Hawkins / Beziehung
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
![]() Adam und Eva, ~1518 |
Inspiriert durch Quellen (engl./dt.) von David Hawkins ► Video Sedona Seminar Alignment, 16. April 2005 ► Erleuchtung ist möglich, Kapitel 14 "Unterscheidungsdiagnose: Verliebtheit versus Liebe", S. 271-272, 2008 ► Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, chapter 14 "Diagnostic Differential: Infatuation vs. Love", S. 249, 2006 |
Reference: ► Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, Karezza and Consciousness (Ongoing Wiki Project) |
Referenzen (engl./deutsch) ► Audios mit Satyen Raja, präsentiert von dem kanadischen Webradiosender News for the Soul, Vancouver, Gastgeberin Nicole Whitney, speziell: Sex, Passion and Enlightenment, gesendet 28. Juli 2005 ► ⚡ David Deida deida.info (*1958) US American sex researcher and psychologist, teacher, author on men/woman relationships, Finding God Through Sex: Awakening the One of Spirit Through the Two of Flesh, Sounds True, June 2005 ► ⚡ David Deida deida.info (*1958) US American sex researcher and psychologist, teacher, author on men/woman relationships, DVD Function, Flow, & Glow. The Art of Sexual Yoga, Integral Institute, 1. September 2005 ►⚡ David Deida (*1958) US-amerikanischer Sexualpsychologe, unabhängiger Forscher, Lehrer, Autor zu Mann/Frau- Beziehungsthemen, Der Weg des wahren Mannes. Ein Leitfaden für Meisterschaft in Beziehungen, Beruf und Sexualität, J. Kamphausen Verlag, 12. Auflage 14. September 2006 ► Audiointerview mit ⚡ Ken Wilber [BW 490] (*1949) US-amerikanischer Philosoph, Bewusstseinsforscher, Vordenker des 3. Jahr- tausends, Sex in three bodies [Sex in drei Körpern (grobstofflich – feinstofflich – kausal)], präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Multimedia-Verlag Sounds True, Insights at the Edge, Gründerin und Gastgeberin Tami Simon (*1953), Frühjahr 2006 ► ⚡ Ken Wilber [BW 490] (*1949) US-amerikanischer Philosoph, Bewusstseinsforscher, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, Eros, Kosmos, Logos. Sex(ualität) im Flachland – Tiefenpsychologie, S. 552-558, Krüger Verlag, 1996 |
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen und Beziehungstipps |
Quelle: ► Veit Lindau (*1969) deutscher Seminarleiter, Autor, Liebe. Über sieben Brücken musst du gehn, 7. Dezember 2010 |
Persönliche Bekenntnisse zum Thema Liebe und Vertrautheit
"Du bist zeitlebens für das verantwortlich, was du dir vertraut gemacht hast." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) französischer Pilot, Schriftsteller, Der kleine Prinz [1943] Karl Rauch Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1950, 59. Auflage 1998
Motivational Quotes D. Hawkins, Bestmotivation.com
Personal avowals
Answer to personal questions
The pet parrot 'Broccoli' keeps repeating this very phrase in Hawkins' household.
Antoine de St. Exupéry, The Little Prince, chapter 21 "The Little Prince and the Fox", Reynal & Hitchcock, September 1943
Diagnostic Chart of International Relationships
Dr. Hawkins' policy is not to calibrate questions of a personal nature, in order not to interfere with karmic constellations.
No power struggles, no win-lose arrangement
Personal avowals
The heterarchical relationship between coach and coachee
Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963) made the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society
Literary quotes
Movie quotes
Quoted from the American comedy-drama film My Dinner with Andre, 1981
Movie Groundhog Day – Main character Phil's declares his love to Rita.
Keywords: drivenness by sex hormones, adrenaline, desire, wanting, craving, addiction, passion (being madly in love), excitement, involvement, emotional force (possessiveness / resistance), control, attraction, drama, melodrama, winning over, short-lived infatuations, lovers coming and going, may flip into hate, revenge, jealousy (even murder or suicide)
☯ Possess, capture, control, own, mating, getting (intention)
★ SELF/Spirit, spiritual state (locus / origin)
Source: ► Inspired by D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005 |
See also: ► Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, chapter 14 "Diagnostic Differential: Infatuation vs. Love", S. 249, 2006 Desire [LoC 145 plus/minus] ⇔ True love [LoC 500+] |
༺༻ | Relational Location | Color Alchemy | Program | Expression | Level Brain | Area | Sociology | Direction |
1. | Personal _________ INSIDE INTERNAL | White Albedo | Compulsary | ♦ Coarse ♦ Materialistic Excessive body consumption Desire to HAVE | BODY _________ Reptilian brain | HEAD | Singles Couples | Horizontal |
2. | Interpersonal _________ INBETWEEN | Red Rubedo | Compulsary | ♦ Subtle ♦ Symbolic Anticarnal attitude Avoidance of intimacy Ambivalent rejection attitude | FEELINGS _________ Limbic brain | HEART | Family Tribe | Horizontal |
3. | Impersonal _________ OUTSIDE EXTERNAL | Black Nigredo | Freestyle evolution | ♦ Collective ♦ Causal ♦ Paradoxical Disengagement from the repetitive pattern and suction of the Morphic Field effect set up by the tribal and mass mind | INTELLECT (MIND) _________ Neocortex | HANDS | Community | Horizontal-vertical |
4. | Transpersonal _________ REUNITED CIRCLE | Transparent Energetic | Freestyle evolution | ♦ Integral-Devotional Creation of the authentic Self Entrusting I-THOU Allow Beingness | SPIRIT _________ Frontal lobe Completing HEALING | Cosmos | Spiritual net Indra's net Everything is connected with everything else. | Vertical |
See also: ► Principle 3:1 and ► Levels of relationship and ► Consciousness-Tables ► Relationship advices and ► Sociology and ► Symbology and ► Trust / Intimacy and ► Community and ► Transparency ► Authenticity and ► Body and ► Emotions and ► Intellect and ► Healing and ► Spirit and ► Self and ► Alchemy and ► Friendship ► Four categories of friendship, love and truth ► Five stages of marriage – Jed Diamond |
Siehe auch: ► Vier Intensitätsgrade von Freundschaft, Liebe und Wahrheit |
Inspired by ► Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (*1966) US American Orthodox rabbi, marriage counsellor, radio and television host, author, Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments, Harmony, 1st edition 16. January 2001 |
See also: ► Relational levels and ► Relationship tips and ► Friendship |
Source: ► Audio radio interview with Michael Meade (*1944) US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, The Pathless Path, presented by the US American web radio station KBOO, Portland, program Radiozine, host Ralph Coulson, minute 14:39, 29:24 minutes duration, aired 13. May 2013 |
Source: ► Erich Fromm (1900-1980) German US American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, author, The Art of Loving, Harper & Brothers, 1956 |
Source: ► Vimeo video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist US magazine "Ms", journalist, writer, Perspectives on Equality and Community – Common Hour, sponsored by the Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 9. September 2010, minute 33:00, 53:54 minutes duration, posted 10. September 2010 |
Source: ► Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Illuminata. A Return to Prayer, Riverhead Trade, 1. November 1995 |
Source: ► Seth Adam Smith, US American editor-in-chief, Marriage Isn’t For You, presented by Forward Walking, 2. November 2013 |
See also: ► Beziehungstipps and ► Reife |
Oxytocin, the human glue, is infused during pregnancy and breast-feeding which helps the mother in the bonding process
with her infant. When a woman has sex with a man, the neuo-peptide [and hormone] oxytocin is released into her system to strenghten the bond with her lover. If a woman has multiple sexual partners her levels of oxytocin are lowered. This can inhibit her ability to bond to her husband or significant others.
Comparing sex to drug use, Drs. Diggs and Keroack, said the hormone produced by the brain after orgasm, oxytocin, will eventually diminish
a person's ability to form emotional attachments. Premarital sex can lead to overproduction of oxytocin.
"People who have misused their sexual faculty and become bonded to multiple persons will diminish the power of oxytocin to maintain a permanent bond with an individual." Dr. John Diggs, Dr. Eric James Keroack, US American deputy assistant secretary for
Health and Human Services, paper for Abstinence Medical Council, Abstinence Clearinghouse, 2001
See also: ► Bonding chemical oxytocin |
Source: ► Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) South African author, anti-war campaigner, intellectual, Life's Gifts, 1892 |
Difference between involvement and alignment –
exemplified on the marriage of the First Couple Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
⚡ Franklin Delano Roosevelt [LoC 499] (1882-1945) was the 32nd US president during World War II (1933-1945), 32nd degree Freemason, and war criminal, His wife Eleanor Roosevelt [LoC 495] (1884-1962) was the First Lady of the US of America (1933-1945), supporter of her husband's New Deal policies, advocate for civil rights, enhancer of the status of working women, chairwoman of the United Nations committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Furthermore, she approved of her husband's mistresses. President ⚡ Franklin D. Roosevelt had serial longterm mistresses – the first one Missy LeHand, a private secretary. Eleanor, a most controversial First Lady, not only knew about the extramarital relationship, was about to leave the president, yet decided to stay with him upon his plea and allowed Missy and Franklin to occupy adjoining bedrooms in the White House. After that FDR engaged in a "lonely hearts" relationship with Lucy Mercer, an aging but attractive widow. The press at the time of WWII was decent and kept silent. The public did not even know that FDR was reigning from a wheel chair.
Links zum Thema Beziehung/en / RelationshipsLiteratur
Durch die Kommerzialisierung des Intimlebens (digitale Kommunikation, Dating-Apps) wurden Beziehungen flüchtig, das Gefühlsleben zutiefst ungewiss und Gelegenheitssexualität zur neuen Norm.
Literature (engl.)
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
A study suggests soldiers form loyal "Bands of Brothers" fighting and dying for each other because they have the same instincts that let mothers ferociously protect their newborns.
Audio- und Videolinks
Linklose Medienangebote
Audio and video links (engl.)
A healthy committed relationship means to guard each other's emotional wounds / vulnerabilities. Instead of retiring, shift passions.
Waldinger has unprecedented access to data obtained from 724 men (60 of which are still alive in their 90ties) during the long-term Grant study (1938-2015) as to how one may build a fulfilling, happy, long life. |
1 See Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, published 1963. This book made known the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society ⇑
2 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005 ⇑
3 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005 ⇑