Links zum Frauenliteratur / Women's writing in English
- Esther Beutz, deutsche Fotografin, Autorin, Hagazussa. Auf dem Zaun zwischen den Welten, Arun, 1. Januar 2000
- Jutta Voss (*1942) österreichische evangelische Theologin, ehemalige Pfarrerin, Autorin, Das Schwarzmond-Tabu. Die kul-
turelle Bedeutung des weiblichen Zyklus, Kreuz Verlag, 1. Januar 2001
- Herausgeberinnen: Dr. Vanessa Conin-Ohnsorge, Suzanne Grieger-Langer, (*1972) deutsche Diplom-Pädagogin, therapeutische Führungskraftrainerin, Profilerin, Dozentin, Sachbuchautorin, Dr. Angelika Weinländer-Mölders,
21 Erfolgsfrauen. 21 Karriereformeln, Profiler's Publishing, 1. März 2016
- Beatrix Langner (*1950) deutsche Literaturkritikerin, Autorin, Die 7 größten Irrtümer über Frauen, die denken, Matthes & Seitz, Berlin, Erstausgabe 9. Januar 2017
Die Top-Molekulargenetikerin Rosalind Franklin entdeckte vor James Watson die DNS. Er hat ihre Entdeckung gestohlen und bekam dafür – nach ihrem Tod – den Nobelpreis.
Literature (engl.) – Leonard Shlain
Book recommendations – Anne Baring
Author | Book title | Publisher/s | Issuing date |
Richard Bucke | Cosmic Consciousness | E. P. Dutton, New York | 1901, 1923 |
Carl Gustav Jung | Collected Works, in general The Undiscovered Self Man And His Symbols | Signet Dell | various 1957, 2006 1968 |
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin M.J. Ryan, editor | Activation of Energy The Fabric of the Future. Women Visionaries of Today Illuminate the Path to Tomorrow | Collins, London Conari Press, California | 1970 1998 |
Erich Fromm | The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness | Penguin Books, London | 1977 |
Warren Kenton | The Work of the Kabbalist | Samuel Weiser, Maine | 1982 |
Stanislav Grof | Beyond the Brain, Birth, Death and Transcendence in Psychotherapy The Cosmic Game. Explorations in the Frontiers of Human Consciousness | State University of New York Press Gill & Macmillan, State University of New York Press | 1985 1998 |
Sam Keen, Ph.D. | Faces of the Enemy. Reflections of the Hostile Imagination | Harper & Row, San Francisco | 1986 |
Roger Woolger | Other Lives, Other Selves | HarperCollins | 1987 |
Philip Sherrard | The Rape of Man and Nature | Golgonooza Press, Ipswich, Suffolk | 1987 |
Thomas Berry | The Dream of the Earth The Great Work Evening Thoughts | Sierra Club Books, San Francisco Bell Tower, New York Sierra Club Books | 1988 1999 2006 |
Warren Kenton | A Kabbalistic Universe | Gateway Books, Bath | 1988, 1992 |
Mircea Eliade | Shamanism | Penguin Books, London | 1989 |
William Anderson | Green Man | HarperCollins, London Harper, SanFrancisco | 1990 1990 |
Sri Aurobindo | The Life Divine | Lotus Light Publications, Wilmot, Wisconsin | 1990 |
Richard Tarnas | The Passion of the Western Mind | Ballantine Books, New York | 1991, 1993 |
Pitirim Sorokin | The Crisis of Our Age | Oneworld Publications, Oxford | 1992 |
Brian Swimme (Thomas Berry) | The Universe Story The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos | Harper, San Francisco Orbis Books, New York | 1992 1999 |
Angela Tilby | Science and the Soul. New Cosmology, the Self and God | SPCK Publishing, London | 1992 |
Rupert Sheldrake | The Rebirth of Nature. New Science and the Revival of Animism | Rider, London | 1993 |
Felicity de Zulueta | From Pain to Violence. The Traumatic Roots of Destructiveness | Whurr Publishers, London | 1993 |
John E. Nelson | Healing the Split. Integrating Spirit Into Our Understanding of the Mentally | State University of New York Press | 1994 |
Patrick Harpur | Daemonic Reality | Viking Arkana | 1994 1995 |
Amit Goswami | The Self-Aware Universe | Tarcher/Putnam, New York | 1995 |
Neile Donald Walsch | Conversations with God, Volumes 1-4 | Hampton Road Publishing Company, Charlottesville, Virginia | 1995 |
⚡ Ken Wilber | A Brief History of Everything A Theory of Everything | Gill & Macmillan Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado | 1996 2000 |
Andrew Harvey | Light Upon Light. Inspirations from Rumi The Essential Mystics The Direct Path The Son of Man, The Mystical Path to Christ | North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California Harper, San Francisco Rider, London and New York Tarcher/Putnam, New York | 1996 1996 2000 1998 |
David Abram | The Spell of the Sensuous | Vintage Books (Random House), New York | 1996 |
William Anderson | The Face of Glory | Bloomsbury, London | 1996 |
Fritjof Capra | The Web of Life The Hidden Connections | HarperCollins Doubleday, New York | 1996 2002 |
Ervin Laszlo | ☛ The Whispering Pond. A Personal Guide to the Emerging Vision of Science ☛ Macroshift ☛ The Connectivity Hypothesis. Foundations of an Integral Science of Quantum, Cosmos, Life and Consciousness ☛ Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos ☛ The Chaos Point | Element Books, Rockport, Massachussetts Berret-Koehler Suny Press, New York Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Newburyport, Massachusetts Inner Traditions, Vermont Piatkus, London | 1996 2001 2003 2006 2006 |
Linda Lear, Rachel Carson | Witness for Nature | Penguin Books, London and New York | 1997 |
Deborah Cadbury | The Feminization of Nature | Penguin Books, London | 1997 |
Diarmuid Murchu | Reclaiming Spirituality | Gateway, Dublin | 1997 |
Rabbi David Cooper | God is a Verb. Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism | Riverhead Books, New York | 1997 |
Dianne Skafte | When Oracles Speak | Thorsons, London | 1997 |
Joseph Campbell | The Power of Myth | Doubleday, New York | 1998 |
David Lorimer, editor | The Spirit of Science. From Experiment to Experience | Floris Books, Edinburgh, 1998 |
Nancy Ryley | The Forsaken Garden | Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois | 1998 |
John Weir Perry | Trials of the Visionary Mind. Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process | State University of New York Press | 1999 |
Roy Gutman, editor, David Rieff, editor | Crimes of War. What the Public Should Know | W. W. Norton & Company, London and New York | 1999 |
Moyra Bremner | GE. Genetic Engineering and You | HarperCollins | 1999 |
Edward Edinger (Deborah A. Wesley, editor) | The Psyche in Antiquity Archetype of the Apocalypse | Book Two, Inner City Books, Toronto Open Court, Chicago | 1999 1999 |
Stephen A. Erickson | The (Coming) Age of Thresholding | Kluwer Academic Publishers, Leiden | 1999 |
Christopher Bache | Dark Night. Early Dawn | State University of New York Press | 2000 |
Rosalie Bertell | Planet Earth the Latest Weapon of War | The Women's Press, London | 2000 |
Michael Burleigh | The Third Reich. A New History | Macmillan Publishers, London | 2000 |
Deepak Chopra | How to Know God | Harmony Books, New York | 2000 |
Amit Goswami | The Visionary Window. A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment | Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois | 2000 |
Claire Dunne | Carl Jung. Wounded Healer of the Soul | Parabola Books, New York City, New York | 2000 |
James Gilligan | Violence. Reflections on Our Deadliest Epidemic | G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London | 1996 2000 |
Danah Zohar, Ian Marshall | SQ. Spiritual Intelligence, the Ultimate Intelligence | Bloomsbury, London | 2000 |
Jeffrey Raff | Jung and the Alchemical Imagination | Nicolas-Hays, Yorkbeach, Maine | 2000 |
Susanne Schaup | Sophia. Aspects of the Divine Feminine Past and Present | Nicolas-Hays, Yorkbeach, Maine | 2000 |
Huston Smith | Cleansing the Doors of Perception | Tarcher/Putnam, New York | 2000 |
Veronica Goodchild | Eros and Chaos. The Sacred Mysteries and Dark Shadows of Love | Nicolas-Hays, Yorkbeach, Maine | 2001 |
Lindsay Clarke | Parzival and the Stone from Heaven | Thorsons, London | 2001 |
Christopher R. Browning | Ordinary Men. Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland | Penguin Books, London and New York | 2001 |
Peter Kingsley | In the Dark Places of Wisdom | Golden Sufi Center Publishing, Inverness, California Duckworth & Company, United Kingdom | 1999 2001 |
Lynne McTaggart | The Field. The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe | HarperCollins, London Element, paperback | 2001 2003 |
Alice Miller | The Truth Will Set You Free | Perseus Press | 2001 |
Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg, William J. Broad | Germs. Biological Weapons and America's Secret War | Simon & Schuster, New York | 2001 |
John Gray | Straw Dogs. Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals Black Mass. Apocalypse and the Death of Utopia | Granta Books, London Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York | 2002 2007 |
Jules Cashford | The Moon. Myth and Image | Cassell, London | 2002 |
Chris Hedges | War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning | Anchor Books, New York | 2002 |
Christian de Quincey | Radical Nature | Invisible Cities Press, Vermont | 2002 |
Patrick Harpur | The Philosophers' Secret Fire. A History of the Imgination | Penguin Books, London | 2002 |
Ravi Ravindra, Ph.D. | Science and the Sacred | Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois | 2002 |
Martin Rees | Our Final Century | William Heineman, The Random House Group, London | 2003 |
Elaine Pagels | Beyond Belief. The Secret Gospel of Thomas | Random House, New York | 2003 |
David Lorimer, editor | Radical Prince | Floris Books, Edinburgh | 2003 |
Marilyn French | From Eve to Dawn. A History of Women | McArthur & Company, Toronto | 2003 |
Peter Kingsley | Reality | Golden Sufi Center Publishing, California | 2003 |
Betty J. Kovacs | The Miracle of Death | The Kamlak Center, Claremont, California | 2003 |
Tzvetan Todorov | Hope and Memory. Reflections on the Twentieth Century | Atlantic Books, London | 2003 |
Janine de Giovanni | Madness Visible. A Memoir of War | Bloomsbury, London | 2004 |
Chalmers Johnson | The Sorrows of Empire. Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic | Henry Holt & Company, New York | 2004 |
Mary Midgley | The Myths We Live By | Routledge, London | 2004 |
Tom Cheetham | Green Man, Earth Angel. The Prophetic Tradition and the Battle for the Soul of the World | Suny Press, New York | 2005 |
Edward Tick | War and the Soul | Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois | 2005 |
Caroline Moorehead | Human Cargo. A Journey Among Refugees | Chatto & Windus, London | 2005 |
Richard Tarnas | Cosmos and Psyche | Viking, New York | 2006 |
Jack Holland | A Brief History of Misogyny | Constable & Robinson, London | 2006 |
Chalmers Johnson | Nemesis. The Last Days of the American Republic | Metropolitan Books | 2006 2008 |
Iain McGilchrist | The Master and His Emissary. The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World | Yale University Press | 2009 |
Externe Weblinks
Linklose Artikel
- Artikel Wo sind die Frauen?, Teil 1, präsentiert von dem Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung?", Elizabeth Debold, Ausgabe 17, 2005
Thema: Stand des Feminimus – Der Trend, sich in Sicherheit, Sex, gute-Mädchen-Mentalität, böse-Mädchen-Mentalität zurückzuziehen, wurde noch nicht gebrochen durch spirit-mutige Frauen.
External web links (engl.)
Audio- und Videolinks
- Video Fernseh-Dokumentarfilm von Dr. Andrea Taschl-Erber, österreichische Bibelwissenschaftlerin, Jacqueline Straub, katho-
lische Theologiestudentin, Jesus und die verschwundenen Frauen, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF, Sendetermin 1. April 2013, YouTube Film, 43:31 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. April 2014
Die vier "ignorierten" Frauen Maria Magdalena, Lydia, Junia und Phöbe sind die ignorierten Säulen des Christentums. Sie sind aus der von Männern dominierten Kirche verschwunden und in Vergessenheit geraten.
Audio and video links (engl.)
- DVD documentary featuring Marija Gimbutas (1921-1994) Lithuanian US American archeologist, researcher of the Neolithic
and Bronze Age cultures of "Old Europe", figure head of the socalled Goddess movement, Signs out of time. The story of archeologist Marija Gimbutas, Belili, 2003, YouTube film, 1:01:02 duration, posted 30. March 2016
- Video documentary featuring Marion Woodman (1928-2018) Canadian Jungian analyst, women's movement figure, mythopoe-
tic author, Dancing in the Flames, interviewed by Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, presented by the FilmFestival TV Culture Unplugged, directed by Adam Reid, produced by Robin Crumley, 83:04 minutes duration, produced 2009
- Video interview with Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, former senior editor of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / Enlightennext, author, Big Think Interview With Elizabeth Debold – Why Women Are Sad?, presented by the web portal Big Think, 15:38 minutes duration,
aired 6. November 2009
- Video presentation by Vicki Noble (*1947) US American feminist historian, wisdom teacher, shamanic healer, author, Scientific Underpinnings of Matriarchal Social Organization and Gift Economy Behaviors, YouTube film, 11:10 minutes duration, posted
10. May 2012
Audio and video links (engl.) – Anne Baring
Audios and videos by Anne Baring (1931-2020) British historian, Jungian psychoanalyst, feminist author
Type | Offering | Title ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location | Duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview series – 7 DVDs | The Dream of the Cosmos. An Interview with Anne Baring, hosted by Betty J. Kovacs, Ph.D., US American professor emerita of comparative literature and theory of symbolic language, Pasadena City College, author, directed by Kimberly Saavedra | 345 minutes duration | Amazon release, 12. April 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview Part 1 | Journey to Discover Soul / Myth of the Goddess | 41:36 minutes | 27. September 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview Part 2 | Feminine Archetype / Lunar Mythology | 49:53 minutes | 1. October 2011 |
Lunar culture: Time and eternity were one, visibility and invisibilty were one. 96% of the universe are invisible to humans who tend to call this portion non-existent. Minute 15:00 |
YouTube video | Interview Part 3 | Battle between Good and Evil / Solar Mythology from "The Dream of the Cosmos" | 52:48 minutes | 10. October 2011 |
The domination mode emerged from the inner split of the psyche. It produced the powerful violent male warrior archetype wired to competition. The less violent scribe archetypes became priest/PATER archetypes as well. Minute 17:40 |
YouTube video | Interview Part 4 | The Tragic Split in the Western Psyche | 41:39 minutes | 12. October 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview Part 5 | The Matrix and the Split | 45:56 minutes | 13. October 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview Part 6 | The Effects of Solar Mythology | 52:59 minutes | 14. October 2011 |
"The ego is absolutely vital in this work [of integrative transformation]. It is not something to be overcome and got rid of. The ego and individualityis fine once it knows that it has this relationship with the whole, that it's not out for itself, that it isn't serving itself." Minute 20:56 |
YouTube video | Interview Part 7 | Soul Power / Healing the Split | 56:33 minutes | 15. October 2011 |
"Armageddon is not the end of the world but it's the end of the old values [the old myth of aggression and violence]." Minute 27:10 |
YouTube video | Interview Conversation | "A New Vision of Reality", host Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author | 1:09:31 | 18. December 2013 |
► Reference: Baring's book The Dream of the Cosmos, Archive Publishing, 16. May 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | Anne Baring – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator | 2:13:59 | 15. April 2018 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Riane Eisler
Audios and videos by Riane Eisler, Ph.D., J.D. (*1931) Austrian-born US American scholar, cultural historian, systems scientist, partnership researcher, activist, attorney, educator, writer
Type | Offering | Title ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location | Duration | Release date |
Video | Keynote address | Empowering Women and Building a Better World, sponsored by Civil Society Development Forum, Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO)'s Women’s Human Rights and Development: Inclusion, Participation, and Equality, New York, presented by Blip.TV Link deleted | 22 minutes | 4. May 2010 |
YouTube video | Interview | Recreating Our Past, Recreating Our Future, excerpted from DVD, independent public television series Thinking Allowed (PBS) (1988-2002), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., Intuition Network, program dean of the University of Philosophical Research | 12:00 minutes | 22. August 2010 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Domination, Gender and Fear, presented by the non-commercial US American satellite television network Link TV, Global Spirit program "ONENESS: The Big Picture" | 2:16 minutes | 23. April 2010 |
Deleted Vimeo video | Keynote address | From Domination to Partnership. Transforming Education and Society, presented at 8th annual AERO conference Transforming Education & Our World, Portland, Oregon | 62:37 minutes | Recorded 4-7 August 2011 Posted 21. August 2011 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Carol Gilligan
Audios and videos by Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist ( community, relationships), writer
Type | Offering | Title ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location | Duration | Release date |
Video | Lecture | Voice and Relationship. Rethinking the Foundations of Ethics, presented by University of San Diego, San Diego, California Ethics across the curriculum | Link deleted | 30. January 1997 |
Video | Interview | Women and Moral Development and other topics, presented by the US American web portal Big Think – List of subtitles | 6:29 minutes | 27. February 2009 |
Video | Presentation and Q&A | Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance, sponsored by The Dalai Lama Center For Ethics and Transformative Values MIT World | 1:10:34 | Recorded 24. April 2009 Posted 23. December 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview | Girls' rights in the spotlight as key to development, sponsored by UNICEF, 3-day seminar Adolescent Girls Cornerstone of Society, New York City | 3:44 minutes | Recorded 26. April 2010 Posted 27. April 2010 |
Audio radio podcast | Interview | "In a Different Voice and After" with Carol Gilligan, presented by the US American Public Radio Exchange (PRX), series "Why? Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life" | 52:57 minutes | Recorded at WHY? 13. February 2011 Remixed 25. February 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview | PFV Interview with Carol Gilligan: Changing the voice of the conversation, presented by PFV Full transcript | 9:41 minutes | 12. November 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview series Playlist | Dr. Carol Gilligan, presented by the psychology channel PsychAlive Part 1 – Writing "The Birth of Pleasure" Part 2 – Why Women Find it Diffiicult to Attach to Pleasure Part 3 – Cultural Stereotypes of Men and Women Part 4 – Women's Adaptation to Living in Our Patriarchal Society Part 5 – Defining Feminism and Patriarchy Part 6 – Our Human Capacity for Emotional Honesty | Minutes 2:46 2:15 2:48 2:13 5:23 1:31 | 5. April 2013 |
Book Review The Birth of Pleasure: A New Map of Love, presented by, S. 63-64, Marilyn N. Metzl, Winter 2004 |
MAKERS Video | Interview series | Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) Male bias in psychology and her seminal book "A Different Voice" | | Undated |
Groundbreaking Psychologist: "I discovered that all these theorists Freud, Ericsson, Piaget [and Lawrence Kohlberg] and all their followers were proceeding on the assumption that man is the measure of humans." Minute 0:22 Moments Where Girls Fall: "The neuroscientists find that our nervous systems are wired to connect thought and emotion." Minute 00:39 Validated by Neuroscience: "We have naturalized trauma and called it development." Minute 1:39 |
YouTube video | Presentation | FemSalon: Carol Gilligan, presented at FemSalon, sponsored by | 2:07 minutes | 16. April 2013 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Leonard Shlain
Type | Offering | Title ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location | Duration | Release date |
Audio MP3 | Interview | Sex, Time and Power, presented by the US American web radio "", host Mike McCormick | 33:13 minutes | 25. September 2003 |
Audio | Interview | Leonard Shlain Interview, University of Toronto’s CIUT, presented by the US American web radio station "Massive Change", host Jennifer Leonard Link deleted | 54:24 minutes | 7. October 2003 |
Audio | Deleted interview | The Role of Women in Evolution, presented by the US American radio station Wisconsin Public Radio "To the best of Our Knowledge", executive producer and host Steve Paulson | 9:41 minutes | 9. May 2004 |
Ancestral women discovered time when they made the connection between sex, birth and the moon cycles. |
"Eve did not commit original sin. Eve excercised original choice. And the stimulus for her to figure out the connection between sex and pregnancy was the threat of maternal mortality rather than that being the punishment." Minute 9:11 |
YouTube video | Presentation | The Alphabet vs. The Goddess, sponsored by Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, The Distinguished Lecture Series | 1:15:13 duration | Recorded November 2006 Posted 1. November 2012 N/A |
Buddha, Socrates, and Jesus delivered feminine right-brained oral teachings. Minutes 37:43 |
Masculine creeds evolved with the written word in an alphabet. The first two Commandments of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament [first book issued 900 BC] reject the influence of the Goddess (right brain, Yin) and ban any form of representative art. Women were forbidden to be priestesses in the 3rd millennium when the New Testament was transcribed. Since the introduction of photography and TV [emitting/inducing alpha and theta brain waves] we witness the rise of the feminine and the decline of the male (left brain, Yang) dominance after 5,000 years of patriarchy. |
Evolution of female sexuality and its relationship to both the human brain and size of our pelvis, the difference between Western and Eastern notions of time, and the difference between our current visual culture and previous text-based cultures. |
Audio podcast | Interview | Parallel Visions of Art and Physics Über Wissenschaft und Kunst, episode #137, presented by the US American web radio station The Omni Art Salon. Conversations in Consciousness, host Jeffrey Milburn | 52:16 minutes | 17. March 2008 |
Audio | Deleted interview | The Relationship Between Art and Physics, presented by the Changemakers Radio, female host | 25:56 minutes | ~2008 |
YouTube video | Interview | Conversations With History (Series), Show ID: 15887, produced by University of California Television (UCTV), presented by web series Conversations with History via the satellite television channel University of California Television (UCTV), UC Santa Barbara, host Harry Kreisler, US American historian, Institute of International Studies, March 2009 | 59:13 minutes | Recorded 18. December 2008 Posted 16. March 2009 |
On the roots of creativity, differences between male and female perspectives, conclusions on the future |
YouTube video | Interview | Imagery and the Alphabet, excerpted from a 1 hour DVD, Thinking Allowed (PBS) (1988-2002), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., Intuition Network, program dean of the University of Philosophical Research | 7:00 minutes | 31. August 2010 |
Audio Apple podcast | Interview | Sex, Time and Power, presented by the US American web radio station KBOO, Portland, program Pathways Radio, host Paul O'Brien | 28:09 minutes | 19. October 2010 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Sex, Time and Power | 49:48 minutes | 1. November 2012 |
Emergence of Homo sapiens: Due to profound alterations in female sexuality the big-brained Homo sapiens suddenly emerged 150,000 years ago. |
YouTube video | Presentation | Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time & Light, presented by the Tiffany Shlain & Let It Ripple Film Studio | 54:04 minutes | 1. November 2012 |
The recurring pattern of the classical era, medieval era, Renaissance and modern times is: First the visionary artist sees the world in a new way followed by a new paradigmal discovery of a revolutionary physicist. |
YouTube video | Presentation | "The Big O", delivered in Hawaii | 53:56 minutes | 1. November 2012 |
Women want iron to cover their menstrual blood loss – Humans spent 99% of their experience as hunters/gatherers (tribes consisted of 150-225 persons; hunting parties consisted of 9-12 men in their prime) – Female Orgasm – G-Spot as the antedote to birth pain – Humans exhibit the most expressive homosexuality for an extra supply of aunts and uncles to help raising children in a village – Youth, health and beauty [subcutaneous fat, pheromenes] most attracts men to women. |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem
Audios and videos by Gloria Steinem (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer
Type | Offering | Title ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location | Duration | Release date |
Radio audio | Lecture | If Women Mattered, Hour 1 If Women Mattered, Hour 2 presented by Speaker's Forum, host Sarah Lerner, recorded by, Seattle, WA | Minutes H1: 53:00 H2: 53:00 | Recorded 8. March 2006 Posted 5. April 2006 |
Video | Presentation | The Future of Feminism, presented at The Power of Women's Voices Conference for the 65th Anniversary of the Sophia Smith Collection Women's History Archive, sponsored by Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts | 54:32 minutes | 28. September 2007 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Gloria Steinem Speaks at Tulane, sponsored by Newcomb College Institute, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 2nd wave of gender equality: from identity to equality | 45:56 minutes | 7. March 2008 |
YouTube video | Interview | A Woman's World?, presented by the US American TV station CBS News, host Katie Couric (*1957) US American talk show host, anchor journalist, author | 41:03 minutes | 22. June 2010 |
Vimeo video | Presentation | Perspectives on Equality and Community – Common Hour, sponsored by the Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania | 53:54 minutes | Recorded 9. September 2010 Posted 10. September 2010 |
YouTube documentary film | Outtake | What's New is Old, presented by Miss Representation, 2011, written, directed, and produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom | 1:57 minutes | 15. August 2011 |
Audio radio podcast | Interview | Rape as a Weapon, presented by the US American station PBS, archived at Public Radio Exchange (PRX) program "Women, War & Peace", host Amy Costello | 8:01 minutes | 16. August 2011 |
Video | TV interview | Feminist Activists Voice Concerns About DSK Dismissed Charges, presented by NY1 Online Video link deleted | 8:59 minutes | 24. August 2011 |
Vimeo video | Presentation | When Women Are People… and Corporations Are Not: Why the First Inequality Will Also Be the Last, presented by Bioneers Live, host Nina Simons, Bioneers Conference 2011, San Rafael, CA | 35:27 minutes | Recorded 14. October 2011 Posted 10. November 2011 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | Women and the Financial Crisis, presented by the pay television network Bloomberg Television, host Stephanie Ruhle | 3:59 minutes | 8. November 2011 |
YouTube video | Keynote speech | 2012 Polly Wheeler Guth '44 Leader in Residence, presented by girl's school Chatham Hall, Virginia | 1:21:48 | Recorded 17. January 2012 Posted 19. April 2012 |
Video | Presentation | Female Authority Is Still Associated with Childhood, sponsored by Women In The World Conference, New York City, presented by the US American news and opinion website The Daily Beast, Leslie Bennetts, New York City | | Recorded 8-10 March 2012 Posted 9. March 2012 |
YouTube video | Keynote speech | Gloria Steinem's Top Ten Fearbusters, presented at Pennsylvania Conference for Women, 2011 | 33:06 minutes | 6. March 2012 |
YouTube video | Presentation | An Evening with Gloria Steinem – Prevailing barriers to equality, sponsored by Vassar Chapel, Poughkeepsie, New York | 44:51 minutes | Recorded 19. September 2012 Posted 28. September 2012 |
YouTube video | Keynote address | University of Idaho Women's Center 40th Anniversary Celebration, sponsored by University of Idaho Women's Center 40th Anniversary Celebration, Moscow, Idaho "Empathy is the most revolutionary emotion." Minute 55:50 | 1:32:14 | Recorded 4. October 2012 Posted 5. October 2012 |
YouTube vdeo | TV interview | Gloria Steinem & the 2012 Women's Media Awards!, event hosted by Anne Hathaway (*1982) US American actress, presented by the US American TV show Fox5 Good Day NY | 6:11 minutes | Recorded 13. November 2012 Posted 15. November 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | Gloria Steinem Visits BG, sponsored by Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 24. September 2012 presented by the US American TV station 13abc, host C. Williams | 2:36 minutes | 17. February 2013 |
Video | TV interview | Gloria Steinem: Feminist cause is 'more' urgent today, presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC News, program HARDtalk, host Stephen Sackur, London, GB | 3:00 minutes | 26. February 2013 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Feminization of Poverty Revisited, sponsored by National Association of Social Workers, event "The Longest Revolution", Washington D.C. | 33:37 minutes | Recorded 20. March 2013 Posted 9. April 2013 |
YouTube video | Commencement speech | Gloria Steinem: The F Word: Feminism Today, sponsored by Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts | 1:42:12 | Recorded 22. March 2013 Posted 22. April 2013 |
Vimeo video Video topic clip | Keynote address on rape culture | Trafficking Sex: Politics, Policy, Personhood via Women's Empowerment, presented at two-day symposium Human Trafficking: Perspectives & Activism, sponsored by the Global Studies Center, Meridians, The Program for the Study of Woman and Gender, The Project for Women and Social Change, Afro-American Studies Department, and the Office of the Provost, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts | 29:42 minutes 00:57 minutes | Recorded 18. April 2013 Posted 19. April 2013 |