
Hawkins / ListeDerBW-Stuerze





Bewusstseinsstürze von einflussreichen Persönlichkeiten (Übersicht)




Wichtiger Hinweis




Die in dieser Liste angegebenen BW-Werte
können befremdlich wirken, falls eine Voreingenommenheit
(eine Positionalität) bezüglich einer oder mehrerer der aufgeführten Personen aus dem öffentlichen Leben vorliegt.



Die Nennung von BW-Werten irreführender Gurus kann sich problematisch auf betroffene SchülerInnen auswirken. Die Erkenntnis, "spirituell vergewaltigt worden zu sein" kann zur Selbsttötung führen. Kultaussteiger könnten sich irregeführt und betrogen fühlen und deshalb in tiefe Verzweiflung stürzen.








⚠ Achtung
Siehe Power vs. Truth, Januar 2013



Himmelssturz und Sündenfall

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)
flämischer Maler des Barock


Es gibt nur wenige wahre Lehrer und Blender in Fülle.
Würde die Menge in die richtige Richtung steuern,
wären Heilige und Erleuchtete an der Tagesordnung.
Das ist nicht der Fall.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, Quelle unbekannt


Hawkins sagt, dass das Luziferische danach trachtet, die Wahrheit zu unter-
graben, indem es das Dritte Auge infiziert, wodurch man Wahrheit nicht mehr von Irrtum unterscheiden kann.

  • Wer in einem hohen spirituellen Zustand ist, erfährt göttliche Offenbarungen.
  • Ein 'luziferischer Angriff' ist eine nieder-astrale Offenbarung.


Der bekannteste biblische Mythos vom Fall oder Sturz eines Wesens ist die Geschichte des Erzengels und Lichtträgers Luzifer, der da abfiel von Gott, als er die Göttliche Macht auf sich ziehen wollte. Mit ihm fiel ein Drittel der Engel des Himmels.
Der Sündenfall von Adam und Eva überträgt das Motiv des Abfallens von Gott auf die menschliche Ebene. Das Konzept der Erbsünde ist problema-
tisch, da scham- und schuldinduzierend.

Drei Versuchungen von Jesus in der Wüste

Kreuz an der Ostsee, ~1815
Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) deutscher Maler

Jesus aber, voll heiligen Geistes, kehrte vom Jordan zurück und wurde vom Geist in die Wüste geführt und vierzig Tage vom Teufel versucht. Und er aß nichts in jenen Tagen; und als sie zu Ende waren, hungerte ihn. Und der Teufel sprach zu ihm:

Bist du Gottes Sohn, so sage zu diesem Stein, dass er Brot werde!

Und Jesus antwortete ihm:

"Es steht geschrieben: «Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein!»"

Da führte er ihn auf einen hohen Berg und zeigte ihm alle Reiche der Welt in einem Augenblick. Und der Teufel sprach zu ihm:

"Dir will ich alle diese Herrschaft und ihre Herrlichkeit geben; denn sie ist mir übergeben, und ich gebe sie, wem ich will. Wenn nun du vor mir anbetest, so soll alles dein sein."

Und Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm:

"Hebe dich weg von mir Satan! Denn es steht geschrieben: «Du sollst den Herrn, deinen Gott, anbeten und ihm allein dienen.»"

Er aber führte ihn gen Jerusalem und stellte ihn auf die Zinne des Tem-
pels und sprach zu ihm:

"Bist du Gottes Sohn, so stürze dich von hier hinab; denn es steht geschrieben: «Er wird seinen Engeln deinethalben Befehl geben, dich zu behüten, und sie werden dich auf den Händen tragen, damit du nicht etwa deinen Fuß an einen Stein stoßest.»"

Und Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm:

"Es ist gesagt: «Du sollst den Herrn, deinen Gott, nicht versu-

Und nachdem der Teufel alle Versuchung vollendet hatte, wich er von ihm eine Zeitlang.


Lukas 4, 1-13 (NT)


Siehe auch: ► Versuchung

Versuchungen auf dem spirituellen Weg

Am Beispiel von Jesus von Nazareth


Christus in der Wüste
Russischer Maler Iwan Nikolajewitsch Kramskoi (1837-1887)

Die Prüfungen des 40 Tage fastenden Jesus in der Wüste.
Er sagte zu jeder der drei Versuchungen, die ihm Luzifer vorlegte, "Nein!" und bestand mit:
"Du sollst Gott nicht versuchen." "Satan, weiche von mir!"


Hawkins beschreibt eine Versuchung durch luziferische Kräfte, die "ihm" widerfahren ist.

On one occasion, there was no worldly presence, but on the consciousness level, there was an encounter with a more rarified luciferic presence that promised great power if one went into agreement with it. When this was refused, it retreated. This occured at what might be ana-
logously referred to as a high-altitude fail/pass test. One could see and know that Christ had passed through that temptation and had also refused it.

I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 258-259, 2003


Die wesentlichen Prüfungsthemen einer spirituell entwickelten Seele sind LICHTLIEBEKRAFT – GOTTESNÄHE.
Es gilt, fortschreitend auf sich ausdehnenden Ebenen, den balancierten, nicht verhaftenden Umgang mit den Themen Geld, Sexualität, Dominationsmacht und Tod zu lernen:



  1. Einzelwesen
  2. Paar, Familie, Kollegen- Bekanntenkreis
  3. Gesellschaft, Nation(en), Welt, Diesseits
  4. Jenseits, geistige Welt


Der zentrale Auftrag [biblischer Kategorischer Imperativ] an die Menschheit in der Genesis im Alten Testament lautet entsprechend:


Kommentar zum 3. Segensgebot

3. "Macht euch die Erde untertan." ist eine sehr problematische Übersetzung des 3-fachen Segens, dessen korrekte Übersetzung des hebräischen Urtextes so heißen könnte: "Regieret (d.h. verwaltet) die Erde weise."
Erst seit Überschreiten der 200er-Schwelle ist die Menschheit ansatzweise imstande, ihre Mitschöpferschaft anzutreten.

Das hebräische Verb cbs heißt in diesem Stamm(qal). Das biblisch-hebräisch-deutsche Wörterbuch von Koehler/Baumgartner übersetzt es mit: "sich jemandem unterwerfen, sich jemandem dienstbar machen".

  1. "Wachset,
  2. mehret euch und
  3. verwaltet die Erde."
    1. Mose 1, 28



  1. Geld aka Überleben, Wissen, Recht haben wollen, Rivalität
  2. Sex, Eros, Ruhm, Glamor Beliebtheit
    • Hawkins empfiehlt hierzu das Buch Verblendung. Ein Weltproblem, (engl.) Glamour: A World Problem [BW 560] von Alice A. Bailey [LoC 445]
  3. Wirkmacht vs. Zwang; Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft
    Missbrauch von Wirkmacht zur Domination anderer für weltlichen Egogewinn, auf Grund von mangelnder Demut und Dienbereitschaft
  4. Tod, Gott, das Leben, mutwillig herausfordern
    das physische Leben aufs Spiel setzen, Größenwahn, Gotteswahn


Versuchungen am Beispiel des fastenden Jesus von Nazareth

  1. Aus Steinen wird Brot.
  2. Die Reiche der Welt werden dich anbeten.
  3. Stürze dich vom Turm und die Engel des Herrn werden dich auffangen.


Siehe auch: ► Versuchung und ► Fallen

Bewusstseinswerte von gefallenen spirituellen Lehrern – D. Hawkins

Vor/nach dem Fall
etwa 700-800? unter BW 200Haidakhan Babaji (aktiv von 1970-†1984) indischer Lehrer (Aktivzeit 1970-1984), möglicherweise identisch mit Mahavatar Babaji Nach Hawkins (in Video/DVD Power versus Force mit kinesiologischen Demonstrationen, 1996, Teil 2 von 2, ab Minute 33) ist Babaji nicht bis zur Schwelle gekommen, wo die Luzifer-Versuchung stattfindet [BW 850]. (Luzifer selbst nimmt die Ebene von ~BW 190 ein.)1
760 → ?Ramesh Balsekar (1917-2009) indischer Advaitalehrer, Schüler von  Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Gegen Ende seines Lebens fiel Balsekars BW-Wert. Siehe (engl.): Timothy Conway, Ph.D., On neo-advaitin Ramesh Balsekar. Advaita, ethics, authentic and inauthentic sages, presented by the publication Enlightened Spirituality, Dec 2007, 2008, 2009;
Siehe auch: Kritischer Artikel (frz.) Real Advaita, Pseudo-Advaita, and Ramesh Balsekar at Kovalam 2004, präsentiert von dem Blogspot penser.over-blog.org, 20042
740 → 700 → 130Mohammed (570/571-632 n. Chr.) saudiarabischer Gründer des Islam, Prophet Der Engel Gabriel hat Mohammed medial die heilige Schrift Koran [BW 720] diktiert. Im Alter von 38 Jahren hatte der Prophet, der angeblich Epileptiker war, ein Grand Mal [Krampfanfall], anlässlich dessen sein BW von 700 auf 130 fiel. Der extreme Fall beeinträchtigte nachhaltig die weitere Entwicklung der Religion des Islam.
615 195Swami Sivananda (1887-1963) indischer hinduistischer Yoga-Meister, Vedanta-Lehrer, Gründer der Divine Life Society Sivananda zählt zu den gefallenen Erleuchteten. Fälle dieser Art kommen sehr selten vor.
570 → 180 / 90Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] (1931-1990) indischer Philosophieprofessor, umstrittener Guru, Gründer der NeoSannyas-Bewegung
535 → 198Sathya Sai Baba (1926-2011) umstrittener indischer Guru Sai Baba hatte zu Lebzeiten ~10 Millionen Schülern weltweit.
Artikel Sai Baba. Der allzumenschliche »Gottmensch«, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Monatszeitschrift Connection, Datum unbekannt
Conny Larsson: Hinter der Maske des Clowns, entnommen aus dem Archiv der deutschen Monatszeitschrift Connection, 24. März 2011
Sai Baba's Karma and Retribution (engl.), presented by SaiBabaExposed blogspot, 8. August 2007
Testimonial by Conny Larsson, Swedish former Sai Baba devotee, author of "God's Little Clown", Conny Larsson's story. The Swami who deceived a whole world, presented by the website exbaba.com, 2000-2001
Video clips by Conny Larsson, Testimony 1 of Sai Baba as a sexual predator and Testimony 2 of Sai Baba as a sexual predator, presented by saibaba-x.org.uk, posted by Robert Priddy, posted 25. July 2011
Documentary movie Sai Baba. Strange Avatar, produced by Colum Stapleton, Vimeo film, 45:10 minutes duration, posted January 2012
Online movies, presented by the website exbaba.com
525 → 240Eckhart Tolle (*1948) deutschstämmiger kanadischer Lehrer spiritueller Themen, Erfolgsautor des Buchs »Jetzt« [BW 545-565] Tolle zog sich vorübergehend aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück. Er berichtete über die Stolpersteine auf seinem Weg, präsentiert von WIE Unbound Audio
525 → 175Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) indischer spiritueller Lehrer, Theosoph, Philosoph, Autor Krishnamurti wurde von der Theosophischen Gesellschaft als der erwartete Maytreya ausgerufen. Er selbst hat dieses Amt abgelehnt.
Article by Martin Gardner, David Bohm and Jiddo Krishnamurti, presented
by the magazine Skeptical Inquirer, volume 24, No. 4, July / August 2000
515 → 195Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (*1956) indischer Lehrer, Begründer der International Art of Living Foundation 
515 → 160Reverend San Myung Mun (1920-2012) südkoreanischer Gründer und Oberhaupt der Vereinigungskirche Mun hat sich 2003 in NYC zum Messias (Herr der Wiederkunft) gekrönt.
510 → 175Werner Erhard (*1935) US-amerikanischer Vater der Human Potential-Bewegung, Entwickler des EST-Trainings [BW 400] [Landmark Worldwide], Mitgründer des Hunger Projekts, Autor
505 → 180Lester Levenson (1910-1994) US-amerikanischer Physiker, Unternehmer, Entwickler der Sedona Methode (zur Stressbefreiung) [BW 490] D. Hawkins, Videovortrag mit Muskeltest-Demonstrationen Power vs. Force, Volume Serie I, DVD 2 von 2, Minute 33:00, 11. November 1995
Lester Levenson:
"Don’t release to get high, go high to release."
500 → 195Deepak Chopra (*1946) indienstämmiger US-amerikanischer Endokrinologe, Leiter eines alternativen Gesundheitszentrums in San Diego, Referent, Erfolgsautor Chopra war ehemals der Leibarzt des indischen Gurus Maharishi Maheshs (s.u.).
410 145Lafayette Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) US-amerikanischer Science Fiction-Autor, Gründer der Scientology-Bewegung [BW 195]
? 185Doreen Virtue, US-amerikanische spirituelle Psychologin, Metaphysikerin in vierter Generation, Engeltherapeutin Stand: ~2009
Diverse Quellen: ► D. Hawkins, teilweise Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, DVD 3 von 3, Minute 8:00, 28. Juni 2003
Stand: ► Weitgehend 2003 · 2004 · 2005
Infolge der daraus folgenden starken Reaktionen wurde die mündliche Nennung der o.a. BW-Werte in den Audio/Video/DVD-Mitschnitten entfernt.
(Sie blieb jedoch als Standbild in Form einer Tabelle erhalten – vor der Nennung von BW-Werten von Kathedralen.)


Siehe auch:
Wahre spirituelle Lehrer
Wahre Lehren ⇔ Kultformen

Hinweise zur Ego-Prüfung von spirituellen Lehrern

55% der heute aktiven spirituellen LehrerInnen weltweit erfüllen nach Hawkins' Muskeltestmessung
die Voraussetzungen für diese Berufung (in der Regel ab BW 460+).

45% der spirituellen Lehrer versagt bei den Prüfungen, die unweigerlich Teil des Wegs sind.


Die obigen BW-Werte von lebenden Lehrern sind zeitlich bedingte Messergebnisse, die sich ändern können.
[Stand: 2004/2005]


Ein Bewusstseinssturz kann eintreten, wenn sich das Ego bzw. das spirituelle Ego die Urheberschaft von den Wirkungen und Errungenschaft des göttlichen Geistes anmaßt.


Manche Lehrerpersönlichkeiten gewinnen ihre Bekanntheit infolge von Projektionen und der Bedürftigkeit ihrer Nach-
folger nach Zuwendung.


Alle BW-Stufen benötigen die für sie passenden LehrerInnen.
Ein Schüler mit BW 200+ tut gut daran, sich mit Lehrmaterial und Lehrern der 300er-Ebene
zu beschäftigen und sich gegebenenfalls für die 400er-Ebene zu interessieren.


  • Niemand kann die höheren Ebenen des Bewusstseins passieren ohne den Beistand
    des Heiligen Geistes vertreten durch Engel und hochschwingende Wesen.

Beispiele von redlichen [nicht spirituellen] Lehrern

220Carlos Castaneda (*1925, vorgebl. †1995) peruanischer Schriftsteller, Diplomat, Autor der autobiografischen Buchserie um die Lehren des Don Juan Matus, eines zaubernden Yaqui-Indianers, Miterfinder der Bewegungslehre Tensegrity Castaneds berühmte Buchserie stillte den spirituellen Hunger der Leserschaft in den 70-er Jahren. Aus anthropologischer Sicht sind die Aussagen in Castanedas Werken haltlos; sie schadeten den Ureinwohnerkulturen. Schwindler Castaneda hat seinen Namen, seine Herkunft und seine Lebensdaten verfälscht. Don Juan war eine erfundene Figur. Er hat seine Tochter missbraucht. Er war ein Polygamist, Plagiator, Kultführer von fünf Frauen, Diabetiker, der im Jahr 1995 seinen Tod inszeniert hat, vemutlich um Nachstellungen zu entgehen. Er starb an Leberkrebs.
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 – American anthropologist Weston La Barre (1911-1996) denounced Castaneda's writings as "pseudo-profound deeply vulgar pseudo-ethnography."
Eckhart Tolle (*1948) deutsch-kanadischer Lehrer für Spiritualität, Erfolgsautor
245Harry Palmer (*1944) US-amerikanischer Autor, Entwickler des Kurssystems Avatar [BW 245]
300Mutter Meera indienstämmige deutsche Darshan-Geberin, angeblich ein Avatar der Göttlichen Mutter Meera, die seit Jahrzehnten Darshans bei Limburg hält, möchte nicht als weib-
licher Guru gelten. Sie wurde von dem indisch-britisch-US-amerikanischen Reli-
gionswissenschaftler Andrew Harvey in ihrem 17. Lebensjahr "entdeckt" und gefördert. Gegen 1994 erkannte er seinen Irrtum (auf seinem eigenen Mutter-
komplex beruhend). Nachdem er sich von ihr abgewandt hatte, erfuhr er von den Gläubigen Diskriminierungen, die ihm fast seine Lebensgrundlage kosteten.
300Mutter Amma [Mata Amritanandamayi] indische Leiterin der weltweit vertretenen Amrita-Vereinigung Amma wird von ihren Anhängern als Inkarnation der Göttlichen Mutter verehrt. Sie ist beliebt wegen ihrer Umarmungs-Darshans.
Siehe: Dokufilm Darshan. Die Umarmung8 / 9
410Maharishi Mahesh Yogi [Maharishi] (1914-2008) indischer hinduistisch-vedischer Guru, Begründer der Transzendentalen Meditation, Entwickler der Transzendentalen Meditation [BW 295], Autor10 Mahesh Yogi war der Auftraggeber von Studien zur Senkung der Kriminalitäts- und Gewaltrate infolge von TM. Als Leiter der TM-Bewegung, beeinflusste in den 68-iger Jahren die Beatles und Donovan.
Caveat von ehemaligen TM-Schülern: The TM and TM-Sidhi Techniques
Diverse Quellen: ► D. Hawkins, teilweise Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, Video/DVD 3 von 3, Minute 8:00, 28. Juni 2003
Hinweis: Infolge der daraus folgenden starken Reaktionen wurde die mündliche Nennung der o.a. BW-Werte in den Audio/Video/DVD-
Mitschnitten entfernt. (Sie blieb jedoch als Standbild in Form einer Tabelle erhalten – vor der Nennung von BW-Werten von Kathedralen.)

Bewusstseinswerte von gefallenen "jenseitigen" Geistführern

490 → 160Geistwesen Ramtha, das seit 1978 von dem US-amerikanischen Medium JZ Knight (*1946) gechannelt wird innerhalb der neureligiösen Bewegung Ramtha's School of Enlightenment in Yelm, Washington, Vereinigte Staaten
Siehe auch: ► Channeling

Bewusstseinswerte von gefallenen politischen Führern, Personen

?? → Gefallen
Kaiser Karl der Große infolge seiner eigenmächtig initiierten Krönung zum Kaiser
450 → 175 →  160 →  75 Napoleon Bonaparte † (Frankreich) nach seiner Selbstkrönung zum Kaiser fiel sein BW auf 160, bei der Schlacht von Waterloo auf 75
(Andere BW-Werte: von 440 auf 140) auf 17512
445 → 180Fidel Castro (1926-2016) (Kuba) kommunistischer Staatspräsident Castros Regime hat den BW-Wert 185.13
440 → 65Jassir Arafat † (Palästina) Gründungsmitglied der Befreiungsbewegung Fatah, Vorsitzender der von ihm gegründeten Partei PLO14
200 → 350Konstantin der Große I. erlebte im Jahr 312 eine Himmelsschau, ein Zeichen Gottes hinsichtlich der Göttlichkeit von Jesus Christus.
410 → 385 Konstantin der Große I. Kaiser von Rom, berief im Jahr 325 das 1. Katholische Konzil von Nizäa ein.15
405 → 80Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin (1870-1924) (Russland) kommunistischer Politiker, marxistischer Theoretiker, Begründer der Sowjetunion, Führer der Kommunistischen Partei16
430/405 →   80 → 45/40Adolf Hitler † (Deutschland, im 3. Reich) nationalsozialistischer Diktator, der "Führer" begann den Zweiten Weltkrieg und betrieb systematische Entrechtung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden17
385 → 190Peter der Große † (Russland) reformerischer Zar, der das russische Reich europäisierte18
350 → 150Hermann Göring † (Deutschland, im 3. Reich) Reichstagspräsident der NSDAP, Vizekanzler Hitlers19
? →   90 →   60Saddam Hussein (Irak) (1937-2006) diktatorischer irakischer Staatspräsident (1994-2003) Premierminister des Irak (1979-2003) und (1979-1991)20
BW 90 zzt. des I. Golfkriegs, BW 60 zzt. des II. Golfkriegs von 2002-2004
160 gestiegen auf! 190Omar al-Gaddafi (Libyen) Sohn des lybischen Staatspräsidenten Muammar al-Gaddafi † (1969-2011)21
Mehrere Quellen: hauptsächlich Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 254, 2005
Siehe auch: ► Bewusstseinswerte nach D. Hawkins

Bewusstseinswerte von gefallenen Personen des öffentlichen Lebens

435 → 70J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) deutschstämmig-jüdischer US-amerikanischer Atomwissenschaftler,
Leiter des Manhattan Projekts, Los Alamos, Erbauer der Atombombe
412 → 185Gary Coleman (1968-2010) US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Kinderstar 'Arnold Jackson' in der Fernseh-Sitcom-Serie Diff'rent Strokes (1978-1986)

Bewusstseinswerte von gefallenen politisch aktiven Gruppierungen

385 → 180American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), US-amerikanische Bürgerrechtsbewegung seit 1920, Vereinigung für zivilen Liberalismus, tritt für die Streichung des Gottesbegriffs in der US-amerikanischen Verfassung ein

Zitate zum Thema Bewusstseinsstürze / Fall of consciousness

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Während man spirituell wächst, wird man ausreichend ausgeklügelt, um dem Ego nicht auf den Leim zu gehen. Quelle unbekannt




Luziferische Versuchung

der Erleuchteten jenseits der BW-Ebene 600-850

  • "Nachdem du [...] erkennst, dass alles Karma nur auf Illusion beruhte und es kei-
    nen furchteinflößenden, urteilenden Gott oder irgendwelche "andere Wesen" zu bestehen gibt, und wo du jetzt außerdem jenseits von Form und deshalb jenseits von Karma und vollständig frei bist, ist deine Macht unbegrenzt. Nimm' diese Macht als deine eigene an."
    Das Angebot besteht darin, sich mit Macht um ihrer selbst willen zu vereinigen und im luziferischen Bereich zu herrschen. Der Verführungsversuch richtet sich an das spirituelle Ego, mit dem Ansinnen, Gottes Macht zu besitzen, jedoch Gottes Liebe zurückzuweisen.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel 15 "Karma", S. 352-353, 2006


  • Niemand kann die höheren Ebenen des Bewusstseins passieren ohne den Beistand des Heiligen Geistes vertreten durch Engel und hochschwingende Wesen.
    Videovortrag mit Muskeltest-Demonstrationen Power vs. Force, Volume Serie I, DVD 2 von 2, Minute 33:00, 11. November 1995


  • Wenn du keine Wünsche hast, bist du nicht zu verführen. Viele Gurus sind deshalb gefallen, weil sie etwas haben wollten. Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD-Set, 11. Dezember 2004


  • Frage: Ist es nur die Versuchung, die Gurus abstürzen lässt oder sind tatsächlich existierende dämonische Wesen-
    heiten daran beteiligt?
    Antwort: Beides. Es ist schwer, dies zu erklären, ohne dass die Zuhörer paranoid reagieren. [Gelächter.] Das Negative ist stets gegenwärtig auf der Erde, andernfalls wäre die Erde ein himmlischer Bereich und kalibrierte bei BW 600+. Das Erdenleben ist eine Zwischenstufe. Deshalb findet man in einem Übergangsbereich sowohl das Höchste als auch das Niedrigste. Es gibt "dämonische Kräfte". Es ist tatsächlich so, dass man die Energie fühlen kann, wenn man mit einem sehr negativ eingestellten Menschen spricht. Und sie ist sehr unangenehm. Je weiter du dich entwickelst, um
    so weniger akzeptabel sind diese Energien für dich und schließlich meidest du sie ganz und gar. Und zu guter Letzt erreichst du einen Zustand, wo sie dich nicht [mehr] beeinträchtigen. Doch lange Zeit meidest du sie. Das Syndrom des gefallenen Gurus ist erschütternd. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 von 2, 10. Januar 2007

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowals


Luciferic temptation

  • On one occasion, there was no worldly presence, but on the consciousness level, there was an encounter with a more rarified luciferic presence that promised great power if one went into agreement with it. When this was refused, it retreated. This occured at what might be analogously referred to as a high-altitude fail/pass test. One could see and know that Christ had passed through that temptation and had also refused it. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 258-259, 2003



Ego's inability to surrender – ego's temptation

  • I remember clearly the moment when the ego surrendered its dominion. The ego's juice is being the source of your life, the experience of being what it considers the center of your life. The ego can't surrender of its own. Once you've surrendered positionalities, you come to understand that you're no longer subject to personal karma, and the temptation arises to assume all power: "All power is yours; own it." I thought, Who the hell would want it? There's a you that was going to have the power. The power isn't with you, anyway. That which you are is the source of your own life.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • As you grow spiritually you become sophisticated enough to not fall for the ego. Source unknown


Caveat: the astral circus

  • Many new-age groups [LoC 185] sound less demanding but rely on misleading sources of information. There is emphasis on strange garb, odd diets, weird headdresses, all manner of necklaces, symbols, card readings, psychics, channelings, mediums, chantings, and mantras. It is best to beware of and avoid all manipulation of energies, light fields, mystical visualizations, colors, mystical numbers, signs, and 'ancient secret teachings'. Some misleading figu-
    res claim special private instructions from God and become self-proclaimed prophets and visionaries. It is simple to
    see through all this with a simple kinesiologic test. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, S. 147, 2001



About fifty percent of the spiritual teachers are legitimate.


  • Throughout history and up to the current time, there have been a number of well known 'gurus' who became ad-
    dicted to sex, power, and money
    , and who covered up their actions with clever rationalizations. Those who exhi-
    bit wealth, a veneer of spiritual trappings, and who approve of sexual acting out attract many followers.
    The basis for this paradox was revealed through spiritual research. Often, the early writings of a famous or popular
    guru calibrate quite high (usually in the high 400s to middle 500s). Then, after much success and acclaim, the cali-
    brated level of the guru drops precipituously, sometimes to even below 200. Thus, it is not uncommon for there to
    be a wide disparity between the early writings of a teacher and the teacher's later level of consciousness. In some
    cases, both recent and current, the resultant misbehaviors create scandal and dismay, and residual followers have
    to resort to denial to rationalize their continued obedience to a cult or group of adherents. Although the erstwhile
    guru's own calibration may have fallen significantly, the calibration of the original writings remain the same.

    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 239-240, 2003



Temptations on the spiritual path

Mohammed's fall in LoC

  • Spiritual temptation and being tested is constant. […] Spiritual progress is resisted by the ego. […] The test for a spiritual teacher is egotism, vanity, sexual opportunities that are thrown on you, temptation of every kind, the fall for wealth and pomp […] [grandiosity, the wish to be paraded, worshipped, materiality, adulation, flattery, megalomania].
    Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz
    and Elena Young, minute 46:00+, 60 minutes duration, aired 13. July 2004


Kaiserkrönung von Napoléon Bonaparte
  • One luciferic temptation is "now that you have transcended all personal karma, all power is yours". What would you need power for? When you are complete and total within yourself there is nothing you need or want. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. Decem-
    ber 2002


  • Paradoxically, as a spiritual teacher increases in fame, their consciouss-
    ness levels often drop. Many are the gurus of great renown, both dead and alive today, who've reached the high of the mid 500s and were taken down. One after another. Their numbers are quite of shocking. At one time calibrate at 520, 540, now: 180. What happened? You see, the tiger trai-
    ner does not pretend that the tiger won’t kill you if you ignore his inner nature. He demonstrates to me that you can love and still be aware of the downside what you're dealing with. […]
    So many of the gurus fall for seduction. When you get in the high 400s or 500s you emanate an energy field that is entrancing to the average per-
    son, and they fall in love with you. And then you get seduced by their love (Yogi-groupie and Yogi-rockstar dynamic).
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. Decem-
    ber 2002


  • Question: How could people who're up at 540 or something fall for the seduction of fame, money, power, material goods, trappings?
    Answer: It's because something was missing in their spiritual education. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002



The impact of lying

Hawkins also stated that the lies of high calibrating teachers bring about serious karmic consequences.

  • Someone who tells a lie at LoC 185 is in force and doesn't have much impact on the world. Someone who lies at LoC 500 has a great impact. That's why fallen teachers can do so much damage.
    Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004



No skipping of steps

All evolutionary stages need to be firmly settled.

  • Some gurus rise up to high levels and then fall, because they didn't do the basics, the foundation, morality, goodness, basic ethics. First perfect the 200s and then move up to higher levels, do not skip any steps.
    Chicago Seminar Title unknown, 10. April 2004



Rocky transition times while moving into a new paradigm

  • The advance of truth doesn't necessarily bring tranquil waters. In fact, it can disturb things for a while. You now have a new paradigm, and inherent in it is the downfall of the old.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • Exposure to spiritual integrity creates neuronal pathways that make it impossible to fall below integrity. This is
    what you can do for children to help them. Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • The Luciferic is about LoC 190. Why? Lucifer did not want to acknowledge the sovereignty of God. The Luciferic temptation. The Luciferic distorts reason and logic. It sacrifices truth for relativism; it denies the Absolute. It's the mad hatter tea party: "A thing only means what I say it means."22 All morality and ethics are hated constraints against the freedom of the id, which seeks no accountability or responsibility. Evil is projected onto some external cause. It feels superior to truth, to Divinity. The satanic is represented by torture, maiming, blowing up buses.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • The responsibility of the teacher is to make sure people understand the likelihoods that are held in place, temptations that are attractions, that can bring you down. Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005




Mankind is transcending then nonintegrous realm.

  • Question: What is the ultimate purpose of negativity if God is consciousness and love?
    Answer: We looked at the chart showing evolution of consciousness. Man is on a rising curve. We are transcending the negatives. We are starting to turn down certain negative temptations. They have to come up so you can transcend them and turn them down. The fourth step23 – (AA) – taking a spiritual inventory of yourself. Take a long tablet! Sedona Seminar Perception vs. Essence, 3 DVD set, 22. April 2006


  • The average unsophisticated mind doesn’t understand what the Presence of God within a teacher means, and so they wait for something spectacular! Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006




  • 400s – spiritual education leads to the development of the spiritual ego. "I know that", "I've heard that", etc.
  • 500s – the temptation, the weakness, is love-and-seduction. So many of the gurus you read on the Internet today fall for seduction.
    And I warn people, when you get in the high 500s you emanate an energy field of love that is entrancing to people. They fall in love with you. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 1 of 2, 10. January 2007


  • Question: Is it just temptation that lets gurus fall or are there actual demonic entities that are involved?
    Answer: Both. It's hard to explain without making people paranoid. [Laughter] That which is negative is constantly present on this planet, otherwise this would be a celestial realm and calibrate 600+. This is a transition, so in a realm of transition you have the highest and also you have the lowest. There are "demonic energies". In fact when you talk to a very negative person you can feel the energy and it's like very unpleasant. The higher you get the less those energies are agreeable and finally you avoid them altogether. And finally you reach a point where they have no effect on you. But for a long time you avoid them. The fallen guru syndrome is upsetting.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 of 2, 10. January 2007

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Quotes by various other sources

Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets. Luke 6, 26 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • I found westerners started out on an Indian devotional path with a great deal of naivety and lack of information.
    Deleted article on Mother Meera by Martin Goodman (*1956) British journalist, cult critic, author, May 2006

Wilber is possibly refering to these predatory "crazy wisdom" teachers

Chogyam Trungpa (1939-1987) controversial Tibetan Buddhist meditation master, holder of both the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages, scholar, teacher, poet, artist, originator of a radical re-presentation of Shambhala vision24
Adi Da Samraj [Franklin Albert Jones; Da Free John] (1939-2008) controversial US American spiritual teacher, founder of the new religious movement Adidam, writer, artist
Marc Gafni (*1960) controversial US American "spiritual teacher", serial sexual offender, former orthodox rabbi associated with the Jewish renewal movement, speaker, author

  • Unethical behavior doesn't get you enlightened. It gets you a nightmare. It gets you the unhappy dream. It's the worst of
    all possible worlds paraded under this "crazy wisdom" notion. By the way, there is no "crazy wisdom" teaching in the East.
    It was invented by three American drunken womanizing teachers to rationalize their [mis]behavior [justifying egoic impul-
    ses as transegoic]. I am very fond of these guys, incidentally. They are some of my very dear friends.
    Video presentation by Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought
    leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, Assholes and Accidents, YouTube film, minute 3:14+, 9:00 minutes dura-
    tion, posted 4. June 2011
  • If one has a teacher who is not qualified, who is engaging in unsuitable or wrong behavior, then it is appropriate for the student to criticize that behavior. H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso [LoC 570] (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Peace Nobel Prize laureate, 1989; cited in: article Face to Face. Confronting the Guru-Disciple Relationship, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Gnosis, Ihla F. Nation, spring 1996



See also article:

Face to Face. Confronting the Guru-Disciple Relationship, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Gnosis, Ihla F. Nation, spring 1996


See also:

Everyone has a potential for enlightenment. It is your own volition to say yes or no. This world is perfect. You are not perfect. That’s a relief, isn’t it! If you reached perfection, you wouldn’t be here anymore. Make it count. Love people for who they are. D. Hawkins, Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 13. September 2006


  • [...] an alarming story about yet another world-renowned incarnation of the divine mother, Mother Meera [LoC 300], who is also considered to be an avatar. The story is by now well known. Her longtime devotee and messenger, the famous scholar and poet Andrew Harvey had left her. Harvey, openly homosexual, claimed that his former guru was homophobic. He said that she wanted to break up his relationship with his male lover and told him that he had the choice of either being celibate or getting married to a woman. If he chose to marry, she wanted him to write a book about how the force of the divine mother transformed him into a heterosexual. He even claimed that she censored some of his writings, removing all references to his homosexuality. Article by Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US Ame-
    rican enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Mother of the Uni-
    , presented by the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / Enlightennext, issue 10, ~1997



Mother Meera's flaw

After meeting Meera, Goodman sold everything, gave up teaching to serve her, thinking he'd be like an apostle writing about Jesus. His disclosure book was subjected to fierce legal attacks.

  • She [Mother Meera] simply cannot accept the human part of herself and because she denies it, there is a lot of pathology around her. She simply denies all kinds of things about her childhood because they do not fit the profile of a goddess. There's been a kind of rewriting of her biography to bolster her divinity.
    Martin Goodman (*1956) British journalist, cult critic, author of In Search of the Divine Mother, 7. September 1998, cited in: Cliff Bostock, author of the four parts column Revisiting Mother Meera: A new book raises some questions, presented by Soulworks 1997-1998, reissued by Paradigms, December 1998-January 1999


  • She has a mystical genius [Mother Meera], but I think she is abusing her power by allowing the God on Earth myth to have currency. Martin Goodman (*1956) British journalist, cult critic, author, cited in: Scottish Daily Record & Sunday Mail, 1999


  • Since [1994 Andrew] Harvey came to a point of total estrangement from Mother Meera in a controversy publicly disputed on both sides. […]
    Harvey has undertaken a scathing critique of the guru-disciple system as one of the remaining bastions of autho-
    ritarian societies and a "block to the true and direct relationship with the divine Mother."
    Interview with Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey, presented by the
    US American media company Yoga Journal, Catherine Ingram, issue 123, S. 58, July/August 1995



Ayn Rand's cult

  • The entirely non-mystical, twentieth-century, late Russian-American philosopher Ayn Rand [LoC 400] (1905-1982), too, apparently managed to create a personality cult around herself. Loyalty there was evidenced to the point where one of her sincere followers reportedly floated (in the late '60s) the idea of murder as a means of dealing with an un-
    faithful (and otherwise married) former lover of the homely, yet eminently rational, Ms. Rand (Shermer, 1997). The en-
    dangered ex-lover in question was the dashing Nathaniel Branden [LoC 420] – Rand's "intellectual heir," to whom Atlas Shrugged, 1957, was dedicated.25 (The book itself was the "greatest human achievement in the history of
    the world," according to Rand and Branden.)26 Together, they encouraged followers of Rand to consider them as being "the two greatest intellects on the planet." Geoffrey D. Falk, US American author, Stripping the Gurus. Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment, chapter XXIX After the Ordeal, free PDF, Million Monkeys Press, 1. February 2009

⚡ Case of the abusive guru Muktananda – Testimonials of his former students

Case in question is the Indian Hindu spiritual guru, madman and sexual abuser Swami Muktananda [LoC 655] (1908-1982).
He was a disciple of Bhagawan Nityananda [LoC 500], founder of Siddha Yoga, secret practitioner of an esoteric form of
Tantric sexual yoga.



A deluded and intimidated group field allows a guru's continued abuse to remain under wraps.

During his lifetime, Muktananda managed to maintain an aura of rectitude. Eventually guns and violence, sex with minors and other unwilling victims, and an alleged $5 million in Swiss accounts (by Muktananda's own claim to one follower) could no longer be justi-
fied, and several of his closest devotees left the movement.



US American journalist, author, associate professor of writing at Columbia University Lis Harris repeated and extended Rodarmor's allegations in her article O Guru, Guru, Guru, presented by the US magazine The New Yorker, 14. November 1994

  • For years, we thought every discrepancy was because he lived outside the laws of morality. He could do anything he wanted.
Richard Grimes, former long-time disciple of Muktananda; cited in: William Rodarmor, The Secret Life of Swami Muktananda, PDF, "Letter From a Former Swami", written by Stan Trout (who left the ashram in 1981), presented by CoEvolution Quarterly, S. 104-111, #40, winter 1983



16 years after Stan Trout's Open Letter to Muktananda disciples, winter 1983

3rd letter by Stan Trout aka Swami Abhayananda, presented by leavingsiddhayoga.net, 7. October 1999

Devastated, former disciples spent a long time picking up the pieces of their experience. Though some of them believe Muktananda's great power helped them make spiritual progress, others wonder how far a person can "really grow under a master who doesn't himself live the truth." Stan Trout, one of Muktananda's former swamis, makes an impor-
tant point here. When the truth about Muktananda's sex life came into the open,

  • There was absolutely no means available to present the evidence for a fair hearing or judgment. There was no recourse but to leave, for the guru was the sole appeal.
William Rodarmor, The Secret Life of Swami Muktananda, PDF, citing Stan Trout, former long-term disciple of Muktananda, "Letter from a Former Swami", presented by CoEvolution Quarterly, S. 110-111, #40, winter 1983



Muktananda's long-term sexual abuse of minors and female ashramites (1976-1982)

  • I was angry at the cowardice of the many girls who had been exploited over the years and failed to speak out. But, of course, they were frightened and confused, and simply wished to put it behind them. Still, they had perpetuated this abuse by their silence, and put other girls in jeopardy. I felt impelled to speak about it to those still under delusion, and to do what I could to warn other young women about the danger – many of whom I had been responsible for leading to Baba. We Swamis had unknowingly been his pimps; and I knew I had to speak out. [...]
    I have talked with many people and have learned a great deal more of Muktananda's secret activities over the past years [1982]. Sad to say, he has been deceiving the sincere aspirants who believed in his holiness for many years.
    It seems to have begun at least as far back as 1976, and today he scarcely bothers to conceal the fact that he is
    having sex with many of his female devotees – most of whom are mere children in their early teens.
    Letter by Stan Trout (*1938), 16 years after his "Open Letter to Muktananda" which disciples had published in CoEvolution Quar-
    , S. 110-111, #40, winter 1983, presented by leavingsiddhayoga.net, 7. October 1999



Saint / devil enigma

  • I [was] trying to understand how it was possible for someone to be both a saint and a devil at the same time, and trying to comprehend why God had perpetrated this apparent "trick" on me, first leading me to this man, and then destroying everything I had sought attain in His name. I never found an answer to the first of these questions. Muktananda remains an enigma to me. He was without doubt an extraordinarily advanced soul, with incredible powers; but he was also a demon in his abuse of that power. How is this possible? I don't know.
    Letter by Stan Trout (*1938), 16 years after his "Open Letter to Muktananda" which disciples had published in CoEvolution Quar-
    , S. 110-111, #40, winter 1983, presented by leavingsiddhayoga.net, 7. October 1999


Reference: ► Video presentation by Daniel Shaw, LCSW, US American certified psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, cult member
of the SYDA movement under Gurumayi (1981-1994), author, Traumatic Narcissism: The Psychology of Cult Leaders,
sponsored by International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 6.-8. November 2015,
YouTube film, 1:18:00 duration, posted 24. December 2015

⚡ Disclosure on the abusive guru Bhagwan/Osho – Hugh Milne, Jane Stork et al.

Quotes excerpted from from the book: Hugh Milne [Prince of Esalen] (*1948) Scottish osteopath, teacher of craniosacral therapy, Bhagwan's bodyguard (1973-1982), author, Bhagwan. The God That Failed, St Martin's Press, 1st edition 1. April 1987
Excerpt Bhagwan. The God That Failed, "Introduction", Caliban Books, London 1986



Voracious reader and video watcher Bhagwan

  • [Bhagwan] was a voracious reader, sometimes getting through ten or fifteen books a day, and liked to keep himself bang up to date with the world literary scene. S. 59
    • In Poona he had read ten or fifteen books a day, and now he watched videos just as avidly. It was the fulltime job of three sannyasis to make sure he had a constant supply of videos. S. 248



Bhagwan's paranormal powers

  • Bhagwan gradually began to acquire for use the characteristics of a supernatural being [...] there was still something beyond the usual range of abilities. He did have paranormal powers, though not perhaps in the measure he claimed or quite in the way it seemed in those enchanted early days when we felt he could do no wrong. S. 71-72



Bhagwan's role model Gurdjieff:

  • Bhagwan set a lot of store by the teachings of Gurdjieff [...] Gurdjieff was the main role model for Bhagwan who [...] had read all Gurdjieff's works and the commenta-
    ries both in the original and in the version written by Ouspensky. In particular Bhag-
    wan liked the way Gurdjieff had rebelled against authority and kept testing the strength of his disciples' faith.
    S. 100



Bhagwan's addictive touch

  • Many people have asked me how a sensible, independent person could be mes-
    merized by someone like Bhagwan. The answer, as many sannyasis would agree,
    is that once you had been affected by his energy and experienced the sensation of being touched by it, you knew that there was nothing like it, no bliss to compare with it. Once you had experienced it, you had to go back for more, to try and regain that feeling of harmony and being at one with the universe [...] Bhagwan's touch would be just as addictive as the strongest drug. S. 179



Bhagwan's fascist enslaving endeavour in Oregon, United States

  • What had begun as the dawn of a new age, a glorious spiritual movement, already had the makings of a fascist nightmare. All my dreams of showing people how to live in love and harmony seemed to be vanishing. I was doing nothing more than working myself into a state of nervous exhaustion [...]. We were being used as slaves under the guise of spiritual surrender. S. 201



Bhagwan's lust for money

  • Bhagwan himself was quite open about the fact that the primary purpose of the ranch [in Oregon] was to make money, and said that if ever money-making became a problem, he would abandon his vow of silence. S. 246
    • Rajneesh: I wanted to catch hold of Christians, and I got them! I have my devices – I may be a madman but I have my methodology.
      Interviewer: Do the ends justify the means?
      Rajneesh: Yes. [...] I have to do my business, too. I have every right. So, how to get customers? I had to plan devices. And the natural way was – the simpler way – that anything that is wrong in Jesus, throw it [blame it] on his disciples. And anything that can be seen as good, can be polished, given a more contemporary ring, bring it above and give the credit to Jesus. [...] Now I have got my people – from all sources I have caught them, from Buddhists, from Hindus, from Christians, from Jews. From every land, from every country, from every race, I
      have caught hold of those who can now listen to me directly, and I don't need any Jesus, any Buddha, any
      Mohammed to stand between me and my disciples. So I am kicking them out.



Bhagwan's colleague U. G. Krishnamurti (1918-2007):

  • U. G. Krishnamurti [was] the only person Bhagwan had ever acknowledged as an equal. Krishnamurti had no time for Bhagwan, and particularly objected to the use of the word 'Bhagwan' [...]. S. 275
  • When Krishnamurti called Bhagwan a criminal, I suspect he was [...] referring to his misuse of hypnosis and
    psychic powers. S. 286



Systematic abuse and enslavement in Rashneshpuram, Oregon

  • About 150 sannyasis were formed into a 'Peace Force' and trained in the use of these weapons. In a concerted effort to cement their total control of the commune and avoid any possibility of rebellion. Bhagwan and Sheela now started to arrange for bugging and wiretapping equipment to be installed throughout Rajneeshpuram. S. 288
  • To prevent people leaving, mind-altering drugs began to be prescribed to treat people who made it known that they wanted to leave. The euphoric mood-altering drug 'Ecstasy' was discreetly slipped into rich sannyasi's drinks just be-
    fore fund-raising interviews. It was infinitely more productive than Sushila's brandy. S. 290
  • The ranch [in Oregon] now had eleven armed watchtowers, and a whole series of checkpoints to ensure that no un-
    wanted visitors could get in and no sannyasis could get out. The armed police worked out a detailed code to identify
    unwelcome vehicles and people. S. 291
  • While extolling the virtues of the commune, Rajneesh forebore to mention the strong police force with its forty-seven
    automatic weapons, the rigidly-enforced wearing of condoms and rubber gloves for lovemaking, or the widespread
    use of mind-altering drugs to maintain law and order. Nor did he mention the false AIDS readings, the isolation ward
    for the rebellious, the extensive wiretapping, the opening of all mail, the bugging of telephone calls, the spate of vici-
    ous lawsuits issued against honest and innocent local people, or the eventual internal backlash which finally killed
    the community. S. 304


  • For many years Hugh served as the Bhagwan's bodyguard, with the main task of stopping his followers touching him. In the decade that Hugh was with him, Rajneesh presided over the rapid expansion of a movement from "20 followers to 20,000", "people who have left home, left their families, gi-
    ven up everything and will work 60 to 80 hours a week for no pay and live in dormitories." ... "I saw him as a highly-evolved human being with extraordi-
    nary gifts of perception and understanding." ... Bhagwan, who adopted the name Osho in the years before his death in 1990, was a "chameleon" who became whatever people needed him to be. ... Within the first 18 months Bhagwan Rajneesh began to sleep with Hugh's girlfriend and then sent him away to work on a farm in one of the hottest parts of India. ... Hugh says the guru could not stand people touching him or kissing his feet. ... Hugh was one of the high-level sannyasins who created a "certain sanctity" around the Bhagwan. – By April 1982, Hugh says he was having doubts about the
    commune. Article The Scot who was the sex guru's bodyguard, presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC News, Myles Bonnar, Steven Brocklehurst, 4. June 2018


  • Rajneesh did not suffer from 'hypochondria,' as Mr. Milne suggested. Rajneesh had a very real neurological and im-
    mune system disease which he mistook for frequent viral infections. He became unusually afraid of germs only
    due to his understandable medical ignorance. I fully agree with Mr. Milne that Rajneesh suffered from "megaloma-
    and will add that the short statured Rajneesh had a Napoleonic, obsessive-compulsive, and extravagantly
    narcissistic personality. Rajneesh even once publicly stated that he wanted to become a 'benevolent dictator' of
    India. All dictators think they are benevolent, but history proves the opposite. Despite his claims of complete self-
    knowledge, Rajneesh did not understand that expanded states of cosmic consciousness do not automatically in-
    crease intelligence and wisdom. His delusions of infallibility made him recklessly overconfident in his abilities to
    make sound judgments. Article by Christopher Calder, US American former Osho Sannyasin, cult critic, Osho, Bhagwan Rajneesh, and the Lost Truth, presented by meditation-handbook.50webs, undated


  • Ask yourself this question. What does the average Mafia crime boss or corrupt dictator want most? The answer is millions of dollars, absolute power, a harem of women, and a daily supply of booze or drugs. Now ask yourself
    what did Rajneesh want and get? The answer is millions of dollars, absolute power, a harem of women, and a
    daily supply of drugs. Rajneesh used myths of the occult and his natural ability to influence people to achieve
    the same goals. He could look you directly in the eye and lie without flinching, and that helped him become a
    financially successful guru. Article by Christopher Calder, US American 2nd Western disciple of Osho turned critic Osho
    Sannyasin, cult critic, cited in: Blog article by Timothy Conway, Ph.D., The Enigmatic "Bhagwan," Osho Rajneesh, presented
    by the publication Enlightened Spirituality, 2007, updated 30. August-25. October 2011


Written references: featuring P.T. Mistlberger, Canadian researcher, author
Book: The Three Dangerous Magi. Osho, Gurdjieff, Crowley, Winchester Books, 2010, O-Books, 2010, John Hunt Publishing,
     11. November 2010
Excerpt from above book / Blog article: G. I. Gurdjieff: The Black Devil of Ashkhabad, chapter 2 from 'The Three Dangerous Magi',
     Axis Mundi Books, 2010
Reference: ► Q&A contribution If Osho was really awakened, then why is he known as a "cult leader"?,
presented by the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 12. November 2018
See also: ► ⚡ Quotes featuring George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

Quotes from: Jane Stork (Ma Shanti Bhadra) (*1945) Australian former devoted disciple of Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] (1976-1985), author, disclosing memoir Breaking the Spell. My life as a Rajneeshee and the long journey back to freedom,
Pan Macmillan, April 2009, republished on CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, paperback 3. April 2018


  • I wanted Bhagwan to be this great holy man, this godlike figure, this fatherlike figure who would guide me through life – enormous self-delusion.  Minute 7:55
Jane Stork
  • The issue of brainwashing in cults is a 2-way street.
    He is being the enlightened master who has all the answers and he has all these followers who are going along with that.  Minute 9:03
  • People [gurus] like Bhagwan who set themselves up as enlightened being way above everybody else, they are very, very lonely. They have no friend in the world. And they get depressed, some are using drugs. And I think that over the years Bhagwan definitely deterioted – physically and mentally.
    Minute 9:56
  • Because of my friendship with Sheela [Birnstiel, Bhagwan's intstructed out-
    rageous shadow bearer] I got to see what was going on behind the scenes.  Minute 11:05
  • To me it is still frightening to realize how insane I was [to attempt to kill Bhag-
    wan's doctor who was about to help Bhagwan to commit suicide]. Instead of
    letting Bhagwan letting to commit suicide, no, no, I was going to rescue Bhag-
    wan [who I considered the savior], I was going to save the world. This is madness.  Minute 14:26
    Audio interview with Jane Stork [Ma Shanti Bhadra] (*1945) Australian former devoted disciple of Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] (1976-1985), author, MP3, 21:51 minutes duration, aired 29. April 2009


  • Question: How does Jane Stork see Bhagwan today?
    JS: Bhagwan was a catalyst for me in my process of learning about myself, my process of growing up, but I would not
    like to give him any more credit than that. It was I who had to do the hard word.  Minute 37:22


  • Question: Was Bhagwan a charlatan?
    JS: If you ask anybody who still hold Bhagwan as their master they would immediately tell you that Sheela manipulated Bhagwan. This is absolute nonsense. Bhagwan was the master and the master manipulator.  Minute 37:57


  • Question: Why are Bhagwan's followers still holding onto him?
    JS: Most sanyassins, I would say 99.99% of sanyassins, were completely innocent of any knowledge of the other Bhagwan. The only Bhagwan they ever knew was the public face – this benign, loving, funny man, full of wisdom, full of jokes. That's all they ever knew. They had idea what was going on behind the scenes, and so they have no reason to change their view of him.
    Because of my association with Sheela I came to be privy to an other side of Bhagwan that most devotees never ever knew.
    I left Bhagwan myself. Most people didn't have the opportunity. Bhagwan left them, he abandoned them.
    So they are left with this image of this great master who was so ill-treated by the American authorities and who was driven out. And for them he is a martyr and a master and a sage. So I understand it.  Minute 38:36
    Audio interview with Jane Stork, Bhagwan Blues, MP3, presented by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC Radio National, host Rachael Kohn, 54:27 minutes duration, aired 26. April 2009

Quotes excerpted from the book: Jill Satya Bharti Franklin, US American former first Western disciple of Osho for 15 years
turned cult critic, chief editor of Osho's talks (first half of the 1970s), ghostwriter of Rajneeh's earliest English-language books,
speechwriter, poet, author, The Promise of Paradise. A Woman's Intimate Story of the Perils of Life with Rajneesh, Station Hill Press, 1. February 1992


  • This book is about the dream and the deception, the love affair and the disillusionment. It's about what it means to leave the people you love most in the world to follow a dream that may turn out to be a con in the end. It's about the awe-
    some experience of being with a spiritual Master: [...] and how easily spiritual goals can be perverted when people suspend their critical judgment in the pursuit of lofty idealism.


  • Unbeknownst to most of us at the ashram [...] other sannyasins were being picked up as drug couriers in France, Ger-
    many, and elsewhere [...] I couldn't imagine the subject of drug smuggling coming up; it was inconceivable in a thera-
    py group context. Which isn't to say that I didn't know sannyasins in Poona were doing dope runs. [...] it had obvious
    appeal for middle- and upper-class drop-outs who [...] were continually being pressured to buy rooms at the ashram,
    make donations, do meditation camps [...] buy books, tapes, and wall-sized photos of Bhagwan. [...] Was the ashram
    responsible? [...] Sannyasins on drug runs seemed to have few qualms about what they were doing, convinced Bhag-
    wan would protect them from both 'bad karma' and the authorities. Anything they did 'for him' was pure; blameless.
    S. 95



As Bhagwan prepared to move to Oregon...

  • Huge numbers of sannyasins were left stranded in Poona (some working as prosti-
    tutes to get the money ot leave India, some doing drug deals, others begging friends
    [...]). Sheela looked for, and found land 'somewhere in the States' to build a large,
    city-sized ashram. S. 169


Satya Fraklin
  • Bhagwan's theories on sex education were unusual to say the least. Children should be exposed to sex as early as possible, he said, watching their parents and other adults making love. [...] While the ashram kids' attitude towards sex was undoubtedly healthier than the attitudes I'd been brought up with [...] I wasn't so sure I'd want my children to be as uninhibited. S. 107-108


  • On the first day of the ten-day-long First Annual World Celebration [...] [Rajneesh] sat down gracefully in his chair on the raised dias, flanked by two hired armed guards in khaki army fatigues [...]. Disturbed by the armed guards in the hall, I tried to convince myself they'd be a deterrent to potential troublemakers; we needed them. S. 203


  • We could make love to anyone we wanted, but we couldn't live where we wanted, work at the jobs we wanted, eat what we wanted, or even be sick when we were sick. It was a strange freedom. S. 279



Osho drew well educated people to his ashram.

  • Where else but in Rajneeshpuram [...] would the local version of music be Mozart, Rachmaninoff, and Pink Floyd? Where else would bulldozer drivers read Heidegger while they waited on their machines, laundresses discuss Carl Sagan and Monty Python in the same breath, and construction workers with Ph.D.'s debate Buddhist theory? Despite what I didn't like about the ranch, I still found the place fascinating. S. 283



Sociogram of a criminal guru

  • Was he [Bhagwan] immoral or merely amoral – indifferent to anything that happened as long as 'his work' benefitted? [...] Was he merely playing games for his own amusement all along? According to his own accounts, he was a mischievous rascal even as a child – rebellious and constantly courting danger. As soon as he got away with something, he became more outrageous. [...] He may well have figured that if a poor village kid could become a college professor, if he could travel all over India lecturing to large enthusiastic crowds, why couldn't he become a guru? Most gurus were phonies. He was intelligent and perceptive; he could get away with it. He practically fell into the role: people were demanding it of him, begging to call themselves his disciples. Reading every book on pop psychology and religion that he could get his hands on, Bhagwan developed a repertory of powerful meditation techniques that opened people up to mystical experiences. What ‘60’s drop-outs used drugs to attain, Bhagwan created through hypnotic music, frenzied dancing, intense catharsis and finally, at the [Oregon] ranch, exhaustive physical activity. His most successful technique was Dynamic [Meditation],
    to which he quickly added a final stage of celebration, turning catharsis into meditation into rapture. People soon learned
    to associate their euphoric states with Bhagwan. In Poona therapy groups they were told to look at a picture of him and
    'surrender to it' after they'd been through a particularly heavy emotional catharsis. What I'd chosen to think of as a helpful
    spiritual technique could easily be seen as deliberate imprinting. We were all advised to keep photos of Bhagwan besi-
    de our bed at night so he could 'work' on us in our sleep. 'When you make love,' he went on to say, 'keep my picture near-
    by. I will be there with you,' fostering a primal attachment to him even amongst sannyasins who'd never met him personal-
    ly. Once he arrived in the States, Bhagwan seemed to up the ante and go one step further than he'd gone before. If he
    could be a guru in India [...] why couldn't he be the richest man in the world in America? Why stop there for that matter?
    He could rule the world some day [...]. During his years of silence and isolation in Oregon, sannyasins turned Bhagwan
    into an idol, an icon, a god – making him into Jesus Christ, the Buddha, the Wizard of Oz – pretending he knew what
    was happening, that he was running the show somehow [...]. He warned us, 'You have to find your own path, your
    own way.
    Yet he also told us to surrender to him and accept him as our Master; everything he said he contradicted.
    [...] He talked about individuality, creativity, and freedom, while in practice something very different went on around him
    [...]. In a TV documentary on hypnotism produced by the CB, Bhagwan was compared to a stage hypnotist, the Marines,
    the Moonies and Jesuits. To change people's fundamental belief system, the film postulated, all you have to do is change
    their environment and put them into one that you control. When their sense of identification is shaken, an authority figure
    steps in to tell them what to do, think, feel, and believe. 'Surrender and I will transform you. This is my promise' [Rajneesh's constant message, inscribed on the big banner in Buddha Hall]. [...] Bhagwan employed all the methodo-
    logies of the others. It was a comparison that was as chilling as it was irrefutable. S. 325-327


  • Bhagwan used open sexuality as a means not just to free people from their inhibitions but a means through which people were controlled. If you don't have tight bonds between you and other people, whether family or a partner, then the community and Bhagwan became the center of your life and focus, energy and efforts. […]
    I never saw him as a sexual being. If I had taken his action of fondling of my breast and checking my sex chakra as sexual he might have asked me to have sex with him – and I would have.
    Jill Satya Bharti Franklin, US American former first Western disciple of Osho for 15 years turned cult critic, chief editor of Osho's talks (first half of the 1970s), ghostwriter of Rajneeh's earliest English-language books, speechwriter, poet, author, cited in: article Wild Wild Country: 'Sex Cult' Member Reveals Truth About Orgies, Sterilizations and Punishments at Oregon Ranch, presented by the US Ame-
    rican weekly news magazine Newsweek, Kashmira Gander, 11. April 2018
  • Rajneesh lived in an ivory tower, rarely leaving his room unless to give a lecture, his life experience cushioned by throngs of adoring devotees. His isolation became even more complete when he moved from his small Bombay apartment to a large and luxurious estate in Poona, India, in 1974. As most human beings who are treated as kings, Rajneesh lost touch with the world of the common man. In his artificial and insulated existence, Rajneesh made one fundamental error in judg-
    ment which would destroy his teaching. "What you tell them is true, but what I tell them (the useful lies) is good for them. Article by Christopher Calder, US American former Osho Sannyasin, cult critic, Osho, Bhagwan Rajneesh, and the Lost Truth, presented by meditation-handbook.50webs, undated


  • Ours is the only religion, first religion in the history of the world," he said in a statement published by the Rajneesh Times. "All the others are just premature experiments which have failed. And we are not going to fail. For the simple reason because we don't have any belief that can be proved untrue. We don't have any dogma that can be criticized.
    Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] [LoC 570⇒180⇒90] (1931-1990) Indian professor of philosophy, controversial guru, founder of
    the NeoSannyas movement, quoted in: special report part 2 of 20, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: Small-town boy makes guru, presen-
    ted by the daily newspaper based in Portland, Oregon, The Oregonian, Grant Butler, published 1. July 1985, reissued and updated
    20. March 2018



1981-1985: Osho's movement/cult proved to be a dictatorship

under the interim leadership of Sheela Silverman-Birnstiel (*1949).

  • Democracy is not the highest goal. It is better than dictatorial regimes, it is better than monarchies, but it is not the end of the journey – because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded.
    Democracy cannot be the highest possibility man can attain. It is good in comparison to other forms of government that have preceded it, but not something that can suc-
    ceed it. I call that meritocracy. Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] [LoC 570⇒180⇒90] (1931-1990) Indian professor of philosophy, controversial guru, founder of the NeoSannyas movement, quoted in: From Bondage to Freedom. Answers to the Seekers of the Path, Rebel Publishing House, 1st edition 1991



5% are guru types ⇔ 95% follower types

While Bhagwan preached modesty to his disciples, he himself owned a Rolls-Royce car chain.

  • Five percent of people are intelligent, the remaining 95 percent are our follow-
    Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] [LoC 570⇒180⇒90] (1931-1990) Indian professor of philosophy, controversial guru, founder of the NeoSannyas movement, quoted in: Article Psy-
    chopathen. Raubtiere ohne Kette
    [Psychopaths: Unchained predators], presented by the German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel, Heiner Thorberg, 25 September 2013


Written references:
Book: Bernard Gunther, Swami Deva Amit Prem, Dying for Enlightenment. Living with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Harper & Row,
     paperback issue 1979
Book: Kate Strelley, Robert D. San Souci, The Ultimate Game. The Rise and Fall of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, HarperCollins,
     1st edition 1. May 1987
Book: James S. Gordon, M.D., The Golden Guru. The Strange Journey of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Penguin, 1987,
     paperback issue 6. September 1988
Book: Satya Bharti Franklin, The Promise of Paradise. A Woman's Intimate Story of the Perils of Life with Rajneesh, Station Hill Press,
     pocketbook issue May 1992
Book: Ma Prem Shunyo, Diamond Days with Osho. The New Diamond Sutra, Motilal Banarsidass, 5. January 1993
Blog article: Timothy Conway, Ph.D., The Enigmatic "Bhagwan," Osho Rajneesh, presented by the publication
     Enlightened Spirituality, 2007, updated 30. August-25. October 2011
Wordpress website: NeoSannyas: Illuminating the Dark Side. Lies and Misinterpretations of the Osho/Bhagwan Saga,
     issued January 2018
"This website explores "negative" aspects of Bhagwan Shree/Osho Rajneesh and his organization that have not been openly discussed, or
  were deliberately hidden. These revelations have caused turmoil, especially among present or former sannyasins who found them difficult
  and painful to accept. [T]hose who were part of the movement, or affected by its activities, can find out what happened behind the scenes."

Q&A contribution: If Osho was really awakened then why is he known as a cult leader?, presented on the Californian question-and-answer
     website Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 1K views · 2 upvotes, 17. January 2019
Media offerings:
Video interview: with Adyashanti [ Steven Gray ] (*1962) US American spiritual teacher, author, Adyashanti – On Osho,
     presented by the Dutch YouTube channel damodhar77, YouTube film, 25:54 minutes duration, posted 3. January 2021

Werner Erhard's fall from grace

  • I'm a rascal. [...] I need [...] prayers. Werner Erhard [LoC 510⇒175] (*1935) US American founder of the est Training (1971-1983) [LoC 400] and the "Forum" (1984-1991), cofounder of the Hunger Project, author


Werner Erhard, age 82
  • In Zen, they say there’s the high road to enlightenment and the low road. I took the low road. On the low road, you do everything that doesn't work.
    Werner Erhard (*1935) US American founder of the est Training (1971-1983) and the "Forum" (1984-1991), cofounder of the Hunger Project, author


Knowing change principles ≠ ability to actually change for the better

  • I'm not proud of the way I am, nor am I ashamed. This is who I am, and I've lear-
    ned to accept myself as I am and not try to fix myself. Most people are horrified when I say that, because they recognize we can all improve and therefore I ought to be interested in changing myself. But I'm not – I spent more than half my life working on changing myself, and I got very successful at it. Man, I really knew principles of change. But as the old French proverb goes: 'The more things change, the more they stay the same.' I've learned it's more empowering simply to accept yourself as you are, not narcissistically loving yourself, but a simple being at peace with yourself. When I'm able to be fully responsible for the way I am, without justification or rationalization, new possibilities for being come into existence.
    Werner Erhard (*1935) US American founder of the est Training (1971-1983) and the "Forum" (1984-1991), cofounder of the Hunger Project, author


  • I felt a great sense of personal betrayal.
    He [Werner Erhard] should have sent a letter to every graduate of est and The Forum, taking responsibility for the scandal. We were owed something beyond 'I'm outa here.'
    I think Werner had a huge contribution left to make. It's tragic he blew it.
    Even if you question, as I do, how much of the accusations on 60 Minutes are true, the guy got an enormous dark side. I've seen it with every guru who's come down the pike. Marcia Seligson, US American journalist, participant of the
    est training, developed by Erhard, friend and supporter of Werner Erhard for 18 years


  • When people looked to Werner as Source, he fed into it, enjoyed it, but he tried to get people not to use him that way – it was a double signal. For people who needed certainty, he was ‘the source of all sources.’ There’s nobody who’s all that. The Werner we fantasized is in each of us. that’s his message – if you meet the Buddha, cut his head off.
    Joan Goldsmith, US American educator, faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, management consultant, founder a graduate school for mid-career professionals, worked with Erhard as an in-house consultant (1980-1982)


  • To do what he's done is incredible. Maybe the price he paid is the dark side, the anger.
    I think it came out of his impatience at the gap between his vision of how the world could 'work' and the reality. I've wor-
    ked around a lot of CEOs and seen temper and anger very similar to Werner's. He drank a lot of wine, stayed up till all hours, pushing himself, and the next day kept going on coffee. He had a lot of unprocessed rage.
    Joan Goldsmith, US American educator, faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, management consultant, founder a graduate school for mid-career professionals, worked with Erhard as an in-house consultant (1980-1982)


  • Often people who change things in some transformational way in their field – Robert Frost, Pablo Picasso, Lillian Hellman – are kind of bastards with people close to them, because they put their own issues ahead of more accepted values of society. My role is to try to understand how the most loving, creative, and transformational forces and the destructive, dark, hurtful forces can exist in the same person and that one does not negate the other.
    John Mack, Ph.D. (1929-2004) US American professor of psychiatry, department head at Harvard Medical School, writer


  • More than seven out of ten participants found The Landmark Forum to be one of their life's most rewarding experien-
    ces. [when asked about it 3 months after having participated in a TLF seminar]
    [90-95 percent of Forum graduates believe it has had] specific, practical value [for many aspects of their lives].
    [86 percent of those surveyed say that it helped them] cope with a particular challenge or problem.
    Daniel Yankelovich (1924-2017) US American public opinion analyst, social scientist, conductor of the study Analysis of The Landmark Forum and Its Benefits

Yankelovich's study consisted of a survey conducted of more than 1300 people who completed "The Landmark Forum" seminar during a three-month period. Some details of the study methodology, especially concerning sampling methods and demographics of study partici-
pants, remain undefined in Landmark Education's "full report" on it. It is unknown whether any part of Yankelovich's study was based on direct empirical research through participation in any of Landmark Education's related coursework. Yankelovich expressed "surprise" over the results of his own investigation on the efficiency of Landmark Forum participants.


Quotes excerpted from Source: ► Article by Dan Wakefield (*1932) US American journalist, screenwriter, novelist,
Erhard's Life After Est, presented by the publication "Common Boundary" March/April 1994
See also: ► Abusive artist Pablo Picasso


The authors Lewis and Melton noted that est used "authoritarian trainers who enforce numerous rules," require applause after participants "share" in front of the group, and de-emphasize reason in favor of "feeling and action." They also pointed out that graduates of est were "fiercely loyal," and recruited heavily, reducing marketing expenses to virtually zero. en.Wikipedia Critics and disputes, citing: J. Gordon Melton, James R. Lewis, Perspectives on the New Age, SUNY Press, S. 129-132, 1st printing edition 3. November 1992

Englische Texte – English section on Drops in the level of consciousness

Statistics on fallen gurus

David Hawkins, himself a debunked guru, has calibrated that 55% of the modern active spiritual teachers worldwide meet the requirements of the calling to serve as a spiritual teacher ( LoC 460+).
45% of the spiritual teachers fail when faced with the traps/tests which invariably are part of the spiritual path.
A fall in consciousness may happen when the ego / spiritual ego claims authorship of the effects and achievements of the Divine spirit.


Harvey was a promoting author for Mother Meera and co-author together with Sogyal Rinpoche before he discovered their frauds in 1994 and debunked them in 1995. He had also comoderated together with busted guru Marc Gafni retracted from him end of 2015.

  • It is my belief that 90 percent of the so-called masters in the modern world are not enlightened at all but are in fact occult magicians. The occult magician will use his or her occult powers to ensnare the devotee in a posture of adoration by feeding them visionary experiences, which may seem to open things up for the devotee but actually keeps one dependent on the guru. It's a kind of drug pushing as dangerous on the spiritual level as cocaine or heroin is on the physical. Because people don't know the difference between the divine and the occult, nor how accurately the occult can mimic the divine, nor how easily occult powers can be cultivated by the unscrupulous and ambitious. They take these powers and experiences to be unmistakeable signs of divine presence and go on worshipping as divine these people who have, in fact, shown that they are neither good, nor kind, nor humble, nor generous.
    Interview with Andrew Harvey andrewharvey.net (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher
    of mystic traditions, poet, novelist, author, Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey, presented by the US American media company Yoga Journal, Catherine Ingram, issue 123, S. 60, July/August 1995

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Audio / Video/DVD presentation Power versus Force, including muscle testing demonstrations, part 2 of 2, minute 33+, 1996
  • Untitled audio interview, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, minute 46:00+, 60 minutes duration, aired 13. July 2004


Links zum Thema Bewusstseinsstürze / Fall of consciousness


Literature (engl.)

  • Hugh Milne [Prince of Esalen] (*1948) Scottish osteopath, teacher of craniosacral therapy, Bhagwan's bodyguard (1973-1982), author, Bhagwan. The God That Failed, St Martin's Press, 1st edition 1. April 1987

Complementary PDF version of Hugh Milne's 1987 book Bhagwan. The God That Failed

Biased, yellow press style, not well researched; Free electronic download PDF copy

Craig: [Adi Da] "was the quintessential cult figure, an abusive, predatory and whimsical sexual-spiritual bully who lorded it over his god-besotted, harebrained disciples."

It took Tredwell 14 years to publish her disclosure. The five years of writing this book contributed immensely to Tredwell's healing process. She took full responsibility as an accomplice and enabler of a cult leader. "Overall, my book has given numerous people their lives back and the ability to lead a happy and healthy spiritual life based on self-empowerment rather than on blind faith and subservient devotion."

The board of directors of M.A. Center in North America sent out a national email stating, "We are greatly disappointed and saddened by the false accusations, made by a troubled individual. The allegations are completely untrue and without a basis in fact or reality." Gail Tredwell suffered various retaliative actions.

Externe Weblinks

Linkloser Artikel

  • Artikel Frauen, die mit ihren Gurus schlafen […] und warum sie es gerne tun, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Jessica Roemischer, US-amerikanische Pianistin, Komponistin, Lehrerin, Autorin, Ausgabe 14 Herbst 2004
    Der Artikel drückte aus, dass die Bestimmung der Qualität und Lauterkeit von spirituellen Lehrern bisher nicht vorhanden ist.

External web links (engl.)

Cultic Advaita Vedanta organization:

Keywords to delineate false gurus [Stichwortkatalog zur Ermittlung von "falschen Gurus"]

Linkless article

  • Article Mother of the Universe, presented by the US American magazine What is Enlightenment?, Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the magazine "What is Enlightenment?" / "EnlightenNext", author, issue 10, ~1997
  • Blog article SEX AND RELIGION – The story of Krishnamurti and his friends, presented by the removed dutroux.blogspot, 30. November 2007

Audio und Videolinks

Bhagwan erklärt das Ende seiner Religion, während die anwesenden Schüler lachen.

Audio and video links (engl.)

After leaving Osho for the 2nd time Milne experienced exhilaration for 6 months, happy to be free, after which he fell into another deep depression and was institutionalized again. Psychiatrists were CLUELESS how to treat Milne during his existential crisis after leaving Osho. It was an honest,
tender "transformative experience" that backed him to get back on his feet again (six weeks after he had turned himself into the ward).  Minute 38:28
Personal comment by Paul Lowe to Milne: "People only change when they are desperate or when they are in love."  Minute 47:47


Interne Links




1 FAQs zu Babaji

2 Ramesh Balsekar wird in Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 293, 2005, mit BW 760 genannt. Er wurde von der Liste der spirituellen Lehrer über BW 700 entfernt (Seminar in Sedona Anf. 2006). Es liegt keine Angabe vor über Balsekars aktuellen BW zum Zeitpunkt seines Tod.

3 Videovortrag mit Muskeltest-Demonstrationen Power vs. Force, Volume Serie I, DVD 2 von 2, ab Minute 33:00, 11. November 1995

4 D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 3 DVD-Set, 28. Juni 2003

5 Video TV documentary Documental Carlos Castaneda BBC (2006) [ORIGINAL] "Carlos Castaneda and The Shaman – Tales of The Jungle", presented by the British knowledge TV channel BBC Four, originally aired 15. January 2007, YouTube film, 57:57 minutes duration, posted 3. February 2018

6 Video interview with Jay Fikes, Ph.D., MK-ULTRA Continued... The Carlos Castaneda Deception, podcast #189, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, starting minute 7:20, altcensored film, 1:31:04 duration, posted 19. January 2014

7 Article The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda, presented by the US American news and opinion website Salon, Robert Marshall, 12. April 2007

8 Article The Hugging Saint. A guru named Amma has drawn 32 million people into her embrace – spreading a message of love, compassion and overpriced merchandise, presented by the biweekly US American pop culture magazine Rolling Stone, David Amsden, 16. August 2012

9 Gelöschtes Interview mit Gail Tredwell, australisches ehemaliges Sektenmitglied, Ammas persönliche Assistentin (1979-1999), Autorin des Enthüllungsbuchs Holy Hell (2013), Amma: Schatten einer Heiligen, präsentiert von der Schweizer Zeitschrift Spuren, Ausgabe 111, März 2014

10 "Falling Down the TM Rabbit Hole". How Transcendental Meditation Really Works, a Critical Opinion Joseph W. Kellett updated June 2010

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

13 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

14 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

15 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

16 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

17 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

18 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

19 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

20 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 265, 2005

21 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 265, 2005

22 Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone: "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to – mean neither more nor less."  6. Humpty Dumpty, Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll

23 Twelve-step program (AA)

24 Reference: Geoffrey D. Falk, US American author, Stripping the Gurus. Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment, Chapter XVII – A Wild And Crazy Wisdom Guy (Chögyam Trungpa), Million Monkeys Press, 1. February 2009

25 Article Revisiting John Todd (1950-2007): "Rothschilds Rule with Druid Witches", 7. August 2013: Philippe de Rothschild (1902-1988) gave the plan to his mistress Ayn Rand for her novel Atlas Shrugged.

26 "[Ayn Rand's] writings are intellectually shallow econo-porn, part Krafft-Ebing and part Horatio Alger, possessing neither coherence nor philosophical depth. Rand's heroes [sociopath Ragnar, rapist Francisco, rough-trade cruiser Rearden] aren’t just rapists, woman-beaters and thieves. They're also terrorists who freely blow up or burn properties for ideological reasons." Article What Happened When Some Libertarians Went Off to Build Ayn Rand's Vision of Paradise, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Richard Eskow, 11. September 2014

27 Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] [LoC 570⇒180⇒90] (1931-1990) Indian professor of philosophy, controversial guru, founder of the NeoSannyas movement, The Last Testament. Interviews With the World Press, Rajneesh Foundation International, 1st edition 1. December 1986


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