
Wiki / Evolution








Text der Genesis auf einer Eierschale


Sow a thought and you reap an action;
sow an act and you reap a habit;
sow a habit and you reap a character;
sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Saying, 19th century


Wortherkunft von Evolution


Spiral Dynamics Bewusstseinsskala – Ken Wilber (Terminologie / Farbgebung)

Spiral Dynamics Bewusstseinsskala
Vom Ersten Tier zum Zweiten Tier
Vom Mangelbewusstsein zum Ganzheitsbewusstsein
ERSTES TIER Kontext der Getrenntheit Überleben Dualität Bedürftigkeit/Knappheit
Stadium der EntwicklungFokus / OrientierungBeschreibung
1. Infrarot
v. Chr.
Jäger und Sammler
Archaisch-instinktiv unwillkürlich-reflexhafte ÜberlebensorientierungDer Selbstausdruck dient den zwingenden körperlichen Überlebensbedürfnissen des instinkt-gesteuerten Homo sapiens. 1. Tier
2. Magenta
v. Chr.
Kleinkind vor dem
3. Lebensjahr
Familie Sippe
Magisch-animistisch tribalistische GruppenordnungDer zwingend vorausgesetzte Selbstausdruck ist, sich den Ältestenführern und Sitten zu unterwerfen. 1. Tier
3. Rot7000
v. Chr.
3.-4. Lebensjahr
EGOZENTRISCH egoistisch-ausbeutend, Zwangsmacht Götter-GewaltherrschaftImpulsiv-reaktiver Selbstausdruck zur Erfüllung eigener Wünsche
jenseits von Schuld- und Schamgefühl
1. Tier
4. Bernstein
v. Chr.
Kindheit bis zur Pubertät
Gesellschaftliche Ordnung
Früher Nationalstaat
SOZIOZENTRISCH mythisch-absolutistisch zweckbestimmt-autoritäre Gehorsamkeits-OrdnungSelbstaufopfernder zweckbestimmter Gehorsam gegenüber rechtmäßigen Autoritätsfiguren zugunsten von Vergünstigungen 1. Tier
5. Orange1000
n. Chr.

(600 n. Chr. nach Graves / Calhoun)
Junger Erwachsener
18.-25. Lebensjahr
WELTZENTRISCH rational leistungsorientiert wissenschaftlich-strategischKalkulierter Selbstausdruck, um Ziele zu erreichen, ohne den Zorn einflussreicher Menschen auf sich zu ziehen 1. Tier
6. Gruen1850 n. Chr.
nachdrücklich seit Beginn des 20. Jhts.
Erwachsener bis zur Midlife-Crisis
Gesellschaftlicher Konstruktivismus
WELTZENTRISCH pluralistisch-komplex relativistisch-personalistisch gemeinschaftsorientiert-ebenbürtig-partnerschaftlichHintanstellung von Eigeninteressen zugunsten von Akzeptanz und Gruppenharmonie 1. Tier
ZWEITES TIER Monumentaler Sinnsprung Kontext der Interverbundenheit Nichtlineare Seinserfahrung
Stadium der EntwicklungFokus / OrientierungBeschreibung
7. Blaugrün
ab 40. Lebensjahr
Integrale Wahrnehmung
WELTZENTRISCH bis KOSMOZENTRISCH systemisch-integrativAchtsamer Selbstausdruck, der anderen möglichst nicht schadet und nicht nur dem eigenen Leben dient. 2. Tier

2010: 4-5%
der Menschheit
>2020-30: 11%
der Menschheit
8. Türkis1970Reifer Erwachsener
Nur vereinzelt anzutreffen
Integral-holonisches Bewusstsein
Verzicht auf Eigeninteressen zugunsten eines interverbundenen globalen Systems, das gerade erst entsteht 2. Tier

2010: 0,4-0,5%
der Menschheit
Quelle (engl.):
► Gelöschter Audiovortrag vor den Studenten der John F. Kennedy University von Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer
    mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie,
    Autor, Integral Education, präsentiert von der Publikation Integral Life, 49 Minuten Dauer, Denver, Colorado, April 2010
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Spiral Dynamics
Siehe auch: ► Ken Wilber
See also:
Spiral Dynamics consciousness model – according to Ken Wilber's terminology / color scheme
Passage from
force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self


1. Egozentrisch Potenz 1 Präkonventionell./.
2. Soziozentrisch Potenz 10 Konventionell Prärational
3. Weltzentrisch Potenz 100 Postkonventionell Rational
4. Kosmo/Spirit/SELBSTzentrisch Potenz 1000  Transrational

Zwei Versionen der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie – David Loye

Zwei Auslegungen der Evolutionstheorie von Charles Darwin
Reduzierter DarwinismusDominanz / Unterwerfung (1859) ⇔
Wiederentdeckter Darwinismus – Partnerschaft (2007)
Darwins Evolutionstheorie weist aus, dass Entwicklung wesentlich beflusst wird durch
moralisches Empfinden, ethische Einfühlung und (Herzens)Bildung,
NICHT durch Konkurrenzverhalten.
Diese Erkenntnis blieb fast 150 Jahre lang verborgen.
Lebensbereich    Breite Straße     Schmaler Weg – Enge Pforte
TheorieReduzierter Darwinismus (1859)
"Überleben des Stärkeren"
Syndrom des egoistischen Gens
Wiederentdeckter Darwinismus (2007)
Liebende Evolutionstheorie
Gegenseitige Fürsorge
Verhaltensmodus Dominierend
Antrieb Motivation Inspiration
Jugendliche Selbstbezogenheit
Gereifte Gegenseitigkeit
Gemeinschaft Mindermenschliche, menschenverachtende
und menschenunwürdige Evolution
Entfaltete menschliche Evolution
Politik Bearbeitung (Unterwerfung) und Anpassung Durchsetzung und Streben
Wirtschaft Egoismus und Gier,
die wenigen Privilegierten Wohlstand ermöglicht
verbunden mit einem menschenfreundlichen
Trickle-down-Effekt zugunsten der Vielen
Fürsorglichkeit und miteinander Teilen,
um die Schätze der Erde an viele weiterzureichen
Wissenschaft Reduktionistische Theorie und Geschichte
orientiert an der weit zurückliegenden Vergangenheit
Expansionistische Theorie und Geschichte
orientiert an Gegenwart und Zukunft
Ethik "Überleben des Stärkeren" und
Egoismus über alles
als Antriebskraft der menschlichen Evolution
Liebe und moralisches Einfühlen
als Antriebskraft der menschlichen Evolution
Spiritualität Grausamer Gott meines
Volks gegen andere Völker

ein Gott, dem man gehorchen muss
Gnädiger Gott aller Menschen beziehungsweise
Guter Wille von Oben und von Unten
zugunsten eines Lebens in Fülle für alle
Hinweis: Der Paläontologe Stephen J. Gould (1941-2002) war zeitlebens ein Vertreter der herkömmlichen Auslegung von Darwins Evolutionstheorie. Dennoch wies er wiederholt darauf hin, dass die Weltanschauung des Faschismus (Totalitarismus) mit dem
darwinistischen Denkmodell des Überleben des Stärkeren einhergeht.
Siehe auch:
Umkehrung der Grundsätze der Ich-Banken durch Hinwendung zum Nächsten / Fremdartigen
     Ich-orientiertes Bankwesen ⇔ Du-Wir-orientiertes soziales Bankwesen
See also: ► Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye


  • Die wichtigste Frage, die ein Mensch sich im Leben stellen kann, lautet: Ist das Universum ein freundlicher Ort oder nicht? Albert Einstein (1879-1955) deutschstämmiger US-amerikanischer-schweizer theoretischer Physiker, Entwickler der Allge-
    meinen Relativitätstheorie, Physik-Nobelpreisträger, 1921, irrtümlich zugeschriebener Aphorismus


  • [Claude] Bernard [(1813-1878) französischer Physiologe] hat Recht. Der Keim ist nichts, doch der Nährboden alles. Louis Pasteur [Vater der Mikrobiologie] (1822-1895) französischer Chemiker, Arzt, Biologe, vor seinem Tod in Villeneuve-l’Étang bei Paris, 28. September 1895, zitiert in: Dr. med. Hans Selye (1907-1982) ungarisch-österreichisch-kanadischer Bioche-
    miker, Endokrinologe, Hormonforscher. Pionieer der Stressforschung, Autor, The Stress of Life, S. 301, 1956, McGraw-Hill Paper-
    backs, Neuauflage 1976, 2. Taschenbuchauflage 1. März 1978

Pasteurs Eingeständnis auf dem Sterbebett:

Entgegen seinen eigenen wiederholten Forschungsergebnissem, welche die spontane Lebensentstehung unter sterilen mikrobiologischen Laborbedingungen bestätigten, hatte Pasteur zeitlebens die sozialdarwinistische reduktionistische Auslegung der Evolutionstheorie Darwins vertreten. In den Jahren 1860-1880 ging die wissenschaftliche Debatte darum, ob 'Selbstentstehung' [spontane Lebensemergenz] möglich sei oder nicht. Pasteur hatte Bernards Feldthese des Nährbodens erfolgreich unterdrückt.2 Auf seinem Sterbebett anerkannte Pasteur die Gültigkeit der Arbeit seines von ihm zu Lebzeiten verfolgten Kollegen Bernard.

Zitate zum Thema Wachstum und Evolution / Growth and evolution

Zitate allgemein

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • In den äußersten Zuständen des Schwankens bin ich niemals ein Atheist in dem Sinne gewesen, dass ich die Exis-
    tenz eines Gottes geleugnet hätte. Ich glaube im allgemeinen (und desto mehr und mehr ich älter werde), aber nicht immer, dass Agnostiker die korrekteste Bezeichnung für meinen Seelenzustand sein würde. Charles Darwin (1809-
    1882) britischer Naturforscher, Entwickler der biologischen Evolutionstheorie, Briefe an J. Fordyl, zitiert in: Ulrich Beer, Darwin
    war kein Darwinist
    , präsentiert von der überregionalen konservativen Wochenzeitung Rheinischer Merkur, S. 20, Nr. 12, 2006



  • Ein lebendiger Organismus zieht eine Grenze und hat eine Gestalt, die sich aber nie absolut abschottet gegen das chaotisch Offene, also insofern immer offen bleibt und beweglich bleibt und auf der anderen Seite bildet sie natürlich eine Form aus, die aber nie ins Extrem der absoluten Erstarrung (Kristallisation) abdriftet. Leben heißt, sich genau
    in dieser vibrierenden Zone zwischen den zwei Polen sozusagen in einem schwingenden Prozess zu bewegen. [...]
    Das Grundmotiv von Evolution, sprich von Weiterentwicklung, ist, dass ein wie auch immer zu verstehendes Lebewe-
    sen aus sich heraus eigentlich eine ständige Steigerung der eigenen Resonanzfähigkeit erstrebt. Das heißt, ständi-
    ge Bemühung eines Inneren, die eigene Resonanzbereitschaft so weiterzuentwickeln, dass ein Wiederanknüpfen
    an das Äußere immer optimaler und differenzierter möglich ist. Das ist für mich der zentrale evolutionäre Trend. Da-
    hin will Evolution. Der Mensch hat dieses Einssein vielleicht aufgegeben, verloren […]. Jeder Mensch muss in sich
    und für sich ganz alleine erst das finden, worauf er eigentlich in Resonanz gestimmt ist.
    Alexander Lauterwasser (*1951) deutscher Wasserforscher, Kymatik-Medienkünstler, Autor; zitiert in: Videoreportage (Ausschnitt) Epos Dei. Die geheimnisvolle Ordnung hinter den Dingen. Alexander Lauterwasser, YouTube Film, Minute 10:10, Minute 12:48,
    14:39 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 31. Januar 2022



  • Auf die größten, tiefsten, zartesten Dinge in der Welt müssen wir warten, da gehts nicht im Sturm, sondern nach den göttlichen Gesetzen des Keimens und Wachsens und Werdens. Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) deutscher Theologe, lutherischer Pastor der Bekennenden Kirche, Widerstandskämpfer, KZ-Häftling, Märtyrer des Nationalsozialismus, Autor, Barcelona, Berlin, Amerika 1928-1931, Band 10, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke, S. 529, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1. Oktober 1992, 2. durchge-
    sehene und aktualisierte Auflage 2005; zitiert in: dietrich-bonhoeffer.net
  • Die Evolution der Menschheit wird durch Gewalt charakterisiert, etwas das Erich Fromm "bösartige Aggression" nannte. Es ist grundsätzlich anders als die Art von Aggression, die man in der Natur sieht: Überleben, Beschaffung
    von Nahrung oder sexueller Wettbewerb. […] Diese bösartige Aggression bedeutet nach Fromms Verständnis auch
    eine Art unstillbare Gier, die Tendenz, immer mehr haben zu wollen, mehr Macht, mehr Geld, mehr Besitz, mehr
    Territorium. Das ist charakteristisch für die menschliche Geschichte.
    Interview mit Prof. Dr. Stanislav Grof (*1931) tschechisch-US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Medizinphilosoph, Mitbegründer der transpersonalen Psychologie, Autor, Die Welt ist perfekt, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Publikation "Transpersonale Perspektiven", Kareem van Gennip, Heft 4/98, Logos-Verlag-Berlin, Juli 1998



Darwins Evolutionstheorie – ein Schocker

  • Als Darwin seine Theorie der Evolution durch natürliche Auslese 1859 zum ersten Mal veröffentlichte, war das, was viele Fachleute am meisten störte, weder die Vorstellung der Artveränderung noch die mögliche Abstammung des Menschen vom Affen. Das auf die Evolution, auch auf die Evolution des Menschen hindeutende Beweismaterial hatte sich durch Jahrzehnte hin angesammelt, und die Idee der Evolution war vorher schon vorgelegt und weit verbreitet worden. […] Das Hauptärgernis war eine Idee, die in weit höherem Maß von Darwin selbst stammte. Alle die wohlbekannten evo-
    lutionären Theorien vor Darwin – von Lamarck, Chambers, Spencer und den deutschen Naturphilosophen – hatten
    die Evolution als einen zielgerichteten Vorgang angesehen. […] Für viele Menschen war die Verabschiedung dieser
    teleologischen Form der Evolution das bedeutungsvollste und am wenigsten Angenehme an Darwins Anregungen.
    Sein Buch The Origin of Species erkannte weder einen Gott noch ein von der Natur gestecktes Ziel an. Dafür war die natürliche Auslese [… ein Prozess], der sich zwar stetig von primitiven Anfängen fort, aber nicht auf ein Ziel
    hin bewegte. Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) US-amerikanischer Wissenschaftstheoretiker, Wissenschaftshistoriker, Die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen, International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1962, 4. Auflage 2012, S. 183-184, Frankfurt,
    24. Auflage 2014


➤ Wir können die Unlenksamkeit des Bösen anerkennen und dennoch nach Würde streben.
➤ Ohne Verklärung können wir verstehen, dass es immer Krieg geben wird, und dennoch für den Frieden arbeiten.
Das können wir tun – denn das ist die Geschichte des menschlichen Fortschritts, das ist die Hoffnung für alle Welt,
und in diesem Augenblick der Herausforderung muss das hier auf der Erde unsere Arbeit sein.
Barack Obama (*1961) 44. US-Präsident, zitiert in: Artikel Obamas Rede in Oslo, Friedensnobelpreisverleihung, Oslo, Norwegen, präsentiert von der Berliner Tageszeitung Der Tagesspiegel online, 10. Dezember 2009



Menschliche Kooperation ist biologisch festgelegt.

  • Die Menschen sind biologisch daran angepasst, in einem kulturellen Kontext heranzuwachsen. Durch unsere gemeinsamen Bemühungen haben wir unsere eigenen kulturellen Welten geschaffen, und wir passen uns ihnen an.
    Prof. Michael Tomasello (*1950) US-amerikanischer Anthropologe, Verhaltensforscher, Co-Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig (1998-2018), Linguist, Autor, Warum wir kooperieren, S. 83, Suhrkamp Verlag, edition unseld, Taschenbuchauflage 20. September 2010


  • Religion kann die Evolution als Schöpfung interpretieren.
    Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnis kann Schöpfung als evolutiven Prozess konkretisieren.
    Religion kann so dem Ganzen der Evolution einen Sinn zuschreiben, den die Naturwissenschaft von der Evolution
    nicht ablesen, bestenfalls vermuten kann. Hans Küng (1928-2021) Schweizer Theologe, römisch-katholischer Priester, eme-
    ritierter Professor für Ökumenische Theologie, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Gründer und Präsident der Stiftung Weltethos, Sozialreformer, Autor, Der Anfang aller Dinge. Naturwissenschaft und Religion, Piper Verlag, München / Zürich 1. Dezember 2005




Lebende Organismen streben Flow und Mittigkeit (Gelassenheit) an.

  • Ein lebendiger Organismus zieht eine Grenze und hat eine Gestalt, die sich aber nie absolut gegen das chaotisch Offene abschottet, also insofern immer offen und beweglich bleibt. Auf der anderen Seite bildet sie natürlich eine Form aus, die aber nie ins Extrem der absoluten Erstarrung und Kristallisation abdriftet. Leben heißt, sich genau in dieser vibrierenden Zone zwischen den zwei Polen sozusagen in einen schwingenden Prozess zu begeben. [...]
    Das Grundmotiv von Evolution, sprich von Weiterentwicklung, ist, dass ein wie auch immer zu verstehendes Lebewe-
    sen aus sich heraus eigentlich eine ständige Steigerung der eigenen Resonanzfähigkeit erstrebt. Das heißt, ständige
    Bemühung eines Inneren, die eigene Resonanzbereitschaft so weiterzuentwickeln, dass ein Wiederanknüpfen an das
    Äußere immer optimaler und differenzierter möglich ist. Das ist für mich der zentrale evolutionäre Trend. Dahin will
    Evolution. Der Mensch hat dieses Einssein vielleicht aufgegeben, verloren […]. Jeder Mensch muss in sich und für
    sich ganz allein erst herausfinden, worauf er eigentlich in Resonanz gestimmt ist.
    Alexander Lauterwasser wasserklangbilder.de (*1951) deutscher Wasserforscher, Kymatik-Medienkünstler, Autor, zitiert in: Videoreportage (Ausschnitt) Epos Dei. Die geheimnisvolle Ordnung hinter den Dingen, YouTube Film, Minute 10:10, Minute 12:48, 14:39 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 31. Januar 2022


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Evolution und ► Entwicklung


  • Von dem allerersten Werden der unendlichen Natur
    Alles Göttliche auf Erden ist ein Lichtgedanke nur.
    Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) deutscher Arzt, Historiker, Philosoph, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Gedichte, aus: "Die Gunst des Augenblicks", 1802; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de

General quotes

Personal avowals / insights


  • I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) US American historian, philosopher, leading transcendentalist, naturalist, abolitionist, surveyor, tax resister, development critic, poet, author, Walden, Or, Life in the Woods, "A-1", chapter 2 S. 69, Ticknor and Fields, Boston, 1854



Critiqueing Darwinian evolutionary theory


  • Evolution was far more thrilling to me than the biblical account. Who would not rather be a rising ape than a fallen angel? To my juvenile eyes, Darwin was proved true every day. It doesn't take much to flip us back into monkeys
    again. Terry Prachett (1948-2015) English humorist, satirist, author of fantasy novels, A Slip of the Keyboard.
    Collected Non-fiction
    , S. 150, Corgi, 7. May 2015



Epigenetics and evolution

Inspired by Jahnel's meeting with Michael Skinner, Ph.D., US American professor, School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University

  • I always thought we evolve upwards, that evolution is something upwards that takes generations, if not eons. […] Epigenetics tells us that evolution can happen within three generations. Evolution is not upwards but in direct relation to our environment. […] We humans who are the most profound changers of the environment on this planet are not just changing environment, we are changing us. As we change the environment we force our own evolution in a certain direction. [...] We impact on the epigenetic level of every species on the planet.
    Deleted video presentation by Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller offering the project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Curiosity preview, sponsored by the Michelangelo Hotel, Sandton, South Africa, 30. November 2014, YouTube film, minute 5:27, 14:09 minutes duration, posted 27. December 2014


  • I tear down comfort zones because they stifle growth.
    You can grow wealth, but not much wisdom in a comfort zone.
    You can grow strong opinions, but not empathy in a comfort zone.
    You can become competent, and yet lose compas-
    in a comfort zone.
    A successful mental comfort zone is a comfortable slow stagnation.
Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller offering the project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Facebook entry, 20. March 2016



  • Watch your thoughts, they become words;
    watch your words, they become actions;
    watch your actions, they become habits;
    watch your habits, they become character;
    watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
    Frank Outlaw, late president of the Bi-Lo Stores, cited in: Article ''What They're Saying’', presented by the newspaper San Antonio Light, quote page 7-B, column 4, San Antonio, Texas, 18. May 1977



New study confirms a comet impact triggered massive wildfires and a temporary cooling 12,800 years ago.

Scientific research result

  • According to modern theories of geological evolution, the last major ice age (known as the Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation) began about 2.58 million years ago during the late Pliocene Epoch. Since then, the world has experienced several glacial and interglacial periods, and has been in an interglacial period (where the ice sheets have been retreating) ever since the last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago.
    According to new research, this trend experienced a bit of a hiccup during the late Paleolithic era. It was at this time – roughly 12,800 years ago, according to a new study from the University of Kansas – that a comet struck our planet and triggered massive wildfires. This impact also triggered a short glacial period that temporarily reversed the previous period of warming, which had a drastic affect on wildlife and human development. […]
    Roughly 12,800 years ago, a global disaster was triggered when a stream of fragments from a comet measuring about 100 km (62 mi) in diameter exploded in Earth’s atmosphere and rained down on the surface. […]
    This impact could have been responsible for the so-called Younger Dryas cool episode. This period occurred roughly 12,000 years ago, where gradual climatic warming was temporarily reversed. Article 12,800 Years Ago, Earth Was Struck by a Disintegrating Comet, Setting Off Global Firestorms, presented by Universe Today, Matt Williams, 3./15. February 2018




Critiqueing neo-Darwinism


Newtonian and Darwian false beliefs

  • Four fundamental beliefs that have shaped the culture in what we call the civilization of scientific materialism, four fundamental beliefs that have shaped this culture are found to be flawed or outright wrong and as a result civilization
    is expressing a lack of power by adhering to incorrect stories.
    I refer to these four basic principles that are flawed as the four myth perceptions of the apocalypse. When we use the term "myth" what we mean  is actually a belief that we bought to be true whether it's true or not we own it as truth and as a result we create a world based on that myth.
    This is a list of the four myth perceptions that has misdirected civilization:
    Myth number 1 is the belief in Newtonian universe which is a separation of matter from energy and then emphasizing matter is primary.
    Myth number 2 is the belief that genes control our biology which is a belief that makes us victims of the heredity of the genes that we've received from our parents.
    Myth number 3 and Myth number four are predicated on the Darwinian theory of evolution.
    Myth number 3 being the fact that evolution is driven by random mutations, accidents, and as a result is there any purpose for our being on this planet? No.
    Myth number 4 is another extension of Darwinian theory that says evolution is driven by a competition for fitness and the struggle for life which then means that we are now competing with each other to survive rather than recognizing unity and wholeness.
    Animated video presentation by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (*1944) US American developmental new cellular biologist, former associate professor, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, presaged the field of epigenetics [mechanism by which nurture controls nature], lecturer, author, Four False Beliefs that Society is Built On, produced by the YouTube channel After Skool, YouTube film, minute 3:30, 17:02 minutes duration, posted 22. June 2021



  • Karma specifically means mental, verbal and physical actions that lead to life-affecting and life-constituting consequences. The modern materialistic worldview considers the structures of our present lifetimes to have been caused by the genetic reembodiment of the subtly encoded experiences of millions of previous representatives of our species, through the process of biological evolution.The Buddhist worldview considers the structures of our present lifetimes to be caused by the spiritually genetic reembodiment of our experiences from millions of previous lifetimes, subtly encoded in a spiritual gene we bring with us, combined with the physical genes we receive from our parents,
    in a complex process of spiritual and biological evolution.
    Padmasambhava [The Lotus Born] [LoC 595] (8th-9th century AD) Tibetantan sage tantric guru, transmitter of Vajrayāna Buddhism to Bhutan and Tibet and neighbouring countries, Robert Thurman, Ph.D. (*1941) US American college professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, president of the US Tibet House, theologian, philosopher, educator, civil rights leader, author, translator, The Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Great Book of Natural Liberation Through Understanding in the Between, excerpt from glossary section, S. 257, Bantam Books, paperback 1. December 1993


  • The coming of a spiritual age must be preceded by the appearance of an increasing number of individuals who are no longer satisfied with the normal intellectual, vital and physical existence of man, but perceive that a greater evolution is the real goal of humanity and attempt to effect it in themselves, to lead others to it, and to make it the recognized goal of the human race. In proportion as they succeed and to the degree to which they carry this evolution, the yet unrealized potentiality which they represent will become an actual possibility of the future.
    Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) Indian British mystic, philosopher, politician, The Human Cycle, Ideal of Human Unity, War and Self Determination, Lotus Press, 2nd edition 1. January 1970


  • Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last 5000 years due to a natural galactic process, which is also creating climate change throughout our entire solar system. If the prophecies are correct, psychic abilities and powers such as telekinesis, levitation, spiritual healing and telepathy may soon become as common as breathing. David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, Event Horizon 2012, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 5. May 2010



Chicken and egg paradox


  • Darwinism is not synonymous with evolution. Darwin's [continuous] theory [on 1000s and 1000s of gene mutations] does not explain all the data concerning evolution. [...] Darwin's theory cannot even begin to give an understanding on how an eye (organ) can develop. [...] There don't have to be actual mutations. In fact quantum physics insists that
    all mutations are [...] quantum possibilities for consciousness to choose from. Only when consciousness is ready to choose, when there is a whole Gestalt of consciousness giving us the organ then only the organ becomes manifest. Audio Interview with Amit Goswami, Ph.D. (*1936) Indian US American professor emeritus of nuclear physics, University of Oregon, quantum cosmologist, author, Science and the Rediscovery of God, #3272, presented by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC Radio National, minute 45:15, 1 hour duration, aired 12. August 2008, reissued 19. January 2009


  • It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
    Misattributed to Charles Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, author of the biological Theory of evolution, paraphrase of Darwin in the writings of  (1921-2010) US American management sociologist, Louisiana State University, explained here: The evolution of a misquotation, presented by the Darwin Project




  • It took an incredible decadence for man to accept materialistic theories such as those of Lamarck and Darwin! All traces of confidence in divine harmony and of legiti-
    mate pride must have vanished in our lack of reaction against a science that lowers us to the brute state of so-called prehistoric man or anthropoid. Those who steer humanity toward such stultification are madmen or criminals.
    R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) French researcher of the art and architecture of the Temple of Luxor in Egypt, author,
    The Egyptian Miracle. An Introduction to the Wisdom of the Temple, Inner Traditions, 1. November 1985


  • Nature does not do our human either "this" or "that". [...] Nature is very conservative with things that work well
    and very radical when things don't work.
    When there is crisis it's an opportunity for change. Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. sahtouris.com (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropo-
    morphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former UN consultant, Learning from Nature to Create Global Family,
    World Wisdom Council, Theme Creating a New Civilization, sponsored by Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, 12. November 2005


  • The basis of evolution is self organization. There is no master plan in nature or civilization. God is not playing dice with the Universe, but He-She-We does make a good deal of it up as we go along. Self organization develops without predetermination. There is free will, a chance to choose. But the self organization is structured and shaped by the four scales or dimensions.
    Self organization can be understood as the capacity to create information based on the Mandelbrot vector 0 : z z¾ + c considered as a continuous creative process. The key is spontaneous improvisation in the moment – acting in the Tao – returning to Zero. This whole field has been thoroughly explored for millennia by Chinese thinkers […].
    The underlying principle of self organization, the factor creating a larger identity, is called CHI in Chinese philosophy (KI in Japanese). (Strangely enough, this Chinese word is the same as the Greek word for the Pythagorean symbol.) CHI appears in two aspects, WU CHI, emptiness, symbolized by the empty circle, and TAI CHI, plenitude, symbolized by the ancient Chinese fractal. Arnold Keyserling (1922-2005) German professor of philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria, religious scholar, mathematician, great-grandson of Otto of Bismarck, speaker, author, Ralph Losey, coauthor, magnum opus Chance and Choice. A Compendium of Ancient and Modern Wisdom Revealing the Meaning of Significance of Myth and Science School of Wis-
    , volume 2, chapter 5 "Yin and Yang", School of Wisdom, 1994, spiral bound, 1. January 2001



Newton and Descartes offered the first scientific mechanical creation story.

British scholar and chief political economy and demography Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) coined the idea 'We are doomed to an endless struggle in scarcity', a rationale for the East India Company to steal from the world.
The original theory of evolution goes back to Darwin's grandfather. Darwin who had adopted the Malthusian model of scarcity had observed competition and cooperation in nature. In his evolutionary theory he had to subvert the cooperation part as it didn't fit the scarcity theory.

  • The universal struggle for life must be thoroughly ingrained in the mind or the whole economy of nature with every fact in it will be dimly seen or misunderstood. It is the doctrine of Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and vegetable kingdom.
    Charles Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, author of the biological Theory of evolution, The Origin of Species, 1859, cited in: Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. sahtouris.com (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former UN consultant, Learning from Nature to Create Global Family, World Wisdom Council, theme "Creating a New Civilization", sponsored by Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, 12. November 2005



Paradigm-shifting work:

Microbiologist Carl Woese and physicist Nigel Goldenfeld at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign suggest that the evolutionary history may owe its development to the more creative dynamics of self-organizing systems.

  • Just suppose that Darwin's ideas were only a part of the story of evolution. Suppose that a process he never wrote about, and never even imagined, has been controlling the evolution of life throughout most of the Earth's history. It may sound preposterous, but this is exactly what microbiologist Carl Woese and physicist Nigel Goldenfeld, both at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, believe. Darwin's explanation of evolution, they argue, even
    in its sophisticated modern form, applies only to a recent phase of life on Earth.
    Feature article Horizontal and vertical: The Evolution of evolution, presented by the UK-based weekly English-language inter-
    national science magazine New Scientist, Mark Buchanan, issue 2744, 26. January 2010


  • Change is not a constant. Change is actually exponentially. The paradigm shift rate is doubling every decade. Evolution is a spiritual process. Audio interview with Ray Kurzweil (*1948) US American computer scientist, inventor, futurist, director of engineering at Google, author on transhumanism and technological singularity, The Evolution of Science, presented by "The Evolutionary Worldview", sponsored by the dissolved US American magazine EnlightenNext, 15. May 2010


Evolution in the universes

  • Many different reality frames or dimensions containing sentinent (conscious) entities exist and are interacting according to their own rule sets.
    (I know because I have been there (via OBE as taught by Robert Monroe) and seen how it works. It is logical and the results fit the data.)
    All entities in our larger reality system have the purpose of lowering their entropy by growing up, by becoming more spiritual, by becoming love – i.e. by eliminating fear and ego.
    They still have the same job [growing up] than we do. The system exists. It has to lower its entropy. That's how it evolves. There are only three states you can be in. You can be evolving, you can be static [standing still], or you can be de-evolving [dying]. […] You're either evolving or dying, because being in the middle is unstable. [...] Change hap-
    pens. Everything changes. You're either evolving or you're dying. Video presentation by Thomas Campbell (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 9 of 18, sponsored by the London School of Economics, filmed 22. February 2008, YouTube film, minute 1:27, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 13. April 2008



  • Why does a consciousness system evolve? The second choice dying is a bad choice. So it evolves.
    How does it evolve? By lowering its entropy. It evolves by creating a lot of smaller units of consciousness that inter-
    act with their free will so that they can lower their entropy. Without free will you can't lower your entropy, because you cannot learn anything. It's all just a script you're following. Video presentation by Thomas Campbell (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 9 of 18, sponsored by the London School of Economics, filmed 22. February 2008, YouTube film, minute 2:23, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 13. April 2008



Tricked by perception to keep the species alive

  • Evolution is a mathematically precise theory. We can use the equations of evolu-
    tion to check this out. We can have various organisms in artificial worlds compete and see which survive and which thrive, which sensory systems are more fit.
    A key notion in those equations is fitness. […] Fitness is not the same thing as reality as it is, and it's fitness, and not reality as it is, that figures centrally in the equations of evolution. […]
    Perceptions of reality goes extinct. In almost every simulation, organisms that see none of reality but are just tuned to fitness drive to extinction all the organisms that perceive reality as it is. So the bottom line is, evolution does not fa-
    vor veridical, or accurate perceptions.
    Those perceptions of reality go extinct. […]
    What the equations of evolution are telling us is that all organisms, including us, are in the same boat as the jewel beetle. We do not see reality as it is. We're shaped with tricks and hacks that keep us alive. […]
    Evolution has shaped us with perceptual symbols that are designed to keep us alive. We'd better take them seriously.
    If you see a snake, don't pick it up. If you see a cliff, don't jump off. They're designed to keep us safe, and we should take them seriously. That does not mean that we should take them literally. That's a logical error. […]
    The theory of evolution presents us with the ultimate dare: Dare to recognize that perception is not about seeing truth, it's about having kids. Video presentation by Donald D. Hoffman, Ph.D. (*1955) US American cognitive psychologist, University
    of California, Irvine, popular science author, Do we see reality as it is?, presented by TED Talks, interactive transcript, filmed in March 2015, YouTube film, minutes 9:03, 13:03, 19:00, 21:50 minutes duration, posted 11. June 2015



"Myth" provides people with meaningful placement in time celebrating shared heritage.

  • The evolutionary epic is probably the best myth we will ever have.
    E. O. Wilson (1929-2021) US American biologist, researcher on sociobiology, biodiversity,
    island biogeography, theorist of consilience and biophilia, naturalist, conservationist, author, On Human Nature, Harvard University Press, 1978, 2nd edition 2004


  • Four myths about evolution and purpose
    Myth # 1: To say that there's in some sense a "higher purpose" means there are "spooky forces" at work.
    Myth # 2: To say that evolution has a purpose is to say that it is driven by something other than natural selection.
    Myth # 3: Evolution couldn't have a purpose, because it doesn't have a direction.
    Myth # 4: If evolution has a purpose, the purpose must have been imbued by an intelligent being.
    Opinion article Can Evolution Have a 'Higher Purpose'?, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Robert Wright, US American visiting professor of science and religion, Union Theological Seminary, author, 12. December 2016


  • Epigenetics is a kind of cellular memory through which trauma can be passed down to future generations. It's an exciting field of research. Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. (*1945) US American medical scientist, pioneer of integrative medicine,
    clinical psychologist, stress expert, spiritual teacher, author, Facebook comment, 23. August 2015


  • The most fascinating thing for me is how so much of what we take for granted becomes questionable as a result of
    the breakdown we're seeing. When we begin questioning the exponential growth model then we begin questioning
    the value system driving our material production/consumption. It's not that it hasn't produced amazing knowledge of
    our environment and our place in the universe. It's not that there haven't been a huge amount of amazing technolo-
    gical developments [...]. It's not that everything about this paradigm is bad. It's just that it has very clearly outlasted
    its usefulness and is now fundamentally responsible for escalating the biophysical rupture that we see happening
    and manifesting in so many different ways. What that tells me is that we have to grow up as a species. It's an evo-
    lutionary moment.
Dr. Nafeez Ahmed (*1978) British investigative academic, editor, journalist, author, Failing States, Collapsing Systems.
BioPhysical Triggers of Political Violence
, Springer, 16. December 2016


  • Evolution may have less to do with rising above one's peers than learning to get along with more of them. The most direct benefit of more neurons and connections in our brains is an increase in the size of the social networks we can form. Douglas Rushkoff (*1961) US American media theorist, lecturer, graphic novelist, documentarian, columnist, writer, The Human Brain Evolved to Form Complex Social Groups, presented by the stories outlet Medium, 20. November 2019


  • Evolutionary change is not necessarily progressive. The evolution of a species may lead to its extinction, a
    change which is not progressive, at least not to that species. Francisco Jose Ayala, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Studies in
    the Philosophy of Biology. Reduction and Related Problems
    , S. 340, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, 1974


References: en.Wikiquote entries Evolution and ► Darwinism and ► Creationism and ► Intelligent design

Song lyrics

  • You can blow out a candle
    but you can't blow out a fire
    once the flames begin to catch
    the wind will blow it higher.
    Peter Gabriel (*1950) British singer, musician, songwriter, lyrics of the anti-apartheid protest song Biko, released 1980

Quotes by Charles Darwin

  • It must not be forgotten that although a high standard of morality gives but a slight or no advantage to each individual man and his children over the other men of the same tribe, yet that an increase in the number of well-endowed men and an advancement in the standard of morality will certainly give an immense advantage to one tribe over another. A tribe including many members who, from possessing in a high degree the spirit of patriotism, fidelity, obedi-
    ence, courage, and sympathy, were always ready to aid one an-
    other, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most other tribes; and this would be natural selec-
    tion. At all times throughout the world tribes have supplanted other tribes; and as morality is one important element in their success, the number of well-endowed men will thus everywhere tend
    to rise and increase.
    Charles Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, author of the biological theory of evolution, author, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, S. 89, 1871


  • Important as the struggle for existence has been and even still is, yet as far as the highest part of our nature is concerned there are other agencies more important. For the moral qualities are ad-
    vanced either directly or indirectly much more through the efforts of habit, by our reasoning powers, by instruction, by religion, etc., than through natural selection.
    Charles Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, author of the biological
    theory of evolution, author, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, next to last page, 1871



Cooperation superseding competition:

Men are a profoundly social and caring species.


Altruism research:

"This new science of altruism and the physiological underpinnings of compassion is finally catching up with Darwin’s observations nearly 130 years ago, that sympathy is [humanity's] strongest instinct." Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, University of California, Berkeley, director of the Greater Good Science Center, author, cited in: article 'Survival of the Kindest' – Sympathy is Strongest Human Instinct, presented by the publication impactlab.com, 9. December 2009


  • For firstly, the social instincts lead an animal to take pleasure in the society of his fellows, to feel a certain amount of sympathy with them, and to perform va-
    rious services for them.
    […] Such actions as the above appear to be the simple result of the greater strength of the social or maternal instincts than that of any other instinct or motive; for they are performed too instantaneously for reflection, or for pleasure or even misery might be felt. In a timid man, on the other hand, the instinct of self-preser-
    vation might be so strong, that he would be unable to force himself to run any such risk, perhaps not even for his own child. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, author of the biological theory of evolution, author,The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, 1871



Survival of the kindest – Darwin's long overlooked insight

Sympathy is the strongest human instinct, sometimes stronger than self-interest.


Quotes by David Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Hitting bottom – an evolutionary tool

  • Everyone has chosen his own level of consciousness, yet nobody could have done otherwise at any given point in time. We can only get "there" from "here." Every leap has to have a platform to originate from. Pain exists to promote evolution; its cumulative effect finally forces us in a new direction, although the mechanism may be very slow. How many times is it necessary to hit bottom before a lesson is learned? Perhaps thousands, which may account for the sheer quantity of human suffering, so vast as to be incomprehensible. Slowly, by inches, does civilization advance.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 127, Hay House, February 2002


  • Spiritual evolution is almost like a space ship taking off from Earth’s gravity; it is difficult at first but it finally leaves the gravitational field. Energy consuming intentionality eventually dissolves into effortless surrender and one becomes the recipient of unfolding awareness. Revelation replaces discovery. Understanding presents itself and becomes self-revealing by grace without effort. Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 8 "Beyond Causality. The Will: Understanding And Comprehension", S. 126, revised edition 2002



  • Life itself is the ultimate context and power whereby evolution unfolds "unfairly", for like a cork in the sea, excellence automatically rises to the top. […] The smartest octopus gets to be the biggest, and the fastest runner wins the
    race. Political ranting about the real laws of life is emotional, childish and hardly constitutes justification for attempts
    to overthrow reality (which is immune anyway).
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 12 "Problematic Issues", S. 216, 2005



Evolution: intention plus attention


  • Spiritual evolution is a process of unfoldment, emergence, and purification as a consequence of what one has become […]
    Temptations occur along the pathway and […] the various levels. […]
200CourageBravado, machismo
250NeutralityIndifference, withdrawal
310WillingnessOvercommitment, overinvolvement
350AcceptanceFailure to take appropriate action
400ReasonStuck in cause and effect, intellectualism
500LoveSeduction, exploitation, misidentified as personal
540Joy/EcstasyPoor judgement


  • It is of little benefit to be personally self-critical or think that one 'should' be farther along the road than they are. Spiritual evolution is irregular and at times often seems sporadic and at other times stationary. Realize that
    guilt is a narcissistic indulgence. There may be long, dry periods where seemingly nothing is progressing. This is a deception; a 'long, dry period' is what is happening as though it were a test of resolve. These periods can be tra-
    versed by transcending the spiritual ego's wish to seek gain via 'progress.' Frustration itself is therefore a sign
    of trying to control that which is not really controllable.

    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 19 "Practicum", S. 351-352, 2008




  • What we are witnessing is creation unfolding. Evolution is creation unfolding. What we view as mistakes,
    really represent a success, because they demonstrate the outcome of a fallacy.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Serenity, 3 DVD set, 20. August 2005

Englische Texte – English section on Evolution

Rediscovery of Charles Darwin's distorted evolutionary theory

The US American social psychologist and evolutionary systems scientist David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022) authored Darwin's Lost Theory.
Who We Really Are and Where We're Going
, Benjamin Franklin Press, 1. September 2007.


In a scrutinous manner Loye has researched four major works of Charles Darwin:

  1. Origen of the Species
  2. Descent of Man
  3. The Emotional Life
  4. Notebooks (unpublished for 136 years)


Via the Word search function Loye did a simple screening of several terms of 475 fine print pages
in the e-version of Descent of Man, published in 1871. He discovered following highlights:
༺༻Key word/sNumber of citationsMentioned in official book index
1.Mind / brain 200 times 
2.Love 95 times
Still preserved in newest version
3.Moral sensitivity 92 times6 times
4.Mutuality or Mutual aid i.e. Cooperation 27 times 
5. Competition 12 times 
6. Selfishness 12 times 
7. Survival of the fittest
Over exposed and ill applied
Darwin: Selfishness is a base principle, which accounts for the low morality of savages.


Loye concludes:

  • Darwin's evolutionary postulate:
    The prime motivator for human evolution is neither competition, nor natural
    selection, nor "survival of the fittest,"
    as popularized but the human capacity
    for moral sense, ethical sensitivity, and education.
  • Darwin was pre-anticipating Abraham Maslow's humanistic psychology.
  • Darwin gave scientific grounding for Jesus' teaching and for modern brain research.
  • Darwin puts the evolutionary emphasis on sex and the flowering of love.
  • Prior to Sigmund Freud Darwin listed following evolutionary drives (see his Notebooks writings at age 28):
༺༻InstinctHuman unitRemark
1.Sexual instinctsMyotic sex Two different sex organs in two beings – 1st billion years ago
2.Parental instinctFamily unit 
3.Social instinctGroup / community unit Development of reason and emotion
In modern times brain scientists Paul D. MacLean (1913-2007) and Karl Pribram (1919-2015) as well as
cell biologist Lynn Margulis, Ph.D. (1938-2011) have arrived at the same findings.
See also: ► Three mating drives Helen Fisher ∞ Three types of integration of Yin and Yang


Loye commenting the ongoing Darwin wars since the break of the new millenium:

  • Darwin was in favor of "progressive religion" and hated "regressive religion".
  • The arrogance of "science" and the stupidity of "regressive religion" are a hindrance to evolution.
    Neodarwinists stand both for "wrong" religion and "wrong" science.
    Sociobiologists Richard Dawkins, Daniel Bennett and Stephen Jay Gould did not carefully study
    what Darwin really wrote.



  • In a wide range of studies, social scientists are amassing a growing body of evidence to show we are evolving to become more compassionate and collaborative in our quest to survive and thrive. In contrast with "every man for himself" inter-
    pretations of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, Dacher Keltner3,
    and his fellow social scientists
    are building the case that humans are successful as a species precisely because of our nurturing, altruistic and com-
    Article Social scientists build case for 'survival of the kindest', presented by the US American news website for topical science articles Science Daily and Media Relations University of California, Yasmin Anwar, 9. December 2009


  • In the Descent of Man Charles Darwin wrote only twice of "survival of the fittest" – but 95 times about love! 92 times
    about moral sensitivity. And 200 times about brain and mind. Suppression over 100 years of the real Darwin has led
    to the social, political, economic, scientific, educational, moral and spiritual mess we are in today.
    David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022) US American social psychologist, evolutionary systems-theorist, futurist, partnership researcher,
    founder of the The Darwin Project, author, central quote of Loye's website The Darwin Project, 2004


  • What’s now at stake in the battle for 21st century mind [...] On one hand are gathered those of us who, out of 100,000 years of yearning, generation after generation have worked to advance evolution – that is, to build the better world
    through the revolution of higher expectation.
    On the other hand are those of us who – blind captives of an antihuman paradigm and a counter-revolution of lower expectation – automatically, and tragically, have worked to check us in place or drive us backward.
    David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022) US American social psychologist, evolutionary systems scientist, partnership researcher, author, Darwin's Second Revo-
    , book I of the trilogy Darwin and the Battle for 21st Century Mind, prologue, Benjamin Franklin Press, 30. October 2010


Sources featuring David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022) US American social psychologist, evolutionary systems-theorist, futurist, partnership researcher, founder of the The Darwin Project, author
List of writings and Current books
► Video interview Darwin in Love with David Loye, YouTube film, 4:20 minutes duration, 8. June 2011
Revealing the other side of Charles Darwin: Love is the motor to human evolution.

Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye

Two interpretations of Charles Darwin's Evolutionary Theory
Reduced Darwinism (1859) Rediscovered Darwinism (2007)4
Competitive domination mode Cooperative partnership mode
Darwin's theory of evolution outlined that the driving power of evolution is
NOT competition but moral sense, ethical sensitivity, and education.
This recognition remained hidden for nearly 150 years.
Domain       Low ground         High ground – Narrow gate   
Social TheoryReduced Darwinism (1859)
"Survival of the fittest"
Selfish genes syndrome
Rediscovered Darwinism (2007)
Loving Evolutionary Theory
Rising of the wisest
Mutual caring
Behavioral mode Domination system
Partnership model
Age Puberty
Adolescent self-interest
Mature Mutuality
Social Life Subhuman, inhuman, and inhumane evolution Evolved human evolution
Politics Adaptation and accommodation Assertion and aspiration
Economics Selfishness and greed
as the key to wealth for the privileged
including a noble trickle down to the many
Caring and sharing
to spread the wealth of Earth to the many
Science Reductionist theory and story
oriented to the very deep past
Expansionist theory and story
oriented to today and the future
Ethics Survival of the fittest and
Selfishness über alles
as the driver for human evolution
Love and moral sensitivity
as the driver of human evolution
Spirituality Ferocious God of my people versus
your people
a God that must be obeyed
Merciful God of all people or Good Will
from on high and below

favoring an abundant life for all
Note: Darwinian paleontologist Stephen J. Gould (1941-2002) repeatedly noted that the mindset of fascism (nazisism)
correlates with the slogan of survival of the fittest, a pillar of Social Darwinism.
Inspired and deducted by: ► Dr. David Loye, trilogy Darwin and the Battle for 21st Century Mind,
Prologue, Revolution and Counter Revolution, book I of the trilogy


  • The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.
    Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born US American theoretical physicist, developer of the theory of general relativity


  • Important as the struggle for existence has been and even still is, yet as far as the highest part of man's is concerned there are other agencies more important. For the moral qualities are advanced either directly or indirectly, much more through the efforts of habit, the reasoning powers, instruction, religion, etc. than through natural selection; though to this latter agency may be safely attributed the
    social instincts, which afforded the basis for the development of the moral sense.
    Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, chapter 21 "General Summary and Conclusion", 1871


  • At present the most usual argument for the existence of an intelligent God is drawn from deep inward conviction and feelings which
    are experienced by most persons. [...]
    Formerly I was led by feelings such as those just referred to, (although I do not think that the religious sentiment was ever strongly developed in me), to the firm conviction of the existence of God, and of the immortality of the soul. [...] This argument would be a
    valid one, if all men of all races had the same inward conviction of the existence of one God; but we know this is
    very far from being the case. Therefore I cannot see that such inward convictions and feelings are of any weight as evidence of
    what really exists.
    Charles Darwin, Autobiography



See also:

"Reality is that which has the combative vigor to assert itself." Paraphrased quote by Friedrich Nietzsche, German nihilist philosopher

  • The ideal of morality has no more dangerous rival than the ideal of supreme strength, of a life of maximum vigor, which has also been called the ideal of aesthetic greatness. That life is in truth the ultimate attainment of the barbarian, and unfortunately in these days of civilization’s withering it has won a great many adherents. In pursuance of this ideal man becomes a hybrid thing, a brute-spirit, whose cruel mentality exerts a horrible spell upon weaklings.
    Novalis (1772-1801) Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg, German philosopher, author of early German Romanticism, cited in: article The legacy of Friedrich Nietzsche, presented by The New Criterion, Roger Kimball, Volume 10, S. 28, September 1991


  • The Darwinian story only goes to the adolescent part. [...] Sustainability happens when species learn to feed each other instead of to fight each other. What we need now is glocalization. Together we can make it happen.
    Deleted YouTube video presentation by Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. sahtouris.com (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former UN consultant, After Darwin, part 1 of 3, 9:26 minutes duration, posted 30. August 2012


Evolutionary theories: Darwinism – reduced and rediscovered
David Loye, Ph.D., trilogy Darwin and the Battle for 21st Century Mind,
Revolution and Counter Revolution (forthcoming), book I of the trilogy, epilogue, last quote
Darwin's Evolutionary Theory
reviewed by
David Loye, Ph.D.5
Reduced Darwinism (1859)
Domination – Competition
19-20th century human mindset
Rediscovered Darwinism (2007)
Partnership – Cooperation
21st century human mindset
Socially Subhuman, inhuman, and inhumane evolution Fully human evolution
Politically Adaptation and accommodation Assertion and aspiration
Economically Selfishness and greed as the key to wealth for the privileged Caring and sharing to spread the global wealth
to the many
Scientifically Truncated theory and story oriented to the deep past, applied spuriously to the present Fully human, action-animating theory and story oriented to today and the future
Moral drive of human evolution Survival of the fittest and
selfishness über alles
Love and moral sensitivity
Spiritually Original sin6, a ferocious God of my people versus your people who has to be obeyed No God at all or original blessing, merciful God of all people, good will from on high and below, favoring an abundant life for all


► Video interview with Frans de Waal, Ph.D. (*1948) Dutch US American Candler professor of psychology and primate behavior, director of
     Living Links, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, biologist, ethologist, speaker, author, Social
     Darwinism and the lessons of evolution
, # 8, presented by Templeton Foundation, Templeton Book Forum, sponsored by the US Ame-
     rican general audience science magazine Discover, host Carl Zimmer, YouTube film, 5:16 minutes duration, posted 25. January 2010
Europeans are appalled by the extent of Social Darwinism in America as promoted by British philosopher, sociologist Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) Minute 0:38
Competition and self-interest, fear and greed, implemented into societal structures
Failed example: convicted CEO of the Enron Corporation Jeffrey Keith Skilling (*1953), who was a fan of Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene".
Minute 4:19
Counter literature: ► Michael A. Cremo (*1948) US American Hindu creationist, archeologist, author,
                                     Human Devolution. A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory, Torchlight Publishing, 1. January 2003
See also:
Innate goodness ⇔ innate badness
Bonding chemical Oxytocin
Correlating the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere
Parasympathetic · sympathetic · social nervous systems – Bradford, Taylor, Porges, Keltner, Maté
Women's leadership superseding men's leadership
Evaluating male and female leadership qualities – Pew Survey 2008
Salvationism: Problematic Redeemer ◊ Messiah ◊ Savior complex
Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government
Audio and video links (engl.) – Dacher Keltner
Siehe auch: ► Zwei Versionen der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie – David Loye

Leadership ⇔ management – High ground ⇔ low ground

Dichotomy: The high groundlow ground
The narrow gate ⇔ the broad gate
Domain        Leadership                Management       
BasicsFundamental – High GroundSecondary – Low Ground
Basics Feminine Energy – right brained Masculine Energy – left brained
Focus onEthical longterm solutions
Practical shortterm problem solving
Quick & dirty
Outlook onJoint venturesCompetition (based on enemy image)
Characteristics Fulfillment, team spirit, big picture,
creativity, connectivity, support
High achievements, discipline,
performances, order,
competition, aggressiveness
BehaviorRaising essential questionsKnowing all the answers already
BehaviorUnderstanding change as
a constant emerging phenomenon
Trying to control
and orchestrating changes
GuidanceVision: 'How can I support you?'Order: 'This is what we will do!'
StyleAcknowledging the efforts madeInsisting on company rules and regulations
LanguageGiraffe7 – HeartJackal – Head
CooperationBrainstorming within a team settingBlaming and/or punishing a scapegoat


༺ ·❁· ༻


Domain        A leader is visionary.                A manager is a boss.       
AttitudeA leader does the things right.A manager does the right things.
BeingnessInspired, authentic, original, holisticDriven image oriented copy, interested in balance sheets,
the classical good soldier
ContextChallenging the status quo – LongtermAccepting the status quo – Shortterm
Questions "What?" and "Who?",
scrutinizing with "How come that?"
"How?" and "When?", possibly "Why?"
Focus onHuman beings – inspiring confidenceSystems and structures – relying on control
ActivityRenewal and developmentsAdministration and sustenance


Source: ► Partially inspired by Peter Drucker (1909-2005) US American management consultant, self-described "social ecologist",
educator, writer, Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American scholar, professor of business administration,
organizational consultant, pioneer of contemporary leadership studies, author
See also: ► Leadership and ► Building conscience and ► Neuro science

Basic timeline of evolution on Earth

Basic timeline of evolution on Earth spans a period of 4.6 billion years
Creation started 13.7 billion years ago and is still going on. Creation is a continuous evolution.
Biblical fundamentalists believe that creation happened six thousand years ago.
༺༻Approximate time periodEmergence ofLegend
1.4 billion yearsSimple cells Prokaryotes
Asexually selfprocreating
2.3 billion yearsCyanobacteria Performing photosynthesis
3.2 billion yearsComplex cells EukaryotesMitosis
Reproducing by nuclear division
4.1 billion yearsMulticellular lifeSexually procreating
5.600 million yearsSimple animals 
6.570 million yearsArthropods Ancestors of insects, arachnids and crustaceans
7.550 million yearsComplex animals 
8.500 million yearsFish and proto-amphibians 
9.475 million yearsLand plants 
10.400 million yearsInsects and seeds 
11.360 million yearsAmphibians 
12.300 million yearsReptiles 
13.200 million yearsMammals 
14.150 million yearsBirds 
15.130 million yearsFlowers 
16.66 million years agoNon-avian dinosaurs Extinction of species
17.20 million yearsFamily HominidaeGreat apes
18.2.5 million yearsGenus HomoHuman predecessors
19.200,000 yearsHuman beingsAnatomically modern humans
20.25,000 years agoNeanderthals Extinction of species
21.13,000 years agoHomo floresiensis Disappearance of species from the fossil record
Source: ► en.Wikipedia entry Timeline of evolution
See also: ► Biology

Evolutionary timelines – graphics

Nature timeline
Life timeline
Human timeline

Analogous animal and human evolution – Bruce Lipton

Spiking the evolutionary lineage
Evolution repeats itself in self-similar fractal patterns.
Humanity is analogous to an animal or an organism. Each human acts like a cell within this organism.
StageAnimal evolutionElementEvolutionary stadium
Human reflection
Human evolutionLegendAge
1. Fish Water•cold Vertebrate level Fishing Living near, on and off the water Maricultural
2. Amphibians Earth•cold Gilled stadium Farming Irrigation, watering the land Agricultural
3. Reptiles Earth•cold Big body mass, small brain,
mechanical "killing machines"
in an extremely stable environment
Mechanization Huge mechanized corporations Industrial
4. Birds Air•cold Wilbur and Orville Wright (1903)
Landing on the moon (1969)
Earth images (context, overview)
⇒ Change of perspective
Aviation Instant communication
5. Mammals Fire•warm Greens, environmentalists, cultural creatives Nurturing and appreciation of life The meek shall inherit the earth.
Caring dignitarian economics
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (*1944) US American developmental new cellular biologist, former associate professor, University of Wisconsin
     School of Medicine, presaged the field of epigenetics [mechanism by which nurture controls nature], lecturer, author, Steve Bhaerman,
     co-author, Spontaneous Evolution. Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here), Hay House, 28. September 2009
See also:
Evolution of human consciousness and ► Animals
Information Age ⇒ Conceptual Age ⇒ Changing expressions of creativity – Daniel Pink

Ten turning points in cosmic evolution made human life possible

Human evolution – resulting from cosmic hazards
The New Scientist found 10 "turning points" during the cosmic evolution that secure human existence.
 Time lineEmerging·eventLegend
༺༻At any time8 Certainty of chance [emergence] Tiny changes at the beginning make big differences in the end. That's why human existence is perilously perched on
a great pyramid of trivia.
1.13.75·billion·years·ago Avoiding the void Human life wouldn't exist if Earth's cosmic neighborhood had been just a bit less dense than average during the tumultuous moments after the supposed big bang.9
2.13.75 billion years ago Tipping the antimatter balance The cosmos is not a sea of bland radiation. The triumph
of matter suggests that the laws of physics are biased.
3.4.6 billion years ago Sparking up planet Earth What does it take to make a solar system? Hydrogen, helium, interstellar dust – and a spark to set it on fire.
4.4.5 billion years ago Mars attacks Without the colossal interplanetary collision human evolution might have turned out very differently.
5.3.9 billion years ago Blasting the Earth into life The solar system's "late heavy bombardment" blasted planet Earth. It might also have delivered a water supply, and created nurseries for life.
6.2 billion years ago One giant leap for a single cell A freak event created the ancestor of all multicellular life
on Earth. Without this unconventional genesis, potential humans might never have become more than bacteria.
7.635 million years ago The age of heroic lichen Early life had to ride an oxygen roller coaster – until humble symbioses of algae and fungus put an end to boom and bust.
8.65 million years ago Killer·asteroid·with·a·silver·lining A 10-kilometer-wide rock ended the era of dinosaurs, and opened a window of opportunity for little animals called mammals.
9.6 million years ago Brains or brawn? When the going got tough in prehistoric East Africa, some of humanity's closest relatives went for bigger jaws, rather than bigger brains. Big mistake.
10.70,000 years ago Inventing·language,·the·easy·way Fresh pastures meant a cosier life for early humans – they granted to learn to speak.
Source: ► Article Cosmic accidents: 10 lucky breaks for humanity, presented by the UK-based weekly
English-language international science magazine New Scientist, issue 2779, 25. September 2010
See also: ► Evolution of consciousness and ► Emergence and ► Language
Siehe auch: ► Vom Weltbeginn bis nach Mitteldeutschland – Chronologie

Transition into emergent culture

The old
profit maximizing
corrupted system
is declining.


The new
holistic, regenerative
caring, social
equality based/dignitarian
inclusive system
is rising.

Soul ages – Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Evolutionary soul age stages
Color stages
Soul AgeEvolutionary
Percentage of populationCatchphraseFocusLearning
1. MAGENTA Infant souls
Infant soul
Hunter-Gatherers10% Let's not do it.SurvivalSuffering
2. RED Baby souls
Baby soul
Tribalism23% Do it right or don't do it at all.Structure, dogma [religion]Pain
3. AMBER Young souls
Young soul
Capitalism / Nationalism32% Do it my way.Success, personal achievementLoss
4. ORANGE Mature souls
Mature soul
Democratic socialism24% Do it anyplace but here.Relationship, emotional dramaAnguish
5. GREEN Old souls
Old soul
Individualism / Loners11% Live and let live.
You do what you want and I'll do what I want.
Big picture thinkers, nonmaterial interestsTerror
6. TEAL Transcendental soulsRumi, St. Francis of Assisi, Paramahansa Yogananda, Pope John XXIII
7. TURQUOISE Infinite soulsKrishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Lao Tzu
Video animation, music and data An Introduction To Soul Ages, updated version, YouTube film, 6:32 minutes duration, posted
     26. October 2008
Book: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (*1942) Finnish Italian US American novelist, author, Messages from MichaelThe Michael Teachings,
     channeled in the early 1970s, first published 1979, new edition March 2005
Excerpt: Joya Pope, author of The World According to Michael, Emerald Wave, 1992, Soul Age. Charting the Reincarnational Journey
     Through the Seven Soul Ages
, presented by the publication "The Michael Teachings", undated
See also: ► Ken Wilber


Links zum Thema Wachstum und Evolution / Growth and evolution


Die einzigartige Fähigkeit zu prosozialem Verhalten und Kooperation bei Menschen beruht auf einen kulturellen Verstärkungsmechanismus. Menschen durchliefen eine Art Selbstzähmungsprozess, bei dem habgierige oder aggressive Individuen aus den Gruppen, die ihr Überleben
auf der Kooperationsbereitschaft gründeten, eliminiert wurden.

Literature (engl.)

Content: Between 1860 and 1880 scientists debated whether 'spontaneous generation’ was possible or not. Louis Pasteur, the father of microbiology, had repeatable results of spontaneous generation appearing under sterile laboratory conditions. However, he suppressed his
own research in favor of the current Darwinian evolutionary model. On his death bed he confirmed: "Claude Bernard was right. ...
The terrain is everything. The microbe is nothing."

Review by Wikipedia

Darwin's higher-order understanding of sex, the fundamental drive of love and the global bond of community remained long-ignored. Darwin
capped his theory with the drive of the moral sense as primary in evolution. Darwin had a case for spirituality and the positive teachings of
religion in evolution. Writing about "the morality of women," Darwin became a cautious forerunner of male support for the women's movement.

  • Michael Tomasello, Ph.D. (*1950) US American anthropologist, developmental and comparative psychologist, linguist, co-director of Max Planck Institute for evolutionary anthropology, Leipzig, Germany (1998-2018), author, Becoming Human. A Theory of Ontogeny, Harvard University Press, 25. January 2019

Tomasello postulates that collective consciousness is unique to humans. It has genetic roots and is not just a by-product of culture. He follows
the groundwork laid out by the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky in the 1930s. Children are not the monsters of unsocialized Id seen by Sigmund Freud. Three-year-olds understand "we" in a way apes do not. They are responsive to group norms, rules, language, and culture. They share fairly, help each other censure a third party who is acting unfairly, or tell a third party that someone is in trouble. By seven, they are fully enculturated into their culture's morals and principles, playing complicated games, following complicated rules, and constructing complicated sentences.
Eight "pathways" to human uniqueness: 1. social cognition, 2. communication, 3. cultural learning, 4. cooperative thinking, 5. collaboration,
6. prosociality, 7. social norms, 8. moral identity

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Persian polymath and evolutionary theorist Nasīr al-Dīn Tūsī was a prolific writer, architect, astronomer, biologist, chemist, mathematician, philosopher, physician, physicist, scientist, theologian.

Linkless articles

  • Scientific paper by Prof. Dr. Ignacio Ochoa Pacheco, neurobiologist, prooving "Spontaneous generation", Ultrastructural and
    light microscopy analysis of SAPA bions formation and growth in vitro
    , presented by Orgone.org, 2000-2001
  • Article 2012. Exopolitics, Global Transformation & Personal Empowerment, presented by Regenetics.gaia.com, Sol Luckman,
    8. July 2008

Included is Timetable of Evolution of Consciousness according to the Mayan Calendar

Audio- und Videolinks

Veranschaulichung der Bewusstseins- und Entwicklungsstufen von Spiral Dynamics

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Fernseh-Dokumentation als YouTube Film, eingestellt 28. November 2007
    • Die Wahrheit über die Evolutionstheorie – Zusammenbruch der Evolutionstheorie im Licht der modernen Wissenschaft,
      Teil 1/3, 9:33 Minuten Dauer
    • Die Wahrheit über die Evolutionstheorie, Teil 2/3, 9:26 Minuten Dauer
    • Die Wahrheit über die Evolutionstheorie, Teil 3/3, 8:16 Minuten Dauer

Audio and video links (engl.)

Social Darwinian Evolution, the roles of genes and DNA, are questioned in light of recent observations of how living creatures adapt to their immediate environment.

  • Video interview with Frans de Waal, Ph.D. (*1948) Dutch US American Candler professor of psychology and primate behavior, director of Living Links, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, biologist, ethologist, speaker, author, Social Darwinism and the lessons of evolution, clip 8, presented by Templeton Foundation, Templeton Book Forum, sponsored by the US American general audience science magazine Discover host Carl Zimmer, YouTube film,
    5:16 minutes duration, posted 25. January 2010

Europeans are appalled by the extent of Social Darwinism in United States as promoted by US American philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer (1820-1903).  Minute 0:38
Competition and self-interest, fear and greed, implemented into societal structures; failed example: convicted CEO of the Enron Corporation Jeffrey Keith Skilling (*1953), who was a fan of R. Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene".  Minute 4:19

Referring to the transition of five sensory outward bound people to multi-sensory inward bound people; the journey from victim to creator

Illustrated wide-angle look at the complexity, complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet

  • Video interview with David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022) US American social psychologist, evolutionary systems scientist, partner-
    ship researcher, author, Darwin in Love with David Loye, YouTube film, 4:20 minutes duration, posted 8. June 2011

The other side of Charles Darwin; love is the motor to human evolution?

  • Video presentation by Frans de Waal, Ph.D. (*1948) Dutch US American Candler professor of psychology and primate behavior, director of Living Links, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, biologist, ethologist, speaker, author, Morality without Religion, presented by TEDxPeachtree 2011, YouTube film, 18:15 minutes duration, posted
    21. November 2011

Issues of cooperation, reconciliation, sense of fairness, rudiments of morality, civility to heart

Myth #1: The Universe is made of matter.
Myth #2: Genes control biology.
Myth #3: Evolution is driven by random mutations (accidents).
Myth #4: Evolution is driven by competition.

Documentaries and movies on evolution

  • Video television special documentary The Mysterious Origins of Man, presented by the US American broadcast network NBC, basic cable and satellite television program The History Channel, first broadcasted 25. February 1996, narrated by Charlton Heston (1923-2008), referring to the research of Michael Cremo (*1948) US American Hindu creationist, archeologist, author
    of Forbidden Archeology, YouTube film, 46:50 minutes duration, posted 25. May 2020

Confirmed by Courtney Brown, Ph.D. (*1952) US American mathematician, professor of social science, department of political science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, founder and director of nonprofit research and educational organization The Farsight Institute dedicated to the study
of a phenomenon of nonlocal consciousness known as remote viewing


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 David Loye/Riane Eisler; ebenfalls durch James E. Strick, Sparks of Life, The Harvard University Press, 2002

2 James E. Strick, Sparks of Life, The Harvard University Press, 2002

3 Dacher Keltner, Ph.D. (*1962) US American professor of psychology, University of California, Berkeley, director of the Greater Good Science Center, author of Born to Be Good. The Science of a Meaningful Life, W.W. Norton & Company, 12. January 2009

4 Originators: David Loye and Riane Eisler; earlier by James E. Strick, Sparks of Life, The Harvard University Press in 2002

5 Evolution

6 Problematic Redeemer ◊ Messiah ◊ Savior complex

7 Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg

8 Article Cosmic accidents: The certainty of chance, presented by the UK-based weekly English-language international science magazine New Scientist, Stephen Battersby, 22. September 2010

9 Article No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator Phys.org, Lisa Zyg, 9. February 2015

10 See here: Spiral Dynamics – Correlation and Terminology according to Wilber


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