Wiki / RobertAugustusMasters
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Robert Augustus Masters
Persönliches Bekenntnis
Öffentlicher Appell
Unvollständige Liste von Verfehlungen und Verbrechen begangen von und im Auftrag von RAM – Xanthyros Kult (1985-1994)
Personal avowals
Nine months of a helltrip into madness |
I spent most of that first post-5-Meo night sitting up in bed (Nancy slept on and off beside me), helplessly absorbed in extremely gripping, three-dimensional replays of the horror I had experienced, now and then trying to comfort myself with the thought that this wouldn't, couldn't, last for more than a few nights. The waves of remembrance did not come gently. I was throbbing, shaking, struggling to find some semblance of calm in the psychospiritual riptides that were tossing me about like a piece of shore-bereft driftwood. A hellride minus an offramp. Hour after hour I endured, feeling as though I would never return from the madness that was infiltrating me. Finally, just before dawn, I fell asleep and very soon found myself in a lucid dream. I had often had such dreams, frequently using them as portals for all kinds of adventure and experimentation. As such, they were normally quite pleasing to be in; I would know that the body I "had" in the dream was not my actual physical body, and so could then freely engage in activities that would mean disaster or even Death in the "waking" state. If I was afraid in a regular dream and then became lucid during it, I could usually face the fear, interacting with it's dream-form until some kind of resolution or integration occured. But not now. Yes, I knew I was dreaming, but I could not work with the fear therein. The dream was saturated with an enormous, other- worldly terror which was coupled with savagely hallucinatory disorientation. In the midst of this I stood, my dreambody but a ghostly sieve for its surroundings. I knew that if I left the dream, I would still be in the very same state. At last, I let myself go fully into the dream, despite my conviction that I very likely would not return. Now I was completely inside it, utterly lost, immersed in an edgeless domain of look-alike, spike-headed waveforms, each one sentient and subtly scaly, moving protoplasmically in endless procession in all directions. Just like my 5-Meo setting, but without the speed. Suddenly, I was overcome by a completely unexpected, rapidly expanding compassion. All fear vanished. A few moments later, I somehow cut – or intended – a kind of porthole in the bizarre universe that enclosed me, as cleanly round as the shrinking aperture of my conscious- ness at the onset of my 5-Meo journey. Through this opening the countless alien forms spontaneously came streaming, immediately metamorphosing into flowers, birds, trees, humans: Earthly life in all its wonder and heartbreaking fecundity. Then the dream faded, and I lay radiantly awake, deeply moved, feeling as though the hardest part was now over. It had, however, just begun. Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Darkness Shining Wild. An Odyssey to the Heart of Hell and Beyond. Meditations on Sanity, Suffering, Spirituality, and Liberation, S. 22-24, Tehmenos Press, 24. June 2005 |
RAM's 5-MeO hell experience – in his own words |
What I saw in front of me – the pipebowl, the faces of Marcelo and Nancy, the room, the framed sunlight, everything – immediately shrank into a rapidly contracting circle, as if it all were being viewed through some quickly closing aperture of a camera. In less than ten seconds, I became completely – completely – unconscious of waking/physical reality, finding myself bodiless in a horizonless horror that was madly and monstrously pulsating, moving far too fast, in all directions at once. It resembled my ayahuasca journey at its most titanically wild and insane, sped up and intensified a hundredfold. I knew that I was in very serious trouble; I was completely disconnected somatically, unable to locate or feel my body (as in sleep-dream), unable to locate myself – or anything else – anywhere in particular. I had no body, not even the slightest semblance of a dream-body or mental-body, and I had absolutely no sense of where I was. And what was I now? I was wide awake, but could not leave this domain, as I might leave a dream once I knew I was in a dream. What remained of me was but a ghostly speck of awareness, an entombed locus of ricocheting attention in a completely unfamiliar locale, per- vaded with a sickening despairing intuition that the "waking state" me was in grave danger, perhaps already dead. If what "I" was immersed in possessed any discernible or translatable form, it was vaguely reptilian, full of scaly-headed waves that were both surface and depth, both organic and metallic, sliding in and out of form. No limits, no edges, no exit. It was timeless, boundless Chaos, continuously creating and consuming itself on every sort of scale with unimaginable power and ease and significance. […] In the shadowlands of the Unimaginable floated I, bodiless yet pinned. Terror and Awe locked in boundless embrace. Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Darkness Shining Wild. An Odyssey to the Heart of Hell and Beyond. Meditations on Sanity, Suffering, Spirituality, and Liberation, Tehmenos Press, 24. June 2005 |
The 5-MeO purgatory experience was highly instrumental in dismantling RAM's second cult. |
Question by Michael D: 2. You also wrote about being in the role of "cult leader" to that community, and how the effects of your leader role became painfully apparent to you in the aftermath of the 5-meo experience. Do you think the above two factors were directly connec- ted? In other words, do you think that the 5-meo experience was somehow instrumental in the exposition of the cult dynamic? RAM's reply: 2. Yes. My 5-MeO experience (roughly 9 months long) was highly instrumental in exposing and dismantling the cultic elements of the community. My defenses were so devastatingly obliterated that I could not hold things together, and could not help but be receptive to what was going on. Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Integral Naked Interviews Robert Augustus Masters, presented by the dissolved website Integral Naked, 13. March 2006, posted 20. October 2006 |
Maltreated and traumatized as a child by a very abusive father |
I grew up with a very, very abusive father. And I was very hardened. In my twenties I found my way to some relationships that didn't go well and went badly so much so that I ended up cracking. I had to go to therapy. I had to break down. I had to find my heart. There was a lot of armoring to break down. At the same time I discovered spiritual practice. I began to meditate seriously. And I was young and ambiti- ous, so I really went for it spiritually. I had this notion that I could become enlightened. As in my thirties I sat for long hours through all these practices and had all these extraordinary states occur. And after a while it dawned on me – I took a while, I was kind of thick about it – that I was still the same neurotic in many ways despite of all these experiences, all these extraordinary states. And that's when I realized in my heart of hearts that I was not going to get rid of these things. But what I could do was change my relationship to them. So I deepened my therapeutic process, I deepened everything about my life. Instead of trying to get rid of things (this was probably in my late 30s, early 40s) I began relating to them. So I became far more intimate with my anger, my fear, my shame, my joy, my history. And that furthered me far more than pursuing exalted states, rising above things, trying to stay on a nondual state. I honor that for what it is at its best, but I saw myself – looking back – as bypassing big time. I was probably an ideal person to write a book like Spiritual Bypassing. I have also pursued relationship my whole life. [...] I sensed there was something in relationship that I needed for my growth. Audio interview with ⚡ Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Diane Bardwell Masters, US American composer, singer, Robert Augustus Masters and Diane Bardwell Masters – "Transformation Through Intimacy", MP3, presented by the dissolved US American webcast Beyond Awakening Series, host Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader, coach, author, minute 30:28, 1:35:25 minutes duration, aired 4. November 2010 |
Footangle anger |
I see anger as the guardian of boundaries. I see a lot of people caught in spiritual bypassing as having such poor boundaries they cannot say a clear NO. They are overly attached to being nice, and sweet, and go to look positive. There is this addiction to being positive. And, they are, in a sense, being negative about their negativity. Audio interview with Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, What Really Matters, presented by the US American web radio station New Dimensions, program #3392, host Michael Toms, 60 minutes duration, recorded 23. November 2010 |
The teacher's shadow is as an essential ingredient of a cult. |
More and more spiritual teachers are being caught with [their] pants and halos down. [...] I do hold people responsible who get into this trouble [sexual exploitation with their teacher] with teachers by holding the teachers more responsible. And it's very, very common. [...] Even the most immature of us still has a bullshit dedector [...] but we may be a little frightened to say it because that person [the flawed teacher] has more authority. A healthy teacher encouarages students to have access to their own innate autonomy and authority right from the very beginning which means he or she will get questioned more which makes the thing healthier and which makes the possibility that this thing will turn into a cult less likely, but that's uncommon unfortunately. Skype video/audio interview with Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, minute 0:37:44, 1:44:47 duration, posted 4. August 2011 Removed upon RAM's request on 12. March 2014, reinstated 2016 |
Eulogy on former teacher and fellow cult leader Adi Da (1939-2008) |
[1] Everything he [ Franklin Jones aka Adi Da] did was presented as though it only arose in the context of spiritual awakening; if he, for example, took another man's wife to have sex with him, that was, of course, for that man's benefit, giving him the gift of an in-your-face lesson about attachment. […] I didn't know about such activities at the time, but nonetheless intuited that they were happening. […] [2] He gathered some heady praise, especially from Ken Wilber, and seemed to be taking his place among many as a legitimate, even exemplary, spiritual realizer, a great adept. This was in no small way helped by having over a thousand people who were totally focused on – and arguably obsessed by – every move he made, every word he said, every wish he expressed. […] [3] There was a cult of, yes, personality, forming around him, and he didn't address it nearly strongly enough to blast through it. […] [4] He also mirrored my own arrogance, legitimizing it as something other than arrogance, something of course spiritual! So I look back and see him shining bright, and I see myself there too, also shining, hiding my weaknesses behind my strengths, assuming that I had attained something that I, in fact, had not, namely a truly integral maturity of being. Just like him. Eulogy on cult leader Franklin Jones by Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (RAM) (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, The Death of Adi Da, presented by the publication Enlightened Spirituality, December 2008 |
NOTE: RAM's shadow chart and "Needed Shattering": Similar to Adi Da Robert Augustus Masters also [1] was a domineering violent "trigamist" ogling for a fourth female partner, [2] is the direct beneficiary of Ken Wilber's ongoing promotion since 2006, [3] needed a drug-induced 9 months long hell trip to acknowledge and break away from his second dysfunctional cult, [4] obtained a Ph.D. to embark in round 3 of his cult of personality practiced largely within the highly commercialized integral scene [hailed as the "new man" and "relationship expert"]. |
Intimacy ⇔ transcendence |
Don't settle for oneness, go for intimacy. [...] Intimacy transcends transcendence. We are not here to transcend our humanity. We are to live it fully. Skype video/audio interview with Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, minute 0:04:33, 1:44:47 duration, posted 4. August 2011 Removed upon RAM's request on 12. March 2014, reinstated 2016 |
Sense of specialness |
The sense of being somebody special (a legend in our own mind!) helps immunize "I" against the bare facticity of its own mortality, here-and-now instability, and innate insubstantialness. Even when "I" dreams of transcending itself – as in those programs that have (or advertise) as their central agenda the eradication of ego – it is still an "I" who has now achieved the incomparable goal of self-transcendence! "Look, Ma, no ego!" we announce as we unicycle past our rapt inner audience, too proud to notice our pride, forgetting that self-conceit persists well into advanced transpersonal stages of development. In our craving to be somebody special – and don't forget that we may find our specialness through being "nobody" – we bypass exploration of that very craving, committing far more of our passion to fulfilling our dreams than to actually awakening from them. Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Darkness Shining Wild. An Odyssey to the Heart of Hell and Beyond. Meditations on Sanity, Suffering, Spirituality, and Liberation, S. 58, Tehmenos Press, 24. June 2005 |
See: Blog article by Be Scofield, Spiritual Bypassing Guru Robert Augustus Masters Was an Abusive Cult Leader, Medium, 2. October 2018
Unredeemed cult leader Masters seems to be unable and unwilling to repair the trauma he has inflicted on his former cult members, especially those who were children then.
Reference: ► Quotes on anger and aggression by Robert Augustus Masters, excerpted from To Be A Man. A Guide to True Masculine Power, Sounds True, 14. January 2015 |
Personal avowal
Both the interlinked original article by RAM as well as the website where it was published first are defunct. RAM points fingers to his former idols/teachers Rajneesh and Adi Da, leaving out to mention his own two failed community cults starting –1977-1994 lasting for 17 years.
Xanthyros – 8 January 2014
zubromakk – 21 February 2014
There is virtually no one from that period who feels Robert has made good on his past transgressions with them: this includes
When confronted with this GROSS omission of doing right by those whose boundaries he abused, Robert uses spiritual gobbledygook to avoid, deny, and reject any opportunity to authentically do right by those he abused. His comment to two (adult) children struggling to come to terms with their broken spirits, was:
"Stop complaining and turn the past shit into compost."
They eventually sued him for abuse.[*] Note: Faced with an upcoming law suit, RAM chose to pay off the claimants outside of court.
His appeal to people like Ken Wilber is his ability to sound fearless and all knowing, but use the word litigation or police in dialoguing with Robert, and his throat becomes dry and his fear is palpable.
Like many wanna be gurus – he has inspired, impressed, seduced, and pulled the wool over many intelligent and aware people, and continues to do so, on the ashes and darkness of his not so distant past.
[*] "I hear from various spiritual teachers who I think have not done their personal work deeply enough who say to their students 'Just drop your story. It's just a story.' In that that person is being given the message, 'Your history doesn't matter that much.' And then the dots that need to be connected can't be connected."
Elfriede – 2 March 2014
Referring to above quote I wrote on RAM's Facebook thread on December 2, 20122
"Robert, you were one of these unhealthy violent hierarchical teachers who bullied those who dared to challenge you. only 5-MeO-DMT could knock you out. as long as you strip your past from your new narrative you might be setting up a cult all over again."
NOTE: On his self description and in his telecons with Ken Wilber (2006 onwards), Tami Simon, Michael Toms, and Rick Archer, RAM carefully avoided to mention his community cult Xanthyros to keep the crimes committed in there hidden. RAM declared that his books produced by Xanthyros Foundation are out of print, also avoiding to mention the name that would possibly expose him.
On December 28, 2011 Robert Augustus Masters had started a thread on his Google open Facebook page3 asking:
"…when the group/community … becomes too poor a fit? Do we … challenge the very structuring and foundational assumptions (and cultic tendencies) of such a group/community, no matter how convin- cingly our protests might be summarized as "resistance" or "our problem" or mere reactivity?"
After I cornered RAM and held him accountable to his own words, he apologized to me – to save face. Celebrating the "miracle," I've soon learned from those he had abused during his years as their cult leader that RAM's written apologies resulted from his fear of being prosecuted. He had failed to truly come clean with the former Xanthyros cult members including his wives and children.
In his thread I asked RAM how he has reconciliated his own cult building (Xanthyros) and the members thereof? he replied,
"By acknowledging that it was a cult, apologizing for the hurt I caused, and cutting through my cult-building leanings until they no longer had any pull for me."
These words do not hold truth: in public RAM is hiding his past as a cult leader. Only under threat of prosecution he issued apologies – gestures without appropriate compensation.
In answer to my question end of 2011, he announced his plan to write an article on his experiences as a cult leader. Two decades after the fall of his cult, such a rare avowal has not been released – due to RAM's refusal to redeem its former members.4
I have tested RAM at four occasions, and he failed all tests.
Challenged – as requested – for his own "cultic tendencies", this is how RAM dealt with me:
Unwilling to account for his abuses as a cult leader, RAM reminds me of the wolf who reaped stones in his belly after the girl and the old woman were released from him. Rare it is to meet a wolf who may bear the stones gracefully.
Peace – 4 March 2014
Great heart – 5 March 2014
zubromakk – 5 March 2014
Personal avowal by kobally – March 6, 2014
I helped elevate him to that status. I believed he had a great gift to give to others. I felt so uplifted working with him after a harrowing time in India addicted to drugs and going downhill fast. I wanted others to benefit too and share in the bliss I experienced. But all that changed as I got to know him more closely, and eventually I suffered profoundly at his hands, literally and figuratively.
In the beginning of our 'relationship' I believed he saw me for who I truly was, a wise, beautiful, powerful, deep woman. I had never felt this before. I was open, loving, vulnerable, and hungry for attention, and I hate to admit it, power. These were things I did not feel I'd experienced in my life from a man. Robert gave me that. But, it was short lived.
Eventually, I joined him and his partner and their baby boy in Victoria to be part of a community of Sannyasins of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, also known as Osho. That so-called community was the beginning of me seeing how he and John Robbins operated –
I had cut many ties with friends and family and so felt very dependent on what I had there.
Eventually, due to the egos of these two dominating men, the community disintegrated and Robert, his partner, their baby son, and my daughter and I came to North Vancouver. Here, over the next 2-3 years I promoted his work and created yet another dysfunctional-abusive community.
He was, as many of the other people who have commented here have said, an abusive, cruel, egocentric, power hungry paranoid child. He projected all his fears and beliefs, collected from a childhood in a cloistered family com- pound with a passive mother and abusive father, onto all of us. He coerced us into abusing our families outside the community as well as those inside – spouses, children, and friends.
I lost my daughter for 15 years because of him. I was not a perfect mother, but I would never have given up my child without his driving me into it with the threat of losing everything I held dear and that was good in the commu- nity by making me choose – the community or my child. I could have chosen my girl, but, I'm ashamed to say, I did not. I have paid the price, as has my child. She is strong, and brave and working her way through all the trauma she accumulated from her experience in Xanthyros and after – it followed her long and hard. But it is a long chal- lenging journey. He has NEVER apologized or taken responsibility with me or her, for what he did to her, during her time there and how he orchestrated my giving her up.
Robert abused many, many others, young and old, on his journey to the pinnacle of Guru. Many of us are still close friends. We have, together, shared our pain, asked forgiveness from each other for the times, out of fear of Ro- bert's dire disapproval, betrayed one another, and we have, together, healed many wounds.
Robert has done none of this reparation or healing. There have been a few attempts by him but only after others have written to him or threatened him with lawsuits and exposure. HE DOES NOT PRACTICE WHAT HE PREA- CHES – no matter how eloquently he writes about it. This frightened, sad man presents himself as all knowing, as all seeing, as an omniscient teacher who can lead you to enlightenment. Do not be fooled. He only talks the talk, and very well, but he does not nor has he ever walked the walk. He has no capacity for love or empathy even with his own 5 children who, on the whole, really don't want anything to do with him. He says Xanthyros was an experiment that we all participated in, but he was the mad scientist at the helm, manipulating and controlling the people who were looking to him for true guidance, care and loving support.
I'm writing this not to elevate myself or to hurt Robert. But lying is lying, whether by omission or changing the truth. Robert has done both and those who follow him now, need to know who he was so they can see him with clear eyes and make their own choice about him from and informed place.
Elfriede – 6 March 2014
Possibly as a result of the 2014 entries on this site Ken Wilber, a main promoter of RAM's public appearances since 2006, has retracted from supporting/endorsing him and his work any longer.6
After RAM's first and second round as cult leader he reemerged as lauded author and speaker and role model for "the evolutionary man".
To me it is quite amazing to note that it took around 20 (and more) years until a spot on the Internet was found that seems welcome and safe enough to inspect the shadow of an endorsed "shadow expert." Thank you, Rick Archer, for availing this possibility. |
Lizzy – 8 March 2014
I could not believe when I first saw Robert's name, face, and book titles emerge on a free seminar offered through a popular website. The Seminar was called "The Self-Acceptance Project" [Sounds True], and I was devastated his advice was being promoted alongside people I had come to respect as teachers. It made me question the credibility of anyone out there. I actually contacted the website and asked if they screened the people they promoted but received no reply. It takes courage to come forward and articulate the truth. Thank you to the above people for doing so and keeping people accountable for their actions. This man should not be counselling anyone who is vulnerable and seeking advice on matters of the heart. In my opinion, he should be discredited and banned from counselling altogether, and I wonder how he has been able to get away with things for so long. |
A Deeper Deeper – 10 March 2014
zubromakk – 10 March 2014
Philip Clement (former alias zubromakk) – 3 March 2017
Source: ► Retrieved comments (2014) on the interview with 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, posted 4. August 2011 Removed upon RAM's request 12 March 2014, reinstated in 2016 ► Separate Viewers' comments, posted 2016 Removed in ~2018 |
Elfriede addressing Scott Kiloby and all readers – End 2014
Masters' chapter on Spiritual Gullibility and Cultism is great stuff.
Robert Augustus Masters is a spiritual bypasser – admittedly so. As an unredeemed cult leader himself – he is now acting in his third round. See: Retrieved comments disclosing the unredeemed past of cult leader Robert Augustus Masters In his interview with Rick Archer Robert Augustus Masters (RAM) said in minute 0:37:44, recorded August 1, 2011, posted August 4, 2011 [removed March 12, 2014]: "More and more spiritual teachers are being caught with [their] pants and halos down. [...] I do hold people responsible who get into this trouble [sexual exploitation with their teacher] with teachers by holding the teachers more responsible. [...] we may be a little frightened to say it because that person [the flawed teacher] has more authority. A healthy teacher [...] will get questioned more [...] which makes the possibility that this thing will turn into a cult less likely."
Referring to above quote I wrote on RAM's Facebook thread on Dezember 2, 2012, "Robert, you were one of these unhealthy violent hierarchical teachers who bullied those who dared to challenge you. Only 5-MeO-DMT could knock you out. as long as you strip your past from your new narrative you might be setting up a cult all over again."
NOTE: On his about and in his telecons with Ken Wilber (2006 onwards), Tami Simon, Michael Toms, Rick Archer, Craig Hamilton, and Terri Patten RAM carefully avoided to mention his community cult Xanthyros to keep the crimes hidden that were committed in there. RAM declared that his books produced by Xanthyros Foundation are out of print, also avoiding to mention the name that would possibly expose him. "...when the group/community ... becomes too poor a fit? Do we ... challenge the very structuring and foundational assumptions (and cultic tendencies) of such a group/community, no matter how convincingly our protests might be summarized as "resis- tance" or "our problem" or mere reactivity?" After I cornered RAM and held him accountable to his own words, he apologized to me – to save face. Celebrating the "miracle", I've soon learned from those he had abused during his years as their cult leader that RAM's written apologies resulted from his fear of being prosecuted. He had failed to truly come clean with allegedly 99% of his former Xanthyros cult members including his wives and children. "By acknowledging that it was a cult, apologizing for the hurt I caused, and cutting through my cult-building leanings until they no longer had any pull for me." These words do not hold truth: in public RAM is hiding his past as a cult leader. Only under threat of prosecution he issued apologies – gestures without appropriate compensation.
Challenged as requested for his own "cultic tendencies", this is how RAM dealt with me:
Unwilling to account for and redeem his abuses as a cult leader, RAM reminds me of the wolf who reaped stones in his belly after the girl and the old woman were released from him. Rare it is to meet a wolf who may bear the stones sown in his belly gracefully. |
Dennis314 addressing Elfriede – end 2014
smarsman addressing Elfriede – end 2014
Elfriede addressing smarsman – end 2014
See: “My Guru Experiment: Twenty Years with Andrew Cohen” with Tom Steininger, host Terry Patten, 5. October 2014
RAM is running his third round as a reinvented guru. Now it is less visible that he is still a cult leader, who even warns readers of other cult leaders and urges them to hold them accountable. I did so with RAM – and his routine was to "apologize" when cornered, remove my posts, silence me, fall silent, to order deletion of a wave of exposing testimonials on the batgap page – written by his former associates and their loved ones.
What empowers RAM's position within the scene of enlightenment business is that he can count on the continued endorse-
Philip Clement was #2 in the chain of command of RAM's Xanthyros community in Vancouver. After 6 years as RAM's shadow bearer he rejoined with his wife and children in Europe, who had left earlier. Philip received shattering persecution from RAM and the Xanthy-
Philip's "Open Letter" followed by kobally's testimonial, made public more than two decades after they had left RAM's community cult, |
Dennis314 addressing Elfriede and smarsman – end 2014
Elfriede addressing Dennis314 – end 2014
Dennis314 addressing Elfriede – end 2014
Elfriede addressing Dennis314 – end 2014
This book on the important issues of tricky avoidance is definitely needed. It takes one to know one. "Spiritual Bypassing" was written by an author who admitted his own "big time bypassing" (still awaiting reparation).
RAM responded the last time to me on his Facebook stream on December 31, 2011. Upon my question to him he announced that he planned to write an article (not a book) on his own turning into a cult leader and shedding/transforming his cult leading characterists. The article has still not appeared [status 2015].
>I wonder if I would have had the same impression of the book had I read what you wrote after reading it.<
It is uncommon for a wolf (cult leader) to come clean with Red Riding Hood/s (readers, followers) and her grandmother (high profile endorsers). After the wolf's belly had been gutted by the huntsman (DMT, exposers) he typically chose to fall to the ground (go into denial, keep the lid on, return to bypassing, reinvent his old ways). |
Clawdette alias M. Solokoff addressing Scott Kiloby – end 2014
Elfriede addressing M. Solokoff alias Clawdette – end 2014
In his 1995 interview "Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey" with Catherine Ingram, Indian-British religious scholar Andrew Harvey (*1952) concluded: 90 percent of the so-called masters in the modern world are not enlightened at all but are in fact occult magicians."
Source: "Yoga Journal", issue 123, pg. 58ff, July/August 1995
As a former promoter and guru/cult building front man of both Mother Meera and ⚡ Sogyal Rinpoche, Harvey had finally discovered their frauds, stepped out, and hence experienced his "annihilation" in 1994.
>What is being sold (literally) to folks is fools gold. The fallout, in around 25 years, is going to be huge.<
One of AC's former students commented, "Only by explicitly naming all that he did, and owning fully the emotional impact he had, can he change the dynamic. Alas, his apology changes nothing and shows that he's not really interested in changing inside, only that he wants to confess and be forgiven. And that's not even mentioning the whole PR plan."
Yes, M. Sokoloff, the fallout of unmitigated abuse committed by gurus over decades is huge – and it will eventually come to the open. |
Vicki Norman addressing all – 2015
J addressing smarsman – 2015 "What do you choose to focus on? What focus, thoughts and actions serve your evolving self?"
If we apply this thinking to say, the actions of the Nazi Party, we have a hopelessly Pollyannish/ostrich view of the world, devoid of discernment. |
Elise C addressing Elfriede and all – 2016
Chocological alias Philip Clement addressing all referring to Elfriede – 2016
Elfriede informing all readers – Beginning 2019
See Be Scofield's exposure article October 2018 Spiritual Bypassing Guru Robert Augustus Masters Was an Abusive Cult Leader
Source: ► Removed by Amazon Discussion thread on Scott Kiloby's Customer Review on Amazon, 22. December 2010 Concerning Masters' book Spiritual Bypassing. When Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters, issued 27. July 2010 |
Dear RAM enthusiast,
This letter is not about the transgressions Robert was party to as therapist-turned-Guru during the Xanthyros Cult days (1984-1994). Everybody makes mistakes. This letter is not about eliciting any kind of apology or gesture from Robert. (He
⚑ I was a signing witness at Robert's wedding to the mother of his two eldest children.
To the point: This letter is about calling your attention to Robert's unfinished business, which he has chosen over and over NOT to do.
is what is fueling the growing momentum to hold Robert accountable for his past, or better put, for not cleaning up his past.
What is encouraging however, is that high profile people who have been seduced by Robert, are reading these testimonials, and are dropping their endorsement of him.
There is discussion going on right now with others who have been attracted to the glitter.
I feel compelled to let anyone who engages with Robert know of these things. Buyer beware. As disturbing as these letters must be to read, I hope you believe me when I say I honestly hope it serves your, and the greater good.
Mid March 2014, Philip Clement
[*] Robert's reaction to Ken Wilber and Rick Archer's withdrawing their endorsements of him was to call and whine that he's not being treated fairly. To the suggestion that he respond directly to the testimonials on the deleted batgap comments page, he retorted that he already has, that his apologies have not been accepted, and that the testimonials are inaccurate. Here is where you the reader come in. Read the testimonials here, read a letter from RAM's Canadian assistant [kobally] of 13 years and who established him in Vancouver after he fled Victoria. You decide if she feels RAM has acknowledged the emotional cost in her daughter being given up for adoption.
Philip Clement – Xanthyros inner circle member – 16. June 2015 I spent six years at RAM's side. I was a signing witness at his second marriage, I was a main birth attendant at four of his five children's home births, I was his closest male confident for a long period of time, and was his front line therapist for years: assisting groups, representing him in Europe, heading off angry relatives, TV exposés, and lawyers. Today I have open end contact with the three mothers of his children, and MANY former members of the cult Xanthyros, inclu- ding those who were the children he physically, emotionally and psychologically abused. I would like to respond specifically to G. and N. and GW's defence of RAM, and to the notion that people who make mistakes can still do good down the road. Forget RAM for a moment and consider ANY person who has committed emotional physical and psychological abuse on children and adults over a period of a decade. Years later this person claims "he is deserving of forgiveness" and has in fact made "hard-won progress" and "on the whole he is a good man" Would you forgive this person, stand by him, and return to work with him IF YOU KNEW that in fact he has not yet apologized to the children who were given up for adop- tion, nor to their parents, nor to the grandparents and uncles and aunts of those children who were also devastated? Would you forgive this person if he rebuffs all suggestions that he still has some clean up to do, in the face of rock solid testimonials? If you knew this reformed person has RECENT 'ex-customers' who are reporting similar stories of mobbing, intimidation, God complex, etc. mirroring his days of past abuses, in spite of your positive experiences with him; if you knew that to this day this man has reneged on his $$ responsibilities towards the three mothers of his children – who were first in line for abuse and violence — all the while demanding more and more $$ from his current customers to support his cushy lifestyle; if you knew this 'salesman' closed down his favourite way of playing the Omniscient One — FaceBook — because of threads like this one… If you knew that this reformed person contributing to your growth was shirking his responsibility to do right by those he hurt, regardless of whether it was 20 years ago or one year ago, would you still defend your positions? Would you? Perhaps as I did 30 years ago — you are finding a good fit with a charismatic authoritative competitive man who you are sure can offer you guidance and inspiration, who is promising to open doors for you personally and spiritually, and perhaps as I, you aren't noticing that you are starting to internalise/ rationalize small signals, red lights as it were, and argue with yourself that they are insignificant compared to the overall value of $pending time with such a "rare teacher". (You can read all about him and the children given up for adoption, on Elfriede's Spiritualwiki site, although I must say Elfriede's postings on this thread (above) about RAM and AC are insightful, incisive, and accurate to a fault.) No, RAM has not done right by us and he could not look me in the eye and say otherwise. He could shout, whine, emote, elucidate, pontificate, clear his throat loudly to make his voice sound more spiritual, accuse me of not being as "open" as he, threaten, throw a tantrum, organize a mobbing, take his best shot at pseudo spiritual psycho babble I'm-a-deeper-person-than-you sound bites, but he could not look me in the eye and keep an open heart. 5 MEO proved RAM's darkness is stronger in the long run than spirit medicine. Similarly, if AC had TRULY broken through his own pathology, there would be zero debate on whether his letter of apology was adequate or not. Authentic apology doesn't elicit debate, it catalyses healing. _________________________________________________ I have heard many positive testimonials from people who did some work with RAM and I believe all of them for sure. Miles Davis is acknowledged as a musical genius but his private life is full of documented stories of his abuse of wo- men. I respect what he did for Jazz but in NO way excuse his behaviour. However, if Miles had began lecturing about women's rights there would be a real problem, and that's what RAM's situation is. I can tell you from personal contact that when the women who were closest to him for over a decade hear that he positions himself as a relationship expert today they cringe for the lies this position is built upon, as do his adult children and step children. It's harder for me to "be fair" because of how he betrayed my trust and hurt those I love, and especially by his refusal to do right by so many from that time, but I hear your point and do want to represent the situation with nuance rather than one broad brush stroke.
Philip Clement – Xanthyros inner circle member – 3. March 2017 Listener be warned: If you want to know why this self proclaimed RELATIONSHIP EXPERT has no relationship with the mothers of his children NOR his children, nor his step children, if you want to know why the mother of his grandchild won't allow this relationship expert to visit, if you want to learn about the dozens of children and families he took advan- tage of and abused, and if you want to learn more about how psychopaths are incapable of taking PERSONAL respon- sibility for their past mistakes (except to write about it "transpersonally" after leaving the country) – you can do no better than follow Elfriede Ammann's links below. Look for the letters from his previous personal manager, lovers and clients. Philip Clement, Canadian former frontman of cult leader Masters, Listeners' comments, posted 3. March 2017, in response to: Reissued 2011 audio interview 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by, issued 2016
Philip Clement – Xanthyros inner circle member – 25. November 2017 Robert's ability to sound like he knows EVERYTHING, is WISE beyond wise and profound beyond profound is only matched by his shameless denial of the harm he did to so many, and his disgusting lack of clean up of same. For evidence look no farther than the fact that the three mothers of his 5 children want NOTHING to do with him, have NOTHING good to say about him, that his five children are at best estranged from him, his step children have taken him to court (he settled) and he has never seen his only grandchild. Or listen to a section of this tape three times to hear his real message, and it is all about himself. Try it. Buyer beware. Viewer's comment by Philip Clement, Canadian former frontman of cult leader Masters, in response to: Video interview with Robert Augustus Masters, Robert Augustus Masters – Overcoming Porn & Finding Purpose, presented by ManTalks, host Connor Beaton, YouTube film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 29. May 2017 NOTE: The comment section has been disabled to bypass comments exposed RAM. The comment was corroborated on Goodreads, 26. November 2017.
Philip Clement – Xanthyros inner circle member – 2. October 2018 I was in Robert’s inner circle for 6 years from '85-91. I was a signing witness at his (2nd) marriage, attended the births of 4 of his five children, assisted him in workshop retreats in Canada and the US and represented him in Germany. I still have contact with all his ex's, and many of the adults and children from that period. EVERYTHING Be Scofield writes about him is accurate. Reader's comment by Philip Clement, Canadian former frontman of community cult leader Masters, I was in Robert's inner circle for 6 years, dated 8. October 2018, in response to: Blog article by Be Scofield, US American activist, web designer, DJ, producer, blogger for magazine Tikkun, writer, Spiritual Bypassing Guru Robert Augustus Masters Was an Abusive Cult Leader, presented by the stories outlet Medium (13 minutes read) 2. October 2018
After reading the posts here9 I felt compelled to write my story on Robert Augustus Masters. I was closely associated with him for 13 years from 1981 to 1994. In that time, I became his 'right-hand' woman. I did his bidding, I paved his way wher-
I helped elevate him to that status. I believed he had a great gift to give to others. I felt so uplifted working with him after a harrowing time in India addicted to drugs and going downhill fast. I wanted others to benefit too and share in the bliss I experi-
In the beginning of our 'relationship' I believed he saw me for who I truly was, a wise, beautiful, powerful, deep woman. I had never felt this before. I was open, loving, vulnerable, and hungry for attention, and I hate to admit it, power. These were things I did not feel I'd experienced in my life from a man. Robert gave me that. But, it was short lived.
Eventually, I joined him and his partner and their baby boy in Victoria to be part of a community of Sannyasins of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, also known as Osho [~1977-1985]. That so-called community was the beginning of me seeing how he and John Robbins operated –
I had cut many ties with friends and family and so felt very dependent on what I had there.
Eventually, due to the egos of these two dominating men, the community disintegrated and Robert, his partner, their baby son, and my daughter and I came to North Vancouver. Here, over the next 2-3 years I promoted his work and created
He was, as many of the other people who have commented here have said, an abusive, cruel, egocentric, power hungry paranoid child. He projected all his fears and beliefs, collected from a childhood in a cloistered family compound with a passive mother and abusive father, onto all of us. He coerced us into abusing our families outside the community as well as those inside – spouses, children, and friends.
I lost my daughter for 15 years because of him. I was not a perfect mother, but I would never have given up my child with-
Robert abused many, many others, young and old, on his journey to the pinnacle of Guru. Many of us are still close friends. We have, together, shared our pain, asked forgiveness from each other for the times, out of fear of Robert's dire disapproval, betrayed one another, and we have, together, healed many wounds.
Robert has done none of this reparation or healing. There have been a few attempts by him but only after others have written to him or threatened him with lawsuits and exposure. HE DOES NOT PRACTICE WHAT HE PREACHES – no matter how eloquently he writes about it. This frightened, sad man presents himself as all knowing, as all seeing, as an omniscient teacher who can lead you to enlightenment.
I'm writing this not to elevate myself or to hurt Robert. But lying is lying, whether by omission or changing the truth. Robert has done both and those who follow him now, need to know who he was so they can see him with clear eyes and make their own choice about him from an informed place. |
Source: ► Retrieved comment dated 6 March 2014 on the video interview[*] with 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, posted 4. August 2011 [*]Removed upon RAM's request on 12. March 2014, reinstalled in 2016 minus the comments section |
Robert Augustus Masters ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 28 December 2011 – 25 likes; 4 shares
28 December 2011 – Undisclosed posts by KK, PK, AWL, GA, JJ, JG, SL
Robert Augustus Masters ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 28 December 2011 – 3 likes
28 December 2011 – Undisclosed posts by CS, HO
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 30 December 2011 – 2 likes
Robert Augustus Masters ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 28 December 2011 – 2 likes
30 December 2011 – RAM transfers thread to less frequented Facebook rubric "Activities of friends".
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 30 December 2011 – 1 like
Robert Augustus Masters ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 30 December 2011 – 4 likes
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 30 December 2011 – 2 likes
Robert Augustus Masters ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 31. December 2011 – 3 likes
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 31 December 2011 – 0 likes
JF ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 31 December 2011 – 1 like
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 31 December 2011 – 2 likes
31 December 2011 – RAM removes Eflriede's entry offering her [dead end] PM exchange instead. RAM ended his public response right here.
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 1 January 2012 – 1 like
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 1 December 2012 – 0 likes
⚑ did you already write the envisioned article confessing on what you have done, regretted and learned from your time as a cult leader? ⚑ are you still obsessed with your image (in the eyes of your readers and of Ken Wilber) above all else? ⚑ did you apologize for the crimes that were made in Xanthyros by you or ordered by you out of 'deeper love and deeper truth'? ⚑ did you ever apologize to the mothers of your children who don't want anything to do with you? ⚑ did you ever apologize to the two mothers who you forced to give up their children for adoption? ⚑ did you ever apologize to all those couples coming to Xanthyros who you forced to live apart? ⚑ did you ever apologize to all those parents and their children who you ordered to live in separate houses? ⚑ did you ever apologize to the then 12 year old boy who you forced to wear a diaper for a week? ⚑ did you ever apologize to those former members of Xanthyros who suffered your or others physical violence? ⚑ did you ever apologize to the people who you spat in the face? ⚑ did you offer your written apologies truly or as a result of your fear of being prosecuted? happy advent. |
JMW to RAM ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 2 December 2012 – 1 like
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 2. December 2012 – 0 likes
⚑ does that mean you're starting to encourage aspirants to leave their respective groups/teachers? to flock to you instead?
⚑ when the members of your Xanthyros cult tried hard to challenge the "very structuring and foundational assumptions" of your cult-commune you not only "summarised" their trials as resistance or reactive, you crucified them. you led the charge. you have been reported a master at mobbing members and students within the Xanthyros commune and way past it.
⚑ what do you suggest for students (followers, groupies, fans) to do, Robert, if their guru's version of summarizing TOUGH QUESTIONS as "resistance" includes mobbing, ostracizing, banging heads against walls or floors, and physically abusive assignments to humiliate, degrade and weaken? yes, the guru is you in this example. ⚑ what do you see as the effective, meaningful and spiritually advanced correct steps to take for such a guru to be able to make amends with the people they abused?
⚑ ultimately, what steps will you, as the former leader of a cult, take to REALLY make amends with ALL the people you have abused and mislead in Xanthyros?
⚑ Will you share this with Ken Wilber?
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 2. December 2012 – 1 like
you were one of these unhealthy violent hierarchical teachers who bullied those who dared to challenge you. only 5-MeO-DMT could knock you out. as long as you strip your past from your new narrative you might be setting up a cult all over again. you have set up your inner circle to extremely bully those people [like me for example] who were unwilling to walk your path. i had my sense of "innate autonomy and authority" intact then, and neither you nor your inner circle of bullies were able/willing to acknowledge that. they were programmed by you to try to once more tearing it down. i am sorry that Xanthyros people had no grace to bid a leaving guest good bye and send blessings on their way.
LB ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 13. December 2012 – 1 like
Elfriede ♦ Retrieved Facebook comment ♦ 13. December 2012 – 0 likes
LB ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 13. December 2012 – 0 likes
LB ♦ Facebook comment ♦ 14. December 2014 – 0 likes
Source: ► Discussion thread on challenging cult structures and cult leaders, issued by RAM on his Facebook fan page, issued 28. December 2011 ♦ gutted end December 2012 ♦ DELETED by default 16-20 May 2015, when RAM sacrificed his Facebook fan account to defy further exposure of his shadow via the Google open accounts of the multiplicators of his quotes. Further avoidance of accountability: On 10 March 2014 RAM's former front man Philip Clement raised several pointed questions under RAM's various threads on his Facebook page. Less than a day later all these entries were removed and Clement was banned from commenting there any longer. |
Sources: ► Incomplete testimonial by Robert Augustus Masters A Needed Shattering, presented on website, February 2015 |
References: ► Blog article: THE "A" LIST: A Catalog of Trauma and Abuse, presented by, posted by Hal Blacker, US American founder of whatenlightenment blog, former senior editor of magazine What is Enlightenment (WIE) founded by cult leader ⚡ Andrew Cohen (1994-E/1996), 18. July 2013 ► Book: Dr. David Mc Dermott, US American author, Mind Control Manual. Important concepts about mind control, cults and psychopaths, Smashwords Edition, 5. June 2012, 2015 |
See also: ► ⚡ Third guru round of predatory power player Robert Masters ♦◊♦ United States (1999-2015) |
Note: The last paragraph of justification was added to the above blurb at a later unknown date. |
Source: ► Incomplete undated testimonial by Robert Augustus Masters on his Xanthyros community cult experiment A Needed Shattering, presented by the website, issued February 2015 Deleted / cached in mid October 2018 |
Reference: ► Q&A contribution What is spiritual bypassing?, presented by the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 1. November 2018 |
"Having been to group work with Robert recently, I have witnessed first hand his cultish group think and indoctrination and left 5 days in. I would advise all considering his content to research Robert. He is not what his writing makes him seem." Amazon customer Elise C., 27. October 2016 "Robert Masters is VERY clever with words and can fool most people into not noticing that what he is really saying in all his books is how evolved and all knowing and more spiritual he is than everybody else. It's about creating an image of Him in YOU: he is not writing about you. He has changed cities three times and countries once in order to not take responsibility for the people he abused, and the lives he ruined. Read up on psychopaths, read up on Robert's dark past and refusal to take responsibility for his past criminal behaviour. He is particularly attractive to "teachers" who themselves long to conquer their hidden insecurities and feign wisdom and superiority the way he does." Amazon customer Chocological, Beginning 2017 |
Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist, Without Conscience. The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, The Guilford Press, 1st edition 8. January 1999 |
Source: ► Ashland Cult Watching Above information was gathered from former clients, family of and ex friends of Robert and Diane Masters. |
See also: ► ⚡ Notes on the shadow ♦◊♦ Robert Augustus Masters failing to walk his talk all the way ► ⚡ "A Needed Shattering" – RAM's incomplete report on his cult history (February 2015) ► Conclusions on the redesigned guru RAM by Ashland Cult Watching ► Four stages of relationships – Robert and Diane Masters |
During his cult leading days Robert Augustus Masters' psychopathy deeply affected adult individuals, couples, families, children, and the extended families of those involved with him outside of his cults. His deranged methods of control and manipulation devastated many peoples' lives.
Dear readers, pay attention, ask questions, hold RAM and Diane accountable. Be [A]ware!
3. August 2015, Ashland Cult Watching |
Source / trigger article: ► Public statement in response to pressure Clarifying My Past, issued by Robert Augustus Masters via his blogspot, undated, issued 16. October 2018 ► Article by Be Scofield, US American activist, web designer, DJ, producer, blogger, writer, Spiritual Bypassing Guru Robert Augustus Masters Was an Abusive Cult Leader, presented by the stories outlet Medium, 2. October 2018 |
See also: ► ⚡ "A Needed Shattering" – RAM's 1st incomplete report on his cult history (February 2015) ☛ Abusive artist Pablo Picasso ► ⚡ Third guru round of predatory power player Robert Masters ♦◊♦ United States (1999-2018) ► Rebuttal and suggestions by inner circle Xanthyros members addressing RAM's 2nd public admission – 10/2018 ► ⚡Disclosure on the abusive guru Bhagwan/Osho – Hugh Milne ► Extending genuine apologies to reestablish trust Missing items in RAM's public apology: ❄ Not naming names (initials) ❄ Not naming the full list of his crimes and those committed on his behalf ❄ No offer to repair/restitute ❄ Not confessing to his continued hurtful behavior (in his THIRD guru round) ❄ Not asking for forgiveness (which turns obsolete, once full restitution has been effected) |
Robert Augustus Masters' recent statement Clarifying My Past posted on his website October 16th, 2018, is a profusely apologetic epistle which has both distortions and various significant omissions. He wrote it as a response to
In fact, the same damning information revealed in Be Scofield's work has been available since March 2014 on the SpiritualWiki website curated by Elfriede Ammann. The same information has also been public on various Facebook
In his "Clarification" Masters jams into one condensed paragraph a list of "his bad deeds" chronologically matching Be Scofield's exposé. Was that paragraph a confession? An apology? Remorse? Revelation? Or the bleating of a dry alco-
With his "sense of special status long gone," and with his "heart blasted open," why did this Everest of remorse
But why clarify these cathartic transformations and emotional insights, words of empathy and compassion and regrets NOW?
Around the year 2004 when two adult children survivors approached him for help it was – according to his own chronology
Surely with his heart broken open he would positively engage with these two child victims when they clumsily reached out
Even after he was alerted there could be legal ramifications, this new found remorse only managed to produce a gaggle of "sincere" letters that for the recipients had the impact of "a homework writing assignment" (as one recipient said). At the same time he told the shattered and bewildered boys to "turn their shit into compost." The boys did what few dared –
Was it a coincidence that he moved from Victoria to North Vancouver after his first attempt at a "spiritual community"
Was it a coincidence he erased his constantly tended to, voluminous Facebook presence overnight? OVERNIGHT! after some random independent exposés surfaced in various threads.
Did he really "move to White Rock BC, an hour south of Vancouver," with a population of under twenty thousand, for work after the ship he was piloting sank?
In his "Clarification" Masters refers to "couples who were having serious relational challenges" whom he instructed to separate. In fact 100% of ALL the couples who ever came to Xanthyros were separated. On his "therapeutic" instruction. 100% of them. Surely that indicates another dynamic at play. A psychologist who visited the cult then noted that Robert could not tolerate members having more attention on their spouses and families than on him. The same was true regarding the children. A child who wouldn’t defer to him as the ultimate authority was hounded and treated as a problem. He said nothing in his statement about the brutal "isolation retreats" he forced upon ALL the children. Yes he's correct there were children who didn't want to be in the community, but omits to add it was because of him they wanted to leave.
In trying to ameliorate how dreadful giving children up for adoption sounds, he describes a "community council" that was part of the decision making. This is a lie. There was no "community council". None. Ever. The name "community council" was never used. Not once in 10 years. There was a community who – after enough mobbings and intimidations – lived in physical and emotional fear of challenging him. True, not one member in the entire group objected to giving up the daugh-
He omitted to mention a third boy who he refused to let rejoin his mother when she escaped the cult. Welfare and police showed up with the mother trying to take her son back. He was so livid with her for calling the police he forbade all from
He has never attempted to do right by those children. Read one mother's transparent, heart breaking and insightful testimonial about giving her daughter up for adoption here. The piece is signed "kobally".
Masters cleverly informs us that some of the couples which formed on the ashes of the community are still together, but magnanimously assures us that it still "… does not justify my breaking up couples in the first place." So why mention
In his "Clarification" he emphatically states: "I did not groom a teenage girl to be sexual with me." A confident from his inner circle corrected the error: "I never heard him use the word 'groom' but he did talk a few times about 'initiating' _____ and _____ 'when the time was right'." Another witness declared: "I also heard tell that R was talking about 'deflowering' _____." But in his defence, perhaps he really has forgotten about his debauched thinking at that time. Who wouldn't?
He also omitted: including a second banging of heads, that of another lover of his; mentioning that during one of his therapy groups, in front of everyone, he bent over and proudly farted directly into the face of his personal assistant, inches away. It was on Be Scofield's and Elfriede Ammann's list. He must have missed it.
He claims he did not throw his ex-wife down the stairs, to which a witness commented "_____ suffered so much physical abuse at the hands of Robert. I don't recall him throwing her down the stairs but I do remember him throwing her down on the floor and then crushing her with all of his body weight." Another writes of a similar habit of his: "… [now] he will never again leap on me sending me crashing to the ground crushing my lungs with his large body."
He refers to "formally disbanding the community." In fact nothing at all was formalized. No group meetings, no edict from the master. Just running from a sinking ship in an environment of chaos, distress and confusion.
This masturbatory "Clarification" dripping with self congratulatory bravado masking as "self-disgust, and grief" was fittingly summed up by another ex member: "Words words and more words." Yet obviously he feels he still has much to teach. Who else but an "enlightened" teacher could write: "… and I am learning to immerse myself, humbly and fully, in that shared sense of being, that shared sense of heart. I continue to explore my shadow…"
Really? By composing two dozens of paragraphs posted on a website, due to public pressure? With no evidence of effort
Compiled by former inner circle Xanthyros members |
Trigger article: ► Spiritual Bypassing Guru Robert Augustus Masters Was an Abusive Cult Leader by Be Scofield, US American activist, web designer, DJ, producer, blogger, writer, presented by the stories outlet Medium, 2. October 2018 |
Asked what Robert Masters would have to do to atone for his so far unredeemed abuses
Robert, do something that makes such a genuine difference in the lives of those you hurt
Written by a former inner circle Xanthyros member |
Sources: ► Book: Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (RAM) (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Transformation Through Intimacy. The Journey Toward Mature Monogamy, Tehmenos Press, 1st edition 18. October 2007 ► Newsletter: Four Stages Of Intimate Relationship, PDF, presented by Masters Center For Transformation, Robert and Diane Masters, February 2012 ► Blog article: William Harryman, Robert Augustus Masters – Polyamory and the Stages of Intimate Relationship, presented by, 20. January 2009 |
RAM's nightmare concerning horses
Personal avowal
Historic leaders who were great horsemen dealt with aggressive, challenging stallions without resorting to violence or panicking but
taking the non-predatory teachings from the horse: Buddha, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc, Catherine the Great, George Washington, Geronimo, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan.
Rite of passage: Gaining the trust of an angry stallion – ancient power archetype
See also: ► Leadership ► Innate horse wisdom – Four stages of effective usage of emotions ► Don't hand over your dream to dream stealers |
Links zum Thema Robert Augustus MastersLiteratur
Literature (engl.)
Literature (engl.) – Robert Augustus MastersLiterature by Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (RAM) (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
Critical articles
Audio- und VideolinksAudio and video links (engl.)
The 5-MeO-DMT 'release' is a metaphysical event of the first order, an existential truth event. The human psyche responds with different forms of loyalty to this event. Note: The Black Diamond response juxtaposed to Robert A. Masters' 5-MeO-DMT intake. See minute 37:52
Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Augustus MastersAudios and videos featuring Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (RAM) (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author / Diane Bardwell Masters (DBM) US American composer, singer
Educational movies (engl.) on psychopathy
Englisch Wiki
1 Robert Augustus Masters, Way of the Lover Way of the Lover, S. 148, Xanthyros Foundation, West Vancouver, 1989 ⇑
2 Retrieval of gutted/deleted Facebook discussion thread opened by RAM (2011-2015) ⇑
3 Retrieval of partially gutted Facebook discussion thread opened by R. A. Masters – 28 December 2011 ⇑
4 RAM's 1st undated online blurb on his cult leading past was issed February 2015. His 2nd undated admission statement ⚡ "Clarifying My Past" – RAM's 2nd incomplete report on his cult history – 10/2018 was issued on October 16, 2018 in response to Be Scofield's exposing article on RAM dd October 2, 2018 ⇑
5 Retrieval of partially gutted Facebook discussion thread opened by R. A. Masters – 28 December 2011 ⇑
6 Wilber's intention to silently retreat from his promotion and association with RAM including the deletion of references/links to events where he appeared with RAM, expressed during a private email exchange during February/March 2014, did only last for 2-3 weeks. As soon as Masters found out about a series of testimonials posted on Rick Archer's batgap site, wherein his unredeemed past was exposed, he did not answer the call, but felt treated unfairly. Around March 9, 2014 he got in touch with Wilber, whereupon his most influential promoter – following his established pattern of serially enabling predatory power players – switched sides again. Masters successfully instructed the site owner Rick archer to remove the whole thread containing disclosures. Hence, the entries were retrieved on this SpiritualWiki page. ⇑
7 Retrieved comments disclosing the unredeemed past of cult leader Robert Augustus Masters ⇑
8 Note: Ken Wilber's privately expressed his intention to terminate his support of Robert A. Masters in February 2014. In beginning of March he changed his mind as a result of one directive phone call to him by RAM. ⇑
9 Retrieved comments disclosing the unredeemed past of cult leader Robert Augustus Masters ⇑
10 "A Needed Shattering" (February 2015) – RAM's incomplete report on his cult history, deleted in October 2018. It's dead end link was redirected to the gutted statement "Clarifying My Past" issued mid October, gutted halfway through in November 2018. ⇑
11 A Needed Shattering, February 2015
Robert Augustus confessed on his website in 2013: "I led an experimental psychospiritual community (from 1986 to 1994)," leaving out to mention the 2nd cult's name and location (Vancouver). ⇑
12 Retrieved comment dated 6 March 2014 on the video interview[*] with 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, posted 4. August 2011 [*]Removed upon RAM's request on 12 March 2014, reinstated 2016 minus the comment section
See: Testimonials and words of warning by RAM's former "inner circle" Xanthyros cult builders ⇑
13 Audio interview with ⚡ Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Diane Bardwell Masters, US American composer, singer, Robert Augustus Masters and Diane Bardwell Masters – "Transformation Through Intimacy", MP3, presented by the dissolved US American webcast Beyond Awakening Series, host Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader, coach, author, minute 30:28, 1:35:25 minutes duration, aired 4. November 2010 ⇑
14 "He [Bob Banner] was the sort of person willing to follow one of those trails into the arms of a group he came to consider a cult. Make that two groups that he came to consider cults: At the dawn of the nineties, feeling aimless again after a decade of publishing Critique, Banner joined Xanthyros, an intentional community in Vancouver led by a guru named Robert Augustus Masters. Critique was revamped as a New Age magazine called Sacred Fire, and Masters took it over, with Banner serving as little more than a typesetter until he left the community." Jesse Walker, US American author, United States of Paranoia. A Conspiracy Theory, Harper, 20. August 2013 ⇑
15 Article Quiz: Is Your Boss a Psychopath?, presented by the monthly US American business magazine Fast Company, staff members, issue July 2005 ⇑
16 "A Needed Shattering" – RAM's incomplete report on his cult history – February 2015 ⇑
17 Retrieved comment dated 6 March 2014 on the video interview[*] with 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, posted 4. August 2011 [*]Removed upon RAM's request on 12 March 2014, reinstated 2016 minus the comment section
See: Testimonials and words of warning by RAM's former "inner circle" Xanthyros cult builders ⇑
18 Audio interview with ⚡ Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Diane Bardwell Masters, US American composer, singer, Robert Augustus Masters and Diane Bardwell Masters – "Transformation Through Intimacy", MP3, presented by the dissolved US American webcast Beyond Awakening Series, host Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader, coach, author, minute 30:28, 1:35:25 minutes duration, aired 4. November 2010 ⇑
19 Audio interview with Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, cult leader of Xanthyros community, author, Spiritual Bypassing and Deep Inner Work, presented by Transformation Talk Radio, host Adam Seward, 14. February 2012, deleted YouTube film, minute 15:44, 53:59 minutes duration, posted 29. September 2012 ⇑
20 Skype video/audio interview with Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D., 081. Robert Augustus Masters, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, minute 0:37:44, 1:44:47 duration, posted 4. August 2011 Note: This video interview and comment thread was removed upon RAM's express request on 12. March 2014, reinstated 2016 minus the comment section ⇑
21 This paragraph was rephrased and replaced in RAM's admission statement issued October 2018. See ⚡ "Clarifying My Past" – RAM's 2nd incomplete report on his cult history – 10/2018, item #18. ⇑
22 ⚡ Notes on the shadow ♦◊♦ Robert Augustus Masters failing to walk his talk all the way ⇑
23 RAM's meanwhile deleted reference to his data of birth ⇑
24 Chart: Four basic types (raves) of humans – Human Design System ⇑
25 Founder of HDS Ra Uru Hu commented on the 12-22 channel: "They are deeply, deeply antisocial beings." (listen to the end.) ⇑
26 See also: Four stages of relationships – Robert and Diane Masters ⇑
27 He grew grew his hair and a beard, and began wearing colorful T-shirts. ⇑
28 See Retrieved BATGAP comments disclosing the unredeemed past of cult leader R. A. Masters (Jan-March 2014) ⇑
29 Ken Wilber had been warned about the dealings of cult leaning power holder RAM via letters mailed to his office in 2007 and in 2008, to which he did not respond. In February 2014 he was updated with more recent data on RAM per email to which he privately expressed his "lip service intention" to retract from RAM by way of silently deleting the web promotion links concerning RAM. In effect, as seems to be Ken Wilber's longterm pattern in dealing with abusive gurus, he did not follow through. ⇑
30 RAM's exit from Facebook occured after he had become aware of a series of caveat discussion threads (posted in February, April-May 2015) sharing links and data about his unredeemed past. ⇑
31 Iyeshka Farmer, Canada, Brett Butler, United States, Lauren Calderon de la Barca, Mexico City, Bridge for Health, Vancouver, Canada, Paola Ardiles,, Rochelle Jaffe, Ashland, Saleem Berryman, Ashland, Laura Loescher, Ashland ⇑
32 Bill Kauth, Ashland, The ManKind Project, RogueValley, United States, The Man Kind Project, United States (Regional contact lists), The Hart Centre, Australia, Julie Hart, Bernhard Guenther ⇑
33 Sounds True, founder and CEO Tami Simon (*1953), North Atlantic Books Contact ⇑
34 Tami Simon, Tami Simon (*), Gay and Katie Hendricks (*/2x), Ken Wilber (*/1x), Terry Patten (*/1x), Mary Allen (*/1x), Amiel Handelsman (*/1x), John Dupuy (nx) ⇑
35 Jeff Brown, M.A. (3x), Jean Houston (2x), Stephen Levine (2x), Nancy Dreyfus (2x), Ian Macnaughton, Neurofeedback (2x), Katherine Woodward Thomas (2x), Saniel Bonder (2x), Donald Rothberg (2x), many of whom are associated with Tami Simon's publishing hub Sounds True ⇑
36 Book Bringing Your Shadow Out of the Dark (2018): Lissa Rankin, M.D. (Foreword)
Book To Be A Man (2015): Harville Hendrix, Alan Clements, Diane Musho Hamilton, Jackson Katz, Karla McLaren, Joe Ehrmann Coach-for-America, Raphael Cushnir, Hank Wesselman, Robert K. Hall, Sarah Nicholson, Vanessa D. Fisher, John Dupuy, Anna Jedrziewski
Book Emotional Intimacy (2013): Christiane Northrup, Mark Nepo, Stan Tatkin
Book Spiritual Bypassing (2010): Stephen Batchelor,, Jack Kornfield, Mariana Caplan, Eliezer Sobel, Stephen A. Diamond, Spiritual Media Blog by Matt Welsh, Integral Options Café by William Harryman, New Consciousness Review Facebook account, Scott Kiloby
Book Meeting The Dragon (2009): See serial endorsers.
Book Tranformation Through Intimacy (2007): Arjuna Ardagh, Barry and Joyce Vissell, Marnia Robinson, Diana Daffner
Book Divine Dynamite (2006): Stanley Krippner, Jenny Wade
Book The Anatomy And Evolution of Anger (2006): John E. Nelson
Book Darkness Shining Wild (2005): Thom Hartmann, David Lukoff, Ph.D. ⇑
37 Two lawsuits were filed by RAM's stepchildren, one by a woman retrieving her funds given to Xanthyros. ⇑
38 See also: ⚡ Notes on the shadow ♦◊♦ Robert Augustus Masters failing to walk his talk all the way ⇑
39 See research results: Quotes on psychopathy, Psychopathy check list (revised) (PCL-R) – Robert Hare, Features of psychopathy – Stefan Verstapen ⇑
40 "Masters believes he was in (he describes it as his near-death experience throughout the book), but it seems clear to me that phenomenologically Masters and I actually experienced approximately the same psychological event – a psychospiritual ego-death – the mysterium tremendum et fascinans of experiencing the full formless totality of existence. Yet while I regarded my 5-MeO-DMT experience as a paradisiacal liberation and the "recognition of recognitions," Masters only found horror in the experience – his terror clearly outweighing his awe. It seems that it was his psychospiritual ego-death that caused him to have ongoing problems – not the physical near-death he believes he nearly suffered." James Oroc, New Zealand photographer, artist, member of the "Burning Man" community since 1999, journalist, Tryptamine Palace. 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad, Park Street Press, 21. May 2009 ⇑
41 "I lived in a community [Xanthyros] lead by robert augustus masters where we did dynamic meditation via rajneesh, intense body work, catharsis regularly, three years of living in this hot house of a community…" Bob Banner, presented by, entry February 11, 2017 ⇑
42 "In the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa’s landmark Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, Spiritual Bypassing provides an in-depth look at the unresolved or ignored psychological issues often masked as spirituality, including self-judgment, excessive niceness, and emotional dissociation."[^Spiritual Bypassing, North Atlantic Books, issued 27. July 2010 ⇑
43 Above paragraph is a new version of one that RAM had added to his now deleted 1st brief admission statement dated February 2015: "The reason I've been able to write and teach about topics such as spiritual bypassing, cults, shaming, anger versus aggression, relational dysfunction, being run by our shadow, and so on, stems from the specific experience of having been there and been caught up in them all (especially during my time of leading the community) – and also from the deep inner changes that have occurred in me throughout the past two decades. I remain grateful for the rough grace that has again and again decisively brought me to my knees, breaking me open to what truly matters." A Needed Shattering, February 2015 ⇑
44 See also Abusive artist Pablo Picasso ⇑