
Hawkins / Buch11E





David R. Hawkins

Letting Go. The Pathway to Surrender



⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Erschienen: Hardcover Mitte Oktober 2012; Softcover November 2012


Vorwort und Zusammenstellung von Herausgeber (Editor): Dr. Fran Grace, US-amerikanische Professorin der Religionswissenschaft,
Gründerin und Leiterin von Inner Pathway, Autorin



Table of Contents

Quotes excerpted from the book Letting Go

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • 'Letting Go' tells of a simple method to reach great clarity and transcend your problems along the way. It's not by finding the answers, but by undoing the basis of the problem. The state reached by the great sages of history is available; the solutions are within us and easy to find. The mechanism of surrender is simple and the truth is self-evident. It works during daily life. There is no dogma or belief system. You verify everything for yourself, so you cannot be misled. There is no dependence on any teachings. It follows the dicta of
➤ 'Know thyself';
➤ 'The truth shall set you free'; and
➤ 'The kingdom of God is within you.'
Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, "Introduction", October 2012


  • It [the surrendered state means to be free of negative feelings in a given area so that creativity and spontaneity can manifest without opposition or the interference of inner conflicts. To be free of inner conflict and expectations is to give others in our life the greatest freedom. It allows us to experience the basic nature of the universe, which, it will be dis-
    covered, is to manifest the greatest good possible in a situation. Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, October 2012


Laws of Consciousness
  • We are all connected at the energetic level and a higher vibration (such as love) has a powerful effect on a lower vibration (such as fear). Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, "Foreword XVII", October 2012



Caveat: Surrender as a way of slinking away from inner conflict

  • What is the surrendered state? It means to be free of negative feelings in a given area so that creativity and spontaneity can manifest without opposition or the interference of inner conflicts. To be free of inner conflict and expectations is to give others in our life the greatest freedom. It allows us to experience the basic nature of the universe, which, it will be discovered, is to manifest the greatest good possible in a situation. This may sound philosophical, but, when done is experientially true. Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, S. 10, October 2012



Caveat: Denial of subconscious/groupmind influences




  • The undoing of the identification of the ego/self is the primary focus of spiritual evolution and is the enigma that has baffled even the most erudite minds of history. The crux of the problem is misidentification with qualities of the ego/
    mind's processing function, which is already identified with the linearity of the localization of phenomena. This is a natural consequence associated with the physical reality of the experience of life as a body. The primary problem
    is misidentification of the actual source of subjectivity and the presumption that it is local rather than nonlocal.
    Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, S. 87, October 2012



  • Anger is binding, not freeing. It connects us to another person and holds them in our life pattern. We are stuck in
    the negative pattern until we let go of the energy of anger and its little payoffs of righteous indignation, feeling wron-
    ged, and the desire for revenge. It may not be the exact same person who constantly recurs in our life. If not that
    person, then others will appear who have the same quality that triggers our anger and resentment. This will keep
    recurring until we handle our inner angriness. Then, suddenly, people with that quality disappear from our life.
    Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, S. 136-137, October 2012



  • The Ultimate Reality is revealed via the search into the substrate and source of consciousness itself, which is the ultimate non-linear context beyond all definition. Thus, via the pathway of enlightenment, there is no separate relationship of "you – God" vis-a-vis "me-human". This is the meaning of the Advaita (nonduality) terminolo-
    gy of Self compared to self. This is the illuminated core of the mystic, by which the ultimate nonlinear Reality is
    self-revealing when the obstacles of the linear ego have been relinquished.
    Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, S. 175, Kindle location 1707, October 2012




  • The more we let go, the more loving we become. More and more of our life will be spent doing things that we love
    to do, with people for whom we feel increasing love. As this happens, our life becomes transformed. We look dif-
    ferent. People respond differently to us. We are relaxed, happy, and easy-going. People are attracted to us be-
    cause they feel comfortable and happy around us. Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, S. 229, October 2012


  • Our feelings and thoughts always have an effect on other persons and affect our relationships, whether these
    thoughts or feelings are verbalized, expressed, or not. Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, S. 258, October 2012




  • One of the most prominent negative feelings that block success in professional life is that of envy. The underlying dynamic of envy is that we see someone else getting ahead, this triggers our own sense of insecurity. It's not simply that we see the other persons achievement and feel envy. Rather, the other persons achievement triggers in us a feeling of lack
    or inadequacy about ourselves. […]
    Envy is painful because if arouses our own sense of inadequacy. And then we often resent the person whose suc-
    cesses have inadvertently provoked this feeling. Unconsciously, this resentment fuels our endless desire for strokes,
    which, of course, do not come our way because wantingness repels the very thing we want. […]
    What's the way out of this cycle of envy and dissatisfaction?
    The answer is to go within. Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, S. 284-285, Kindle location 1707, October 2012



Letting go compared to psychotherapy

  • The goals of letting go are far beyond those of psychotherapy. The ultimate aim of letting go and surrendering is total freedom. The goal of therapy is readjustment of the ego to a more healthy balance. The two systems are based on different paradigms of reality. The objective of psychotherapy is to replace unsatisfactory mental programs with more satisfac-
    tory ones. In contrast, the objective of letting go is the elimination of limiting mental and emotional programs. It is the attainment of an unconditioned mind and, ultimately, transcendence of the mind itself to higher states of conscious-
    ness of love and peace.
    In therapy, there is dependence on therapists and their training and techniques, and there is also reliance on a psy-
    chological theory to which the therapist and the patient both subscribe. Scientific research reveals that the results
    of therapy are not related to the therapist’s school of psychotherapy, training or technique
    ; instead, the re-
    sults are related to
    ➤ the interaction between them and
    ➤ the degree of the patient’s desire to improve, as well as
    ➤ the patient’s faith and confidence in the therapist.
    Therefore, psychic factors are operating of which psychotherapy is unaware. Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender,
    Kindle locations 3694-3702, October 2012


  • Basic Principles of Letting Go
    ➤ A thought is a "thing". It has energy and form.
    ➤ The mind with its thoughts and feelings controls the body; therefore, to heal the body, thoughts and feelings
        need to be changed.
    ➤ What is held in mind tends to express itself through the body.
    ➤ The body is not the real self; it is like a puppet controlled by the mind.
    ➤ Beliefs that are unconscious can manifest as illness, even though there is no memory of the underlying beliefs.
    ➤ An illness tends to result from repressed and suppressed negative emotions, plus a thought that gives it speci-
         fic form (i.e., consciously or unconsciously, one particular illness is chosen rather than another).
    ➤ Thoughts are caused by suppressed and repressed feelings. When a feeling is let go, thousands or even millions
        of thoughts that were activated by that feeling disappear.
    ➤ Although a specific belief can be cancelled and energy to it can be refused, it is generally a waste of time to try
        to change thinking itself.
    ➤ We surrender a feeling by allowing it to be there without condemning, judging, or resisting it. We simply look at it,
        observe it, and allow it without trying to modify it. It will run out in due time.
    ➤ A strong feeling may recur, which means there is more of it to be recognized and surrendered.
    ➤ In order to surrender a feeling, sometimes it is necessary to start by relinquishing the feeling that is there about
        the particular emotion (e.g., guilt that "I shouldn't have this feeling").
    ➤ In order to relinquish a feeling, sometimes it is necessary to acknowledge and let go of the underlying payoff of it
        (e.g., the "thrill" of anger and the "juice" of sympathy from being a helpless victim).
    ➤ Feelings are not the real self. Whereas feelings are programs that come and go, the real inner Self always stays
         the same.
    ➤ Ignore thoughts.
    ➤ No matter what is going on in life, keep the steadfast intention to surrender negative feelings as they arise.
    ➤ Make a decision that freedom is more desirable than having a negative feeling.
    ➤ Choose to surrender negative feelings rather than express them.
    ➤ Surrender resistance to and skepticism about positive feelings.
    ➤ Relinquish negative feelings but share positive ones.
    ➤ Notice that letting go is accompanied by a subtle, overall lighter feeling within yourself.
    ➤ Relinquishing a desire does not mean you won’t get what you want.
    ➤ Get it by "osmosis". Put yourself in the aura of those who have what you want.
    ➤ "Like goes to like."
    ➤ Be aware that your inner state is known and transmitted.
    ➤ Persistence pays off.
    ➤ Let go of resisting the technique. Start and end the day with it.
    ➤ You are only subject to what you hold in mind.
    ➤ Stop giving the physical disorder a name; do not label it.
    ➤ The same is true of our feelings.
Letting Go. The Pathway of Surrender, chapter 20, S. 295-299, October 2012

Quotes by Fran Grace (editor)


Preparing and editing the book Letting Go

See: Fran Grace, Ph.D., The Power of Love. A Transformed Heart Changes the World, Inner Pathway Publishing, 14. February 2019

  • During the last three years of his [D. Hawkins] life [2010-2012], even as his physi-
    cal capacities of vision and mobility naturally declined due to aging, the energy of Love was unaffected by this downshift of protoplasm. […] On the surface, we were "helping" him – for instance, I would read to him and make the edits he wanted on his last book. But at the energetic level, it was his vibration of limitless Love that "helped" all of us and brought healing to all aspects of consciousness. Throughout the day, from morning until night, he prayed to be of loving service to everyone around him (including the animals). He said, "As the conversation happens with another person, the inner state is one of total silence and prayer for the other person's happiness and enlightenment."
    Fran Grace, Ph.D., US American professor of religious studies, founding director of Inner Pathway, author, chapter "Genuine Love", excerpted from the never published book "The Power of Love", first announced December 2012

⚡ Critique and background of David Hawkins' book "Letting Go"

Cult leader David Hawkins (1927-2012) was himself a multiple cultist.
It did not occur to him to question and expose his own male role models


Hawkins' last guru was Lester Levenson (LL), a veritable doomsday prophet and the "founder" [actually thief and marketeer]
of the Sedona Method. LL was the direct/indirect coauthor of the 75,000-word manuscript "Letting Go" which remained unpub-
lished for more that three decades. Long after Levenson's passing in 1994 and shortly before Hawkins' own passing Dr. Fran Grace edited the "Letting Go" manuscript in 2012. She read it to then bedridden Hawkins, who nodded to it or else offered some rephrasing.


See also:
Timeline of typists, editors, bookagents, biographers on behalf of D. Hawkins
Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Cultic features


Published in October 2012, the book "Letting Go" fails to give any credit to its initiator/coauthor Lester Levenson, who himself had plagiarized the releasing methodology [Sedona Method]. Hence he fabricated a narrative which allowed him to market the Sedona Method under his name.


Lester Levenson

Following Levenson's "end times" prophecy Hawkins left his clinic, status, 2nd marriage and mansion in New York City and moved to Sedona, AZ, together with his AA companion J Randolph Richmond and ample farming equipment – to move into a house adjoined to the "survival communities" which were advocated by Levenson [the biography on Hawkins Doctor of Truth by Scott Jeffrey uses the pseudonym Sam. See chapter 14 "Out West", pp. 206/236.]
Scott Jeffrey, himself an alpha student of Hawkins for ten years, wrote in his disclosure book Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins (14. January 2013): "Hawkins and Levenson had a falling out over
a real estate deal [1984] and Hawkins came to believe that Levenson was solely interested in financial gain."
, chapter 2 "Calibration Method", S. 59, Kinde location 1021
In Doctor of Truth, chapter 15 "Temptations", pp. 234-235 one may read that "a negative entity spoke through Sam [Levenson] claiming that it [...] was higher than both Christ and Buddha. This entity [...] began speaking through Sam, furious at the thought of not charging for the technique [SM]. [...] David witnessed that, in the presence of "demonic entities," there was a prevailing smell of rotten eggs."
Furthermore, Hawkins discovered that Levenson had committed plagiarism [theft including "spiritual rape"] on the woman, his "protege", who had origi-
nally discovered the methodology of the Sedona Method [cal. LoC 490].


Hawkins, still adhering to Levenson's teachings, fell for the erroneous concept of "letting go negative emotions" – and hence tendencially also his community/readers.
Footnote 3: "Lester Levenson, the founder of the Sedona Method, erroneously taught that people can permanently "go free"
from negative emotions by releasing the energy of these negative emotions over a period of weeks or months. [...] While we can
process through the emotions of a particular experience, we can't permanently eliminate negative emotions; they are part of our unconscious. I believe Levenson himself dissociated from his emotions and then called himself 'enlightened.' Hawkins, as a de-
voted student of Levenson for nearly a decade [1976-1984], followed suit and then incorporated this distorted understanding of emotions into his own teaching system."

"In an attempt to climb up Hawkins' scale of consciousness, it's all too easy to cut ourselves off from the qualities that partly define us as human beings – that is, our negative emotions. And when we do, we drink the same poison Hawkins did (called "delusion" in the wisdom traditions). The further we attempt to move away from these negative emotions, the more we discon-
nect from our personal shadows and our humanity. We become unloving to ourselves and we close our hearts to those that appear different from us. We shun those whose beliefs and perspectives are different from our own. Our world gets smaller
and smaller. And we become more anxious, paranoid, and afraid."

Scott Jeffrey, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Epilogue", S. ~234, January 2013


Himself living proof that the Sedona Method does not work, David Hawkins dissociated from his inner feminine, the dream
, his body, emotions, and mind.
Footnote 41: "Hawkins [...] maintained his neurotic behaviors and addictive habits throughout his entire life."
Scott Jeffrey, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, Appendix C, S. ~321, January 2013


Even though Hawkins had rumbled and left cult leader Levenson after having witnessed how a profiteering entity took "pos-
session" of him, he used Levenson's Chart of Emotions to fuse it into his own Map of Consciousness, thereby skirting possi-
ble legal hassles with litigious Levenson. Dissociated from his emotions as was his role model Levenson, Hawkins also came
to view himself as "enlightened", offering a fragmentary narrative regarding his life and backing his first publication Power vs.
with three fabricated book endorsements.


See also: ► Reader's assessment concerning D. Hawkins' background and NWO agency

Chart of emotions – Lester Levenson

Chart of emotions designed by Lester Levenson – AGFLAP PAC
༺༻LetterEmotion, levelQuality
1. AApathy Problematic
2. GGrief Problematic
3. FFear Problematic
4. LLust Problematic
5. AAnger Problematic
6. FPride Problematic
7. CCourageousness Beneficial
8. AAcceptance Beneficial
9. PPeace Beneficial
Lester Levinson: "PACman eats up the AGFLAP."
Sources featuring Lester Levenson (1910-1994) US American physicist, enterpreneur, founder of the Release Technique "Sedona Method", cult leader
Video presentation PACman ♦ Sedona Method ♦ Chart Of Emotions & Lester Levenson, YouTube film, 9:51 minutes duration,
     posted 6. February 2009
Book: No Attachments, No Aversions. The Autobiography of a Master, Lawrence Crane Enterprises, January 2003
See also: ► Step models and ► Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Map of Consciousness and ► Emotions


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