
Hawkins / Erloesung





Erlösung BW 540+
Jesus, der Erlöser ↔ Buddha, der Erleuchtungslehrer



Sonnenuntergang in Porto Covo
Portugal, Oktober 2007




Erlösung und Erlöser


Hawkins lehrte: Wer sich unter der BW-Ebene von 600 bewegt, bedarf eines Erlösers;
wer sich auf der Ebene über 600 bewegt, ist erlöst und wirkt unwillkürlich als ErlöserIn.


Zitate zum Thema Erlösung / Salvation

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Jesus lehrte Erlösung (BW 540+).
    Buddha lehrte Erleuchtung (BW 600+).
    Quelle unbekannt



  • Der Avatar, der Messias, der erleuchtete Weise, der Erlöser, der Christus oder der Buddha sind alle Reflektionen von Göttlichkeit. […] [D]er wahre Messias, Avatar oder große Lehrer [bringt] eine Erneuerung von Glauben und Frieden
    für die Zukunft aller mit sich. Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 55, 2006



Christus, Deisis Mosaik
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, 1280
  • Eine Analyse der Natur von Bewusstsein offenbart, dass Erlösung als Folge der Rückkehr des Bewusstseins zu seinem ursprünglich unverdorbenen Zustand von Nicht-Dualität eintritt. Das kann es nur aufgrund des "Gehorsams" tun, indem es die Dualitäten von Willen und Eigenwilligkeit des Egos der Nicht-Dualität von GOTTES Weisheit übergibt. Die Rückkehr aus der Dualität des Egos in die Nicht-Dualität des GEISTES ist so schwierig und unwahrscheinlich, dass sie über-
    haupt nur durch göttliche Gnade möglich wird. Deshalb braucht der Mensch einen Erlöser, der sein Fürsprecher ist, ihm Intuition und Be-
    geisterung verleiht und den Dreh- und Angelpunkt für seine Errettung
    von den Schmerzen und Leiden des Egos bildet.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, 2006


  • Christus lehrte im Wesentlichen einfach, Negativität, d.h. die Mess-
    wertebenen unter 200, zu vermeiden. Und das Ziel seiner Lehren be-
    stand darin, dass seine Jünger bedingungslose Liebe, die Messwert-
    ebene von 540, erreichen sollten. Er wusste, dass das Schicksal einer Seele nach dem Tode gewiss und die Seele in Sicherheit war, sobald sie die Ebene von bedingungsloser Liebe erreicht hatte.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 166-167, 2006



  • Mit der Übergabe dessen, was die eigentliche Quelle, das tiefste Herz und die Essenz unseres Lebens ist, fliegt die Tür auf, wenn dies karmisch angemessen ist, und die An-Wesenheit strahlt mit der Leuchtkraft des Göttlichen hervor. Das persönliche Ich sowie der Geist/das Gemüt lösen sich auf in das unendliche ICH des Ewigen, das tiefer Friede und der Zustand der Seinseinheit jenseits aller Zeit ist. Dieser Zustand ist nicht eine Folge des Geistes/Gemütes, sondern er-
    setzt diese, wenn sie ihre Funktion aufgeben. Die letzten Schritte erfordern Mut, Überzeugung und Hingabe in großer Tiefe. Hier ist die Wahrheit in der Form der Schwingung und der Aura eines wirklichen Lehrers die allergrößte Hilfe,
    was man historisch auch "die Gnade des Gurus" nennt. Sie antwortet auf die Anrufung des Meisters, Erlösers oder
    der tiefsten spirituellen Wirklichkeit, die man gewählt hat, sei es Buddha, Christus, Krishna oder direkt GOTT.
    Erleuchtung ist möglich. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet', S. 38, 2007


  • Wenn du dich bewusstseinsmäßig weiter entwickelst, verbreitest du nicht notwendigerweise eine friedliche Atmo-
    Jesus Christus sagte, Ich bin nicht gekommen, um Frieden zu bringen, sondern das Schwert [der Wahr-

    Dieses Schwert kann ziemlich herausfordernd sein. Es kostet Mut, sich spirituell zu engagieren.
    Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Magazin Holistic Networker, Gastgeberin Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005


  • Meines Erachtens ist die Wiederkunft Christi der Anstieg des Bewusstheits-
    niveaus der Menschheit über BW 200
    , was der Welt verborgen geblieben ist. Wäre es bemerkt worden, so hätte man sich dem widersetzt.
    Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD-Set, 11. Dezember 2004

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


  • In fact, even from a merely scientific viewpoint, salvation is indeed possible; in truth, it's guaranteed by the simple fact that the energy of a loving thought is enormously more powerful than that of a negative one. Therefore, the tradi-
    tional solutions of love and prayer have a sound scientific basis; man has within his own essence the power of
    his own salvation
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 24 "Resolution", S. 290, Hay House, February 2002


  • With humility, one can relinquish the ego’s self-appointed role as savior of the world and surrender it straight to God. The world that the ego pictures is a projection of its own illusions and arbitrary positionalities. No such world exists.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 107, 2001


  • Actions which arise from consciousness levels below 200 are historically labeled as sin. [...] It appeared that man
    could not rise above [...] 200 without help and thus the need for saviors, whose level of consciousness was so high
    that mere alignment with them brought one over the 200 level. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 314, 2001


  • Most self-proclaimed messiahs are suffering from the manic phase of a bipolar (manic-depressive) mental dis-
    order. Political leaders are the best known messianic personalities, and they can be mesmerizing with their gran-
    diose egomania. The world is relatively sophisticated in determining spiritual delusions but still extremely blind to
    political ones. I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 1, S. 15, 2003


  • The avatar, the messiah, the enlightened sage, the savior, the Christ, or the Buddha are all reflections of Divinity. Those windows of God radiate the power and compassion of God to encompass all mankind to reener-
    gize its spiritual aliveness and brings new hope and joy. Therefore, the true messiah, avatar, or great teacher
    brings forth a renewal of faith and peace for the future of all. I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 1, S. 15, 2003


  • Jesus was aware that salvation depends on the voluntary letting go of the negative aspects of the ego (sin) and
    the striving for unconditional love and spiritual virtue. If the ego is the focus of spiritual endeavour, then its dis-
    solution signals the end of the karma that was involved in its formation. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 102, 2003


  • As revealed by kinesiologic spiritual research, Jesus' […] mission was the salvation of mankind. […] According
    to the same research methodology, a savior is necessary for all who calibrate below level 600.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 103, 2003


  • The privilege of the presence of an intercessor or savior has been earned by spiritual merit, and the intercessor presents the option of accepting God's grace and mercy by turning completely to God. Without the presence of
    the intercessor or savior, the soul, in its consternation, would not even remember or realize that such an
    option is always present.
    That savior is thus indeed a spiritual reality at the gateway of salvation.
    In Christianity, on Judgement Day, the intercessor is Jesus, the Christ, who is the witness for the soul's decision
    for God as the Light of Truth rather than darkness. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 332, 2003



Reinforcing the false concept of original sin adjoining salvationism

  • [T]raditional teaching is that man was 'born in sin' due to the fall of Adam and Eve and is thus karmically affected by succumbing to temptation and refusing obedience to God. Subsequently, God's mercy is represented by the presentation of a savior born for the sake of man's redemption. As Jesus said, "None get to heaven but by Me."1 Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 10, S. 160, 2007




Ego's self-appointed role as savior of the world





  • Susanne Spitzer: From a Buddhist perspective, we could say certain actions are more skillful than others. It's just determining what those actions are and what a person wants to align with.
    Hawkins: Yes. We are all in the evolution of consciousness. All these things are expressions of certain levels of consciousness, which are in turn the production of the evolution of consciousness of mankind. So Christ and
    Buddha and other great sages who said to forgive people did so because the basic problem is only
    that of ignorance.
    This basic ignorance seems to be built into the human brain itself. Interview with D. Hawkins,
    On the Trilogy of Book 1, 2 and 3, presented by the dissolved blog Openexchange.org, Susanne Spitzer, 2004



  • Question: What is the difference between enlightenment [LoC 600+] and salvation [LoC 540+].
    Answer: Buddha was enlightened. Jesus Christ was the Savior. Enlightenment means to transcend the ego to the realization of the source of existence within oneself. That has nothing to do with salvation which means you in and of yourself are unable to transcend the downside of the human ego and it is only by surrendering to a great teacher that the teacher becomes your advocate so that when you leave the body and you approach the Celestial realm, if you have claimed the Christ as your Savior, he will speak for you. Salvation is a reachable goal.
    We know that especially unconditional love is a reachable goal in this lifetime. Therefore, even though you are not
    enlightened, in Lotus Land Buddhism there is an aspect of the Buddha that is Christ-like and Lotus Land Buddhism
    is similar to a heaven, and from there you can move on to enlightenment. Negativity is so intense that the likeli-
    hood of reaching enlightenment here is slim, so you go to a celestial realm where it is more possible to move
    on to enlightenment.
    The field of gravity on earth is so intense that it is not possible for the average person.
    Audio interview, presented by the dissolved US American ACIM web radio station of the dissolved Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Ellen Sutherland (Pal Talk), 10. November 2005


  • People like to separate the way of the head and the way of the heart, but it's only because of the heart that you're willing to die for Jesus or die for Truth or surrender your mind for Truth. Its really only coming from the heart. Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, 3 DVD set, January 2002


  • It is wise to have a savior. And it is wise even if you're beyond 600 to value the great gift and the Divinity of the Savior. Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, DVD 3 of 3, Q&A session, January 2002


  • Jesus Christ had no previous human lifetimes. He came as a SAVIOR.
    Buddha had many previous lives and taught transcendence of the ego, i.e., ENLIGHTENMENT.
    Jesus taught that people needed to get to the 500s to go to heaven.
    Buddha taught how to go further. Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, 11. October 2003


  • The way we dissolve the ego is through love, compassion – not because Buddha or Jesus said so, but because we recognize it for what it is. Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004


  • The reason Buddha wasn't a Christian was because Jesus hadn't been born yet.
    Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004



  • The Second Coming of Christ to me is the rise of human consciousness over 200, unnoticed by the world.
    If it had been noticed, it would have been resisted. Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD set, 11. December 2004


  • Jesus was both God and man simultaneously. Jesus said, I am the Son of God and I am the son of man. He was
    an Incarnation. The Buddha didn't claim to be an Incarnation. Jesus came for salvation, not for enlightenment.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Traps, 3 DVD set, 15. October 2005


  • People get attracted to that for which they are karmicly destined (i.e., attracted to being here in this group). This is
    a gifted group. Less than one in 10 million people will tell you that enlightenment is their goal. That is how rare it is.
    Each one of us here represents 10 million people. The group here influences the consciousness of all of mankind
    […] by virtue of our intention, that which we have become. We say yes to the potential that Jesus Christ taught.
    That which you affirm becomes more powerful within yourself. Each and every one of us here is destined for en-
    lightenment. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. This is a course on how to reach enlightenment, the straightest and
    narrowest way I know. Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 10. December 2005


  • You could remove the name of Jesus Christ, and it is just an energy field that you go through. A person
    doesn't have to believe in Jesus Christ.

    Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 10. December 2005


  • Christ took the sins of the world on his shoulders. When you reach a very high level of consciousness you pick up negative karma from the collective human karma. This is what Christ did. He held all of the suffering of man in mind ("Please forgive them for they know not what they do"). Jesus could die for all of us because he could feel our col-
    lective suffering. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 15. March 2006


  • Question: Did Christ rise on the third day?
    Answer: It is my understanding that the disciples (who calibrated in the 900s at the time) saw Jesus' etheric
    (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 10. May 2006


  • Jesus' teaching was based on faith and the Buddha's on action. Both were the manifestations of Love, Know-
    ledge, Truth, Understanding and Wisdom. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 10. May 2006


  • Question: Jesus died for our sins, what does it mean?
    Answer: Man chose sin and therefore needs a savior. Modern man is being constantly programmed by media. His capacity to tell truth from falsehood is distorted by media bombardment. Also, relativism has a negative impact. The calibration of academia is down from LoC 400 to LoC 190. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007



  • Question: You said […] that Jesus came to give us salvation and Buddha came to give us enlightenment and I want
    to know the difference for a personal question.
    Answer: Salvation means that you’re remaining pretty much the same except that your sins have been forgiven or
    undone but it doesn't mean you're enlightened. Enlightenment is a very advanced state of consciousness. So for-
    giveness means that your sins are forgiven, your sins are forgiven, you understand that? […]
    Answer: Enlightenment means to transcend all of that. Because there is no personal self to experience salvation or
    the lack of thereof. There is no personal self, according to the Buddha, you understand? So what is there to save?
    If there is no personal self, who and what is gonna be saved? So the Buddha is enlightenment, Jesus Christ deals
    with people who are not enlightened, who still see themselves as sinners, prone to error, etc. and their need is more
    forgiveness. And after forgiveness they could then come back and do a post grad course in enlightenment.
    Prescott Seminar What is the World?, DVD 3 of 3, track 9, minute 1:08:21-1:11:12, 28. February 2009

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Mein Joch ist süß und meine Last ist leicht. Jesus, Matthäus 11, 30 (NT)


Ihr aber sollt so vollkommen sein wie euer Vater im Himmel. Jesus, Matthäus 6, 9 (NT)


Denn seht, das Reich Gottes ist inwendig in euch. Lukas 17, 20-21 (NT)


Jesus sprach zu ihm: "Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben.
Niemand kommt zum Vater denn durch mich."
Johannes 14, 6 (NT)




  • Nur ein Gott kann uns noch retten.
    Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) deutscher Philosoph (Phänomenologie und Existenzdeutung), Autor, SPIEGEL-Gespräch, Gastge-
    ber Rudolf Augstein und Georg Wolff, 23. September 1966, 5 Tage nach Heideggers Tod veröffentlicht am 31. Mai 1976; Wikipedia-Eintrag: Only a God Can Save Us




  • Es gibt keinen Weg zum Glück – Glück ist der Weg. Gautama Buddha [BW 1000] (563-483 v. Chr.) indischer Avatar, Lehrer der Erleuchtung, Zentralfigur des Buddhismus, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Der Buddha ist nicht der Buddha, darum ist er der Buddha. Diamantsutra [Juwel der überschreitenden Weisheit] [BW 700] wichtige heilige Schrift des Mahayana Buddhismus


  • Es ist nicht unsere Aufgabe, ewig zu wiederholen, was immer schon getan wurde; unsere Aufgabe besteht darin, Neues zu verwirklichen und noch ungeträumte Meisterschaften zu er-
    langen. Sri Aurobindo [Aurobindo Ghose] [BW 605] (1872-1950) indisch-britischer hinduistischer Philosoph, Freiheitskämpfer, Yogi, Meister, Mystiker, Dichter, Thoughts and Glimpses, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publications, Mai 1916, August 1917, 1971, Taschenbuchausgabe 1. Januar 1973, Dezember 1987


  • Der Avatar ist eine direkte Herabkunft des Göttlichen in einen menschlichen Körper zu dem Zwecke, eine neue Evolu-
    tionsstufe der Menschheit einzuleiten. Sri Aurobindo [Aurobindo Ghose] [BW 605] (1872-1950) indisch-britischer hinduistischer Philosoph, Mystiker, Yogi, Meister, Freiheitskämpfer, Dichter, Das seelische Wesen. Die Seele: Ihre Natur, Aufgabe und Evolution,
    Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Sri Aurobindo Society, 3. Auflage 1. Januar 1996


  • Der Mensch muss nicht in den Himmel schauen, sondern in sich selber. Er braucht nicht von irgendwoher um Gnade
    zu bitten, sondern er muss sich selbst ein Licht werden. Unbekannt


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Erlösung und ► Rettung


  • Wer immer strebend sich bemüht, den können wir erlösen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [BW 465] (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Poet, Schriftsteller, Figur Engel in: Faust, Teil 2, Akt V., Vers 11936 f., 1832



Nietzsches Gegenutopie fußt auf dem "Besieger Gottes und des Nichts". Nietzsches neuer Erlöser, der da kommen soll, ist er selbst.

  • [I]rgendwann, in einer stärkeren Zeit, als diese morsche, selbstzweiflerische Ge-
    genwart ist, muss er uns doch kommen, der erlösende Mensch [...] Dieser Mensch der Zukunft, der uns ebenso vom bisherigen Ideal erlösen wird als von dem, was aus ihm wachsen musste, vom großen Ekel, vom Willen zum Nichts, vom Nihilis-
    mus, [...] der den Willen wieder frei macht, der der Erde ihr Ziel und dem Menschen seine Hoffnung zurückgibt, dieser Antichrist und Antinihilist, dieser Besieger Gottes und des Nichts – er muss einst kommen. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) deutscher klassischer Gelehrter, Kulturkritiker, Philosoph des Nihilismus, Schriftsteller, philosophisches Werk Zur Genealogie der Moral, Zweite Abhandlung Nr. 24, ||, S. 836ff, C. G. Naumann, Leipzig, 1887


  • Erlösung kommt von innen, nicht von außen,
    und wird erworben nur und nicht geschenkt.
    Sie ist die Kraft des Inneren, die von draußen
    rückstrahlend deines Schicksals Ströme lenkt.
    Was fürchtest Du? Es kann dir nur begegnen,
    was dir gemäß und was dir dienlich ist.
    Ich weiß den Tag, da du dein Leid wirst segnen,
    das dich gelehrt, zu werden, was du bist.
    Ephides. Ein Dichter des Transzendenten, übermittelt durch das Medium Hella Zahrada (†1966), Bürger-Verlag, 18. Januar 2012; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de

Quotes by various other sources

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. Psalm 146, 3 (OT)


Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one cometh to the Father except through me."
John 14, 6 (NT)


Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to
you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2, 10-11 (NT)


And because he has made known to us the mystery of his will, as he has ordained from the very beginning, to work
through it; As a dispensation of the fulness of times, that all things might be made new in heaven and on earth
through Christ
: By whom we have been chosen, as he had marked us from the beginning so he wanted to carry
out everything according to the good judgment of his will: That we should become the first to trust in Christ, to his
honor and his glory: In whom, you also have heard the word of truth, which is the gospel for your salvation: in him
you have believed, so you are sealed with the Holy Spirit that was promised, Which is the pledge of our in-
heritance, for the salvation of those who are saved, and for the glory of his honour.
Ephesians 1, 9-14 (NT)




Between no longer in a state of death or lead and
not yet rebirth or gold:

By grace one arrives at the dark night of the soul. The transformational time between no longer and not yet is a thin sacred space, which requires courage and hope in order not to despair.



Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Philippians 2:12 (NT) King James Bible; falsely attributed to Buddha [LoC 1000] (563-483 BC); cited in: Fake Buddha Quotes


  • If you are wholy willing to leave salvation to the plan of God and unwilling to attempt to grasp for peace yourself, salvation will be given you. A Course in Miracles, textbook [LoC 550], S. 309, 1976, revised 1996


  • You seek the path? I warn you away from my own. It can also be the wrong way for you. May each go their own
    way. I will be no saviour, no lawgiver, no master teacher unto you. You are no longer little children. [...]
    One should not turn people into sheep, but sheep into people. The spirit of the depth demands this.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology,
    author, Sonu Shamdasani, Indian historian, editor, The Red Book [Liber Novus], 205-page illustrated manuscript, S. 125-126,
    231, Philemon Series, The Philemon Foundation and W.W. Norton & Company, 9. October 2009


  • If our religion is based on salvation, our chief emotions will be fear and trembling.
    If our religion is based on wonder, our chief emotion will be gratitude.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology,
    author, cited in: AZ Quotes



Burbank honored the literary figure Jesus, yet dismissed the savior status.

  • The clear light of science teaches us that we must be our own saviors. Luther Burbank [LoC 450] (1849-1926) US American botanist, horticulturist, pioneer in agricultural science, stated in the pulpit of a chapel, Santa Rosa, My Beliefs, 1927, cited in: AZ Quotes





The salvationist Christian faith is a toxic psychotic outbreak of the human mind.

Antidote: the gnostic approach to Sophia-Gaia, the feminine wisdom principle embodied by the earth


  • Until your vision and compassion is big enough to include those who oppose you, you are simply contributing to the continuation of destructiveness. The end of separation is the salvation for all. Adyashanti adyashanti.org (*1962) US American Zen Satsang teacher, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • The salvation of the world depends only on the individual whose world it is. At least, every individual must act as if the whole future of the world, of humanity itself, depends on him. Anything less is a shirking of responsibility and is itself a dehumanizing force, for anything less encourages the individual to look upon himself as a mere actor in a drama writ-
    ten by anonymous agents, as less than a whole person, and that is the beginning of passivity and aimlessness.
    Joseph Weizenbaum (1923-2008) German American computer scientist, professor at MIT. "father" of modern artificial intelligence, science critic, Computer Power and Human Reason. From Judgement to Calculation, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1976, Penguin Books, paperback edition 26. January 1984


  • That life is thus created through the cult means salvation from that distress and destruction which would befall, if life were not renewed. For existence is an everlasting war between the forces of life and death, of blessing and curse.
    'The world' is worn out if it is not regularly renewed, as anyone can see by the annual course of life and nature. Thus
    it is the 'fact of salvation' which is actualized in the cult.
    Sigmund Mowinckel (1884-1965) Norwegian religious scholar, Old Testament scholar, The Psalms in Israel's Worship, 1962,
    William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 15. September 2004; cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • You can't hit the higher levels if you haven't mastered the basics first.
    ➢ Jesus was a carpenter.
    ➢ Gandhi was a lawyer.
    ➢ Buddha was a prince.
    We all have to start somewhere.
    Deleted statement by Steve Pavlina, US American personal development blogger, Blog site, ~2005


Egypt before Israel had a scapegoat. The ritual always had two goats sacrificed. One would be killed and one would be allowed to leave the town taking the sins of the community with him. So the one animal that left would be said to have escaped. That's how the term 'scapegoat' came into being.

"By etymology tragedy' means 'goat-song.' The goat was of course the zodiacal Capricorn, coming at the winter solstice, when the sun, typifying the soul in the dead 'winter' of its incarnation, was in the throes of 'death' as the scapegoat to carry the onus of man's redemption. For obviously man's only possible redeemer – from benightedness, nescience, animal carnality – is his own soul."  Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963) US American theosophist, lecturer, self-publishing author, Who Is This King of Glory? A Critical Study of the Christos-Messiah Tradition, S. 88, Book Tree, 2007


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Salvation

Englische Texte – English section on Salvation and salvationism

Salvationism: Problematic Redeemer ◊ Messiah ◊ Savior complex

The Zadokites ["rigtheous" fanatics], an ancient Hebrew cult, originated "The Redeemer Complex".2 The gnostic seers and scribes, located around the Nag Hammadi region, identified the problematic extrahumanly implanted tenets and features of
the Abrahamic religion.

The paternal male creator god Yahweh (without a female consort) as the creator of the material world
The removal of the Divine Feminine from the creation process
The selection of the righteous few (chosen people complex) deemed to fulfill a divine salvation plan
The mission of the creator's son, the Messiah-Savior as part of the plan of redemption
The doublebind victim/perpetrator syndrome (bond) between the savior and the saved
The final apocalyptic end of the world scenario [judgment day] resulting in the world's destruction
    so that the righteous can be saved by the accomplishment of divine retribution

The Yahwist belief system has turned humans away from their connection to the Divine creatrix Sophia.
The salvationist two-faced demiurge Jahweh is an interspecies predator, a wrathful, vindictive "off-planet landlord".
Controversial comparative mythologist John Lash labels Yahweh's anti-human corrosive ideology as a mental virus of parapsychological origin. When Christianity came on the scene, the virus went pandemic. The concept of the sacrificed re-
deemer is implanted in the Abrahamic Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition. Salvationism administered from an outside source
is a toxic, psychotic outbreak of the human mind, a religious schizophrenia, first purported by the ancient Hebrews.
[The three revelatory book religions] Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been introduced and upheld by violence. The Hebrew/Christian creation myth starts out with sin and guilt. Guilt and schizophrenic behavior displayed by the modelling
"creator God" are tools for mind control [i.e. brainwashing].



Christian left-brained fanatics wiped out the right-brained wisdom of the mystery schools.

  • The rise of Christianity began actually with the Zadokite cult in Palestine around 150 BC before [the appearance of] the supposed historical Jesus. So there is a period of ~150 BC up until ~450 AD, more than five hundred years, when Christianity had to gradually take over. There was an enormous resistance in the pagan world at that time. A number of the pagan intellectuals who were the teachers and highly re-
    spected figures at that time totally rejected Christianity as a pestilence. They called it a virus and the plague. They
    said it was a despicable faith. Why? Mainly for one reason. Christianity glorifies the redemptive value of suffering.
    And that is totally contrary to pagan beliefs. A pagan is a person who does not believe that human suffering has a di-
    vine purpose.

    That is a very perverted idea from a pagan point of view. So there was a great resistance to this belief system of Chris-
    tianity and to the supernaturalism of the messiah. There's no messiah in any of the pagan religions. There's no
    equivalent to the messiah. […]
    The [early] Christian monks were so fanatical they were like stormtroopers. They went into the ancient sanctuaries of mystery knowledge in Egypt, the temples of Luxor, the temples of Dendera which is close to Nag Hammadi, and the temples of Memphis around Cairo and they fanatically destroyed and burned all these books. They didn't need the mi-
    litary to do it. The religious converts did it themselves. The history of the rise of Christianity is a history of a cultural ge-
    nocide of an enormous magnitude. One of the reasons why we have lost our way in this world and why we have be-
    come a species that can be manipulated and controlled by a small psychotic group of our own members is because
    the mysteries and the wisdom in the mysteries was destroyed and we lost the foundation of our species vision.
    Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher,
    author, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism, the Occult & the Globalist Elite, part 1, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice
    , host Henrik Palmgren, aired 7. January 2010, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism and The Antichrist, altcensored film, minute 26:29 and minute 20:59, 1:11:59 minutes duration, posted 20. December 2011



Salvationism is a reward and punishment system.

  • Salvationism boils down to a reward and punishment system overseen by a Father God. And all three Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – carry this concept of salvationism. Removed audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Sacred Cows to Silent Knowing, presented by Future Primitive, host Joanna Harcourt-Smith (1946-2020) Swiss-born British psychedelic activist, lover of Timothy
    Leary, founder of Future Primitive Podcast, poet, author, The Illuminist Option in Buddhism and Gnosis vs. Salvationism, minute 20:50, 35:05 minutes duration, aired 10. August 2007




St. Paul, grabbing for money and power, instrumentalized the Jesus story.

  • It was (St.) Paul of Tarsus who recognized immediately that the story of Jesus could be converted to politics and power right off the bet. He [Jesus] was not even cold in the grave or high in the Heavens before men realized there was power and money in his story. So from the getgo the innocence and beautiful message of this teacher [Jesus] was contaminated. [...] Taking a human being and turning him into a God [...] that people take literally. [...] All of
    this taken literally has just wreaked havoc on this planet. [...] Because they inherited Roman mythologies (including sacrificing on altars). Sacrificing something on an altar was Roman.
    Audio interview with Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952)
    US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Conference Call Conversations with the Masters, presented by the US American web broadcasting station lifecoachmary.com, host Mary Allen (*1951) British arts administrator, management consultant, life coach, radio broadcaster, writer, minute 31:54, minutes 29:45-38:00, 1:00:46 minutes duration, aired 8. November 2007



God Yahweh, a blasphemic confidence trickster

  • One problem with Yahweh, as they used to say in the old Christian Gnostic texts, is that he forgot he was a metaphor. He thought he was a fact. And when he said, "I am God," a voice was heard to say, "You are mistaken, Samael." "Samael" means "blind god": blind to the infinite Light of which he is a local historical manifestation. This is known as the blasphemy of Jehovah – that he thought he was God.
    Interview with Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. [LoC 410] (1904-1987) US American mythologist, expert in comparative mythology and com-
    parative religion, cited in: six-part PBS television documentary The Power of Myth, host Bill Moyers, 21.-26. June 1988



Earth, Rain, and the Sun as Savior from darkness and drought

  • Why do we call God the Father? It's because of rain. Rain is why we call God the father. And consequently the idea was that the earth was our mother, Mother Nature. And mother nature gets impregnated with God the Father's sacred fluid that falls on the earth and impregnates Mother Nature so everything grows. Once a year there was a celebration in Phoenicia, Cana, when the spring rains would come. It was called the marriage feast of Canaan.
    If the sun doesn't come up we're dead. So consequently the sun was [called] our "risen savior". [At the marriage feast of Cana] Mother Earth asked God's Sun [son], our risen savior, to draw water. The water is drawn by the sun so it can fall on the grapes. And the grapes can be made into wine. So it [the sun/son] changes water into wine. And this goes back to the old Phoenecian Cananites. And even the Jewish rabbis will tell you that. And this is [hidden] in the
    Bible [in plain sight for the attentive reader].
    Video presentation by Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar,
    radio host, lecturer, author, The Inner World Of The Occult (2001) – Jordan Maxwell, presented by The Republic Forum, Los Angeles,
    California, recorded 3. January 2001, YouTube film, minute 26:50 (?), 3:00:10 duration, posted 5. November 2019
    Yahweh is a two-faced morally schizophrenic, psychopathic god.
    Violent elitist-hierarchical either-or left-brained Yahwist systems kept humanity divided.


  • In the character of Yahweh by any objective moral evaluations you have a psychopathic, genocidal, murderous, manipulative, emotionally abusive character claiming – according to theological traditions – to be God. And this is
    the problem. […] No amount of theological jugglery will change the fact that you're dealing with a real moral ambiguity
    with this particular character. If we were to take the same actions and ascribe them to a human being then what we're
    dealing with is a character on the order of a Hitler, a Stalin, or a chairman Mao. We're dealing with a real murderous
    character. […]
    The cultural effect of the introduction of this [Yahwist] religion in ancient times is that it introduced a cultural schism. Yahwism is defining itself in opposition to [nature religions and the right-brained perennial traditions]. Yahwism is
    a conceptional and an immoral revolution. And like all revolutions it has a founding moment in violence, here of course
    the exodus. It fills all the bills of revolutionary violent movements. The bottom line is it's a grab for power. […]
    1. You enshrine a text. Then the text literally becomes your God.
    2. You enshrine a system of interpretation and therefore you elevate to positions of authority a clerical [oligar-
      chic] elite
      that does the interpreting.
    3. Within the psychology of any individual […] within one of those three Yahwisms [Judaism, Christianity, Islam]
      it introduces the idea that any other human being therefore is looked at in purely mechanistic terms.
      They are viewed either as a potential convert to the system or as a potential enemy.
The net social and cultural effect of these types of [Yahwist] revelation religions is that they introduce a split, a schism,
a division in the social space. […] The effect of this is to keep humanity divided.
With each of these three systems you're dealing with universal truth claims. […] The final triumph of truth lies in the
future, [...] a future that at some point involves coercive violence in all three versions of these [Yahwist] traditions.
Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell, Ph.D. (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologe-
tics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Yahweh The Two-Faced God, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, minute 29:24-39:00, 1:11:33 duration, aired 29. July 2012


  • Life involves a search for meaning, and that's associated with the idea of redemption. […] The state itself is flawed. It cannot provide the final answer to the question what constitutes genuine redemption. […]
    The redeemer takes on the sins of the world. […] It means all human beings are Nazis, and human beings are the Maoist Red Guards, and human beings are the slaughterers in Rwanda. And you're all human beings. And so to take on the sins of the world means to realize that all those things that characterize the human capacity to turn within into hell characterize you. And in order to live properly you have to live in a manner that addresses those elements of your nature. And again that's a terrible responsibility.
    1. First of all, who wants to admit that?
    2. Second of all, who can stand looking at it?
    3. And third, who's going to take on the burden of solving it? It better be all of, us or we're just gonna keep doing it.
Redemption, what does it mean? It means we're not in a state of grace. Why? We're self-conscious, we're aware of the tragedy of our being. We're unwilling to take full responsibility for it, or we're ignorant about how to do that. And that
leaves us bereft.
  1. How do we solve that? We can solve it with a state, but the problem is the state is not reliable. It degenerates into tyranny, then it transforms into chaos, then it reconstitutes itself and does the same thing again. It's not a good answer.
  2. Is there another answer? Maybe. I believe that what is outlined in narrative form in the New Testament is psycho-
    logically correct. I believe that the idea that endless micro-death and renewal produces a state of proper adaptation to being, and that the prerequisites for that are laid in the narrative structure that underlies the New Testament are fundamentally correct. So to be redeemed is to aim at the highest value, to sacrifice what's nol longer useful and valid in yourself, and to tell the truth. And the consequence of that is:
  • existence in a deep state of meaning that justifies the tragedy of being and
  • the possibility of transforming your own life in the most beneficial positive direction
  • while simultaneously doing that for the people around you.
And that's redemption.
Video keynote address by Jordan Peterson, Ph.D. (*1962) Canadian clinical psychologist, professor of psychology, University of Toronto, political scientist, author, Psychology of Redemption in Christianity, sponsored by the 2012 Meaning Conference, University of Toronto, Canada, 26.-29. July 2012, YouTube film, minutes 3:05, 19:51, 43:23, 44:22, 46:36 minutes duration, posted 14. December 2012, reposted 26. January 2016


  • The Gnostics believed that there were advanced beings who actually care for us and that there was a bet or forecast made that the advanced beings' creation i.e. human beings, would one day stop falling for the tricks of the Archons and wake up and they provided avenues for this to happen. One thing that is certain is that the Archons hate more than anything after love is courage. They cannot stand up to courage or a clear, articulate debate because their own premi-
    ses are built entirely on falsity. It's all false and so we can begin deconstructing history by seeing through the lies. By ob-
    serving outside the box, outside the norm, you can see the tricks of the Archons.
    Everything they do is fake, it is
    not real and has no history, no veracity. It is always a parasitical living off of others. Anyone who is following this mad,
    insane god, Jehovah
    , will be lead to their death for certain. If you think there's a reward for you for serving the Archons,
    I assure you there is not. As they hate courage, stand up to them. They will try to destroy, try to tear you down and do
    everything they can but nothing makes them shudder in fear more than someone standing up to them and they always overreact to it because they are cowards and terrified themselves.
    Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, cited in: Article Rise of the Archons. An interview with Jay Weidner on Rense Radio, presented by the US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host
    Jeff Rense, US American independent researcher, journalist, presented by Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com, aired 8. April 2011



Jesus' death as a penal substitute for Adam and Eve's original sin is indefensible.

  • If man knows right from wrong as a result of being made in the image of God, and if one of the things man knows from his being so created is that it is wrong to punish the innocent, then how can the central doctrine of Evangelical Christianity, namely penal substitution, be maintained? Ken Pulliam, Ph.D. (1960-2010) US American professor of apologetics, ex-fundamentalist concerned with the doctrine of salvationism/penal substitution, author, John W. Loftus (*1954) US American atheist theologian, philosopher, editor, anthology The End of Christianity, chapter 7 "The Absurdity of the atonement",
    S. 185, Prometheus Books, 1st edition 26. July 2011


  • Humans are conditioned through ancient religious scenes as well as through the way our society is structured to look for help to an outside figure. This perfectly conditions them to accept the coming NWO, when people will be expected
    to act as one under one ruler – or to be exterminated otherwise.
    It's interesting to see how religions have been shaped to introduce this conditioning. For example, Buddha told his dis-
    ciples to be their own islands. He did not want himself to be seen as a savior figure as people cannot be saved by any-
    one external. Yet when reptilians took over this movement, he was made into it! Also, he was against empty religious
    customs and traditions in general, yet now Buddhism is full of that! Now people pray saying "Buddha is my only refuge"
    and 600 years later reptilians made Jesus the savior of Christians, who say that Jesus is their only "savior"!
    Humans have been conditioned to give their power away for so many thousands of years that you could say that it's in
    our blood to expect an outside figure to do thinking or even spiritual development for us. Again, I cannot help but repeat
    that this is very dangerous, because if you do not save yourself, there's no one that will be able to help you.
    Removed blog article by Simona Rich, Obvious NWO Conditioning That Few See, 19. May 2018


  • The role of Deity soon took on a role in ritual and dogma. With this emerged the idea of sending the tribe's best member
    to the Gods in order to secure the needs of the tribe. This began the concept of human sacrifice to placate the Gods. Those willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the tribe were thought to become gods themselves. The concept of giving offerings to the Gods, such as food, flowers, or game, was nothing new because such offerings previously had
    been made; but human sacrifice now was considered the supreme gift that the tribe could offer. The belief was that the
    Gods would surely grant the tribe whatever it needed when a person willingly gave his or her life to them.
    Following the sacrifice, the blood and flesh were distributed among the clan members and given into the soil. Parts of
    the body were buried in cultivated fields to insure the next harvest. Also, small portions of the body and blood were in-
    corporated into the ceremonial feast; an ancient practiced that was assumed later by the Christians in their Commu-
    nion services, the body and blood of Christ
    Eventually human sacrifice was totally eliminated as human consciousness matured and was replaced by animal sacri-
    fice, and then by plant sacrifice, or the harvest festival. The same ancient mythos, or legend, applies to both animal and
    plant sacrifice. In Wicca/Witchcraft this is referred to as "eating the deity" or consuming the Harvest Lord in the ritual
    cakes and wine (flesh and blood) of Craft rituals.
    There is present in the rituals similarities of concepts or beliefs. In the ancient tradition it was believed that through the
    connection of the body and blood of the Slain God that the people became one with the deity. In the "Last Supper"
    Jesus declare that the bread and wine were his body and blood, which he gave up for the salvation of the people.
    Blood was believed to contain the life force. The death of the king freed the inner spirit. Through the distribution of his
    body and blood, heaven and earth were united and his vital energy renewed the kingdom.
    The appearances of the Slain God have taken on various aspects throughout the ages. His images can be seen in
    the Jack-in-the-Green, the Hooded Man, the Hanged Man of the Tarot, the Lord of Vegetation, the Harvest, and the
    free untamed aspect of the forest.
    Removed entry Slain God in the online encyclopedia, presented by The MYSTICA, 1997-2017


  • Humans love nothing more than to be told what to do. […] Many people enjoy that sense of structure, when somebody
    is telling them what to do, someone is taking charge, [they] don't have to do it. […] Regarding spiritual work most peo-
    ple would rather lay themselves at the feet of a teacher than to teach themselves because they don't believe
    in a higher authority.
    And so they nominate a human authority on their behalf. And it's a denial of divinity. When
    somebody bows down to an external redeemer, an external savior, that's where a red flag goes up for me.
      Minute 28:25
    The guru is there to look after the children, because the children don't have the strength or confidence yet to go alone.  Minute 30:08
    Video interview with Neil Kramer (*1972) British spiritual philosopher, teacher specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, and mysticism, The Power of Peace with Neil Kramer, Spiritual Philosopher, presented by host Regina Meredith, YouTube film,
    50:49 minutes duration, posted 21. April 2018


David Hawkins' inner dissociation allowed the emergence of a savior complex.



Savior complex – Messiah complex – God complex

  • In psychoanalytic terms, this is called a savior complex or a messiah complex. A complex is a troubling cluster of mental content (images, memories, fantasies, wishes, and so on) that forms an organized whole in the psyche. A complex is either partly or totally unconscious, meaning that a person is unaware that this organized cluster of mental content exists. A savior complex occurs when, by its own grandiosity, the ego gets so inflated that it believes it is a savior or a messiah to humankind.
    How might this savior complex have developed in Hawkins? Based on my personal experience as Hawkins’ biographer and through my analysis of his teachings, I believe Hawkins dissociated from his body and mind, as well as his ego, shadow, and overall personality.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 8 "The Avatar, the Shadow, and the Dissociated", subheading "The Savior complex",
    S. 141, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Seized by the savior complex, Hawkins confirmed the critical traditional concept of original sin.

Contradicting his own savior claims, Hawkins calibrated the concept of Original Sin inducing guilt at LoC 30 [i.e. 'not true'].3

While it is commonly believed that Christianity does not teach karma, that is not true. It does indeed, but it merely does not use the specific term. Christianity teaches that sin and virtue have very different consequences for the soul after death. These include the karmic alternatives of not only heaven or hell, but also purgatory. In addition, a traditional teaching is that man was 'born in sin' due to the fall of Adam and Eve and is thus karmically affected by succumbing to temptation and refusing obedience to God. Subsequently, God's mercy is represented by the presentation of a savior born for the sake of man's redemption. As Jesus said, "None get to heaven but by Me."4 Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 10, S. 160, 2007


With humility, one can relinquish the ego's self-appointed role as savior of the world.
A savior is necessary for all who calibrate below level 600.
Man needs a savior to be his advocate, his inspiration, and the fulcrum of this salvation from the pain and suffering of the ego.
Throughout time, the Divine Teacher (Avatar) is accepted and worshipped as one's eventual advocate or intercessor
    as Savior.
The privilege of the presence of an intercessor or savior has been earned by spiritual merit.

Problematic myth of original sin

Basic goodness ⇔ original sin

The precept of passivity [i.e. the mainstream concept of "turning the other cheek"] makes sense in a world without aggressors. It instills a sense of otherworldly superiority in the victims of violence, while it helps the agenda of those who seek to dominate. The concept of "basic goodness" – as suggested by Tibetan Buddhism and the research results of US American profes-
sor of psychology Dacher Keltner, Ph.D.) – can replace the tenet of "original sin". The Gnostics were horrified by the Christian belief in the redemptive value of suffering. The moral ethos expressed by Jesus Christ – the "Divine Victim" – in the New Testament is unfortunate as it aids to the "victim/perpetrator" bond.



False concept of original sin

  • I've got good news for you. Your original innocence is intact. And there is no such thing as 'original sin.' Innocent does not mean not guilty; it means uninjured. Your pristine innocence is your power to know the truth, the self-evident truth. Remember? Father Charles L. Moore (1927-2007) US American Roman Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher, scholar, historian, district attorney, spiritual teacher, Synthesis Remembered. Awakening Original Innocence, Mooredune Publications, 4. December 2006



Original Sin

Originated in the 4th century

  • Jesus never heard of 'Original Sin'. [The term wasn't even used until the 4th century, so it's] strange to run a church, a gathering, an ekklesia – supposedly on behalf of Jesus – when one of its main dogmatic tenets, Original Sin, never occurred to Jesus. [Sadly, Western Christianity is dependent on and chronically] attached to Original Sin – but what they're really attached to is St. Augustine. The fact is that most Westerners believe more in Augustine
    (and his preoccupation with sex) than they do in Jesus.
    Matthew Fox (*1940) US American Episcopalian (formerly
    Roman Catholic) priest, author, DVD series Living the Questions 2.0 2001



First cultural myth: humans basically evil from birth

  • [God to NDW (channeling):] [Y]our "basic instinct" is not survival, but rather, fair-
    ness, oneness, and love.
    This is the basic instinct of all sentient beings everywhere.
    It is your cellular memory. It is your inherent nature. Thus is exploded your first cul-
    tural myth
    . You are not basically evil, you were not born in "original sin."
    If your "basic instinct" was "survival," and if your basic nature was "evil," you would never move instinctively to save a
    child from falling, a man from drowning, or anyone from anything. And yet, when you act on your basic instinct and dis-
    play your basic nature, and don't think about what you are doing, this is exactly how you behave, even at your own
    Neale Donald Walsch (*1943) US American spiritual teacher, bestselling author, trilogy Conversations with God, book 3,
    S. 227-229, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1st edition 29. October 1996, 1998


  • It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. […] The individual seldom knows anything of this […] but let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster; and each individual is only one tiny cell in the monster's body, so that for better or worse he must accompany it on its bloody rampages and even assist it to the ut-
    most. Having a dark suspicion of these grim possibilities, man turns a blind eye to the shadow-side of human nature. Blindly he strives against the salutary dogma of original sin, which is yet so prodigiously true. Yes, he even hesitates
    to admit the conflict of which he is so painfully aware. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder
    of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, R. F. C. Hull, translator, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 7, essay "On the Psychology of the Unconscious", S. 35, 1912, Princeton University Press, 1967, 2nd edition
    1. April 1972, Routledge, London, 2nd edition 1992


See also references to D. Hawkins' life and work
David Hawkins: "Sharer of knowledge" ⇒ "mystic" ⇒ "Avatar"
► David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality:
Original Sin / Need for a savior, chapter 10, S. 160-161, 2007
► David R. Hawkins, Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 71, 2006
LoC 30 – Concept of Original Sin inducing Guilt; LoC 70– Allegory of Original Sin
See also various other references:
Quotes on indebtedness (original sin) – Joseph P. Farrell
Biblical forgiveness myths – Maria Mayo
Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye
Innate goodness ⇔ innate badness
Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages
Wetiko – symptons of the Me-disease – Paul Levy

Sun ◊ Son of God – Maurice Cotterell

Historic succession of reincarnations of Jesus as the Sun/Son of God
༺༻Historic•••periodSon of GodLegend
1.†3102 / †2500 BCKrishna
The Anointed One
No remains found.
2.1341-1323 BCTutankhamun
[Son/Sun of God]
His bones were found in a tomb in Egypt.
3.†530 BCHochdorf ChieftainDiscovered in 1977 near Hochdorf an der Enz (municipality of Eberdingen) in
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
4.563-483 BCBuddhaBuddha Relics Tour Calendars, presented by maitreyaproject.org
5.259-206/210 BCQin Shi Huang [Zhao Zheng]
Son of Heaven
The first emperor of Unified China decreed that his remains would be clothed in jade and cast adrift in a lake of Mercury. The lake, within a pyramid, was to be protected by an everlasting army. In 1974 the first 8,000+ life-size terracotta warriors of Celtic origin[*] buried near the pyramid tomb of Ch'in Shi Huangdi (220 BC) were discovered,
confirming the legend. –– The Terracotta Warriors – Synopsis
6.2-7 BC-30/31 ACJesus Christ
[Son/Sun of God]
7.~†350 ADViracocha PachacamacThe bones of the white God were found in the pyramids in Lima, Peru.
8.453 ADKing ArthurJoseph of Arimathea brought the |Grail to England. King Arthur engraved it with the same esoteric information found on the Pyramid of Inscriptions in Palenque, Mexico, and the Gateway of the Sun at Tiahuanaco in ancient Peru.
9.~†500 ADViracochaThe bones of the white God were found in the pyramids of Peru.
The Viracocha Transformer of Tiahuanaco
(~†740/750 AD)
Lord Pacal
[K'inich Janaab' Pakal]
His bones were found in a pyramid in Palenque, Mexico.
The Mural of Bonampak, The Amazing Lid of Palenque, Transformer
11.? BCVishnu
Son of the Hindu Trinity
One of ten incarnations of Vishnu
Sources featuring Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author
Book The Supergods. They came on a mission to save mankind, Thorsons, 16. June 1997
Book The Lost Tomb of Viracocha. Unlocking the Secrets of the Peruvian Pyramids, Bear & Company, 1st edition 20. February 2003
[*] Book UK version: The Celtic Chronicles. The True Story of the Holy Grail, Celtic Press, 14. March 2006
[*] Book US version: Jesus, King Arthur and the Journey of the Grail. The Secrets of the Sun Kings, Bear & Company, 18. April 2006
Audio interview C2CAM God, Reincarnation & Ancient Codes- 3.18.07 – Guest Maurice Cotterell, presented by the US American
     talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host Art Bell (1945-2018) US American broadcaster, author, aired 18. March 2007, YouTube film,
     minute 1:20:15, 2:38:12 duration, posted 24. August 2011


[*] When Victor Maire, Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and archaeologist J. P. Mallory returned from China, they told their colleagues of what they had seen: perfectly preserved 4,000 year-old mummies, desiccated by dry desert sands. Tall white women with blonde hair, pigtails and tattoos; tall white men with brown beards; tiny white babies with blue eyes; woven fabrics of tartan and bonnets made of soft dyed wool [...] What were Caucasians doing in the wastelands of China 4,000 years ago?
Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author, Jesus, King Arthur and the Journey of the Grail. The Secrets of the Sun Kings, Bear & Company, 18. April 2006


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1 John 14, 6 (NT)

2 See also Sadducees

3 Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 71, 2006

4 John 14, 6 (NT)

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