Wiki / Komplexitaet
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Form – Leerheit. Leerheit – Form. |
Quelle (engl.): ► Rebecca Costa, US-amerikanische Soziobiologin, Radio Talkshowmoderatorin, Dozentin, Autorin, The Watchman's Rattle. A Radical New Theory of Collapse, Vanguard Press, 13. November 2012 |
Siehe auch: ► Skandalierer ♦ Skandaliertes ♦ Öffentlichkeit ⇔ Opferung |
Komplexität unter Jungen äußert sich in komplexen Regeln und Aktivitäten.
Komplexität unter Mädchen erfordert komplexe Netzwerke von Beziehungen und komplexe sprachliche Ausdrucksformen,
die dazu dienen in diesem Beziehungsnetzwerk zu vermitteln.
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Personal avowals
Interconnectedness of ecosystems with climate change, governments, corporations
Efficiency and resilience based on diversity and interconnectivity
Signs of cognitive threshold: 1. Gridlock (information overflow). 2. Beliefs are substituted by facts. 3. Collapse
Rebecca Costa, US American sociobiologist, radio talk show host, public speaker, author, The Watchman's Rattle. A Radical New Theory of Collapse, Vanguard Press, 1st trade paper edition 13. November 2012 |
Book The Watchman's Rattle, November 2012
Holomovement – Implicate / Explicate orders: David Bohm’s holomovement contains – two coexisting orders:
1. the ubiquitous wavelike unmanifest implicate order – "information field interpenetrating every point in space-time" (corresponding with
the right brain hemishpere)
2. the localized manifest (visible and touchable) explicate order (corresponding with the left brain hemishpere).
Listen also: Audio recording by Alan Watts (1915-1973) British religious philosopher, minister, Episcopal priest, Zen expert, speaker, writer, Prickles and Goo, presented by Furry Carlos Productions, South Park, animation by Trey Parker, Matt Stone, YouTube film, 2:35 minutes duration, posted 23. August 2007
'Madhouse', 'Recuperation ward', 'The world is a joke', 'A tragedy', 'Perplexity', 'The world's purpose is salvation', 'Purgatorial', 'Comedy', 'Sadness'
Personal avowals
Source: ► Video interview with Dr. Peter Kruse (1955-2015) German psychologist, expert on complexity processing in intelligent networks, CEO of Nextpractice, Kollektive Intelligenz [Collective wisdom], YouTube film, 5:55 minutes duration, posted 18. June 2011 |
See also: ► Internet and ► Collective wisdom and ► Intuition and ► Play and ► Simplicity and ► Intellect |
Siehe auch: ► Die Komplexität des Internets und der modernen Welt kanalisieren – Peter Kruse |
In 2007 James B. Glattfelder, Ph.D. (*1972), a Swiss chair of systems design and empirical complexity analyst, and his team found via Network Topology based on the advanced technology of supercomputers and chaos theory
Together the 1,318 plus the 147 corporate units dominate 80% of the world economy.
Within the super-corporation of 147 corporations, a good-old-boys-club, only 1% controls 40% of the world's wealth. The top
20 are mostly financial institutions (Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Company, and The Goldman Sachs Group).
Entangled web of control
The Top 10 identified network core control-holders worldwide are:
These few alone control 19.45 % of the global financial network.
The top 50 firms of which control nearly 40% of the global financial network.
Only detectable within the 3rd millennium via committed teamwork and high tech, this elite-entity had been present for centuries. The instability and lacking sustainability of a tightly-knit supercorporation became apparent as a result of the financial collapse
of 2008, when one company [Lehmann Brothers] suffered distress which propagated through the network.
Sources featuring James B. Glattfelder, Ph.D. (*1972) Swiss physicist, complexity scientist, data scientist, philosopher, former Swiss chair of systems design, empirical analyst of ownership relations of a large database of international companies, ETH, Zürich, independent author ► Cited in article: Revealed. The capitalist network that runs the world, presented by the UK-based weekly English-language international science magazine New Scientist Physics & Math, Andy Coghlan, Debora MacKenzie, issue 2835, 19. October 20111 ► Article James B. Glattfelder, Ph.D. (*1972), S. Vitali, S. Battiston, The Network of Global Corporate Control, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 19. September 2011 ► Video presentation Who controls the world?, presented by TEDxZurich Talks, Zürich, 14:11 minutes duration, filmed October 2012, posted February 2013 |
Reference: ► Article The LIBOR Scandal for Dummies, presented by the publication Money Talks News, Stacy Johnson, 23. July 2012 |
Schriftliche Referenzen Artikel: ► Blogartikel Neue Studie der ETH Zürich über die einflussreichsten Unternehmen der Welt bestätigt große Machtkonzentration in wenigen Händen, präsentiert von Blicklog, Dirk Elsner, 22. August 2011 ► Artikel ETH Zürich: Weltwirtschaft wird von 147 Firmen beherrscht, präsentiert von, 30. Oktober 2011 ► Artikel 147 Konzerne kontrollieren die gesamte Weltwirtschaft, präsentiert von dem deutschen Wissenschaftsmagazin Forschung und Wissen, 24. Juni 2014 |
See also: ► Statistics of economic inequality in the United States (1774-2011) ► Statistics on the worldwide inequality gap (2014-2015-2016) ► Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government |
Source: ► Guthrie Cameron, Ph.D., French professor of systems thinking, cited in: article Thinking Complexity, presented by Iversity, free online course, 2016 |
See also: ► Thinking |
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Men have 6.5 times more grey matter [thinking neurons] and better spatial orientation and maths skills than women.
Englisch Wiki
1 Reissued article REVEALED: The Capital Network That Runs The World, presented by the US American business news website Business Insider, Gus Lubin, 21. October 2011 ⇑