
Wiki / Whistleblower





WhistleblowerSkandalaufdecker ♦ Enthüller ♦ Nestbeschmutzer




Erin Brockovich, März 2012


Aufdeckung und Entzauberung von prominenten spirituellen Straftätern

Fünf notwendige Faktoren zur Skandalisierung von Missbrauchern
Die Entzauberung von Kultführern und kriminellen Leitfiguren – aus der Sicht der Medienlogik
1.Anklagende/s Opfer
mit Vollnamen und Foto
Bekennende, mutige, sichtbare Opfer erzeugen Dominoeffekte der wechselseitigen Ermutigung und des befreienden Zuhörens, um Beschwiegenes und Verdrängtes emporzuspülen.
2.Recherchierende Journalisten Hartnäckige, mutige Aufdecker mit dem Stift verifizieren die Vorwürfe, sind bereit für den zeitaufwendigen publizistischen Langstreckenlauf, und veröffentlichen ihre Ergebnisse in den etablierten Medien.
3."Inside-Outsider" der angegriffenen Institution Themenkundige und gewissenhafte Whistleblower klären auf, ohne übertriebene Rücksicht auf das Schicksal der Täter und vergangene Loyalitäten zu nehmen.
Zivilcouragierte "Inside-Outsider" sind entscheidend für die nachhaltige Aufdeckung/Skandalisierung.
4.Engagierte Unterstützer und Sympathisanten Mit jeder neuen Aufdeckung justieren, sortieren und positionieren sich die themenbezogene Unterstützer und Sympathisanten aufs Neue.
5.Gesteigerte Sensibilität
der Öffentlichkeit
Die Wachsamkeit von mitdenkenden und sich informierenden Bürgern ermöglicht, dass das aufgedeckte Missbrauchsthema nicht gleich wieder versandet.
Wir sollten von der digitalen Gesellschaft der Gegenwart zur redaktionellen Gesellschaft der Zukunft werden.
Weil wir medienmächtig geworden sind, müssen wir nun auch medienmündig werden.
Der kategorische Imperativ der Wahrnehmung:
       1. Erkenne das Andere in seiner Fremdheit und seinem Schrecken.
       2. Prüfe genau und unvoreingenommen.
       3. Handle sofort, um die Opfer zu stärken und künftiges Leid zu verhindern.
Gängige Stationen bei der Aufdeckung von missbrauchenden Gurus
༺༻Phase / StationErläuterung
1.Institutioneller Selbstschutz ✣
Institutioneller Narzissmus
Die Administration des Kultführers ist bemüht, das eigene Image zu retten, den aufziehenden Skandal aus der Öffentlichkeit herauszuhalten. Er wird intern heruntergespielt. Man warnt vor der Verbreitung von unbe-
wiesenem Klatsch, bezahlt wahlweise Schweigegeld oder diskreditiert die Opfer als unglaubwürdig und psychisch labil, versucht, sie einzuschüchtern. Man reagiert zunächst nur auf vereinzelte Medienberichte, indem man Journalisten Sensationsgier und Schmutzkampagnen unterstellt.
2.Diffuse Reuebekundung des Gurus ✣
Öffentlich zelebriertes Reinigungsritual
Der angeschlagene Meister signalisiert Verzweiflung, kündigt innere Einkehr, Selbsterforschung und zeit-
weisen Rückzugs an. Ihm tut es leid, wenn sich Schülerinnen und Schüler verletzt fühlen, denn er liebt
sie ja mehr als sich selbst! Das habe er nicht gewollt. Solche wolkigen Demutsgesten sind offenkundig strategisch und zumeist unbefriedigend, da die Übergriffe und Verbrechen wie Vergewaltigungen des
Gurus zum Wahrnehmungsproblem des/der Opfer umgeschminkt werden. Die Anwälte lesen bereits
jedes Satzzeichen mit.
3.Objektivierende Rekonstruktion Je nach den Machtverhältnissen innerhalb einer kompromittierten Institution wird ein unabhängiges An-
waltsbüro wird mit der Klärung der Vorwürfe und der Veröffentlichung der Rechercheergebnisse beauf-
tragt. Die Fraktion der Aufklärer streitet sich mit der Gruppe der Vertuscher und Verniedlicher, die wo-
möglich fürchten müssen, im Strudel des Skandals ihren Einfluss und die eigene Existenzgrundlage zu verlieren.
Das Unfehlbarkeitsideal ist fatal, weil für den spirituell Suchenden, wenn er die Versäumnisse des Meisters
erkennt, gleich alles auf dem Spiel steht, der gesamte Sinnkosmos scheint bedroht. […]
Im Moment prallen ziemlich infantile Erlösungs- und Verehrungssehnsüchte auf die allgemeine Lust an der Entzau-
berung und eine grell überbelichtete Welt, in der blitzschnell jede kleinere und größere Verfehlung bekannt wird.
Und eben dieses Aufeinanderprallen von Perfektionssehnsüchten, Entlarvungswillen und radikaler Transparenz programmiert die unvermeidliche Enttäuschung, die Pulverisierung von Aura, Charisma und Autorität.
Quelle: ► Interview mit Prof. Bernhard Pörksen (*1969) deutscher Professor für Medienwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen, Autor
Das spirituelle Heldenzeitalter ist vorbei, präsentiert von der deutschen Quartalszeitschrift Buddhismus aktuell,
Chefredakteurin und Gastgeberin Ursula Richard, Ausgabe 1, Januar 2019


Siehe auch:
Skandalierer ♦ Skandaliertes ♦ Öffentlichkeit ⇔ Opferung und ► Mutige und ► Gewissenhafte und ► Kulte und ► Bewusstseinskontrolle
► ⚡ Sigmund Freud und ► ⚡ Mother Teresa und ► ⚡ Ken Wilber und ► ⚡ Andrew Cohen und ► ⚡ Robert Augustus Masters
See also:
Dismantling and unmasking prominent perpetrators and spiritual leaders
Differentiating sheep from sheepdogs and wolves
► ⚡ Doctor of Truth and ► ⚡ Power vs. Truth
► ⚡ Abusive artist Pablo Picasso
► ⚡ Established sexual predation at the workplace Alfred Hitchcock (60ties) • Clarence Thomas (90ties) • Roger Ailes (2016) • Harvey Weinstein (2017)
⚡ Quotes featuring George Ivanovich Gurdjieff
⚡ Gandhi's sexual 'experiments' – abuse on minors
Quotes on Dalai's Lama's association with ⚡ Sogyal Rinpoche
⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control
⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial

Skandalierer ♦ Skandaliertes ♦ Öffentlichkeit ⇔ Opferung

Sokrates' transformierendes Wesen ließ die Gemüter, die sich gespiegelt fühlten, nicht kalt. Um seine Person, seine gewählte Fragemethodik und offen bleibenden Schlussfolgerungen gab es Aufruhr. Skandale entstehen durch die aktive Beteiligung bestimmter gesellschaftlicher Gruppierungen, die in mehr oder minder bestimmbaren sozialen Kontexten beheimatet sind.


Trias: SkandaliererSkandaliertesÖffentlichkeit ⇔ Sündenbockjagd
1. WER?Skandalierer Personalisieren Wacher Bürger, Mahner
2. WAS?Skandaliertes Verdrängen Schatten der Gruppe
3. Vor WEM?Öffentlichkeit
Verkannter Feind im Innern Frappierte Menge gelähmt durch Primäreffekt
/ kognitive Verzerrung
Cui bono?
Opferung des anstößigen Auslösers Sündenbock-"Lösung";
"Teile und herrsche", "Der Dritte Weg"
Siehe auch: ► Sokrates und ► Skandalierer ♦ Skandaliertes ♦ Öffentlichkeit ⇔ Opferung und ► Komplexität
See also: ► ⚡ Scandalizer ♦ Scandalized ♦ Public ⇔ Sacrificing the messenger and ► Principle 3:1 and ► Community and ► Shadow


Sokrates wurde öffentlich angeklagt,

  • ein Gotteslästerer und
  • ein Jugendverderber und
  • ein Schädling des Gemeinwesens zu sein.


⚑ Ein Athener Gremium entschied, dass Sokrates SCHULDIG sei.
⚑ Mehrheitlich wurde er zum Tod durch den giftigen Schierlingstrank verurteilt.
     ⚑ Bei der Abstimmung über "schuldig oder nicht schuldig" befanden 280 Richtende Sokrates für schuldig, 221 hielten ihn
         für unschuldig. Der Antrag auf die Todesstrafe wurde von einer Mehrheit von 360 gegen 141 Stimmen bestätigt.


Es kann nicht sein, s'ist heut Simons und Judä,
Da rast der See und will sein Opfer haben.

Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) deutscher Philosoph, Historiker, Dichter, Schriftsteller, dramatisches Theaterstück
Wilhelm Tell, Figur Ruodi in Kapitel 2, 1. Akt, 1. Szene, uraufgeführt in Weimar, 17. März 1804
Sündenbockmotiv: Abergläubische Ortsansässige waren überzeugt, dass der See alljährlich ein Opfer reklamiert.
Tag der Apostel Simon und Judas am 28. Oktober

Ich klage an!

J’accuse! – Ich klage an!
ist seit dem 13. Januar 1898 die klassische Eröffnung eines offenen Briefes. Emile Zola erreichte mit seinem offenen Anklagebrief an den französischen Präsidenten die Wiederaufnahme eines Verfahrens gegen einen ungerechtfertigt Verurteilten.


"Meine Pflicht ist es zu sprechen; ich will nicht Komplize sein. Meine Nächte würden heim-
gesucht werden vom Geist des unschuldig Verurteilten, der dort drüben die schlimmsten Folterqualen erleidet für ein Verbrechen, das er nicht begangen hat."
Émile Zola (1840-1902) französischer Maler, Journalist, Schriftsteller, J’accuse…!, offener Brief an Félix Faure, damaliger Präsidenten der Französischen Republik, veröffentlicht in der Tageszeitung L'Aurore, 13. Januar 1898
Siehe auch: ► Transparenz

Zitate zum Thema Skandalaufdecker / Whistleblower

Denn ich will euch Mund und Weisheit geben, welcher nicht sollen widersprechen können
noch widerstehen alle eure Widersacher.
Lukas 21, 15 (NT)

Zitate allgemein

Persönliches Bekenntnisse
Am 10. Dezember 1997 bestieg Butterfly Hill einen kalifornischen Küsten-Mammutbaum und lebte dort für 738 Tage, um ihn vor dem Abholzen durch die Firma Pacific Lumber zu beschützen.

Three Wise Monkeys carved on a stable housing sacred horses
Tōshōgū shrine, Nikkō, Japan "Hear, Speak, See no evil"
August 2003
  • Der eigentliche Grund, alles was ich in meinem Leben hatte, aufzugeben – meine Freunde, meine Arbeit, meine Karriere, meine Klamotten, mich umzudrehen, alles zu verkaufen und in den Wald zu gehen – war der atemberaubende Anblick dieses riesigen uralten Redwood-Baums, dessen Leben unmittelbar bedroht war. Wenn man so ein Wesen auf einem Foto sieht, kann es einen sehr berühren, aber wenn man davor steht, dann haut es einen einfach um. Dieser Wirklichkeitsschock jenseits der Medienwelt, fühlte sich für mich so an, als würde eine Hand meine Eingeweide und mein Herz rausreißen, mich am Nacken packen und ins Geschehen stoßen. Es war nichts Politisches, nichts Wissenschaftliches. Ich glaube, es gib diese Momente im Leben, wo wir etwas erkennen und ohne jeden Zweifel wissen, dass es falsch läuft und wir etwas unternehmen müssen. Julia Butterfly Hill (*1974) US-amerikanische Umweltaktivistin, zitiert in: Artikel I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel, präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM, Dirk C. Fleck (*1943) freier deutscher Journalist, Autor, 30. Dezember 2019




Ziviler Ungehorsam:

praktiziert von Hannah Arendt

  • Jemand, der weiß, dass er widersprechen kann, weiß auch, dass er gewisser-
    maßen zustimmt, wenn er nicht widerspricht.
    Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) jüdisch-deutsch-amerikanische politische Theoretikerin, Philosophin des Totalitarianismus, Publizistin, Marie Luise Knott, Herausgeberin, Zur Zeit. Politische Essays, S. 147, alternativ hier: S. 362, 1970, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), 1. Taschenbuchauflage 1. Januar 1989


  • Ich bin ein Ketzer [heutzutage Verschwörungstheoretiker genannt]. […]
    Man sagt [zu mir], "Du bist ein Spielverderber", "Was sprichst du hier Klartext, wir haben doch abgemacht, über das [Kriegsverbrechen, Kriegslügen, 9/11] spricht man nicht." Das wichtigste für einen Menschen ist, dass er seinen Wer-
    ten treu bleibt. Ein Charakter bildet sich nur dadurch aus, dass man den eigenen Werten treu bleibt und die auch dann nicht verrät, wenn der Druck hoch ist. Diesen Teil, den Sie erkennen, den müssen Sie auch dann publizieren, wenn alle dagegen sind. Das war bei mir so bei 9/11. Da hat sofort die Amerikanische Botschaft interveniert. Ich habe mich nicht einschüchtern lassen. Meine Werte sind 1. die Wahrheit, 2. die Liebe und 3. der Mut.
    Audiointerview mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser danieleganser.ch (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Daniele Ganser: Das Prinzip Menschheitsfamilie, präsentiert von eingeSCHENKt.tv, Gastgeber Sascha Vrecar, Minute 38:38, 50:16 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 22. August 2018



  • Im übrigen gilt ja hier derjenige, der auf den Schmutz hinweist, für viel gefährlicher als der, der den Schmutz macht.
    Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935) deutscher Satiriker, Journalist, Schriftsteller, Brief an Herbert Ihering (1888-1977) deutscher Drama-
    turg, Regisseur, Theaterkritiker, Journalist, 10. August 1922


  • Solang du schimpfst und tobst und bellst,
    Bleibst du dem Volk erfreulich.
    Doch wenn du einfach Recht behältst,
    Finden sie's unverzeihlich.
    Paul Heyse (1830-1914) deutscher Übersetzer, Romanist, Novellist, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur (1910), zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Jahrhundertelang haben Könige, Priester, Feudalherren, Industrielle und Eltern darauf bestanden, dass Gehorsam
    eine Tugend und Ungehorsam ein Laster sei. Ich möchte hier einen anderen Standpunkt vertreten und dem Folgen-
    des entgegenhalten: die Menschheitsgeschichte begann mit einem Akt des Ungehorsams, und es ist nicht unwahr-
    scheinlich, dass sie mit einem Akt des Gehorsams ihr Ende finden wird. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-ameri-
    kanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, Soziologe, humanistischer Philosoph, Autor, Über den Ungehorsam und andere Essays, Über den Ungehorsamund andere Essays, PDF, S. 3, Psychosozial-Verlag, Taschenbuchausgabe 1. November 2019


  • Derjenige, der weiß, hat sich von allen Fabeln getrennt, die die Begierde und das Denken schaffen, er hat sich aus dem Stromkreis ausgeschaltet, er willigt nicht mehr in den Trug ein. Emil Cioran (1911-1995) rumänischer Dichterphilosoph, radikaler Kulturkritiker der Nachkriegszeit, Aphoristiker des 20. Jahrhunderts, Die verfehlte Schöpfung, Suhrkamp, Erstauflage 1979


  • Wenn du möchtest, dass eine Herde eine bestimmte Richtung einschlägt, so halte dich zurück. [...] Einige der tatkräftigeren Rinder gehen in den Vordergrund, während die übrigen Tiere nachziehen. Eine Rinderherde führt man tatsächlich aus dem Hintergrund. Ein Führer sollte seine Aufgabe auf diese Weise verrichten. [...]
    Mir ist daran gelegen, kein Aufrührer zu sein. Die Menschen wollen die Zusammenhänge klar und verständlich erklärt be-
    kommen. Sie erkennen es, wenn man ernsthaft mit ihnen spricht. Sie möchten sehen, wie du mit schwierigen Situationen umgehst und ob es dir gelingt, gelassen zu bleiben.
    Nelson Mandela [Vater der Regenbogen-Nation] (1918-2013) führender südafrikanischer Anti-Apartheid-Kämpfer, 27 Jahre politisch Gefangener, erster schwarzer Präsident Südafrikas (1994-1999), zitiert in: Artikel The Making of a Leader [Die Erzeugung einer Führungsperson], präsentiert von dem wöchentlich erscheinenden US-amerikanischen Nachrichtenmagazin TIME, Richard Stengel, Johannesburg, 9. Mai 1994


  • Besser, es gibt Skandale, als dass die Wahrheit zu kurz kommt.
    Gregor der Große [Gregorius, Papst Gregor I.] (540-604) bedeutendes Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche ab 590, jüngster der vier großen lateinischen Kirchenlehrer der Spätantike, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Wer behauptet, man braucht keine Privatsphäre, weil man nichts zu verbergen hat, kann gleich sagen man braucht keine Redefreiheit weil man selbst nichts zu sagen hat.
    Edward Snowden (*1983) US-amerikanischer Whistleblower, ehemalige technische Fachkraft für die US-amerikanischen Geheim-
    dienste CIA und DIA, Systemadministrator der NSA (†Mai 2013), zitiert in: Artikel Edward Snowden über "Ich hab nichts zu verbergen", präsentiert von der Publikation Netzpolitik, Markus Beckedahl, 1. Juni 2015


  • Die Machtelite mag es nicht, wenn ihre Strategien, die jenseits aller Ethik ablaufen und nur darauf abzielen, mehr Geld und mehr Macht anzusammeln, demaskiert zu werden. Daher werden auch die Intellektuellen angegriffen, wenn sie den Machtmissbrauch offen und deutlich kritisieren.
    Interview mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser danieleganser.ch (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Exper-
    te für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Autor, Vorsicht, Verschwörungstheorie!, präsentiert von dem alternativen online Magazin Manova, Gastgeber Jens Wernicke (*1977) deutscher Diplom-Kulturwissenschaftler (Medien), Autor, 4. September 2017


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Mut und ► Warnung

General quotes

For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. Luke 21, 15 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • [O]n the 9th of October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. They shot my friends too. They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed. And out of that silence came thousands of voices. The terrorists thought that they would change my aims and stop my ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this
    – weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born.
    Malala Yousafzai (*1997) Pakistani human rights and education activist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2014, address at United Nations Youth Assembly, UN headquarters, New York, 12. July 2013, cited in: article Malala Yousafzai at the UN: Watch teenager
    shot by Taliban explain how books and pens can change the world
    , presented by Mirror, Tom Parry, 12 July 2013



Corporate crime whistleblower Fleischman took 6 years to break her bought witness silence worth $9 billion.



  • There are two types of courage involved with what I did. When it comes to picking up a rifle, millions of people are capable of doing that, as we see in Iraq or Vietnam. But when it comes to risking their careers, or risking being invited to lunch by the establishment, it turns out that's remarkably rare. Daniel Ellsberg, Ph.D. (1931-2023) US American military analyst, RAND Corporation, whistleblower of a top-secret Pentagon study on
    the Vietnam War, 1971, Right Livelihood Award laureate, 2006


  • I believe in the power and mystery of naming things. […] Naming things, breaking through taboos and denial is the most dangerous, terrifying, and crucial work. […]
    I believe freedom begins with naming things. Humanity is preserved by it. Eve Ensler (*1953) US American performer, feminist, activist, playwright, cited in: This I Believe. The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women, Holt Paperbacks,
    1st edition 21. August 2007



  • Mrs. [Rosa] Parks is a fine Christian person, unassuming, and yet there is integrity and character there. And just because she refused to get up, she was arrested.
    Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1964, Montgomery Bus Boycott speech, Holt Street Baptist Church, 5. December 1955

Not intending to start a movement, Ms. Park refused to move to the back of a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama on December 1, 1955. Tired of social injustice, she believed it is out of integrity to force a black woman to stand [or else sit in the back row] so that a white man could take a seat in the front rows.



  • If you want to be a real human being – a real woman, a real man – you cannot tolerate things which put you to indig-
    nation, to outrage. You must stand up. I always say to people, 'Look around; look at what makes you unhappy, what
    makes you furious, and then engage yourself in some action.
    Stéphane Hessel (1917-2013) German/naturalised French diplomat, ambassador, concentration camp survivor, French Resistance member, BCRA agent, writer, Time for Outrage, 2010, Twelve, 1st edition, 20. September 2011





Dealing with lies and "Fake News"

Not hierarchy but mutuality – More speech, not censorship is the solution to lies.

  • The problem of "Fake News" isn't solved by hoping for a referee, but rather be-
    cause we as participants, we as citizens, we as users of these services help each
    other. We talk and we share and we point out what is fake, we point out what is truth. The answer to bad speech is not censorship, the answer to bad speech is more speech. We have to exercise and spread the idea that critical thinking matters – now more than ever given the fact that lies seem to become very popular. Q&A video interview with Edward Snowden (*1983) US American whistleblower, computer professional, former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), leaker of classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) to the mainstream media, starting in June 2013, Edward Snowden Q&A hosted by CEO Twitter Jack Dorsey – NSA Spying, sponsor and host Jack Dorsey, US American Twitter CEO, recorded at Twitter headquarters, San Francisco, California, 13. December 2016, Dailymotion film, minute 21:40, 53:35 minutes duration, posted
    14. December 2016
  • Relatively small problems can turn into major crises because of rankist behavior. Silencing of "whistleblowers," truth tellers, or dissenters, for example, can mean loss of information crucial to organizational functioning. This, in turn, reduces the organizations's capacity to effect optimal outcomes. Before the 1986 U.S. ["Challenger"] space shuttle disaster, lower ranking individuals within NASA repeatedly tried to call attention to the shuttle's faulty O-rings, later found to be the source of the shuttle explosion. Higher-ranking officials silenced those voices, the launch occurred
    as planned, and the shuttle blew up minutes later.
    Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. robertworksfuller.com (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, Dr. Pamela Gerloff (*1955) US American rankism and dignity researcher, "Project on Civic Reflection",
    co-author, Dignity for All. How to Create a World Without Rankism, chapter 7 "Rankism in Organizations: Lessons from NASA",
    Berrett-Koehler, 2008


Rev. Kevin Annett, EXPOSED
  • We have to realize that everyone of us at a very young age had empathy
    driven out of us. The school system is designed to drive out of us. It does
    that by numbing us to our own pain, because everyone of us was raised in a way where our original self was violated and twisted in some way. Even if you weren't battered physically or abused sexually as a kid the minute you have a thought they say, "Don't think this, think that. Don't feel that." The most common one is to believe in lies. The kid knows the difference between truth and a lie. You're taught to lie at every level of society. When you're trained to do that you become numb to what was done to you which we were all violated. That is the best way to control a population: to traumatize them as a child. […] Our society rests on child abuse. Child torture is the basis of all elite rule. The image of Jesus hanging on the cross. What did we get from day one? God gave up his son to be tortured and killed for us. Child abuse, ritual child torture, depicted as the will of God. Video interview with Rev. Kevin D. Annett (*1956) Canadian anthropologist, political scientist, defrocked minister, whistleblower, secretary of ITCCS, filmproducer, author, Who is Kevin Annett? – My Lunch with Kevin, host Stephen Shellen, Nanaimo, Canada, recorded 24. June 2013, YouTube film, minute 39:21, 46:46 minutes duration, posted 27. June 2013


  • Whistleblowers no longer have to persuade reporters or put their careers at risk by going public. They can
    now make their charges anonymously, and when they do, blogs allow the information to be disseminated throughout cyberspace at the speed of light. […] blogs can do far more than reveal secrets. They are able to spread information virally at stunning speed. Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American scholar, professor of business administration, organizational consultant, pioneer of contemporary leadership studies, author, Daniel Goleman (*1946) US American psychologist, science journa-
    list, James O'Toole, US American journalist, Patricia Ward Biederman, US American writer, Creating a Transparent Culture, pre-
    sented by the publication Leader To Leader, No. 50, 4. September 2008


  • If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
    perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
    Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.
    It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple-tree or an oak.
    Shall he turn his spring into summer?
    Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) US American historian, philosopher, leading transcendentalist, naturalist, abolitionist, surve-
    yor, tax resister, development critic, poet, author, Walden, Or, Life in the Woods, "A-1", Ticknor and Fields, Boston, 1854; cited
    in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


Data collection – Corona plandemic

  • As authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, as we sacrifice our rights, we also sacrifice our capabi-
    lity to arrest the slide into a less liberal and less free world. Do you truly believe that when the first wave, the second
    wave, the 16th wave of the Corona virus is a long-forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept? That
    these datasets will not be kept? [...] No matter how it is being used, what's being built is the architecture of oppres-
    sion. Video interview with Edward Snowden (*1983) US American whistleblower, computer professional, former system admini-
    strator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), leaker of classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) to the mainstream media, starting in June 2013, Edward Snowden on the Rise of Authoritarianism During the COVID-19 Pandemic, presented by VICE Asia, YouTube film, minute 15:26, 22:39 mi-
    nutes duration, posted 11. July 2020


Ginetta Sagan (1925-2000) Italian-born American
human rights activist at Amnesty International on
behalf of prisoners of conscience


  • An activist is someone who cannot help but fight for something. That person is not usually motivated by a need for power or money or fame, but in fact is driven slightly mad by some injustice, some cruelty, some unfairness, so much so that he or she is compelled by some internal moral engine to act to make it better. Eve Ensler (*1953) US American performer, feminist, activist, playwright, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • The way the mass media have begun simply ignoring major news stories that are inconvenient for the powerful, across
    not just some but all major news outlets, is extremely disturbing. It means any time there's an inconvenient revelation,
    mainstream news institutions will just pretend it doesn't exist.Seriously think about what this means for a moment. This
    is telling whistleblowers and investigative journalists that no matter how hard they work or how much danger they put
    themselves in to get critical information out to the public, the public will never find out about it, because all mainstream
    news outlets will unify around blacking it out.You want to talk about a threat to the press? Forget jailing journalists and
    whistleblowers, how about all news outlets of any real influence unifying to simply deny coverage to any major informa-
    tion which comes to light? This is a threat to the thing the press fundamentally is. More than a threat. It's the end. The
    end of the possibility of any kind of journalism having any meaningful impact.The journalist who worked on the Stun-
    report says he spent months working on this story, and he would surely have expected his revelations to get some
    coverage in the rest of the western press. The OPCW whistleblowers would surely have expected their revelations to
    get enough attention to make a difference, otherwise they wouldn't have leaked those documents at great risk to them-
    What's being communicated to whistleblowers and journalists in these blackouts is, don't bother. It won't make any
    difference, because no one will ever see what you reveal. Article by Caitlin Johnstone, Australian utopia prepper, feminist blogger, poet, rogue journalist, The Horrifying Rise Of Total Mass Media Blackouts On Inconvenient News Stories, presented by the publication Caitline Johnstone, 3. July 2021



Telling the awful truth gracefully

  • Some folks hide behind a social etiquette and mask without wanting to say anything bad or touching on any taboo subjects. They speak around issues in order to be spiritually or politically correct, so as to not step on anyone's toes. Of course, that doesn't mean that one should be mean, aggressive, and rude, or push information on someone who didn't ask for it. It simply means to be sincere and honest with conscience and awareness. There is a time to speak up and a time
    to be silent. And sometimes you have to be direct, call a spade a spade, and give the lie what it deserves: the truth,
    regardless of what others may think, even if it doesn't sound nice and it doesn't conform to what someone likes to
    hear. You can be considerate and still speak the truth, even if others see it as negative from their conditioned point
    of view. Educative video written, narrated, and produced by Bernhard Guenther (*1972) German US American bodyworker, blog-
    ger, essayist, Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition, YouTube film, minute 42:12, 1:17:29 minutes duration, posted by the website TimeOfTransition, 27. October 2011


  • When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals. Anonymous


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Courage

Journalistic ethics – anonymous witness reports

  • Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retri-
    bution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.
    Anonymous sources are sometimes the only key to unlocking that big story, throwing back the curtain on
    corruption, fulfilling the journalistic missions of watchdog on the government and informant to the citizens. But
    sometimes, anonymous sources are the road to the ethical swamp.
    Article SPJ Code of Ethics, presented by the US American Society of Professional Journalists, revised 6. September 2014

Englische Texte – English section on Whistleblower

Dismantling and unmasking prominent perpetrators and spiritual leaders

Five interrelated factors are required to expose abusive (spiritual) leaders.
Disenchantment of cult leaders and criminal central figures – from the vantage point of media logic
༺༻Revealer quintetDescription
1.Accusing victim/s
Full name and picture availed
One or more confessing, courageous, visible victims create domino effects of mutual encouragement and liberating listening to flush up those issues that had been hushed and repressed.
2.Researching journalists Persistent, courageous uncoverers with a pen verify the accusations, ready for a time-consuming journalistic long-distance run to publish their results in the mainstream media.
3."Inside-outsiders" of
the accused institution
Competent and conscientious insiders elucidate the case, void of exaggerated consideration regarding the fate of the perpetrator/s and past loyalties.
Morally courageous "inside-outsiders" are vital for a sustainable exposure / scandalization.
4.Active supporter and sympathizer scene With each new disclosure, the topic-related supporters and sympathizers are adjusting, regrouping and repositioning themselves.
5.Increased sensitivity
of the public
The vigilance of concerned and informed citizens ensures that the disclosed abuse doesn't immediately get stuffed down again.
We need to transform today’s digital society into tomorrow’s editorial society.
Now that we have acquired media power, we must do everything we can to attain media maturity.
In an editorial society the ideals and maxims of good journalism will be a part of general education.
     1. First check, then publish!
     2. Be skeptical, even of your own opinions!
     3. Scrutinize your sources!
     4. Always listen to the other side!
     5. Act transparently in dealing with your own mistakes!
     6. Pay attention to relevance and proportion: don't make an incident larger than it is!
The relevant categorical imperative to guide perception is:
     1. See what is different from you, in all its strangeness and fearfulness.
     2. Investigate carefully and impartially.
     3. Act immediately to empower victims and prevent further suffering.
Three common stages during the process of unmasking abusive gurus

In an attempt to protect their own image, the cult leader's representatives are anxious to keep the growing scandal out of the public eye. Internally it is played down. They warn against the spread of unproven gossip, either pay hush money or discredit the victims as untrustworthy and mentally unstable, attempting to intimidate them. Initially, they only react to selected media reports by accusing journalists of sensationalism and smerar campaigns.
   of the guru

   cleansing ritual
The stricken master is signalling despair, announces inner contemplation, self-enquiry and a temporary retreat. He feels sorry that students feel hurt, because he loves them more than himself! It hasn't been his intention to hurt anyone. Such cloudy gestures of humility are obviously strategic and mostly unsatisfactory, since the transgressions and crimes (i.e. rapes) committed by the guru are reinterpreted as a perceptual problem of the victim(s), while the lawyers are already busy reading every punctuation mark.
Depending on the power relations within the compromised institution, an independent lawyer's office is commissioned to clarify the accusations and publish their research results in due time. The whistleblowers argue with the faction that is engaged in covers-ups and marginalizations, presumably afraid of losing influence and livelihood in the maelstrom of the scandal.
The ideal of infallibility is disastrous, because spiritual seekers who encounter the master's failings suddenly face total loss; their very worldview seems threatened. […]
[A]t present fairly infantile longings for salvation and worship are colliding with the general wish for demystification and the overexposed glare of a world in which any misdeed, large or small, is published immediately. And this collision of the longing for perfection with a wish for disclosure and radical transparency is a formula for certain disappointment and the pulverization of aura, charisma, and authority.
Source: ► Interview with Dr. Bernhard Pörksen (*1969) German media scholar, professor of media studies, University of Tübingen,
author, Unmasking the Guru, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Tricycle. The Buddhist Review,
Ursula Richard, editor-in-chief, summer issue 2019
Origianal interview in German: ► Das spirituelle Heldenzeitalter ist vorbei [The spiritual age of heroes is over], presented
by the German quarterly magazine Buddhismus aktuell, editor-in-chief and host Ursula Richard, issue 1, January 2019


See also:
Pages: Cults and ► Mind control and ► Courage und ► Conscience
Personalities: Andrew Cohen and ► Sigmund Freud and ► Robert Augustus Masters and ► Mother Teresa and ► Ken Wilber
⚡ Scandalizer ♦ Scandalized ♦ Public ⇔ Sacrificing the messenger/scapegoat
Doctor of Truth and ► Power vs. Truth
Abusive artist Pablo Picasso
Established sexual predation at the workplace Alfred Hitchcock (60ties) • Clarence Thomas (90ties) • Roger Ailes (2016) • Harvey Weinstein (2017)
⚡ Quotes featuring George Ivanovich Gurdjieff
⚡ Gandhi's sexual 'experiments' – abuse on minors
Quotes on Dalai's Lama's association with ⚡ Sogyal Rinpoche
⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control
⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial
Differentiating sheep from sheepdogs and wolves
Eight statistically confirmed laws of social change
Siehe auch:
Aufdeckung und Entzauberung von öffentlich bekannten Straftätern
Skandalierer ♦ Skandaliertes ♦ Öffentlichkeit ⇔ Opferung

Unlearning the lesson of obedience

  • Last night at the TED conference, I wept while listening to Ziauddin Yousafzai speak about his daughter, Malala. You
    have heard of Malala Yousafzai. She is the brave young Pakistani girl who was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman
    for speaking up on behalf of education for girls. Her father began his extraordinary speech by saying that in tribal and patriarchal societies, a man is known by his sons.
Malala Yousafzai,
Oval Office, White House, Washington DC, 11. October 2013
"But I am one of the few fathers who is known by my daughter, he said.
"And I am proud of that."
He spoke about how, in rural Pakistan, when a girl is born, it is never cause for celebration, but rather shame. As she grows up, she is taught only one virtue: Obedience.
Yousafzai refused to follow suit. He celebrated his daughter from the
day she was born, and wrote her name in the family tree a 300 year-
old document that had never mentioned a female. He put Malala in
school – not only so that she could know her own potential through
education, but also for the mere political defiance of writing his dau-
ghter's name on an enrollment form, thus signaling her very exis-
tence as a human being. (He had never seen the names of any of
his 5 sisters on any document whatsoever; they simply did not exist
within their own country.)
And most of all he said,
"I taught her to unlearn the lesson of obedience."
Which was such a shocking transgression that a Taliban gunman
shot her for it. (I always think it's particularly telling that she was shot
in the head – shot in the MIND. Anything to shut down that female
brain.) She survived, famously, and still fights for education for girls.
(She spoke last night to us from a video feed – she couldn't come
to the conference because she's in SCHOOL – and she dazzled.)
This girl is extraordinary; this father is extraordinary.
He finished his speech by saying that people always ask him what he did to make Malala into such a strong warrior.
He says it's not what he did; it's what he DIDN'T do:
"I didn't clip her wings."
I was so honored and emotional to be there last night to hear this, and wanted to share it with you all.
Elizabeth Gilbert (*1969) US American biographer, memoirist, essayist, short story writer, novelist, author, Facebook comment,
19. March 2014


  • Malala's mother, Thorpekai, a modest housewife, has gifted the qualities of humility and simplicity to Malala.
    She is the unseen force behind her husband and daughter's courage and forthrightness.
    Thorpekai never went to school but she was inspired by her father, Jan Sar Khan. He was a dedicated follower
    of the 20th-century Pashtun pacifist Abdul Ghaffar Khan (1890-1988), who was allied with Indian independence
    leader Mahatma Gandhi. They used the power of non-violence to humble the mighty British Empire.
    Thorpekai has never been part of a political movement but she has proved a wise counsel to her husband.
    Ziaudin was once attracted to jihadists but Thorpakai’s father and brother convinced him to distance himself from
    a local cleric who was brainwashing youngsters to send them to Afghanistan for jihad.
    The cleric was associated with the Panjpiri sect – a local version of ultraconservative Salafi Islam.
    Ziauddin told me that Thorpekai saved him from a nervous breakdown after Malala was shot.
    He told me that one day he asked her
    "if Malala dies people will hold me responsible for her death."
But Thorpekai replied,
"Never. You never groomed her to become a criminal or a terrorist. She stood for a noble cause."
Article The Wind Beneath Her Wings: A Look At The Family Behind Malala, presented by the publication of the radio station
Gandhara – Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, Abdul Hai Kakar, 5. November 2013

The ten stages of genocide


2020-2021 – Ten stages of enforced lockdowns and vaccination genocide
Staging the New World Order – Global enslavement into a dystopian scenario
Genocide is a process that develops in ten predictable but not inexorable stages.
The process is not linear. Each stage is itself a process. Stages may occur simultaneously.
Logically, later stages are preceded by earlier stages. All stages continue to operate throughout the process.
At each stage, preventive measures can stop it.​

Marks of the beast: 1. Mask 2. Vaccine passport 3. Digital ID (embedded technology and microchips)
False beliefs: 1. Human breath, touch, laughter and singing can kill others. 2. There are asymptomatic carriers.

༺༻Genocidal featureDescription2020-2021 Plandemic
1.Classification​ People are divided into "us and them." Targeting any expression of freedom (consciousness, medical freedom), self-sovereing individual masqueraded as a noble cause
2.Symbolization​ People are forced to identify themselves. The target group becomes visible - reverse psychology. the enemies of the state and national health stand out. the are not wearing a mask. 
3.Discrimination​ People begin to face systematic discrimination.
4.Dehumanization​ People equated with animals, vermin, or diseases.
5.Organization​ The government creates specific groups (police/military) to enforce the policies.
6.Polarization​ The government broadcasts propaganda to the populace against the group.
7.Preparation​ Official action to remove/relocate people.
8.Persecution​​ Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres.
9.Extermination​ Wholesale elimination of the group. It is "extermination" and not murder because the people are not considered human.
10.Denial The government denies that it has committed
any crime.
Source: ► [*] Video presentation by Henna Maria, Scandinavian practitioner of healing arts, activist, founder of the non-profit peace organisation Dawn of Peace, writer, The Ten Stages of Genocide, Bitchute film, 28:24 minutes duration, posted 22. January 2021
Reference: ► Overview The Ten Stages Of Genocide, PDF, presented by Genocide Watch, Gregory H. Stanton, US American research professor of genocide studies and prevention, George Mason University, Virginia, president of Genocide Watch, 1996
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Eight stages of genocide
See also: ► Reset-2020 and ► Incomplete list of historical mass murderers
Referenzen (German):
► Olivier Kessler und Beat Kappeler, Herausgeber, Null-Risiko-Gesellschaft. Zwischen Sicherheitswahn und Kurzsichtigkeit, Beitrag
     von Rahim Taghizadegan (*1979) österreichischer Ökonom und Publizist, "Die Menschen vor Fehlentscheidungen bewahren?",
     Liberales Institut, Zürich, Juni 2021
► Videopräsentation von Gunnar Kaiser (1976-2023) deutscher Philosoph, Lehrer, Schriftsteller, Die zehn Stufen des Völkermords,
     präsentiert von der YouTube-Plattform Kaiser TV, YouTube Film, 24:49 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 12. Juli 2021




COVID is psychological warfare against the people.

"We are in the middle of a genocide. The longer we refuse to come to terms with this truth the more people will be hurt and killed."
[*] Henna Maria, minute 24:00
10 stages of genocide


Links zum Thema Skandalaufdecker / Whistleblower


Literature (engl.)

Literature (engl.) – Kevin Galalae

Articles and Books by Kevin Mugur Galalae, B.A. (*1965) Romania-born naturalized Canadian historian, human rights activist, whistleblower, consultant in the fields of education, art and NGOs, journalist, author
Book titlePublisherPublishing date
Chemical and Biological DepopulationLap Lambert Academic Publishing25.·November·2014
Killing Us Softly.
The Global Depopulation Policy
Progressive Press, 1st paperback28. April 2014
The Future of Global GovernanceCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,
1st paperback edition
5. January 2015
Peace Without Poison. Volume OneCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st edition25. February 2015
The 1050-page book offers scientific evidence that covert depopulation (social engineering) is ongoing on behalf of economic growth (affluence) in nearly every country on earth since 1945. The international framework for peace is based on genocide. Furthermore it offers the 21st century's Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Peace Without Poison. Volume TwoCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,
1st paperback edition
5. February 2015
Peace Without Poison. Volume ThreeCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,
1st paperback edition
15. February 2015
Peace Without Poison
(Three volumes) PDF
Kevin Mugur Galalae, 1041 pagesJuly 2015
Deleted scribd.book Surviving DepopCenter of Global Consciousness (CGC), 168 pages Scribd documentNovember 2016

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge Whistleblower
  • Persönlichkeiten
    • Eugen Drewermann (*1940)
    • Erste Corona Info Tour Bus-Demonstrationsstädtetour zur Aufklärung hinsichtlich des Covid-19-Skandals – Deutschland und Schweiz (28. September-31. Oktober 2020) Präsentationsteam: Dr. med. Bodo Schiffmann (*1968) deutscher Samuel Eckert, deutsch-Schweizer IT-Unternehmer, Prediger, Wolfgang Greulich, deutscher IT-Unternehmer

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Nachlese des Psychiatrie-Justiz-Skandals um Gustl Mollath in Bayern
Hanna Ziegert bestätigt, dass Staatsanwaltschaft und Richter Gutachter je nach dem gewünschten Ergebnis beauftragen. Vorauseilend
gehorsame abhängige Gutachter liefern i.d.R. das "gewünschte" Gutachten.

Ein neuer Schub der Bewusstwerdung angesichts der Gewalt gegen Frauen und Kinder durch die vom Machismo geprägte Kultur der Drogen-
und Menschenhandelkartelle in Südamerika und Russland

Dokumentationen und Filme

  • Fernsehdokumentation unter Mitwirkung von Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspen-
    dierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Auf dem Scheiterhaufen des Vatikans – Eugen Drewermann & Giordano Bruno, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsen-
    der 3Sat, Roland Huber, produziert von R-Film, Zürich, Februar 2000, YouTube Film, 29:43 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. Mai 2016
  • Fernsehdokumentation Schweig, Verräter! Whistleblower im Visier Schweig, Verräter! (Arte), präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, Sendetermin 16. Dezember 2014, YouTube Film, 1:36:06 Dauer, eingestellt 21. Dezember 2014

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video interview with Leuren Moret (*1945) US American scientific geologist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Nuclear Weapons Lab, Livermore, international radiation specialist, whistleblower on illegal depleted uranium munitions, advisor of the United Nations' subcommission, governments and communities, Leuren Moret on Depleted Uranium Contamination, presented
    by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 54:45 minutes duration, posted November 2007   Subject to fee
  • Video interview with Leuren Moret (*1945) US American scientific geologist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Nuclear Weapons Lab, Livermore, international radiation specialist, whistleblower on illegal depleted uranium munitions, advisor of the United Nations' subcommission, governments and communities, expert witness at the International Criminal Tribunal For Afgha-
    nistan, Tokyo, Leuren Moret on Population Control, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV,
    host Regina Meredith, 55:04 minutes duration, June 2008   Subject to fee
  • Video interview with Rev. Kevin D. Annett (*1956) Canadian anthropologist, political scientist, defrocked minister, whistleblower, secretary of ITCCS, filmproducer, author, Who is Kevin Annett? – My Lunch with Kevin, host Stephen Shellen, Nanaimo, Canada, recorded 24. June 2013, YouTube film, 46:46 minutes duration, posted 27. June 2013
    Close-up look at the man behind the global movement to stop child torture and trafficking, and dis-establish genocidal churches and governments. The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is partially the result of Annett's work.
  • Video interview with John Kiriakou (*1964) US American former CIA analyst and case officer, senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, counterterrorism consultant for ABC News, CIA torture whistleblower, columnist with Reader Supported News, author, Ex-CIA Officer John Kiriakou: "The Government Turned Me Into a Dissident", YouTube film,
    16:47 minutes duration, posted 2. April 2015
  • Video TV interview with John Kiriakou (*1964) US American former CIA analyst and case officer, senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, counterterrorism consultant for ABC News, CIA torture whistleblower, columnist with Reader Supported News, author, CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Wake Up, You're Next, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), DailyMotion film, minute 4:37, 11:56 minutes duration, reposted 2016
  • Q&A video interview with Edward Snowden (*1983) US American whistleblower, computer professional, former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), leaker of classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) to the mainstream media, starting in June 2013, Edward Snowden Q&A hosted by CEO Twitter Jack Dorsey – NSA Spying, sponsor and host Jack Dorsey, US American
    Twitter CEO, recorded at Twitter headquarters, San Francisco, California, 13. December 2016, Dailymotion film, 53:35 minutes duration, posted 21. January 2017

Virtual interview about issues of privacy, Twitter and the current state of journalism

➤ United States is the US Empire.
➤ G.W. Bush and Tony Blair are war criminals. Saddam Hussein was a war criminal. All of them violated the UN Charta.
➤ The foreign policies of the Empire and its vasall states constitute illegal acts.
➤ The embargo on Kuwait was a crime against humanity. The UN Security Council killed half a million Kuwaiti children.
➤ The war against Afghanistan is illegal.
➤ Nuclear powers endowed with veto rights in the UN Security Council
   US, GB, France, China, Russia – keep themselves above international war law.
➤ The Secretary-General of the United Nations does not have the power to CRITICISE the illegal wars of his bosses.
➤ Each powerful nation has a representative face: US – Trump, Russia – Putin, Germany – Merkel.

Linkless media offering

  • Video presentation by John Virapen, M.A. [John Rengen] (1943-2015) former Indian manager of pharmaceutical company Eli
    (1980-1988) and Novo Nordisk, whistleblower, author, The Hidden Truth – Pharma Secrets & Pharmaceutical Executives, YouTube film, 1:18:46 duration, posted 3. February 2013

Audio and video links (engl.) – Kevin Galalae

Audios and videos on matters of c-overt genocide/depopulation featuring Kevin Mugur Galalae, B.A. (*1965) Romania-born naturalized Canadian historian, human rights activist, whistleblower, consultant in the fields of education, art and NGOs, journalist, author
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoEducational documentaryMethods of Depopulationfacebook.com/kgalalae24:557. May 2014
February 2020
Sinister chemical and biological methods are covertly used by the depopulation lobby to undermine human fertility. Psychosocial and economic methods are imposed on the world's people to subvert the family structure. By this double pronged approach the global population is being forced into an unnatural process of decline with dire consequences on human health and irreversible damage to the intellectual and genetic endowment of humanity.
Archived audioradio interviewI was offered millions to stop exposing depopulationThe Vinny Eastwood Show, host Vinny Eastwood (*1984) 55:0825. March 2015
Dissolved YouTube videoInterviewITNJ announces its first case: Kevin Galalae versus CanadaITNJ representatives1:58:559. June 2015
The newly formed grassroots organization International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) announces that Kevin Galalae will be its inaugural case addressed to the offending parties in Canada. It will be tried openly and televised live.
YouTube videoPresentationKevin Galalae – The Epidemiology of Genocide Medicine as the Handmaiden of Population Control3rd International Conference on Epidemiology and Emerging Diseases, Valencia, Spain, 4.-6. August 20151:13:285. August 2015
YouTube videoPresentationThe Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives3rd International Conference on Epidemiology and Emerging Diseases, Valencia, Spain, 4.-6. August 20151:00:1410. May 2020
Deleted YouTube videoPresentationA Message to World Leaders Stop the Depopulation Genocide 6:3011. June 2016
YouTube videoPresentationWhat if nothing were done about depopulation? 6:5427. June 2017
YouTube videoPresentationWater in Belgium, what to drink and not to drink 4:0027. June 2017
YouTube videoPresentationWhy the Disbelief about Depopulation? 13:41
14. January 2019
23. September 2019
Facebook videoPresentationPhases of Depopulation 6:0025. January 2020
Facebook videoPresentationMethods of Depopulation 24:551. February 2020

Audio and video links (engl.) – Karen Hudes

Audios and videos on solution to corruption of world's money featuring Karen Hudes (1948-2022) US American lawyer,
economist, US Export Import Bank (1980-1985), senior counsel for the legal department of the World Bank (1986-2007), whistleblower
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoInterviewCorruption/WorldBank/Whistleblower.mp4
Reporting corruption to US Congress, various member countries of the World Bank, and the public
 11:1712. April 2011
Deleted YouTube audioInterviewBank Corruption
Uncovering the corruption in the World Bank.
US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host John B. Wells, 25. May 20132:37:5926. May 2013
YouTube videoInterviewIRS Tax dollars go to Vatican/Bank of England – World Bank whistleblowerProject Camelot, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy3:135. August 2013
Deleted YouTube videoInterviewWe're Running Out of Time! We're Dealing with Whether We Can Continue as Humanity
"The IRS revenue goes to the Vatican." Minute 12:45
US American broadcast station USAWatchdog.com, host Greg Hunter23:2628. August 2013
Deleted YouTube videoInterviewAbel Danger with Karen Hudes · C2CSI 11-4-2013US American broadcast station C2CSI, host Abel Danger, aired 4. November 201360:054. November 2013
YouTube audioInterviewSolution suggestions from Karen Hudes – World Bank Whistleblower 10-25-13Host Kimberley Jaeger1:05:478. November 2013
Complete film The Banksters Madoff with America. Directors Cut. May 2014
Host Edmund Druilhet, US American executive producer2:05:552014
AudioRadio interview
YouTube alternative
Former World Bank Insider on the Corruption of the Global EliteWest Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren105:30
21. February 2014


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki



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