
Wiki / Buecherlegende








⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


⚠ Achtung
Siehe Power vs. Truth, Januar 2013



Seit Mitte 2013 ist Hawkins' Doktorarbeit nicht mehr im Veritaspub Verkaufsangebot
Since mid 2013 not for sale at Veritaspub any longer


Personen (Bücher)

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Die Ebenen des Bewußtseins. Von der Kraft, die wir ausstrahlen, VAK Verlag, Kirchzarten bei Freiburg, 1997
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Veritas Publishing, 1995
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Hay House, Februar 2002
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Hay House, revised edition 1. Oktober 2012
Das All-Sehende Auge, 2005
Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, 2006
Erleuchtung ist möglich. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet, 2007
Hingabe an Gott. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität, 2009
Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) US-amerikanischer Arzt, Psychiater, Bewusstseinsforscher, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor


. Von der Kraft, die wir ausstrahlen
. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen
. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet
. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität


⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) US American physician, psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, author
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Veritas Publishing, 1st edition 1995
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Hay House, February 2002
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Veritas Publishing, author's official revised 1st edition 15. May 2012
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Hay House, revised edition 1. October 2012
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. , Hay House, Paperback / Kindle version, revised edition 1. October 2012
chapter 4 Levels of Human Consciousness,
The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. , 2001
The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. , Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002
I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. , 2003
Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. , 2005
Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. , 2006
Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. , 2007
Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. , 2008
Healing and Recovery, S. , 2009
Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, edited by Scott Jeffrey, Hay House, January 2011
Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., edited by Scott Jeffrey, chapter , S. X, quote, Hay House, August 2011
Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, chapter , S. , October 2012
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter , S. , Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 15. January 2013
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter , S. , Kindle locations ..., Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013


. Von der Kraft, die wir ausstrahlen
. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen
. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet
. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität


. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
. From Which Nothing is Hidden
. How to Tell the Difference
. The Stairway to Enlightenment
. Devotional Nonduality






xx 70% Breite


logischen Empirismus [BW 380]   TvF 254
logical positivism [LoC 380]


Psychology Today


HeartMath Institute [BW 455/460] US-amerikanisches Forschungsinstitut zur grenzwissenschaftlichen verhaltensbiologischen Erforschung der Herzintelligenz, Boulder Creek, Kalifornien, 1991
Doc Childre, US American human development specialist, originator of the HeartMath® System, founder ot the HeartMath Institute [LoC 455/460] nonprofit research and education organization for reducing stress, self-regulating emotions and building energy, Boulder Creek, California, 1991


Drei Eingeweihte (anonyme Autoren), Kybalion [Erläuterung der sieben hermetischen Prinzipie], 1908
Three Initiates (anonymous authors), The Kybalion. A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, 1908, 1st edition Merchant Books, paperback, 7. February 2013


Jane Roberts (1929-1984) US-amerikanisches Medium des Geistwesens Seth
Seth Bücher [BW 470] gechanneltes Werk


Mahabharata, major Sanskrit epics of ancient India (400 BC-400 AD)
Mahabharata, bekanntes indisches Epos, Sammlung von 100.000 Doppelversen (400 v. Chr.-400 n. Chr.)


Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, translated by Dennis W. Hauck


Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, verse ??, 300 CE, HarperOne, San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009


Myeong-Gu Seo, Lisa Feldman Barrett, study summary, Journal Academy of Management, 2007


Thierry Meyssan, '9/11. The Big Lie, 2002 [LoC 135-185] TvsF S. 175, 2004/5


Alcohol addiction [LoC 90]   TvsF S. 185, 2004/5


Mona Lisa [LoC 499] painting by Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci, Gemälde im Louvre, Paris (F) Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 104, 2005


Mona Lisa [BW 499] Gemälde von Maler Leonardo da Vinci [Werke BW 565], Museum Louvre, Paris (F) Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 104, 2005


Democracy [LoC 410] TvsF S. 161, 2004/5


Narcissistic Personality Disorder [LoC 160] "Bite the hand that feeds you." TvsF S. 176, 2004/5


Wolf pack rivalry for Alpha-male position to be the reigning "beachmaster" [LoC 135-185] TvsF S. 176, 2004/5


Outlet for personal narcissistic frustrations and projected blame [LoC 135-185] TvsF S. 177, 2004/5


Satisfaction from perverse contrariness and faultfinding [LoC 135-185] TvsF S. 177, 2004/5


Denial of the obvious because it would elicit fear [LoC 135-185] TvsF S. 177, 2004/5


Class rivalry [LoC 135-185] TvsF S. 177, 2004/5


Honest Dissent [LoC 210-330] TvsF S. 169, 2004/5


Political extremists [LoC 160] TvsF S. 169, 2004/5


Playing the "racial card" [LoC 185] TvsF S. 174, 2004/5


Conspiracy theories [LoC 165] TvsF S. 177, 2004/5


Ruby Nelson, Das Tor zur Unendlicheit, Aquamarin Verlag, Grafing, 1999


Nicene Creed [LoC 895]


Magna Carta [BW 460] [Magna Charta Libertatum 'großer Freibrief'] wichtigstes Dokument des englischen Verfassungsrechts, Vereinbarung des "bösen Königs" Johann Ohneland mit dem revoltierenden englischen Adel (10-12 verbündete Barone), Runnymede, 15. Juni 1215
TvF S. 264
Magna Carta [LoC 460] signed at Runnymede in England on June 15th, 1215  TvF S. 264



Pentagon [LoC 210] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [LoC 195-210] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) [LoC 206] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
Public Health Service (IRS) [LoC 212] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
American Medical Association [LoC 300] TvF S. 154, 2004/5
American Red Cross [LoC 380] TvF S. 154, 2004/5
Doctors Without Borders [LoC 500] TvF S. 154, 2004/5
Innocence Project [LoC 475] TvF S. 154, 2004/5
Wounded Warrior Project [LoC 485] TvF S. 154, 2004/5
War on Drugs (group) [LoC 180-185] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
US Administration [LoC 205] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) [LoC 200] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) [LoC 202] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
Social Security [LoC 206] TvF S. 150, 2004/5
Fascist ideology [LoC 125] TvF S. 150, 2004/5


Rotary [LoC 375] TvF S. 154, 2004/5


Ärzte ohne Grenzen [BW 500] Friedensnobelpreisträger, Ende 1999
TvF S. 154, 2004/5


Russell E. DiCarlo, US American medical writer, lecturer, author,
Towards A New World View. Conversations At The Leading Edge, Epic Publishing, January 1996



Bücher / Lehren

Default Dr. Hawkins' calibrations of spiritual practices and teachers

  • LoC 705 – Hinduistic scripture Rigveda, ~1700–1100 BC   TvF S. 148
  • LoC 430 – I Ching    TvF S. 398
  • LoC 700 – Diamantsutra [Juwel der überschreitenden Weisheit] [BW 700] wichtige heilige Schrift des Mahayana Buddhismus
  • Tibetanisches Totenbuch [BW 575] [Bardo Thödröl] ["Befreiung durch Hören im Zwischenzustand"] buddhistische Schrift von Padmasambhava [Lotosgeborener] [BW 595] (8.-9. Jht. n. Chr.) tibetisch-buddhistischer tantrischer Meister, Begründer und Botschafter des Buddhismus in Tibet zur Zeit des Königs Thrisong Detsen in Tibet

Kalama Sutta, discourse of the Buddha


SEE Buch6E, S. 185

The Essene Gospels of Peace


Encyclopedia Britannica


Tora [Torah] [BW 550] heilige Schrift des Judentums, Hauptteil der hebräischen Bibel mit 613 Tora-Geboten
Torah [LoC 550] heilige Schrift des Judentums, Hauptteil der hebräischen Bibel mit 613 Tora-Geboten


Tao te King [BW 610] (800-200 v. Chr.)
Tao Te Ching [LoC 610] (800-200 BC)


Vigyan Bhairav Tantra [Vijnanabhairava] [LoC 630?] Hindu key text of the Trika school of Kashmir Shaivism, discourse between the god Siva and his consort, presenting 112 methods of meditation
///LoC supposedly mentioned in TvsF//


David R. Hawkins, Goodbye, Scorpion; Farewell, Black Widow Spider. How to Avoid the Stings and Bites of the Southwest's Dangerous Arachnids – And What to Do If You Don't, Veritas Publishing, January 1996


Mortimer Jerome Adler (1902-2001) US-amerikanischer Philosoph der aristotelischen und thomistischen Traditionen, Pädagoge, Schriftsteller
'Great Books of the Western World'' [BW 468] lexikonartige Buchkollektion von Mortimer J. Adler
Ausgenommen die Literatur von Karl Marx. Zuzüglich des Werks von Karl Marx fällt der Gesamt-BW auf 450.
Great Books of the Western World [LoC 468] a single package of originally 54 volumes of books to present the western canon, published by Encyclopædia Britannica, 1952
compiled by Mortimer Adler (1902-2001) US American philosopher of the Aristotelian and Thomistic traditions, educator, author


Das Buch Mormon (Offenbarungsbuch des Mormonentums) [BW 405] medial empfangen durch den Stifter Joseph Smith Joseph Smith [BW 510]


Skala des Bewusstseins [BW 840] nach Dr. David R. Hawkins
Map of Consciousness [LoC 840] according to Dr. David R. Hawkins


Midrasch [BW 665] religiöse Texte des rabbinischen Judentums


Mischna [BW 665] (220 n. Chr.) wichtigste Sammlung religionsgesetzlicher Schriften des rabbinischen Judentums
Mishnah [LoC 665] (220 CE) first major written redaction of the Jewish oral traditions by Judah haNasi, first major work of Rabbinic Judaism


A.A. Big Book, step 3
Alcoholics Anonymous – The Big Book online, 1st edition 1939, 4th edition 2001


Principle of Dependent origination / arising [LoC 965], discovered by Buddha
Gesetzmäßigkeit des Bedingten Entstehens [Entstehens in Abhängigkeit] [BW 965], von Buddha entdeckte Philosophie


Dhammapada [BW 840] Anthologie von Aussprüchen Buddhas
Dhammapada [LoC 840] anthology of Buddha's teachings


Alcoholics Anonymous [LoC 540], Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, first issued 1953, published by Alcoholics Anonymous Publishing Company, 1st edition 10. February 2002


Twelve step groups [LoC 540]


Embraced by the Light


Aggadah [LoC 645] compendium of rabbinic homilies
Aggada [BW 645] homiletische, nichtgesetzliche Inhalte der antiken rabbinischen Literatur


Emerald Tablet written by Hermes Trismegistus, syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth, translated by Dennis W. Hauck


Daniel J. Flynn, American columnist, author
Intellectual Morons. How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas [LoC 440], Forum, 21. September 2004


Satcitananda [Sat-chit-ananda] [LoC 575+/605] compound of three Sanskrit words, meaning Existence (Eternal Truth), Consciousness, Bliss
575+/605''' ||Glückseligkeit [Sat-chit-ananda] [BW 575+/605]


TvsF S. 154
Knights of Columbus [LoC 360]
Knights of Pythias [LoC 360]
United Way [LoC 360]
Rotary Club [LoC 375]
USO [LoC 385]
Humane Society [LoC 285]
American Medical Society [LoC 360]
Innocence Project [LoC 475]
Thomas More Law Center [LoC 455]
Association Big-Brother [LoC 300]
Association Big-Sister [LoC 320]
Veterans of Foreign Wars [LoC 270]
Wounded Warrior Project [LoC 485]
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) [LoC 345]


Philanthropic foundations in US: Gates, Ford, Mellon, Carnegie, Kellogg, Pew, Duke, Wal-Mart, Lilly, Rockefeller, F.W. Johnson [LoC 400] TvsF S. 130


LDS (Mormon) 390
Pentacostals 310
Puritans 210
TV Evangelists 205
7th Day Adventists 190
Right Wing fundamentalist 95
Right wing fundamentalist TV evangelist 90


Jesus' Thirty three miracles
Jesus Fed multitudes
Apostles' miracles
Speaking in tongues
Pentacostal flame
John the Baptist – killed for revealing the truth
Jesus – killed for revealing the truth
Name and form are one
Wait 3 days before burial/cremation
Humans can live on prana energy
Consciousness level is set at birth
Exact time of death/leaving the body set at birth


  • LoC 1100 -- "I" / As the Ultimate Reality beyond this dimension transcending dimensions 3-367
  • LoC 1200 -- "I" / As Essence of Creation 3-367
  • LoC 1250 -- "I" of Essence of Divine Creation

[in list of Enlightened and Divine States, book 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]
[in list of Enlightened and Divine States, Buch 3-219 and list on 3-485] (sh. dt. ÜS)


Lüshi chunqiu, enzyklopädischer klassischer Text des chinesischen Kaiserreiches Qin, gesammelt von Autor Lü Buwei, vorletzter Kanzler von Qin als Königreich (265-11. August 239 v. Chr.)


Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, 1996


Bardo Thodol. Tibetan Book of the Dead; Tibetan Book of the Dead [LoC 575] partial translation, translated by Walter Y. Evans-Wentz (1878-1965) US American anthropologist, pioneer in the study of Tibetan Buddhism, writer, 1974
The Tibetan Book of The Dead Tibetisches Totenbuch [LoC 550] first complete translation, translated by Gyurme Dorje, 2006/7


Srimad Bhagavatam, translated by Prabhavananda, 1962


Upanishads [LoC 970] Hindu philosophical teachings
Upanishaden [BW 970] hinduistische philosophische Lehren


Book of Revelation


Kabbalah [LoC 605]
Kabbala [BW 605]


A Course in Miracles [ACIM] [LoC 550/600], The Foundation for Inner Peace, 3rd edition 1976, revised edition 1996
A Course in Miracles, textbook [LoC 550], chapter , T-24.VII, verse 8:10, The Foundation for Inner Peace, 3rd edition 1976, revised edition 1996
A Course in Miracles, textbook [LoC 550], chapter 1, T-1.I.20, verse 1, 'The Foundation for Inner Peace'', 3rd edition 1976, revised edition 1996
A Course in Miracles, workbook [LoC 600], lesson unknown, 'The Foundation for Inner Peace'', 3rd edition 1976, revised edition 1996
A Course in Miracles [LoC 550/600], manual for teachers, The Foundation for Inner Peace, 3rd edition 1976, revised edition 1996


A Course in Miracles [ACIM] [LoC 550/600]
A Course in Miracles [ACIM] workbook [LoC 550]
A Course in Miracles [ACIM] textbook [LoC 550], chapter 5 Healing and Wholeness, section VI Time and Eternity, 1976, revised 1996
A Course in Miracles, Foundation for Inner Peace, chapter 22.VI.4


Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] [BW 550/600], 1994
Ein Kurs in Wundern Vorwort des Lehrer-Handbuchs T-1.IV.3:1, 1994
Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] Textbuch [BW 550], 1994
Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] Übungssbuch [BW 600], Lektion ?, 1994
Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] Handbuch für Lehrer [BW 550/600] B-Einl. 2:5, 1994
Ein Kurs in Wundern [BW 550/600] Handbuch für Lehrer T-13.V.3:5, 1994
Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] [BW 550/600], Vorwort, Miraclestudies.net, 1994


Mischna, Hauptwerk der jüdischen Ethik


Vedas [LoC 970] Hindu wisdom scripture
Veden [BW 970] hinduistische Weisheitsschriften


Anguttara Nikaya ['Gradual Collection / Numerical Discourses'] Buddhist scripture, the fourth of the five nikayas (collections) of Theravada Buddhism




Thomasevangelium [BW 660], Teil der Apokryphen, 50-140, 350 n. Chr., wiederentdeckt 1945
Gospel of Thomas [LoC 660], part of the Biblical apocrypha, 50-140, 350 AD, 1945
The Gospel of Thomas [LoC 660] translated by Thomas O. Lambdin, The Gnostic Society Library, The Nag Hammadi Library, Harper Collins, San Francisco, 1990


The Jungle Book, Disney movie, 1967
snake Kaa to Mowgli
Dschungelbuch, Disney Film, 1967
Figur Schlange Kaa zu Mogli


The Book of Kells, heilige Schrift aus Iona, Schottland → Irland [BW 565]


Rabbi Hillel (30 v. Chr.-~9 n. Chr.) bedeutender pharisäischer Rabbiner aus der Zeit vor der Zerstörung des zweiten Tempels, Vorsteher des Sanhedrin, Gründer einer Schule zur Schriftauslegung


Talmud [LoC 595] central scripture of mainstream Judaism
Talmud [BW 595] Hauptschrift des gewöhnlichen Judentums, Midrasch Bereschit


Ägyptisches Totenbuch


Das Tibetanische Totenbuch, neu übersetzt und kommentiert von Monika Hauf, Piper Taschenbuch, München, 7. Auflage November 2003


Bhagavad Gita [LoC 910] 5th-2nd century BC
Bhagavad Gita [BW 910] 5.-2. Jht. v. Chr.


Ashtavakra Gita, Advaita Vedanta scripture


The Gospel of Philip: Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Gnosis of Sacred Union, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont (2004)


Unbekannt, Die Wolke des Nichtwissens, englische mystische Schrift, 1390,
Hrsg. Wolfgang Riehle, Einsiedeln, 1999 [BW 705]
Unknown, Cloud of Unknowing, English mystical scripture, 1390 [LoC 705] 



Interviews mit D. Hawkins

Interview Power vs. Force, presented by the US American magazine In Light Times, August 2004   Link deleted

Deleted interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the US American magazine New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004

Interview Power vs. Force, presented by the US magazine In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, November 2004   Link deleted
Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, presented by the US American magazine In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, November 2004   Link deleted
Interview Power vs. Force, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, November 2004   Link gelöscht


Interview The Path of Simplicity, presented by the US American magazine In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, March 2005   Link deleted
Interview The Path of Simplicity, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, März 2005 Link gelöscht

Gelöschtes Interview Investigating Truth, präsentiert von der britischen Zeitschrift Kindred Spirit Magazine, United Kingdom, Nr. 73, März/April 2005

Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., presented by the US American magazine Holistic Networker, host Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005


Interview A Conversation with Knowingness, part I of II, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, April/May 2007

Interview Conversations on higher consciousness, part II of III, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, June/July 2007

Interview Conversations about the Teacher and the Student, part III of III, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, August/September 2007

2008 - 2009
Interview Consciousness and Medicine, Matt Laughlin, health magazine Unified Health!, Vol. 4, No. 12, summer 2008
alternative source: Consciousness & Medicine: An Interview with David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD. Interview by Matt Laughlin, posted by Angelena Bryant, 16. September 2013 in Devotional Nonduality

Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Exploring Consciousness, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, No. 21, 7 pages, Pamela Becker, Winter 2008-2009


Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., presented by the US American magazine Holistic Networker, Gina Mazza Hillier, 17. June 2009

Interview Healing and Recovery, presented by the US American health magazine "Unified Health!", Matt Laughlin, Vol. 5, issue 14, winter 2009


Interview Conversations on higher consciousness, part II of III, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, June/July 2007


2011 (reposted from article 17. June 2009 )
Interview with David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD, presented by the US American magazine The Healing Journal, Gina Mazza Hillier, 15. July 2011


Audio interviews


Podcast audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Differentiating truth from falsehood – November 18th 2010, episode 331, presented by the US American web radio station podcast Theatre of the Mind, host Kelly Howell, aired 18. November 2010, minute 18:53, 50:47 minutes duration, posted 9. December 2012


Schriften von / über D. Hawkins / Sonderreden

Landsberg speech Dialogue on Consciousness and Spirituality, medical faculty, University of San Francisco, 1997


Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on Advanced States of Consciousness, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998   Transcript removed from Veritas Publishing sale offer in mid 2013


Interview mit David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, Mitschrift zu Advanced States of Consciousness, inkl. Zusammenfassung von Power vs. Force in zwei Teilen zu je 94 Seiten und 39 Seiten, Kopieversion, Spiralbindung, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. Januar 1998   Schrift seit Mitte 2013 nicht mehr erhältlich über Veritas Publishing


Teddy and Otis Carnie, Synopsis and Study Guide to Power vs. Force. An Anatomy of Consciousness, Part I (S. 1-40); Part II. Interview with Dr. Hawkins; Part III. The Realization of the Presence of God, by David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., reprinted from CONCEPTS, volume I, issue 14, (S. 17-18), edited by Teddy Carney
Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 8. June 1996   Removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer, mid 2013


Teddy and Otis Carnie, Synopsis and Study Guide to Power vs. Force. An Anatomy of Consciousness, Part II, "Interview with Dr. Hawkins", Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 8. June 1996

Teddy and Otis Carnie, Synopsis and Study Guide to Power vs. Force. An Anatomy of Consciousness, Part III, "Realization of the Presence of God", Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 8. June 1996



Doctoral thesis Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness, Veritas Publishing, 1995   Since mid 2013 not for sale at Veritaspub any longer
Seit Mitte 2013 ist Hawkins' Doktorarbeit nicht mehr im Verkaufsangebot.
Doktorarbeit Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness, 173 Seiten, Spiralbindung, Veritas Publishing, 1995   Seit Mitte 2013 ist Hawkins' Doktorarbeit nicht mehr im Verkaufsangebot.


Audio interviews

Removed audio interview with D. Hawkins, MP3 David R. Hawkins ACIM talk – September 8th 2005, presented by the of the dissolved US American ACIM web radio station of the dissolved Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, host Ellen Sutherland, YouTube film, 44:17 minutes duration, 8. September 2005


Removed Q&A Audiointerview (engl.) mit Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, präsentiert von dem aufgelösten US-amerikanischen EKiW Webradiosender Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, Gastgeberin Ellen Sutherland, gesendet 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 28. März 2011


Audio interview with David Hawkins, presented by the deleted "Oprah Winfrey Radio Show", "Soul Series'' via the dissolved XM Satellite web radio Channel 156, host Oprah Winfrey, Thursday, 31. May 2007
Part 1 of 3 Part 2 of 3 Part 3 of 3


Audio interview with David Hawkins, What IS Consciousness Anyway?, teleseminar 148, part 2 of 2 (Q&A), presented by Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, host James O'Dea, Irish US American president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), faculty member of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, co-director of The Social Healing Project, educator, activist, speaker, author, 56:18 minutes duration, 11. June 2008


Removed audio lecture including Q&A by David R. Hawkins,
How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 5 of 6, presented by Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shiftinaction.com, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, 46:00 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011
How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 4 of 6, presented by Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shiftinaction.com, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, 27:50 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011


Books by Hawkins


Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man


Healing and Recovery


Along the Path to Enlightenment


Letting Go


Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self


Success Is For You



Lecture Series 2002-2011


Seminarserie 2002


Causality: The Ego's Foundation


Radical Subjectivity. The "I" of "Self"


The Levels of Consciousness: Subjective and Social Consequences


Positionality and Duality: Transcending the Opposites


Perception and Illusion: Distortions of Reality


Realizing the Root of Consciousness. Meditative and Contemplative Techniques


The Nature of Divinity vs. Religious Fallacy


Advaita: The Way to God through Mind


Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart


Karma and the Afterlife


God Transcendent and Immanent


Realization of the Self: Final Moments


Seminarserie 2003


Integration of Spirituality and Personal Life


Spirituality and the World


Spiritual Community




Realization of the Self and the "I"


Dialogue, Questions and Answers


Seminarserie 2004


Thought and Ideation


Emotions and Sensations


Perception and Positionality


Identification and Illusion


Witnessing and Observing


The Ego and The Self


Seminarserie 2005




Alignment 2005




Transcending Barriers






Transcending Obstacles


Spiritual Traps


Valid Teachers and Teachings


God, Religion and Spirituality


Seminare 2006


Experiential Reality


Perception vs. Essence


Spiritual Truth vs. Spiritual Fantasy


Reason vs. Truth


A Review of the Work


Spiritual Practice and Daily Life


Live Your Life Like A Prayer


Is the Miraculous Real?


Seminare 2007


God vs. Science: Limits of the Mind


Relativism vs. Reality


What is real?


What is Truth? The Absolute


The Human Dilemma


A Review of the Work – 2007


Creation vs. Evolution


Spiritual survival Realization of Reality


Experiential Reality: The Mystic


Seminare 2008


Spirituality: Reason and Faith


The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment


Belief, Trust and Credibility


Overcoming Doubt, Skepticism and Disbelief


Practical Spirituality


Freedom: Morality and Ethics


A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation


Seminare 2009


What is the World?








Seminare 2010


Handling Spiritual Challenges


Spiritual Life in Today's World


Seminare 2011


Most Valuable Qualities for a Spiritual Seeker




Satsang Series 2006


Januar 2006


März 2006


May 2006


July 2006


September 2006


November 2006


Satsang Series 2007


Januar 2007


März 2007


May 2007


July 2007


September 2007


Satsangserie 2008


May 2008


July 2008


September 2008


Satsangserie 2009


January 2009


May 2009


September 2009


November 2009


Satsang Series 2010


February 2010


June 2010


September 2010


November 2010


Satsang series 2011


January 2011


March 2011


July 2011



Discussion Series – Start 2012


How to Live your life as a prayer


What You Are Changes the World


Permanent Inner Peace


Golden Word Book Signing hour


Unity Church Sedona March 2005


Unity Church Sedona – Aspects of Spirituality 2006


Truth vs. Falsehood. The Art of Spiritual Discernment Nightingale


Healing. Achieving Total Wellness Through Higher Levels of Consciousness by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.


The Highest Level of Enlightenment


In the World But Not of It by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
https://veritaspub.com/product/in-the-world-but-not-of-it-by-david-r-hawkins-m-d-ph-d/ CD



Volume Series


Power vs. Force I


Consciousness and Addiction II


Giving up Illness Through a Course in Miracles


Consciousness: The Way out of Alcoholism and Addiction


Consciousness: How to Tell the Truth About Anything IV


Undoing the Barriers to Spiritual Progress V


Advanced States of Consciousness. The Realization of the Presence of God
Video interview dialogue with Korean nun Yun Kyung Huh, Advanced States of Consciousness. The Realization of the Presence of God, referring to the chapter "About the author" in Power vs. Force, Volume series III, DVD 1 of 2, presented by the Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research, recorded ~1996, published 2002



Office Series – Archival Office Visit Series


Stress A01




Spiritual First AidA03




The Aging ProcessA05


Handling Major CrisisA06


Worry, Fear, and AnxietyA07


Pain and SufferingA08


Losing Weight A09




Illness and Self-Healing A11




Drug Addiction and Alcoholism B1


A Map of Consciousness B3




Death and Dying B6


Audio book
Power vs. Force – Audio Audible



motion picture Catch-22, 1970



Rubaiyat [LoC 700] devotional scripture of Omar Khayyam, TvsF, S. 178
Rubaiyat [BW 700] TvsF, S. 178
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam [LoC 700]     TvF S. 178



Calibrations by David Hawkins
God, The Creator, The Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Maker of All
Things Visible and Invisible, The Supreme, Allah, Shiva, Rama, Brahma,
Vishnu, God of Moses and Abraham All calibrate at Infinity
Purusa, Self, Atman Infinity
Archangels 50,000
Buddha Nature
Allness 1000
Void 980
Native American Great Spirit 850+
Yahweh 460
Jehovah 205
Elohim 100
God of the Old Testament 100
Greek Gods 90
Scandinavian Gods 90
Gods of war 90
Pagan gods of Rome 100
Name of God as Om or Aum Negative
Mother/Father God Negative
Jesus Christ, Buddha,
Krishna, Zoroaster 1000
Twelve Apostles 980
John, the Baptist 930
Paul 745 (Saul of Tarsus)
Abraham 850
Moses 910
Mohammed at the time he wrote the
Koran 740
Mohammed later in life (35) 130 (Used the Way of the Sword)
John 70 (Author of Revelations)
Mahayana 960 (Enlightenment of all mankind)
Zen 890
Hinayana 890 (Individual Enlightenment)
Lotus Land Buddhism 740 (Like the Christian Heaven)
Tantric 515 (More occult)
Tibetan 490
Won Bulgyo 405 (Recent)
1st Century, "The Way" 980
After Council of Nicea (385 AD) 485 (Something serious happened
College of Cardinals 490
Papacy 570
Coptic 475
Born Again 350
Gnostics 290
Modern Protestantism 510
Christian Science 410 (Less than DH thought)
Modern Catholicism 440 (Recent decisions less than 440)
Jesuit Order 440
Amish 375 (Funny ways)
Quakers 505
Unity 540
Pentecostal 310
Puritans 210 (A little "prissy")
Television Evangelists 205
Church of LDS (Mormons) 390 (Book of Mormon about 500)
Ancient 700
Modern 499
Hari Krishna 460
Subud 470
Sikh 420
Tamil 330
Raja Yoga 485
Janism 495
Islam (Ancient) 700
Islam (Modern) 325
Muslims 205
Judaism (Modern) 530
Shintoism 350
Taoism 500
7th Day Adventist 190 (Don't know what their problem is)
Jehovah's Witness 195 (Strange OT thing)
Right Wing Fundamentalist 95
Right Wing Televangelist 90
Urantia 150
Wicca 160
Army of God 110 (Blows up abortion clinics)
Full Moon Gatherings 180 (New Age)
New Ageism 185 (Adolescent)
Qi Gong 195
Shiite Muslim 55
Cults 50-160
Unification Church (Moon) 150
Aum Shinrikyon Cult 85
Heaven's Gate Cult 160
Astara 150
Order of the Solar Temple 155
Fighting Monks 190
Raelians (Claude Vorilhon) 130
Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church) 150
Family Federation for World Peace
Unification (Moon) 155
Catholic Position on Pedophilia 90
Old Testament 190
Book of Revelations (Astral) 70
Master 700
Saint 700
Lord 1000
Sage 700+
Angels 550+
Archangels 50,000
Enlightenment 600
Teacher of Way to Enlightenment 800
Pope 570+
True Guru 540+
Jivanmukta 745+
Swami 660+
Guru (before 1960's) 540+
Guru (after 1960's) 190
Title of Baba 190
(Three popes were, despite the title, under 200)
Bhagavad Gita 910
Vedas 910
Zohar (Judaic) 720
Ramayana 810
Mahabaratta 780
Kabbhala 720
Apocrypha (Roman Catholic Bible) 740
Torah 745
Koran 700
Heart Sutra 780
Lotus Sutra 780
Diamond Sutra 700
Dead Sea Scrolls 650
Gospel of St. Thomas 660
Book of Kells 570 (Illuminated Manuscript in Dublin)
Vedanta 595
KJV Bible (from the Greek) 475
Lamsa Bible (from the Aramaic) 495
Genesis (Lamsa) 660
Psalms (Lamsa) 650
Proverbs (Lamsa) 350
New Testament (KJV) 640
New Testament (minus Revelations) 790
Lamsa Bible (minus OT (except for
Gen, Pslms, Pvbs), minus Rev) 880
Tibetan Book of the Dead 575
San Hedron 240 (At the time of Jesus)
Yoga Sutras, Patanjali 630
A Course In Miracles 600
Book of Mormon 510
"None get to Heaven but by me (J)" 940
Eye of the I 900
I as Divinity 980/998
I as Allness 990
I as Void/Allness 990
I as the Supreme 1000
Buddha Nature 1000
Justice 380
Justice (as in an "eye for an eye") 375
Theology 460
Near Death 520
Satori 585
Enlightenment 600+
Christian Communion 700 (Surprise to DH)
Durga Puja Festival 480
Sweat Lodge Ceremony 560 (It's the intention)
Smudging 520 (Fun thing)
TM 220 (Used as a technique)
Sound of Tibetan Buddhist horns 320
Sakya Skeleton Dance 320
Christmas (Spirit) 538
Samadhi 800
Chi Energy, Etheric Body, Reincarnation, Karma, Jesus' 33 miracles,
Jesus miraculously feeding the thousands, The Apostles' miracles,
Speaking in Tongues, Pentecostal Flame, John the Baptist and Jesus were
killed for
revealing the truth.
Ghosts, Haunting, Prophesied End Times, St. Matthew's Prophesied End
Your own death (one cannot experience one's own physical death (you,
the experiencer (Spirit), have already left)).
The Inquisition 35
Transmediumship 190
Channeling 190
Tarot Readings 190
Occult 150
Voodoo 45
Satanism 45
Fortune Telling 60
Devil Worship 25
Black Magic 20
Black Witchcraft 5
"Possession" by Negative Energies 5-60
Lord's Prayer 650
Om 740
Aum 210
Om Nama Shivaya 630
Chanti Chanti Chanti 650
Um Mana Padaeme Hum 700
Gregorian Chant 595
Japa 515
Jesus Prayer 525
Saying the Rosary 515
Prayer of Jabez 310
Cursing (Lord's name in vain) 45 (Not swearing)
Damning others to hell 15
Ankh (symbol, occult) 160
Shaktipat Energy 160
Druids 450
Theosophy 365
Free Masonry 510
Metaphysics 420
Intellectualism 405
The Science of Mind. A Philosophy, A Faith, A Way of Life 405
I Ching 430
Keys of Enoch 265
Eckankar 230
Fundamentalism 200
Astrology 210
Crystals 210
Numerology 225
Tai Chi 310 (Exercise)
Hatha Yoga 260
Kung Fu 410
Rebirthing 250
Occult 201
White Magik 203
Biofeedback 202
Holographic Breathing 202
EST 400
Shamanism 210-230
Carlos Casteneda 220
Krya Yoga 330
Universalist Church 320
Ethical Culture 350
Qi Gong 240
Wui Den 275
Sedona Releasing Method 490
Soul Midwifery 240
Huna 260
Falum Gong 205
Bashido (Japanese) 200
White Brotherhood 560
Philadelphia Church of God 415 (Publisher of "The Trumpet")
Seth Books 470 (Jane Roberts)
Rosicrucians 405
Knights Templar 435
Reiki 285
Avatar Workshops 245
Bodywork 205 (Physicality is integrous)
Rolfing 205
Sexuality 200+ (Whew! says DH)
Scientology 195
Atheism 195
Branch Dividians 195
Devigita (World Mother) 165 (Lots of "mothers")
World Church of the Creator 85 (White supremacists)
Order of the Golden Dawn 60 (Alistair Crowley)
Plotinus 590
White Brotherhood 560
Mechtild von Magdeburg (13th C.) 640 (German)
Johann Tauber (14th C.) 640 (German)
Huang Po (Zen) 960
Zen Masters 700+
Mahatma Gandhi 760 (Defeated the British Empire)
Mother Theresa 710
Meister Eckhardt 700
Chief Detroit 650
Karmapa 630
Muktananda 750
Vivekenanda 610
Ramakrishna 620
Rabbi Moses de Leon (14th C.) 720 (Of Grenada)
Nisargadatta Maharaj 720
Ramana Maharshi 720
Ramesh Balsekar 760
Confucius 590
St. Patrick 590
Wallace Black Elk (Lakota) 499
John Calvin 580
John Wesley 360
Martin Luther 580
Dalai Lama 570 (Current)
Maharishi (TM) 410
Swami Ramdas 570
Robert Powell 525
Joel Goldsmith 455
Poonja, HWL 370 (Papaji)
Charles Fillmore 485
Padmasambhava (Babuji) 595 (Founder of Tibetan Buddhism)
Swami Satchidananda 605
Maher Baba 240
OT Prophets 202 (Bit of a surprise)
Alice Bailey (Intermediary) 445 (For the White Brotherhood)
Vernon Howard 455
Patanjali 660
Peter Ouspensky 335
Robert Schuller 405
Mother Meera 240
Nostradamus 220 (Had a "talent")
Martin Buber 405
St. Thomas Aquinas 435
Tertullian 385
St. Bonaventure 385
Thich Naht Hanh 460
Yogananda 540
Lao Tzu 520
Alan Watts 485
John Blofeld 465 (On Taoism)
Poonja-Ji 520 (Nothing Happened)
Thubten Yeshe 465 (Silent Mind)
Bernadette Roberts 445 (Experience of No-Self)
Trungpa Chogyam 499
Ram Dass 425
CW Leadbeater 485
John Bradshaw 460 (Books on "recovery")
Scott Peck 475
Gangaji 475
Joseph Smith 510 (Founder of Mormonism.)
Emmet Fox 470 (Sermon on the Mount)
Thomas Merton 510 (New Seeds of Contemplation)
Rudolf Steiner 365/475 (At different times)
Robert Monroe 510 (Journeys Out of the Body)
Father Pio 585 (Bilocator)
Richard M. Bucke, MD 505 (Cosmic Consciousness)
Raymond Moody 425 (Life After Life)
Nathaniel Brandon 420 (Breaking Free)
Ayn Rand 400+
CS Lewis 390
"Lightworkers" 215
Bunch of Eastern guys 200-300
Joseph Campbell 410
Christianmind.org 220 (Website)
Ashram of Enlightenment 205 (Guruji Grace Love)
Bernie Glassman Roshi 455
Krishnamurti, J. 480 (The Meditative Mind)
The Carnegie Endowment for Peace 355
New Age Shamanism 195
Fatalism 110
Secularism 195
Accidentalism 125
Mechanistic Reductionism 170
Atheism 185
Agnosticism 195
Dianetics 195
Madeline Murray 95 (Got prayer out of public schools)

  • Self-proclaimed Master Teacher 165 (of A Course In Miracles)

MUFON 155 (Mutual UFO Network)
OSHO (formerly Rajneesh) 90
Colonics 195
Anti-US Corporation Movement 195
Telephone Psychics 95
New Age Shamanism 195
Westminster Abbey 790
Chartres Cathedral 790
Cathedral of Notre Dame 790
Great Buddha of Kyoto 780
Taj Mahal 750
El Hambra 720
Basilica of St. Peter (Rome) 710
Chapel of the Holy Cross (Sedona) 565
Ganges River 560
Stonehenge 599
The Vatican 570
Pieta 590
Anghor Watt 550
Lourdes 510
Pyramids of Egypt 520
The Sphinx 520
Great Buddha 555 (Blown up in Afghanistan)
St. Patrick's Cathedral (NYC) 530
Cathedral of St. John the Divine(NYC) 530
Washington National Cathedral 530
Aranachula 500 (Ramana Maharshi)
Macchu Pichu 510
The Great Temple at Karnak 415
Crystal Cathedral (LA) 410
Llasa (Tibet) 320
Mecca 205
Medina 225
Mt. Everest 460
Relics of the Christian Saints 750
Shinto Shrine 650
Tibetan Buddhist Stupa (Sedona) 640
Relics of Buddha 905
Relics of St. Peter 910 (Basilica in Rome)
Shroud of Turin is true No
Crop circles due to extraterrestrials No
Crop circles are human product Yes
Area 51 in Nevada 201
Easter Island 70
Bethlehem 70 (Current)
Jerusalem 100 ( " )
The Holy Lands 70 ( " )
Israel 190 ( " )
Palestine 185 ( " )
Playground in Central Park (NYC) 400
US Court ruling "Under God" violates
1st Amendment No (185)
This last bit was on the tape. I couldn't quite figure out where to
put it (from my notes) but I wanted to be sure to include it.
-- Name and form are one
-- Wait three days before burial or cremation of the body after
physical death
-- A human can actually live on prana energy
-- There is a saint who lived in Germany strictly on prana energy
-- The consciousness level of a person is already set at birth
-- The exact time of "death," leaving the physical body, is
karmically set at birth

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