Americans per year have died as a result of their medical treatments. Status 2000
75% of medical students are on antidepressants or stimulants or both.26 Status 2017
More than 1 million Americans physicians commit suicide each year,
which covered up by hospitals, clinics, and medical schools.
27 Status 2016
America's healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death
in the United States of America, after heart disease and cancer.
Deaths per yearDue to healtcare errors
7,000Medication errors in hospitals
12,000Unnecessary surgery
20,000Other errors in hospitals
80,000Infections in hospitals
106,000Negative effects of drugs
Source: ► Deleted summarized article America's Healthcare System is the Third Leading Cause of Death, presented by the deleted publication "Health Care Refom", Kah Ying Choo, excerped from: Barbara Starfield, M.D., Is US health really the best in the world?,
presented by the peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), S. 483-485, No. 284(4),
26. July 2000
See also: ► Statistics and ► Disease


Leading causes of death in perspective, August 2016
Leading causes of death in perspective (2016)
  1. Heart and circulatory disorders
  2. Cancer
  3. Respiratory disorders
  4. Nervous system disorders
  5. Digestive disorders
  6. Kidney disorders
  7. Infections
  8. Non-transport accidents
  9. Musculoskeletal disorders
  10. Suicide
  11. Transport accidents
  12. Mental health disorders
  13. Undetermined events
  14. Murder
  15. Medical complications
  16. Pregnancy and birth
  17. War

Autism and the Amish anomaly

The disorder Autism has been shrouded in misunderstanding for long. Unknown in the 19th century, it grew explosively in numbers as a result of vaccination, environmental toxins resulting the spread of Western lifestyle diseases starting in the last quarter of the 20th century.


YearResearcher – investigatorContribution – Literature
1943 The Austrian-American psychiatrist and physician Leo Kanner (1894-1981) published a landmark paper on the autism syndrome describing 11 children who were highly intelligent but displayed "a powerful desire for aloneness" and "an obsessive insistence on persistent sameness."Scientific paperAutistic Disturbances of Affective Contact, PDF
1944 The Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906-1980) published a pioneering paper on autism. He died before his identification of this pattern of behaviour became widely recognised.Scientific paper
in German
Die "Autistischen Psychopathen" im Kindesalter [Autistic psychopaths in childhood], presented by the "Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten", volume 117, issue 1, S. 76-136, June 1944
1981 The English psychiatrist Lorna Wing (1928-2014) introduced Asperger's findings in Great Britain and was involved in founding the National Autistic Society (NAS) in the United Kingdom.OrbituaryLorna Wing, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 22. June 2014
1991 Uta Frith made an authoritative translation into English of Asperger’s work.BookUta Frith, Autism and Asperger syndrome, Cambridge University Press, NewYork, 1st edition January 1992
2010 Investigative reporter Dan Olmsted and coauthor Mark Blaxill pointed out that the onslaught of autism resulted from injecting ethylmercury (including the mercury-based additive Thiomersal) to children.BookThe Age of Autism. Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic, Thomas Dunne Books, 2010


YearStatistical data on the autism spectrumRemark / Source
1931 Vivian Murdock, born in Baltimore, Maryland, was
the first American child diagnosed with autism.
In her year of birth mercury laden toxoid diphteria vaccines
were first being administered in her home town.
1975 1 in 5,000 children was estimated to have autism. 
2012 1 in 88 children (1 in 54 boys and
1 in 34 girls) had autism.
► Article CDC Revises Estimate of Autism Prevalence: 1 in 88,
     presented by the science blog Autism Speaks, March 2012
2014 1 in 68 children [14.7 per 1,000 eight-year-olds]
were on the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
► Article CDC estimates 1 in 68 children has been identified with
     autism spectrum disorder
, presented by the Autism Science,
     Foundation, 27. March 2014
► Article Over $57 Million Paid by U.S. Government for Vaccine In-
     juries in 2020 as Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Fast Tracked
     presented by the publication Vaccine Impact, 17. April 2020
►► Reference Omnibus Autism Proceeding
Note 1: ASD is almost five times more common among boys than girls: 1 in 42 boys versus 1 in 189 girls. Note 2: See [⚑] Article


Who needs vaccinations, who needs mercury in the veins in the children? The demons, nobody else. […]
The glyphosate connected to GMO is 99.9% correlated to the appearance of autism. The mechanism is that it is destroying the bacteria in the lower intestines. Given such a destroyed bacterial environment you cannot uptake mineral supply for the body anymore, which is switching off your liver at a certain point, which is giving way to heavy metal intoxification of the body. The liver is stopping to detoxify. This is what is giving you the symptoms of autism. And an autist basically is somebody who is so much [nerve] pain within the body that the soul doesn’t really incarnate. If you are in pain basically from birth on or from 0.5-1 year of age, your soul doesn’t even enter the body. If you are a demonic program, an artificial binary "soul" [entity] that is trying to get hold [possession] of a human body, it is really helpful if there is no soul around this body. And I have seen autistic children with full demonic signatures in their faces. And I have seen adults that were like half-autists during their childhood … There are these devices to measure the frequency sets within the biological system of a person. And if you measure them [adult half-autists], they have two signatures in one body, one is human, one is demonic. And they switch. Make them angry, and they completely shift [psychologically], not biologically, but from the expression of their faces, the potential of aggression they carry within them. They completely switch to a different type of being. And this is what had been planned for this planet: chuck us [humans] out, get them in. It is hard to say if we would have made it without external help.

Video interview with Harald Kautz (*1966) German physicist, geologist, independent investigative researcher, educator, speaker, publisher, translator, author, Higherside Chats | Harald Kautz Vella Explains Black Goo, presented by the interview-based podcast HighersideChats, host Greg Carlwood, YouTube film, minute 21:26, 22:11-24:35, 1:14:52 duration ouf of 3:04:54 duration, posted 24. January 2018, reposted 2. March 2018


YearChildhood vaccinationsAutism rates
198310 vaccines1 in 10,000
201332 vaccines1 in 88
202274 vaccines1 in 36
202574+ vaccines1 in 2 (estimated)


If you vaccinate – In the first six years of life your child receives the following:
• 17,500 mcg 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
• 5,700 mcg aluminum (neurotoxin)
• Unknown amounts of fetal bovine serum (aborted cow blood)
• 801.6 mcg formaldehyde (carcinogen, embalming agent)
• 23,250 mcg gelatin (ground up animal cadavers)
• 500 mcg human albumin (human blood)
• 760 mcg of monosodium L-glutamate (causes obesity and diabetes)
• Unknown amounts of MRC-5 cells (aborted human babies)
• Over 10 mcg neomycin (antibiotic)
• Over 0.075 mcg polymyxin B (antibiotic)
• Over 560 mcg polysorbate 80 (carcinogen)
• 116 mcg potassium chloride (used in a lethal injection)
• 188 mcg potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent)
• 260 mcg sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
• 70 mcg sodium borate (Borax, used for cockroach control)
• 54,100 mcg of sodium chloride (table salt)
• Unknown amounts of sodium citrate (food additive)
• Unknown amounts of sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive)
• 2,800 mcg sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)
• Unknown amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (toxic to any organism)
• 32,000 mcg sorbitol (Not to be injected)
• 0.6 mcg streptomycin (antibiotic)
• Over 40,000 mcg sucrose (cane sugar)
• 35,000 mcg yeast protein (fungus)
• 5,000 mcg urea (metabolic waste from human urine)
• Other chemical residuals
Book: ► Dr. Todd M. Elsner, What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About Vaccines, National Health Publications, 1st edition 2009
Text: ► IF YOU VACCINATE, presented by the social media news and discussion forum Siasat, 2. August 2018



The Amish refrain from modern, chemically-engineered medicines, enhanced (chemically-engineered) foods, and GMO foods. Generally, they don't accept vaccinations. Hence the Amish very rarely have cases of autism.
(Only 3 cases of autism are reported, two of which were vaccinated.) In Amish villages hardly any cases of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are found.
Here are some of the reasons why the Amish are exceptionally healthy:

  1. The Amish don't get vaccinated.
  2. The Amish eat organic, locally grown food.
  3. The Amish eat plenty of healthy fats.
  4. The Amish people are physically active.
  5. The Amish live stress free lives.

Note: The Hutterites, Amish or Mennonites have a rule that when a colony approaches 150 members, they split into two and start a new one.
See also: ► Dunbar's number 150


Video interview "The Age of Autism" – Meet authors Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, presented by the autismhangout, YouTube film,
    14:59 minutes duration, posted 4. December 2010
Article Why the Amish Rarely Get Sick: Things You Can Learn From Them, presented by LA Healthy Living, Anya Vien,
     15. December 2013
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Amish
Further written references:
Study results Hands that Heal. Researchers at Kennedy Krieger investigate whether energy therapy can benefit children with
     developmental disabilities
, presented by the Kennedy Krieger Children's hospital, Courtney McGrath, autumn 2003
Transcript: Statement by Dr. Andrew Wakefield (*1957) British former surgeon and medical researcher, filmmaker,
     Statement from Andrew Wakefield, presented by the publication Ageofautism, 17. April 2013
Article Researchers at Harvard Reveal 10 Toxins that are Causing ADHD, Autism, PDF, presented by Mass Report, Hilda Gadea,
     11. December 2014
Neurotoxins: #1 Lead, #2 Methylmercury, #3 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), #4 Arsenic, #5 Toluene, #6 Manganese, #7 Fluoride,
#8 Chlorpyrifos and DDT (pesticides), #9 Tetrachloroethylene, #10 Polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
► [⚑] Article The women who don't know they're autistic, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet
     The Conversation, Fabienne Cazalis, Adeline Lacroix, 19. July 2017
Blog article by J.B. Handley, reissued as International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?, beforeitisnews,
     11. July 2020
Discovery #1: "Maternal Immune Activation" can cause autism
Further Refinement of Discovery #1: Immune Activation from the Cytokine Interleukin-6
Discovery #2: Aluminum Adjuvant causes immune activation and is far more neurotoxic than previously thought
Discovery #3: Aluminum can increase IL-6 in the brain
Discovery #4: Hepatitis B vaccine induces IL-6 in postnatal rats
Discovery #5: High levels of aluminum in autism brains

Article 30 solid scientific studies that prove vaccines are linked with autism, presented by the US American investigative news outlet
     Natural News, 27. September 2016
Article Re: CDC Admits In Federal Court They Have No Evidence "Vaccines Don't Cause Autism" , presented by the online publication
     Collective Evolution, Joe Martino, 8. March 2020, reposted by Steemit
Further media references:
Video presentation by Temple Grandin (*1947) US American professor of animal science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, consultant
     to the livestock industry on animal behavior, autism spokesperson, author, The world needs all kinds of minds, presented by TED Talks,
     19:30 minutes duration, 27. February 2010
Removed video report / narrative by Dan Olmsted, Mark Blaxill, How Mercury Triggered The Age Of Autism, YouTube film, 9:07 mi-
     nutes duration, posted 26. June 2013
Video presentation by Temple Grandin (*1947) US American professor of animal science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, consultant
     to the livestock industry on animal behavior, autism spokesperson, author, Temple Grandin: "The Autistic Brain", YouTube film,
    Chicago Humanities Festival, November 2013, 1:03:36 duration, posted 19. November 2013
Referencing the 2010 American biographical drama film directed by Mick Jackson Temple Grandin
Video presentation by Steve Silberman, US American contributing editor of the magazine Wired, writer, The forgotten history of autism,
     transcript, presented by TED Talks, TED Global 2015 "Truth and Dare", Vancouver, Canada, 16-20 March 2015, 13:49 minutes duration,
     filmed March 2015, posted 17. June 2015
TV documentary Is Asperger's syndrome the next stage of human evolution?, presented by the news service of the Australian
     Broadcasting Corporation ABC News, program "Australian Story", 26:18 minutes duration, posted 25. September 2017
Professor Tony Attwood believes the "out of the box" thinkers on the autism spectrum will solve the world's big problems.
He is the first clinical psychologist to present Asperger's syndrome as a gift, evidenced in many of the great inventors and artists throughout history.

► Educational partially animated video presentation / interview Zach Bush, M.D., US Amerian physician, environmental activist, Chemical
     Farming and The Loss of Human Health
, produced by the YouTube channel After Skool, YouTube film, 24:55 minutes duration,
     posted 27. April 2021
See also:
Food and ► Statistics
Quotes by Rima Laibow ♦ Russell Blaylock ♦ Boyd Haley ♦ Andrew Moulden
Four out of five autists are male.

Repercussions on those who resist mandated vaccination

A paradigmal shift awaiting those who refuse vaccination

1. Once you go down this road, you won't go back.
2. You'll be forced to ponder certain possibilities you didn't consider before.
3. Sometimes conspiracy theories are actually true.
4. You'll become a hardened person.
5. You'll need to develop an acute sense of civility.
6. You're not really "Anti-Science."
7. You'll be exposed to one of the biggest hoaxes in human history.
8. You'll start to despise the mainstream media.
9. You'll lose your fear of previously common childhood illnesses.
10. You'll read the ingredients on a vaccine insert.
11. You'll finally understand why the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) rate is higher than ever before.
12. You'll start to realize there's a big problem with western medicine.
13. Vaccination is not a synonym for immunization.
14. There are countless vaccine injuries. That fact is unavoidable.
15. You'll think critically of everything you read on vaccines.
Source: ► Deleted blog article 15 Things You Should Know Before Becoming An Anti-Vaxxer,
presented by the deleted blogspot Dinner For Thought, 23. December 2014


Eisenstein Eisenstein

Willingness to make use of therapy and nonlinear happenings – D. Hawkins

Willingness to receive therapy – exposure to nonlinear occurences
depending on the individual level of consciousness
Consciousness level of peopleAcceptance level of therapy (linearity)
Below LoC 200Do NOT go to therapy.
Above LoC 200Are open to the prospect of therapy, yet do seldom realize it.
Up to LoC 299Are not too keen to go to therapeutic sessions.
From LoC 300 to LoC 399Go eagerly to therapy.
Above LoC 400Go rarely to therapy.
Above LoC 500Do NOT go to therapy.
Level of ConsciousnessNonlinear occurence
LoC 500+Synchronicities happen more frequently.28
LoC 540+Major Kundalini phenomenons emerge.29
From LoC 540 to LoC 600+Spontaneous remissions, generally known as miracles, are happening.

The history of the Western pharma cartel

Rockefeller ✣ Rothschild ✣ Carnegie ✣ J.P. Morgan ✣ United Nations ✣ WHO ✣ WTO
I.G. Farben ✣ Bayer / Monsanto ✣ BASF ✣ Hoechst
Once established, the US/German medical-pharmaceutical cartel seized the world.
15.·May·1911 The Supreme Court of the U.S. finds John D. Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960) and his Trust guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and racketeering. As a result of this decision, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil Trust, the world's largest corporation of its time, was sentenced to be dismantled. However, Rockefeller was already above the Supreme Court and did not care about this decision.
1913 In order to disperse public and political pressure on him and other robber-barons, Rockefeller uses a trick called "philan-
, whereby the illegal gains from his robber-practices in the oil business are used to launch the Rockefeller Founda-
. This tax haven was used to strategically take over the health care sector in the United States.
The Rockefeller Foundation was the front organization for a new global business venture of Rockefeller and his accomplices. This new venture was called the pharmaceutical investment business. Donations from the Rockefeller Foundation went only to medical schools and hospitals. These institutions had become missionaries of a new breed of companies: the manufac-
turers of patented, synthetic drugs
This was also the time when the first vitamins were discovered. It soon became clear however that these natural molecules had live-saving health benefits and that they were able to prevent many chronic health conditions. The first books appeared with research, subsequently abandoned, about the health benefits of vitamins. These newly discovered molecules had only one disadvantage: they were non-patentable.
Thus, in its first years of existence, the pharmaceutical investment business already faced a mortal threat: vitamins and other micronutrients promoted as public health programs would prohibit the development of any sizable investment business based on patented drugs. The elimination of this unwanted competition from natural micronutrients therefore became a question of life and death for the pharmaceutical business.
1918 The Rockefeller Foundation uses the Spanish flu epidemic – and the media (that it already controlled by this time) – to
start a witchhunt on all forms of medicine that were not covered by its patents.
Within the next 15 years, all medical schools in the U.S., most hospitals and the American Medical Association all essen-
tially became pawns on the chessboard of Rockefeller's strategy to subjugate the entire health care sector under the mono-
poly of his pharmaceutical investment business.
Disguised as a "Mother Teresa", the Rockefeller Foundation was also used to conquer foreign countries and entire conti-
nents for the pharmaceutical investment business – just as Rockefeller himself had done a few decades previously with his petrochemical investment business.
1925 On the other side of the Atlantic, in Germany, the first chemical / pharmaceutical cartel is founded in order to compete with Rockefeller's quest for control of the global drug market. Lead by the German multinationals Bayer, BASF and Hoechst, the I.G. Farben cartel was founded with a total number of employees surpassing 80,000. The race for global control was on.
29. Nov 1929 The Rockefeller cartel (USA) and the I.G. Farben cartel (Germany) decided to divide the entire globe into interest spheres – the very same crime Rockefeller had been sentenced for 18 years earlier, when his trust had divided up the U.S. into
"interest zones".
1932-1933 The I.G. Farben cartel, equally insatiable, decides no longer to be bound by the 1929 constraints. They support an uprising German politician, who promises I.G. Farben to militarily conquer the world for them. With millions of dollars in election campaign donations, this politician seized power in Germany, turned the German democracy into a dictatorship and kept
his promise to launch his conquest war, a war that soon became known as WWII.
In each and every country Hitler's Wehrmacht invaded, the first act was to rob the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries and assign them – free of charge – to the I.G. Farben empire.
1942-1945 In order to cement its global leadership with patented drugs, the I.G. Farben cartel tests its patented pharmaceutical substances on concentration camp inmates in Auschwitz, Dachau and many other sites. The fees for conducting these inhumane studies were transferred directly from the bank accounts of Bayer, Hoechst and BASF to the bank accounts of the SS, who operated the concentration camps.
1945 I.G. Farben's plan to take control of the global oil and drug markets has failed. The U.S. and the other allied forces won WWII. Nevertheless, many U.S. and allied soldiers had lost their lives during the conflict, and the allies' reward was little compared to the rewards of others. The corporate shares of the losers, I.G. Farben, went to the Rockefeller trust (USA.) and Rothschild / J.P. Morgan (U.K.).
1947 In the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal, 24 managers from Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and other executives of the I.G. Farben cartel were tried for crimes against humanity. These crimes included: leading wars of aggression, instituting slavery and committing mass murder. In his final pleading, US chief prosecutor Telford Taylor summarized the crimes committed by these corporate criminals with the following words: "Without I.G. Farben, the Second World War would not have been possible."
Amazingly, the real culprits for the death of 60 million people in World War II – the I.G. Farben executives – received the mildest verdicts. Even those executives directly responsible for the crimes in I.G. Auschwitz only received a maximum of twelve years in jail.
By 1944 Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979) had already entered the executive branch of the US government. He started off as under-secretary of state and ended up a few years later as special adviser of president Truman for Special Affairs. In other words, at critical junctures of the 20th century, the Rockefeller interests took direct charge. They decided the post war shape of the world and the distribution of its wealth.
As such, under the influence of the US state department, the verdicts in Nuremberg against the I.G. Farben managers can easily be explained. In return for taking over the corporate shares of I.G. Farben, and thereby global control of the oil and drug business, Nelson Rockefeller made sure that the real culprits of World War II were not hanged. In fact, they were needed.
1945-1949 The role of the Rockefeller brothers was not limited to their taking over the global monopolies of the oil and drug busi-
. They also needed to create the political framework for these businesses to thrive. Under their influence, therefore, the United Nations was founded in 1945, in San Francisco. To seize political control of the post war world, three countries – leading drug export nations – had all the say, and 200 other nations were rendered mere spectators.
Founded as organizations to allegedly serve the wellbeing of the people of the world, the UN's subsidiary organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Trade Organization (WTO), soon turned out to be nothing more than the political arms of the global oil and drug interests.
1949 The Federal Republic of Germany was founded. This was the first time in history that the constitution and society of an industrialized nation could be planned and modeled as a fortress of the pharmaceutical investment business – a transatlantic outpost of the Rockefeller interests.
Within only a few years, the I.G. Farben managers sentenced in Nuremberg were released from jail and put back into their previous positions as stakeholders of the Rockefeller interests. Fritz ter Meer, for example, sentenced to twelve years
in jail for his crimes in Auschwitz, was back as chairman of the board of Germany's largest pharmaceutical multinational, Bayer, by 1963.
1963 On behalf of the Rockefeller interests, the government of the pharmaceutical banana republic Germany spearheaded one of the most infamous efforts ever made within the United Nations. Under the pretense of consumer protection, it launched a four-decade-long crusade to outlaw vitamin therapies and other natural, non-patentable health approaches in all member countries of the United Nations. The goal was to simply ban any and all competition for the multi-billion dollar business with patented drugs. The plan was simple: copy for the entire world what had already been accomplished in America in the 1920s – a monopoly on health care for the investment business with patented drugs.
Since the marketplace for the pharmaceutical investment business depends upon the continued existence of diseases, the drugs it developed were not intended to prevent, cure or eradicate disease. Thus, the goal of the global strategy was to monopolize health for billions of people, with pills that nearly cover symptoms but hardly ever address the root cause of disease. The deprivation of billions of people from having access to life saving information about the health benefits of
natural health approaches, whilst at the same time establishing a monopoly with largely ineffective and frequently toxic patented drugs, caused disease and death in genocidal proportions.
This epidemic of unnecessary disability and death by the pharmaceutical business with disease is unparalleled in history.
Linus Pauling, Ph.D. (1901-1994) and other eminent scientists deserve credit for having kept open the door of knowledge about the health benefits of vitamins and other effective natural health approaches. If it were not for them we would already be living in a health prison today, guarded by the gatekeepers of the pharmaceutical business with disease in medicine, politics and the media.
1990-1992 This period will go down in history as the beginning of the end of the pharmaceutical business with disease. In a series of scientific publications, in some of which Dr. Rath invited Linus Pauling to join him as co-author, Dr. Rath identified micronu-
trient deficiency as the primary cause of diseases
. These diseases include heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetic circulatory problems, cancer and even immune deficiency diseases, including AIDS. Like a Sherlock Holmes of science,
Dr. Rath traced the real cause of these diseases, and found that they had been deliberately nebulized or even hidden away from millions of people for one purpose only: to feed the insatiable greed of the pharmaceutical business with disease.
Source: ► Article The History of the Pharma Cartel, presented by the German Dr. Rath Health Foundation, Matthias Rath, M.D. (*1955) German physician, businessman, vitamin entrepreneur, founder of the Dr. Rath Research Institute, 10. May 2007
Video-Referenz (deutsch): ► Vortrag von Matthias Rath (*1955) deutscher Arzt, Alternativmediziner, Begründer "Zellularmedizin",
aufklärender Sprecher, Het plan van de farma-industrie [Der Plan der pharmazeutischen Industrie], Berlin, 20. Oktober 2011,
YouTube Film, ab Minute 1:46, 28:39 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 30. Januar 2022
Written references:
► Article A history of the pharmaceutical industry, presented of the publication Pharmaphorum, Robin Walsh, 1. October 2010m reposted 1. September, 2020
► Article A Brief History of American Pharma: From Snake Oil to Big Money, presented by the publication LIT HUB, Mike Magee,
     5. September 2019
Documentaries – [Former] YouTube films:
Rockefeller Medicine, Episode 286 - Rockefeller Medicine, MP3 / Show notes, presented by the Corbett Report, produced and narrated by host James Corbett,
     44:07 minutes duration, posted 2. November 2013
1986: THE ACT (OFFICIAL TRAILER) 2020, producer Dr. Andrew Wakefield (*1957) British former surgeon, medical researcher,
     filmmaker, 2:37 minutes duration, posted 29. June 2020
Literature: ► Tonda R. Bian, author, The Drug Lords. America's Pharmaceutical Cartel, No Barriers, 1. March 1997
See also:
Quotes by Rima Laibow and ► Audio and video links on vaccination (engl.) – Rima Laibow, Robert Kennedy
Quotes by Rima Laibow ♦ Russell Blaylock ♦ Boyd Haley ♦ Andrew Moulden ♦ Burk ♦ Antoine Béchamp
Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government ☛ Rockefeller-funded eugenics and depopulation programs
Timeline of CIA/Elite funded LSD experimentation, therapy and counterculture
Pasteur's germ theory ⇔ Béchamp's microzymian theory
Dismantling the virus theory – Stefan Lanka and ► Fearmongering with fabricated "pandemics"


[It was critical for the new medical industry] "to indoctrinate the public in the Western world with the belief that the salvation from all, especially physical ailments, lay outside the individual's system and responsibility, because it was caused by external factors […]
and that chemical remedies (drugs) will keep him free from disease, independent of his own vigilant responsibility."

Howard Hencke, The Germ Theory. A Deliberate Aberration, 1995

Quotes on systemic corruption in medical science

Medical whistleblowers exposing the fraudulent science establishment
1.Dr. Herbert L. Ley Jr., physician, 10th Commissioner and head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (7/1968-12/1969) "The FDA protects the big drug companies, and is subse-
quently rewarded, and using the government’s police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug compa-
nies. People think that the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as day and night."
San Francisco Chronicle, 1970

Vapes, 2017
2.Dr. Franz Ingelfinger, physician, gastroenterologist, Boston University School of Medicine, NJMJ editor "Let us assume that 80% of illnesses are either self-limited or not treatable by modern medicine. 10% are miraculously cured and 9% are made worse. Thus, we wind up barely on the positive side of zero."The New England Journal of Medicine editorial, 1977
3.Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the Lancet, one of the most well respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world "Medical journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry."The New York Book Review, 11. March 200430
4.Dr. Abram Hoffer, psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist "Big Pharma controls medicine today. […] And they control [advertising and] the journals. [...] We are in a terrible situa-
tion. The system is really sick. And you can quote me lite-
rally. I think, the system is absolutely sick [dysfuntional]. And it has to be changed. […] We have to let the public exactly know what's happening, because right now they don't know."
Video interview Healthy Mind Body Planet Tour, 2006
5.Dr. Marcia Angell, editor in Chief of the The New England Journal of Medicine (NEMJ) "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judg-
ment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guide-
lines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”
Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption|The New York Review of Books]], 2009 / Global Research, 2015
6.Dr. Gabor Maté, addiction expert, speaker "The mind-body separation is innate in medical practice. Clinically, physicians treat bodies, not an individual with a life history. Physicians think that whatever occurs, whether ad-
diction, mental illness or cancer, must be separated from a person's actual life."
The Believer, 2012
7.Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the Lancet, one of the most well respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the world "The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, in-
valid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
Global Research, 2015
8.Dr. Pamela Wible, family physician "Each year more than one million Americans lose their doctors to suicide, and nobody ever tells the patients the truth. Nobody talks about our doctors jumping from hospital rooftops, overdosing in call rooms, hanging themselves in hospital chapels. It's medicine’s dirty secret – and it's covered up by our hospitals, clinics, and medical schools."Pamela Wible, 2016
9.Arnold Seymour Relman, Harvard professor of medicine, editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medizine "The medical profession is being bought by the pharma-
ceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research.
The academic institutions of this country are allowing them-
selves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry.
I think it's disgraceful."
Medium, 2018
10.Susanna Rees, editorial assistant at a medical writing agency until 2002 "Medical writing agencies go to great lengths to disguise the fact that the papers they ghostwrite and submit to journals and conferences are ghostwritten on behalf of pharma-
ceutical companies
and not by the named authors. There is a relatively high success rate for ghostwritten submissions – not outstanding, but consistent."
The Guardian, 2003 / Idaho Observer, 2003
11.Dr. William Thompson, senior scientist, Center for Disease Control (CDC) "I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically signifi-
cant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed."
Truthwiki, 2004, 2014
12.Sydney Brenner, 2002 Nobel Prize recipient in physiology or medicine "And of course all the academics say we’ve got to have peer review. But I don’t believe in peer review because I think it’s very distorted and as I’ve said, it's simply a regression to the mean.
I think peer review is hindering science. In fact, I think it has become a completely corrupt system. It's corrupt in many ways, in that scientists and academics have handed over to the editors of these journals the ability to make judgment on science and scientists. There are universities in America, and I've heard from many committees, that we won't consider people's publications in low impact factor journals.
Evolution News, 2014
13.Dr. Fiona Godlee, editor of the British Medical Journal "I think we have to call it what it is. It is the corruption of the scientific process."NCBI, 2016
14.CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research (CDC SPIDER) – The members of the group have elected to file a letter of complaint to the CDC chief of staff anonymously for fear of retribution. "It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests […] and Congres-
sional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception. These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health."
HuffPost, 2017
15.Dr. Raeford Brown, chair of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Committee on Analgesics and Anesthetics "Congress is owned by pharma."Yahoo Finance, 2019
16.Dr. Ray Moynihan, assistant professor leading The BMJ's campaign "When we want to decide on a medicine or a surgery, a lot of the evidence we used to inform that decision is biased. It cannot be trusted. Because so much of that has been pro-
duced and funded by the manufacturers of those healthcare products."
The Sydney Morning Herald, 2019 / TOTT News, 2020
17.Kamran Abbasi, executive editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) "Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health."BMJ, 2003, 2020
18.Robert F. Kennedy Jr., environmental lawyer, activst "The CDC is actually a vaccine company." "Four com-
panies who make all 72 of these vaccines are convicted felons. Those four companies [Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur and GlaxoSmithKline] in the last decade paid over thirty five billion dollars in damages and penalties and fines or criminal fines for defrauding regulators for falsifying science for lying to doctors relying to patients and customers for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans."
minute 5:23 "The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry.” minute 11:05
Deleted blog article The problem with Vaccines: RFK Jr's brilliant summary, 2019, 'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' – Robert F. Kennedy Jr, 2020
19.Gerd Reuther, German physician, medical critic "One can assume that really at least 90% of the so-called science is a mere pharmaceutical science, i.e. an industry-dependent science."  minute 34:22Enteignung der Gesundheit [Expropriation of Health], 2021
Book by Wendell Potter (*1951) US American advocate for health insurance payment reform, bestselling author, Deadly Spin.
     An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans
, Bloomsday Press,
     1st edition 21. November 2013
Scientific article Skeptical of medical science?, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal Canadian Veterinary
, Carlton Gyles, October 2015
Book by Jon Jureidini, author, Leemon B. Mchenry, author, The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine. Exposing the crisis of credibility
     in clinical research
, Wakefield Press, 22. June 2020
Video presentation by BOOM! MEDICAL JOURNALS CORRUPT TO THE CORE! [2021-04-23], originally presented by the
     YouTube platform Amazing Polly News, odysee film, 30:54 minutes duration, posted 24. April 2021

BW-Werte: Medizin und Gesundheit / Medicine and health

  • BW 500Ärzte ohne Grenzen (Doctors Without Borders), internationale Ärzte-Hilfsorganisation31
  • BW 210 – Gesundheitsindustrie [Health industry] in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika32
  • BW 190 – "Health Financing Care Bill" [Gesetz für erschwingliche Krankenversicherungsfinanzierung]
                     Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, verabschiedet am 23. März 201033
  • BW 170 – Vom Arbeitgeber finanzierte Krankenversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit begrenzter Ärzteauswahl
                     [HMO (Health Maintenance Organisation)]34
See also: ► Gesundheit

Index: Medizin, Energiemedizin und Heilung / Medicine and healing – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • Truth vs. Falsehood, subheadings "Science – Clinical" [Klinische Wissenschaften, Bewusstseinswerte von Therapiemethoden]

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Energy medicine, Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, minute 25, 60 minutes duration, aired 14. October 2003
  • Energy medicine, Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, minute 34, 60 minutes duration, aired 11. November 2003


Links zum Thema Medizin und Heilung / Medicine and healing


Rezension Wissenschaft: Radikale Medizinkritik, präsentiert von der Bundesärztekammer-Publikation Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Thomas Lempert, 114(14), 2017

In 2500 Jahre europäische Medizingeschichte: Ob im antiken Griechenland oder in der Corona-Krise haben Schulmediziner unter dem
Deckmantel vermeintlicher Wissenschaftlichkeit ihre Eigeninteressen stets über das Patientenwohl gestellt.

Schockierende Wahrheiten im Kapitel 11 "Der Impf-Schwindel" (Zusammenfassung):
Seite 525: Kein einziger der von der CDC empfohlene Impfstoffe für Kinder wurde gegen ein echtes Placebo getestet, also eine neutrale Substanz ohne signifikante Nebenwirkungen getestet. Jeder diese Impfstoffe wurde in klinischen Studien gegen einen anderen Impfstoff (oder eine impf-
stoffähnliche Substanz mit einem ähnlichen Spektrum an Nebenwirkungen getestet.
Seite 527: Die medizinische Wissenschaft hat noch keine methodische Grundlage für die Wissenschaft über die Sicherheit von Impfstoffen geschaffen.
Seite 530: Das Impfprogramm für Kinder wurde "in seiner Gesamtheit nie auf seine Wirksamkeit oder Sicherheit geprüft".

Literatur – Peter Gøtzsche

Literature (engl.)

Reductionism – The Parts Are Greater Than the Whole; Materialism – Matter Is Primary; Bringing Physics and Biology Together

Externe Weblinks

1998 mit einer Veröffentlichung in der medizinischen Zeitschrift The Lancet großes Aufsehen sowohl in der Fachwelt als auch in der Öffentlichkeit erregte. Sein – inzwischen von der Zeitschrift zurückgezogener – impfkritischer Beitrag führte dazu, dass weniger Menschen sich impfen ließen.

Besprechung des Buchs von Peter C. Gøtzsche, Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime. How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare,
Radcliffe, London, 2013

Die 7 Strategien für erfolgreiche Patienten nach Dr. Weil
1. Sie akzeptieren kein "Nein" als Antwort.
2. Sie suchen aktiv und selbstständig nach Informationen und Alternativen über ihre Erkrankung.
3. Sie suchen nach Hilfe von anderen kompetenten Menschen.
4. Sie finden einen ehemals Betroffenen, der geheilt wurde oder einem erfahrenen Arzt, der ihnen sagt: Heilung ist möglich.
5. Sie nehmen radikale Veränderungen in ihrem Leben vor.
6. Sie akzeptieren ihre Erkrankung als Geschenk und sehen den Segen in ihr.
7. Sie kultivieren eine Form von Selbstakzeptanz.

Weblinks zum Thema Medizin und Heilung – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

Wakefield's 1998 research paper in the medical journal The Lancet was controversial. His claim that there was a link between the administration of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, and the appearance of autism and bowel disease is meanwhile discredited, the article dismissed.

Displaying prayer studies

Evidence-based estimate deaths due to iatrogenics [patient harm] in US American hospitals: 400,000+ per year [status 2013]
The action and progress on patient safety in the medical system is frustratingly slow.

62.8 million of routine ritual pelvic examinations performed on women across US America (status 2010). Gynecological screenings cost the
U.S. $2.6 billion every year. After 68 years of pelvic exam studies (1946-2014) a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found no evidence that they lead to any reduction in "morbidity or mortality of any condition" among women.

The thyroid and adrenals have a reciprocal relationship. When adrenal activity is high, thyroid activity is low and vice versa. Living in a constant
state of stress leads to high adrenal activity. Don't stress!

Linkless articles

  • Article The History of Health In Chronological Order: 540 AD-1945; 1946-1977; 1978-1994, presented by Stephanie Relfe (*1960) Australian blogger, undated

Audio- und Videolinks

Die 330 Milliarden $ schwere psychiatrische Pharmaindustrie kann nach eigener Aussage keine Heilerfolge vorweisen. Eine US-amerikanische Studie zeigt faktisch auf, dass die Psychiatrie in der Patientenbehandlung eine Versagensrate von 99% aufweist. Fesselnde Dokumentation mit
über 185 Interviews.

Es gibt weit über 400 bekannte natürliche Krebsheilmethoden. Otto Warburg 1918 und Max Plank 1931 bekamen den Nobelpreis für Medizin beziehungsweise Physik für den Nachweis, dass Krebs in einem basischen und sauerstoffreichen Milieu nicht überleben und entstehen kann.

Besprechung des Masern-Virus Prozesses (2013-2016) Die Berichterstattung über Lankas Arbeit war sehr einseitig. Der Ausgang des Prozesses wird entweder falsch dargestellt oder einfach überhaupt nicht erwähnt.
Drei Kriterien für Wissenschaftlichkeit a) Nachvollziehbarkeit, b) Überprüfbarkeit, c) Vorhersagemöglichkeit bereitgestellt

  • Dr. Lanka: Viren entwirren – Medizin entwickeln Der Masern-Virus Prozess, Teil 2, 52:58 Minuten Dauer

Fortsetzung: Masern-Virus Prozess. Was ist ein Virus? Was macht den Menschen krank?

Neue tomographische Technik zur Grundlagenforschung für die Ursubstanz des Lebens Wasser

  • Ausschnitt Dr. Stefan Lanka, molekularbiologe – Viren entwirren (4K), 15:30 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 2. Juli 2020

Laut einer Studie der AOK sterben in deutschen Kliniken ~18.800 oder weit mehr Menschen pro Jahr durch Behandlungsfehler. Fünfmal so viele Todesfälle wie im Straßenverkehr.

Eminenz-blasierte szientistische Medizin

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videointerview mit Werner Hanne, deutscher Forscher und Autor, Organe spenden, Organe empfangen – besser nicht?, prä-
    sentiert von dem online Fernsehsender Michael Vogt TV, Gastgeberin Sabine Weise-Vogt, 1:07:25 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt
    5. Januar 2019

Dokumentarfilme – Impfen und mehr

  • Dokumentarfilm in voller Länge Wir Impfen Nicht! Mythos und Wirklichkeit der Impfkampagnen, DVD, erschienen 16. Mai 2014, Regisseur Michael Leitner, Produzent Daniel Trappitsch, durch Spenden unterstützt von Aegis.at, Impf-Report.de, Impfent-
    scheid.ch, efi-online.de, YouTube Film, 1:38:34 Dauer, eingestellt 1. Dezember 2014

In Deutschland wuchs die Anzahl der Impfdosen im 1. Lebensjahr seit 1976 von 6 auf 34! Parallel dazu explodierte die Anzahl chronischer Erkrankungen bei Kindern: Rheuma, Krebs; vor allem aber Allergien, Infektanfälligkeit und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten wie AD(H)S. Ursache sind
die Zusatzstoffe in den Impfungen, vor allem die Aluminium-Verbindungen. Umgerechnet aufs Körpergewicht enthält eine Säuglingsimpfung das
23-fache an Aluminium, wie ein Impfstoff für Erwachsene!
Bei der Zulassung von Impfstoffen und im Umgang mit Impfschäden wird massiv getrickst.

Audio and video links (engl.)

Cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet.
The missing substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.

52-day journey of filmmaker Kroschel to find evidence to the effectiveness of the long-suppressed natural cancer cure Gerson Cancer Therapy

Reviewing case studies of spontaneous remission and placebo and nocebo effect data, that prove that an individual's thoughts powerfully affect the human physiology for better or worse – "medical hexing"

  • Video presentation by Peter C. Gøtzsche, M.D. (*1949) Danish physician, medical researcher, founder and dismissed director
    of the Nordic Cochrane Center, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, speaker, author, Mental Health. Overdiagnosed & Overmedicated, sponsored by the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, 11. February 2015, YouTube film,
    1:32:46 duration, posted 12. May 2015

Gotzsche's list of what medication and medical procedures to avoid
Antidepressants for all (They very likely don't even work for severe cases of depression.)
➤ All brain-active drugs for children
Anti-psychotics and other brain-active drugs for the elderly. (Psychotropic drugs should be used as little as possible and mostly in
     very acute situations, as they are very harmful when used long term.)
Anti-dementia drugs (They very likely don't work.)
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used for arthritis, muscle pain and headaches, including over-the-counter, low-dose ibuprofen.
    (These drugs should be used as little as possible.)
Mammography screening (It doesn't prolong life whereas it makes many healthy women ill through overdiagnosis and leads to the premature
    death for some because radiotherapy and chemotherapy increases mortality when used for harmless cancers detected at screening.)
Drugs for urinary incontinence (They very likely don't work.)

Linkless media offering

Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey

Linkless media offering

  • Audio interview with Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker,
    author on complementary medicine, The Extraordinary Healing Power of Everyday Things, MP3, presented by the deleted
    US American web radio station Peter Lambrou, host Dr. Peter J. Lambrou, 56:04 minutes duration, 6. February 2007

Displaying prayer studies


See also:
Healing Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Wholeness |Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey
Science Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Consciousness Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey
Intuition Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Spirituality Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey

Audio and video links on vaccination (engl.) – Rima Laibow, Robert Kennedy

Documentaries, movies (engl.)

The documentary "On the Back of a Tiger" presents a paradigm shift in how we do science, ultimately leading to a better understanding of disease, aging, and nutrition. A group of maverick scientists unravel the fatal flaws in the existing scientific and medical establishments, revealing how they've led to failures in treating the most devastating diseases.

Decades ago, the centennarian Gilbert N. Ling (1919-2019) singlehandedly devised an alternate theory of the living cell, answering the glaring open questions of the standard model. He also invented intracellular electrodes and inspired the inventor of the MRI.

"All of the work [of the interviewees] contributes to the alternate viewpoint about life, disease and aging that is not genetically predetermined. Genetic determinism is the go-to dogma of the day."  Minute 6:55
"The basic ideas that have become popular are "The world is made out of dead matter and basically life is made out of dead matter." It sort of leads to the conclusion that consciousness is an illusion. Most scientists consider the cell as a machine. They consider the human brain as a computer, consciousness as software."  Minute 18:15
"The idea of eugenics is so pervasive in our culture about genes. All comes from that and has this sort of hidden under-
sign. You've got this gene for some kind of cancer or whatever sort of disease perceived as having impure genes and how easy it is to start thinking about the possibilities of the dream of creating more perfect genes in the future. For so many scientists there's a science fiction idea about creating some future perfect man which is kind of that same whole idea that might even sound crazy."
  Minute 24:40


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki



1 Dr. Marilyn Schlitz came up with a three part medical paradigm:
1. Conventional medicine (treat the illness)
2. Alternative, complementary, holistic or integrative medicine (treats the illness and the wholeness of the patient),
3. Integral medicine (treats the illness, the patient and also the physician and the medical system)

2 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 126, 2005

3 Audiointerview Discovery of the Presence of God, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Webradiosender Hay House Radio, Gastgeber Eldon Taylor, Minute 46:33, gesendet 23. März 2010

4 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 126, 2005

5 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 126, 2005

6 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 2005

7 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 2005

8 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 92, 2005

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 137, 2005

10 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 92, 2005

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 137, 2005

12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 92, 2005

13 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 354, 2005

14 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 137, 2005

15 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 134, 2005

16 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 134, 2005

17 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 137, 2005

18 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 137, 2005

19 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 137, 2005

20 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 134, 2005

21 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 354, 2005

22 Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 15 Unconditional Love, Joy and Ecstacy, S. 258, 2006

23 "New England Journal of Medicine" and the "Journal of the American Medical Association"

24 Entwicklungsstufen der Medizin – Larry Dossey, M.D.

25 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 354, 2005

26 Report by Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, 4. September 2017

27 Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, Physician Suicide Letters Answered, Pamela Wible, M.D., 1st edition 11. January 2016

28 See also: First Insight of Celestine according to James Redfield's bestseller The Celestine Prophecy, 1993

29 Overview: Various kundalini related experiences – LoC included

30 Article The Dawn of McScience, presented by the US American semi-monthly magazine The New York Review of Books, 11. March 2004

31 Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 15 Unconditional Love, Joy and Ecstacy, S. 258, 2006

32 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 126, 2005

33 Audiointerview Discovery of the Presence of God, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Webradiosender Hay House Radio, Gastgeber Eldon Taylor, Minute 46:33, gesendet 23. März 2010

34 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 126, 2005

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