
Wiki / Inspiration








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  Von den Kurven der Frauen, aber auch den Bergen und Flüssen meines Landes beziehe ich meine Inspiration. Interview mit Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012) brasilianischer Architekt der Retortenstadt Brasilia, Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 11. März 2002


Zitate zum Thema Inspiration

Zitate von Anthony de Mello


  • Die meisten Leute erzählen einem, dass sie aus dem Kindergarten heraus wollen. Glauben Sie ihnen nicht. Glauben
    Sie ihnen wirklich nicht! Alles, was sie wollen, ist, ihr kaputtes Spielzeug wieder repariert bekommen:
    "Ich möchte meine Frau wiederhaben.
    Ich möchte meinen Arbeitsplatz wiederhaben.
    Ich möchte mein Geld wiederhaben, mein Ansehen, meinen Erfolg!"
Nur das möchten sie: ihr Spielzeug zurück. Das ist alles. Sogar der beste Psychologe wird Ihnen sagen, dass die Leute eigentlich nicht geheilt werden wollen. Was sie wollen, ist Linderung und Trost, denn eine Heilung ist schmerzhaft. Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, spiritueller Führer,
Autor, Der springende Punkt. Wach werden und glücklich sein, Herder, Freiburg, 1991, 10. Juli 2002




  • Wach werden und aufstehen ist bekanntlich unangenehm, denn im Bett ist es warm und behaglich. Es ist wirklich lästig, aufge-
    weckt zu werden. Deshalb wird ein wacher Geist auch nie darauf anlegen, die Leute aufzuwecken. Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, geistiger Lehrer, Autor, Der springende Punkt. Wach werden und glücklich sein, S. 9, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1991, 10. Juli 2002, 2. Auflage 8. März 2011, 2. Auflage 8. März 2011


  • Klarheit bedeutet, wach zu werden. Die meisten Leute schlafen, ohne es zu wissen. Sie wurden schlafend geboren,
    sie leben schlafend, sie heiraten in den Schlaf, erziehen im Schlaf ihre Kinder und sterben im Schlaf, ohne jemals wach
    geworden zu sein. Niemals verstehen sie den Reiz und die Schönheit dessen, was wir "menschliches" Leben nennen.
    Bekanntlich sind sich alle Mystiker – ob christlich oder nichtchristlich – in diesem Punkt einig: dass alles gut, alles
    in Ordnung ist. Obwohl gar nichts in Ordnung ist, ist alles gut.
    Ein wirklich seltsamer Widerspruch. Aber tragischer-
    weise kommen die meisten Leute gar nicht dazu, zu erkennen, dass tatsächlich alles gut ist, denn sie schlafen. Sie haben einen Alptraum.

    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, geistiger Lehrer, Autor, Der springende Punkt. Wach werden und glücklich sein, S. 13, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1991, 10. Juli 2002, 2. Auflage 8. März 2011

Geschichten von Anthony de Mello

  • Ein erfolgreicher Firmeninhaber reagierte entsetzt, als er sah, wie ein Fischer mitten am Tag neben seinem Boot lag und ein Pfeifchen rauchte.
    "Warum sind Sie nicht unterwegs beim Fischen?"
fragte der Unternehmer den Fischer.
"Weil ich für heute genug Fische gefangen habe."
"Warum fangen Sie denn nicht noch mehr Fische?"
"Was soll ich mit denen machen?"
"Verdienen Sie mehr Geld. Dann könnten Sie einen Motor an Ihr Boot montieren lassen und in tiefere Gewäs-
ser hinausfahren und noch mehr Fische fangen. Sie würden Ihnen mehr Geld einbringen. Damit könnten Sie Nylonnetze kaufen. Verstehen Sie, je mehr Fische, desto mehr Geld. Bald hätten Sie genug, um zwei Boote
zu kaufen – sogar eine ganze Schiffsflotte. Dann könnten Sie genauso reich sein wie ich."
"Was soll ich dann tun?"
"Dann könnten Sie das Leben wirklich genießen."
"Was glauben Sie denn, was ich gerade mache?"
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor, Warum der Vogel singt. Weisheitsgeschichten, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1984, 3. Taschenbuchauflage 13. Juli 2005, 18. März 2019
  • Als es klar wurde, dass der Meister sterben würde, waren seine Schüler sehr traurig.
    Der Meister lächelte:
    Seht ihr denn nicht, dass erst der Tod dem Leben die Schönheit gibt?
    Nein. Wir wollen nicht, dass du jemals stirbst.
    '''Alles Lebendige muss sterben.
    Nein. Wir wollen nicht, dass du jemals stirbst.
    Schaut die Blumen an! Nur Plastikblumen sterben nie.'''
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, spiritueller Führer, Autor,
Eine Minute Weisheit, Herder, Freiburg, 1985, 2. Auflage 1998, 7. Auflage 1. Januar 2000
  • Aspirant: Gibt es die Weisheit der einen Minute?
Meister: Die gibt es sicher.
Aspirant: Aber eine Minute ist doch bestimmt zu kurz?
Meister: Sie ist neunundfünfzig Sekunden zu lang.
Aspiranten [Verdutzt verstummt]
Meister: Wieviel Zeit braucht man, um des Mondes ansichtig zu werden?
Aspirant: Wozu dann die vielen Jahre geistigen Strebens?
Meister: Es kann ein Leben lang dauern, bis die Augen geöffnet sind.
Es genügt ein Blitz, um zu sehen.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer Jesuitenprieser, Psychotherapeut, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor,
Eine Minute Weisheit, Herder, Freiburg, 1985, 2. Auflage 1998, 7. Auflage 1. Januar 2000

Wo Angriffe verpuffen

  • Ein angrifflslustiger Skeptiker fordert den Meister heraus:
    Nenne mir einen praktischen, brauchbaren Nutzen der Spiritualität.
Antwort des Meisters:
Damit kann ich dienen. Wenn dich jemand angreift, kannst du deinen Geist in eine Zone erheben, wo Beleidigungen nicht hinreichen.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor,
One Minute Nonsense, S. 80, Loyola Press, Canadian edition, November 1992
  • Aspirant: Was kann ich tun, um die Wirklichkeit zu sehen, so wie sie ist?
Meister: Ich habe eine gute und eine schlechte Botschaft für dich, mein Freund.
Aspirant: Wie lautet die schlechte Botschaft?
Meister: Es gibt nichts, was du tun kannst, um klar zu sehen – es ist eine Gabe.
Aspirant: Und wie lautet die gute Botschaft?
Meister: Es gibt nichts, was du tun kannst, um klar zu sehen – es ist ein Gabe.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer Jesuitenprieser, Psychotherapeut, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor,One Minute Nonsense,
S. 152, Loyola Press, Canadian edition November 1992, Eine Minute Unsinn. Weisheitsgeschichten, PDF, Herder, Freiburg,
8. Auflage 1993, 4. Taschenbuchauflage 13. Juli 2005
  • Ein ehrgeiziger Jünger bekundete seinen Wunsch, anderen die Hawkins.Wahrheit zu lehren und befragte den Meister, was er darüber dachte.
    Der Meister sagte:
Jedes Jahr wiederholte der Jünger dieselbe Bitte und jedes Mal gab der Meister ihm dieselbe Antwort:
Eines Tages fragte er den Meister:
"Wann werde ich bereit sein zu lehren?"
Der Meister antwortete:
"Sobald dein überbordender Eifer zu lehren von dir gewichen ist."
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor,
Eine Minute Unsinn. Weisheitsgeschichten, PDF, Herder, Freiburg, 8. Auflage 1993, 4. Taschenbuchauflage 13. Juli 2005

Auf der Suche nach dem Meer

  • Ein junger Fisch schwamm irgendwo im Meer. Als er einem anderen Fisch begegnete, fragte er ihn:
    "Entschuldige bitte, du bist so viel älter und erfahrener als ich, vielleicht kannst du mir weiterhelfen. Sag mir
    doch, wo ich die Sache finden kann, die man Meer nennt? Ich habe bisher überall vergeblich danach gesucht."
    "Das Meer",
sagte der ältere Fisch,
"ist das, worin du jetzt gerade schwimmst."
"Das? Aber das ist doch nur Wasser. Ich suche doch das Meer!"
rief der junge Fisch enttäuscht und schwamm davon, um anderswo weiterzusuchen.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, geistiger Lehrer, Autor,
Gib deiner Seele Zeit, Herder, Freiburg, 1999, 6. Auflage Juli 2005

Quotes by Anthony de Mello

  • The final barrier to the vision of God is your God concept. You miss God because you think you know. The highest knowledge of God is to know God as unknowable. All revelations, however divine, are never any more than a finger pointing at the moon. As we say in the East, 'When the sage points to the moon, all the idiot sees is the finger'.
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, chapter "Incompetence", Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988



  • It is a great mystery that though the human heart longs for truth in which it alone finds liberation and delight the first reaction of human beings to truth is one of hostility and fear. So the Spiritual Teachers of huma-
    nity, like Buddha and Jesus, created a device to cir-
    cumvent the opposition of their listeners: the story. They knew that the most entrancing words a language holds are "Once upon a time ...," that it is common to oppose a truth but impossible to resist a story. […] [T]he story will worm its way into your heart and break down barriers to the divine.
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Taking Flight. A Book of Story Meditations, "Warning", S. 11, Doubleday, New York, September 1988, Image, 3rd revised paperback edition 1. July 1990


  • Most people tell you they want to get out of kindergarten, but don't believe them. Don't believe them! All they want you to do is to mend their broken toys.
    "Give me back my wife.
    Give me back my job.
    Give me back my money.
    Give me back my reputation, my success."
This is what they want; they want their toys replaced. That's all. Even the best psychologist will tell you that, that people don't really want to be cured. What they want is relief; a cure is painful.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversations
with the Masters
, S. 5-6, Doubleday, New York, 1. June 1990, Image, paperback issue 1. June 1990, reprint edition 1. May 1992


  • Don't say, "I am depressed." If you want to say, "It is depressed," that's all right. If you want to say that depression is
    there, that's fine; if you want to say gloominess is there, that's fine. But not: I am gloomy. You're defining yourself in
    terms of the feeling. That's your illusion; that's your mistake. There is a depression there right now, but let it be, leave
    it alone. It will pass. Everything passes, everything. Your depressions and your thrills have nothing to do with hap-
    piness. Those are swings of the pendulum. If you seek kicks or thrills, get ready for depression. Do you want
    your drug?
    Get ready for the hangover. One end of the pendulum swings over to the other.
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversations
    with the Masters
    , Doubleday, New York, S. 80, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990, reprint edition 1. May 1992


  • The Master maintained that what the whole world held to be true is false;
    so the pioneer is always in a minority of one.
    He said: "You think of Truth as if it were a formula you can pick up from a book.
    If you wish to follow Truth you must learn to walk alone."
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversa-
tions with the Masters
, Doubleday, New York, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990, May 1992


  • I'd much rather hear you say, "I've come awake," than hear you say, "I'm sorry."
    I'd much rather hear you say to me, "I've come awake since we last met; what I did to you won't happen again," than
    to hear you say, "I'm so sorry for what I did to you."
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversations
    with the Masters
    , S. 97, Doubleday, New York, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990, May 1992


  • I don't say that adoration isn't important, but I do say that doubt is infinitely more important than adoration. Everywhere people are searching for objects to adore, but I don't find people awake enough in their attitudes and convictions. How happy we would be if terrorists would adore their ideology less and question more.
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversations
    with the Masters
    , Doubleday, New York, Image, S. 148, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990, May 1992


  • As soon as you look at the world through an ideology you are finished. No reality fits an ideology. Life is beyond that. That is why people are always searching for a meaning to life. But life has no meaning; it cannot have meaning because meaning is a formula; meaning is only found when you go beyond meaning. Life only makes sense when you per-
    ceive it as mystery and it makes no sense to the conceptualizing mind. Every time you make sense out of reality, you
    bump into something that destroys the sense you made. Meaning is only found when you go beyond meaning.
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversations
    with the Masters
    , chapter "Assorted Landmines", S. 148, Doubleday, New York, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990,
    reprint May 1992


  • People are so distressed when I tell them to forget their past. They're crazy! Just drop it! When you hear "Repent for
    your past," realize it's a great religious distraction from waking up. Wake up! That's what repent means. Not "Weep
    for your sins": Wake up! understand, stop all the crying. Understand! Wake up!
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversations
    with the Masters
    , heading "The Illusion of Rewards", S. 43, Doubleday, New York, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990,
    reprint May 1992


  • Is it possible for the rose to say, "I will give my fragrance to the good people who smell me, but I will withhold it from
    the bad?"
    Or is it possible for the lamp to say, "I will give my light to the good people in this room, but I will withhold it from the
    evil people?"
    Or can a tree say, "I'll give my shade to the good people who rest under me, but I will withhold it from the bad?"
    These are images of what love is about.
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness. Conversa-
    tions with the Masters
    , S. 61, Doubleday, New York, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990, May 1992


  • Spirituality means waking up. Most people, even though they don't know it, are asleep. They're born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up.
    They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence. You know – all
    mystics – Catholic, Christian, non-Christian, no matter what their theology, no matter what their religion – are un-
    animous on one thing: that all is well, all is well.
    Though everything is a mess, all is well.
    Strange paradox, to be sure.
    But, tragically, most people never get to see that all is well because they are asleep. They are having a
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, cited in:
    Steve Brown, Approaching God. How to Pray, S. 94, 1995, Ballantine Books, 1st paperback edition April 1996


  • People have to suffer enough in a relationship that they get disillusioned with all relationships.
    Video lecture by Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, Anthony
    deMello, Wake up to Life '86 Part 1
    , presented by Tabor Publishing and the Center for Spiritual Exchange, 1986,
    Dailymotion film, 56:30 minutes duration, posted 25. October 2013


  • People have to suffer enough emotionally before they are ready to wake up. And what I was doing as a psychothe-
    rapist was easing the suffering. People have to suffer enough in a relationship that they get disillusioned with all
    relationships [...] before they wake up and say: "I'm sick of it. There must be another way of living than depending
    on another human being."

    [...] Sometimes what I was doing as a phychotherapist was a help and sometimes – I'm sorry to say – it wasn't
    because it kept that sleep. [...]
    May be they ought to touch rock bottom. [...] It's only when you say that you are sick of your sickness that you get
    out of it. Most people go to a psychotherapist or a psychologist to get relief.
    Video lecture by Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, Anthony deMello, Wake up to Life '86 Part 1, presented by Tabor Publishing and the Center for Spiritual Exchange, 1986, Dailymotion film, minute
    0:36, 56:30 minutes duration, posted 25. October 2013


  1. Identify your negative feelings.
  2. Understand that negative feelings are in you.
  3. Never identify the I with those negative feelings. Feelings come and go.
  4. How about changing things, ourselves?
Video lecture by Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Wake Up
to Life! – Awareness – Four Steps to Wisdom
, presented by Tabor Publishing, 1986


  • You know one sign that you are woken up? You are asking yourself: Am I crazy or are all of them?
    Video lecture by Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Anthony deMello,
    Wake up to Life '86 Part 1
    , presented by Tabor Publishing and the Center for Spiritual Exchange, 1986, Dailymotion film, minute
    ~4:00, 56:30 minutes duration, posted 25. October 2013


Stories by Anthony de Mello

  • To a visitor who asked to become his disciple the Master said,
    "You may live with me, but don't become my follower."
    "Whom, then, shall I follow?"
    "No one. The day you follow someone you cease to follow Truth."
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, chapter "Discipleship", Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988
  • "You are only a disciple because your eyes are closed. The day you open them you will see there is nothing
    you can learn from me or anyone."
    "What then is a Master for?"
    "To make you see the uselessness of having one."
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, chapter "Blindness"Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988
  • "You are so proud of your intelligence," said the master.
    "You are like a condemned man, proud of the vastness of his prison cell."
    Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, S. 30, Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988
  • Aspirant: Is there such a thing as One Minute Wisdom?
Master: There certainly is.
Aspirant But surely one minute is too brief?
Master: It is fifty-nine seconds too long.
Aspirants [Muted in puzzlement]
Master: How much time does it take to catch sight of the moon?
Aspirant Then why all these years of spiritual endeavour?
Master: Opening one's eyes may take a lifetime. Seeing is done in a flash.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988

Beliefs about God

  • The Master had quoted Aristotle:
    "In the quest of truth, it would seem better and indeed necessary to give up what is dearest to us."
And he substituted the word "God" for "truth."
Later a disciple said to him,
"I am ready, in the quest for God, to give up anything: wealth, friends, family, country, life itself.
What else can a person give up?"
The Master calmly replied,
"One's beliefs about God."
The disciple went away sad, for he clung to his convictions.
He feared "ignorance" more than death.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, S. 119, Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988

Greatest sin in the world

  • Preacher [Self-righteously]: What, in your judgment, is the greatest sin in the world?
Master: That of the person who sees other human beings as sinners.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Nonsense,
S. 139, Loyola Press, Canadian edition, November 1992

The futility of squabbling

  • Once upon a time there were two monks who had lived together for forty years and never had a squabble.
    Not even once.
    One day, one monk said to the other:
    "Don't you think it's about time we had a squabble, even if it's just once?"
replied the other monk.
"Let's get started right away. About what shall we squabble?"
"About this piece of bread perhaps?"
the first monk offered.
"OK, let's have a squabble over this bread. How are we going to go about this?"
asked the other again.
"This bread is mine, and mine alone,"
said the first monk.
"Oh yeah? Well you can keep it,"
said the second monk.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Awareness.
Conversations with the Masters
, Doubleday, New York, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990, May 1992

Seeing reality as a gift

  • Aspirant: What can I do to see Reality as it is?
Master: I have good news and bad news for you, my friend.
Aspirant: What's the bad news?
Master: There's nothing you can do to see – it is a gift.
Aspirant: 'And what's the good news?
Master: There's nothing you can do to see – it is a gift.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Nonsense,
S. 152, Loyola Press, Canadian edition November 1992


  • A man found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen.
    The eaglet hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them.
    All his life the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken.
    He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled.
    And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet into the air.
    Years passed and the eagle grew very old. One day he saw a magnificent bird above him in the cloudless sky.
    It glided in graceful majesty among the powerful wind currents, with scarcely a beat of its strong golden wings.
    The old eagle looked up in awe.
    "Who's that?"
he asked.
''"That's the eagle, the king of the birds,"
said his neighbor.
"He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth – we're chickens."''
So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that's what he thought he was.
Anthony de Mello, S.J. (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author,
Awareness. Conversations with the Masters, Doubleday, New York, Image, reprint paperback edition 1. June 1990, May 1992

Where offenses cannot reach

  • A skeptic [ready for an argument] says to the master:
    Name one practical, down-to-earth effect of spirituality.
The master replies to the skeptic:
Here's one. When someone offends you, you can raise your spirits to heights where offenses cannot reach.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Nonsense,
S. 80, Loyola Press, Canadian edition November 1992

Is there a God?

  • Atheist: Tell me. Is there a God – really?
Master: If you want me to be perfectly honest with you, I will not answer.
Disciples [later] Why did you not answer him, Master?
Master Because the question is unanswerable.
Disciples So you are an atheist?
Master Certainly not. The atheist makes the mistake of denying that of which nothing may be said [...],
and the theist makes the mistake of affirming it.
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Nonsense,
S. 21, Loyola Press, Canadian edition November 1992
  • There is a guy who comes to see a great Sufi master and he said to the master:
    "Master, so great is my trust in God that I have not even tied my camel to the post outside. I have left it to the providence and the care of God."
And the Sufi master said:
"Go out and tie that camel to the post, you fool! God can not be bothered doing what you can do for yourself."
Removed video lecture by Anthony De Mello SJ (1031-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Wake Up to Life! – How to pray better?, part 1 of 4, presented by Tabor Publishing, YouTube film, minute 1:55 out of 9:01 minutes duration, posted 15. June 2008


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Anthony de Mello
See also: ► Is there a God?


Links zum Thema Inspirationsquellen

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Weblinks mit inspirierenden Fotos – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

Weblinks mit bemerkenswerten und frappierenden Fotos – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

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YouTube Lieder, Schlager, Songs, Musikstücke – Inspiration





Animierte YouTube Videolinks

Audio links (engl.)

Video links (engl.)

If you've never failed you never lived.

The Brooklyn couple Perasa eloquently and gracefully recounts their twenty-seven-year romance – from their first date to Danny's final days with terminal cancer.

Excerpted from the book Be Happy: A Little Book To Help You Live A Happy Life by Monica Sheehan

  • Seven big picture views, Rajakaruna TKP, Tropical landscape in Sri Lanka. 360 panorama VR., presented by ocholeguas.com, September 2011
  • Interactive animation Vimeo video devoted to Van Gogh's art work "Starry Night", Starry Night, produced by Greek animator Petros Vrellis, 4:11 minutes duration, posted February 2012
  • Narrated video on a fictional short story by Jean Giono, French writer, The Man Who Planted Trees, YouTube film, 30:07 minutes duration, posted 9. April 2012
  • Video eductative documentation The Overview Effect, YouTube film, 19:10 minutes duration, posted by Crosspollinate
    9. December 2012

YouTube films (engl.) – Instrumental music

Number-one instrumental hit of Percy Faith in the United States, 1960; bestselling single of 1960

YouTube films (engl.) – Inspired songs, hits, music




  • Patty Labelle, Gospel choir, Changed, YouTube film, 5:59 minutes duration, posted 22. February 2008
  • Paul Baloche, Open The Eyes Of My Heart, YouTube film, 9:21 minutes duration, posted 16. February 2018

Inspired in part by Ephesians 1:18 (NT)

YouTube videos (engl.) – Life and nature

  • Nature bird video amazing starlings murmuration, gefilmt von Dylan Winter, Naturfilmer, Reisejournalist, YouTube film, 3:54 Mi-
    nuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. November 2010
  • Documentary from conception to birth The Miracle of Life, mixing musics by Hans Zimmer, YouTube film, 12:15 minutes duration, posted 2015

YouTube videos (engl.) – Animals

Tony and John meet Christian the Lion again.

  • Video Hachiko: A Dog's Story [German: Hachiko – Eine wunderbare Freundschaft], imdb.com and YouTube film,
    6:40 minutes duration, posted 2. January 2009

A true story on the dog breed Akita Inu
In 1924, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor of agriculture at the University of Tokyo took in Hachikō as a pet. During his owner's life Hachikō saw him out from the front door and greeted him at the end of the day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until a day in May 1925, when Professor Ueno had suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage. Loyal dog Hachikō waited every day for the next nine years at Shibuya.

The Native American prophecy of the white buffalo states that when it is born, the day of the Creator is at hand. In 1994 the white buffalo was born. Since then other white animals have started to appear. Noteworthy is: These white animals are not albinos.

Amazing energy healing sessions between humans and a resident wolf with an inflamed spine due to a neurological disorder.

Story of a goose who befriended a retired man in the park

Beary maternal love beating a predator

An amazing piece of natural history footage. Lakadema, a 3 year old female Leopard cuddles a baby baboon orphan, licking and cuddling it, whose mother she has just killed.


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