
Hawkins / Audioclips2007




< 2006 | Audio-Clips | 2008 >


Audioclips aus Seminaren und Satsangs 2007


⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Seminarserie 2007 von D. Hawkins

02-2007 - 17. Februar: God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind

  • The world of the mystic vs. the world of science; characteristics of inner knowingness;
    Qualities of the levels of consciousness above 600 including the qualities of God.

04-2007 - 14. April: Relativism vs. Reality

06-2007 - 16. Juni: What is Real?

  • What is real at one level is not real at the next.
    Does reality exist independently of observation?

07-2007 - 22. Juli: What is Truth? The Absolute


Self refuting statement

Self refuting statements, Cult FAQ, presented by NZ Cult List 1999-2015

08-2007 - 18. August: The Human Dilemma

09-2007 - 15. September: A Review of the Work – 2007

  • Basic principles of Dr. Hawkins's work, illustrated with charts and diagrams; humor and wisdom throughout
  • Video Falling in Love with Truth, YouTube film, 0:47 minutes duration, posted by the YouTube channel Veritaspub,
    11. December 2007

10-2007 - 20. Oktober: Creation vs. Evolution

11-2007 - 10. November: Spiritual Survival: Realization of Reality

12-2007 - 8. Dezember: Experiential Reality: The Mystic

  • Bestselling lecture on the innermost knowingness.
    The pathway of a True Mystic is not hearsay or theory, but direct transmission from the powerful field of Awareness.
  • Video All Life Loves its own Life, YouTube film, 3:41 minutes duration, posted by the YouTube channel Veritaspub,
    15. January 2008

Satsangserie 2007 von D. Hawkins, Sedona

02-2007 – 1. Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2007

03-2007 – 2. Mittwoch, 14. März 2007

05-2007 – 3. Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007

07-2007 – 4. Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2007

09-2007 – 5. Mittwoch, 12. September 2007

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