Links zum Thema Skandalaufdecker / Whistleblower
- Dr. John Virapen [John Rengen] (1943-2015) indischer ehemaliger Manager der Pharmakonzerne Eli Lilly (1980-1988),
Novo Nordisk, Whistleblower, Enthüllungsautor, Nebenwirkung Tod. Korruption in der Pharma-Industrie. Ein Ex-Manager packt aus, Neuer Europa Verlag, 1. August 2008
- Karlheinz Deschner (1924-2014) deutscher Religions- und Kirchenkritiker, Schriftsteller, Abermals krähte der Hahn. Eine kritische Kirchengeschichte, 4 Bände, Verlag H.E. Günther, Stuttgart 1962, Edition Enfer, Lahnstein, 2010
- Hans Küng (1928-2021) Schweizer Theologe, römisch-katholischer Priester, emeritierter Professor für Ökumenische Theologie, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Gründer und Präsident der Stiftung Weltethos, Sozialreformer, Autor, Erlebte Menschlich-
keit. Erinnerungen. Küngs Memoiren Teil 3, Piper, München, 1. Oktober 2013
- Thierry Paquot, französischer Philosoph, Heausgeber, Ivan Illich. Denker und Rebell, C.H.Beck, München, 23. März 2017
- Manfred Paulus (*1943) deutscher Kriminalhauptkommissar, Lehrbeauftragter, Referent, Fachbuchautor, Marietta Hageney, As-
sistentin, Menschenhandel und Sexsklaverei. Organisierte Kriminalität im Rotlichtmilieu, Promedia, Taschenbuch, 1. März 2020
Literature (engl.)
Literature (engl.) – Kevin Galalae
Articles and Books by Kevin Mugur Galalae, B.A. (*1965) Romania-born naturalized Canadian historian, human rights activist, whistleblower, consultant in the fields of education, art and NGOs, journalist, author
Book title | Publisher | Publishing date |
Chemical and Biological Depopulation | Lap Lambert Academic Publishing | 25.·November·2014 |
Killing Us Softly. The Global Depopulation Policy | Progressive Press, 1st paperback | 28. April 2014 |
The Future of Global Governance | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st paperback edition | 5. January 2015 |
Peace Without Poison. Volume One | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st edition | 25. February 2015 |
The 1050-page book offers scientific evidence that covert depopulation (social engineering) is ongoing on behalf of economic growth (affluence) in nearly every country on earth since 1945. The international framework for peace is based on genocide. Furthermore it offers the 21st century's Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. |
Peace Without Poison. Volume Two | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st paperback edition | 5. February 2015 |
Peace Without Poison. Volume Three | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st paperback edition | 15. February 2015 |
Peace Without Poison (Three volumes) PDF | Kevin Mugur Galalae, 1041 pages | July 2015 |
Deleted Surviving Depop | Center of Global Consciousness (CGC), 168 pages Scribd document | November 2016 |
- Article Depopulation and Decarbonization, PDF, 6 pages
- Book Killing Us Softly. Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy, 110 pages, Progressive Press, 28. April 2014
- Book of evidence Peace Without Poison, PDF, 1040 pages
- Book of solutions Survival or Extinction, PDF, 216 pages
- Deleted Roadmap The Future of Global Governance, 90 pages
Externe Weblinks
- Wikipedia-Einträge Whistleblower
- Persönlichkeiten
- Eugen Drewermann (*1940)
- Erste Corona Info Tour Bus-Demonstrationsstädtetour zur Aufklärung hinsichtlich des Covid-19-Skandals – Deutschland und Schweiz (28. September-31. Oktober 2020) Präsentationsteam: Dr. med. Bodo Schiffmann (*1968) deutscher Samuel Eckert, deutsch-Schweizer IT-Unternehmer, Prediger, Wolfgang Greulich, deutscher IT-Unternehmer
- Interview Whistleblowerin: Geheime Machenschaften der Finanz-Eliten zerstören die Welt, präsentiert von der deutschen Webplattform Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN), 17. September 2013
- Artikel Whistle-Blowerin bei der DZ-Bank: Das System kennt keine Gnade, präsentiert von der deutschen Webplattform Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN), 30. Oktober 2013
- Artikel von Prof. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas (*1947) US-amerikanischer Völkerrechtler, Historiker, unabhängiger Experte des Menschenrechtsrats der Vereinten Nationen (2012-2018), Sachbuchautor, Wiedervorlage (17): Wer hat vor einem Jahr unsere Pipelines gesprengt?, präsentiert von der rechtsintellektuellen Zeitschrift Sezession, 26. September 2023
External web links (engl.)
- Article CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou calls on journalists to tell 'full story' of US torture, presented by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, CIA Torture, John Casey, 1. May 2015
- Article and video interview CNN whistleblower Amber Lyon exposes how dictators sponsor and censor stories on mainstream media, presented by Alternative World News Network, 16. November 2016
- Blog article by Bethany Webster, US American psychologist, blogger, The Power of Disruptive Truth-telling: The Importance of Initiating Difficult Conversations, 2017
- Blog article by Caitlin Johnstone, Australian utopia prepper, feminist blogger, poet, rogue journalist, Assange Keeps Warning Of AI Censorship, And It's Time We Started Listening, presented by the stories outlet Medium, 18. January 2018
Audio- und Videolinks
- Videovortrag von Dr. med. John Virapen [John Rengen] (1943-2015) indischer ehemaliger Manager der Pharmakonzerne Eli
Lilly (1980-1988) und Novo Nordisk, Whistleblower, Enthüllungsautor, Nebenwirkung Tod – Korruption in der Pharmaindustrie, veranstaltet von der Anti Zensur Koalition (AZK), 3. Anti Zensur Konferenz, Gastgeber Ivo Sasek (*1956) Schweizer Laienprediger, Gründer der AZK, Autor, Chur, Schweiz, 21. Februar 2009, Panorama-Film Liveschnitt-Produktion, YouTube Film, 1:16:48 Dauer, eingestellt 7. November 2011
- Videoaussage von Hanna Ziegert, deutsche Psychiaterin, unabhängige Gerichtsgutachterin, München, Abhängigkeit der Psy-
chiatriegutachter im Skandal Gustl Mollath, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD, Talk- show Beckmann, Gastgeber Reinhold Beckmann (*1956) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Sänger, Sendetermin 15. August 2013, YouTube Filmausschnitt, 7:18 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 16. August 2013
Nachlese des Psychiatrie-Justiz-Skandals um Gustl Mollath in Bayern Hanna Ziegert bestätigt, dass Staatsanwaltschaft und Richter Gutachter je nach dem gewünschten Ergebnis beauftragen. Vorauseilend gehorsame abhängige Gutachter liefern i.d.R. das "gewünschte" Gutachten.
- Videointerview mit Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Eugen Drewermann: Was mich prägte – Biografische Einsichten, präsentiert von dem gemeinnützigen Kanal VAKUUM Journal, Gastgeber Peter Jost, YouTube Film, 1:18:28 Dauer, eingestellt 17. November 2018
- Video Fernsehinterview mit Lydia Cacho Ribeiro (*1963) mexikanische Menschenrechtsaktivistin, Feministin, Journalistin, Autorin, Die Drogenbosse sind keine Helden! Lydia Cacho im Gespräch, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, wöchentliche Diskussionsrunde Sternstunde Kultur, Gastgeber Wolfram Eilenberger, YouTube Film, 57:25 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 3. Februar 2020
Ein neuer Schub der Bewusstwerdung angesichts der Gewalt gegen Frauen und Kinder durch die vom Machismo geprägte Kultur der Drogen- und Menschenhandelkartelle in Südamerika und Russland
Dokumentationen und Filme
- Fernsehdokumentation unter Mitwirkung von Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspen-
dierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Auf dem Scheiterhaufen des Vatikans – Eugen Drewermann & Giordano Bruno, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsen- der 3Sat, Roland Huber, produziert von R-Film, Zürich, Februar 2000, YouTube Film, 29:43 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. Mai 2016
- Fernsehdokumentation Schweig, Verräter! Whistleblower im Visier Schweig, Verräter! (Arte), präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, Sendetermin 16. Dezember 2014, YouTube Film, 1:36:06 Dauer, eingestellt 21. Dezember 2014
Audio and video links (engl.)
- Video interview with Leuren Moret (*1945) US American scientific geologist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Nuclear Weapons Lab, Livermore, international radiation specialist, whistleblower on illegal depleted uranium munitions, advisor of the United Nations' subcommission, governments and communities, Leuren Moret on Depleted Uranium Contamination, presented
by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 54:45 minutes duration, posted November 2007 Subject to fee
- Video interview with Leuren Moret (*1945) US American scientific geologist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Nuclear Weapons Lab, Livermore, international radiation specialist, whistleblower on illegal depleted uranium munitions, advisor of the United Nations' subcommission, governments and communities, expert witness at the International Criminal Tribunal For Afgha-
nistan, Tokyo, Leuren Moret on Population Control, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 55:04 minutes duration, June 2008 Subject to fee
- Video interview with Rev. Kevin D. Annett (*1956) Canadian anthropologist, political scientist, defrocked minister, whistleblower, secretary of ITCCS, filmproducer, author, Who is Kevin Annett? – My Lunch with Kevin, host Stephen Shellen, Nanaimo, Canada, recorded 24. June 2013, YouTube film, 46:46 minutes duration, posted 27. June 2013
Close-up look at the man behind the global movement to stop child torture and trafficking, and dis-establish genocidal churches and governments. The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is partially the result of Annett's work.
- Video interview with John Kiriakou (*1964) US American former CIA analyst and case officer, senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, counterterrorism consultant for ABC News, CIA torture whistleblower, columnist with Reader Supported News, author, Ex-CIA Officer John Kiriakou: "The Government Turned Me Into a Dissident", YouTube film,
16:47 minutes duration, posted 2. April 2015
- Video TV interview with John Kiriakou (*1964) US American former CIA analyst and case officer, senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, counterterrorism consultant for ABC News, CIA torture whistleblower, columnist with Reader Supported News, author, CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Wake Up, You're Next, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), DailyMotion film, minute 4:37, 11:56 minutes duration, reposted 2016
- Q&A video interview with Edward Snowden (*1983) US American whistleblower, computer professional, former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), leaker of classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) to the mainstream media, starting in June 2013, Edward Snowden Q&A hosted by CEO Twitter Jack Dorsey – NSA Spying, sponsor and host Jack Dorsey, US American
Twitter CEO, recorded at Twitter headquarters, San Francisco, California, 13. December 2016, Dailymotion film, 53:35 minutes duration, posted 21. January 2017
Virtual interview about issues of privacy, Twitter and the current state of journalism
- Video TV interview with Daniele Ganser, Ph.D. (*1972) Swiss historian, University of St. Gallen, researcher on energy, geostrategic secret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Dr. Daniele Ganser Exclusive: The Basics – Geopolitics, Foreign Policy, UN & Covert Operations, presen-
ted by the German activist TV station acTVism Munich, YouTube film, 49:41 minutes duration, posted 15. November 2017
➤ United States is the US Empire. ➤ G.W. Bush and Tony Blair are war criminals. Saddam Hussein was a war criminal. All of them violated the UN Charta. ➤ The foreign policies of the Empire and its vasall states constitute illegal acts. ➤ The embargo on Kuwait was a crime against humanity. The UN Security Council killed half a million Kuwaiti children. ➤ The war against Afghanistan is illegal. ➤ Nuclear powers endowed with veto rights in the UN Security Council – US, GB, France, China, Russia – keep themselves above international war law. ➤ The Secretary-General of the United Nations does not have the power to CRITICISE the illegal wars of his bosses. ➤ Each powerful nation has a representative face: US – Trump, Russia – Putin, Germany – Merkel.
- Video TV interview with Kerry Cassidy, US American documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter, founder of the Project Camelot Project, Our Parallel World Of Mystery & Illusion, presented by the Danish TV network and online community Age Of Truth TV, host Lucas Alexander, YouTube film, 2:16:33 duration, posted 28. October 2018
- Video TV interview with Ingunn Sigurdsdatter (*1964) Norwegian freedom rebel, lecturer, clairvoyant spiritual guide, healer, truth researcher, INGUNN SIGURDSDATTER ~ "The Freedom Rebel Who Renounced The State", presented by the Danish TV net-
work and online community Age Of Truth TV, host Lucas Alexander, YouTube film, 1:50:02 duration, posted 8. November 2018
- Video interview with Zachary Vorhies,
US American former Google engineer-turned-whistleblower, GOOGLE WHISTLEBLOWER TELLS ALL, Project Veritas, program The #HighWire, host Del Bigtree, US American television and film producer, anti-vaccination activist, YouTube film, 46:47 minutes duration, posted 10. February 2020
- Video report / interviews compiled by Mike Adams PROJECT LOOKING GLASS: FROM THE MOUTH OF THREE WHISTLE-
BLOWERS, presented by the Health Ranger Report, host Mike Adams, Brighteon film, 53:12 minutes duration, posted 18. October 2021
Linkless media offering
- Video presentation by John Virapen, M.A. [John Rengen] (1943-2015) former Indian manager of pharmaceutical company Eli
Lilly (1980-1988) and Novo Nordisk, whistleblower, author, The Hidden Truth – Pharma Secrets & Pharmaceutical Executives, YouTube film, 1:18:46 duration, posted 3. February 2013
Audio and video links (engl.) – Kevin Galalae
Audios and videos on matters of c-overt genocide/depopulation featuring Kevin Mugur Galalae, B.A. (*1965) Romania-born naturalized Canadian historian, human rights activist, whistleblower, consultant in the fields of education, art and NGOs, journalist, author
Audio and video links (engl.) – Karen Hudes
Audios and videos on solution to corruption of world's money featuring Karen Hudes, US American lawyer, economist, US Export Import Bank (1980-1985), senior counsel for the legal department of the World Bank (1986-2007), whistleblower
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview | Corruption/WorldBank/Whistleblower.mp4 Reporting corruption to US Congress, various member countries of the World Bank, and the public | | 11:17 | 12. April 2011 |
Deleted YouTube audio | Interview | Bank Corruption Uncovering the corruption in the World Bank. | US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host John B. Wells, 25. May 2013 | 2:37:59 | 26. May 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | IRS Tax dollars go to Vatican/Bank of England – World Bank whistleblower | Project Camelot, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy | 3:13 | 5. August 2013 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | We're Running Out of Time! We're Dealing with Whether We Can Continue as Humanity "The IRS revenue goes to the Vatican." Minute 12:45 | US American broadcast station, host Greg Hunter | 23:26 | 28. August 2013 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | Abel Danger with Karen Hudes · C2CSI 11-4-2013 | US American broadcast station C2CSI, host Abel Danger, aired 4. November 2013 | 60:05 | 4. November 2013 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Solution suggestions from Karen Hudes – World Bank Whistleblower 10-25-13 | Host Kimberley Jaeger | 1:05:47 | 8. November 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | THE BANKSTERS-SCENE WITH WHISTLE BLOWER Karen Hudes Complete film The Banksters Madoff with America. Directors Cut. May 2014 | Host Edmund Druilhet, US American executive producer | 2:05:55 | 2014 |
Audio | Radio interview YouTube alternative | Former World Bank Insider on the Corruption of the Global Elite | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren | 105:30 1:45:21 | 21. February 2014 |