Hawkins / ListeDerBW-Stuerze
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Die in dieser Liste angegebenen BW-Werte
Die Nennung von BW-Werten irreführender Gurus kann sich problematisch auf betroffene SchülerInnen auswirken. Die Erkenntnis, "spirituell vergewaltigt worden zu sein" kann zur Selbsttötung führen. Kultaussteiger könnten sich irregeführt und betrogen fühlen und deshalb in tiefe Verzweiflung stürzen.
⚠ Achtung
![]() Höllensturz Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) flämischer Maler des Barock
Es gibt nur wenige wahre Lehrer und Blender in Fülle.
Hawkins sagt, dass das Luziferische danach trachtet, die Wahrheit zu unter-
Der bekannteste biblische Mythos vom Fall oder Sturz eines Wesens ist die Geschichte des Erzengels und Lichtträgers Luzifer, der da abfiel von Gott, als er die Göttliche Macht auf sich ziehen wollte. Mit ihm fiel ein Drittel der Engel des Himmels. |
Jesus aber, voll heiligen Geistes, kehrte vom Jordan zurück und wurde vom Geist in die Wüste geführt und vierzig Tage vom Teufel versucht. Und er aß nichts in jenen Tagen; und als sie zu Ende waren, hungerte ihn. Und der Teufel sprach zu ihm:
Und Jesus antwortete ihm:
Da führte er ihn auf einen hohen Berg und zeigte ihm alle Reiche der Welt in einem Augenblick. Und der Teufel sprach zu ihm:
Und Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm:
Er aber führte ihn gen Jerusalem und stellte ihn auf die Zinne des Tem-
pels und sprach zu ihm:
Und Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm:
Lukas 4, 1-13 (NT)
Siehe auch: ► Versuchung |
Am Beispiel von Jesus von Nazareth
Die Prüfungen des 40 Tage fastenden Jesus in der Wüste.
Er sagte zu jeder der drei Versuchungen, die ihm Luzifer vorlegte, "Nein!" und bestand mit:
"Du sollst Gott nicht versuchen." "Satan, weiche von mir!"
Hawkins beschreibt eine Versuchung durch luziferische Kräfte, die "ihm" widerfahren ist.
Die wesentlichen Prüfungsthemen einer spirituell entwickelten Seele sind LICHT – LIEBE – KRAFT – GOTTESNÄHE.
Es gilt, fortschreitend auf sich ausdehnenden Ebenen, den balancierten, nicht verhaftenden Umgang mit den Themen Geld, Sexualität, Dominationsmacht und Tod zu lernen:
Der zentrale Auftrag [biblischer Kategorischer Imperativ] an die Menschheit in der Genesis im Alten Testament lautet entsprechend:
3. "Macht euch die Erde untertan." ist eine sehr problematische Übersetzung des 3-fachen Segens, dessen korrekte Übersetzung des hebräischen Urtextes so heißen könnte: "Regieret (d.h. verwaltet) die Erde weise."
Erst seit Überschreiten der 200er-Schwelle ist die Menschheit ansatzweise imstande, ihre Mitschöpferschaft anzutreten.
Das hebräische Verb cbs heißt in diesem Stamm(qal). Das biblisch-hebräisch-deutsche Wörterbuch von Koehler/Baumgartner übersetzt es mit: "sich jemandem unterwerfen, sich jemandem dienstbar machen".
Versuchungen am Beispiel des fastenden Jesus von Nazareth
Siehe auch: ► Versuchung und ► Fallen |
Diverse Quellen: ► D. Hawkins, teilweise Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, DVD 3 von 3, Minute 8:00, 28. Juni 2003 Stand: ► Weitgehend 2003 · 2004 · 2005 Infolge der daraus folgenden starken Reaktionen wurde die mündliche Nennung der o.a. BW-Werte in den Audio/Video/DVD-Mitschnitten entfernt. (Sie blieb jedoch als Standbild in Form einer Tabelle erhalten – vor der Nennung von BW-Werten von Kathedralen.) |
Siehe auch: ► Wahre spirituelle Lehrer ► Wahre Lehren ⇔ Kultformen |
55% der heute aktiven spirituellen LehrerInnen weltweit erfüllen nach Hawkins' Muskeltestmessung
Die obigen BW-Werte von lebenden Lehrern sind zeitlich bedingte Messergebnisse, die sich ändern können.
Ein Bewusstseinssturz kann eintreten, wenn sich das Ego bzw. das spirituelle Ego die Urheberschaft von den Wirkungen und Errungenschaft des göttlichen Geistes anmaßt.
Manche Lehrerpersönlichkeiten gewinnen ihre Bekanntheit infolge von Projektionen und der Bedürftigkeit ihrer Nach-
Alle BW-Stufen benötigen die für sie passenden LehrerInnen.
Diverse Quellen: ► D. Hawkins, teilweise Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, Video/DVD 3 von 3, Minute 8:00, 28. Juni 2003 Hinweis: Infolge der daraus folgenden starken Reaktionen wurde die mündliche Nennung der o.a. BW-Werte in den Audio/Video/DVD- Mitschnitten entfernt. (Sie blieb jedoch als Standbild in Form einer Tabelle erhalten – vor der Nennung von BW-Werten von Kathedralen.) |
Siehe auch: ► Channeling |
Mehrere Quellen: hauptsächlich Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 254, 2005 |
Siehe auch: ► Bewusstseinswerte nach D. Hawkins |
Personal avowals
Mohammed's fall in LoC
Hawkins also stated that the lies of high calibrating teachers bring about serious karmic consequences.
All evolutionary stages need to be firmly settled.
Personal avowals
► ⚡ Chogyam Trungpa (1939-1987) controversial Tibetan Buddhist meditation master, holder of both the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages, scholar, teacher, poet, artist, originator of a radical re-presentation of Shambhala vision24
► ⚡ Adi Da Samraj [Franklin Albert Jones; Da Free John] (1939-2008) controversial US American spiritual teacher, founder of the new religious movement Adidam, writer, artist
► ⚡ Marc Gafni (*1960) controversial US American "spiritual teacher", serial sexual offender, former orthodox rabbi associated with the Jewish renewal movement, speaker, author
Face to Face. Confronting the Guru-Disciple Relationship, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Gnosis, Ihla F. Nation, spring 1996
Everyone has a potential for enlightenment. It is your own volition to say yes or no. This world is perfect. You are not perfect. That’s a relief, isn’t it! If you reached perfection, you wouldn’t be here anymore. Make it count. Love people for who they are. ⚡ D. Hawkins, Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 13. September 2006
After meeting Meera, Goodman sold everything, gave up teaching to serve her, thinking he'd be like an apostle writing about Jesus. His disclosure book was subjected to fierce legal attacks.
Case in question is the Indian Hindu spiritual guru, madman and sexual abuser Swami Muktananda [LoC 655] (1908-1982).
He was a disciple of Bhagawan Nityananda [LoC 500], founder of Siddha Yoga, secret practitioner of an esoteric form of
Tantric sexual yoga.
During his lifetime, Muktananda managed to maintain an aura of rectitude. Eventually guns and violence, sex with minors and other unwilling victims, and an alleged $5 million in Swiss accounts (by Muktananda's own claim to one follower) could no longer be justi-
fied, and several of his closest devotees left the movement.
US American journalist, author, associate professor of writing at Columbia University Lis Harris repeated and extended Rodarmor's allegations in her article O Guru, Guru, Guru, presented by the US magazine The New Yorker, 14. November 1994
3rd letter by Stan Trout aka Swami Abhayananda, presented by leavingsiddhayoga.net, 7. October 1999
Devastated, former disciples spent a long time picking up the pieces of their experience. Though some of them believe Muktananda's great power helped them make spiritual progress, others wonder how far a person can "really grow under a master who doesn't himself live the truth." Stan Trout, one of Muktananda's former swamis, makes an impor-
tant point here. When the truth about Muktananda's sex life came into the open,
Reference: ► Video presentation by Daniel Shaw, LCSW, US American certified psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, cult member of the SYDA movement under Gurumayi (1981-1994), author, Traumatic Narcissism: The Psychology of Cult Leaders, sponsored by International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 6.-8. November 2015, YouTube film, 1:18:00 duration, posted 24. December 2015 |
Quotes excerpted from from the book: Hugh Milne [Prince of Esalen] (*1948) Scottish osteopath, teacher of craniosacral therapy, Bhagwan's bodyguard (1973-1982), author, Bhagwan. The God That Failed, St Martin's Press, 1st edition 1. April 1987
Excerpt Bhagwan. The God That Failed, "Introduction", Caliban Books, London 1986
Written references: featuring P.T. Mistlberger, Canadian researcher, author ► Book: The Three Dangerous Magi. Osho, Gurdjieff, Crowley, Winchester Books, 2010, O-Books, 2010, John Hunt Publishing, 11. November 2010 ► Excerpt from above book / Blog article: G. I. Gurdjieff: The Black Devil of Ashkhabad, chapter 2 from 'The Three Dangerous Magi', Axis Mundi Books, 2010 |
Reference: ► Q&A contribution If Osho was really awakened, then why is he known as a "cult leader"?, presented by the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 12. November 2018 |
See also: ► ⚡ Quotes featuring George Ivanovich Gurdjieff |
Quotes from: Jane Stork (Ma Shanti Bhadra) (*1945) Australian former devoted disciple of ⚡ Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] (1976-1985), author, disclosing memoir Breaking the Spell. My life as a Rajneeshee and the long journey back to freedom,
Pan Macmillan, April 2009, republished on CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, paperback 3. April 2018
![]() Jane Stork
Quotes excerpted from the book: Jill Satya Bharti Franklin, US American former first Western disciple of Osho for 15 years
turned cult critic, chief editor of Osho's talks (first half of the 1970s), ghostwriter of Rajneeh's earliest English-language books,
speechwriter, poet, author, The Promise of Paradise. A Woman's Intimate Story of the Perils of Life with Rajneesh, Station Hill Press, 1. February 1992
under the interim leadership of Sheela Silverman-Birnstiel (*1949).
While Bhagwan preached modesty to his disciples, he himself owned a Rolls-Royce car chain.
Written references: ► Book: Bernard Gunther, Swami Deva Amit Prem, Dying for Enlightenment. Living with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Harper & Row, paperback issue 1979 ► Book: Kate Strelley, Robert D. San Souci, The Ultimate Game. The Rise and Fall of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, HarperCollins, 1st edition 1. May 1987 ► Book: James S. Gordon, M.D., The Golden Guru. The Strange Journey of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Penguin, 1987, paperback issue 6. September 1988 ► Book: Satya Bharti Franklin, The Promise of Paradise. A Woman's Intimate Story of the Perils of Life with Rajneesh, Station Hill Press, pocketbook issue May 1992 ► Book: Ma Prem Shunyo, Diamond Days with Osho. The New Diamond Sutra, Motilal Banarsidass, 5. January 1993 ► Blog article: Timothy Conway, Ph.D., The Enigmatic "Bhagwan," Osho Rajneesh, presented by the publication Enlightened Spirituality, 2007, updated 30. August-25. October 2011 ► Wordpress website: NeoSannyas: Illuminating the Dark Side. Lies and Misinterpretations of the Osho/Bhagwan Saga, issued January 2018 "This website explores "negative" aspects of Bhagwan Shree/Osho Rajneesh and his organization that have not been openly discussed, or were deliberately hidden. These revelations have caused turmoil, especially among present or former sannyasins who found them difficult and painful to accept. [T]hose who were part of the movement, or affected by its activities, can find out what happened behind the scenes." ► Q&A contribution: If Osho was really awakened then why is he known as a cult leader?, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 1K views · 2 upvotes, 17. January 2019 |
Media offerings: ► Video interview: with Adyashanti [ Steven Gray ] (*1962) US American spiritual teacher, author, Adyashanti – On Osho, presented by the Dutch YouTube channel damodhar77, YouTube film, 25:54 minutes duration, posted 3. January 2021 |
Knowing change principles ≠ ability to actually change for the better
Yankelovich's study consisted of a survey conducted of more than 1300 people who completed "The Landmark Forum" seminar during a three-month period. Some details of the study methodology, especially concerning sampling methods and demographics of study partici-
pants, remain undefined in Landmark Education's "full report" on it. It is unknown whether any part of Yankelovich's study was based on direct empirical research through participation in any of Landmark Education's related coursework. Yankelovich expressed "surprise" over the results of his own investigation on the efficiency of Landmark Forum participants.
Quotes excerpted from Source: ► Article by Dan Wakefield (*1932) US American journalist, screenwriter, novelist, Erhard's Life After Est, presented by the publication "Common Boundary" March/April 1994 |
See also: ► Abusive artist Pablo Picasso |
⚡ David Hawkins, himself a debunked guru, has calibrated that 55% of the modern active spiritual teachers worldwide meet the requirements of the calling to serve as a spiritual teacher ( LoC 460+).
Harvey was a promoting author for Mother Meera and co-author together with Sogyal Rinpoche before he discovered their frauds in 1994 and debunked them in 1995. He had also comoderated together with busted guru Marc Gafni retracted from him end of 2015.
Links zum Thema Bewusstseinsstürze / Fall of consciousnessLiteraturLiterature (engl.)
Complementary PDF version of Hugh Milne's 1987 book Bhagwan. The God That Failed
Biased, yellow press style, not well researched; Free electronic download PDF copy
Craig: [Adi Da] "was the quintessential cult figure, an abusive, predatory and whimsical sexual-spiritual bully who lorded it over his god-besotted, harebrained disciples."
It took Tredwell 14 years to publish her disclosure. The five years of writing this book contributed immensely to Tredwell's healing process. She took full responsibility as an accomplice and enabler of a cult leader. "Overall, my book has given numerous people their lives back and the ability to lead a happy and healthy spiritual life based on self-empowerment rather than on blind faith and subservient devotion."
The board of directors of M.A. Center in North America sent out a national email stating, "We are greatly disappointed and saddened by the false accusations, made by a troubled individual. The allegations are completely untrue and without a basis in fact or reality." Gail Tredwell suffered various retaliative actions.
Externe Weblinks
Linkloser Artikel
External web links (engl.)
Cultic Advaita Vedanta organization:
Keywords to delineate false gurus [Stichwortkatalog zur Ermittlung von "falschen Gurus"]
Linkless article
Audio und Videolinks
Bhagwan erklärt das Ende seiner Religion, während die anwesenden Schüler lachen.
Audio and video links (engl.)
After leaving Osho for the 2nd time Milne experienced exhilaration for 6 months, happy to be free, after which he fell into another deep depression and was institutionalized again. Psychiatrists were CLUELESS how to treat Milne during his existential crisis after leaving Osho. It was an honest, |
2 Ramesh Balsekar wird in Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 293, 2005, mit BW 760 genannt. Er wurde von der Liste der spirituellen Lehrer über BW 700 entfernt (Seminar in Sedona Anf. 2006). Es liegt keine Angabe vor über Balsekars aktuellen BW zum Zeitpunkt seines Tod. ⇑
3 Videovortrag mit Muskeltest-Demonstrationen Power vs. Force, Volume Serie I, DVD 2 von 2, ab Minute 33:00, 11. November 1995 ⇑
4 D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 3 DVD-Set, 28. Juni 2003 ⇑
5 Video TV documentary Documental Carlos Castaneda BBC (2006) [ORIGINAL] "Carlos Castaneda and The Shaman – Tales of The Jungle", presented by the British knowledge TV channel BBC Four, originally aired 15. January 2007, YouTube film, 57:57 minutes duration, posted 3. February 2018 ⇑
6 Video interview with Jay Fikes, Ph.D., MK-ULTRA Continued... The Carlos Castaneda Deception, podcast #189, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, starting minute 7:20, altcensored film, 1:31:04 duration, posted 19. January 2014 ⇑
7 Article The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda, presented by the US American news and opinion website Salon, Robert Marshall, 12. April 2007 ⇑
8 Article The Hugging Saint. A guru named Amma has drawn 32 million people into her embrace – spreading a message of love, compassion and overpriced merchandise, presented by the biweekly US American pop culture magazine Rolling Stone, David Amsden, 16. August 2012 ⇑
9 Gelöschtes Interview mit Gail Tredwell, australisches ehemaliges Sektenmitglied, Ammas persönliche Assistentin (1979-1999), Autorin des Enthüllungsbuchs Holy Hell (2013), Amma: Schatten einer Heiligen, präsentiert von der Schweizer Zeitschrift Spuren, Ausgabe 111, März 2014 ⇑
10 "Falling Down the TM Rabbit Hole". How Transcendental Meditation Really Works, a Critical Opinion Joseph W. Kellett updated June 2010 ⇑
11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
13 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
14 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
15 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
16 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
17 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
18 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
19 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005 ⇑
20 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 265, 2005 ⇑
21 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 265, 2005 ⇑
22 Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone: "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to – mean neither more nor less." 6. Humpty Dumpty, Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll ⇑
24 Reference: Geoffrey D. Falk, US American author, Stripping the Gurus. Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment, Chapter XVII – A Wild And Crazy Wisdom Guy (Chögyam Trungpa), Million Monkeys Press, 1. February 2009 ⇑
25 Article Revisiting John Todd (1950-2007): "Rothschilds Rule with Druid Witches", 7. August 2013: Philippe de Rothschild (1902-1988) gave the plan to his mistress Ayn Rand for her novel Atlas Shrugged. ⇑
26 "[Ayn Rand's] writings are intellectually shallow econo-porn, part Krafft-Ebing and part Horatio Alger, possessing neither coherence nor philosophical depth. Rand's heroes [sociopath Ragnar, rapist Francisco, rough-trade cruiser Rearden] aren’t just rapists, woman-beaters and thieves. They're also terrorists who freely blow up or burn properties for ideological reasons." Article What Happened When Some Libertarians Went Off to Build Ayn Rand's Vision of Paradise, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Richard Eskow, 11. September 2014 ⇑
27 ⚡ Osho [Bhagwan Sree Rajneesh] [LoC 570⇒180⇒90] (1931-1990) Indian professor of philosophy, controversial guru, founder of the NeoSannyas movement, The Last Testament. Interviews With the World Press, Rajneesh Foundation International, 1st edition 1. December 1986 ⇑