
Wiki / Hoehlengleichnis

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Höhlengleichnis nach Platon



Stalagmit 'Brilliant',
Höhlen von Postojna, Slowenien


Platonische Erkenntnistheorie

Das Höhlengleichnis ist ein Modell der Platonischen Erkenntnistheorie, in der die Ideen im Bereich des nur Denkbaren das Wirkliche der Welt sind und die uns erscheinende Raumwelt nur Schattenbilder dieser Ideen darstellen.

Zitate zu Platons Höhlengleichnis / Plato's cave allegory

Zitate allgemein

  • Wenn nicht entweder die Philosophen Könige werden in den Städten oder die, die man heute Könige und Machthaber nennt, echte und gründliche Philosophen werden, so wird es mit dem Elend kein Ende haben, nicht für die Städte und auch nicht für das menschliche Geschlecht.
    Platon (427-347 v. Chr.) vorchristlicher altgriechischer Philosoph, Begründer der abendländischen Philosophie, Dialog Politeia [Der Staat], Stephanus 473 b-e, ~370 v. Chr., Karl Vretska, Platon. Der Staat, S. 240, Reclam, Stuttgart, 2004


  • Platons Vergleich des menschlichen Daseins mit dem Aufenthalt in einer unterirdischen Behausung. Gefesselt, mit dem Rücken gegen den Höhleneingang, erblickt der Mensch nur die Schatten der Dinge, die er für die alleinige Wirklichkeit hält. Löste man seine Fesseln und führte ihn aus der Höhle in die lichte Welt mit ihren wirklichen Dingen, so würden ihm zuerst die Augen wehtun, und er würde seine Schattenwelt für wahr, die wahre Welt für unwirklich halten. Erst all-
    mählich, Schritt für Schritt, würde er sich an die Wahrheit gewöhnen. Kehrte er aber in die Höhle zurück, um die ande-
    ren Menschen aus ihrer Haft zu befreien und von ihrem Wahn zu erlösen, so würden sie ihm nicht glauben, ihm heftig zürnen und ihn vielleicht sogar töten. Heinrich Schmidt (1874-1935) deutscher Philosoph, Archivar, Philosophisches Wörter-
    , 19. Auflage 1943, S. 276, Kröner Verlag Stuttgart, 1978, 23. vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage 2009

General quotes

  • The prisoners are, indeed, not dumb when it comes to shadows on the wall. They observe them closely, and some of them are quite impressive in recognizing and predicting the sequences in which the shadows appear, and they are awarded honors and prizes by their fellow-prisoners. The fact that the objects of their observation are only shadows, and not real things, naturally does not bother them. And if the returning ex-prisoner had to compete with the cave dwel-
    lers in the observation of shadows, everyone in the cave would think that the ex-prisoner had ruined his eyesight, and that going outside the cave is a waste. So hostile are the troglodytes to the idea of leaving the cave, in fact, that they would eagerly kill anyone who tried to lead them out into the light.
    Article Plato. The Failure of Democracy, presented by the wordpress blogspot ibnufatih, Ibnu Fatih, 16. December 2009

Englische Texte – English section on Allegory of the cave

Plato's allegory of the cave

  • Like in Plato's allegory of the cave most people are distracted by the shadows on the wall, mesmerized and hypno-
    tized, taking reality for illusion and illusion for reality. Many defenses usually come up when someone can see the decep-
    tion and points to the exit of the cave, trying to show the distraction by illusion. It's where psychology and mind control come in, for the mind controlled victims (as is most of society) don’t know that they are mind controlled and hypnotized.
Representation of the allegory of the cave
Unable to SEE, they tend to deny facts and informa-
tion, no matter how others may point them out and ring
the alarm clock. They may even attack, ridicule, and
shame whistleblowers for daring to question their limi-
ted reality box. Looking at the world as it is and facing objective reality that goes contrary to our ingrained be-
liefs can literally cause physical discomfort.
There are various unconscious psychological mecha-
nisms that keep people in an hypnotized state because
truth and objective reality is too much too handle. The
most common one is cognitive dissonance. Most
people seek consistency in their beliefs and percep-
tions. When presented with facts or information that contradicts one's long-held beliefs that make up part of who one thinks they are, can create physical discomfort in one's body. This results in rejecting information because of the emotional trigger one experiences notwithstanding whether the information is true or not. It's a mechanical and unconscious reaction which shuts down people's ability to reason and think clearly when confronted with information that conflicts with their beliefs. […] In the extreme case, a person suffering from cognitive dissonance will verbally or physically attack the other person who is challenging his/her beliefs. Rational discus-
sion based on the information at hand is impossible if we don’t check ourselves how cognitive dissonance keeps us form staying objective.


Inspired by: ► Bernhard Guenther, German US American video maker, blogger, essayist, Facebook comment
See also: ► Cognitive dissonance


Suggestion by Damon M. Heneger comparing the image of Plato's Cave with the chakras
1.Chakra 1Being conscious of sitting in the chair and of the shadows
2.Chakra 2Being sexually aroused by the shadows
3.Chakra 3Wanting one shadow to win over another shadow
4.Chakra 4Becoming aware that you are chained to a chair and are looking at shadows, not reality.
Being aware that a light casts the shadows, trying to guess what the light intends by the various images.
5.Chakra 5Ignoring the shadows entirely and focusing only on the light.
The chains are beginning to loosen.
6.Chakra 6Free of one's chains, standing up, walking back to look at the fire and watch the puppeteers at work. Extensive insight
7.Chakra 7Leaving the cave altogether. This is becoming one with unity and non-dual.


Links zum Thema Platons Höhlengleichnis / Plato's cave allegory


  • Platon (427-347 v. Chr.) vorchristlicher altgriechischer Philosoph, Begründer der abendländischen Philosophie, Politeia, Der Staat, 370 v. Chr., Leipzig 1988
  • Heinrich Schmidt (1874-1935) deutscher Philosoph, Archivar, Philosophisches Wörterbuch, 19. Auflage 1943, 1978, Kröner Verlag Stuttgart, 23. vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage 2009
  • Peter Kunzmann, Franz-Peter Burkard, Franz Wiedmann, dtv-Atlas. Philosophie, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), Oberhausen, 1991, Taschenbuch Oktober 2011

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