
Wiki / Erwachen








Drei Heilige auferstehen von den Toten
Limoges, ~1250, Platte mit Emaille auf Kupfer


Was ich aber euch sage,
das sage ich allen: WACHET!

Markus 13, 37 (NT)


Definitionen und Betrachtungen von Erwachen

Panorama-Sonnenaufgang, Königswalde


Erwachen, im Sprachgebrauch teilweise ungenau, mitunter auch großspurig, als Erleuchtung bezeichnet, ist klares Sehen, dass es kein Einzel-"Ich" gibt, und dass es nur Einheit gibt. Dieses Sehen, Erkennen, hebt die Vorstellung der Existenz von getrennten Wesenheiten auf, denen etwas fehlt, die ein Ziel erreichen, etwas vermeiden oder erlangen können.


Die weit verbreitete, doch irrige Auffassung, dass Erwachen ein Ereignis bzw. eine Erfahrung ist, führte dazu, dass immer wieder Anbieter von Theorien und Methoden auftreten, um diese Erfahrung zu erlangen. Es ist allerdings nicht möglich, etwas, das bereits so ist, zu erlangen.


In der interaktiven Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia [Stand 2011] stand geschrieben, Erleuchtung kommr durch folgende Faktoren zustande:

  1. ein aus eigener Kraft erlangtes Endergebnis eines Prozesses geistiger Übung und Entwicklung und somit eine Art "höchstes, spirituelles Ziel"
  2. als Vereinigung mit dem universalen Bewusstsein verstanden werde
  3. eine durch göttliche Gnade erlangte Heiligmäßigkeit sei.


Diese Anschauung impliziert, dass man Erwachen per Zielvorgabe erlangen kann, ohne zu berücksichtigen, dass

  • Erwachen nicht "machbar" und nicht mit linearen Mitteln zu erreichen ist und dass
  • Erwachen keine Vereinigung von zwei unterschiedlichen Bewusstseinen ist. Die Vorstellung der Vereinigung von getrennten Einheiten entspringt der Ebene des dualistischen Denkens.


Erwachen ist, im tiefsten Kern zu erkennen, dass der Eindruck des Getrenntseins stets eine Illusion gewesen ist. Jeder Versuch, Erwachen oder Verschmelzung durch Eigenwillen und Anstrengung zu erlangen, verstärkt den Glauben, dass
es ein "Ich" gibt, das dies erarbeiten könnte, und kann ein gewichtiges Hindernis für das gottgegebene Erwachen sein.

Sieben Schritte zum Erwachen oder die Schule der Tauben – Sylvia Wetzel

Sieben Schritte des Erwachens – Sylvia Wetzel
AUSGANGSSITUATIONVorgeschichteDer Geschmack kindlicher Zufriedenheit
ERSTESamsaraDer Geschmack der Angst
ZWEITESehnsuchtDie Sehnsucht nach Freiheit
DRITTEErwachenDer Geschmack der Freiheit
VIERTEDen Geist erziehenDie Via negativa
SECHSTEDen Geist erziehenDie Via positiva
SIEBTEErwachenMenschen, Götter, Buddhas
Quelle: ► Artikel von Sylvia Wetzel, Sieben Schritte zum Erwachen oder die Schule der Tauben, zitiert in: Marianne Wachs,
Herausgeberin, "Form ist Leere – Leere Form. Buddhistische Lehrbegriffe 2.", Buddhistischer Studienverlag, Berlin, 2004
Siehe auch: ► Stufenmodelle und ► Sehnsucht und ► Rekontextualisierung

Zitate zum Thema Erwachen und Erleuchtung / Awakening and enlightenment

Zitate allgemein

Wachet, denn ihr wisst nicht, wann die Zeit kommt. Wachet, dass der Herr nicht,
wenn er plötzlich kommt, euch schlafend treffe.
Markus 13, 35-37 (NT)


Nun ist aber Christus auferweckt von den Toten als Erstling der Entschlafenen. 1. Korinther 15, 20 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Ich bin aufgewacht, nur um zu sehen, dass der Rest der Welt noch schläft.
    Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) italienischer Universalgelehrter, Genie, Erfinder, Architekt, Anatom, Geologe, Botaniker, Ingenieur, Naturphilosoph, Bildhauer, Maler, Schriftsteller; zitiert in: Da Vinci Zitatesammlung Thpanorama – Heute besser werden



  • Ich entdeckte, dass ich litt, wenn ich meinen Gedanken glaubte, dass ich jedoch nicht litt, wenn ich ihnen nicht glaub-
    te und dass dies für jedes menschliche Wesen zutrifft. So einfach ist Freiheit. Ich habe entdeckt, dass Leiden freiwil-
    lig ist. Ich habe eine Freude in mir gefunden, die nie mehr verschwunden ist, nicht für einen einzigen Moment. Diese Freude ist in uns allen, immer. Byron Katie (*1942) US-amerikanische spirituelle Lehrerin, Gründerin der Methode "The Work", Autorin, Erkenntnis durch ein lebensveränderndes Erwachen aus einer 10-jährigen Depression, Februar 1986


  • Das bisherige Gefühl von einem "Ich", das die Handlungen ausführte, schien eine völlige Illusion zu sein. Das per-
    sönliche "Ich" war niemals der Handelnde gewesen – es hatte lediglich dessen Maske getragen. Alles ging weiter
    wie bisher, nur die Person, die zu handeln glaubte, war abwesend.
    [...] Der Sinn des menschlichen Lebens hat sich offenbart. Die unendliche Weite hat diese menschlichen Kreisläufe erschaffen, um sich selbst aus sich selbst heraus zu erfahren, wie es ansonsten nicht möglich wäre. Diese Mensch-
    lichkeit bietet der Substanz, aus der wir alle bestehen, die Möglichkeit, sich selbst zu lieben – und die Liebe des Un-
    endlichen für sich selbst ist absolut überwältigend. Die Worte "Liebe, Glückseligkeit und Ekstase" können nur annäh-
    ernd das Ausmaß der Wertschätzung des Unendlichen für sich selbst beschreiben, wie es durch diese menschlichen
    Kreisläufe ausgedrückt wird.
    Suzanne Segal (1955-1997) US-amerikanische Lehrerin über das Erwachen, Autorin, Heiner Siegelmann, Übersetzer, Kollision
    mit der Unendlichkeit. Ein Leben jenseits des persönlichen Selbst
    , Rowohlt, Rheinbeck, 3. Auflage März 2005


  • Eines Tages, ich [...] stand an einer Bushaltestelle, wurde mein Bewusstsein plötzlich und unvermittelt auseinander gerissen. Ich wurde in einen Zustand von extremer "Beobachtung" versetzt, ein Zustand, bei dem eine riesige Di-
    stanz zwischen dem "mir" bestand, das links hinter meinem Kopf lokalisiert war, und dem Rest von "mir" (Körper, Gedanken, Sprache, Gefühle), der sich vor mir befand. Diese beiden "mir" waren durch eine enorme Weite von leuchtendem, vibrierendem Raum getrennt. Ich war von Angst und Schrecken erfüllt und davon überzeugt, meinen Verstand verloren zu haben. Ich hoffte und betete, dass dieser Zustand wieder verschwinden würde – doch das war nicht der Fall. Einige Monate hielt dieser Zustand vor und ist bis zum heutigen Tage in seiner inzwischen veränder-
    ten Form geblieben. Heiner Siegelmann, Eine Erleuchtungsodyssee. Kurzer Frühling, über die Erwachte Suzanne Segal, prä-
    sentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Monatszeitschrift Connection, Erscheinungsdatum um 2000



  • Wir erschrecken über unsere eigenen Sünden, wenn wir sie an anderen erblicken.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Gute Zitate




  • Das letzte Mysterium allen Seins wird in der Absolutheit des Selbst in uns selbst erlebt als ein »Ich bin«, das wir in
    der Tiefe unseres eigenen Seins wahrnehmen.
    Wer alles aufgibt, dem wird alles zurückgegeben als die göttliche Wirklichkeit selbst, die stets gegenwärtig als das ewige »Ich bin« hinter den Erscheinungen verborgen ist.
    Dieses »Ich bin« ist das ewige göttliche Wort, das sich im Grunde der Seele selbst spricht. Es ist die Wirklichkeit in allem, was ist. Es ist das reine Sein, der Urquell, aus dem alles Leben in nie endender Fülle hervorgeht. Es ist alles
    in allem, und wer es erkennt, erlebt sich selbst und die ganze Schöpfung als dieses »Ich bin«.
    Zensho W. Kopp (*1938) deutscher spiritueller Meister, Dharma-Nachfolger von Zenmeister Soji Enku; zitiert in: Kopps Kunst-Webseite Singulart
Bleiverglaste Darstellung des DNS-Doppelhelix-Modells
nach Francis Crick und James Watson
Speisesaal des Gonville and Caius College,
Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Wach werden und aufstehen ist bekanntlich unangenehm, denn im Bett ist es warm und behaglich. Es ist wirklich lästig, aufgeweckt zu werden. Deshalb wird ein wacher Geist auch nie darauf anlegen, die Leute aufzu-
    wecken. Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuiten-
    priester, Psychotherapeut, geistiger Lehrer, Autor, Der springende Punkt. Wach werden und glücklich sein, S. 9, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1991, 10. Juli 2002, 2. Auflage 8. März 2011


  • Klarheit bedeutet, wach zu werden. Die meisten Leute schlafen, ohne es zu wissen. Sie wurden schlafend geboren, sie leben schlafend, sie heiraten in den Schlaf, erziehen im Schlaf ihre Kinder und sterben im Schlaf, ohne jemals wach geworden zu sein. Niemals verstehen sie den Reiz und die Schönheit dessen, was wir "menschliches" Leben nennen. Bekanntlich sind sich alle Mystiker – ob christlich oder nichtchristlich – in diesem Punkt einig: dass alles gut, alles in Ordnung ist. Obwohl gar nichts in Ordnung ist, ist alles gut. Ein wirklich seltsamer Wider-
    . Aber tragischerweise kommen die meisten Leute gar nicht dazu, zu erkennen, dass tatsächlich alles gut ist, denn sie schlafen. Sie haben einen Alptraum. Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) indischer katholischer Jesuitenpriester, Psychotherapeut, geistiger Lehrer, Autor, Der springende Punkt. Wach werden und glücklich sein, S. 13, Herder, Freiburg
    im Breisgau, 1991, 10. Juli 2002, 2. Auflage 8. März 2011


  • Erleuchtung ist ein Wort, das oft gebraucht wird, um Fortschritt in der Ausübung dieser Disziplinen zu benennen, einen Durchbruch in die Ebene der Wahrnehmung hinein – bei dem ein dunkler Punkt mit Licht überflutet wird. Die indische Tradition spricht vom Öffnen des dritten Auges, wodurch man mehr und von einem neuen Standpunkt sieht. Satori, der angestrebte Zustand beim Zen, wird als «Erwachen» ver-
    Die Sufis sprechen davon, eine neues Wahrnehmungsorgan zu entwickeln.
    Berichte über die Erfahrungen Meditierender weisen darauf hin, dass eine hauptsächliche Nachwirkung konzentrativer Meditationsübungen aus einem «Öffnen» der Wahrnehmung besteht, aus einer «Deautomatisierung».
    Claudio Naranjo (1932-2019) chilenischer Psychiater, Befürworter derder Integration von Psychotherapie und spirituellen Traditionen, Weiterentwickler des Enneagramms, Dr. Robert Evan Ornstein (1942-2018) US-amerikanischer Professor für Psychologie, Bewusst-
    seinsforscher, Autor über Weisheitstraditionen und Sufismus, Psychologie der Meditation, S. 176-177, Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1980, Taschenbuchausgabe 1. Januar 1988


  • Glücklicherweise werden manche [5-15%] mit einem geistigen Immunsystem geboren, das früher oder später die
    illusorische Weltanschauung ablehnt, die ihnen von Geburt an durch soziale Konditionierung aufgepfropft wurde. Sie
    spüren, dass etwas nicht stimmt, und suchen nach Antworten. Inneres Wissen und anomale äußere Erfahrungen zei-
    gen ihnen eine Seite der Realität, die andere nicht kennen, und so beginnt ihre Reise des Erwachens. Jeder Schritt
    der Reise wird gemacht, indem man dem Herzen folgt, anstatt der Menge zu folgen, und indem man Wissen über die
    Schleier der Unwissenheit wählt. Henri Bergson (1859-1941) französischer Philosoph, Vertreter der Lebensphilosophie, Nobel-
    preisträger für Literatur, 1927, zitiert in: Jochen Stappenbeck, Quellenquiz. Bedeutsame Worte und Gedanken zur Meisterung der Umbruchzeit,  S. 15, tredition, Hamburg, 2021


Während seines Aufenthaltes 1872 in London hatte Bucke ein Gipfelerlebnis, eine flüchtige mystische Erfahrung, die er als ein paar Momente des "kosmischen Bewusstseins" ansah. Er beschrieb dieses Wahrnehmungs-"Vermögen" so: plötzliche Erscheinung; subjektives Empfinden von Licht (inneres Licht); moralische Erhebung; intellektuelle Erleuchtung; Gefühl der Unsterblichkeit; Verlust der Todesangst; Verlust des Gefühls der Sünde. Mit "kosmischem Bewusstsein" verbindet Bucke das lebhafte Gefühl des gesamten Universums als Leben der Gegenwart statt einer leblosen, reglosen Materie.


Kosmisches Bewusstsein

  • Es darf hier aber nicht angenommen werden, dass ein Mensch, wenn er das kosmische Bewusstsein erlangt, gleichzeitig allwissend und unfehlbar geworden wäre. Die größten unter ihnen sind zunächst, wenn auch auf einer höheren Ebene, etwa in der gleichen Lage wie Kinder, die eben gerade sich ihres Ichs bewusst geworden sind. Diese Menschen haben eine neue Bewusstsseinslage erreicht, aber haben weder Zeit noch Gelegenheit gefunden, sie zu erforschen oder zu meistern. Wohl handelt es sich um ein höheres Niveau, aber auch hier werden relative Weisheit und Torheit herrschen wie beim Ichbewussten. Ebenso wie ein ichbewusster Mensch moralisch unter das Niveau des Bewusstseins eines höheren Tieres sinken kann, so müssen wir auch annehmen, dass ein Mensch mit dem kosmischen Bewusstsein unter gewissen Umständen sich wenig von seiner Umgebung unterscheiden mag. Es ist offenbar, dass die neue Fähigkeit, so sehr sie göttlichen Charakter aufweist, sich bei denjenigen, in denen sie hervorbricht und die unter den verschiedensten räumlichen und zeitlichen Umständen aufgewachsen sind, auch in mannigfaltiger Weise äußert, und diese Menschen die Dinge, die sie in der neuen Welt erleben, oft sehr unterschiedlich deuten. Das Wunder ist, dass sie diese neue Welt so klar erschauen. Mit Nachdruck gilt es aber zu betonen, dass diese Menschen und dieses neue Bewusstsein des-
    halb nicht missverstanden oder verurteilt werden dürfen, weil das Absolute nicht erreicht wird.
    Richard Maurice Bucke (1837-1902) bedeutender kanadischer progressiver Psychiater, jugendlicher Abenteurer, Autor, Kosmisches Bewußtsein. Zur Evolution des menschlichen Geistes [1901], Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1925, 1993, Januar 1998



Die Hölle, das sind die anderen.

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), "Geschlossene Gesellschaft"


  • Ist Ihnen auch schon aufgefallen, dass etwas im Wertesystem unseres Landes (und vielleicht sogar eines gehörigen Teiles der Welt) empfindlich durcheinandergeraten ist? Plötzlich ist Waffen lie-
    fern und für einen Krieg hetzen total "In! und gegen den Krieg demonstrieren ist jetzt Rechts und Kriegsverherrlichung.
    Dürfen Sie sich demnächst darauf freuen, dass verurteilte Vergewaltiger sich als Frau identifizieren und nun Zugang
    zur Umkleide Ihrer Tochter einklagen?
    Das wird uns heute als ein Akt des Fortschritts im Sinne der Gleichbehandlung von Menschen verkauft. Seit einiger
    Zeit gilt Gehorsam und Unterwerfung unter die dogmatischsten Sichten auf gesellschaftlich relevante Gebiete als
    höchste Bürgerpflicht und wenn Sie das tun, was wissenschaftlich immer geboten ist – nämlich kritische Fragen zu
    stellen und ein Gegenargument einzuführen – dann sind Sie ein Wissenschaftsleugner. Blogartikel Wach statt woke,
    präsentiert von der Publikation KLARTEXT. Die Bürgerzeitung für Rhein-Main, Dirk Hüther, 17. September '''2023


  • Nach der Erleuchtung ist vor der Erleuchtung.
    Spruch von Karl Renz, deutscher Neoadvaita-Lehrer


  • Vor der Erleuchtung: Holz hacken und Wasser tragen.
    Nach der Erleuchtung. Holz hacken und Wasser tragen.
    Aphorismus aus dem Zen-Buddhismus


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Einsicht


  • Die Menschen schlafen solange sie leben. Erst in ihrer Todesstunde erwachen sie.
    Anfangszeilen eines Gedichts zu dem morgenländischen Märchenzyklus Tausendundeine Nacht (15. Nacht), 15. Jahrhundert

Zitate von David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Frage: Man hört die Aussage, dass jeder bereits "erleuchtet" sei. Wie ist das zu verstehen?
    Antwort: Es bedeutet, dass das SELBST als Grundlage und Essenz der Existenz eines Jeden bereits anwesend und seine Entdeckung möglich ist. Die Aussage enthält allerdings eine Unmöglichkeit, weil sie fälschlicherweise ein Ver-
    ständnis von Erleuchtung behauptet und weil sie außerdem die Falschheit einer Hypothese zum Ausdruck bringt. Erleuchtetsein bedeutet, die Wahrheit zu kennen. Folglich ist die Aussage, dass ein Wissendsein der Wahrheit
    in dem sei, der die Wahrheit nicht kennt, eine unrichtige Aussage. Was man realistischerweise darüber sa-
    gen könnte, ist, dass die endgültige Wahrheit im Inneren darauf wartet, entdeckt zu werden.

    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel 20 "Perspektiven", 3. Frage, S. 460, 2006


General quotes

The Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then
you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

Gospel of Thomas, verse 3, part of the Biblical apocrypha, 50-140, 350 AD, rediscovered 1945


Personal avowals

  • I have seen the Bird of Paradise, she has spread herself before me, and I shall never be the same again. There
    is nothing to be afraid of. Nothing. Exactly. The Life I am trying to grasp is the me that is trying to grasp it.
    Ronald D. Laing (1927-1989) British psychiatrist, The Bird Of Paradise, Penguin Books, 4th THUS edition 26. April 1990


  • I woke up not believing any of my thoughts. In this, everything was erased forever, and only joy was left (if anything). Whenever a thought appeared, I was immediately aware that it wasn't true. There was nothing. I saw that nothing
    was true, and everything was true. Realization has no value until it's lived. That's how it is born into the world.
    Byron Katie, cited in: Arjuna Ardagh (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, The Translucent Revolution,
    New World Library, 15. June 2005



  • You know one sign that you are woken up? You are asking yourself: Am I crazy or are all of them?
    Video lecture by Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, Anthony
    deMello, Wake up to Life '86 Part 1
    , presented by Tabor Publishing and the Center for Spiritual Exchange, 1986, Dailymotion
    film, minute 4:00, 56:30 minutes duration, posted 25. October 2013



  • We must reclaim the concept of awakening from an exclusively individualistic therapeutic model and focus on how individual liberation also requires social transformation.
    David Loy (*1947) US American professor, Zen teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism, writer, Awakening in the Age of Climate Change, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Tricycle. The Buddhist Review,
    spring 2015



  • In order to awaken, first of all one must realize that one is in a state of sleep. And in order to realize that one is indeed in a state of sleep, one must recognize and fully understand the nature of the forces which operate to keep one in the state of sleep, or hypnosis [media, programmers, educators]. It is absurd to think that this can be done by see-
    king information from the very source which induces the hypnosis.
George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer, Meetings with Remarkable Men, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, E. P. Dutton, New York City, 1963


  • The chief obstacle to the attainment of consciousness is that we think we have it. One will never get self-consciousness so long as one believes that one has it. There are many other things we think we have, and because of this we cannot have them. We think we are one, indivisible. We think we have will, or that if we do not always have it, we can have it. There are many aspects to this, for if we do not have one thing, we cannot have another. We think that we have these things, and this happens because we do not know the meaning of the words we use. Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, author, Lecture 09 – Principles and Techniques, cited in: The Fourth Way Gurdjieff Ouspensky School, Fourth Way Work. Inner Development for ordinary people in everyday life, independent publishing,
    1st edition 22. Januar 2018


  • We are asleep people, unconscious people, and this is what is serious. Unfortunately, we think the best of ourselves and not even suspect that we are asleep. […] Everyone believes that they know themselves and do not have even the faintest idea that there exists a Doctrine of the Many. Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977) Columbian founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, lecturer, author, The Great Rebellion, chapter "The Psychological I", 1974, 23. December 1976


  • Kundalini is the energetic aspect of awakening. But true awakening is really a profound shift in identification where
    you have let go of all your personal attachments to the sense of who you are. Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D. (1941-2022)
    US American transpersonal psychotherapist, founder of Kundalini Research Network, dharma teacher, author, formerly cited in: consciouslife.com
  • If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation. Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, verse unknown, 300 CE, HarperOne, San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009
    Misattributed to Lao-Tzu (604-531 BC) Chinese sage, philosopher, founder of Daoism, author of the Tao Te Ching


  • The law is not thrust upon man; it rests deep within him, to awaken when the call comes.
    Martin Buber (1878-1965) Austrian-born Jewish religious philosopher, The Writings of Martin Buber, 1956



Three stages of individuation

  • There are three stages:
    1. the first is to become an individual;
    2. the second is to consecrate the individual, that he may surrender entirely to the Divine and be identified with Him;
    3. and the third is that the Divine takes possession of this individual and changes him into a being in His
      own image, that is, he too becomes divine. [...] S. 32-33
      In fact,
    4. the first victory is to create an individuality.
    5. And then later, the second victory is to give this individuality to the Divine.
    6. And the third victory is that the Divine changes your individuality into a divine being.
Mirra Alfassa [The Mother] (1878-1973) French Turkish Egyptian mystic, spiritual partner of the Indian philosopher and yogi,
Sri Aurobindo, founder of the project Auroville in India, Wayne Bloomquist, editor, Search for the Soul in Everyday Living,
S. 33, Lotus Press, 24. November 1990


  • If drugs could induce the same state of divine inspiration that characterized the Buddha, Socrates, Christ, Shanka-
    rachya, Mohamed, St. Paul, Rumi, Guru Nanak, St. Francis and other great prophets and mystics of the past, the
    present world would be crowded with models of perfection and sublime vision making it a happier place to live in.
    On the contrary, what we see is a singular absence of these lofty men and women that won the greatest names in
    history. It is our own lack of insight and distorted thinking which is confusing drug experience with mystical ecstasy
    or bringing down these exalted souls to the level of drug or alcohol addicts.
    Pandit Gopi Krishna (1903-1984) Indian yogi, mystic, teacher, social reformer, writer, Reason and revelation, Kundalini
    Research and Publication Trust, 1. January 1979


  • To awaken is difficult to do, as sapiens is submitted to a cosmic hypnotic influence which is the universal energy of creation; and if this were not enough, each individual, when he does not like the reality of life or is not satisfied with himself, dreams of himself and the world in a manner ideal for himself.
    John R. Baines, Ph.D. (*1946) British academic, retired professor of egyptology, University of Oxford, cited in: Sott.net


Fig tree in Giardino dei Semplici
Florence, 17. June 2007
  • Maybe there are as many definitions of spiritual awakening as there are people who have them. But certainly each genuine one has
    something in common with all the others. […] When a man or a wo-
    man has a spiritual awakening, the most important meaning of it is
    that he has now become able to do, feel, and believe that which he
    could not do before on his unaided strength and resources alone.
    He has been granted a gift which amounts to a new state of cons-
    ciousness and being. He has been set on a path which tells him he is really going somewhere, that life is not a dead end, not something to be endured or mastered. In a very real sense he has been transfor-
    , because he has laid hold of a source of strength which, in one way or another, he had hitherto denied himself. He finds himself in possession of a degree of honesty, tolerance, unselfishness, peace of mind, and love of which he had thought himself quite incapable. What he has received is a free gift, and yet usually, at least in some small part, he has made himself ready to receive it.
    Alcoholics Anonymous, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, published by Alcoholics Anonymous Publishing Company, first issued 1953, S. 106-107,
    1st edition 10. February 2002


  • Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
    Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Gerhard Adler, editor, Aniela Jaffe, editor, Letters of C. G. Jung. Volume I, 1906-1950, Routledge, 17. May 1973


  • We already have everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement. All these trips that we lay on ourselves – the heavy-duty fearing that we're bad and hoping that we're good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy and the addictions of all kinds – never touch our basic wealth. They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun. But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here. This is who we really are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake. Pema Chödrön [Deirdre Blomfield-Brown] (*1936) US American Tibetan Buddhist nun (*1981), teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage of Chögyam Trungpa, author, Start Where You Are. A Guide to Compassionate Living, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1st edition 9. March 2004


  • Moreover, it happens fairly often that essence dies in a man while his personality and his body are still alive. A consi-
    derable percentage of the people we meet in the streets of a great town are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead.

    It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror. And indeed people often do go mad because they find out something of this nature without the proper preparation, that is, they see something they
    are not supposed to see. In order to see without danger one must be on the way. If a man who can do nothing sees
    the truth he will certainly go mad. Only this rarely happens. Usually everything is so arranged that a man can see
    nothing prematurely. Personality sees only what it likes to see and what does not interfere with its life. It never sees
    what it does not like. This is both good and bad at the same time. It is good if a man wants to sleep, bad if he wants
    to awaken.
    George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the
    "Fourth Way", writer, cited in: Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff,
    author, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, Harcourt, 1949


  • Most of those who awaken this connection with the ecstatic inner Self will return to being who they were,
    ➤ perhaps doing their lives with more contentment or a gentler perspective,
    ➤ perhaps more involved and committed in service to others,
    ➤ perhaps more energised and expressive,
    ➤ perhaps writing poetry, teaching, loving unconditionally.
    Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D. (1941-2022) US American transpersonal psychotherapist, founder of Kundalini Research Network, dharma teacher, author, The Energies of Transformation. A Guide to the Kundalini Process, S. 302, Shakti River Press, 1990,
    revised edition February 1995


  • When a true spiritual awakening or transformation is underway, one usually encounters the emotional experiences and accompanying images of death and the annihilation of the world itself. S. 127
    [Paraphrased] One undergoes the so called 'renewal process' and associates with brief psychotic episodes, only when there is an imperative need for the individual to break free from old value systems, emotional patterns, assumptions about the nature of the world or cultural forms. This need, however, is being resisted. When the process of breaking free is not undertaken 'voluntarily' by the individual, 'with knowledge of the goal and considerable effort', the cons-
    cious personality is overwhelmed by the psyche and its own powerful processes. S. 128-129
    John Weir Perry (1914-1998) US American Jungian psychiatrist, assistant clinical professor, University of California, San Francisco, author, Trials of the Visionary Mind. Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process, S. 127, 128-129, SUNY Press, paperback, December 1998


  • Enlightenment is a word I try not to use much because it is a state. I prefer to speak of waking up. For me, 'awake-
    ness' is a relative term. An awake person has rapid access to and ability in working with altered states in many chan-
    nels. She can propriocept, hear, see, feel, relate to the earth or to others, and know who is meditating. […]
    An awake person can get into altered states and still metacommunicate. She can therefore process intense affects,
    like anger, in many different channels. She would be able to use occupied channels as tools for working with altered
    states and unoccupied channels. Being wide awake means that when you are in a state of peace you can recall diffi-
    culties which face you and work on them even though they may only be present weakly at that moment. When you
    are drunk you have access to sobriety. You can get deeply involved in body work and still retain your intellect. […]
    If you are awake, you change according to the world within and around you. This means that you can vary your behavior and perception of the world according to the signals it sends you; you change according to the feedback
    you get. […]
    An enlightened individual could have a great deal of feeling and compassion for other human beings but would
    also be very detached and tough when this is called for. For me a highly awake person is capable of bringing
    out reactions to others in such a way that everyone benefits from them.

    Arnold Mindell (*1940) US American therapist, teacher in the fields of transpersonal psychology, body psychotherapy, social
    change and spirituality, founder of "process work", author, Working on Yourself Alone. Inner Dreambody Work, Lao Tse Press,
    Gazelle Book Services, reprint issue 1. May 2001


  • In spiritual life there is no room for compromise. Awakening is not negotiable; we cannot bargain to hold on to things that please us while relinquishing things that do not matter to us. A lukewarm yearning for awakening is not enough
    to sustain us through the difficulties involved in letting go. It is important to understand that anything that can be
    lost was never truly ours, anything that we deeply cling to only imprisons us.
    Jack Kornfield jackkornfield.com (*1945) leading US American teacher in the vipassana movement of Theravada Buddhism, meditation teacher, author, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Enlightenment only comes after a structured journey of many, many awakenings.
    Leslie Temple Thurston, South African American consciousness shifter, teacher of enlightenment, source unknown



Awakened = baffling babbling of unending nonsense

  • People think that being awakened means you understand everything, but it really means the opposite. It means you don't understand anything. It is, all of it, a total Mystery, a baffling babbling of unending nonsense.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, One Taste. Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality, S. 142, Shambhala Publications,
    Boulder, Colorado, 1999, revised subedition 8. August 2000


Striped Tiger butterfly
  • Translucent people […] have access to their deepest nature as peaceful, limitless, free, unchanging, and at the same time they remain fully involved in the events of their personal lives. […] They play vigorously in their relationships with others, their work, their creativity, and their political and environmental causes, but they play to play more than to win. […] They generally don't follow one particular teacher, teaching, or group, although many have in their past. […] They generally don't identify themselves as "enlightened" or as having attained anything, and they are also not trying to become enlightened. […] The word translucent refers to the degree of embodiment of a realization, not to what has been realized. Hence it is a relative term, like inte-
    resting, inspiring, boring, or idiotic.
    Interview with Arjuna Ardagh (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, Getting Clear About Enlightenment. Not Just
    a Book Review of Arjuna Ardagh's. The Translucent Revolution
    , presented by the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Tom Huston, issue 31, 2005


  • As recently as the 1980s, the awakening shifts […] were quite rare. Today such experiences of 'poking through' the fabric of our normal trance state of desire, fear, and self-preoccupation are becoming increasingly common, especially during the last decade of the twentieth century. Arjuna Ardagh (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, The Translucent Revolution, S. 40, New World Library, 15. June 2005


  • Awakening happens when you run out of options, when, at least to some degree, you surrender the struggle. Then all the effort that was wrapped up in trying to make things better is freed up, and we relax simply back into our-
    selves, into a peace and presence that was overlooked in our obsessive activity. […]
    Today, millions of people are passing through this kind of a shift: from living from acquisition and ambition, to a freedom from the mind. Perhaps we are facing just the same kind of "bottoming out" collectively that so many people have faced individually, we are running out of options for our avarice, and the American dream is maturing into the global awakening. Blog article by Arjuna Ardagh (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, How to Turn Dirt into Gold, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, 17. July 2008, updated 17. November 2011



  • Ten signs of spiritual awakening
    Sign #1: A noticeable change in your behavior
    Sign #2: A deepening in your emotional wellbeing
    Sign #3: A tendency to slow down and reflect back
    Sign #4: A shift in priorities and values
    Sign #5: A transformation of the inner world
    Sign #6: Holding the opposites together
    Sign #7: An experience of okayness and inner freedom
    Sign #8: A deepening sense of self-honesty and personal responsibility
    Sign #9: A massive change in lifestyle choices
    Sign #10: A sense of interconnectivity or oneness
    Five false signs of spiritual awakening
    Trap #1: Thinking you're "Good" and others are "evil"
    Trap #2: Identifying yourself as a "spiritual person"
    Trap #3: Seeking "Love and Light"
    Trap #4: Acting nice
    Trap #5: Secretly believing you're better than others
Blog article by Scott Jeffrey, US American business ad marketing consultant, founder of the dissolved website Consciousness-
project (2005-2015), biographer, cult busting author, Ten Spiritual Awakening Signs, presented by the blogspot "CEO Sage",
28. July 2018


References: en.Wikiquote entries Awakening and ► Insight


  • In Western civilization the interior life of the individual, with all its richness, finds itself relegated to a minor role in exis-
    tence. Man is so caught up in the toils of mechanical life that he has neither time to stop nor the power of attention needed to turn his mental vision upon himself. Man thus passes his days absorbed by external circumstances. The great machine that drags him along turns without stopping, and forbids him to stop under penalty of being crushed. Today like yesterday, and tomorrow like today, he quickly exhausts himself in the frantic race, impelled in a direction which in the end leads nowhere. Life passes away from him almost unseen, swift as a ray of light, and man falls engulfed and still absent from himself.
    When we ask someone who lives under this constant pressure of contemporary life to turn his mental vision towards himself, he generally answers that he has not enough time left to undertake such practices. If we insist and he acquies-
    ces, he will in most cases say that he sees nothing: Fog; Obscurity. In less common cases, the observer reports that he perceives something which he cannot define because it changes all the time.
    This last observation is correct. Everything is in fact continually changing within us. A minor external shock, agree-
    able or disagreeable, happy or unhappy, is sufficient to give our inner content I a quite different appearance.
    If we follow up this interior observation, this introspection, without prejudice, we will soon constate, not without surprise, that our I, of which we are so consistently proud, is not always the same self: the I changes. As this impression becomes more defined we begin to become more aware that it is not a single man who lives within us but several, each having his own tastes, his own aspirations, and each trying to attain his own ends. Suddenly we discover within us a whole world full of life and colors which until now we had almost entirely ignored. If we still proceed with this experience, we will soon be able to distinguish three currents within that perpetually moving life: that of the vegetative life of the instincts, so to speak; that of the animal life of the feelings; and lastly that of human life in the proper sense of the term, characterized by thought and speech. It is almost as if there were three men within us, all entangled together in an extraordinary way.
    So we come to appreciate the value of introspection as a method of practical work which permits us to know ourselves
    and enter into ourselves. As we gradually progress, we become more clearly aware of the real situation in which we find
    ourselves. The inner content of man is analogous to a vase full of iron filings in a state of mixture as a result of mecha-
    nical action. Every shock received by the vase causes displacement of the particles of iron filings. Thus real life remains
    hidden from the human being due to the constant changes occurring in his inner life.
    Even so […] this senseless and dangerous situation can be modified in a beneficial way. But this requires work; cons-
    and sustained effort. Introspection carried out relentlessly results in enhanced internal sensibility. This
    improved sensibility in its turn intensifies the amplitude and frequency of movement whenever the iron filings are dis-
    turbed. As a result, shocks that previously were not noticed will now provoke vivid reactions. These movements, be-
    cause of their continuous amplification, can create a friction between the particles of iron so intense that we may one
    day feel the interior fire igniting within us.
    This fire must not remain a harmless flare-up. Nor is it enough that the fire smolders dormant under the ashes. A live
    and ardent fire once lit must be carefully kept alight by the will to refine and cultivate sensitiveness. If it continues in
    this way, our state can change: the heat of the flame will start a process of fusion within us.
    From this point on the inner content will no longer behave like a heap of iron filings: it will form a block. Then further
    shocks will no longer provoke interior change in man as they did previously. Having reached this point he will have
    acquired a firmness; he will remain himself in the midst of the tempests to which life may expose him. This is the
    perspective before those who study esoteric science. But to reach the state which has already been described, we
    must from the beginning rid ourselves of all illusion about ourselves, no matter how dearly held; an illusion of this
    kind, if it is tolerated at the start, will grow en route, so that suffering and additional effort will be necessary in order
    to rid ourselves of it at a later date.
    As long as man has not reached the point of fusion, his life will be in effect a factitious existence, as he himself will
    change from moment to moment. Since these changes will occur as a result of external shocks which he can
    almost never foresee, it will also be impossible for him to predict in advance the exact way he will change
    Thus he will live subject to events as they occur, always preoccupied by constantly 'patching up' ('re-
    plastering'). He will in fact progress toward the unknown, at the mercy of chance. This state of things, named in
    the Tradition The Law of Chance, or The Law of Accident, is – for man as he is – the principal law under whose
    authority he leads his illusory existence.
    Esoteric science indicates the possibilities and the means of freeing oneself from this law. It helps us to begin a
    new and purposeful life; first to become logical with ourselves, and finally, to become our own master. But to be-
    gin effectively on this way, one must first clearly see the situation as it is. A parable found in the most ancient
    sources permits us to get a clear picture of this, and so keep this condition in mind.
    It is the parable of the Coach.
    This image represents the characteristics of man by a coach. The physical body is represented by the coach itself;
    the horses represent sensations, feelings and passions; the coachman is the ensemble of the intellectual faculties
    including reason; the person sitting in the coach is the master. In its normal state, the whole system is in a perfect
    state of operation: the coachman holds the reins firmly in his hands and drives the horses in the direction indicated
    by the master. This, however, is not how things happen in the immense majority of cases. First of all, the master is
    absent. The coach must go and find him, and must then await his pleasure. All is in a bad state: the axles are not
    greased and they grate; the wheels are badly fixed; the shaft dangles dangerously; the horses, although of noble
    race, are dirty and ill-fed; the harness is worn and the reins are not strong.
    The coachman is asleep: his hands have slipped to his knees and hardly hold the reins, which can fall from them
    at any moment. The coach nevertheless continues to move forward, but does so in a way which presages no
    happiness. Abandoning the road, it is rolling down the slope in such a way that the coach is now pushing the hor-
    ses, which are unable to hold it back. The coachman, fallen into a deep sleep, is swaying in his seat at risk of fal-
    ling off. Obviously a sad fate awaits such a coach. This image provides a highly appropriate analogy for the condi-
    tion of most men, and it is worth taking as an object of meditation.
    Salvation may however present itself. Another coachman, this one quite awake, may pass
    by the same route and observe the coach in its sad situation. If he is not much in a hurry, he may perhaps stop to
    help the coach that is in distress. He will first help the horses hold back the coach from slipping down the slope.
    Then he will awaken the sleeping driver and together with him will try to bring the coach back to the road. He will
    lend fodder and money. He might also give advice on the care of the horses, the address of an inn and a coach
    repairer, and indicate the proper route to follow.
    It will be up to the assisted coachman afterward to profit, by his own efforts, from the help and the information re-
    ceived. It will be incumbent on him from this point on to put all things in order and, open eyed, to follow the path
    he had abandoned.
    He will above all fight against sleep, for if he falls asleep again, and if the coach leaves the road again and again
    finds itself in the same danger, he cannot hope that chance will smile upon him a second time; that another coach-
    man will pass at that moment and at that place and come to his aid once again.
Boris Mouravieff (1890-1966) French historian, Christian esotericist, author, trilogy of 3 volumes Gnosis |. Exoteric Cycle. Study
and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy
, Praxis Institute Press, 1st edition June 1990

Literary quote

  • No single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born. It would be a
    bit too easy if we could go about borrowing ready-made souls.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) French aviator, writer, memoir Flight to Arras, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1942

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Englische Texte – English section on Awakening

Awakening symptoms

Chapter 4: The Ascension Syptoms

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety, panic and feelings of hysteria
  3. A need to eat often (low blood sugar attacks)
  4. Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area
  5. Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of the body
  6. A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place
  7. A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences
  8. Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping
  9. Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams
  10. Memory loss; difficulty accessing words


Chapter 6: Beginning Experiences in the Higher Realms

  1. You no longer desire or resonate with any kind of healing.
  2. You no longer have the same connection with your physical family.
  3. Your lifetime friends suddenly leave your life.
  4. You suddenly see what it is all about and always has been.
  5. You are no longer interested in spiritual gatherings, group "intentional spirituality".
  6. You get rid of all your spiritual and self-help books and no longer desire to learn anything new.
  7. You crave simplicity and can barely tolerate anything complicated.
  8. Negativity feels downright awful.
  9. Drama is a thing of the past.
  10. What you think about seems to arrive in record time.
Literature: ► Karen Bishop, The Ascension Primer, Booklocker.com, 8. May 2006


Links zum Thema Erwachen und Erleuchtung / Awakening and enlightenment


Literatur – Erleuchtung

Über das Phänomen des Erwachens von transluzenten (lichtdurchlässigen) Menschen – 170 Expertenaussagen aus der Erwachensszene

Literature (engl.)

Five national awards for best spiritual book of 2010

Externe Weblinks

  • Blogartikel Wach statt woke, präsentiert von der Publikation KLARTEXT. Die Bürgerzeitung für Rhein-Main, Dirk Hüther,
    17. September 2023  


  • Alan Jacobs, Neo-Advaita – westlicher Prägung, Original präsentiert von Mountain-Path (Magazin des Ramana Maharshi Ashrams in Indien) 2004, übersetzte Version, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Monatszeitschrift Connection, 2006

Linklose Artikel

  • Artikel Intime Begegnungen der ADVAITA Art: der euphorische Nihilismus des Ramesh Balsekar, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Chris Parish, Heft 3, ~1999

Hinweis: Ramesh Balsekar (1917-2009) war ein kindesmissbrauchender indischer Advaitalehrer und Schüler von Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

External web links (engl.)

Sent for reprint to Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, The Atlantic, this article got rejected by all.

⚡ Critical external web links (engl.)

  • Article Neo-Advaita Demystified, presented by Spiritualteachers.org, representative of Ramana Maharshi's ashram in India [Entmystifizierung der Neo-Advaita-Szene durch den Vertreter des Maharshi Ashrams in Indien], 2004

Audio- und Videolinks

Online Fernsehen

  • Ehrenamtlich nonprofit und kostenlos betriebener Webfernsehkanal Jetzt-TV.net, spirituelles Online-Fernsehen mit Satsangs und Interviews mit Erwachten

Audio and video links (engl.)

Johnson was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment; in prison he experienced a spiritual awakening. In 1995 Johnson founded of
This Sacred Space, a non-profit organization facilitating meditation and self-inquiry groups in prisons and schools, transmitting grace.
He awakened by a trigger sentence spoken by his teacher Gangaji:

"God's grace is here now."

After several bouts of depression Carrey had an encounter with awakening induced by a DMT drug experience.

  • Audio interview with Hank Wesselman, Ph.D. (1941-2021) [Vessel Man] US American professor of anthropology, University
    of California Berkeley, carrier of the knowledge of a Polynesian line of Kahunas, author, Awakening to the Spirit World MP3, episode 1563, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, Insights at the Edge, host Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True, 1:04:02 duration, aired 2. March 2010
  • Video presentation by Thomas Sheridan (*1964) Irish alternative artist, musician, independent researcher, broadcaster, public speaker, author, How to Wake Up Safely, YouTube film, 24:33 minutes duration, posted 31. March 2013

Reference: Video interview with Thomas Sheridan, Puppeteers and Automatons, YouTube film, 1:12:52 duration, posted 7. March 2013

Audio and video links (engl.) – Leslie Temple-Thurston


Interne Links



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