༺༻ | Behavior | Remark |
1. | Source is within, not without. | |
2. | Want what you have, instead of have what you want […] including your own existence. | All that it takes to be happy is the fact that you are. Be satisfied with the fact that you are. Be happy with what you have. |
3. | Happiness is an inner decision. | |
4. | Give up the ‘poor me’. | |
5. | Choose instead of crave, want, desire, or get. | Be willing to surrender to God. "Dear God I seem to be the victim of this insatiable craving. Please help me." |
6. | Surrender all cravings to God. | Love of God becomes all you want. Pray. |
7. | Joie de vivre is independent of events. | It is an attitude and a superior "style" of life. In human life, there is no winning or losing. Celebrate your own existence. Joy of life, helping others. |
8. | Is it the child, adult, or parent (in you) that wants? | Happiness = bubbling over and active child, integrated adult, and totally loving and accepting parent. DH: "When I was 12, my mom made me wear rubbers to school when it rained. This embarrassed me. I hid the rubbers in the shrubs on way to school and then put them on again on the way home. Happiness is hiding your rubbers in a shrub!" DH: "I went to internist, came home and the parent came up in Susan", "You didn't wear that undershirt with the hole in it, did you?!" |
9. | Differentiate actual from symbolic win or gain. | |
10. | Differentiate narcissistic ("rich and famous") from mature goals. | |
11. | Be pleased with the direction and alignment instead of just completion. | Be pleased with where you are, rather than "I'll be happy when I reach the goal." |
12. | Practical reality ⇔ fantasy and glamor of "success". | |
13. | Choose decision instead of just hope. | Write down your goals for this life. One goal: Be happy no matter what happens. Be pleased with the direction of life. Be uplifting to others or enlightenment – not how far along you are on the path because it’s anybody’s guess. Where you are is the result of your own decision, so you can‘t blame anyone. No matter which way you go, there are risks involved. Life is a sequence of roles. |
14. | Be flexible ⇔ rigid. | The reed bends with the current. |
15. | Cancel ‘...and then I’ll be happy.’ | |
16. | Let go of clutching and grasping. | |
17. | Clarify goals and ideals. | |
18. | Realize that all value is arbitrary. | |
19. | Happiness is a nap on a train or plane. | Being happy is fulfilling your human potential. |
20. | Live one day at a time. | If you don’t have a problem, get one so that you can join a 12 step group. They are happier than other people. |
21. | Happiness is a cat’s purr or a dog’s wagging tail. | |
22. | Differentiate faith ⇔ skepticism (narcissism). | The skeptic has faith in his skepticism. |
23. | Show gratitude for what you have and are. | |
24. | Differentiate nonattachment ⇔ craving. | Pick something you think you need for happiness and get detached from it. |
25. | Is the glass half full or half empty? | |
26. | Differentiate spiritual ⇔ material goals. | Searching for truth in all of its expressions is one of the most advanced states of consciousness. |
27. | Surrender to God’s will. | Spiritual wisdom evolves. For some people, shooting the enemy is God’s will. For others, God’s will is not shooting. |
28. | Allow the capacity to let go. | This capacity is infinite. It’s not that you can’t let go, but that you won’t. |
29. | Be pleased with progress. | |
30. | Avoid self-judgment. | Recognize the internalized parent, Freud’s super-ego, the inner judge. Have your inner child alive and well, and sometimes you have to sit on your inner child. DH: "My sister and I would go on street car. Mom had told us to stay in our seats. I was ‘good’ and she was ‘bad’ because she would be running up and down the aisle. For me happiness was being "good," for her happiness was being "bad." |
31. | "Good" ⇔ "Bad" are circumstantial. | |
32. | "Win" is provisional. | |
33. | Differentiate simplicity ⇔ complexity. | |
34. | Have realistic expectations of life, others, events. | In politics, don't judge the world by your values, don’t expect a lot! |
35. | Value is in the eye of the beholder. | |
36. | Give up your skepticism. | |
37. | Nurture a sense of humor. | |
38. | Accept karmic propensity. | It's not causality but likelihoods. |
39. | See essence rather than perception. | |
40. | Be jocular instead of morose. | |
41. | Show good will regarding all of life. | |
42. | Differentiate easy-going ⇔ rigid. | |
43. | Reduce your expectations. | |
44. | Be generous instead of stingy. | Generosity is an attitude, not money. Good will is noticed by all of life. |
45. | Modify your inner voice. | |
46. | Be gracious to self and others. | |
47. | Surrender the need to control. | DH: "My truck broke down on Cloverleaf in the middle of a strange place. A stranger came by to remove the tire, took it to be fixed, brought it back and put it back on. That was my good karma savings account." (Calibrated as true.) "There are angels in bodies." (Calibrated as true.) |
48. | Let go of desire for applause. | |
49. | Be glad instead of mad. | |
50. | Choose acceptance instead of resistance. | |
51. | Be generous instead of stingy. | |
52. | Be candid with self and others. Be honest. | |
53. | Silence the mind. | |
54. | Give up thinkingness. | Thinkingness is an energy field which can be transcended. Stop calling it ‘my’ mind. Everybody’s gotta speak their mind on TV, and they think that’s a step forward! Anybody can babble! I don’t care what the man on the street thinks, he learned it on TV yesterday. Narcissistic egotism. Knowingness comes about nonlinear. It is certainty. It emerges without thinking about it. |
55. | Be forgiving instead of vindictive. | Forgive. You don’t have to get even because karma is inevitable. |
56. | Work on inner traits instead of external ones. | |
57. | It only takes a bone to make a dog happy. | It's the small things of life! All it takes is a sip of soda, of espresso. |
58. | Sing, Don’t worry, be happy! in mind. | |
59. | Choose spiritual values and goals. | You feel inner gladness about the goodness of life. What’s the purpose of the world? It's here for YOU. This is not egocentric. Out of Divine intention, that which is here, is here for you. The essence of all that arises is Divinity expressing itself as a stage, as a wonderful wife, as these flowers, as the Kleenex, as the diet soda, espresso. |
60. | Choose spiritual friends and groups. | You serve all of mankind by becoming as spiritually evolved as you can be. |
61. | Go from complete to complete. | |
62. | Identify with Self rather than self. | Without the presence of God within you, you wouldn't exist. Self is my reality; self is only my temporary expression in this domain. |
63. | Accept limitations of humanness, which has the karma of protoplasm. | |
64. | Happiness is a decision and direction. | |
65. | Be reflective instead of impulsive. | |
66. | Be thoughtful rather than critical. | |
67. | Be content instead of complaining. | (i.e. with the weather, taxes) |
68. | Realize life is a learning curve. | |
69. | Pray. | Praying is not just a grade school exercise but the expression of what you've become, which is gracious. |
70. | Contemplate. | |
71. | Affirm 'God is my Source'. | |
72. | Sing an inner song. | Learn to hum to yourself without making any noise! |
73. | When feeling down, say to yourself, "Yours is the saddest story I’ve ever heard!" | |
74. | Insist on being miserable and gloomy. | "Oh well…." "Eeyore." |
75. | Make faces at yourself in the mirror. | This is a wonderful spiritual technique. The way to God is through giggles. |
76. | Be grateful for the gift of life. | Be all you can be to everyone all of the time. Reflect back to life its beauty. |
77. | Live one day at a time. | |
78. | Be your own best friend. | |
79. | Differentiate expansion ⇔ diminution of problems. | |
80. | Clarify __________ with______role. | |
81. | Do you play role of martyr? | |
82. | Do you play role of hero? | |
83. | Do you play role of victim? | |
84. | Do you play role of morally superior? | |
85. | Let go of being the injustice collector (martyr). | |
86. | Let go of being provocative. | |
87. | Stop pushing your luck. | |
88. | Avoid catastrophe. | |
69. | Don’t buy a home in the flood plain or on the edge of a mud cliff. | |
90. | Do not win the lottery. | |
91. | Don’t ski in an avalanche area. | |
92. | Give up self-importance. | |
93. | Obey the law – be polite to police. | |
94. | ⚡ Stop demonstrating. | |
95. | Give up saving the world. | |
96. | ⚡ Mind your own business. | |
97. | Give up being important. | |
98. | Improve yourself instead of others. | |
99. | ⚡ Pay your income taxes. | |
100. | Smile and the world smiles with you. | |
101. | Dedicate all actions to God. | |